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Annonce CG - A4-2018.indd 1 19/09/2018 09:35 Table of contents Sommaire Indice Seminar in Mexico City – June 2018

Table of contents I Sommaire I Indice I 2 President’s Editorial 3 Éditorial du Président 4 Editorial del Presidente 5 Message from the Editor-in-Chief 7 Message du rédacteur en chef 8 Mensaje del Redactor Jefe 9

UIA News I Actualités de l’UIA I Novedades de la UIA I 10 L’UIA à Beyrouth 11 Legal English for Lawyers: A Participant’s Perspective 12 L’UIA à Douala 14 The UIA in Tokyo 16 UIA 2019 / Events - Événements - Eventos 17

Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers I Droits de l’Homme et de la Défense I Derechos Humanos y de la Defensa I 20 Human Mobility and Modern Slavery 19 A Primer for Dignity Rights 21 Observación de los procesos de paz y de justicia en 25 Dignity for All 30

The Legal Profession I La Profession d’Avocat I La Abogacía I 36 des barreaux 37 of Bar Associations 38 Réforme de la justice, avocats & procureurs : aux armes inégales 41 Belgique : le Barreau se remet en question 42

Legal Practice I Pratique du Droit I Ejercicio de la Abogacía I 50 Staffing and Morale in the Age of Robotics and AI Adoption 45 The New World of Personal Jurisdiction in the 49 Could the Way in Which you Read Matter for the Rule of Law? 51 Thinking About the Ethical Issues of Gene-Editing Technology 53 N’Djaména, place d’arbitrage ? 58 Of Ethics and Algorithms – A Female Perspective 61

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 1 Actualités de l’UIA EditorialUIA News Novedades de la UIA President’s Editorial

Can’t spell truth without Ruth!


I have always trusted that adversity and appointment had a bitter taste as she was States v. Virginia (1996), Justice Ginsburg persistence make us stronger. Accordingly, informed that she would be paid less than was the author of the court’s decision I am very happy that UIA has chosen Justice her male colleagues because she had a that considered that the Virginia Military Ruth Bader Ginsburg for the attribution of husband with a well-paid job. Institute's (VMI) male-only admission policy the 3rd UIA/LexisNexis Rule of Law Award. violated the Equal Protection Clause of But she persisted. the Fourteenth Amendment and that VMI Justice Ginsburg is a firm believer that men could not use gender to deny women the and women are persons of equal dignity and A few years later, she co-founded the opportunity to attend VMI which offered Editorial should be equally treated before the law. Women’s Rights Project at the American unique educational methods. When she entered Harvard Law School she Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and became was one among nine women in a class of the ACLU’s general counsel. As the director It seems like she would not stop 500 men. Back then, the Dean of Harvard of the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project, she, persisting. Law often asked the female law students: in her own words, felt as “a kinder garden “How do you justify taking a spot from a teacher of judges”, or, according to other As a dissenting voice, Justice Ginsburg also qualified man?”. She then transferred to opinions, “was netting a sweater on gender played a very important role. In Ledbetter Columbia Law School. She was the first base discrimination” or “creating a legal v. Goodyear (2007), a case where plaintiff woman to be on two major law reviews: landscape”. The Women’s Rights Project Lilly Ledbetter filed a lawsuit against her the Harvard Law Review and Columbia Law and related ACLU projects participated in employer claiming pay discrimination based Review. In 1959, she earned her juris doctor over 300 gender discrimination cases. on her gender in violation of Title VII of the at Columbia and tied for first in her class. Civil Rights Act of 1964. In a 5 to 4 decision, In 1960, she was rejected for a clerkship In the seventies, Justice Ginsburg argued the majority interpreted the statute of position due to her gender. six gender discrimination cases before the limitations as starting to run at the time of U.S. Supreme Court, winning five of them. every pay period, even if a woman did not But she persisted. Her strategy was to pick men and women know she was being paid less than her male plaintiffs to attack specific discriminatory colleagues until later. Justice Ginsburg found In the same year Justice Ginsberg became a statutes that would affect both men and the result absurd and called on Congress to clerk for Judge Palmieri of the U.S. District women instead of asking the U.S. Supreme amend Title VII in order to overcome the Court for the Southern District of New Court to end all gender discrimination court’s decision by adopting new legislation. York, where she served for two years. at once. All these cases have significant relevance in the U.S. legal landscape, In 2008, following the election of President Thank goodness she persisted, as but I cannot resist sharing one with Barack Obama, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay people around her started to realize that you. The case is Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld Act was approved, making it easier for she could achieve great things. (1975). Mr. Wiesenfeld, a father of one employees to win pay discrimination claims. child, was denied survivor benefits under Justice Ginsburg was credited for inspiring In the proceeding years, Justice Ginsburg Social Security benefits for caring for his that law. was a research associate and then an minor children. The U.S. Supreme Court associate director of the Columbia Law decided unanimously in favor of Mr. Stephen The protection of the Rule of Law is not School Project on International Procedure. Wiesenfeld and found that the statute an easy task. It is long, and arduous. And to During that time, she co-authored a book discriminated against male survivors fight the battles that need to be fought in with Anders Bruzelius on civil procedure of workers by denying them the same defence of the Rule of Law, one needs an in and conducted extensive protection as their female counterparts. essential quality: Persistence. research for her book at Lund University in Sweden. Her time there also influenced Justice Ginsburg, thank you for Justice Ginsburg, or shall I say, the her thinking on gender equality. She was persistence. Notorious R.B.G.? I am overwhelmed inspired when she observed the changes by your personality and by your cause as in Sweden, where women made up 20 to President Bill Clinton nominated Ruth a defender and protector of the Rule of 25 percent of all law students. When she Bader Ginsburg as Associate Justice of Law and gender equality over the course entered academia as a professor at Rutgers the Supreme Court on June 14, 1993. of your life. School of Law, she became one of fewer She was confirmed by the U.S. Senate by than 20 female law professors in the United a 96 to 3 vote on August 3, 1993. On Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA States. Despite this achievement, her first the first case on women rights, United President of UIA

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 3 Editorial du Président

Ruth : l’autre nom de la vérité !


J’ai toujours cru que l’adversité et la persévérance nomination lui a laissé un arrière-goût amer car 1993. Dans le cadre de la première affaire nous rendaient plus forts. Par conséquent, je elle a appris qu’elle serait moins bien payée que relative aux droits des femmes, États-Unis c. suis très heureux que l’UIA ait choisi la juge ses collègues masculins puisqu’elle avait un mari Virginia (1996), la juge Ginsburg était l’auteur Ruth Bader Ginsburg pour l’attribution du qui avait un emploi bien rémunéré. de l’opinion de la cour selon laquelle le Virginia 3e Prix État de droit UIA / LexisNexis. Military Institute (VMI), une institution ayant une Mais elle a persévéré. politique d’admission réservée uniquement La juge Ginsburg est fermement convaincue aux hommes, violait la clause de l’égalité de que les hommes et les femmes sont des Quelques années plus tard, elle a cofondé le protection du quatorzième amendement et personnes à dignité égale et devraient être Projet sur les droits des femmes de l’Union que le VMI ne pouvait se servir du genre pour traités sur un pied d’égalité devant la loi. américaine des libertés civiles (ACLU) et est refuser aux femmes la possibilité d’assister au Quand elle s’est inscrite à la Harvard Law devenue l’avocate générale de l’ACLU. En VMI avec ses méthodes pédagogiques uniques. School, elle était l’une de seules femmes tant que directrice du Projet sur les droits (la classe n’en comptait que neuf) de sa des femmes de l’ACLU, elle se sentait, selon Il semble qu’elle ne cessera jamais classe, parmi 500 hommes. À l’époque, le ses propres mots, comme « une institutrice de persévérer. doyen de Harvard Law demandait souvent aux de maternelle », ou, selon d’autres opinions, étudiantes en droit : « Comment justifiez-vous elle « tricotait un pull sur la discrimination En tant que voix dissidente aussi, la juge voler une place à un homme qualifié ? ». Elle a fondée sur le sexe » ou « créait un paysage Ginsburg a joué un rôle très important. ensuite été transférée à la Columbia Law School juridique ». Ce Projet sur les droits des Dans l’affaire Ledbetter c. Goodyear (2007), la et est devenue la première femme à participer femmes et les projets connexes de l’ACLU plaignante, Lilly Ledbetter, a engagé une action à deux revues juridiques majeures: la Harvard ont participé à plus de 300 affaires de en justice contre son employeur, alléguant Law Review et la Columbia Law Review. En discrimination fondée sur le genre. une discrimination salariale fondée sur le sexe 1959, elle a obtenu son doctorat en droit à en vertu du Titre VII de la Civil Rights Act de Columbia et a terminé première ex aequo de Dans les années 70, la juge Ginsburg a plaidé six 1964. Dans une décision de 5 contre 4, les sa promotion. En 1960, elle s’est vu refusé un affaires de discrimination fondée sur le genre juges ont interprété à la majorité le délai de poste de greffier en raison de son sexe. devant la Cour suprême, en gagnant cinq. Sa prescription comme commençant à partir de stratégie consistait à choisir des plaignants chaque période de paie, même si une femme Mais elle a persévéré. hommes et femmes pour attaquer des lois ne savait pas qu’elle était payée moins que discriminatoires spécifiques qui toucheraient son collègue masculin avant. La juge Ginsburg La même année, la juge Ginsburg a été tant les hommes que les femmes au lieu de a trouvé le jugement absurde et a appelé le nommée greffière du juge Palmieri au tribunal demander à la Cour suprême des États-Unis Congrès à modifier le Titre VII afin d’annuler américain du district sud de New York, où de mettre fin à toute discrimination fondée la décision de la cour en adoptant une nouvelle elle a exercé ses fonctions pendant deux ans. sur le sexe, d’un coup. Toutes ces affaires législation. En 2008, à la suite de l’élection du sont d’une pertinence significative dans le Président Barack Obama, la loi Lilly Ledbetter Et heureusement qu’elle a persévéré, paysage juridique américain, mais je ne peux sur l’équité salariale (Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act) car les gens qui l’entouraient ont commencé pas m’empêcher d’en partager une avec vous. a été approuvée, permettant aux salariés de à se rendre compte qu’elle pouvait apporter L’affaire Weinberger c. Wiesenfeld (1975). M. faire facilement valoir leurs droits en matière des contributions importantes. Au cours des Wiesenfeld, père d’un enfant, s’est vu refuser de discrimination salariale. La juge Ginsburg a deux années suivantes, la juge Ginsburg a été des prestations de survivant au titre des été reconnue pour avoir inspiré cette loi. chercheuse associée, puis directrice adjointe du allocations de sécurité sociale pour s’occuper Projet sur les procédures internationales de la de ses enfants mineurs. La Cour suprême des La protection de l’État de droit n’est pas une Columbia Law School. Au cours de cette période, États-Unis a statué à l’unanimité en faveur de tâche facile. C’est un chemin long et pénible. elle a co-écrit, avec Anders Bruzelius, un livre M. Stephen Wiesenfeld et a conclu que la loi Et pour mener les combats qui doivent être sur la procédure civile en Suède et a mené discriminait contre les survivants masculins menés pour la défense de l’État de droit, il faut des recherches approfondies pour son livre à des travailleurs en leur refusant la même une qualité fondamentale : la persévérance. l’Université de Lund en Suède. Son séjour en protection que leurs homologues féminins. Suède a également influencé ses points de vue Justice Ginsburg, ou devrais-je dire, la sur l’égalité des sexes. Elle a été inspirée par les Madame la juge Ginsburg, merci de célèbre R.B.G. ? Je suis bouleversé par votre changements survenus en Suède, où les femmes votre persévérance. personnalité et par votre cause en tant que représentaient 20 à 25 % des étudiants en droit. défenseur et protecteur de l’État de droit et de Lorsqu’elle est entrée à l’université en tant que Le 14 juin 1993, le Président Bill Clinton l’a l’égalité des sexes tout au cours de votre vie. professeur à la Rutgers School of Law, elle est nommée juge associée de la Cour suprême. devenue l’une des 20 professeures de droit aux Elle a été confirmée par le Sénat américain Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA États-Unis. Malgré cet exploit, cette première par un vote de 96 voix contre 3, le 3 août Président de l’UIA

4 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Editorial del Presidente

Ruth: ¡el otro nombre de la verdad!


Siempre he pensado que la adversidad y la una de las menos de 20 mujeres profesoras votos a favor y 3 en contra el 3 de agosto persistencia nos hacen más fuertes. Estoy de derecho de Estados Unidos. A pesar de 1993. En el primer caso de derechos de encantado de que la UIA haya elegido a la de este logro, el primer puesto le dejó la mujer, United States vs. Virginia (1996), la Jueza Ruth Bader Ginsburg para otorgarle un regusto amargo, ya que le dijeron que Jueza Ginsburg fue la autora de la opinión el 3.er Premio Estado de derecho UIA/ le pagarían menos que a sus compañeros del tribunal que consideró que el Instituto LexisNexis. hombres porque tenía un marido con un Militar de Virginia (VMI), una institución trabajo bien pagado. política de solo admitía hombres, violaba la La Jueza Ginsburg está firmemente convencida cláusula de protección de la igualdad de la que los hombres y las mujeres son personas Pero persistió. Decimocuarta Enmienda y el VMI no podía que tienen la misma dignidad y deben ser aducir motivos de género para denegar a las tratadas de forma igualitaria ante la ley. Cuando Unos años después, cofundó el proyecto mujeres la oportunidad de asistir al VMI con entró en la Harvard Law School era una de las Women’s Rights Project en la American sus métodos educativos únicos. nueve mujeres que había en una clase de unos Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) y se convirtió 500 hombres. Ya entonces, el decano de en consejera general de la ACLU. Como Y parece que no dejará de persistir. derecho de Harvard preguntaba a menudo directora del Women’s Rights Project a las estudiantes mujeres: «¿Cómo justificáis de la ACLU, en sus propias palabras, se Como voz disidente, la Jueza Ginsburg también ocupar el lugar de un hombre cualificado?». sintió como «una maestra de guardería de desempeñó un papel muy importante. Fue en Después se trasladó a la Columbia Law jueces» o, según otras opiniones, «estaba Ledbetter vs. Goodyear (2007), un caso en el School y se convirtió en la primera mujer tejiendo un jersey sobre la discriminación de que la demandante Lilly Ledbetter presentó que apareció en dos importantes revistas de género» o «creando un panorama jurídico». una demanda contra su empleador aduciendo derecho: la Harvard Law Review y la Columbia El Women’s Rights Project y los proyectos una discriminación en su salario por motivos Law Review. En 1959, obtuvo su doctorado relacionados de la ACLU participaron en más de género en virtud del Título VII de la Ley de de 300 casos de discriminación por género. en derecho en Columbia y empató como Derechos Civiles de 1964. En una sentencia de 5 a 4, la mayoría interpretó que la prescripción primera de su clase. En 1960 fue rechazada En los años setenta, la Jueza Ginsburg empezaba con cada periodo de remuneración, para un puesto de asistente por ser mujer. defendió seis casos de discriminación de aunque una mujer no supiera que se le estaba género ante el Tribunal Supremo y ganó cinco pagando menos que a un compañero varón Pero persistió. de ellos. Su estrategia consistía en seleccionar hasta más tarde. A la Jueza Ginsburg el fallo demandantes hombres y mujeres para atacar le pareció absurdo y reclamó al Congreso Ese mismo año, la Jueza Ginsberg se leyes discriminatorias específicas que pudieran que modificara el Título VII para revocar la convirtió en asistente del Juez Palmieri del afectar tanto a hombres como a mujeres sentencia del tribunal adoptando una nueva Tribunal del Distrito Sur de Nueva York de en lugar de pedir al Tribunal Supremo de legislación. En 2008, tras la elección del EE.UU., donde trabajó durante dos años. EE.UU. que terminara con la discriminación de Presidente Barack Obama, se aprobó la Ley género de una vez. Todos estos casos tienen Lilly Ledbetter de igualdad salarial, que daba Y menos mal que persistió, ya que una relevancia significativa en el panorama una mayor facilidad a los empleados para quienes la rodeaban se dieron cuenta de jurídico de EE.UU., pero no puedo por menos ganar las demandas por discriminación. La que podía conseguir grandes logros. Los que compartir con ustedes uno de ellos: el Jueza Ginsburg recibió un reconocimiento dos años siguientes, la Jueza Ginsburg fue caso Weinberger vs. Wiesenfeld (1975). Al Sr. por haber inspirado aquella ley. investigadora asociada y después directora Wiesenfeld, padre de un niño, se le negó la asociada del Proyecto sobre Procedimiento prestación de supérstite de la Seguridad Social La protección del Estado de derecho no Internacional de la Facultad de Derecho para cuidar de sus hijos menores. El Tribunal es fácil. Es una tarea larga y ardua. Y para de Columbia. Mientras tanto, escribió un Supremo de EE.UU. falló unánimemente a lidiar las batallas que presenta la defensa del libro junto con Anders Bruzelius sobre favor de Stephen Wiesenfeld y descubrió Estado de derecho, hace falta una cualidad el procedimiento civil en Suecia y llevó a que la ley discriminaba a los supervivientes esencial: La persistencia. cabo una profunda investigación para su varones de trabajadoras al denegarles la misma libro en la Universida de Lund, en Suecia. protección que a sus homólogas mujeres. Jueza Ginsburg, ¿o debería decir El tiempo que pasó en Suecia influyó en Notorious R.B.G.? Me siento abrumado sus ideas sobre la igualdad de género. Los Jueza Ginsburg, gracias por persistir. por su personalidad y por su causa como cambios que observó en Suecia, donde las defensora y protectora del Estado de derecho mujeres formaban el 20 a 25% de todos El presidente Bill Clinton la nombró Jueza y la igualdad de género a lo largo de su vida. los estudiantes de derecho, le inspiraron. Asociada del Tribunal Supremo el 14 de junio Cuando entró en la academia como de 1993. Su nombramiento fue confirmado Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA profesora en la Rutgers School of Law fue por el Senado de Estados Unidos con 96 Presidente de la UIA

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 5 SAVE THE DATE#UIALuxembourg NOVEMBER 6-10, 2019 www.uianet.org

Register at: UIA - 20 rue Drouot - 75009 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 44 88 55 66 - Email: [email protected] - www.uianet.org

SAVE THE DATE LUXEMBOURG_11.indd 2 23/10/2018 21:26 Message from the Editor-in-Chief


It is with pleasure that we bring you the a profound change in the mind-set and a But we need you to be able to do so – third edition of the Juriste which, as you shift in what we considered “the” norm just your suggestions concerning the topics will see, covers extremely diverse issues. a little time ago. Based on the concept of you would like to see addressed, your Reading about them will, we hope, give you parentage, the journalist posted that, in his proposals for articles but also your active both joy and food for thought. opinion, in the context of surrogacy – in contribution to the Editorial Board. We this case for a couple of men – neither the would be happy to include representatives Societal evolution makes each and every oocyte donor nor the woman who received from the Asian and African continents in one of us face new challenges, both ethically, and carried the embryo resulting from the particular in our team, who could help us morally, legally and professionally. fertilization of the oocyte in question could identify potential subjects and contributors claim to be the “mother” of the child, who in their region. If that is something that What are commonly referred to as artificial therefore would have two fathers but no may interest you, please do inform Marie- intelligence and the digital world raise many mother. Without wishing to express any Pierre Richard at the following address: #UIALuxembourg of the questions we have to face as human opinion on the merits of his argument, it is [email protected]. We hope you will beings and as legal professionals. certain that it raises fundamental questions respond positively to this invitation. SAVE THE DATE about the notion of “family”. NOVEMBER 6-10, 2019 www.uianet.org This has already been reflected in our We look forward to meeting or seeing you columns, which continue to welcome On a totally different note, we are also again in Porto. articles addressing these new challenges particularly happy and proud to present and the many questions that this paradigm an interview with representatives of two Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE shift raises in every respect. of our new collective members: Mr. Coco Chief Editor – Juriste International Kayudi Misamu, President of the Kinshasa [email protected] The issue you have in your hands once again Bar Association (DRC) on the one hand focuses on some aspects of the turmoil and Mr. Yutaro Kikuchi, President of the caused by the technological developments Federation of Bar Associations, on LUXEMBOURG at work in our societies. the other. We thank them for enabling us to gain a better understanding of the entities Thus, for example, Nathalie Pierce focusses they head as Presidents. We also thank on the consequences of automation in Patricia Lopez-Aufranc for producing these the work place and the communication contributions as well as those presented in policy that companies need to put in the first two issues of 2018. place, according to her, if they wish to defuse negative reactions, or even panic Today, we are just a few days away from the among the staff, faced with the advent 62nd Congress of our Association to be held of the “cobots”. Steve Sidkin, meanwhile, in a magical location – Porto. In addition defends the innocuousness of technological to the social program that offers many transformation with regard to the “rule opportunities to strengthen our friendship, of law” and argues that it would be in addition to the opportunity to create incomprehensible today to exclude software new ones, the scientific program promises from the notion of “merchandise” in the exciting discussions, whether relating to context of Directive 86/653/EC relating to the main themes or the work of the commercial agency contracts. The article by commissions. Sun Qigui and Wang Chen deals with issues raised by gene-editing. We will, of course, bring it all to you in our forthcoming issues. The recent interview given by a well-known French journalist, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, during On the eve of this Congress, I would like the talk show, “On n’est pas couché”, which to once again emphasize our concern to received wide media coverage, reminded ensure that the Juriste covers not just the us again of the scientific advances that issues likely to interest the majority of you, are pushing the limits of the possible, as best possible, but also all the geographical especially in terms of procreation, inducing regions you represent.

Register at: UIA - 20 rue Drouot - 75009 Paris - France Tel.: +33 1 44 88 55 66 - Email: [email protected] - www.uianet.org Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 7

SAVE THE DATE LUXEMBOURG_11.indd 2 23/10/2018 21:26 Message du rédacteur en chef


C’est avec plaisir que nous vous présentons émission « On n’est pas couché » nous A la veille de ce Congrès, je voudrais cette troisième édition du Juriste qui, vous rappelait encore combien les avancées encore souligner notre souci de voir le le verrez, couvre des problématiques scientifiques qui repoussent toujours plus Juriste couvrir au mieux non seulement les extrêmement diverses dont la lecture, nous loin les limites du possible, notamment problématiques susceptibles d’intéresser le l’espérons, vous apportera plaisir et réflexion. en matière de procréation, innduisent un plus grand nombre d’entre vous mais aussi profond changement des mentalités et un l’ensemble des zones géographiques que L’évolution de la société oblige tout un infléchissement de ce que, il y a peu, vous représentez. chacun à faire face à de nouveaux défis, tant nous considérions comme « la » norme. sur le plan éthique, moral, juridique que Invoquant la notion de filiation, ce journaliste Pour cela, nous avons besoin de vous : de professionnel. posait, en effet, que selon lui, dans le cadre vos suggestions quant aux sujets que vous d’une gestation pour autrui, en l’espèce voudriez voir abordés, de vos propositions Ce qu’on appelle communément en faveur d’un couple d’hommes, ni la d’articles mais aussi de votre contribution l’intelligence artificielle et le monde donneuse d’ovocyte ni la femme qui a active au sein du comité de rédaction. numérique soulèvent notamment nombre accueilli et porté l’embryon résultant de Nous serions heureux d’intégrer à notre de questions auxquelles nous avons à faire la fécondation de l’ovocyte en question ne équipe des représentants des continents face en tant qu’êtres humains comme en peuvent revendiquer être la « mère » de asiatique et africain en particulier qui nous tant que professionnels du droit. l’enfant, lequel a donc deux pères mais pas aideraient à identifier sujets et contributeurs de mère. Sans vouloir me prononcer sur potentiels dans leur région. Si cela vous Nos colonnes s’en sont déjà fait l’écho et le bien-fondé de son argumentation, il est tente, nous vous proposons d’en informer continuent à accueillir des articles consacrés certain qu’il y a là une remise en question Marie-Pierre Richard à l'adresse suivante : à ces nouveaux défis et aux nombreuses fondamentale de la notion de « famille ». [email protected]. Nous espérons que interrogations que ce changement de vous répondrez présents à cette invitation. paradigme suscite à tous points de vue. Dans un tout autre registre, nous sommes par ailleurs particulièrement heureux Au plaisir de vous voir ou vous revoir à Le numéro que vous avez entre les mains et fiers de pouvoir vous présenter une Porto. aborde à nouveau certains aspects des interview des représentants de deux de remous générés par l’évolution nos nouveaux membres collectifs : d’une Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE technologique à l’œuvre dans nos sociétés. part, celui de Me Coco Kayudi Misamu, Rédacteur en Chef – Juriste International Bâtonnier de Kinshasa (RDC) et, d’autre [email protected] C’est ainsi, par exemple, que Nathalie part, celui de Me Yutaro Kikuchi, Président Pierce s’attache aux conséquences de la de la Japan Federation of Bar Associations. robotisation en matière d’emploi et à la Nous les remercions d’avoir accepté de politique de communication que l’entreprise nous permettre de mieux connaître les lui paraît devoir mettre en place si elle entités qu’ils président. Nous remercions souhaite désamorcer les réactions négatives, également Me Patricia López-Aufranc d’avoir voire de panique, de son personnel devant généré ces contributions ainsi que celles l’entrée en scène des « cobots ». Steve Sidkin, présentées dans les deux premiers numéros quant à lui, défend l’innocuité de l’évolution de l’exercice 2018. technologique pour la « rule of law » et soutient qu’il serait incompréhensible Nous voici aujourd’hui à quelques jours aujourd’hui d’exclure les logiciels de la du 62e Congrès de notre Association qui notion de « marchandise » dans le cadre se tiendra dans un lieu magique : Porto. de la directive 86/653/CE en matière de Outre le programme social qui nous offre contrat d’agence commerciale. L’article de de multiples occasions de renforcer nos Sun Qigui et Wang Chen s’attache lui aux liens amicaux et l’opportunité d’en créer questions soulevées par les manipulations de nouveaux, le programme scientifique génétiques (« gene-editing »). promet des échanges passionnants, qu’il s’agisse des thèmes principaux ou des Le récent interview accordé par un travaux des commissions. journaliste français bien connu, Marc- Olivier Fogiel, lors de la très médiatique Nous nous en ferons bien sûr l’écho.

8 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Mensaje del Redactor Jefe


Es un placer presentar esta tercera edición límites de lo posible – concretamente mayoría de ustedes, sino también a todas las del Juriste que, como verán, cubre muy en materia de procreación – inducen zonas geográficas que representan. diversas problemáticas cuya lectura un profundo cambio de mentalidades y esperamos les agrade y haga reflexionar. una inflexión en lo que hasta hace poco Para eso les necesitamos a ustedes: La evolución de la sociedad nos obliga a considerábamos « la » norma. Aduciendo la necesitamos sus sugerencias de temas que todos a enfrentarnos a nuevos retos, tanto noción de filiación, este periodista planteaba querrían que se abordaran, sus propuestas en el plano ético, moral y jurídico como que, en su opinión, en el caso de una de artículos, pero también su contribución profesional. gestación subrogada, concretamente a favor activa en el comité de redacción. Estaríamos de una pareja de hombres, ni la donante encantados de integrar en nuestro equipo a Lo que se ha dado en llamar la inteligencia de ovocito ni la mujer que ha recibido representantes de los continentes asiático artificial y el mundo digital plantean muchas y gestado el embrión resultante de la y africano en particular que nos ayudasen a preguntas a las que debemos enfrentarnos fecundación del ovocito en cuestión pueden identificar temas y posibles contribuyentes de como seres humanos y como profesionales reivindicar la maternidad del niño, quien su región. Si la idea les seduce, les invitamos del derecho. en ese caso tiene dos padres y ninguna a comunicárselo a Marie-Pierre Richard a la madre. Sin querer pronunciarme sobre la siguiente dirección : [email protected]. Nuestras columnas ya se han hecho eco legitimidad de su argumentación, está claro Esperamos que respondan positivamente a de ello y siguen presentando artículos que hay un cuestionamiento fundamental de esta invitación. dedicados a los nuevos retos y a los la noción de « familia ». numerosos interrogantes que suscita este Hasta pronto en Oporto. cambio de paradigma desde todos los En otro orden de cosas, nos complace y puntos de vista. enorgullece enormemente poder presentar una entrevista de los representantes de dos Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE El número que tiene en sus manos aborda de de nuestros nuevos miembros colectivos: Redactora Jefe – Juriste International nuevo determinados aspectos del revuelo por una parte, la de don Coco Kayudi [email protected] que genera la evolución tecnológica que se Misamu, Decano de Kinshasa (RDC) y, por está produciendo en nuestras sociedades. otra, la de don Yutaro Kikuchi, Presidente de la Japan Federation of Bar Associations. Así por ejemplo, Nathalie Pierce trata las Les damos las gracias por haber accedido a consecuencias de la robotización en materia darnos a conocer mejor las entidades que de empleo y la política de comunicación presiden. Asimismo, damos las gracias a que cree que debe implantar la empresa Patricia López-Aufranc por haber generado si desea apaciguar las reacciones negativas estas contribuciones así como las que se – e incluso de pánico – de su personal presentaron en los dos primeros números ante la llegada de los « cobots ». Steve del ejercicio 2018. Sidkin, por su parte, defiende la inocuidad de la evolución tecnológica para la «rule Ya falta muy poco para el 62.º Congreso of law» y mantiene que hoy en día sería de nuestra Asociación, que se celebrará incomprensible excluir los programas en un lugar mágico: Oporto. Además del informáticos de la noción de «mercancía» programa social que nos ofrece muchísimas con arreglo a la directiva 86/653/CE en ocasiones de reforzar nuestras amistades materia de contrato de agencia comercial. y de entablar otras nuevas, el programa El artículo de Sun Qigui y Wang Chen está científico promete ofrecer unos debates dedicado a las cuestiones que plantea la apasionantes, tanto en los temas principales manipulación genética (« gene-editing »). como en los trabajos de las comisiones.

