In the Matter of the Measurement and Apportionment of Thewaters of Thest
INTERNATIONALJOINT COMMISSION REARGUMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE MEASUREMENT AND APPORTIONMENT OF THEWATERS OF THEST. MARY AND MILK RIVERS ANDTHEIR TRIBUTARIES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA UNDER ARTICLE VI OF THE TREATY OF JANUARY 1 I, 1909, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN 4 OTTAWA, CANADA MAY 3, 4, AND 5, 1920 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1921 I. ,I,' #__? .. MAASUKIEMEW,. AM) APPOIITIO~~MEMOF THE WATERS OF THE ST. MARY ANT) MILK RIVERS. INTERNATIONALJOINTCOMMISSION, Ottawa, Canada,, May 9, 1920. The Commission met at 10 o'clock a. m. Present: C. A. Magrath (chairman for Ctinada) €1. A. Powell, K. c., Sir William Hearst. 0. Gardncr (chairman for tLe United States), Clarence D. Clark. Lawrcnce J. Burpee, secretary of the Commission for Canada. Ap earances : CoP . C. S. MacInnes, K. C., counsel for the Dominion of Canada, for the Provinces of Albertaand Saskatchewan, the WesternCanada Irrigation Association, andthe Cypress Hills Water-Users Association. Won. George Turner, counsel for the United States Government. Mr. Will R. Kin chief counsel for the United States Reclamation Service, with Mr. k. J. Egleston, of Helena, Mont., district counsel for the United StatesReclamation Service. with Mr. G. A. Walker of Calgary, for the States Senator from Montana. Mr. A. P. Davis,director of theUnited States Reclamation Service, Washin ton, D.. C. Mr. E. E'. Draf e, director, Reclamation Service of Canada, Ottawa. Mr. C. S. Heidel, hydrographer, engineer's office, State of Montana. Mr. R. J. Burley, irrigation engineer, Department of the Interior, Ottawa. Mr. C. H. Atwood, Water Power Branch, Department of the Inte- rior, Ottawa.
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