The Osteopathic Physician

December 1901

Vol. 1, No. 3

Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) and Michigan Auxiliary to the Macomb County Osteopathic Association

May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine SM (formerly Still National Osteopathic Museum)

CONTENTS Osteopatby, tbe Twentletb Century Medicine, by OpleRead tID BDITORIAL Wlir on tbe Mosquito. Bone-Setting as a Fine Art. How to Prevent Spreading TubE:rculo­ sis. Veget.arlanlsm a Maudlin 8entlmental­ Its. Tbeorles Regarding Immunity ...... 70-72 The Pbllosopby of Osteopatby Boiled Down.••.. 'is 1:be Bread Pill Doctor a Martyr. 74 Tbe Tongue in Healtb and Sickness 6 Dangers That Lurk In Antitoxin.•••...•...... 76 nae Nervous Origin of Disease .•••...•••...•..... 'is OSTEOPATH!C CATBCHISM Wbat Is a Lesion? Wby Does Osteopatby Claim to Go Back to First Causes? Can O!;teo- patby Reduce a Fever? 86-87 Plasm. n, tbe New F'ood. a Valuable Discovery•. 88 What Osteopathy 1B Doingfor the Sick 00 OF HUMAN INTEREST Hygienic Advantages of Evening Dress. Japan Trying to Exterminate Rats. Pension Asked Through Heredity. Biting tbe Finger Nalls. 00


10 CENTS A COpy 51 A YEAR C Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirk$viUc; ~O PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THE ST. LOUIS: NEW YORK: DR. HERMAN F. GOETZ DR. NORMAN D. MATTISON OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Osteopa.thic Physician Osteopathic Physicia.n HENRY STA HOPE BUNTING, A.B., D.O., EDITOR. , Phon< : 200 W. 57th St. Phon.: 248 C.ntury Building. A Popular Journal to aid those "Who, having health. "Wish to keep it. and others "Who Hours: 9 to 12-1 t04. 362-Columbus. HOUfS: 9 to 12-1 to 4. 1740 B, Kinlocho. having lost health. "Would regain it. CHICAGO and KENWOOD: PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Editorial Ollice: 57 Washington Street, Suite 500. 50 4. DR. HENRY STANHOPE BUNTING DR'. F. J. STEWART, ASSISTANT Publication Ollice: 601-602 Marquette Building.

OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ~A Canvasser is wanted In every community in ~Single Subscriptions, 10 cents the copy, $1 the United States and Canada. Address Publication Weat.m Methodist Book Building, 4681 Lake Av.nue (corner 47th St.). the year. Every subscription must be paid in advance. 57 Waahington St., Suit. 508-510. Tu•••• Thur.., and Sat}'. mornings, ~If any person who has not paid for it is re­ Ollice. ~THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN will undertake 8:30 to II:30 a.m. ceiving THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSTCIAN, it is because Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to secure a representative practitioner for any good Tc1cphon.: Centra12169. T elephon.: Blue 40I. J some one has subscribed in his name. Every paper is stopped at the expiration of the time paid for. field where an Osteopathist is not available, if urgent X-RAY. CHEMICAL AND MICROSCOPIC eXAMINATIONS MADe' ~Liberal Terms to clubs of five or more sub­ demand is made by our readers. Address Editorial A IImit.d number of tak.n fo~ home treatment cribers. Ollice.

01 VOL. 1. Chicago, Ill., December, 19 . NO·3 OSTEOPATHY TREATS SUCCESSFULLY ence, which always is in hand with Spinal Disorders: nature, less medicine will be given. Lame Backs; Backaches; Weak Spines; Stiff Spines; Spinal Curvatures; ­ An old practitioner of today looks back Slipped and Rotated Vertebrre; Tender, Sore, Irritable and Hysterical Spines; with a shudder upon the days of his Railway Spines; Spinal Concussion; Wry Neck; Lumbago; Intercostal Neuralgia early life when the practice of medi­ and Pain in the Coccyx; Typhoid Spines; the Sequelre of Cerebro-Spinal Men­ ingitis; Rheumatic Spines, and Stooped Shoulders. The progress of Pott's cine consisted in constant dosing. It Disease can usually be arrested and the patient very greatly benefitted. seems that as surgery advances the Slipped Ribs; Rotated Ribs; Dropped Ribs; "Stitches" in the Side and' giving of pills and powders decreases, Back; Rachitic Chests;'Arrested Development of Chest, etc. and I believe that the time soon will Joint Disorders: come when the taking of medicine will Acute and Chronic Sprains; Acute and Chronic Dislocations; Lameness; be rare." Chronic Hip Troubles; Neglected Dislocations; Stiff Joints; SynoVoitis; Arthro­ Many of the leading thinkers of both pathies; Displacements of Cartilage, Ligament and Tendon; Sub-Luxations of Europe and America believe that the the Pelvic Bones; Slipped Clavicles; Dislocations of the Coccyx, etc. most pronounced advancement in the curing of bodily ills is to be along the Nervous Disorders: line of osteopathy. It is a fact that Nervous Debility; Nervous Exhaustion; Nervous Collapse; Nervous Head· aches; Hysteria; Insomnia; Brain Fag; Neurasthenia; St. Vitus' Dance; throughout the country no science is Neuralgia; Neuritis, including Sciatica and Tic Doloureux; Loss of Sensation; OSTEOPATHYTHE TWENTIETH making more rapid progress. Even in Exaggerated Sensation; Numbness, Tinglings, Twitchings, Spasms and Cramps CENTURY MEDICINE. remote communities where all ad­ of Muscles, such as in Writers', Telegraphers' and Musicians' Cramps and other OPIE READ. vancements are slow and where a new Occupation Neuroses; Palsies; Paralysis; Asthma and Ha~Fever; Bronchitis and An old physician when asked as to idea is looked upon with grave sus­ La Grippe; ex-Ophthalmic Goitre; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Rheumatic' Fever; Chronic Rheumatism; Diabetes MeIlitis and Bright's Disease, in the early stages; what in his opinion was to be the most picion, osteopathy has forced its way, Phthisis in the early stages, especially when dependent upon Spinal Lesions; noted advance of medicine within the against prejudice and organized oppo­ Locomotor Ataxia, in the early stages; Atrophies, and forms of Insanity where next ten years, remarked: "The de­ sition. So strong has been this preju­ dependent upon Neck Lesions. crease of medication. Following sci- dice that'the legislatures of the differ- (Conllnued on back Inside page.) [Copyright, 1901. oy the OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN PUBLISBniG COMPANY. All RIghts Reser\"ed.] '.

(Copyrill'ht, 1901, by the OSTEOPATHIC PHYSTCIAIl PUBLISHING COMPANY.) © 1 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO I

66 THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. . ent states were called upon to pass work and can no longer exercise their "As some of you gentlemen know, I " 'Dock' said he, when he began to laws declaring the practice illegal, but full duties for health, because struc­ have practiced medicine in the swamps grow better, 'I reckon a man is a good instances of notable cures were so fre­ tures get out of natural shape am! for tiJirty years. During that time I deal like a watch. Oil ain't no good quent and so unmistakable that this position. It is a new kind of exercise have administered more medicine than poured inside when the spring needs movement resulted uniformly in vic­ to the body and a new kind of medi­ could be hauled in the band wagon of settin'.' " tory for the new science. cine which the osteopath gives, that a circus. With quinine and patent This new science has not only made A school of medicine is like a creed. puts everything back in its place. medicines I braced myself against the its way into the swamps of America, It must be defended against all ad­ I am tolc! by those who ought to chills, and sometimes I would hold but into the populous European cities. vancement, and as time moves on, know that this is as much doctoring them down, but they would break out It is to be the renovator of the twen­ bringing broader thought and greater as the body needs to make it get well. afresh. It would seem that the whole tieth century man. development, this defense becomes If it has got the get-well element in community was shaking. One day I more and more necessary. Religious it it will get well by such treatment. said to an old fellow: Following Orders. dogmas find it essential to submit to That is, by merely enabling the blood "'Bill, how long have you lived liberalizing revision in order to stand to course freely and naturally and the down here?' before the people, and schools of medi­ nerves to work automatically and in " 'All my life.' cine, which if anything yield to ad­ full force, all the organs will work up "'How long have you been shak­ vancement in ideas slower than relig­ to their best and health will return­ ing ?' ious dogma, seem to think it neces­ will return by the aid of this natural, " 'All my life.' sary to organize a similar protecting simple thing of exercise. Now, if the "'Then you don't know what it IS process. body has not this get-well power left, not to shake.' Of course there Will always be great it is, common sense that it will not " 'No, I have allus shuck.' Higgs-"But why do you put your knife into your physicians, but the great physician is get well with any amount of drugs "'Then why don't you move away mouth while eating?" Jig-~s-"Simply because my physician says I need a man of great common sense. As driven through it. -up among the hills?' more Hon in my system." !ong .as he remains well within the So after all is said osteopathy in " 'Whut?' said he, gazing at me, boundary lines of his medical creed application is a high-grade sort of ex­ 'move away from here and ketch some In Memoriam. he is ordinary. It is the stepping be­ ercise in spots where it is really need­ new-fangled disease? I reckon not. [From Tit-Bits.] yond that has made him great. ed. That's the way it appeals to the 'When I've got the shakes I know "I presume you carry a memento Everyone must acknowledge the layman and as one who has tried it what's the matter with me.' of some kind in that locket of yours?" value of exercise. Deprive a man of in physical suffering such as gout, ner­ "He ate quinine like a horse eating "Precisely; it is a lock of my hus- the use of his legs and his arms and vous- breakdown and sleeplessness I oats. At his table calomel was served band's hair." . not all the medicine in the world would know it does the work It does not as a relish. His sauces were noxious "But your husband is still alive." keep him in a healthy condition. Os­ rob Peter to pay Paul, either. Instead patent compounds. Well, in course of "Yes, but his hair is all gOlle." teopathy is a scientific exercise. It is of imposing on the digestion as drugs time I began to look into osteopathy. the exercise of structures which dis­ generally do, osteopathy strengthens I went away to an osteopathic school, Pharmacevtical Insomnia. ease has deprived of the ability to ex­ the stomach. A man is a machine and I found then that I knew nothing Ipecac-What noise is that I hear? ercise themselves. The currents of life and an osteopath is a machinist. Noth­ of anatomy. After a year or so I Pepsin-Oh, that is the peel of the are regarded as coursing up and down ing could be simpler or straighter to went back to myoid shaking ground lemon. Ipecac-I thought it was the nerves and arteries. Upon the the point of an ill. and tried the new method. It was a that Peruvian bark ceaseless and unobstructed movements An old swamp doctor from the low long time before I could persuade old of these twin forces, scientists say, the lands of the Mississippi river thus ad­ Bill to submit to the treatment. He Merely a Transfer. existence of life, and in a double sense, dressed a Southern legislature, having didn't like the idea of giving up his [From Tit-Bits.] health depend. As I understand it been permitted to speak on an osteo­ regular diet. but he finally gave in. and Mother-Johl1nie, your face is very Osteopathy is alone in' recognizing pathic bill, up for passage before the now he is well, for the first time in clean; but how did you get such dirty that these both get obstructed in their house: his life. hands? Johnnie-Washin' me face. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO

