Fun Forms of Martial Arts in Positive Enhancement of All Dimensions of Health and Survival Abilities

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Fun Forms of Martial Arts in Positive Enhancement of All Dimensions of Health and Survival Abilities Available online at Archives of Budo Conference Proceedings 2015 HMA Congress 1st World Congress on Health and Martial Arts in Interdisciplinary Approach, HMA 2015 Fun forms of martial arts in positive enhancement of all dimensions of health and survival abilities Władysław Jagiełło1, Roman Maciej Kalina1, Jarosław Klimczak2, Konstantin Vladimirowicz Ananczenko3, Sergei Ashkinazi4, Artur Kalina5 1 Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Department of Combat Sports, Poland 2 Faulty of Environmental Sciences, Department of Tourism and Recreation, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland 3 Kharkov National Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkov, Ukraine 4 Lestgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg, Russia 5 Plus-Rehabilitation Services Ltd., USA Abstract The world is changing, and apparently Japanese youth are more likely to choose American baseball than the native martial arts. The aim of our work is argu- ments to justify the benefits offun forms of martial arts as a universal means of enhancement of all dimensions of health and survival abilities, developing intellect, building an ethical attitude, breaking down the barriers of inability, etc., which are available to anyone with only limited professional intervention. The most general division of fun forms of martial arts includes two aspects: the utilitarian and the health one. Dividing fun forms of martial arts accord- ing to the health aspect first of all applies to relationships with three manifestations of health (somatic, mental, social), and within each manifestation there is a diagnostic and adaptive factor (this one divided into the prophylactic and therapeutic one). For example, part of fun forms of martial arts of the category “1 –avoiding a collision” and “8 – comprehensive settling of close combat” is useful both for diagnosing aggressiveness (it is one of the most popular indices of mental health) and for reducing it (the therapeutic factor). These categories of fun forms of martial arts also have a prophylactic sig- nificance in the sense of preventing injuries to the body as a result of a collision with an object in motion. It is clear how extensive can be applications of specific fun forms of martial arts – the known ones and those that can only be invented. Key words: counter effectiveness • difficult situations • non-aggression • nonviolence • preventing injuries • self-defence skills • safe falling skills Published online: 17 September 2015 Copyright: © 2015 the Authors. Published by Archives of Budo Contributors: Władysław Jagiełło, Roman Maciej Kalina conceived the study design. Władysław Jagiełło, Roman Maciej Kalina, Jarosław Klimczak, Konstantin Vladimirowicz Ananczenko, Sergei Ashkinazi, Artur Kalina collected the data. Władysław Jagiełło, Roman Maciej Kalina, Jarosław Klimczak analysed the data. Władysław Jagiełło, Roman Maciej Kalina, Jarosław Klimczak prepared the manuscript. Władysław Jagiełło, Roman Maciej Kalina, Jarosław Klimczak secured the funding. Funding: The study was conducted within the framework of the project “Prevention of pathology and aggression among children and youth through sport” financed by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, Poland. Conflict of interest: Authors have declared that no competing interest exists Ethical approval: Not required Provenance and peer review: Under responsibility of HMA Congress Corresponding author: Władysław Jagiełło, Department of Sport, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Physical Education and Sports, K. Gorskiego 1, 80-336 Gdansk, Poland; e-mail; e-mail: [email protected] Open Access License: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial 4.0 International (, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and is otherwise in compliance with the license Cite it: Jagiełło W, Kalina RM, Klimczak J, Ananczenko KV, Ashkinazi S, Kalina A. Fun forms of martial arts in positive enhancement of all dimensions of health and survival abilities. In: Kalina RM (ed.) Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Health and Martial Arts in Interdisciplinary Approach, HMA 2015, 17–19 September 2015, Czestochowa, Poland. Warsaw: Archives of Budo; 2015. p. 32–39 32 Jagiełło W et al. – Fun forms of martial arts in positive enhancement... INTRODUCTION principle of modern training of primarily arts of self- Jan Harasymowicz very aptly notes that during a fight defence and only then in a wider perspective of mar- various aspects of human nature are revealed – anxi- tial arts (assuming that any martial art is also an art ety, aggression, pride, vanity, skills, physical disposi- of self-defence). tions, knowledge, and interdependence between these characteristics [1]. This directly corresponds to vari- The world is changing, and apparently Japanese youth ous forms of hand-to-hand fighting. are more likely to choose American baseball than the native martial