www.ukrweekly.com • ^^^^^ 1 • to tke Ideate Andrews And interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian •IB®: SECTION Informative, Instructive* 81-83 Grand Street Supplement of City 8, N. J. Ukrainian Dally Svoboda УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAJhriAJT DAlhV Published by the TeL HEnderson 4-OSfl Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass* ' Association. e Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEnderson 4-10ІІ


Leon Kotchmar 1000th Anniversary of Introduction UKRAINIAN NATIONAL YOUTH Weekly Commentate Receives Ph.D. Of Christianity Into — FEDERATION OF CANADA HOLDS

. During commencement ex- BIENNIAL CONVENTION THE UNA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Theme of N. Y. Ukrainian ггcases of the University of The Ukrainian National As Maryland held on June 4th at Women's Exposition URGES XOUTH TO SUPPORT UKRAINIAN CAUSE culent dinner prepared for him the UNA, young or old, who sociation has embarked upon a College Park, Maryland, Leon by his "better-half" or hosts, for' his find will receive the Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, the Miss Ukraine branch and special campaign to raise its T. Katchmar, son of Mrs. This year is the fourth time Among them will be paint­ does not care to stop and listen rewards as listed here further individual trophies to the love­ membership. The campaign Agath Katchmar, formerly of that the Ukrainian women's ings of leading Ukrainian wom­ July 4. — A 17-year-old blue- to what is very important to on. ly misses in Ukrainian au­ was started on July 1st and 1820 8th Avenue, Watervliet, organization is taking an ac­ en artists. eyed, blonde-haired Sudbury him, Le., UNA life insurance; The beach, too, is an ideal thentic costume based on cen­ will last to the end of this year. N. Y. now residing at 27 East- tive part m the International girl was awarded' on July 3rd place to gain new members. There will also be a special tral Ukraine motifs. Goal: 3,000 new members. (2) at the dance, ball or view Road, Latham, N. Y., and Women's Exposition of the program at this affair, the the title of Miss Ukraine for banquet, the prospect is too After the tussle with the surf, the late Joachim' Katchmar, Eastern Canada as one of the Runner-up in the Miss Uk­ Summertime may appear to folk art and culture which participants in which will in much immersed in enjoying, or or the swim further out, and vas awarded the degree of highlights of a three-day con­ raine beauty and costume some to be a poor season to Artll take place in November at Ukrainian native a tire trying to enjoy himself to then the food and refresh­ Doctor of Philosophy in Psy­ vention here of the Ukrain­ event was Uliana Yavorsky of raise new members for our or­ Jie Regiment Armory Hall in sing and dance in excerpts talk seriously about any in­ ments, followed by the usual chology. ian National Youth Federa­ Windsor, Ont, and third- ganization. Some will say that New York. from "Vechernytsi" by Nls- surance whatsoever. Of course, snooze, there is always the tion of Canada. place winner was Joann Hlib- in the hot and humid weather, Dr. Katchmar was graduat­ The UkrrJnian Women's chlnsky. at both occasions, after church period when the group getx chuk of Montreal, Que. it is difficult for a UNA mem­ ed from Watervliet High Committee, which is composed One of the most important Okaana Hrycenko, daughter or at a social event, a good or­ together for a talkfest. Here, Judges who awarded points ber or a UNA organizer to School and served with the of 19 persons, headed by Mrs. duties of the work of Exhibi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Hrycenko, ganizer can plant in the mind too, is a golden opportunity tc for beauty, poise and person­ persuade this one or that one U. S. Navy in the Pacific dur- ?owzanIuk, president, started tion Committee is to publish Riverside Dr., led a field of 11 of his prospect, briefly and yet steer the conversation about ality in the contest were Mrs. of Ukrainian descent to join ng World War П. He attended preparations for the affair 3 a magazine in the English candidates in the first presen­ very effectively — which de­ one's organizational and clut Lempi Johnson, Mrs. Freda the ranks of the UNA, to be Russell Sage College in Troy, months sgo. Mow they have language containing the mam tation of the, youth organiza­ pends upon how good a sales­ ties, then to the UNA, lighth Barlow and Richard Barlow. able to take up enough of his New York, received the B.A. the exact ріала of how the ideas of- the exhibition. The tion's unique costume and man he is—the importance of but incisively, and then ex­ Costume judging was carried or her time to illustrate the legree from Bucknell Univer­ exhibition is g)ing to be con­ journal will feature an article at the UNF becoming a member of the U. press, politely of course, as­ through by Dr. Ellas Wachn: benefits of being a member, sity in Lewisburg, Penna., and ducted by then. about the 1000th anniversary picnic grounds, Burwaah Rd., N.A., the idea upon which the tonishment upon learning that of Toronto, an authority oh benefits flowing from the ex­ the M.A. degree from the Uni­ of the introduction of Chris­ Richard Lake. prospect will ruminate during your companions or com­ One of the lims of the Uk­ Ukrainian costumery.. Each cellent life insurance protec­ versity of Maryland. tianity into Ukraine and its his more thoughtful moments, panion are not as yet UNA rainian committee is to extend City-wide festivities, and girrl was also required i<< tion that the UNA provides, creative influence on the Uk­ particularly during the time members. A little persuasive At present he is engaged in their field of activities outside programs of the convention speak briefly in Ukrainian which cannot be,beat by any rainian religious thought and when he will be thinking about talk concerning the advantages research work for the U. S. their own organization, estab­ here during the holiday week- (most are Canadian-born) tc similar organization, fraternal culture. Another will be a spe­ himself, his family, and espe­ to all concerned of becoming Army at the Aberdeen Proving lish closer cooperation with md also saw the election of display language proficient у or commercial, as well as by cial feature article devoted cially when he will be thinking, members of the UNA is quite Grounds, Aberdeen, Maryland the Women's National Insti­ Ellas Poworoanyk of Hamil­ the tongue of their forefath­ the,benefits flowing from, what to the "Ukrainian Woman- as, most do, what would hap­ likely to make the current where he resides with his wife, tute, the latter which is spon­ ton, Ont, as Eastern UNYF ers, the UNA actually is, the foun-j soring the exhibition, as well Mother, National Worker, president succeeding Michael pen to his family in the event UNA membership drive a cer the former Clay Cassel, and 6 William Hultay of Toronto tain-head of Ukrainian Ameri­ as to renew oletand add some Women-Soldier." This will sp- Orychiwsky of Toronto, who of his sooner or later demise. tain success. month old daughter, Elizabeth Dominion president of th can life, its progress and its new elements to the exhibi­ pear in connection with the now has become vice-president, And so, perhaps, at some later Now, in conclusion, we want Ann. Ukrainian National Federn future. tion, including exhibits of dif­ 70th anniversary of the Wom­ Provincial executive. date, he may approach the to point out that, to give in Dr, Katchmar is a member tion, awarded point* for. ,thte ferent other nationality groups, en':- Movement in Ukraine. Yet, to our way of thinking, UNA organiser, in order to en­ centive to those who would of UNA Branch 13 of Water.- More than 350 delegates and aspect of the conU-Jt. it should not be difficult for roll himself in the UNA frat­ care to, and who should, en ydiet, N. Y. Having 3 yens of experi­ A special attraction of the guests from various Ontario Judges for the dance com­ anyone of us to persuade a ernal benefit order. deavor get new members for ence, the Ukrainian Women Ex­ exhibition will be the contest; and Quebec branches of the petitions were Stan Szach, non-member to become a mem­ it, the UNA is prepared dur­ position committee has in mind for the best dressed woman, in youth organization attended Dominion vice-president of the The task of gaining mem­ ber of the UNA during these ing the current drive to make GRADUATES WITH B.A. to pay special attention to Ukrainian costume. Therefore week-end sessions here and Ukrainian National Youth bers for the UNA is, however, 1 summer months. Actually, it thie following rewards:— DEGREE make better known to Ameri­ committee Is asking all women gave mass endorsatlou to re­ Federation, of Toronto; \pt. easier during the summer should be easier than during cans, native or foreign born, of New York and suburbs to solutions here directed against EUaa Wachna, Toronto; and months, be it during the week­ the other seasons of the year. Tke Rewards Miss Sophia Marko, 25, mem­ the art, culture in general, and take part in this contest. Communist aggression In the Walter MRteyko of_Suoqury^,. end, weekly, or month VSJCfr. ber of UNA Branch 204 in New tnfc history of Ukraine. To put into effect all these world today. (Text of resolu­ Taking.part, in official.cere­ During these other three 1 , In addition \f» toe rewards 1 tions, when 'Hie vacationer, NBW York Cily, one'' of 'We ^Due toTSe tafcf"that thie plans, the committee ' needs tion appears on page 2). seasons, the organizer has to paid to .the organizers of new monies during the week-end after sporting, swimming or [topmost in membership in the year is the 1000th anniversary money to finance ibe exhlbi go to the home of the prospec­ members, the following special various functions were Michael gamboling, is only too ready to country, graduated Queen Col­ of the introduction of Chris­ tion. Right now it need* $500 UYL-NA Extends Greetings tive member, and, in some in­ rewards will be paid after Orychiwsky, past president of sit or lie down on the beach lege,, Flushing, New York, with tianity into Ukraine, the main to pay for the right to take stances intrude upon his pri­ the close of the campaign: tovmw the Providenclal Executive, or on the green sod, and, after a Bachelor of Arts degree, last wall of Exposition Hall will be part in the exhibition. The vacy and desire to relax after for five to ten new mem­ Walter Warwick, Canadian UNYF, Eastern Canada; Jard- resting, inclined to talk with June 15th, reports Dr. Alex­ decorated with a portrait of only means of getting the a day's work, and try to talk a bers — one dollar additional yice-president. of the UYL-NA, slav Bllyk, provincial secreta­ friends and acquaintances who ander Sokolyshyn, head of tke Princess Olha, done especially necessary funds is for the com­ work-tired person into joining for each member; for eleven expressed warm greetings to ry; and Dominion UNYT pretb are vacationing as well. Branch 204 Auditing Commit­ for this occasion by artist O. mittee to sell as many tickets the organization. It is a rather and more — two dollars addi­ the convention from the Amer dent Walter Klymkiw. . tee. Disdynluk. The old and pres­ as possible to the exhibition. difficult task. That cannot be Take the UNA "Soyuzivka." tional for each member; for 50 lean and Canadian youth body. The 20-year-old youth «r- ent Ukrainian art and culture There are 2100 tickets ready denied. The organizer—by way resort, for instance. There is and more new members — in Miss Marko has received a He stressed league activities ganization, one of Canada's will be represented by famous to be sold for 65 cents apiece. of another example—may try an ever growing number of addition to above special re­ scholarship for her Master of and received an ovation as he most active groups for the Ukrainian embroideries, Easter Therefore the committee urges to do the same after church visitors and