William Hopkins Campbell Phd Thesis

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William Hopkins Campbell Phd Thesis X.@>/9; 4@6./; 70 9/531376 36 ;76.9@ 8,9</; 70 <2/ 35,6./Y* <2/ 1/719,82@ 70 8,;<79,5 -,9/ 36 <239<//6<2!-/6<=9@ /615,6. ?IKKIAL 2NOJIMQ -ALOBEKK , <HEQIQ ;SBLIRRED FNP RHE .EGPEE NF 8H. AR RHE =MITEPQIRW NF ;R" ,MDPEUQ &$$( 0SKK LERADARA FNP RHIQ IREL IQ ATAIKABKE IM 9EQEAPCH+;R,MDPEUQ*0SKK<EVR AR* HRRO*##PEQEAPCH!PEONQIRNPW "QR!AMDPEUQ"AC"SJ# 8KEAQE SQE RHIQ IDEMRIFIEP RN CIRE NP KIMJ RN RHIQ IREL* HRRO*##HDK"HAMDKE"MER#%$$&'#&') <HIQ IREL IQ OPNRECRED BW NPIGIMAK CNOW PIGHR <HIQ IREL IQ KICEMQED SMDEP A -PEARITE -NLLNMQ 5ICEMQE William Hopkins Campbell ‘Dyvers kyndes of religion in sondry partes of the Ilande’: The Geography of Pastoral Care in Thirteenth-Century England A thesis submitted for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor 19 June 2006 Department of Mediaeval History University of St. Andrews Abstract The Church was not the only progenitor and disseminator of ideas in medieval England, but it was the most pervasive. Relations between the ecclesiastical and lay realms are well documented at high social levels but become progressively obscure as one descends to the influence of the Church at large on society at large (and vice versa). The twelfth century was a time of great energy and renewal in the leadership and scholarship of the Church; comparable religious energy and renewal can be seen in late-medieval lay culture. The momentum was passed on in the thirteenth century, and pastoral care was the means of its transfer. The historical sources in this field tend to be either prescriptive, such as treatises on how to hear confessions, or descriptive, such as bishops’ registers. Prescription and description have generally been addressed separately. Likewise, the parish clergy and the friars are seldom studied together. These families of primary sources and secondary literature are brought together here to produce a more fully- rounded picture of pastoral care and church life. The Church was an inherently local institution, shaped by geography, personalities, social structures, and countless ad hoc solutions to local problems. Few studies of medieval English ecclesiastical history have fully accepted the considerable implications of this for pastoral care; close attention to local variation is a governing methodology of this thesis, which concludes with a series of local case studies of pastoral care in several dioceses, demonstrating not only the divergences between them but also the variations within them. Student’s Declarations I, William Hopkins Campbell, hereby certify that this thesis, which is approximately 100,000 words in length, has been written by me; that it is the record of work carried out by me; and that it has not been submitted in any previous application for a higher degree. I was admitted as a research student in the month of September 2000, and as a candidate for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor in June 2001; the higher study for which this is a record was carried out in the University of St. Andrews between 2000 and 2006. In submitting this thesis to the University of St. Andrews, I understand that I am giving permission for it to be made available for use in accordance with the regulations of the University Library for the time being in force, subject to any copyright vested in the work not being affected thereby. I also understand that the title and abstract will be published and that a copy of the work may be made and supplied to any bona fide library or research worker. i Prologue and Acknowledgements The thirteenth century appears as an era of betwixt and between for the English Church. The twelfth century has long been recognised as a period of intellectual vigour in Latin Christendom, sparked by and continuing the Gregorian Reform; the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries are well known as an era of English lay piety, producing countless Perpendicular parish churches and lay mystics such as Margery Kempe. It was largely in the thirteenth century that the momentum passed from the clerical hierarchy, the Church in the narrow sense, to the laity, the Church in the broad sense. Yet the means by which this happened are obscure in the historical record. The use of written English by the Church for such means as sermon books decayed after the Norman Conquest and re-emerged in the fourteenth century. By surrendering claims on manorial churches as private property and donating many advowsons (the right to appoint a parish priest) to religious houses, local lay elites yielded much control over parish churches; the laity began to exercise significant responsibility again in their parishes in the fourteenth century with the rise of churchwardens, but the local relationships between clergy and parishioners in between remain obscure.1 To be both literal and metaphorical, were the chancel and nave connected with