NOTES ON THIS INDEX This Index lists the most important articles that have been published in White Dwarf from issue 68 to issue 251. There are several points that I would like to make about this Index. • The Index only lists the main articles published in each issue, it does not list the News, Mail Order or What’s Happening at the GW Stores (as features in these articles will be out of date and largely irrelevant). • From Issues 110 onwards all of the articles are categorised according to which game they are relevant to, there is a column for Warhammer 40,000 (commonly referred to as WH40K) articles, a column for Warhammer Fantasy Battle (referred to as WHFB or just Warhammer), one for Various Games (all of the other games WD features), one for Terrain articles (just terrain, not painting guides) and one for Miscellaneous Articles and Battle reports. For issues 102 and earlier there are only three columns. One for Various Games that are featured (including Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy Battle) one for Roleplay Games like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (commonly referred to as WFRP) and lastly, one for Miscellaneous Articles and Battle reports. This is because, back then, there wasn’t always a WH40K and/or WHFB article. There was however, a plethora of other games produced by other companies as well as lots of Roleplay games that are just never seen now. If things carry on as they are, I might have to change the columns from Issues 248 onward to just include just WH40K, WHFB and Miscellaneous Articles, because that’s what White Dwarf seems to be completely dedicating itself to these days… • Since Games Workshop re-releases games every so often (generally Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy Battle), articles about such games are only relevant to the edition of the game that was around at the time when that issue was printed. Because of this I have listed (as best I can) the editions of re-released games along with the period of issues that included articles about that edition. Warhammer 40K Epic Warhammer Fantasy Battle Rogue trader: Issues 93 – 161, Adeptus Titanicus: Issues ? - 112 3 rd edition: Issues ? - ? 2 nd edition: Issues 165 – 224, Space Marine: Issues 127 - 170 4 th edition: Issues ? - ? 3 rd edition: Issues 226 onwards. Epic: Issues 186 - 198 5 th edition: Issues ? – 248, Epic 40,000: Issues 208 onwards. 6 th edition: Issues 250 onwards. • In all issues, each article (in any column) is normally listed by the articles title (for example, ‘The Artificer’ issue 68 below) and then a short description of the article is included in brackets (‘a new AD&D character class’). If there are multiple articles for the same game each article will be listed one after another separated by commas. • In the Various Games column (and for earlier issues, the Roleplay Games column as well) the articles are preceded by the name of the game (in bold) to which the article is relevant, for example; – Gang Warfare! (An introduction to the new 40K based skirmish game). If there are any articles about terrain or painting for these games then these are listed in the ‘Terrain’ and ‘Miscellaneous Articles’ columns respectively. The ‘Roleplay Games’ column lists the articles that have relevance to role-playing games (obviously), including adventures, resources Q&A and additional and amended rules. • Battle Reports are included at the end of the Miscellaneous Articles and Battle Reports column, although they are sometimes included in their game’s column (If, for example, it goes with another article like in Raid (issue 192), here there are two battle reports together with the scenarios that were used in them). Battle Reports are always designated with Italic type and, unless they are special reports, they are not referred to by name, just the game and the sides fighting in the battle. • I have not included page numbers with any of the articles because it is easy enough to find an article by its name alone from the contents page.

Disclaimer: This White Dwarf Index is not endorsed by Games Workshop in any way, I have produced it simply for the convenience of gamers wishing to find articles in White Dwarfs with ease. I have made no profit from this publication, nor do I ever intend to (and nor should anyone else), I originally made this index for my own use but I decided to allow other gamers to gain some use from it.

Various Games Roleplay Games Miscellaneous Articles 68 AD&D – The Artificer (a new AD&D character class), Beneath the Waves (part one – Hazards of Tabletop Heroes (The Magic Frame – part two, the Environment. A series about underwater adventuring in the AD&D world), Star of Darkness (an how to photograph your own miniatures on a adventure for 3-5 characters of levels 3-4), Treasure Chest (Words of Wonder – a selection of new tight budget). spells). Call of Cthulhu – Crawling (Free the Spirit – the clergyman). Traveller – Lone Dragon (a gem gathering scenario for 4-7 characters). Heroes and Villains – Solo Series (adventuring for individual superheroes). 69 AD&D – Beneath the Waves (part two – Developing civilisations), Plague From the Past (an Tabletop Heroes (a regular painting feature. adventure for 4-6 characters of levels 5-7), Treasure Chest (Poison – a new an easy to use system for Getting advice from experienced painters). various types of poison). Golden Heroes – Rationale Behaviour (the application of the Golden Heroes campaign rating to other RPGs). Fiend Factory (The Starlight Pact – new characters). Call of Cthulhu – The Surrey Enigma (an adventure for 3-5 Investigators featuring witchcraft). RuneQuest – Runerites (Close Encounters – weapon lengths and animal attacks, or something). Traveller – Starbase (Battle Stations – alternative ship combat rules). 70 AD&D – Tongue Tied (Language and literacy in AD&D), In Too Deep (A water & spice adventure Tabletop Heroes (useful information on how to for 3-6 characters of levels 4-5), Treasure Chest (Monstrous NPCs – monsters as characters), do figure conversions). Beneath the Waves (part three – Aquatic adventuring continues.). Call of Cthulhu – Crawling Chaos (The Price is Right- currency and purchasing for investigators). Golden Heroes – Reunion (An adventure about intelligent crystals, primitive tribesmen and a British Major!). Heroes and Villains (The Coven – villainous worshippers of Necromon!). Traveller – Dead or Alive (the Bounty Hunter as a career in Traveller). 72 Talisman – The Jewel In The Crown (reviewed and AD&D – The Necklace of Brisingamen (A thrilling adventure for 6-8 characters of levels 7-10), Origin of the PC (the foibles of character expanded with new cards). Treasure Chest (All Part of Life’s Rich Pageant – out of dungeon events). generation systems in RP games), Tabletop Sleigh Wars – A one off Christmas game with present Call of Cthulhu – Fear of Flying (a mini scenario featuring travel in a very large plane with some Heroes (Part one of how to build and paint delivery and aerial combat! suspiciously dodgy characters…), Crawling Chaos (Recommended Reading – a regular column for Dioramas), Newsboard (Blood Bath At Games Cthulhu players, this month, a mysterious Egyptian papyrus). Day – a report on the antics at ’85). Heroes and Villains (Scientific Method – a look at ‘the mad scientist’ style villain). 75 AD&D – Gamesmanship (putting the mystery and excitement back into your AD&D games), How to save the Universe (an article about how Nightmare in Green (a plant bashing adventure for 4-8 characters of 4th-6th level), Treasure Chest superhero role-playing can be fun), Tabletop (Local Boy Makes Good – character background in AD&D). Heroes (this month, preparing models for oil RuneQuest III – Ruminations (thoughts on the changeover to RuneQuest III). paint), Trevor’s Titbits (ramblings of some Call of Cthulhu – The Heart of Dark (an ‘Illuminatingly’ different adventure for experienced bloke). Investigators). 76 Warhammer – Glen Woe (Thrilling Shakespearean AD&D – How to Make Crime Pay (lots of useful advice for apprentice thieves), Banditry inc (a Treasure Chest - How Do You Spell That? (a mayhem, for use with the McDeath expansion pack). referees guide to the Thieves Guild), Castle in the Wind (an adventure set in an Arabian style land regular column for AD&D players about their featuring a floating castle). ideas for the game. This month, spells), – You’re Booked! (Budgeting and accountancy for player Judges). Tabletop Heroes (the second part of the Golden Heroes – Caped Crusades (how to run a GH campaign). application of oil paint). 78 Cosmic Encounter – (Paul Mason introduces four new AD&D – Ashes to Ashes (a few words about resurrecting dead characters…). Eavy Metal (sector 306, a look at a great Mega- powers in full colour). Golden Heroes – The Pilcomayo Project (an adventure based in Bolivia). city one cityscape). Judge Dredd – The Spunng Ones! (an adventure for a small team of judges who are challenged with apprehending overweight, bouncing perps!). 85 AD&D – More Than Skin Deep (a look at the role of non-human races in AD&D). Illuminations (a look at the work of Tony Pendragon – Swords of Pendragon (a feature on famous swords). Ackland), Eavy Metal (how to paint Dragons). RuneQuest III – A Tale to Tell (an adventure for six characters). Star Trek – To Boldly Go (a few suggestions on how to play the game better). WFRP – On The Road (two short adventures). 