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BONE GROWTH: THE WAKE OF THE GROWTH PLATE A thesis submitted To Kent State University in partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the DeGree of Master of Arts by Samantha H. Magrini AuGust 2021 © CopyriGht All riGhts reserved Except for previously published materials Thesis written by Samantha H. Magrini B.A., Youngstown State University, 2017 M.A., Kent State University, 2021 Approved by ___________________________________, Advisor Linda Spurlock ___________________________________, Chair, Department of Anthropology Mary Ann Raghanti ___________________________________, Interim Dean, College of Arts & Sciences Mandy Munro-Stasiuk TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii LIST OF FIGURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi CHAPTERS I. INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wolff’s Law: History and Overview ---------------------------------------------------- 1 Limb Bud Formation ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Endochondral Ossification ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Proposed Research Hypothesis --------------------------------------------------------- 11 II. METHODS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 The Libben OsteoloGical Collection --------------------------------------------------- 12 Sample Selection ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Three-Dimensional ScanninG and PrintinG ------------------------------------------- 15 Final Processing for Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------- 18 Ill. RESULTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 ImaGe Overlays --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 CONCLUSIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 REFERENCES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Dorsal View of the Limb Bud -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Figure 2. Schematic Layout of the Growth Plate ---------------------------------------------------------- 7 Figure 3. The PTHrP-Ihh NeGative Feedback Loop ------------------------------------------------------ 9 Figure 4. 3D Scans of Specimen 10063 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Figure 5. 3D Scans of Specimen 03210 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Figure 6. 3D Scans of Specimen 02062 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Figure 7. Comparison of Specimen #02062 and the 3D Printed Replica ----------------------------- 18 Figure 8. Cross-Sectioning of the 3D Printout ----------------------------------------------------------- 19 Figure 9. Specimen #02062 Alongside Comparison Specimens -------------------------------------- 19 Figure 10. Side-by-Side Comparisons of Specimen #12206 and Slice 1 ----------------------------- 21 Figure 11. Overlay Comparisons of Slice 1 and Specimen #12206 ----------------------------------- 21 Figure 12. Overlay Comparisons of Slice 2 and Specimen #3203 ------------------------------------ 22 Figure 13. Overlay Comparisons of Slice 3 and Specimen #5035 ------------------------------------ 22 Figure 14. Overlay Comparisons of Slice 4 and Specimen #4055 ------------------------------------ 22 Figure 15. Overlays of Proximal Growth Plate Surfaces ----------------------------------------------- 23 iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Page AER Apical ectodermal ridGe 4 AP Anterior-posterior 5 BMP Bone morphoGenetic protein 4 FGF Fibroblast growth factor 4 Hox Homeobox 5 Ihh Indian hedgehog 8 LRP Lipoprotein receptor related protein 6 mRNA MessenGer RNA (ribonucleic acid) 10 PTHrP Parathyroid hormone-related protein 8 PZ Progress Zone 5 Runx2 Runt-related transcription factor 2 6 Shh Sonic hedgehog 4 Sox9 SRY-Box transcription factor 9 6 ZPA Zone of polarizinG activity 4 v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to start by thankinG my advisor, Dr. Linda Spurlock. You saw somethinG in me from day one, and I have so enjoyed traversinG the highs and lows of this process with you. I couldn’t have made this happen without your help and support. My other thesis committee members Dr. C. Owen Lovejoy, and Dr. Richard Meindl, thank you for your encouragement and input in making this a reality. It has been an educationally eye-opening experience to have you give your thoughts and advice throughout. I also would like to acknowledGe the help and support of Dr. Mary Ann RaGhanti, Chair of the AnthropoloGy Department, who not only provided needed critique of my early chapters, but who after many emails aided in settinG up connections with the DesiGn Innovation Hub for me. I would like to thank the Kent State Design Innovation Hub, specifically Andrea Oleniczak and J.R. Campbell for makinG it possible for me to access the 3D scanninG equipment, especially on such short notice. Your help along with that of the student workers introduced me to the amazinG possibilities which are presented when departments come toGether and form interdisciplinary connections. Most notably within the DI Hub student workers I must thank Aishwarya Yelakonda for all the technical support and help with ‘Eva’. I couldn’t have made this happen without her, and I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent toGether as she helped me traverse the technical side of thinGs. Closer to home, yet across many miles, I must thank my parents, Brian, and Teresa Carley. I wouldn’t have been able to make this happen without the constant support and encouraGement they have given me every step of the way. Finally, I need to thank my husband, Troy Magrini Jr. He has been my rock throughout the highs and lows of this process. I have known from day one that he would be there to keep me going on the touGh days, and to cheer for me on the good ones. I am so lucky to have him there to help me see what awaits on the finish line. vi INTRODUCTION Wolff’s Law: History and Overview It is not uncommon for many to link bone growth and development to the effects of external mechanical loadinG forces, with the belief that loadinG is the primary drivinG factor of bone formation (Bertram and Swartz 1991; Frost 1983; Jansen 1920; Pearson and Lieberman 2004; Ruff, Holt, and Trinkaus 2006; Villemure and Stokes 2009). These hypotheses can be linked back to German anatomist Julius Wolff, who in 1882 produced several self-ascribed ‘laws’ regarding the formation of bone from which many have drawn inspiration (Wolff 1892; Wolff 1886). He stated that “the law of bone remodelinG is the law accordinG to which alterations of the internal architecture clearly observed and followinG mathematical rules, as well as secondary alterations of the external form of the bone followinG the same mathematical rules, occur as a consequence of primary changes in the shape and stressing or in the stressinG of the bones,” (Wolff 1892; Wolff 1886). Since Wolff’s influential treatise, many others added to his hypothesis. These include Young’s Modulus of Elasticity, an enGineerinG principle which has since been applied to the properties of bone, and which considers bones’ elastic properties (Pearson and Lieberman 2004). YounG’s Modulus as applied to bone specifies a ranGe of stress-strain which bone can withstand without breakinG and still return to its original size and shape (Pearson and Lieberman 2004). Another is the Hueter-Volkmann Law of mechanical modulation of bone growth, which suggests that immature bone lenGth is dictated by compressive forces acting upon the epiphyseal cartilage (Villemure and Stokes 2009; Volkmann 1865; Walker et al. 2002). Increases in pressure inhibit bone growth, whereas decreases in pressure and tension stimulate bone growth (Hueter 1862a; 1862b). This interestinG seems to contradict many of the principles applied beneath ‘Wolff’s Law’, as it suGGests that bone growth will be inhibited by pressure, rather than the typical claim of these ‘Laws’ which suGGest increased stress and strain will increase bone mass. Wolff 1 also worked alongside Wilhelm Roux, with whom he developed the “doctrine of the functional form of bones,” which states that the structure and form of bones is determined entirely, “mechanically” and “mathematically”, by tension and pressure stresses (Jansen 1920; Wolff 1892). Roux believed that the bone cells were capable of responding to mechanical stress and therefore were responsive to loading (Ruff, Holt, and Trinkaus 2006). Taken together these ideas have contributed to what is now known as ‘Wolff’s Law’ (Pearson and Lieberman 2004). The main principle of Wolff’s Law is that bone adapts to mechanical loadinG forces, and that there is a functional morpholoGy related to bone form and function (Pearson and Lieberman 2004). Essentially, bone would be laid down where needed and removed where not (Walker et al. 2002). Cortical bones would be expected to increase in volume as a response to force, which would increase the bone’s loadinG capacity (Bertram