TV. • 2$ __--- ]s-EW^YOHK~ DAILY TRIBUNE, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1910. MUSICAL NOTES ' recitals of pianofore and violin sonatas Mary 0 AlJendale Hook MUSICAL. _ _[ MUSICAL. _ m n:'U next Wednesday evening An h,n, V" A Colone: Sacchlnl In Mendelssohn An vP B and I-h hbmovaij notice. Symphony Hall, I tharfe. Wie Komm' Boston the works to be played are Veraclnl r> mv\u25a0 enn Brahms and Ber- Wain ' *» Kteht (serenade) Reldel in E minor in D minor \u25a0 " Brahms's lkl Prach Jensen ger's In G minor. IV Fay Io* ,ortte Nook Mendelssohn tlval • •• •Welngartner MME. DORA WILEY-TENNIS Opening Here Thurs- Now ' the Art of Mnsine. Concerts Mrp. lionise a xow TifTha? Thou Leavest Me Alone '•'The Sweet Singer of Main*.") Voice Culture «nd Homer is returned from ' • Tschalkowsky opera sea- nnt ._, , ;day Saturday. concert trip, to take part in the f. latlon 'Hugo) Widor RESIDENCE STUDIO. 128 WEST 97th ST. and son, at the close of which she willcontinue Cattl. l aSttgk 1* Ferrari her concert work. vti^wI<3nry j The musical reason has well begun by w IV Old French iV?Shepherd, Ste Thy 'the time the Boston Symphony Orchestra on a Hor^s Foaming Mane Mme. Schumann-Holnk. now concert »>. Himir'iri.-ir.: comes to give its first pair of Her- in Tl'me • to New York tour In the West, will take a rest in Invlrt ,'me of Ro8e*<>«>•« Relrhnr!. SCANDINAVIAN& i US FINNISH H<lnl9y) Specialty. 'concerts." This year these first concerts give a pon« Th«The r- Bruno Huhn A School Where Scandinavian and Finnish Mn-if 1. Made a mudi in December. She will Peggy Dew and The Red .Haired Girl STUDIO IIA 50 KAST 34TH ST. mill be in Carnegie Hall on next at Phil- Songs IX. " »riven January twice vn.in-. t Irish Harpers" (Piano Dept.). AAOE FREDERICKS (Violin*. - recital In and sins »ounp Tom FACULTY: INGA HOEGSBRO f'Cello). HOLGS? Thursday evening, November 10. and Sat- of Devon Russell FERRY ( Voice). PETER Orchestral Department «nrf c.8 harmonic concerts In March. BIRKEROD MOI.LEB for urday with brill- direction of PETER MO] Il~.li A special cour»» of practical 'demonstration teacher* afternoon. November 12. harp- Ernest Hutcheson, pianist, will play the MONTHLY COX'KKTS. ' "Itmailed on application iant programmes announced for both of Miss Maud Morgan, the well known following programme WilHajn Carl, and Free- at his Mendelssohn them. At the first concert the soloist will ist: C. organist, Hall piano recital on the afternoon of Mon- EUROPE'S CELEBRATED ' Wright, the barytone, give a cor OF STARS. !«• *CA iIIJ OPERA\J VCKM LJ IITC.\# IU be Miss Geraldlne Farrar and at the mati- man will day, 14: TEACHER MANY GRAND by myDIRECTORR Brooklyn November VOICES EASILY. QUICKLY AND MASTERFULLI devstoped old rediscovered p^-, fjee on Saturday afternoon Mme. cert in the Music Hall of the Fantasia Fugue Method, upon physical an 1 natural laws Pupils' pubic concern and .;* Concert evening, sonata and In G minor Bach-Liszt Italian built sound Interview, c? will make only concert appear- Academy of Music on Wednesday in C minor, op. 11l Beethoven performances. PROF. dik B DE HEKNYZ. Carnegie Hall. Studio S2S. J. r her. \u25a0 , illtlba hchorzo . from the "Midsummer Night's on Monday and Thursday Afternoon*. Harlem Studio. 112 WrHT MtTB r of the season. November 9. Dream" \u25a0BJN ban ti Mendelssohn I With the exception of the presence of opening Saturday concert by I>u blst die Run* Schubert-Liszt The matinee in A flat, op. 42 Chopin ,Anton at head of the first vio- Orchestra, Walter Fantasia,Jalsa UNIVERSITY DEGREES BY THE GRAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Witek the the New York Symphony op. 4» _ Chopin PARK WEST AYE.,y. Hess, the personnel of Brooklyn Etude (Moto perpetuo) 57 WEST 93n ST.. BET. CESTBAIi AXD COLUMBUS £ lins. instead of Mr. Damrosch conductor, in the Alkan-MacDowell The Only Music School Empowered by Act of Legislature to Confer University D»jt*m r*«-' changes, Etudo de Concert. F minor Liszt Special course for Teachers Professionals ~ the orchestra shows few and these Academy of MusU\ will be on November Rhapsody in F sharp Vole© culture and all Instruments and Thowa.w pre- minor, op. 11. No. 2.. course for beglnnem. 3.Mh Year. Dr. B. F.hcrnard. Pr»« rtwatric* Kherhard. P. X. i*x few are chiefly in the way of additions. 3 o-clook. Mr. Dunrosch has L Dohnanyl I 12. at Ride.. of the Valkyries |One or two men in the strings, one or two pared one of his characteristically fine pro- MWagner-Hutcheson men in. the wind choirs and a new tympan- grammes. The overture will be from Mo- The following is the programme of Fran- NEW YORK American Institute of Applied Music Metropolitan College of 'tet comprise the total. Mr. Fiedler returns zart's "Magic Flute." the second number cis MaeMillen's violin recital in Carnegie Conservatory .Mmlc. 