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• Second TEN GENTS Vol LXXII.;. No: 40^ tiphs,M Pages 1965:: .-• Cranford, tfew jorsejf Uiiited F II' Advanee Gifts 'Mai $30,877 i' Advan^v-.'•gifts . in .jhe current' Unite.d ^tind •carppaig'n.havC reach- ed a toial of ,$30,877," it w^s re^ ported, this weftk by. Fa^ris $•• Swackhamer; general chairman for the" driy.e to raise $85,000 for .14 participating agencies. First report The 'Democratic candidates for Townsjbjp rCommittee, meeting of the more than 600 work- Elliot Bross and H. Randall Kr;eger, chaVacterized the, 93-year ers'': in the. residential division is regime of Republican leadersfiip in Crahford as "a horse and . to be held, in''the old Graiit School buggy-administration"ready for charter refofmi" in speaking at,8 p.ni.-.Suriday ,**'.. .''•.,'!'. at the. fifth annual. Candidates' Night held by the Cfanfofd Robert McArthur, midt'iiUal di 'V ' Jaycees at the Westwood in FOR A CLEANER CRAN^ORD — >Iay6trH/ Raymond- is vision chairman, reportec|4hat cam- Garwood 1 • sffown receiving first'of 2,000 litter bags to be distributed next week. . paign workers are. st,iil needed in ; May6r H* Raymonnigdh -Kirwati through the, Cranford Junior .Woman's Club and the'Village-Im- Election Districts 1, 14 arid lf>.' "Hitting the goal of'$35,000 this in reply severely fcriticfied his provement Association as-a project in support'bf fall; Clcan-Up%. year rneans,| that eyery resident Dempcratic opponeritg for la^ Week program. Shown with the mayor are Mrs.; John; Krysiak, - v must be contacted,'-' . Chairman beling. • Cranford ,a!. "horse . ,a"d;'. civics chairman of the Junior Woman's Club, at left, ....and;. Mrs, Swackhamer said.; "The; United , Arthur1 Kiarnie, co-chairman" for "the project, ...••..; -,.••. brfggy" •jtown/'and for "misleading Fund is dependent- Upon residents Evening statements" in their "campaign1 , giying 'a lull share tow.ards support The "'candidates for Township Of .the ' 14; participatirig agencies literature. ,'' '" ' "- '-.-.'•' . , • ^JJjg up4tho federated- fund.'•• A Goinmittee will present their views ; "I. becbjme rather arinoyed> eacjj. „ fair share gift represents a mini' oh local issue's at the LWV-spon- October,", he said, "when candi^ : ; mum gifbof $1'4." •> . . sored. Candidates- toit timeeting dates: for p\ibUp^^ scHool divisiortjrTepbrted 11 schools will our', town'. Cranforb^ has had "a"T er and employe:.'.soli^itati'o,n. for lair ,. Photo by Katt Assoclites nijng. The public is invited to • at-- positive ptogram ofjprogress in all" areas of community life and has ,....' Crahford's fall Clean-UpWJjek-program will be conductedfrom share pleelges . Mayor ilaymond Kirwan is shown* greeting 'State Senator Wayne teiu}-"' • '•'•:•'•'-.'- •"••"" '.:-;;,.:;. •••'.' .""•'•'.' . '.Monday through:Saturday of~w>xt week, with Ipcalrcf use collectors and week-with a final'repjo'rt due Octo- Elacft of the four off ice seeke.rs kept abreast with its growth while niaintaining a vi^prottsypjrpgraiji to :' the township ••.public works; detrartittent cooperating in the removal ber 29. '.'",.'.'.'•""' ' v will. be. allowed .15 minutes in •attrict :n^-'apnrre^deifttia^.