“I Don't Like Meat to Look Like Animals”: How Consumer Behavior

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“I Don't Like Meat to Look Like Animals”: How Consumer Behavior ABSTRACT “I Don’t Like Meat to Look Like Animals”: How Consumer Behavior Responds to Animal Rights Campaigns. By Michelle L. Blake. As the animal rights movement enters its fourth decade, it is clear that American attitudes have evolved. Polls show that people are increasingly intolerant of animal suffering and more aware of animal causes. However, their consumption of animals continues unabated and often appears to contradict public sentiment. Consumer habits also ignore numerous pressures to change, including global concerns about the meat industry’s negative consequences for the environment, animal welfare, and public health. Meanwhile, there are more calls to protect animals as science proves that they possess social, intellectual, and emotional capacities that humans have long thought were theirs alone. Although behavior has not kept pace with changing attitudes, it will become increasingly difficult for Americans to ignore the consequences of their consumption habits. Consumers are largely isolated from the moral implications of their choices by numerous mechanisms that allow them to dissociate their use of animals from the suffering of animals. The literature review portion of this thesis examines the psychological and cultural constructs that present unique challenges to animal rights as a social movement. From that contextual backdrop, this thesis then evaluates consumer response to three major campaigns conducted by HSUS and PETA between 1980 and the present. The campaigns are vegetarianism and factory farming, the anti-fur movement, and the campaign against cosmetics testing on animals. While consumer response has been mixed, there are other outcomes from those campaigns that signal broader cultural changes. Social-change literature suggests that practices will resist change until there is an adjustment in the paradigm that drives them. So, this thesis finally takes up questions of paradigm and practice and argues that we are moving nearer to a tipping point in our collective moral conscience. “I Don’t Like Meat to Look Like Animals”: How Consumer Behavior Responds to Animal Rights Campaigns Copyright by Michelle L. Blake June 2008 All Rights Reserved ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is grateful to Che Green of Humane Research Council and Courtney Dillard, Ph.D., who offered guidance and generously shared their own research. Dedicated to Fred, steadfast companion for 20 years and a master of the art of feline existence. He embodied the inherent wisdom and dignity of animal life. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 1 Contextual Analysis: Ambiguity in American Culture ........................................... 5 Literature ..................................................................................................... 6 Cultural Myth and the Ethical Warrior ....................................................... 8 Religion ..................................................................................................... 10 Consumer and Market Structures.............................................................. 13 Summary ................................................................................................... 15 Thesis Structure .................................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW AND SYNTHESIS ....................... 18 Overview ............................................................................................................... 18 Evolution of the Animal Rights Movement .......................................................... 19 Welfare, Rights, and Protection ................................................................ 19 Unique Challenges to Animal Rights as a Social Movement ................... 27 Movement Membership and Influence ..................................................... 36 Public Attitude and Acceptance ................................................................ 43 Consumer Behavior and Animal Rights ............................................................... 46 Consumer Dissociation Between Production and Consumption .............. 47 Consumerism and Self-image ................................................................... 53 Cognitive Dissonance ............................................................................... 57 Definition ...................................................................................... 57 Function in Social Change ............................................................ 59 Consumer Responses and Coping Mechanisms ....................................... 61 Boomerang Effect ......................................................................... 63 Self-prophecy and Social Norms .................................................. 65 Consumer Response to Animal Rights Campaigns .............................................. 70 Overview: HSUS and PETA ..................................................................... 70 Fur ............................................................................................................. 72 Consumer Messages...................................................................... 73 Industry Interaction ....................................................................... 82 Current Status................................................................................ 85 Cosmetics Testing ..................................................................................... 88 Consumer Messages...................................................................... 89 Industry Interaction ....................................................................... 94 Current Status................................................................................ 97 Vegetarianism and Factory Farming ......................................................... 99 Consumer Messages...................................................................... 99 Industry Interaction ..................................................................... 106 Current Status.............................................................................. 111 Summary ................................................................................................. 118 CHAPTER THREE: PROPOSAL OF SOMETHING NEW ............................. 123 CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS .......................... 138 WORKS CITED ................................................................................................. 143 1 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Overview Imagine a day in the life of an average consumer. An ordinary day is dawning. Countless Americans are rising, dressing, eating, and greeting the day. What would we learn about American consumers and animal rights if we followed just one of those consumers? If we tried to count the number of animal products she uses in her day, it would quickly become easy to lose track. The count might begin with her soaps and shampoos that are tested on animals and contain animal ingredients. The same is likely true of her cosmetics, hair products, perfumes and lotions. She’ll consume a few more animal products at breakfast – from the cream in her coffee to the eggs and breakfast meats that are American staples. She may have used a dozen or more animal products before she leaves the house, and then she’ll walk out the door in leather shoes, perhaps in a wool coat. She will consume animals all day. If she is an ordinary American consumer, she probably is deeply ambiguous about her relationship to animals. She probably lives with a dog or cat, an animal who is considered part of the family. She may give money to an animal charity or a nearby animal shelter. In fact, it is quite possible that she adores animals. She cannot imagine harming an animal. Yet her lifestyle depends on harm to animals. Our society both adores non-humans and views them as commodities to be consumed and managed to the advantage of humans1. In a culture that values compassion but also is exceedingly consumer-oriented, the animal rights movement is challenged to 1 In this thesis, the word “animals” refers to non-human animals. The author acknowledges and affirms that humans are but one species in the animal kingdom. 2 inspire behavioral changes that bring society’s practices into alignment with its sympathies. It’s likely that many Americans are not fully conscious of their conflicting sentiments. The public reached near-unanimous agreement that humans should not inflict suffering on animals for superfluous products like cosmetics or fur garments. However, many consumers buy cosmetics that are tested on animals, and even though fur coats are generally unpopular, many consumers now believe that fur-trimmed garments are acceptable because they are less ostentatious. And because most consumers don’t yet see meat as superfluous, behavior changes having to do with food choices have been even more difficult to achieve. In spite of this resistance, there is mounting pressure on Americans to rethink their reliance on animal products, especially for food. The pressure is coming from several fronts. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization concluded that animal-based agriculture causes more environmental harm than all transportation combined. Agriculture presents growing ethical problems as well. Operations
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