We Welcome You to Worship with Us at Saint Michael the Archangel
We welcome you to worship with us at Saint Michael The Archangel National Catholic Church Sunday, April 11, 2021 Easter 2/Low Sunday 7:30 a.m. Holy Mass 9:30 a.m. Holy Mass Saint Michael The Archangel CCLI Copyright License 20635957 CCLI Streaming License 20635944 Church Complex Information 6629 W. 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303-7503 Parish Office/Hall: 219-374-7626 Parish Fax: 219-374-7629 Parish E-mail: smapncc@sbcglobal.net Parish Website: www.stmichaelpncc.org Parish Committee Chairman: Walter T. Bielat 765-491-6254 Pastor ~ Very Reverend John P. Kowalczyk, Jr. Pastor’s Office: 219-374-7621 Rectory: 219-374-8341 Emergency Contact (if no answer at the Rectory): 219-384-7394 POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH WEBSITE INFO PNCC General Church Website: pncc.org PNCC NUC Music Scholarship Website: nucmusicscholarship.weebly.com 2 EASTER 2/Low Sunday Leo the Great, Bishop and Doctor For the Faithful of Saint Michael the Archangel Parish and Our Savior Parish +Dale Wyant (3rd Anniversary of Death) rb. June, Julie, Josh, Mike, Toni, Matthew, Mia and Emily VIDI AQUAM Setting 3 Page 12 Opening Hymn: Christ is Risen, Sing O Christian vs. 1 & 4 Hymnal of the PNCC Christ is risen, sing, O Christian, Wipe the tears of grief away, All who would now seek Salvation, Come, rejoice with us this day. [:He has risen, Lord in glory, As He had foretold His vict’ry, Alleluia, Alleluia, Let us sing forth, Alleluia!:] Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Humbly we would ask of Thee, That we might know Thy salvation, And o’er death, know victory, [:That we might come with Thy chosen, And behold Thee, Lord of heaven, Alleluia, Alleluia, Let us sing forth, Alleluia! INTRODUCTORY RITE Page 63 ENTRANCE HYMN Psalm 40:2-4 Page 67 V.
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