68 THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 69 EDITORIAL. into every person with a pain, physical lievers make light of annoyance, grief or mental, is a more dangerous m.em­ and physical pain. Of course, it is a UHealth, like fortune, may be built flCiever knowledge of anatomy is not ber of society than the hold-up man very acute test, though, to sit for a demanded of the practitioner of gen­ up or squandered'. with a pistol. The former slays a dentist! School children should be taught eraI medicine, but It is the glory of the thousand bodies and wrecks a thou­ UPhysicians in England have started osteopathist that he makes the normal hygiene by the state. sand minds for every lone victim of a crusade to make life insurance com­ condition of the human body a life UThe drug habit is a bondage from the highway assassin. 'This is worth panies reject Christian Scientists as which there is little hope of deliver­ study. thinking over. dangerous risks. The grounds are that UAs long as good mechanics applies ance. .. lIFirst homeopathy demonstrated they will not use ordinary means to to the bicycle, the pump, the watch and UOh, that lame back! Osteopathy that the sick get well with less and less prolong life. The sect retorts by offer­ has something better than a plaster the steam engine, it would indeed be a medicine; then faith systems, under ing to compare statistics to show that for it. queer thing if it had nothing to do various names, showed that the sick its followers are as long lived and with the workings of the human mech­ UWhy tear down with the hope of may get well with no drugs at all; now healthy as any people on earth. This building up? Drugs disintegrate liv­ anism. osteopathy is proving that under ra­ cult is a little too young to make sta­ 1iPain was ordained by Nature to ing tissue. tional manipulative treatment the sick tistics reliable as to the longevity keep flesh from violating the laws of UIs there a slipped bone for every recover both faster and surer than argument. It must take a couple of existence. It is a compromise with disease ? No. Osteopathy never said when Nature either is drugged or left generations at least to accumulate· longevity. Living would be sweeter so. But there may be. to work unaided. longevity data. . without pains, perhaps, but the span of UThere are generally two roads to a UOsteopathy is not a system of phys­ UIt is well·known that the usual fig­ life would necessarily be briefer. given point, at least, but the question ical exercises, as most people infer mes quoted to prove the saving of life is to pick t"he best one. ITScandinavia has set the pace for the when they first hear of it. It is not at by anti-toxin in diphtheria epidemics UIt is an osteopathic idea that most modern world, as did Greece for clas­ all a form of massage, nor a new appli­ &re padded and unreliable. To make ills which beset mankind begin as slight sic times, in the healthfulness and re­ cation of Swedish movement. It is the the death rate under serum treatment . mechanical disorders of the body. cuperation of good exercise. The practice of medicine without drugs and appear as low as possible, children hav­ How many persons who use good Swedes believe in the efficacy of physi­ of surgery without the knife, and it ing all forms of minor indispositions, sense about most things will pin their cal culture to reform even a depraved has a method all its own for control­ from colds to tonsilitis and croup, hope of health to mere hallucinations! spirit. ling the living processes of the human have been promptly injected with anti­ Drug effects upon the body wear Poor George ·Washington lost all body. toxin as incipient cases and included out and increasing doses are required his teeth in the prime of manhood be­ If the best food and the best medi­ in health reports as aborted cases of to maintain sway over stubborn mala­ cause of medical folly and at last died cine available to mankind is wanted, it diphtheria. Of course, this cuts down dies. a martyr to the practice of his day. is pure water. Most people, strange to the mortality rate wonderfully; but UIf wars slay their thousands, in­ Modern theories of anti-toxins are fas­ say, are afraid of it. Excepting only w·hen this much is said it is still true dulgence of appetite and worship of cinating, but what will be thought of fresh air-which is only sold at high­ that anti-toxin has gone far to rob comfortless fashions slay their ten them a hundred years from date? priced resorts and hence is hardly clas­ diphtheria of its terrors to childhood. thousands. . 1iAn important thing for the layman sified as food and medicine-it is the lIMan would be a miserable piece of UI-Iuman life is lengthening. Better to realize is that abnormal positions most important compound in the body. machinery if his life were necessarily food, better clothing, better hygiene,

7° THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 71 be depended upon under such circum­ War on the Mosquito. del' to avoid spreading contagion. The son he should not wear shoes. Con­ stances to take care of themselves. ffIf mosquitoes carry the germs of best plan for the collection of sputa is sider the gentle calves which yielded UMost of the ills from which man­ malaria and yellow fever and the bite to use either enameled iron spittoons, up their lives to furnish leather! He kind suffers are invited-have been of infected mosquitoes is sufficient to or paper boxes or Japanese paper should not wear lamb's wool- per­ invited, at least, by somebody, no mat­ give these diseases in a majority of sheets, for use when the patient is up chance the lambs be cold! He should ter who it is that now bears the pain­ cases, as seems now to be fairly well and about. 'What is collected in spit­ never dwell under roof-for who shall ful burden. It is the recognition in established, then the common sense toons is disinfected with a 5 per cent say the trees do not bleed to fall before modern times that the body has its deduction is war on the mosquito. Of solution of carbolic acid, or 3 per cent the ax or that they die less hard than own self-restorative powers which course the work so far done is entire­ formaldehyde solution, or I to 1,000 mammals? If a man doesn't like meat; makes the treatment of disease a ra­ ly inadequate to prove that malaria corrosive sublimate. Papers filled with if he thinks it is an artificial taste­ tional process. Osteopathy studies and yellow fever are not developed in sputa are promptly and invariably which the lion doesn't at all credit; if how to direct and stimulate these any other way, but it does prove at burned. Such precautions in every he thinks, as civilization is managed, health-building forces without drug in­ least that a good share of these epi­ needy home would save annually tens that meats are apt to come from ani­ terference. demics can be avoided by "treating" of thousands of lives. mals that are diseased; or if he has any UThe effort to make every sort of the mosquito before it becomes neces­ other reason that is a reason, let him ill dependent upon microbes is like sary-in order that it may not be of the False Pretender. abide by it; but his consideration for the effort to make every sort of ill de­ necessary to treat the man. frEvery good institution has its the beast of the field's feelings-meas­ pendent upon enlarged prostates, con­ counterfeits. So has Osteopathy. ured by the economy of all nature-is traction of sphincter muscles, eye Bone Setting as a Fine Art. Many fakirs throughout the land who refined twaddle. strain or what not. Each of these fac­ UEnglish bonesetters reformed surg­ have never atten led schools of Oste­ tors does occasion trouble upon occa­ ery along the line of rational treatment opathy-or who have been licensed by Theories R.egarding Immunity. sion, but a common osteopathic cause of fractures and dislocations twenty diploma mills such as jeopardize the UWhy a disease should leave its vic­ will be found for both, proving them years ago. Osteopathy is now carry­ good name of all systems of medicine tim immune against subsequent attacks to be merely associated symptoms ing this work to a refinement and per­ -are masquerading as osteopathic is hard to conjecture. One belief is much oftener than it will be wanting. fection hitherto unknown. It is find­ physicians. Many diploma mills sell that by wrestling with the poison of ing slight slips and twists of one's outright the degree Doctor of Osteop­ any special disease the living body bones at the basis of many diseases athy, or "confer" it after an attend­ forms new substances within its own I. Life a Mere R.elationship of supposed to belong to the medical ance at school of only one-fortieth of mysterious laboratories which neutral­ Atoms. rather than the surgical field, and it is the time required by law. Such a sit­ ize the toxin. Another hypothesis is UVital processes are an unknown successfully curing these ills by put­ uation will be handled in time by im­ that the disease exhausts all there is of quantity in physiology. Increasing ting the skeleton back into correct ad­ prisoning a few of these offenders, but an unknown something to feed on in a knowledge of bodily chemistry and the justment. The idea may seem gro­ meanwhile the public must be alert to given body and there remains nothing mechanics of physiology have ex­ tesque on first acquaintance, but it is self-protection. The practitioners to attract another invasion. It is sup­ plained so many things once ascribed both common sense and successful as a whose names are found in any issue of posed that these physiological states blindly to the inscrutable workings of matter of practice. The real wonder this magazine arc recommended to the are somewhat transmitted to offspring the "life principle" that we are threat­ is that physicians have never tried it public as both legal and creditable ex­ so that a certain degree of immui1ity is ened with explaining away the vital before. ponents of Osteopathy. conferred to the race by long suffering' agency altogether! That is to say, from any given disease. The first the­ physiologists are now unwilling to ad­ How to Prevent Spreading Tuber­ If Meat Offend My Brother, ory explains why the idea is tolerable mit that any single force is involved in culosis. frAfter arguments are sifted the chief -at first thought so abhorrent-that life and its reproduction which may rrIn homes and hotels where there reason animating the vegetarian is substances may be taken from the dis­ !lOt one day be interpreted in mere are tuberculosis patients the greatest maudlin sentimentality. He will not eased blood of an animal to inject into chemical changes. The thought fairly care should be observed to collect and cat meat because some life has to be man as a preventive. The expectation staggers one. destroy the sputum of the sick in 01'- taken to supply it. For that same rea- is to get .the anti-toxin, so-called, or © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 73 72 THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAjV. vVhat is to be done? Use a poultice opathy has discovered what physicians resistant substance, from the animal quite effective, btlt wholesome exercise of the proper sort under very careful have for centuries overlooked-that which will confer upon man, even be­ once enjoyed should never be wholly aseptic precautions. Remember it is first it gets out of mechanical repail' fore he is stricken, the power to resist abandoned. heat that you need to apply, not some before there is any resulting disease that disease. The scheme is brilliant, That Po'\l1tice Delusion. magic mixture or decoction. A hot tolerated in the body; that disease, or to be sure, but its dangers are beyond ~From time immemorial poultices water bag or bag of hot salt will do sickness, is, in the main, only the state hiding. Let us remember, too, that have been recommended for boils, rel­ the good work. Wash the wound of such faulty adjustment and inhar­ the day may come when this practice ons and festers with the idea that thoroughly with hot boric acid solu­ monious balance of the different work­ . will be abandoned as both rot and non­ they ·"draw out" the trouble whether tion, borolyptol or any other good an­ ing parts of this machine; that dis­ sense. that _be pus or splinter. Hundreds of tiseptic; put a clean layer or two of ease, or pain, or friction of parts, or different mixtures from hot flaxseed aseptic cotton or linen upon the stoppage of work in our bodies is due Why Athletes Collapse in After wound; saturate another layer with specifically to a mechanical obstruction Years. to fat bacon are daily current. Mod­ the antiseptic solution to put outside of the blood supply and nerve power rrOvertraining is a danger in college ern aseptic surgery says we shall and upon this dressing put your hot of the body; and that disease. can be athletics. It is all right to be a Her­ have to change our minds very mark­ application, changing often enough to cured by removing this unnatural pres­ cules while a college man, taking daily edly about this old-time remedy. keep it hot. That will get all the bene­ sure so that the circulating currents of exercise in gymnasium and on cam­ While it is true that the heat most of fits of the traditional poultice and nerve-life and blood-life can go to the pus; but the trouble comes when train­ them carry and the moisture or oil in avoid making a microbe culture at the parts being starved and renew their ing is laid aside for stationary service others are thoroughly beneficent in very point where the body is defense­ vitality and energy. at office desk and indoor routine of the poultice, their potency beyond less against bacterial invasion. How do we get sick? business and professional life. The this is said to be nihil. On the other From-colds, exposure, strains, from muscles shrink and the demands for hand, all such poultices, unless well The Philosophy ·of Osteopathy wrenches, twists, over-lifting and over­ blood are relatively decreased. Yet the boiled, reek with microbes and are the Boiled Down. fatigue; from the shocks and jars of heart has grown big and powerful to surest means of carrying infection to 'ifThe human body is a perfect ma­ falls, blows, etc., we find that certain fill the arteries of the athlete; it has the injured part. Instead of curing a chine, complete within itself for all muscles, or'sets of muscles, contract nothing to do but begin a retrograde boil, for instance, a nice, soothing the work imposed upon it to live; it very hard and tight, both causing sore­ change as soon as this work is less­ poultice of the old style "viII carry is automatic, self-adjusting, self-regu­ ness or pain and general body disorder, ened. The heart changes that follow pus-making germs to the inflamed lating, and even self-restorative when which, if neglected, develops some dis­ permanently weaken the subject and part and will inoculate it with enough it undergoes damage from violence; ease. A muscle or ligament that con­ shorten his years. His "pump of life" infection to cause suppuration by the it is. designed by its all-wise Creator tracts will get both shorter and thick­ loses tone, valvular changes develop spoonful. It was the old idea that the to work in comfort, without friction, er. There is no waste room in the and he passes into the hands of the poultice was "drawing this matter out inharmony of its parts, or disease; body-every bit of space is exactly heart specialist. The lungs also, with of the system" and leaving the blood and, like a machine of wood or iron,. filled by some structure. If a muscle decreased activity, grow weak and col­ pure and healthy in consequence. As as long as its separate parts are each in or ligament is thickened, it will en­ lapse in unused parts and are the easy a matter of fact an ordinary poultice proper form and adjustment, the prey of tuberculosis. Thus the once­ sows the seeds of suppuration in the croach upon some softer structure, like whole machine works in good order. powerful athlete is weaker far than the inflamed spot and makes corruption a blood vessel or nerve, and limit or It requires no medicine, but good food, man who never was muscularly strong breed there right at the spot of infec­ stop, or maybe exaggerate its work. fresh air, proper exercise, rest and and who never had physical training. tion. A boil that runs is not healthier If a hose is stepped on, water will not cleanliness to keep going, ordinarily, He who has once been athletic should than a boil that does not. Were it not flow through it; if a telegraph wire is with good comfort and strength, for keep up systematic exercise all his for these pus microbes getting en­ "grounded," it will not transmit a mes­ about an eighty years' journey from days. For sedentary livers who can trance into the wound somehow no sage; so with nerves and blood ves­ the cradle to the grave. not or will not take systematic exer­ pus would be developed. It is an old sels when they are abnormally pressed But the body, like all machines, cise osteopathic tonic treatment works canard, therefore, that "everv boil is between the bones and muscles, as at does get out of repair. How? Oste- wonders. Massage and baths are also worth $5 as a blood purifier.;' the joints. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


Osteopathy ascertains where this or encouraged the people to pin their been some wonderful lobbying done to in progress and to carry his diagnosis any mechanical trouble is developed faith to the mysterious brew of the enact so much protective legislation. back, if he is able, to original causes. in the body in each separate disease­ witch's caldron. People in return have As the lobbying done was notoriously The osteopathist turns at once from and the diseases due to such causes in insisted upon doctors dealing out de­ against these osteopathic measures, these mucous cell symptoms to the whole or part are legion. By remov­ coctions after faith in their charms notwithstanding which they became spinal centers whence nerve and ing these abnormal conditions it have vanished. Little by little the laws, it is a clear admission that oste­ blood sustenance for the digestive or­ enables the body to recover from its doctors have imparted their knowledge opathy suits the people. gans emanates; and he usually finds diseases. It takes the ground that to the people. At first slowly, now But returning to the text: Do not the cause of disease states recorded such known and verifiable obstructions with the speed and might of a revolu­ 'blame a physician of any drug system there in abnormal conditions which to natural bodily processes are better i-ion, the people have delivered them­ who is conscientious enough and wise there is no mistaking. removed than to drug the body to selves from the bondage of drug su­ enough to give placebos. He has his It is a vast aid to have the tongue hide the effects of these dangerous perstition until skepticism concel'11ing patient's interests at heart. If drugs thus ever ready to speak of condi­ handicaps. drugs is becoming a by-word. will not cure, do not compel their use tions within. Even the laity may have The people are taking health into to poison. a good idea of its' commoner indica­ their own hands and they are cO;11ing tions. These are some of the symp­ The Bread Pill Doctor a Martyr The Tongue in Health and back to Nature. They are learning Sickness. toms concerning which there is no lfDo not blame the good family doc­ that drugging is unnatural. They are lIThe t?ngue gives a clue to the dispute: A white tongue denotes a tor for giving bread pills and pink understanding with new force that the condition of the mucous lining of the fever disturbance; a brown, moist water. He is a humane and faithful wage of sin against hygienic law as alimentary tract, as its surface and tongue, indigestion; a brown, dry servant of public health. He knows well as against the moral code is death. secreting cells are directly continuous • tongue, either depression, blood how little the members of your house­ They are learning to eat only whole­ and in close relation with those of the poisoning or typhoid fever; a red, hold need rank drugs and you should some food and not too much of it; to stomach and intestines. The origin moist tongue, inflammatory fever; a respect the service he renders in not take outdoor exercise and sufficient of these cells in the development of red, glazed tongue, general fever, loss poisoning your kindred to satisfy tra­ rest; to avoid narcotics and stimulants the body is the same, embryology of digestion; a tremulous, moist and dition. Physicians are often embar­ as poison ; torelyupon preserving what shows, and their nerve and blood sup­ flabby tongue, feebleness, nervous­ rassed by the demands of their patients health one already has rather than dis­ ply is closely related. Functionally ness. for drugs when they know drugs are sipate it in belief that potent drugs will the work of the mouth, the entrance The tongue is not a hygienic or­ not needed. Many people hold yet to restore it. . The great mass of the peo­ to the alimentary tract, and the tract gan by nature, owing to its heat, the superstition that "something must ple turn from the bondage of drugs to itself, in part at least, are the same, moisture and crypts and the retention . be taken" for every vagrant ill, and almost any system that offers .help so Nature has designed that states of of food particles therein, so great 'care ofttimes it is their wont to take drugs without prescriptions and in the reac­ health and disease in the organs of should be observed, in health as well which well informed doctors know are tion many have rushed to the extreme digestion can be recognized by man as disease, to keep it clean by rinsing not only valueless but pernicIous. view that all ills and their cure must without looking further than the the mouth and brushing the teeth What is to be done? A conscientious be mental. tongue. after meals. It becomes a veritable physician whose equipment is limited It is only natural in such circum­ To be sure, an mspection of the incubator for all kinds of bacteria .to the stock of bottles on a druggist's stances that a rational system of me­ tongue does not in most cases tell when there is the least disease toler­ shelf will give a placebo. Whose fault chanical treatment like osteopathy, ated in the body, so the nee'd of keep­ is it that the people hold such ideas? which pays new regard to the anatomy why the alimentary tract is doing its ing the secretions of the mouth sweet WeH, in great measure the long line of of health and disease, should have be­ work improperly; it reveals an effect, and natural-free from fermentation doctors who have encouraged this be­ come fully recognized in a decade a symptom of disease merely; but of retained food particles-and the lief are to blame, while much of the along with the tentennarians in heal­ that revelation is quite 'exact and as mucous coating of the tongue clean is responsibility will have to be put upon ing. Institutions seem to spring up far as it goes the data is absolute. man's dwarfed views inherited from only as people need them. Either the Thus the physician is able at a glance readily apparent. Salt water, lister­ the age of nonsense. Doctors have people want osteopathy or there has to suspect what states of distress are ine, borolyptol, glyco-thermoline or © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


