Chicken Siew Mai Sausage Siew Mai 鸡肉烧麦 香肠烧麦

Sweet Corn Siew Mai Siew Mai 玉米烧麦 糯米烧麦

Seaweed Skin Siew Mai Siew Mai with Crab 皮蛋烧麦 蟹柳紫菜烧麦

Baby Siew Mai Bean Curd Skin with 鲍鱼烧麦 鲜虾腐皮卷

Scallop Siew Mai Xiao Long Bao 扇贝烧麦 小笼包

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. STEAMED DIM SUM

Crab Claw Dumpling Crystal Ha Kao with Black Bean Sauce 鲜虾虾饺 蟹棒与豆豉酱

Egg Pancake with Vegetable & Egg Sauce Pork Rib Plum Sauce 蛋皮蔬菜卷 排骨梅子酱

Egg Stuffed Pork Rib Black Bean with Prawn Paste Sauce 日式豆腐酿鲜虾 排骨豆豉酱

Sichuan Chicken with Dumpling Sauce 麻辣鸡肉饺 排骨豆豉酱

Steamed Crab Ball Crab Stick Ball with with Superior Sauce Black Bean Sauce 蒸蟹棒丸 蟹肉棒丸配豆豉酱

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. STEAMED DIM SUM

Prawn Rice Noodle Seaweed Roll with Roll with Soya Sauce 豉油鲜虾卷 紫菜卷配蚝酱

Mushroom Dumpling Glutinous Rice with Chicken 蘑菇饺 糯米鸡

Babycorn Seaweed Cauliflower Dumpling with Dumpling Oyster Sauce 海鲜椰菜花 玉米紫菜卷

Spicy Sauce with Chicken Beancurd Roll Chicken Claw with Egg White Sauce 辣味凤爪 鸡肉腐皮卷蛋白汁

Chicken Prawn Triangle with Hot Bean Sauce Dumpling 鸡肉鲜虾卷配辣味酱 鲜贝饺

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. STEAMED DIM SUM

Yellow Beancurd Prawn Meat Roll with Oyster Sauce with Chill Sauce 黄豆腐配蚝酱 虾卷配辣椒酱

Crystal Seafood Green Pan Fried Dumpling Pea Dumpling 煎饺 海鲜绿豆饺

Chicken Stuffed Squid Ink and Prawn Beancurd Dumpling Dumpling with Oyster Sauce 墨汁虾饺 豆腐酿鸡肉

Seaweed Egg Skin Roll Steamed Chicken with Egg White Sauce Spinach Dumpling 紫菜咸蛋卷 鸡肉菠菜卷

Egg Skin Crab Stick & Beancurd Seafood Roll Skin Roll with Egg White Sauce 咸蛋海鲜卷 蟹棒腐皮卷配蛋白汁

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. FRIED DIM SUM

Seafood Bread Roll Crispy Crab Claw 面包海鲜卷 with Water Chestnut 香炸蟹钳

Prawn Banana Roll Butterfly Seafood Wanton 炸香蕉卷 鲜虾云吞

Chive Seafood Lychee Roll 炸葱油卷 鸡肉烧麦

Smoked Duck Roll Seafood Bread Crumb 烟熏鸭肉卷 Roll 炸海鲜卷

Almond Fish 杏仁鲜虾卷 鱼饼

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. FRIED DIM SUM

Seafood Cake Chicken Phoenix Ball 海鲜香蒜 凤凰鸡肉卷

Shrimp Wanton Potato with 沙拉虾 炸土豆鲜虾卷

Seafood Pear Dumpling Almond Slice Fish Cake 海鲜饺 杏仁鱼饼

Lotus Roll Fish Cake Breaded Prawn Ball 莲藕鱼饼 炸鲜虾球

Radish Cake Chicken Radish Cake 萝卜糕 鸡肉萝卜糕

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. FRIED DIM SUM

Prawn Cake with Fish Spring Roll Sweet Chill Sauce 脆炸鱼饼 虾饼甜辣酱

Pear Seafood Crispy Crab Dumpling Claw Seafood Dumpling 脆炸海鲜饺 脆炸蟹棒饺

Pumpkin Cake 炸南瓜蛋糕 芋头蛋糕

Sweet Potato Ball Dough Stick 红薯球 with Prawn Mousse 油炸面团棍子配虾慕斯

Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. /

Seafood Congee Century Egg & Minced 海鲜粥 Pork Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥

Mushroom & Chicken Fish Meat Congee Congee 鱼片粥 蘑菇鸡肉粥

Meat Ball Congee Plain Congee 肉丸粥 白粥

Chicken Congee Steamed Chicken 鸡肉粥 Wanton Soup 云吞汤

Shredded Beef Daily Soup Congee 每日例汤 牛肉粥

- Vegetarian Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. RICE & NOODLE

Yangzhou Seafood Hor Fun with 扬州炒饭 Egg Gravy USD6 / USD10 海鲜滑蛋荷 USD7 / USD12

Egg Fried Rice Fried Vermicelli with Seafood 蛋炒饭 USD6 / USD10 海鲜米粉 USD7 / USD12

Seafood Noodle Soup and Chicken with Sliced Fish Fried Rice 鱼柳汤面 咸鱼鸡丁炒饭 USD8 / USD12 USD6 / USD10

Fried Noodle with Crab Golden Fried Rice Meat and Chinese Cabbage with Duo Scallop 干贝黄金炒饭 蟹柳蔬菜炒面 USD12 / USD18 USD6 / USD10

Fried Seafood Hor Fun Braised Fried 海鲜河粉 Rice with Seafood USD7 / USD12 福建海鲜烩饭 USD12 / USD18

- Vegetarian Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. BUNS

Red Bean Barbecue Pork 红豆包 叉烧包

Sweet Taro Salted Egg Red Bean 香芋包 红豆流沙包

Peanut Butter Lotus & Almond Slice 花生包 莲蓉和杏仁包

Plain Mantou Sweet 馒头 莲蓉包

Coconut Jam Prawn Crab Stick 椰子包 鲜虾蟹棒包

- Vegetarian Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes. /

Chilled Tea 西米露 姜茶

Red Bean Soup Glutinous Red 红豆汤 Bean Roll 红豆糯米卷

Sesame Ball Guilingao with Honey 芝麻球 龟苓膏配蜂蜜

Coconut Pudding Red Bean Banana 椰子布丁 Spring Roll 红豆香蕉卷

Deep-Fried Green Tea Glutinous Rice Ball with Cake Red Bean Soup 绿茶饼 糯米饭球红豆汤

- Vegetarian Dim Sum at USD2.80 nett/order Prices are inclusive of service charge and all applicable taxes.