Journal of Plankton Research

J. Plankton Res. (2016) 38(1): 159–166. First published online November 3, 2015 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv096


Identifying functional groups Downloaded from from species functional traits


*CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: [email protected]

Received June 15, 2015; accepted October 13, 2015

Corresponding editor: Roger Harris by guest on March 22, 2016

We gathered information on the functional traits of the most representative copepod species in the Mediterranean Sea. Our database includes 191 species described by 7 traits encompassing diverse ecological functions: minimal and maximal body length, trophic group, feeding type, spawning strategy, diel vertical migration and vertical habitat. Cluster analysis in the functional trait space revealed that Mediterranean can be separated into groups with distinct ecological roles.

KEYWORDS: copepods; functional trait; zooplankton; Mediterranean Sea

Functional traits are phenotypic characteristics of organ- functional traits for zooplankton taxa. However, these isms that impact their fitness and are relevant to ecosys- functional traits have mainly been documented from la- tem function (Violle et al., 2007). For zooplankton, traits boratory experiments, thereby only encompassing a small can be classified according to ecological functions— number of species (Barnett et al., 2007; Saiz and Calbet, feeding, growth/reproduction, survival— and types— 2007; Barton et al., 2013; Kiørboe et al., 2015). For appli- morphological, physiological, behavioural, life history cation in marine ecology, traits are needed at the species (Litchman et al., 2013). As organisms have to allocate level and for the largest possible number of species, energy among ecological functions, traits relate to one which requires the gathering of a huge amount of specific another through trade-offs (Kiørboe et al., 2015). information. Such a challenge should be tackled step by Litchman et al. (Litchman et al., 2013) recently advocated step, focusing on some taxa and/or ocean basins at first. the implementation of a comprehensive matrix of key Functional traits could be used to gather species with

available online at # The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH j VOLUME 38 j NUMBER 1 j PAGES 159–166 j 2016

similar traits into functional groups (i.e. sets of species All body sizes were obtained from Razouls et al. with similar effects on ecosystem functions and/or (Razouls et al., 2005–2015), whereas the other traits were similar response to environmental conditions; Gitay and obtained from an extensive literature review (see Noble, 1997) or to describe functional diversity of zoo- Supplementary data, Material S4 and Table SII for the plankton communities (Barnett et al., 2007; Vogt et al., full list of references). Additionally, to discuss the potential 2013; Pomerleau et al., 2015). Identifying and describing role of each functional group in the pelagic ecosystem, zooplankton functional groups should then increase our the species’ preferential depth layer was established understanding of zooplankton ecological roles in marine (epi-/meso-/bathypelagic). We were able to determine ecosystems. at least 5 of the 7 functional traits for 171 species. The In this study, we developed a trait database for the most trait database for the 191 copepod species is available as commonly sampled and abundant Mediterranean copepod Supplementary Table SII and can also be downloaded species. Copepods are abundant in marine pelagic ecosys- from PANGAEA ( tems (e.g. Siokou-Frangou et al., 2010) where they constitute PANGAEA.854331). the main trophic link between primary producers and In order to identify functional groups, we performed a higher trophic levels, such as small pelagic fishes (Costalago multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) on the trait

et al., 2015). Copepods are also relatively well documented matrix. MCA is an ordination method in reduced space Downloaded from in terms of distribution and biology (Razouls et al., 2005– for the multivariate analysis of categorical variables 2015). From this trait database, the aim of this study was to (Husson et al., 2010). The computation of the MCA func- estimate how many functional groups could be identified tional space was performed on four traits: class of among Mediterranean copepods, to characterize them maximum body length (Size_1: 0.501.80 mm, Size_2:

