Humanitarian Situation in Equateur Province Snapshot report, 6 October 2010 A publication of the Humanitarian Information Group (HIG) produced with OCHA’s support

The crisis at a glance • Almost 200,000 people were displaced as they escape violence due to inter-communal clashes. • Almost 114,000 people who fled their home sought protection in the Republic of Congo. • Limited access remains the main obstacles for humanitarian action. • 57,773 people have returned back to their places of origin thanks to the increased humanitarian presence.

Context • From late October 2009, inter-communal clashes in the South of the Equateur Province in the north-west of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), have triggered both internal and cross-border displacement of a combined 200,000 persons. Fighting erupted when armed elements belongings to the Enyele community launched deadly assaults on members of the Munzaya community following a dispute over fishing and farming rights. The epicentre of the violence has been in and around the town of Dongo, which normally has a population of some 97,000 but has been largely deserted following the violence. An estimated 100 people have been killed in the clashes and many others reportedly drowned while attempting to cross the Ubangi River to reach the Republic of the Congo (RoC). • Since the assault, tensions have spread to most parts of Equateur, and the national army, supported by the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), launched an offensive against these armed elements last November. The joint military forces took control of the area last December, thereby allowing humanitarian actors to start their activities to respond to the needs of the population. After a relative period of calm, during which the security situation improved, new clashes occurred during Easter, when armed elements attacked the town of , thereby causing the displacement of part of the population towards the tows of Djoundou and Liranga in the RoC. Overall, tensions, uncertainty, and fear for renewed violence, persist among the population discouraging the return in large number of the population. • These attacks on Mbandaka leads many observers to question there nature of the armed violence, and there is now a consensus that it is an insurgence with some political links.

Protection concerns • Cases of sexual violence have been reported around Dongo area, according to the task forces working on sexual violence in the South Ubangi District. Elements of FARDC are believed to be responsible for these acts. However, reliable estimates about the extent of the problem are not yet available. • The presence of unaccompanied children was registered in the area of Dongo where some children have lost their parents during the clashes.

Population movements • Some 60,000 have been internally displaced within the South Ubangi district in DRC. Over 80% are women and children. Some 114,000 people have crossed the Ubangi River into the Likouala division of the RoC, 800 km north of the capital Brazzaville and some 18,000 took refuge in Central African Republic (CAR). An estimated 70% of the displaced in RoC and in CAR are children and women. The improvement of the security situation allowed the return of some civilians to their place of origins, especially in the areas of Bozene, Bobito, Bokonzi and Dongo. In Dongo, the 57% of the IDPs having fled their homes, have now returned back thanks to the higher presence of humanitarian actors and the improvement of the security situation. Some 57,773 people have returned back to their places of origin. Despite the control of certain areas by the national army, most internally displaced persons (IDPs) remain displaced because of the persistent insecurity and lack of services in areas of return. Population fearing that inter-communal tensions could exacerbate further prefer to stay away from their homes.

Access to beneficiaries • Access to beneficiaries has improved consistently, in the last months, especially in the area around Bozene and Dongo. The persistent insecurity prevents population to return to their place of origins forcing some of them to find refuge in the forest where access for humanitarian actors is more difficult. • Humanitarian acces has been impeded by the persisting volatile security conditions, in particular around the southern area of Dongo.

Humanitarian needs and response • Humanitarian needs remain important in the Equateur Province, despite efforts made by humanitarian organizations in the area. The main concerns are for the health, nutrition and water and sanitation sectors with large part of the population living in dire need of aid. • Humanitarian organizations, such as MSF, UNFPA, UNICEF, and other NGOs, started to strengthen their presence in the area of South Ubangi District since the return of a certain calm. In order to facilitate the coordination of humanitarian assistance and access to population, an OCHA antenna was opened in Gemena and a humanitarian house was opened in Dongo by OCHA, to enable humanitarian actors to have a better presence in the area.

Education • In the Equateur Province the social service indicators lag far behind many other provinces with a depressed education system and school infrastructures in a state of ruin. In the District of South Ubangi where the conflict initially erupted there are 1,085 primary schools that accommodate 251,383 students. Approximately 904 schools with 200,110 students were heavily affected by last violence during which children stopped going to school as consequences of their displacement. • UNICEF in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) is mobilizing to rehabilitate 48 classrooms to ensure sufficient space for 25,000 displaced children providing them access to schooling and the necessary learning materials. • Concurrently UNICEF DRC has been working with UNICEF RoC by providing schools with the national curriculum so that those children who fled with their families across the river have access to an education which will permit them to continue their schooling on their return. • The World Food Programme (WFP) is planning to extend its school feeding programme for primary schools pupils in the area affected by the violence. Approximately 70,000 school children of all over the province will receive a daily food ration at school during the next academic year.

