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Project Name: Fare Collection System

Solicitation #: 4018000226

Contract Administrator: Alan Scanio

8 Fare Media Distribution, page 118: "8.1.1-3 Fare sales and value loads may also be completed through METRO’s third-party mobile application, which may provide a barcode for scanning at the retailer to collect Q660: payment. Additional details of integration with METRO’s mobile application will be determined during design review." Is the expectation that the barcode scanning at the retailers would be used to buy a fare product? If not, what is the intended purpose of these features? The intended purpose is to allow mobile application users to load tickets and value to their accounts using A660: cash at a retailer. [We are] requesting a 90 day extension to the current proposal submission date of October 29, 2018, to Q661: January 29, 2019. A661: Please reference Addendum 1 for deadlines. On pages 3, 11, and 14 of the RFP and in the SIOP spreadsheet for items,, Q662: regarding Retail Network Transaction Fees there is an asterisk (*) but no note referring to such. What is the intended note? A662: The asterisk was added in error and has been removed in Addendum 2. Section 15.1.1-6. Please provide details regarding typical time and transaction volume associated with one Q663: full day of active use. For example: how many validations/inspections are performed per day with the current handheld devices? How long are the fare enforcement shifts? Transaction volume should account for 1,000 transactions a day. Shifts are currently 8 hours but handheld A663: devices may be swapped without returning to a depot to meet operational needs. Q664: Section 15.1.4-4. Define what a day of fare payment transactions means. How many transactions? A664: The HIT device must support a minimum of 1,000 transactions a day. Q665: Section 15.1.4-5. Same as previous question. How many transactions are we talking about? A665: The HIT device must support a minimum of 1,000 transactions a day. 6.3.2-3 Stipulates support of distance based fare. Previous requirement indicates no tap-off - is Metro Q666: considering introducing tap off in the future? METRO reserves the right to change fare policy at any time, including during the useful life of the future A666: system. The FCS should be flexible enough to hande all types of fare products described in section 6 of the Technical Specifications, Fare Policies. 21.2-2 stipulates Active - Active load balancing, in the context of high availability. Given cloud computing Q667: architectures and distributed nature of account-based fare collection systems, would Metro consider defining SLAs in lieu of defining computing environment architecture? Bidders should propose based on the functional requirements in the specification. If a proposer would like A667: to include additional products, services, or functionality, this should be submitted along with the base Proposal but under separate cover. Q668: How does METRO want the data stored? A668: See Section 19.7 for data retention requirements pg. 74. Regarding requirement 2.4.8, who pays today for the dedicated analog lines that connect 297 Q669: RPOS devices in retail to the Conduent backend? The retailers?Metro? Conduent? And at what cost/month? Legacy RPOS devices will not be part of the future FCS, and the costs of the current system will not be A669: provided. Bidders should propose anticipated fees for their proposed approach. pg. 117. Regarding requirement 8-7: Please confirm that RPOS units will not be a part of the legacy Q670: system that must be maintained by the new retail network provider for any amount of time during the transition or afterwards. A670: The SI will not support the existing RPOS units. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 2 of 13

pg. 125Requirement: Deployment of a retail network and associated distribution services relating to media will be managed initially by the SI initially, with transfer of contract ownership to METRO after Revenue Service Acceptance. Question: We recommend that you accept direct bids from retail network providers. Our recommendation Q671: offers Metro the highest degree of transparency and flexibility to select the best retail network solution without compromising the best SI solution. The selected retail network provider can agree to be managed initially by the SI with transfer of contract ownership to METRO after Revenue Service Acceptance. Please confirm if this is acceptable. A671: METRO appreciates the recommendation but maintains the retail requirements as specified in the RFP. pg. 126Regarding requirement 10.1.1-1, please provide a copy of the detailed modeling that resulted in the Q672: determination that you will need a minimum of 1,300 retailers. A672: The data will be made available to the successful bidder during design review. pg. 126Regarding requirement 10.1.1-2, please provide a list of every light rail and bus stop (with geo Q673: coordinates for each stop). All publicly available METRO GIS data may be found at A673: pg. 115Regarding requirement 7.5, is there an expectation that retail will be able to load fare products to Q674: Third Party Media? Requirement 7.5 is for the SI to ensure devices can process third party media as an account credential in A674: the FCS. Fare products would exist in the account. pg. 125. Regarding requirement 10.1-4: Although there is no requirement to load fare products to EU Q675: Media in retail, is there a minimum number of fare products that you would ideally want to be available for sale/load at any given retail location? A675: Fare products required are referenced in specification section 6.3.1. pg. 117Regarding requirement 8-6: What consumer fee do you have in mind for issuance of the EU Media Q676: in retail? (next gen Q Card)? A676: Fees associated with this requirement will be decided during design review. Q677: What is your intended minimum/maximum load value for EU Media (next gen Q Card)? This should be configurable based on METRO's fare policy. Current minimum load is $3 and maximum is A677: $500, but the system must be flexible enough to accommodate any limits. pg. 4. Regarding the Pricing Schedule and Section 17.1: It appears that you are expecting to issue a total of 300,000 EU Media cards in retail in the first seven (7) years of the agreement. Perhaps this is for pricing Q678: comparison only. If for comparison only, please provide an estimate (by year) of what you expect 1,300 retailers to sell each year during the initial seven (7) year term of the agreement? Please provide the same level of detail for each of the optional years. METRO does not have the data to provide expected sales or reload by vendor. METRO is relying on the SI A678: and Retail Network provider to determine best retail solution through the design process. pg. 168. FCS Tech Spec, Section 17.1.1-1: Provided that you will accept bids from the retail network Q679: providers directly, would you accept a bid from the retail network provider for EU media only? No, respondents are to reply to the RFP in its current form and in its entirety. The SI response must include A679: a Retail Network Provider. pg. 200. How will the proposer's website developers be provided access to the Web Hosting Q680: environment for deployment, testing, and support? A680: Access to systems and any relevant details will be provided during design review. RFP/Req. Section No. 0.1.2, page 3. There is an "*" associated with Retail Network Transaction Fees with Q681: no associated reference. Please provide a description of what is expected for this line item. A681: The asterisk was added in error and has been removed in Addendum 2. RFP/Req. Section No. 0.4.1A.5, page 7. Please provide a detailed description of what METRO is expecting Q682: these fees to cover. A682: Transaction fees are inclusive of all fees related to processing of any payment cards. RFP/Req. Section No. 0.4.1B.2, page 8. Please provide a detailed description of what METRO is expecting Q683: these fees to cover. A683: Transaction fees are inclusive of all fees related to processing of any payment cards. RFP/Req. Section No. 4.4-1, page 83. Who is the merchant acquirer that the new system will be interfacing Q684: with? The current Merchant Acquirers are Chase PaymentTech and First Data but METRO reserves the right to A684: change the Merchant Acquirer during the term of the contract. RFP/Req. Section No. 4.7-10, page 86. Please state if the back office/FCS management interface requires Q685: 15 languages. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 3 of 13

