August 2019 The Greenie

This magazine is produced by the Waiau Pa & Clarks Beach Business Association Inc.

Children at Waiau Pa Kindy begin their journey of formal education in a safe and fun environment

1 Waiau Pa & Clarks Beach Business Association “Supporting our wonderful community” The Greenie • Keeping our community informed • Photos and stories about local people and events • Business updates Become a member for $50 and enjoy the benefits

• Free monthly listing • Discounted advertising rate • One-off business profile • Permanent profile on the website

To join the Business Association go to the website: and fill out the online member application form. Submit this and you will be contacted by a committee member to explain the benefits of membership.

Deadline for the September 2019 issue by 20th August Contact: [email protected] Free notices for “non-profit” community groups Personalised adverts 50 cents a word, maximum 20 words

2019 Business Association Committee Chairman: Graham Guy 027 477 1176 Secretary: Michele Mathieson 0274863 738 Treasurer: Felicity Reber 09 232 1881 Greenie: Megan Allan 027 279 1128 Website: Kimberley Cameron 021 201 0001 Technical Advisor John Williams 021 679 949 Community Liaison Kim-Maree Osborne 027 491 9205 Sandy Heard 0272 869 019 In this issue New business profile - Next Level Civil - page 3 Accounting software comparison - pages 4 & 5 Is buying off the plans right for you - page 6 What is AFS Educational Advantage - page 7 Access to the Manukau Harbour - page 10 Child car restraints for children - pages 12 & 13

Thanks as always to our regular contributors

Upcoming Events Ratepayers Assn Meeting - 1st Wednesday of alternate (odd) months Waiau Pa Hall AGM - 21st August Daffodil day ‘Decadent Desert’ night at Bowling Club - 30tth August Kiwanis / Scouts Quiz Night - 7th September’ Waiau Pa Hockey Centennial Celebrations - 8th & 9th November

2 New business profile: NEXT LEVEL CIVIL

Hello all,

It’s an absolute plWWWWeasure to launch our services and brand into the community & the area that raised me from just a young lad.

Being the newest generation of the Earth- works game we’re out to make a difference and bring a new lease of life to the industry. We’re fresh, keen & motivated to continue to build on the stella reputation we’ve come to find thus far.

We promise an impeccable quality of work - thanks to ensuring excellent communication with our clientele, being equipped with the latest technology & the combined knowledge of some of the best operators around.

With our growing fleet currently consisting of 2t, 5t & 14t excavators, tipper trucks, rollers, bobcats & specialist tools of the trade, we’ve got you covered from small residential jobs to multi-lot developments & associated civil works. We’ve made ourselves a pretty good name locally (references can be proudly provided) but we’re not just limited to the local area.

So, anything from retaining walls, general farm work and house-cuts to meeting the require- ments to subdivide, NEXT LEVEL CIVIL have you covered.

For advice, quotes, estimates or a good old chin-wag please don’t hesitate to contact me on 0210292216 (or) [email protected].

3 1. IRD CASHBOOK TEMPLATE The IRD cashbook template can be a great option if you’re just starting out, not GST registered and just need somewhere to keep a record of the 5 or so transactions you have a month. Taking 10 minutes to enter these details once a month, can mean you have the data all collated ready to hand over to your accountant at the end of financial year. This option is going to be cumbersome and use a lot of unnecessary time if you’re entering more (and more – hopefully, if your business is growing) transactions every month. What has ADVICE FROM ADMIN ARMY been a free/cheap option in the start, is going to It’s wrong to assume that there is a right be costing you in your precious time. ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to 2.WAVE choosing what accounting software you use Wave is free – but as with any free product, in your business, For many small business you have to wonder what the catch is, right? I owners, accounting software is a grudge purchase and price is a major deciding factor. haven’t figured it out yet, but I certainly wouldn’t Especially when you are first starting out. want my financial information stored in a free Price shouldn’t carry quite the same level of product as paying money for it gives me a feeling importance that it does with this decision. of security. Functionality should be your key decision driver. Wave say they can provide their software for That is, how much time can using that piece of free as they make their money from providing accounting software save you? The more time paid payroll and payment services (similar to you save here, the more it frees you up to work enabling Stripe/PayPal) for online payments. on other areas of your business. It will also have Overall though, the functionality of Wave itself is a significant impact on how you feel about your there if you’re a small service-based business bookkeeping as a task. How often do you feel that needs to invoice clients and wants to be stressed at the thought of keeping on top of able to upload bank files for reconciliation. Their this? recurring invoice functionality will save you HERE ARE 6 OF THE ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE heaps of time if you have people on retainer-type PLATFORMS THAT YOU CAN USE IN YOUR SMALL packages. BUSINESS. The downsides include having to manually upload It’s important to mention that if you are consid- your bank transactions (no automatic bank feed ering switching accounting software, you should available for some banks in NZ). Wave does have include a discussion with your accountant. the functionality to manage GST, but it has been There are now more and more accounting built with the US market in mind, not the NZ mar- practices who are moving to a ‘one software ket. As a result, some business owners could platform only’ model, e.g. Xero only. This doesn’t get themselves in a real pickle with their GST mean you shouldn’t change to a different returns being incorrect. The end result being a package if you don’t think Xero is right for you, lot of time and expense (including IRD penalties) but it does mean you may also have to find a to get it corrected. new accountant. (Continued on next page)