-rata*,'^ of unwanted household.articles and other trash. •., • School United/Fund representa- which" to. make h}s presentation. Lending an assist to.success of the program will be the distnbu- tives include: •,/... ^ ,-'. / Following a brief 'rebuttal period, Bloomingdafe Avenue, Miss Joan •N. questions from, the audience will _ Both, Hie*mayor ,ind '• his run-> jh of approxir riingmate for Tclwnship Committee • "flrd"ami Mr*7 RosjS'^faTi^P^rronT b^entertainejj, Refrcihtftfentja. will rnately 2,00Q litter bags ffor.autot - Brooksidef Placed Mrs. J^areri Sal- ott'the" Republican ticket, I^alwIriij' 'hipbiles through the-•efforts of the be served for those who wish tov 5. Prjngiei in then: talks,pointed „ wawyy arid Airs'.. TheodoreThodore ' Martinan; meet the candidates after the , Cranford Junior Woman's Club 'Of ion to;thei record of the township since the Village Improvement. Associ-j Sherutian, Mrs. Adelaide. Nenortas; meeting. . . . .' .-" v'.-v".': ••'.';•'••. :;•:•• : ah.d' Miss Judith). Patenian.. its incorporation and the, steady! ,-ation. • •• .'.' •.".. . '.'•"*,• The League of Woinen Votets progress being made in the fieids • Bundles of dfebris ;s'ecurely tied prive Eiiters Cleveland, ft^Ss, Patricia. Sextan has- prepared a "Know Yotir Can- Virginia ifcwin .and of tax ratables, recreation and edu* didates" sheet containing biograph- ; ; : • and weighing-less than 50pounds cation^:. ':•••;•,'••. •;-' v.'.,:':•• ;..'- •-•;" .-;'.'- ';•; ; will, be .picked up by'••'refuse col- Gallego; Livingston ical information and 'answeris-lo Home Stretcli Avepde, Mrs. Rosemarie Reutter| '."VVe need a decent ahtl The. t)emocraUc candidates -also lectors on, regular ..garbage days, W,.ith nine' days .still '"tb\ go, ••.'"the. questions of local interest submitt-- charged that the present ^t-large Rtrosevelt, Miss Lois. IJassin and gpvernmen.t"' to:, inake • this .statel ed by- the candidates for Tbwnshsip while heavier and• larger.. objects College Women's pub of Cjranf6.rd r j ;i 1 election:^ the "governing body : iss. Deriise.... O'Connor; Walnut move, ahead and agai.n be a leade- -- ~-r : wilt be removed.in special pickups this' week is setting Us, si'ghts, oj 4 Citn^mitteet . ,.. >;,V.' : did .not teujly ,represent all-, seg- Jby ^ ./Loads, pf. mis- exceeding ; the ppofitfi , ;Ay"6nlle;,,..Mrs;; Mary.-Ann Schmit :U the ""' '**"•"'Otnf A'C«fia1nr- The league-posed questions •-U.-I di th fitfi d^ and- Mrs. Laura ShaRdler;. Orange mehts *f the township. ; ,. ceTlanepus years a^o 1n~ th'e l Dumbnt, ^Jr r c'aridi'date --•In—response to this,-,-allegatipn,^ it is cbnddpting Avfenue Junior..Eivgh*. Mrs:. Myrtle fit -by'[. inter .community .coopera- : " articles should .be placed at ' ion governor, told a large.and'en- '.• '• ., •••...• • .'• • • i . * • - ••'." •• • • ••• .•• .• I. the Republicans pointed but -that ;C'urb..\.' Citizen aiid Qfity benefit ^rippendorf, Mrs. Judith Miller, aa, under which Jersey Central passenger trains tion? and 2. ^irhere^has recently ;C\.i.;:; , thUsiastic crowd Sunday afternoon I the, present Tqwnsbipy Committee. ; There, will be no pickup Of tree of.its schola,r,siiip Miss Mary Patrick.and',-M$s Marie high Vailex tracks at & is ;'composed, "pi three . . trunks' larger ihanfou/ inches in. • Through lti ^ ^ the chacBCJer And •front the mans Club^tTal TtveiitiS:" -\ diameter or lpngejrthan five feet. the College, p 7g nttrican7^1SpppCa8V^dfrnr^ishffo ; - ^tl8hould..;provo ofNjpecial tentJit to ridt^ITHTC^^^ . from, '(fie-.: •'. Collection of large'amounts bf.ma- ^ty c'Utb netted $3,503 JMiss MaxiheXevy. and Frtfrik 'G-a The reception was given by May-' area, • because-.