A685: The back office system shall be in English. Q686: RFP/Req. Section No. 4.9-1, page 88. Please define the thresholds or parameters of the word “optimal”. A686: "Optimal" is considered the best. RFP/Req. Section No. 7.2.2-3, page 144. The magnetic stripe data and barcode are proprietary to the Q687: Retail Network Provider (e.g. Incomm, Blackhawk, ePay, Clover). Is it the intention of METRO to have the SI contract with only one of these providers? This specification section does not restrict the SI from utilization of multiple retail providers but describes A687: intent of EU processing via barcode or mag stripe at retailers. RFP/Req. Section No. 8.1.1-1, page 117. This requirement implies the SI will be able to work with multiple Q688: Retail Network Providers (e.g. Incomm, Blackhawk, ePay, Clover) to sell, activate and load closed-loop gift cards or pre-paid debit cards. The SI is to ensure the retail coverage and requirements of Section 10 of the RFP. The SI shall ensure A688: that management of the Retail Network post Revenue Acceptance Testing will meet requirements of this section. RFP/Req. Section No. , page . 1) Please confirm closed-loop gift cards are the same as METRO-issued Q689: EU media. A689: Yes, the intent is for retailers to sell and reload METRO EU media in a retail gift-card type of model. RFP/Req. Section No. , page . 2) It is possible to work with multiple Retail Network Providers to sell a closed-loop gift card, but reloading requires proprietary magnetic stripe or barcode associated with each Q690: provider. How does METRO envision reload working across multiple Retail Network Providers in order to meet the proximity to rail station and bus stop requirement? The SI is to make the determination of multiple retail network provider utilization and ensure compatibility of A690: METRO fare media at all retailers. RFP/Req. Section No. 8.1.1-2, page 117. Are there existing terminals that will be using fare distribution Q691: APIs for new sales and loading value? If so, please specify. The SI and Retail Network Provider may utilize existing retailer terminals or another method for retail sales, A691: but legacy METRO RPOS devices will not be used. This will be determined during design review. RFP/Req. Section No. 10.1-5, page 125. Does METRO expect all retail terminals to be equipped with Q692: barcode reader upon deployment for mobile ticketing support? If not, at which point will it be known if barcode as well as NFC will need to be supported by retail terminals? METRO expects both barcode and NFC acceptance at retail depending on the capabilities of the retail A692: network merchants. RFP/Req. Section No. 10.1.1, page 126. Please provide clarification between the SI and the Retail Q693: Network Provider. Does METRO view the requirements associated with the Retail Network Provider to be SI requirements? All requirements of the RFP are the responsibility of the SI; these may be fulfilled by subcontractors but the A693: SI has ultimate responsibility for delivery of the system. RFP/Req. Section No. 12.3-2, page 139. Please specify the open standard interface that will be used for Q694: IVOMS integration as well as to be expected level of support and documentation from third-party CAD supplier during design and development. This will be provided during design review; METRO will be responsible for coordinating any necessary third- A694: party involvement. RFP/Req. Section No. 16.1-3 , page 156. There is no mention of a barcode reader for APOS equipment Q695: although barcode is listed as media format for support under validator sections. Will APOS require barcode support? Barcode support will be required for the APOS, but hardware (including barcode readers) will be provided A695: by METRO. RFP/Req. Section No. 16.4.3, page 164. Will personalized media with photograph be supported or issued Q696: in virtual format for mobile solution? A696: The mobile solution is outside the scope of this project and will be provided by a separate vendor. RFP/Req. Section No. 17.1.7, page 170. Please describe SI responsibilities if any are related to delivery of Q697: METRO-issued fare media directly to customers, retailers, entities involved with Special Fare Programs and METRO for Ride Stores and TVMs. The Retail Network Provider will deliver stock to retailers throughout the terms of the Retail Network A697: contract. RFP/Req. Section No. 17.6-6, page 174. How can current Q card encoding format Q698: specifications be obtained for to be proposed solution? A698: The current encoding format will be provided under NDA after award of the FCS contract. Q699: RFP/Req. Section No. 18.1-9, page 178. Please define Metro’s data retention policies and procedures. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 4 of 13