Food Security and Livelihoods • The already limited resources of the population have been stretched to the limits as a consequence of the displacement of the vast majority of people. The displaced have been forced to abandon their plots during the harvest and maize, rice and peanut are rotting in the fields. Scarcities of staple food have been observed in markets and the price of some basic foods has doubled. • WFP started food distributions in the areas affected by the violence, delivering 50 metric tons (MT) of food to more than 6,000 IDPs in Bozene and Boyazala. Approximately 25,000 people have benefited from WFP food distributions in Bokonzi, Bomboma, Lipoko, Makengo and Motuba, 8,300 in Zongo, Gemena and Libenge and 6,000 in Mbandaka. • The NGO Première Urgence will launch a programme aimed at strengthening the self-reliance of returnees in the area of Dongo. A consortium of NGOs will soon be put in place to respond to the needs in terms of food security of the displaced population as well as returnees. • Vulnerability, analysis and mapping (VAM) assessments organized by WFP have been carried out and results are expected soon in order to organize assistance to returnees. • On 10 July, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) started the distribution of seeds and agricultural material to returnees in Dongo and Sabasaba. This operation will be extended also to Enyele and Monzaya.

Health • Five health areas have mainly been affected as a consequence of last violence: Bokonzi, Booto, Gemena, Kungu and Tandala. The NGO MEMISA Belgium has provided with medicines and other medication materials all these areas especially where the number of displaced was higher. MSF is working to provide emergency health support to the population in the areas of Bokonzi and Kungu. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is planning the rehabilitation of two maternity centres, including one in Dongo, in order to improve the health status of mothers and children. • Needs remain urgent in the Mbandaka General Hospital where wounded people are currently attended by a surgical team sent by MSF along with medical and surgical items. • Fours children are reported to have died recently in Gbadolite, due to malnutrition.

Logistics • Bad road conditions combined with the volatility of the situation has limited the passage of humanitarian aid to the affected areas. However, MONUSCO and humanitarian actors are working to rehabilitate infrastructures such as bridges and roads on the road linking Bozene to Dongo, in the South Ubangi area. • WFP has provided logistical support with trucks for the transportation of crucial humanitarian aid, especially non- food items and food to IDPs in various locations throughout the South Ubangi District.

Non-food items (NFIs) • The majority of the families forced to flee from violence lost most or all of their belongings, their homes being burnt and/or looted during the attacks. Three primary actors have mobilized the NFI response in the affected areas of the province, namely Caritas-Développement Congo, MEMISA, and UNICEF. • The NGO MEMISA, in collaboration with UNICEF, distributed NFI kits to approximately 23,000 households in Bokonzi, and other NFI distributions are ongoing in Boyazala, Bozene, and Gemena. Caritas-Développement Congo is planning a NFI distribution for approximately 600 households in Dongo. This distribution is part of a bigger operation launched by Caritas International, aiming to assist a total of 12,000 households displaced by the latest tensions. • UNICEF is working in partnership with MEMISA in order to distribute essential NFI kits and female hygiene kits for over 6,700 families.

Nutrition • The disruption of nutritional basic services in the area of Bokonzi and Kungu following the violence worsened the nutritional status of the population, especially children. • The nutritional status of children is worrisome in some part of the province, such as in the District where severe acute malnutrition levels were registered by the cluster. Approximately 128,000 children under five suffer from severe malnutrition. • Religious organizations are currently working to support approximately 40 malnourished children in the General Hospital of Bokonzi, while the NGO COOPI will start a nutritional programme in collaboration with UNICEF in the South Ubangi District. • In the Tshuapa District, WFP in collaboration with the NGO COOPI assisted approximately 1,780 malnourished children and 590 undernourished pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Water and Sanitation • High vulnerability and lack of proper sanitation facilities characterize the situation of the civil population in the Equateur province. The situation deteriorated further after the clashes leaving many people with no access to potable water and inadequate facilities. UNICEF in collaboration with local authorities and the NGO Action contre la Faim started water and sanitation activities for the displaced of the South Ubangi District, such as distribution of water purification materials and awareness sessions on the proper use of water. The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and the Congolese Red Cross has carried out sanitation programmes in Dongo allowing the burial of the bodies found after the assaults. • Despite the activities carried out by humanitarian actors in the area, the situation requires further intervention, especially in the provision of water treatment materials and sanitation programmes in the area of displacement and return.

For more information, please contact: Maurizio Giuliano, Advocacy and Public Information Manager, OCHA DRC, [email protected], tel. +243-81-9889195 Sylvestre Ntumba Mudingayi, Associate Public Information Officer, OCHA DRC, [email protected] tel. +243-99-8845386 Stefania Trassari, Associate Public Information Officer, OCHA DRC, [email protected], tel. +243-99-2906637