Fellowship Home Page The Map of First Century Palestine

Index to Geographic Place Names Urantia Papers' First Century Palestine

The grid upon which the map is constructed is the standard MR grid system used in many archaeological reports and other descriptive literature of the region, such as the Anchor Bible Dictionary. In this grid system, the first three digits designate a position on the north-south axis of the map while the second three digits designate a position on the east-west axis, the intersection of the two lines being the location of the index item on the map. On the map itself, the north-south coordinates read vertically while the east-west coordinates read horizontally.

The map shows the location of all the villages and towns mentioned in Part IV of The Urantia Book. The index lists these as well as other towns and villages which were known to have existed at the time of Jesus, but which do not appear on the map.

Look up the name of any first-century place location. Letters below are linked to corresponding sections of the index:

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | Z |


ABEL 236-183 ABELA 139-211 ABELIM 248-167 ABILA 232-234 ACHZIB; ECDIPPA 271-159 ACRABETA 170-182 ADAM 167-202 ADAMAH 238-193 ADIDA 152-145 ADORAIM; DURA 101-153 AENON 138-203 AGRIPPINA? 192-218 AILABO 249-187 AIN 236-212 166-193 ALMA 273-196 AMATHUS 183-208 AMMATHUS 240-202 AMMUDIM 247-188 AMUDIYYA 266-216 ANABTAH 191-162 ANATHOTH 135-174 ANIM 84-156 ANTHEDON 105- 98 168-143 ANUATHU BORCAEUS 166-175 APHARATHA? 243-168 APHEK 242-216 APHEK TOWER 165-146 APOLLONIA 177-132 ARABA 213-184 ARAD 69-152 ARAD 76-162 ARBATTA 206-153 ARBELA 246-195 ARCHELAIS 149-195 AREOPOLIS 75-221 ARIMATHEA 160-152 AROER 97-227 ARUS? 168-164 ASHDOD 129-117 ASHKELON 118-107 ASHTAROTH 244-243 AWARTHA 174-177 AYYANOSH 247-212


BAAL-PERAZIM 127-167 BAARAS 113-207 BACA? 265-181 BADDAN 184-181 BATHYRA 255-257 72-134 BEEROTH 136-167 BEIT ADIS 205-216 BEIT JENN UNKNOWN BELZEDEK? 109-139 BERSABE 260-189 BESARA 234-162 BESIMOTH 131-206 BETH NETOFA 248-186 BETH RIMAH 160-159 BETH-HAGGAN; GINEA 207-179 BETH-HORON, LOWER 145-158 BETH-HORON, UPPER 144-160 BETH-LEAPHRAH? 106-153 BETH-MEON 120-219 BETH-NIMRAH 145-209 BETH-PEOR 132-219 BETH-ZAITH 114-161 BETH-ZECHARIAH 118-161 BETH-ZUR 110-159 BETHABARA 138-200 BETHANY 129-173 BETHEL 146-172 BETHLEHEM (JUD) 123-170 BETHLEHEM (L. GAL) 237-167 BETHLETEPHA 122-149 BETHMAUS 243-199 BETHPHAGE 130-174 BETHSAIDA 254-203 BETHSAIDA JULIAS 257-209 BEZEK 197-187 BEZET 275-163 BORECHATH 249-297 BOSOR 251-276 BOSORA 215-289 BURGATAH 191-145 BURIRON 108-116


CAESAREA 212-141 CAESAREA PHILLIPPI 292-217 CALLIRRHOE 111-204 CANA 247-178 CAPARASIMA 264-178 CAPARORSA 99-152 CAPERNAUM 255-205 CAPHARABIS 115-145 CAPHARSABA 177-141 CAPHARTOB 143-146 CAPITOLIAS 224-231 CASPIN 250-226 CHEPHIRAH 137-160 CHORAZIN 257-203 CITY OF JUDAH 126-162 COCHABA? 246-172 COLA 201-194


DABARITTA 233-187 DABIYYA 268-218 DABURA 272-212 DALTON 269-197 DAMASCUS 323-273 DAN 295-212 DAPHNE 292-209 DEIR AZIZ 252-217 DIBON 101-224 DIONYSIAS 236-297 DIUM 239-246 DOCUS 142-190 DOR 224-143 DOTHAN 202-172


EDREI 224-253 EKRON 131-136 ELAM? 110-146 ELEALAH 245-222 ELEUTHEROPOLIS 112-140 EMMATHA 232-212 EMMAUS 139-149 EN-GANNIM? 235-196 EN-TAB? 236-182 ENDOR 227-186 ENGEDI 97-187 EPHRAIM 151-178 EPHRON 216-217 ESHTAOL 132-151 EXLOTH 231-181


