International Peasant Union, 7Th Congress, September 2-3, 1961

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International Peasant Union, 7Th Congress, September 2-3, 1961 . f. " z . ' International Peasant llnion THE SEVENTH CONGRESS September 2 and 3, 1961 Washington, D. C. HIGHLIGHTS: STANISLAW MIKOLAJCZYK, President of the IPU Contents page 2 MONTHLY BULLETIN SEPT.- OCTOBER 1961 11th YEAR ) ( Contents: UniOn InTERnATIOnAL PEASAnT The Opening anri First Plenary Session: THE CAPTIVE PEOPLE ARE IN THE FOREFRONT OF THE STRUGGLE AGAINST COMMUNISM 3 Stanislaw Mikolajczyk Pres• dent: Secretary -General and Editor: ADDRESSES AND MESSAGES 4 STANI~LAW MIKOLAJCZYK DR. GEORGE M. DIMITROV WE MUST NEVER GIVE UP THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-DETERMINATION 6 Senator Hubert H. Humphrey MEMBER PARTIES OF THE I.P.U. SecanrJ Plenary Session: Albanian Democratic Agrarian Party • Bulgarian National Agrarian Union • Croatian THE WORLD STANDS IN THE SHADOW Peasant Party • Czechoslovak Republican Agrarian Party • United Formers and Small· OF COMMUNIST THREATS 10 holders Party of Estonia • Hungarian Peasant Association • New Farmers and Small­ Stanislaw Mikolajczyk holders Party of Latvia • Populist Peasant Union of Lithuania • Polish Peasant Party • THE COMMUNISTS ARE OUT TO WIN The Central Committee of the International Peasant Union at the opening of the Seventh Congress. From Romanian Notional Peasant Party • Democratic Party of Slovakia • Yugoslav-Serbian OVER THE PEASANT COUNTRIES left to right: Mr. Halil Maci, Mr. Alexander Ozolins, Mr. Ferenc Nagy, Dr. George M. Dimitrov, Mr. Stan­ Agrarian Union • Slovenion Peasant Union. OF THE GLOBE 14 islaw Mikolajczyk, the President, Dr. Vladko Macek, Mrs. Alena Devenis, Dr. Augustin Popa and Dr. Dr. George M. Dimitrov Josef Lettrich. Third ana Closing Plenary Session: OFFICE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS RESOLUTION 17 724 Ninth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Telephone: STerling 3-6664 INTERNAL AGRARIAN AFFAIRS 18 CULTURAL AFFAIRS 20 THE OPENING AND FIRST PLENARY SESSION OF THE SEVENTH CONGRESS WOMEN 21 AGRARIAN YOUTH 22 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE The B erlin cnsw, Soviet resumption of atomic tests, Khrushchev's threats Eastern and Central Europe Countries of to attack the Free World, oppression of the captive nations of Eastern and Central 285 Central Park West, New York 24, N. Y. Telephone SUsquehanna 7-1377-8 Behind the Iron Curtain E urope, def ense of freed011t and democracy against Comrnunist tyranny every­ SHORTAGES FOR AT LEAST FOOD h was the backg1·ound of the deliberations when over two hundred and ANOTHER FIVE YEARS 23 where-suc delegates met at the S eventh Congress of the Inte1·national Peasant Union Vasil Anriani fifty REGIONAL OFFICES on SeptembeT 2 and 3, 1961, at the She1·aton Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. BULGARIAN ECONOMY IS A REPLICA Mr. S TANISLAW MIKOLAJCZYK, the P1·esident of the Inte1-national 69 Edith Grove, london S.W. 10 Via Pad ova 90/4, Rome OF THE SOVIET 25 IN MINIATURE opened the Congres.s with a short address and R everend HUGH 18 bis, Rue Brunei, Paris 17 Moltkestrasse 23, Bonn S/avi Neikov Peasant Union the invocation. TO TRANSFORM A HUMAN BEING BROGAN deliveTed AfteT the Congress heard add1·esses delivered personally by distinguished INTO A MACHINE IS A CRIME 27 received fr011t officials, p?-ominent individuals, and various Dr. Vlariko Macek guests, and messages parts of the World, the floo1· was given to the prominent DESTRUCTION OF THE FREE organizations in many THE , who was the main speaker at the S eventh PEASANTS CONTINUES 27 S enato1· HUBERT H . HUMPHREY Dr. Juraj Krnjevic Congress- RED AGRARIAN INTERNATIONAL REVIVED IN PRAGUE 28 THE MUCH ADVERTISED ECONOMIC THE CAPTIVE PEOPLE OF CENTRAL EASTERN-EUROPE ARE THE BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEASANT UNION PROGRESS IS NOTHING BUT A TISSUE OF SOVIET LIES 30 IN THE FOREFRONT OF THE STRUGGLE AGAINST COMMUNISM HALF OF LATVIA'S ARABLE LAND LIES FALLOW 32 MIKOLAJCZYK, IPU P?-esi­ Alexander Ozolins By STANISLAW EDITORIAL OFFICE clent, Opening Speech to the S eventh Congress of THE RURAL POPULATION IS the Inte1·national P easant Union 285 Central Park West HENRIKAS BLAZAS, EXPOSED TO UNTOLD MISERY 34 New York 24, N. Y. Managing Editor Juozas Aurienas Tel. SUsquehanna 7-1377-8 THE MOST OPPRESSED COUNTRY IN THE SOVIET ORBIT 35 Honorable Guests, Delegates to the Seventh Congress by the Red Armies, ruled by cruel Communist dictator­ Cornel Bianu of the International Peasant Union, Ladies and Gen­ ship, and exploited for t he benefit of Communist world COLLECTIVIZATION AND REGIMEN­ tlemen: aggression and Soviet imperialism and colonialism. TATION HAVE RUINED AGRICULTURE 37 It is my duty and honor to open the Seventh Con­ I refer to our brothers and sisters in Estonia, Latvia, BILLIONS OF AID DOLLARS HAVE gress of the International Peasant Union. Lithuania, Poland, 'Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ru­ GONE DOWN THE COMMUNIST VVe are gathered here, in these days of great inter­ mania, Albania, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria. DRAIN 38 national tension and in the midst of a most dangerous Their fate and future are closely connected with Dr. Milan Gavrilovic world situation, to discuss not only our organizational world events. Therefore, the motto of our last Con­ This material is filed with the Department of Ju stice where the requireol statement first and foremost the fate of millions gress is once again the motto of today's Congress: Material contained in our Bulletin may be problems but under the Foreign Agents Reg is tration Act oi the International Peasant Union, 724 AND SECURITY OF THE FREE reprfiJducerJ without charge or obligation. of our brothers and sisters conquered and subjugated "THE PEACE 9th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C., as an agent of the Central Eastern European The International Peasant Union wou/~ peasant parties is available for public inspection. Registration does not indicate ap· appreciate clippings if this material , •. IPU BULLETIN 3 proval or disapproval of this material by the United States Government. reprinted. to the whole of Central and Eastern Europe, for this WORLD ARE INDIVISIBLE FROM FREEDOM could also result in national freedom and independence Honorable John F. Kennedy, AND INDEPENDENCE FOR THE COMMUNIST­ for the peoples of the various republics of the Soviet President of the United States of America, SUBJUGATED PEOPLES." More than ever, during these difficult days, the eyes Union itself. The White House, At this time, I would like to ask you to rise, for a Washington, D.C. of our people are directed to Washington. few moments, in tribute to the memory of those who The subjugated and exploited peoples of Central Mr. President: have left us forever, those who fell in the struggle for and Eastern Europe, who are in the forefront of the The ~ eventh qon g1·ess of the International Peasant Union held on September the freedom of our nations during the Nazi and Soviet struggle against communism, have been resisting and 2 an_d 3 ~n Wash~ngton, D.C., speaking for the majority of the peasants of the invasions of our countries, which precipitated the capttve Cent1·al and Eastm·n European nations, has auth01·ized us to send to you ceaselessly fighting communism by the widespread use outbreak of the Second World War on September 1, of passive resistance. They fervently hope that, despite and through you to the great American nation our warmest greetings and to 1939, just twenty-two years ago; those who died while Khrushchev's rocket-rattling and blackmailing fol­ express their great satisfaction with yotw· dignified, courageous, and wise stand being deported to the Soviet Union and in Soviet labor on the so-called. Be1·lin crisis created by the Sov·iet dictatorship. lowing the famous speech by President Kennedy camps and prisons, and those who died in Communist which included a demand for their freedom, Washing­ ll:'e all belw"-!e. that Y?U consider the Berlin issue an issue of the fight not concentration camps and dungeons. onl~ )01· the l e g t t~mate n ghts of t~ e victoriotts democratic powers to stay in ton will produce the initiative and the determined I would also like to request a few moments of policy which will finally bring about the fulfillment JJ_e? ltn but also f~r the freedom and tnclependence and the 1·ight of self-deterntina­ silence to honor the memory of the late Johannes twn of all capttve Eastern and Central European nations through free and of their wishes for freedom for themselves and inde­ Sikkar, former Prime Minister of Estonia, our dear unf e tt ere~l.e l ec tion s uncle1· intm·national control. W e believe you will stand firm on pendence for their nations. friend, who, as a member of our Central Committee, Y?U?" pos~twn and be ready to resist the Communist aggressive plans until our The hopes and desires of these nations, some of was with us during the last Congress and later died in vtcto1·y ove~ the C~mmunist impe1·ialistic and colonial domination and exploitation them with a history of more than a thousand years of exile in Sweden. Let us also honor the memory of the national existence, are strengthened when they see of _the cap.ttve natwns and over the treacherous plans of Communist aggression late Bohuslav Vosnjak, the Slovenian Agrarian leader to tmpose ttself on all f?·eeclom-loving humanity, which Khrushchev intends to bury. how many new nations in various parts of the globe and member of the Central Committee of the Inter­ are gaining their independence. The hope of all the freedom-loving captive but not defeated nations is in the They also hope that the just determination to defend national Peasant Union, who died in June 1959. mtghty a_nd invincible. Ame?·i.can nation under ~our wise, courag:ous, and dynamic the freedom of the people of Berlin will be extended Thank you. leadershtp. Our c_apttv~ natwns a1·e st1·ongly inspi1·ed by you1· readiness to help and to ma!ce sacrt~ces tn the_ fight for freedom and human dignity, as you stated ~olemnly tn your mauguratwn aclcl1·ess.
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