
SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE in the : Challenges and insights from young fossil records Susan M. Kidwell1 Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637

Edited by Neil H. Shubin, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved February 6, 2015 (received for review July 6, 2014)

With overwhelming evidence of change in , biologists today must assume that few, if any, study areas are natural and that biological variability is superimposed on trends rather than stationary means. Paleobiological data from the youngest sedimentary record, including death assemblages actively accumulating on modern land surfaces and seabeds, provide unique information on the status of present-day , communities, and biomes over the last few decades to millennia and on their responses to natural and anthropogenic environmental change. Key advances have established the accuracy and resolving power of paleobiological information derived from naturally preserved remains and of proxy evidence for environmental conditions and sample age so that fossil data can both implicate and exonerate stressors as the drivers of biotic change and permit the effects of multiple stressors to be disentangled. Legacy effects from Industrial and even pre-Industrial anthropogenic extirpations, introductions, (de)nutrification, and conversion commonly emerge as the primary factors underlying the present-day status of populations and communities; within the last 2 million years, has rarely been sufficient to drive major pulses absent other human pressures, which are now manifold. Young fossil records also provide rigorous access to the baseline composition and dynamics of modern-day biota under pre-Industrial conditions, where insights include the millennial-scale persistence of structures, the dominant role of physical environmental conditions rather than biotic interactions in determining community composition and disassembly, and the existence of naturally alternating states.

| | conservation | paleobiology | paleoecology

The Anthropocene is an informal term that is “anthromes” (15). The human footprint in shifting baselines syndrome,seeref.31)(Fig.1). gaining wide currency for the present epoch marine settings has been more difficult to These realizations also suggest (iii)thatmany of Earth’shistory,whenhumansdominatea evaluate because these areas are further from analytical subjects—species and populations, majority of natural processes globally (1, 2). direct observation, but seasonal hypoxia communities and habitats, landscapes and The biological effects of climate change re- linked to the runoff of cultural nutrients gradients, and nutrient cycles— ceive the greatest attention (3–6): secular occurs in all oceans and at more than 400 may well be in disequilibrial states, a funda- warming, , and novel pre- sites globally, having doubled each decade mental challenge to experimentation, modeling, cipitation patterns are now pervasive (7, 8) since the 1960s (26), and 32–57% of the and prediction. Ecologists and conservation (Fig. 1). However, many other human pres- world’s fisheries are assessed as overex- biologists increasingly recognize that unex- — sures most particularly nutrification, habitat ploited or collapsed, with the remainder pected relationships and outcomes often conversion, and the and in- fully exploited (14). Both terrestrial and emerge as study durations exceed a decade, — troduction of species also intensified with marine biologists now speak of a historically that directional change in climate and other “ ” the expansion of human populations and cumulative Anthropocene , environmental factors can compromise ex- technology during the Industrial Revolution a concept that includes many kinds of eco- perimental controls, and that most field “ – and the post-World War II Great Accelera- logical disruption (e.g., refs. 27 30). More experiments incorporate legacy effects, such ” tion (2,4,17,18)andareequallyrelevantto biological changes are almost certainly as species depletion or habitat change, that conservation and restoration efforts, as well locked into place, much as additional de- are only later appreciated (e.g., refs. 32–34). as to basic ecological research. These pres- cades of warming are inevitable from cur- ThethesisofthisPerspectiveisnotsimply sures, moreover, started much earlier during rent levels of atmospheric CO2. that historical data of many types are needed, preceding centuries to millennia at regional For biologists now fully embedded in the but that (i) the power of young fossil records Anthropocene, the disconcerting working scales, both on land and in coastal seas, and to contribute critical data has been trans- have been accompanied by biological-stress assumptionsmustbethat(i)anyareaor formed in the last few decades by three syndromes (19), such as decreased body size, biota under study today is not fully natural, revolutions in the earth sciences and (ii)paleo- population size, trophic levels, and diversity, given current human stresses and legacies of biologic analysis of records from the last as well as functional and complete extinction past stress, and (ii) interannual to -decadal few centuries and millennia is already chal- of species (14, 20–24). These nonclimate fac- variability is probably superimposed upon a lenging our understanding of ecological dy- tors are now as global as climate change trend rather than a stationary mean. These namics and contributing to conservation, (Fig. 1). realizations underscore the arbitrary Today, even lakes in remote, high-altitude of most proposed ecological baselines, which restoration, and management efforts in a and -latitude settings receive atmospheric are often defined by the first scientific obser- deposition of nitrates from industrial fertil- vations (usually from the early , Author contributions: S.M.K. wrote the paper. izers(16,25),andmorethanhalfofallland at best), by the oldest digitized records (1980s The author declares no conflict of interest. area inclusive of the Arctic has been con- or younger), or by the personal experience of This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. verted to range, crop, or densely settled a scientist or manager (for discussion of the 1Email: [email protected].