FAHMA 198-167


GAATON 268-168 GABA? 236-160 GABALIS 57-205 GABARA 251-182 GABATHA 232-171 GADARA 229-214 GADDA UNKNOWN GAMALA 257-220 GARIS 238-182 GAZA 101-101 GEBA 192-171 GEBUL? 219-198 GEDORA 160-220 GELBUS 207-189 GELIL 273-173 GENNESARET 252-200 187-234 GESHER 226-204 GEZER 140-142 GIBEON 139-167 GILEAD 209-244 GIMZO 148-146 GINNEIGAR 228-174 GISCHALA 270-191 GOPHNA 151-171 GOSHEN 87-137




IBLEAM 205-178 IRON 282-192


JACOB'S WELL 180-178 JAMNIA 142-125 JAMNITH 265-198 JANOAH 265-173 JAPHIA 232-178 JARMUTH? 221-199 JERICHO 140-192 131-172 JESHANAH 156-174 JEZREEL 218-181 JOGBEHAH 154-236 JOPPA 162-127 JOTAPATA 249-176 JUDAH, CITY OF 126-162 JULIAS? 255-209 JUTTAH 95-158


KABRITA 268-164 KAFR NAFAKH 274-220 KAMON? 221-218 KANAF 253-214 KANATA 241-301 KARAHTA UNKNOWN KEDESH 279-199 KEFAR AGON 233-203 KEFAR AMIQO 264-166 KEFAR AZIZ 93-157 KEFAR BARAM 272-189 KEFAR HANANIYA 257-188 KEFAR HARUB 240-212 KEFAR NEBORAYA 267-197 KEFAR NIMRAH 245-189 KEFAR QESEM 169-148 KEFAR SASSAY 241-162 KEFAR SHABTAY 238-191 KEFAR SHALEM 150-146 KEFAR SILAH 191-168 KEFAR TAMARTAH 250-169 KEFAR YASIF 262-165 KEFAR YATMA 168-175 KEILAH 114-150 KERIOTH 105-215 KERIOTH? 83-161 KHERESA 249-211


LACHISH 108-134 LEBONAH 164-173 137-211 LUBIYA 241-191 LUZ 301-208 LYDDA 151-141


MACAD UNKNOWN 108-209 MACHMAS 142-176 MADON 245-192 MAFSHETAH 272-179 248-198 MAMILAH 251-191 MAMRE? 108-161 MAR SABA 122-181 80-183 MASHKANAH 242-188 MAZRAA 78-201 MEARAIA 255-188 MEDEBA 124-225 MEGIDDO 221-167 MEROTH? 278-191 MEZAD 67-183 MISPEH 143-170


NAIN 226-183 NARRAH 144-190 NAZARETH 233-180 NEORAN 224-187 NOE 254-249


ORDA 86-108




QUMRAN 127-193


RABBAH 136-149 RAGABA 182-215 RAMA 261-184 RAMAH (JUD) 140-172 RAMAH (L. GAL) 258-186 RAMATH? 210-244 REHOB? 256-166 REHOB? 280-177 REHOB? 207-197 RHAPHON 251-259 RIMMON 243-179 RUJM EL-HIRI 259-227 RUMAH 242-176


SAFED 263-196 187-168 SANUR 195-173 SAPHEIR 123-122 SAPPHO 146-155 SAREPTA 317-177 SARID 230-171 SASA 270-187 SCYTHOPOLIS 212-197 SELAME 254-185 SELEUCIA 279-213 SENNABRIS 236-203 SEPPHORIS 239-176 SERGUNIN 239-197 SERIFIN 151-135 SHAALBIM 141-148 SHECHEM 178-176 SHEFARAM 245-166 SHEZOR 259-182 SHILOH 162-177 SHIMRON 234-170 SHITTIM 138-214 SHUNEM 223-180 SIBMAH 130-223 SOGANE 252-177 SUCCOTH 178-209 SYCAMINUM 247-146 SYCHAR 179-177


TAANACH 214-171 TARICHEA (MAGDALA) 248-198 TEL KINROT 253-201 THAMNA 157-160 THAMNA? 123-154 THREX 139-191 TIBERIAS 241-202 TIBETAH 185-151 TIBON 237-161 TUBANI 218-185 TYRE 297-170 TYRUS 141-226


