Slavery in the Classical Utopia : a Comparative Study

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Slavery in the Classical Utopia : a Comparative Study Slavery in the Classical Utopia : A Comparative Study By Emily Fairey A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Classics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The City University of New York 2006 ii This manuscript has been read and accepted for the Graduate Faculty in Classics in satisfaction of the dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Jennifer Roberts_______________ _________________ _________________________________ Date Chair of Examining Committee Prof. Dee Clayman_________________ _________________ ________________________________ Date Executive Officer Jennifer Roberts_______________________________ Peter Simpson_________________________________ Dee Clayman__________________________________ Supervisory Committee THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK iii Slavery in the Classical Utopia : A Comparative Study by Emily Fairey Abstract Adviser: Professor Jennifer Roberts The literary genre of utopia arose out of two main source elements in classical antiquity. These can be differentiated by their various approaches to slavery and enslavement, and reflect, respectively, attitudes of slaves, or of masters towards concepts of ideal societies. Therefore, the terms are derived: servile perspective utopia, dominant perspective utopia, and “hybrid utopia,”a combination of the two. The servile perspective is characterized by an idealization of release from compulsion, a transformation of the natural order, and the undermineing of socio- political order. Examples of it include the mythology of the Age of Kronos and the god Dionysos, the fragments and complete works of Old Comedy, the literature connected with Cynic philosophy, the New Comic works of Plautus, and the Augustan Elegiac poets. The dominant perspective represents the ideal society as internalizing the value of compulsion and mastery, accepting nature as it is in reality, and establishing and maintaining socio-political order. Examples of it include Plato’s Republic, Laws, and his myth of Atlantis, Aristotle’s Politics, Xenophon’s Cyropaedia, and literature on the “real-life” utopianists the Pythagoreans and the Spartans. Hybrid utopias are ideal societies that internalize the value of compulsion as well as that of release, and promise a transformation of nature as a reward for the establishment and maintenance of socio-political order. iv These include: Travelogues such as the accounts of Herodotus’ Ethiopians, Iambulus’ Islands of the Sun, where alteration of Nature takes place in the context of political virtue. Apuleius’ Metamorphosis involves an inverse transformation of Naure, where servile values are eventually subsumed into dominant. Real-life hybrid utopias include the communities of Essenes, who absorb the Cynic and comic ideal of the primacy of Nature, but follow dominant values, and the accounts of ancient slave rebellions, which utilize both servile and dominant utopian techniques. Acknowledgements Thanks to Dr. Colin Pilney for all the translating help, and the other good advice I didn’t listen to, but should have. Also to Susan Johnson, for her excellent editing and formatting assistance. Many thanks to my mother, for her writing criticism, and my father, for all his encouragement, also to John Heyenga, for making it possible to do all the work, and to my son Samuel, for wanting me to be a “professor.” v Part One: Servile Perspective Utopia .............................................................................. 8 Chapter One: Myth, Comedy and the Golden Age ................................................... 8 Hesiod’s Golden Age ............................................................................................... 13 Chapter Two: Role Reversal and Inversion ............................................................. 17 Fragments of the Old Comedians .......................................................................... 18 Aristophanes ............................................................................................................ 34 Mary Douglas, and Conclusions on Aristophanes and Old Comedy ................. 51 Chapter Three: Cynicism : Slavery, Freedom and Comedy ................................... 54 Chapter Four: Roman Comedy’s Utopian Slaves .................................................... 72 Plautus ...................................................................................................................... 72 Servitium Amoris in Plautus’ Comedy ................................................................... 87 The Paradise of Otium and the Servitium Amoris in Roman Elegy .................... 90 Conclusion: Servile Perspective Utopia .................................................................... 98 Part Two: Dominant Perspective Utopia .................................................................... 100 Chapter Five: A)reth/ kai\ Sxolh/ : Slavery and Technology in the Classical Utopia ......................................................................................................................... 105 Chapter Six: Po/noj kai/ Paidei=a: Slave vs. Free Education ......................... 130 The Paedia of Xenophon ....................................................................................... 131 Education in Plato’s Laws .................................................................................... 147 Chapter Seven: So-called “Real Life” Utopias ....................................................... 158 Polemo/j kai/ Egkratei=a: Sparta, Pythagoreans and their Slaves ........... 159 Resistance: Helots, Messenia, and Rebellion ...................................................... 177 Conclusion: Dominant Perspective Utopias ........................................................... 189 Part Three: Hybrid Utopias ........................................................................................ 191 Chapter Eight: Utopian Strangers .......................................................................... 196 Herodotus’ Ethiopians .......................................................................................... 196 Iambulus’ Island of the Sun ................................................................................. 205 The Goddess Isis and the Slave Philosopher’s Journey .................................... 210 Chapter Nine: Real-life-models: Holy Communists and Slave Rebels ................ 222 The Essenes ............................................................................................................ 222 Ancient Slave Revolts: Utopian Elements and Interpretations ........................ 234 Conclusion: The Roots of More’s Utopia. ................................................................... 264 Bibliography of Ancient Authors ................................................................................ 275 Bibliography of Modern Works .................................................................................. 283 1 Introduction: Slavery in the Classical Utopia In classical antiquity, the reality of subservient toil was a prerequisite for the idea of utopia, and in turn, utopia came to be a tool for the justification of slavery. This seems an alien concept in modern times, where a rejection of the institution of slavery has become a mainstream political commonplace, and the abuse of labor seems antithetical to any daydream of an ideal world. Nevertheless, the classical ideal could not escape the slavery that was ingrained even in its early mythology, where the fall from grace and the introduction of sin after the golden age leads to the commencement of slave labor. Ultimately, the common roots of all utopian models lie in the idealized portrayal of the origins of humanity. Following this stage, two separate utopian types emerge; in both of which slavery is an archetypal, paradigmatic relationship, yet with completely opposed views on “what is best” for slaves. At the point at which classical authors started to combine these two approaches, the literary genre of utopianism as we are familiar with it in a modern sense began to coalesce. I will designate these two perspectives as "dominant" and "servile," in accordance with the outlook on slavery that each represents. A utopia, whether it is an imagined or real enactment of idealism, consistently addresses the social interaction of subservience and dominance. Slavery is the most drastic example of such a power relation. Thus, a utopia's perspective on slavery is emblematic of its character and function, whether it originates from those who seek to apply controls or those who wish to evade and avoid them. The nature of the ideal world 2 in classical literature extends from the rampantly hedonistic paradise of freed slaves to the carefully constructed maps of virtue that rely on moral slavery. Slavery has a close connection with the philosophical construction of utopias. One link between slavery and utopia relies on the shared metaphor of extreme adversity. A utopia is always a boundary, since it figuratively, geographically or chronologically represents the outer limits of human behavior. The contrast of the utopia with an author's day-to-day life might be expressed as a function of utopian character that is virtuous and well formed beyond the normal means of society. In another case, the contrast is manifest in the remote location of a utopia that is not to be reached by normal modes of transportation. The future and the past are also common coordinates for utopia, utilizing the inherent
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