86 – Skaven Scramblers (rules and Call of Cthulhu – Curse of the Bone (a modern Call of Cthulhu adventure for 2-5 Investigators). It’s a Kind of Magic (a look at introducing background for this new Skaven team). AD&D – Open Box Extra (a review of the AD&D Dragonlance adventures). technology to fantasy realms), Illuminations (a WFRP – Out of the Garden (rules for Gnome characters). look at the work of Ian Miller), Eavy Metal Judge Dredd – The Trouble With Time (Time travel paradoxes in the Judge Dredd universe). (Dave Andrews), Dogs of War (rules for mercenaries in roleplaying games). 90 Rogue Trooper – We Gotta Traitor To Find… (nine Call of Cthulhu – A Green and Pleasant Language (a collection of regional accents and slang Ten Years On (A look back at the history of new cards for the game). words). Games Workshop by ), The RuneQuest III – The Magard Scrolls (rules and background for Jack O’Bears). Difference (Female characters in roleplaying), Paranoia – Fear and Ignorance (advice for GMs about tormenting your players). A Monstrous Regiment (female warriors in WFRP – Practice Makes Perfect (advanced rules for acquiring skills in Warhammer Fantasy roleplaying), Illuminations (Stormbringer by Roleplay). Peter Jones), The Lay of the Land (an AD&D – Killing in Silk (an adventure for 4-8 players, levels 4-7). investigation into standing stones and ancient Judge Dredd – You’ll Never Take Me Alive Cop, Aarrgh! (rules for using Perps as player monuments). characters), Tales From Mega-city One (three silly adventures to test the player character Judges). 91 Warhammer – Blood on the Snow (a scenario pitting Call of Cthulhu – Ghosties, ghoulies and…squid? (an investigation into the myths behind the Eavy Metal (model preparation, tools and Humans and Dwarfs against and Goblins). Myth), A Hard Act To Follow (ideas for civil disorder and riots). modelling). WFRP – Oops! (expanded fumble rules), Noblesse Oblige (rules for advanced Noble careers). D&D – A Matter of Pride (an adventure for 6-8 characters, levels 3-5). Paranoia – Little Lost Warbot (surreal adventures). Pendragon – Arise Sir Knight (character generation). 92 Chainsaw Warrior – True Confessions of a Chainsaw AD&D – Rescue the Paladin (an adventure for 5-8 players, levels 6-8). Gizza Job…I Could Do That (how to get a job Warrior (optional rules for the game). RuneQuest III – Demons! (how to summon the blighters and how to make deals with them). at Games Workshop), Illuminations (the work Judge Dredd – Thrice Upon A Time In Mega-City One (three new adventures). of Dave Carson), Eavy Metal (a basic painting WFRP – No Psychos Needed (a racial psychology resource for Elf, Dwarf and Halfling characters), guide with dos and don’ts). A Fistful of Misprunts (mistakes and errors in the rulebook get bagged). 93 Warhammer 40K - Warhammer 40,000 (a look at the AD&D – Getting Away From Most Of It (a tournament adventure by the seaside), Vances Illuminations (the work of Steve Tappin), Eavy latest tabletop game, Rogue Trader, from GW). Evocation of Arcane Delight (expanded magic rules and background). Metal (basic painting and basing techniques by Rogue Trooper – Lone Trooper (solitaire rules for the Judge Dredd – All the Lonely People (five new NPCs). and ), Sound Rogue Trooper board game). WFRP – Eureka! (an adventure featuring a mad inventor and his creations). Familiar? (background on different familiars Blood Royale – Bounden to the sea of Rome (rules for for magicians and Spell Weavers), All This and religion). Letters from a Foreign Land – (this is an adventure that can be used with Warhammer Fantasy Azaroth Too! (a report on the very first Golden Roleplay, Call of Cthulhu or even Middle Earth Roleplay). Demon painting championships). 102 Warhammer 40K - Chapter Approved ( War WFRP – On The Boil (Magic Q&A). Eavy Metal (a detailed guide to painting faces Walkers for Rogue Trader), Index Astartes (rules and using many different techniques), Daemonic background for Imperial and Squat field medics). Names (background on the power a Daemons Warhammer - Fimir (rules and background for this names has and how to create names for you evil race of half-daemon lizards). own Daemon characters in Warhammer Dark Future – A preview of the new game. Fantasy Roleplay). Blood Bowl – Putting the Boot In (rules for Kickers and Kick-offs). Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb (four new foolhardy adventurers).

WH40K WHFB Various Games Terrain Miscellaneous articles + battle reports 110 Ogryns (background and rules for Dwarf Firethrower (rules for using this Dark Future – Tournaments (no-nonsense rules for Eavy Metal (simple solutions for painting using the Imperiums largest diabolical device in your Dwarf army). tournament games). squads of Imperial Guard, plus details of Chaos abhumans plus the final part of the Adeptus Titanicus – Space Marine! (new rules for using conversions and paint schemes). Guard army list). infantry and tanks to fight Titans), Eldar (introducing Eldar Phantom class titans, plus their dreadnoughts and vehicles). Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Morglums Marauders (a gang of Orcs can cause serious problems for any group of adventurers…). 112 Terminators (new rules for using Dark Future – St Louis Blues (a complete Op agency Eavy Metal (a complete guide to painting Terminator armour), Wartrak with 18 ready to use vehicles). horses with a look at the work of Paul Benson and Field Gun (rules for these Ork Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Wardancer (part 2 of and Mick Beard). devices), Predator (rules for using the encounter with these Wood Elves, including a this new Space Marine Tank), Wardancer career path). Vulture Warriors (Paranoia Blood Bowl – Death Roller (rules for using this bizarre Trouble-shooters meet 40K Orks! Dwarf secret weapon). Bizarre but very funny!). Adeptus Titanicus – Conqueror (rules for using Imperial and Traitor robots). 113 Imperial Guard (a look at the 7th Colleges of Magic (information about the – (a look at some of the background and Volskheim Brotherhood (fiction and art), Eavy Mordion Imperial Guard regiment), colours of magic and the wizards that artwork from the game). Metal (Heroquest models and lots of others, Sentinel (rules for this new Imperial follow them), Realm of Chaos (rules Dungeon Bowl – Wandering Monsters (rules for using plus guest painter Pete Taylor), How to paint walker). taken from the forthcoming book which wandering monsters). (an excellent concise guide allow you to fight narrative campaigns). to painting models well). 118 Orks (a short history of the Orkish Blood Bowl – Magic (using spells in Blood Bowl). Ratspike (a selection of artwork from the race), Ork Warbike (rules for this Advanced Heroquest – (a sneak preview of GW’s latest forthcoming book), Modelling Workshop new vehicle), Vindicator (rules for game). (converting a Rhino to make the new this new Rhino variant). Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Marienburg (an Vindicator tank), Genestealer Patriarch introduction to a new WFRP series detailing the largest (fiction), Eavy Metal (Terminators and port in the Old World), Ignorant Armies (characters from Heroquest miniatures, plus guest painters Mick the book). Beard and Steve Mussared). 127 Eldar (a complete history of the Space Marine – Squats (rules for creating Squat battle ’90 (a look at what went on Eldar and lots of background on their forces in Epic). during that day of madness…), Eavy Metal – social structure and armies, plus a Golden Demon Winners (a selection of the complete army list and aspect colour painting competitions victors, plus a page of schemes). Terminators by guest painter Rob Baker). 129 Space Marines (a close look at the Eavy Metal – (a look at the new Bretonnian Power Armour of marines through models, Ork Painboyz, Chaos Renegades, the ages, plus new rules for marines Chaos Marines and Imperial Tactical Marines). and some colour schemes for three chapters), Vehicles (four new data sheets), Ork Painboyz (background and rules for bionik bitz). 130 Chivalry (a Warhammer card game that Confrontation – Necromunda (everything you ever Modelling Eavy Metal – Studio Staff (some beautiful pits knights in single combat, cards wanted to know about the Hive cities of Necromunda, a Workshop models painted by the Eavy Metal team, plus included). great resource). (fantasy Eldar Aspect warrior squads and Space Space Marine – Praetorians (new rules for the Capitol cottage). Marines with guest painters Richard Pickup Imperialis and Hellbore). and Frances Ellyard), Inquisitor Kryptman Mighty Empires – (an introduction to the new campaign (fiction). system). Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – The Great Hospice (a look at a lunatic asylum run by the sisters of Shallya). 135 Freebooterz (a look at the Wayne England’s Dwarf Longbeards (a Mighty Empires – (This article looks at using agents and Modelling forthcoming Freebooter army list look at how to paint them, the battle results). Workshop book), Kustom Weapons (rules for Longbeards not Wayne, obviously). Space Hulk – Genestealer Invasion (Three new missions (ruined building your own shooty Ork which can be played individually or as part of a linked temple). weapons), Vehicle Points Values campaign). (revised points values), Vehicle Data Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Marienburg (another Records (new rules for Jet bikes). visit for Potion Square in the busy port-city of Marienburg…) 136 Eldar Guardians (how to paint Bretonnian Knights (a look at Bretonnian The Magicians Son (a classic Warhammer Guardians from the four major heraldry and how to paint simple but short story), Modelling Workshop (building an Craftworlds), Ork Freebooters (a striking designs on your knights), Ork Battlewagon with four different variants). complete army list for the outcast Warhammer Q&A, Marauder Undead Orks), Ork Stormboys (How to (painting skeletons using dry brushing). paint…). 