4 Which accounting package is right for you the competition. As a result, it wasn’t designed (Continued from previous page) with the end user and cloud software functional- 3. BANKLINK ity in mind. Banklink was a great piece of software in its time, MYOB Accountright is a much nicer piece of soft- contributing to accounting software getting to the ware to use. It is a better option if your business point it is at today. MYOB even purchased it in 2013 is out of start-up phase and moving forward. so that they could take its bank feed IP and use it It also comes with a bigger price tag, with the in their standard software packages. But in my standard package starting from $55+GST per opinion, it’s done its dash. month. 4. RECKON 6. XERO Reckon seems to be gathering a bit of traction in One of the main things that seems to put small NZ as an option for small business owners. business owners off Xero is the price tag. The Pricing starts from as little as $5 per month. From standard package is currently $60+GST per there you have the option of adding additional month. services with a ‘pay-per-service’ type system. I fully believe that if you’re using Xero to its full You can add invoicing functionality for another $3 potential, it will easily save you that same price per month, add a bank feed for another $3 per and more in time + accountant savings. month and so on. The benefit of this is that you’re I could bang on all day about all of the only paying for the parts of the system that you’re awesome features it has. To save us all actually using. some time, I’ll stick with sharing my all-time From a functionality perspective, I haven’t used it. favourite feature – invoice reminders. Having talked to a couple of small business owners I believe that the salesperson in a business who have, it seems to do what they need and should not be the same person chasing debt- they’re very happy with it. ors. Invoice reminders will send out remind- 5. MYOB ers to your overdue debtors. This means you The first piece of accounting software I ever used don’t have to personally do the chasing. At was MYOB Exonet, although more of an enterprise least not at the start. option, rather than small business. It was great at I have invoice reminders turned on and it has what it did. And I still believe that MYOB provides a freed me up from worrying about who hasn’t far more robust solution for larger businesses. paid. I know that if an invoice hasn’t been paid From a small business perspective, the two main after 7-days Xero will flick that client a friendly options would be Essentials or Accountright. reminder. Also, 9/10 times that client hasn’t paid One of MYOB Essentials’ selling points is that its simply because they forgot. We’ve all been there. basic plan pricing starts from only $25+GST per Those people generally make payment as soon month. It provides great basic functionality from as they receive a reminder. It’s much more a bank feed / invoicing / purchases perspective. efficient and client relationship focussed. However, it doesn’t have cool functionality around My one caveat for this feature is that if you’re recurring invoices and similar. using it, make sure you stay on top of your bank I also have a real issue with the user interface. To reconciliations. It’s less than ideal to receive an me, it’s not a pleasant piece of software to use. invoice reminder if you’ve actually paid your bills. This in part seems to be because Essentials was This could cause frustration for your clients if released to provide online functionality with the you’re not keeping on top of it. pressure of competition from other cloud-based If you would like more information on what accounting software. It is essentially their existing accounting package best suits you contact: software pushed online in a hurry to keep up with Irene Bennetts [email protected]

5 Real Estate Update


Are you a first home buyer with limited “In residential developments, there are lots capital, baby boomer looking to downsize, of moving parts. With the upswing in con- or you just prefer new to old? With new struction across the country, there has been subdivisions being developed in our area perhaps it’s time to consider your options. a strain on the labour available, but also the Clarks Beach, Waiau Pa and Kahawai Point credit accessible to fund these projects. all have sections available for new home builders. “Adequate research is imperative when it comes to buying with “Since 2014 we have confidence, and solic- seen a huge surge in the itors need to review number of residential contracts. There are developments going a number of items in a to market across New development contract Zealand,” says Trent that you will not find in Quinton, a leading off- a standard sale-and- plan salesperson with purchase agreement. Bayleys. “These might include clauses relating to “New Zealanders are more attracted to the additional costs, liabilities and provisions. apartment lifestyle. And, whether it’s for the Your legal representative may look to insert price or the ease of living, we’ve seen that penalty clauses to provide some security in Kiwis across all demographics have become the event of a delay. more comfortable investing in an ‘idea’, rather than an existing home.” “Other key areas that buyers should concen- In April alone, 745 new townhouse, apartment trate on are the specifications and floor- and attached units were awarded building plans. Buying a concept means that you have consent, according to Statistics . the flexibility to change certain aspects.” “New projects offer options – those who can’t purchase a standalone home in their favoured While thorough research remains Quinton’s neighbourhood now look to new apartments number one rule for buyers of off-plan prop- for a foot in the door.” erties, he stresses the equal importance of choosing a project that suits your lifestyle. [Downsizers] want style and ease, but still “It can take two, three or four years for a home, not a shoe-box. Developers have a development to move from concept to had to evolve, creating bigger floorplans in completion,” he says. “Some appreciate this boutique complexes with high-end features. as additional time to gather funds (usually a “Buyers look to new developments for the 10 percent deposit is required upfront, with latest building standards, new appliances – the balance payable upon completion).” green initiatives too. For the cost of upgrading an existing home, they can purchase new, The complete article can be accessed online ensuring every feature on their wish-list is in BAYLEYS RESIDENTIAL REVIEWS already included.”