La entrevista concedida recientemente por Por supuesto, nos haremos eco de ellos. un periodista francés conocido, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, durante el mediático programa de En vísperas de este Congreso, querría televisión francés « On n'est pas couché », recordar una vez más nuestra inquietud nos recordaba hasta qué punto los avances por que el Juriste no cubra solo las científicos que superan cada vez más los problemáticas que pueden interesar a la

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 9 Seminar in Poznan – June 2018 UIA News Actualités de l’UIA Novedades de la UIA

Séminaire à Beyrouth – juin 2018 L’UIA à Beyrouth

Les tribunaux internationaux et la sauvegarde des droits de l’homme


C’est à Beyrouth, au Liban, que la droits de l’homme ainsi que du rôle qu’elle la session modérée par M. Jad Maalouf, commission des droits de l’homme de pourrait avoir à cet effet au regard de la Président de la Première Chambre au l’UIA a tenu, les 11 et 12 mai 2018, à la spécificité de son mandat. Tribunal de première instance du Mont Maison de l’Avocat, son séminaire annuel, Liban pour les affaires civiles, commerciales avec pour thème principal « L’efficacité du M. Eric David, chercheur au Centre de et d’arbitrage. rôle des tribunaux internationaux dans la droit international de l’université Libre de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme – Réalités Bruxelles, estima que cette Cour n’avait Me Nathalie Najjar, Chargée de cours à la et perspectives ». toujours pas une attitude de défense faculté de droit de l’USJ et à l’Université systématique des droits de l’homme. Paris II, et Présidente de la Commission Ce séminaire, organisé en partenariat d’arbitrage CCI-Liban analysa le cas du avec l’Ordre des avocats de Beyrouth, Me Lara Karam Boustany, du Barreau de Centre International de règlement des l’Ambassade de France au Liban, la Banque Beyrouth et professeur à la faculté de droit différends relatifs aux investissements du Liban, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Sader de l’USJ, rappela que cette Cour n’était (CIRDI), et Me Ghaleb Mahmassani, ancien Group et L’Orient-Le Jour qui en a assuré pas – ou très rarement – présentée comme membre de la Cour d’arbitrage de la CCI, la couverture médiatique, visait, comme le une juridiction de protection des droits de le rôle de l’arbitrage international dans le souligna au début du séminaire Me Elisabeth l’homme et qu’elle ne se distinguait pas dans contrôle de la responsabilité des entreprises Zakharia Sioufi, Présidente de la commission la promotion de ces droits. en matière de protection des droits de droits de l’homme de l’UIA, à examiner et l’homme. évaluer l’impact de la jurisprudence des Deux sessions, modérées l’une par l’ancien tribunaux internationaux dont le mandat Bâtonnier de Beyrouth, Me Raymond Chédid, Le second jour, une session, modérée par premier ne réside pas dans la protection des et l’autre par Me Elisabeth Zakharia Sioufi, Me Carlos Fatas Mosquera, Vice-Président droits de l’homme sur le développement furent consacrées aux juridictions pénales de la commission droits de l’homme de et le respect de ces droits, mais aussi internationales. l’UIA, traita de l’impact réciproque des l’influence réciproque entre ces juridictions jurisprudences de la Cour de justice de et celles spécialisées dans la protection M. Sètondji Roland Adjovi, professeur l’Union européenne (CJUE) et de la Cour des droits et libertés fondamentales, à assistant à l’université d’Arcadia (États-Unis), européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH). travers l’analyse de leurs jurisprudences en traita de la faille de la liberté provisoire la matière. devant le TPIR et analysa les conditions M. Pascal Dourneau-Josette, Chef de division imposées pour bénéficier de cette liberté à la CEDH et professeur associé à l’université Durant la séance d’ouverture, le Bâtonnier qui doit être justifiée par des circonstances de Strasbourg, a notamment retracé de Beyrouth, Me André Chidiac, prononça exceptionnelles, faute de quoi la détention l’évolution historique de la jurisprudence l’allocution de bienvenue et la parole est fondée par défaut. de ces deux juridictions, « longtemps fut donnée à l’Ambassadeur de France, caractérisée par une certaine façon de se M. Bruno Foucher, qui avait, la veille, Me François Roux, ancien Chef du Bureau tenir mutuellement à distance », et parlé convié tous les participants à une réception de la Défense du Tribunal spécial pour le du nouveau principe dit de la protection à la Résidence des Pins, demeure des Liban, estima que l’action des tribunaux équivalente des droits fondamentaux ou Ambassadeurs de France à Beyrouth, à pénaux internationaux en faveur des droits encore « Présomption d’équivalence » et Me Antoine Akl, Président d’honneur de de l’homme restait insuffisante et que si de ses conséquences sur la protection des l’UIA représentant le Président Pedro Pais ces droits étaient, par nature, un droit des droits de l’homme. Il a estimé que l’avenir de Almeida, à M. Achim Vogt, représentant victimes, c’est dans la défense des accusés des relations entre les deux Cours semble régional de Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, sponsor qu’ils trouvaient leur application la plus aujourd’hui plus apaisé et que « les impacts principal du séminaire et à Me Joe Karam, forte. réciproques de leurs jurisprudences sont Président du comité national libanais. donc une réalité à la fois positive et… pleine Mme Kristina Carey, Chef de la section des d’avenir ». Présidée par Me Ibrahim Najjar, Professeur victimes de ce Tribunal parla des droits des Émérite à la faculté de droit de l’université victimes et des mécanismes assurant leur Face à cette diversité des mécanismes Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ) et ancien protection. judiciaires internationaux, se posait Ministre de la justice, la première séance la question de savoir s’il était possible, cibla la Cour internationale de justice et L’évolution de l’approche des instances mais aussi souhaitable d’harmoniser les sa contribution à la reconnaissance et au d’arbitrage transnational concernant les jurisprudences afin d’assurer une protection développement du droit international des droits de l’homme fut examinée lors de plus efficace des droits de l’homme.

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 11 Legal English for Lawyers: A Participant’s

C’est à cette question que la dernière Perspective session de travail, modérée par Me Alia Berti-Zein, ancienne membre du Conseil de l’Ordre des avocats de Beyrouth, entendait répondre. I Edit FEST BAKONYI

Me Nidal Jurdi, avocat au Barreau de Tripoli (Liban) et professeur à l’université Mc Gill (), parla de ce qui pouvait lier les In January and June 2018, the UIA organized experienced in teaching. Our teacher was juridictions internationales au respect des two trainings in Paris for lawyers to learn an endlessly active, upbeat colleague with droits de l’homme et de la possibilité de more about legal English. a good sense of humor. The tasks and la violation par les juridictions pénales exercises were made easier by her natural internationales de ces droits, et examina The subjects of the trainings enthusiasm and explanations. les moyens de renforcer le système de leur were the following: protection. Both sessions consisted of about Part 1: Legal English for Lawyers – Initiation: 15 participants, which is an ideal number M. Adjovi estima que l’harmonisation de Meet with Clients & Counsel, from January for a practical training. As getting to know la jurisprudence n’était pas une nécessité 29-30: 13 hours. your colleagues, and actively participating absolue car la variété de la jurisprudence Part 2: Legal English for Lawyers – Advanced: in role plays, negotiations and simulation is offre plus de choix à la victime mais qu’elle Draft & Negotiate with Clients & Counsel, very effective. était importante en ce qui concerne les from June 18-19: 13 hours. juridictions pénales internationales, Both sessions contained numerous colleagues puisqu’elles ne dépendent pas d’un État, The vast majority of the participating from Africa, who added an international et qu’il est impossible de recourir dans colleagues were native French speakers, touch with their wit and good energy. ce cas aux mécanismes de protection and although I am a Hungarian attorney- internationaux des droits de l’homme. at-law, and I speak very fluent French and During the courses we worked with material mid-level English, I was initially thinking that carefully compiled by Stephanie, including: Des échanges avec les participants ont suivi it would be an excellent opportunity to use • Reference materials: legal vocabulary; chaque session et permis d’approfondir des my French and learn more English, more useful verbs for the legal profession; données spécifiques menant ainsi à cerner specifically legal English. In the end, though, general legal English; contract vocabulary; davantage et à travers des points de vue my expectations were exceeded, and I suggested negotiation language. différents les multiples aspects des sujets was able to participate in a very useful and • Class materials & exercises: authoring abordés. absolutely practical training. legal texts by selecting between multiple possible synonyms; analyzing texts; Me Elisabeth Zakharia Sioufi présenta les There were attorneys who only participated understanding contracts; syntax and conclusions et recommandations et souligna in the second training, but they had no grammar exercises. l’importance du rôle de l’avocat dans la problem joining the course, because even sauvegarde des droits de l’homme : un though the second part was the logical rôle qui exige de suivre de près l’évolution The January training was held at the UIA continuation of the first in the training de la jurisprudence de ces instances headquarters in Paris which is a very nice sequence. This was not a disadvantage for internationales et d’en analyser la portée, location. Lunch was served at a lovely those who missed the first since the modules ce qui constitue l’objectif principal des little restaurant nearby. This initial training séminaires annuels de la commission des were related in subject matter (lawyers was introductory: we described our own droits de l’homme. communicating in English for professional practices and law firms in English, we reasons) but addressed different skills. The compared general and legal English terms, we Elisabeth ZAKHARIA SIOUFI first training was more listening, reading interpreted the essence of the differences. Présidente de la commission des droits de and vocabulary building, while the second On the basis of texts and sound recordings, l’homme de l’UIA training emphasized speaking and writing. as well as law-related Netflix offerings, we Elisabeth Zakharia Sioufi discussed what we had learned together. Jdeidet El Metn, Liban Our instructor was Stephanie Cooper- [email protected] Slockyj, who is an attorney-at-law from During the training, attorney participants California and teaches legal English to law were invited to interpret a letter written to students at the University of Paris II – Assas a contractual partner of a client, analyze the and other legal professionals, and also a legal type of wording and professional style, and translator. then simulate an attorney-client discussion in a small group. We also took the time What I particularly appreciated was that to advise an “imaginary” client and to offer we were taught by a fellow attorney with legal explanations, and also interpret typical a great deal of experience, who is also attorney sample letters together.

12 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo This first part fundamentally focused on our strategy together before meeting for a rapid reaction time, and self-expression skills. learning and using English legal terms both negotiation with the B team, representing With the use of the materials received, there orally and in writing, which helped a lot a potential lessee, and our objective was were opportunities to continue to practice during the second training in June. to find an agreement on contract terms. at home. In my opinion the fact that the Reaching a compromise was not so simple training was interactive, active and dialogue- The June training was held in a nice at times, as even within our own small driven, based on many workshop exercises, downtown hotel with a sophisticated lunch groups, distinct skills were required to significantly contributed to overcoming any at the same location. This training was reach a shared position, being attorneys language inhibitions one may have had, and deeper and more complex. The topic, from different countries and cultures – not to making legal communication in English entitled “identify and avoid false friends, to mention different continents! much smoother. obtain reliable information on contracts drafted in English”, was a nice surprise In another one of our oral exercises, As a way of saying goodbye at the end of the for all of us, as it is frequent that a the emphasis was on attorney-clients second training, Stephanie gave the group very similar sounding term is deceptive meeting together and how the attorney can useful tips regarding learning legal English and misleading in an official document or intelligently and clearly explain an official or at home. Many of us agreed that with a contract. Clearing this up was indeed a legal document for the client in a not-so- private teacher, using the material received substantial step forward. official style, accessible to non-lawyers. here, we would continue to improve, not only through “self-study” but also through One of our tasks was determining the I very much enjoyed how the attorneys watching law-related TV shows and using importance of different negotiating skills. from different countries approached and various Internet resources for listening It was interesting to see what skills constructed the process, the logic of such comprehension and vocabulary building. different colleagues considered the most business negotiations, the considerations of the essential: such as observation, approaching deal, the subtle but firm assertion of interests. Many thanks to Stephanie for the excellent with empathy, choosing the right words, Although the two-day trainings provided and numerous experiences, and thanks repeating the negotiating partner’s words us with a lot of information and useful to the UIA for their efficient, careful back, and researching the counterpart’s new knowledge, this really energized the organization, as well as their great choice cultural background. participants, thanks to the carefully-compiled of instructor. training materials, Stephanie’s very original My personal favorites in terms of exercises and fresh American-French dynamism and Edit FEST BAKONYI were the elaborate 4-person role plays humor, and great organization by UIA. Attorney-at-Law, Managing Partner split into teams of two: we were split into Bakonyi Attorneys-at-Law Partners A and B. One of our tasks with one Looking at the two trainings as a whole, Budapest, of my attorney colleagues was to represent it can be said that a four-day course of [email protected] the side of the owner in relation to the lease nicely concentrated legal English very much of real property. My partner and I prepared improves one’s oral comprehension skills,

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 13 L’UIA à Douala

m Étude d’un cas pratique selon le Règlement d’arbitrage de la CCI nove bre 3 , 2 -2 0 1 1 I Laurence KIFFER 2 8

Du 21 au 23 novembre 2018, la Commission Kamga, a pris la présidence de la conférence sera examinée, de la rédaction de la arbitrage international de l’UIA organisera des Barreaux de l’espace OHADA, il est demande d’arbitrage au prononcé de la à Douala, au Cameroun, conjointement apparu opportun que le séminaire débute sentence arbitrale et à l’exequatur de cette avec la Cour Internationale d’Arbitrage de sur les spécificités de l’arbitrage OHADA sentence après la procédure arbitrale. la Chambre de Commerce Internationale avec une présentation de la réforme de Chaque session permettra aux participants (CCI) et avec le soutien de l’Ordre des l’Acte uniforme avant d’envisager les de travailler en ateliers puis d’échanger dans Avocats au Barreau du Cameroun et avantages et les inconvénients d’un siège de le cadre de sessions plénières interactives. du Centre d’arbitrage du GICAM, une l’arbitrage dans la zone OHADA. Les ateliers et les sessions plénières formation à l’arbitrage. seront animés par d’éminents spécialistes On rappellera que l’Organisation pour de l’arbitrage international qui seront en Cette formation s’inscrit dans le prolongement l’Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires mesure de partager leur expérience. des formations organisées respectivement en Afrique (OHADA) crée un espace à Dakar en 2015 et à Abidjan en 2016. Elle communautaire regroupant actuellement dix- Ce programme promet d’être riche est née du constat fait lors d’un séminaire à sept pays (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, d’échanges et instructif, inscrivez-vous ! Saly (Sénégal) en 2014 qu’il n’y avait pas assez Centrafrique, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Attention le nombre de participants est d’avocats en Afrique formés à l’arbitrage alors Comores, Gabon, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, limité à 60 afin de permettre le travail en que l’arbitrage est le mode de résolution des Guinée-Equatoriale, Mali, Niger, République ateliers. litiges habituel en matière internationale. Démocratique du Congo, Sénégal, Tchad et Togo). L’acte uniforme sur l’arbitrage Laurence KIFFER Reproduire les pratiques judiciaires dans constitue une loi d’arbitrage applicable à Conseiller du Président de l’UIA le cadre d’une procédure arbitrale est l’ensemble des pays membres de l’OHADA. Teynier Pic contreproductif. La procédure arbitrale Paris, France internationale se distingue d’une procédure Le choix du siège de l’arbitrage emporte [email protected] judiciaire notamment par un mode des conséquences juridiques liées au juge d’administration de la preuve qui opère d’appui compétent et aux voies de recours un syncrétisme entre la procédure de applicables à la sentence arbitrale. common law et la procédure civile. Une méconnaissance du mécanisme et de ce qu’il La suite du programme de formation se implique peut-être source de difficulté. déroulera sur la base de l’examen d’un cas pratique examiné sous l’angle du règlement Par le biais d’une formation très pratique, d’arbitrage de la CCI. On rappellera que le vous appréhenderez une simulation de fait que la CCI ait son siège social à Paris, procédure d’arbitrage qui vous permettra n’est pas antinomique avec le choix d’un mieux comprendre ce mode de résolution siège de l’arbitrage ailleurs qu’à Paris et des litiges. notamment dans l’espace OHADA.

Le Centre d’Arbitrage du GICAM (CAG) Cette formation constitue une opportunité accueillera la formation. Le GICAM est le pour se familiariser à la pratique de Groupement Inter-Patronal du Cameroun, l’arbitrage international et appréhender la organisation représentative du secteur privé. matière tant au stade de la rédaction de la Il s’est doté en 1998 d’un centre d’arbitrage clause d’arbitrage que de la mise en œuvre doté d’un règlement d’arbitrage susceptible de celle-ci lors de la procédure d’arbitrage. de résoudre les litiges d’affaires, de préserver Les participants seront eux-mêmes les et développer des relations harmonieuses acteurs de cette formation pour laquelle entre partenaires. Depuis 2012, plus d’une un cas pratique leur sera soumis et leur cinquantaine d’affaires ont été traités par le permettra d’analyser chaque étape d’une centre d’arbitrage du GICAM. procédure d’arbitrage se déroulant sous l’égide du règlement d’arbitrage de la CCI. Compte tenu de la réforme récente de l’arbitrage OHADA et du fait que le Au cours des trois jours de formation, Bâtonnier du Cameroun, Jackson Ngnie chaque étape de la procédure d’arbitrage

14 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde

Formation : étude d’un cas pratique selon le Règlement d’arbitrage de la CCI

Du mercredi 21 au vendredi 23 novembre 2018


Formation organisée conjointement par l’UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats et la Cour Internationale d’Arbitrage de la CCI, avec le soutien de l’Ordre des Avocats au Barreau du Cameroun et du Centre d'Arbitrage du GICAM (CAG)

Information et inscriptions sur www.uianet.org The UIA in Tokyo

Welcome to UIA’s Seminar in Tokyo, Asia’s Economic and Business Centre h 27-30, 2 rc 01 a 9 I Yoshihisa HAYAKAWA M & Motoyasu HIROSE

By virtue of the great success of UIA’s activities in the midst of high barriers in the social events. It starts with the gala dinner, consecutively expanding events in Japan emerging jurisdictions. This approach might before the seminar, at a traditional Japanese since 2014, accelerated, above all, by the be somewhat unique in that the majority of restaurant surrounded by a beautiful garden, participation in UIA of the leading bar other seminars on similar topics would rather which has been highly appreciated by the associations of Japan, namely the Japan place emphasis on the “fascinating” aspects past participants. On Saturday, following Federation of Bar Associations and the of investment destinations by, say, bringing the seminar, we will organize a one-day Tokyo Bar Association, UIA has undoubtedly on local tourist attractions. By contrast, we excursion to beautiful places in the western attained incredibly significant recognition will take a totally opposite approach. suburb of Tokyo, namely, Kamakura, famous and visibility in the legal society of Japan as for Japanese traditional culture and history. well as other Asian jurisdictions. Driven by Japanese speakers may wish to talk about the Luckily enough, this excursion will hopefully these favourable trends, it is our honour rough going of Japanese corporations, being fall on the midst of cherry blossoms. that UIA will again organize a one-day their clients, in the course of their struggle seminar of greater size jointly with the against the inconsistent administrative Alternatively, you could also enjoy a day trip Tokyo Bar Association, coupled with a formalities and the attempted extortion of to and explore other touristic destinations, number of convivial social events. Here, bribes from foreign officials in the emerging traditional culture, history and abundant UIA’s foreign investment commission, to market in Asia, whilst other speakers from nature of Japan (i.e. Kyoto, Mt. Fuji, Hakone which both of the authors belong, will lead the emerging markets would be expected to or Nikko, etc.) in addition to Tokyo because the whole program of this seminar. further close up vivid local circumstances as domestic travel to any of these places is well as possible ways to tactically mitigate quite easy thanks to the well-organized and Well predictably, the investors in developed the risks involving such Japanese investors. convenient public transport system. jurisdictions have been all the more eagerly The exchange of views from both sides, as advancing into the emerging markets the practicing lawyers catching up with the We look forward to welcoming you next because they are prone to generate ongoing issues on a real time basis, would year in Japan. expanding demands of the growing certainly be a fruitful discussion which population, where they would ironically would be unavailable in law classrooms. Yoshihisa HAYAKAWA risk encountering more or less unexpected President of the UIA National Committee - pitfalls totally inconceivable in developed This seminar will also include interactive Japan markets. In a nutshell, the investors must Q&A sessions where participants will be Uryu & Itoga be knowledgeable about the malfunction able to ask the experienced speakers for Tokyo, Japan of the “rule of law” as well as the effective their views on specific queries you may have [email protected] strategy to tackle these difficulties. To about their insights made available through illustrate, how should they deal with their the struggles in the rough-and-tumble of Motoyasu HIROSE damming exposure to bribery risks, frequent foreign investment in the emerging market. Uryu & Itoga and arbitrary amendment of regulations Hosted by the Tokyo Bar Association, Tokyo, Japan unilaterally in favour of local parties and, in many Japanese lawyers who are not UIA [email protected] the event of disputes, unreasonably delayed members would also attend and provide and discriminative judicial proceedings, their views from different angles and then with a view to pursuing safe, legitimate be attracted to the friendly atmosphere of and remunerative business in a manner UIA’s activities. accountable to their stakeholders? As was the case with UIA’s former Tokyo UIA speakers as well as members of the seminars, this seminar will be followed by a Tokyo Bar regularly assisting clients in reception at a traditional buffet party within foreign investment will gather and make a few minutes’ walk of the venue, where presentations on the topic of “Doing UIA participants will be able to exchange Business in and with the Emerging Markets” and become more familiar with Japanese with particular focus on how to hedge lawyers, and more broadly, Japanese culture the various risks in Asia and other regions in casual settings. from the standpoint of both investors and investees, which would better shed light Compared to the former ones, this Tokyo on the problematics affecting the business seminar will have remarkable plenitude of

16 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Seminar presented by the UIA in collaboration with the Bilbao Bar Association and with the support of the Civil and Commercial Court of Arbitration (CIMA) Seminario presentado por la UIA en colaboración con el Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Bizkaia, con el patrocinio del Corte Civil y Mercantil de Arbitraje (CIMA) International Arbitration, Current Perspectives 3rd Edition Arbitraje Internacional, Perspectivas Actuales 3a Edición

BILBAO Friday, January 25 & Saturday, January 26, 2019 / Viernes 25 y Sábado 26 de Enero de 2019 #UIAArbitration

Information and registration Informaciones e inscripciones www.uianet.org Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers Droits de l’Homme et de la Défense Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers DerechosDroits Humanos yde de la l’HommeDefensa et de la Défense Derechos Humanos y de la Defensa Human Mobility and Modern Slavery


protection of their state of nationality and Compact will not be a formal treaty. Nor will This keynote statement was presented become more exposed to predations such it place any legally binding obligations on states. on the occasion of the UIA Bar as exploitation, human trafficking and abuse. Leaders’ Briefing celebrated at the This is particularly so for migrant women, Instead, it is a unique opportunity to United Nations Headquarters in New and for children on the move. enhance international cooperation, in order York City on June 28, 2018. Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers to harvest the many positive dividends Droits de l’Homme et de la Défense In other words, while the two phenomena of human mobility while addressing the Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers Mr. Pedro Pais de Almeida, – human mobility and modern slavery – are challenges associated with migration Droits de l’Homme et de la Défense H.E. Ambassador Francisco Duarte Lopes, distinct and need to be tackled separately, in todays’ world. Moving from chaotic, Derechos Humanos y de la Defensa Ladies and Gentlemen, equally the link between the two should disorderly and dangerous migration patterns Dear Friends, be recognized, and greater efforts made to to safe and orderly ones will enhance Derechos Humanos y de la Defensa break it. the contribution of migrants to their It is a pleasure to join all of you here today host communities and to the sustainable at this international event on modern day Recent events have provided ample evidence development of their countries of origin. slavery. I think it is particularly fitting that of what happens when large-scale migration this takes place under the auspices of the takes place without effective mechanisms to The decision that led UN members states Union Internationale des Avocats as the manage it. In addition to the unconscionable to embark on this two-year effort towards legal profession has much to contribute loss of lives, shocking images revealed a the adoption of this Global Compact did to the understanding of all forms of flourishing slave trade of migrants in Libya. not happen out of the blue. After years of exploitation, and the tools to push back on abuses of all sorts.

I’m sure that your deliberations today Exploitation, in the large informal economies of the West and elsewhere, must will expose the scope and complexity of also be documented, exposed, confronted and eradicated. what is currently understood as modern- day slavery. My remarks will focus on aspects of this scourge that have been However, we must also be equally alert to approaching migration as an issue related highlighted through the ongoing process forms of slavery that exist in the corners solely to national sovereignty, governments by which UN Member States are about to of our everyday lives, far from situations of recognized in 2016 – a time of record high adopt a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly conflict or state collapse. Exploitation, in numbers of people displaced worldwide, and Regular Migration. I will therefore the large informal economies of the West often in large, chaotic flows – that better address in particular the issues related to global cooperation on migration was human mobility and the vulnerabilities to and elsewhere, must also be documented, exploitation and abuses that come from exposed, confronted and eradicated. urgently needed. displacement. And one way to do so is to address the Human mobility is an expanding global reality. [Global estimates suggest that some 40 shortcomings in the governance of migration There are today an estimated 258 million million people were victims of modern that permit modern slavery to survive and international migrants, or some 3.4% of the slavery in 2016, of these, over 60% of them even grow. Improved migration governance world’s population, up from 2.7% in 2000. were in forced labour. Almost a quarter and better protection of migrants will go of victims of forced labour are exploited a long way in reducing recourse to forced This figure – both in real terms and as outside their country of residence.] labour. a percentage – is growing but remains modest. The history of migration is rooted While we often say – accurately – that the That is, in part, what the Global Compact in the history of humanity and clearly majority of migrants move and settle in a for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, suggests that while there will always be safe and orderly fashion; and while far from presently under negotiation at the United people on the move, given the choice, all slaves are migrants; neither reality should Nations, will seek to achieve. most of our fellow citizens prefer their obscure the fact that the act of migration homelands to the unknown. – particularly irregular, sometimes called This Compact will be the first illegal migration – increases the vulnerability intergovernmental agreement covering all Despite overwhelming evidence of of those who, to varying degrees, lose the dimensions of international migration. The migration’s positive impacts, it is often

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 19 – indeed, increasingly so – perceived in for the growth in unregulated intermediaries, are made aware of the invisible workforce negative terms: as being larger than it really some of whom are in turn responsible behind the products or services generated is, out of control, representing a failure of for severe abuse of migrants, charging by the informal economy, and of its hidden state control or a challenge to authority. exorbitant recruitment fees, knowingly costs, the more they can help confront this making false promises about salaries or scourge. The growing public awareness Migration is often a source of division within working conditions and misrepresenting of the evil of modern labour exploitation and between states and societies. The the nature of the job itself. At the outset of and slavery in many countries is a credit to upshot is an environment in which measured the migration process there is a clear need the power of civil society to mobilise and discourse on this issue can be difficult to to reform and regulate recruitment and become effective agents of change. maintain and in which sympathy for migrants contracting systems. is in short supply. This is undoubtedly Like migration, modern slavery is a complex, part of a context in which migrants are Restrictive visa regimes for migrant workers global and multi-dimensional phenomenon. vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. also create increased vulnerability. Many Both cannot be resolved by national migrant workers find themselves employed governments working in isolation. They both When avenues for regular and safe migration in substandard working conditions, being require an integrated, coordinated strategy are inadequate or closed altogether, aspiring paid at wage levels well below national based on bilateral, regional and international migrants inevitably fall back on irregular standards and sometimes kept under these cooperation. Cooperation between and dangerous migration routes, often with conditions due to their immigration status, all stakeholders, including civil society, the help of smugglers. These migrants risk which may make it difficult if not impossible private sector, employers’ and workers’ discrimination, exclusion, exploitation and to change employers either because of organizations, will need to be strengthened abuse at all stages of the migration process. restrictive visa regimes, and/or debt to reach a successful outcome, both in They face barriers to access fundamental bondage. migration governance and in combatting services, and are unable or unwilling to modern slavery. Successful cooperation has seek protection from the state out of fear Most cases of forced labour and slavery the potential to have a meaningful impact on of exposure to law enforcement authorities are found in the informal economy. When the lives of millions of people. due to their migratory status. migrants are not legally permitted to work, they are pushed to seek employment in the The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Migrant workers, even those who have informal sector. Regular Migration should be pad travelled through regular channels, are also vulnerable – often simply because they don’t speak the language of their host country or There is, almost everywhere, a clear need for more cohesion between immigration understand the systems into which they arrive – and face challenges of social integration. and labour laws. They disproportionately work in sub-standard conditions and face prejudice and exclusion. The size of the informal economy varies greatly of a new era of increased state cooperation Particularly in low-wage sectors such as from country to country but it exists virtually in the better management of human domestic work, agriculture and construction, everywhere. Gathering real political will to mobility. In doing so, I am persuaded that it migrant workers are exposed to weak curtail black labour markets may be difficult will make an important contribution to the labour protection, inadequate monitoring to generate. Yet there are definite costs to reduction, if not the elimination, of modern and lack of effective remedy. There is, almost retaining it: for governments in not knowing forms of slavery, another sad manifestation of man’s inhumanity to man. everywhere, a clear need for more cohesion who is entering, staying and working in the between immigration and labour laws. country; for the labour market by creating two tiers of workers and therefore putting On this somber note, I wish you a successful meeting and look forward to hearing about Women, who constitute some 48% of downward pressure on wages and working the outcome of your discussions today. international migrants, make up the majority conditions; and obviously for migrants, who of domestic and care workers and are at are at far greater risk of exploitation and abuse. Louise ARBOUR particular risk of intersecting discrimination. Special Representative of the Secretary- Their vulnerabilities to forced labour Clearly, measures sanctioning private sector General for International Migration exploitation are often linked to precarious employers and recruiters who seek to United Nations circumvent the rules and exploit migrant recruitment processes, which feature New York, NY, United States charging excessive fees and holding back workers, particularly irregular migrant of passports, aggravated by the absence of workers, should be better enforced. Where adapted protection mechanisms, often set these measures don’t exist, they should be in a climate of social and cultural isolation. drawn up as a matter of priority.

