Microsporidiosis: Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection Dr. Ujjala Ghoshal Professor & Incharge Parasitology Department of Microbiology Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical ESCMIDSciences, Lucknow,eLibrary India E mail:
[email protected] © by author Microsporidiosis Microsporidiosis is an opportunistic infection caused by a group of obligate intracellular eukaryotic pathogens, which is phylogenetically related to Fungi It is increasingly common pathology in humans due to growing number of persons with immunodepressive states About 1300 species of 150 genera known to infect vertebrates as well as invertebrates Fourteen species are implicated in human pathology, including Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Encephalitozoon intestinalis ESCMID eLibrary E. bieneusi known ©to cause by90 %authorof human infections Enterocytozoon bieneusi In 1985, E. bieneusi was first recognized as opportunistic pathogen in AIDS patient E. bieneusi has been increasingly reported in treatment induced immunosuppression Renal transplant (common) Bone marrow transplant Stem cell transplant and, Liver transplant recipients Cancer patients Patient with Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) EESCMID. bieneusi has been reported eLibraryamong traveler's, children and elderly as well Lopez-Velez R et al. 1999 © by author Enterocytozoon bieneusi contd.. E. bieneusi has been identified in Pets and farm animals (dog, cat, pig, goat, donkey, cattle, rabbit) Wild animals (fox, otter, raccoon, nutria) Birds (industrial poultry, urban pigeons) Desportes livage I et al. 2005; Anane S et al. 2010 Spores of E. bieneusi have been detected in surface water and also certain fruits, vegetables and milk ESCMID eLibrary © by author E. bieneusi in HIV-infected patients Country Patients with No. of Prevalence diarrhea patients Weber et al. 1992 USA Mixed 134 4.5% Kotler et al.