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Mazama Research Reports Vol. 1–22PDF Document 8/13/2020 Reports of Scientific Investigations sponsored by Mazama Research Grants Page 1 REPORTS OF SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS Sponsored by Mazama Research Funds Index to volumes 1-22 and Separate Reports 1-5 8/13/2020 Reports of Scientific Investigations sponsored by Mazama Research Grants Page 2 Table of Contents Volume 3 1. A study of the primary productivity rate of South Volume 1 Cascade Glacier: correlation with ice worm 1. Microenvironmental modifications to favor seed populations. Bland, Jeffrey and Wilson, Kathy germination in distributed sub-alpine 2. Environment of tundra vegetation of Steen’s environments, Mount Rainier National Park, Mountain. Collins, Paul Washington. Ahlstrand, Gary M. 3. The effect of an outdoor experience on self 2. Some effects of snowmobiles in the High attitudes and behavior of mentally retarded Cascades. Bowerman, Jay adults. Fullerton, Ann 3. Glacial geology of the Mountain Lake Wilderness 4. Geology of the Bull of the Woods area. Jackson, and adjacent parts of the Cascade Range, James S. Oregon. Craver, Gary Alan 5. Investigation of the geology structure of Northwest 4. A pilot biological survey of the Sky Lakes Oregon by the interpretations of a gravity Wilderness study area. Cross, Stephen P and traverse southwest of Portland, Oregon, 1977. Lang, Frank A. Jones, Terry 5. High mountain hummingbird feeding territories in 6. Attitude change related to a course in backpacking relation to food supplies. Gass, Lee at the University of Montana. Long, Eleanor 6. A limnological study of Shadow Lake, a subalpine V.1974 late at Mount Rainier National Park, 7. Preliminary report of the 1976 Awlinyak Peaks Washington. Hall, Timothy expedition. Lyon, John G. 7. Input of terrestrial insects into a subalpine lake in 8. Plant communities of the Steens Mountain the Cascade Mountains, Oregon. Ho, Leighton subalpine grasslands and their relationships to 8. Summit firn cave study, Mount Rainier, certain environmental elements. Mairs, John W. Washington. Kiver, Eugene P. 9. The occurrence of neotomic rough-skinned newts 9. Geothermal ice caves, Mount Baker, Washington. (Taricha granulose) in montane lakes of Kiver, Eugene P. and Steele, William K. Southern Oregon. Marangio, Michael. S. 10. Geothermal ice cave and fumarole study, Mounts 10. The dilemma on Burley Mountain. O’Connor, Baker and Rainier, 1975. Kiver, Eugene P. and David E. Steele, William K. 11. Ecology of over-wintering pikas (Ochotona princes) studies by radiotelemetry. Osgood, Volume 2 David W. 1. A new model for the formation of Crater Lake 12. The geology of the Strawberry Volcanics, caldera, Oregon. Lindstrom, John Walter, Jr. Northeast Oregon, Roblyn, T.L. 2. Aspects of population structure and growth in the 13. The status of the mountain goat on Barometer Pacific Giant Salamander, Dicamptoden ensatus Mountain, Mt. Baker National Forest, in clearcut and forested sections of a stream. Washington. Wright, Will. Marangio, Michael S. 3. Subalpine cover ecology of Eutamis amoenus, Volume 4 Eutamias townsendii and other small mammals 1. Analysis of visitor awareness of avalanche danger in Huckleberry Park, Mount Rainier National at three areas – Mt. Hood, Oregon. Conche, Park. Meredith, Don Steven W. – 1978. 4. Geological history of the Matterhorn – Sacajewea 2. The breeding population of Eagle Lake, California. Peak area, Eagle Cap Wilderness area, Oregon. Lederer, Roger J. Neal, Ken 3. An ecological study of the effects of recreation on 5. Distribution, behavior and habitat of the Black the subalpine communities of Jefferson Park, Rosy Finch on National Forest land. Rich, Mount Jefferson Wilderness. Schaaf, Dick Terrell D.G. Vander. 6. The culminating eruption of Mt. Mazama. 4. Government response to Mount St. Helens Ritchey, Joseph L. eruptions, May 18, 1980, Washington. Rystrom, 7. A geochemical reconnaissance investigation of Kenneth. Mount Baker andesites. Stavert, Larry 5. Alluvial fans of Southeastern Idaho. Clayton, 8. The behavior and ecology of the pika (Ochotona Janie Principes lemhi). True, Thomas Jesse 6. An ecological study of the effects of recreation and 9. Atmospheric assay for polychlorinated biphenyls tree growth in Jefferson Park, Mt. Jefferson & DDT during Douglas-fir Tussock Moth pest Wilderness, Oregon. Schaaf, Dick Vander – management. Lyon, John D.; Williams, Dave. 1980. 8/13/2020 Reports of Scientific Investigations sponsored by Mazama Research Grants Page 3 7. Holocene glacier fluctuations on Mount Rainier, Volume 7 research summary. Burbank, Douglas W. – 1. A survey of the phytoplankton in selected high- 1978 Grant – 1981 altitude lakes in the Oregon Cascades. Sweet, 8. An ecological study of the effects of recreation on James W. - 1983. the subalpine communities of Jefferson Park, 2. Paleolimnology of Bull Run Lake: stability and Mount Jefferson Wilderness. Schaaf, Dick disruption in a natural system, Oregon. Vander. – 1978 Grant – 1979. Raymond, Richard R. - 1983. 