Ethiopia a Country Profile
PN -A.4K - 310 Ethiopia A Country Profile '. December 1978 Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance I Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. ZOSZ3 ,. Por1 Sud ln Ethiopia \ SAUDI In ternatIOnal boundary Province boundary A RABIA Red ® NatIOnal capital ., Province capital Sea Ra ilroad Road . ". 1lI0 Kilometers 7'5 t 1!i0 Mile. • YEMEN (SANA ) ......... '.. '\ GRAY 0 .,,)\ .- .--.-.- ' , -,' -~' , Gulf of Aden -"""- " .... ~..... / ~-....~~ t1ugli G... ,.. " .. ,c-r--- • INDIAN OCEAN -.y,_._ .. 1>04_,', ....'-,' .. _ ETHIOPIA: A COUNTRY PROFILE prepared for The Office of U. S. Foreign Disaster Assl~tance Bureau for Private and Development Cooperation Agency for International Development . Department of State . Wash I ngton, D. Co 20523' . by Evaluation Technologies, Inc. Arlington, Virginia under contract AID/SOD/PDC-C-0283 The profile on Ethiopia Is one In a series designed to provide base line country data In support of the planning, analYsis and relief operations of the Office of U. S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Content, scope and sources have evolved over the coqrse of the .last three years, and no doubt will continue to do so. T~e relatively narrow focus Is Intentional. To avoid redundancy, some topics one might expect to find In a "country profile" are not covered here. If the Information provided can also be useful to otrers In the dis aster assistance and development communities, so m4ch the better. Every effort Is made to obtain current, rei lable data; unfortunately It Is not possible to Issue updates as fast as chanaes would warrant. A caut Ionary note, therefore, to the reader: stat I st'l cs are I nd !cators at best, and If names and numbers matter, the blbl !.Qgraphy will point to a current source.
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