5. Combating HIV/Aids Within the EU and in the Neighbouring Countries 2006-2009 (Debate)

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5. Combating HIV/Aids Within the EU and in the Neighbouring Countries 2006-2009 (Debate) 20.3.2008 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 74 E/23 Tuesday 24 April 2007 Edit Herczog introduced the reports A6-0097/2007, A6-0098/2007, A6-0116/2007, A6-0118/2007, A6-0100/2007, A6-0103/2007, A6-0105/2007, A6-0101/2007, A6-0099/2007, A6-0120/2007, A6-0113/2007, A6-0114/2007, A6-0121/2007, A6-0112/2007, A6-0119/2007 and A6-0102/2007. Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission) spoke. The following spoke: Ralf Walter (draftsman of the opinion of the DEVE Committee) (A6-0095/2007 and A6-0115/2007), Jutta Haug (draftsman of the opinion of the ENVI Committee) (A6-0095/2007, A6-0103/2007, A6-0112/2007 and A6-0119/2007), Michael Cramer (draftsman of the opinion of the TRAN Committee) (A6-0095/2007 and A6-0121/2007), Helga Trüpel (draftsman of the opinion of the CULT Committee) (A6-0095/2007), Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (draftsman of the opinion of the LIBE Committee) (A6-0095/2007 and A6-0120/2007), Lissy Gröner (draftsman of the opinion of the FEMM Committee) (A6-0095/2007), Véronique Mathieu, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Dan Jørgensen, on behalf of the PSE Group, Jan Mulder, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk, on behalf of the UEN Group, and Bart Staes, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. IN THE CHAIR: Diana WALLIS Vice-President The following spoke: Esko Seppänen, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Nils Lundgren, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Ashley Mote, on behalf of the ITS Group, Hans-Peter Martin, Non-attached Member, Esther De Lange, Edith Mastenbroek, Bill Newton Dunn, Janusz Wojciechowski, Paul van Buitenen, Jiří Maštálka, John Whittaker, Alexander Stubb, Paulo Casaca, Kyösti Virrankoski, Ingeborg Gräßle, Herbert Bösch, Margarita Starkevičiūtė, José Javier Pomés Ruiz, Szabolcs Fazakas, James Elles, Markus Ferber, Siim Kallas and Bart Staes. The debate closed. Vote: Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.30, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.31, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.32, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.5, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.6, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.7, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.33, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.8, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.9, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.10, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.11, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.12, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.34, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.13, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.14, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.15, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.16, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.17, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.18, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.19, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item.7.20, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.21, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.22, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.23, Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.24 and Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.25. 5. Combating HIV/Aids within the EU and in the neighbouring countries 2006-2009 (debate) Report on combating HIV/AIDS within the European Union and in the neighbouring countries, 2006-2009 [2006/2232(INI)] — Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Georgs Andrejevs (A6-0091/2007) Georgs Andrejevs introduced the report. C 74 E/24 Official Journal of the European Union EN 20.3.2008 Tuesday 24 April 2007 IN THE CHAIR: Miguel Ángel MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ Vice-President The following spoke: Ulla Schmidt (President-in-Office of the Council) and Markos Kyprianou (Member of the Commission). The following spoke: Zita Gurmai (draftsman of the opinion of the FEMM Committee), Antonios Trakatellis, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Dorette Corbey, on behalf of the PSE Group, Marios Matsakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Bogusław Rogalski, on behalf of the UEN Group, Umberto Guidoni, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Irena Belohorská, Non-attached Member, Michael Cashman (draftsman of the opinion of the LIBE Committee), Åsa Westlund, Karin Scheele, Ulla Schmidt and Markos Kyprianou. The debate closed. Vote: Minutes of 24.04.2007, Item 7.35. (The sitting was suspended at 11.50 pending voting time and resumed at 12.00.) IN THE CHAIR: Luigi COCILOVO Vice-President 6. Welcome On behalf of Parliament, the President welcomed Vicente Fox, the former President of Mexico, who had taken a seat in the distinguished visitors' gallery. 7. Voting time Details of voting (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the ‘Results of votes’ annex to the Minutes. 7.1. EC-Malaysia Agreement on certain aspects of air services * (Rule 131) (vote) Report on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Malaysia on certain aspects of air services [COM(2006)0619 — C6-0004/2007 — 2006/0202(CNS)] — Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Paolo Costa (A6-0093/2007) (Simple majority) (Voting record: ‘Results of votes’, Item 1) DRAFT LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION Adopted by single vote (P6_TA(2007)0102).
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