6 What is AFS Educational Advantage? AFS Educational Advantage welcomes teachers • encourage diversity and understanding for from around the world to New Zealand who your family, school and community want to bring their own culture and language • learn about the values of global citizen- to share with families, students and teachers. ship. The programme seeks to open learning and WHAT DOES IT COST TO HOST A VISITING communication channels among teachers TEACHER? across the world and promotes gobal compe- In short - nothing! There are only benefits to be tence in education. gained by hosting a visiting teacher, Visiting teachers live with a local family to truly There is no cost to schools for having a get to know about our unique culture, develop teacher present in your school, assisting in the their language and then use what they learn classroom. back in their home country. Host families will be paid $250 per week to FOR FAMILIES cover costs associated with accommodating a By hosting a teacher, your family will have the teacher. opportunity to: GET INVOLVED • share our unique Kiwi culture while learn- Become part of the AFS effect and join other ing about another educatiors across New Zealand committed to • establish a life-long friendship and an the development of new generations as we international connection inspire to create a better world. • have fun learning all the things you have in To find out more about AFS Educational Advan- common as well as cultural differences tage and hosting a teacher at your school or home contact us on: Ph: 0800 600 300 Email: [email protected]

7 The Waiau Pa Hall will be holding its AGM on August 21st at 7.30pm

How is the hall managed? By a committee of volunteers from the community. It has been this way since the hall opened 50 plus years ago. Some members of the committee have served for over 30 years. We need new blood to help keep the hall running.

If the community chooses not to run this facility it will fall into the Council’s hands to administer. DO YOU WANT THAT TO HAPPEN? As the current president I think this would be a backward step.

Please put your name forward and help our community hall continue to be run by the community. • What will happen to hireage fees if Council manages it? • Do your bit to help keep the hall under local management, • Come to the AGM and learn more on how it is run. • Help us keep it in community control.

The committee meets two to three times a year and has an Annual General Meeting – not a huge commitment. Looking forward to seeing you on 21st August at 7.30pm. Any queries contact President Barry Owen 022 656 8445 or Kathy Coles 232 1719


*AA Smartfuel terms and OR conditions apply, see

GAS Waiau Pa 581 Waiau Pa Road, Waiau Pa 2679. Telephone: 09 232 1476

8 A View from the Golf Hub enter a team I hope everyone has taken advantage of the … keep up the good weather and have been enjoying them- practice! selves; perhaps even having a round or two of golf. The golf What’s new at the Hub: course is looking very good and with all the wet Well we are on the lookout for a new manager weather the ponds are now nice and full. The as Justin has made the decision to concentrate resident fish can enjoy themselves; not so good more on his media and league commitments. for Kevin Morton though as his nemesis pond on For those of you who have not met Justin keep the 18th now has water in it so looking forward an eye out for him on Sky TV when the Warriors to seeing his wet feet! are playing at home and also on Trackside Thank You: I would like to take this opportunity Radio. We wish Justin all the best for his new to say “Thanks” to all the staff and volunteers endeavours and thank him for the work he has who have helped make the course and sur- done for the club. Whilst he is no longer the rounds as wonderful as they are. There are manager he is not completely lost to the club as many who do this and without their help and Justin is a good and keen golfer and member so contributions we wouldn’t have the wonderful look forward to seeing him around the greens. asset that we currently enjoy. What’s happening at the Hub: It’s good to see the facilities being used and the Friday night Thanks and see you soon darts crew are certainly enjoying themselves. If Shane McCloy President they get any better we might actually be able to

9 It’s time for a proactive approach Clarks Beach access to the Manukau Harbour Does Clarks Beach need a safe all ProposedProposed Clarks BeachClarks Public Jetty Beach and Ferry Pontoonpublic for Community jetty anddiscussion ferry pontoon for discussion tide public floating pontoon that en- Option A ables people to board larger vessels to explore the harbour?

Navigation & Aluminium gangway connecting Flood Lights rock groyne to floating structure

Is there an opportunity for the Clarks Electricity and water Water depth 1m at mean services to dock Beach and Waiau Pa communities working low water spring TBC

in conjunction with the wider Waiuku and Recently completed rock groyne

Floating Pontoon held in position with driven piles into seabed and Location of floating pontoon does not Awhitu communities to developement a polyethylene sleeves compromise trailer launching ramp public pontoon here at Clarks Beach that

Clarks Beach Yacht would provide safe harbour access at all Club lawn area stages of the tide?

Clarks Beach Ratepayers Assn Clarks Beach Yacht Club Clarks Beach Business Assn Clarks Beach is one of the few locations on the Manukau Harbour that enjoys deep water that is in close proximity to the shoreline and is reasonably protected from the prevailing winds allowing larger passenger tourist vessels to dock safely. In addition Clarks Beach has one of the largest rural populations located on the Manukau Harbour - enjoying a golf club and restaurants making it a desirable destination for visitors from Auckland via the Port of Onehunga.

Is there strong community support for such facil- ity at Clarks Beach? If so maybe a working group is established to undertake the funding design consent- ing procurement and delivery of such a facility which will be the start of a long overdue change process on the Manukau Harbour.