-th"ey.. are, near the 'feirii •'"'• ';• • ,(Continued wi Page. 8). ^ cainpaiga two years ago Una; 'Cranford Hlgh'Schiool', Court- or. %. kayimoha Kirtyan, seeking focal point of the program and Will iftfer^^^isge and not by a'.'sma'll . Joriathah Milloi', Jr;,' chair- land Daleyf central p"fj!ice',v Mrs reelection to TowhahipGmittfe These sheets arp being hlailed: X0 1 ; direct rail accegs; tp Newark' element bi voters in a;ward "or of the drive* ;saiid j'ester'diiy FloTeiice Nf'6'r.thcutt.:j-; ', '. . and .'Mrs.. .Kirwan. ^ljj residents;' included Will be a ; : 1 v uptown " and downtown New 'district'.. ..^'.:; . . .; V". •.••. . ;.,V-'-' ;, '"^; she, felt confident a final the .guests with a voters1 inforAiatioih • sheet covering s Campaign, official-s' congratulated t Mr." 'fiross charged, that, ''Cran- ' hH' ^^M^ii^J Yorf'^niis":e ^ headed .by,-VictorJQBhnls, focan _ j,. GOP caridifate .f^.r;Towrir _ IStiifY>^ Sflftatp; fifinerar Assftmhivit.t.,.1 *\Lu:.y _>*«•_*•" Le ~..^.I..AI-^ JJ-I.L_ would •-.•propel •••-the- -club's prof its Richard JB'-VVachenfeldr-v'ice^pre- haslihfe effect bi^xcluding frftna over those, ot the lDBSdiive, , •outstanding acebmpjishjinent to ship Conajmittee, and Mrs. S'rftigie, aiid'Board, of. cjiibsen Freeholders.^[relectec d office qualifieqai d personp s date with-over $4^fi6pledged by Mayor- Itihvah introduced other siderit and geiifecal counsel of the 'Mrs. Miller urged club 'niember.s u Jbirrt Civic Committee- for Jersey Central, in aHaJk at the dih- ,*Jjie latteE has been prepared by .unless they chose to become .ideri-dri ' • to complete •their, assigned cijnyass 106 local, busjjtesiTaccounts. Republican candidates ior state Encouraging' Candidates /for; the the tJhipri County .Council, of the. tified with either the Republican" Charles>Wilder, industry; em- and cburity offices,; including NelH nor meeting of the Crahfor^l Lion's ing., by' this' weekend;'and • turn. ir Btiard Of Ediication will tike action '.Club; a't the Coach and: Four^Res- ^eague of "Women Vot«.rs. .; -v -" \ br democratic JUical^orgahizatiori." irl Scout leaders : "thirteeQ , ,. • (Ccmtiriued tin Pfl^e 8) • '" yntinued 4hAVhitRkCiL !L°n ofJhejC'raihford Forurn League projeci: is - next spring,.i:_but .;the speaker said that .many legal-prpb- date's, will b fact Icy lmfixnb(>1-J\)iQ op"t-pff cbipmil,l;ee; | •didatcr.' Etlmond Kiamie, chairman of [IeW™n"5v'6~tO^ ' l4hdi ^now sef,v e .-as leaders o£ • 45 GM Matthew RinaJcloVand Raymond the pla» is finally put into opera- information on the 'independent dates;'' he declared. "The elector^ ^Scout, and Brownie troops, • JVfrs. Eu- .Moore,, for Board of Freehoide'rs; the, Fbrurn League, told ihe com: candidates for governor "may be ob- mittee Monday night in" Lincoln tion. The-,City pf. Bayonne filed a ate'theh is com polled to make their gene jcpenig, community chairman, and C'harles Rabig,. Jx\, for sheriff. suit contesting thecoiistitutionali- tained by Casing one of the fol- selection based solely upon pplitical : .;; ..y. Granford public schbpl sys- .ecitiipmbnt, $5,640, .and additional "This is a great' ticket," Senator School that his group-meets-all the lowing; leaguer members: Mrs. quaiificatiohs? set