December 1900
~olttt -W-ESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published[Published byby Authority.)Authority.] Thi!<Thin (-jlJ(jiizettezettl ' is published for Police infot'mationinformation only, andand. the Police lhrogyhoulthroughout thl'thf ('n/ulI!!('oluuy rtrpare inlltntctedinstructed tofo makpmake them.~pl11P.qthemselves thm'oughlythoroughly acq1wintedaequoiiited with the content.~.contents. FRED.FIlED. HARE, CmnmissiolluCommissioner 0/of Police.Police. NoNo.. 49.J49.] WEDNESDAY,WEDNESDAY, DEC'.K\IBERDECEMBER 5J.. [HJOO.[1900. CCirculaircularr OrdersOrders anandd MiscellaneousMiscellaneous I'oat,coat, ]mint])aiut staistainn Ill}on rightriglit slesleev 'n';e ; a llarkdarl; tWt'etltweed "I'~tvest Information. alltland paipairr (Ifot trouserstrouser~;; aU paipairr ofof EnglishEnglish madIluulee }acc-uplace-up Information. hootshoot~,, narrownarrow toetOCHs wit hh totoPe caps(,<1.PS,, notnot mucmuchh worn,worn, C.OC.O.. xfiio-—Meinlier·d)~ij.-Memberss o(Iff tthhee Policl'Police POl"{'eForce areare "iz('size 8tl;; tht11('e pro])ertpropert,'v- ofof JameJamcss Robinson.Robin~()n—.- A~A2/7498 74!lH,, hhereberebyy informedinformed thathatt itit isis necessarnecessaryy jurorj nrorss forfor 3r:~r<ld D('C(December'lll bl 'r,, 10001900. coroners'oroner '' inquestinquestss sshalhalll bbee personpprsollss whoswhosee namenamess ;treare onon thethe JurJuryy LiListst.. Per//*.—BetweePl'l'th .-Bctweenn thcthe Hlth19th andand -2811~ th1 lilt.,ult., frofromm .')01501 WhenWhen requirerequired ttoo SUJl1summo111 011n aanu inquesincluestt jurjuryy theythey "\VWillia illiulllm Street,Street, a la(1,lady' \;s 1IBct et.. goMgold llllllhuntin t iugg ststem ('111-- musmLlstt liebe carefu(jarefull ttoo seseee thathatt nnoo persopersonu whoswhosee namnamee i::;is winllingwinding EnglishEno'lish leveIc,,'err watchwatch,. NoNo.. :Hl:H,21134, h.'by excludeexcludedd frofromm ththee JurJ uny ListList iiss summoned,summoned, <>therwisl'(itherwise ""Braclley, Bi-adley, LondoLondoll";n "; ththee propertpropertyy ooff Mrs11'".
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