If you are interested in helping to move this proposal forward, please contact: Jim Jackson Wk +0064 9 6343376Cell +0064 274 730 226 Email [email protected] Web

CLARKS BEACH Suzanne & Gavin Cooper holiday park

Phone: +64 09 232-1685 226 Torkar Rd Ext Email: [email protected] Clarks Beach Web: Auckland 2122

Camp & powered Sites | Cabins | Motel units | Lodge


uilders r B H te o s u a s e M o

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• Safe secure storage • Computer controlled access HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL • Individual lockup units • Access 24 hours, 7 days

11 Child Car Restraints Did you know ??? New Zealand law says all children in vehicles must be correctly secured in an approved child restraint until their 7th birthday. To be safe children need to be in booster seats until they are 148cm tall - for the majority of children this is somewhere between 9 and 12 years of age.

The law says you must: • Over 14 years old - they must use safety belts • Until their 7th birthday - correctly secure where they are available. your child in an approved child restraint • From their 7th to their 8th birthday - cor- International best practice recommends the use of rectly secure your child in an approved child an appropriate child restraint (or booster seat) until restraint if one is available in the vehicle (and your child reaches 148 cm tall or is 11 years old. if not, in any child restraint or safety belt that is available) Child restraint and medical professionals recom- • From their 8th birthday to 14 years old - they mend that you keep your baby in a rear-facing must use safety belts if available. If not avail- restraint until as old as practicable, at least until able, they must travel in the back seat. they are 2 years of age. Continued on next page

12 Child Car Restraints (Continued from previous page)

All children under seven years of age must use an facturer’s instructions. All approved child restraints approved child restraint appropriate for their age display standard markings to show they are approved. and size. Children aged seven must be secured in a Look for a child restraint that shows: restraint if one is available in the vehicle. • a tick mark (indicates the restraint meets Approved child restraints include: the joint New Zealand/Australian Standard AS/NZ • infant restraints for young babies (often 1754) called baby capsules) • restraints for older babies, toddlers and preschool children (often called car seats) • booster seats for preschool and school- aged children • an ‘E’ mark (indicates the restraint meets the • child safety harnesses (used with or European Standard ECE 44 or ECE 129) – the without a booster seat) for preschool and school-aged number on the circle will vary depending on the children. country of certification.

Children must be correctly seated in child restraints that are correctly secured into the car to keep them safe from crash forces. Or look for a restraint that complies with the As the driver of a car, you are responsible for ensur- United States Standard FMVSS 213. The restraint ing that any child travelling in your vehicle is correctly must also show the New Zealand Standard ‘S’ using an appropriate child restraint. Find out the legal mark indicating it is certified for use here. requirements [PDF, 243 KB]. All child restraints must meet an approved standard. This ensures a restraint’s design and construction are laboratory tested under crash conditions and provide the best protection when used according to manu-

13 Business Association - Financial Members

Accommodation Estuary Orchard 232 1231 Accommodation C.B. Holiday Park 232 1685 Camping, cabins, vans & motel Camp Morley 232 1738 Church, school, sport, family camps Graham & Jeanette Guy 027 477 1176 Self contained holiday accommodation Clarks Beach Paradise 21 0800 2523 Air B&B accommodation Accountants David Greenfield Biz. Serv. 027 658 5695 Chartered Acct - biz & tax advice Aerial Photography Incredible Images 027 688 5001 Aerial & real estate photographers Alpaca Farm Tours PJ Alpacas 232 1142 Farm tours & alpaca products Automotive Highbury Garage 021 0226 1380 Classic car repair, servicing 232 0026 Waiau Pa Automotive 232 1747 Automotive repair, Masport, BBQs Building Company CGC Homes 021 905 136 Residential house construction Franklin Kitchen Renovations 027 272 0455 Kitchen & bathroom renovations Kenco Construction 021 115 5925 Building company Precision Homes NZ Ltd 021 277 4040 Andrew Butts - building company Totalbuild 232 0006 Award winning building compa BusinessEducation 0275 846 348 Time management specialist Business Services 232 1881 Business software you can download Cafe Cafe Sole 09 296 3030 Fully licenced cafe Computer Counties Computer 232 1646 Corporate computer consultants Concrete Cutting BBD Concrete Cutting 232 1072 Ken George 0274 151 467 Consumer Fulfillment QSM Marketing Ltd 027 474 1457 Consumer promotionial fulfillment Curtains Kevens Curtains 238 9326 Soft furnishings, drapes,blinds, shutter Harrisons Curtains & Blinds 232 1879 Mobile curtains & blinds Dentist Pukekohe Dental Ltd 238 6490 Dentistry,nz Early Educ, Centre Play & Learn 232 1981 Early education centre Earthworks, etc. Next Level Civil 021 029 22216 Earthworks, retaining, roading, drainage Electrical Services E Power Limited 0800 376 937 Electrical work [email protected] MJD Electrical Ltd 021 154 7274 Maintenance, solar, home security, etc Orr Electrics 0274 925 780 [email protected] Redline Electrical & Security 021 725 009 0800 733 546 [email protected] Environmental Eltham Environmental Ltd 027 201 6383 Kylie Eltham Consultant Entertainment Kean Kreations 021 162 8863 Prof. Magician / Business Manager Engine Maintenance Small Engine Services 027 4386 189 Engine repairs, & maintenance, loan mowers Equine Nutrition DL Equine 027 498 3665 Dale Logan - nutrition, herbal medicine Farm Services Glenn Kidd Fencing 021 240 9563 Farm & lifestyle block fencing Franklin Motors Pumps & Tools 09 239 2545 Franklin tool repairs - Philip Spence Mike’s Lifetyle Block Service 021 331 019 Paddock care, spraying, fertilising Funerals Graham’s Funerals 09 236 8919 Funeral services Golf Clarks Beach Golf Club 232 1788 18 hole golf course & clubhouse Hair & Beauty Bordeaux Hair Design 232 1368 Hair salon Diny’s Hairstylist 027 431 4411 Colours & cuts (Wella Specialist) Hair Direct 027 453 4447 Mobile hairdresser Renew Skin & Body 021 159 4166 The Village Hair Studio 232 1987 Styling, nails, lashes, cranial massage Top Notch Hairdressing 232 1525 Hair Salon HIre Equipment EWP Ltd 232 0050 Elevated work platforms hire Waiau Pa Handy Hire 232 0204 Home handyman, equipment hire Home Maintenance Home Fix 027 473 2246 Bob Dyas - handyman & maintenance Import/Export Customs Services 027 535 3560 Customs broker & intl freight broker Insurance loans Ellis Ross 027 301 3659 Geoff Alyward broker IT Services Hunter IT Services Ltd 021 137 6663 Computer, laptop, printer, mobile repairs