Inadequate systems for the recruitment and Equally important is securing the support placement of migrant workers create space of the general public. The more people

20 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde A Primer for Dignity Rights

I Erin DALY & James R. MAY

In the last 100 years, dignity has been adding a reference to human dignity. “Whereas recognition of the inherent increasingly recognized as a legal right. And it is through its incorporation into dignity and of the equal and inalienable While human dignity rarely appeared in national constitutional texts and judicial rights of all members of the human family constitutions in the early 20th century, it interpretations and applications of those is the foundation of freedom, justice and burst on the legal stage in response to texts that the right to dignity is coming to peace in the world…” the atrocities of World War II, first in the life. Courts around the world have found Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, Charter of the United Nations, and then in that it is a legal right that can be and often Preamble the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is asserted against the state or others and (UDHR). There, it would take root and vindicated in an extraordinarily wide range “The defense of the human person and flourish throughout the globe and give rise of factual settings and legal contexts. respect for his dignity are the supreme purpose of the society and the State.” Constitution of 1993, Title I, Chapter I, In the last few decades, dignity rights have been invoked, interpreted, and Article I applied by courts around the world in thousands of cases in a very wide variety “To preserve human dignity and to respect of factual settings. free development of the personality is the core value of the constitutional structure and meaning to the modern human rights Moreover, promoting human dignity of free democracy.” Constitutional Court of Taiwan, J.Y. Interpretation movement. The UDHR opens with the often serves as the very basis for national No. 603 (2005.9.28) recognition that “the inherent dignity … existence, as is expressed in the Constitution of all members of the human family is the of Peru, which states, “The defense of foundation of freedom, justice and peace the human person and respect for his/her in the world…” Indeed, its first article dignity are the supreme purpose of the Introduction provides that “All human beings are born society and the State,”, the Constitution of free and equal in dignity and rights. They are , where one of its fundamental aims is Human dignity refers to the inherent endowed with reason and conscience and to assure “the dignity of the individual,” and humanness of each member of the human should act towards one another in a spirit the more recently reformed constitution family. It recognizes and reflects the equal of brotherhood.” Thus, the UDHR places of Tunisia, where it is an element of the worth of each person and attaches to each dignity as the principal source of human republic’s motto as well as an enforceable person equally, regardless of gender, race, rights throughout the world. right. Dignity rights are also reflected in social or political status, talents, merit, subnational constitutions, including the or any other differentiator. It is not an In the 70 years since the adoption of the American state of Montana. attribute or an interest to be protected or UDHR, dignity rights have been recognized advanced, like liberty or equality or a house in the constitutions of more than 150 of The constitutions of many nations assert or free speech, but exists anywhere there is the world’s constitutions from all regions that dignity is a stand-alone substantive a person, or perhaps two, whether or not of the world: Asia, Africa, the Middle East, right. For example, the German Basic Law it is named or recognized in law. It is what Europe, Latin America and North America, of 1949 provides that, “Human dignity shall makes us all human, and what confirms the and the Pacific. Today, few constitutions are be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall equal worth of human beings. adopted or meaningfully amended without be the duty of all state authority.” Such

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 21 constitutional ‘inviolability’ of human dignity to vote, by linking them to human dignity. 4. Although it is often allied with equality, it is increasingly common, for instance, in the But the cases often do more: the link to is more substantive. Dignity entails equality constitutions of Honduras and elsewhere. human dignity indicates not only that the because the dignity of every member The power of this substantive right to protection and the exercise of these rights of the human family exists in all of us in dignity lies in its enforceability in courts, as are important, but that they are essential equal measure; it is the thing by reference discussed below. to the unfolding or fulfillment of the human to which we are all equal. As a practical personality. The cases are thus telling us matter, the principle of equal dignity Constitutions protect human dignity in something about what it means to be human prohibits discrimination because no one’s a variety of other ways as well. They and, moreover, about what governments dignity is worth more than any other’s, reinforce or animate other rights. The 1948 are bound to do to respect each person’s and it prohibits objectification because no Constitution of states, “All citizens ability to develop his or her personality. one can use another as a means to their have equal social dignity and are equal own ends. By insisting that every person before the law, without distinction of sex, Defining Dignity Rights has worth, dignity goes further than the race, language, religion, political opinion, principle of equality and prohibits certain personal and social conditions.” The 2011 More and more, litigants are arguing their state actions even if they are undertaken Constitution of Morocco states, “No one cases from the standpoint of dignity instead on a nondiscriminatory basis. may inflict on others, under whatever of or in addition to asserting other rights, 5. Dignity protects more than liberty, pretext there may be, cruel, inhuman, [or] and courts are responding in surprising in the sense of autonomy or freedom. degrading treatments or infringements ways. The dignity cases are unique in Dignity demands more than our right of human dignity.” Constitutions also constitutional law for several reasons: to be left alone. It also demands that sometimes recognize the dignity of certain 1. Dignity is becoming a universally the state treat every person with equal vulnerable segments of the population, recognized constitutional value, transcending concern and respect, which may include including women, children, the elderly, and geographic, cultural, and political boundaries. positive obligations such as the provision prisoners. Often, dignity animates several of free education, housing or health care, aspects of a single constitution, as in South 2. Dignity is relevant to a wider variety food security, and access to adequate Africa, Kenya, Colombia, and elsewhere of factual settings than any other water. where it is a value as well as a right. constitutional right, transcending civil and political rights, as well as the socio- While there is not a standard legal definition In the last few decades, dignity rights have economic and cultural rights of individuals of dignity that the courts invoke, some been invoked, interpreted, and applied by and collectives. patterns are discernible and there are courts around the world in thousands 3. Jurists are increasingly embracing the important areas of overlapping consensus. of cases in a very wide variety of factual opportunity to give meaning to dignity, The Constitutional Court of Colombia has settings. Notable examples include: even in cases where it is not necessary identified three clear and differentiated lines Colombia, where dignity is a measure of for the resolution of the case; that is, they contained in the term “human dignity” that the state’s obligation to provide health are choosing to discuss what human dignity provide a useful taxonomy: (i) human dignity care; , where the civic dignity means in their particular constitutional understood as autonomy or as the possibility of prisoners has protected their right to culture. of designing a life plan … (living as one vote; , where the level of pension benefits must allow a person to live in dignity; and , where the right to live with dignity includes the right to a clean and stable environment; Pakistan, where the concept of dignity includes climate and water justice; India, dignity guarantees the right to travel; in , it is a “mother right” whose “daughters” include the right of family unity as well as the right of prisoners to be treated humanely, and many other rights. For decades, in the United States, the concept of dignity has protected prisoners from cruel and unusual punishment and more recently it also guarantees the right to marry a person of one’s choosing, regardless of gender.

This growing global body of jurisprudence highlights the importance of certain specific rights, like the right to health or the right

22 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers wishes); (ii) human dignity understood as becoming more common in Europe, Africa, struggle to live in conditions of dignity and certain material conditions (living well); and North America, and Latin America. to maintain their dignity throughout life. (iii) human dignity understood as intangible This aspect of dignity had its first textual goods, i.e. physical and moral integrity (living These cases also derive from the Kantian manifestation in the Weimar Constitution without humiliation). The first protects principle that dignity forbids making an of 1919, which established that “The individual choice, the second promotes individual an object of another’s will. Most organization of economic life must conform socio-economic and cultural rights that notably, the German Constitutional Court to the principles of justice to the end that facilitate social inclusion, and the third has absorbed this anti-objectification all may be guaranteed a decent standard of protects the individual even in situations of principle as a general background fact living.” The term Menschenwürdigen is often dependence and custody where autonomy by saying, “the obligation to respect and translated to mean “dignity”. Many more and agency are otherwise limited. To this protect human dignity generally precludes modern constitutions protect this aspect of list, we would add the civic dignity that making a human being a mere object of dignity, including the 2014 Constitution of describes the right of people to engage in the state.” Thus, in one particularly famous Egypt, which states, “The state guarantees political activity. case, the Court invalidated a Security law citizens the right to decent, safe and healthy that would have permitted the government housing, in a way that preserves human Living as One Wishes to shoot down a passenger plane if it dignity and achieves social justice.” Where the knew that the plane would be used in a constitutions are not so explicit, many courts As the United States Supreme Court has terrorist attack on the ground because to have nonetheless developed a jurisprudence shifted its privacy jurisprudence towards a do so would be to use the passengers as the of the social welfare of human dignity. more textually grounded concept of liberty, it has relied on an understanding of human dignity that is consistent with the visions of Increasingly, courts are recognizing that living with dignity means living in a clean dignity we see in other courts. A plurality in Planned Parenthood v Casey said that the environment with a stable climate. right to choose to terminate a pregnancy was a choice “central to personal dignity and autonomy” and constitutionally protected means for the state’s ends, no matter how The Supreme Court of Israel has observed because “at the heart of liberty is the right laudable. When the courts of Latin America that “Human dignity is violated if a person to define one’s own concept of existence, speak against cosificar—literally, “to make wishes to maintain his life as a human being of meaning, of the universe, and of the into a thing”—they, too, are protecting within the society to which he belongs, but mystery of human life. Beliefs about these against objectification. In Colombia, the finds that his means are poor and his strength matters could not define the attributes Constitutional Court held that in cases of is too weak to do so.” The Indian Supreme of personhood were they formed under rape, “the woman’s dignity is subjugated Court, too, has repeatedly insisted that the compulsion of the State.” In Obergefell v by the force necessary to convert her right to life includes the right to live with Hodges, the Court said that the liberties into an object of he who exercises power human dignity and “all that goes along with protected under the due process clauses over her. Similarly, her dignity as a human it namely, the bare necessaries of life such as “extend to certain personal choices central being is denied when the legislator imposes adequate nutrition, clothing and shelter over to individual dignity and autonomy, including on the woman, likewise against her will, the head and facilities for reading, writing and intimate choices that define personal identity the obligation to serve as an instrument expressing oneself in diverse forms, freely and beliefs” and therefore include the choice effectively to procreate by penalizing moving about and mixing and commingling to marry a person of the same gender. abortion without any exception . . . . In with fellow human beings.” these cases, [to prohibit abortion] would In recent years, the Taiwan Constitutional be to objectify the woman as only a womb, Similarly, the Peruvian Constitutional Court has followed suit with a series of separated from her consciousness.” The Tribunal has recognized that the unjustified cases about family, privacy, and children. In Malaysian High Court, too, has found that denial of social security benefits, including 2017, Taiwan became the first Asian nation “Rape is an experience which shakes the pensions, “indubitably deprives a person of to constitutionally recognize same sex foundations of the lives of the victims. The his right to the minimum necessities of life marriage by saying, “The freedom to marry offence of rape must be dealt with as the for his subsistence, impeding his satisfaction protected by the Constitution includes the gravest crime against the human dignity.” of basic necessities, which is a direct threat freedom to decide ‘whether to marry’ These strains of dignity law should protect to his dignity.” and ‘ whom to marry.’ Such decisional against modern forms of slavery including autonomy is vital to the sound development the trafficking of women and children and Increasingly, courts are recognizing that of personality and safeguarding of human forced and child marriages. living with dignity means living in a clean dignity, and therefore is a fundamental environment with a stable climate. In right to be protected by the Constitution.” Living Well, or La Vida Digna one case from Nigeria, the Court held Courts in Pakistan and Bangladesh have also that gas flaring violated the petitioners’ recognized a third gender. Dignity cases Although each newborn baby may have an constitutional “right to respect for their about gender and sexual identity are also equal share of human dignity, many people lives and dignity of their persons and to

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 23 enjoy the best attainable state of physical certain amount of space, and that prisoners and mental health as well as right to a must be allowed reading materials. The general satisfactory environment favourable right against self-incrimination has been held to their development.” Ireland’s High Court to preserve human dignity. The Supreme has recently recognized that “A right to Court of Hong Kong put it this way: “The an environment that is consistent with the privilege protects … ‘the individual against human dignity and well-being of citizens the affront to dignity and privacy inherent at large is an essential condition for the in a practice which enables the prosecution fulfilment of all human rights.” to force the person charged to supply the evidence out of his or her own mouth.’” Living without Humiliation In Germany, the Constitutional Court Conclusion Claims of direct state violation of has twice held that a sentence of life human dignity are most common where imprisonment with no possibility of release Dignity rights, it appears, are no more the claimant is within state custody or (parole or pardon) implicates not only the amorphous or subject to interpretive otherwise dependent on the state and right to liberty, but the right to dignity personal whim than any other constitutional not fully autonomous. The Constitution of as well. The court explained in a 2005 provision. There are situations to which the Maldives recognizes this, regardless of case that “It would be incompatible with it applies and situations to which it does the reason for the dependence, by saying, human dignity if the convicted person, not. Both evolving constitutions and cases “Everyone deprived of liberty through regardless of the development of his or her demonstrate that the right to dignity is arrest or detention as provided by law, personality, had to abandon all hope of ever important and impactful. In the aggregate, pursuant to an order of the court, or being regaining liberty.” In an earlier case from the dignity rights cases show convincingly that held in State care for social reasons, shall be 1970s, the court explained, “This is founded constitutional law is, at its core, about the treated with humanity and with respect for on the conception of man as a spiritual protection of the dignity of the human the inherent dignity of the human person.” - moral being that has the potential to being who is its subject. Indeed, the judicial determine himself in freedom and develop invocation of the concept of human dignity The very first case of the South Africa from within.” is often strategic. Courts could ignore this Constitutional Court invalidated the death concept and rely on other constitutional penalty precisely because the state’s taking Civic Dignity provisions, but they are choosing to invoke of a life deprived the person of his or her human dignity to say something about dignity, just as it diminished the dignity of all Courts are also affirming that human dignity deeper constitutional values and about the members of the society in whose name the entails classic civil and political rights with evolving nature of society. They are using killing was done. In Peru, which has explicitly what the South African Court has called the right to dignity to describe what human adopted the Kantian principle against “civic dignity.” In a case granting the rights beings are entitled to just by virtue of being objectification, the Constitutional Tribunal of prisoners to vote, that Court said, human. said in one case about the equality rights of “The vote of each and every citizen is a prisoners that the principle of the dignity of badge of dignity and personhood. Quite Erin DALY1 the person, “in its negative version, insists literally, it says that everybody counts.” In [email protected] that human beings may not be treated a case about the recognition of political like things or instruments (but rather as associations, the Argentine Constitutional James R. MAY subjects of rights and obligations)... since Court tied the personal to the political in [email protected] each person, including criminals, should be these terms: “The constitutional protection considered as an end in and of himself.” The of the right to dignity gives legitimacy to Professors of Law Slovenian Constitutional Court has found this persecuted group. The protection of Widener University Delaware Law School that the constitutional guarantee of personal [the value of] human dignity implies that Co-Directors of the Dignity Rights Project dignity “guarantees to every individual that the law recognizes … an ambit of Liberty Chester, PA, United States in proceedings in which decisions are made that is intimate and unfranchable, that can concerning his or her rights, obligations, lead to personal realization (self-fulfillment), 1 Erin Daly is author of Dignity Rights: Courts, or legal interests, he or she is treated as a such as is required in a healthy society. Constitutions, and the Worth of the Human person and not as an object.” The protection of this ambit of privacy… Person (University of Pennsylvania Press 2013). turns out to be … a basis of the essential Some of the cases concerning treatment of difference between a state of rights and detainees focus on the physical conditions of authoritarian forms of government… [T] detention and the minimum core of comfort he way in which this freedom of association that is necessary to ensure that individuals is enshrined in national legislation and … live in dignity. It has been held that prisoners applied in practice by the authorities, is one must be able to eat at a table rather than of the safest indicators of the institutional on the ground, that they are entitled to a health of democracy.”

24 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Observación de los procesos de paz y de justicia en Colombia

I Dr. Gustavo SALAS R. Ph. D.

3. Un programa de restitución de tierras máscaras hechas con bolsas de estraza, en Del 1.o al 8 septiembre 2018, 19 (aproximadamente tres millones de la que se realizaba una ejecución. En un abogados internacionales y expertos en hectáreas) a los desplazadas por la guerrilla. cartel se leía: derechos humanos viajaron a Colombia para participar en la VI Caravana 4. Garantías de No Repetición. Internacional de Juristas en Colombia “¡Nos están matando! por la quinta vez consecutiva. Santos alcanza el Premio Nobel de la Paz y No más defensores de derechos las FARC se desmilitarizan – se transforman humanos asesinados.” La UIA, representada por Gustavo Salas en las Fuerzas Alternativas Revolucionarias Rodríguez, Director adjunto de derechos de Colombia, un partido político que alcanzó humanos y defensa de la defensa del diez curules en las pasadas votaciones. UIA-IROL, fue parte de la delegación. A la salida de las FARC crece otra guerrilla: el ELN (Ejército de Liberación Nacional) Ante los constantes ataques en contra quien toma los territorios controlados por de abogados y defensores de derechos aquellas. humanos en Colombia es que se crea, desde el Reino Unido, este esfuerzo que A esta guerrilla le hace frente otra más: el agrupa asociaciones y abogados con el EPL (Ejército Popular de Liberación). propósito de visibilizar ante la comunidad internacional esta problemática, así como Se verifican nuevas elecciones y gana la de los procesos de transición derivados un candidato afín al modelo de Estado de los Acuerdos de Paz (de La Habana) neoliberal: Iván Duque que, al decir de la suscritos con las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas actual ministra de Justicia: “viene con mano Revolucionarias de Colombia). dura y con la intención de que no haya un Al ir conociendo opiniones y testimonios muerto más”; sin embargo, y pese a que de diversos sectores, se encontró que los Antecedentes de los en promedio hay un hacinamiento del 54 % Acuerdos de Paz no se están implementando Acuerdos de Paz en las cárceles colombianas (aunque hay y que la violencia ha crecido de manera algunas que llegan al 400 % según el Equipo alarmante. Luego de décadas (5) de guerra de guerrillas, Jurídico Pueblos de Bucaramanga) el nuevo el gobierno colombiano de Álvaro Uribe presidente anunció volver a criminalizar el El reclamo generalizado es que cada logra acorralar a las FARC – incluso hubo consumo mínimo de narcóticos así como a cuatro días muere un líder campesino o un casus belli derivado de un bombardeo en los cocaleros. de organizaciones defensoras de derechos contra de las FARC en territorio ecuatoriano, humanos – incluyendo al medio ambiente que terminó en la arena diplomática. ¿Qué observó la Caravana? sustentable. Casos que quedan impunes y, como mucho, con líneas de investigación El gobierno de Luis Manuel Santos (sucesor LA VI CARAVANA INTERNACIONAL DE a autores materiales pero no a los de Uribe) logra sentar a las FARC en la JURISTAS, integrada en esta ocasión por intelectuales, subraya un abogado de la mesa de negociaciones y es en La Habana diecinueve abogados de: España, Holanda, Corporación Colectivo de Abogados José en el año dos mil doce donde alcanzan los Italia, México (delegado de la UIA-IROL) Alvear Restrepo, hoy magistrado electoral Acuerdos de Paz. Reino Unido y Suiza, tuvo ocasión de de Colombia. reunirse en Colombia con actores del Estos tienen varios puntos, de entre los que conflicto: abogados y defensores de “No hay gobernabilidad en varios territorios”, se destacan los siguientes: derechos humanos, víctimas, organizaciones – afirma Luis Alberto Rojas de la Mesa de 1. Un modelo de justicia transicional en el campesinas, universidades, autoridades Desplazados del Norte de Santander, Sector que se privilegia la verdad y la prontitud, a colombianas y organizaciones no Víctimas de Marcha Patriótica. las penas carcelarias: Jurisdicción Especial gubernamentales. para la Paz. “Yo sé que me van a matar” ; dijo Orgel 2. Un programa de sustitución de cultivos La Plaza Bolívar, en Bogotá, nos recibió Pérez, líder de ASCAMCAT (Asociación ilícitos (coca, amapola y mariguana) a través con una especie de “tarea universitaria” Campesina del Catatumbo) quien llevaba 52 de programas productivos del gobierno. en la que se hacía una representación con días sin poder ver a sus hijos pues había

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 25 desplazado a causa de un nuevo atentado en La abogada directora de la Corporación Estas violaciones graves a derechos humanos su contra. A su hermano lo habían matado Colectivo de Abogados Luis Carlos Pérez implican prácticas sociales genocidas, al decir meses atrás – jamás le llegaron las medidas (CCALCP) en Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, del director del Equipo Jurídico Pueblos, de de protección autorizadas por la Unidad trae un escolta armado y una camioneta Bucaramanga. Nacional de Protección (UNP) consistentes, blindada proporcionada por la UNP. Ya estas, en un chaleco anti-balas, un celular violentaron su casa partiéndole la puerta Existe una oficina de la OEA en Bogotá (refiere que en el campo no hay señal) y un de acceso en dos: solo encontró movida su encargada de la desactivación de estas minas botón de pánico. computadora; no faltaba nada. antipersonal.

La Unidad Nacional de Protección (UNP) En estas circunstancias, el treinta y uno es un órgano dependiente del Ministerio del de julio pasado, hubo una masacre en El Interior y, entre otras funciones, se encarga Tarra. Un comando entró al pueblo, abrió de asignar medidas de protección a líderes fuego y dio cuenta de nueve vidas. “La base y a defensores de derechos humanos. militar está a quince minutos y jamás llegó “Actualmente está desfinanciada. No hay el ejército”, – refiere Holmer. dinero para acabar el año.” Comentó la señora ministra de Justicia del actual Hasta el momento no se sabe nada, ni quién gobierno. fue, ni por qué; el ELN se deslindó de la masacre. Ha sido el único. Meyli Gómez es una lideresa transgénero de un colectivo LGBTT en el Catatumbo, Norte de Santander: Red Derechos Humanos Marcha Patriótica. Por su grado de riesgo trae dos escoltas y un vehículo blindado. Su trabajo se halla en comunidades de difícil acceso. La UNP solo tiene convenio con una gasolinera en Cúcuta, por lo que no hay “Ya me asesinaron a dos hermanos, a mi tío, manera de recargar combustible de regreso a sobrinos, seis familiares… yo he sufrido del Catatumbo. Recientemente Meyli está ya 4 atentados y sé que me van a matar siendo investigada por uso indebido de pero se trata de la defensa de la vida de la las medidas de protección: argumentan comunidad y del territorio”, – nos dijo. que ir al Catatumbo pone en riesgo a sus Principalmente desde la época del conflicto escoltas… (con las FARC) ha habido y hay procesos Las amenazas, hostigamiento, judicialización criminales por desapariciones forzadas en y muerte han sido recibidas básicamente El Tarra, Norte de Santander, es un poblado los que se hacía pasar a un campesino por la mayoría de defensores y abogados rodeado por las guerrillas: Ejército de pobre, a un drogadicto o a un indigente, defensores de derechos humanos. El acceso Liberación Nacional (ELN) y el Ejército por guerrilleros de las FARC que eran a la Corporación Colectivo de Abogados Popular de Liberación (EPL) y dominado presentados por el ejército como “muertos José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) en Bogotá por el narcotráfico y los paramilitares. en combate”. es mediante doble puerta blindada que solo permite abrir una a la vez. En la región del Catatumbo señalan la Estos casos se conocen como: “Falsos existencia de aproximadamente 13 mil Positivos”. Los abogados del Equipo Jurídico Pueblos efectivos del ejército dispuestos en en Bucaramanga traen asignado un vehículo cuatro bases militares. Hay 22 refugios y un chofer “para su protección” – aun así, humanitarios. El pueblo cuenta con una a uno de ellos ya le mataron al hermano. numerosa fuerza policíaca, narra Holmer Pérez (también líder del ASCAMCAT). Para entrar a El Tarra normalmente hay que pasar un filtro policíaco en el que revisan exhaustivamente vehículo y tripulantes.

Para que las guerrillas no se acerquen entre sí, tomaron la indecible decisión de sembrar minas antipersonal que han cobrado ya nueve amputados, campesinos ahora temerosos de salir a trabajar su amada tierra, y la vida de Un joven de extracción humilde fue blanco un niño de diez años. La deshumanización de de una “reclutadora” – como se les conoce la guerra y de la violencia… – quien con la promesa de darle trabajo

26 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde le convenció de viajar a un determinado Definición de Situaciones Jurídicas la que hay intenciones del fiscal general (quien lugar. Allí les tomó el ejército, les vistió con calificará el caso en un período de hasta había sido anteriormente civilista y abogado uniformes de las FARC y les hizo caminar tres años (prorrogables por tres años más). de multinacionales) de desaparecer estas por una veredita. Entonces los cocieron a unidades altamente especializadas y mandar tiros militares que los estaban esperando Al enviarse el caso a la JEP se suspenden las los casos de violaciones a derechos humanos para emboscarlos. “Presentaron a mi hijo medidas cautelares que se hubiesen dictado a las fiscalías comunes. como un combatiente de las FARC muerto (como prisión preventiva). en combate, cuando había estado tres Se teme que las investigaciones de estos casos meses hospitalizado por una apendicitis La JEP solamente tiene tribunales en Bogotá, de violaciones graves a derechos humanos se que se complicó en peritonitis y apenas lo que dificulta el traslado de las víctimas de empantanen, como ocurre en general con la acababa de empezar a salir de nuevo a comunidades remotas a las audiencias, en falta de investigación por parte del Estado. buscar trabajo, tenía veintidós años”, – dijo un país en el que, cabe mencionar, la red la señora Alia Aranda Ruiz, madre de este de carreteras es deficiente y los traslados Hay un sin número de casos sin resolver. falso-positivo víctima del ejército y los terrestres complicados desde tales zonas Acusan violaciones sexuales sistemáticas por paramilitares: Ricardo Rueda Aranda. apartadas. parte de miembros del ejército a jovencitas de pueblos aislados: se tuvo conocimiento Si el militar o el guerrillero cuentan la verdad, de un caso en el que pese a imputación entonces las penas van de entre cinco a directa al militar violador, la denuncia jamás ocho años de prisión. Si mienten, la pena fue levantada: todas las autoridades a las que puede ser de hasta veinte años de prisión la madre de la adolescente víctima acudió – en cualquier caso, ante la posibilidad de rechazaron iniciar investigación alguna. La enfrentar a la justicia ordinaria con una pena “justificación” que escucha de otras víctimas de más de cincuenta años, en la JEP aun es que “a todas les va a tocar”; “suerte siendo culpables esta sería de veinte. que no fue la guerrilla, porque esa no nada más viola, se las llevan y no se les vuelve a “La JEP solo debe aplicarse a casos verificados ver jamás.” – relata esta víctima “A. H.” de dentro del conflicto, pero no a casos de Ocaña, Norte de Santander. graves violaciones a derechos humanos que “No quiero que mi caso se vaya a la JEP”. no se dieron en el mismo; el problema es que “N. J.”, una defensora medioambientalista “La JEP es impunidad”, – dijo con los ojos todo lo quieren mandar a ese procedimiento.” del municipio El Carmen, Santander, recibe vidriosos por el llanto retenido la señora Alia. Señala Julia Figueroa del Corporativo amenazas y pronto recibe la visita de su Colectivo de Abogados Luis Carlos Pérez sicario: a su casa se presentó su ex-pareja La JEP, la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz, el (CCALCP) – también amenazada. quien le dijo que “de ese día no podía modelo de justicia transicional adoptado en pasar”. Forcejearon, la azotó contra la los Acuerdos de Paz de La Habana. En Colombia existen fiscalías especializadas pared provocándole una contusión, la violó en derechos humanos y derecho y luego le puso un cuchillo en la garganta Esta justicia restaurativa consiste en internacional humanitario. Han funcionado para reiterarle que “de ese día no podía renunciar a penas privativas de libertad razonablemente bien – según varios pasar”. Ella le pidió agua, como su última severas a cambio de la verdad (la verdad os defensores; sin embargo, al decir de voluntad. Su ex-pareja consintió y ella hará libres) llegar a los máximos responsables funcionarios de alto nivel en Bucaramanga, aprovechó para escapar. En la oscuridad y un procedimiento rápido.