4922–4929 | PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403660112 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Satellites, sensors PERSPECTIVE Regulatory biomonitoring andlongertimeframesthatencompasssus- Quant. ecology, fishery ------Biological pected natural and anthropogenic drivers. SPECIAL FEATURE: Economic reports ------data sources Journals, surveys ------Fully anchored sclerochronogies Three Revolutions in the Earth Sciences Fully anchored -ring chronologies Paleobiological Seabed, landscape death assemblages That Have Transformed the Power of the Ancient DNA data sources Sediments with fossils (& archeological evidence) Fossil Record

.... ‘Anthropo .... cene’ Pliocene Pleistocene Holocene (future) Fidelity of (Paleo)biological Information.

Terrestrial ‘anthromes’ The first-order concern with all geohistorical biomes: semi-natural wild records—ice cores, tree-rings, sediment cores, Anthropogenic 250 and biological remains in both natural and N input: 2 0 archeological contexts—is their fidelity, or Non-climate collapsed + Regional over-exploited stressors: Fisheries: depletions developing fully exploited faithfulness, to the original signal. Over the 4 Phases of 1° human expansion; 2° EU exploration, 3° global past two decades, taphonomic research on ‘Sixth Exinction’: megafauna + islands colonization markets Δ Temp °C postmortem processes has dramatically in- H. sapiens 2 Technology: Neolithic Revolution Industrial Revolution Great Acceleration hunt-gather agric., settlement mech. agric. & fishing in all stresses creased the kinds of biological information that can be confidently extracted from fossil Lifespan of child born today specimens, especially from the durable tissues 8.2 -2 thataremostlikelytobepreservedunderthe

Ocean pH: 8.0 more or less oxygenated conditions of soils, caves, lake floors, and seabeds (shells, bones, 7.8 pollen, and other biomineralized or refractory BCE CE 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 organic tissues). Ancient DNA (aDNA) anal- 543 21500 250 10 5 2 1 -100 -50 0 +50 +100 +150 ysis can now exploit a larger array of materials Million Yrs BP Thousand Yrs BP Years before (-) or after (+) 1950 CE and preservational settings than previously Fig. 1. Historical trends in environmental conditions and technology over the last 5 million years, culminating in the assumed, with a temporal scope to 1 Ma Anthropocene, when human activities achieved a global signature. Most biological data (Top) are from studies con- (million years ago) and full paleo-genomes ducted after World War II, and thus short-term variability has occurred in the context of trends rather than stationary now within reach (42). Diet, home range, means in climate, nutrients, and other human pressures. The deeper historical reach of paleobiological data challenge assumptions of stability and equilibrium and show that many populations, species, communities, and biomes had growth rate, and other life-history information undergone significant changes in , structure, and function at regional scales well before the mid-20th are regularly reconstructed for specimens century. Note changes in scale along the x axis, where the present day is operationally set at 1950 CE (radiocarbon from well-dated assemblages using many of definition). Based on signals in sedimentary records and notwithstanding earlier effects on biota, geologists will likely the same isotopic, elemental, and histologic formalize the start of the Anthropocene Epoch either at 1950 CE (i.e., when bomb-generated radionuclides appear and (e.g., sclerochronologic) methods applied isotopically depleted industrial nitrates increase strongly) or at 1850 CE, with the culmination of the Industrial Revolution to live-collected individuals, revealing both in Europe and North America, when atmospheric pCO2 first reached the upper limit of Holocene variability (the previous ∼12,000 y) (2, 9). Sources are as follows: ocean pH (adapted from ref. 8); temperature anomalies from a 1961–1990 the vulnerability of species undergoing past baseline for the Plio-Pleistocene (reprinted from ref. 6 with permission from AAAS), Holocene to 1850 CE (10), and post- population bottlenecks and their un- Industrial Revolution (HarCRUT3 data from ref. 11), all lowered by 0.3 °C to fit the 1986–2005 baseline used to project suspected trophic and life-history flexibility future changes (reprinted with permission from ref. 12); human cultural evolution (2); land-animal extinction phases, – regional fisheries (13), and catch-based global data (reprinted with permission from ref. 14); land conversion (reprinted (43 46). from ref. 15, by permission of the Royal Society); and anthropogenic reactive nitrogen input to biosphere (reprinted Taphonomic research has also quantified

with permission from ref. 16), which now equals total natural N2 fixation (dashed line). the reliability of paleoecological information at the community (assemblage) and meta- community levels (for a review, see ref. 47). young field becoming known as conserva- Such time series are fundamental to framing – Concern with postmortem alteration of tion paleobiology (for reviews, see refs. 35 and evaluating synthetic models, much as and relative abundance has 40). Paleobiology relies on a fundamentally the integration of geohistorical and mod- largely proven to be an oversimplification, different source of biological data from that ern data has transformed our understand- notwithstanding the potential of interspecies of traditional ecology, drawing on naturally ing of climate dynamics and is unveiling differences in tissue durability, population accumulated assemblages of skeletal and the interaction of climate and carbon cycles turnover, and postmortem transportation to other dead remains rather than direct obser- (e.g., ref. 41). Along with sedimentary cores, distort the record. In principle, the potential vation of living individuals and interactions which are rarely taken [e.g., at long-term for postmortem bias of assemblage compo- (Fig. 