14 Micronet Services Ltd 021 662 603 Craig Parkinson, IT specialist Jeweller The Jewellers Hand 022 157 7594 Courtney Nicholl-Jones Lawn Mowing Get Mowed 021 207 9588 Lawn moving, property tidy-ups Legal DOG Law 027 441 7075 All your legal needs, wills, trusts, etc Franklin Law 0800 842 972 Kimberley Cameron, Richard House Hainsworth Powrie Law 027 539 9377 Law firm specialising in criminal work Mason Treloar Harvey Law 021 245 2993 Melinda Mason, Racheal Trealoar Marketing & Media KC Marketing Media & Design 021 201 0001 Strategic marketing, business development Marriage Celebrant Married by Carol 021 174 7780 Marriage & wedding celebrant Mini Digger Hire Franklin Mini Digger Hire 021 271 0502 Stump grinding, digger work & hole boring Motorbike Training Pro Rider Ltd 027 699 8089 Motorbike training & coaching Office Support TempDirect 021 275 0089 Prof. temp services direct to you. Orchard Pinewater NZ Ltd 232 1305 Organically certified orchard Painting & Plastering Provsion Paint, Plaster, Fix 021 798 398 Jamie Clarke Pet Food NRG Plus Ltd 0274 996 259 100% natural dog & cat supplements Pet Minding Precious Pets 232 0265 Small block & pet minding service Plumber Digby’s Plumbing Services 021 0256 9313 Local 24/7 plumbing service Property Services Bralen Property Services 027 229 0274 Interior/exterior maintenance, van hire Public Speaking Sharman Enterprises 232 0007 Public speaker & chestnut producer Real Estate Barfoot & Thompson 027 587 0795 Brooke Robertson Bayleys Pukekohe 0274 863 738 Michele Mathieson Harcourts Blue Rick Realty 021 840 208 Robbie Robson Osborne’s Realty 0274 919 205 Kim-Maree Osborne Osborne’s Realty 027 446 9824 Fiona Millen Osborne’s Realty 027 2869 019 Sandy Heard Publisher Doghouse Design 09 483 9006 Publishing, design & production Retail g.a.s. & Gifts 232 1476 Petrol/diesel sales, giftware shop Hammer Hardware 232 1779 Hardware products Security Counties Locksmiths 0800 562 572 Locksmith services & security advice Storage Waiau Pa Storage 232 1423 Secure yet accessible storage Takeaways Clarks Beach Takeaways 232 1531 Fish ‘n Chips, pizzas & more Timber Supplier MacDirect Limited 236 3727 Sawmill & timber supplier Trailers Trailer World Limited 232 0271 Trailer manufacture & repair service Upholstery Locky’s Marine & Auto 021 538 000 Marine & auto upholstery Vending Services Saxon Vending 232 0287 Personal products vending Waterblasting Smartwash Waterblasting Ltd 0800809274 House washing - contact Jeremy Water Deliveries John’s Farmlet Services 0800 327 653 Water deliveries & water tank cleaning Window Cleaning Totally Awesome Window Cleaning 021 272 9797 Residential / commercial window cleaning

Bralen Property Services Small Engine Services Mowers, weedeaters, chainsaws, small outboard motors, etc.