most any of the reliable alkaline, anti­ of serums are not more frequent. show in all our large cities that it has diphtheria antitoxin, we as osteopath­ septic mouth-washes are most excel­ When one considers that such pro­ saved thousands of lives. Mortality ists say use them, if you wish. lent. An acid condition of the saliva ducts for fighting disease are de­ among children since its general use This friendly disposition toward due to any form of indigestion will veloped within the living bodies of seems to ha ve been cut to a third. whatever science may be able to es­ cause the decay of teeth quicker than animals and must vary in their com­ It is not opposed to osteopathic tablish as good toward the prevention any other agency. Where such a position with all the states of health theory to neutralize a poison in the of scourges does not, however, sad­ condition exists the remedy does not and disease to which that animal is body with its appropriate antidote dle upon us the responsibility of say­ l~ stop with mouth-washes, which mere­ ·liable, the risk human beings take in. whenever a poison is proved ing how good any given serum may ly neutralize an effect. Go to your injecting such substances into their to exist, whether that poison be chem­ be, nor even to establish that it has osteopathic physician and have your own blood-stream is manifest. Inas­ ical or vital, which latter would be any virtue at all. That burden rests digestive organs toned up, since os­ much as medical science is trying to the case when virulent disease germs upon those who make and use teopathic treatment accomplishes that prove thatall di ea es are caused are the chief factor. In fact, it is a serums. All of the modern senlms end far more successfully than any by microbes and that to confer any cardinal principle of osteopathy to may be greatly overestimated as to other agency. Its cure of dyspepsia disease it is only necessary to antidote poisons. Osteopathic prac­ their virtues and the day may come­ is natural; it is surely natural to bring inoculate its microbe, it is patent tice differs from medical practice in as it has come for various other ideas the blood supply and nervous tone of that just as many diseases can be believing that it is, in' the main, be­ in therapy-when they will be used the stomach, glands and bowels back communicated to human beings from ginning at the wrong end of the prob­ very little, or not at all. A very im­ to normal-which osteopathy does­ animal serums as can be 'grown in lem to combat microbes characteristic portant branch of the medical pro­ and there can be no harmful reaction the bodies of these hospital animals of one disease or another instead of fession is opposed to serum treatment against such treatment. • either naturally or by laboratory in­ studying out the prior perversions of today. In thunder tones certain med­ genuity. The St. Louis incident bodily structure and functions which ical papers like The Medical Age de­ Dangers Tha.t Lurk in Anti-toxins. shows how successfully a community have weakened the body so it will nounce this serum practice as a fad, Antitoxin treatment for diph­ may be stricken with lockjaw while tolerate an invasion by disease germs. a folly, a crime and rotten to the core. theria, administered by the Health using tainted serums to escape a But as it is a pressing condition, not Upon all this osteopathy suspends Department of St. Louis, caused milder evil. It might just as well a theory, which faces a community judgment. We are willing to let the have been cholera, bubonic plague, widespread terror the past month by when wholesale scourge such as medical profession fight it out among tuberculosis, leprosy, scrofula, small­ a number of children with smallpox or diphtheria is abroad, and the various interested disputants. pox or any other scourge thus arti­ the germs of lockjaw. As a result inasmuch as vaccination and anti­ Meanwhile we cannot afford to be ficially communicated. Doubtless about a dozen children are dead and toxin treatment both give good evi­ blind to the fact, be it repeated, that these and other diseases since vacci­ half as many more battled to the dence of lessening individual predis­ grave dangers lurk in serums and nation began have been transmitted death with the dread disease, but ef­ position to these diseases for the that the utmost precautions are re­ in this manner in countless cases. fected recovery. In some unexplained multitudes, it is in harmony with quired to prepare these preventive Such are the grim facts which way the antitoxin had become in­ osteopathic ideas to use these agen­ agencies properly and to keep them physicians, patients and people who fected with the germs of tetanus, or cies. This auxiliary treatment does from pollution. Even a certain sort fear pestilence must face. It is not lockjaw. How much of the serum not in the least discredit" the existence of faith in Providence is required to was tainted is not known, but all of it the wish of this magazine to belittle' of prior osteopathic causes or the use them, but the probabilities remain in the pos ession of the city was of the blessings which diphtheria anti­ benefits' of osteopathic treatment in that they are sparing many a human course destroyed. toxin has conferred Up01~ the race. these diseases. Indeed osteopathy life. There seems to be no good reason to unaided by serums or any drug what­ The wonder is not so much that All Right Where She Is. such an accident should have oc­ doubt that it is successful to a con­ ever has been signally successful for [From the Chicago Daily News.] curred, even with the best precaution siderable degree in lessening the a decade in treating diphtheria and Miss Stone has one advantage in exercised by health officials, but that ravages of diphtheria among chil­ more recently smallpox. But if there captivity. The St. Louis doctors can't such disasters in the administration dren. Statistics for the last decade is gOQc! yimle in vaccination and give her anti-toxine. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


THE NERVOUS ORIGIN OF DISEASE. the use of all power inherent in the body, and alike to all its parts. It does interference with nerves mechanical, Disease is a nervous problem. So organism. It is in and through our more. a unnatural pressure, or chemical, as intimately is the Nervous System con­ nerves, then, that all the phenomena of Nervous energy has imperial sway drug or the toxic accumulations due cerned in all the processes of life life move and have their being. over the quality of the blood and to tardy work of other organs, or that there can hardly be a disturbance All motion is the direct expendi­ lymph streams. Proper work of the vital, a an invasion of disease-bearing of health which is not manife tly an ture of nervous energy. Nerve com­ alimentary tract, as also of its big bacteria? Is the ill organic? ·What error in the workings of the nervous bustion is necessary to unlock com­ glands, liver and pancreas, is under onslaught upon the K ervous System, mechanism. Search into the innermost bustion in mu cle cells, resulting in the dominion of the Nervous System. locally or generally, has establi hed functions of the human body-in their contraction, which gives mo­ These glands are worked, regulated, either of these factors until the func­ health as ,,·e11 as disease-can scarce­ tion. This is true of voluntary and fed by the "master ti sue." The proper tional disturbance has resulted in ly penetrate further than the point at involuntary muscle. elaboration of boely nourishment from deterioration of structure? which is seen a nervous manifestation, Sensation is the expression of nerve the foods and their due assimilation, As nervous tissue feeds all, works whether nutritive, co-ordinating, regu­ life with which all are most familiar. therefore, is the special task of this all, rests all and administers sympathy, lative, motive, sensory or even sensi­ General sensibility, the special senses, wonderful vitalizing Nervous System. co-operation, order, autonomy-in a ent. By a process of evolution from pain are direct voices of the Nervous Elimination is another of its mani­ word, good government throughout simple forms where the Nervous Sys­ System. fold responsibilities. Excretion by the body-is it not plain that it bean tem either does not exist or has but Nutrition, although commonly re­ skin, lungs, liver, kidney and bowels­ first of all the brunt of every assault limited functions, nerve tissue has garded as the exclusive province of the very complicated sewage system against health, and is exposed last of come in our highly complex bodies to the blood, is in a double sense dis­ through which all the wornout and all to the retiring fusillade of health's be not only the "master tissue" ruling pensed and controlled by nervous poisonous sub tances of the body pass skulking assassins? all cells, tissues, organs and systems, energy. First, direct contact with -is directly operated in just the same It is very plain. III health can be but, in fact, the best symbol, the most nutritional fibers of the Jervous Sys­ way as the department of a similation described wholly in nervous changes. highly pecialized embodiment, of the tem is necessary for the life of most, by this omnipotent, omniscient, omni­ Disease can be summed up nineteen life principle itself. Of course, each if not all, body cell, without which present specialization of vitality and times out of twenty as disturbances protoplasmic cell, of whatever body tissues quickly die, as we see mani­ good working order, the )lervous Sys­ in the nervous mechanism. It is so tissue, has its own inherent life; yet, fested in atrophy and gangrene, when tem. Even the bloodmaking glands treated, by whatever system of thera­ taken apart from the ervous Sys­ "trophic" nerves are injured. The ,,·here blood corpuscles are turned out peutic, and, when cured, it is so tem, this individual life soon ceases; ervous Sy tem, therefore, supplies fresh and active to speed the mission cured. evolutinn has made each cell so de­ directly to the tissues some substance of health-these too are the minions o teopathy, therefore, is not en­ pendent on nervous support and con­ or force which is as necessary for of indomitable nervous energy. Like­ tirely at variance with medical the­ trol that no cell is able to maintain its general well-being as the materials wise body temperature is but a mode ories in proclaiming the nervous origin existence apart from the rest of the dispensed by the blood. Secondly, in of nervous energy. of disease, nor does it overthrow body. an indirect yet not less important way, What is left to say? precedent when it sets about curing Power is transmitted throughout the the Nervous System regulates the Is it not plain that all specializa­ disease by treating the nervous tissue. body exclusively over nerve strands. force and frequency of the heart beat, tion .of function in this complex or­ There, however, the new way and the 'Perhaps it is not claiming too much and the calibre of blood vessels both ganism, the human body, is founded old-rational physiological methods to say that much of the body energy locally and generally throughout the upon the complete mastery of nerve and the traditional drug method-part is generated within nerve cell. If body; so that even the blood stream tissue over all other anatomical struc­ company. Let us see how the drug these marvelous structures are but with its "ebb" of food materials and tures? Then, where shall we look for treatment applies. A drug that storage batteries and are not in as "Row" of waste products is directly trouble? quiets the heart does so by stupefying great degree dynamos that create the vassal of the ervous System. The Does an organ lag in its duty to the motor nerves of the heart. One force, however, certain it is that they nerve ganglia, plexuses and fibres con­ the' general organism? Is that ill that stimulates the heart merely ex­ receive, store, yield up and regulate trol the blood supply to the whole functional? Then, what is interfer­ cites its motor nerves, at the same ing with it nerve- upply? I that time, perhaps, stupefying the other © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