A699: See Section 19.7 for data retention requirements RFP/Req. Section No. 18.2-6, page 179. Please clarify if “near real-time” will be acceptable per earlier Q700: requirements in section 18.2. A700: No - real-time is specified for FCS Backend fare processing. RFP/Req. Section No. 18.4-7, page 181. Please define the existing monitoring tools and processes. Q701: Please define why the Metro’s existing monitoring tools would be monitoring the new FCS. There will not be a need for cross monitoring; however there should be no adverse impact between new A701: system monitoring and old system monitoring. RFP/Req. Section No. 19.1-4, page 193. Will integration with METRO assets providing similar or related Q702: functionality be part of AUTOMATED FARE COLLECTION SYSTEM procurement and SI responsibility? If so, please specify such assets and existing interface specifications. Interfaces will be provided to enable integration. This is not anticipated to be the responsibility of the SI A702: except where stated in the Technical Specifications. Q703: RFP/Req. Section No. 19.6.1-1, page 189. Please define Metro’s payment processor. The current Merchant Acquirers are Chase PaymentTech and First Data but METRO reserves the right to A703: change the Merchant Acquirer during the term of the contract. RFP/Req. Section No. 20.2.1-1, page 203. When a passenger purchases a LU or EU online, who will mail Q704: the media to the passenger? A704: METRO will handle fulfillment via mail if necessary. RFP/Req. Section No. 20.3.4-3, page 207. When a RideSponsor orders LU or EU, who will mail the media Q705: to the business? A705: METRO will handle fulfillment via mail if necessary. Q706: RFP/Req. Section No. 20.3.5-3, page 208. Please define who will mail the invoice to a RideSponsor. A706: METRO will handle invoicing via mail if necessary. RFP Section: I.5 Proposer’s Questionnaire. Page C2. RFP Language: C.. C. is blank on the form. Is this a Q707: typo or is there another requirement that needs a response? A707: There is no missing content in this form, it is only a typo. RFP Section: 8 Fare Media Distribution. Page C2. RFP Language: 8.1.1-3 Fare sales and value loads may also be completed through METRO’s third-party mobile application, which may provide a barcode for Q708: scanning at the retailer to collect payment. Additional details of integration with METRO’s mobile application will be determined during design review.. 1. Is the expectation that the barcode scanning at the retailers would be used to buy a fare product? 2. If not, what is the intended purpose of these features? Yes, METRO expects that the barcode may be the accepted interface at some retailers for purchase or A708: reload transactions. RFP Section: Exhibit A - 19.10.2. Page C2. RFP Language: The SI will provide a SDK to allow mobile trip Q709: planner apps to embed the capability to purchase fares directly within the app. 2. Please specify more precisely the integration to the trip planner. A709: Details of the integration will be determined during design review. RFP Section: Exhibit A - 19.10.2. Page C2. RFP Language: The SI will provide a SDK to allow mobile trip Q710: planner apps to embed the capability to purchase fares directly within the app. We believe that this requirement is already covered by the mobile ticketing app, can you please confirm? Yes, the existing Q Ticketing Mobile App does provide the ability to purchase fares. The requirement in A710: Section 19.10.2 and 5.4 is for the SI to provide an SDK for the new FCS for use in mobile trip planners for purchasing fares within the app. RFP Section: Exhibit A – 12.3-4. Page C2. RFP Language: The BV will make use of an existing on-board modem or cellular router, which will serve as the primary means of communication with the FCS Backend. Q711: Please clarify what types of validators are required to feature an embedded cellular communication capability. METROLift Validators (Section 14.5-1) are required to include embedded cellular communication, as well A711: as Handheld Inspection Terminals (Section 15.1.1-1), and APOS Terminal (Section 16) and BV (Section 12.4.5-2) RFP Section: Exhibit A – 5.4.10-2. Page C2. RFP Language: The new fare collection system will become the system of record for all registered accounts and balances. Can you confirm that the mobile ticketing Q712: system will keep responsibility for payment of its own transactions through its own Payment Service Provider? The mobile ticketing system will be responsible for processing fare media purchase payments through its A712: own Payment Service Provider, and managing the associated financial transactions. See also section 19.6. RFP Section: Exhibit A – 5.4.10. Page C2. RFP Language: The SI is responsible for integration of Q713: METRO’s Mobile Ticketing solution into the fare collection system backend (also see Sections 7.2 and Rev. 4-16-15 Page 5 of 13

8.1.3). 1. Can you confirm that AFCS is not in charge of the financial management of the mobile application transactions? The mobile ticketing system will be responsible for processing fare media purchase payments through its A713: own Payment Service Provider, and managing the associated financial transactions. See also section 19.6. RFP Section: Exhibit A – 5.4.10. Page C2. RFP Language: The SI is responsible for integration of METRO’s Mobile Ticketing solution into the fare collection system backend (also see Sections 7.2 and Q714: 8.1.3). 2. This would mean that the mobile system keeps its own interface to METRO SAP ERP/Financials Interface. The mobile ticketing system will be responsible for processing fare media purchase payments through its A714: own Payment Service Provider, and managing the associated financial transactions, including existing financial interfaces with METRO. See also section 19.6. RFP Section: Exhibit A – 5.4.10. Page C2. RFP Language: The SI is responsible for integration of METRO’s Mobile Ticketing solution into the fare collection system backend (also see Sections 7.2 and Q715: 8.1.3). Chapter 8.1.3 refers to “Autoload/Subscription Service” which is not related to mobile ticketing per our understanding. Please indicate the correct reference chapter. No, "Autoload/Subscription Service" is not required to be provided by the SI for the Mobile App. See 8.1.3- A715: 3, 8.1.3-4, 8.1.3-6 for Autoload configuration, setup and management locations. RFP Section: Section II – 0.4. Page C2. RFP Language: 0.4 SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE. 1. This Q716: section only includes warranty of the back-office software and SDK/API. A716: This appears to be part of question 361. Please see 361 for response. Q717: METROLift, Metrolift validators: are [these] dedicated to the two operating companies fleet? Yes, the METROLift validators are intended for the METROLift dedicated vehicles, described in 2.1.4 as A717: 156 vans and 266 minivans. See also section 19.9. METROLift, The purchase of tickets as it stands (book previous day, submit paper tickets OR 10 trip Q718: booklets).Can we have access to current architecture of metrolift – if it is independently run? A718: Detailed information on METROLift will be provided and considered as part of Design Review. Q719: Metro has Fare Media Encoders at Metro facility. Metro going to reuse this fare-media? The intention is that all existing fare media will eventually be replaced by the new fare media supported by A719: the new FCS. Metro has Fare Media Encoders at Metro facility. Are intensions of metro to use Mifare based products? Q720: Industry standards like Cipurse, Calypso exist in market. (open standards). METRO is open to considering solutions provided by the SI, as long as the solution meets the requirements A720: of the RFP, including but not limited to sections 7 and 17. Metro has Fare Media Encoders at Metro facility. Where is metro’s vision in terms of this standards – for Q721: both the closed loop type that will be metro issued. As well as providing guideline for bring your own fare media type for open loop type approach. METRO is open to considering solutions provided by the SI, as long as the solution meets the requirements A721: of the RFP, including but not limited to sections 7 and 17. PAM (patron Account Management related)Will Account based ticketing system will have account (patron) Q722: management system capability. A722: Yes. PAM (patron Account Management related)Is it envisioned that the new AFC system will be including a Q723: PAM or are you referring to an independent PAM system outside of the AFC? A723: Per section 19.4, "The FCS Back Office shall include a Patron Account Management (PAM) System…" ID relatedRegarding Closed loop media that metro issues: do you envision partnerships with schools, university, etc… to jointly collaborate with Metro in ID issued that has capability to be used as fare media? Q724: Can you also describe how Employee ID can also be used in similar approach? Is the intention to embed fare media in the IDs? The SI should propose a technical solution to facilitate corporate employee IDs, school ID cards, and other A724: third party-issued compatible media as well as METRO employee IDs. See section 7.2. Historical dataWhat is the time frame that is planned to treat historical data as to ridership at a transactional Q725: level? How does Metro currently treat and manage historical ticket data? A725: See Section 19.7 for data retention requirements. Account-Based System: - Section 5.1.1-5 "Media will serve as a token for accessing an FCS account and no data will be written to the media when loading fare products or paying a fare with the exception of card- Q726: based media as determined by metro"Does this mean that metro will accept a stored value media card (such as example supported my Mifare standards). Is metro open to metro issued cards with different standards (cipurse, calypso) that will enable such use cases but with different standards? A726: METRO is open to considering solutions provided by the SI, as long as the solution meets the requirements Rev. 4-16-15 Page 6 of 13

