Name Chapter 33 - - As you read, focus on the trends, the increasing complexity of the organisms and the adaptations to their environment. Use the information from P. Porifera as a sample for the - type of information you are looking for for each of the - Parazoa – no real tissues following . Go to your book to find o P. Porifera – characteristics for each of the following groups. Complete this BEFORE lecture! . Sessile; no nerves or muscles . Water flows in thru pores and into the spongocoel (central cavity) then out thru the osculum (large opening)  Filter-feeder → choanocytes (collar cells) trap food particles and ingest by phagocytosis; they line the spongocoel . Hermaphrodites → can cross fertilize with water currents . Zygote → swimming → sessile adult . Regeneration . Symmetry --

Use the diagram below to label the of a .

- – TRUE

o → radial symmetry; diploblastic . P. – Ex. 

 _____opening 1

 2 forms: o o 

 Cnidocytes →

 Nematocysts →

1. What is the difference between a polyp and a medusa?

Label the diagram below representing the life cycle of Obelia.

. P. – comb jellies   Locomotion →

 Tentacles and colloblasts → o → bilateral symmetry; triploblastic . Recall:  (characteristics) →

(characteristics) →

. Protostomes  1. – have a (Definition → ______)

2 o P. Platyhelminthes – Ex. . Symmetry – . Number of tissue layers— . Digestive system yes or no Number of openings____ . ( or ) . Circulatory system Yes or no – Open or closed . . Gastrovascular cavity with ____ opening o Cephalization → eyespots vs. lateral flaps

o Nervous system → o Reproduction → o P. Rotifera – Ex. . Pseudocoelomates . Have organ systems and a complete digestive tract (mouth and anus) . ______draws water into mouth . Parthenogenesis →

 Other types of eggs develop into males, but only long enough to make sperm → zygote → dormant during unfavorable conditions  o P. – Ex. . Soft-bodied; most protected by a ______. – 3 main parts →  1.  2.  3.  Fig. 33.16 pg. 656 . Symmetry – . Number of tissue layers— . Digestive system yes or no Number of openings____


. Gastrulation (protostome or Deuterostome) . Circulatory system Yes or no – Open or closed

. Radula →

. Both sexes; some hermaphrodite . Trochophore →

. Coelomates; open circulatory system o Foot acts as a ______ C. – Ex.

 o

o o Grazers and predators –→ o Some are terrestrial with and without shells (snail vs. slugs)  C. – Ex. o o Foot → o Mantle →

4 o No distinct head, no radula o Path of water →

 C. Cephalopoda – Ex. o Built for ______o Carnivores; inject ______= immobilization o Chambered nautiluses → o Move using ______; can point in different directions o Giant squid → o Closed circulatory system; will-developed nervous system with complex brain; well developed eyes o o P. Annelida – Ex. . Symmetry – . Number of tissue layers— . Digestive system yes or no Number of openings____ . Gastrulation (protostome or Deuterostome) . Circulatory system Yes or no – Open or closed . . Nervous system → . Respiratory organ = ______(diffusion) . Metanephridia →

. Regeneration→


. 3 classes:  C. Oligochaeta – Ex. o Undigested food exits thru anus o Helps till the land o ______head o No parapodia (almost-feet → locomotion)  C. Polychaeta o Has setae (bristles) and parapodia o Marine; crawl/ burrow on ocean floor

. Two well-adapted developments in :  1.  2.  2. – Definition →

o P. Nematoda – Ex. . Symmetry – . Number of tissue layers— . Digestive system yes or no Number of openings____


. Gastrulation (protostome or Deuterostome) . Circulatory system Yes or no – Open or closed o . Non-segmented; pseudocoelomates . Exoskeleton →

. Reproduction/ Fertilization →

. Important in ______and ______

o . Arthropoda – Ex. . MOST SUCCESSFUL OF ALL PHYLA . Symmetry – . Number of tissue layers— . Digestive system yes or no Number of openings____ . Gastrulation (protostome or Deuterostome) . Circulatory system Yes or no – Open or closed . . Exoskeleton →

. Jointed appendages →

. Cephalization; well-developed sensory organs  Hemolymph →

. Organs specialized for gas exchange:  Aquatic = ______ Terrestrial = ______. 4 main groups:  1. Groups can be  2. classified as phyla, subphyla, or classes  3. depending on the  4. scheme


 Much segmentation → as evolved, segments fused and number of segments decreased . Chelicerates  Ex.  Chelicerae →

 Cephalothorax and abdomen  Class Arachnida – Ex. o One or two main parts o ___ pairs of appendages: . 1 pair – . 1 pair – . 4 pairs – o Gas exchange → o Spin silk webs .

. Catches flying . Spinning web = inherited trait  3. Uniramians o Ex. o 1 pair ______o 1 pair ______o ______appendages o Class Diplopoda – Ex. . ____ pairs of legs per segment o Class Chilopoda – Ex. . ___ pair of legs per segment o Class Insecta – Ex. . Now divided into several classes . Most diverse class . Entomology → . ______pairs of wings (on thorax)


 Wings →

 Early function of wings = ______ Usually mate ______per lifetime . Insects:  HELPFUL →  HARMFUL →

 4. o Ex. o o Mainly aquatic o ___ pair compound eyes o Only arthropods with 2 pairs of antennae o o Gas exchange → o Circulatory system → o Separate sexes o Larval stages → o Several groups of crustaceans . . .

------How many times did segmentation evolve in animals??? - Still present (ex. vertebrae in backbone) - 3 theories: o __ origins of segmentation Fig. 33.36 pg. 672 o __ origins of segmentation o __ origin of segmentation


Up to this point….Protostomes…now…. . Deuterostomia  P. Echinodermata o o Usually center with ___ spokes (sea stars) o Thin skin covers … o Water vascular system → o Reproduction → o Look radial, but actually have ______symmetry o All are marine . C. Asteroidea – Ex.  5 or more arms with tube feet on the underside (locomotion, suction, grasping prey)  Digestive System →