Research and Innovation at Rutgers 2011

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Research and Innovation at Rutgers 2011 Research and Innovation at Rutgers 2011 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AT RUTGERS 2011 Welcome from the Vice President of Research and Economic Development p. 4 HIGHLIGHTS p. 5 BY THE NUMBERS p. 13 AWARDS TO RUTGERS FACULTY p. 23 3 Michael J. Pazzani, Ph.D. Welcome from the Vice President for Biography Research and Economic Development Vice President for Research and Economic Development Dr. Michael J. Pazzani’s responsibilities Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, achieved many out- at Rutgers include oversight of research standing accomplishments in 2011. At the heart of our success and rising global reputation are our 2,700 full-time faculty mem- grants and sponsored programs, bers, who continually win impressive honors and grants, and human subjects protection, laboratory produce noteworthy research results. and animal services, and technology commercialization. He is a Professor II The American Association for the Advancement of Science named of Computer Science, a member of the six Rutgers faculty members as Fellows in 2011, raising the total of Rutgers University Center for Cognitive AAAS Fellows among our professoriate to 49. This year’s honorees are engaged in a dazzling variety of research, including environmental Science, and has a courtesy appointment science, cancer biology and prevention, coastal geology, and physics. in Library and Information Science. He has been funded by the National Science Rutgers continues to make great strides in pursuit of research funding. New data from Foundation, the U.S. Department of the National Science Foundation show Rutgers ranked #25 nationally for NSF grants in Education, DARPA, AFOSR, ARO, and FY2011 (see page 15), surpassing some of the top U.S. research institutions. And recent several companies including SAIC, Hughes NSF data on total federal R&D funding show Rutgers made a notable leap from #66 na- tionally in FY2009 to #56 in FY2010. Aircraft, Qualcomm, NYNEX, Websense, and Touchstone Software. Rutgers researchers develop technologies that are genuinely “disruptive.” Thomas Nosker of our Advanced Polymer Center, with the U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center and Axion Prior to his appointment at Rutgers, International, received the 2011 R&D 100 award from R&D Magazine for their bridge Dr. Pazzani was the Director of the beam technology. Their patented recycling of plastics to create durable, low-cost beams Information and Intelligent Systems was honored by R&D’s editors as one of the world’s “Top 3” most influential innovations. Richard Riman, professor of materials science and engineering, has patented “low-tem- Division at the perature solidification,” an energy-saving process that dramatically improves the manu- National Science Foundation from facture of ceramics, concrete, and other materials. His invention has been embraced by 2002–2006 where he provided oversight venture capitalists, who funded Solidia Inc., a start-up near Rutgers-New Brunswick with for a research budget of $200M and 30 employees (and potential for significant licensing revenue for the university). helped to coordinate NSF’s homeland security research. He served as the Chair Rutgers faculty members lead a wide array of research centers, and many are supported by corporate members, such as Rutgers Wireless Information Network Laboratory, which of Information and Computer Science at is featured on page 6 of this report. The university recently launched a center focused on the University of California, Irvine. He flavors, fragrances, and perception at a day-long industry symposium. With IBM’s sup- also served as a member on the Board port, we have established the new Rutgers Discover Informatics Institute, powered by an of Regents of the National Library of IBM Blue Gene®/P supercomputer. Medicine at the National Institutes of Health from 2003–2005. Finally, an especially enjoyable memory of 2011 comes from Rutgers Entrepreneurship Day 2011. It was a fun event for students, faculty, and many businesspeople from around the region, particularly because we recruited Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak as our key- Dr. Pazzani was a founder and CEO of noter. With an audience of nearly 800, he gave an extremely entertaining, inspiring speech. AdaptiveInfo, has served on the board And he stayed afterward, talking and even autographing many iPhones® with his distinctive of directors of Combichem (NASDAQ: nickname, “Woz.” The day was not only educational—and ideal for networking—it dem- CCHM), now part of DuPont, and was a onstrated that, while Rutgers is a world-class university, we know how to enjoy our work. member of the scientific advisory board of several companies, including Pharsight I invite you to stay up to date with us