and to discuss their ecological significance. 1.89–2.85 mm, Size_3: 3.00–5.70 mm, Size_4: 6.10– We considered 191 copepod species (Table I) that are 11.0 mm), binary trophic group (Carnivore, Omnivore, the most representative of the Mediterranean copepod Herbivore, Detritivore), feeding type and spawning strat- communities, in terms of both abundance and presence egy. Indeed, the minimum body length was highly corre- (Siokou-Frangou et al., 2010; Mazzocchi et al., 2014). lated to the maximum body length (R2 ¼ 0.866, n ¼ 191) More details on how this list of species has been gathered and DVM behaviour was not taken into account since it are available in Supplementary data, Material S1. We tends to be very plastic for most species, meaning that it used the following traits covering various types and eco- is known to vary greatly according to the environmental logical functions (Litchman et al., 2013), known to be eco- fluctuations and species’ ontogeny (see Pomerleau et al., logically meaningful (Kiørboe and Sabatini, 1994; 2015). A preliminary MCA incorporating these traits by guest on March 22, 2016 Kiørboe, 2011; Kiørboe et al., 2015) and commonly used showed they had no impact in the definition of functional for zooplankton (Barnett et al., 2007; Barton et al., 2013; groups. Species for which the four traits were not fully Pomerleau et al., 2015): defined were used as supplementary objects, meaning that they are associated with a group a posteriori,from - two morphological traits which relate to many eco- their informed traits (see Supplementary data, Material logical traits: minimum and maximum adult body S2 for more details on the MCA). The Euclidean distance (cephalothorax) length (mm); among the 191 species in the functional space was com- - one physiological trait defining the species’ trophic puted using their coordinates along the four significant group (Carnivore, Omnivore–Carnivore, Omnivore, axes of the MCA (70.77% of the variance). Hierarchical Omnivore–Herbivore, Omnivore–Detritivore); agglomerative clustering was performed on this distance - one behavioural trait depicting feeding strategy,classified matrix using a synoptic aggregation method (Ward’s; into three classes (Kiørboe, 2011): active ambush Husson et al., 2010). Depending on the cutting level, two, feeding, cruise feeding and filter feeding, mixed feeding three or six clusters could be identified (Fig. 1). The first (for species that can switch between the three strategies); level distinguished species according to the trophic - one life history trait related to reproduction, defining the group (carnivore vs. non-carnivore). Among non-carnivore egg-spawning strategy (broadcast-spawner, sac-spawner); species, the second level separated broadcasters from sac- - one behavioural trait related to diel vertical migration spawners. Then, each of these groups was divided into (DVM) behaviour, classified into four classes accord- two subgroups with different size and/or feeding type. ing to the intensity of the observed migration: Since higher cut levels could not be clearly related to func- Non-migrant, Weak migrant (DVM occurs within tional traits, six functional groups were retained (Tables I tens of metres), Strong migrant (over several hundreds and II). We will now detail each functional group and of metres), Reverse migrant (for species that migrate discuss their ecological role in the Mediterranean pelagic deeper at night). food web.

160 Table I: List of the 191 Mediterranean copepod species whose traits have been described

Functional group

123 4 56

Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species .BENEDETTI F. 5 Aetideopsis armata 66 Aetideus armatus 11 Acartia clausi 8 Anomalocera 69 Diaixis pygmaea 4545 Clausocalanus patersoni arcuicornis 10 Augaptilus 77 Aetideus 22 Acartia danae 1212 Calanoides carinatus 70 Disco minutus 4646 Clausocalanus longicaudatus giesbrechti furcatus 11 Augaptilus spinifrons 29 Candacia bispinosa 33 Acartia discaudata 13 Calanopia elliptica 71 Distioculus minor 4747 Clausocalanus jobei

27 Candacia armata 31 Candacia 44 Acartia negligens 1414 Calanus helgolandicus 96 Homeognathia 5050 Clausocalanus AL ET giesbrechti brevis parapergens

28 Candacia bipinnata 34 Candacia simplex 9 Archescolecithrix 15 adriaticus 113 Monothula subtilis 5151 Clausocalanus . auropecten paululus j OEO UCINLGOP RMSEISFUNCTIONALTRAITS SPECIES FROM GROUPS FUNCTIONAL COPEPOD 30 Candacia ethiopica 35 Candacia 3737 Centropages 16 Calocalanus 118 Neomormonilla 5252 Clausocalanus tenuimana chierchiae contractus minor pergens 32 Candacia longimana 36 Candacia varicans 3838 Centropages furcatus 17 Calocalanus elegans 119119 Oithona atlantica 79 Euchirella messinensis 33 Candacia norvegica 5656 Corycaeus anglicus 3939 Centropages hamatus 18 Calocalanus elongatus 120120 Oithona 80 Euchirella rostrata brevicornis 54 Copilia quadrata 5757 Corycaeus brehmi 4040 Centropages kroyeri 19 Calocalanus 121121 Oithona decipiens 81 Euchirella truncata longisetosus