up .by-:the. Joint ty,pf the plan andrtailside joined 'affilia^ioh, familiar name, or- cam- presenteU the' neW tem is shifting part of its Opera- equipment and supplies, $1,850, . Dum.ont ^lec'lared, "and.,it doserves in,thc suit, protesting an. increase Wederick Holly, il6:Glenwobd.Rd.;' paign literature. In 'such a situa-: The dissenting vote Was: cast by Civic Committee, and should be ac- ! • leaders with Girlh Scout .pins at A tion , 'to IBM. data, prpecssirig ma- yout-. support," •-' " . of. rail traffic through its town!-• Mrs.' Nathan itodstein; 12 Chester tion it becomes impossible for a •community faceting,la the edwda- chines. * •'.'.• '•'..'• •'-. . ," . George Rubinc, , board ..member, ;Tbo senatQr: drew rousing ap- eepted. ' •,•'•' •' '.'•: -. i' ,„ .-.;, Mr. Wachenfeld Tciated'that the Lang'Pi'.,I or MrS,' .Robert N. :SuniH. 'candidatb tb.be succesBful .without , tVgidi f' h ' Cfbl . ;ln. .the not.tprj. distantvfuture, who; asked tht board to.-wait'and plause following his remarks • on Declaring that he is ,the only au- (Continued on Pri£)e S) merViile, 442 ^anor-Ave. . •..:;_: '.'•'••"•. /Continued.oh Pago S)'. .-';.. " gilding tif' the '. Crapfbrcl report carts,' 'attendance 'records con."iider.inclusion of: the project; in ".teach-rihs.*11 thomeel- spokestnan foe. the Forum . Methodist' Church. and .class ,scheduling. of • students next: year's budget on \VhiCh. work to CranforcJ. directly League, Mr. Kiamile said he -will •' Ncw-,leactfirs arc:. Mrs.- Russell will' be .{irpecsse'd by IBM .equip- is just starting. .-; ',".'••'"'.•". •'•".. from an appearance .at Douglass present Ih6 by-laws-of.his prganiisa- Schindler,. Wrs. Arthur Prinz,, Mrs.. ment. It also is. expected that part Those voting in favor.of the pro- College, NewBruhsWick, thti tion to August Therrnann,, presi- Welfare Association 1 "Thomas Coney;- Mrs.Moseph Ackpr- of the business operation of the gram: wo'ce: Bernard Litwack,' Mrs. gubernatorial candidate' said he dent,, oi? Mrs. \ Charles, Biha^: vice- -maii, Mrs. 'Kobfcrt Grumler, M'r^. school as well as employee account- B. G, Gillespio, Robert Biunno, deplored the Genovese situation president of. the. joint Civic .Com- ,n_tlu2 aged has gradual^ increased in the Delano R. IVCH vyus named to his as cct" with some degree of cprifF- past.three years. It .is in. this cate- third -year as president^ of the, . perl its plan to spt up a "'skill bank," de'nfc.,'-' ... . gory that our dru£ bill.s increased. Cruhford Welfare. Association • as it was announced this week by , O^lice space in the central office > "In the pasit year our most de- the association- held its annual' Donald \V, McGinnis,".'chamber-. lias been set aside for the equip- pendable sponsor,, the Junior Serv- meeting in the Municipal Building sideirt. •'.''' •',•;'.• ment, and Lorenz W.cibel, former ice League o^l^ranfaril^l^fl , joinejidd tthhe last Thursday night. The chamber'announced in July ntathcnurliCs. and .science teacher Junior League- of Elizabeth and. Other officers ion, 1965-66 w»rn that it • was • considering such, at Orange Avenue Jurtior High Cranfbrd. They will continue to ntinird as follows: Vice-president, ' project with the. aim of providing S6h'ool, is in charge .of data process- sponsor our agency as in the past •Henry M.' Slauson, Jr. (reolec'tcrl);. bvuNh-up training .facilities -for ing and ..publishing. • . for the next five y.ears. Our func|s recordinj,'. secretary, - Mrs. George such classes of 'pci'sonucl as -.file for . supplemental assistance will M. Colfoy (reolcOtcd).; corre.spond- clerks, typists, stenographers and Dr. McDehnitli reported.that the rental charge this'.year will be $2,- depend on the income of 'the Jum- inj,' secretary, Mrs-, Bruno C, Motz- bookkeepers to, help- fill, 'the needs ble Stores This year'we'received ner; treasurer, MaTlhV"S. Pringlli . pj\ local business ami industry. 350 for the IBM equipment.- In- stallation ciwts and purchase .of $2,300, • • ;. : , (rccloct.cd); assistant treasurer, A • committee, headed by -Dr. Murray -h, • Hose, and hi'stodan, Clark W. MoDcrlnith, \vas M;t: up to storage cabinets and. other 'sup- . "Oilier donations-ciimc from the ' t ^ * - ' i •» plies' will'• bring the" total-cost to Township of-' Cr;u.irord, '$2,500; Charles VV. Trlpp. _ . ; " '..' prepurc a $4,51)". ''Allhou^h ;this SIHU was rillh fj'jffft:.' iT»VC'CfP-OJt Two new .inembe'r's, CJh av\as Ajn- local not huilgtt'cd; -we will be able "to" $t-75;'liipnst Club" eye cqmmittee, mnnn ami tjaiw u.'iiaukni^iu,.wcrti' what such'heeds might; be. in this absorb U.ie 'cost out. of unnntici: chuiTh- organizations, and many in-, elected to the board of directors. paled roCenues," the iuperintend- PltOPOSKD 0T\V EASTERN RRGIQW- OFFICE \-r? torimn.'is $H50,0()a,'The project has been apprftved by the Planning dividual 'and^personal gifts. . . Reelcctcd to thrcl'-year terms on •area;-. f ... -,/.'.' ' tint .staled.,. ,. Board and a building .pefrnit. issued," and Construction Is i*xpeeted- Forty-two questionnaires wore architect's' rciulerinK of 'intcrna^ionar Uniph,. U'AW,.' Rogion, .9 ''Grocery. iollecHons,' by Lincoln, ihe board were'Mr; Ivos, Mr, SJ.au- •• TI»c total" coat. JYoni; July 19(i(i t'6 start inv30 daj's.,Future plans call fqrerey.tion.,6'!'' one or two' • Livingston Avehue>~£hernian arid s'on, Mr. Pringle. and Mr. Rose. •sent' out ttiHl.fil.:-rop.lic5? wore re- "' HcartqunrU'rs to bp erected -on Compieifco Dr., backing up; to tlio i ceived. These'replies showed aln •Ul June 1067 and annually,,, there- inore buildings-on the sitc,.bringin'R tola! ypnslruftioiv."cost t6 ap-' Walnut Avenue -SchooV-jwd T The new menihcrh s Mr«. es after; will by approximately .S7>4K)0.. -Gm-iUiiv State Parkway, ip.- Cranl'orxi; Industrial Park. Estimated proxini«'ttely SGOO.OOOi Goldberg &. S.cutaro 61 New York arc, the pic tieth-EI Religious' ScWS^aridi.Wijllam.'T,-^noxs>ncl William .11..; estimated nei-c( s l mainlfor approximately in generayl 235 ciiipl°y ' P'oye This includes.'"rental' oi sU'ucturc, which will include office space and'(in audi- :architects,, . ' ' . . - - -." . . - - scouscou tI troops'troops'-hel^ help witwithh . thenfeodjMeyer v whose-tcrlns expireexpiredd : .^ '

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: i : ', : ' •,. s •;•• ' .• • •.'•'• . .i • ' • , ' ••••''•'-••, '• . ' •' •, •• : -•; ' • -•' . !. '• '••"".••..•.:•• •'•.•' • '•••. •:• . ;••:• .-r-.•••.'_•• , .• .• •••• .; ••.••••:,• •.••.--••- :

