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Political Animals / ... < ' -r . ~:.' ,;/>. ;:..' . ~:;:. ~-:. , 177 BEl'WEEN THE SPEX::IES share. For sane of these groups-those con­ illustrative in this regard, for they are not taining psychologists, veterinarians, attor­ necessarily endemic to the perceived role of neys, and the religious--AR gives them a new student qua student, and when a canpeting perspective on their vocation and beliefs~ concern arises, there is a strong incentive for others--students, artists, and actors-­ to meet the demands of the activity .most the issue is one that is only periIilerally closely bound up with one's role as student, related to their activity, so that a camon i.e., course work. The bond, then, to the bond with other persons in the group is more profession or institution must be strong of an afflatus toward organization. The enough to instill a sense of ocmn:i.tment but fonner groups could be spoken of in tenns of not so strong that it hinders freedan and internal motivation, while the latter are risk. more externally motivated. <ne would expect, and the data bears witness to this expecta­ 'Ihree groups, in particular, are repre­ tion, that in internally motivated groups, a sentative of the class of institutional/pro­ pre-existing social, professional, or reli­ fessional organizations which have arisen gious structure is essentially provided in fran within the structure of established which the idea of AR must be acccmnodated. practices: The Association of Veterinarians These groups have influence in that the idea for Animal Rights (AVAR), Psychologists for can have force and affect a structured insti­ the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PsyRI'A) , tution or practice in society. However, the and the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF­ rigidity and tradition of that framework are originally, Attorneys for Animal Rights, not cnly givens which may resist change but AFAR).[40] in scme cases are barriers in the sense that there are certain entrenched attitudes toward Like a number of AR groups, AVAR was and interpretations of the role value or fonned in the year 1981 to heighten con­ purpose of animals. This fact is especially sciousness within the public and the profes­ true in AR groups with a basis in law, psy­ ::lion concerning the proper treatment of ani­ chology, and religion, professions or insti­ mals. Founder Dr. Neil Wolff, D.V.M., of the tutions with deep historical roots. Blue Cross Animal Hospital in Greenwich, Connecticut, wants to present the organiza­ On the other hand, where an idea gives 'non as a "sensible, constructive, 'morally­ rise to an organization, one would expect disturbed' group of doctors" who can provide that the structure of the organization would a "sounding board for veterinarians and more closely reflect the issues surrounding others in the field on animal rights is­ that idea. This is especially true of the sues. II [41] newer organizations in the movement. More­ over, because the issue is not necessarily While veterinarians, by virtue of their internal to the activity, it does not threa­ occupation, are closer than most groups to ten the participant's career or .i.rnage in the animals and animal issues, they have not been same way that it affects the former category perceived as an important voice in the fight of groups. Consequently, members may more for animal welfare and rights. In fact, the reasonably take chances, utilize more radical responses to an reader survey by Agenda indi­ tactics and risk failure or embarassment for cates that veterinarians are seen as the the possibility of greater success. However; group which has contributed the least to when the issue is too far rem:wed fran the furthering animal rights. [42] The task of activity, it is much easier for frustration, AVAR is not so much to change these percep­ apathy, or a drop in interest or commitment tions within the AR IlOVement as to challenge to arise. attitudes and practices within the veterinary profession. In addition to disseminating Finally, when a conflict occurs between information, publishing a magazine, and edu­ the demands of the organization and the de­ cating veterinarians, AVAR is involved in mands of the activity, the likelihood that legislative, and court hearings, advising IAR one will opt to meet the requirements of the groups, and participating in dem::>nstrations. latter is much greater, tmless there is a The list of its concerns and possible areas strong outside factor (ethical, religious, or for future endeavors ranges fran animal otherwise) that encourages a different ac­ rights information centers in animal hospi­ tion. Student AR organizations are often tals to efforts to deter animal research and BElWEEN THE SPECIES 178 cosmetic industry injustices and fran expos­ far as to assert that "the raison d letre of ing race track practices to anti-hunting and the veterinary profession is the over-all anti-trapping campaigns. Perhaps a poten­ well-being of man-not lower animals."