LifeGroup Questions Based On: :21-27 January 24, 2016

Overview What are you afraid of? Some people are afraid of spiders, others are afraid of snakes. A lot of children are afraid of the dark. If you allow it, fear can play a huge role in your decision making process. Fear can keep you from doing not only the things you want to do, but also the things you need to do. In Matthew 16 predicts his death. Along with predicting His death, He is also telling His disciples that they must go to . This was the control center for the Jewish leaders of the day. They wanted Jesus dead and here He was purposely travel to Jerusalem, putting Himself within their grasp. This news is almost unbearable for Peter. He tells Jesus that this will never happen. It would have been unthinkable for a to tell his teacher what will and will not happen. Peter is acting on his own understanding and expectations for Jesus. Peter is allowing the fear of Jerusalem and losing Jesus to control his thoughts and actions. Jesus immediately confronts Peter. Jesus was not blindly going to martyr Himself, but He was fulfilling His purpose for coming to earth. Any diversion from His purpose was from Satan and not one of His disciples. Jesus needed them to expand their thinking beyond what this world has to offer. With eternity in mind Jesus would go to Jerusalem and the cross. By only focusing on what was in front of them the disciples were getting caught up in the fear of suffering and losing their teacher. They needed an eternal perspective to conquer their fear.

Bible Study: Matthew 16:21-27

1. Discuss as a group a couple things you are afraid of (insects, snakes, losing job, sharing the ).

2. Read Matthew 16:21-27. Was Peter wrong for not wanting Jesus to die? Discuss a time when you wanted God to act one way and He didn’t meet your expectations.

3. When you think about something you are afraid of, in what ways does it control your thoughts and actions?

4. Read :28 and Proverbs 1:7. What does a healthy fear of God look like?

5. Read 1 John 4:16-18. How can the love of God help dispel fear in your life?

6. Not all believers are called to endure suffering or face the same fate. Sometimes believers say they are willing to die for Christ, but don’t have the courage to share the gospel to friends or co-workers. Discuss a time when fear held you back from doing something you knew God wanted you to do.

7. In what ways can having an eternal perspective give you the courage to conquer fear?