Faculty profile Name : Ajit Kumar Baishya Email-ID:
[email protected] Tel.09435566247 Designation: Professor. Specialization: (a). Sociolinguistics with special reference to Pidgin and Creole Studies( b). Endangered and Minority Languages Present Research Interest: Lesser known languages of Assam, Lingua francas of the North- East India. Publications: Book (edited): Bilingualism and North East India, published by The Registrar, Assam University, Silchar, June 2008. Articles: 1. “The Making of Nagamese: A historical Perspective” Journal of Assam University, Silchar, January 2006. 2. “Language Maintenance by the Dimasas of Barak Valley: A Case Study” in Indian Linguistics, Vol. 67, 2006. 3. “Borrowing in Rabha: A Few Observations” in International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, June 2006. 4. “Word Formation in Contemporary Assamese” in Journal of Assam University, Silchar, January 2007. 5. “Relexification in Nagamese: An Observation” in International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, June 2007. 6. “Case Markers in Sylheti” in Indian Linguistics, Vol. 68, 2007. 7. “Reduplication in Modern Assamese” in Journal of Assam University, Silchar, January 2008. 8. “Word formation in Dimasa” in International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, January 2008. 9. “Assamese: An SOV Language” in Indian Linguistics, Vol. 69, 2008. 10. “Sadri: The Lingua Franca” in The Humanities in the Present Context eds by Ramanan Mohan, P. Mohanty, T. Mukherjee, Allied Publishers, Hyderabad, 2009. 11. “Phonology of English Loan Words in Assamese” in Journal of Assam University, Silchar, January 2010. 12. “The Development of Script for Nagamese” in Manuscript and Manuscriptology in India eds by Nandi, S. G. and P. Palit, Kaveri Books, New Delhi, 2010. 13. “Problems of Teaching Assamese as a Second Language” in Literature, Culture and Language Education eds.