Pastor CONGRATULATIONS Father Matt Glazier!

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Pastor CONGRATULATIONS Father Matt Glazier! Pastor CONGRATULATIONS Father Matt Glazier! [email protected] Matt Glazier was ordained Office Manager: Debbie Cobb to the priesthood on May 29, 2021 Office Assistants: Connie Dillon, Betty Davis and Jeanette Casida by Bishop Carl A. Kemme Office Hours are limited, at Church of the Magdalen in Wichita M-F 10am-2pm Please call the Rectory and leave Deacon Matt is the son of a message or send an Email. Kirk &Laura Glazier, Please see the website for updates: parishioners of St. Teresa of Avila in Madison, KS. Confession 30 minutes before every May you be blessed abundantly weekday Mass or after Mass upon request. as you serve our Lord! • . Vigil Mass 4:00pm • Masses 8:00am and 10:30am [email protected] “This is my blood of the covenant, Please email articles by 1pm on Friday, 9-days prior to the Sunday the issue comes out. which will be shed for many.” Deadline before Holidays is 16 days. - Mk 14:24 Sat. Jun. 5 4:00pm † Lucille Karlin (Not available at time of publication.) Sun. Jun. 6 8:00am † Laverne Maybrier Sun. Jun. 6 10:30am SI People of the Parish N/A Mon. Jun. 7 NO MASS - NO MASS Tue. Jun. 8 5:30pm † Ron Willard N/A Wed. Jun. 9 5:30pm † Ronna Wilson Thu. Jun. 10 7:00am † Kathy Bynum N/A Fri. Jun. 11 12:05pm † Vivian Phelps Attention Lectors and Ushers A friendly reminder to please use your contribution Please look at the bulletin board envelopes when making your donations. This not only in the vestibule to see when you helps our money counters with their stewardship of are scheduled to serve. thank you! time in counting in a timely manner, it will also insure Please find a sub if you can’t serve. your donations will be added to your end of the year Litany to statement for your tax records. *If you aren’t receiving year end statements or tithing envelopes please call Our Lady of Perpetual Help to verify that we have you listed as an active member. Every Tuesday before 5:30pm Mass Please use generic tithing envelopes in the vestibule... Holy Rosary Prayer Group Sundays @12:00 pm at St. Teresa All 4 Mysteries to be Prayed Let's Flood Heaven with Prayers! If you are not yet signed up for online giving, you can do so on our St. Teresa parish website. Please call the Rectory 620-662-7812 To those who have continued to be so generous in Dillon’s Community Rewards helping us meet the continued needs of running We have a wonderful opportunity our parishes and schools: THANK YOU!! to contribute to the upkeep of our St. Teresa altar. 1- Register your card with St. Teresa as the Community Rewards, 2- use your Plus-Card when shopping at Dillon's, 3- St.T earns - it’s easy! Our Last Quarter Dillon’s Reward was $508!! You can now attend any Mass or event as it is happening live in the church! Vespers Go to YouTube and search for: Evening Prayer Sundays @6:00pm “The Lord has ears to ALL who call on Him” Prayer Requests for the St. Teresa prayer line get updates (below the video in the bottom-right corner) Want to become a member of St. Teresa Parish? ——+———————–——————————+—— Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ WHY DO WE DO THAT? (Corpus Christi) - Catholic Life Explained • First Reading – Exodus 24:3-8 Why are some saints honored as “patron saints”? In today’s first reading, Moses and the Israelites make a covenant with God to follow His precepts and laws. Each person is unique and each of us has different gifts, In thanksgiving and reverence for God, do we, interests, talents, and, yes, even struggles and areas as Christian stewards, strive to do the same? where we need to grow. This is no less true of those holy women, men, and children who have been • Psalm 116: 12-13, 15-18 canonized or beatified. Because we believe that the How can we return to the Lord for all He does for us? saints and blesseds are both models of faith and In gratitude, we, as Christian stewards, should offer intercessors, Christians have looked to certain holy our time, talent, and treasure back to Him. people as role models and heavenly protectors for • Second Reading – Hebrews 9:11-15 occupations, spiritual charisms, and even places. Christ sacrificed Himself for our redemption and Although the Church sometimes names a person as a gave us His Eucharistic gift. In thanksgiving, do we, patron saint (e.g. Saint Philip Neri as the patron of as Christians stewards, show our reverence and Rome, Saint Clare of Assisi as the patroness of respect for Christ’s awesome gift, the Eucharist? television, or Saint Aloysius Gonzaga