“Se privilegia la verdad puesto que para los supervivientes de las víctimas es más reparador saber dónde quedaron los cuerpos y cuáles fueron las razones y los responsables, que una larga pero improbable pena de prisión”, – señala el titular de la Representación Territorial de la Secretaría Ejecutiva en Norte de Santander de la JEP.

Los procesos ordinarios en Colombia son demasiado largos; los procesos civiles, por ejemplo, tienen una duración promedio de quince años.

Cuando el caso se ubica en la hipótesis de procedencia para la JEP se envía a la Sala de

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 27 y comercializamos? Además ¿usted cree que nos van a dejar que dejemos de sembrar?” El gobierno amenaza también con retomar las fumigaciones con glifosato (luego de que se realizaran fumigaciones aéreas por 40 años) a pesar de que estas se prohíben en los Acuerdos de Paz. Son 123 mil familias cocaleras las que se verían afectadas directamente con estas fumigaciones. El glifosato es como el agente naranja que rociaban en y que deja toda la tierra estéril”, – dijo Junior Maldonado de de la noche rodó, desnuda, ladera abajo. Según la directora de la URT, Unidad Juventud Rebelde integrante del Frente Las piedras cortaron su piel y llenaron de de Restitución de Tierras, se llevan Fronterizo por la Paz, parte de Marcha contusiones su violentado cuerpo. Como tramitadas más del 75 % de las solicitudes Patriótica, quien fue secuestrado a pesar de pudo llegó arrastrándose a casa de sus correspondientes a los más de tres millones contar con medidas de la Unidad Nacional padres para luego huir lo antes posible. Pese de hectáreas de terrenos de los que el de Protección. a la imputación directa de su agresor y los conflicto con la guerrilla de las FARC indicios de quienes ordenaron su ejecución, provocó desplazamientos. “Solo hubo un proyecto productivo piloto la investigación no se mueve. para poder ir a la sustitución de cultivos y De acuerdo con el colectivo Humanidad fue un fracaso, el plan piloto Caño – Indio.” Mientras tenían como preso político al Vigente, de Bogotá, de los tres millones “Se están favoreciendo monocultivos, padre de Alida Teresa Arzuaga Villa, de de hectáreas de tierras despojadas solo principalmente de palma de aceite: esto Zapatoca, Santander (otro falso – positivo) se han devuelto trescientos mil hectáreas genera desiertos verdes”. Señaló Elizabeth le comunicaron en la prisión que ya estaban (i. e., 10 %). Pavón, presidente de la ASCAMCAT. dado cuenta de su niña de 9 años; mientras le decían esto, su madre, la señora Shirley, la El nuevo gobierno (de Iván Duque) pretende “Se está acabando con la identidad del buscaba frenéticamente por todo el pueblo. volver a la criminalización del consumo campesino para volverlo un trabajador rural, A la mañana siguiente la encontraron en mínimo o personal de narcóticos – lo que que termina ganado un salario mínimo, sin una zanja con signos de tortura, violación criminaliza, a la vez, la enfermedad de la considerar que el campesino es parte del múltiple (se hallaron diferentes tipos de adicción. De la misma manera presiona a los ecosistema”, – señala al respecto el abogado semen) y muerte por asfixia mecánica: cocaleros que cumplan con su compromiso, defensor de derechos humanos (también se señala que fue a manos del ejército según los Acuerdos de Paz, de que sustituyan amenazado y con medidas de protección) y paramilitares. Cuatro días antes habían sus cultivos ilícitos. Rommel Durán del Equipo Jurídico Pueblos. retirado a la familia las medidas de protección de la UNP. “Amenazan con perseguir criminalmente a todos aquellos que continúen sembrando coca; muchos cocaleros están dispuestos a la sustitución de cultivos, pero el gobierno no ha cumplido con instaurar ni un solo proyecto productivo según lo pactado. “¿De qué vamos a vivir? Si en el Catatumbo no hay acceso a los poblados, son todas veredas, no se han construido carreteras como se prometió. ¿Qué sembramos? ¿Bananas? ¿Quién nos las compra? ¿Cómo las sacamos

28 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers Y no solo es el conflicto y las soluciones (como Coca Cola) que obtienen concesiones que se intentan dar al conflicto, como sobre acuíferos que provoca dejar sin agua los monocultivos, sino que otro terrible a comunidades enteras – en pro de tener elemento que erosiona no solo a la tierra, botellas de agua que no sabemos de dónde sino al tejido social, es la minería de carbón vienen ni el costo social que conllevan. a cielo abierto. “Hay empresas que utilizan paramilitares “El Cesar (departamento al noreste para golpear el movimiento sindical”, – de Colombia) es rico en agua, madera, apunta Rommel Durán. petróleo, hay tres tipos de carbón, oro, esmeraldas y uranio 235 (del que se usa Según Juan Carlos Quintero, miembro para hacer bombas nucleares).” del comité operativo de la coordinación social política Marcha Patriótica Norte de “Ya una ciénaga está muerta: ya no se Santander: 39 palmicultores, nacionales puede pescar. Ya hay gente que se empieza y extranjeros, han sido condenados por a enfermar por el polvillo del carbón, que subsidio a grupos paramilitares. también esteriliza la tierra. Los mineros están todos muriéndose. Jovencitos ya todos “Los paramilitares no existen”, – asevera con los pulmones echados a perder. Mucha la ministra de Justicia del actual gobierno enfermedad. Las empresas no responden de Iván Duque y aporta un ingrediente ni mucho menos reparan los daños. Por el adicional a esta plétora de detonantes: contrario, las empresas tienen sus propias tiendas y ponen cantinas con prostitutas y “Las víctimas han sido sobrevictimizadas entonces los trabajadores se dejan medio porque para los abogados se ha vuelto un salario allí mismo.” negocio demandar al Estado. Allí está de ejemplo el caso de la Finca Las Pavas en el “70 % del Cesar, que es uno de los Cesar, en donde no eran víctimas sino que de derechos humanos que, en Colombia, territorios más saqueados, tiene peticiones se trató de un falso desplazamiento.” están siendo sistemáticamente silenciados de concesión minera. Las transnacionales (en varios casos, para siempre) ante un son casi de todas partes.” “Los abogados no han sido conscientes gobierno reticente en encontrar otras de su rol y responsabilidad; solo buscan soluciones (la actual promesa de mano “El que habla contra una minera: se muere.” dinero y no contribuir con la sociedad. Hay dura no abona a la mitigación del conflicto) “La gente debe saber que ese carbón que va verdaderos carteles de abogados vinculados la falta de avance en los casos de ataques al mundo está manchado de sangre”, – dijo con la corrupción: ellos aconsejan cómo.” contra defensores de derechos humanos un vocero del Movimiento de Trabajadores “Uno no necesita estar colegiado para ser (hasta 8 años en indagación) la falta de Campesinos y Comunidades del Cesar ético.” investigación a los autores materiales y (MTCC) cuyo nombre pidió permaneciera la resistencia a llegar a los principales en anonimato debido a las amenazas de “Malas universidades llenan la judicatura, es responsables (que en casos supone políticos muerte en su contra (y que aparece de urgente subir los niveles en las universidades importantes, militares de los más altos espaldas). y endurecer el registro de escuelas de rangos o poderosos industriales) son solo Derecho e incluso dar incentivos para que algunos de los múltiples derivadas de estos Toda manifestación pública en contra de abogados sean jueces.” precarios procesos de paz. mineras o transnacionales, oposición a mega – proyectos o incluso por reclamar Como se puede apreciar, el conflicto es violaciones a derechos humanos es sofocada grave. Los agentes beneficiarios están Dr. Gustavo SALAS R. Ph. D. violentamente por las fuerzas públicas. bien identificados: las guerrillas, los Director Adjunto – Derechos Humanos y Acusan de la Fundación Miriam Castellón, paramilitares (ahora conocidos como grupos Defensa de la Defensa – UIA-IROL de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. “Los delincuenciales) el narcotráfico nacional e Salas y Salas defensores de derechos humanos son vistos internacional, el negocio de compra de Cancún, México como enemigos para el gobierno.” “Utilizan armamento, los concesionarios de recursos [email protected] balas de goma modificadas para producir hídricos, la agroindustria y la minería. daño.” Estos mismos sometimientos por la fuerza de marchas o manifestaciones sociales Las víctimas son siempre las mismas: el se relatan por el Equipo Jurídico Pueblos. medio ambiente, las comunidades agrícolas, campesinas, indígenas y afroamericanas A la resistencia a proyectos transnacionales que se ven desplazadas de sus tierras o y al conflicto de las mineras se suma el forzadas a los cultivos ilícitos y, desde señalamiento de empresas embotelladoras luego, los defensores y abogados defensores

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 29 International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules Dignityfor Prison Conditions For All The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to onOn Civil 10 and Oc Politicaltober 2Rights018allows the theWo userld ofC othealition date,Aga theins mostt th robuste De asetth of P standardsenalty a inn thed area death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- of prison conditions. nishmentabolitio isn notist sleft a ltol otheve unfetteredr the wo discretionrld cele ofbrated the 16th World Day Against the Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution the State2. Death Penalty. This year, the World Day w70/175ill foc u ons o 17n Decemberthe livin g 2015, con d theyitio providens Indeed,of tho s Statese se n mustten c complyed to with de a variousth. safe- model international human rights standards re- guards such as the prohibition against torture and garding the basic rights of prisoners. Their stated cruelThe World and inhumanCoalition oris addressingdegrading treatment,the issue because set out Ingoal addition, is to “set people out whaton death is generally row have accepted very little as init isArticle aware 7 that of theregardless International of the prospectCovenant of on execu- Civil contactbeing good with theirprinciples family andand practicelawyers, inas theaccess treat- to andtion, Politicalthe imprisonment Rights (“ICCPR”) of those sentenced: “No one toshall death be deathment ofrow prisoners is often very and limited. prison Therefore, management”. the condi- subjectedin itself inflicts to tortureconsiderable or to physical cruel, andinhuman psychological or de- tions of detention affect not only the person senten- gradingsuffering, treatment which can inor some punishment.” cases amount to torture. ced to death but also their families and their rela- Striving for the complete abolition of the death penalty tives. also means we cannot ignore the daily treatment Some of the “Basic Rights” Deaththat prisoners row sentenced phenomenon to death endure and their of Prisoners asanguish a breach as they face of execution. Article 7 UnderThe Internationaldeath penalt Lawy 1 ofSince the the 1980s,ICCPR there Covenant has been a global trend to- 1. Freedom ifromn n utorturemberors other cruel, inhu- wards the abolition of the death penalty, a trend man or degrading1 treatment;07 Lifewhich on continues death rowto this can day. lead to severe mental trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2.countries Respect have for prisoners’abolished thedignity death and penalty value as According to Amnesty International, 16 countries had human beings;for all crimes tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” abolished the death penalty in law for all crimes in 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- is1977. internationally Today, two-thirds recognized. of all It countries generally (142) combines are ment for mental health7 issues; countries have abolished the death 3now factors: abolitionist the harsh in law conditionsor in practice. of detention, the 4. Foodpenalty of proper for nutritionalordinary crimes value and drin- excessiveHowever, according length of to incarceration Amnesty International’s and the anguish 2017 king water; ofannual living report, under ata deathleast 21,919sentence. people This “deathwere known row 5. Clean and adequate28 living conditions, phenomenon”to be under a sentenceamounts of to death a violation worldwide of the at pro- the includingcountries sleeping are abolitionist and bathroom in practice accommo- hibitionend of 2017. against The cruel, Cornell inhuman Center onor thedegrading Death Penalty treat- dations; 56 ment.Worldwide Thus,estimates at a domestic the number level, of people several sentenced courts 6. Accesscountries to open areair andretentionist physical exercise; haveto death recognized around the that world conditions to be slightly on death less than row 7. Adequate personal space; 40 000. 23 constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the 8.countries Access tocarried educational out executionsand vocational in 2017 acti- ICCPR.Although people on death row are entitled to the vities; In 2017, same basic rights and treatment conditions as other 9. Regular contact with friends and family; categories of prisoners, as set out in the UN Stan- the top five executioners were , , 10. AccessSaudi to Arabia, legal counsel.Iraq and Pakistan. 2.dard United Minimum Nations General Rules Assembly, for Internationalthe Treatment Covenant of on CivilPriso- and Politicalners (NelsonRights, Res. 2200A Mandela (XXI), Art.6 rules) (Mar., 23, many 1976). testimonies 3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/document the inhumane living conditions that people 1. Amnesty International, « Death Sentences and Executions in 2017 » GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdfsentenced to death endure. (ACT 50/7055/2018), April 2018. International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules Dignityfor Prison Conditions For All UNITED STATES The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment State of Louisiana Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to Wilbert, sentenced to death in 1961 onOn Civil 10 and Oc Politicaltober 2Rights018allows the theWo userld ofC othealition date,Aga theins mostt th robuste De asetth of P standardsenalty a inn thed area Although conditions of death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- of prison conditions. and released in 2005 nishmentabolitio isn notist sleft a ltol otheve unfetteredr the wo discretionrld cele ofbrated the 16th World Day Against the detention for people Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution I spent more than a decade on Louisiana’s Death Row. the State2. Death Penalty. This year, the World Day w70/175ill foc u ons o 17n Decemberthe livin g 2015, con d theyitio providens sentenced to death vary It was a cruel and brutal place. You live, day to day, Indeed,of tho s Statese se n mustten c complyed to with de a variousth. safe- model international human rights standards re- from one country to week to week, month to month, with guards such as the prohibition against torture and garding the basic rights of prisoners. Their stated another, they always no kind words, no friendship, no cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out goal is to “set out what is generally accepted as love, no caring, no tenderness - no- The World Coalition is addressing the issue because In addition, people on death row have very little affect not only the person thing but the weight of society’s in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil being good principles and practice in the treat- it is aware that regardless of the prospect of execu- contact with their family and lawyers, as access to sentenced to death, but wrath directed at you, demanding andtion, Politicalthe imprisonment Rights (“ICCPR”) of those sentenced: “No one toshall death be deathment ofrow prisoners is often very and limited. prison Therefore, management”. the condi- your death. In my 6’ x 8’ cell, there subjectedin itself inflicts to tortureconsiderable or to physical cruel, andinhuman psychological or de- tions of detention affect not only the person senten- also their families, was room to pace four steps in one gradingsuffering, treatment which can inor some punishment.” cases amount to torture. ced to death but also their families and their rela- relatives, lawyers, direction and four steps back, like Striving for the complete abolition of the death penalty tives. the zoo animals, back and forth, day also means we cannot ignore the daily treatment Some of the “Basic Rights” and others. after day. We lived with vermin in our that prisoners sentenced to death endure and their Death row phenomenon of Prisoners cells – roaches, mostly – and used Wilbert Rideau asanguish a breach as they face of execution. Article 7 UnderThe Internationaldeath penalt Lawy the bare hanging bulb that lighted our cage to inspect our food 1 ofSince the the 1980s,ICCPR there Covenant has been a global trend to- 1. Freedom ifromn n utorturemberors other cruel, inhu- trays for hair and insect parts. The temperatures on Death Row wards the abolition of the death penalty, a trend man or degrading1 treatment;07 (where the windows are sealed shut) had often exceeded 100 Lifewhich on continues death rowto this can day. lead to severe mental degrees Fahrenheit (37.8 degrees Celsius). The inmates would trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2.countries Respect have for prisoners’abolished thedignity death and penalty value as According to Amnesty International, 16 countries had human beings;for all crimes lie on the concrete floor in the nude trying to stay cool. One court tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” abolished the death penalty in law for all crimes in 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- ordered the prison to provide air conditioning to lower the tem- is1977. internationally Today, two-thirds recognized. of all It countries generally (142) combines are ment for mental health7 issues; perature to 80 °F (26.7 °C). This decision got reversed by a countries have abolished the death higher court, which saw nothing inhumane in making the men on 3now factors: abolitionist the harsh in law conditionsor in practice. of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- penalty for ordinary crimes Death Row suffer to the point of heat exhaustion. excessiveHowever, according length of to incarceration Amnesty International’s and the anguish 2017 king water; ofannual living report, under ata deathleast 21,919sentence. people This “deathwere known row 5. Clean and adequate28 living conditions, Source: Wilbert Rideau, former death row prisoner, whose death sentence was com- includingcountries sleeping are abolitionist and bathroom in practice accommo- muted to a long-term prison sentence, which he purged. He became an author and award- phenomenon”to be under a sentenceamounts of to death a violation worldwide of the at pro- the winning journalist while he was in prison. Testimony collected by Sant’Egidio. hibitionend of 2017. against The cruel, Cornell inhuman Center onor thedegrading Death Penalty treat- dations; 56 ment.Worldwide Thus,estimates at a domestic the number level, of people several sentenced courts 6. Accesscountries to open areair andretentionist physical exercise; to death around the world to be slightly less than have recognized that conditions on death row 7. Adequate personal space; “Our Ugly World” 40 000. 23 constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the 8.countries Access tocarried educational out executionsand vocational in 2017 acti- Drawing by Arthur Angel, who was sentenced to death and spent 16 years in the prison of Enugu ICCPR.Although people on death row are entitled to the vities; In 2017, Prison in Nigeria. He was released in 2000 after all same basic rights and treatment conditions as other 9. Regular contact with friends and family; charges against him were dropped. categories of prisoners, as set out in the UN Stan- the top five executioners were China, Iran, 10. AccessSaudi to Arabia, legal counsel.Iraq and Pakistan. 2.dard United Minimum Nations General Rules Assembly, for Internationalthe Treatment Covenant of on CivilPriso- and Politicalners (NelsonRights, Res. 2200A Mandela (XXI), Art.6 rules) (Mar., 23, many 1976). testimonies 3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/document the inhumane living conditions that people 1. Amnesty International, « Death Sentences and Executions in 2017 » BeforeMinutes Six GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdfsentenced to death endure. (ACT 50/7055/2018), April 2018. Death row cell, Polunsky prison in Texas. The impact of the conditions of detention as seen through the eyes of those who are subjected to them

International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules for Prison Conditions JAPANThe Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment MOROCCO BELARUS Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the Sakaedate, thespent most 34robust years set of onstandards death in therow area Maya*, wife of a man sentenced Tamara, mother of Pavel, death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- in Japanof prison conditions. to death executed in 2014 nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution the State2. The prisoners adhere to a rigid schedule, My husband suffers from several di- When I came to visit my son, he was bent 70/175beginning on 17 Decemberat 7am and 2015,ending theyat 9pm. provide They seases. When I see him, I see a living over to the floor as a convoy of 10 Indeed, States must comply with various safe- havemodel 3 daily international meals and evening human cellrights inspections. standards They re- dead. He was sentenced to death twelve years ago, people led him along. When I saw the number of guards such as the prohibition against torture and are notgarding allowed the tobasic communicate rights of prisoners. with fellow Their prisoners, stated and for twelve years I too have endured his ordeal. I guards they had deployed to bring him to me, I cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out nor aregoal they is to allowed “set out to whatmove is about generally their accepted cell as they as suffer the gaze of society. He is an outcast so I be- couldn’t help myself and asked ironically whether they in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil are requiredbeing good to remainprinciples seated. and practiceThey are in given the treat-thirty came an outcast. Often I tell myself that they do not needed to call for more guards. Then he confessed minutes of exercise, such as skipping rope or running even need to execute him, the hell of incarceration and Political Rights (“ICCPR”): “No one shall be ment of prisoners and prison management”. me that, inside, he was frequently subjected to verbal in place, several times a week. No exercise is allowed is going to kill him. Seeing how they are treated, I tell taunts and psychological pressure from prison staff.” subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or InternationalAmnesty de- inside the cell. They are permitted to bathe twice a myself they do not even need to execute them. As , an innocent man who was on death Sakaegrading Menda treatment or punishment.” week (increased to three times during the summer soon as the phone rings, I always imagine that I will row in Japan for 34 years. months), forSome 15 minutes. of the They “Basic are subjected Rights” to round- be told “Come get your husband's body ...” the-clock monitoring by a camera on the ceiling of of Prisoners * Her name was changed. Source: “Journey to the Living’s Cemetery, Death row phenomenon each cell, intended to prevent attempts at suicide, self- Fact-finding Mission on Death Row in Morocco”, OMDH, ECPM. as a breach of Article 7 injury or escape.Under According International to a letter smuggledLaw out of the ICCPR Covenant by one1. prisoner, Freedom the fromcells torturewere frigidor other in the cruel, winter inhu- and man or degrading treatment; Life on death row can lead to severe mental suffocating hot in the summer, and meal time consisted DRC of eating smelly rice next to the toilet. During the day, trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as they could humannot lie beings; down nor lean against the wall. At Olivier, lawyer of a person tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” HRC VIASNA night, they3. Necessarymust sleep medicalunder a care,bright including light. treat- sentenced to death Death row cell in pretrial detention centre N°1 in Minsk, 2006. is internationally recognized. It generally combines One prisonerment reported for mental that health they issues; would sometimes re- 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the ceive chobatsu4. Food of(punishment), proper nutritional where value in one and casedrin- a The Uvira District Prison was built in 1948 excessive length of incarceration and the anguish prisoner spentking water;2 months with his hands cuffed and to house 150 prisoners. Today there are The daughter of Henadz, of living under a death sentence. This “death row had to 5.eat Cleanlike an andanimal. adequate living conditions, 828, including 11 sentenced to death. My client lives sentenced to death in 2014 phenomenon” amounts to a violation of the pro- Prison visitsincluding are limited sleeping to a andbare bathroom minimum.” accommo- in Cell #2, in which 143 other prisoners pile up in a dations; hibition against cruel, inhuman or degrading treat- Japan is one of only two industrialized countries (the room of 7 by 6 meters. They sleep six per mattress. Since the death sentence entered into ment. Thus, at a domestic level, several courts USA is 6.the Accessother) tothat open retains air and the physical death exercise;penalty and Others lie on the ground or spend the night on effect - it's been three months now - we have recognized that conditions on death row carries 7.out Adequateexecutions. personal Japan’s usespace; of the death penalty canvas bags tied to the beds with ropes. For food, do not receive any letter from him. So, I am in a per- constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the is veiled8. in Access secrecy, to witheducational prisonersand informed vocational of acti- their once a day my client receives a small slice of corn manent state of uncertainty about his state, wondering DR served with a small portion of beans doused with a ICCPR. fate just momentsvities; before their execution and relatives whether he’s still alive. Because from what I know, “I Spent 34 Years on Japan’s Death Row”. D. MacNeil 70 g box of tomato sauce, half full. Today, his body told only9. after Regular the contactfact. Among with friendsthose executedand family; have officials never communicate the date of the execution, is skinny. For medical care, only two nurses report to been prisoners10. Access experiencing to legal counsel. serious psycho-social they don’t allow relatives to know if a convict has 2. United Nations General Assembly, International Covenant on Civil and disabilities. the health facility next to the prison. And if he is sick, been shot or not. And when it’s over, corpses are Political Rights, Res. 2200A (XXI), Art.6 (Mar. 23, 1976). he has to buy his own medicine. But with what 3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: not returned to families, nor personal belongings.” Sources : “A Secret Theatre : Inside Japan’s Capital Punishment System”, https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/ money?” C. Lane. “I spent 34 years on Japan’s Death Row”, D. MacNeil. “Hanging by a GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdf Source : “Death Penalty in Belarus. Murder on (Un)lawful Grounds”, thread. Mental health and the death penalty in Japan”, Amnesty international. Source: testimony collected by Pax Christi-Uvira, DRC. FIDH and VIASNA. through the eyes of those who are subjected to them

International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules for Prison Conditions The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment MOROCCO BELARUS Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the date, the most robust set of standards in the area Maya*, wife of a man sentenced Tamara, mother of Pavel, death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- of prison conditions. to death executed in 2014 nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution the State2. My husband suffers from several di- When I came to visit my son, he was bent 70/175 on 17 December 2015, they provide seases. When I see him, I see a living over to the floor as a convoy of 10 Indeed, States must comply with various safe- model international human rights standards re- dead. He was sentenced to death twelve years ago, people led him along. When I saw the number of guards such as the prohibition against torture and garding the basic rights of prisoners. Their stated and for twelve years I too have endured his ordeal. I guards they had deployed to bring him to me, I cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out goal is to “set out what is generally accepted as suffer the gaze of society. He is an outcast so I be- couldn’t help myself and asked ironically whether they in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil being good principles and practice in the treat- came an outcast. Often I tell myself that they do not needed to call for more guards. Then he confessed even need to execute him, the hell of incarceration and Political Rights (“ICCPR”): “No one shall be ment of prisoners and prison management”. me that, inside, he was frequently subjected to verbal is going to kill him. Seeing how they are treated, I tell taunts and psychological pressure from prison staff.” subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or de- myself they do not even need to execute them. As grading treatment or punishment.” soon as the phone rings, I always imagine that I will Some of the “Basic Rights” be told “Come get your husband's body ...” Death row phenomenon of Prisoners * Her name was changed. Source: “Journey to the Living’s Cemetery, as a breach of Article 7 Under International Law Fact-finding Mission on Death Row in Morocco”, OMDH, ECPM. of the ICCPR Covenant 1. Freedom from torture or other cruel, inhu- man or degrading treatment; Life on death row can lead to severe mental DRC trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as human beings; Olivier, lawyer of a person tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” HRC VIASNA 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- sentenced to death Death row cell in pretrial detention centre N°1 in Minsk, 2006. is internationally recognized. It generally combines ment for mental health issues; 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- The Uvira District Prison was built in 1948 excessive length of incarceration and the anguish king water; to house 150 prisoners. Today there are The daughter of Henadz, of living under a death sentence. This “death row 5. Clean and adequate living conditions, 828, including 11 sentenced to death. My client lives sentenced to death in 2014 phenomenon” amounts to a violation of the pro- including sleeping and bathroom accommo- in Cell #2, in which 143 other prisoners pile up in a dations; hibition against cruel, inhuman or degrading treat- room of 7 by 6 meters. They sleep six per mattress. Since the death sentence entered into ment. Thus, at a domestic level, several courts 6. Access to open air and physical exercise; Others lie on the ground or spend the night on effect - it's been three months now - we have recognized that conditions on death row 7. Adequate personal space; canvas bags tied to the beds with ropes. For food, do not receive any letter from him. So, I am in a per- constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the 8. Access to educational and vocational acti- once a day my client receives a small slice of corn manent state of uncertainty about his state, wondering served with a small portion of beans doused with a ICCPR. vities; whether he’s still alive. Because from what I know, 70 g box of tomato sauce, half full. Today, his body 9. Regular contact with friends and family; officials never communicate the date of the execution, is skinny. For medical care, only two nurses report to 10. Access to legal counsel. they don’t allow relatives to know if a convict has 2. United Nations General Assembly, International Covenant on Civil and the health facility next to the prison. And if he is sick, been shot or not. And when it’s over, corpses are Political Rights, Res. 2200A (XXI), Art.6 (Mar. 23, 1976). he has to buy his own medicine. But with what 3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: not returned to families, nor personal belongings.” https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/ money?” GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdf Source : “Death Penalty in Belarus. Murder on (Un)lawful Grounds”, Source: testimony collected by Pax Christi-Uvira, DRC. FIDH and VIASNA. International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules for Prison Conditions The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment Although Article 6 of the International Covenant Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the date, the most robust set of standards in the area death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- of prison conditions. nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution 2 Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution the State2. 70/175 on 17 December 2015, they provide Indeed, States must comply with various safe- Indeed, States must comply with various safe- model international human rights standards re- guards such as the prohibition against torture and guards such as the prohibition against torture and garding the basic rights of prisoners. Their stated cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out goal is to “set out what is generally accepted as in Article 7 of the in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil being good principles and practice in the treat- : “No one shall be and Political Rights (“ICCPR”): “No one shall be ment of prisoners and prison management”. subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or de- grading treatment or punishment.” Some of the “Basic Rights” Death row phenomenon of Prisoners as a breach of Article 7 Under International Law of the ICCPR Covenant 1. Freedom from torture or other cruel, inhu- of the ICCPR Covenant 1. Freedom from torture or other cruel, inhu- man or degrading treatment; Life on death row can lead to severe mental man or degrading treatment; Life on death row can lead to severe mental 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- human beings; tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” human beings; tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- is internationally recognized. It generally combines ment for mental health issues; is internationally recognized. It generally combines ment for mental health issues; 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- excessive length of incarceration and the anguish king water; excessive length of incarceration and the anguish king water; of living under a death sentence. This “death row 5. Clean and adequate living conditions, of living under a death sentence. This “death row 5. Clean and adequate living conditions, amounts to a violation of the pro- including sleeping and bathroom accommo- phenomenon” amounts to a violation of the pro- including sleeping and bathroom accommo- dations; hibition against cruel, inhuman or degrading treat- dations; 6. Access to open air and physical exercise; ment. Thus, at a domestic level, several courts 6. Access to open air and physical exercise; 7. Adequate personal space; have recognized that conditions on death row 7. Adequate personal space; 8. Access to educational and vocational acti- constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the 8. Access to educational and vocational acti- vities; ICCPR. vities; 9. Regular contact with friends and family; 9. Regular contact with friends and family; 10. Access to legal counsel. 2. United Nations General Assembly, International Covenant on Civil and 10. Access to legal counsel. 2.Political United Rights, Nations Res. General 2200A Assembly, (XXI), Art.6 International (Mar. 23, Covenant 1976). on Civil and 3.Political The Nelson Rights, Mandela Res. 2200A Rules (XXI), are availableArt.6 (Mar. here: 23, 1976). https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdfhttps://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/ GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdf 10 reasons to end the use of the death penalty