[44] tially IlDre important oontribution to the For example, in 1966, the American Veterinary IlDVement, however, lies in its capacity to Medical Association (AVMA) actively opposed help shift the locus of discussion toward legislation to license and regulate research animal suffering and IlDral issues in major facilities, because such action would inter­ veterinary journals and schools, and away fere with research. [45] fran the sole attention tQ teclmiques and facts and to confront and educate pet owners Veterinarians and the AVMA are also oon­ about AR issues. As Dr. Wolff has stated: cerned about the increasing number of inex­ pensive spay/neuter programs run by humane Many of· my clients who "love" organizations, since these programs threaten animals would unabashedly lend the econanic security of their profession. their support to oonstructive ani­ Consequently, they have tended to be cautious mal rights projects if they only in their views of dealings with AR organi­ lmew about them, if their zations. Increasingly, however, with the friendly local veterinarian or ani­ pranptings of groups like AVAR, veterinarians mal hospital calmly offers them are real;izing the necessity (both IlDrally and literature, films, and' an animal practically) of fighting for and speaking in rights library. • 'Ibis can tenns of animal rights as well as welfare. present a IlDre propitious atIoos­ Richard E. Brown,· D.V.M., asserts that Iilere and go a long way towards gathering up steam for animal the rights of animals are, have rights awareness. [43] been, and will be a IlDst important factor in manls interactions with Related to this PJtential oontribution his pets, his working animals, am is one which lies at the theoretical heart of animals of the wild in the future. the animal rights oon'troversy-the atteupt to extend protection for animals beyond welfare. He argues that even if veterinarians choose To this point, veterinarians have, on the to ignore this factor, rights will be imposed whole, focused their thou9hts and activities fran outside the professions and asks: around the less inclusive idea of animal welfare. In fact, some veterinarians gQ as HeM can we in the future offer such nodern medicine for our pa­ tients if· we do not recognize that they do indeed have rights? HeM can we justify several hundred dollar reconstructions, repairs, or treatment IOOdalities when we oon­ done a non-status to our pa­ tients.[46] Speaking in tenns and standards less internal to the profession, Michael W. Fox, President of the Institute for the study of Animal Problems and writer on animal rights and vaterinary issues, raises the question, Do we not violate the sanctity and dignity of healthy animals (includ­ ing rats and mice) when we make them sick or subject them to re­ peated surgeries solely for educa­ tional purposes in veterinary schools? After contrasting these practices with those 179 BE."IWEEN THE SPECIES of the htnnan medical profession, he queries, A second profession which is bound by nature with questions about the proper treat­ Therefore why should the veterinary ment of animals and which, as a whole, is a profession ccmpranise itl;l ethics in primary target of the AR novement, is psycho­ this way?[47] logy. A large percentage and many of the nost painful experiments on animals are per­ SUch questions remain largely unanswered. formed by psychologists. A conservative estimate, based on the number of published Due to the nature of these problems, results in journals like Psychological Ab­ AVAR's role is at once both political and stracts and the average number of animals ethical, as well as educational, for it must used in experiments in 1972, suggests that deal with many subUe and controversial ques­ well over 40,000 animals were subjects in tions that may threaten traditional practices brain research in one year.[52] Of course, and underscore the fact that the veterinari­ brain research is just one area of psycholo­ an's role is closer to that of a pediatrician gical research. SUch numbers have undoubted­ than an auto mechanic. [47] Moreover, many of ly increased arithmetically, if not gecmetri­ the veterinarians in this 250 member organi­ cally, since that time. The nost camnon zation r, . not approve of euthanasia for victim is the laboratory rat, which has been animals and, like other AR organizations, it blinded, drowned, starved, deafened, tor­ believes that' animals have definite "inte­ tured, and forced to engage in hc:.lrInsexual rests and intrinsic value that are not depen­ behavior, anong other things. The number of dent upon our interests or the value we may rodents and rabbits alone which are used for place upon them." [48] These philosophical experimental purposes each year is near 100 and political positions do not always paral­ million. But psychologists do not confine lel those of the veterinary profession as a their research solely to the smaller animals, whole, and when the Detroit Zoo recenUy and a perusal of such publications as The decided to euthanize three tigers in extr~ Journal of canparative and Physiological pain, the decision caused a public uproar Psychology not only attests to this fact but that has raised questions about the role of to the high number of trivial results, the the veterinarian.
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