Writing for Instructional Television. P INSTITUTION Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washington, D.C
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 221 158 IR 010 181 AUTHOR O'Bry,an, Kenneth G. no. TITLE Writing for Instructional Television. P INSTITUTION Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washington, D.C. REPORT NO ISBN-0-89776-0521-2 PUB DATE' 81 NOTE 157p. AVAILABLE FROM-Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1111 16th St.," N.W., Washington, DC 20036 ($5.0,0, prepaid). EDRS PRICE MF01 Plds Postage. PC Not Available from' EDRS. DESCRIPTORS *Educational Television; Group Dynamics; *Instructional Design; *Production Techniques; *Programing (Broadcast); Public Television; *Scripts; Telexiision Studios ABSTRACT Writing Considerations specific to instructional television (ITV) situations are discussed in this handbook written for the beginner, but designed to be of use to anyone creating an ITV script. Advice included in the handbook is based on information obtained from ITV wirters, literature reviews, and the author's ' personal,experience. The ITV writer's relationship to other members of a project team is discussed, as well as the role of each team member, including the project leader, instructional designer, academic consultant, researcher, producer/director, utilization - person, and writer. Specific suggestions are then made for writing and working with the project team and additional production crew members. A chapter is devoted to such specific ITV writing conventions as script format, production grammar, camera terminology, and transitions between shots. Understanding production technology is the focus of a chapter which discusses lighting, sound, set design, and special effects. An in-depth look at choice of form--narrative, dramatic, documentary, magazine, ortdrama--is provided, followed by advice and guidelines for dealing with such factors as the target audience, budget and caktitig, treatment, visualization, and revisions.
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