The Fruit Cultivator's Manual, Is Designed to Qualify the Novice in Fruit Culture for the Superintend- Ence of His Own Orchard and Fruit Garden
THE FRUIT CULTIVATOR'S MANUAL, CONTAINING AMPLE ' : " ' ' ' > n n;w\, ' . , ,',,, ,' ,' .^i FOR THE CULTIVATION OF THE MOST IMPORTANT FRUITS INCLUDING THE CRANBERRY, THE FIG, AND GRAPE, WITH DESCRlPriVE LISTS OF THE MOST ADMIRED VARIETIES. AND A CALENDAR, SHOWING THE WORK NECESSARY TO BE DONE IN THE ORCHARD AND FRUIT GARDEN EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR. THE WHOLE ADAPTED TO THE CLIMATE OF THE UNITED 8TAT33. BY THOMAS J^RIDGEMAN, Gardener. Seedsman, and Florist. NEW-YORK: FOR SALE BY THE AUTHOR, BROADWAY, CORNER OF EIGHTEENTH STREET, J. M. Thorhurn & Co., 15 John-street, Alex. Smith, 388 Broadway, Dnnlnp &. Thompson, Broadway, N. Y. ; Win. Th >rlmrn, Broodway. Allmny ; C. F. Crwman, Rochester : Ho- vey & Co., Joseph Breck & Co., J. L. I,. F. W>irreri, Walker & Co., Boston; David Lnndreth, H. A. Dreer, R .bort B list, Philndr Iphi-i ; Gibson & Ritchi>, Newark, N. J. R. Sincl'tir, Jr.,fe Co.. Baltimore : J. F. Cnl!an, Washington City ; Henry Cook, Alex nndria, D. C. : Frederi<-k Wittuenn, Chnr!esto-i, S. C ; M-.sely&Co.. M-hile; Wru Dinn, New Orlpan-< ; J.i*. M. ThorSurn, Sr. Lonis ; Ely & Campbell, H. Huxley, Cin- cinnati ; Chnrles A. P"ti!>')<]y. Column-is, Ga. ; A. G. Mann, Louisville, Ky. ; ami othe' Seedsmen. Also, by Booksellers in general. 1847. Printed by A. llualbrd, 58 Nassau-stree* 184/ MAIM [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Forty-seven by THOMAS BRIDGEMAIT, in the Clerk's Office of the Dis- trict Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New-York.] PREFACE.
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