Handyman For courteous service and Offering a range of Handyman services. reasonable rates contact Phil: 027 4386 189 Brad Cowper 027 229 0274 Taihiki Rd, Clarks Beach [email protected] Loan mowers available “We do the jobs you don’t have time for” Pickup and delivery service

15 PUBLIC NOTICES Clarks Beach Playgroup Kea, Cubs, Scouts During the school term for boys and girls Mon, Wed, Fri - 9:30am - 12pm Kea Scouts 6-8 yrs 6-7 pm Wed $2 per family - All Welcome Cub Scouts 8-10.5 yrs 6-7.30 pm Mon 40 Torkar Road, Clarks Beach Scouts: 10.5-14.5 yrs 7-9 pm Thurs Playgroup is also available for Party Hire! Contact Leader: Steve 232 0150 [email protected] See back page for other leader contact details

The Gardening Group Mainly Music Meets at the Waiau Pa Hall Parents and preschool kids 13.00-15.00 hrs $4 a family/session at Waiau Pa Hall 2nd Monday of the month Tuesdays (term time) 10-11am Contact: Jeanette Guy 0274 771 175 Contact: Vicki McGeorge Glenys Laing 236 3716 [email protected]

Waiau Pa Church Clarks Beach Bowling Club Sunday service @ 10.00am Winter clubhouse gatherings Friday evenings 5 pm for drinks and nibbles, Contact: John McGeorge raffles & lucky membership number draw. [email protected] Please bring a plate of nibbles to share. New season commences September 2019 Waiau Pa Patchwork Quilters

Meet the last Wednesday of every month More information: Margaret Walkley 09 2321797 At the Waiau Pa Hall Hall Bookings: Anne Turner 09 2983514 9.30am-3.00pm Contact: Irene 232 1414 Waiau Pa Hall For hire - rates and availability St Bride’s Anglican Church Contact: Kathy Coles 232 1719 Local shared Ministry at Findlay Road, Mauku Plunket 11.00am Sunday Service 1st & 5th Sundays: Morning Prayer Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday morning 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays: Eucharist at Waiau Pa Hall - Contact: Sally Matheson 232 1606 Phone Kathy for appointments 021 248 1272 or 235 8508

Church by the Seashore: Sunday worship 10.30am (preceded by a cuppa at 10.00am) Rev. Bertie Meyer 238 6768 Church office open 13.00-15.00 hrs 2nd Thursday in the month Local contacts: Liz 232 1593, Sharon 027 441 6151, Ruth 232 1896 Friday Bible Study 10.00am at 93 Torkar Road. Contact: Elaine 232 1727 Church by the Seashore is the venue for the following groups: Tues: Library 9.30-11.30 Reama 232 0298 Thurs: Film Fest 10.30-14.00 (fortnightly) Elaine 232 1727


Mike’s Lifestyle Block Services for all your paddock needs Spraying Boom & Spot Mowing & Topping Fertilising Harrowing Call Mike for a quote (021) 331 019

Waiau Pa & Clarks Beach Business Association • Free monthly listing in the Greenie centrepage. Permanent listing on new look website • Discounted advertising rate - Greenie & website • Permanent profile on the website It’s easy to join the Business Association Go to the website and fill out the online member appli- cation form.

Sliding door won’t Slide?

For a free quote phone 0800 37 37 10

17 CLARKS BEACH PLAYGROUP play together with their local friends; plus of course a great opportunity for Mums, Dads and grandpar- ents to connect and catch up with each other. So don’t let the wet weather put you off getting out and about, there is always lots to do at playgroup to keep your little ones entertained for the morning!

Playgroup needs you! Playgroup is looking for new committee members to join us! It’s a great way to meet people in the area and is essential for our lovely unique playgroup to keep operating. Please speak to us when you come to playgroup next or email us at [email protected] if you would like more information about joining our amazing committee.

Despite the rainy weather over the last month we were able to enjoy a good few days out in the winter sun as well as making the most all of our indoor resources when it is too wet to be outside.

The kids have been enjoying lots of outdoor play, playing on the playground and in the bush area together and pushing each other on the ride on toys. We have also been talking about Matariki with the kids, and a few of them picked flax on session one week and we helped them to weave it into rope.

We have been enjoying a variety of arts and crafts inside including collages and card making. They have also been exploring collaborative play together, utilising a number of the wonder dress- ups that we have to support their imaginative play. It is so great to see the kids enjoying free

TREE MAGIC ARBORISTS Free quotes for large and small tree pruning, dead and dangerous wood removal, branch mulching, crown reductions/thinning, stump grinding and site clearance 0800 CLIMBER [email protected]

18 Electric Motors: Rewinds, repairs of AC and DC motors Authorise supplier of BROOKS motors. Gearbox sales and repairs.

Water Pumps: Installation and removal services Repairs and sales of all brands of pumps Authorised supplier of DAVEY pumps

Filtration: Water treatment and filtration systems UV and water softening

Power Tools: Service and repairs of all powertools

19 Waiau Pa Kindergarten

Kia Ora, Over the month of June we celebrated the Maori new year festival of “Matariki”.

Children were involved in lots of artwork, gardening, stories and waiata. We celebrat- ed with children and their families with a shared “pancake breakfast”. The children showcased some Maori waiata they have been learning to their families. We ended the celebrations with a Matariki puppet show performed by Kathy Lawson from Animated Soundz for Children and F-amilies.