of the RFP. FCS Backend Monitoring System- Section 18.4-6: “The FCS Backend Monitoring System will automatically generate alerts via emails, text messages or other output files defined by METRO. The initiation, frequency Q727: and cancellation of these alerts shall be configurable and will allow custom functions, which will be determined during design review”Is there a continual human operator for this graphical dashboard, or are active notifications more the norm? A727: Both a dashboard (18.4-4) and active notifications (18.4-6) are required. FCS Backend Monitoring System- Section 18.4-7: “The FCS Backend Monitoring System will support existing monitoring tools and processes, and not adversely impact the monitoring capabilities that are Q728: currently utilized at METRO.”Is the preferred model that priority alerts trigger active notification (email, text,etc) in addition to notification to the Dev Management dashboard? Priority is one of the likely triggers for active notifications, but may not be the only trigger. As indicated by A728: 18.4-6, "The initiation, frequency and cancellation of these alerts shall be configurable and will allow custom functions, which will be determined during design review." Q729: Financial Clearing & Settlement SystemHow many company codes are in scope? The Financial Clearing and Settlement System should be flexible and should be configured as necessary to A729: accommodate the operation and business needs of METRO. Financial Clearing & Settlement SystemHow many currencies and languages in scope – only USD and Q730: English? A730: Yes, the Financial Clearing and Settlement System only needs to accommodate English and US Dollars. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 19.5.3-4 “Receivables against individual customers will be supported in instances of funding source failures or negative Transit Account balances.”Can you explain Q731: what is meant by funding source failures or negative transit account balances. Is this requirement just saying: if an account is past due or negative, then an individual associated with the account can incur the receivable? A731: Correct. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 19.5.3-5 “The AR module will support the application of payments (full and partial), credit memos and adjustments against RideSponsor and customer accounts. The process Q732: will support batch entry of receipts and lockbox functionality.”How many house banks does Harris Metro use? Roughly how many banks do we need to integrate with for Lockbox, ACH, etc? Or is the payment gateway the one source of all payment integration? A732: The payment gateway will be the single source of payment integration. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 19.5.3-10 “The AR module will support the automatic generation of monthly statements detailing RideSponsor account activity, including consolidation of multiple accounts Q733: receivable on to a single customer statement.”In what cases would consolidation of multiple accounts receivable on one customer statement occur? Is this for business accounts or family accounts? Need more details. As an example, a single RideSponsor customer may have multiple accounts for their employees. The A733: employer may choose to sponsor a certain amount of commuting fares for their employees; this would be consolidated into a single statement. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 19.6.2-7 “The FCS will be capable of supporting split payments for all one-time and recurring payments through all sales channels including the use of two bank cards, or a Q734: bank card and any other payment method accepted by the associated sales channel.”Just to confirm, a single payment can be split between multiple payment methods or cards? Is this a common use-case or more of an exception? This scenario is not currently available to METRO customers; METRO would like to provide this option to its A734: customers. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 10.1.4-2 “All financial settlement of the retail merchant network will Q735: occur through the FCS Backend.”Just to clarify, payment authorization would happen at POS, but settlement of transactions would happen in backed FCS? A735: Authorization would happen at validation, and settlement will happen in the FCS backend. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 6.3.1-1 "The SI shall support at a minimum all current METRO fare products and reduced fare products, with pricing and fare products configurable by METRO. This shall Q736: include all possible fare products as currently configurable in the Q Card system. METRO will provide a list of such products."What is the list of products? A736: METRO will provide this list to the SI at design review. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 6.3.2-1 "Each boarding will be priced at a single fare based on the zone and fare category associated with the transit account, with exception of fare products with unlimited Q737: rides for a period of time where individual fares do not need to be paid."How do we determine price if person gets off after their scheduled stop if prepaid? Rev. 4-16-15 Page 7 of 13