arts. Many coaches of the so-called Contemporary sport has developed many varieties of energetic sports and sports games lack an awareness team games where some of these features characteris- that the repetition of the usual training schemes, typ- ing all or most team members determine the success ical of specific disciplines and events, actually slows – pride marked by modesty, high skills and physical the progress. Athletes are sometimes unmotivated to dispositions, knowledge and harmonious interdepen- intensify efforts, and soon they succumb to fatigue. dence between these traits. If team members are char- The few who reach for fun forms of martial arts are acterized by anxiety, aggression, pride (understood as discovering new opportunities of a creative influence the lack of modesty), vanity (unjustified pride), then on individuals and the whole team. success can only be accidental, usually as a result of an even greater intensification of these negative char- With such generally depicted premises, the aim of acteristics in the opponent. our work is arguments to justify the benefits of fun forms of martial arts as a universal means of enhance- In every type of hand-to-hand fighting as well as in ment of all dimensions of health and survival abili- a non-sport confrontation (one against one or one ties, developing intellect, building an ethical attitude, against a group) success is determined by an accu- breaking down the barriers of inability, etc., which are mulation of positive characteristics and their inter- available to anyone with only limited professional dependence. Conflict with oneself is deadly. A single intervention. warrior can only count on himself. The opponent’s mistake can prove to be an ally, but to use such cir- cumstances, one needs to be optimally prepared. INSPIRATIONS AND WARNINGS STRAIGHT FROM THE ANTIQUITY AND THE MIDDLE Harasymowicz goes on to say that learning mar- AGES tial arts (or arts of self-defence) allows recognising In different cultures of the Ancient times, in the short that a fear of failure cripples the human capacity for periods of rest between wars, many forms of hand-to- proper, intelligent action, that aggression obscures hand fighting were among some basic entertainment understanding, that vanity, a lack of physical dispo- for courtiers and the commoners. In the Antiquity and sition, knowledge, perseverance and skills are sui- the Middle Ages duelling was a plague [2]. cidal. Such learning shapes an attitude of a watchful observer and acting skills in accordance with the In ancient Greece, wrestling was the mildest form of laws of nature; it highlights one’s own weaknesses hand-to-hand fighting. Brutalisation came with com- and the need to cooperate with others in overcom- bining wrestling with boxing (pancratium), which ing them. Training develops human disposition and quickly gained popularity among viewers. allows him/her to overcome anxiety and complexes that trigger aggression towards others. So it is – con- In Japan the most popular was sumo – a type of wres- trary to appearances – a path to non-aggression (non- tling, but in fact a combination of ceremonial and violence) [1,p.10]. sport elements. At the turn of the old and the new era fights were brutal; very often they ended in the Since a single warrior can only count on himself and death of one of athletes. Since year 734 sumo became possibly on a favourable combination of circum- part of the court tournament, and since year 824 court stances, then what need for cooperation with others tournaments began to be played from the 16th day does Harasymowicz mean? Clearly, he means the of the month. The fall of popularity of sumo at the learning process rather than the acquisition of skills end of the 16th century revived illegal street fight- and experience by fighting to the death. Therefore, ing (banned by the edict in Edo in 1648), which had in 1978 (three years before the introduction of the nothing to do with gentleness [3,4]; revived, because martial law in Poland and in the initial period of the already four centuries earlier a Samurai risked exile expansion of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese martial or confiscation of goods for publicly beating a per- arts to Central and Eastern Europe) Harasymowicz son (article 13 of the Goseibai-shikimoku, 1232) [3]. formulated a general pedagogical (humanistic) 33 Archives of Budo Conference Proceedings, 2015 HMA Congress Review Article During knights’ tournaments, fighting with the use of aggression, does not mean that others adhere to this dull weapons was a relatively mild form of fighting principle to a similar extent. We appeal here to the in close contact, aside from wrestling. The introduc- elemental principle of responsibility for one’s own tion of firearms revolutionised the formula of duels actions and the safety of the circle of the closest peo- [2], although still for a long time decisive moments of ple (family, friends, a cultural or religious community, battles and skirmishes were settled in direct confron- etc.). To dispense with an opportunity to optimally tation, including hand-to-hand fighting.
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