Section 2. Jack Pine (Pinus Banksiana)
SECTION 2. JACK PINE - 57 Section 2. Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) 1. Taxonomy and use 1.1. Taxonomy The largest genus in the family Pinaceae, Pinus L., which consists of about 110 pine species, occurs naturally through much of the Northern Hemisphere, from the far north to the cooler montane tropics (Peterson, 1980; Richardson, 1998). Two subgenera are usually recognised: hard pines (generally with much resin, wood close-grained, sheath of a leaf fascicle persistent, two fibrovascular bundles per needle — the diploxylon pines); and soft, or white pines (generally little resin, wood coarse-grained, sheath sheds early, one fibrovascular bundle in a needle — the haploxylon pines). These subgenera are called respectively subg. Pinus and subg. Strobus (Little and Critchfield, 1969; Price et al., 1998). Occasionally, one to about half the species (20 spp.) in subg. Strobus are classified instead in a variable subg. Ducampopinus. Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and its close relative lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Ex Loud.) are in subg. Pinus, subsection Contortae, which is classified either in section Trifoliis or a larger section Pinus (Little and Critchfield, 1969; Price et al., 1998). Additionally, subsect. Contortae usually includes Virginia pine (P. virginiana) and sand pine (P. clausa), which are in southeastern USA. Jack pine has two quite short (2-5 cm) stiff needles per fascicle (cluster) and lopsided (asymmetric) cones that curve toward the branch tip, and the cone scales often have a tiny prickle at each tip (Kral, 1993). Non-taxonomic ecological or biological variants of jack pine have been described, including dwarf, pendulous, and prostrate forms, having variegated needle colouration, and with unusual branching habits (Rudolph and Yeatman, 1982).
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