HPP Jablanica 6x30MW ENERGOENGINEERING Hydro Civil Construction and Architecture . 8 0 0 2 y l u J , o v e j a r REFERENCES a S , g n i t e k r a M – . Hamdije Ćemerlića 2, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina d . d t Phone: (++) 387 33 703 640 s e v n Fax: (++) 387 33 618 174 i o g r E-mail:
[email protected] e n E : www.energoinvest.com r e h s i l b u P 1 ENERGOENGINEERING HYDRO CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE BASIC ACTIVITY Design, Consulting and Engineering services in the field of power 584 substations 400, 220, 132, 110, 66, 35, 30, 11 and 10 kv supply, civil engineering, water resources engineering and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, architectura. Tanzania, Syria, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Iran, Kuwait, Dubai, Bangledesh, Ghana, Guinea FIELDS OF ACTIVITY 45 industrial and process complexes in Bosnia and Power Plants, Industrial and Processing Projects, Architectural Herzegovina Libya and Mexico Projects, Water Utility Engineering Projects , Special Purpose 99 various architectural projects and complexes in Bosnia Structures and Small Hydro Electric Power Plants. and Herzegovina Libya and Mexico 99 various architectural project and complexes in Bosnia and QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Herzegovina, Uganda and other countries ISO 9001:2000. In the Project and in Progress. 85 projects of utility water engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Indonesia, India and Libya REFERENCE 13 water engineering projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina During more than 50 years of experience has taken part in the following projects: PROJECT IN PROGRESS 52 hidro power plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Zaire, Hydro power plants Vranduk and Ustikolina, VVPCR Crna rijeka, 2 water management plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina Reconstruction and rehabilitation of buildings in Bosnia and 4 power supply system plans in Bosnia and Herzegovina Herzegovina.