nerves, whose business is to repress THE BEECHAM HABIT-A PROTEST. Beecham Habit is very much on the normal activity. The work of an or­ [From the Philistine.] increase. He says that the people who gan is modified by either a narcotic or Some time ago it became necessary insist on irritating their Erie Canal an irritant effect upon the nerves con­ for me to enter a protest in these pages by doses of the invention of Col. Car­ trolling that organ. Pain is masked on the subject of Art and Under­ ter, of Cartersville, as soon as they by drugging either the ervous Sys­ wear. come on board, are sure to pay speedy tem into insensibility or the single The Ypsilanti Yagerites, with un­ tribute to Neptune, in a surprising and local nerve authorized to transmit the blushing foreheads, encouraged by the unexpected way, and that those ad­ sick message. It is done by chemi­ High Class Monthlies, carried matters dicted to the Beecham Habit are the cals which produce an unnatural ef­ so far that as a man of family, with ones that suffer most when traveling fect upon nervous tissue. growing sons and daughters, I could on the sad sea waves. In opposition to this plan, Oste­ not longer admit the Family Press to The Family Papers teem with warn­ opathy follows natural methods. The ~­ my home. Fortunately I succeeded in ings that we must invest good money First Physiclan-" Superficial diagono,ls shows checking the. exhibition without call­ nervous ganglia, plexuses and fibres symptoms of Incipient synovial t"omovitis- in Fig Syrup, Early Risers, Little Liv­ H Due to laceration and congestioD, causing leth­ ing in the aid of Antonius Comstock. are treated as before, but not with un­ argic action of the capillaries- er Pills, and Base Ball Boluses in or­ natural chemical compounds whose The eczema has, however, broken der to have good complexions and ultimate effect makes for the disin­ out in a new place. In the last num­ sweet thoughts. Very many people be­ ber of McClure's Lim., I see portrayed, tegration of nervous tissue. Nothing . I lieve this. The habit begins by gentle more radical than passive motion is with all the seductive skill of the ex­ dallyings with the Lady Webster Din­ employed. The application of Motion pert illustrator, a beautiful young wo­ ner Pill. It grows & grows. One pill is -Nature's first and greatest life prin­ man with hair neatly braided down enuff at first, but two are soon re­ ciple-and of Rest, its complement, its her back. She is arrayed in a night quired where only one grew before, corollary, secure from the ervous gown that is a dream. Like the God­ then three are demanded, and soon a System a normal dispensation of or­ dess of Liberty in New York harbor, change is required from Pills to Fig ganic life. The great osteopathic con­ she holds aloft a lighted candle in one Syrup, then Mother Shipley's Tea & dition of applying Motion and Rest hand, and in the other-a pill. back to Pills-from Carter's to as medicine is that mechanical order If tbe scale of the drawing is cor­ Pierce's, then Ayers', Beecham's, Bill­ shall exist throughout the body. When I . rect this pill is about the size of a son's and at last a frantic dash is mechanical disturbance between parts base ball. The import of the picture made for Ripum's Tablets. II In the sUbcuta.neous tir;sues of thA region or exists, Osteopathy insists that it first epidermal abrasion and a few slices of-" is that the lissome beauty is about to The man's hold has been stored with of all must be corrected.· Again pas­ swallow the base ball. Beneath the such a miscellaneo11s cargo that Na­ sive motion is the medicine. picture is the legend; MY COM­ ture stops perplexed; Carter is consult­ How osteopathic manipulations are ~~1~ PLEXION IS PERFECT BE­ ed, and she starts, she moves, she seems done, how they differ in purpose and CAUSE I TAKE ONE OF BILL­ to feel the thrill of life along her keel. method from all other mechanical ~ ~ -- SON'S BULLY BILIOUS BO­ Then come cold chills, hot bearings, a treatments, how they show results, LUSES EVERY NIGHT ON RE­ hawser has surely befouled the screw. that is all another story and must '::::: i' TIRING. Stomach protests-mal de 1'ne1' comes be considered in detail at another f~Ji Now, not only do I solemnly protest ashore-liver lags, kidneys kick, lee time. Suffice these conclusions, (I) against this realistic tendency in art scuppers are clogged, bilge accumu­ that disease is caused and conditioned v~ on the part of BiIlson, but I call at­ lates an I Nature pipes all hands to by ills of the Nervous System, and tention to some truths brought to my pump ship. (2) that Osteopathy leads all branches ~ notice by the ship's doctor on the The patient goes Into dry dock and -?' ~- of medical science in curing nervous Scared Patient-"r won't trust them doctors. "Lucania.'1 This doctor, who seems specialists being consulted tell him he disorders, . They don't know their business. All I got was a d~dare thullll' Oil ~he jleaC, all' II,now tV'-Chicoto News, to Under tand Him elf, the has cancer of the stomach, fistula, ap- © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


pendicitis, tape worm, tuberculo is of troduces "a sure cure for flatulence," AN EASY MIRACLE OF FAITH. ing it better, and in a few months the the bowels, and Bright's diseasc, and in the presence of one Doctor Jingle, "Beware of 'bromism,' as the sufferer was robust again, in the pink he has, or thinks he has-which is whose wares are voucht for by seven habit of taking bromides is called," of health literally, and a walking just as bad. clergymen, three of them D. D.'s. Dr. S. V. Clevenger is in the habit of monument to the miraculous ther­ And all this as a result of the The opinion is well grounded among warning Chicago medical students. apeutics of Christian Science, and Beecham Habit. It is very plain to our agrarian population that the "It is especially pernicious in ail­ after medical science had done its ut­ every unprej udiced reader that the chief claim of our late martyred Presi­ ments like neurasthenia. It destroys most, it was said, 'and had met with prime motive of the fin de siecle Re­ dent upon the gratitude of a loving red blood corpuscles as effectually as utter failure.' ligious Press is to prove that man people, lies in the fact that he invented it at first help pain, then only to "I know of other similar cases has liver trouble and salvation can Garfield Tea. leave the victim bloodless and a vic­ where patients have literally been only be found by patronizing Dr. Not long since, in a court of law, tim of new pernicious ailments. The drugged into sickness and where the Pierce's Pungent, Pugnacious, Polly­ fig syrup was acknowledged to be in­ habit becomes almost as abominable simple removal of the medicine al­ wog Perquisites. nocent of figs. And gentlemen having as the chloral or the morphine habit, lowed prompt recovery. It is among Whether these things be dictated by purchased Prune Extract & congratu­ which neurasthenic patients are liable persons in this deplorable condition Bishop, Presbytery, or Ecumenical la1:ing themselves that they are full of to form anyhow. Practitioners with due to medical idiocy, in my opinion, Council, I cannot say. But Col. prunes, have only taken a drastic dose more zeal than brains often load up that the great rank and file of so­ George Batten, expert in advertising, of aloes. nervous patients with bromides until called Christian Science latter-day advises me that the proper cathartic It seems the part of wisdom for the result constitutes a disease more health miracles are wrought. The is usually dictated by the Committee those on sea (and land) to monkey alarming than the original malady. body has a wonderful power of re­ of Seventy. However this is, I find with their in'ards as little as possible. Bromism describes this drug disease. cuperation if intelligently aided, or that the "Outlook" give promincncc One's motto in this respect should be, "I know of a Chicago society even let alone, whatever religious be­ and publicity to Tarrant's Seltzer, the "Place not your -trust in prophylac­ woman who developed this malady lief may be espoused during the "Churchman" to Fig Syrup, the tics." It is difficult to improve on the from having been drugged by her transition." "Christian Register" to cid Phos­ plans of God. iany men have tried physician \yith bromides until her _ phate, while strong leanings are shown it, but to their orrow. He has made complexion was ashen and she came Waiting for Business. by the "Christian Leader" for the all out-of-doors full of fresh air. He very clo e to death. I was called (l~rom the Columbus State Journal.] wares of Dr. Pierce. "The Christian gives us pleasure in .moderate exer­ into consultation when she was very at Work" works Pierce and Ayers', cise, the night for sleep, and fruit Fir t Young Doctor-I don't be­ bad off and bedridden, and pointed the "Presbyterian" likes Prune Juice, drops from the tree at our feet. All Jieve measles are catching. Second out the error, but the doctor was too while the "Christian Advocate" lustily these He made, and I hardly think Young Doctor-Oh, but they are. wise to see his mistake. He continue,d advocates Early Risers and Ripum's He ever intended that we should put First Young Doctor - \~ell, why to keep the sufferer sick through his Tablets. The "Baptist Standard" goes an enemy in our mouths to steal away don't they catch? I've only got two folly. A few weeks later the patient off on a new track and favors Dr. our digestions-still, I may be wrong. cases so far. espoused Christian Science and luck­ Hall's Water C1l7'e Self-Treat111,ent, ily deserted her doctor with his rank while the "Examiner" falls back to regimen of bromi les. In a short One Disease It Might Cure. Fig Syrup and Prunes. The "Chris­ Last Symptom Alarming•• while she began to rally on good diet (From the New York World.] tian Herald," edited by Rev. Dr. Tal­ (From the Press.] and good wholesome thoughts and in "What is the remedy for poverty?" mage, seems to conduct itself rather Askit-Whatever became of that proportion as her system threw off demanded the lecturer in thunder Joosely, for it coquettes its favors be­ patient of yours you were telling me its old incubus of bromides her health tones. tween Hood, Beecham, & Dr. Hall. about last spring? Dr. Sokum-Oh, returned. She soon left her bed and He paused for a reply, and during As one goes soutli of the Ohio River, he's got a complaint now that's giv­ was 'able to exercise. Tature then the pause a man in the rear of the hall matters grow worse, for the "Southern ing me a great deal of trouble. Askit further improved her appetite by de­ called out: Pulpit," of Louisville, not only favors -Indeed! What is it? Dr. Sokum­ manding more food and by a similat- "You might try the o"Old cure.' Pierce, Carter, and Beecham. but in- It' about the amount of my till. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO

THE O$TEOpATIIlC PHYSICIAN. 85 THli OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. FAITH HEALING REDUCED TO A This happened some little time ago, Accomplishes Wonderful Cure,. Science vs. Sentiment. PRACTICAL BASIS. so report saith. The good people are [From the Baltimore American.] [From the Epworth Herald.] [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.] still grinding on artificial molars, and "Do you think the shortest route It is well known, that Dr. P. S. If you want to make an old-school Dr. Henson still looks down on his to a man's heart is through his stom­ Henson, the popular Chicago Baptist doctor real, raving, roaring mad, all great congregation with one eye. But ach?" asked Miss Gabby, as she pre­ minister, has a defective eye. We go you have to do is to whisper in his he can see farther with that bright pared to exhibit her skill· with the to hear him preach once in a while, ear "Osteopathy." This, you know, optic than most people can with two. is simply the science and practice of chafing dish to young Dr. Powders. and have got accustomed to the pe­ curing diseases without drugs. It "Oh, dear, no!" exclaimed the culiar squint of that optic-in fact, we young physician, swelling up with the Nature Uses All Her Materials. makes no pretense of "gifts of heal­ rather like it. But a good man and [Fl'om Uealth.] ing," but employs natural methods. consciousness of his superior knowl­ his wife who are members of the Hen­ Nature is the great universal chem­ Any doctor will tell you that the prac­ edge. "The shortest way to the son household of faith have felt for ist. She has no "waste product," but some time that their pastor would be tice of medicine is an experiment­ heart is by way of an incision through utilizes and distributes the waste much improved if the lame eye could a two-dollar-a-visit experiment, as it the left sub-clavial section of the product of all mortal chemists. No be made like unto the other. These were. To say that Osteopathy has ef­ thoracic parietes." matter what the compound may be; or persons are firm believers in the faith fected no cures is to state what is Thus is cold science wresting Cu­ how complicated it is, or how offensive cure theory. Why should their be­ absolutely untrue. pid's weapons one by one from the the matter may be, nature separtes the loved pastor not have two good eyes hands of the fair sex. particles to perfection, sending each It does not claim to cure in every as well as one? They went to see part back to the element from whence case; but how many physicians are him. it came, leaving no "waste product." there who will guarantee to do this? Tardy Symptoms. "We have been praying for you The Osteopath regards the human [[<'rom the Washington Post.] that you may have two perfect eyes," frame as a perfect and intricate ma­ Doctor (on second visit to see a they said to the doctor, "and have "A Movin' Medsin." [From the Doctor's Factotum.] chine, faultlessly constructed by the boy who had swallowed a copper now come to pray with you. Will A colored wo/nan threw the odds Divine Master Mechanic, and capa­ cent)-How is the boy this time? you not ask the Lord right here and and ends of medicine left after her ble of running smoothly until worn Anxious Mother-No change yet. now to give you a new eye?" out by age. . The first cause of every Dr. Henson's rejoinder was start­ husband's death into the fire. The ex­ plosion that followed carried the stove human ill is a mechanical derange­ ling. Speaking About II Rubber Necks. ment of some one or more parts of through one of the windows. "Mos' [From the New York Press.] "What kind of teeth have you?" the machinery of life. pow'ful movin' medsin I eveh saw'cl," A surgeon in Lyons, , has he suddenly asked the broth~r. vVhen one's watch is out of order,' "vVhy-why, that's a strange ques­ said she. "No wondah the ole man supplied a rubber larynx and glottis gone died." it is no good giving it a dose of for a patient that works perfectly. The tion," he stammered, "but I don't castor oil. That only makes the rubber neck now has a distinct and mind telling you that my teeth are works more unworkable. The main­ mostly false." Latin Hides Common Error,. assured standing in the world of medi­ [From A Waif.] spring, in many instances, is displaced "Wha·t kind of teeth do you use, cine. Teacher-No living being can read or broken and must be mended. So sister?" he asked of the other. your writing. Why don't you try to with the human body. vVhen all ob­ "Same kind," she frankly admitted. Can't Take Maxims Literally. "Well, good friends," rejoined the learn? Little Boy-No use. I'm go­ structions are removed and all the or­ [From the Boston TranscripL] doctor, "you go and ask God to grow ing to be a doctor, like papa. gans are made to work properly, then Poet-How much for this prescrip. some new teeth in your mouths. Ac­ Nature is ready to step in and bring tion? Apothecary - Two dollars, cording to your theory, He will do it Have They a Use? health and strength. You may laugh please. Poet (soliloquizing as he without delay. When you get your "Did you know there are minute at Osteopathy, but it certainly accom­ pays)-And the publishers tell me teeth, come around and we will see parasites in all of man's blood ves­ plishes some wonderful cures, not­ that poetry is a drug in the market. what can be done about that new sels?" "Say, they must feel as if they Qh that it were! with::;tanding. eye!" had lived in vein." © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


Q. What do stimulation and inhibi­ u",atter of experiment, as you know, tion mean? that antipyretics will usually-bu: not OSTEOPATHIC CATECHISM. II A. These terms indicate, one the rertainly-Iower a fever temperat·lre. maximum, the other the minimum, You do not make your doctor tell you II physiological activity of a nerve center how his drug does it. In fact, he could not if you compelled him. It is all Q. What is a "lesion?" be apt to develop trouble in the work occurring during life from any and all guesswork. He reasons that his anti­ of one or both of those organs. So on of the agencies that act upon it. Every A. Any departure of form or posi­ pyretic may act upon the heat center to throughout the system. Osteopathy is moment of life we are subject to tion from the normal in the human inhibit it and thus draw the fires of " the first medical system to search for myriad stimulations of our nerve cen­ anatomy may be regarded as an oste­ life somewhat; to depress the heart the starting point of physiological ters by environment-air, food, clothes, opathic lesion. VVe restrict the term and thus pump the blood current more trouble-not in the endless panorama sights, sounds, etc., and the proper usually to designate a mechanical ob­ slowly; to inhibit the vaso-motor cen­ of fleeting symptoms, but back toward workings of the body demand that struction of some sort which is the ter.s and cause the surface vessels to the center where the original caus'e will such stimulations shall always be oper­ cause of disease. For examples: a ver­ dilate more, to bring more blood to usually be found as some form of me­ ative. Over-stimulation results in fa­ tebra sprung somewhat from its cor­ the skin and radiate more heat from chanical blockade to nutrition. tigue or inhibition. Drugs are given rect alignment; a rib rotated at its the body. There are various other Q. Is this mechanical origin of dis­ for the disordered work of these nerve hinging to the backbone; a congested considerations involved in this inter­ ease the only new principle in Osteop­ centers and invariably must either muscle; an irritated nerve. Abnormal esting speculation. But even if these athy? stimulate or inhibit them. Drug influ­ functioning may also constitute a le­ are exactly the things done by an anti­ A. No. It embraces another dis­ ence upon these centers. is artificial, sion in the strict medical use of the pyretic and various complementary covery, which is of as great scientific extreme and dangerous. Osteopathic word, as an inflammation or a fever. drugs even yet the medical physician and therapeutic value, namely, that stimulation and inhibition cannot oper­ In fact, the term is used almost syn­ cannot explain how his drugs get these nerve centers may be stimulated or in­ ate further, nor last longer, than the onymously with the word "symptom" effects. The osteopathic physician aets hibited by carefully graduated pres­ point at which nature meant the organ­ . b throughout medical Ijlterature, just as hiS effects by manipulations which in- sures upon the nerve strands connect­ ism to yield. Osteopathic influence, it naturally would be where symp­ fluence these centers of heat-making ing with them. That pressure may ex­ therefore, is not dangerous, but in line tomatic effects of disease are exalted to and heat-radiation just as certainly­ aggerate, decrease or entirely suspend, with Nature. As extremes meet, so the dignity of representing disease­ we think with more certainty-than for the time being, nerve impulses­ inhibition and stimulation as therapeu­ causes. drugs; nor is our treatment harmful which means} in effect, the work done tic measures approach each other and as confessedly are all drug treatments Q. Why does Osteopathy make the by a nerve,. whether that be secretion often seem to become identical-but for fevers. Osteopathists also use the claim that it goes back to the first cause in a gland, motion in a muscle or sen­ that is a problem for laboratory phys­ wet pack, baths, good nursing and of diseases more carefully than other sations as of pain-is an axiom of iology and the practitioner. careful dieting which are the common systems? physiology. Hitherto that knowledge Q. Can Osteopathy reduce the tem­ property 01 all schools in which educa­ A. Because instead of classifying has been confined to interesting labor­ perature of fever? tion is a qualification for practice. symptoms, the results of disease, and atory experiments. Osteopathy is pi­ A. It can. It seems to do it more resting diagnosis there, it insists upon oneer in applying this knowledge in a certainly than do drugs, yet without searching tirelessly for adequate phys- . No Need for."a Tonic. common-sense way to account for dis­ stoking up the system with harmful " [From the rhiladelphia Record.] ical lesions, which are to be found back ease and to accomplish its cure. By chemicals. Drugs in fevers have even For a man who doesn't work", of symptoms, usuaIly in connection manipulations, aimed to accomplish a more than ordinarily hurtful reaction said the housekeeper, "you have a with the nervous centers of the spinal one or the other effect of stimulation ince the system is already weakened pretty good appetite." cord. It has been shown hitherto how or inhibition, it follows, therefore, that by disease. "Yes, rna,,,am, repI'Ied Hungry any obstruction, or lesion, occurring in the work of the internal organs of one Q. How does Osteopathy reduce Higgins; "dat's why I don't work. the course of the nerve or blood supply individual may pass under the control fever temperatures? If 1 did, dey wouldn't be no satisfy­ to the centers for heart and lungs will of another. A. How do drugs do it? It is a in' me." © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