; ; pnvs(cHt''systeiri 'oi'-•'persbrinol''.ac- regulor moiithly pUlilJe meeting •at s-- Aiidrade.'.arid -Mrs.' -"Als:o', hits, '•% W, , Smith,."...Jff-rsf-.r R, C. Hicks, 387;'Mrs;- Arthur Ft*-,-' counting is antiquated. •'"We must 8. p.m:t November ifl, A brief pub- y; ;\y.%: ^i, , lic, meeting'will be held i3M dinand, /Mrs', JSiJwprd. T. Turner, got at this problem immedititely," Brownie leaders are:. Mrs. ,Lep l p.m'*_N£veinbeiiv.Z prior io a work Mts. IU>hry Far.er aita.Mrs, Charles To- Address COP Club •" -« bc 'Reasons Why a -Republican ne said. • ' j-: \ ; Xj.' .-; ': S session.for*.'board meitibtrs. . .•:. '. arber Tind, 'Mrs.- Herman Fine, •d, 533; Mrs. Roberty.aunG, Mrs.; ,. iVppo'intment of a ciiize'jiis corii:- rijbp 4;; ^r«!' J: J;. Qd'h'^ei-sb';'•SIi's, r ^. w; €oUr.tet,o60; Mi's, •^(•nediet : JFrank"X.'- : at f T-hV .menrb etfchiptfl^oiyill rntUee- td study the revision'of-the' p Ji'Hopko, 45; M*s' A:.Ai.'Van Mbreili; JMVs.-..E.I M. Gallagher," 622;; ' rnott of WesTfield; "assistant .ma- • "' T:he fall' season of exhibits"•at Ihefefanford • Historical .'• Society Mu- fflfinat ;6,£ the budget, pt'esented. o«.stRevision to the.'club's consti- ; i^er,.- Mrs.' 'Jy.:^' Crabtjre'i, •,•>&«W,rsv/'tt.'C.;' Wxiliums; itr*.'.:,&."A,. jority Jeatfer-ih the.State /Ass.eW tution afad Jby-hv\vs:. :••'.' '' ,-i' "' * seiun. ap'ene.. UTrnparleJf;.... bly -.' • -yvill- .be'guest v'sppaker.-atVa ; : : V f from the'.ebHipsi; da^s' iof.the'Resent.and .pa,st .and'"carrt'nt;0iri..9twut aRnouh6.ed by ••Mr." fejibthTe.'^lCbw- 'Dr^ni, 127.;- fcr's- .0. J. .iSuckworth. Mi'Sv-HaroIU.Wait; 6.65; Mrs, R. W» "meeting ^of • the Cranford Repubii ; : : ! '; Expei'ience^sh&uld be; the school activities.'... ••" V••'• '"•••.••': •>'•"•':..••, ••^.''v '.'.'<•."" •':' ••'>•'••;''•••'.• '••'••••'•'ie• . :membor'-'i,' s •ari*-/' Elii yIK>the.idafti>opmJ with fhfcpqoipera^oii ^f>Ohtef j^est^:W P&uelk iftaHV Pred' L^f)d VicpicKa'f- yirti. j< -P., Lynes?.resflui'fie- and.'i^r Giiyer.'Mrs. "H. W- ,Pough'eriy,anjd Cr."E. SJierrod., Alr*- Pniit -Smith> !- 'inthe community, .roohv should •p'roeewi-frotin man's highest f'jinVGeorge .L-Ro'sffndnip'^Hd'thei IT—T^""",""^^"" man;: Frank Nasi;b.y,jvf'( Johi} %--•• ferraj'.cp.inniitte^. Mrs,£he:€er alpo': Mrs; Joseph Green; -376; • Mrs,;John' .8861;'. Ste8-;$fliia*n BakkMr-,Brdss. CHjeff and Dr.sMeperm.ith.'._-.'./ ; Mrs.'.R. t' Sherrier•is .coordina- William • Faber, Mrs''..' .Theodore pfon,,(i00, and Mrs,-X'H. Silcox, : ».^__..- are shown including finger .ynclifded, "to. rid ,pur .municipality The board-.ae'eepted the l'ejiigriii- tor pi> troops- at .St.- lM[i£.:'db;hdthing' adminLstra'tors .w/ith tlons • of Mrs. Mary Ijell, special School, ami- Mrs. EVari,k Ijdppmann TArs! G; A. Por.ceUa''742;.Mrs. J. tt. niann- ;and Mrs, RusspU Tyodall,, education teacher; Fred^ricjj Sien^ is, coordinator of! the trcibp•• ofgaft- Gi-eyc, tos,- Scliauer; 842; MrS. S:.F» Tr6op;.28S; Mrs. J. 'ti. Hunter, iSiss" ten.sive' gcoiip of photographs illus- i built-in allegiance to. OIM* .titsi- 1 : ; trating the department's gi'Owth'in kiewjtz, painter,., atjd' yincimt -66-. 'izers: ' '' : '" /;" Dobranski,";lArs. Howard Krtiskerri Elizabeth .Schram and Miss Eileen tiess community. We are not': re- 1 e(iuipirrient and personhel from, its dino, indoor tr^ck de of Mrs.Mrs., C, F. Schauer ii Brownie arid Mr^ C.i.'Yukobrato.vich:. • Senior leaders are Mrs. Guinther Crartford Detective Police trapes : Katherine. Rogpz of Roselle a^ a tTopp . organiser and Mrs.' II: !W; Junior leaders are; Mrs: SheVrier and. Mrs. J.. B. iWarringtOh, jr., / >•• tiifi hiBtoiry of that organization. Final arrangements for a hair secretary ih» the central office for a Bingham, Jr^. is Junior:troop or and Mrs. f erslrl" the( early days of this voiinr: ^he jaycees thanked Jnembers lica^lotf.;' The present overali rate .teer. constabulary. ; • , '. for providing refreshniehts for theI Is $1.50 an hour. ' .: , ' .