137 Bretonnian Retainers (a look at some Space Hulk – The Last Stand (four linked missions Modelling simple colours for Bretonnian which can be played as stand alone missions if you wish). Workshop regiments), Bretonnian Army List (an (fantasy updated list), Skaven Army (a special town-house). feature on Andy Chamber’s Skaven horde). 140 – (this article provides a vast resource of Modelling Warhammer Novels (a close look at the range information concerning space travel, Navigators and the Workshop of fantasy novels, plus a map of the old world Warp itself, plus rules for four Imperial ships and an (fantasy and a complete timeline), Golden Demon ’91 Eldar one), New Rules (advanced rules for crippling Barn). (a showcase of all the winning models), ships, repairing damage and boarding actions). Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Beasts in Velvet (characters from the aforementioned novel for use in the game). 146 Dreadnoughts (a detailed look at Empire Army (a look at the armies of the Space Fleet – Hive Fleets (rules for using the Eavy Metal – Tim Prow (some of this talented Imperial, Ork, Eldar, Chaos and Empire and a detailed guide to the new Tyranid bio-ships). lad’s fine miniatures, I quite like his Chaos Tyranid dreadnoughts and the new banners and uniforms of this powerful Centaurs…). special rules for them). nation). 147 Empire Army List (a complete army list Space Fleet – Constellation Targeting Ship (rules for this for the Empire, with flags, banners and new Imperial vessel). uniform guides), Empire Artillery Rules Space Marine – Eldar War Walkers and Avatar (rules (a new rules system for empire artillery). for including these units in your Epic Eldar army), Craftworld Colour Schemes (a guide to the colour schemes or the five main craftworlds). Space Hulk – The Wolf’s Lair (a new five part campaign featuring Wolf Guard Terminators). 152 Commissar Yarrick and Warlord Imperial Outriders (rules for fielding Space Marine – Commissar Yarrick and Warlord Basic hills Eavy Metal – Massimo Colombari (a look at Ghazghkll (background and rules for these new empire cavalry troopers), The Ghazghkll (background and rules for these two famous and woods. the work of this very talented Italian painter), these two famous leaders). Dwarf Realms (a look at the history and leaders). Using Citadel Transfers (tips on how to apply culture of the Dwarfs, including their transfers, technically and artistically), Skaven’s ancient Runic Script). Claw (the first part of this Warhammer short story). 157 Space Wolves (a complete army list The Grand Theogonist (rules for using Warhammer – Empire vs Orcs and Goblins. for the Space Wolves chapter). Volkmar and the war altar in your Empire army). 158 Njal Storm Caller (background and Eltharion (background, rules and magic Space Marine – Space Wolves Characters (rules and WH40K - Space Wolves vs Orks. rules for the legendary Rune Priest). cards for the Elf prince). special cards for Ragnar Blackmane, Ulrik the Slayer and Njal Storm Caller). Tyranid Attack – A look at the new boardgame. Space Hulk – Return to Kalidus (a special three part campaign using Wolf Guard Terminators). 159 Scouts (rules and background for Gorfang Rotgut (background and rules Space Marine – Daemon Engines of Tzeentch (rules for Warhammer – Orcs and Goblins vs Dwarfs. Eldar and Space Marine scouts). for this infamous boss). using these awesome weapons of chaos) Advanced Heroquest – Rivers of Blood (an adventure for four experienced heroes). Tyranid Attack – Eldar (how to use Eldar troops in the game, with a complete force list). 160 Thorgrim Grudge Bearer (background Man O’ War – Preview (an exciting preview of the Warhammer Books (a look at the first six and rules for including the Throne of forthcoming game of raging sea battles in the novels to be released by Boxtree books). Power in Dwarf army). Warhammer world), Painting Guide (a complete guide to Space Marine – Imperial Guard vs Eldar. assembling your Man O’ War miniatures). Talisman – The Magical Quest Game (a look at the new Dragons supplement and at the history of this all time classic fantasy boardgame). 161 Deathwing Terminators (rules and Chaos Dwarfs (the history of the Chaos Man O’ War – Man O’ War (an introduction to (the history of the Horus heresy), background for the Dark Angel Dwarf race), Chaos Dwarf Bestiary (a list game and tips for using Empire and Dwarf fleets, with a (a complete playable game based elite). of the warriors and creatures found in sample battle report). upon the attack on Horus’ battle barge), Eavy Chaos Dwarf armies). Space Marine – Gargants (rules, resources and Metal Reference Guide (a step by step guide to background for these massive Ork war engines). painting lots of different miniatures). 162 Felix and Gotrek (rules and background Tyranid Attack – Dreadnoughts (rules for using Golden Demon ‘93 (a look at the category for these legendary characters), The dreadnoughts in your Tyranid attack forces). winners of the ‘93 competition). Anvil of Doom (rules for using this Man O’ War – Across the Raging Sea (tactics and ancient Dwarf artefact), Chaos Dwarf advice for using High Elf and Bretonnian fleets). Dwarf Army List (a full army list for the evil Dreadnoughts (rules and back-ground for using this cousins of Dwarfs). powerful Dwarf ship, plus a short story and Dwarf Fleet list). 163 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss (rules and Man O’ War – Allies (how to use allies in your fleets), Illuminations (a look at the fabulous work of background for this devastating Chaos Plague Fleet (a preview of the forth-coming Man O’ War Mark Gibbons), Warhammer Campaigns (how Dwarf weapon), Chaos Dwarf Magic supplement), Man O’ War Q&A (answers to commonly to link your Warhammer games in to a Cards, The Battle of East Gate (a asked questions). campaign using Mighty Empires), Eavy Metal scenario featuring the ambushing of a Painting Guide (a look at the Citadel Dwarf army by Night Goblins). Miniatures Painting Guide). 164 Man O’ War – Seas of Chaos (a look at the first How to Doom of the Eldar (a look at the latest release supplement for the game, Plague Fleet, featuring Chaos, build walls, for the series detailing the defence Skaven and Chaos Dwarf fleets), Wizards (advice on hedges, of the Iyanden Craftworld against the how to get the best from sorcerers). fences, trees ). Space Marine – Daemon Engines of Khorne (rules for and plants. Warhammer – High Elves vs Chaos Dwarfs. three new chaos war engines), The Banelord (rules and background for the mighty chaos Titan of Khorne). 165 The New Warhammer 40,000 (an The Skaven Screaming Bell (rules for the Space Marine – Imperial Stormblade (rules for the latest Space Marine (an extract from the gripping introduction to the new 2nd edition of terrifying screaming bell), Warhammer – Imperial super heavy tank). novel by Ian Watson following a group of the game). Mighty Heroes (rules for Grom the Man O’ War – Hellhammer and Ironfist (two new space marines as they explore the innards of a Paunch, Squig Hoppers, King Kazador warships for the empire fleet), Sea of Blood (a look at the Tyranid bio-ship). and Ungrim Ironfist). latest supplement for Man O’ War). 166 How to Paint – Space Marines, Dwarf Characters (rules and background Man O’ War – Norse Raiders (rules and background for Illuminations (some brooding, gothic images Space Marines (a look at the history for the Rune lord Kragg the Grim and Norse Longships and Kingships). from John Blanche). and background of humanity’s finest engineer Burlock Damminson). WH40K - Orks vs Blood Angels. warriors). 167 Space Marine Dreadnoughts (rules Warhammer One Year On (a look back Man O’ War – Shoreforts (rules and background for Islands and Games Day 93 (a look at some of the and background for these deadly over WHFB and future developments), costal defences in the games of sea battles). Sand-bars highlights). space marine machines), Flying Monsters (tactics for using and for Man O’ WH40K - Orks vs Blood Angels (again). countering flying beasts in Warhammer). War. 168 Blood Angels Death Company The Origins of the Skaven (an extract Epic – Orks vs Chaos. (background and rules for these close from the Skaven Armies book detailing combat maniacs), Assault Squads the Skaven race), Map of the Under- (tactics for getting the most from you empire (a map of the Skaven tunnels), assault troops). The History of the Skaven a concise history of the evil race of ratmen). 169 Adeptus Arbites (rules for the Arkhan the Black, The Liche King (rules Warhammer 40,000 Painting Guide (how to Imperial Lawmen), Battle Bunker and background for the dread undead paint Eldar and waystones). (rules for using the free card bunker), general), Skaven Monsters and Man O’ War – Empire vs Dark Elves. The Strongpoint (scenario using the Characters (rules for the Vermin Lord, bunker), Assembling your Battle Rat Ogres and Lords Skrolk and Queek). Bunker. 