METRO's current fares are assessed at validation rather than by distance traveled or "tap off." Customers A737: are expected to tap or validate at the beginning of each trip and the fare or step up will be deducted accordingly. Financial Clearing & Settlement System- 6.3.2-2 - 6.3.2-3 - 6.3.3-1.Is the expectation that the closed loop Q738: account balances are synchronized with the back office balances? If so what is the SLA for that synchronization A738: Account balances will be maintained in the backend system. Please refer to requirement 18.2-4. 2.1.3 Park & Ride Bus Service. "Park & Ride buses are the only buses charging distance-based fares, with a zonal system charging from $2.00 to $4.50 for a one-way fare. Based on distance from downtown Houston, there are six (6) Park & Ride locations that are within Zone 4 (> 21 miles), six (6) Zone 3 (16 – 21 miles) locations, ten (10) Zone 2 (11 – 16 miles) locations, and four (4) Zone 1 (0 – 11 Miles) locations. Similar to local bus, customers pay their fare at the front door only using a Q Card, METRO Money, mobile Q739: ticket, or cash. In addition, a step-up is required for higher fare zones."Park & Ride works on distance- based fare charging. And, as mentioned customers pay fare only once at the front door. Need more clarity on how distance is calculated in this case, as to know the actual distance travelled card must be tapped twice, once on entering the bus and tap-off on alighting. Based on these 2 tap points actual distance is calculated. Different fares are calculated based on distance, but the fares are associated with the stop and assessed A739: on tap-in. Tap-out is not currently required. 2.1.3 Park & Ride Bus Service. "Park & Ride buses are the only buses charging distance-based fares, with a zonal system charging from $2.00 to $4.50 for a one-way fare. Based on distance from downtown Houston, there are six (6) Park & Ride locations that are within Zone 4 (> 21 miles), six (6) Zone 3 (16 – 21 miles) locations, ten (10) Zone 2 (11 – 16 miles) locations, and four (4) Zone 1 (0 – 11 Miles) locations. Q740: Similar to local bus, customers pay their fare at the front door only using a Q Card, METRO Money, mobile ticket, or cash. In addition, a step-up is required for higher fare zones." Also, need clarity on step-up process. Is this step-up on distance i.e. a card valid till zone 2 need to be step-up to support travel up to zone 3 or 4. Or, we are talking about step-up of fare on need basis? Please explain the step-up process. A step up fare is currently assessed when a medium is tapped and a higher fare is required for the service. A740: The higher fare is assessed on tap-in. 10 Retail Network. As part of the FCS implementation, the retail network will have, at minimum, the same or better coverage than the network currently used to distribute Q Cards. Deployment of a retail network and associated distribution services relating to media will be managed initially by the SI initially, with transfer of contract ownership to METRO after Revenue Service Acceptance. Q741: This Retail Network will leverage, as much as possible, existing retail merchant POS systems for the sale and reloading of Media and pre-paid gift cards. Retail network managers may not exclusively partner with any SI. As we understand, existing Retail Network shall be used for distribution of new FCS Fare Media. For further expansion we understand it shall be responsibility of METRO and shall not be in scope of MSI. The Retail Network should be able to distribute new fare media as well as accommodating reload A741: transactions. Please refer to all Retail Network requirements in Section 10 of the specifications. 10 Retail Network. As part of the FCS implementation, the retail network will have, at minimum, the same or better coverage than the network currently used to distribute Q Cards. Deployment of a retail network and associated distribution services relating to media will be managed initially by the SI initially, with transfer of contract ownership to METRO after Revenue Service Acceptance. This Retail Network will leverage, as much as possible, existing retail merchant POS systems for the sale Q742: and reloading of Media and pre-paid gift cards. Retail network managers may not exclusively partner with any SI. Our understanding of SI/ bidder's scope is for integration with existing/ new retail POS and distribution of fare media to limited retail points before Revenue Service Acceptance. Please confirm and who will define the number and location of limited Retail points to be used for pilot testing before acceptance? Please refer to Section 27.2 for Pilot Testing requirements. For example, requirement 27.2-1 states, in part: A742: "At least 120 calendar days prior to the scheduled start of the Pilot Test, the SI and METRO shall jointly develop the structure, timing, and measurable pass/fail criteria of the Pilot Test." Sec 3.2.1 METRO FCS Equipment. Please clarify on exact scope of SI as per this RFP with respect to Q743: provisioning, maintaining, distribution and operation of Fare Media (including Smart Cards and Barcoded Paper Tickets). What exactly is the expectation here? A743: Please refer to section 17 of the Technical Specifications, Fare Media. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 8 of 13

4018000226_SOIP. As mentioned in the RFP, existing Retail network will be used as much as possible and deployment of a retail network and associated distribution services relating to media will be managed initially by the SI initially, with transfer of contract ownership to METRO after Revenue Service Q744: Acceptance.Hence, please clarify on exactly what Services are expected under Retail Network Mobilization, Retail Network Administration and Retail Network Transaction Fees *. Also, the legend/note corresponding to * is missing in the RFP. For Retail Network Mobilization, METRO anticipates work associated with initial deployment of the Retail Network in order to comply with the coverage and service described in the specifications. Retail Network Administration could include ongoing program administration costs, which could include but is not limited to A744: media delivery, merchant sign up or administration, or other costs associated with managing the network of merchants. Retail Network Transaction Fees could include a fee for processing a METRO transaction at a third party retail merchant. Note that the asterisk was removed in Addendum 2. 5.4.9 Payment API. Requirement: The payment SDK/API will support the processing of payments through Q745: METRO’s merchant acquirer by external systems. Who is METRO's merchant acquirer for card present and card not present? METRO currently uses Chase PaymentTech and First Data as merchant acquirers; however, the SI should A745: be flexible to work with any potential merchant acquirer. 5.4.9 Payment API. Requirement: The payment SDK/API will support the processing of payments through Q746: METRO’s merchant acquirer by external systems. Can you also provide current integration point with Retail POS (RPOS) reconciliation? A746: Legacy RPOS devices will not be part of the future FCS, and so integration will not be required. FCS Websites. Websites will be hosted by Houston METRO on their Microsoft Azure platform and should be designed similar to today’s METRO website to maximize security while minimizing PCI scope. Q747: Does Metro Houston have any recommendation for the Data Center that to be used for the Hosting or is this MSI Decision to propose the Data Center. A747: The SI should propose their approach based on the requirements in the specifications. Q748: 8.1.5.Are the FCS Website contents, static or dynamic for Fare Policy? The FCS Websites should meet the requirements described in Section 20 of the Technical Specifications, A748: FCS Websites. describe in detail the reconciliation process to account for scheduled rides and associated Q749: payments for FCS? METROLift customer and transit account information will be maintained in the FCS backend; payment A749: information will be reconciled with the scheduling and reconciliation that takes place through the legacy METROLift systems. 22.1.5 Transition and Change Management Plan. The Metro transition plan is not detailed in the Exhibit A. Also the pricing section does not carry a transition section (including Migration of data). How many months Q750: do you envisage for the two Fare Collection systems to run in parallel (including the hardware – TVM; Validators etc)? SIs should propose a phased rollout plan including a detailed schedule that they believe best meets the A750: goals and requirements of the system, Agency and customers. 22.1.5 Transition and Change Management Plan. The Metro transition plan is not detailed in the Exhibit A. Also the pricing section does not carry a transition section (including Migration of data). Will the new Q751: system have access to the encryption of the current fare media so that only one validator can validate the old and new fare media on buses and trains? A751: No, METRO expects that these systems will run in parallel without integration for some period of time. 22.1.5 Transition and Change Management Plan. The Metro transition plan is not detailed in the Exhibit A. Also the pricing section does not carry a transition section (including Migration of data). How long does the Q752: Hardware contract run for Parkeon and Conduent (can we assume they end by the first 2 years of the program start?) SIs should propose a phased rollout plan including a detailed schedule that they believe best meets the A752: goals and requirements of the system, Agency and customers. 22.1.5 Transition and Change Management Plan. The Metro transition plan is not detailed in the Exhibit A. Q753: Also the pricing section does not carry a transition section (including Migration of data). The new fare media / validators/ Vending Machines / FCS will not have access to the old media (Q-Card) and vise versa? A753: Correct. 7.2.2-3.Will the existing Retailers POS system accept the enrollment of the Extended Use Fare and Limited Q754: Use media. If no how do you envisage the retailers to do integrate into the mid and back office of the new Automated Fare Collection System? A754: Legacy RPOS devices will not be part of the future FCS. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 9 of 13