-.•' In the wing, three: costumed toWn nicetings oh thp proposed j~;. Apprbval also .Was given .to a figures illustKite types, of Gir Community Cente*-!»•: Grarifor4» ' salary •: schedule- ;for';btiildljtg -ima- 1 ^c'o'Ut attirO", land the cabinets dis- Mrs. John Rowe, past president, trons starting at $2,240 for the- ;•:.'.. v • play literature pertaining to scout- reported that a check had been first y^ear "and reaching $2,880. after ing, together with * examples of sent to provide Moprt Ybon Soo, the - 1 .six;:yeai s of service.. The matron; scout handicraft arid merit awards Jpycbes korean feiter ehild, with v will work an eighf-hpur;: day,- Moh- IVIaterigLlior this exhibit wag 'as- a -gift ibr; his 12th birthday and day to Fridny, from Sj>|trt,ember 16 The Finest sembled by Mrs. J. P." GuiritHer o 'alsd for a Christmas present, •• ' Junfj. Duties will include care of \I;K:<.I- -lS KenslhgtonAve id^t^aniiotu3aed!tlifl_t cafeteria b'er 8 meeting .will be held. ^, area.;-' ''• .* • '•••{, .• ,.. • /'"• home of Mrs. Charles Williamson,, ; boficil confir;ine"d. Uie\ ap- 2Q3.Thomas St.'.'.Th.e Green Thumb' pbintment of the fojlowifig pefsoti^ Gardeh Club, will present a. pro- : .nel to special assigiiments: Michael SUDDEN CALDESENE gram' on Christmas decorationsi Vdnuzzi, aUdio-ylsual aids r.ih the London Fog i Mi's; Pewarf vvill be.co-h6ste,ss;. jiinfor ,bighV- And . high.'' school; P0WDER Stanley Grayson,"; athletic equip- BiAUTY Kirw(Xn?s mertf-mairtagerrand student helpers ; Reg. 89c Elliot v Bross, B»ejlniocra!,ic'. cahd S(Mal Bmcing in .various department's as nee'djiid, [• There's, romance yet cdmrripn ••' ray date fo/ Township Committee,,.Sfli ; A 'policy on: the duties, of ithe sense in wearing; London Fog's this' week that he is opposed to coni Class Registration school sopial tyorker was adopted. Sale! - \c- pletjon of .the tnangular-, parkini Dalton cdah r- their famous .. The function of the worker is..tCTas^.; ;'-zip-out alp.aca lined ;-coat de-,. s plaza jin rear of North Ave; stores. Still i)pen to Boys stinie. major responsibility ,|or He termed" this project "Kiirwan's ••The''YvMiip liance Studio has b'e- working 'with"' tlic schdpl staff,par- ' sjgned v^ith much cafe for fit FoUy.";. ••'• '•.•-. v' ; .••'•:• ;;' ^un its^otial dance class at-its new 100 CAPSULES : ents "and. institutions and. a^e*ncid Ave. on Monday Evenings at 7:3p.ficulty- adjusting to tha^chooi ch- t ase in agreement wllK Public Af- It includes "bpys an.d/giri& from yironment' and progrsmi. , :/he'af. VVhenever ybU need pro- " 5 •junior high toJhigh school, levels fjairs ttommisisioner .'Charles G. j The-board adbptp'the report of lection Lady Oalton is: |?|ADY^ PHOSPHATE ith: xio 'prcviptiB;':socialsocial' •dance iicd inoppsing the completion with xio the.au_dJtp,. , ^_S.ei)Xu?Q._ •.I:' arfg, A ^'T\AacH(JGH'sTcarries: Bdy; Qs\- • M ; of Irvington, foi^the .19^4-65' licEool fiiuconate(Dicaldel) •stated., :..:. .: :> . .-. .•:•, '; .'