LPR Government Coalition, May 2006, and the Expectations from the Pis - Self-Defence - LPR Coalition, June 2006
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CBOS MAY 2006 ISSN 1233 - 7250 THE POLES ABOUT THE PIS - SELF-DEFENCE - LPR IN THIS ISSUE: GOVERNMENT COALITION R THE POLES ABOUT After six months of a minority THE PIS - SELF-DEFENCE cabinet formed by the Law and Justice WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ABOUT THE PIS - SELF- DEFENCE - LPR COALITION? - LPR GOVERNMENT (PiS), a majority coalition with the Self- COALITION It is too early to evaluate this Defence and the League of Polish Families coalition, let us wait for the (LPR) was formed. The Self-Defence and effects of its work the LPR are often seen as populist and R THE ATTITUDE nationalist parties. The reactions of the TO THE GOVERNMENT 47% public opinion, although less extreme than This coalition can do AFTER ITS 6% a lot of good RECONSTRUCTION those prevailing in Polish and foreign media, are not favourable. The new 13% coalition has been received by the Poles 34% Difficult to say R THE IMPORTANCE without much hope. Only 12% of the OF RELIGION respondents were glad that it was formed, One cannot expect anything good from whereas more than three times as many the PiS - Self-Defence -LPR coalition (36%) were worried. However, the most R PSYCHOLOGICAL common reaction to forming the new STRESS IN GEORGIA, The PiS - Self-Defence - LPR coalition government coalition was indifference (43%). THE UKRAINE, government will manage to carry out reforms HUNGARY AND POLAND and speed up the country's development The prevailing opinion is that people should wait with the evaluation of the new coalition 21% until they see some effects of its work. Few Poles (6%) believe that the PiS - Self-Defence - 30% LPR coalition can do a lot of good things, Difficult 49% PUBLIC OPINION to say whereas one in three respondents claim that it RESEARCH CENTER will be unable to do anything good for Poland. - CBOS - Almost half of the Poles are afraid that the The time of coalition being time when the PiS - Self-Defence - LPR 4a Żurawia in power will be wasted 00-503 Warszawa coalition is in power will be wasted. POLAND A belief that the rule of WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM THE PIS - SELF-DEFENCE Ph: (48 22) 629 35 69 the new coalition is a waste of - LPR COALITION? WILL THIS COALITION: (48 22) 628 37 04 time for Poland is associated contribute to solving contribute to a not change the scale (48 22) 693 46 91 with a belief that it will not the most important social growth of social of social problems in Difficult manage to take the problems in Poland? problems in Poland? Poland? to say Fax:(48 22) 629 40 89 opportunities to improve the 16% 33% 33% 18% E-mail: sekretariat@cbos.pl situation in Poland, the http://www.cbos.pl relations of Poland with its contribute to an improvement contribute to a deterioration not change the position of the position of Poland on of the position of Poland on of Poland on the Difficult neighbours, or Poland's the international scene? the international scene? international scene? to say Editors: position on the international Krzysztof Zagórski scene. In the opinion of a 14% 34% 34% 18% and Beata Roguska majority of the respondents, it contribute to an improvement contribute to a deterioration not change Translated by is rather unlikely that the of the position of Poland of the position of Poland the position Difficult Kinga Pawłowska present coalition will solve in the EU? in the EU? of Poland in the EU? to say the most important problems 13% 35% 34% 19% © COPYRIGHT BY CBOS 2006 of Poland. These respondents believe that the social problems will grow or remain at the same level. ALL SOURCES MUST BE CREDITED WHEN ANY PART OF THIS PUBLICATION IS REPRODUCED More information on this subject can be found in the CBOS reports (in Polish): The Poles about the PiS - Self- Defence - LPR government coalition, May 2006, and The expectations from the PiS - Self-Defence - LPR coalition, June 2006. Survey executed in May 2006.Arepresentative random sample of adult Poles. N=991. 2 05/2006 THE ATTITUDE DOES THE POLICY OF THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT GIVE A CHANCE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE ECONOMIC TO THE GOVERNMENT SITUATION? AFTER ITS RECONSTRUCTION 90% 80% JERZY LESZEK MAREK KAZIMIERZ BUZEK MILLER BELKA MARCINKIEWICZ 70% Due to the fears associated with the formation of 60% the PiS - Self-Defence - LPR coalition and the following 50% reconstruction of the cabinet of Kazimierz 40% Marcinkiewicz, the opinions about the government have 30% deteriorated. Immediately after the coalition was formed, 20% the support for the government dropped by 5 percentage 10% points. After a month of its being in power, the support 0% XI I VIX I VIX I VIX I VIXXII VIX I VIX I IV VI IX I V VII I III VI dropped by further three percentage