1, Top). However, death assemblages ecological research sites (LTERS)], death sition should be high where multiple gen- forming on seafloors and land surfaces today, assemblages have been a severely underex- erations of dead remains might accumulate the precursors of fully buried fossil assemb- ploited source of biological data. before being sequestered by permanent lages, include individuals drawn from still- Integrating paleobiological, archeological, burial, with habitats of different destructive standing populations. This overlap in the and biological data—and training—will thus intensity imposing a range of durations of time frames of paleobiological and modern become only more important as the 21st cen- such “time-averaging” (see table 1 in ref. 47). biological data provides a means of cross- tury unfolds. If we are to alter the trajectories Despite these differences, research on the net validating shared data types (e.g., pheno- of the most troubling biological trends in the effects of postmortem processes on commu- type, DNA, abundance, range size), testing modern world, or at the least manage bio- nity-level information, usually by comparing space-for-time assumptions, answering ba- diversity and function in the cer- the naturally accumulating death assemblage sic “before–after” questions, and building tainty of continued climate and other change, with the local living assemblage, finds re- extended time series for extant (and recently we need to understand baseline dynamics, markably modest postmortem bias in a ma- extinct) species, communities, and ecosystems. stressors, and biotic response on the centennial jority of cases, at least for the groups that

Kidwell PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 4923 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 have received the most intense evaluation of creating this magnitude of live–dead taxonomic to other biological, physical, and (shelled mollusks, corals, land , discordance, even in naturally variable en- especially chemical evidence [isotopic and and wind-pollinated flora). Metaanalysis vironments such as lagoons, presumably elemental ratios; environmental aDNA; mo- and modeling find that, in coastal soft- because tend to produce a rapid, lecular biomarkers of metabolism and or- sediment habitats with minimal human sustained change in environmental con- ganic-matter source; and indicator minerals modification, the difference in diversity ditions (long-term press disturbance) or, in of oxidation potential (Eh), pH, and salinity], between a time-averaged molluscan death the case of introduced species, can overcome achieving a new level of independence from assemblage and samples of a local, “non- natural barriers to migration. Where human ecological assumptions and expanding the averaged” living assemblage can be predicted pressures are long-standing, or where post- dimensions of inference (e.g., refs. 45 and almost entirely from the contrast in temporal mortem destruction or deep burial is rapid 61–66). For example, H isotope ratios of leaf scale, much as biological samples from a (reducing the time frame for time averaging), waxes now supplement dust, pollen, and large area differ from those from a small area baselineshiftsmayhaveoccurredoutsidethe charcoal proxies of paleo-aridity, and all can (48, 49). Although death assemblages pool memory of the local death assemblage, survive transport to marine basins, permit- temporal variability and some spatial vari- resulting in no live–dead discordance. This ting those sediments to capture the climate ability in local living assemblages, they still effect makes live–dead discordance a pow- of both the ocean and the adjacent airshed accurately detect environmental gradients erful and yet conservative method for de- (64). Elemental data from corals can estab- and more closely approximate the species tecting anthropogenic baseline shifts (more lish that mortality is associated with the composition and abundance structure of the prone to false negatives than to false pos- stress of anomalously high rather than low larger metacommunity, a stubborn data gap itives) (53). sea temperatures and can test for changes in for biologists. death assemblages levels and drivers of mortality (66). collected from open ground, raptor roosts, Proxy Evidence of (Paleo)environmental and marine flotsam have comparable eco- Conditions. For modern experimental and Advances in Geochronology. Testing hy- logical fidelity, with habitat- to regional-scale (geo)historical studies alike, testing for a bi- potheses about biological change requires spatial resolution (50–52). Some clades ological response to environmental change reliable information on the ages of specimens with delicate skeletons have intrinsically requires environmental information that is and assemblages. Decadal-, centennial-, or poor preservation, of course, requiring accurate, spatially and temporally proximate, millennial-scale dating precision can suffice, analytic partitioning, and postmortem at- and not inferred from the populations under depending on the question at hand. Recent tenuation is stronger in some settings than study. For periods before direct scientific advances in geochronology have broadened others. Overall, however, rather than being observations—and in areas where monitor- the scope of hypotheses that can be tested compromised by myriad postmortem pro- ing is still limited—environmental conditions by (i) increasing the precision and accuracy cesses, death assemblages of key groups in can be estimated from indirect, proxy vari- of age estimates, (ii)expandingthelistof undisturbed study areas have proven to be ables that have been calibrated to direct materials that can be dated, and (iii)reducing largely unbiased, albeit typically coarser, measurements of conditions in modern the required mass of individual samples for samples of their source communities. This environments. Data from tree rings, banded analysis. For fossil records from the most fidelity is an extraordinary boon for the