an ordinary meal. It is about 95 per the bill of fare such things as will cent assimilable, it is claimed, in such best serve the needs of the body and DIET AND DIGESTION DEPARTMENT. excellent preparations as Plasmon brain; if not well, do not eat anything JI that disagrees 'with you, but get your­ v'hich is manufactured by a reliable syndicate now working to establish self in such a condition that nothing PLASMON, THE NEW FOOD, A VALU­ the world's milk supply and it has a name for its products. It is packed disagrees with you; that is, nothing ABLE DISCOVERY. been found that a food better than but­ in air tight tin boxes for preservation. wholesome. , For centuries mankind in all cli­ ter can be prepared from skimmed A WELL-BALANCED RATION. This includes the proteids (tissue mates and almost in all grades of civil­ milk, which is at once reasonably EATING FOR HEALTH OR SICKNESS. builders) and the heat and energy ization has been churning milk to get cheap, highly nutritious, as digestible [From Physical Culture.] the fat principle in the form of but­ by invalid stomachs as any food pos­ producers (starch, sugar and fat). It I am more and more convinced that is not necessary that these elements ter 'for human food, giving the residue sibly can be, advantageous from the it is not so much a question of what come from anyone class of foods; i. e., to the calves and pigs. Man took the standpoint of being so concentrated one eats as how one eats, writes Mr. animal, vegetable, the grains, nuts, oil of milk for his portion and gave that its transportation is easy and, best E. B. Warman, the well-known au­ fruits, etc., but a wise choice should be the albumen to live stock. He thereby of all, capable of keeping fresh and thority on physical development. The made. from all. A mixed diet is prefer­ surrendered the most valuable obtain­ sweet in sealed packages for indefi­ great secret is 1'nast-iwtion. The longer able, from a health standpoint, to any able food substance to the creatures and nite time. This new article of food one keeps food in the mouth the short­ one form of food exclusively. bas taken as his portion the part which, which will take its place along with er time it will have to remain in the Do not eat when tired, either while valuable, is so only in a second­ flour, sugar and butter as a life staple, stomach. While this applies to all mentally or physically. Do not eat ary sense in that it is a fuel for the is simply the albumen precipitate of classes of food, it is especially appli­ directly after severe mental or physical body but nothing more. Butter does skimmed milk, derived after the cream cable to cereals, mashed potatoes, fresh labor (whether tired or not) ; yet, bet­ not replenish nerve cells and muscle has been skimmed for churning and bread, etc. ; in fact, all starches, sweets ter this than severe mental or physical waste, and that is just what the albu­ hence derived cheaply; it may be pre­ and fats, as this class of foodstuffs re­ labor directly after eating. men principle in milk does. It builds pared as food in a hundred different quires an alkaline medium (saliva) be­ Keep ever in view the fact that there up into cells and creates heat and en­ ways-in as many ways as flour or fore reaching the stomach, where it can be no disease of any nature, if the ergy as well. Butter and cream rep­ sugar, for example, and its food possi­ must remain until the proteids are blood is kept pure, and that impure resent the fat of milk but skimmed bilities are limitless. fairly well digested, and then all move. blood cannot exist where the circula­ milk, buttermilk and cheese embody The German army has adopted it as on together to the duodenum for the tion is perfect, therefore, perfect cir­ the most nutritious substance of milk a staple ration and is highly pleased completion of the digestion· in . an culation is paramount. and indeed the best food value obtain­ with its nutritive and sustaining qual­ alkaline medium received from the How to obtain this desirable concli­ able. To supply this albumen lost to ities and its slight bulle Now athletes pancreas ~nd biliary secretions. tioH is not, after all, so much a question the table by churning milk .and using all over the world are experimenting While it is true that the average per­ of how as of will. The formula is cr am it has become the custom to with it and f2fort upon it with uni­ son eats too much; true ,that "one­ very simple: eat plenty of meat and eggs and man­ form favor. Physicians find it 1nval­ fourth of what we eat keeps us while (a) Eat nourishing food to make kind by this substitution has not lost uable in all forms of gastro-ihtestinal the other three-fourths we keep-at blood of sufficient quantity and quality appreciably except in the economic· disturbance and other sickness where the risk of our lives"; yet it is also to supply the needs of the body. sense. He has derived sufficient albu­ a sustaining diet is wanted for a crisis true that in addition to improper mas­ (b) Breathe deeply of the fresh men from a well mixed diet, to be sure, with as little useless bulk and residue tication and overeating, fear plays air (the only blood purifier known) but not in the most economical nor as is possible. havoc with many stomachs. Have no to oxygenate thoroughly the blood, most nutritious form. This new food is so nutritious that fear of anything you eat. If you fear and exhale sufficiently to throw off Now laboratory science has taken up a heaping teaspoonful of the powder it do not eat it; if you eat it do not an abundance of carbonic acid gas. this problem of prodigal waste in the prepared in any way desired is said fear it. Those who are always fear­ ec) Exercise sufficiently, always in commercial and domestic handling of to contain as much nourishment as ing are always ailing. If you are moving air, to compel deep breathing, perfectly well Nature will choose from and exercise the whole body. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO


WHAT OSTEOPATHY IS DOING FOR ance. Examination disclosed that the LAME KNEE: ments made good the prophecy and the THE SICK. vertebrae of the dorsal region were No. 13. Patient fell from a car in patient was not confined to her bed BRONCHITIS: irregular and that the muscles were such a way as to throw the weight of more than a week after beginning Nb. ro. ·Woman of 50 years, de­ congested and sore at each point where the body upon one leg while it was treatment. pleted from an attack of malaria, de­ such lesions were located. It was extended and the muscles were all in ECZEMA: veloped severe symptoms of bronchitis. very evident that the work of the great tension. Something snapped at the No. IS. \Noman of forty years, suf­ She haa scarcely strength to walk and splauchnic nerves which control to a knee, causing an audible pop, and mak­ fering fifteen years from a very bad housework became impossible to her. great degree the nutrition and blood ing the patient deathly sick. Inflam­ form of eczema-so much so that the Her cough was severe and expectora­ supply to the stomach and bowels, was 1:1ation of the joint structures followed fine shower of epithelium shook from tion raised quantities of muco-puru­ being deprived by these abnormalities and lameness developed so that walk­ the clothing upon undressing resem­ lent phlegm. Diagnosis by micro­ in position of the various structures of ing oCc::Jsioned pain and was done with bled a liberal sprinkling of corn meal. scope showed there were no tubercu­ the back. The dorsal vertebrae were difficulty. At diagnosis osteopathical­ The malady was most pronounced at lar bacilli. Osteopathic diagnosis re­ anterior from the fourth to the sev­ ly after a couple of weeks it was found the waist, shins and feet and was so vealed a rigid spine, having an exag­ enth and the fifth was also out of that the internal semi-lunar cartilage severe at the feet that before coming gerated curve in the dorsal region, and alignment laterally. These lesions of the knee joint was torn from its under osteopathic care one foot had there were distinct abnormalities de­ were given careful attention from the position and was movable in the joint, shed four nails. She had n~ver had tectable in the position of second and first treatment, particular care being at that time being displaced outward perfect menstruation until after taking third cervical vertibrae while the sev­ taken to relax the muscles and liga­ perceptibly to the touch. A circum­ treatment. Her liver was very inac­ enth was slightly out of its position, ments, and after two weeks the patient scribed line of pain was definable over tive and bowels were sluggish but no to one side. Treatment was directed said he had not felt so well in years. the border of the displaced cartilage. marked spinal lesion was discoverable. to overcome these conditions and re­ In three weeks his pains had ceased It was just such a typical osteopathic Jotwithstanding, general treatment store the vertebrae to correct allign­ and general nutrition was so much im­ injury as we so often find responsible along the usual osteopathic lines in ment and to stimulate the vaso-motor proved that he had gained ten pounds. for aggravated knee disturbances like these cases completely cured the case centers to the bronchi and lungs. Three months corrected the spinal ab­ synovitis, lameness, etc. The first in twelve months. That is to say, by influencing these normalities and effected a cure. treatment gave much relief and two nerve centers to their best normal ac­ weeks enabled the patient to stop treat­ I ERVOUS PROSTRATION: DYSENTERY: No. 16. A woman of forty who had tivity the blood supply to the region ment. o. 12. A teething child in its criti­ been an intense sufferer for ten years of the bronchi was improved and Na­ cal second summer developed a severe PARALYSIS: from neurasthenia was finally diag­ ture was aided to overcome the dis­ irritative fever accompanied by dysen­ nosed as having a floating kidney and ease. The patient felt better from the No. 14. A woman of 45, of excellent tery. The splauchnic centers of the was supposed to be dying. She suf­ first treatment and recovery was se­ health was stricken with paralysis so spine were tense and tender. Stools fered from intense pain on the side of cured in a month. that she had no control of her muscles. of characteristic 'color and consistency Speech was not impaired. After com­ the vagrant kidney. Diagnosis found CHRONIC GASTRITIS: were of ten-minute intervals and sev­ petent medical diagnosis had given the her two lower ribs displaced appre­ No. 11. A clerk of 28 years had suf­ eral good neighbors who knew noth­ family no hope that a complete recov­ ciably downward on 'that side. One fered with pains about the stomach ing of osteopathy warned the family ery would ensue, an osteopathist was bedside treatment directed to overcome from childhood. He experienced nau­ that the baby would certainly die if called from a neighboring city to give this lesion got the patient up and she sea and vomiting in the mornings and recourse was not had to drug treat­ his diagnosis. Intense congestion of visited her physician's office for the after meals. He frequently would ment. The parents, however, had the muscles of the neck and back war­ second treatment. There was 110 more have to forsake a customer to endure given our system a thorough test in ranted him in giving the opinion that pain after the first treatment and the one of the e paroxyisms. Heat, fa­ other maladies and consigned the little the case was not due to a ruptured patient slept like a child thereafter. tigue and bad ventilation always in­ sufferer without distrust to osteopathic blood vessel in the brain and that oste­ About three months effected a wonder­ duced a sick spell. He was so tender care. A few hours checked the disor­ opathic treatment offered good hope ful recuperation and fairly good health over the pit of the stomach that even der and three days quite restored the of restoration. Three or four treat- for the patient. his clothes caused him much annoy- child to health. © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO NATURAL EXERCISE. 92 THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. OF HUMAN INTEREST. Biting the FiDger Nails. (Co ]VERY Osteopathic Physician is in a position to appreciate Generally persons who are addicted Pension Asked Through Heredity. to this habit show symptoms of de­ ~ the fact that exercise, to be of practical advantage, must A man in Michigan was born a crip­ generacy. They present undergrowth, ple, which recent scientific knowledge are slow, drowsy, unreliable and have be taken with due regard to the natural use of the causes him now to believe was caused defective teeth. The.treatment of muscles. He also appreciates that in the rush for success the by mental impressions received by his "onychophazia," as it is called, re­ mother upon hearing the report of quires careful observation on the part average American will not spend the time necessalY to acquire the death of a brother who was report­ of parents and physicians; in many in­ ed killed in the civil war, a short dividuals painting the finger nails and a perfect physical condition by exercising in the ordinary manner. time before his own birth. With this the tissues around them with tincture belief he has petitioned congress to of quassia has brought good results. grant him a pension, as he claims the The extremely bitter taste of quassia THE USE OF APPARATUS. government was responsible.-Chiea­ prevents the child from putting the go Medical Times. finger in the mouth, and in many in­ The Sultan's Nerves Were Unstrung. stances we know a cure to have been Abdul Hamid, sultan by trade, shot so effected.-Chicago Medical Times. The use of conventional apparatus is contrary to his judgment and killed his physician because the Let Deeply Lodged Bullets Alone. because it has the disadvantage of interfering with the natural doctor caused him pain while mas­ Dr. Smith, an English surgeon, in his saging' him. The papers say that the notes on the wounded in use of the muscles from a "free-hand" standpoint, and usually sultan was unstrung and in bad ner­ says in the British M.edical Journal: vous condition. We are glad to know "When a bullet is lodged deeply and creates a jar on the nerves or binds the muscles in an objection­ that this little incident was not in­ causes no trouble I advise that it be able manner. tended as a merry jest. The affair left alone." vVe certainly wish that tends to satisfy t11e average doctor every small-fry surgeon in the country with his lot of ministering to the com­ could read this statement. The first THE COMMON-SENSE METHOD. mon herd and makes him less ambi­ thing the average surgeon does whcn tious to roll pills for crowned heads.­ called to treat a gunshot wound is to Chicago Clinic. begin to probe and explore, dig and The combination embraced by the Spink system of free-hand Japan Trying to Exterminate Rats. poke, until he finds where the bullet calisthenics, using the pure gum Bi-tension exerciser, has met The Japanese authorities have offered is and vvhen he thinks he has found a bounty for killing rats in districts it, he proceeds to cut it out even if with the unqualified endorsement of every Physician who has afflicted with the bubonic plague. Al­ he has to cut his patient all to pieces ready they have pa;d for over 200,000 in order to get it. Such a surgeon examined it. The

