Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Regular Council

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Municipal District of Brazeau No. 77 Regular Council SP IP (PI MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 9410 26 9:30 a.m. p p p p r MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DATE: 94 10 26 TIME: 9:30 A.M. PLACE: M.D. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page No. Call to Order Present 1. Additionto the Agenda p 2. Adoption of the Agenda 3. Adoption ofMinutes ofthe Regular Council Meeting of94 10 13. 4. Emergent Items 5. Appointments/Delegations 1-4 (a) 9:45 a.m. Wynne Resources Limited - Green Area DispositionProcess Review p, | - information package attached. (b) 11:00Ratepayers Concerns 6. Finance Matters 5-6 (a) Cash Statement for September 30,1994 and Investment Summary to October 19,1994 - Reports attached 7. FCSS Matters 7-10 (a) Program Authorization - report attached. 8. General Matters 11 (a) Correspondence dated 94 09 30 from HonorableStephen West regarding restructuring amalgamation. - Correspondence attached. 12-16 (b) Replacement ofCouncil Chamber Chairs and Council Chamber Feature Wall - reports attached (c) Waste Management Site - Proposal Submission - proposal to be provided Monday Oct. 24th. COUNCIL AGENDA 94 10 26 17-34 (d) Review ofMGA concerns raisedby Ratepayers Association P - report attached 35 (e) PembinaCrisisConnection Society P - Correspondence attached. 36-37 (f) ASB Land Use By-Law Review Workshop - Report attached. (g) Funnel Road Reconstruction Petition - Discussion only (h) Secondary Highway Program - Discussion only 38 (i) Municipality Solitor Services - report attached IP 39-40 0) Poplar Ridge Playground - report attached (k) In Camera- Contract Grading (1) Community Advisory Committee with RCMP - report to follow from CAC member 41-42 (m) Bank ofMontrealBorrowing Bylaw - bylaw attached 9. Correspondence/Items for Information 43 (a) Correspondence dated 94 10 05 from the County of Camrose No. 22 regardingelection ofVice-President oftheA.A.M.D.&C. 44-47 (b) Correspondence dated 94 09 29 from Alberta Labour 6$) regarding Safety Codes Act Implementation 48-72 (c) Correspondencedated 94 10 05 from A.A.M.D.& C, regarding the Audited Financial Statements for the AAMD & C and Jubilee Insurance Agencies. 73 (d) Correspondence dated 94 10 12 from A.A.M.D. &C regardinggrants for municipal restructuring. 74-76 (e) Correspondence dated 94 10 12 from A.A.M.D. &C regarding power pole storage policy. PI COUNCIL AGENDA -3- 9410 26 77-78 (f) Newsletter from the Water Management Review Committee regarding policy and legislation review. 79 (g) Correspondence dated 94 10 12 from Alberta Environmental Protection regarding Canadian Heritage Rivers System Study. 80 (h) ReportfromMunicipal Managerregardingchangesin the employeebenefitplan. 81-82 (i) Correspondence fromAlbertaFamily and Social Services regarding Family Violence Prevention Month. 83-92 (j) Correspondence dated94 1007 fromAlberta Regional Co-ordination ServicesregardingRocky Regional ^ Integrated Decision. 93 (k) Municipal NewsHighlights from A.AM.D. & C, dated SrcSJ 94 10 05. 94-95 (1) Municipal News Highlights from A.A. M.D. & C, dated 94 10 12. pi 10. Question Period 11. CouncillorsReports Addendum Adjournment ai W> p} MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BRAZEAU NO. 77, HELD IN THE MJ). ADMINISTRATION BUHJHNG, COUNCIL CHAMBERS, IN DRAYTON VALLEY ON THURSDAY, 94 10 13. PI CALL TO ORDER Deputy Reeve J. Coombes called themeeting to order at 9:45 a.m. PRESENT Present J. Coombes, Deputy Reeve W. Tweedle, Councillor B. Guyon,Councillor L. Coward, Councillor L. Johnson, MunicipalManager K. Robinson, Recording Secretary R.Matthews, Planning, Development & Lands Officer PI E. Peace, Secretary, Planning, Dev. & Lands ABSENT Absent p E. Lambert, Reeve Abo in Attendance p T. Trudeau, Western Review L. Wall, Ratepayer A. Hdnrich, Ratepayer J. K. Smith, Ratepayer ADDITIONS TO Additions to and Adontion