International Standards The Nelson Mandela Rules 1 6 for Prison Conditions No state should have the power It creates more pain. The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment to take a person’s life. Particularly for the relatives of the person Although Article 6 of the International Covenant sentenced to death who will be subjected Although Article 6 of the International Covenant of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) are, to on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the to the violence of forced mourning. on Civil and Political Rights allows the use of the date, the most robust set of standards in the area 2 death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- It is irrevocable. death penalty, the actual practice of the capital pu- of prison conditions. nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of No justice system is safe from judicial error and 7 nishment is not left to the unfettered discretion of Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution innocent people are likely to be sentenced to death. It is inhuman, cruel, and degrading. the State2. Adopted by the UN General Assembly in resolution the State2. 70/175 on 17 December 2015, they provide Conditions on death row and the anguish of facing 70/175 on 17 December 2015, they provide execution inflict extreme psychological suffering, Indeed, States must comply with various safe- Indeed, States must comply with various safe- model international human rights standards re- 3 and execution is a physical and mental assault.e. guards such as the prohibition against torture and It is inefficient anddoes not keep guards such as the prohibition against torture and garding the basic rights of prisoners. Their stated society safe. cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out cruel and inhuman or degrading treatment, set out goal is to “set out what is generally accepted as It has never been conclusively shown that the death 8 in Article 7 of the penalty deters crime effectively. It is applied overwhelmingly in in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil being good principles and practice in the treat- and Political Rights (“ICCPR”): “No one shall be ment of prisoners and prison management”. than other punishments. violation of international standards. and Political Rights (“ICCPR”): “No one shall be ment of prisoners and prison management”. It breaches the principles of the 1948 Universal subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or de- 4 Declaration of Human Rights, which states that grading treatment or punishment.” It is unfair. everyone has the right to life and that no one shall be grading treatment or punishment.” subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading The death penalty is discriminatory and is often used treatment or punishment. On five occasions, the United Some of the “Basic Rights” disproportionately against people who are poor, people Some of the “Basic Rights” Nations General Assembly has called for the with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities, and Death row phenomenon of Prisoners establishment of a moratorium on the use Death row phenomenon of Prisoners members of racial and ethnic minority groups. In some as a breach of Article 7 Under International Law of the death penalty. as a breach of Article 7 Under International Law places, the imposition of the death penalty is used to of the ICCPR Covenant 1. Freedom from torture or other cruel, inhu- target particular groups based on sexual orientation, (Résolutions 62/149 in 2007, 63/168 in 2008, 65/206 in 2010, of the ICCPR Covenant 1. Freedom from torture or other cruel, inhu- 67/176 in 2015, 69/186 in 2014 and 71/187 in 2016). man or degrading treatment; gender identity, political opinion, or religion. Life on death row can lead to severe mental man or degrading treatment; Life on death row can lead to severe mental 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- 2. Respect for prisoners’ dignity and value as trauma and physical deterioration of people sen- human beings; 9 human beings; 5 It is counterproductive. tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” Not all murder victims’ families tenced to death. The “death row phenomenon” 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- By establishing the killing of a human being as a legal 3. Necessary medical care, including treat- want the death penalty. is internationally recognized. It generally combines ment for mental health issues; solution, the death penalty promotes the idea is internationally recognized. It generally combines ment for mental health issues; A large and growing number of victims’ families 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- of murder more than it fights against it. 3 factors: the harsh conditions of detention, the 4. Food of proper nutritional value and drin- worldwide reject the death penalty and are speaking excessive length of incarceration and the anguish king water; out against it, saying it does not bring back or honor excessive length of incarceration and the anguish king water; of living under a death sentence. This “death row 5. Clean and adequate living conditions, their murdered family member, does not heal the pain 10 of living under a death sentence. This “death row 5. Clean and adequate living conditions, of the murder, and violates their ethical It denies any possibility phenomenon” amounts to a violation of the pro- including sleeping and bathroom accommo- phenomenon” amounts to a violation of the pro- including sleeping and bathroom accommo- and religious beliefs. of rehabilitation for the criminal. dations; hibition against cruel, inhuman or degrading treat- dations; 6. Access to open air and physical exercise; ment. Thus, at a domestic level, several courts 6. Access to open air and physical exercise; 7. Adequate personal space; have recognized that conditions on death row 7. Adequate personal space; 8. Access to educational and vocational acti- constitute a possible breach of article 7 of the 8. Access to educational and vocational acti- vities; ICCPR. vities; 9. Regular contact with friends and family; 9. Regular contact with friends and family; 10. Access to legal counsel. 2. United Nations General Assembly, International Covenant on Civil and 10. Access to legal counsel. 2. United Nations General Assembly, International Covenant on Civil and World Coalition Against the Death Penalty Political Rights, Res. 2200A (XXI), Art.6 (Mar. 23, 1976). 69 rue Michelet, 93100 Montreuil France Political Rights, Res. 2200A (XXI), Art.6 (Mar. 23, 1976). : Cédric Gatillon / HM Studio © 2018 3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: E-mail : [email protected] • Tél. : +33 1 80 87 70 43 • www.facebook.com/worldcoalition • @WCADP https://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/3. The Nelson Mandela Rules are available here: GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdfhttps://www.unodc.org/documents/justice-and-prison-reform/ This document was produced with the financial support of the Government of , the AFD and the Paris Bar association. The content of this document is the sole responsibility GA-RESOLUTION/E_ebook.pdf of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty and should in no way be considered to reflect the position of the above-mentioned Government, the AFD nor the Paris Bar Association. Graphic Desig n LaThe profession Legal Profession d’avocat TheLa profession Legal Profession d’avocat La Abogacía La voixxxx des barreaux

Barreau de Kinshasa-Matetexxx Nouveau membre I xxxxx 2018

Patricia López Aufranc (PLA) : Racontez- PLA : Comment est organisée la profession Patricia López Aufranc1 s’entretient avec nous brièvement votre histoire dans votre pays ? des Bâtonniers et des Présidents des membres collectifs de notre organisation Coco Kayudi Misamu (CKM) : Je suis né CKM : En général, il n´y a que des petits pour connaître leurs préoccupations et à Kenge en R.D. Congo, marié et père de cabinets personnels ou qui rassemblent apprendre comment l’UIA peut les aider, 4 enfants. Après mes études secondaires deux ou trois avocats. Il n’y a pas de LaThe profession Legal Profession d’avocat particulièrement en ce qui concerne le au Petit Séminaire de Saint Charles Lwanga/ grands ou de moyens cabinets. Cela est dû respect des principes fondamentaux de Katende à Kenge, j’ai poursuivi mes probablement aux difficultés économiques notre profession. TheLa profession Legal Profession d’avocat études universitaires en droit économique du pays. Néanmoins, il serait intéressant de et social, orientation droit des affaires et montrer aux avocats locaux les avantages de Me Coco Kayudi Misamu, Bâtonnier investissement à l’Université de Kinshasa où se regrouper en équipes pluridisciplinaires de Kinshasa-Matete, République ai fini avec mention distinction en 1999-2000. pour mieux servir les clients dans les affaires La Abogacía Démocratique du Congo, répond à ses complexes. C’est pour cela que nous avons questions. J’ai entamé une carrière académique et, à ce beaucoup d’intérêt en matière de formation jour, je suis Chef de Travaux et Doctorant. sur le management des cabinets. Sur le plan professionnel, j’ai été Avocats en RD-Congo collaborateur de l’actuel Bâtonnier National PLA: Quel est le principal problème auquel Tharcisse Matadiwamba Kamba Mutu qui vous faites face en tant que Bâtonnier ? 13 000 Avocats m’a formé, avant de créer mon propre

cabinet d’avocats en 2006-2007. CKM: Le principal problème est comment 1 500 Femme s encadrer les jeunes avocats ; comment leur 11,5% Après mon élection comme Membre du assurer la formation. Conseil de l’ordre au Barreau de Kinshasa/ Matete en 2010, j’ai sollicité le suffrage des PLA: Depuis quand êtes-vous membre confrères qui m’ont élu Bâtonnier de l’ordre de l’UIA ? 11 500 Hommes du Barreau de Kinshasa/Matete en 2013. 88, 5% CKM: A tire personnel, je suis membre de Aux termes de ce premier mandat, sollicité l’UIA depuis 2008. Mon barreau est membre en 2013, les confrères m’ont renouvelé leur depuis 2016. Notre demande d’adhésion confiance en me réélisant en octobre 2016 date de 2014. pour un second mandant. Barreau de Kinshasa-Matete PLA : Comment l’UIA pourrait-elle vous J’ai dirigé les commissions de formation aider dans votre fonction de Bâtonnier ? 4 000 Avocats professionnelle, de discipline, de recherches, publications et informations du Barreau de Tel que je l’ai évoqué, l’un de nos principaux 700 F emmes Kinshasa/Matete. soucis est la formation. Je crois que l’UIA pourrait 17,5% beaucoup nous aider avec des formations et PLA : Quelles ont été les motivations des séminaires. Nous comprenons qu’il est de votre campagne pour devenir difficile et coûteux d’organiser souvent des 3 300 Hommes Bâtonnier ? Quelles ont été les raisons séminaires sur place. Même la formation en 82,5% de votre succès ? ligne ou à travers des vidéos nous serait très utile. Surtout pour les jeunes ! CKM : L’idée est de faire du Barreau de Kinshasa/Matete un Barreau émergent et PLA : Quels sont les sujets qui vous l’un des plus grands d’Afrique. intéressent les plus concernant la formation ? Pour exercer la profession PLA : Les femmes sont-elles présentes au Conseil de l’Ordre ? CKM : Actuellement nous devrions nous J Admission à un barreau concentrer dans des aspects pratiques de J Examen CKM : Il y a deux femmes parmi les quinze la profession : le management des cabinets, membres du Conseil de l’Ordre. sans oublier la déontologie.

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 37 The Voice of Bar Associations

Japan Federation PLA : Que pourrait faire l’UIA pour augmenter le nombre de membres dans of Bar Associations New votre pays ? member 2018 CKM : Le Comité de Direction, réuni à New York le 29 juin 2018, a entériné ma nomination comme représentant national de l’UIA en R.D. Congo. Je vais travailler the Board of Executive Governors, and the activement à cet objectif primordial sous Patricia López Aufranc interviews leaders Board of Governors. The legislative body in mon mandat. of Bar Associations and other collective charge of deciding a given matter depends members of our organization to learn about on the importance of that matter. As for the PLA: Voudriez-vous nous faire d’autres their concerns and how the UIA may be of executives, we have one President (2-year commentaires ? help to them, particularly, regarding the term), 15 Vice Presidents (1-year term), fundamental principles of our profession. Bien que notre barreau ne soit pas 71 Governors (including Executive Governors, 1-year term) and Auditors riche, nous serions en mesure de faire Mr Yutaro Kikuchi, President of the (1-year term). We have more than 80 face à un certain nombre de frais pour Japan Federation of Bar Associations Committees to manage the activities of the assurer la formation avec des formateurs (JFBA), answers her questions. étrangers, tel que les frais de déplacement JFBA, including human rights protection. et d’hébergement, ou le coût des matériaux We also have a Secretariat that takes tels que les vidéos. Patricia Lopez Aufranc (PLA) : care of the day to day management and Approximately how many lawyers operation of the JFBA. Coco KAYUDI MISAMU are there in Japan, and what is the Bâtonnier de Kinshasa percentage of women lawyers? PLA: What is the percentage of women’s République Démocratique du Congo participation in the governance of the [email protected] Yutaro Kikuchi (YK): As of July, 2018, we have JFBA? 40,000 individual members. Approximately 19% of the members are female (7,474). YK: At the JFBA, we have 3 female vice presidents out of 15 (20%). Amongst the PLA: Approximately how many bar 39 executive governors, 5 are women associations are there in Japan? (12.8%). Six of the 32 non-executive governors are female (18.8%), and one of There are 52 local bar associations that are the 5 auditors is a woman (20%). The JFBA members of the JFBA. requires that of the 15 vice presidents at least 2 of which must be female. YK: The JFBA possesses a unique autonomy, free from the supervision of state institutions, PLA: Is association to a bar association and is the sole and supreme organization mandatory? intended to manage matters relating to the guidance, liaison, and supervision of all YK: Yes. All attorneys, legal professional attorneys, legal professional corporations, corporations, registered foreign lawyers, registered foreign lawyers, registered foreign registered foreign lawyer corporations, and lawyer corporations, and the 52 local bar the 52 local bar associations in Japan must be associations, in order to maintain the dignity registered with and be members of the JFBA. of and to improve and advance the work of its members. PLA: What are the requirements to be admitted to such bar association, if PLA: Are any of the bar associations in affiliation is mandatory? Japan led by women lawyers? 1. Entretien réalisé par Patricia LÓPEZ AUFRANC, YK: In order to qualify as an attorney and Directrice Adjointe – État de Droit – UIA-IROL, YK: As of 2018, 5 local bar associations are be admitted to a bar association, one must Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal, Capital Federal, Buenos led by female presidents (Akita, Aomori, complete a law school curriculum, pass the bar Aires, , [email protected] Kanagawa, Nara, and Oita). examination, and complete an apprenticeship at the Legal Training and Research Institute PLA: How is the JFBA organized and how of the Supreme Court. It takes three years is governance structured? in general, or two years for those with basic knowledge of legal studies, to finish law YK: The legislative bodies consist of the school. Those who cannot go to law school General Meeting, the House of Delegates, due to financial difficulties or other reasons

38 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers may sit for the bar examination by passing applicable to all attorneys. In addition, since aiming at coming up with a strategy to deal a preliminary test which anyone can take. April 1998, the JFBA has made it compulsory with such innovations. I believe there are Anyone who passes the bar examination for all of its members to participate in ethics two aspects on how AI affects the legal can be admitted to the legal profession after training courses, and all attorneys are now world. One is the need to develop a legal completing a one-year apprenticeship, in required to periodically receive training on system to accommodate the increasing which they need to pass the final examination attorneys’ ethics. use of AI, such as legal regulation on at the Legal Training and Research Institute. high-frequency trading of shares under PLA: Are there rules prohibiting lawyers securities related laws and regulations on PLA: Does the JFBA have minimum to let other professionals join the same self-driving vehicles. The other aspect is the continuous training requirements for firm as partners? For example, engineers use of AI as tools of legal services which lawyers as a condition to remain in the to deal with patent or environmental can be further categorized into two groups: Bar? Do bar associations provide training issues. (i) the use by the general public other than to lawyers? attorneys, where unauthorized provision YK: Yes, there are. It is prohibited by law of legal service should be discussed as a YK: All attorneys are required to participate for lawyers to let other professionals join primary issue; and (ii) the use by attorneys, in ethics training courses in their first year the same firm as partners. which triggers various issues on the ethics after registration, and regularly thereafter. of attorneys. We are currently gathering Further, to enhance training programs, the PLA: Is professional secret at risk in information through discussions with legal JFBA creates and provides materials to be Japan? Where does the attack come tech companies and others and are also used at the ethics training courses held at from? discussing a possible launch of a specialized local bar associations. Local bar associations section within the JFBA that would deal also have their own training programs for YK: Although attorneys in Japan do with AI and other technical innovations. I newly registered members as well as for have the right to refuse to testify about hope that we can learn from the expertise other members, and some of the programs confidential information, both in civil and and experiences of other bars around the are mandatory. criminal procedures, confidentiality is world. Also, we have various training programs still at risk because the confidentiality of including more than 350 e-learning programs communications between attorneys and PLA: What are the main issues that the in order for lawyers to improve their skills, clients is not guaranteed by law. In an attempt bar associations in Japan face? some of which are specifically targeted at to comply with the recommendation from newly registered lawyers. Financial Action Task Force on Money YK: In Japan, we are experiencing significant Laundering (“FATF”), the government tried changes in the legal system, including PLA: What subjects interest the Bar to impose the obligation to report to massive changes in the Civil Code and family Associations most, in connection with authorities when an attorney notices a laws, the Code of Criminal Procedure, lawyers’ training? suspicious transaction by its client. We the Corporate Act, labor laws, consumer found that it could result in a breach of protection laws, and so on. Moreover, a YK: The JFBA and local bar associations confidentiality and also that it could bea drastic review of the system to nurture offer a large number of training programs menace to the independence of lawyers. the legal profession including the law for attorneys on various subjects in order to So the JFBA opposed such obligation and school system is expected. Under such a maintain and strengthen public confidence instead, in 2007, enacted a regulation legal environment, we are facing various in attorneys and to support attorneys in imposing on its members the obligation challenges, but I would like to mention four developing sufficiently their capability to to confirm the identity of their clients by topics in particular. adequately respond to the public’s legal checking the ID documents and also to keep needs. Training programs related to divorce documents on cases for a certain period First, a civil judicial reform is necessary. matters and traffic accident cases have been of time. From time to time, the JFBA may A long-held tradition in Japan is that only consistently popular, presumably as many update the rule in accordance with the a small number of civil court cases in Japanese attorneys occasionally engage in requirements set by the legislation on anti- proportion to its population are heard and those types of cases. Also, attorneys appear money laundering. that the government budget for the judiciary to be interested in programs related to is very limited. In order for civil procedures amendments of major laws and regulations, PLA: Is the JFBA analyzing the impact to be more accessible and understandable, such as the corporate code, civil code, and that Artificial Intelligence may have in we believe that a civil justice reform is code of criminal procedure. the practice of law? Can you share any necessary. We need to enhance legal aid, ideas? we need to improve the function and PLA: Does each bar association in Japan facilities of court branches, and we need have a code of ethics or are there rules YK: I am quite sure that AI, robots, and to review evidence collection rules and at a national level? other innovations in technology will have compensation law. Also, we have to ensure a great impact on our practice of law. We the confidentiality of communications YK: We have a code of ethics called “Basic are gathering information and analyzing how between attorneys and clients. Lowering Rules on the Duties of Practicing Attorneys” it may influence our practice and ethics, the handling fee of court for litigation is

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 39 critical to facilitate access to justice. Judicial (i.e., to ensure the free exercise of the regularly. For example, if the UIA has a reforms including these issues will be a key profession and that no one be deprived seminar or workshop on basic skills like for justice for citizens. of the right to legal assistance)? drafting contracts in English, and allows non-UIA members to attend, then it would Second, human rights protection is always YK: Yes, we are aware of the work of be a great opportunity for local young at the top of our agenda. This year in the UIA in that respect, which we highly lawyers to take a glance at what the UIA particular, we are working hard on the appreciate. The JFBA has always supported is like. abolition of the death penalty and hope the independence of lawyers, and we to have it abolished by 2020, when Japan are actively committed to human rights Also, if the UIA sheds a light on the will host the 14th United Nations Congress protection both inside and outside of Japan, activities of the JFBA or its members, by on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice with special regard to the independence of featuring them in the UIA’s publication or in Kyoto. We will also tackle such issues lawyers. The JFBA has issued statements on website, then it would help us let the world as establishing a national human rights the situation in Rwanda, Libya, and China, know what is going on in Japan and help us institution and individual complaints for example, because there was a threat to collaborate with our fellow bar associations mechanism in order to attain international the profession in these countries. and lawyers around the globe. human rights standards. As Japan is prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes Japan will host the 14th UN Congress in PLA: Would you like to add anything and heavy rain, we worry for the rights of Kyoto in 2020. The JFBA is involved in the else? the victims of such disasters, and each time preparation of the event, as we believe that a big disaster hits the country, we set up a the defense of our profession is one of the YK: It is a great honor for the JFBA to join headquarters. key issues that should be discussed on the the UIA, and we appreciate that a JFBA occasion, which will mark the 30th year since member was appointed as a counselor to Third, the JFBA is committed to push the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers the President of the UIA. One of our vice the boundaries of our profession. As was adopted by the 8th Congress in 1990. presidents will attend the Congress in Porto the number of attorneys has doubled in this autumn on behalf of the JFBA, which the past 10 years, we are working with PLA: Do you have suggestions or will be the first appearance for the JFBA’s national and local governments, as well comments on what the UIA could do to executive members at a UIA event after as business enterprises, to find internal attract more Japanese bar associations? joining the UIA. We are looking forward to posts for attorneys. Also, we believe more this opportunity to become acquainted with lawyers should work as legal guardians. YK: We heard that the UIA is strong other UIA members. Under Japan’s Civil Code, legal guardians and active not only in business law but are persons who are appointed by the also in human rights protection. We are Yutaro KIKUCHI court and have authority to manage and looking forward to working together in that President of the Japan Federation control property and legal acts of an adult field, as the JFBA has its own history and of Bar Associations ward (i.e., a person who constantly lacks experiences as an advocate and defender Tokyo, Japan the capacity to discern right and wrong due of human rights. However, we do not have [email protected] to mental disability).We are also keen on much information and knowledge on the promoting insurance for legal expenses. As UIA’s activities, so we would like to learn such, we should go beyond traditional areas more about it. For example, we would be of practice so that attorneys can play an very eager to know what exactly the UIA active part in society. does with respect to the abolition of the death penalty. Last, but not least, we expect that this year will be the year of progress in our Also, in order to make its presence felt and international activities. Japan’s first attract more individuals to the UIA, it would international arbitration center, the Japan be very helpful to hold events in Japan. International Dispute Resolution Center (Osaka), debuted in Osaka last May, to which PLA: How can the UIA help Japanese bar the JFBA is providing continuous support. associations? We are attending many international conferences and making preparations for YK: The 14th UN Congress in 2020 will be a the 14th UN Congress, which will take place good occasion where the JFBA and the UIA in Kyoto in 2020. With the UIA, we hope can work together closely. that we will have a fruitful relationship by getting to know each other more. Otherwise, it is important that the Japanese bar associations and their individual lawyers PLA: Is the JFBA aware of the work of the learn more about the UIA and its activities. UIA as regards “defense of the defense” It would be useful to hold seminars in Japan

40 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Réforme de la justice, avocats & procureurs : aux armes inégales


Un vent de réforme souffle sur la Justice. Cette prétendue séparation entre la fonction Aujourd’hui, en France, la justice doit se Elle en a besoin pour s’adapter aux défis de de justice et la fonction de poursuite est un débarrasser de ce double visage de Picasso, notre temps. Mais le vent qui souffle et qui marché de dupes. Quand il requiert une de la trouble proximité : il faut séparer veut renforcer encore le procureur pour peine dans la salle du tribunal, le procureur définitivement celui qui juge de celui qui le rapprocher du juge est un vent ancien, est à côté du juge, à sa hauteur. L’avocat, lui, poursuit. Et mettre ce dernier à égalité avec qui ne peut qu’accroître le sentiment de doit plaider à la barre. Simple « auxiliaire de celui qui défend. Car la charge de défendre défiance des citoyens à l’encontre du justice », il doit lever le regard pour être un homme n’a pas moins de valeur que de système judiciaire. entendu. défendre la société.

Devant un tribunal, en matière pénale, le Entre siège et parquet, cela va au-delà de la La réforme qui doit être menée doit être principe est apparemment simple : l’avocat proximité. Il s’agit d’une consanguinité. Le celle d’un parquet indépendant, en droit défend une personne qui est poursuivie Conseil supérieur de la magistrature (CSM) et en fait, tant à l’égard de l’exécutif qu’à par le procureur de la République. Après est présidé par le premier président de la l’égard des juges. Et au même niveau que les avoir entendus, le juge rend justice en Cour de cassation. Mais il est aussi présidé la défense. faisant application de la loi. par le parquet, en la personne du Procureur général. Jugement et accusation réunis au Car, moi, avocat, dans le combat judiciaire Pour que son jugement soit parfaitement sein d’un même corps. du XXIe siècle, je veux l’égalité des armes. éclairé, le peuple français, par la voix de son Parlement, a choisi de faire respecter Cette consanguinité déséquilibre le cours Henri CARPENTIER un juste équilibre: « La procédure pénale doit de la justice. Avocat être équitable et contradictoire et préserver Carpentier Avocats l’équilibre des droits des parties. Elle doit A ce titre, le projet de réforme porté Nantes, France garantir la séparation des autorités chargées de par Bernard Louvel, Président du [email protected] l’action publique et des autorités de jugement. » Conseil supérieur de la magistrature, est (Article Préliminaire du Code de procédure particulièrement inquiétant : « réaliser pénale). l’unité effective du corps des magistrats en les soumettant tous au même statut garanti par Il s’agit de préserver l’indépendance de celui un Conseil supérieur de la magistrature lui- qui juge, en le plaçant à égale distance de même unique. Les cours et tribunaux seraient l’avocat et du procureur. ainsi composés d’une seule catégorie statutaire de magistrats aux fonctions différenciées.» Et Or, l’application de ce texte est d’une parfaite lorsque ce projet de réforme s’accompagne, hypocrisie. Aujourd’hui, dans les tribunaux au civil, d’un filtre supplémentaire pour de France, la balance de la justice est l’accès à la Cour de cassation, comme déséquilibrée entre l’accusation et la défense. le revendique encore Bernard Louvel, Car, au quotidien, la séparation entre les l’inquiétude est grande. autorités chargées de l’action publique et celles chargées de rendre la justice est une Ce règne de l’entre-soi est dangereux. Elle fiction vécue par les justiciables. rapproche encore ceux que la loi devrait maintenir à distance. Et les éloigne toujours Les hommes et femmes qui composent ce davantage du justiciable. corps de la magistrature aux deux visages sont issus de la même école. Ils alternent Bien entendu, lorsqu’ils rendent la justice, au cours de leur carrière l’une ou l’autre les juges savent résister au Ministère Public des fonctions, entre siège et parquet. Que et faire preuve d’indépendance intellectuelle. ce soit au pôle financier de Paris, ou dans la Mais cette indépendance doit être renforcée plus humble des juridictions, leurs bureaux et lavée de tout soupçon : «Justice must not sont au même endroit. Et bien souvent, ils only be done : it must also be seen to be arrivent ensemble à l’audience. Ils ne sont done.» (CEDH, 17 janv. 1970, Delcourt c/ pas Janus aux deux visages opposés, mais Belgique). Il n’y a pas d’impartialité, sans Picasso aux deux visages qui se côtoient. apparence d’impartialité.

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 41 Belgique : le Barreau se remet en question

I Jean-Pierre BUYLE

et de marché. Le marché c’est bien, les droits À l’heure actuelle, nous ne sommes pas In 2017, the Minister of Justice de l’homme et de la défense, c’est mieux. favorables à la grande profession du droit commissioned two independent qui permettrait de cumuler sur la même personalities to draft a report on the La profession d’avocat se trouve dans son tête les professions de notaires, d’huissiers, future of the profession of legal attorney identité et non dans l’adoption de modes de juristes d’entreprises et d’avocats. Il n’est (avocat, advocaat) with a view to preparing a plan for its modernisation. de fonctionnement. L’avocat survivra en se pas exclu de penser que ce rapprochement distinguant des autres professionnels et non puisse intervenir dans les années 20. This task was entrusted to two en se diluant. L’avocat reste avant tout un independent experts: Mr Patrick Henry, contre-pouvoir, maillon indispensable de la Nous sommes opposés à la suppression de former chairman of the Bar Association of démocratie dans tout État de droit. l’incompatibilité avec la fonction d’agent d’État Liège and former president of AVOCATS. (ou plutôt de fonctionnaire). Nous plaidons, BE, and Mr Patrick Hofströssler, lawyer La production des services des avocats n’est par contre, pour l’introduction de règles and former administrator of the Flemish pas qu’une production égoïste. Elle contribue strictes de conflits d’intérêts lors de l’exercice Bar Association. à fournir une réponse dont la collectivité de fonctions ou de mandats politiques. dans son ensemble peut bénéficier. La They met with a variety of stakeholders, production de services de justice a parfois Nous sommes favorables à de nouvelles attorney representatives and other de bonnes raisons de s’affranchir des lois de activités, telles qu’avocats détachés en professions (magistrates, bailiffs, company l’offre et de la demande. Il faut accepter ce entreprises ou avocats liquidateurs de lawyers, notaries, companies, etc.) and qu’on ne peut pas changer. dommages. submitted their report in early 2018.

