The State Ownership Report 2013 the State Ownership Report 2013
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Rygg = 8 mm THE STATE OWNERSHIP REPORT 2013 REPORT OWNERSHIP STATE THE THE STATE OWNERSHIP REPORT 2013 Published by Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Design: Itera AS Layout: Grøset Trykk AS - 07/2014S Norwegian text translated into English by Amesto Translations AS 07/2014 W-0002 E 1 CONTENTS Foreword by the Minister 3 Companies with commercial The regional health authorities Scope and key figures 5 and other specifically defined objectives Central Norway RHA 100 Ownership matters 9 Aerospace Industrial Maintenance Norway SF 61 Northern Norway RHA 101 Return and financial values 13 Eksportfinans ASA 62 South-Eastern Norway RHA 102 Key figures describing financial developments 19 Electronic Chart Centre AS 63 Western Norway RHA 103 Other key figures 25 Investinor AS 64 Ownership diversity and wealth creation 34 Kommunalbanken AS 65 Corporate social responsibility in Statoil 38 NSB AS 66 Posten Norge AS 67 Statkraft SF 68 Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani AS 69 Companies with commercial objectives Companies with sectoral policy objectives Owner-appointed and shareholder-elected board Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS 44 Andøya Space Center AS 72 members at 31 March 2014 104 Baneservice AS 45 Avinor AS 73 Contact information 108 Cermaq ASA 46 Bjørnøen AS 74 Comments and definitions 109 Entra Holding AS 47 Eksportkreditt Norge AS 75 Flytoget AS 48 Enova SF 76 Mesta AS 49 Gassco AS 77 Norsk Eiendomsinformasjon AS 50 Gassnova SF 78 SAS AB 51 Innovation Norway 79 Veterinærmedisinsk Oppdragssenter AS 52 Kings Bay AS 80 Nofima AS 81 Norfund 82 Norwegian Seafood Council AS 83 Norsk Helsenett SF 84 Norsk rikskringkasting AS 85 Companies with commercial objectives Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelig datatjeneste AS 86 and head office functions in Norway Norsk Tipping AS 87 Aker Kværner Holding AS 53 Petoro AS 88 DNB ASA 54 Simula Research Laboratory AS 89 Kongsberg Gruppen ASA 55 SIVA - Selskapet for industrivekst SF 90 Nammo AS 56 Space Norway AS 91 Norsk Hydro ASA 57 Statnett SF 92 Statoil ASA 58 Statskog SF 93 Telenor ASA 59 UNINETT AS 94 Yara International ASA 60 University Centre in Svalbard AS 95 AS Vinmonopolet 96 Cover photo: © Sverre Chr. Jarild FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER © Hans Jørgen Brun © Hans Jørgen The ministries manage the State's direct Increased internationalisation has provid- there is no natural reason for the State to ownership in 68 companies. This report ed new opportunities for Norwegian trade be a long-term owner. The Government's covers companies in which one of the goals and industry, but also entails new chal- ownership policy will be further clarified of state ownership is commercial operation lenges. A large number of companies are in a new white paper on State ownership and most of the companies with sectoral facing fierce international competition, that will be presented later this year. policy objectives, in total 55 companies, fo- especially from low-cost countries, and cusing on the companies' performance and need to adapt to a landscape that is con- In spring 2014 there has been a great deal development and important events in 2013. stantly changing. Profitability and com- of attention on executive pay in compa- The year was dominated by one event in petitiveness are increasingly dependent nies in which the State has an ownership particular that shook us all – the terrorist on the ability to implement changes rap- interest, especially variable pay and long- attack against the In Amenas gas plant in idly and innovation. Increasing the com- term incentive schemes. This is a very Algeria on 16 January, in which five Statoil petitiveness of the Norwegian economy is complex field, and the Ministry has there- employees lost their lives. The attack high- therefore an important objective for the fore initiated a review of this area in con- lights the diversity and the gravity of the Government and will form a solid founda- nection with the revision of the State's challenges that Norwegian companies tion for wealth creation in the future. A guidelines for remuneration of senior ex- have to be prepared for in an increasingly key element in this respect is enhancing ecutives, which is expected to be complet- international business world. companies' ability to adapt and innovate. ed in the autumn. Flexibility enables us to adapt to changes Growth in the Norwegian economy was positively. A good capacity for innovation In both 2013 and 2014 we have seen cases slightly weaker in 2013 than the previous enables us to create change before it is of companies in which the State has an year, with 2.0 per cent GDP growth for forced upon us. The Government is there- ownership interest being linked to cor- mainland Norway, down from 3.4 per cent fore going to help ensure better frame- ruption. Corruption is illegal, and corrup- in 2012. Nevertheless, the Norwegian