Our vegetable garden has taken off and we look forward to when it is time for harvest- ing...maybe time for some vegetable soup! The children are taking responsibility for caring for our gardens and showing a big interest in their seedlings which are growing Contact us via Facebook, email or phone daily. Continuing on our journey with [email protected] (Phone) 09 232 1211 Enviro-Schools our next learning focus will be around “respect” – for our environment, Marie, Christine, Suzie, Charlotte, others and ourselves. Keri and JiEun

We have been having lots of discussions around what rubbish does to our envi- ronment and the children have been very pro-active in picking up any rubbish they see in the playground.

We have been quieter than usual due to term break but have still been doing some fun things. We are looking forward to seeing all of our children back next week for another exciting term.

If you are new to the area or are looking for a Kindergarten please bring your child down for a visit and see what we have to offer. We would love to show you around.

20 Magic For All Occasions!! • Parties Weddings Urology Nurse Practitioner Clinic • • Corporate Events

Urology Nurse Practitioner Clinic • Children’s Magic Shows Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms • Magic Lessons Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Make your next event truly memorable ... call Andy today!

Erectile Dysfunction Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections 021 162 8863 Men’s HealthErectile Assessment Dysfunction

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Nursing Education and Clinical Teaching Also Available Nursing Education and Clinical Teaching Also Available

For enquiries & bookings please contact: For all enquiresFor &all bookings enquires & please bookings contact please - contact - Email: [email protected] [email protected] 444 326021 444 326 RegisteredRegistered Mobile: 021 444 326

CLARKS BEACH COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Church by the Seashore is kindly allowing us to userooms in the Church for your Community Library.

We are open on TUESDAYS from 9.30am - 11.30am.

The Library provides us with a large number of current books every four months, and we have a large variety of books for all our readers - young and old. We are also able to offer a selection of DVDs and Jigsaw puzzles.



Recipe - Leftover Frittata - Nicola Jones Vintage Cafe

A perfect frittata is creamy, custardy, and full of vegetables. This is a perfect end of week recipe to clear out the vegetable draw.

• 12eggs whisked. • 1/4 cup cream • 3 cups of cooked/roasted vegetables • 1 cup grated cheese (tasty) • Tarragon • tomato paste • Salt and pepper to season

Start by roasting and cooking any left over vegetables you have in the fridge, season with garlic and salt and pepper. Vegetables should be seasoned and cooked before adding to eggs.

Whisk eggs with milk, 1/2 teaspoon tarragon, cheese and seasoning.

Assemble the frittata in a lined cake tin, Start with a layer of tomato paste at he bottom, arrange all over your vegetables, then pour over your egg mixture.

Bake in a 180 C oven for approx 1 hour (timing will depend on how thick your frittata is, ideally check every 20minutes). Bake until the eggs are puffed and opaque, and the centre of the frittata jiggles just a bit when you give it a gentle shake. The frittata will continue to cook once removed from the oven.


Supporting the Cancer Society

“DECADENT DESSERTS” Waiau Pa.Scouts & Kiwanis Saturday 30th August at 7.00pm QUIZ NIGHT Clarks Beach Bowling Club Saturday 7th September Waiau Pa Hall Enjoy a fun filled evening DELICIOUS DESERTS Get your team together (6 people) prepared by members of the Clarks Beach Decide on a name & dress to your theme (optional) Bowling Club or come along individually RAFFLES and we will put you in a team

Turn up on the night or Tickets on sale at call Anne on 021 026 78922 for Waiau Pa Markets 18th August or contact more information Dianna Aislabie 0272819428

For more information about joining the Bowling Club Spot prizes, raffles, finger foods contact Steve Maher (President) on 232 1544 or Margaret Walkley (Secretary) 232 1797

23 Waiau Pa Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services Brigade

In 2019 the brigade has attended 69 calls. There were 2 Fire and Property and 5 medical calls since the last report.

Fire Advice Have LED torches to use in a power outages. 25% of ALL house fires start in the kitchen If you must leave the room, TURN OFF the stove. Have a fire extinguisher and/or fire blanket correctly located in your kitchen and make sure you know how to use them. Alcohol is involved in 50% of all fatal fires. So don’t drink and fry

Training Waiau Pa Fire Senior Fire Fighters. Jason and Cameron have attended a Senior Fire Fighter course at Mount Wellington. They were away from their families for 6 nights. This shows our firefighters Volunteer dedica- tion.

Medical Breathing Problems Beware of infants temperatures rising when ill. They do not have the ability to sweat like adults. Please call 111 and ask for Ambulance to report a Breathing or Chest Pain problem. CPR needs to be started IMMEDIATELY if the patient is not breathing. The chest compressions are at the rate of the Bee Gees Staying Alive song.

Murray Gallagher Counties Computer Consultants

Waiau Pa Indoor Bowls Waiau Pa Hall (opposite the 4 Square) Bowling nights are Tuesdays Names in by 7pm - play commences 7.15pm.

New members are welcome, experienced or not. Come and join a friendly club and have a fun night out.

24 Clarks Beach Golf Club The best view in town ‘Your local gathering place’ Yacht club now available for hire Serious or social . . . Meet new friends for parties and weddings

WIDE RANGE OF MEMBERSHIPS Pop in and ask the office staff Not a golfer? Have a go!

