University of Central Florida STARS Stetson Collegiate Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-1-1901 The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 12, No. 03, December, 1901 Stetson University Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stetson Collegiate by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Stetson University, "The Stetson Collegiate, Vol. 12, No. 03, December, 1901" (1901). Stetson Collegiate. 484. The Stetson Collegiate VOLUME XIL December, I90L ;o NUMBER 3. - THE STETSON COLLEGIATE Stetson 'Mi stand hard knocks No guess-work about them. They are hats to be sure of. They are hats that do their whole duty / 5oft and Stiff Felt Hats that are standards for style and foremost for quality and wear. Sold by leading dealers everywhere John B. Stetson Co. Philadelphia. New York Ofhce, Retail Stores, 750 Broadway 1108 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The Stetson Collegiate. "VBRIXAS." VOLUME XII. DELAND, FLA., DECEMBER, I90J. NUMBER 3. LAW DEPARTMENT. It is with ijleasure that we note the arrange work of the literary societies on the campus, for ment with Lake City for an intercolle.^iate de thc}^ have some definite object to attain^—a direct bate. incentive to \A'ork. As has l)een well said: "It is important that In this matter of selecting the debaters, each those who study law with a view of becoming ad- member of the club receives benefit from the con \ocates should ,2'ive attention to tlie subject ol test, for to each one is held out the possibility of public speaking-, and it is a mistake to suppose that becoming a member of the team, and is according excellence in public speaking is simply a gift of na ly stimulated in his work.