170 (a look at the Skaven Characters (rules and history for Space Marine – Squat Cyclops (rules and background Warhammer – High Elves vs Chaos Dwarfs. forthcoming supplement for 40K), Grey Seer Thanquol and Deathmaster for this massive Squat war engine). Epic Eldar Armies (a Chaos Space Marines (a short article Snikch), Sneaky Gits (rules and look at the pros and cons of the Eldar army in Space on these twisted renegades). background for Hob-goblin Sneaky Marine). Gits), Black Orcs (a look at the toughest Orcs around). 186 Imperial Chimera (background and Wizards (what to do with your free Talisman – Dragons Tower (about the new supplement). Golden Demon Categories (Mike McVey talks rules for the Imperial Guard APC), wizard model). – Flames of Khazla (six new about choosing and painting models for this Ratling Snipers (rules for these lardy adventures for your warriors to face). prestigious competition). Imperial snipers). Epic – Eldar Revenant Titans (rules for these swift and Warhammer – Empire vs Chaos Dwarfs. deadly Eldar scout titans). 187 Leman Russ Demolisher (rules for Naggaroth (A look at the dark and Epic – Imperial Airpower (history and rules for the WH40K - Space Marines vs Rebel Imperial this powerful new Imperial Guard unexplored land of the Dark Elves and of Imperial Thunderbolt fighters and Marauder Fighter- Guard (this is the Heretic battle report vehicle) their cities). Bombers). featuring lots of tanks!). Warhammer Quest – Lair of the Orc Lord (a look at the new adventure pack). 188 Across the Void ( Tyranids Arbaal the Undefeated (history and rules Epic – Plague Engines of Nurgle (rules for the rotting Epic – Imperial Guard vs Orks. has arrived!!!), Death Company for Khornes chosen), Dark Elf Battle war engines of Nurgle). (history and rules for these Blood Tactics (how to win with Dark Elves). Warhammer Quest – Creatures of Darkness (Create Angels maniacs). your own monsters for the game). 189 Vindicare Imperial Assassin (rules The Beastlord Rakarth (back-ground and Epic – Irresistible Onslaught (rules for the terrifying WH40K - Imperial Guard and Eldar vs for this master marks-man), Imperial rules for this powerful Dark Elf special Tyranid Bio-titans). Tyranids (this is the thrilling The Great Griffon (rules for the Imperial heavy character), Cold One Knights (rules for Warhammer Quest – The Darkness Below (how to Devourer battle report!). mortar). the savage Dark Elf cavalry). The Brave build you own dungeons in many different and exciting and the Valiant (tips for getting the most ways). out of your characters). 190 Callidus Imperial Assassin Eavy Metal (Dark Elves). Necromunda – Gang Warfare! (An introduction to the Da Eavy Metal Brush Boyz (a showcase of (background and rules for this new 40K based skirmish game). models from the studios own painters). femme fatale), Tyranid Warriors Warhammer Quest – Dark Secrets (a look at some new Warhammer – Wood Elves vs Orcs (the (background and rules for the rules to add flavour to your warriors). Warhammer tournament final!). weapons used by Tyranid Warriors), Epic – Slaanesh Daemon Knights (background and rules Follow Me Men! (rules for Imperial for these fast and lethal Chaos scout titans). Guard Command sections). 191 Assassin! (background and rules for Dwarf Tacticus (tactical advice for Necromunda - Wanna Join? (gang selection). Modelling ‘Eavy Metal (Warhammer Quest diorama by the Eversor Assassin), Legions of Dwarven Generals). Epic – Ordinatus (background and rules for these huge Workshop Mike McVey), Painting Masterclass (how to Steel (Imperial tank tactics), Ichar IV Adeptus Mechanicus war engines). (Necro- paint hair, fur and armour effectively), Tales of – Tyranid Invasion (information Warhammer Quest – A Horror Awakens (a campaign munda Victory (an interview with Gareth Hamilton). about the global WH40K campaign that will pit your adventurers against a foul terrain). Necromunda – Orlock vs Goliath. against the Tyranids). Necromancer). 192 Evolved to Destroy (background and Raid! (playable campaign featuring Dark Necromunda - This is the Plan (tactics for four different Paint an Army (how to assemble a High Elf rules for Tyranid Zoanthropes and Elves vs Orcs with battle reports from the scenarios). army), Review of Shadow of the Horned Rat, Ripper swarms), Fast Attack (light first two scenarios). Epic - Death from above (Flyer tactics for the Epic Q&A, Exquisite Brutality (Interview with John vehicle tactics), Ichar IV (the system). Blanche), Painting Masterclass (painting eyes campaign results are in). Warhammer Quest – Into the Depths (tips on using the and faces). new floor plans). Epic – Eldar vs Chaos. 193 Pyromania! (background and rules Raid (The Final Clash; the last scenario, Epic - Unsung Heroes (Infantry tactics and advice for the Field of Just an old hack (running a newsletter for a for the Hellhound tank), Target in plus battle report), The Bigger they are… Epic system). Battle Necromunda campaign), Masterclass (Q&A), Sight (tips on using mission cards), (tactics for dealing with powerful Warhammer Quest – A Dungeon of Your Own (using (tables and Stillmania (collecting an army), Golden Demon Dark Angels (Dark Angels special characters). event cards). hills). winners, Q&A, In Communion (interview with characters; Azrael, Ezekiel and ). Asmodai). Warhammer – Dark Elves vs Orcs. 194 Lords of Baal (background and rules Wizards (a look at the Warhammer Necromunda – Scumsuckin’ Muties (a look at the Can’t see the Base Instincts (how to decorate your for Blood Angels special characters, magic system), Fortunes of War (creating forthcoming supplement ‘Outlanders’). wood... slottabases effectively), Masterclass (tips on Corbulo and Mephiston), Kerboom! your own Warhammer scenarios), Lord Epic – Abominatus (converting an Imperiator titan to a (Making using transfers properly), Q&A. (background and rules for the of Chaos (background and rules for Chaos Imperiator Titan…), Tyranid Assault (Tyranid woods). WH40K – Dark Angels vs Orks. Basilisk Assault gun). Egrimm van Horstmann and the Chaos army tactics). Dragon Baudros). Warhammer Quest – Well Met! (a look at party compositions and the warrior types themselves). 195 Centurius (background and rules for Frothing Loonies (tactics for using and Necromunda - Spyre Hunters (background and rules for Imperial Join the Club (how to set up a games club), the Legion of the Damned veteran countering Frenzied troops), using these sinister hive hunters). Firebase, Masterclass (‘The Rock’, a Dark Angels sergeant), That’s An Order! Warhammer Quest – Domain of the Horned Rat Modelling diorama by Mike McVey), Q&A, Ancient (background and rules for legendary (scenarios featuring Skaven). Workshop Writings (scenarios for WH40K, WHFB and Imperial Guard Captains Chenkov (making Epic based on Custer’s last stand). and Al’Rahem, Ultramarines Chapter rivers). Warhammer – High Elves vs Chaos. (a look at the entire chapter display from Games Day!). 196 Thunderhawk (a look at the huge Accursed Wizards (tips on combating Necromunda – Beastmasters (background and rules for Modelling Clubbing together (Setting up a club at school), WH40K version of the Space Marine sorcerers), Fear and Loathing (how to Wyrds, Beastmasters and their ‘pets’). Workshop The J Files (creating and using special gunship). deal with Psychology), Guardians of the Epic - Mission Briefing (a look at objectives). (making characters), Masterclass (A look at the work of Forest (background and rules for Wood Space Hulk – A look at the return of the game. bridges). Jose Antonio Romero). Elf Dryads). Warhammer Quest – On the Waterfront (adventures in Seaport settlements, part 1). 197 For they Shall Know No Fear Warriors of Loren (A look at the Necromunda – On the Warpath (background on Ratskin Modelling The J Files (A look at the grand tournament), (creating your own Space Marine forthcoming book Warhammer Armies: renegades). Workshop Masterclass (painting horses), The many faces chapter), Incoming! (rules for using Wood Elves), Stillmania (tactics on Warhammer Quest – Lost Kingdoms (explore unknown (making of Gary Morley (interview with Mr Morley). Comm-links in Imperial Guard using very big and very small units). lands from Seaports in part 2 of this article). hedges, Epic – Blood Angels vs Orks. armies), Painting Armies (painting Space Hulk – Defilement of Honour (a three adventure walls and WH40K armies quickly and neatly). linked campaign). razor wire) 198 Storm Troopers (background and Dragonfire (optional revised rules for Necromunda – Scavvies (a look at the new gang with War- Masterclass (Wood Elf diorama by Mike tips on the new Imperial Guard elite Dragons), Discovering Warhammer advice on choosing one). hammer McVey), Mark of Chaos (interview with Jake unit). (Adrian talks about starting up in the Epic – Honour and Glory (scenario and veteran town Vlemmix with a showcase of his 40K Chaos Warhammer game), Dawn of the regiments). buildings. army). Restless Dead (part 1, advice on creating Warhammer Quest – Q&A. Necromunda – Escher vs Ratskins (plus your own special characters). scenario rules). 199 Codex Chaos (a look at the new Swift Death (background and rules for Necromunda - Zombie Master (background and rules for Play Your Masterclass (how to paint horses), Fred book), Adrian Wood’s Waaagh Wood Elf Warhawks), Dawn of the Karloth Valois). Cards Right Macarini (A look at the work of this talented (Adrian rants on about Orks), Restless Dead II (the second part of this Warhammer Quest – Getting Out Once in a While (the joys of photographer), Winning at Golden Demon Chambers of the Horned Rat (Andy’s article details a scenario between Wood (rules for transferring WQ characters into WHFB card terrain). (tips on how to improve your chances of talks about his campaign), The Elves and Undead). characters, part 1). winning a prize). Warmaster of Chaos (background Space Hulk – Bringer of Sorrow (a three adventure and rules for Abbadon the linked campaign). Despoiler). 