CBYC is fundraising for new facilities and is offering BOOK EXCHANGE : DARTS : PETANQUE the club as a venue (max nos 60) FOR SOCIAL MEMBERS and/or guests of members [email protected] Enjoy a drink from the bar, food from the kitchen 021 616 691 and the view from the new deck Outdoor play area for the little ones Thursday hamburger night Friday night carvery - great meal Saturday meals Waiau Pa Community Hall Sunday brunch from 11am MARKET Gaming machines, TAB & social events 3rd Sunday of each month A warm welcome awaits - Ph 232 1788 Next market - August 18th 10am - 2pm ... $10 per table

Contact Sandy - 027 4822 445 Proceeds from the market go to the community

25 Alan Cole- (Ph. 021923719) Email: [email protected]

Auckland Transport and the NZ Transport Agency as part of the Supporting Growth Programme have released an Indicative Strategic

Transport Network to support growth in South Auckland. The indicative strategic transport network plan seeks to provide a range of transport choices that are intended to be developed and delivered over the next 10-30 years on top of what is being delivered over the next 10 years. Over the next few years they will be progressing more detailed investigations and in late 2019 they will prepare some applications for route protection, there will be a staged route protection processes across all future urban zoned areas and transport projects. They plan on lodging the last in 2021. Here is the link to the map http:// 2019-Map-South.jpg

As you will see it has only safety improvements for the south-western areas of Karaka, Kingseat, Waiau Pa and Clarks Beach are planned for the next 30years. has more info about what is planned for Drury and Pukekohe.

Regional Environment and Natural Heritage (RENH) grants programme are now open.The programme aims to fund work protecting, restoring or enhancing Auckland’s environment, especially projects with a focus on strategic regional initiatives for natural heritage and environmentally sustainable living. Applications close 30th August 2019, with grants of $5000 to $40,000 available. Individuals, mana whenua, iwi, organisations and community groups are all welcome to apply. More information can be found at community-support-housing/grants/regional-grants/Pages/grant-details.aspx?itemID=54

Happy to take your feedback on these or any other things, that are on your mind, on the above contacts Alan

Daniel Overton & Goulding Lawyers “The DOG” Serving Onehunga for 70 years. Now open in Pukekohe Guy Newlove Senior Partner - Clarks Beach Resident DANIEL OVERTON & Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Estate Planning, Selling & GOULDING Buying Property, Trusts, Relationship Property & Business Barristers & Solicitors Problems

“I am available anytime at your home or mine for a chat about any problem you may have - chats are free.”

Guy Newlove Phone: 09 237 1423 Mobile: 027 441 7075 Email: [email protected]


For Sale - Tender 4pm, 22 August 2019 (unless sold prior) 147 Torkar Road, Clarks Beach


For Sale - Price by negotiation 166 Torkar Road, Clarks Beach

JUST LISTED - Two gorgeous properties. Michele Mathieson 027 486 3738 Call me today for your dream to become your home! BAYLEYS REAL ESTATE LTD, PUKEKOHE, LICENSED UNDER THE REAA 2008

ALTOGETHER BETTER Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services


Andrew Bayly holds regular constituency clinics. To make an appointment please contact the Hunua Electorate office.

HUNUA ELECTORATE OFFICE A | 7 Wesley Street, Pukekohe. P | 09 238 5977 during office hours.

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Andrew Bayly MP, 7 Wesley Street, Pukekohe.

27 27 Local Contacts Waiau Pa Fire Brigade: 232 0203 (Unattended) EMERGENCIES: Dial 111 A.F.S. Student Exchange Programme: Moira Scott 09 232 0150 Athletics - Waiau Pa:[email protected] Basketball: Scott Kelso 021 901 333 [email protected] Boating Club: Norbert Stumpel (Chairman) 232 0060 Bowling Club:Margaret 2321797 or Steve 2321544 Civil Defence: Darren McDonald 232 0300 or Barry Owen 232 1442 Garden group: Jeanette Guy 0274 771 175 or Glenys Laing 236 3716 Golf Club Clarks Beach: 232 1788 Hockey: Daniel Schofield 021 038 3209 Seniors; Karen McConnell 027 283 2585 Juniors Indoor Bowls: Diana Hamer 232 1281 Cub Scouts- (8- 10.5 yrs) Katrina - 027 489 5057 Kea Scouts- (6- 8 yrs) Marnie- 021 587 918 Scouts- (10.5- 14.5 yrs) Steve - 021 277 7888 Kindergarten: 232 1211 Kiwanis Club: Dianna Aislabie 232 1509 or 027 281 9428 JP’s: Graham Coles 232 1719, Hansa Naran 2997787 Phil Carter, 09 232 0143, 021 245 2495 Netball: Secretary, Alana Wharerau 021 118 0671 Playgroup: Email: Jo Peterson 0220735575 [email protected] Pippins, Brownies, Guides, Rangers: Helen Gallagher 232 1646, Catherine Pollock 236 3856 Pony Club: 09 947 7500 or visit Ratepayers Association: Paul Arthur 09 974 3144 Taekwon-Do: (8 yrs and over) Melanie Lockwood 09 232 1609 Yacht Club: Neil Robinson 021 616 691 or Paul Ayers 0275 843 262

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