ofthe Agenda pi AND ADOPTION OFTHE AGENDA 430-94 Moved byB. Guyon to adopt theagenda with thefollowing L addition: p 9. (g) ChamberofCommerce CARRIED ADOPTION OF Adoption ofMinutes MINUTES 431-94 Moved byW. Tweedle to adopt theminutes oftheregular Council meeting of 94-09-21, withan amendment to page 11,first paragraph underRatepayers concerns; should have read "North Saskatchewan River". CARRIED EMERGENT Emergent Items ITEMS L. Johnson introduced Tammy Trudeau, the reporterfromthe Western Review. Sheis newto Drayton Valley from Hinton. Council welcomed her. PI \}\WS$®> p COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES -2- 941013 L. Johnsonreportedthat M. Buzludny had calledhim regarding the minutes ofthe August 11/94 Council meeting in which he was quoted as saving"it took 20 yearsto createthis M.D. andthat this Councilwas not goingto tear it apart." He felt that the minutes did not reflectthe comments made, could be taken out ofcontext and sounded too threatening. He suggestedthe properwording should have been "It took 20 years to create this M.D., and it was working fine now and the structure should be left alone." 432-94 Moved by B. Guyon to accept the comments from Mr. Buzludny as information. Wi CARRIED pi PLANNING, Planning. Developmentand Lands Matters | DEVELOPMENT L &LANDS MATTERS Proposed Subdivision 94/95 YH062-41 f> W1/2 OFNW 1/4 19-49-7-WSM I APPLICANT/ REGISTERED OWNER: MASTRE. BRENT HARRY F This application went before the Joint Mumdpal Planning Commission at L their September 27,1994 meeting. It was noted that the proposed subdivision complieswith our Land Use By-law wherein one residential p parcel per 80 acres isallowed. The size ofthe proposed parcel also I, complies withthe sizeofresidential parcels asdictated in ourLandUse ^ By-law. p The Joint Municipal Planning Commission recommended tothe Council of J:1 the Municipal Distnct ofBrazeau No. 77 that approval be granted, subject to the following conditions: f '• "———«•'* 2. In accordance with Section 92(1) ofthe Planning Act, the m Applicantshallenter into a Development Agreement with J the Municipal District, which shall include but not be limited ^ tothe following: P a) The provisionoflegaland physicalaccessto all | parcels being created. 3. Cashin lieu ofMunicipalReserves being paidto the j. Municipal District ofBrazeau No. 77 onthe parcel being l •• -• -created and the balanceofreserves owing be deferredto the remainder ofthe titled area. I' 433-94 Moved by B. Guyon toapprove the proposed subdivision 94/95 YH062-41 as recommended. CARRHCD \^ p COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 94 10 13 Sale ofM.D. Owned Land Review ofthe tenders received on the above noted lands were made at the September 21,1994 Council meeting. Allofferswere accepted by Council. Following a historical search of the titles, administration has confirmed that Q^ these propertiesare tax recoverylots and thereforerequirethat a By-Law be passedby Councilfor approvalby the MinisterofMunicipal Affairs. The Planning, Developmentand Lands Officerrecommendsthat first, second and finalreading be given to By-Law No. 216-94 for sale ofthe following: Lots 15 and 16, Block 17, Plan 3504 K.S. pi Lot 13, Block 2, Plan 1989 K.S. (^^ Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 199 K.S. Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Plan 1989 K.S. 434-94 Moved by L. Coward to give first reading to By-law No. 216-94. CARIUED 435-94 Moved by B. Guyon to give second reading to By-Law No. 216-94. PS) CARRIED 436-94 Moved by W. Tweedle that Councilgive unanimousconsent to hold three readings ofBy-Law 216-94. CARIUED UNANIMOUSLY 437-94 Moved by L. Coward to give third reading to By-Law No. 216-94. CARRIED Request to Permit Undeveloped Road Allowance North Boundary ofNW 1/4 23-49-7-WSM IP ! Mr. and Mrs.Greiner have requested permissionto permit the undeveloped roadallowance on the North Boundaryoftheirlands. Theselandswould be utilizedfor pasture or recreational purposes. Subjectto no