Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Cultural Landscape Report / May 2010
National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Cultural Landscape Report / May 2010 CULTURAL LANDSCAPE REPORT JEFFERSON NATIONAL EXPANSION MEMORIAL ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI MAY 2010 Prepared for National ParK SerVice MidWest REGionAL Office OmaHA, NEBrasKA ACKnoWledGments The 2010 update of this Cultural Landscape Report was prepared by AECOM, Charlottesville, Virginia. The initial 1996 edition of this Cultural Landscape Report was prepared by Historical Landscape Architect Regina M. Bellavia, Midwest Field Area, National Park Service. The Saarinen/ Kiley design collaboration history was prepared in 1996 by Landscape Architect Consultant Gregg Bleam, Charlottesville, Virginia. AECOM, Inc. Robert McGinnis, RLA, ASLA, Project Director Adriane Fowler, RLA, LEED AP, Project Manager Laura Bandara, ASLA, Project Designer Eric Wright, Planner Jennifer O’Brien, Graphic Designer National Park Service Midwest Regional Office Bill Harlow, Chief, Historic Architecture and Landscapes Marla McEnaney, Historical Landscape Architect Sändra Washington, Chief, Planning and Compliance Ian Shanklin, Landscape Architect Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Tom Bradley, Superintendent Frank Mares, Deputy Superintendent Bob Moore, Park Historian Jim Jacobs, Gardener Supervisor Ann Honious, Chief, Museum Services and Interpretation Kathryn Thomas, Museum Curator iv J E F F E R S O N N AT I O N A L E XPANSION ME M ORIAL CULTURAL L ANDS C A P E R E P O R T Preface to 2010 Update This Cultural Landscape Report for Jefferson National Expansion Memorial represents an effort undertaken in 2010 to update a Cultural Landscape Report that was originally produced in 1996. The update was completed by AECOM under contract with the National Park Service.
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