an open arch, or were they divided by a screen? This thesis does not propose to answer all of these questions. Ultimately this is a study of shepherds, not of sheep, of supply rather than demand. However, further research on the former can shed indirect light on the latter, and it is in this spirit that this work has been undertaken, even if extrapolation from clerical activity to lay disposition is not as full as it might be. It is now sixty-one years since the appearance of J.R.H. Moorman’s Church Life in England in the Thirteenth Century, the last published monograph dedicated to covering that subject.2 Scholarship in many related fields has come a long way since then: suffice it to mention that Leonard Boyle’s entire publishing career came between then and now. As the methodological vistas of history have broadened – even if mine operate on more of a theological and less of a social-scientific axis –, the assistance of other scholars has come to my aid. Professor Robert Bartlett and Professor Chris Given-Wilson, as my supervisors, have given me the most assistance. Professor Joseph Goering of the University of Toronto has been outstandingly generous with his time, ideas and unpublished material; Drs. Carol Davidson Cragoe, Neslihan Şenocak 1 C.F. Davidson [Cragoe], ‘Written in Stone: Architecture, Liturgy and the Laity in English Parish Churches, c.1125-c.1250’ (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London, 1998), 55-58. On the active role of the laity in maintaining church buildings during the thirteenth century, see ibid., esp. 119-23. 2 Goering, ‘Popularisation’, was finished in 1977, but has not been published. ii and Bert Roest have also kindly supplied me with unpublished material. Correspondence with Drs. David M. Smith, Brian Kemp, Andrew Jotischky and David d’Avray has helped me to find references and hone my ideas. Professor Goering, Dr. Cragoe, Mr. Ryan Renfro and my wife Lucia read parts of my thesis in draft and gave me many useful comments. Among my student colleagues at St. Andrews, Sumi David and Dr. Sally Crumplin stand out for their fruitful dialogue. I am grateful to them all (and others I may have negligently forgotten) for their help, but I claim exclusive credit for every remaining fault and misstep. For making this study financially possible, I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the British Council, through its Overseas Research Student Award Scheme; the Clan MacBean Foundation; the Saint Andrew’s Society of Washington, DC; the scholarship fund of the Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Pittsburgh; the Jon C. Norwine Scholarship; and the generosity of both my own and my wife’s parents. I am also grateful to the Institute of Historical Research for first employing me as Research Editor of the Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae before my thesis was finished and then giving me the flexibility to complete it. Finally, thanks are due to Lucia and Edmund for tolerating the paterfamilias heading off to the office on more Saturdays than any of us cares to recall. Vigil of St. Botolph, MMVI Bloomsbury, London Soli Deo Gloria. iii Table of Contents Prologue and Acknowledgements i Table of Contents iii Abbreviations iv List of Maps ix Introduction 1 Part I: Pastoral Care in the Parish 13 1. Introduction: brief background to the parish 14 2. The early thirteenth century (to ca. 1220) 16 3. The formation and education of the parish clergy 26 4. Preaching and religious instruction in the parish 39 5. Sacramental and liturgical pastoral care 44 6. Confession and penance 64 7. Priest and parishioners 78 Part II: Pastoral Care by the Regular Clergy 82 1. Introduction: origins of the friars 83 2. The arrival and spread of the friars 89 3. The formation and education of the friars 99 4. Mendicant popular preaching 109 5. Sacramental and liturgical pastoral care 131 6. Confession to friars 138 7. The smaller mendicant orders 162 8. Monks and canons regular 173 Part III: Studies in the Geography of Pastoral Care 184 1. Introduction to Canterbury Province 185 2. The statutes of Richard Poore 194 3. Lincoln Diocese 204 4. Exeter Diocese 242 5. Introduction to York Province 268 6. Carlisle Diocese 270 Conclusion 290 Bibliography 295 iv Abbreviations An asterisk * following an entry denotes a primary source. AA Atlas: The AA Road Atlas, Great Britain and Ireland, 2003 (Windsor: Automobile Association, 2002). Acta of Hugh: D.M. Smith, ed., The Acta of Hugh of Wells, Bishop of Lincoln, 1209-1235 (LRS 88, 2000). Cited by document number. * Acta Stephani Langton:Kathleen Major, ed., Acta Stephani Langton Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi A.D. 1207-1228 (C&YS 50, 1950). * AFH: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum. AFP: Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum. AHDLMA: Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge. Annales Monastici: H.R.
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