This report consists of 654 pages and 38 recommendations. It has been L’indépendance est une exigence fondamentale du bon exercice de la profession. submitted to the bar associations. It has been examined, analysed and discussed in numerous circles. A real democratic debate took place throughout the country. Une formation initiale et un Nouveaux services accès à la profession réformée At the beginning of summer, my Dutch- De manière prioritaire, nous souhaitons speaking counterpart and I met with Nous sommes favorables à une réforme donner force exécutoire aux actes the Minister of Justice to present him de la formation initiale. Nous prônons une d’avocats. Cela vise, par exemple, le cas the position of Belgian attorneys and to formation professionnelle de quatre mois de la transaction intervenue sous seing advise him of several counter-proposals. entre l’obtention du diplôme en droit et la privé entre les parties, à l’intermédiaire prestation de serment. Cette formation doit de l’avocat et qui serait homologuée par Autorégulation et irréductibilité être assurée par des avocats rigoureusement le juge. choisis, et sanctionnée par un examen sérieux. Cela devrait permettre aux candidats Ces actes font partie du core business Dans notre réponse au ministre de la justice, avocats de trouver un stage plus aisément. de l’avocat. L’homologation judiciaire nous avons rappelé que l’autorégulation des s’inscrit dans une logique cohérente de Ordres est essentielle. C’est à eux qu’il Cette réforme implique de doter l’élève l’homologation des autres modes alternatifs appartient le soin de décider de la manière avocat d’un statut social non pénalisant. Notre de règlements de conflits. dont les avocats envisagent leur avenir. objectif est de rendre cette réforme effective Nous sommes libres de nous organiser et dès la rentrée judiciaire de septembre 2019. D’autres actes pourraient aussi être de nous associer comme nous l’entendons. formalisés de cette manière : certains actes Il en va d’autant plus ainsi que les Ordres Périmètre de la profession de société, ou en matière successorale, ne sont aucunement financés par de l’argent l’introduction du divorce extra-judiciaire, public. AVOCATS.BE n’est pas au bout de sa etc. C’est l’intérêt des justiciables. réflexion sur le périmètre de la profession. Le Nous faisons aussi le pari que la profession cœur de notre métier reste la représentation Nous sommes aussi favorables à donner n’est pas réductible aux notions d’entreprise en justice, l’évaluation juridique et le conseil. aux avocats une place centrale dans le cadre

42 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde des actions en réparation collective de droit Cour constitutionnelle. Dès que cette Et maintenant ? commun. Nous serions d’ailleurs partisans haute juridiction se sera prononcée, une de supprimer l’interdiction du pacte de première évaluation de la réforme devra Les propositions des experts en matière quota litis pour ce type de contentieux être faite. Nous voulons une politique juste de gouvernance des Ordres n’ont pas uniquement. et équitable pour les plus démunis. rencontré un vif succès. Se projeter dans l’avenir crée toujours des ombres. C’est le Il s’agit d’une question d’accès à la justice. Parmi nos préoccupations, nous considérons propre des prophètes et des sybilles. Mais qu’il n’est pas acceptable que les avocats fallait-il, dans un rapport public, aborder Création d’un juge du secret ne sachent pas au préalable quand et à ce sujet si sensible qui touche aux identités quelle hauteur leurs prestations seront et aux affaires de famille (regroupement Actuellement, le bâtonnier est présent rémunérées. Nous exigeons qu’un débat des barreaux, redéfinition des compétences aux côtés du juge d’instruction lors des sérieux et ouvert ait lieu sur cette question. des Ordres, égalité des genres, suffrage perquisitions au cabinet de l’avocat. Cela implique de passer à un système universel…) ? Par contre, un consensus Lorsqu’il y a divergence de vues sur le de financement fondé sur des enveloppes assez large s’est dessiné sur une réforme du caractère secret ou non d’une pièce, le ouvertes, et non plus fermées comme c’est droit disciplinaire. juge instructeur a le dernier mot, même si le cas actuellement. cela se fait sous le contrôle, a posteriori, du La mise en œuvre des réformes de la tribunal de fond. Nous réfléchissons aussi actuellement à profession sera mise en chantier dès l’opportunité ou non de créer des avocats la rentrée judiciaire 2018. C’est une Nous souhaitons la création d’une juridiction salariés ou dédiés en aide juridique. Une opportunité pour la profession et une indépendante du secret professionnel de étude est en cours sur ce sujet avec chance pour le justiciable. Mais quand on l’avocat, en appel de la décision du juge l’Université Libre de Bruxelles. met de l’ordre, on ne peut pas décider à d’instruction. quel rythme cela se fera ou cela ne se fera Nous souhaitons enfin que le système pas. Confier à un juge indépendant le soin de d’assurance protection juridique soit décider, préalablement aux débats sur le fondamentalement revu afin de permettre Jean-Pierre BUYLE fond, de la recevabilité d’une pièce soumise un meilleur accès à la justice aux classes Président d’AVOCATS.BE au secret, permet d’éviter que le magistrat moyennes. Bruxelles, Belgique instructeur puisse se laisser influencer par [email protected] le contenu de cette pièce qui s’avèrerait par L’État de droit digital L’indépendance est une exigence fondamentale du bon exercice de la profession. la suite secrète. Depuis 2017, l’informatisation de la justice L’indépendance a été confiée aux barreaux. Nous avons initié plusieurs projets avec nos confrères L’indépendance est une exigence néerlandophones : gestion informatisée des fondamentale du bon exercice de la faillites (RegSol), création d’une plateforme profession. Elle est tout à l’avantage du commune aux Ordres francophones, justiciable qui ne peut que tirer bénéfice germanophone et néerlandophones (DPA), du fait d’obtenir de son conseil un avis qui carte professionnelle à puce, dépôt digitalisé n’est pas influencé, notamment, par des des actes de procédures (e-Deposit)… considérations politiques ou financières. D’autres projets sont en cours de Nous exigeons la consécration de cette production (notification électronique, valeur essentielle de la profession dans la médiation de dettes …). loi. Nous entendons jouer un rôle essentiel afin L’accès à la justice d’alléger le coût de la justice et de renforcer la sécurité des communications entre les L’aide juridique a fait l’objet d’une réforme avocats. importante en 2016. La rémunération des avocats a été revalorisée. La valeur du point Nous voulons aussi participer à la mise a été porté à 75 €, majorés de 20 % pour en œuvre de l’intelligence artificielle au les frais, soit 90 €. Le remboursement des service de la profession et des justiciables, frais de fonctionnement des bureaux d’aide en veillant, notamment, au respect des juridique, organisés par les barreaux, a principes de probité et de neutralité dans la également été sensiblement augmenté. définition des algorithmes destinés à mettre en place des outils de justice prédictive. La nomenclature des points a été revue. Maîtrisons les algorithmes avant qu’ils ne Des recours sont pendants devant la nous formatent.

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 43 PratiqueLegal Practice du Droit LegalPratique Practice du Droit Ejercicio de la Abogacía Staffing and Morale in the Age of Robotics and AI Adoption

I Nathalie PIERCE

Background positively affect the workplace. While job Accenture’s lead and create a transparent destruction is a real effect of automation, business model that prioritizes automation Developments in technology have historically, efficiency and productivity gains and retraining of employees where possible. increasingly affected people, businesses, and from automation helped create jobs and we The skills gap is already proving to be the economy. Specifically advancements in see the same phenomenon with the Fourth an issue that many companies struggle PratiqueLegal Practice du Droit “cobots” (robot coworkers) and increased Industrial Revolution. with, so businesses must manage the use of artificial intelligence applications will inevitable disruption of the Fourth Industrial continue reinventing and redefining the Job Displacement, Not Job Destruction Revolution through open communications LegalPratique Practice du Droit workplace. With these developments, come and collaborations with staff. While this opportunities for companies to help guide Humans fear the unknown. However, once new revolution appears to be formidable, employees through inevitable changes. the unknown reveals itself, people discover it realistically will only destroy demand for Ejercicio de la Abogacía what they feared was not so scary. While specific tasks, not the demand for work. The Rise of Robotics and the Advent of Artificial losing jobs to automation may appear Intelligence: Another Industrial Revolution ominous, the financial services company Accenture has proven that automation Managing Morale The Agricultural Revolution resulted in and job loss need not be synonymous.1 Many companies are preparing for AI and increased labor and land productivity, Accenture automated 17,000 back office jobs, robotics in the workplace, with many catapulting population growth and terminating no workers. After 18 months of already using those technologies today. decreasing the agricultural portion of the planning and training, the company retrained labor force. What resulted was an urban staff in order to reskill and reposition their However, only a small percentage of workforce, paving the way for the Industrial employees. While Accenture realizes that businesses feel that their Human Resources Revolution. Moving from hand production technology will always disrupt the workforce, Departments are prepared for the new methods to machine tools and factories, their experience shows that if companies way of working that AI and robotics bring. rapid industrialization led to increases in retrain their staff now, retention will be Companies agree that using robots will not average incomes for workers. The Industrial much higher. replace human labor. Instead, the transition Revolution created the modern-day labor market model. A third revolution came about in the mid-twentieth century, coined Leaders must agree on timelines, employee communications, what resources will the “Digital Revolution.” It heralded computerization and electronic technology. be used, and the main goals of automation. Today, we are experiencing the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which focuses on artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and is another company that has will be much more nuanced. Businesses various combinations of technologies. This successfully integrated AI and robotics into should not think of jobs holistically; instead, revolution is characterized by a fusion the workplace. It has automated some of its they should break down the tasks within of many technologies and is evolving warehouses with robotic arms and movable each job. Whatever tasks can be automated exponentially faster than past revolutions. pallets, allowing its employees to engage in should and will be automated. While some are apprehensive about the more mentally stimulating work. Instead of impact the Fourth Industrial Revolution may doing monotonous, heavy lifting, employees Planning Ahead have on businesses, jobs, and the economy, now work with computers to determine many see this revolution as an opportunity where to allocate certain products. This For employers to understand what to shape our future for the better. warehouse transition has not eliminated tasks should be automated, they must jobs, but rather reduced physical demands first look to each position and uncover Big Picture: How Will on employees and increased efficiency. work variation and realize what business Implementation of Robotics Amazon jobs have more than quadrupled in process complexity are present in each Affect the Workforce? the last five years. task. One way of doing this is to evaluate each task as either routine or non-routine. A lot of media attention has focused on Rather than keeping workers in the dark “Routine” tasks are those with minimal the destruction of jobs due to automation. and making their future employment a deviation, which produce simple rule-based However, technology and automation scary “unknown,” businesses can follow output and can be performed in isolation

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 45 without social interaction. Tasks such unemployment and part-time benefits. For program offered by Creator, there will be as scheduling calendar invites, customer example, companies such as REI, Costco, more opportunities for front-of-house staff support communications, and calculating Starbucks, UPS, and Whole Foods provide to move into higher paying positions where numbers lend themselves to being enhanced benefits for part time workers.2 REI offers a they perform maintenance and repairs by automation because of their routine Flex Plan that allows employees working at on the robot. Creator’s business model nature. For example, AI can help free least 20 hours a week to choose a medical shows the potential that robots can bring up HR representatives’ time by quickly plan that works best for them. Starbucks to improving employees’ everyday work. screening through thousands of resumes also offers a specially tailored benefits Employers should prioritize explaining to or streamline a doctor’s tasks by scanning package to fit part-time employees’ personal employees the positive implications and through many radiology images to detect needs. Employees might also be eligible opportunities that having a “cobot” will illnesses more efficiently. “Non-routine” for comprehensive healthcare coverage, provide. tasks are those involving significant people discounted stock purchase options, 401(k) management and problem-solving ability, with match, educational savings, or a time- Retraining and Repositioning such as interacting with people, thinking off program. The economy is moving over long time lines, developing strategies, towards a more flexible labor force, and it Today, we are living in a time of constant and managing complicated work scenarios. is up to companies to reflect that flexibility relearning and reskilling. Every industry These tasks are less likely to be automated. in their benefits packages. will be disrupted by AI, robotics, and automation. However, some staff may feel Even though people’s jobs will be changed Communicating with Employees uncomfortable with retraining. The best greatly through rapid automation, it is still way to deal with this is to have strong commonly thought of as something that It is an employer’s job to effectively management create an office culture that will happen to other’s jobs, and not their communicate change in the workplace to embraces change. One way to go about own. Between businesses not knowing how staff. As Accenture has shown, jobs will likely this is to actively support workers during to integrate robots into the workplace and be altered rather than destroyed. Instead of the transition. Instead of rushing through workers not thinking that their own jobs will robots taking over entire positions, they will hours of training in a short time period, be affected, the general population appears take over repetitive tasks that employees management should be patient and creative. ill-prepared for a rapidly approaching future. dread doing. Businesses must communicate They must understand that the training Having clear leadership alignment at the top to employees how this transition is an process is an important part of humans is crucial for success. Leaders must agree on opportunity for them to focus on more becoming comfortable with their “cobots” timelines, employee communications, what creative tasks they did not previously have and AI assistance. Preparing workers for resources will be used, and the main goals time for before robots were introduced to different, non-routine jobs they will not be of automation. the workplace. used to, and with new technology, will be overwhelming for some. Businesses should Next, businesses should identify people For example, Creator, a robot-based burger view this as an opportunity to build a solid at the top that will be the ‘face’ of the restaurant in San Francisco, is paying its foundation for staff to work with all types of transformation. These leaders will employees to spend five percent of their rapidly innovating technology. communicate important messages to shift reading educational books of their staff to be transparent about changes choice.3 The company also plans to offer a The Nanodegree program is just one being implemented. A key aspect of book-shopping budget and free Coursera example of how a company can implement this communication is explaining how classes. Creator founder Alexandros a comprehensive retraining program.4 automation will become an integral part Vardakostas said his company’s robot could With over 10,000 users enrolling in this of the corporate structure. Clarifying to save a fast-food restaurant around $90,000 program, including more than 1,000 AT&T staff how automation will create a better a year in training, wages, and overhead employees, both current and potential user interface for customers, while costs. This savings allows for unique AT&T employees are learning entry- simultaneously benefitting workers and educational programs to prosper. Because level industry-relevant software skills. cutting bottom-line cost, will help staff the robot can make 130 burgers in an hour Additionally, the program offers more become excited for this change. that are prepped, cooked, and assembled than just helping employees do better at with no human help, it gives employees their job. The courses are also designed Lastly, businesses must decide if there more time to spend reading books or to prepare employees to enter new will be workforce reductions. People, completing online degree programs. While positions. The program is accessible online, unlike robots, have strong feelings. If staff Vardakostas once said this robot would completed in less than a year, and affordable numbers must be cut, or if full-time workers “completely obviate” fast-food workers, at around $200 a month. It is programs like must have their hours reduced to part- he is now effectively communicating to his this that reinforce the notion of lifelong time, employees will be concerned about staff that the robot cannot work without learning in the workplace. Applications the security and benefits they will lose. help from its human coworkers. Instead, like retraining through teaching algorithms To reduce stress stemming from either working with the robot will allow staff and augmented reality allow employers to unemployment or underemployment, more time to be creative and social at customize the retraining experience to fit companies can implement flexible work. And because of the online learning learners’ needs.

46 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde Preparing Employees for the Introduction of derive conclusions, while at the same time, Besides considering whether “cobots” Robotics protecting individuals’ information. and AI applications can help improve workplace productivity, employers should Technical training to help employees Preparing for Change look to other possible forms of enhancing incorporate AI into their work workers’ skill and abilities. For example, responsibilities is also crucial. Encouraging Identify Tasks Workers Need to Perform exoskeletons, wearable mobile machines, people to hone their “human” skills such give workers extra limb strength. Besides as empathy and persuasion will also help Strategic planning is always important to reducing incidents of workplace injuries, the transition into automation. Inspiring businesses, but workforce planning is just including repetitive use injuries, this people to stay in touch with their emotions as important when implementing workplace technology creates opportunities for staff and celebrating people skills will create robotics and AI applications. Understanding with existing injuries or disabilities that a strong company culture that embraces where the industry is going, how and could not otherwise perform certain tasks. advancement in technology. People may why it is changing, what is causing those This technology can take many forms but initially be apprehensive about interaction changes, and how those changes will affect is generally affixed to workers’ bodies and with robots and how their job tasks will the workforce is crucial to developing a used by the workers to supplement actions change. Having a clear training plan that strategic plan for robotics implementation. usually performed by their muscles. It can explains these roles and transitions at the AI can assist with this assessment. Once a assist the forward-bent posture of the body individual, department, and company levels, problem potentially hindering workplace used when lifting heavy items and also have as well as the big picture, should help efficiency and productivity is identified, power units that exert torque at each joint. alleviate confusion. using predictive analytics can help extract Additionally, employers may use wearable data from communications and apply it to technology as a reasonable accommodation Assuaging Workers’ Privacy Concerns work products to assess the aptitude of the for employees with disabilities. Exoskeleton workforce to work with the automation assisted workers can today be found Workers may have concerns about their solution. Because organizations must handling baggage at airports, building cars privacy in the workplace. Because robots, properly comprehend its future talent and skips, and in fulfillment centers. predictive analytics, and biometric devices, requirements, this process must be made such as wearable wristbands, mobile a central priority. A company cannot train While new possibilities still exist of an injury applications for employee surveillance, and staff if it does not understand its own needs stemming from a sense of overconfidence even exoskeleton suits, can collect and or does not understand the skills staff must from the wearing of the exoskeleton itself, transmit data, privacy can be violated absent master. training and monitoring can mitigate this proper notice and consent.

The requirements of such notice and Even though the era of automation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution consent will vary by state and by country. appears daunting, it is helpful to know that the United States has actively and Many jurisdictions do not allow recording communication with others without successfully transitioned its workforce. consent. If robots employee surveillance or telepresent devices are recording Assess Whether Workers Have Those Skills risk. Moreover, the possibility of injury communication between employees, it is must be weighed against the opportunity important that corporations work with After identifying skills workers need to for workers to partner with human their IT department or third-party robotics succeed following automation, companies enhancement tools designed to greatly provider to ensure that the sensitive will likely find that many workers lack improve productivity, develop new skills information is not being stored improperly. those requisite skills. Because not all capabilities, and ultimately reduce incidents Despite lower expectations of privacy in the companies’ workforces will have the skills of muscle and joint-related injuries. workplace than the home, getting heavily required for new tasks, it is imperative that informed consent from staff is the best way businesses consider hiring freelancers to Look for Means of Growing Future Skills Base to reduce liability. Employers should provide assist with transition. Having a contingent notice regarding how the technology works, workforce to fill interim positions can Though many workforces lack the requisite how it will enhance the employee’s overall make the entire automation process much skills to work side-by-side with robots job experience, what type of information smoother. Instead of disrupting everyday today, training future generations to hone is collected, to whom it will be disclosed, work by recruiting for a highly skilled full- these skills will benefit both businesses and how it will be safeguarded, how it will be time hire for months, companies should society. Many countries have implemented used, and how long it will be retained. Once consider other non-traditional possibilities. successful training programs. For example, collected, employers and/or their agents Even though training the workforce is a high Germany has an apprenticeship program should retain the data for the shortest priority, positions will inevitably be created that prepares around half a million young possible time, on an as-needed basis, and which staff cannot fill. Hiring contingent people for industrial work. This program should try to aggregate and anonymize workers can relieve some of the stress that succeeds because it pairs young people that data in order to apply analytics and months of recruiting can put on a company. directly with companies to gain real-life

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 47 skills they learn by doing. Another reason However, American businesses are worried effectively and efficiently to workers, staff this program has had many successes is that they will train their workforce and then morale can remain stable or even improve. because of its social prestige. High-level lose their investment when their employees It is imperative that private businesses management at large German corporations leave to work for a competitor. Conversely, invest in training staff and even students to oftentimes did not attend a university, if an employer needs employees with ensure a qualified talent pool. The skills for but instead achieved the “meister” title. different skill sets, it can generally fire the working alongside robots and enhancing Greater cultural acceptance of alternative employees it has and hire new employees skills through AI are teachable, but need to educational paths to fill talent needs can with the requisite skill sets. This is because be prioritized. bridge existing skills gaps. the United States operates under an at-will employment regime, whereas most other The best way employers can manage Some companies have created technical countries have indefinite employment. employee morale is by being open with programs to produce a pipeline of talent The at-will nature of work in the U.S. their staff about why the robots are in the United States. For example, Bavarian disincentivizes businesses’ need to invest being brought in, what the robots roles Motor Works (BMW) has a program in retraining and reskilling workers. Other are, and if there are no plans to lay off geared towards teaching the skills required countries’ employers have an incentive to workers, explaining to staff how the new to become “equipment service associates.”5 retrain and reskill workers because they can system will actually enhance their work One BMW plant in Greenwood, South only fire employees based on good cause. experience. Staff will be more productive Carolina has over 2,000 robots and the However, an incentive exists for American and have higher morale when they know company needs people with the skills to employers to do what they do not necessarily the “cobots” they are working with will not keep the robots working at full efficiency. have to do. Keeping employees around jeopardize their jobs. Navigating the robotic Because of this need, BMW is expanding helps protect a company’s investment and revolution and its effects on the workplace its program to include this location. The can improve morale and cut down on will be challenging, but planning ahead and Scholars Program helps BMW develop and costs generally associated with hiring and being in-tune with the needs of employees maintain a pool of talent that will succeed orientation, particularly where the requisite will make the inevitable transition much in the highly innovative and increasingly skill sets to manage use of transformative smoother. automated automotive industry. technologies remain scarce. Nathalie PIERCE Programs like these in America are rare, Recognizing and addressing skills realities Littler Mendelson, P.C. though. There is a social stigma surrounding would not be the first time the U.S. has San Francisco, CA, United States “trade” type career paths. Many more dealt with its workforce needing a major [email protected] young Americans are enrolling in college skill-set overhaul. The U.S. High School and formal graduate school. This increase Movement (1910-1940) made attending 1 See Matthew Griffin, Accenture Automates in enrollment has not created the labor high school a norm for children. The GI 17,000 Jobs Without Making Anyone Redundant, force that many companies need. Instead Bill, passed in 1941, also enabled many war Fanatical Futurist (Feb. 1, 2017), https:// of having a general, theoretical background veterans to attend college for a discounted www.fanaticalfuturist.com/2017/02/accenture- that a formal college education provides, price. It helped de-stigmatize college as automates-17000-jobs-without-making-anyone- redundant/. employers are seeking people with technical being only for the elite. These movements skills that generally come from on-the-job helped increase human capital, which 2 Sammi Caramela, 10 Part-Time Jobs with resulted in the rise in middle class incomes Benefits, Business News Daily (May 22, 2018, 9:02 learning. Because many companies have not AM), https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5752- adequately developed their own training over many decades. Even though the era part-time-jobs-with-benefits.html. of automation and the Fourth Industrial programs, the gaps in the formal education 3 Business Insider, This Robot-Powered Burger system have been hindering young people’s Revolution appears daunting, it is helpful to Restaurant Says it’s Paying Employees $16 an Hour career advancement. This gap will continue know that the United States has actively and to Read Educational Books While the Bot Does the to widen until formal training, whether in successfully transitioned its workforce. Work, Red Lion Trader (June 22, 2018), https:// school or on the job, bridges it. redliontrader.com/this-robot-powered-burger- restaurant-says-its-paying-employees-16-an-hour- Conclusion to-read-educational-books-while-the-bot-does- American companies are reluctant to the-work/. implement programs similar to Germany’s The advancement of technology is inevitable. 4 AT&T’s Nanodegree Program Provides Affordable apprenticeship program because of the high Creating a plan to implement robotics in the Training for High-Demand Tech Jobs, AT&T Careers, cost of training. However, as Germany has workplace may feel futuristic to some, but https://www.att.jobs/nanodegree-program- shown, apprenticeship programs are a good in reality, it is already here. Introduction provides-affordable-training-tech-jobs (last visited investment. At the end of the second year, of transformative technologies in the July 13, 2018). apprentices are doing over half of a full workplace will displace, rather than destroy, 5 Anna B. Mitchell, BMW Seeks More Humans to workload, and by the end of three years, jobs. Workers fear the unknown, so it is Maintain Greer Plant’s Robots, Greenville News (Feb. companies have a highly-skilled worker. crucial that companies are transparent in 5, 2018, 11:10 AM), https://www.greenvilleonline. Private-sector spending ensures that the communicating with employees about their com/story/news/2018/01/31/bmw-doubles-down- tech-apprentice-program/1082773001/. apprenticeship programs are in line with plans. Businesses know there will be a lot of labor market demands, too. change, but if they communicate this change

48 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers The New World of Personal Jurisdiction in the United States


When a corporation is sued in the United Brown1 in 2011, Daimler AG v. Bauman2 in these decisions, and many have been States, whether a court has personal 2014, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. v. Superior successful. A number of states have statutes jurisdiction over a corporation is a threshold Court3 and BNSF Railway Co. v. Tyrrell4 in that require companies to register to do issue. This is true whether the corporation 2017 - set very strict limits on when a business in their states and appoint an agent is a U.S. or a foreign corporation. It is a civil court can exercise general jurisdiction over for service of process there. Some courts, procedure subject that many overlook, but a corporation. Essentially, the standard is after looking at such statutes have found one that can have significant ramifications. that general jurisdiction will be found where that corporations “consented” to general If it can be proven that the court in the “the corporation is fairly regarded as at jurisdiction by registering in their states and individual state in the United States which home.” The Supreme Court interpreted appointing service agents in them. A few the lawsuit is brought has no jurisdiction “at home” to mean where a corporation state legislatures seek to amend statutes to over a corporate defendant, the defendant is incorporated or has its principal place explicitly state that registering to do business must be dismissed from litigation in that of business. As Justice Ginsburg explained means agreeing to general jurisdiction. This state. Recent U.S. Supreme Court cases in Daimler, the inquiry is not whether the reasoning in individual states, is certainly at have provided a new narrow paradigm as to corporation’s “affiliations with the State odds with the Daimler U.S. Supreme Court the limited number of jurisdictions in which are so ‘continuous and systematic’ as to decision. It subverts the high Court’s stated corporations can be sued. render [it] essentially at home in the forum recognition that corporations cannot be State.” To seek otherwise – for a court subjected to lawsuits all over the country. There are two forms of personal to find general jurisdiction to exist over jurisdiction – specific and general. In a a corporation in every State in which the The Daimler opinion does state that there nutshell, specific jurisdiction requires some corporation engages in business – even if can be “exceptional circumstances” where a connection between the cause of action the business is substantial, continuous and corporation can be found to be “at home” in and the forum state – it is dispute specific. systematic – the Supreme Court recognized a forum other than where it has its principal General jurisdiction does not require such in Daimler would be “unacceptably grasping.” place of business or its place of incorporation. a connection and allows a court to exercise jurisdiction over a defendant for a claim, regardless of any connection of the dispute to the forum. Up until recently, what was A few state legislatures seek to amend statutes to explicitly state that registering primarily required for general jurisdiction was to do business means agreeing to general jurisdiction. a showing that a corporation had continuous and systematic contacts with a forum state. The Daimler opinion recognizes the reality This rare circumstance was exemplified Until 2011, there had been no U.S. Supreme that because corporations do business in a case that took place during World Court decision on either concept for about 25 globally and nationally, limits need to be War II where a Philippine company ceased years. That June the U.S. Supreme Court issued applied regarding the states in which a its operations and basically the company’s two decisions – one on specific jurisdiction corporation may be sued. Generally President relocated to Ohio where he had and one on general jurisdiction. While the split speaking, if there is no specific an office and conducted business. In those decision on specific jurisdiction did not bring jurisdiction, corporations may only be circumstances, Ohio was found to be a much clarity to this concept, the unanimous subject to personal jurisdiction in the “temporary” principal place of business.5 decision on general jurisdiction was the start state where they have their principal of a real game changer for corporations. Even place of business or in the state where more recently, U.S. Supreme Court decisions Practical Considerations they are incorporated. Thus, every time have further clarified general personal a corporation is sued in the U.S., the jurisdiction. This article discusses the new If a corporation is sued in a state in which corporate lawyer should contemplate a case law on general jurisdiction. The cases there is no specific jurisdiction, and the jurisdiction challenge. underscore how critically important it is for corporation is not incorporated there and all corporations – U.S. and foreign – to always does not have its principal place of business consider bringing a threshold jurisdictional Legal challenges to Daimler and there, the general rule of thumb is for challenge. progeny the corporation to consider immediately move to dismiss the action for lack of Four recent U.S. Supreme Court cases Numerous challenges to general jurisdiction personal jurisdiction. When deciding - Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations SA v. over corporations have been made since whether this is the best course of action,

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 49 lawyers for the corporation face a number place of business and place of incorporation jurisdiction, there is no need to advantage of practical and strategic considerations is not in the forum state. Some defendants in making a general jurisdiction challenge. including whether the lawsuit could still go further and add in some essential be brought in the corporation’s principal information about the corporation’s de In summary, there are multiple factors to place of business or place of incorporation. minimus contacts or lack of contacts with weigh in the analysis of whether to contest Another matter to consider is whether the the state. It is questionable whether this is a jurisdiction. The issue of whether a court statute of limitations, which is effectively wise practice, as it may cause the plaintiff to has personal jurisdiction should always be a deadline, has passed in either of those proceed with jurisdictional discovery. considered. With the new paradigm shift jurisdictions. The corporation’s counsel on general jurisdiction, corporations need should also consider whether the forum Another common consideration is how the to look closely at whether to proceed with in which the corporation has been sued presence of co-defendants may affect the a motion to dismiss – even if the particular is a more desirable forum than the place decision-making process. It might be more forum had exerted personal jurisdiction where there is jurisdiction. Depending desirable to stay in the litigation where over the corporation previously. Old norms upon the answers to these questions, the there are co-defendants who might not be have changed now that corporations are counsel for the corporation may choose in a forum where jurisdiction may also lie. now working in a global marketplace. not to contest jurisdiction. Counsel should, A practical and strategic question is how though, consider whether not contesting likely it is that the plaintiff will file another Lisa J. SAVITT jurisdiction in a particular state could have a lawsuit if dismissed from its chosen forum. Partner precedential effect. It is understood that a contract between the The Axelrod Firm, PC parties which may have a choice of forum Washington, D.C., United States Corporations should also be aware that or court clause or governing law clause or [email protected] plaintiffs may be allowed to conduct limited a subsidiary may be sued for the actions of discovery on the issue of jurisdiction. In the parent company or vice versa. filing a motion to dismiss for lack of personal 1 131 S.Ct. 2846 (2011). jurisdiction, it is often necessary to file an Finally, do not lose sight that should a court 2 134 S.Ct. 746 (2014). affidavit from a corporate representative have specific jurisdiction over a corporation 3 137 S.Ct. 1773 (2017). confirming that the corporation’s principal and there is no basis to challenge specific 4 134 S.Ct. at 755-756.

