2 Let’s Talk | Issue 1

All content in the pages of Let’s Talk Wargames, belong to Let’s Talk CONTENTS Wargames, except for the following items;

Photos on pages 4-7, 9 and 30-35 belong to PLC

Photos and Logos on pages 70-73 belong to Battlefront Miniatures 4 NEWS 26 News, Rumours, and some new Releases this UNDERHIVE REVIEW Photos and Logos on pages 16-20 month on the wargaming market. Who will win the battle between the Palanite belong to Cubicle 7 Entertainment. enforcers and the wicked Corpse Grinder Cult. 12 NEO FOR IWATA Cover Image belongs to Free Leeague REVIEW Publishing. As well as artwork on 36 7 SIMPLE WAYS TO BE We put this budget airbrush through it’s pages 48-52 paces A BETTER PAINTER

7 Quick tips to becoming a better painted Photos on page 43 belong to the cor - responding Instagram Users listed 16 WARHAMMER FANTASY with each photo ROLEPLAY 4TH EDITION 41 ALIEN RPG REVIEW RULEBOOK REVIEW Alien and Roleplaying in the same sentence, This new edition of the WFRP gets put yes please!. We take a look at this offering through the ringer. Have Cubicle 7 saved the from Free League Publishing. Old World? 47 PAINTING THE 22 FORMULA P3 PAINTS UNDERHIVE REVIEW Need some tips for getting your Zone Will these paints knock other brands off of Mortalis Terrain on the table quick? our painting table? We put them to the test.. Also Are We A Toxic Community P34 Top Nine P38

Let’s Talk Wargames is published completely independantly by a small team of devoutSample and loving file hobbyists. Who love to immerse themselves in the hobby to create this magazine Issue # 2 published on January 14 2020 Let’s Talk Wargames | Issue 1 3 Editorial

This month has seen many delays, and obstacles. Much later than in- tended, here is Issue 2. We have moved things around a little, and you may notice that a few advertised features aren’t in this issue. No fear they will enter next month’s issue instead.

As a way of apology, we have kept Issue 2 at the slightly lower introduc- tory price of £3.50 and won’t be going to the regular £4 price point until we are back to normal here in the office and are releasing the magazine we planned on creating. We are hoping this will be next month’s issue, but these things have a habit of having a knock-on effect.

On to something a little bit more upbeat, this month has seen me hob- bying a hell of a lot actually around Christmas and New Year and has seen me add no fewer than 6 new hobby projects to my docket. This includes a Halflings (because who likes winning anyway) and Lizardmen for , and Seraphon, Cities of Sigmar and Legions of Nagash for Age of Sigmar, and a few little individual additions here and there for Necromunda, AOS Skirmish and . I am going to be a busy, busy bee for the foreseeable future, so look forward to see-ing hobby updates in the pages of Let’s Talk Wargames, our Social Media pages.

Jack Baker Editor January 2020 Sample file News & Rumours

YOUTUBE SANTA BRINGS COMING US PRESENTS SOON! Hopefully Santa brings As you read this we are us all the hobby working away behind products we want this the scenes finishing up year. He made a large a couple of batches of model deliver here. videos.


Mantic Games shows off this fabulous pheonix for Kings of War. Just look at that flame details!

ISN’T THAT A LOYALISTS NICE HAMMER ARRIVE IN Sample  THRAMAS file After many years of dodging playing the We see more sneak full game we add Age peaks at the upcoming of Sigmar to our Game 30k Dark Angels from Coverage. Forge World. PLASTIC ZONE MORTALIS

A Brand new Necromunda Box set sees the return of Zone Mortalis scenery in a multipart plastic format.

I AM THE LAW SCREW YOU CANCER! Warlord Releases a slew of Judge Dredd We launch a brand Content, including a new initiative to raise starter set and much money on behalf of more! Buy the Starter Cancer Research UK. Set now to get an Exclusive Death Mini!

HAIR’S SISTERS OF ANOTHER BATTLE HIT PLAYER  THE SHELVES  Games Workshop have Who ever thought I shown off Gloriel would ever say that Summerbloom, Blood multi-part plastic Bowl Star Player. sisters would be out now?

TURTLE POWER  Sample file Brother Vinni releases a set of four fighting turtles and a female reporter. I’m sure no IP was infringed at all! Some Serious Firepower Comes This Way

This month sees Forge World show off some upcoming releases from the next Horus Heresy Black Book. This includes new units for the Dark Angels (see over the page) to use in battle including the Dreadwing Interemptors, a unit full of plasma weaponry similar to Destroyer Squads. We also get a rules tease, that all wings of the First Legion will have rules, as well as the Deathwing and Ravenwing we all know, we will also see the Dreadwing, the Ironwing, Stormwing and the Firewing. But what about non- Dark Angel players? Did we mention there’s a new type Sampleof tank? Named the Arquitor Bombard, this beast is armedfile with a gigantic Graviton-charge canon, this mobile artillery piece will rain down death on the traitor legions (No Dark Angel are traitorous jokes here.)

For More Information head over to www.warhammer-community.com Let’s Talk Wargames | Issue 1 7

If we jump in our time machines and head back about 4 years, the Warhammer World was in a bit of a transition. All of had banded together to crush the forces of ‘good’ (I use this term lightly). Through various shenanigans Archaon succeeded and we saw the de-struction of the world and a replacement game system in the form of Age of Sigmar. Well if like me you love the Old World, then rejoice. The Old World is coming back! Don’t get too excited too quickly, as in Games Workshop’s own words, all they have done is create a logo so far. The game itself is a number of years off. Will we see some new kits of old favourites? (I am looking at you Empire Militia.) Will this usher in other games set in the Old World such as a new Mordheim, only time will tell? Games Workshop had the following to say about this ‘new’ project;

‘The Old World is to , as is to Warhammer 40,000. The bedrock of lore from which mortals rose to godhood and legends were forged. And like the Horus Heresy, seeing those mythic heroes in action has an undeniable appeal, as does re-creat - ing the glorious armies of a previous epoch – an exciting proposi-tion for hobbyists and gamers alike. And now, we have a dedicated team in the Warhammer Studio beginning the work of bringing all that awesome back to theSample tabletop.’ file If you can’t wait that long for some Old-World action, jump to page 16 where we review the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition Rule-book

For more information head over to www.warhammer-community.com