161 7575 Euchaeta acuta 5858 Corycaeus clausi 4141 Centropages ponticus 20 Calocalanus neptunus 122122 Oithona linearis 82 Euterpina acutifrons 7676 Euchaeta marina 5959 Corycaeus flaccus 4242 Centropages typicus 21 Calocalanus pavo 123123 Oithona longispina 85 Goniopsyllus rostratus 7777 Euchaeta media 6060 Corycaeus furcifer 4343 Centropages violaceus 22 Calocalanus 124124 Oithona nana 97 Isias clavipes pavoninus 7878 Euchaeta spinosa 6161 Corycaeus 23 Calocalanus plumatus 125125 Oithona parvula 106 Macrosetella gracilis giesbrechti 86 Haloptilus acutifrons 6262 Corycaeus latus 24 Calocalanus 126126 Oithona plumifera 107 Mecynocera clausi plumulosus 87 Haloptilus 6363 Corycaeus limbatus 25 Calocalanus styliremis 128128 Oithona similis 109109 Microcalanus angusticeps pygmaeus 89 Haloptilus 6464 Corycaeus minimus 26 Calocalanus tenuis 129129 Oithona tenuis 110110 Microsetella mucronatus norvegica 90 Haloptilus ornatus 6565 Corycaeus ovalis 4444 Chiridius poppei 130130 Oithona vivida 111111 Microsetella rosea 91 Haloptilus 6666 Corycaeus 4848 Clausocalanus lividus 188 Vettoria granulosa 127127 Oithona setigera oxycephalus speciosus 92 Haloptilus tenuis 6767 Corycaeus typicus 4949 Clausocalanus 189 Vettoria longifurca 131131 Oncaea curta mastigophorus 93 Heterorhabdus 72 Euaugaptilus 53 Copilia mediterranea 190 Vettoria parva 132132 Oncaea media abyssalis hecticus 95 Heterorhabdus 8383 Farranula carinata 55 Copilia vitrea 133133 Oncaea spinifrons mediterranea 143143 Paraeuchaeta hebes 8484 Farranula rostrata 6868 Ctenocalanus vanus 134134 Oncaea ornata 144144 Paraeuchaeta 88 Haloptilus 7373 Eucalanus elongatus 135135 Oncaea norvegica longicornis scottodicarloi


Downloaded from from Downloaded by guest on March 22, 2016 22, March on guest by Table I: Continued

Functional group

123 4 56

Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species Number Species ORA FPAKO RESEARCH PLANKTON OF JOURNAL 147 Phaenna spinifera 94 Heterorhabdus 74 Eucalanus hyalinus 136136 Oncaea venusta papilliger 158158 Sapphirina angusta 99 Lubbockia aculeata 98 Labidocera wollastoni 137137 Oncaea waldemari 160160 Sapphirina gemma 100 Lubbockia 101101 Lucicutia clausi 142 Paracartia latisetosa squillimana 161161 Sapphirina 138 Pachos punctatum 102102 Lucicutia flavicornis 155155 Pseudocalanus intestinata elongatus 163163 Sapphirina metallina 145 Parapontella 103103 Lucicutia gaussae 170 Scaphocalanus brevicornis curtus 164164 Sapphirina 153 Pontellina plumata 104104 Lucicutia gemina 171 Scaphocalanus nigromaculata invalidus 165165 Sapphirina opalina 154 Pontellopsis villosa 105105 Lucicutia ovalis 172 Scolecithricella abyssalis 166166 Sapphirina 159159 Sapphirina 108108 Mesocalanus 173 Scolecithricella

ovatolanceolata auronitens tenuicornis dentata j

167167 Sapphirina sali 162162 Sapphirina lactens 112 Monacilla typica 174 Scolecithricella VOLUME tenuiserrata

162 168168 Sapphirina scarlata 169169 Sapphirina vorax 114 Mormonilla phasma 175 Scolecithricella vittata 115115 Nannocalanus minor 176 Scolecithrix bradyi 38

116116 Neocalanus gracilis 177 Scolecithrix danae j

117 Neocalanus robustior 178 Spinocalanus NUMBER abyssalis 139139 Paracalanus 179 Spinocalanus denudatus longicornis 140140 Paracalanus nanus 183 Triconia conifera 1

141141 Paracalanus parvus 184 Triconia dentipes j 146 Pareucalanus 185 Triconia minuta PAGES attenuatus

148148 Pleuromamma 186 Triconia similis 159 abdominalis

149149 Pleuromamma 187 Triconia umerus – 166 borealis 150150 Pleuromamma gracilis 191 Xanthocalanus agilis 151151 Pleuromamma xiphias j 2016 152 Pontella mediterranea 156156 Rhincalanus cornutus 157157 Rhincalanus nasutus 180 Subeucalanus crassus 181 Subeucalanus monachus 182182 Temora stylifera

The species are numbered by alphabetical order but gathered by functional groups, as revealed by the hierarchical clustering on the first four axes of the MCA on functional traits (see Fig. 1). The species with bold

numbers are the 99 species used in the MCA space calculation.