50 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo Could the Way in Which you Read Matter for the Rule of Law?

I Stephen SIDKIN

In the Budapest Congress edition of Juriste had been given in favour of TSI in 2016. On does not include electronically supplied International, the question was asked, an appeal brought by Computer Associates software enables the odd inference to “Software - goods or not to be goods? against the original judgment [2018] EWCA be drawn that the legislators would have Civ 518, the Court of Appeal decided that wanted to protect a commercial agent The article drew attention to the judgment software is not goods. selling hard copy books on behalf of its of the High Court of Justice in England in principal to a wholesaler for onward the case of The Software Incubator Limited v So why did the Court of Appeal disagree sale to consumers, but not one selling Computer Associates Limited [2016] EWHC with the original judgment? electronic books to the same wholesaler 1587 (QB). for onward sale to the same consumers. Certainly, the Court of Appeal had This lays bare the arbitrariness of the The judgment was significant insofar as it sympathy with the approach of the original tangible/intangible distinction. established for the first time that: judge. As Lady Justice Gloster (who gave 3. Leading Counsel for TSI had argued 1. Software should be considered ‘goods’ the lead judgment in the Court of Appeal) that Computer Associates’ argument was within the meaning of the Commercial remarked, at the core of the original judge’s undermined by the way gas and electricity Agents (Council Directive) Regulations conclusion was the view that the court are treated under the Regulations. More 1993 (cf. the Agents Directive (86/653/ should ensure that the law keeps abreast of than 17 years ago the High Court had EC); and recent developments in technology by giving accepted that the supply of gas and an expansive interpretation of “goods” 2. The grant of a software licence represents electricity constituted the sale of goods to accommodate electronically supplied the sale of goods for the purposes of the for the purpose of the Regulations. software. Regulations. However, the Court of Appeal found it impossible to coherently explain why Lady Justice Gloster sympathised with this The judgment was important because the gas and electricity are any more tangible approach given what she perceived to be Regulations define a commercial agent by property than software. the various difficulties with maintaining the reference to an agent who is concerned tangible/intangible distinction. 4. The Court of Appeal noted that both with the sale of goods. New Zealand and have updated She identified four difficulties: their existing sale of goods legislation to But there is a further issue which could take account of the increasing prevalence 1. She accepted that the original judge had matter for the rule of law. Read on… of intangible/digital products. a point when he stated that there was no logic in making the status of software as Background Despite these issues, Lady Justice Gloster “goods” (or not) turn on the medium by was not persuaded that it was open to the which they were delivered or installed. The Software Incubator Limited (“TSI”) Court of Appeal to impute what many might had brought a claim under the Regulations Whilst she noted that such a distinction think was a common-sense meaning of against Computer Associates Limited (the had been followed and applied by both the “goods” to the legislators of the European UK subsidiary of NASDAQ listed CA Inc.) High Court and the Court of Appeal, she Agents Directive and the Regulations. following the termination of its agency had difficulty nevertheless in seeing any agreement by Computer Associates in principled basis for such an approach. She It was her opinion that to do so would be October 2013. noted that leading counsel appearing for contrary to precedent and the Court of Computer Associates had accepted that if Appeal could not simply ignore the “weight of Following termination, Fox Williams LLP, on in TSI’s case, a company or individual had judicial authority” that supports maintaining behalf of TSI, issued a claim in the High Court asked for, or been sent, a back-up disc that the tangible/intangible distinction. for compensation and post-termination carried the software in case something commission under the Regulations and for went wrong, in such circumstances, the She was therefore of the view that an damages for failure to give proper notice of software would be tangible property. The approach which departed from precedent termination. idea that this situation would fall under and the well understood meaning of “goods” the Regulations, whilst if the software was in law “should be resisted by the judiciary”. Appeal downloaded from the Internet it would But whilst noting that consumer legislation not, appeared illogical. now addressed digital goods she did not However, in March of this year the Court of 2. Lady Justice Gloster recognised that her consider that commercial parties are so in Appeal disagreed with the judgment which conclusion that the definition of “goods” need of protection that the judiciary should

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 51 adopt a completely different approach to interpreting “goods” than that established by precedent.

In short – the Court of Appeal in its judgment recognized that the law needs changing. However, it declined to do so.

The rule of law And so why does all this matter for the juriste rule of law? L'équipe du Because can it truly be said in the second Juriste International decade of the twenty-first century that: vous invite à • if you read a hard copy book then you devenir rédacteur ! have read it in a different way to reading Faites-nous parvenir vos propositions it on an electronic book reader (aka a d'articles en français, anglais ou Kindle)? espagnol sur les sujets qui vous intéres­ sent en matière de droits de l'Homme, • There is a difference between purchasing de pratique générale du droit ou sur la a hard copy of a book as opposed to profession d'avocat. taking a licence when you download it on to a Kindle – when both exercises are ultimately to result in the payment of a royalty to the author? Juriste International invites you to become • Your experience of reading will be any an author! different? Send us your proposed articles in English, French or Spanish on a subject And because for the rule of law to exist and of your choice in the fields of human thrive it must be respected by the people. rights, substantive legal issues or the In contrast if the people think that the law legal profession. is an ass (as suggested by Charles Dickins in Oliver Twist), then it will fall into disrepute. jEI equipo del Juriste Further it is possible to point to a International le invita number of judgments given by the English courts concerning the Regulations where a redactar un artfculo! Envfenos sus proposiciones de artfculos technological change has been recognized en espanol, francés o inglés sobre la and accepted in applying the law. tematica que le interesa en el ambito de los derechos humanos, de la practica It is to be hoped that the UK Supreme general del derecho o relativo a la Court will now permit an appeal to be profesi6n de abogado. brought on behalf of TSI to try and overturn the Court of Appeal’s judgment.

Stephen SIDKIN Partner Informations UIA Director of Communications Fox Williams LLP Union Internationale des Avocats London, 20, rue Drouot [email protected] 75009 Paris - France Anne-Marie Villain [email protected] Tel:+ 33 1 44 88 55 66 Fax : + 33 1 44 88 55 77

52 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde Thinking About the Ethical Issues of Gene-Editing Technology

I SUN Qigui & WANG Chen

Gene editing technology enables humans to human gene editing was held in Washington, application of gene editing technology to use artificial biotechnology to manually edit D.C., in December 2015. The scholars quantify the probability of risk. the target genes that they seek to modify. participating in the summit discussed a By using gene editing technology we can series of questions on the application of The concept of gene editing technology implement, eliminate, join, or perform other gene editing technology in the framework used to be understood as a mechanistic operations on specific DNA fragments. This of modern technical bioethics. The goal was theory and reductionist approach, biological technology can directly edit the to reach a basic consensus about genetic originating from a 17th century search human genome and change the structure of editing pertaining to “basic and preclinical for the meaning of methodology. In the DNA, thereby creating great value for the research,” as well as the “clinical application 21st century, with complex systems like future of mankind. at the somatic cell level.” At this summit, the human body better understood, it there were great divergent views on the is possible to better comprehend the Gene editing technology can be applied to clinical application of germ cells. Thus, the situation of domino effects caused by the all species. However, the technology, which ethical debate of genetic editing technology modification of what would otherwise reflects opportunities for positive change, to modify human embryonic genes persists.1 be understood as an “insignificant” gene has caused intense ethical controversy and three important ethical issues that must be faced. In 2014, researchers edited the genome of cynomolgus monkeys, whose Editing diseased genes with hereditary traits may affect the normal functioning of genes are genetically similar to humans. other genes and cause often unexpected genetic mutations and safety problems. These monkeys have often been used as models of human genetic diseases. It was learned through experimentation that by fragment. We must acknowledge that directly editing the germ cells of cynomolgus 1. Ethical Issues in Genetic Editing the genetic and life information obtained monkeys, its modified genes became through animal models have limitations and heritable. In 2015, a Chinese research team may be even speculative with regard to the at Sun Yat-Sen University used CRISPR/Cas9 1.1 The Issues of Safety and Risks human body. After all, there are significant technology to modify the genes that cause for Genetic Editing differences between primates and human β-thalassemia in human embryos. This was beings in terms of gene types. Due to a lack the first published human attempt to edit Major breakthroughs are rare in biology and genes in their own embryos. After research applied life sciences. Gene editing is such of clinical experiments as evidence, there findings were published in “Protein & Cell,” an advancement. Compared with ZFN and is no way to make a sufficient scientifically there was great controversy in the academic TALEN technology, the editing accuracy of reliable conclusion for the time being. community about the ethical issues of gene the CRISPR/Cas9 continues to improve, but Little is understood about cognition in the editing technology. We cannot help but it lacks a 100% success rate. context of the complexity of the evolution ask, “Could such technologies be applied to of nature and life. Moreover, in the history human beings?” The dual complexity of technological of biotechnology development, scientists applications and the human body itself and engineers often fail to achieve their In recognition of the ethical problems caused increases the probability of various types desired goals in precise operations on the by the rapid development of gene editing of risks. Even with sophisticated analytics, current limited scale of experimentation. technology, an international summit on it is still difficult for scientists utilizing the It is wise to expect unexpected problems.

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 53 The team of Professor Zhang Feng from controversy in academia. Researchers from of self-interests, the healthy development the MIT in 2015 has developed three Columbia University and other institutions of genetic editing technology would be new versions of the Cas9 enzyme that found that the common tool for gene negatively impacted. It is foreseeable that could greatly reduce the off-target effect of editing, CRISPR/Cas9, caused unexpected gene editing technology will not only be CRISPR. However, this still does not fully genetic mutations while curing targeted applied to health and medicine, but to prove the absolute safety of gene editing genetic diseases in mice. It is noted that the forms of commercialization. The economic technology in the process of practical study published on the “off-target” effect interest of the market is expected to be applications. It is undeniable that there of CRISPR has been officially retracted dominated by the more affluent. This would are still technical risks in the gene editing because off-target effects have not been seriously violate the basic principles of process, whereby efforts are made to discovered on the genome-wide level. This fairness and equality in human societies. repair genetically induced disease processes. does not mean that CRISPR is 100% safe. Editing diseased genes with hereditary traits The richer could make use of their wealth may affect the normal functioning of other Of course, many geneticists believe in the and privilege to cause their descendants genes and cause often unexpected genetic safety of CRISPR and continue to perform to have higher intelligence quotients, mutations and safety problems. research. More research is needed to stronger bodies, and better looks than better understand the impact of using this ordinary people, and to do so in utero. It is generally believed that some diseases disruptive technology on large-scale editing The offspring of the more affluent could could be caused by errors in individual of the genome. Allan Bradley, Honorary seriously damage the balance of the entire and partial genes. If this is the cause, Director of the UK’s Wigsangg Institute, human society and impact value systems. pathogenic genes could be knocked out and published an article in ”Nature-Biotech” This could be reminiscent of the ancient modified during the process of gene editing in 2018 pointing out that the maturity of Indian racial surname system, whereby class operations. However, on June 11, 2018, the CRISPR technology is still far away because stratification was defined for people when “Nature” magazine published two articles CRISPR is not perfectly safe. While denying born. In a relatively fair society, ordinary that pointed out that cells resulting the great potential and prospects of gene people could gain a higher social status from the successful editing by CRISPR might editing technology, he advocated that we and living standards through continuously be “time bombs.” should persist in exploring and re-examining learning and hard work. However, once the clinical practical value of CRISPR. those who are qualified to be modified by More specifically, the idea was that the “genetic magic scissors” CRISPR represents caused a panic. DNA double-strand breaks It is difficult for the public to truly understand the future significance of genetic caused by CRISPR gene editing might editing technology through ordinary science forums and the dissemination of official activate p53, and cause the apoptosis of human pluripotent stem cells. Apoptosis statements. is a term widely described as a process of programmed cell death. Instead of the The scientific community and all circles genetic editing technology would appear expected apoptosis results, the cells that of society should make a comprehensive in society, and they would predictably were finally “screened” for survival were and rigorous assessment of gene editing occupy more resources of society, these likely to have defects in p53 function- technology before opening “Pandora’s box.” changes would form social stratification -a feature of many malignancies. There We must set an early warning mechanism and class differentiation. The differentiation might be a very high risk of carcinogenesis, for the application of such technology, and and stratification have characteristics of or cancer, when these kinds of cells are reduce or even avoid devastating trauma to “innateness” and “sustainability.” There transplanted into the human body. These humans and society to the greatest extent. are few ways to surpass these genetic two articles once again rang alarm bells characteristics for the ordinary. This would for the safety risk of CRISPR. It reminds 1.2 The Problems of Justice and lead to serious social inequality and would us that there is still a long way to go Equality in Society likely cause great social contradictions and before gene editing technology is applied conflicts. Like social Darwinism, it would to the human body.2 While once, the Technology is playing an increasingly make a negative impact on the principles characteristics of high accuracy and speed of important role in promoting economic of justice and equality of human society, gene editing technology was considered to development. Modern societies are attentive shock views about the sanctity and values be a promising new hope for gene therapy, to the development of the emerging high- of life, and cause a devastating blow to the experimental results are causing more and grade, precision, and advanced technology. sustainable development of human society, more scientists to worry about the negative However, improper economic interest as well as the construction of social equality. effects of gene editing technology. demands might lead to technological alienation. Based on different moral In addition, it is foreseeable that those In 2017, the research on what is called the standards and different moral judgment, who have been enhanced through genetic “off-target” effect of CRISPR published in decision makers from different countries and editing technology would make use of their “Nature,” under the heading of “Methods,” organizations may cause escalating serious innate advantages by gradually controlling caused more widespread discussion and ethical conflicts. Driven by various kinds the society and the public. This might

54 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers also lead to new forms of dictatorship. Without the consideration of rationality and humanization, the pursuit of demand for gene editing would bring about the distortion of fair values, which would gradually be “rationalized” and “justified” due to the conformity psychology of the masses. Mainstream social awareness and the promotion of gene enhancement, which advances gene determinism, could inevitably lead to the severe discrimination, if not elimination, of the so-called poor genes, such as obesity, myopia, and small height. All results caused by applications of gene editing, as they come into being, will bring a series of ethical and moral dilemmas.

1.3 The Issues of Genetic Diversity and Evolutionary Direction

The 2015 “International Summit on Human Gene Editing,” described above, brought knowing, once technology causes mistakes account the willingness, through informed forward the idea that the well-being of the in application, there may be serious and consent, of the embryonic subject in the human community depends on the diversity irreversible results. As Engels pointed out, future. Gene editing technology could be of gene sequences. This is an idea akin to when we thought that we could control applied for the repair of human germ cell that of biodiversity. We must protect species the world of nature, it is inevitable that the genes, since the object of editing would diversity for the purpose of protecting Nature would retaliate against us as a result. include the modification of the embryo nature. This is an essential requisite to The Big Nature would inevitably “transcend” with defective genes. A human formed in ensure the ecological stability and sustainable the evolution of human beings in accordance the future would be dramatically impacted development of the earth. Following the with the evolutionary laws of natural by decisions made by technical experts and same reasoning, the human gene is a “gift” development and cause the emergence of the embryo “parent” providers. from our ancestors and contains the human “leap-forward” evolution as the application evolutionary experience and history. Both of gene editing technology transforms 1.5 Ethical Qualifications are fundamental characteristics of human human genes. The emerging “superman” beings and are very important and significant and “superwoman” would inevitably lead to Do technical experts and “parents” have for humans. The abuse of gene editing the crisis of the survival status of ordinary sufficient moral qualifications to make technology and the absence of meaningful “natural people,” and the traditional sense of decisions for the editing of future “children?” relevant laws and regulations are expected human beings would end. The definition of The relevant discussion is reflected in news to lead to the reduction of human genetic “human” would evolve. Could the artifacts published in “Nature” in 2016. There, it was diversity, thereby impacting the process produced by the panoramic change be reported that a young girl, Ruthie Weiss, of human evolution. The singularity of continuously called human? carried an inborn error gene that would genes would unfortunately lead to serious cause albinism and blindness. Although this consequences, including human ability to 1.4 Issues about Informed Consent was unfortunate, she revealed an optimistic adapt to the environment. In the future, and Power Conflicts attitude by facing her life and learning. The there could be a virus that is aggressive “Nature” reporter asked whether the girl’s against less diverse genotypes, and humans We know that informed consent is a basic parents would be willing to let their child would suffer devastating consequences. and fundamental principle of bioethics. The have the “wrong” gene repaired before the code of life ethics generally requires that birth of the child. Ruthie’s parents answered Gene editing technology changes the form the human embryos used by the gene that they would accept the “editing” of gene of human existence from the state of natural editing should not be used for reproductive without hesitation before the child was born. evolution to the state of technological purposes and must be destroyed within 14 But, now it seems that these kinds of technical transformation. This affects the position of days. The embryonic sources must originate behaviors might make Ruthie lose a special life existence and significance of human beings from legal channels and ensure the right to experience that should have belonged to her in nature. From the perspective of the informed consent of the donor. and might have even made her life completely relationship between human beings and Regardless of the extent to which the different from the present. It is hard to say nature, the artificial behaviors reflected in modification is large or small, genetic whether having the natural child would be gene editing are the embodiment of the engineering might turn human beings into good or bad. In fact, only the child would be supremacy of human rationality. Far from a commodity. There is no way to take into qualified to make this decision.3

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 55 Genes seem like magical items, and they the technology itself still has uncertainty and regulations to guide the healthy have complex connections with each other. and potential high risks. Therefore, it is development of gene editing technology. In It would not be right for all modifications necessary to strengthen the supervision order to ensure the authority and fairness and repairs to be in accord with the of gene editing technology. It is urgent of supervision, we strongly recommend that “willingness” of modern people. People like that relevant ethical regulations about gene all countries of the world set up a neutral Ruthie in the world are not in the minority. editing be formulated. and credible independent organization We cannot simply and harshly think that to monitor and regulate genetic editing “disabled people equals definitely unhappy.” In terms of basic norms, some basic technologies and educate the public about Everyone has a different definition of consensuses have been reached. We the possible consequences of technological happiness. There might be no “universal” should increase our support and funding development. Plans should be devised to value which would apply to everyone. for research and development of great minimize the social impact of the negative medical applications that reflect ethical effects that gene editing technology could In addition, characteristics of the human controversies by restricting or prohibiting bring. At the same time, the academic body are not only determined by genes, some research directions. For example, communities should actively cooperate some are also affected by the surrounding there should be strict prohibition of gene to establish international legal and ethical environment. Genes could mainly affect editing human embryos and germ cells for organizations and formulate appropriate human characteristics such as appearance, the purpose of reproduction. Even so, it international norms and standards. height, and intelligence quotient. After should be supported for clinical research to genetic editing technology matures, it is prevent major hereditary diseases caused by Secondly, the ethical supervisory body very likely that the more affluent would genes. In a word, it should be supported for of gene editing technology must be want to “correct” and “improve” the genes scientific activities in the field of biological organized by all relevant actors. While of their offspring in order to obtain the basic research or the method of gene some scientists, including ethicists and genetic qualities of the offspring they prefer. editing, but it must be treated with caution sociologists, believe that the problems This would not only violate the right of on the subjects of technical applications that about the application of technology should independent choice of future generations, could refer to clinical trials and reproductive be solved by scientists themselves, many but it would also cause offspring to lose the purposes. believe that the public could not fully right to determine their own independent understand the true value and meaning of personalities. But, remember, there are From the perspective of the rule of law, technology as the public is an “outsider.” differences in aesthetic standards in each sound laws and regulations are not only It is feared that the “public” would society. With the change of history and necessary for the development of technology hinder the development of technology. societies, the aesthetic views of modern itself, but also necessary for the protection These views are negative, incomplete, people would not necessarily be suitable for of the social masses living in the background and inadequate. While objectivity and the needs of the future, thereby negatively of modern technologies. On the surface, neutrality are difficult to achieve, there impacting the modified individual. various types of laws and regulations have could be an overlap between the ethical produced many “rules” about the future review of technology and the research and The above problems lead to more questions, development of gene editing technology. In development institutions that constitute including: are we really qualified to make essence, these laws and regulations play a it. This is equivalent to a person who is decisions for the next generation? Should we protective role in preventing and controlling both an athlete and a referee in a sports change the unique life experiences that belong the occurrence of genetic discrimination competition. The athlete might complain to future generations in order to protect and the artificial remolding of biological that the result of the referee is unfair. It their health? Except for the specific editing events. The development of gene editing would cause lack of supervision of such and restoration of genes that cause serious technology has potential huge benefits. institutions and be difficult to monitor. diseases and death, gene editing is difficult Effective and well-formulated mandatory to defend on moral grounds. Contemporary laws and regulations are needed in order 2.3 Guiding the Public to Actively scientists may gain the right to determine to prevent the destructive abuse of science Participate human interests and wishes in the future and promote the healthy development of based only on so-called precise “opinions.” gene editing technology that enhances social The public would rarely make judgments stability and progress. based only on scientific information, but 2. Countermeasures for Solving would instead embed their own goals and the Ethical Problems of Gene 2.2 Strengthening the Unique values in the consideration of the risks. It is Editing Function of Censorship and not enough to achieve an effective dialogue Supervision of Gene Editing Ethics with the public through only the diffusion of 2.1 Setting up Internationally scientific knowledge. Relevant Ethical Norms, Laws and First of all, the supervisory body of gene Regulations editing ethics should occur at the national It is difficult for the public to truly and international level. Countries with the understand the future significance of Although gene editing technology has ability for using gene editing technology genetic editing technology through ordinary continued to be developed in recent years, should formulate corresponding laws science forums and the dissemination of

56 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo official statements. The government and especially the extensive participation of the Gene editing requires us to face a series of relevant scientific organizations should public, could we ensure that the regulation social, ethical, and legal issues. It is essential not only guide the public in understanding and norms of technology might be further to supervise and regulate the research and gene editing technology through multiple improved. applications of gene editing technology. approaches, including the new media, but It should not be used without ethical also commit to learning earlier warning 3. Conclusion restrictions. We should comprehensively techniques. These skills could be promoted consider all factors, both to the beneficial through dialogues on scientific, cultural, As an emerging high-tech technology in recent side of technology, and also, the negative ethical, and social issues across professions, years, gene editing has an excellent prospect effects. We shall prepare to pre-warn the cultures, and fields. Certain social groups of development and value of application. It public and respond to problems on a and institutions have different ethical and can greatly promote the development of preventative basis, but as they emerge. moral attitudes towards technology than medicine and the life sciences, especially others. The collision and communication with precision medical treatment. Gene SUN Qigui between different attitudes and opinions editing technology may lead to the cure of School of Public Affairs would lead to consensus and compromise diseases. On one hand, the development University of Science and Technology of China in achieving an appropriate ethical standard of gene editing technology is helpful for a Hefei, P. R. China for satisfying the interests of the majority. more accurate understanding of the life [email protected] code, thereby promoting the development Once more, in the decision-making process, of medicine and the life sciences. On the WANG Chen the participation of the public could other hand, gene editing technology, while Department of Scientific Philosophy improve the legitimacy of decision-making, offering a good way to cure diseases such University of Science and Technology of China promote trust and understanding between as hemophilia, thalassemia, and sickle cell Hefei, P. R. China the scientific community and the public, and anemia through precision medical treatment, [email protected] lead to the support of the public. The public it is not risk free. is also the recipient of the application of 1 Cyranoski, D., & Reardon, S. (2015). Embryo editing technology and the group which is affected It cannot be denied that the rapid sparks epic debate. Retrieved on November 24, by the technology. Therefore, the active development of gene editing technology 2015. from:http://www.nature.com/news/embryo- editing-sparks-epic-debate-1.17421. participation of the public could make a brings many hidden dangers. When mistakes more comprehensive assessment of the occur in the application of gene editing, the 2 (Emma et al., 2018. CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing induces a p53-mediated DNA damage response. environment and the reasonableness of the damages caused could be irreversible and Nature Medicine. Retrieved on July 31, 2018, from: related decision-making for the gene editing give rise to serious consequences for the http://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-018-0049-z. ). technology. Only by making sure that all entire ecology of earth, thereby harming 3 (Erika, 2016. Should you edit your children’s gene? stakeholders have a definite understanding human society. The two sides of technology Retrieved on February 23, 2016, from: http://www. and knowledge of the application and bring about infinite possibilities for both nature.com/news/should-you-edit-your-children- development of gene editing technology, good and evil. s-genes-1.19432).

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 57 N’Djaména, place d’arbitrage ?