vacationers flock­ wards, the organizer will be Arts degree in English Lan­ urged strong UYL-NA support past two decades in fighting eggs, as well as by native cos­ full support along this line. on Sundays, or at some ball ing day by day to it who are given two week's stay at the guage, the latter requisite for from Canada. against Communist propagan­ tumes of different parts of Uk Ukrainian Women's Exposition or banquet Here, too, he or not' as yet members of the "Soyuzivka" free of charge. a teaching career. da on the Canadian,; scene, raine, and objects of art cre­ Committee of New York Folk Dance Program she will encounter difficulties: UNA. To put it bluntly, the Names of organizers will be Sophia is daughter of Mr. . , , ,,,„. will hold its biennial .national ated by leading Ukrainian 140-142 Second Avenue "Soyuzivka" is a veritable announced in the Svoboda. Paul Marko, president of UNA A quick-etepping girla' folk I „^^ ^ g ££ (1) after church a person painters and sculptors. New York 3, N. Y. wants just to gossip a bit with goldmine from which good So let's all pitch in, and branch 204. Her father and dance ensemble from Windsor „. wirled to Kolomeyka melodies fellow parishioners, and then, salesmanship can extract nug­ make thie July-December, 1955 mother, Mrs. Ksenia Marko, ---— . . ... і monton. here Sunday to win out in a feeling the pangs of hunger gets upon nuggets of new mem­ UNA membership campaign a are both active in Ukrainian Other executive officers folk-dance competition that in his "innards," pange acceler­ bers for the UNA by any UNA great success—3,000 new mem­ American organizational life Rochester Ukrainian Balks Over elected during the week end was also a striking, colorful ated by thoughts of the suc­ prospector, by any member of bers! in the New York Metropolitan for the provincial executive area. She has been a member "Russia" On Passport feature of an all-day outdoor are Michael Orychoweky, vice- of the UNA since childhood. program on the last day of the president; Stan Szach, second A TRAITOR IS A TRAITOR, Sophia has appeared as a Stephen Tupis, Ukrainian, fuses to travel as one of their convention. vice-president; Jaroslav Biln':. dancer and singer in various of 75 Ravine Avenue, Roches­ former citizens." Headed by dance Instruct­ general secretary (all of To­ Were we the publishers of fate has been determined by er brought the subject around group dance and theatrical per­ ter, New York, has his pass­ Keating has asked Thurston ress Myroslava Martiniuk, the ronto) ; Luba Podilsky, Hamil­ various leading dailies, we the military charges of not only to the chances of picking up a formances. port and plane reservation for Morton, assistant secretary of Windsor winning team was ton, recording secretary; Nadia would have given strict orders being dopes but active collab­ fast buck. "We have to pick up August 1 to fly to Paris and state, and Miss Prances Knight, followed by a West Toronto Malanchuk, Toronto, com*- some quick cash," this traitor to their editors to trim to the orationists as well—they will Germany—but he won't go if director of the department's dance ensemble for second tro­ ponding secretary; Lesla Cha- said. "I have plenty to tell and very bone, in both cabled re­ expect to profit, to make a U.C.Y.L CONVENTION the State Department insists passport office, to change the phy place. chula, Toronto, treasurt'r fast buck. will tell if Гт paid ... what's ports and in editorial com­ JOURNAL on listing him as a former listing. Instructor of the West To­ Executive members are Bob How deep their alleged it worth for our stories." ments, the sordid story of the resident of Russia, the Demo­ He also has asked that all ronto group is Bob Klymash. Klymash, Toronto; Michael Ka- shame and how genuine their He then went off into a hero­ As in previous years, a Souv­ three ex-GIs who refused to crat Chronicle of Rochester re­ persons in such circumstances Third award went to a Sud­ limin, Toronto; Jerry Ory* remorse, can be even gauged ic fantasy of underground con­ enir Journal will be published come back to their native land, ported last Tuesday, July 12 be pcrmitted^to designate their bury folk-dance ensemble in chlwsky, Montreal; Vera Tu­ by such facts as the one where tacts he claims he had estab­ in conjunction with the 17th but who now say they are fed n a GNS dispatch from Wash- actual places of birth on their Which the Miss Ukraine win­ rns, Windsor. Controlling com­ when plied with pressing ques­ lished in China with White U k r а і n ian Catholic Youth up with communism in China, ngton. passports. ner also participated. mittee Includes William Hla- tions by the reporters in Hong Russians, Japanese and anti- League National Convention, to have now been released and Tupis was born in Western The Rocheeterian called the Joseph Lockwood of Toron­ dun, Toronto; Michael Makuch, Kong, their leader abruptly Red Chinese and told of plans be held in New YorkCity, Ho­ are en route'to the United 'Jkraine, when it was under department's attention to a to, head of the UNYF trophy St. Catherines; Peter Bajua ended it on the excuse that be had of a parade of these tel New Yorker, from Novem­ States for fates still under­ Poland's domination. ruling by the immigration and sward committee, presented Sudbury; Ann Pronych, Fort they had to go to an important people on the streets of Peip- ber 10th to the 13th this year. mined. naturalization .service about a William; Paul Kawka, Toronto. meeting. Actually, that "meet­ ing. Ann Michel of New York He listed Ukraine as his They were among the 21 year ago. It had refused to ing" was a taxi-dance hall. City has volunteered as Chair- rirthplace when he applied for Americans who chose to re­ Certainly, to say the least, accept "Ukraine" as a place lady, to coordinate all details lis passport. The State De­ More Ukrainians DPs Arrive Here main with their Communist To an Associated Press re­ those 340 the AP man paid of birth on applicationa for porter who accompanied them had had their effect. connected with the journal tc partment made it read "Rus­ captors, rather than come back naturalization because, It rul­ A fresh contingent of Uk-.csme here under the auspices in the line of duty and in the The "investment" revealed be published later this year. sia." to their families and honored ed. Ukraine "Is not regarded rainian displaced persons ar- of the United Ukrainian Amer- line of duty bought them their true character — oppor­ Walter Salabun of Newark, He sent the passport back lives in the nation which rear­ as a separate nation." rived last Tuesday, July 12, in rican Relief Committee. Three $40 worth of drinks, their lead- tunists as well as traitors. N. J. will assist her in that for amendment The State De­ ed them. They are the first of Following lengthy corres- respect, in his capacity as Co- partment refused to change it, New York aboard Navy trans-. other Ukrainian families came the 21 to "escape" the Com­ Chairman. stating its policy is to list an pondence between Keating and.port General Langfltt. which here under the auspices of munist dominated land they so UNA Day in Troy, N. Y. to be Held applicant's place of birth un­ the eervice the service ruled J departed from Bremerhaven,' the National Catholic Welfare smugly adopted nearly two This year the informative der the control as now con­ that it will not object If an j Germany, ten days before Conference, and several under years. Tomorrow material contained in the Jour­ applicant for naturalization docking here. і the auspices of the Church nal will relate to the theme of trolled. The Ukraine now is A traitor is a traitor, no gives his nationality au "Uk- Twenty-three Ukrainian fam- World's Service. « the convention: —"1,000 Years part of Red Russia. matter what one may in a fit Branch 191 of the Ukrain­ There will be two speakers rainian." lilies, numbering 63 persons The transport brought 1,243 of Christianity in Ukraine." William Popowych, of 370 of compassion and kindness ian National Association of from the UNA Home Home ..." і .« refugees in all, composed of Art work in the journal will try to excuse them for what Troy, N. Y. will hold s Ukrain­ Office, namely, Mr. Michael Wilkins St., Rochester, an offi­ various nationalities, mostly be done by Michael Marko. NOTICE TO STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THE U.N.A. they did, betraying their coun­ ian National Association Day, Piznak, Vice President, and cial of the Organization for German. They were the first try in the eyes of the world tomorrow, Sunday, July 17 at Dr. Yaroslaw Padoch, advisor For further information, Rebirth of Ukraine, told Rep. CULTURAL COURSES AT THE "SOYUZIVKA" full shipload of Europeans to by remaining voluntarily in the "Now Country Grove" at of UNA. write to N.Y.-N.J. Council, Kenneth B. Keating that Tupis' ' • • to come to the USA under the Troy. N. Y. parents "were killed by the the hands of its enemies. Congressman Dean P. Tay: U.C.Y.L., P.O. Box 3. Cooper You have to be at thci There are still a few more Refugee Relief Act. Union, New York 3. N. Y. Communists." Therefore, it Is shocking for Chairman of the event is lor and Mayor Edward A. Fitz­ "Soyuzivka" no later than I days left for our young Uk-, 'fne Ukrainians were taken Mr. Panko Glngeraky, presi­ gerald of Troy, N. Y.. will also "Under no circumstances," on Tuesday, August 2, for pur-j rainian Americans to take ad- us to read. In the papers big of by representatives of headlined front-page stories dent of the Branch, assisted by address the gathering. he wrote, "will we accept the pose of registration. Classes і vantagvantagee of these wonderful „ ,„,»„„. .... about them, giving them a Nicholas Boyko, treasurer, and Invitations have been sent kill, N. Y, Hudson, N. Y. Co- fact that Ukraine is a Soviet start promptly the following' courses, the UUARC, headed by its ex­ whirlwind of publicity from Russell Kolody, secretary of to Utlca, N. Y., Little Falls. hoes, N. Y., Watervliet, N. Y. state." morning. Demerits for those Look at the Application ecutive director, Dr. Walter which, no doubt—after their the Branch. N. Y., Vernon, N. Y., Peeks- and Pittsfield, Mass. Popowych added: "He re­ who arrive too late. (blank on page 3. | Gallon. SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTjpN, SATURDAY, JULY \% ЙБІ ^ f Ro. 135

An Appeal to Ukrainian Youth and The Ukrainian 1 DON'T LOOK OVER YOUR FRIEND'S March of the Beheaded Community In the U.S.A. and Canada SHOULDER