Downloaded from from Downloaded by guest on March 22, 2016 22, March on guest by F.BENEDETTI ET AL. j COPEPOD FUNCTIONAL GROUPS FROM SPECIES FUNCTIONALTRAITS Downloaded from

Fig. 1. Identification of functional groups among the 191 most representative copepod species of the Mediterranean Sea from hierarchical clustering on the first four axes of the MCA based on four functional traits (class of maximum body length, binary trophic group, feeding type and

spawning strategy). Depending on the cutting level, two, three or six clusters could be identified. The first level distinguished species according to trophic group (carnivore vs. non-carnivore). Among non-carnivore species, the second level discriminates broadcasters vs. sac-spawners. Then, each of these groups can be divided into two subgroups with different size and/or feeding type. Since higher cut levels could not be clearly related to functional traits, six functional groups were retained (Table II). Copepod species are indicated by numbers (Table I).

Group 1 is composed of large carnivores that primarily Group 4 is the largest group and comprises almost all feed by cruising. There is no unique reproductive strategy, filter-feeding species, spanning all size classes, with a though the species are mainly sac-spawners. Many species clear tendency towards herbivory. The species of this have a broad vertical distribution, ranging from the group for which reproductive strategy could be found epipelagic to the bathypelagic. Representative genera were mainly broadcasters. This group contains not only by guest on March 22, 2016 are Calanoids such as Candacia spp., Haloptilus spp., small-bodied calanoids that are numerically very import- Heterorhabdus spp., members of the Euchaetidae family and ant in the Mediterranean epipelagic (Clausocalanus spp., Cyclopoids of the Sapphirina genus. These species are Calocalanus spp., Temora stylifera; Mazzocchi et al., 2014), known to prey on smaller copepods, as well as other zoo- but also larger calanoids, some of which are strong verti- planktonic taxa, such as doliolids (Takahashi et al., 2013), cal migrants, such as Calanus helgolandicus, Pleuromamma larvaceans (Ohtsuka and Onbe´, 1989) and even fish larvae spp. or Neocalanus spp. (Andersen et al., 2001, 2004). The (Ye n, 1 9 8 7 ). small surface calanoids are the target prey for larval and Group 2 is defined by smaller carnivore species, all juvenile pelagic fish (Borme et al., 2013; Costalago et al., active ambush feeders and mainly sac-spawners, belonging 2015), whereas larger calanoids are the preferential prey to the Corycaeidae family.These are small visual predators of Mediterranean mesopelagic fishes (Palma, 1990). that prey on nanozooplankton, nauplii, younger stages of Additionally, the strong calanoid migrants might play a copepodites through active ambush tactics (Landry et al., differential key role in carbon cycling as they graze upon 1985), on wide depth intervals. Together, Groups 1 and 2 microalgae in the euphotic zone, and then migrate below mainly contribute to the top-down control of mesozoo- the permanent thermocline where they excrete their lipid plankton, including the other copepod functional groups. reserves (lipid pump hypothesis; Jo´nasdo´ttir et al., 2015). Group 3 gathers a lesser number of species and con- Therefore, Groups 3 and 4 are crucial for the transfer of sists of Calanoids of the genera Centropages and Acartia. energy from photoautotrophs to higher trophic levels, They are small omnivorous broadcasters, but phyto- both in neritic (Group 3) and in oceanic environments plankton can become an important component of their (Group 4). Also, the latter group might comprise species diet. They exhibit mixed feeding strategies, depending on that play a potentially underestimated role for the carbon the available food items. Acartia spp. and Centropages spp. flux (Jo´nasdo´ttir et al., 2015). are generally restricted to the epipelagic and are affiliated Group 5 consists essentially of Oithona spp. These are with neritic environments (Siokou-Frangou et al., 2010). small active ambush-feeding omnivores that carry their


Table II: Traits characterization of the six identified functional groups (Fig. 1)

Functional groups Total number Functional trait Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 of species