speleothems, and particulate charcoal in recent ∼2 My, numerical age estimates rely analysis of biodiversity, providing insights cores are examples of proxy records for past on relatively short-lived natural radioisotopes into species that are rare or otherwise diffi- temperature and rainfall (e.g., ref. 35). In- and on cultural markers, such as nuclear cult to sample, locally extirpated, or newly creasingly sophisticated analysis is reducing bomb fallout, metal and persistent organic extinct (see examples in ref. 47). uncertainties in calibration and revealing the such as polychlorinated biphenyls A second key metaanalytic discovery is full magnitude of recent changes at the local (PCBs), and introduced species. that strong live–dead discordance in species to regional scales relevant to conservation Radiocarbon remains the principal work- composition and relative abundance is a leg- and management (e.g., refs. 55 and 56). horse for records extending to ∼55 thousand acy of recent ecological change in the living The portfolio of methods is now diverse. years ago (ka) (67). The shift to accelerator assemblage: the living assemblage has ap- Biological proxies remain important in all mass spectrometry (AMS) 14Canalysisdur- parently shifted away from its prior compo- settings, for example indicator species of ing the 1990s improved the precision of age sition, which the time-averaged death , , or ice cover and multi- determinations to ±20–50 y (1 SD) for assemblage remembers (53). This finding for species “transfer functions” used to infer Holocene samples (the last 11.7 ka) and marine mollusks overturns former assump- temperature and salinity (57). However, as permitted analysis of carbon samples ∼one- tions that live–dead discordance is caused with niche models that use present-day bio- tenth the mass previously required. Bomb by poor postmortem preservation and seems climatic associations to anticipate the future production of 14C and dilution of 14Cand13C to be general. For example, in Yellowstone redistribution of species (see paleontologic by fossil-fuel burning are persistent chal- National Park, elk have declined in the last tests of their reliability by refs. 58 and 59), lenges for isolated young samples, but re- decade in response to wolf reintroduction there are concerns that the transfer–ecology gional marine reservoir effects are now and are proportionately more abundant approach is vulnerable to (i) failure of ob- well-known and long tree-ring, speleothem, in death than in living assemblages; bison served species’ distributions to reflect their and coral records permit radiocarbon have increased in response to management full tolerances, (ii) inability to account for years to be calibrated to calendar years changes and are proportionately more shifting biotic interactions and evolutionary by accounting for natural variation in 14C abundant alive than dead (ref. 54; see other adaptation, and (iii) assumptions of the sta- production. New field, laboratory, and examples in refs. 47 and 53, including the tistical methods used (57, 60). Analysis of calibration protocols have similarly en- use of live-only species to detect new com- paleo-environmental conditions, including hanced other methods. Amino acid race- munity states and species invasions). Only and many aspects of ecosystem mization dating is applicable to carbonate anthropogenic stressors seem to be capable structure, has thus shifted increasingly from shells up to ∼1 Ma in cool waters and can

4924 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403660112 Kidwell Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 yield decadal resolution within the Holo- on decadal and centennial scales in concert fundamentally from those of communities PERSPECTIVE cene; U-Th dating is applicable to corals, with precipitation but maintained a struc- assembled under natural conditions. SPECIAL FEATURE: speleothems, and bones up to ∼500 ka and ture and dominant functional type despite Regardless of how we choose to respond, provides decadal resolution within the last turnover in species and considerable pre- the lessons from young fossil records are few thousand years; and optically stimu- European . Some postcolonial, clear. To a first approximation—that is, with lated luminescence is applicable to mineral “secondary” forests have been similarly the exception of some obligate relation- grains deposited in terrestrial settings up to persistent for the last few centuries. In ships—environmental conditions, including several hundred thousand years with reso- contrast, during strong climate changes be- substratum type and disturbance regime, are lution ±5–10% (66, 68–70). Naturally oc- tween 50 and 6 ka, , insect, and better predictors than biotic interactions in 210 curring Pb, which rains out rapidly from mammal species exhibited individualistic determining which species assemble into the atmosphere, remains a powerful method shifts in their geographic range boundaries, and persist as a community. On decadal and with approximately decadal resolution for meaning that species tended to relocate in- longer time frames, stable conditions pro- sediments deposited within the past ∼150 y. dependently rather than as cohesive sets, mote stable, persistent communities, and 137 Bomb-generated Cs is becoming more resulting in novel or no-analog communities environmental change promotes community difficult to detect owing to radioactive decay, of still-extant species (refs. 76–78; in the sea, disassembly and reassembly into novel but longer lived plutonium isotopes and their see refs. 79 and 80). Until human pressures communities, probably for the same rea- daughters produced at the same time can emerged, climate-driven reshuffling of spe- sons that community composition varies take its place as a global geochemical marker. cies entailed little evolutionary extinction spatially along environmental gradients. Finally, both Bayesian and classical statis- (refs. 81 and 82; and see Unprecedented and Once together, species may interact strongly