

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Porifera Deuterostomia

Cnidaria and and Protostomia

SSiection 4 Professor Donald McFarlane Parazoa Lecture 13 : Parazoa,

Radiata, and Lophotrochozoa Ancestral colonial 2

Traditional classification based on Parazoa – Porifera body plans Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

Parazoa „ 4 main morphological and developmental „ features used „ Loosely organized and lack Porifera Ecdysozoa Cnidaria and Ctenophora

tissues euterostomia photrochozoa D 1. o Presence or absence of different tissue L „ Multicellular with several types of types Protostomia cells 2. Type of body Radiata Bilateria „ 8,000 species, mostly marine Parazoa Eumetazoa 3. Presence or absence of a true body „ No apparent symmetry cavity Ancestral colonial „ Adults sessile, larvae free- choanoflagellate 4. Patterns of embryonic development swimming

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„ Water drawn through pores (ostia) into spongocoel „ Flows out through osculum „ Reproduce „ Choanocytes line spongocoel Sexually „ Most hermapppgggphrodites producing eggs and sperm Trap and eat small particles and plankton „ Gametes are derived from amoebocytes or „ Mesohyl between choanocytes and choanocytes epithelial cells Asexually Amoebocytes absorb food from choanocytes, „ Small fragment or bud may detach and form a new digest it, and carry to other cells Spicules (skeletal fibers) or spongin

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Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Radiata – Phylums Cnidaria Water

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. and Ctenophora Radiata

(b) Typical vase „ Radial symmetry shape of sponges Porifera Ecdysozoa Choanocyte „ Mostly marine Deuterostomia Lophotrochozoa

Epithelial cell and Ctenophora

Osculum a Flagell um „ OlOnly 2 em bryon ic germ Collar Cnidari

Nucleus layers Amoebocyte Protostomia Water Diploblastic Spicule Radiata Bilateria Spongocoel and Ostium Parazoa Eumetazoa Mesoglea connects

Mesohyl layers Spicule (c) Cross section of sponge morphology 7 8

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Phylum Cnidaria

„ 2 different body forms „ First with true tissues Sessile polyp – tubular body with tentacles „ Gastrovascular cavity for extracellular surrounding opening ( and ) digestion Motile medusa – umbrella-shaped body with a mouth on the un ders ide surroun de d by Allows ingestion of larger food particles tentacles Advance over sponge’s intracellular digestion „ Cnidocytes contain nemotocysts „ True nerve cells arranged in Hairlike trigger – cnidocil No central control organ Some sticky while other sting „ Simple muscles and nerves Not true muscles (not of origin)

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Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Mouth/ Tentacle anus Bell Epidermis Phylum Ctenophora (from ectoderm) Mesoglea „ Comb jellies Gastrodermis „ Less than 100 species- all marine and look (from endoderm) like Gastrovascular „ Eig ht rows of cili a on sur face bea t for cavity propulsion „ 2 long tentacles without stinging cells „ Colloblasts secrete sticky substance

Mouth/ Tentacle „ First complete gut – mouth and anus anus „ Hermaphroditic (a) Polyp (b) Medusa „ 11 Bioluminescent 12

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„ , , lophophorates, mollusks and „ Traditionally, bilaterally symmetrical split into those with no (platyhelminthes), pseudocoleomate ( and rotifers) and remaining coelomate phlya „ Molecular data suggests a different grouping with the deuterostomates separate and the protostomates divided into the Lophotrochozoa (Platyhelminthes, Rotifera, , and Annelida) and the Ecdysozoa 13 14

Phylum Platyhelminthes

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

Lophotrochozoa „ Flatworms „ Lack a specialized Rotifera Porifera Annelida Mollusca

respiratory or circulatory Ecdysozoa euterostomia d Ctenophora atyhelminthes Lophophorata n D system to transport gases Pl

„ Respire by diffusion Cnidaria a Lophotrochozoa „ Among first animals with active predatory lifestyle Protostomia Radiata Bilateria „ First with 3 embryonic germ layers – triploblastic „ Bilaterally symmetrical Parazoa Eumetazoa „ Mesoderm key innovation – led to more with a sophisticated organs „ Acoelomate – lacking fluid-filled cavity 15 16

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„ Digestive system incomplete „ 4 classes „ Distinct excretory system with „ – Free-living, Planaria protonephridia and flame cells „ – Fish flukes „ Light sensitive eyespots or ocelli „ – Tapeworms, parasitic „ Cerebral ganglia receive input 2 separate host species in life cycle „ Retain nerve net with beginning of more „ – Flukes, parasitic centralized More complex life cycle with multiple hosts „ Sexual or asexual reproduction Chinese liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis Most hermaphroditic but do not self fertilize Blood flukes, Schistosoma spp., most common parasitic trematode infecting humans

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Lophophorata Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lophotrochozoa

„ 3 closely related phyla „ Phoronida, , Rotifera Porifera Annelida Mollusca Ecdysozoa phophorata

Brachiopoda uterostomia d Ctenophora tyhelminthes o e n L D „ All possess a Pla

– ciliary Cnidaria a Lophotrochozoa

feeding device that also Protostomia

functions in respiration Radiata Bilateria

„ True coelom Parazoa Eumetazoa

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Phylum Mollusca Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Lophotrochozoa „ Over 100,000 species „ Soft body with, in many species, Rotifera Porifera Annelida protective external shell Mollusca Ecdysozoa Lophophorata Deuterostomia „ Body h as 3 par ts and Ctenophora Platyhelminthes

Foot, visceral mass and mantle Lophotrochozoa Cnidaria „ Coelom confined to small area Protostomia around heart Radiata Bilateria Parazoa Eumetazoa „ Open „ Metanephridia „ Radula – unique tongue-like organ 21 22

„ Most shells complex 3 layered and secreted by mantle „ Separate sexes although some hermaphroditic „ External fertilization – some internal ((ykey to snails colonizin g land ) „ Trocophore larvae develops into veliger with rudimentary foot, shell and mantle „ 8 classes with 4 common Polyplacophorans, gastropods, bivalves and

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„ Polyplacophorans – „ Gastropods – snails, slugs and Phylum Annelida nudibranchs

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Largest class, shells can be reduced or lost, „ Rings are distinct Lophotrochozoa most marine or freshwater but some colonized land segments separated by a septum Rotifera Porifera elminthes Annelida Mollusca erostomia cdysozoa hophorata Ctenophora t „ h Bivalves – clams, mussels, oysters E Lop Deu „ Cephalopods – , squids, „ Segmentation has Platy

nautiluses advantages and Cnidaria Lophotrochozoa Most morphologically complex, fast-swimming 1. Repetition of components Protostomia marine predators, closed circulatory system provides backup Radiata Bilateria Beaklike jaw, only nautilus has external shell, 2. Coelom acts as hydrostatic Parazoa Eumetazoa some have foot modified into muscular siphon skeleton for propulsion 3. Permits specialization 25 26

„ Digestive system complete and unsegmented „ Double transport „ Sexual reproduction involves 2 individuals system (sometimes separate sexes, others Circulatory system and hermaphroditic) with internal fertilization coelomic fluid „ Asexual reproduction by fission carries nutrients, wastes and „ 15,000 species respiratory gases „ All annelids except leeches have setae on each segment

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„ 2 classes „ Polychaeta – marine worms Most species rich, many long setae „ Clittelata Subclass Oligochaeta – terrestrial and freshwater worms (earthworms) „ Role in conditioning soil through castings Subclass Hirudinea – leeches

„ Primarily freshwater, hirudin (anticoagulant), may be used in reattachment surgeries, generally external parasites

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