200 An Eternity of Madness (background The White Dwarf (background and rules Necromunda – Tales from the Underhive (making The Faith in the Emperor (sticking to the and rules for Chaos Dreadnoughts), for the ultimate Dwarf special character), scenarios using old b-movies as inspiration). Wargames background when selecting armies), Waynes Manflayer (background and rules for Assault on Black Skull mountain Warhammer Quest - Getting Out Once in a While (part terrain book. World (interview with Wayne England), Meet Fabius Bile). (scenario featuring the White Dwarf two). the Dwarfers (A look at the people who (used) against the Chaos Dwarfs). Space Hulk – Fangs of Fenris (a three adventure linked to make White Dwarf), A word from our campaign). sponsor (A look back at the White Dwarf saga). WH40K - Chaos Space Marines vs Orks 201 Legions of Darkness (back-ground Warhammer (a look at the forthcoming Necromunda - It Came From The Sump (‘monster on Making Three men and a games day (A report on and rules for Chaos terminators), Lizardman and Bretonnian armies), The the loose’ scenarios). terrain from Games Day USA). Rapid Assault (tactics for Space Lord of Loren (background and rules for Warhammer Quest – A Green and Pustulant Land (A packing Warhammer – Dwarfs vs Chaos Dwarfs. Marine bikers), Kharn the Betrayer King Orion of the Wood Elves), Born to mini-campaign featuring a Nurgle sorcerer). trays (background and rules for this Rune (tips on using Dwarf runes), Khorne champion, Waaagh Grishnak Thundering Hooves (cavalry tactics) (Ork army tactics). 202 The Sorcerer (background and rules Warhammer (A look at the new revised Warhammer Quest – Out of the Darkness (ideas for Modelling Masterclass (banners and standards). for the Chaos special character game), Lords of Lustria (The Lizardman adventures outside dungeons). Workshop WH40K – Imperial Guard vs Eldar. Ahriman), Lost in the Warp (ideas army), We Will Rock You (tactics for (how they for making your own Chaos using war machines), Lion of Bretonnia made a conversions). (background and rules for Louen crashed Leoncoeur, king of Bretonnia). spaceship). 203 Wrath of Ulthwe (a detailed scenario Code of Chivalry (A look at the code by Space Hulk – The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon (a five What I did at the Grand Tournament (A report about an Eldar attack on an Imperial which Bretonnian knights fight), mission linked campaign). from Paul Whittaker detailing how he went planet). Emissaries of the Old Ones (background about selecting his Undead force), Fred Reed and rules for Slann Mage Priests), The (A look at the Bristol store manager’s fabulous Enchantress (background and rules for Imperial Guard army), Des Hanley Morgiana La Fay), Fists of Hashut (tips Illuminations (Warhammer art), Masterclass on selecting a Chaos Dwarf army). (painting models in the studio style). Necromunda – Escher vs Delaque. 204 Plague Marines (background and Warhammer Magic (a look at the new Necromunda - Home Defence (rules and scenario for What I did at the Grand Tournament (part II, rules for the Death Guard), Anti- rules), The Lance and the Arrowhead attacking sleeping Spyrers!). how Paul’s Undead fared), Games Day Report tanktics (tips for dealing with tanks (background and rules for Bretonnian Warhammer Quest – Room for Improvement (tips for (photographs from the day), Q&A (WH40K plus a short scenario), Chambers of formations), Wrath of Tlaxtlan getting the best out of the floor plans and a scenario this time). the Horned Rat (continuing Andy’s (scenario), The Merry Men of Bergerac featuring Slaaneshi followers). Warhammer – High Elves vs Bretonnians. campaign from issue 199). (background and rules for this special regiment) 205 Dreadnoughts (tactics for using In Bright Armour Arrayed (Bretonnian Necromunda – Once Upon a Hive (how to recreate the Golden Demon (the winners from the ‘96 Dreadnoughts), Treadheads II Knight tactics), A Dark Conspiracy historical battle against the Zombie Master). competition), The Secret Diary of Steve (advice on how to make your tanks (information on a huge global campaign Talisman – Talisman Revisited (A look back at the old Anastasoff (collecting a goblin army for the look good), I have a Brilliant with the Lizardmen at the centre of it), classic). Grand Tournament in 11 weeks). Strategy! (tips on using strategy Ever Onwards (A look at the future of WH40K – Space Wolves vs Tyranids. cards), The Foulest Mutations Warhammer). (background and rules for Veteran Chaos space marines). 206 Small is Beautiful (the joy of playing Here be Dragons! (revised rules for Epic 40,000 – Epic Preview (A look at the new game Book of Days (the history of the Warhammer small games of WH40K), Requiem White Dragon), Lizardmen! (a huge with pictures of the fantastic new models and the world), Eavy Metal (Dwarfs, Bretonnians, of Pain (background and rules for Lizardman army resource with colour artwork). Chaos marines and the Green Knight), using Slaaneshi Noise Marines). schemes, marks of the Gods, artefacts, Stillmania Abroad (Nigel goes to Italy). basing ideas, etc), Dark Conspiracy II Warhammer - Orcs vs Shaven. (information on the Siege of Antoch) 207 Aerial Supremacy (background and Forging Alliances (how to use allies Epic 40,000 – Preview (more details of this game are Top Terrain Meet the Figure Painters (The ‘Eavy Metal tips for using Eldar Vyper Jetbikes), properly), Dark conspiracy III (The truth given away). Tips (tips team), And That’ll be Corkin’ (a massive Space Marine Attack Bikes (tactics revealed), To Waagh or not to Waagh sent in by multi-levelled, 3D battle board for for using these light vehicles). (collecting an Orc army), The Great readers). Necromunda and Space Hulk), Eavy Metal Unclean One (rules for this foul greater (Bretonnians, Dwarfs and Elves). daemon). WH40K – Eldar vs Ultramarines. 208 Over the Top (tips and tactics for Dark conspiracy IV (the results of the Epic 40,000 – Epic Is Here (Review of the game) Making Citadel Miniatures (a look at how using infantry), Faith and Vengeance war are in), The Land That Time Forgot Warhammer Quest – Two Years On (A look at how the citadel miniatures are created), The Oldest of (background and rules for Space (Lizardmen war machines and army game has evolved over the past 2 years). Enemies (a concise history of the incessant Marine Chaplains). tactics). conflict between the Orcs and the Empire), Illuminations (art from Toby Hynes and Paul Smith). Epic 40K – Orks vs Imperial Fists. 209 Space Marine Heroes (creating your The might of the High Elves (A look at Epic 40,000 – Ready for Battle (choosing Space Marine Modular ash Wot is mail order? (A report on what goes on own Space Marine chapter masters the revised High Elf army book), Dark detachments), For the Emperor (background about the waste terrain at GW mail order). and rules for using five-man combat Elves (background and rules for the forces of the Imperium). for Epic Warhammer – Lizardmen vs Skaven and the squads). Cauldron of Blood), Armies of the 40K. followers of Nurgle). Empire (a showcase of Empire models), Magic and Mischief (all about Orc Shamans). 210 Bloodscent (a scenario where Blood Warriors of Ulthuan (a huge High Elf Epic 40,000 – Supreme Warriors (background and rules Oxford Street (a look inside the most Angels must break through a Tyranid army resource with colour schemes, for Death Company, Ravenwing, White Scars and Space successful GW store in the country), Inferno Horde to get back to their banners and information on the land of Wolves detachments), The Emperors Tarot (background (Issue Zero of the new short story magazine). Thunderhawk). Ulthuan itself), Maidens of Battle and rules for using the new set of Fate cards for Imperial Warhammer – Dwarfs vs High Elves (background and rules for Repanse de armies). Lyonesse and Bretonnian Sorceresses). 211 Sisters of Battle (background and The Living Dead Return (a large Undead Epic 40,000 – Waaagh! Here Come Da Orks (tactical Grand Tournament ’97 (information on how to rules for this new army of the army resource with painting guides, army advice for Ork Warbosses). enter), Return to Thorkinsons Island (A Imperium). tactics, etc), White Lions of Chrace Warhammer campaign set on a tropical island (Rules and tactics for these High Elf where armies fight for lost riches), Golden warriors), Battle for the Vampire Coast Demon (tips on how to win this prestigious (Undead vs High Elf scenario). event). Epic 40K – Orks vs Imperial Fists. 212 Sisters of Battle (loads of Torneo Nazionale di Warhammer (A Epic 40,000 – Green is Mean (a showcase of models Modular The J Files (Jervis rants about the Grand background information for the report from the Italian national from the Ork army). terrain for Tournament), Thorkinsons Island II (part 2 Sisters plus three scenarios to play). tournament). Epic 40K. Rick continues his campaign), Illuminations (A look at the work of John Wigley), Golden Demon (some of the previous winners). 