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In writing advertisers, please mention THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. In writing advertisers, please' mention THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. 94 95 © Still National Osteopathic Museum, .Kirksville, MO Comfort In• TratJel .' will be found in high degree on the fast OST.EOPATHY TREATS SUCCESSFULLY (Colltillfjcd): trains of the MICHIGAN CENTRAL. (Continued from front inside cover pacc.) Dlaea,es of the Circuilltory System: New York and Boston Special Irregular Heart Action; Weak Hearts; Over-Worked Hearts; Palpitation; Leaves CHICAGO 10.30 a. ID. Valvular disturbances when dependent upon Spinal Lesions; Heart Pains. Arrives NEW YORK r .30 p. ID., BOSTON 3.00 p. ID. Poor circulation; Anremic and Congestive Headaches; Cold Feet; Portal Fast Eastern Express Vein Congestion; certain Liver Disturbances as Congestion and Jaundice; Malaria; Varicose Veins; Piles; Anremia; Tendency to Fainting; Mal-Nutrition; Eruptive Leaves CHICAGO 3.00 p. m. Skin Diseases; Pallor; Sallow, Muddy Complexions; Suppression of Perspiration; Arrives NEW YORK 6.00 p. In., BOSTON 9.00 p. m. Eczema; some cases of Obesity; 60me cases of Dropsy; Disorders of the Spleen. New York State Special Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis, Quinzy, Croup, Diphtheria, Typhoip Leaves CHICAGO 5.30 p. ID. Fever, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis, Erysipelas. Arrives NEW YORK 8.45 p. ID., BOSTON 11.30 p. m. Dlaeases of the Oastro-Intestlnal Tract: Atlantic Express Stomach troubles in their myriad manifestations, dependent upon whatever causes; Gastralgia, Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Gastric Ulcer, Dilatation of the Leaves CHICAGO 1r .30 p. m. Stomach, Hyperacidity of tbc: Stomach, Insufficient Acid or Pepsin Secretion, Arrives NEW YORK 7.00 a. m., BOSTON 8.46 a. ID. Flatulency. Detroit Night Express Through Pulhnan Sleeping Cars Bowel Troubles in like complexity of Symptoms; Gout; Gastro-Intestinal Leaves CHICAGO 9.35 p. m. The Dining Car service Fermentation, Constipation, Acute and Chronic; Diarrhcea; Dysentery; Colic; Arrives DETROIT 7.15 a. ID. is noted for its excellence. Cholera Infantum; Cholera Morbps; Acute and Chronic Appendicitis; Intestinal . Obstructions; Bowel Parasites; Ascites; Bloating. Biliary Calculi; many Liver and Pancreatic Disturbances. City Ticket Office. 119 Ad&rns Street, Chicago. of Women: R. H. L'HoMMEDIEU, O. W. RUGGLES, General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Irregular Menstruation; Suppress.ed Menstruation; Excessive Menstruation; General Superintendent. the various and aggravated pains of Menstruation; Leucorrhea; Flooding; Uterine Misplacements; the Most Frequ.ent Forms of Barrenness; Bloating; Pelvic Inflam­ ~ations; the Chlorosis common to Girlhood; Milk Leg; Inflammations of the Breast; Ovarian Troubles. Richards Fit-the-Back Chair DaeaMs of Men: Built to fit your back-a.1I your back, from shoulders to small Sexual Debility; Imp~tence when associated with or due, all it most often is, The only 8Vforrls of back. Only chair with a movable back that yields automatically to the movements of the occupant, giving complete rest to the loins, to spinal lesions; Emissions; Enlarged Prostates; Incqntinence of Urine; Cystitis. Chair with a Flt­ the muscles of the lower back, and the whole nervous system. the-Back and Dlseuu of Childhood: Head CR.est FINDS REST AND COMFORT ONLY IN Bed-Wetting, Mouth-Breathing, Worms, Whooping Cough, Croup, THIS CHAIR Measles, Mumps, Cholera Infantum, Rickets, the Fevers and their Sequelre, Dan~e, L. E. DEWEY, of Ong, Neb.• writes: u It's more t~an I expected.. 901y chair St. Vitus' etc. I've ever had that gives me the required support. OWlOg to a severe Injury to my neck years ago, have often looked for something that would gi'"e me rest and Diseases of Age: ease. Never found it until I got your Fit-the-Back." The Stiffn~ss, Aches and Sluggish Functions of old age are certainly given Richards Fit.the-Back Chairs are made In various styles, for Home. Office, Hotel, Club, House, Railway Coach, etc:. great benefit. Osteopathic Treatment is worth ten years of life to the average Send for illustrations and·Descriptions. . old person.· Fit-the-Back No. 35­ DIseases of Special ~eDSe5: Morris Chair Style The Eye~All Disorders dependent upon faulty nutrition. Weak Eyes, Sore 1 Eyes; Dry, Tired Eyes; Granulated Lids, Pterygium, Cataracts; Possesses all advantages of No ~rorris Chair' none of its dis­ Astigmatism; Blood Clots from traumatic hemorrhages, etc. ad\·antages. Combines reclining back and "flt-the-back" features. The Ear-Catarrhal Deafness, Buzzing, External Irritations, Suppurations, etc. Doesn't require as great a recline as regular" reclining H chairs-therefore takes up The Yoke-Hoarseness and Loss of Voice, common to public speakers and less room. No loose clIshion to slough down under weight of shoulders, causing dis­ comfort to occupant and spoiling the shape, as well as shortening life of mattress. Not singers; Hacking Coughs, Chronic Sore Throat, etc. cumbersome-weighs 2S lbs. :l\Iade of selected Oak, in Golden or Antique Oak or Ma,hogany. finish. (State fini,sh desired.) Spring' Rack; Full Spri:1g Edge Seat; All­ TaJtt lind Smell in certain cases. Half CushIOn. Up1l.0lstered 10 finest grades Velours (give choice of color), price $IS­ III best Leather (Olive, :Maroon or Tan), $20. (These are Factory Prices.) New Orowtbs: Sold on an nb!lolntc Jrnnrnntee that it will prove satisfactory, or rna}' be returned at our Ost~opathy f~:~:I~~~:~~g:~~~h:~~~;i~~rrt~~Un~~~~tatl:/~~ :~~~e~o~~~. top~eyn~i~~;ic~e~f~~a~~~~e;~t~~~rv:1it~ is often able to absorb tumors and has sometimes cured cancers, ha~e you want it; if you don't, don't. We gladly run the risk. Order now. • such as ofthe breast and uterus, which been diagnosed as malignant. RICHAR.DS CHAIR. COMPANY, Suitel109Woman'sTemple,Chlcago

In writing advertisers piease mention THE OSTEOPATHIC PaYBIOlAN. 96