tical inference are now used to interpolate Unsuspected Changes below). or weakly, with more or less cascading — sample ages between dated tie points within Individualistic shifts in latitude, elevation, effects: top-down changes depletion or — cores, typically with decadal resolution, pro- and bathymetry are now being detected by elimination of higher trophic levels and viding more robust age models. Bayesian biologists, relying on the resurvey of an area loss of habitat-forming ecosystem engineers methods are also being used to temporally that was first studied decades ago (e.g., refs. are typically anthropogenic and can dis- correlate records from widely separated areas, 34 and 83–85). Such modern-day corrobo- mantle a community in the absence of other usually with a smaller loss in temporal acuity rations are stimulating novel analyses of liv- environmental change (see Unprecedented (e.g., two cores each capturing a local history ing populations in light of geologic history, and Unsuspected Changes below). The fossil with decadal resolution can now be corre- finding, for example, that present-day ende- record of the dynamics of extant species lated to each other with centennial precision) mism is most strongly correlated with the across the landscape or seascape indicates (71). These advances are all stunning im- that the webs of biotic interactions observed velocity of postglacial climate change rather provements in age determination for in- in stable communities are allowed by stable than with a threshold temperature or par- dividual specimens and host sediments, fully environments rather than being a fundamen- ticular direction of change (86) and that adequate to test for biological trends on de- tal cause of community stability, as is evident populations along the margin of a species’ cadal and longer scales. from their modification or dissolution when range still exhibit low , a leg- species migrate (individualistically) in re- acyofQuaternaryexpansion(87).Young Paleobiological Perspectives on sponse to environmental change. Conservation, Management, and fossil records alone show (i) just how per- ’ Ecological Theory vasive changes in species distributions are Alternative Stable States, Phase Shifts, Persistence and Disassembly. The ability likely to become, constituting both local los- and Recoveries. The ability of populations of species and communities to persist ses and additions, (ii) that novel groupings and communities to alternate between dis- over long periods is of great theoretical and are most likely to emerge near the edges crete states under a single set of conditions practical interest, regardless of whether per- rather than centers of biogeographic prov- has been difficult to demonstrate in modern sistence reflects resistance to change in the inces or ranges (88, 89), (iii)thatspecies systems (small-scale patch dynamics aside). face of environmental perturbation (robust- most able to cross former boundaries and Commonly, only a single shift can be rec- ness) or an ability to rebound from an altered those showing strongest population declines ognized and is suspected to be anthropo- state (resilience)—although the question of are not random draws from their parent genic, driven either by climate, habitat dynamics remains a key issue. At the com- community (79, 90), and (iv) that species modification,and/oranincreaseordecrease munity level, the historic range of variability associations suggesting biotic interactions are in the density of a single species, particularly of a community structure rather than of a rare and inconstant (91). a top predator or ecosystem engineer (94–96). particular species composition is now used as All of these dynamics can be expected as Therapidshiftorcollapsetoanewstateafter a dynamic target for management for federal climate continues to change, arguably re- some threshold stress is crossed (a nonlinear lands in several countries (72), with paleo- quiring new strategic approaches to man- dynamic suggesting initial resistance), the ecological records from the last 3–4kyused agement, conservation, and restoration (refs. ability to rebound to a former state after al- to establish the antiquity (“fundamental re- 80 and 92; but see ref. 93). As a further leviation of stress (resilience), and the exis- silience”)ofaforesttype(73). challenge, many late 20th to early 21st cen- tence of warning signs for impending phase Evidence from the fossil record under- tury communities are geologically novel shifts, regardless of drivers, are important but scores the importance of scale and context. assemblages because of the introduced spe- challenging issues for field tests (but see ref. For example, over the last ∼6kyoffairly cies they include, sometimes in key roles (e.g., 97). Lags in response to stress and otherwise stable climatic conditions, pollen analysis ref. 80; and see Ranking Multiple Stressors slow regime changes are particularly prob- reveals the multimillennial persistence of below), placing a premium on having data of lematic for establishing cause and effect. terrestrial communities in many biomes sufficient temporal scope to test whether Lakes and coral reefs have received the and continents (73–75). Vegetation varied dynamics and ecosystem processes differ greatest attention from biologists and are