Something akin to The New come subscribers to the Week­ By MYCHAJLO DMYTRENKO The Ukrainian Technical In- fields where our contribution personally. And send' in your York Times advertisements ly, but who depend upon oth­ stitute in New York is apr is most needed. So, the Attor­ contributions. | The writer of this article, ment leaders became discerni­ any commission meant a gov­ which appear in placard form ers to pass it along to them. proachin^ its first anniversary^ ney General Jacob K. Javits Mychajlo Dmytrenko, lived in ble, and so true to life that ernment investigation. Ukrainian Technical Insti­ in the N. Y. subway stations Thus, a Ukrainian Institution of N. Y., speaking at the An­ It is these persons, too, who the for many they were almost photograph­ And he began to paint the tute in New York, 320 E. 14th (showing a person, be it at the of High.т Learning in America nual Meeting of Long Island have not. as yet become mem­ years before emigrating to ically exact in every facial de­ face of a man who was not St., New York 3, N. Y. Tel. GR beach or in some vacation has be< ome a reality. Jt is to University, stated that Colleges bers of our Ukrainian Nation­ Canada as a war refugee. He tail. connected with any govern­ 5-1971. playland in the country, peer­ this fuet that, we call the at­ and Universities have a tre-, al Association. Were they gained fame in his homeland Soviet dignitaries of state ment branch at the time tin ing over the shoulder of a tention of our community, our mendous task ahead of them, Vladimir Timoshenko, hon­ members of it they would be and abroad as a top-ranking always paid full attention to •'Historic Entrance" was.made Times reader, and trying to children and grandchildren. as no less than a million gradu­ orary President of Ukrainian getting the Weekly subscrip­ painter, and was able to ob­ the mediums that would pre­ But in a few days, when the lap up* what the owner of the Ukrainian youth will be rep­ ates — specialists and techni­ Technical Institute and pro­ tion for only $2 rather than serve at close-hand the persecu­ serve their achievevents for lace beamed from the canvas paper is perusing) is that of resented in American Society cians — are needed for foreign fessor of Stanford University, the $3 annual subscription rate tion of art and artists in the posterity. The professor's life­ among the original grouj the case of those subway or not only by its abilities and service. These young people California. for non-UNA members. Soviet states. This story is like portrayals were enough to members, the representative train riders who do not buy achievements, but also by the would have to strive to help Mlkola Haydak, extraordi­ Now, there is no point just one of his flashbacks into life assure him lasting glory and again called at the studio. their own dailies or Sundsy qualities and creative spirit of strengthen the moral, social nary professor of Minnesota now to re-emphasize the merits behind the Iron Curtain.] rich rewards in the Russian- It was the same request editions of them but who make their . ancestors. Our young and economic conditions where- University, St Paul, Minn. of the Weekly. The point has ' held state. again, concerning another themselves annoying to the people will- make a contribu­ ever free institutions exist. Michael Dudra, extraordi­ been dwelt upon time and time > In his cluttered studio at the This painting, in particular, member of the group who was buyers of them by sticking out tion to America if we, their Mr. Javits believes that such nary professor of the College again by various writers. • The Kiev Art Academy, Prof. Ilia grew slowly to develop into a destined for liquidation by tin uheir craniums in ah effort to educators, guardians, and pro­ an influence would serve as of Steubenville, Steubenville, Weekly has always been, from Maksymowych Szulha sat and canvas that resounded with a secret police .. . read the paper at better van­ fessors will exert ourselves ac­ the greatest offensive against Ohio. way back in 1933, the chief ga2ed at the canvas stretching harmonious interplay of im­ He called a third time, only tage point than that of the cordingly. We will impart to communism. Thomas K. Pavlychenko, for­ medium of communication taut before him. Around him pressionistic colors. this time his request was that person who bought it and who our south a true apprecia­ The Ukrainian Technical In­ mer professor of Saskatoon among our younger generation in typical artistic disorder The elderly artist himself three of the remaining group is trying to read it himself. tion and the true spirit of the stitute in New York felt such University, Director of Agri­ Ukrainian Americans, and now lay stacks of magazines, clip­ was his severest critic, and be. changed for new faces from This '.'I won't buy or sub­ American Constitution, and a need and began already last cultural Research at American it is becoming the same among pings from papers and jour­ sought out the most minute the present government. In scribe to that paper" applies by preparing thorn culturally year to prepare Ukrainian spe­ Chemical Paint Company Sas­ our newly arrived Ukrainians. nals, photographs of Party and imperfections in his daily work time it appeared that- al­ ilso to those who pick up the and technically, we will en­ cialists, and, first of all, in the katoon, Sask., Canada. Its historical, ' cultural, and Government officials, as well on the commission. For the day most all of the leaders in the left-over newspapers in the able these young people to fields of economics and social Evhen Vertyporokh, former educational articles, its trans­ as photographs of workers when his painting would be government who had taken trains at the stations, or who lead constructive lives within political sciences. professor of Ukrainian Tech­ lations of the best of Ukrain­ peasants and Red Army sol­ scrutinized by sharp eyes and part in the original "Historic 2ven look into the newspaper the framework of -American 4. Among Ukrainian Ameri­ nical Husbandry Institute, To­ ian literature, have helped to diers ... the latter all depicted censuring minds was drawing Entrance" were enemies of the disposal receptacles for any Democracy. cans there is now an awaken­ ronto, Canada. - bring out the best in the Uk­ with happy countenances.. closer. state. As the date of the ex­ paper that may be thera. Some individual members of ing interest in the Ukrainian Society of Ukrainian Law­ rainian American younger gen­ Prof. Szulha, one of Kiev's His visitor from the state hibition of the picture drew All this comes to my mind the Ukrainian community fail problem, but at times it seems yers in America: Bohdan Dze- eration movement Its support most celebrated artists, paint art committee brought a caller near, the number of enemies when I consider the various to understand why in America to fail to develop properly be­ rovych, Dr. of Laws, President, of the various activities in­ ed on express commission from in a dark blue suit. Not only of the state grew proportion­ persons I know, or know about, with its numerous 4nd varied Ivan Lozynsky, Dr. of Laws, volved in this movement has cause of the lack of knowl­ who read The Ukrainian Week­ the Soviet government. Among was he a representative of the ately. schools there should be a need down through these years edge of the , secretary. л his subjects had been some of committee, but also a censor The professor took to pacing ly, ami yet have not thus far for a Ukrainian College. In and the ideals of Ukrainian Ukrainian Medical Society greatly activivated them, and, the Kremlin's top figures. and advisor with specific pow­ the long corridors of the art subscribed to it. They have answering this question the historic statehood. The French in America, Yaroslav Voevid- in the right direction. These It was his latest commission ers from the state. academy, where other artists preferred, to put it figurative­ following ponits should be con­ Germans, Norwegians, Jews ka, M. D., President, Roman are well known facts, well but­ that caused Prof. Szulha no "I'm very happy to see that met to discuss current prob­ ly, to read it over their friend's sidered: I and others probably felt the Segedyn, M.D., secretary. tressed and solid. There is no end of consternation. He had your work is almost finished, lems in their daily work. And зґ acquaintance's shoulder. By 1. The Ukrainian community same needs when they estab­ Society of Ukrainian Engi­ gainsaying them. been commissioned by the US­ Professor," he said. "But I from time to time he glanced that I mean, they have bor­ in America and Cai ada has an lished their respective colleges neers in America, Ostap Bala- Therefore, it behooves those SR government to prepare a have only one favor to ask. at the dark spots in his pic­ rowed the Weekly from them. important cultural mission to in America. ban, Eng., president, A. Za who are not UNA members to large canvas depicting the His­ You must remove this traitor ture—the blanks that were This brings to mind another perform. It is to Lransmit to 5. The preservation of the brodsky, Eng., secretary join it right away, and get the toric Entrance of Party and from the picture," and he once faces of various ministers the New World ide lis and cul­ point. Among those who from Ukrainian scientific personnel Society of Professors and time to time read the Weekly, Weekly at a reduced subscrip­ Government Leaders into Kiev, pointed to one of the figures in the government tural attainments, [and knowl­ Capital of Ukraine." Dean Nechis, an academy is one of the basic goals of the Friends of Ukrainian Technical given or loaned to them, are tion price, while those who, at on the canvas. edge of the fact that the There was scarcely room for fellow worker noted for his U.T.I. The utilization and cap- Institute, Ivan Drabaty, presi- some quite important persons this particular moment, are "But why?" asked Prof. Ukrainians are up'ing to en­ all of his sketches and studies lightheartedness, approached italization of these Ukrainian dent, Olena Wasyleva, secre­ among our professionalists, not in a position to do so— Szulha, • rich the civilization of their in the small studio. Propped the professor during one of his reserves, as one may well call tary. persons whose income as such, but will do so before the end The representativee shrug­ chosen lands—the U.S.A. and up on low chairs, on the edges sombre moods. them, as well as the prepara­ Board of Trustees of the Uk­ be it in the practice of law of the current one-half year ged his shoulders: "Because we Canada. Of theai the follow­ of cabinets and ledges, were "Why are you looking so tion of those who are to take rainian Technical Institute, Ya- or medicine, has been con­ UNA membership campaign have removed him already ing are to be ефесіаііу con­ his preliminary sketches for worried these days?" he ask­ over after them is hardly feas­ kiv Moralevych, President?" ••• siderably augmented by fees —to subscribe to the Weekly, ourselves." sidered: , і ,. composition, his drawings and ed. ible in any other way, except from !their Ukrainian Ameri­ immediately. The professor realized what a. The historic tradition, of Members: An tin Batyuk, Lev notations. There was an air "I will not finish in time ... by means of the activities of can • clients' and' patients, per- So stop looking over your > this meant... An "enemy of struggling for freedom and .the Bezruchko, Mykhaylo; Borbv- of pleasing odor of fresh oils I will not finish," the artist an Institution bf Higher Learn­ Kons who have been given pub­ friend's or neighbor's shoul­ the state." . . democratic character of the sky, Svltozor Dragomanoy, permeating the studio atmos­ lamented, "The leaders of the ing. Ukrainian youth is for­ licity і in the Weekly, persons der. Get your own Weekly. Carefully he painted out the Ukrainian people: b. The Cul­ Alexander Hone bar, Volbdy- phere. government will not make their tunate in having the opportun­ who nonetheless have not be- Josephine Glbajlo Gibbons face of the "traitor" and re­ tural heritage .of tiie ancient dymyr Horodecky, Myroslav Already the background for Historic Entrance into Kiev on ity to prepare itself for future —————— moved all references of him Kievan State;,c, T^e manifold Hryhoriv, Vbiodymyr * Kirp- " - j stf Щ —ВЙ the new painting, coming to tie..." academic work under tutelage : from his own files and picture contributions of Ukrainian ehynsky, Emeri L Nagy, 3u • і паї у ви •. life on the canvas, was becom "Why?" asked Nechis. of native experienced ' pro- collection. artists and агіепЧЦИЦПЦДі? - "•^ВДЬот! chym .Nescademenkd; Tvan" Pa Straightening Out an Inaccuracy ing apparent It was a per­ The next day he telephoned WA man in a dark blue suit >• tfrtifrm IQ i$h V.i.l-Jlyvoda* , -BdwartTO2. илf гялияиі2а¥«ф1 : r V\ іаріг&іі 2. American leaders have *j spective of the Opera building the art censor: "But whom is making my days miserable," Wej fcrVfte the Ukrainian advised us to preserve 'ftrterest Administration of Ukrainian The Berkshire Evening Ea- raine and has never been the facade, along with adjoining should I paint in his place?" said Szulha. "Each day he tells youth to' register and to begin in the land and language of Technical Institute: Arnold D. gle,- -Pittsfield, Mass., in its capital of any other land or buildings. This was the set­ "Anyone you wish from the me to remove some face