tracer tutorial: text reuse detection Introduction to the Line and Accessing Servers Remotely

Marco B¨uchler, Emily Franzini and Greta Franzini table of contents

1. Connecting to the server

2. Command line introduction

2/100 connecting to the server connecting to the server

1. Mac + Linux: Open a terminal 2. Connect to server via ssh -l 3. Enter password 4. Windows: Start Putty

4/100 command line introduction folder am i in on the server?

To identify your current directory location:

• Command: (parent working directory) • Usage: pwd • Example: pwd /Users/mbuechler

6/100 which files does my pwd contain?

To list directory contents:

• Command: (list) • Usage: • ls -l // list all files and directories, one per line; • ls -la // show also hidden files; • ls -lh // show e.g. sizes in a human-readable format. • Example: • ls -l • ls -lh /home/mbuechler

7/100 how to change to a different directory?

To change to a different directory:

• Command: (change directory) • Usage: cd change to • Example: • cd // change to ”home folder” • cd /storage • cd ..

8/100 how to create a folder?

To create a folder:

• Command: ( directory) • Usage: mkdir // change to folder • Example: • mkdir /storage/mbuechler // creates a directory in /storage called ”mbuechler” • mkdir /storage/mbuechler/ // creates a directory in /storage/mbuechler called ”test”

9/100 how to copy a file?

To copy a file:

• Command: (copy file) • Usage: cp • Example: • cp /storage/HelloWorld.jar /storage/mbuechler // copies HelloWorld.jar to /storage/mbuechler

10/100 how to remove a directory?

To remove a directory:

• Command: (removes a directory or a file) • Usage: rm -r • Example: rm /storage/mbuechler/test

11/100 how to run a java programme?

To run a Java programme:

• Command: java (run a java programme) • Usage: java -Xmx1g -Dproperty=value -jar • Example: java -jar HelloWorld.jar

12/100 how to edit a file?

To edit a file:

• Command: vim ( improved) • Usage: vim • Example: vim .bash profile (use cd first)

13/100 how to edit a file?

vim commands:

1. Change to editor modus: i (insert) 2. Leave editor modus: press ESC 3. Leave vim without writing changes to the disc: type :q! 4. Leave vim and changes to the disc: type :wq

14/100 edit the bash profile

vim commands:

1. Change to home folder: cd /home/mbuechler 2. Edit bash profile: vim .bash profile 3. Add two lines to select the correct Java version:

15/100 encoding guide

1. UTF-8 editors display the file encoding. 2. If you’re unsure about the encoding of your data or cannot display it correctly in a text editor, if the file is not too big try opening it in your standard text processing program (e.g. Microsoft Word or Open Office) to information regarding the encoding. 3. Windows machines: install from • COPY your .txt files to your Cygwin user directory and then: $ file *.txt • Depending on the output, list all possible encodings: $ iconv -l • And re-encode (e.g. Windows Hebrew to UTF-8): $ iconv -f CP1255 -t UTF-8 in.txt > out.txt

16/100 Finito!

17/100 contact

Team Marco B¨uchler, Greta Franzini and Emily Franzini.

Visit us [email protected]

18/100 licence

The theme this presentation is based on is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Changes to the theme are the work of eTRAP. cba
