SUMMARY NIGER DELTA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT Copyright © 2006 United Nations Development Programme, UN House, Plot 617/618, Diplomatic Zone, Central Area District, P.M.B. 2851, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission. Designed & Printed by: Perfect Printers Ltd. 46, Hakeem Balogun Street, Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: 234-1-8129546, 234-8022240911, 08034552898 E-mail:
[email protected], Website: Foreword Over the past four decades, the issues con- outcomes persist. In many cases, the con- fronting the Niger Delta region have caused ditions of rural communities where crude increasing national and international con- oil is produced are deplorable, with severe cern. The region produces immense oil environmental degradation, and no access wealth and has become the engine of to safe drinking water, electricity and roads. Nigerias economy. But it also presents a Consequently, analyses of poverty and hu- paradox, because these vast revenues have man development paint a dismal picture, barely touched the Niger Deltas own per- particularly when the region is compared vasive local poverty. Today, there are for- with other oil-producing regions in the midable challenges to sustainable human world. In the Niger Delta, the results of development in the region. The manifesta- poor development have been disillusion- tions of these challenges include the con- ment, frustration among the people about flicts over resources among communities, their increasing deprivation and deep-rooted and between communities and oil compa- mistrust.