as the patron • Gospel – Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 of youth and young adults), more often it is popular At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist out devotion that inspires lay Christians to turn to a particular saint or blessed for heavenly help and support. of His great love for His disciples and for us today. This is how, for example, Saint Cecilia came to be Do we, as practicing Christian stewards, truly believe honored as the patroness of musicians, Saint Toribio in the real saving presence of Jesus in the consecrated Romo as patron of migrants coming into the United States, and Saint Gertrude of Nivelles as patroness of • Stewardship Thought cat lovers. Although there are official and unofficial The focus of today’s feast is the total self-giving of lists of patron saints, we should always feel free to ask Jesus. The Bishops’ stewardship Pastoral reminds us any and all the saints to give us their patronage and that “the glory and the boast of Christian stewards protection in whatever it is that we need. lie in mirroring, however poorly, the stewardship of Jesus Christ, who gave and still gives all He has and is, in order to be faithful to God’s will and carry St. Michael the Archangel, through to completion His redemptive stewardship defend us in battle. of human beings and their world” Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Ex 24:3-8 / Heb 9:11-15 / Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 O Prince of the heavenly hosts, THE SACRAMENT OF THE ALTAR by the power of God, thrust into hell “In the sacrament of the altar, the Lord meets us, Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl men and women created in God’s image and like- about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. ness, and becomes our companion along the way.” Catholic websites These words from Pope Benedict XVI should These are some great websites to bring consolation to us as missionary disciples. learn more about our faith. ================================================================================================================ Jesus goes with us — always! Today, as we honor the Body and Blood of our Lord in the Eucharist, we are reminded that this sacrament must reside at the very center of our lives. We cannot expect to go about doing the work of “Laudate” download the app Christ if we have not first gone to Him at the altar. (The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) The Eucharist calls us into an intimate relationship with the Master, and this friendship should shape and drive our discipleship. For our St. Teresa Parish and Diocese: ~ St. Teresa Stewardship Committee ~ As we gather today to reaffirm our faith in the Real PresenceThe phrase of Christ“being in filled the Eucharist,with the Holy we are Spirit reminded” may The Beauty of Marriage thatsummon we are forth also images the Body that of are Christ. a bit Thetoo intense mission for of Let us pray for young people who somethe Gospelfolks. They calls may us to conclude be Christ that for whenothers. one There is filled is are preparing for marriage with the sowith much the brokennessHoly Spirit andthat painthey inimmediately our world. beginMany support of a Christian community: speakingpeople are in lost tongues, and feeling loudly lonely, praise God,marginalized sing alleluia and may they grow in love, with fromoppressed, roof tops, victimized and do other and abused.demonstrative Every timethings. we In generosity, faithfulness and patience. receivereality, beingthe Body filled (and with Blood) the Holy of Christ, Spirit wemeans are beingasked filledto become with the what fullness we eat. of Are God we’s lifewilling and toin steptouch aside with - Lord hear our prayer from our preoccupations and concerns so that we can the power and wonder of God’s presence. It is the Holy Cross Ministry of Consolation Holybe ChristSpirit thatfor others?draws us The together power asand a communitypresence of of Sunday, June13th - after 11:00am Mass Christ in the Eucharist becomes present in us. In faith,receiving inspires this us transforming with wisdom presence and right of judgment, Christ, we and In the lower level of Holy Cross Church canturns truly us effectfrom the change darkness in the of lives sin to of the those virtues we meet. that The Holy Cross Ministry of Consolation bring life. We live in a world where it is hard to will have our potluck and sharing. We can show them God’s unconditional, ever-present This group is supportive and confidential.
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