from their studies at the Ukrainian - our ancestors. Congressmen D. Margolin, president, Yakiv June 25th ntimber, published nation. ting for the "Historic En- aew members of the govern­ my painting and substitute a Technical Institute in New and Senators, State Gov­ Zozula, director, Mykhayld a letter to the Eagle editor The fact that at any time in • ranee." ment," came the brusque re­ new one, because all of the His­ York. ernors, and others who oc­ Hawrylenko, treasurer, Jurij written by Stefan Styran, an the course of history, or an- The skilled artist had car- ply. toric leaders are being liqui­ ' We ask parents and guard­ cupy important poets 1rt Fedynsky, secretary. active UCCA member, the text other, Ukraine fell victim to iei through careful research "But this is a historical dated." ians to advise their sons and America are fair examples. Council of the Institute: of which together with the Russian imperialist aggression .nd had phnned this painting painting—and these men were The Dean smiled: dlraghters to attend their na­ The late Franklin D. Roosevelt; Professors—Alexander Archy Eagle editor's note is as* fol- (the latest such example being •>r som: time. Money was no not in the government at this "Don't worry too much about tive college, and thus to ob­ for example, took pride in his movych, Gabriel Hordienko, lows: * the incorporation of Ukraine oject when the Governmen' time," returned the artist it, and listen to my advice. You tain simultaneusly a national Dutch ancestry. On October Ivan Kabachkiv, Petro Kly Text of Letter into the Soviet Union) does not placed an order such as this, "What's the difference," the paint every figure in uniform, as well as a technical educa­ 12, 1940, in his speech at Day menko, Vasyl Panaaenko, Vic Your esteemed newspaper in any way detract from the and the artist was granted full dry voice came back again, "as make sure you include medals, tion! ton, Ohio, President Roosevelt tor Prychodko, Ivan Rozhin, which is read by many of us fact that Ukraine is a separate artistic license. long as it isn't an Enemy of and everything else necessary, We appeal to the entire Uk­ said that, "It is quite natural Vyacheslav F. Savycky, Olena new Americans Of Ukrainian nation. What thoughts lay in this the. State." but for their faces leave only rainian Community in the U that you should b:- interested Savycka, Matviy Stakhiv. descent published on May 18, A parallel which is under­ artist's mind, I do not know. It was more diffioult, this blank spaces. And let them S. A. and Canada to publicize in the land of your ancestors, Adjunct professor—Yaroslav 1955, an article under the title standable to Anglo-Saxons can The state had promised gold- time, for the artist to return all march into Kiev without and to support the Ukrainian Chyz. "Byzantine Slavonic Mass To be drawn here between Uk­ capped mountains to its artists heads!" and to preserve their language, Technical Institute morally as to his task. But he continued, Be Said at St. Teresa's." It raine-Russia and Ireland-Eng­ so that they would carry (Courtesy, "Pace" magazine) religion, culture and traditions, well as financially. Nobody Ass. professors: Hryhory for he realized that failure in contains a number of histori­ land. No amount of English through' its commissions, and etc., and this is a contribution but ourselves will help us, and Denysenko, Olexa Antypiv, Se­ cal inaccuracies of a nature oppression deprived the Irish perhaps so that they would to our country (L'.SJL). But surely nobody will help us un­ men Demydchuk, Pavlo Du that hurt the feelings of all of their nationality, but in turn their thoughts away RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE BIENNIAL EASTERN at the same time you ought to til and unless we begin help­ brivny, Stefan Hyk, Volody those who are not Russian their jingoism^ :the Jgnglish from the celebrated "Black CONVENTION OF THE UKRAINIAN" NATIONAL YOUTH be also ready to serve and de­ ing ourselves. myr Komarynsky, Korniy Nis fend this country ач your own, chauvinists. have never gone so far as to Crow"—the NKVD vehicle FEDERATION OF CANADA, SUDBURY, JULY 1, 2, 3, 1955. Apply for membership in cemenko, ' Lubov Margolina The general tone of the ar­ adopt St Patrick as their Eng­ used to cart away political because it is already your the Society of Friends of the Hansen, Gregory Petrychenko, ..•ountry."* ticle, which purports to be a lish saint which is precisely prisoners. 1. Whereas the present in­ Ukrainian Technical Institute Aleksey A. Sirotenko and other northeast Asian a religious theme, is so patent­ what the Russians are at­ But whatever were his ternational situation has been 3. American statesman ap­ Write to the Ukrainian Tech­ Deputy lecturers: Roman wild, uninhabited regions ... ly pro-Russian, one can even tempting to do ytfth St Volo- thoughts, Prof. Szulha tried to clouded by the continual peal to us to help America in nical Institute, and visit it Olesnycky, Vincent Shandor Be it resolved that the Uk­ зау Russian nationalistic, that dymyr the Great They not carry through this commission­ to the free world and Canada rainian National Youth Fed­ it is insulting to all non-Rus­ only try to Russify him, but ed painting to a satisfactory in particular of aggression on eration of Canada protest sians, and particularly Ukrain­ they even • change his name completion. the part of the Russo-Com- This Week in American History against the forced deportation ians. from Volodymyr to Vladimir. Under his dexterioufc brush munist forces of Imperialism... of this youth from its home­ Among the more flagrant ex­ We feel sorry that your strokes, figures jumped to life July 12, 1904, Samuel M iorm when running for office Be It resolved that the Uk­ lands and appeal to the Can­ wjsmFOB • amples can be counted calling good newspaper has fallen in­ on canvas. And slowly the fea­ adian government to urge the ЦІНІСТІОІ: Jones, noted American politi­ He impressed many American rainian National Youth Fed­ the city of Kiev "the Russian to such a trap set by Russian tures of the Party and Govern- United Nations to appoint a талоіииа cian and reformer, died in To­ leaders by his unaffected faith eration of Canada appeal to ...with JAMES C INCE8RETSEN capital," and the Ukrainian propaganda and we hope that special commission to investig­ ledo, Ohio. He came from in the common man and the Ukrainian youth in Canada to Prosidonf, Spiritual Mobilization princes of Kiev "Russian you will try and find out the ate these recent deportations Wales to the United States ideals of American freedom focus its attention and con­ kings." real truth about- this matter in the name of the Charter of with his parents, in 1849, as and democracy. solidate all its efforts to fight The Peiping radio said re­ The Berkshire Anthenaeum and then publish a proper cor­ Human Rights. a child of three. In 1893 he in­ * Poet's Gorner against this threat of internal cently, according to the Asso­ has on its shelves Prof. M. rection. 4. Whereas the Ukrainian vented improved oil-well ap­ July 20, 1895 is the date and external danger. ciated Press,. that Red China Hrushevsky's "History of Uk­ Stefan Styran. National Youth Federation of paratus -and became a manu­ when Richard Olney, Secretary would not ask Communist par­ raine" published by Yale Uni­ Pittsfield. IX>YERS AT A RAILWAY 2. Whereas this imminent Canada comprises membership facturer, introducing reforms of State under President Cleve­ ties in Africa and Asia to dis­ versity Press. If you should * • * STATION danger is apparent in the of Canadian youth of Ukrain­ in the working conditions of land, sent what is known as band, because that would be consult this book it would The statements objected to world today ... ian descent... his employees. Jones fixed a the "Olney Note" to the Brit­ interfering in other countries' come to light immediately that were not those of this news­ His fears mingle with her Be it resolved that the Uk­ Be it resolved that the Uk­ minimum wage, established an ish government It was an ex­ internal affairs. Kiev always was, and is to paper but of the curate of St fears, rainian National Youth Fed­ rainian National Youth Fed­ sight-hour day and a system plosive note on the Venezuela This is as much as to say this day, the. capital of Uk- Teresa's Church.—Ed. His eyes mirror her eyes: eration of Canada move a vote eration of Canada urge its of profit-sharing. He also open­ boundary dispute — then a that preparing a political hot Stars, clouds and tears of thanks to the Canadian membership to take part in all ed a pleasure area adjoining standing quarrel between Vene­ foot for another country is not Under the darkening skies. Government for its untiring phases of Canadian communi­ his factory, which was called zuela and Great Britain—which interfering in its its internal Grass Roots Opinion efforts to act against these ty programs and activities. "Golden Rule" Park. Jones set forth an uncompromising Signals wink red and green affairs but that helping to ex­ external threats, and its ef­ 5. Whereas the UNYF syim- was nominated for mayor of interpretation of the Monroe BEAVER FALLS, PA., Trains quiver North and South: tinguish the creeping flame Leon Trotsky for control of forts, as well, to curb Com­ pathizes with the continuous Toledo by the Republican par­ Doctrine in very strong terms NEWS-TRIBUNE: "Gas is vi­ Time eternally running be­ would be. the Communist machine in munist fifth column activities fight for freedom of Ukrainian ty and elected, but when he Both England and America tal to the general well-being tween There is an intriguing in­ Russia in 1924, a blueprint of in Canada. youth in its homelands . .. later advocated municipal own­ feared war would result as a and we want at all times an His mouth and her mouth. consistency about the conduct world conquest was drafted by 3. Whereas the Communist Be it resolved that the Uk­ ership of public utilities and consequence of this note, and assured and ample supply, at of collectivists whereever and the Stalinites. Stalin wrested Here, in this wavering hour, regime in the Soviet Union to­ rainian Youth Federation of the abolition of the private only the unwillingness of both a fair price. W,e want no Fed­ whenever they are found; but control from Trotsky and later already they day is carrying out new mass Canada send greetings to the contract system for city work, nations to engage in war eral regulation... that will this particular instance of it had him murdered. This blue­ Experience the parting, the deportations of Ukrainian underground fighters in the he lost the support of his par­ against each other—and Brit hamper the development of ad­ strikes me as being more than print of conquest according to daily dying, youth from the Ukrainian ranks of the Ukrainian In­ ty. His administration was ish government's willingness ditional gas supplies and its ordinarily droll — and reveal­ Dr. Fred Schwartz, the noted Footsteps of reality, the somber territories to forced labor surgent Army and asks very popular, however, and he to compromise — averted the transmission to our local in­ ing. Australian scholar on Com­ day camps today, and has sen­ Ukrainian youth around was re-elected as an independ­ disaster. This incident is his­ dustrial and householder munism, calls for the conquer­ And waking alone to the sound tenced thousands of freedom - the world to give strong moral, ent candidate for two more torically important because it users." ing of Asia first, then Africa, Why be on the outside? Join the of the rain and the small loving young men and women and, where possible, material terms. Samuel M. Jones was marks the last really danger NEW HOLSTEIN, WIS., Re- Ukrainian National Association to- then Western Europe, then 'to birds crying. to certain death in these camps, support to the Ukrainian known as "Golden Rule" Jones ous disagreement between Eng PORTER: "During the conflict isolate, degenerate