www.ukrweekly.com • ^^^^^ 1 • to tke Ideate Andrews And interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian •IB®: SECTION Informative, Instructive* 81-83 Grand Street Supplement of Jersey City 8, N. J. Ukrainian Dally Svoboda УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAJhriAJT DAlhV Published by the TeL HEnderson 4-OSfl Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass* ' Association. e Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEnderson 4-10ІІ SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1955 SECTION TWO No. 135 VOL. LXBi Leon Kotchmar 1000th Anniversary of Introduction UKRAINIAN NATIONAL YOUTH Weekly Commentate Receives Ph.D. Of Christianity Into Ukraine — FEDERATION OF CANADA HOLDS . During commencement ex- BIENNIAL CONVENTION THE UNA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Theme of N. Y. Ukrainian ггcases of the University of The Ukrainian National As Maryland held on June 4th at Women's Exposition URGES XOUTH TO SUPPORT UKRAINIAN CAUSE culent dinner prepared for him the UNA, young or old, who sociation has embarked upon a College Park, Maryland, Leon by his "better-half" or hosts, for' his find will receive the Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, the Miss Ukraine branch and special campaign to raise its T. Katchmar, son of Mrs. This year is the fourth time Among them will be paint­ does not care to stop and listen rewards as listed here further individual trophies to the love­ membership. The campaign Agath Katchmar, formerly of that the Ukrainian women's ings of leading Ukrainian wom­ July 4. — A 17-year-old blue- to what is very important to on. ly misses in Ukrainian au­ was started on July 1st and 1820 8th Avenue, Watervliet, organization is taking an ac­ en artists. eyed, blonde-haired Sudbury him, Le., UNA life insurance; The beach, too, is an ideal thentic costume based on cen­ will last to the end of this year. N. Y. now residing at 27 East- tive part m the International girl was awarded' on July 3rd place to gain new members. There will also be a special tral Ukraine motifs. Goal: 3,000 new members. (2) at the dance, ball or view Road, Latham, N. Y., and Women's Exposition of the program at this affair, the the title of Miss Ukraine for banquet, the prospect is too After the tussle with the surf, the late Joachim' Katchmar, Eastern Canada as one of the Runner-up in the Miss Uk­ Summertime may appear to folk art and culture which participants in which will in much immersed in enjoying, or or the swim further out, and vas awarded the degree of highlights of a three-day con­ raine beauty and costume some to be a poor season to Artll take place in November at Ukrainian native a tire trying to enjoy himself to then the food and refresh­ Doctor of Philosophy in Psy­ vention here of the Ukrain­ event was Uliana Yavorsky of raise new members for our or­ Jie Regiment Armory Hall in sing and dance in excerpts talk seriously about any in­ ments, followed by the usual chology. ian National Youth Federa­ Windsor, Ont, and third- ganization. Some will say that New York. from "Vechernytsi" by Nls- surance whatsoever. Of course, snooze, there is always the tion of Canada. place winner was Joann Hlib- in the hot and humid weather, Dr. Katchmar was graduat­ The UkrrJnian Women's chlnsky. at both occasions, after church period when the group getx chuk of Montreal, Que. it is difficult for a UNA mem­ ed from Watervliet High Committee, which is composed One of the most important Okaana Hrycenko, daughter or at a social event, a good or­ together for a talkfest. Here, Judges who awarded points ber or a UNA organizer to School and served with the of 19 persons, headed by Mrs. duties of the work of Exhibi­ of Mr. and Mrs. Hrycenko, ganizer can plant in the mind too, is a golden opportunity tc for beauty, poise and person­ persuade this one or that one U. S. Navy in the Pacific dur- ?owzanIuk, president, started tion Committee is to publish Riverside Dr., led a field of 11 of his prospect, briefly and yet steer the conversation about ality in the contest were Mrs. of Ukrainian descent to join ng World War П. He attended preparations for the affair 3 a magazine in the English candidates in the first presen­ very effectively — which de­ one's organizational and clut Lempi Johnson, Mrs. Freda the ranks of the UNA, to be Russell Sage College in Troy, months sgo. Mow they have language containing the mam tation of the, youth organiza­ pends upon how good a sales­ ties, then to the UNA, lighth Barlow and Richard Barlow. able to take up enough of his New York, received the B.A. the exact ріала of how the ideas of- the exhibition. The tion's unique costume and man he is—the