objections arisingfrom the notificationprocess, Mr. and Mrs. Greiner would be granted a permit for a term not exceeding 364 days with an option to renewat that time. The permitteeshallbe responsible for anyweedson the permitted areas, and restoration to the satisfaction ofthe Municipal District ofBrazeau No. 77 at the close ofthe permit. It would be a further requirement, that either fencing be placed on the permitted landsor a written consent from the adjacent landowner be obtained for utilization of his fence. UNADOPTED COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 9410 13 ThePlanning, Development and Land Officerrecommends that Council granta permit to Jerry andRoseGreiner for utilization oftheundeveloped road allowance locatedon the North Boundaryofthe NW 1/423-49-7- W5M, subjectto the notification process. 438-94 Moved byL. Coward to approve therequest to permit undeveloped roadallowance NorthBoundary of NW 1/4 23-49-7-W5M. CARRIED W. Tweedleleftthe meeting at 10:04am. p L. Cowardleftthe meetingat 10:04am. J. Starling arrived at the meeting at 10:06am. W. Tweedle arrived at the meeting at 10:06am. L. Coward arrived at the meeting at 10:07am. PUBLIC Public Hearing - To consider Bv-Law No 210-94. being HEARING A By-Law to Adont the Ring Road Estates Area Structure Plan for BY-LAW NO. PT NW 1/4 3-49-7 WSM and Bv-Law No. 211-94. being a 210-94 a By-Law to Adont the Williams Area Structure Plan for the AND BY-LAW NW 1/4 16-49-7-WSM. NO. 211-94 439-94 Moved byB.Guyon thattheRegular Council Meeting of 94 10 13adjournintoPublicHearingat 10:00a.m.for the purposes of discussing By-Law No.210-94, being a by-law •jP> to adopt the RingRoad Estates Area StructurePlanfor Pt. I NW1/4 3-49-7 W5M andBy-Law No.211-94, being a by law to adopt the Williams Area Structure Plan for the NW 1/4 16-49-7 W5M. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 440-94 Moved byW. Tweedle thattheRegular Council Meeting of94 10 13 reconvene from a Public Hearing held to discuss By-Law No. 210-94, being a by-law to adopt theRing Road Estates Area StructurePlan for Pt. NW 1/4 3-49-7 W5M andBy-Law No.211-94, being a by-law to adoptthe —WilliamsArea Structure Plan for the NW 1/4 16-49-7 _ W5M.
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    CANADIANA REPORT " FEB - 5 1991 OF THE SELECT SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES NOVEMBER 1990 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ALBERTA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 ALBERTA Chairaun: SELECT SPECIAL COMMITTEE ROOM 403 LEGISLATURE ANNEX BOB BOOLE, M.LJL ON ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES TABER-WARNER 9718 - 107 STREET EDMONTON, ALBERTA Vice Chairman: T5K 1E4 STOCKWELL DAY. M.LJL RED DEER-NORTH TELEPHONE 422-7071 FAX 422-5266 Members: PAM BARRETT, M.LA. EDMONTON-HIQHLANDS PATRICIA BLACK. M.LA. CALGARY-FOOTHILLS FRANK BRUSEKER. M.LJL CALGARY-NORTH WEST MIKE CARDINAL M.LA. ATHABASCA-LAC LA BICHE TOM SIQURDSON, M.LA. EDMONTON-BELMONT November, 1990 Honourable Dr. David J. Carter Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Alberta The Select Special Committee on Electoral Boundaries herewith presents its Report with recommendations for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. Chairman , v.:T iCnc !, '.-.:'j--.;i'\T", \»- . M '. UN-’ VK§5 ?yjme«8» j,,?'C'"''i#', ' :. '.^ 4 .4'« m.ff'X:M'’'.y • ^'- W "*« • '? 4. 4,%« - ,.' - 1^4 •' ::: n....r-iiS' ' -.*« ,u» wion " "‘T» T^‘rrw/<!Ga-ij!^ftoaii»5^'’3' s 4 %'* '- ^ 3|i{maMll<5* JA«d“'03,l3 4:'^; T<5'. • >JV’,S ^Tmmr V'^m, ,4- :.; i^uv' . hjH&i 4 4. ^ .4 ' :’'^?‘x ifKJ.V’SI (StlflsM*^^; 4.:^iml X'LM% n^W K'JV? <«r; '4ai*af '"' •'•''' » Uml ^*j,m '>.: }&r „ :, i"';" .' ' ' ' ;' ' /' .. ; :: i :r; v'‘\ 't> ' . , '‘-m. iA '•- .' ,A p - ' ' ‘' ' ' •. :,;,r ,.';f; - ^':- '. ' , <? ,. 4ti , .. ’Vt , ; ;U blpO, ,iG , vio^oH f _ '^fmO .- ..'4 -.'»•# A‘ > A. ''' T.r ^ ! I', .' ?.; ¥ if^ . :-A. “' ' ' • :' ' : & 4 C - t^''¥raiii.
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