and, If Douglas Gibson. located in Khazakhistan and freedom cause. ** 10d VVeekIy/Ч 'Ulmt,IH^Uselie^ land and the United States. between Joseph Stalin and necessary, devastate the U.S.V J AMERICAN WAY ч SOVIETS AND THE EMIGRATION і PAY YOUR UNA DUES ON TIME I / NOW IS THE TIME. V 4 that is what we have been do­ By DMYTRO ANDRJEWSKY Many secretaries of branches This is the time of year along nicely with about thirty- In Rome's Footsteps? ing. Like many other branch n of the Ukrainian National As­ six players. (3) sociation are extremely con­ officers we found that it just when most everybody's mind By GEORGE PECK In those communities where І scientious in that they are re­ does not pay to gamble with is occupied with vacation plans quidation of a long series of two or more U.N.A. lodges are *It is 165 years since Edward Reaction to Appeals of the luctant to suspend members branch funds. It is a very and ways of beating the sum­ that inevitably must end in a Ukrainian Communistss as located, it would be to their Gibbon, English historian, pub­ Bolshevik Siren who fail to pay their dues on difficult thing to explain to the mer heat. This should also be severe financial headache. Skrypnyk, Shumsky, Khvylo- credit to start the ball rolling, lished the fifth volume of his The question arises what re­ time. Usually the delinquent members at a regular meeting. The Great White Father at vy, Lyubchenko and others be­ the time, however, for bowlers literally as well as figuratively, celebrated work, '"ЇНе History action the emigration will have members finally pay the dues We have also learned that, Washington for the past twen­ cause they defended the in­ to be making plans for the fall. in organizing bowling leagues, toward these appeals of the in arrears and no harm is done, when a delinquent member of the Decline and Fall of the ty-five years has made the Ro­ Many of last season's leagues for by interesting non-U.N.A. Bolshevik siren, It will not be terests of Ukraine, after all but every so often the Main Roman Empire." Gibbons list­ man Emperors look like pikers, finds that his dues were paid groups in U.N.A. sports activi­ the same in all the emigrations this, 225,000 Ukrainians Join­ Office of the fraternal benefit already have their reservations ed five chief reasons as to why when it comes to free hand­ for him by the branch, he be­ ty, non-members will have the for different reasons. The reac­ ed the emigration and refused society receives letters from in for bowling alleys, but those the Roman Empire, the great­ outs. Paternalism, Roman comes a chronic delinquent. opportunity to learn more tion will not be the same by to return. After the new filling branch secretaries about mem­ groups who plan to organize est civilization of tta era and style, is the order of the day He pays his dues just about about the largest Ukrainian those emigres who have deal­ of the camps of Vorkuta and bers who became so indebted up to that time in history, along the banks of the Poto­ when he pleases, secure in the leagues for this winter should fraternal organization in the ings with the Soviets for 35 elsewhere with Ukrainians, a to their branches that they came to an ignominious and mac. Initiative, self-reliance knowledge that he will not be be making their inquiries now. United States. The U.N.A. Su­ years and those whose coun­ fact confirmed by foreign wit- desired to cancel their insur­ catastrophic end. It might be and thrift are rapidly being suspended. This sort of thing preme Assembly has for the tries have been seized by Red nesses, did many wish to go ance certificates, leaving the The success of the U.N.A. well for America, without replaced by sloth, dependence makes the job of the see- past several years given its Moscow in the last 10 years. If back? branch officers wondering how Bowling League of the Metro­ doubt the greatest civilization on government and waste. On Naturally, we are going to full support to an active sports among the emigres from the the branch was going to get politan New York-New Jersey of this era or any other, to Plight of DPs In Germany advise the reader, who is prob­ program among its subordin­ the tax and wasteful spending USSR there will be strong op­ the money it had paid into the Area in organizing two divi­ ponder over those five rea­ ably a member of the Ukrain­ ate lodges by subsidizing teams issues, we are outdoing the position, it will be less among It is a different fact that UNA for the insurance in ques­ sions consisting of sixteen sons,. ian National Association, to with cash grants which are worst efforts of the Romans. the countries of Central Eu­ among the Ukrainian emigra­ tion. When such a situation teams, whose operations have * pay his dues on or before the used to partially defray ex­ • rope. So, although the Mi- tion there are certain elements occurs either the branch or the been reported in this paper for 1. The rapid increase in div­ due date. By doing that the penses of athletic equipment. 3. The mad craze for pleas­ khaylov Committee talks of which found themselves abroad UNA has to lose out. If the the past several years, should member not only avoids pos­ Bowling haa always been in­ orce which undermined the ure; sports becoming every movement of the DPs to re­ accidentally. Compulsorily de­ UNA grants the branch a re­ be an inspiration to other com­ sible suspension of his insur­ cluded in this program, and sanctity and dignity of the year more exciting and more turn, in reality there are cases ported by the Germane, they fund that means that the munity-minded and sports- ance, but prevents the sec­ this should encourage the local home which is the basis of hu­ brutal. > . of this among the peoples from did not go back in the hope member involved has had in­ loving Americans of Ukrainian retary from adding another lodges to sponsor active, or­ man society. On this issue it can be said the USSR. There, will be some that they would be sent across surance protection without cost descent to form leagues in gray hair to his head. Believe ganized leagues. But, it should Let's take a look at the di­ we follow the sad example of like Vasylaki, suspected as a the ocean, but were not al­ for if he had died while the their own localities. It is not us, one thing a branch secre­ be remembered that for a vorce statistics of the U.S.A.— Rome only in part. As a na­ Bolshevik agent. Yet at the lowed to go for various rea­ branch was paying his dues necessary to have a large tary really appreciates is the league which is meant to op­ they are certainly cause for tion we are fanatically pur­ same time there returned in sons, chiefly illness. They the UNA would have had to roster of teams in order to prompt payment of dues. We erate this coming fall and win­ alarm. In 1890, there was a suing pleasure. The shorter three months of 1955 to their stayed in Germany and found satisfy the beneficiaries. And form a league, either. Six- should know, for we hold such ter, the bowling alleys must divorce for every seventeen work week has given most of fatherland some 300 Czechs themselves in very bad econ­ if the UNA refused to grant a team leagues have bad success­ a position at present. be reserved now. marriages; in 1900, one mar­ us an opportunity to indulge and more are preparing to go. omic conditions and without refund (which it has the legal ful seasons in the past, and a small community could get riage in every fourteen ended ourselves in that respect. There are various motives in­ work. They were compelled to right to do) the branch would Theodore Lutwinisk, Stephen Kurlak in divorce; by 1910, one mar­ However, we are not engaging cluding the old Russophilism live on miserable relief aid. be forced to sustain the loss. riage in every eleven went on in more brutal sports—the re­ of the Czechs, but this cannot Their true nationality is not Admirable as it may seem DREAMS the rocks; in 1920, one in every verse is actually the case. and does not exist among the always recognized, the coun­ that the branch oScera are so Service Medals — How to Get Them eight; in 1930, one ІП every * і peoples of the USSR, who have tries of their residence con­ sider them a burden, and they willing to pay the dues of de­ six; and in 1952, the last year 4. The building of gigantic been oppressed both by tsarist Many millions of service me­ cords Center, 4700 Goodfellow By Yevhen Pluzhnyk have no foreseeable chance of linquent members, the fact still for which complete statistics armaments when the real Russia and Soviet Russia. dals have been earned by men Boulevard, St. Louis 20, Mis­ improving their condition. For remains that such a practice are available, one marriage in enemy is within—the decad­ Let us look more closely at and women now living who souri. Dreams from my heart have such elements an amnesty by could and does lead to serious every four foundered on the ence of the people. the Ukrainian emigration and once served in the Armed For­ NAVY and MARINE CORPS I torn: - the. Soviets and a return to complications. Frankly, we per­ divorce shoals. Well, America is building we shall see through it the soul ces of the U.S. —write to: Chief, Bureau of Branches enfeeble the root. their country may seem a way sonally cannot see any reason As Gibbon so -truly stated, gigantic armaments to protect of the entire emigration and Naval Personnel, Awards and Tie not enough to he born— out. It is another thing that in at all why any branch should There is a medal that cor­ the home is the basis of hu­ us from enemies abroad, the understand the effect of the ap­ Decorations Division, Washing­ Life must be well understood! their country they will be met risk its meager funds to pay responds to practically every man society. With one mar­ while we permit the enemies peal toereturn. In the twenty item of fruit salad... If you are ton 25, D£!. with distrust anr suspicion from the dues of a delinquent mem­ Possibly poets are those riage out of every four now within—the Commies, the Fel­ years after World War I some entitled to wear a service rib­ AIR FORCE—write to: The the organs of the government ber; common sense tells us that Who become gray in their culminating in divorce, in many of the Ukrainians might have Air Adjutant General, Att'n low-Travelers, the Socialists and perhaps undergo persecu­ it is risky and should be avoid­ bon, there is a medal that cor- cases causing broken homes, had the illusion and returned Awards and Decorations youth. and the so-called liberals to tion and punishment. Never­ ed. Yet we have held respon­ respouds to it, except that no the basis of our American So­ to Ukraine to serve not the So­ Branch, Washington 25, D.C. Dreams, о my fancies of loss, undermine the "American theless we must reckon on the sible positions In bnnches and medals correspond as yet to the ciety is being dangerously un­ viets but their people under To ilustrate the sort of ser­ Dreams, о my visions of truth! Way" which has been the departure of these elements have found oursehes paying three Philippine service ribb­ dermined. With so many the Soviets. All the more pro­ chief source of our national We must recognize also that out branch funds for members ons awarded in WW 2. Uncle vice medala available, all those Transl.' from 'the Ukrainian disrupted homes, it is small minent persons who went back strength and well-being. Here the Soviets will call back from whom we felt were "good for Sam has plenty of medals in listed by the Army and Air bv Yar Slavutych wonder that juvenile"delinquen­ perished in one or another at -: t . •. : -. > again we, follow closely, the the West a certain number of it," and we got "stuck," too. stock (particularly WW 2 vint-iForce are listed belowi World the hands of Bolsheviks. Now cy is running rampant. On pattern set by Rome. their secret agents,, active One or two cases of getting age) which are available freel War П medals are listed first, after 35 years of Moscow-Bol­ the divorce issue America fol­ • among the emigres as we have stuck, however, convinced us to any veteran who is entitled!since a smaller proportion of 7: Army of Occupation Me­ shevik rule, the destruction of lows the dangerous course pur­ 5. The decay of religion; said, so as to give an example that it would be safer and to wear the corresponding rib-' these have been claimed. dal sued by Rome prior to its fall. the Ukrainian scholars and fading into a-mere form, losing wiser to suspend delinquent bon, if he has not already been 1. American Defense Service 8. Medal of, Human Action • touch with life and becoming writers in Ukraine, after the to other. members, even our friends, and awarded that medal. If he has Medal ' ? -. trial of the Union for the Lib­ 1-і . . . £. NaMqftali Defense Service 2. Ні$йгчла4ї1игЕет1 taxes impotent to guide the people. , 1. already been awarded a medal 2. Women's Army Corps^^ Ser­ eration of Ukraine in 1930, The departure.of the two Medal —the spending of money for Here, America seems not to !!»' , III' Я to Which be is entitled and vice Medal after the artificial famine of categories of emigres cannot A10. Korean Service Medal free bread and circuses, be traveling the primrose path­ wishes a second for a good re­ 3. American Campaign Medal 1933, organized by the Bol­ change the attitude of the Uk­ very, bdiefiy how the Soviets are It is hafidly neoejsaary for me way trod by Rome. During the ason, he can, with proper au­ 4. Asiatic-Pacific Campaign 11. Armed Forces Reserve sheviks to stifle Ukraine and rainian political emigration to­ using the fact of the existence to etate that in this category, past few years, there has been thority, purchase one through Medal Medal causing the death of about в ward the Kremlin or their of the Ukrainian SSR, and at the United States із emulating a reawakening to the spiritual the U.S. Mint or his branch 5. European-African-Middle 12. United Nations Service million persons, after the li- opinion of it in tba free world. the .same time the spokesmen the tax situation that existed values on which America was of the service. Eastern Campaign Medal Medal Nevertheless the Bolshevik ac­ of the West do not recognize in Rome's halcyon days before founded. Increased church If a veteran believes he is 6. WW2 Victory Medal 13. Good Conduct Medal. tivity for repatriation will put even the existence of a Uk­ the bubble' burst. Our Federal, membership and attendance entitled to certain specific med­ before the Free World the task rainian State and the states of State and local .Governments are two evidences that our been reinstated in the minds als, he may request them by of caring for the improvement the other peoples of the USSR have been on a spending binge motto "In God We Trust" has and hearts of the' American name. If he is not certain he of the conditions of life among but still adhere to the old for­ people. the emigres. Even their pover­ may send a request to the pro­ mula of non-predetermination ANNUAL CHILDREN'S PICNIC ty and need serves the Mikhay- per office and simply ask that 4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA»nnAAA^ To sum up, America danger­ which denies even what those lov committee as an argument he receive all the medals to ously parallels the sad ex­ peoples have under the So- < PLAN YOUR VACATION AT to blacken the "capitalistic which he is entitled. These are Sunday, July 24,1955 ample of Rome on four of the vites. The Free World prom­ і IE world" .for its indifference to indicated on his service record CHURCH PICNIC GROUNDS five counts listed by Gibbon as ises that right to "self-deter­ < human sufferings and thus to зп file. having caused the decline and mination" which the peoples of E. Brldgewater, Mass < SOYUZIVKA undermine the confidence of Requests for medals should downfall of that once great Re­ the USSR have already exer­ і the Soviet peoples in it. be addresed as follows, each Field Mass 11 A.M. public. This columnist hopes cised. veteran writing to his own < and prays that America, hav­ Free World Errors Must Be Even if the activity of the Bus leaves from 136 Arlington St., Boston at 9:30 A.M. branch of the service (and see­ і ing started.to reverse its course Corrected Mikhaylov committee does not ing {hat the full name, add­ і oh the fifth count, this now basically change the attitude of JOLLY ANN'S ORCHESTRA. The most Important task is ress, and service serial number і great Republic will awaken to the emigration from the USSR, Good Food, Dancing, Games & Surprises to correct those political errors, are printed clearly). і the grave danger inherent in it can effect unfavorably the which the free world is com­ ARMY—write to: Commanding Sponsored by < the other four. position of the West behind the mitting in political area, espe­ Officer, Military Personnel Re- St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Parents Committee D) < cially in the case of the p Iron Curtain. This possibility of Boston, Mass. | і WHY BE ON THE OUTSIDE V pies enslaved by the USSR. must inspire the workers in the international field to oppose the і (JOIN THE UKRAINIAN This is the weakest point in the struggle of the West against the Bolshevik activity and efforts < NATIONAL ASSOCIATION І Coviets. We have mentioned to compromise the West TODAY і through appropriate actions. U.C.Y.L. Pre-Convention Picnic І These can take the form of a Universal Declaration of Inde­ і host . Career Opportunity pendence directed to the na­ І in the heart of the Catskill Mountains THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION tions oppressed by the Soviets SS. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Cath, Church Aside from all already established conveniences, this year a and especially to those who 4 NEEDS 1 great many improvements have been added are Buffering from the Bolshe­ Spend Your Vacation! < A new bonding the villa "Kiev" with two adjoining bufld- viks in two ways, socially and at the bigs, and fifty more acreage of property, have been purchased • ORGANIZERS SUNDAY, JULY 24,1955 -12 noon till? i nationally. It is only in this to house and give more comfort to the many guests expected TO ENROLL NEW MEMBERS * to vacation at the "Soyuzivka." way that the West can main­ Ukrainian Resort at WAYSIDE PARK і All rooms ki the "Soyuzivka" villas have been newly Salary open — good opportunity. tain the confidence of these Bound Brook Road, off Route 22, Dunellen, N. J. , painted and furnished very tastefully. in For full particulars write to: peoples in the free world end Most important of all an automatic fitter has been installed OLEN SPEY, N. Y. Refreshments Music by OLEY BROS. * hi the swimming pool which will keep the water crystal clean UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION thus support their hope for }Most Beautiful Summer Resort 4 at all times. Further plans are being made to install another pool P. O. Box 76, Jersey City 3, N. J. liberation. in the Catskill Mountains Proceeds to go to BURSE at the newly, acquired, "Kiev" property. , For the season there are being planned many cultural and The End Many Private Rooms ш entertaining programs for the vacationeers. 2 The Ukrainian Cultural Courses at the "Soyuzivka" will be Ukrainian Kitchen J greatly expanded this year. r The rates remain same as previously: from $40.00 to $60.00 i!2-acre Lake with Sandy Beach, Application for Admission 4 weekly. "*C»" UKRAINIAN DAILY RADIO PROGRAM NEW YORK ^ Swimming • Boating • Fishing TO THE Make your reservations nowl Mail the below reservation \ Tennis • Shuffleboards | _ blank with deposit to • Ukrainian Cultural Courses, Other Sports \ J UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ESTATE • VMA. ESTATE, KERHONKSON, N. Y. щ Fifth Annual Picnic Kerhonkson, N. Y. Come and see to convince your-' at the UKRAINIAN VILLAGE — BOUND BROOK, N. J. August 2 to 30, 1955 • 'self or write lor catalogue to^ 4 UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASS'N. ESTATE Name AMERICAN UKRAINIAN ' Kerhonkson, N. Y. — Telephone 8105 SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 RESORT CENTER Address і Name (•••.-•. Park open from 10 A.M. OLEN SPEY, N.Y. '• Address • Music — Dancing — Surprises TcL: Port Jervis 48106 persons, у і Aje Member of U.N.A. Branch Enclosed is reservation deposit 5 for Buses leaving every hour from 9 to 12 from: I t. 2. St. George's Church, E- 7th St., New York City Ability to speak Ukrainian: slight, lair, good. • St. Vladimir's Church E. 14th St., New York City 3. '.Й 4 Enclosing deposit of $ Date of arrival ..7;. * Time Ukrainian Center, 180 William St., Newark, N. J. Samopomich, Essex Street, Jersey City, N. J. (Total Fee for the Courses Is $120.00. A deposit of ball of tUs for weeks. BY AUTO: Route 22 to Bound Brook, N. J. amount b required with Application.) 0W V ¥ W ЧИНЕ ЧГ WW f¥»VV У ЧИТУ BVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WKEKLY;SECTION, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 No. 135 —— і ' явяащвяшшшшшг+швшяшшшшявятшаш- шовшися на Софійській пло­ щі, запалити там ватру пере­ ЛИСТЗАВСТРАШЇ моги. (Від пластунки Оксани Тар- Подібна була програма гри наяської, кошової у Мелборні, і для пластунок, що теж різ­ Австралія) ними дорогами, слідкуючи за Хочу поділитися з Вами знаками і вживаючи компа­ споминами із Пластового Ти­ са, мали зайти до Києва, пере­ жня, що його влаштовувала магаючи по дорозі різні пе­ наша Станиця у днях від 1 решкоди. до 8 травня ц. р. Ще не зовсім добре розгорі­ Тиждень цей розпочали ми У ТАБОРОВИЙ ЧАС ПЛАСТОВІ ДНІ ВЕСНИ МЕТРОПОЛІ- лася „босва акція" — як на­ пластовим фестином, що про­ сунулися хмари, загриміло і Починається гарячий, літній час, а для пластунів — це йшов із великим успіхом. На ТАЛЬНОЇ ОКРУГИ пустився зливний дощ, а за закінчення фестину ми пов­ час таборування. Це ті вимріяні дні, коли то далеко позаду ним град величини добрих j ^р^," загальне домаган'- Щорічні на залишаються мури міст, а природа: ласкава і зрадлива, пластові „свята іспанськими скавтамн в Па­ горіхів. Чи перервалася гра? усміхнена та повна непередбачених небезпек і труднощів — весни" — це початок періоду сейку і попитали — чи не по­ Ні, юнаки, без ніякого нака­ ня громадянства, дитячу опе­ ретку М. Лнсенка „Коза-Де­ дозволяє пластунові провірити, наскільки скріпив він свої таборування й мандрівок піс­ лічили б вони нам. Ті ска­ зу, далі продовжували пробн- сили, зручність та смілість протягом останнього року. пали: певно, бо які ж ми бу­ реза". Протягом цього тижня Оркестре Пластової Станиці у ФаладрлфіІ під дир. пл. сен. ля довгої зими. Пластуни ратися лісовою гущавиною до р^ перевели люблять природу й весну і як ли б скавти, якби не помага­ ьсі гуртки та Володимира Масюка під час Свяченого в дві 1 травня ц. р. Вже під цю пору відбуваються, або й відбулися деякі визначеної мета, серед гус пластові заробітки. На закін­ пластові табори. У гарячці перших днів годі було зібрати із тільки зазеленїг трава — спі­ ли другим!" - На долині відбувасться пе­ того дощу розпалили ватру чення тижня влаштовано них всіх ширші описи чи то світлини. Вони надійдуть щойно шать у вільний простір радіти в.Кпсві і, співаючи, вернули­ новим сонцем. Зміст „свята регляд шатер юначок. Гурт­ Свято-Юріівську ватру. З О. Ольжиг до чергового числа. ся до табору, несучи запалені уваги на несприятливу осін­ весни" висловлюється слова­ ки зібрані в лавах перед сво­ Та зате з приємністю подаємо матеріали, що зображу­ головні, щоб ними запалити ню погоду, ми були змушені ють життя пластунів так у різних частинах світу, як І в різ­ ми пластової пісні, яку зви­ їми шатрами, на тлі зелених ПЛАСТОВИЙ КАПЕЛЮХ довкільних лісів відбиваються Велику Ватру днів весни. відбути її в залі Народнього них Пластових Осередках у ЗДА. чайно співають, зібравшися є Понеділок, останній з .