I Sobdibé ZOUA

Les modes alternatifs de règlement de Le Tchad, pays d’Afrique centrale, enclavé dire qu’un mauvais vaut mieux litiges constituent sans doute un renfort mais devenu pays producteur de pétrole, qu’un bon procès. crédible à l’administration de la justice participe aujourd’hui plus qu’hier à la étatique. Cela s’observe à travers promotion de cette justice alternative. A Loin de nous l’idée de réduire les modes l’engouement porté à cette justice privée, ce titre, d’ailleurs, les acteurs judiciaires alternatifs de règlement de litiges à une présentée comme étant plus souple, plus ont été conviés à un colloque international sorte d’ sans lendemain et à rapide et plus ‘‘amicale’’. Engouement au tenu à Yaoundé les 23 et 24 mai 2018 contrecœur ! niveau mondial avec Paris place d’arbitrage, sur l’arbitrage CPA, l’arbitrage CRCICA, flambeau porté au firmament par la Cour l’arbitrage et la médiation OHADA, riche L’objectif visé par cette initiative du conseil d’arbitrage de la Chambre de commerce d’enseignements. national du patronat Tchadien (CNPT) et internationale (CCI), ou avec la London de quelques professionnels du droit était, Court International Arbitration (LCIA), la L’outil le plus en vue de cette promotion entre autres, de contribuer à l’amélioration, commission des Nations Unies pour le droit de l’arbitrage au Tchad devait être le centre à l’assainissement et à la sécurisation du commercial international (CNUDCI). d’arbitrage de médiation et de conciliation climat des affaires au Tchad. de N’Djamena (CAMC-N) autorisé Engouement au niveau africain également. à fonctionner depuis 2017 mais qui n’a Il faut dire que la création du centre de Continent d’avenir, l’Afrique entreprend à malheureusement connu à cette date, aucun formalités des entreprises (CFE) avec la divers niveaux la promotion de l’arbitrage arbitrage, aucune médiation et aucune mise en place de l’Agence nationale des et notamment dans l’espace OHADA conciliation, ce qui permet d’interroger le investissements et des exportations (ANIE) (Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en contexte et la justification de la mise en forte de son guichet unique avaient déjà été Afrique du Droit des affaires) qui regroupe place d’un centre (I) dont les difficultés perçues comme des préalables nécessaires 17 États membres au Traité de Port sur le terrain ont pratiquement endigué au rehaussement et à la structuration de Louis. Des Actes Uniformes pris, régissant les espoirs. Il s’agira d’en déterminer les l’investissement privé local ou étranger. l’activité économico-juridico-judiciaire de causes et d’appeler à la rescousse les l’espace, l’un a été consacré à l’arbitrage, autres Centres ou Cour à la réputation Ces structures ont amélioré, en les rendant qui ‘‘a vocation à s’appliquer à tout arbitrage établie pour une véritable harmonisation flexibles et moins longs, les délais de lorsque le siège du Tribunal arbitral se trouve des pratiques (II). création d’entreprise au Tchad, d’obtention dans l’un des États parties’’ (cf. article 1 de l’AUA du 11 mars 1999 révisé en novembre 2017) et l’autre plus récent, à la médiation, L’objectif visé par cette initiative du conseil national du patronat Tchadien (CNPT) et constituant ensemble une valorisation des de quelques professionnels du droit était, entre autres, de contribuer à l’amélioration, à modes alternatifs de règlement des litiges. l’assainissement et à la sécurisation du climat des affaires au Tchad. Ainsi, la Cour commune de justice et d’arbitrage (CCJA), en plus de faire office I- Contexte et justification des informations dans le fichier national des de juge de cassation (Cour de cassation) de la création du centre RCCM (Registre de commerce et du crédit de l’ensemble des décisions rendues par mobilier). les Cours d’appel des États membres, d’arbitrage, de médiation et de administre les procédures d’arbitrage et conciliation de N’Djamena A la suite de ces initiatives, le patronat de médiation, contribuant pour ainsi dire à Tchadien a tranché l’épineuse question l’ancrage de l’harmonisation du droit dans Dans le classement Doing business, le Tchad posée sur sa table, il y a déjà plusieurs l’espace et au renforcement de l’arbitrage. n’a jamais occupé un rang respectable tant en termes de promotion de l’investissement années – nous avions accompagné en 2012 Bien entendu, dans les pays membres de par des mécanismes juridiques attractifs, un confrère du Barreau de Paris rencontrer l’espace, des centres d’arbitrage, de médiation qu’en termes de sécurité juridique et le Vice-Président du Conseil national du et de conciliation ont été créés, certains judiciaire. L’on devrait penser que la faiblesse patronat tchadien, pour échanger sur la plus anciens et plus réputés que d’autres, de la justice étatique et les barrières fiscales nécessité de mettre en place une structure portés par des initiatives privées, publiques et autres contraintes énergétiques sont les devant promouvoir les MARL en général ou mixtes : GICAM au Cameroun, CAMCO terreaux de l’amenuisement des portées et l’arbitrage en particulier – en aidant au Burkina Faso, CACI en Côte d’Ivoire, plus des modes alternatifs de règlements de à la création d’une structure chargée de récemment CAM-CN au Tchad. litiges, car, ici plus qu’ailleurs, on aime à faire régler les différends commerciaux

58 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde plus rapidement, dans la transparence et la Le CAM-CN institue un conseil de bonne II- Un centre aux règlements confidentialité la plus totale. moralité dont les membres, à l’inverse d’arbitrage et de médiation du comité d’inspection des procédures, C’est donc un outil de développement ne peuvent être arbitres, médiateurs modernes par excellence que le patronat avait aidé conciliateurs. Ce qui est gage d’indépendance. Le texte organique du centre d’arbitrage, de à mettre en place, en principe capable Cependant, les missions du conseil de bonne médiation et de conciliation de N’Djamena de drainer les investissements par leur moralité sont attachées au respect d’un indique bien qu’« il est organisé et fonctionne sécurisation et par le choix qu’il offre de code de bonne moralité qui ne fait pas selon une particularité qui est sienne ». contourner les lenteurs décriées de la encore partie des documents diffusés par le justice étatique. Mais le pari était-il pour centre. La mission de recueillir les plaintes et Au titre du Règlement d’arbitrage du CAM- autant gagné ? contestations relatives audit code, d’évaluer CN les fonctions du centre sont entre autres l’état général du respect des valeurs morales « …d’exercer ses attributions d’administration Les entraves au rayonnement du de l’arbitrage, de la médiation et de la et d’organisation des procédures d’arbitrage, CAM-CN conciliation en plus d’être tributaire de la de médiation et de conciliation qui lui sont divulgation dudit document, est vague et soumises en application d’une convention Le texte organique du CAM-CN indique imprécise quand à apprécier l’état général d’arbitrage, de médiation ou de conciliation ». que le Directeur du centre assure la des valeurs morales de l’arbitrage, de la Présidence de l’Assemblée de Direction médiation et de la conciliation. Le centre ne règle pas lui-même les litiges conduite par trois membres avec pour qui lui sont soumis. Cette mission relève de mission d’arrêter la politique générale Le mal congénital : le CAM-CN évoluait la compétence des arbitres. du CAM-CN, d’adopter tous documents sous la coupe d’un cabinet d’ingénierie indicatifs y compris ceux relatifs à la juridique. Egalement, les propositions conduisant procédure d’arbitrage, de médiation et de à une entente émanant uniquement des conciliation, d’adopter le barème des frais, A sa création, le CAM-CN dépendait d’un médiateurs et des conciliateurs. d’adopter le rapport annuel du comité cabinet d’ingénierie juridique c’est-à-dire d’inspection des procédures, d’approuver d’une structure dont l’activité, portée Un descriptif de la procédure d’arbitrage les arbitres médiateurs, conciliateurs à vers la défense des intérêts matériels de devant le centre y est exposé, de la demande inscrire sur la liste du centre, de veiller au ses membres ainsi que des personnes d’arbitrage à la reddition de la sentence respect des règles de bonne moralité, de susceptibles de lui faire recours, était gérée arbitrale en passant par l’ouverture de gérer financièrement les organes du centre. par le même Directeur du CAM-CN. l’instance arbitrale et l’instruction de la cause. C’est aussi l’Assemblée de Direction Il n’y avait pas de ressemblances dans les qui nomme les membres du comité tâches respectives des deux entités mais elles Enfin, le Règlement précise que « pour d’inspection et du Conseil de bonne devaient fonctionner dans un même local, tous les cas non visés expressément par le moralité. sous le contrôle d’un même responsable. Règlement d’arbitrage CAM-CN, le centre et le Tribunal arbitral doivent se référer à Si, au niveau de l’Assemblée de Direction, Ce pouvait être source de confusion, l’Acte uniforme sur le droit de l’arbitrage ou les missions sont précises, les tâches du surtout si le cabinet d’ingénierie juridique à la volonté des parties ». comité d’inspection des procédures assurant devait pourvoir le centre en arbitres une liaison permanente avec le Secrétariat- ou le financer, ce qui transparaissait du C’est ici le lieu de préciser que le CAM-CN greffe devrait exclure toute possibilité moins dans les intentions des promoteurs n’a pas vocation à administrer uniquement les pour les membres d’être désignés arbitres, qui y trouvaient un moyen de porter arbitrages OHADA, puisque les parties restent médiateurs ou conciliateurs. financièrement le centre, en attendant que libres de choisir le lieu de l’arbitrage, la loi de les premières affaires parviennent. procédure entre autres. Comment concilier en effet la désignation des arbitres médiateurs et conciliateurs sur Or, les valeurs de confidentialité, Le règlement du CAM-CN sur la médiation, la liste du CAM-CN – qui est par ailleurs d’indépendance, d’impartialités chères aux sans doute pour des questions de préséance l’une des missions soustraites à l’Assemblée acteurs des modes alternatifs de règlement n’intègre pas, à part l’affirmation des principes de Direction – et leur confirmation et de litiges pouvaient ne pas être partagées par essentiels de la médiation, le récent Acte nomination pour les dossiers soumis au un cabinet chargé de pourvoir en conseils, uniforme OHADA sur la médiation. centre avec l’indépendance et la neutralité assistance juridique et même financière. chères à l’arbitre, au médiateur et au L’indépendance, la neutralité du médiateur, conciliateur ? Depuis peu, les promoteurs du centre ont la confidentialité dans les échanges, la liberté compris et décidé que les deux structures des parties et l’efficacité de la transaction y Être membre du comité d’inspection des cheminent distinctement, sans jamais se sont affirmées, ce qui permet de retenir procédures devrait constituer un obstacle mêler l’une du fonctionnement de l’autre. la possibilité que le CAM-CN administre à se faire désigner ou nommer arbitre, Pourrait-ce enfin permettre au CAM-CN de la médiation, même sur des questions ne médiateur ou conciliateur. connaitre ses premières affaires ? relevant par des Actes Uniformes OHADA.

Reunir a los abogados del mundo I 3 ■ 2018 59 Sur ce point c’est un règlement qui ne bouscule la médiation en particulier, il y a lieu de donner Et à l’endroit des centres ayant une maturité pas les règles de la médiation. En revanche, dans la possibilité à travers le règlement, aux parties dans le traitement des arbitrages, médiation le règlement on note qu’il n’y a pas de précision de déposer l’accord de médiation au rang des et conciliation, c’est un appel au secours car, sur la médiation ad hoc et la médiation judiciaire. minutes du notaire. s’il est bien vrai que la réputation d’un centre résulte de la qualité des règlements de litiges La première devant permettre aux parties Le CAM-CN offre une réelle opportunité qui y sont administrés ou conduits, il n’est pas de mener leur médiation en dehors de de règlement de litiges, à bref délai, basé moins vrai que toutes contributions en terme l’encadrement qu’offre le CAM-CN. La essentiellement sur la volonté des parties. de partage d’expériences devient inestimable. seconde résulte de la décision du juge, ou de l’arbitre lors du déroulement de l’instance Il a bientôt trois ans d’âge mais aucune Sobdibé ZOUA arbitrale ou de la procédure judiciaire, de expérience pratique de l’arbitrage et de la Avocat au Barreau du Tchad designer un tiers pour la conduire. médiation en dépit de la communication qui a Cabinet Sobdibé Zoua été faite autour de sa création et de la grande N’Djamena, Tchad Le règlement de médiation du CAM-CN, même volonté de ses promoteurs d’en faire un vrai [email protected] s’il indique comment se déroule la médiation outil privé de dissémination du droit. n’aborde pas la question de l’administration de la preuve, ni celle de la forme que devait C’est pourquoi cet article devient un outil de prendre l’accord de médiation, et les possibles sensibilisation, d’information à l’endroit des voies de recours. praticiens du droit en général, en particulier les spécialistes des MARL et autres Pour faire œuvre utile à la promotion du droit investisseurs d’oser croire sur la capacité de OHADA en général et de l’Acte uniforme sur ce jeune centre.

60 3 ■ 2018 I Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers Of Ethics and Algorithms A Female Perspective


In times when politicians praise the Why that? Algorithms are analysing the of our children into our hands or maybe advantages of digitalisation as the next status quo of a huge number of people looking over the shoulders of our teenage technological breakthrough compared to and thereby they are predicting the future youngsters when sitting at their computer the invention of the weaving loom, electric only by facts derived from the past. Be it gadgets playing their computer games. current or personal computers that will your former reading habits or preferred slingshot us into a new dimension and clothing. Those who used to live in a poor The latest culmination of all this underlying will increase economic productivity to an neighbourhood earlier will never qualify (be it unintentional or intentional) unknown magnitude, one is tempted to sit for better loan conditions as they are manipulative effect on our thinking and back and start to deliberate on what the constantly categorized by a scoring system beliefs now was the reported finding that real consequences of all this will be for us according to their ZIP codes and former the Irish Referendum on legalization of as human beings. places of domicile, where is the way out abortion had been influenced by so-called there? dark-ads from abroad trying to manipulate Having recently read books like “The the undecided voters by allegedly ‘objective’ Googlization of Everything (and why we Job interviews are conducted by programmed information on social media platforms6 that should worry)” by Siva Vaidhyananthan1, bots, so that some people never get into in the future abortion would become legal “Homo Deus. A Brief History of Tomorrow” contact with a human being, when they until 6 month pregnancy (which was – by Yuval Noah Harari2 or “Weapons of are sorted out right away without having pardon – rubbish). Are we still independent Math Destruction” by Cathy O’Neil3 – all even been given the chance to prove that and self-determined thinkers or are others of them worth reading – I honestly start they are different from their categorization only lulling us with pseudo-scientific jargon worrying. as they do not get a second chance to see that is meant to deceive us with its seemingly a real interviewer. People who do not scientific appearance? Some of us will only have become aware of the means of voters’ manipulation after the Facebook scandal. Some unheard Are we still independent and self-determined thinkers or are others only lulling Cassandras have already written about the threats to democracy by extensive Big Data us with pseudo-scientific jargon that is meant to deceive us with its seemingly analysis and targeting of certain undecided scientific appearance? voter groups. Now, there are not only doubts whether the last U.S. elections have not been influenced, but also the BREXIT represent the average or pattern looked It is high time that we - in a concerted effort vote in the United Kingdom. Nudging of for are sorted out or ‘weeded out’ - as it - take future developments into our own consumers by customized micro-marketing is called - automatically. Where is there hands and decide what we really want to be of individuals in all sorts of economic a place and chance for birds of paradise? decided by autonomous systems and what spheres have become a common practice Potential stars may be overlooked. definitively not. This is not just a matter of and also belong to the “captology” strategy a just gender policy, but certainly a matter of platform economy companies that make The crucial question is, as Cathy O’Neil for the whole of mankind. profits with their advertising business puts it, are “… we as a society …. willing to models that seemingly and initially do not sacrifice a bit of efficiency in the interest of Meanwhile the European Commission has cost the users anything ‘but’ their personal fairness” (p. 95) ?4 “A crucial part of justice also taken up the discussion on ethical data. Such a system is encouraging a vicious is equality.”5 (p. 96). questions regarding the use of Artificial circle of getting addicted to your ‘pings’ Intelligence. A High-Level Expert Group on and ‘likes’ on social media, never ending And here comes the female perspective: Artificial Intelligence is expected to have repetitions of always the same and a living not only that autonomous systems are been set up by May 2018 to support the in silos or you can also call it living in a taking decisions autonomously, they mainly implementation of an upcoming European box. You will never get offered a totally have been - and first of all - programmed initiative on artificial intelligence and to different product, your tastes have been by male programmers and male software come forward by the end of 2018 with analysed and now they are reloaded over designers educated by mainly male university draft guidelines for the ethical development and over again offering similar products professors (if at all) hanging around together and use of artificial intelligence based on you might also be interested in like other with their male peer groups with all the the EU’s fundamental rights.7 In this context neighbours of ‘your’ box have chosen and stereotypes that we know so well when it will be tasked to consider issues such as done before. taking either the fairy-tale story books fairness, safety, transparency, the future of

Rassembler les avocats du monde I 3 ■ 2018 61 work, democracy and more broadly the implies as well that there are and should For me efficiency of distribution, better impact on the application of the Charter of be limits to the ways in which people can allocation of products, optimisation Fundamental Rights. be led to believe that they are dealing with of logistics doubtlessly represent an human beings while in fact they are dealing improvement. However, it should have its The recently published “Statement with smart machines. The right to chose limits at that point where - for the sake on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and whether a certain task is vested to a human of efficiency and profit - exploitation of ‘Autonomous’ systems”8 of March 9, 2018 or the machine must be reserved. humans start and minimum standards of of the “European Group on Ethics in Science human dignity are not observed or some and New Technologies” (that contains a first For me this does imply that there will humans are excluded from the advantages in concept of the basic principles that should always have to be offered alternative routes, total. AI should still enable inclusion and in be observed when setting up a common, opt-outs and ways for circumvention of any case it should not eternalise stereotypes internationally recognised ethical and legal automatisms and categorisations to allow that we have tried so hard to get rid of in framework for the design, production, for a more colourful and diverse society the last decades. I see – of course – the use and governance of AI, robotics and that still accepts every individual in his or potential of robotics to make human life ‘autonomous’ systems) will serve as a her uniqueness. This is technically feasible. easier, it is there, in particular when having starting point for the deliberations of the aging societies in the industrialised countries High-Level Expert Group. 2. Autonomy of human beings: Autonomous in mind, but we must take all members of systems should not impair freedom of society with us in this digitalisation process. In an overall description of the situation, human beings to set their own standards it is stated that “without direct human and norms and choose their own way 5. Democracy: a spirit of global cooperation intervention and control from outside, of living. Autonomy means that humans and public dialogue on AI development smart systems today conduct dialogues should be able to choose whether they and regulation will ensure that inclusive, with customers in online call-centres, want to delegate decisions and actions to informed and farsighted decisions are taken. buy and sell stock at large quantities in autonomous technologies. The human right to self-determination is milliseconds, direct cars to swerve or brake ensured through the means of democracy and prevent a collision, classify persons For me this does also implicate that AI and reflected in the right to participate in and their behaviour, or impose fines.”9 should not be able to intrude in every decisional processes that crucially shape But despite of the positive effects of an sphere – and in particular the private sphere our future. New technologies should not increasing efficiency, it is also noted “that – if people do not want to accept it. Often, jeopardise, influence or inhibit political some of the most powerful among these the individual is not even aware that the decision-making. cognitive tools are also the most opaque … counterpart is already AI or AI-driven. as their actions are no longer programmed For me it is high time that the democratic by humans in a linear manner”.10 Actions 3. Responsibility: those autonomous systems society gives answers and clear directions of deep learning machines “are no longer should serve the global social and environmental on how technical development should be intelligible, and no longer open to scrutiny good, as determined by outcomes of channelled and in such a way that it serves by humans” whereby “biases and errors deliberative democratic processes. Human humans. We should seize the momentum that they have been presented with in the freedom should not be compromised by now before technology has reached a past become engrained into the system”.11 illegitimately and surreptitiously reducing maturity that the factual situation has already options for and knowledge of citizens. surpassed the moment where legitimised In other words: an effective control or Autonomous systems should be guided by law-making can realistically still have an human direction of those opaque decision- an authentic concern for research ethics and impact on the (technical) future. In any case, making procedures of AI and autonomous social accountability of developers. democracy should be endowed with a right systems or a follow-up on those people who of self-defence against voter’s manipulation have been ‘weeded out’ by the system never For me this should also mean that we should by bots pretending to be human beings. occurs and this means that corrections for not give neuronal systems that have gained the sake of fairness do not occur either. their findings by mere machine-learning 6. Rule of law and accountability: The rule from facts derived from the past a chance to of law, access to justice and the right to The authors of the European Group make exclude human democratic decision-making redress and a fair trial provide the necessary suggestions for a set of basic principles and from making the final decision, if crucial framework for ensuring the observance of democratic prerequisites that are based aspects of human life are concerned. human rights standards. This also means on the fundamental values laid down in that protections against risks stemming from the EU Treaties and in the EU Charter of 4. Justice, equity and solidarity: AI technology autonomous systems that could infringe Fundamental Rights. They postulate the should contribute to global justice and equal human rights, safety or privacy are needed. A following principles: access to the benefits and advantages of clear allocation of responsibilities and efficient AI, robotics and autonomous systems. mechanisms of binding law are the solutions. 1. Human Dignity: human dignity sets limits Discriminatory biases in data sets used to on the determination and classification of train and run AI systems should be prevented For me a concerted global effort will be persons on the basis of algorithms. And it and neutralised at the earliest stage possible. needed. As AI is not restricted to the

62 3 ■ 2018 I Reunir a los abogados del mundo EU territory, but ubiquitous, it will be of to a possible new right to meaningful do indeed very much hope that we will not essence to co-ordinate the standard-setting human contact and the right to not be let the opportunity pass by to take active with other nations who are far developed in profiled, measured, analysed, coached or steps to regulate Artificial Intelligence and AI research and application and to make use nudged. the phenomena related thereto in a way of multilateral agreements. I see a danger in that our children will still love to live and to the fact that some of the most developed AI For me and in my view the European Union work on this planet. states have no democratic political system has already come quite far with the coming behind and are already testing impact of into force of the General Data Protection Dace L. LUTERS-THÜMMEL AI in local communities that starts nudging Regulation on 25 May 2018. The European M.E.L.S. (Luxembourg/Nancy) citizens by total control of the public (or Union has become a standard setter as we Secretary General EWLA also private?) sphere. Believing in our are exporting our data protection rules Luters-Thümmel democratic system we cannot afford to to third countries whose companies offer Düsseldorf, Germany only be part of a rat race for the fastest AI EU citizens their services or goods. It [email protected] progress and leaving humanity and humans behind.

7. Security, safety, bodily and mental integrity: autonomous systems need to New technologies should not jeopardise, influence or inhibit political decision-making. be externally safe for their environment and users, must be reliable and protected against hacking and emotionally safe with certainly is a means to set a world-wide respect to human-machine interaction, in standard. In how far the provisions on the particular, when persons are in a vulnerable imposition of administrative fines will have position. Bodily and mental integrity and a deterrent effect will show the near future. a safe environment require a special For mother companies abroad with EU attention that has to be given for instance daughter companies it has already become to cybersecurity, finance, infrastructure and a compliance issue. armed conflict. 9. Sustainability: AI technology must be in For me cybercrime poses a considerable line with the human responsibility to ensure threat to all vulnerable systems, be the basic pre-conditions for life on our it hospitals, be it any sort of ‘talking planet, continued prospering for mankind refrigerator’ or home assistant that you and preservation of a good environment for have equipped your home with. A range future generations. of questions regarding liability of these Internet of Things products and services For me it is crucial that profit is not the will have to be regulated accordingly. To be ultimate criterion that should motivate honest, I have not bought any of these for technological progress. Entrepreneurship is my household (yet, and who knows if I will at the forefront of technological progress, do it in the future). Who wants to have a creativity and finding new niches that might ‘spy’ at home? turn out to become unicorns. Ingeniousness is something that deserves our admiration, 8. Data protection and privacy: ubiquitous nevertheless it also means responsibility and and massive collection of data represent giving something meaningful back to society. a potential threat to the right to private It does not stand alone as a quality as such, life. AI robots and AI softbots that operate it should be framed by a common set of via the World Wide Web must comply values. And it certainly is difficult enough to with data protection regulations and not find a common denominator there, but the collect or spread data for whose use and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights could be dissemination no informed consent has a starting-point. been given. Autonomous systems must not interfere with the right to private This article reflects only my personal life which comprises the right to be free deliberations, in some parts it might be from technologies that influence personal polemic, and it certainly is not written development and opinions, the right to with the intention to start a debate at an develop relationships with other human academic level. But it is meant to give food beings and the right to be free from for thought on how we wish that our future surveillance. Consideration should be given and that of our children should look like. I

Bringing Together the World’s Lawyers I 3 ■ 2018 63 Juriste International : editorial policy JURISTE INTERNATIONAL

The aim of Juriste International is to offer a forum UIA PUBLICATION / PUBLICATION DE L’UIA / PUBLICACIÓN DE LA UIA for discussion and information on issues of interest to practising lawyers throu­ghout the world. Publication Director / Directeur de la Publication / Director de la Publicación Juriste International will not avoid difficult or President Pedro PAIS DE ALMEIDA controversial issues. A journal which covered only the safe or easy issues, or which only published articles Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) expressing the consensus view or the opinions of the 20, rue Drouot, majority, would not be worth reading. 75009 Paris (France) The views expressed in articles in Juriste International Tel. +33 1 44 88 55 66 - Fax. + 33 1 44 88 55 77 are the views of the authors. Publication in Juriste International does not imply that either the UIA or E-mail : [email protected] Juriste International shares or supports those views. Site Web : www.uianet.org Publication or dissemination of advertising or ISSN : 0758-2471 promotional material does not indicate endorsement or EDITORIAL TEAM / ÉQUIPE DE REDACTION / EQUIPO DE REDACCIÓN support of any product, service, person or organisation by the UIA or Juriste International. Nicole VAN CROMBRUGGHE, Chief Editor / Rédacteur en Chef / Redactor Jefe Barbara GISLASON, Deputy Chief Editor / Rédacteur en Chef Adjoint / Redactor Jefe Adjunto Franco VILLA, Deputy Chief Editor / Rédacteur en Chef Adjoint / Redactor Jefe Adjunto Juriste International : politique éditoriale Section Directors / Directeurs de rubriques / Directores de sección L’objectif du Juriste International est d’offrir un forum de UIA News / Actualités de l’UIA / Novedades de la UIA débats et d’informations sur des sujets qui intéressent les Paolo LOMBARDI juristes en exercice dans le monde entier. Le Juriste International n’esquivera pas les questions délicates ou controversées. Une publication qui ne viserait que Human Rights and Protection of Lawyers / Droits de l’Homme et de la Défense / des sujets faciles et sans risques ou qui ne publierait que des Derechos Humanos y de la Defensa articles exprimant des opinions unanimes ou majoritaires ne Carlos FATÁS MOSQUERA � Gustavo SALAS RODRÍGUEZ vaudrait pas la peine d’être lue. The Legal Profession / La Profession d’Avocat / La Abogacía Les opinions exprimées dans le Juriste International ne � reflètent que celles de leurs auteurs. La publication dans le Francis GERVAIS Pierluca DEGNI Juriste International n’implique ni que l’UIA ni que le Juriste Legal Practice / Pratique du Droit / Ejercicio de la Abogacía International partagent ou soutiennent ces opinions. Marc GALLARDO MESEGUER � Gavin LLEWELLYN La publication ou la dissémination de matériel publicitaire ou promotionnel par le Juriste International n’indique en aucun Correspondent for Young Lawyers / Correspondante Jeunes Avocats / cas l’approbation des produits, services, personnes ou organi­ Corresponsal Jóvenes Abogados sations par l’UIA ou par le Juriste International. Christoph OERTEL Editorial Assistant / Secrétaire de Rédaction / Secretaria de Redacción Marie-Pierre RICHARD

ADVERTISING SALES AGENCY/ RÉGIE PUBLICITAIRE / AGENCIA DE MEDIOS SEEPP - Régis LAURENT Juriste International : 7, rue du Général Clergerie - 75116 Paris - France - Tél. : +33 1 47 27 50 05 política editorial [email protected]

El objetivo de Juriste International es el de ofrecer un fórum Typesetting and printing / Composition et impression / Composición e impresión de debate e información sobre temas que interesan a los Evoluprint - Parc Industriel Euronord - 10 rue du Parc juristas en ejercicio en el mundo entero. CS 85001 Bruguières - 31151 Fenouillet Cedex Juriste International no eludirá las cuestiones delicadas o controvertidas. No valdría la pena leer una publicación que Circulation - Distribution / Tirage - Distribution / Tirada - Distribución trate únicamente sobre temas fáciles y sin riesgo, o que 3 000 exemplaires / copies / ejemplares publique tan sólo artículos que expresen opiniones unánimes o mayoritarias. Las opiniones expresadas en Juriste International son sólo Photos credit / Crédit photos / Crédito fotos el reflejo del punto de vista de sus autores. Su publicación Cover page : © Shutterstock en Juriste International no implica que la UIA o Juriste Page 1 : © UIA / Page 2 (Upper & lower) : © Shutterstock / Page 10 (Upper & lower) : © UIA International comparta o apoye dichas opiniones. Page 13 : © UIA / Page 18 (Upper & lower) : © Shutterstock / Page 22 : © Shutterstock La publicación o distribución de material publicitario o Page 24 : © Shutterstock / Page 36 (Upper & lower) : © Shutterstock promocional en Juriste International no indica en ningún Page 44 (Upper & lower) : © Shutterstock / Page 55 : © Shutterstock / Page 57 : © Shutterstock caso la aprobación de los productos, servicios, personas u organizaciones por parte de la UIA o de Juriste International.

64 3 ■ 2018 I Rassembler les avocats du monde 2019 / EVENTS – ÉVÉNEMENTS – EVENTOS Drafting International Contracts: Workshop- JANUARY - JANVIER - ENERO 24 25 seminar on International Sales, Agency L’avocat, vecteur du développement and Distributorship Contracts 11 12 économique et des investissements HAMBURG – GERMANY EN ALGER – ALGÉRIE FR EN AR

30 The Death of a Transaction 31 LONDON – UNITED KINGDOM EN International Arbitration, Current 25 rd 26 Perspectives - 3 Edition Arbitraje Internacional, Perspectivas Actuales - 3a Edición BILBAO – SPAIN / ESPAÑA EN ES JUNE - JUIN - JUNIO Welcome to the Age of Big Health Data! FEBRUARY - FÉVRIER - FEBRERO 07 08 Will it be a Cure or a Curse? Actualités de la Cour européenne 08 NEW YORK, NY – USA EN 09 des droits de l’homme – PRINCIPAUTÉ DE MONACO FR The EU’s Digital Market Programme – 21 Achievements to Date and Outlook Digital Economy & The Law 22 23 BRUSSELS – EN 24 NEW DELHI – INDIA EN

Development and Cross-Border Sale 28 29 of Technology MARCH - MARS - MARZO MUNICH – GERMANY EN

26th UIA World Forum of Mediation 08 09 Centres ZURICH – SWITZERLAND EN JULY - JUILLET - JULIO L’indépendance des juges, des procureurs 04 et des avocats IP Rights: Counterfeiting and Other 05 14 CASABLANCA – MAROC FR AR 15 Infringements CAPE TOWN – SOUTH AFRICA EN SEPTEMBER - SEPTEMBRE - SEPTIEMBRE Doing Business in and with the Emerging 28 Corporate Compliance and Internal 30 Markets – How to Hedge the Various 12 Risks in Asia and other Regions 13 Investigations. The Role of External and In-House Counsel TOKYO – JAPAN EN JP MILAN – ITALY EN 14th UIA Winter Seminar 30/03 10th Business Law Forum 06/04 Hot Legal Topics in the Age of Digitalization: 20 M&A, Corporate Law, White Collar Crimes 21 VIENNA – AUSTRIA EN and Dispute Resolution ASPEN, COLORADO – USA EN

APRIL - AVRIL - ABRIL Bankruptcy, Banking & Financial 26 Foreign Investment & Investment in Real 27 Services 12 BARCELONA – SPAIN EN 13 Estate - European and Bulgarian regulations Investissements étrangers et investissements dans l’immobilier - Règlementations européenne et bulgare SOFIA – / BULGARIE EN FR BG OCTOBER - OCTOBRE - OCTUBRE Mediation as Instrument of Modern Justice Formation UIA/CCI : étude d’un cas 24 09 pratique selon le Règlement d’arbitrage 25 La médiation comme instrument d’une 11 justice moderne de la CCI BEIRUT – LEBANON / LIBAN EN FR AR LOMÉ – TOGO FR

MAY - MAI - MAYO NOVEMBER - NOVEMBRE - NOVIEMBRE Répression des crimes transnationaux 63rd Annual Congress / Congrès annuel / 17 06 18 Crackdown on Tansnational Crimes 10 Congreso anual PORT-AU-PRINCE – HAÏTI FR EN LUXEMBOURG EN FR ES

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