importance of but incisively, and then ex­ Costume judging was carried or her time to illustrate the legree from Bucknell Univer­ exhibition is g)ing to be con­ journal will feature an article beauty pageant at the UNF becoming a member of the U. press, politely of course, as­ through by Dr. Ellas Wachn: benefits of being a member, sity in Lewisburg, Penna., and ducted by then. about the 1000th anniversary picnic grounds, Burwaah Rd., N.A., the idea upon which the tonishment upon learning that of Toronto, an authority oh benefits flowing from the ex­ the M.A. degree from the Uni­ of the introduction of Chris­ Richard Lake. prospect will ruminate during your companions or com­ One of the lims of the Uk­ Ukrainian costumery.. Each cellent life insurance protec­ versity of Maryland. tianity into Ukraine and its his more thoughtful moments, panion are not as yet UNA rainian committee is to extend City-wide festivities, and girrl was also required i<< tion that the UNA provides, creative influence on the Uk­ particularly during the time members. A little persuasive At present he is engaged in their field of activities outside programs of the convention speak briefly in Ukrainian which cannot be,beat by any rainian religious thought and when he will be thinking about talk concerning the advantages research work for the U. S. their own organization, estab­ here during the holiday week- (most are Canadian-born) tc similar organization, fraternal culture. Another will be a spe­ himself, his family, and espe­ to all concerned of becoming Army at the Aberdeen Proving lish closer cooperation with md also saw the election of display language proficient у or commercial, as well as by cial feature article devoted cially when he will be thinking, members of the UNA is quite Grounds, Aberdeen, Maryland the Women's National Insti­ Ellas Poworoanyk of Hamil­ the tongue of their forefath­ the,benefits flowing from, what to the "Ukrainian Woman- as, most do, what would hap­ likely to make the current where he resides with his wife, tute, the latter which is spon­ ton, Ont, as Eastern UNYF ers, the UNA actually is, the foun-j soring the exhibition, as well Mother, National Worker, president succeeding Michael pen to his family in the event UNA membership drive a cer the former Clay Cassel, and 6 William Hultay of Toronto tain-head of Ukrainian Ameri­ as to renew oletand add some Women-Soldier." This will sp- Orychiwsky of Toronto, who of his sooner or later demise. tain success. month old daughter, Elizabeth Dominion president of th can life, its progress and its new elements to the exhibi­ pear in connection with the now has become vice-president, And so, perhaps, at some later Now, in conclusion, we want Ann. Ukrainian National Federn future. tion, including exhibits of dif­ 70th anniversary of the Wom­ Provincial executive. date, he may approach the to point out that, to give in Dr, Katchmar is a member tion, awarded point* for. ,thte ferent other nationality groups, en':- Movement in Ukraine. Yet, to our way of thinking, UNA organiser, in order to en­ centive to those who would of UNA Branch 13 of Water.- More than 350 delegates and aspect of the conU-Jt. it should not be difficult for roll himself in the UNA frat­ care to, and who should, en ydiet, N. Y. Having 3 yens of experi­ A special attraction of the guests from various Ontario Judges for the dance com­ anyone of us to persuade a ernal benefit order. deavor get new members for ence, the Ukrainian Women Ex­ exhibition will be the contest; and Quebec branches of the petitions were Stan Szach, non-member to become a mem­ it, the UNA is prepared dur­ position committee has in mind for the best dressed woman, in youth organization attended Dominion vice-president of the The task of gaining mem­ ber of the UNA during these ing the current drive to make GRADUATES WITH B.A. to pay special attention to Ukrainian costume. Therefore week-end sessions here and Ukrainian National Youth bers for the UNA is, however, 1 summer months. Actually, it thie following rewards:— DEGREE make better known to Ameri­ committee Is asking all women gave mass endorsatlou to re­ Federation, of Toronto; \pt. easier during the summer should be easier than during cans, native or foreign born, of New York and suburbs to solutions here directed against EUaa Wachna, Toronto; and months, be it during the week­ the other seasons of the year. Tke Rewards Miss Sophia Marko, 25, mem­ the art, culture in general, and take part in this contest. Communist aggression In the Walter MRteyko of_Suoqury^,. end, weekly, or month VSJCfr. ber of UNA Branch 204 in New tnfc history of Ukraine.
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