ULLAMA 230-197


ZANOAH 125-150 ZAPHON 186-204 ZEBULUN? UNKNOWN ZEREDAH 161-159 ZIA 166-217 ZOARA 49-194

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

Urantia Papers' First Century Palestine

______First century Roman roads ______First century caravan routes ______Waterways and ocean border . Fellowship Home Page Map Index

Cities of the First Preaching Tour Urantia Paper 146 January 18 through March 17, A.D. 28

CAPERNAUM Color indicates a location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

● Paper 146: The First Preaching Tour of ● 146:1 Preaching at Rimmon ● 146:2 At Jotapata ● 146:3 The Stop at Ramah ● 146:4 The Gospel at Iron ● 146:5 Back in Cana ● 146:6 Nain and theWidow's Son ● 146:7 At Endor

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

Cities of the Second Preaching Tour Urantia Paper 149 October 3 through December 30, A.D. 28

DABARITTA Color indicates a location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

● Paper 149: The Second Preaching Tour ● 149:1 The Widespread Fame of Jesus ● 149:2 Attitude of the People ● 149:3 Hostility of the Religious Leaders ● 149:4 Progress of the Preaching Tour ● 149:5 Lesson Regarding Contentment ● 149:6 The "Fear of the Lord" ● 149:7 Returning to Bethsaida

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

Cities of the Third Preaching Tour Urantia Paper 150 January 16 through March 10, A.D. 29

JOTAPATA Color indicates a location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

● Paper 150: The Third Preaching Tour ● 150:1 The Women's Evangelistic Corps ● 150:2 The Stop at Magdala ● 150:3 Sabbath at Tiberias ● 150:4 Sending the Apostles out Two and Two ● 150:5 What Must I do to be Saved? ● 150:6 The Evening Lessons ● 150:7 The Sojourn at Nazareth ● 150:8 The Sabbath Service ● 150:9 The Nazareth Rejection

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

The Decapolis Tour Urantia Paper 159 August 18 through September 16, A.D. 29

PHILADELPHIA Color indicates a location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

● Paper 159: The Decapolis Tour ● 159:1 The Sermon on Forgiveness ● 159:2 The Strange Preacher ● 159:3 Instruction for Teachers and Believers ● 159:4 The Talk with Nathaniel ● 159:5 The Positive Nature of Jesus' Religion ● 159:6 The Return to Magadan

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

The Mission of the Seventy Urantia Paper 163 November 19 through December 30, A.D. 29

PHILADELPHIA Color indicates location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

Paper 163: Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan 163:1 Ordination of the Seventy 163:2 The Rich Young Man and Others 163:3 The Discussion about Wealth 163:4 Farewell to the Seventy 163:5 Moving the Camp to Pella 163:6 The Return of the Seventy 163:7 Preparation for the Last Mission

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

The Perean Mission Urantia Papers 165 through 170 January 3 through March 15, A.D. 30

PHILADELPHIA Color indicates location visited. ______Roman roads ______Caravan routes ______Waterways

Relevant Sections from the Urantia Papers

Paper 165 -- The Perean Mission Begins 165:1 At the Pella Camp 165:2 Sermon on the Good Shepherd 165:3 Sabbath Sermon at Pella 165:4 Dividing the Inheritance 165:5 Talks to the Apostles on Wealth 165:6 Answer to Peter's Question Paper 166 -- Last Visit to Northern 166:1 The Pharisees at Ragaba 166:2 The Ten Lepers 166:3 The Sermon at Gerasa 166:4 Teaching About Accidents 166:5 The congregation at Philadelphia Paper 167 -- The Visit to Philadelphia 167:1 Breakfast with the Pharisees 167:2 Parable of the Great Supper 167:3 The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity 167:4 The Message from Bethany 167:5 On the Way to Bethany 167:6 Blessing the Little Children 167:7 The Talk About Angels Paper 168 -- The Resurrection of Lazarus 168:1 At the Tomb of Lazarus 168:2 The Resurrection of Lazarus 168:3 Meeting of the Sanhedrin 168:4 The Answer to Prayer 168:5 What Became of Lazarus Paper 169 -- Last Teaching at Pella 169:1 Parable of the Lost Son 169:2 Parable of the Shrewd Steward 169:4 The Rich Man and the Beggar 169:5 The Father and his Kingdom Paper 170 -- The Kingdom of Heaven 170:1 Concepts of the Kingdom of Heaven 170:2 Jesus' Concept of the Kingdom 170:3 In Relation to Righteousness 170:4 Jesus' Teaching About the Kingdom 170:5 Later Ideas of the Kingdom

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship Fellowship Home Page Map Index

Political Administrative Regions First Century Palestine

A Service of The Urantia Book Fellowship