Class of maximum Size_1 (0.50–1.80 mm) 0 12 6 16 20 32 86 body length Size_2 (1.89–2.85 mm) 0 20 6 17 0 8 51 Size_3 (3.00–5.70 mm) 30 1 0 10 0 1 42 Size_4 (6.10–11.0 mm) 30070212 Trophic group Carnivore 25 29 0 0 0 0 54 Omnivore 0 0 6 12 11 4 33 Omnivore–carnivore 611000 8 Omnivore–detritivore 000002828 Omnivore–herbivore 0 0 4 36 0 11 51 NA 23129017 Feeding type Active ambush 0 16 0 0 11 1 28 Cruise 11 5 0 3 0 15 34 Filter 4 0 0 43 0 8 55 Mixed 0 0 11 0 0 2 13 NA 18 12 1 4 9 17 61 Spawning strategy Broadcaster 7 7 11 24 0 3 52 Downloaded from Sac-spawner 16 20 0 3 17 28 84 NA 10 6 1 23 3 12 55 Type of DVM No DVM 13 8 6 13 2 15 57 WeakDVM 010022 5 StrongDVM 21080213 Reverse DVM 5 12 2 15 2 14 50 NA 13 11 4 14 14 10 66 Vertical distribution Epipelagic (0–200 m) 10 2 11 21 7 14 65 Epimesopelagic (0–1000 m) 11 14 0 17 7 13 62 Epibathypelagic (0–4000 m) 11 15 0 9 2 9 46 Mesopelagic (200–1000 m) 010002 3 Mesobathypelagic (200–4000 m) 10132411 NA 010021 4 Mean minimum body length (mm) 2.27 1.18 1.07 1.47 0.67 0.93 – Mean maximum body length (mm) 4.47 2.03 1.82 2.95 1.11 1.74 – Total number of species 33 33 12 50 20 43 191

The number of species recorded within each trait’s class and within each functional group is reported. The groups are based on hierarchical clusteringon by guest on March 22, 2016 the first four axes of the MCA based on four functional traits: class of maximum body length, binary trophic group, feeding type and spawning strategy. For information, the type of DVM, the vertical distribution, the average minimum body length (mm) and the average maximum body length (mm) are also indicated (in grey). NA, not available; DVM, diel vertical migration. eggs. It is difficult to assign a particular ecological func- particulate organic matter and (ii) small cruising grazers tion to such a group, since Oithona spp. are a major com- contributing to epipelagic secondary production. ponent of the global ocean’s plankton, independently of By focusing on Mediterranean copepods, we were able environmental conditions (Gallienne and Robins, 2001). to gather information on functional traits for 191 species, Feeding and trophic group were unknown for the other with at least 6 traits described for 135 species and 7 for species of Group 5. Therefore, they are related to Oithona 66 species. Using 4 of these traits, functional groups with spp. only because of they are small (,1.8 mm) sac- different ecological roles were described. Although the spawners. Group 6 also comprised small sac-spawning definition of these groups was robust (similar groups were omnivores, but these are mainly cruising detritivores (Oncaea found using a K-means partitioning method, or account- spp., Microsetella spp.) or herbivores (Clausocalanus spp.). The ing for all traits), the main limitation, as for any trait- former usually exhibit a wide vertical distribution, while the based approach, remains the scarcity of trait descriptions latter are epipelagic. Oncaea spp. and Microsetella spp. are at the species level. Compiling a trait database for a known associates of appendicularian houses (Alldredge, larger number of zooplankton species remains challen- 1972; Steinberg et al., 1994). Several calanoid species of this ging, but the present initiative demonstrates the useful- group (Euchirella spp., Scolecitrichidae) are also deep- ness of this endeavour. water detritivores. Consequently (and as suggested by a The present study also confirmed or revealed trade- higher cut level on dendrogram Fig. 1), Group 6 could be offs among zooplankton functional traits (Litchman et al., sensibly divided into two subgroups: (i) deep-water dwell- 2013, Kiørboe, 2011). For instance, small carnivores and ing detritivores that actively participate in the recycling of small omnivores were active ambush feeders, while large