213 Battle of the Nine (Dark Angels Defenders of Avalorn (background and Epic 40,000 – Attack of the Tyranids (The alien horde Thorkinsons Island III (The campaign stuff), Purge (Dark Angels scenario), rules for The Maiden Guard), has arrived…Run away!). continues). Did you see that cactus move? – Preview (Bad Makz tells the story of Warhammer 40K – Sisters of Battle vs Orks, (Scout tactics). Gorkamorka). Chaos and Eldar (in three different scenarios). 214 Might of the Imperium (a showcase Diary of a Cold Hearted Slaughterer Gorkamorka – (Huge amounts of stuff; collecting, Thorkinsons Island (part 4, new locations and of Imperial Guard armies). (Dark Elf shenanigans on Thorkinsons painting and playing with Mobs). some new Magic items). Isle). Epic 40,000 – Path of the Eldar (a showcase of models Gorkamorka – Gazgrims Danger Boyz vs Da from the Eldar army), The Hand of Fate (new race Leg Snappas. specific Fate cards), Air Superiority (tactical advice on using flyers from all armies). 215 The Eldar Falcon Grav Tank (a The Last of the Montecannes (scenario Epic 40,000 – Chambers of the Horned Rat (running The Grand Tournament (a report on what report on how this vehicle came into with Wood Elves vs Bretonnians), Full Epic campaigns), Are You Experienced? (an experience happened), US Games Day (a report from being), Big Toof River (how the Tilt (Jousting game using Bretonnian system for Epic units), The Eternal Crusade (A campaign Games Day USA). giant display was made), Silent knights). with Imperial and Eldar forces fighting Tyranids). Gorkamorka – Da Badskars vs Da Fangs, Menace (a look at the new Space Soreblag’s Skinnerz and finally Grishnak’s Marine scouts, including a short Bikeboyz! battle report). 216 Lightning Attack (background, rules Realm of Chaos (a preview of the new Epic 40,000 – The Imperial Guard (a look at the new The Life of Brian (an interview with sculptor and scenarios for Grav Tanks), A Realm of Chaos supplement), Lord of Imperial models), How to Paint Tanks (a painting guide Brian Nelson), Games Day & Golden Demon Great Undertaking (Assassin fiction). Change (the new Greater Daemon), for Imperial vehicles). (a report from the ’97 event), The J2 Files Warhammer Regiments (a look at the Gorkamorka – Get Scrappin’ (three new scenarios to (about games clubs). new plastic Chaos Warriors). play). WH40K – Eldar vs Chaos. Epic 40K – Imperial Guard vs Eldar. 217 Necron Raiders (background and Realm of Chaos (a showcase of the new Epic 40,000 – Tactica Imperialis (tactical advice for Battlefield Warhammer – Beastmen vs Undead. rules for the new race of robots), Chaos army lists), Painting Chaos Imperial Generals). Terrain Imperial Guard Praetorian XXIV (a Warriors (a painting guide). Gorkamorka - Mad Meks (ideas for gubbinz), Digganob (terrain you look at the limited edition regiment). is coming (a preview of the new supplement). can buy). 218 Necron Onslaught (more rules for the The Minions of Chaos (a showcase of Epic 40,000 – The Coming of the Great Devourer A Tale of Four Gamers (four staff members set metallic ones). Massacre at Big Toof Chaos miniatures), Army of Darkness (a (Tyranid scenarios). about collecting and gaming with a new River (the Games Day ‘97s huge huge Undead Army by the Scandinavian Gorkamorka – Digganob! (a look at the new Warhammer army), Golden Demon ’97 (the display in all its glory). sales team). supplement), How to paint your Diggamob (a painting winners), The J Files (Multi-table battles). guide to Diggas). Gorkamorka – Da Badskars vs Zogs Bad Unz, WH40K – Sisters of Battle vs Necrons, Warhammer - High Elves vs Chaos Daemons 219 Eldar Fire Prism Grav Tank Khorne Karnage (advice on how to Gorkamorka – Startin’ da Revolution (background and Gorka- A Tale of Four Gamers part II, You and whose (background and rules for this collect a Daemon army, including the rules for mobs of Grot Rebels), How to paint your Grots Morka army? (a review of the computer game Dark powerful vehicle). Great Bloodthirter!), The Minions of (a painting guide). desert Omen), Stillmania: Questing for the Grail Chaos (a showcase of the mortal minions terrain. (Nigel collects a Bretonnian army). of Chaos). WH40K – Eldar vs Blood Angels. 220 Phew! What a Scorcher! (rules for The High Elves of Ulthuan and their Gorkamorka - Mad Meks II (More gubbinz for your Necron Stillmania: Questing for the Grail (part 2), A the new Ork scorcher), Tsarargrad (a Dark Cousins (rules for High Elves and Trukks). scenery. Tale of Four Gamers (part III). look at the ruined Imperial cityscape Dark Elves), Realm of Chaos (Chaos Blood Bowl – Its Back! (a look at the re-release of this Warhammer - Dark Elves Vs Chaos. created by Warwick and Ian). Chariot and Daemonettes of Slaanesh). classic game plus tactics for Orc and Human teams). 221 Speed Freaks (rules for War Trukks Champions of Chaos (a preview of some Gorkamorka – Doc’s Serjery (Bionik bitz for your Stillmania: Questing for the Grail (part 3), A and Wartraks). special characters from Realm of Chaos), boyz). Tale of Four Gamers (part 4), Enter the Black Arena of Death (special characters fight Blood Bowl - Death Zone (a look at the forthcoming Library (a look at GW publishing). to the death!), Spirit of the Game (how to supplement), Things that go bump…(tactics for Undead Warhammer - A Call To Arms (a special, play fairly…). coaches). mammoth battle with the Orcs and Goblins taking on the Empire). 222 Tactica Imperialis II (Imperial Guard Warhammer Magic Revisited (revised Epic 40,000 – Green is Meaner (Ork Clans and tactics A Tale of Four Gamers (part V), tactics), Sentinel (rules for the new magic items and magic Q&A), Realm of for using them). Armies (a review of the book on how to collect Imperial walker). Chaos (a quick look at some more Chaos Bomberz Over Da Sulphur River - (a review of the new an army). special characters). game). Warhammer – Praetorian Imperial Guard vs ‘Feral’ Orks (in a ‘Zulu’ inspired battle report). Gorkamorka – Muties vs Diggas 223 Legion of the Damned (background What is a Wargame? (an introduction to Epic 40,000 - Blood Reavers (a look at Chaos armies). Jungle Fever How to Paint… (a painting guide to the new and rules for using this mysterious the wargaming hobby), Warhammer Blood Bowl – Beer ain’t everything, it’s the only thing! (Lizard-man Empire soldiers), A Tale of Four Gamers (a Space Marine legion). Regiments (a look at future releases), (a look at Norse teams). terrain). battle report ends this nice little series; Once more into the Breach (a preview of - City of the Damned (an introduction to the Warhammer - Beastmen and Skaven vs the new Warhammer Siege book). development of a new game) Bretonnians and Wood Elves). 224 Legion of the Damned (an army list Siegeworks (a look at the new siege Necromunda - Pit Slaves (rules for this new gang type). Siege-works Interview (with Ed Spettigue and his Imperial for the Legion), Imperial Fists models), First encounters of the Epic 40,000 – Lords of Battle (tactics for using Titans) (how to Guard desert army from GW Canada), Games Supremacy Force (a look at what’s in Warhammer kind (how to introduce new Mordheim – City of the Damned (the first of the rules build Day ’98 (a preview of what’s going to be the new boxed army), Chaos Cultists people to the game in Mike Walkers for this Warhammer skirmish game). moats). happening at this years event). (making a Chaos cultist army with unique style), Gorthor the Beastlord Warhammer –Empire vs Orcs (the siege of the new cultist models). (rules for the most fierce of Beastmen Castle Ravenburg). Lords). 225 Da Dreads! (how to build Ork Dogs of War (background and rules for Blood Bowl – Dungeonbowl (revisiting the classic Jungle Fever Chambers of the Horned Rat (A taster of the dreadnoughts), Space Marine hiring mercenaries with lots of underground Blood Bowl rules). II (Lizard- new Rules), How to Paint… command squad (a look at the new mercenary units for armies to hire), Mordheim – City of the Damned (more rules for man castles). (Orc Big ‘Uns), Gareth Hamilton Tournament command models). Fortresses of the Warhammer world (a weapons and warbands for the new skirmish game). Junkie (interview with a tournament look at forts from several races), Call of obsessive). the Wild (Dave Taylor builds a Beastman Warhammer - Beastmen vs Dogs of War Fortress). 226 Warhammer 40,000 (A look at the Dogs of War (more units to hire), Mordheim – City of the Damned (three scenarios for Changing How to Paint…(Dark Eldar and Skeleton new edition), In the Pipeline (things Skeleton Warriors (collecting an Undead your warbands to try). Forts (the Warriors), Chaos Gate (Mindscapes new to come for the new edition), Ain’t army), Dem Bones (other uses for the new War- WH40K computer game), Forgeworld (GWs Space Marines Brilliant! (check out skeleton sprue), The Battle of Ironaxe hammer new department show off their new gear). the new look Space Marines). Ridge (Mike Walker with a Dwarf fortress). WH40K – Orks vs Imperial Fists. scenario). 227 Dark Eldar (a look at the new New Recruits (Empire hand-gunners), Gorkamorka - Perils of da Desert (treacherous Chapter Approved (a new, regular feature, this WH40K army including the Wych Dogs of War (more new units to hire), conditions in the deserts of planet Angelis). month; Eldar Fleet of Foot rules, a scenario Cult), Ain’t Dark Eldar Brilliant too! Collecting an Empire Army, Tomb Kings Mordheim – City of the Damned (special equipment for and updated rules for most WH40K special (a look at the new Dark Eldar of Khemri (A new Undead army list from warbands, plus a comic strip). characters). WH40K - Dark Eldar vs Imperial models, Space Marine Landspeeder the distant land of Nehekhara). Guard and Devastators (the new models are out). 