TV. • 2$ __--- ]s-EW^YOHK~ DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1910. MUSICAL NOTES ' Mary 0 MUSICAL. _ recitals of pianofore and violin sonatas AlJendale Hook MUSICAL. _ _[ m n:'U next Wednesday evening An h,n, V" A Colone: Sacchlnl In Mendelssohn An vP B and I-h hbmovaij notice. Symphony Hall, I tharfe. Wie Komm' Boston the works to be played are Veraclnl r> mv\u25a0 enn Brahms and Ber- Wain ' *» Kteht (serenade) Reldel in E minor in D minor \u25a0 " Brahms's lkl Prach Jensen ger's In G minor. IV Fay Io* ,ortte Nook Mendelssohn tlval • •• •Welngartner MME. DORA WILEY-TENNIS Opening Here Thurs- Now ' the Art of Mnsine. Concerts Mrp. lionise a xow TifTha? Thou Leavest Me Alone '•'The Sweet Singer of Main*.") Voice Culture «nd Homer is returned from ' • Tschalkowsky opera sea- nnt ._, , ;day Saturday. concert trip, to take part in the f. latlon 'Hugo) Widor RESIDENCE STUDIO. 128 WEST 97th ST. and son, at the close of which she willcontinue Cattl. l aSttgk 1* Ferrari her concert work. vti^wI<3nry j The musical reason has well begun by w IV Old French iV?Shepherd, Ste Thy 'the time the Boston Symphony Orchestra on a Hor^s Foaming Mane Mme. Schumann-Holnk. now concert »>. Himir'iri.-ir.: comes to give its first pair of Her- in Tl'me • to New York tour In the West, will take a rest in Invlrt ,'me of Ro8e*<>«>•« Relrhnr!. SCANDINAVIAN& i US FINNISH H