9. The chronology, geomorphology, and the climate 3. The Tatoosh volcanic-plutonic province, Mount of Collier Glacier with special reference to the Rainier National Park. Thompson, Keith ablation process. Mountain, Keith R. – 1977 Richard. Grant – 1978 4. Collier Glacier: a rethink of its history and comments on its climatic status since 1975, Volume 5 Oregon. Mountain, Keith Richard. 1. The climber impact problem in Grand Teton 5. Two new North American sphagnum species in National Park. Harrington, Rudy and Miles, section Subsecunda. Andrus, Richard E. - 1983 John C. – 1981 6. Environment and distribution of rock glaciers in 2. Geomorphology of selected alluvial fans of the Olympic Mountains, Washington. Nebert, Southeastern Idaho. Clayton, Janie Douglas D. - 1984 3. A chronology of late Holocene glacier fluctuations 7. Sylvilagus nuttallii: a semiarboreal lagomorph. on Mount Rainier, Washington. Burbank, Verts, B.J., Gelman, Steven D., Hundertmark, Douglas W. – 1981. Kris J. 4. Ferns (bogs) of the Oregon Cascades. Christy, 8. Mapping the boundaries of forests killed by past John A. – 1981. eruptions of Mount St. Helens: a progress report, 5. Dragonflies of Washington’s North Cascades. Yamaguchi, David K. Booth, Steven R. – 1981. 6. Geophysical and geochemical analysis of selected Volume 8 Miocene coastal basalt features, Clatsop County, 1. Collier Glacier: a rethink of its history and Oregon. Pfaff, Virginia Josette – 1981. comments on its climatic status since 1975, Oregon. Mountain, Keith Richard. - 1983 Grant Volume 6 - 1985 1. High glacier lakes of the Three Sisters and Broken 2. Survey of the vascular plants on Miller Island, Top. Sorensen, Lars D. and Groesch, Michael Klickitat County, Washington. Jolley, Russ. - A. - 1982 1983 Grant - 1984. 2. Geology of the Green Mountains, Oregon. 3. The structure and petrology of the Sleese Peak Woodford, Riley - 1982 area, Chilliwack Mountains, British Columbia, 3. The ecological effects of recreation use on Canada. Jewett, Peter D. - 1983 Grant - 1985 Subalpine meadow plant communities in 4. The ecology of lupines in Crater Lake National Jefferson Park, Mt. Jefferson Wilderness, Park, Oregon. Kerle, Elizabeth A. - 1984 Grant Oregon. Schaff, Dick Vander - 1982 - 1985. 4. Food selection and juvenile survival in Nuttall’s 5. The Late-Quaternary history of the genus Picea in Cottontails in Central Oregon. Hundertmark, Western North America: I. Identification of Kris Joseph - 1982 fossil pollen grains. Brady, Timothy J. - 1984 5. A geochemical study of Rhododendron and Dalles Grant - 1985. formations in the area of Mt. Hood, Oregon. 6. Larch Mountain salamander status. Herrington, Gannett, Marshall W. - 1982 Robert E. - 1984 Grant - 1985. 6. New tree-ring dates for recent eruptions on Mount 7. Preliminary report on the geology of the Mt. St. Helens, Washington. Yamaguchi, David K. Jefferson 7 ½ minute quadrangle. Conrey, 7. Glaciers in the Olympic Mountains, Washington: Richard - 1984. present distribution and recent variations. 8. Habitat requirements of the Cour d’Alene Spicer, Richard C. - 1982 Grant - 1986 Salamander Plethodon vandykei idahoesis. 8. The geology of Green Mountain: research project. Wilson, Albert - 1985 Woodford, Riley. - 1982 9. Technique development for the mapping of mountain goat habitat in Washington. Fox, Joseph L. - 1985 10. Archaeometric project, Salmon River Mountains. Hackenberger, Steven - 1985 8/13/2020 Reports of Scientific Investigations sponsored by Mazama Research Grants Page 4 11. Stratrigraph and hydrothermal alteration of the 3. Population of Howell’s Mariposa Lily Central North Santiam mining area, Western (Calochortus howellii), a rare serpentine Cascades, Oregon: preliminary report. endemic to the Siskiyou Mountains (summary). Thompson, Gordon - 1985 Fredericks, Nancy A. - 1988. 4. Radon gas occurrence and distribution in selected Volume 9 caves in Washington. Buchanan, John P. - 1. The population ecology of the intertidal alga 1991. Colium Setchellii. Trowbridge, Cynthia - 1987 5. The dynamic response of glacier termini to 2. Progress report on the Fifes Peaks, Washington, an climatic variation during the period 1940-1990 early Cenozoic volcano in the Cascade Range. on Mount Baker ,Washington. Harper, Joel T. - Hammond, Paul E. - Grant 1988 - 1989 1991 Grant - 1992. 3. Diffuse knapweed control on Tom McCall 6. Behavior, ecology and conservation of mountain Preserve and Mayer State Park. Youtie, Berta lions in fragmented habitat. Laundre, John W., and Soll, Jonathan. - 1989. Sellers, Mike, Clark, Tim, Streubel, Donald P.- 4. A survey of native grassland remnants
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