2.4.7 – Handheld Inspection Terminals (HIT)Other than the HIT there are no other devices requested via Q755: this RFP to help prevent the Fare evasion or Fare Manipulation such as onboard video camera’s etc. This question was asked in the Supplier conference and has been included here again! Bidders should propose based on the functional requirements in the specification. If a proposer would like A755: to include additional products, services, or functionality, this should be submitted along with the base Proposal but under separate cover. 4018000226 SOIP.xlsx, 0.4.1A.7.Exhibit A does not illustrate the Service Level Requirements that needs to Q756: be met 24/7/365. There is outline of SLA only for retail stores. Could you please share the SLA’s that are required to be supported? A756: The SI is to propose SLAs based on the requirements of section 21 of the RFP. 4018000226 SOIP.xlsx.The pricing template does not have sections for Transition (moving data from old Q757: system to new). This is referenced to in sections 6.4-12; 6.4.1-4; etc. where there is an expectation post implementation but prior to support. METRO anticipates transitioning legacy data into the Data Warehouse, not necessarily in the FCS. Pricing A757: should be included in Line Item Data Warehouse and Report Development 4018000226 SOIP.xlsx 0.4.1A.5 “Transaction Processing Fees”. Could you please elaborate what exactly is Q758: the requirement here? A758: Transaction fees are inclusive of all fees related to processing of any payment cards. 4018000226 SOIP.xlsx 0.2.2 “SDK/API and Interface”. We notice in Pricing Line items;; Q759:;; – there is Interfaces to existing systems. Please provide the detailed architecture for each of the above interfaces so that we can price appropriately. The SI will be provided all existing documentation after award and details will be determined during design A759: review. METRO will coordinate required support from third party vendors. 4018000226 SOIP.xlsx.In the pricing template in the “Unit” column there are references to multiple Q760: acronyms “LS”; “MO”; “EA”. Please provide the expansion for these acronyms EA is Each A760: MO is Month LS is Lump Sum 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 1-5. In the price sheet, the optional components are rolled into the total price (see Q761: line 326 for example). Since these are optional, can this be removed from the total price/consideration. A761: The SI is to provide pricing on all optional items. METRO will determine whether to purchase optional items. Q762: 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 9. What is the specified section referenced in line 518 of the price sheet? A762: Specification section 26. 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 2. Is installation required for the 1st Article hardware? If so, please add a line in the Q763: price sheet. We recommend installation be included so vendors and Houston can determine and confirm final installation design. A763: FAT hardware would not be installed but tested in a lab environment. 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 5. In terms of maintenance, what do we need to price? How would we account for Q764: fixed costs, if applicable? (See line 287 of price sheet) A764: Pricing should include all materials and labor to support maintenance of the devices included. RFP 4018000226. pg. 141. Requirement 12.4.6-6: Who are the maintenance personnel? Is this a vendor Q765: employee or an employee of Houston METRO? A765: METRO maintenance personnel. 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 3. In the price sheet, please amend the numbering for section 0.3.7 Facilities Q766: Hardware (starting line 174). A766: This request is unclear but note that the section was updated for Addendum 2. RFP 4018000226. . In the pre-bid meeting, a two year depoloyment was discussed. Does this two year Q767: deployment include the options? If so, how will all of those options be implemented? SIs should propose a phased rollout plan including a detailed schedule that they believe best meets the A767: goals and requirements of the system, Agency and customers. METRO requests the base items will be installed first with options delivered when exercised. RFP 4018000226. pgs. 1, 6, 8. For Fare Media, are the quantities listed under Initial Term (Execution through 7 years) for the entire 7 year term or per year? For instance, are the 300,000 Extended Use Media Q768: for the Initial Term for the entire 7 years or per year (300,000 x 7)? The same question pertains for the Optional Period 1 and Optional Period 2. A768: Quantities are estimated for the initial transition period. 4018000226_SOIP. pg. 7. In the price sheet, please amend the numbering for section1.2.6 Labor Rates by Q769: Personnel Category ***** (starting line 409). A769: This request is unclear. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 10 of 13