Kidwell PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 4925 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 highly amenable to paleobiological analysis, resilience, and loss in trophic redundancy, accumulation) to (i) verify or even recognize which can test for patterns of change under and on anticipating community structures that change has occurred, (ii)evaluatethe fully or reasonably natural conditions where and compositions expected under future cli- human and coupled human–natural stresses the existence of alternative stable states mate states (e.g., sponge-dominated reefs un- that might have caused or influenced bi- should be most clear. Lake and exceptionally der ocean acidification) (105). Historical and ological change, and (iii) acquire a reasonable high-resolution marine records of finfish re- paleobiological data that document rates and sample of variability and dynamics before the veal bimodal, decadal-to-centennial alter- stages of past declines and recoveries (e.g., onset of those stresses. nations in the abundance of key species that multidecadal to centennial perspectives of Trophic simplification and diversity loss are have persisted over millennia during pre- refs. 20, 23, 106, and 107) are also needed to common predictions of environmental stress, Industrial times (ref. 98; and see pollen studies frame expectations and parameterize regional whether bottom-up (modification of nutrients cited above). Likely driven by climate, these models for restoration, moving beyond hy- and primary productivity, loss of habitat alternations show that shifts in state are fully pothetical diagrams of hysteresis. Compared complexity, removal of habitat-former) or natural, perhaps with attractor states, and with short-term assessments, metaanalysis top-down (loss of consumers, especially provide a baseline for evaluating the effects using (geo)historical baselines reveals a lower predators). Top-down trophic cascades from of commercial fishing and other human frequency (10–50%) and magnitude of re- the removal of apex consumers have now impacts. In the southern California pelagic covery, especially in species abundance and been recognized in all biomes but remain system, for example, regular alternation in ecosystem structure, and finds that recoveries challenging for direct biological analysis: top- by anchovies and sardines over often require decades or more and attention to down effects can take years to decades to the last ∼2 ka largely exonerate commercial multiple stressors (ref. 106; and see Ranking become evident due to long generation times harvesting as the primary driver of boom- Multiple Stressors below). This hard truth—even and/or high motility of key species; processes and-bust populations of comparable decadal for marine systems, which are arguably commonly operate on much larger spatial scale observed in the 20th century (99). In less altered by human pressures than ter- scales than are amenable to experimentation; the NE Pacific and other oceans, strongly restrial systems (30)—needs to spur collab- and populations of apex species are by now fluctuating populations of these species and orative analyses and action, not discour- mostly reduced or extirpated (115). other (salmon, hake) are linked to re- agement or denial. Fossil records provide compelling evidence gional changes in temperature and produc- that, in the relatively recent past, many food tivity over past millennia up until climatic Unprecedented and Unsuspected Changes. webs were richer, with longer chains, more reorganization and commercial fishing One of the key contributions of young fos- interactions, and different (mostly climate- within the last 100–150 y (98, 100). In trop- sil records is documentation of the unprec- controlled) dynamics of species substitution. ical reefs, both historical documents and pa- edented changes that have occurred in For example, N-isotope analysis of 14C-dated leobiological analysis show that community virtually all biomes within the last few cen- bones shows that the Hawaiian petrel, a structures have changed dramatically in the turies, especially evidence of sudden biotic widespread and generalist oceanic predator, 20th century, in some cases to dominance by collapse or shifts after millennia of stability or has fed at a significantly lower trophic level fleshy macroalgae or sponges (see next sec- fluctuation around a stationary mean. Such in the last 100 y than in the preceding 3,000 y, tion). However, over the preceding 500 ky, data typically recalibrate our sense of scale, notwithstanding the arrival ∼950 y B.P. of different but remarkably consistent coral, red revealing large, unsuspected changes—mostly humans to Pacific islands (116). Foraging algal, and foraminiferal reef communities, declines—(i) in the abundance and distribu- segregation of petrel populations also de- all dominated by calcifiers, alternated on tion of still-extant species and in the flexi- creased markedly, indicating less abundant ∼100-ky time scales linked to the alternation bility of their life-history and diet (e.g., refs. prey. These changes suggest a rapid change of warm (highstand) and cooler, less favor- 31, 43, 44, and 108) and (ii)intherichness in the composition of oceanic food webs able (lowstand) climatic regimes (101). Fossil and complexity of communities and food well before direct scientific observation and records show that evolutionary survival webs (examples later in this section). are probably related to the development of entailed shifts of coral species both away from Fossil records do not carry the effort alone. commercial fishing. Shallow-water commu- and back toward the core tropics (102) and Dramatic changes that occurred before pro- nities have also undergone significant simpli- that proximity to coral refugia during cool- fessional scientific observations in an area can fication, mostly within the last few centuries, water lowstands is the strongest correlate of be revealed by written records—even the linked to the rise of sediment and nutri- modern-day richness in reef fish (ref. 103; ancient Romans complained about declines ent runoff from colonial and industrial for management implications, see ref. 104). in fish abundance (109)—and can be aug- (refs. 117–119; but see ref. 120) Alternating phases can thus emerge at mented by morphologic, isotopic, aDNA, and and to top-down commercial extirpation of multiple time scales. However, they are gen- other analyses of archeological materials herbivores and filter-feeding erally associated with evidence of change in and museum-archived specimens (39, 110). capable of keeping primary production in environmental conditions, arguing against Maps,photographs,andeconomicdatacan check (13). For example, the branching