228 Angels of Death (a look at the new Dogs of War (more units), It’s all in the Mordheim – City of the Damned (Dwarf Warbands). Born in the USA (interview with miniature Blood Angles codex and tactics for Mind (Dave Cain talks about using sculptor Chris FitzPatrick), Grand Tournament them), Baal Predator (the new Blood psychology to get the best from your ’98 (the Winners), Chapter Approved (Marks Angles tank), Dark Raiders ( the troops). Siegeworks II (Siege towers). of Chaos and a Legion of the Damned army Raider transport). Battle of the Beards – Lizardmen vs list). Wood Elves battle report. WH40K – Eldar vs Blood Angels. 229 Raining Death (Assault Marines), Da Goblins iz ‘ere (the new Goblin Mordheim – City of the Damned (skills for your Games Day ’98 (what happened at that event Black Scourge (Talos and Wyches), regiment), They’re Green They’re Mean warriors). including The Siege of the Emperors Palace The Black Rage (the Death And They’ve Got Big Balls (Goblin display), Golden Demon USA (winners), Company), Arena of Blood (a free Fanatics), Collecting Goblins, Empire Chapter Approved (rules for the Death Wych gladiator game). Crossbowmen. Company and Ork warbikes). Warhammer – Goblins vs Empire. 230 Bitter and Twisted (Chaos Marines), Skaven (the new Skaven regiment), Golden Demon ’98 (the winners), Chapter The Keeper of Secrets (the new Collecting a Skaven Army, Gareth Approved (Necron rules and army list, and Slaanesh Greater Daemon), Hamiltons Skaven army, Thump and rules for Chaos ‘Cult’ Terminators). Grotesque (new Dark Eldar troops). Grind (defeating Skaven by Mike WH40K - White Scars Vs Chaos Marines. Walker), Diciple of the Horned Rat (Skaven tactics), Dogs of War (Lumpin Croop). 231 Mad for It! (Khorne Beserkers), Dogs of War (Oglah Khans Wolfboyz), Battlefleet Gothic – Preview of the new game. Chapter Approved (history and army list for Don’t Lose Your Head (history of Putting the Ploy back in deployment the Space Wolves), It’s the taking part that the World Eaters), Fallen Angels (theories on deployment by Mike matters (the GW staff tournament), The Wrath (history of the fallen and rules for Walker), And Time Will Tell of Kharn (Kharn the Betrayer fiction). Cypher), Charge! (Assault troops (Warhammer world timeline), Realm of WH40K - Ultramarines and Imperial Guard vs tactics), Vindicator, Raptors. Chaos (Dechala and Scyla). Tyranids. 232 Chaos Rhino, Best of Fiends! Spawn Again (Collecting a Lizardman Battlefleet Gothic – Battlefleet Gothic Open Box (what Jungle Fever Battlefleet Gothic – Chaos vs Imperial. (Nurgle 40K army), There can be army), New Spawn (Oxayotl, Inxi- you get in the new game), De’Aynes Fighting Ships of III only one (Chaos Marine Lords), Fred Huinzi and Tenehuini), Fighting with the Gothic Sector (a guide to Chaos and Imperial ships). or Dead (Freds Chaos Marine army). Cold Blood (Lizardman tactics by Mike Walker), Dogs of War (Tichi-Huichi’s Cold One raiders). 233 Company of Angels (Dark Angels), Dogs of War (the Giants of Albion), The Battlefleet Gothic - De’Aynes Fighting Ships (a guide to The Grudge (Dwarf comic strip), Bad moon Raven Loony (Dark Angels army), mines of Knig Zak-Lomok (Dwarf the Eldar ships), Fighting the Eldar (tactics on defeating rising (a report of a rematch between the The Lion and the Wolf (the story of diorama), Burn the Witch (the witch the Eldar fleets), New Contacts (newly released Goblins and the Empire). the Dark Angels and the Space hunter Johann van Hal and priest Battleships and the Blackstone Fortress). WH40K – Dark Angels vs Chaos. Wolves), A Secret War (scenario), Wilhelm Hasburg), Elfincourt (Wood Elf Battlefleet Gothic – Eldar vs Imperial. Watch the Shadows (Dark Eldar vs Bretonnians scenario). Mandrakes), Chaos Predator. 234 Swift Death (Dark Eldar tactics), Vampire Counts (the new Undead army), Battlefleet Gothic - De’Aynes Fighting Ships (a guide to Ruined The J-files (What happened at the Warhammer Burning Rubber (Bike tactics), The Black Coach, Creatures of the Night the ramshackle Ork fleets). (WH40K Empires event), Chapter Approved (Grey Company of Ravens (the (horrors of the Undead), Wings of ruins). Knights, Tzeentch summoning and house Ravenwing), Kruellagh the Vile, Darkness (Undead tactics), Knights of rules), Loss of contact with Vidium (fiction). Ravager. Blood (Blood Dragons vampires), Warhammer – Vampire Counts Vs Empire. Mercenary Generals. 235 Codex Orks (the Orks are here), Ork Masters of Alchemy (Necrarch Battlefleet Gothic – To cleanse the Stars (Space Marine Bloodied Fist (Fiction telling the story of the Invasion (the new Ork models), Vampires), Fresh from the Grave (the Battle Barges and Strike Cruisers), Torpedoes Away! Ork invasion of Rynns World, home of the Wazneks Warboyz (Ork army), new Undead models), Battle of Wolfen (Special Torpedoes), Brace for Impact (Battlefleet Gothic Crimson Fists), Chapter Approved (space Wheels of fire (Doomrider), Covert River (Undead scenario), Zombie Q&A). marine chapter names and Sisters of Battle). Ops (Sargeant Naaman). Regiment, Collecting a Vampire Counts WH40K - Crimson Fists vs Orks. army. 236 Codex Eldar (the Eldar return), Eldar The oldest of Enemies (Witch hunter vs Battlefleet Gothic – Out of the Warp (Chaos fleet novel review, Games Day 99 (a Guardians, Path of the Warrior (The Vampires fiction), Mannfred von tactics). preview of the big event). Biel-Tan Eldar), Rebirth (Eldar Carstein (the last of the von Carsteins is WH40K - Biel-Tan Eldar vs Imperial Fists and fiction), Orky taktiks (Ork army back), Top Gear? (Mike Walker test Legion of the Damned. tactics), Razorback. drives chariots). 237 Collectin’ Da Orks (collecting an Exquisite Evil (Lahmian Vampires), Da Battlefleet Gothic – Death from the Skies (rules for Fanatic Press (what it’s all about then?). Ork army), Spears of Khaine Boyz is ‘ere (the new Orc regiment, combining Battlefleet Gothic with WH40K and Epic WH40K - Ork vs Ork vs Ork! (Shining Spears), Jetbike Duel (rules Lords of the Night (Undead characters 40K). Warhammer - High Elves vs Undead. for Jetbike chases!), The Path of and three way battles). Mordheim – City of the Damned (preview of the Victory (Eldar tactics), Orky Armies forthcoming boxed game). (Ork Clans). 238 Aspects of War (collecting an Eldar Warhammer Chronicles (Grapeshot for Battlefleet Gothic – Space is Green! (Ork Space hulks Mordheim Masterclass (building an Eldar Wave Serpent), army), Farsight (Shining Spear cannons and Undead Liche priests). and Roks). Architec- Chapter Approved (Roads, craters and chaos Exarch and Farseers), Ork Oddboyz Mordheim – In the Dark (a look at the new game), ture 1. cultists), Rites of War (SSIs new computer (a closer look at these strange Orks), Aenur the Sword of Twilght (a hired sword), In the Box game). Land Speeder Typhoon. (what you get in the box), Warphunters (collecting Mordheim - Skaven vs Reiklanders. Skaven), Finest of Men (collecting Reiklanders), Painting your Warband. 239 Codex Imperial Guard, New Raising a Waaagh (collecting an Orc Battlefleet Gothic – The Slayer of Worlds (the huge Mordheim Chapter Approved (Necrons, Battle statistics Catachan Jungle Fighters (the new army), Warhammer Chronicles (Tunnel Chaos Planet Killer). Architec- and Advanced mission selector), Glorious plastic Imperial Guardsmen). troops and Tomb kings of Khemri). Mordheim – Before the Comet (fiction), Sisters of ture 2. Battles of the Imperial Guard (part 1, fiction), Sigmar, Dark Brotherhood (the Possessed), Opulent Bringing Our Worlds to Life (What the Black Goods (Items for your warbands to buy), New in town library is all about). (Rat Ogres and Johann the Knife), City of Gold WH40K –Imperial Guard vs Orks. (collecting a Marienburg warband). 240 Colonel Schaeffers Last Chancers, Ghostly Apparitions (Undead ethereal Battlefleet Gothic – Imperial Navy landing parties Mordheim Troop transport (the new figure case), Fanatic Battle Tanks (tactics and paint horrors). (fiction), Waaagh Fleet Gorbag (Andy Chambers’ Ork Architec- Press Special (the new issues of the Journal, schemes), Catachan Devils fleet). ture 3. Firepower and Gang War), Glorious Battles of (collecting Catachans), Lord Solar Mordheim – Burn the Witch (Witch hunter warband), the Imperial Guard (Part 2), The Warhammer Macharius (a fantastic model), New in Town (Bertha Bestraufrung and a Warlock), Men 40,000 Grand Tournament (the winners). Furioso (the Bloods Angels of the North (Middenheim Warband), Random WH40K - Schaeffers Last Chancers vs Chaos Dreadnought). Happenings (Random events table), Black shields Space Marines. (Skaven warband). 241 A Torturers Tale (Dark Eldar A Touching Dilemma (the finer points of Battlefleet Gothic – Lord Rethmons masterclass Glorious Battles of the Imperial Guard (part 3), fiction), Vanquisher of Worlds (Dark hand to hand combat, by Mike Walker). (Imperial Fleet tactics). WH40K - Dark Eldar vs Biel-Tan Eldar. Eldar characters), Studio Dark Eldar Mordheim – Hired Swords (Troll Slayers, Halfling army, Storm Troopers, Imperial cooks, Witch hunters, Sigmarite priests and Warhounds) Guard garrison forces. Dwarf treasure hunters (Dwarf warbands), Purge the Unclean (Witch Hunter warband), Immortal threat (Undead warbands). 