carnivores were cruise feeders. This relationship between and suggestions for improving a previous version of the size and feeding strategy could be explained by the differ- manuscript. We also thank Erin Cox and Martin Lilley ences in metabolic requirements. Indeed, whereas cruise for the English proofreading. feeders have to swim actively to encounter their prey, ambush feeders passively encounter them (Kiørboe, 2011), which requires less energy. As metabolic rates FUNDING scale with body size (Kiørboe and Hirst, 2014), this differ- Financial support was provided by the EC FP7 ence in metabolic requirement could explain their differ- PERSEUS Project (Grant. Agr. 287600), the MerMEx ence in size. We also found that sac-spawners were active (Marine Ecosystems Response in the Mediterranean ambush feeders or cruise feeders, whereas broadcasters Experiment)/MISTRALS French National Program were mainly filter feeders or mixed feeders. This could through the PlankMed action and the Climate-KIC of be due to optimal resource allocation: egg-carrying the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) ambush-feeding copepods have longer lifespans and through a PhD grant to F.B. Funding to pay the Open lower fecundity rates than broadcasting active feeders Access publication charges for this article was provided et al (Kiørboe and Sabatini, 1994; Kiørboe ., 2015). We by the EC FP7 PERSEUS Project.

also found that three quarters of the carnivorous species Downloaded from were sac-spawners; hence, these exhibit a higher degree of parental care and avoid predation on their own eggs. REFERENCES Conversely, for epipelagic omnivorous filter feeders, which are heavily preyed upon by other zooplankters and Alldredge, A. L. (1972) Abandoned larvacean houses: a unique food source in the pelagic environment. Science, 177, 885–887.

fishes, broadcasting is likely to be favoured to avoid being eaten together with the eggs, as an adaptation to the ele- Andersen, V., Devey, C., Gubanova, A., Picheral, M., Melnikov, V., Tsarin, S. and Prieur, L. (2004) Vertical distributions of zooplankton vated mortality of ovigerous females (Kiørboe and across the Almeria-Oran frontal zone (Mediterranean Sea). Sabatini, 1994). Together, these results call for a better J. Plankton Res., 26, 275–293. understanding of the mechanistic processes that lead to Andersen, V., Gubanova, A., Nival, P. and Ruellet, T. (2001) such trade-offs across traits. Zooplankton community during the transition from spring bloom to The functional trait database compiled here can be oligotrophy in the open NW Mediterranean and effects of wind used to estimate the functional diversity of zooplankton events. 2. Vertical distributions and migrations. J. Plankton Res., 23, 243–261. communities (Vo gt et al., 2013; Pomerleau et al., 2015)and test whether traits can be related to environmental vari- Barnett, A. J., Finlay, K. and Beisner, B. E. (2007) Functional diversity by guest on March 22, 2016 of zooplankton communities: towards a trait-based classi- ables (Barton et al., 2013). Finally, the existence of several fication. Freshw. Biol., 52, 796–813. functional groups encourages the integration of more Barton, A. D., Pershing, A. J., Litchman, E., Record, N. R., Edwards, diverse planktonic assemblages in ecosystem models. K. F., Finkel, Z. V.,Kiørboe, T.and Ward, B. A. (2013) The biogeog- raphy of marine plankton traits. Ecol. Lett., 16, 522–534. Borme, D., Tirelli, V. and Palomera, I. (2013) Feeding habits of SUPPL EME NTARY DATA European pilchard late larvae in a nursery area in the Adriatic Sea. J. Sea Res., 78, 8–17. Supplementary data can be found online at http://plankt. Costalago, D., Garrido, S. and Palomera, I. (2015) Comparison of the feeding apparatus and diet of European sardines Sardina pilchardus of Atlantic and Mediterranean waters: ecological implication. J. Fish Biol., 86, 1348–1362. DATA ARCHIVING Gallienne, C. P. and Robins, D. B. (2001) Is Oithona the most The trait database for the 191 copepod species can be important copepod in the world’s oceans? J. Plankton Res., 23, 1421–1432. downloaded from PANGAEA ( Gitay, H. and Noble, I. R. (1997) What are functional types and how 10.1594/PANGAEA.854331). should we seek them? In Smith, M. M., Shugart, H. H. and Woodward, F. I. (eds), Plant Functional Types. University Press, Cambridge, pp. 3–19. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Husson, F., Leˆ, S. and Page`s, J. (2010) Exploratory Multivariate Analysis by The authors are grateful to Andrew Hirst (QMUL), Example Using R. Computer Science and Data Analysis Series. Chapman & Hall/CRC, London. Martine Fioroni (OOV) and Ruth Bo¨ttger-Schnack Jo´nasdo´ttir, S. H., Visser, A. W., Richardson, K. and Heath, M. R. (GEOMAR) for their help in identifying additional refer- (2015) Seasonal copepod lipid pump promotes carbon sequestration ences for compiling the specific trait database. We thank in the deep North Atlantic. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 112, four anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments 12122–12126.


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