днів Дому, а не, як звичайно, се­ Спільнота змагань, однаковість мети дає змогу пласту­ колі: сині й червоні нашийні хуст­ Він висить в мене в хаті на стіні, ки пластунок, повівають на весни" блистів росою після ред природи. широкополий, трошегки прим1ятий, нам зрозуміти один одного. Байдуже, чи таборує він у літ­ „Вітай, весно, вітай поміж нічних туч, але вони про­ Сум огорнув пластові сер­ ньому сезоні — в березні — в Аргентині, чи змушений па­ нами, невисоких щоглах гурткові і ось, здасться, нині вже в десяте прапорці. І тут зразковий по­ йшли і небо було чисте. Пла­ ця у першій хвилині, коли киває і всміхається мені. лити штучну ватру з огляду на погану осінню погоду в Тобі ми співаєм пісні, стуни й пластунки станули засіли всі навколо так довго травні в Австралії. Чи, перебуваючи в Америці, вчиться віт- Тн щастя і радість рядок, дбайливість. Деякі гуртки пишаються своїми май | в рівних лавах до перегляду очікуваної ватрн. Бо не шу­ Він оптиміст, яких с мало в світі, рильннцтва. чи допомагає розбудовувати українську науку приносиш міли кругом нас ялиці, не стерно побудованими мініа­ Сірим Левом, опісля святоч­ і ось, здасться, нині вже вдесяте на еміграції, чи в Німеччині старається врятувати просто Для юннх всіх нас мерехтіли зірки і не тріско­ тюрними поленими кухнями, но були вперше зав'язані От і тепер: попробував би ти перед загрозою фізичного каліцтва — якнайбільше українсь­ • " пластунів!" тіло веселе багаття, тільки інші орнаментами з камінців жовті хустки найменшим но­ шість місяг{ів так на цвяху гипіти! ких дітей. Цього року пластуни Ню мертве світло штучної ватри перед шатрами. вакам, складали пластове Якої праці не вимагали б обставини, яких питоменно- Иорку й околиць • зібралися приречення юнаки й юначки. падало на задумані обличчя, Але! Близька вже — довгождана путь Дні весни '•—я к і вся діяль­ 88 0 юні стей в стилю пластування не накидав би клімат,, яких родів на свос весняне свято в днях На спортовому майданта-Іо^У * постаті, заслу­ по пралісах, по долах і по горах. зайнять не вможливлювало б життя саме в даній країні посе­ 30-31 травня на оселі в Іст ність Пласту цього літа — Знов дощ і спека і роса і порох — ку докінчувалися змагання у хані у зворушливі слова лення, пластун є всюди пластуном. Його чоло гордо підне­ Четгем. В погідну суботу з провадиться під гаслом: „Ки­ Станичного. від кого, а від нього не втегуть! відбиванці. стусані кулею, до­ сене назустріч негодам, а усмішка на його лиці — це ус­ автобусів, що доїздили до їв". На гугірках і гурткових Але не довго володів сму­ ріжками проходить біг на­ На голові незругно неспокійній мішка людини, що вміє опанувати кожні обставини та екер­ соріт оселі, почали висипати­ зайняттях взимі й весною ток пластовими серцями, — впростець. Це остання група він буде озиратись навкруги: ну вати їх для добра Ідеї. ся пластуни й пластунки — пластуни багато довідалися загомоніла пісня', посипалися в загальному точкуванні гурт­ ,Ду й небеса, і де їх береги? залі й більші разом із на- про вигляд, історію й пам'ят­ жарти, блиснула усмішка на ків. А хмари, а простори вітровійщ! плечннками, шатрами, пра­ ки столиці. ТІровіркою цих новацьких личках та немов На кінцевій збірці проголо­ порцями й іншим ви рядом. знань мають! бути „терено- залалила-ожианла холодне шено переможців — це Під­ Наплегник, він обвис немов мертвяк, КУРС ВІТРИЛЬНИЦТВА Починали залюднювати бу­ ачені на неді- світло ватрн; розігнала при­ ш гри , пр готовчий Курінь юначок ім. а підтягнися, посоромся, брате! динки . при долішній площі, ГурткИ юна- давлюючу кімнатну тьму, — Крайовий Вншкільннй Курс і перед учасниками Курсу. На лю пополу О. Степанівної з Джерзі Си­ Ґедзь пролетів... (мале, але завзяте!) Вовчу поляну на горі, де роз- Кнїв". Тре- привернула бадьорість і вще­ Вітрильннцтва ім. Р. Шухе- j святочному закінченні • під ків „здобу ті і Юнацький Гурток „Рись" і що це ноги шкандибають так?" таборилнея гуртки юнаків, і ба прок ся від одного пила нову силу до боротьби вича відбувся на острові час якого трос учасників о- икту до друго- з Пасейку. Провідники обох травистий схил коло купаль­ командного із трудами, що їх приносять Увєгорі ж — о, де узяти мови! — держали відзначення за свою атн накази про гуртків гордо тримають здо­ „Хортиця", що міститься на ного басейну, де розклали го, там ді будні емігрантського життя. Ліс — горна прірва. Небо — оксамит. зразкову пластову поставу, рям походу, а буті золоті чаші. посілості Українського Інсти­ свої шатра гуртки юначок."— дальший н І немов читалося із розмрі­ А ватра, ватра — дивовижний світ всі пластуни та пластунки, тн на різні пн­ Дні Весни — це не збірки яних облич одне спільне ба­ туту Америки в Бабилоні, в Добре розтаборення — це теж відпо Золотоцвітний сад казковий! • що успішно закінчили Курс ів. Перед „Хвас- в лавах і святкові промови — жання, — щоб ця хвилина часі від 26-го червня до 3-го підписали зобов'язання, що важлива справа, бо ,,табору­ тання про з членів кожно- але передовсім щира радість, тривала якнайдовше! ' Брати, в нас дужий і зухвалий сміх, липня ц. р. Командантом Кур­ будуть не лише самі плека­ вання" це один з предметів товом" один су був ст. пл. поучннк О. омить ногу" що вже прийшла весна і що Але, що гарне, — те ско­ усе пригадане тут — не єдине: ти морське пластування, але точкування пластових гурт­ го гуртка Стежки далекі, сонце й верховини Гаврилюк, ЧМ, скіпером ст. ків у загальному змаганні за після дощу засвітило сонце. ро кінчається. Відспівано мо­ теж в найближчому часі пе­ йому треба іробитн перев'яз­ ми відшукали у собі самих. пл. Н. Кольцьо, ЧМ. Учасни­ реведуть навчання вітриль­ Перехідні Нагороди — чаші, ку, зладити/ ноші й понести Розсипаються вирівняні ряди, литву і спільним „На добра­ ніч" закінчено ще один та­ ки Курсу, що творили дві ннцтва — цього прегарного які є цінним трофеєм і здобу­ далі — до І.Махнівкв", де є юнацтво облягає серед пло­ кий важливий і дорогий мо­ хлоп'ячі залоги та одну ді­ водного спорту для наступних ти їх — це амбіція кожного санітарний пункт. За „Соко- щі Сірого Лева, щоб з ним мент у житті кожного плас­ вочу, вивчали під фаховим груп юнаків та юначок. гуртка- Рівночасно закипіла лівкою" — починається .вже попрощатись і разом потіши­ ЧИ МОЖУТЬ ВОНИ РАДУВАТИСЯ І ЦЬОГО проводом скіпера три голов­ праця над приведенням до територія, сильно оборонюаа- тися н поспівати весняних пі­ туна та пластунки нашої Місцеве українське грома­ Станиці. ні морські вмілості а це: пла­ дянство, що .майже в Цілості порядку таборових площ — на ворогом^ Там треба пере­ сень. Образ свобідної, без­ ЛІТА - ЗАЛЕЖИТЬ ВІД НАШОЇ Нерадо розходились нова- вання, веслування і зокрема складається з тут народже­ група юнаків заходиться ко­ правитися через ЛИНВОВИЙ журно! й розспіваної пласто­ ченята домів. Ще довго лу­ орудування вітрильним суд­ них українців, незвичайно ло поставлення двох нових міст через річку Лнбедь, і вої громади напевно залиши­ ЖЕРТВЕННОСТЙ'. нав у залі гомін розбавленої ном. З огляду на важливість височезних маштів. Інша гру­ за окремим для кожнрго гур­ ться найдовше в згадках всіх чами, які ми одержали від сердечно та зі справжнім зро­ дітвори. І наповнювались ра­ В бюлетені Кранової Плас­ поширення ідеї морського па ставить палеві вівтарики тка наказом, зайняти окре­ учасників свята, наших друзів з Америки, арі зумінням слідкувало за на­ дістю і новою надією серця тової Старшини в Німеччині: пластування серед вашої мо- для відправи Богослужевь, в му частину міога і потім, зій- П. Б. знайшли тільки кілька пар шими 'пластунами. Останньо­ новацьких сестричок та брат­ ...З'їхалися наші молоді й бараку вже стукотать машин­ взуття, і ,то„малі числа. Ре­ го ді курс, вДтрильняіцтва сто-іго дня перебування пластунів чиків, бо вони побачили, що наймолодші орлята, врадува­ ка, — Це вже робиться „од­ шту речей становили светер- в під спеціальною' "опікою'у Бабилоні активні громадЛ- їхній труд не даремний. Хо­ ні, що їхні минулорічні ба­ ноднівка" свята весни, кухня кн. суконки'' білизна і т. Тн. Їрайовнх Комяндантів. Вони нн гостили всіх членів Кур- ЯК пАГГАБОРУВАЛОСЬ В ПУНТА ДЕЛЬ лодне світло штучної ватри жання — зустріч у пластово­ теж не дармус, готуючи ве­ На цьому місці муяіу' звеі&- брали участь у всіх святоч-' су як теж ККП-ів і П-ок обі- не зуміло придавити того во­ му таборі — завдяки жертвен- ) : черю для пластунів, число я- J нутнея до Наших друзів, та них хвилинах табору та під- дом, на' якому присутні під­ гню, що розігрівся в новаць­ ності приятелів та друзів із-за кнх досягав 400, і для нема­ подруг в Дмериці: щиро дя­ креслювали обов'язок піонір- креслювали важливу вихов- ких серденьках. І цей вогонь океану сповнились... щоб ви­ лого числа гостей. (Пластові Табори в Аргентині) куємо за' переслані ре,чї, бо ської праці, що лежатиме в ну працю, що її веде Пласт — живий, гарячий, переда­ користати табори для гарту ч вони дуже, придалися дітям, найближчому майбутньому j на американському терені. — Що вам, наприклад, гово­ Вратчикн: ст. пл. БандрІвськнВ ний дітворі впорядниками, — характерів та сили, потрібних Під вечір всі стають до рять такі йисння і прізвища: Микола, ст. пл. Шепаровач Во­ але просимо конечно зверну­ горітиме вічно і запалювати­ для сповнення пластових о- збірки на свіжо втоптанін Дмитро Форхусяк, Іван Лаврук, лодимир і їх помічникн-кшаки. ти більшу увагу' на зборку Назви роїв: 1. „Вовченята" ме все нові серця майбутніх бов'язків, щоб зберегти укра­ ( траві, комендант днів весни Федь Ткачук? їнську душу серед чужинного дитячого взуття. Пік вітає Верховного Отама­ Або: Олексі Грнгорчук і *«го їм. Дм. Формусяка, ройовий По- поколінь. ДЕЩО З ФИЛАДЕЛФІЙСЬКОЇ СТАНИЦІ горецький Юрій; 2. „Орли" їм. дозвілля і в цей спосіб „Сла­ Багато дітей приїхало, ма­ на — Сірого Лева, що, не зва­ ІВ. Лад рука, ройовий Ляпннсь- ву Україні придбать"... Филаделфійська Пластова ступи, то треба тут згадати гор­ На закінченні хочу ще по­ ючи незадовільний стан здо- дість нашої Станиці — нашу жаючи на особисті невигоди, кнй Ярослав; 3. Рій „Тигри" ім. доров'я." ' Станиця—одна- із иайчксленні- Ф. Ткачука, ройовий Середюк відомити, що нашим новач­ А потім читаємо у звідом- пгох на терені З'сдинених Дер­ струнну оркестру, що, крім ви­ таки прибув, щоб зустрітися „Не зважаючи на певні Олег; 4. (перший рій новачок) кам та новакам дуже подо­ ленні таборового лікаря, пл. жав Північної Америки. Понад ховного вплину на своїх чле­ з молоддю, підносяться пра­ їм. братів Порнщуків, ройова сен. д-ра Мрица, таке: труднощі з приводу неспри­ три сотні пластунів згуртува- нів, приносить ще ft подив і бався журнальчик „Готуйсь". пори *— і так починаються Дика Рогданна; 5. (другий но­ „Мала кількість учасників ятливої погоди, пластова мо­ ні у чотирьох Уладах під вмі­ признання громадянства. А мас вачок) їм. Юри Григорчука, ро- Вони його радо купують і з лим проводом пл. сен. В. Ма- чим гордитися Станиця, бо офіційно „дні весни". юнацьких таборів (49) не до­ лодь у великому завзятті про­ сва Путикеввч Звеянслава. захопленням чикають. сюка. Територіально члени Ста­ коштовні Інструменти закуплені Неділя вітає всіх ясним „Червона Калина" — це табір зволяє зробити якісь виснов­ водила всі запляновані про­ ниці розкинені по цілому про­ та спроваджені аж з Европн. сонцем і синім небом. Після юначок в числі 19. Росві: пл. Здоровлю щиро пластовим сторі Фнладслфії, але збірним Треба неправду подивляти хист ки ЩОДО фізичного стану на­ грами, щоб виповнити наказ ранішнього піднесення пра­ юн. Василнк Марта і пл. юй. привітом — шої молоді в Німеччині. Впа­ Пластового їіроводу. пунігтом сходин та зустрічей S та витривалість станичного пл. Юрків Юлія. Опікунка новачок Скоб! „Український Центр", де на­ сен. В. Масюка, що з різнород- порів — Богослуження. і, юначої; п. ішк. Ольга Банду­ дає однак в око, то під фі­ Роз'їжджаючись, пластова проти Катсдрального храму пи­ ннх талантів молодих адептів Юнацькі табори на горіш­ ра Сестричка Оксана зичним оглядом старші річ­ молодь прощалася, як ножно* шається новозакупленнй Дім музики створив добре зіграну ній поляні під лісом — зра­ (кошова) Пластової Станиці. та певну себе оркестру. Під кінець табору склали ді­ ники виглядають краще, ніж го року, з тим гарячим ба­ зок порядку і справносте. — ти новацькі проби: першу та молодші. Вони є вищі, як на жанням зустрічі на наступ­ Рух і гамір молоді та веселі Довгу систематичну працю у- Щоб перемогти других —1 не другу. Першу, на „жовтодзю- свої літа, та мають кращу оклики юнацтва G найкращим труднювала обставина, що Ста­ ба" — 6, другу на „юне віряя" ний рік, виїжджала з табору зовнішнім виявом. Що у Стани­ ниця не мала приміщення для вистачить тільки рівно по­ — 12. Найкращі осяги здобули: З ПЛАСТОВОГО вагу. Ще виразніше виступає з вдячністю до Вас, дорогі ці кипить пластова праця. А сходин гуртків чи Куренів. ставити шатра. ,. треб. а..,., докл. а нов. Козьолковська Люба і нов. це у дівчат, які є вповні фі­ Добродії та Друзі, що завдяки праці тісї доволі, починаючи Та цього року давня несміла' ста всіх заходів і вннахідля- Василнк Ігор. Дуже добрі ви­ ЖИТТЯ зично розвинені. Рівно ж у Вашій жертвенності й увазі від сходин новацтва, а на схо­ мрія стала дійсністю: Пласт сліди мали: нов. Сацюн Олег, динах сеньйорів кінчаючи. закупив свій власний ^дім. Що­ востн для того, щоб табір ви­ нов. Погорецький Ю, нов. Ли- 4. Курінь УСП-ок „Лісові дівчат є додатковий приріст мала змогу перебути в рідно­ ваги в кожному річнику. Ця гармонійність поміж гро­ правда -• він ще не повністю глядав якнайбільш естетично пннськнй Роман і нов. Івасівка Мавки" в Ню Иорку склав за му пластовому оточенні, те з мадянством та Станицею стано­ сплачений, але найважливіше й привабливо. Отже тут і ви­ Аскольд. Решта виказали доб­ ініціативою курінної пл. вірлн­ ...