RFP 4018000226. pg. 129. Requirement 11.1-4: Is it acceptable for the FCS validators to retrieve their Q770: date/time synchronization from the vehicle onboard CAD/AVL system? A770: METRO requests the FCS equipment to be synced with the FCS backend unless otherwise specified. RFP 4018000226. pg. 130, pg. 131. Requirement 11.1-11, Would the agency accept other interfaces for extracting FCS data Q771: as long as the requirement is met? General purpose USB interfaces are not very common on payment terminals and validators (primarily due to PCI requirements). METRO would consider alternatives during design review if methods are readily available and can be A771: carried out by maintenance personnel. RFP 4018000226. pg. 72. Requirement 2.4: It is currently our understanding there are no validators Q772: installed on the Mobility Vehicles. Is our understanding accurate? A772: Yes. Exhibit A, Item 19.10-2. Can you please provide an interface specification or further details of the Q773: information to be exchanged between the new AFC system and the SAP MMI system The SI will be provided all existing documentation after award and details will be determined during design A773: review. METRO will coordinate support from third party vendors. Exhibit A, Item 19.10-5. Can you please provide an interface specification or further details of the Q774: information to be exchanged between the new AFC system and the SAP ERP system The SI will be provided all existing documentation after award and details will be determined during design A774: review. METRO will coordinate support from third party vendors. Exhibit A, Item 19.10-6. Can you please provide an interface specification or details of the information to be Q775: exchanged between the new AFC system and the Trapeze PASS system The SI will be provided all existing documentation after award and details will be determined during design A775: review. METRO will coordinate support from third party vendors. Q776: How long will the legacy fare collection systems be retained for after new system is implemented? A776: The intent of the RFP is to replace the existing systems through the successful deployment of the FCS. Exhibit A, Item 4.7-8. Reference is made to signage. Is the tenderer expected to provide separate signage Q777: to Patrons wishing to access AFC equipment? If so what signage is required please? A777: Signage refers to messaging any on device that the SI may utilize or propose during design review. Exhibit A, Item 4.7-10. Does METRO have a list of the 14 languages other than English to be supported by Q778: the system please? The requirement was included to provided flexibility for METRO to accommodate up to 15 languages. Today, METRO supports English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Urdu. METRO plans to A778: implement two languages on FCS equipment initially; vendors should provide pricing for implementation of each additional language. Exhibit A, Item 4.8.1. Will METRO supply 120AC or 240AC power for all fixed locations requiring AFC Q779: equipment? A779: Existing power is 120V at stations. Exhibit A, Item 4.8.1. What are the specifications for electrical power to which on-board AFC equipment will Q780: connect to? If it varies depending on vehicle type an model, please provide the list of the different configurations. A780: The list of METRO vehicle types was provided in Addendum 2. Exhibit A, Item 5.12-3. Does METRO have any idea what additional products may require to be supported Q781: by the new system? There is no item 5.12-3 in the RFP documents. However, if this question relates to 5.2.1-3, there are no A781: additional products identified at this time. However, METRO reserves the right to request more if determined necessary during design. Exhibit A, Item 6..3.1-1. Can we have a list of all METRO products currently available please, including any Q782: institutional programs, social agency programs, etc.? Not all fare products are described on the METRO web site. A782: METRO fare products are in Table 2.2 of the RFP. Exhibit A, Item 6..4.2. Can we have details/specifications of the Ride sponsors/Institution third party cards to Q783: be used please? See Requirement 7.4-2: Acceptable third-party media and rules associated with their usage for transit or A783: access services will be defined during design review and configurable by METRO. Exhibit A, Item 12.1. Can you please provide an interface specification or further details of the information to Q784: be exchanged between the new AFC system and the IVOMS The SI will be required to develop the interface based on requirements 12.1 and 19.10 of the technical A784: specifications. Rev. 4-16-15 Page 11 of 13

Exhibit A, Item 12.1.1-6. Do you have a specification for the existing METRO ICS Equipment on board Q785: Busses which we need to connect to please? A785: Existing specifications and documents will be released to the vendor after award. Exhibit A, Item 5.1.3. Please clarify whether the Contractor or METRO will be responsible for the cost of Q786: providing cellular communications. If it is the contractor, please advise where such costs are to be indicated on the price sheet. A786: METRO will be responsible for the cost of any necessary cellular service. RFP Evaluation Criteria 1 Compliance with Technical Specifications > Interoperability > “Intermodal,” is listed as a key objective. Please clarify the intention of this requirement - is the intent to ensure a consistent Q787: payment experience for patrons using METRO bus, MetroRail and MetroLift? Are there any other considerations such as use of METRO FCS for processing of related mobility services such as rideshare, parking, bikeshare? A787: The main intermodal intent is a consistent experience for all METRO riders regardless of mode. 4.4-11: Where an end to end encryption solution is compliant with and implanted according to P2PE Q788: standards, but doesn’t include SRED or PCI-PTS certifications, would Metro consider that solution to meet this requirement? Bidders should propose based on the functional requirements in the specification. If a requirement cannot A788: be met, the proposer should include this information in their written response. 4.4-5 stipulates that validators have magstripe readers. Will Metro consider validators without magstripe Q789: readers? A789: METRO will not require magstripe readers on validators. RFP Section: Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 12. Most Favored Customer page C2, RFP Q790: Language: None. Would Metro consider deleting this clause? If not, would Metro at least agree to limit the clause to apply only to the same services provided to similar customers? This Article only requires that "The Contractor . . . establish a direct relationship with each entity concerning the placement of orders, issuance of the purchase order, contractual disputes, invoicing, payment and all A790: other matters relating or referring to such entity’s access to the agreement." We only require pricing be offered to others in this Article, not terms. RFP Section: Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 14. Off Ramp Terminations page C2, RFP Language: None. For an off-ramp termination, would Metro confirm Contractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed for reimbursed for all reasonable costs related to or incurred as a result of the lack of availability Q791: of funds, including its wind-down expenses, in addition to FDR and un-invoiced Milestones? Additionally, in the event the parties cannot agree on the termination settlement amount, that Metro will promptly pay Contractor the undisputed amount? No, as the Article states you will only be reimbursed for completed, but unpaid milestone achievements to A791: date. We assume proposers will structure milestone payments that occur prior to the Final Design Review to cover these costs. RFP Section: Indemnification. Page C2. RFP Language: Indemnification Agreement. Would Metro agree Q792: (1) to an overall limitation of liability to the total amount paid to contractor in the preceding 12 months; (2) exclude special, consequential, indirect, and incidental damages? A792: No. RFP Section: Availability of Funds, Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 1. Availability of Funds. Page Q793: C2. RFP Language: N/A. Would Metro agree that if funds are not available Contractor is released from its contractual obligation to perform? A793: Yes. RFP Section: Force Majeure, Sec. IX General Terms. Page C2. RFP Language: N/A. Would Metro to Q794: include strikes, stoppage of labor, governmental action or inaction within the stated definition of force majeure? These could be considered Force Majeure events. Determination will be made by METRO at that the time A794: of the event. RFP Section: Termination for Convenience, Sec. IX General Terms, 21. Termination for Convenience of Metro. Page C2. RFP Language: N/A. Would Metro agree to Propose that it would pay Contractor for Q795: Contractor’s costs, including contract closeout costs, direct costs incurred in the performance of the contract including, but not limited to, wind-down expenses, unamortized costs and profit on work performed up to the time of termination? No. This question cannot be answered in advance of receiving the termination settlement proposal. We A795: will consider these issues reasonably and in accordance with the Contract at the time they actually occur. RFP Section: Termination for Default, Sec. IX General Terms, 22. Termination for Default. Page C2. RFP Q796: Language: N/A. For purposes of default, would Metro agree that default will only be for a material term that impacts Metro ability to function and that Contractor will have a 30 day cure period in which to begin Rev. 4-16-15 Page 12 of 13

correcting the default?