the existence of autogenically modulated al- also draw back the veil on trends, especially corals Acropora and Porites dominated ternating stable states in a strict sense, and for habitat and ecological changes at local- reefs for millennia (and for some of the most impressive state changes to-regional scales (23, 111–113), and experi- longer periods where records are sufficient) withinthelast2Myareuniquetothe ments can test historical hypotheses of effect but, within the 20th century, have been Anthropocene (see next section). The power (e.g., ref. 114). In most instances, however, widely replaced by turbidity-tolerant foliose of fossil records for retrospective analysis paleobiological analysis is needed to construct Agaricia or noncalcifying taxa (refs. 121 could be productively focused on developing a documentary record that is sufficiently and 122; and, in the Pacific, see ref. 118). a stronger empirical understanding of possible long, broad in scope (of taxa and environ- Diatoms and other proxy records show harbingers of impending shifts, regardless of mental variables), and consistent in quality that estuarine and lacustrine ecosystems driver, such as increasing variance, decreasing (determined by natural processes of fossil have become more plankton-rich and

4926 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403660112 Kidwell Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 detritus-based in recent decades to cen- roles of different stressors—and of sequential shown by multicentennial and millennial dis- PERSPECTIVE turies, depending on the timing of water- application of stressors—requires datasets ruptions of Pacific growth dur- SPECIAL FEATURE: shed development and/or removal of key with sufficient temporal scope to look back ing past periods of high ENSO variability consumers, even when systems had been past their onset, arguably a century at such as projected for the next century naturally eutrophic and episodically hypoxic minimum even in remote areas and multiple (135). The potential effects on biodiversity, over previous millennia (123–125). centuries to millennia in many others. Given community structure, and ecosystem func- Simplification of food webs and diversity data of sufficient temporal scope, the roles of tion of the anthropogenic climate changes loss are also evident in terrestrial records over suspected stressors, human and otherwise, that are now unfolding (Fig. 1) thus should the last 50 ka, usually with human in- can be differentiated by comparing the tim- not be underestimated. volvement and entailing high extinction in- ing, sign, and magnitude of changes in a tar- However, it would be equally wrong to tensities (29, 126–128). Significant mammal get species or community or ecosystem (the underestimate the role of human pressures and bird started with human ex- response variable) with events in cultural other than climate in creating the modern- pansion out of in the Late Pleistocene, history and with levels of variability and mean day and future world. Overharvesting of wild making initial contact with independently state before the onset of suspected activities. species, species introductions, (de)nutrifica- evolved faunas and eventually reaching Pa- The most contentious topic, among both tion, and other habitat modifications are in- cific islands by a few thousand years ago biologists and paleobiologists, is the role of tentionally excluded as “local effects” in many [approximately half of all mammal species climate as a driver of biological change. In tests of climate impacts, but (i)areequallyor >50 kg lost by ∼11 ka) (128); loss of ∼1,000 terms of species extinction, a fundamental more deeply rooted than post-Industrial Pacific nonpasserine landbirds alone via pre- tension exists between the persistence of most warming, (ii) have become global since the Industrial , habitat change, and spe- extant species despite strong Pleistocene cli- 1950s (Fig. 1), and (iii) commonly emerge as cies introductions (129)]. A second phase mate variability and, on the other hand, the the strongest correlates of biotic change at of this “sixth extinction” began in the 15th dramatic declines predicted for the future local to regional scales, both in biological and century associated with European exploita- using bioclimatic envelope models and ex- geohistorical analyses that consider multiple tion and agricultural colonialism (e.g., ref. trapolating from regional reductions in pop- drivers (for examples, see refs. 40, 96, and the 29), and a third, late 20th Century phase is ulation sizes and genetic diversity (e.g., refs. 3, rest of this section). Such activities can have underway related to the latest acceleration 4, 6, 82, and 84). Climate change was prob- strong feedbacks on regional climate. For in human populations and global markets ably solely responsible for the extinction of example, in New Zealand, pollen records [manifest in the International Union for the some Eurasian and North American large- show that and lake landscapes today Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List] mammal species within the last 50 ky and reflect changes in water balance driven (Fig. 1). The ecological consequences of re- mayhavereinforcedtheeffectsofhuntingon by by pre-Industrial humans gional species losses (and additions of in- others (132), modulating a simple “overkill” rather than recent or deep-past climate troduced species) have been significant. hypothesis for Pleistocene extinctions (and change (ref. 136 and in Europe, see ref. 137). For example, mammal food webs in Iberia see refs. 126 and 128). If restricted to in situ The mixed results of climate-only studies exhibited relatively constant richness and evolution, many tetrapods will not survive may thus derive from unconsidered inter- structure for ∼800,000 y within the Pleisto- projected warming unless rates of adaptation acting variables (see discussions in refs. 6 and cene, with waning species being replaced accelerate more than a thousandfold above 17, and many others). Many