Фатально виглядає спра­ вірою, що зможе „Славу У- вить гарні умовний зовнішньої осягнено: пластові частини ма­ багливі парканці з біло! бе­ рі успіхи. ці Галипн Полтавченко суму ва з взуттям. Переважна біль­ країні придбать!.." праці нашої пластової організа­ ють місце на сходини, а Ста­ „Маківка"—табір юнаків під 50 долярів для Европейського нична Старшина може плану­ рези, вигадливі сушарні для Відділу Наукового Товариства шість дітей мала одні чере­ Скоб! ції. шатрами. Два шатра для роїв Пл. сен. Дея'яи Пеленськнй, Поки розглянемо муравлнну вати систематичну працю. одягу й начиння, нарубані й Підтаборк „Маківка", „Чер­ ft одно булаане. У дальшій від­ їм. Шевченка у Сарселі, Фран­ вики, і то подерті або легкі внутрішньо-виховну працю гур» Наглядній зовнішній праці у рівно поскладані дрова для вона Калина" і „Лисоня" — далі від забудувань оселі. Стан ція, та одержав від нього лис­ сандалики. В пачках із ре­ Голова КИС у Німеччині нічому ке уступас тиха мурав- ~ 27. товно щиру подяку „за зрозу­ ків та Куренів, пригляні-мосж підпалин, повнрізьблювані вертаються з теренових, міння для потреб української коротко праці Станиці, як ,ці- лнна праця Кошів під проводом зайнять, Загальна команда таборів: лости. Станиця бере часто у- Кошовоі пл. сен. О, Гснґало та стовпи-тотемн з гуртковими ст. пл. Василнк Михайло — ко­ науки". чнеть у загально-громадських пл. сен. М. Утриска. Чисельний знаками, уложені з білях ка­ фото: ст. пл. Д. Пснцак мандній- таборів, пл юн. Клим Комітет для вшанування 40- головно вістками із недавньо­ ціональне виховання у таборі", стан Коша Пластунок — 184 мінців курінні й пластові від­ Маруся — писарка, ст. пл. Пон- ліття внмаршу УССІв склав го таборування в Пунта дель пл. сен. ^." Гойднш: „Праця виступах, за що заслужено зби­ брат Юра. Михайло Мнцка- Індійо, як теж численними рає похвали від громадянства. новачки, юначки та старші пла­ знаки, рівно загладжені до­ цак Дмитро — інтендант. письмово щиру подяку Пласто­ Команди та Булави табору", Багато із нас пригадує добре стунки. Тут теж вчислена дуже нок. Василь Палійчук? Спільні збірки були на ра­ ві за активну участь та допо­ світлинами та Ідеологічними пл. сен. О. Колодій: „Спорт у величні дні Евхаристійно-Ма- активна стежа „Вірлнці" в Чес- ріжки — там, де вчора ще Вже більше відомі: Софія Га- нішню молитву, піднесення пра­ могу в улаштуванні Святочної статтями. Сторінка добре від- таборі", пл. сен. 3. Корчннсь- рійського Конгресу у Филадел- стер під проводом ст. пл. Теодо- був незанмадин ліс. Очевид­ лечко, Олена Степанівна! порів, щоденну Службу Божу Академії в честь УСС в Ню дзеркалюс наполегливу працю кого: „Гоеродарська сторінка сії МатківськоІ-Кушнір.. Отже бачите, ЕОНИ то по 40 та прохарчування. Спеціяльні Иорку, підчеркуючи при цьо­ пластових впхопників над мо­ таборування?*; пл. сен. Л. Храп- фіі. Львяна частина праці впо- но, нічний дощ не приніс ю- роках віджили в серцях молоді лоддю у цій країні. ливоі: „Таборові обряди та ЇХ рядчиків Свята припадала на Кіш поділяс.ться на два Гніз­ накам багато клопоту, бо ша­ зайняття для кожного підтабо­ му, що пластуни — це пересм- ваших пластунів, що вив'яза­ да новачок, два Курені юначок на пластових таборах у пампі ру велись за програмою дня. ники Стрілецької Ідеї. Канадійськнй „Гомін Украї­ значення". -Дані про цьогоріч­ лися блискучо зі свого завдан­ та Осередок Праці Старших тра натягнені дбайливо і об­ Аргентини! Духовну опіку виконував о. Український Музичний Інсти­ ни" помістив із нагоди „Пла­ не таборування подав ст. пл. ня. А дисципліновані ряди пла­ Пластунок. копані рівчаками за всіма Віджили ще й „Маківка". д-р Родіон Головацький ЧСВВ, тут в Ню Иорку дарував Краг- стового Тижня" — 8-15 травня Ю. Ференце'вич, член Обласної Усі Гнізда та Курені прово­ „Червона Калина' fl ..Лисоня", сам колишній пластун. Його ц.р. „Пластову Сторінку" за Таборової Комісії. На відправі стунів в одностроях одержали правилами таборування, а в бо так називали ь підтаборн вій Пластовій Старшині три редакцісю КрзсвоІ Пластової був теж прпявинй заступник найвищі похвали на сторінках дять добре обдуману виховну середині шатер сухо, як би гутірка на першій святочній пісні, композиції проф. Неділь- Голови Краг.воІ Пластової Стар­ нашої преси. працю. Впорядниці новацьких Третього з черги „Ненаситця в ватрі, про „молодь, що просла­ ського до слів Л. Храплнвоі Старшини в Канаді. У ній між роїв відбувають постійно сходи­ дощу і взагалі не було. Ко­ ІІунта дель Індійо. вилась в Історії народів" (ста- іншими зверненням Голови шини на Канаду, пл. сен. О. Щоб гідно відсвяткувати Ли­ — Важкувато, щоправда, бу­ „Огник". „Привіт Україні'' та КПС на Канаду пл. сен. Ц. Па­ Тарна вськнй, який в імені пла­ стопадові Роковини ділами, а ни, що на них спільно обмі­ місія справді мас нелегке рнинігх народів, англійців, ар­ „При пластовій ватрі", як ви­ ло їх зразу запам'ятати, язик гентинців, французів й анало­ ліїв з нагоди дня Патрона стунів з Канади побажав вн- не словами, рішила Станиця нюються методами виховання. слів зрозуміння для великої Пласту св. Юрія, стаття пл. ховникам якнайкращих успіхів відбути пластовий марш. Зав­ Матсріял для новачок подава­ завдання — вирішити, кот-1 плутався при іголошуванні гія в українській нації) — зо­ ваги Пласту у вихованні укра­ ний у приступній та зрозумілій черговим, із якого ти роя. яко­ крема в УПА, залишила неза­ сен. П. Шкурата „Український у цьогорічному таборуванні. данням цього маршу було: ви­ рий гурток найкраще розта- го шатра, котрого підтабору. Та їнської молоді. Сіон" — про значення Кнсва кликати відповідний настрій для' них формі, головно з укра­ борнвел. Звертас на себе у- бутнє враження. Дня другого липня ц.р. роз­ їнською історичною тематикою. чи Ваших прізпиш не треба ін­ Перша ватра була присвяче­ Красна Пластова Старшина у та комуиікат КПС па Німеччи­ почався Табір Кадри Внхов- серед пластунів і в той спо­ вагу табір „Рисів" з Пасейку шим запам'ятати, коли це по­ Німеччині запланувала цього ну в справі допомоги в переве­ сіб закріпити почуття традиції Гутірки часто переплітані пісня­ на пластунові генерал-хорунжо- іпщь у Марсі Дем, біля Лейк ми, грами, казками. — рівні, однакової барви й трібно ? му УПА Р. Шухсвичеві — С. року зиов широку таборову ак­ денні цьогорічних таборів. Плесід, у стейті Ню Иорк. Та-' та повагу до нашого минулого. Нам у гутірці вияснили, що цію. Табори в Німеччині, як І Дня 19. червня ц. р. відбула­ бір подуианнй в першу чергу Багато юначок з обидвох Ку­ форми шатра, бездоганно чи­ V •Чупринці, Карпатській Україні Ряд за рядом проходили гурт­ цс рядопі стрільці CC. що пер­ минулого року, мають обслуго­ ся у пластовій домівці в Ню для вишколу впорядниць; у ки та курені, тихо шелестіли по­ ренів взяли участь у пластово­ ста площа. та Тарасові Шевченкові, що їх му таборі в Іст Четгем. деякі в ші, ПОЛЯГЛИ на Ма ;івці, бо того роковини припадають v берез­ вувати теж і пластову молодь Иорку відправа виховинків, що програму входить як теоретич­ жовклі листки дерев та стели­ „Звідки вн взяли ті шат­ вимагала справа і честь наро­ із Австрії. Як і минулих років, мають вести цьогорічні пласто­ лись під ноги юнакам, як ко­ характері впорядниць. Крім при­ ні. на частин|,-так теж і „випади" писаного правильником вихов­ ра"? — питаю. ду. Впали всі п перших боях, Друга ватра, була бел про­ фінансове забезпечення цих та­ ві табори. Відправу провела пл. на прогульнії в сусідні гори А- лись у дні Великого Листопада. за виннятком останніх двох дів­ борів лежить в руках пластунів сен. Г. Коренець, Головна Ре- дірондак. Т4бір триватиме один На місці збірки відбулася свя­ ного матеріалу,-юначки під про­ „Наші власні не такі гар­ мов та веселих різноманітної- водом Кошової провели 12 збі­ чат. Миші пластові друзі при­ тея. Але кажуть, що була вона та громадянства Америки та ферентка Вишколу. В рямцях тиждень. Участь у ньому бере точна ватра, що своїм змістом ні. Але ми зв'язалися з аме- святили свої табори вммаршеві Канади. Сподіємося, що як відправи приявні (понад 60 23 пластунки —із Ню Иорку, ще більше піднесла настрій к>- рок, виключно для вивчення найбільшою в нас в Аргентині оільноручних вправ та народніх УСС в поле, а ми — перемож­ —' бо була з'єднанням горіючнх минулих років, так і тепер, во­ пластунок та пластунів) про­ Нюарку. Филаделфії, Гемстед- ваків та виконала повністю ним боям. ни не заведуть! слухали доповіді: пл. сен. Н. ту, Рачестеру. -Боффало, Гарт- свос виховне завдання. танців. та иезгоряючих сердець Вог­ Самостійний гурток старших над сотня новаків, юнаків та Наш Новацькнп Табір нази­ ненні язики з пригорщами іскор Аргентинський тижневик „У- Макаревич: „Релігійне та на- форду. Джерзі Ситі і Балтімор. Пластова Станиця дооре ро­ пластунок ..Чортополохи" влаш­ старших пластунів, згуртованих вався ..Лисоня', гира на Поділ­ злітали в небеса 1 немов несли краінське Слово" містить Плас- зуміє, що багато проблем Плас­ у новацьких роях, юнацькому ВПЛАЧУЮЧИ ЧЛЕНСЬКУ ВКЛАДКУ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО тував для Станиці Пластову Ве­ лі, в Україні. Він був найчис- привіт ві_гжд. учасників Ватр. и, тову Сторінку під редакцією ту, є проблемами загалу моло­ чірку, що пройшла з великим у- Курені та Осередку Праці Стар­ лепніший І учасників було 40. Тим. що знов віджили в їхніх і пл. сен. Павла Клина. Зміст НАРОДНОГО СОЮЗУ, ВП НЕ ТІЛЬКИ КОРНСТАСТЕ З ді, і тому Пласт у Фнлад^лфп СПІХОМ. На ній виступав між Ін­ ших Пластунів В схлад Коша два рої дівчат і три хлопців. серцях • - і сторінки багатий та цікавий, ДЕШЕВОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ЖИТТЯ В НАЙБІЛЬШІЙ в активним членом Комітету шими иовозаснований квінтет входить окреме Кодло Лісово- Опікуном і комендантом для Співпраці Товариств Українсь­ .Чортополохів" із добірною Чортівськоі Фамілії (Пл. Куре- всіх повні ів був пл сен. Ми­ БРАТСЬКІЙ ОРГАНІЗАЦІЇ. ВИ ТЕЖ.. ДОПОМАГАСТВ кої Молоді та бере участь в програмою. -гнл „Лісових Чортів"). Члени хайло Івасівка, а сестричками ПЛАСТОВА ВАТРА УНСОЮЗОВІ ШИРИТИ ПРАВДУ ПРО УКРАЇНУ ЙОГО СУСПІЛЬНИХ виступах молоді, як Кіш Пластунів під проводом Філадельфійського Кодла тво­ і братчиками: пл, юн. Аврам АНГЛОМОВНИМИ ВИДАННЯМИ, ТА СКРІПЛЮЄТЕ ПО- Свято Круг, Шевченківські Ро­ пл. сен. М. Утриска нл уступас. рять Курінну Команду „Моло­ Адріяпа. пл. юн. Сміпгкевяч Редагує Колегія а складі: ст. пласт. Леся Хриплива, пласт ЛГГИЧПЕ І КУЛЬТУРНЕ ЖИТТЯ ПРЕДСТАВНИКІВ УК­ ковини та Інші. нічим у виховній праці Кошеві дої Фамілії" Лісових ЧоЧртів. Марія, я потім на місце другої . Коли вже говоримо про ви­ Пластунок. Стан Коша — по-J Г. прибула ст. пл. Мосора сен. Богдан Кравців і пласт, сен. Ольга Кузьмович. РАЇНИ У ВІЛЬНОМУ свш. ч