through Corporation (NASDAQ: PHST) and TripleHop Technologies, Inc. now part of Oracle. Michael J. Pazzani, Ph.D. Vice President for Research and Economic Development 4 Highlights 5 Rutgers Partners with Companies and NSF to Develop the Next Generation of the Internet Rutgers Ranks #25 for Designing the next generation of the Internet won’t be easy, National Science Foundation Grants mostly because it will be wireless, so the National Science Foundation has funded a blue-chip group of university labs According to recent data from the National Science Foundation, to take on the challenge. Among them is Rutgers’ WINLAB, Rutgers-New Brunswick is #25 nationally in terms of NSF or Wireless Information Network Laboratory, located in New grants awarded during fiscal year 2011. The New Brunswick Brunswick. faculty received $52.2 million in NSF grants, surpassing the totals achieved by top research universities such as Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the University of Chicago, University of North Carolina, Ohio State,Uni versity of Southern California, and Duke. Rutgers’ three campuses—Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick—received $56.4 million from the NSF in FY2011. Princeton, including the Institute for Advanced Study, had $55 million in NSF awards. The combined total for the two universities represents 84% of the NSF grants to New Jersey recipients. “The results speak to the quality of our faculty and the hard work of many, many faculty and staff,” said Michael J. Pazzani, vice president for research and economic development and professor of computer science at Rutgers. “NSF grants are highly competitive, so the total achieved by Rutgers is a true NSF chose a WINLAB-led team to receive a $7.6 million Future accomplishment.” Internet Architecture grant in 2010 to “design, prototype, and validate a comprehensive mobility-centric future Internet NSF grants and other sources of federal funding compose about architecture” called MobilityFirst. In 2011 the federal agency 75% of external funding for research at Rutgers, which has awarded WINLAB nearly $1 million to expand an experimental increased markedly in recent years. NSF data just released on wireless network on Rutgers’ New Brunswick campus, which total federal R&D funding show Rutgers made a notable leap was built last year with a $1.5 million NSF grant. from #66 nationally in FY2009 to #56 in FY2010. The total for sponsored research awards from all sources to Rutgers faculty WINLAB’s successful pursuit of funding results primarily from and staff researchers has grown from $242 million in FY2002 up its faculty’s research productivity, supported by its 14 corporate to $376 million FY2011. sponsors, including InterDigital®, Ericsson, Intel®, Panasonic, and Verizon Wireless. The largest NSF award to Rutgers faculty in FY2011 was a $6,375,500 grant to Helen M. Berman, Board of Governors For almost 40 years, InterDigital has been developing professor in chemistry and chemical biology, for management fundamental wireless technologies that are at the core of mobile of the protein data bank at Rutgers, a resource used by scientists devices, networks, and services worldwide. The company solves worldwide. many of the industry’s most critical and complex technical challenges, inventing solutions for more efficient broadband Fernando J. Muzzio, professor and director of the Center networks and a richer multimedia experience years ahead of for Structured Organic Composites for Phamaceutica and market deployment. InterDigital has licenses and strategic Nutraceuticals, received two NSF grants last year that totaled relationships with many of the world’s top wireless companies $7,600,000. and its inventions are being used in every mobile phone today. The third-largest NSF grant to Rutgers in FY2011 was a InterDigital maintains comprehensive and rewarding $2,730,000 award to Dipankar Raychaudjuri, professor and relationships with close to 20 prominent educational institutions director of the Wireless Information Network Laboratory, for across the United States, Canada, and Europe. InterDigital “Mobility First: A Robust and Trustworthy Mobility-Centric joined WINLAB as an Industry Sponsor in 2006 after two years Architecture for the Future internet.” of informal collaboration. Members of the company’s research staff teach graduate courses, mentor students, and serve on advisory boards at the numerous leading U.S. universities. Through a combination of internships, special project grants, 6 memberships in their respective research centers, and sponsored studies, InterDigital gains exposure to relevant leading-edge academic research and tomorrow’s top engineering talent. InterDigital’s point person for WINLAB is Alex Reznik, senior principal engineer in the Next Generation Networks group. a “more agile organization.” He says the company serves
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