242 What’s that in the bushes? (Codex Death from the shadows (Skaven Battlefleet Gothic – Wolf Pack (fiction), Advanced rules Death world Chapter Approved (rules for Lictors), Eternal Catachans), Waaagh Fingduffa (a Assassin tactics). and Q&A. terrain. Champion (Steppenwolf in his various guises), massive Ork army), Covering Fire Mordheim – Followers of Dark Gods (Possessed Writing for White Dwarf, Green Stuff (how to (Storm Trooper assault weapon warbands), Chaos on the Streets (multiple warband use it). specialists). scenarios), In the Ruins (Vampires, pit fighters and Elf WH40K - Dark Eldar vs Catachans. rangers). Mordheim - Possessed vs Witch Hunters. 243 Imperial Guard Sentinels (the new Vengeance of the Vampire (huge Warmaster! – Something Completely Different (Review Games Day Review (what happened at the big model), Siren Song (fiction), Slave display), The Quest for the Invincible of the new game), We are Legion (the Undead army), event). Raid at Melfa River (huge display), Army (beardiness at its best), How to Base your units, Heroes of Ulthuan (the High Elf Warmaster – Undead vs High Elves. Sly Marbo (the one man army). Warhammer Chronicles (Things for your army). General to do before the battle). Mordheim – Kidnapped! (scenario), Da Mob Roolz (Orc warbands), The Hands of Fate (a great Possessed warband), Show me the Money (Assassin and Marksmen), Warriors of Cold Steel (Kislevite warbands). 244 Codex Space Wolves, Sons of Russ Civil War (battles between armies of the Warmaster – Men of the Empire (the Empires forces Warmaster Golden Demon ‘99 (the winners), Gaunts (a look at the new codex), Super- same race, with a scenario for Skaven have arrived), Painting Warmaster armies (painting tips). terrain. Ghosts (comic strip). interchangeable Space Wolves (the infighting), Grand Pageant 99 (a Mordheim – Nicodemus (rules for a cursed wizard up Warhammer - Empire vs Beastmen. new Space wolves marines), The showcase of some armies from the for hire). Battle of the Fang (fiction and event). scenario), Making a Sentinel (the designers talk about how they made it). 245 The Land Raider thunders in, The Holding Out for a Hero (creating your Warmaster – Grudge Bearers (Dwarf armies), Battle of Building Inquis-Exterminatus (the new WH40K art Making of the Land Raider (the own Warhammer heroes), Ancient Lore Deaths Gate (Undead scenario). Deaths Gate. book), Citadel Modelling (a look at Nick design and development of the tank), (creating Dwarven Runic magic items). Davis’ modelling desk). Armoured Fury (history of the Land WH40K - Space Wolves vs Orks. Raider), Lone Wolves (the Space Wolves ‘lost’ companies), Blood Claws, Venerable Dreadnoughts, Khorne Daemons (conversions). 246 Craftworld Eldar (the new codex), The Gentle Art of Getting Fired (tactics Warmaster – Army of Darkness (the Chaos horde), The The Woods The Emperors Champion (a new limited Genesis of the Eldar (a look back at for using missile troops by Mike Battle of Gaping Moor (scenario). of Gaping edition model together with special rules), the evolution of the Eldar), The Walker), The Powers That Be (scenario Moor. Codicium Imperialis (Space Wolves Great Wolf (Logan Grimnar), Fangs for a 4-way battle between the powers of background info), Ragnar Blackmanes Great of Fenris (Long Fangs), Collecting Chaos), Da Big Green fort (Orc forts). Company, Painting the Land Raider. Space Wolves, Armoured Assault Warmaster – Empire and Dwarfs vs Chaos. (Land Raider tactics). 247 The Warrior Aspect (a look at the Horde of the Damned (Chaos army), Warmaster – The Green Horde (Orc armies), Painting Warmaster Index Astartes (the creation of a Space new Aspect Warriors), Armageddon Enter the Dragon (a look at Dragons). Warmaster Orcs (a painting guide), The Future of resin terrain. Marine), Heroic Actions of the Land Raider (the Imperium is under threat again), Warmaster (things to come). (Land raider fiction). Designs on a Sentinel (Sentinel Mordheim – Wild Magic (special scenario and scenario WH40K - Ulthwe Eldar vs Alaitoc Eldar. tactics and conversions), The Ghost generator). in the Machine (collecting Iyanden ghost warriors). 248 Index Astartes (an in depth look at The Grand Mustering (a huge Empire Arena of Death (Yarrick vs Thraka!), Golden the Salamanders chapter of Space and Dwarf army by Mark Roberts). Demon Survival Guide (useful details to help Marines), Third War of Armageddon you win at Golden Demon), Welcome to (info and back-ground about the new Fanatic ( talks about the re- conflict), Power of da Waaagh (Ork launch of Fanatic Press). Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka), Best of WH40K - Warzone Tempestora (this is the Enemies (history of Thraka and massive, multi-table battle for possession of Yarrick), Speed Freaks (the Ork Kult Hive Tempestora). of Speed), The Armageddon Steel Legions (about the new regiment), Line Breaker (the Land Raider Crusader). 249 Index Astartes (the chapters involved The Invicible Army – the quest is over Cometh the Hour… (a short story about an in the Armageddon War), Index (Alessio judges the hundreds of entries Imperial assault on a might Ork Rok, led by Astartes (The Black Templars), and reveals the beardiest army ever Commissar Yarrick), The Warhammer 40,000 Armageddon (an update on the conceived!), Bigger, Better, Badder! (an Grand Tournament 2000 (the results of the global conflict), Big Gunz (Ork introduction into the new edition of massive tournament), Historical Actions of the artillery), Armoured Fist (new units Warhammer Fantasy Battle). Imperial Guard (a look at four of the regiments for the Steel Legion), And They fighting on Armageddon), Alien Menace (a Shall Know No Fear (space marine look at the Ork tribes on Armageddon). scout bikers and Black Templars), WH40K - Warzone Tempestora (the conclusion Chapter Honours (customising Land of the battle for Hive Tempestora). Raiders). 250 In the Grim Darkness of the Far What’s new about Warhammer then? (a Hobby A Rough Guide to the Warhammer World (a Future… (an introduction to look at the new edition of the fantasy Projects – concise guide to the nations and races of the Warhammer 40K for newbies), battle game), Inside the Box (what you building a Warhammer World), Citadel Scenery (a look at Ancient Threat (Chaos Land get in the box), Waaagh da Orcs (a look War- the new ready made terrain), Chapter Raiders), Alien Menace part 2 (more at the new Orc models), Men of the hammer Approved (Terminator improvements, Dark on the Ork tribes on Armageddon). Empire (a look at the Empire army book 40,000 Eldar vehicle upgrades, Eldar Q&A and plus a showcase of new Empire models), bunker. expanded night-fighting rules). Collecting an Empire Army (a guide to Warhammer – Empire vs Orcs. collecting the Empire). 251 Index Astartes (a look at the Flesh Waaagh Da Orcs (a look at the new Orcs Chapter Approved (Expanded rules for Space Tearers chapter), Twisted Evolution and Goblins army book), Da Orcs of the Marine command groups and Codex Orks (Simon Shukers Tyranid Army), Iron Claw Tribe (a showcase of Orc Q&A). Armageddon – the Afttermath (a models), Grimgor Ironhide (the awesome Warhammer – Empire vs Orcs (featuring roundup of the fate of the many new Black Orc special character), The Grimgor Ironhide getting stuck in!). warzones on Armageddon). Teeth of the Empire (a showcase of the Empire militia and Flagellants), Dogs of War (rules for using mercenary Regiments). 252 Tactica: Ulthwe Eldar (tactics for Arcane Lore – Characters (a look a Terrain Chapter Approved (Vehicle design rules), The using an Ulthwe army), Index powerful leaders in Warhammer), Workshop Battle of Meinhoff (Empire vs Orcs fiction), Astartes (Codex Astartes, the Regiments of Renown (stopgap rules for (Making The Fall of Karak Eight Peaks (Dwarfs vs organisation of a standard marine fielding mercenaries), Huuuge! (the new trees and Goblins fiction), Fanatic (new stuff for classic chapter). Giant model), Balthasar Gelt woods). games), Spotlight on: Brian Nelson (an (background and rules for the supreme interview with the man who made the Patriarch), Luthor Huss (background and greenskins), The Incredible Space Hulk rules for the Prophet of Sigmar), Wot No (building a space hulk game board in just four Orcs? (all Goblin armies). days!). 253 Tactica: Sisters of Battle (tactics for Thorek Ironbrow and the Anvil of Doom Scenery The Reclamation of Karak Eight Peaks using the Battle Sisters), (background and rules), Grudge Bearers Workshop (fiction), The Warhammer Grand Tournament (a look at the new Dwarfs), Wurrzag (Hills) (highlights of this years event), Chapter Zahubu (rules for the ‘special’ Savage Approved (Imperial Guard Armoured Orc shaman), Dicing with Magic (Mike Company and advanced transport vehicle Walker’s view of the new magic system), rules), Spotlight on: Colin Dixon (an interview Arcane Lore (Gav discusses his work on on the man behind the new Dwarfs). the new Dwarfs). 254 The Tyranids Are Coming! (an Unnatural Selection (Mike Walker takes Scenery The Fall of Malvolion (fiction, the Tyranids overview of the Tyranid race and a look at army selection), Arcane Lore Workshop invade), Warhammer Grand Tournament (a their galaxy spanning invasion), (Gav takes a look at the role of (hedges and showcase of the 9 best armies), Chapter Index Astartes (a look at the Dark skirmishers). walls). Approved (Andy talks about his Tyranids…), Angels), Spotlight on: Alex Boyd (an interview with one of the talented artists). Warhammer 40,000 – Crimson Fists vs Tyranids. Produced by Daniel Wright. [email protected]