biologists by phylogenetically related species during those observed paleontologically (133). identify climate change as the greatest threat each climate cycle, only to undergo dramatic Nonetheless, taking a global perspective of for future but recognize that reductions of richness and interactions in the terrestrial biodiversity over the last many changes today are smaller or different Holocene (130). This change in structure and 2 My, the most compelling first-order pattern from expected, and they attribute these dynamics was not associated with a change for elevated extinction is a close association contradictions to other, usually anthropo- in climate but occurred in two phases with with phases of human colonization and genic factors (e.g., habitat conversion or (human-associated) extinction of mega-fauna technological advance (e.g., ref. 127). The that limit colonization). and, as part of the Neolithic Revolution, the same can be said for marine mammals, al- Geohistorical analysis can create data of introduction of modern horse and cattle; the though their extinctions arguably did not practical value while we strive to develop loss of specialist species actually increased become significant until the Industrial Age a general explanatory model for the roles of connectivity, with humans as a new generalist (21, 23, 30, 31, 108). Among marine ecto- climate and other factors. For example, ex- predator (and see ref. 131). therms, documented extinctions of corals, ploitation has figured in 95% of all depletions shelled mollusks, and fish are few, and those of animal species in estuaries, based on Ranking Multiple Stressors. Most regions known are difficult to link to the present metaanalysis of nine suspected factors in- today are under multiple anthropogenic warming phase or to other warm pulses in cluding climate change (20). Multiple factors pressures, but these variables occur in the the last 2 My (134). It is possible that, as (usually exploitation plus habitat loss) figure context of natural processes such as orbital with insects (82), the species most vulnerable in ∼45% of losses and in 78% of recoveries and other climate oscillations [El Niño to climate change were lost during the first of species with commercial, cultural, or other Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and North strong Pleistocene excursions, leaving an in- special value (for comparable analyses of Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)]. The potential herently resilient subset able to survive sub- reefs and recoveries, see refs. 106 and 117). for natural cycles and trends to amplify, sequent climate changes up to the present day. Such multifactorial syntheses of data from mask, or reverse the effects of human pres- Regional extirpation, short of global extinc- written, archeological, and paleontological sure is thus a large concern in conservation. tion and reflecting shifting ranges (see Persis- archives establish otherwise unknown base- A related challenge is to disentangle the tence and Disassembly and Alternative Stable lines, provide an empirical foundation for (probably compounding) effects of multiple States, Phase Shifts, and Recoveries above), identifying the factors that have contributed human stressors. Rigorously determining the can still have large regional consequences, as most to observed declines, allow areas to be

Kidwell PNAS | April 21, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 16 | 4927 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 ranked by degree of damage, and confirm insights into the dynamics of extant (and how uncomfortable our eventual discoveries that recoveries tend to require more factors recently extinct) species, communities, and may prove to be, and commit to greater in- than declines. In targeted areas, geohistorical ecosystems over the interdecadal to millen- tegration of modern and paleo approaches in data have resolved fundamental questions nial time frames at which environments both research and training. The fossil record’s on native and nonnative species, altering res- undergo natural and human-driven change. future includes its ability to provide critical toration plans. For example, pollen analysis Improved environmental proxies, age-control, data and new time frames for conservation, shows that plant species on the Galapagos and confidence in paleobiological evidence management, and ecological theory. Islands that were widespread and difficult to mean that disparate data types should no control are actually returning natives (ref. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. I am grateful to two anony- longer impede the development of a rigorous mous reviewers and M. Brenner, D. Jablonski, D. Kauf- 138; for other examples, see refs. 40 and 47). “Biology in the Anthropocene” that squarely man, R. Terry, and K. Voorhies for exceptionally careful readings and constructive comments; S. Marcott for Young fossil records also show that non- faces legacy effects, ongoing trends, and native species that become dominant or advice on compiling the temperature anomaly history in disequilibrial states as default conditions. We Fig. 1; and E. Gajos for artwork, which builds on an idea habitat-transforming can have cascading should in fact embrace the modern world as an of C. Moritz and R. Agudo. Research was supported effects on other groups—aparticularconcern by National Science Foundation Grants EAR-0345897 unnatural experiment in progress, no matter and EAR-1124189. given that many late 20th to early communities are novel assemblages because of the introduced species they include, some- times in key roles (e.g., refs. 80 and 90). 1 Crutzen PJ (2002) Geology of mankind. Nature 415(6867):23. 25 Catalan J, et al. (2013) Global change revealed by 2 Finally, paleontological data can be espe- Steffen W, Grinevald J, Crutzen P, McNeill J (2011) The palaeolimnological records from remote lakes: A review. Anthropocene: Conceptual and historical perspectives. 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