No. This question cannot be answered without knowing the event of default. We will consider these issues A796: reasonably and in accordance with the Contract at the time they occur. We also reserve the right to allow a shorter, or longer, cure period based on the facts at the time of the default. 7. Milestone Payments, page 22, a. Milestone Payments - Core Deliverables. The total of the milestones Q797: adds up to 110%. We assume this is an error. Please provide a revised the payment schedule. Milestone percentage for core deliverables is 100% and confirmed within the RFP. The TVM option section A797: has been updated. RFP Section: General page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro add a reasonable Contractor Limitation of Liability featuring (i) a cap on direct damages equal to the total amount paid to the Contractor Q798: during the twelve month period immediately prior to the incident giving rise to the claim, and (ii) an express disclaimer of indirect and consequential damages? A798: No. RFP Section: Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 1. Availability of Funds page C2, RFP Language: Q799: None. Would Metro please confirm that Contractor will be compensated for all services and deliverables accepted and partially completed up and through the date upon which funds will not be available? A799: Yes. RFP Section: Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 1. Availability of Funds page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro please confirm that the Contractor shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable Q800: costs related to or incurred as a result of the lack of availability of funds plus a reasonable profit? Additionally, In the event the parties cannot agree on that amount, that Metro will promptly pay the Contractor the undisputed amount? A800: No. RFP Section: Sec. VI Insurance Articles, 2. Indemnification Agreement page C2, RFP Language: Q801: Indemnification Agreement. Would Metro reasonably agree to make this indemnification agreement subject to a reasonable Contractor Limitation of Liability? A801: No. RFP Section: 2E. Page C2. RFP Language: Vendors doing business with METRO or seeking to do business with METRO are required to file a completed questionnaire (FORM CIQ) disclosing the vendor’s affiliations or business relationship with any Board Member, local government officer (or his or her family Q802: member). Form CIQ is available on METRO’s website at 1. Please clarify whether all bidders are required to submit this form even if a bidder has nothing to disclose. A802: Per the instructions on the web site, all proposers must submit a form. RFP Section: 2E. Page C2. RFP Language: Vendors doing business with METRO or seeking to do business with METRO are required to file a completed questionnaire (FORM CIQ) disclosing the vendor’s affiliations or business relationship with any Board Member, local government officer (or his or her family Q803: member). Form CIQ is available on METRO’s website at 2. If the form is required, please confirm whether the form should be submitted with our proposal submission or as a separate submission to the address provided on the METRO site which differs from the RFP submission address. A803: Please follow the submission instructions on the web site. RFP Section: Detection of Defects, Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 2. Equipment/Hardware Q804: Warranty page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro agree to allow 14 days to investigate claim and make a determination for warranty claim? No, but the Contractor may reserve judgment until the subsystem or component is inspected by the A804: Contractor's representative, or is removed and examined at METRO's property or at the Contractor's location.

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Pending Questions

The following questions were received on or prior to 10/12/2018, but METRO has not yet issued an answer to them. We hope to do so over the next few days. If you submitted a question on or prior to 10/12/2018 and it has not been answered, and does not appear below, please forward the original submitted question to Alan Scanio.

RFP Section: Sec. VIII Special Terms and Conditions, 1. Availability of Funds page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro confirm that if funds will not be available, Metro will notify Contractor immediately of the date upon which funds will not be available and that Contractor shall be entitled to stop work immediately and be under no further obligation to perform under the Contract? RFP Section: Sec. IX General Terms, Force Majeure page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro to include strikes, stoppage of labor, governmental action or inaction within the stated definition of force majeure? RFP Section: Sec. IX General Terms, 21. Termination for Convenience of Metro page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro confirm Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement for Contractor’s reasonable costs, including contract closeout costs, direct costs incurred in the performance of the contract or incurred as a result of the termination including, but not limited to, wind-down expenses, unamortized costs plus a reasonable profit? Additionally, In the event the parties cannot agree on that amount, that Metro will promptly pay the Contractor the undisputed amount?

RFP Section: Sec. IX General Terms, 22. Termination for Default page C2, RFP Language: None. For purposes of default, would Metro confirm that this provision will be limited to material breach of a material provision of the contract and will be subject to a 30 day opportunity to cure?

RFP Section: General page C2, RFP Language: None. Would Metro please confirm that a submission of a proposal in response to this RFP does not constitute a binding offer (i.e., that a binding obligation only comes into effect when the two parties agree and sign a final contract)?

Item number 13. Use of work products – Assignment of Copyright: Section (A): works done to develop and enhance work products and associated ownership. Is this related to the use by Metro for all their use cases that they foresee in utilization of the software packages? Item number 13. Use of work products – Assignment of Copyright: Section (A): works done to develop and enhance work products and associated ownership. We want to understand the term ‘ownership world-wide’. As vendors understanding the works and incorporating in future products is essential – and clarification on this article will provide guidance as to how we can engage in innovative solutions and products for the transit industry. Item number 13. Use of work products – Assignment of Copyright: Section (A): works done to develop and enhance work products and associated ownership. Is Harris County MTA willing to make an exception on the stated Intellectual Property Rights? Item number 13. Use of work products – Assignment of Copyright: Section (A): works done to develop and enhance work products and associated ownership. Can the software provider propose that the exception be made to revert to the agreed upon IP language in existing Master Services Agreements or language that allows the software provider to retain Intellectual Property Rights to any delivered solutions?