'as conductor, this heirs; his third year in Will be Bruch's Concerto for Violin In Q Hall this evening: German 212 West Flftj-ninth St.. N. V. Cltj. ;^* Incidentally the or- as Thorough Instruction In ail branches -)f mcjte.- this important post. minor, with Miss Bessie Bell Collier Concerto In D minor .Wlentawski Personal p •> Chaconne OF MUSIC attention to Individual ip'!t. bo more firmly estab- Jargo." ar- Bach chestra seems .to soloist: the third, Handel's I _ 25th Year Begin. October Third, tail). than ever, for it," man- air the Meditations '.. Glazuno-w 306 MADISON AYE. ; lished in New York ranged for orchestra from an from -Minuet Mozart KATE S. CHITTENDEX. n»an of Fa-—. egement reports that the subscription for opera "Xerxes"; there will be two selec- Mazurka Zarzyckl NEAR 42 P. European: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso. .Satnt-Saens AUGUST FRAEIICKE __. \u25a0-*$ !the ten concerts is quite the largest on rec- tions from Glurk's "Orpheus." "The Dance A v Maria Directors: CARL HEIN'. r, Schubert-WilhelmJ Founded 1876. 31st Season. Incorporated 1984. ord and proportionately is exceeded only by of the Furies" and "The Dance of the Moiso Fantalsle (for Ftrinir alone) PaKanlni LEADING SCHOOL OF MUSIC. High School of the orchestra has inBoston. Spirits." second part of the Glno Aubert at the piano. AT LOWEST RATES. Instruct ion in Harriet *< Music that which Blessed The PIANO, VIOLIN, HARMONY. hrerer. Director. Special eours* fo» - concert, night, Sym- ORGAN. begin 348 Manhattan Aye.. n»ar 11*t --; fc At the first on Thursday programme willbe Beethoven's First Miss Alice Preston, soprano, will make COUNTERPOINT. COMPOSITION. S:. Orchestral Instrument*. 1* adin «f *«»\u25a0* Metrop^iTtS* the symphony will be Rachmaninoff's in B phony. her New York debut in son? recital at ELOCUTION and all A UnnOUnLOperafIARRnHIF^* 2, novelty $10 U. Co. 30 years' experienc* minor. No. which will be a to Mendelssohn Hall on the afternoon of No- Terms Per Quarter ART OF SINGING This is the programme of Josef Hof- Open dally until •> P. M.. Mondays and Thurs- the vast majority of Boston Symphony vember 20. She will have the assistance from beginning to finish. Carbone's r«r«atH ts mann's pianoforte In Carnegie Hall days until $> P. M. controller. Send for circq!ar. Carnegie Hilt ... (patrons here, although It was played last recital of Isidore Luckstone, just SEND FOR CATALOGUE. next Friday afternoon: who has re- tyear at one of the concerts of the Russian turned from his season Pres- SonatP, minor, Op. 1 InParis. Miss ^< 'Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Fiedler placed O 22. ton will novelties, among Lamperli \u0084x \u25a0Vogel als Prophet" 1 sinK a number of Institute Art School on his programme InBoston, and ...Schumann which will be of Musical Mme. Nolan. Director. B»?lnneri» a Specialty. \u25a0It second Traumeswlrren f Rachmaninoff's "Fruhlelnes S West ft4th St.. near CentralParlc West. had such an unusual success that he re- (.'arneval J a composition that Is said tha City New tit A maj'.r. Op. No. Buten." dramatic of of York. fifth concert. It was writ- Polonaise, 40. 1..] \u25a0peated it at the Polonaise, C minor. <>p. *\u25a0). No. 2.. to offer exceptional opportunities both to FRANK DAMROSCH. Director. mvu* «. ; in Dresden and had its first perform- Impromptu, A flat rrmj.'r, <)p 2S. .\u25a0\u25a0r...Chopinr ...Chopin singer and the accompanist. BAGHELLER ten minor, op. the to An Endowed School of Music. Moscow, and a year ago this month Mazurka. B 33. No. 4... CONCERT TENOR and TEACHER. ance in S • hrrzo, E major. Op. S4 J Th« opportunities of the Institute ar« in- 12S East 34th Street. was perform**} for the first time in Ber- Consolation, major. 1 Modest Altschuler, conductor of the Rus- only natural ability with it O flat . Orchestra, tended for students of *• Jin by Nlkisch; and for the first time in Etude, I) flat major i IJsrt sian Symphony has Just received an earnest purpose to do serious work, and no vioiinut. Legf-ndp, A major f from Russia a set of chimes which ho will others will be accepted. KAUFMAN, .America In Philadelphia by the Philadel- Polonaise. E major J Application for admission should be mad« Concerts. Instruction. ZOO AVe<t ~«tb Street, t Orchestra. use when he directs Tschalkowsky's 1812 not later than October Ist to insure consider- phia songs Adkins. bary- ation. will bs MARCELLA SEMBRICH. List of which Morton Overture at the first concert of the society, PLATON The other orchestral numbers in For catalogue and full Information, addrega Teacher of Vol'-o Catture.BROUNOFF7" give song Tuesday.
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