work conditions for trade and industry tion cases are very serious for the compa- economy has fared relatively well in re- across the entire country and up its in- nies involved, regardless of whether the cent times where many European coun- vestments in knowledge and technology. State is a shareholder or not. Corruption tries have faced major challenges. Growth must be taken seriously everywhere among many of Norway's trading part- Diverse, competent shareholders are a where Norwegian companies operate. ners remained modest in 2013, estimated prerequisite for competitiveness and This requires continuous work, including at less than 1 per cent. However there wealth value creation in the Norwegian establishing and developing guidelines, were early signs of recovery in many economy. The Government is therefore training and culture building. The board countries in the eurozone. Bright spots in going to strengthen private ownership in and the management of the companies the global economy served to buoy up the Norway. Private ownership ought to be play an essential role in this regard. The international stock market. The main in- the norm in Norwegian trade and indus- Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries dex of the Oslo Stock Exchange rose by try. The recent cuts in wealth tax and in- will continue to monitor the companies' 23.6 per cent, making 2013 the best stock come tax and the removal of inheritance anti-corruption efforts through its owner- market year since 2009. tax will contribute to this. The Govern- ship dialogue with the companies. We also ment will actively use the national budg- want to encourage experience sharing in Financial developments in the companies ets in the coming years to implement fur- this area. This report includes a piece by with commercial objectives have varied. ther tax cuts and changes that encourage Statoil on its anti-corruption work. In De- Many have done well, while others have saving, private enterprise, private owner- cember 2013 the company received the had a challenging year. The total estimated ship, investment and entrepreneurship. top score in Transparency International value of the 26 companies with commercial Norway's report on transparency in cor- objectives was NOK 665 billion in 2013, The Government has also initiated work porate reporting linked to corruption. compared with NOK 595 billion in 2012. to facilitate a gradual reduction in the The combined total net profit for the year State's direct ownership. At year-end the I hope you find this report informative after tax and minority interests for these Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and useful. companies came to NOK 76 billion in 2013, was authorised by the Storting to sell up down from NOK 101 billion in 2012. The to 100 per cent of the State's shares in the NOK 29 billion decrease in Statoil's profits property company Entra Holding AS and accounted for much of the overall decline. the construction company Mesta AS. The The State will receive NOK 29.9 billion in process of privatising Entra Holding AS is dividends for the 2013 financial year, NOK already under way. This is an important Monica Mæland 1.2 billion more than for 2012. step towards privatising companies where Minister of Trade and Industry 3 © Harald Pettersen / Statoil ASA / Statoil Pettersen © Harald Statoil ASA accounts for over half of the total value of the State's direct ownership of shares listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange 4 SCOPE AND KEY FIGURES The State is the largest owner of companies in Norway, and the ministries administer the State's ownership interests in 68 companies. This report covers companies in which one of the goals of state ownership is commercial operation and most of the companies with sectoral policy objectives, in total 55 companies. 5 THE STATE'S DIRECT OWNERSHIP As shown in the table, the Ministry of and Research and the Ministry of Trans- The State has direct ownership in 68 com- Trade, Industry and Fisheries has the port and Communications administer the panies. Direct state ownership means largest portfolio, consisting of 28 compa- State's ownership interests in four compa- companies in which the State's sharehold- nies. The Ministry of Culture administers nies each. The Ministry of Finance, the ing is managed directly by the ministries, the State's ownership interests in ten com- Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Local as opposed to by subordinate agencies. panies, followed by the Ministry of Health Government and Modernisation and the The table below provides an overview of and Care Services with seven companies Ministry of Foreign Affairs administer the the companies grouped according to the and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy State's ownership in one company each. ministry responsible for managing the with six. The Ministry of Agriculture and These ministries' contact details are listed State's ownership. The State's holding is Food administers the State's ownership in on page 108.