points. Nevertheless, 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Yes No the government still enjoys considerable social support. “Difficult to say” answers were disregarded. The percentage of its supporters (42%) is more than twice Initially, a deterioration of the opinions about the as high as the percentage of its opponents (20%). government after its reconstruction had not affected the opinions about the Prime Minister himself. After a THE ATTITUDE TO THE GOVERNMENT: 60% JERZY LESZEK MAREK KAZIMIERZ month, however, his popularity dropped a little. BUZEK MILLER BELKA MARCINKIEWICZ Nevertheless, most Poles (59%) still express satisfaction 50% that Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz is the head of the 40% government. Below a quarter of the respondents (23%) 30% do not accept him as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has been the most trusted politician in Poland for 20% several months. Even those who clearly disapprove of the 10% PiS - Self-Defence - LPR coalition have a positive 0% opinion about him, despite their criticism of the XI I VIX I VIX I VIXI VIXXII VIX I VIX I IV VI IX I VIX I VI 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 government and its work. Supporters Indifferent Opponents ARE YOU GLAD THAT KAZIMIERZ MARCINKIEWICZ “Difficult to say” answers were disregarded. IS CURRENTLY THE HEAD OF THE GOVERNMENT? 80% The evaluations of the government's work JERZY LESZEK KAZIMIERZ BUZEK MILLER MARCINKIEWICZ 70% dropped to the lowest level since its appointment. MAREK BELKA However, positive opinions still prevail over negative 60% ones (45% and 35% respectively). 50% 40% THE EVALUATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE: 30% 90% 20% 80% JERZY LESZEK BUZEK MILLER 10% 70% KAZIMIERZ MARCINKIEWICZ 60% 0% MAREK XI I VIX I VIX I VIX I VIXXII VIX I VIX I IV VI IX I VIX I III VI BELKA 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 50% Yes No 40% “Difficult to say” answers were disregarded. 30% 20% More information on this subject can be found in the CBOS report (in 10% Polish):The attitude to the government in June , June 2006. Survey 0% executed in June 2006.Arepresentative random sample of adult Poles. XII I III V VII IX XI I III V VII IX XI I III V VII IX XI I III V VII IX XI I III V VII IX XI I III V VII IX XI I IV VIVIII XI I III V VII IX I III VI 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 N=1041. Positive Negative “Difficult to say” answers were disregarded. Due to the unstable political situation the level of THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGION hope that the economic policy of the government will Catholic faith constitutes an important element bring positive results have been decreasing since February. of the Poles' self-identification. A vast majority of the This trend has ended when the PiS - Self-Defence - LPR Poles (96%) identify themselves as Catholics; almost the government coalition was formed. Nevertheless, same proportion (95%) describe themselves as believers, according to the prevailing opinion, the steps taken by the and almost two-thirds (63%) declare that they not only present government do not give a chance for an believe, but also follow the teachings of the Church. The improvement of the economic situation (47%). One in Poles are quite strongly attached to religious practices. three Poles (34%) believe that they will be effective. More than half of the respondents (56%) declare PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH CENTER - CBOS - 05/2006 3 participation in holy masses, other religious services or HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO YOU THAT RELIGIOUS religious meetings at least once a week. Almost a fifth CEREMONIES SHOULD ACCOMPANY IMPORTANT EVENTS (19%) declare participating in such practices once or IN LIFE (SUCH AS BIRTH, MARRIAGE OR DEATH)? twice a month, and one in six (17%) a few times a year. HOW IMPORTANT ARE THE FOLLOWING CEREMONIES: BAPTISM WEDDING FUNERAL Only 8% of the respondents admit that they never 3% 3% 6% 8% 4% 6% participate in religious services. Religion is seen by the 3% 4% 3% 6% 4% 7% Poles as an important element of their daily life. More responses than three quarters declare that religion is important in 17% 19% 17% onthe1-7scale their life (including more than two-fifths of those who Not important at all (1) Rather unimportant (2+3) describe it as very important). 87% 84% 89% Neither important nor unimportant (4) Rather important (5+6) THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIGION IN THE POLISH LIFE Very important (7) (responses on the1-7scale) Difficult to say 70% 65% 72% 44% 33% 4% 8% 11% 1% 1% 1% Not important Rather Neither important Rather Very at all unimportant nor unimportant important important More information on this subject can be found in the CBOS report (in scores on 1 2+3 4 5+6 7 the scale Polish):The importance of religion in the Polish life , May 2006.