-/ .: "Educators." and •. psychologists. •year, atidalsi/approved eight ,t.ec,- ton.-in. natural,' olive, na\)yy BpM •'•' "The area is too- small, to be ,6f Have noted that dancing plays an oriimeridatjjins made by the audi- ; : important part in the sociallife of .' -gray piheheek.' . ; v:; •'.. V '-'t^Sa significant use," he continued. "It tors. T^e samp ,-firm rwas reap-, mm WHlto^t"over $14,000 to park.about today's young people," Miss yyette" pointed'to audit the financial rec- nine'tars.- TltifJ ijieatis each space said. ;."Th(?-strongest reason isUhat ords of the board for the 1965-66 \:[ :••-••,•.-; ',.;•';/;-•$60.00.' \vlll-cost $iM6.'.!• At' ftvo'.tents ah ij! aboy fails to learn to, dance, he school year at.aucost ot $3,500^ .. V may regret it in later life. . "•' hotir, niite"hoijrs a day, six days a /A request,;by St, Michael's C'Vb week, U will take m6re than 10 '.'Boys and girls Who .can' dance to waive ihe teritat fee' for use of Gentlemen' - :LatMes>. Students MI ••.•'•':•..'• if i years or meteV receipts in this do not dislike parties because th; b»p bf the school buildings during •' ; • '• ' .'. ' : •'•.'••..» * ' ' " • • ' • •'• ' of _ On theToairatythTi , ^hili kftShi Opeoi Monday and^ridair. VSpecial Sale iC(^tab^"for;^hfcir ,v^-.-.. .Then therp is; _ daiicei -training has• tauglit':them, use y'not granted. ' Uwdcr the and the/ cost of metbrs.on top• ofmuch abput poise, - etiquette and boardsltew retttat pblioyrthe CVo the land acquisition." the social "-graces whiplT, in some qudlifici. iri the Waited ice cate- Two years "after. the township , hip- ^ "" ^plained. ' ' : r degree, will insure'; completed the-initial •phasfe~of 4fae and parking plaza, only two: merchants any social^sltua\i6ia." 264 E. have fixed up the rear entrances Regis,tration^\for boys may still AD 2^900 tp their stores, "he, stated. The rest be made by^aliing! the studio.; -of -theistores-and-..bulldlQ£S:,_Mr "shitn> . . •. :.-• Boawl Al)proves He also was critical of the Town ' tContinited 17 N. Union Ave. fu


44 With •. i vtorips TOPPER . Irtiagtno! Vtner Casuals, . . .with hand-sewn, vamps, actually cost .less than CAR COAT :, lesl&ndwe have them in all the hatidsome styles •••'•WM BUM:. IMER HOUSE BEAUTIFULLY Ct-EANED ' GUEEN PLAID ybu'v? seen ad^erttsed iri - $4.89 $5.99 PLAYBOY* GLAIVIOOR " AND PRESSED ~ ' $4.5$ 9 $5.49 $4.69 $5.99 • and NIADEUI Fifth " Quart .Fifth, .. Quart. ifth •••••;••'. Qtiatt PARK WHITE $4.89 $5.00 $6.30 $8.60 Quart . Fifth.,•- Quart :- Fifth Fifth ;BROUGHl'

Mod Label . Serving Cranford SATURDAY ;75 For Over 28 Years -/Fifth: ' . Quart - ' Available, in Cranford at SCRY ICIiS VSTERI1VI& BROOKS ...: OK- >.i. CANING •% SHIRT L A UNDt.ft 1 NCf NO EXTRA CHARGE : RANFORD •' .••'• Ltd. ,:;.•'• '." • leen Fifth Quart DRIVE-IN : GARVVOOp. • WTTY SARK :.'- iSTORE 100 NORTH AVE. $7.15: $8.89 ^ • ~ WE DELIVER / '.r .STO"Kf. ?-3<'i A.M.'to .6 P.M. 21N. UNION AVE. . SHOES Fifth- Quart ,-•.- 4 Eastman St.

^••^^.•- ,*.'** ' A

of .St. Benejjitffs-Pre'parator.y moridstein, X^estfie,ld, and Michael Community Center to be erected School. !<}! 'Lettini, Rahway, $io^each for m Union COunty m Gallows Hill obstructing traffic;.;J6seph Oalariti, Rd, Cranford-Westfield line Jaycees to Restudy Center Plans, 16 Park Ter., §1£ for, P#sing a red- light;: DaVid iKasner^Plainfjeid;^ Senior Citizens Greet ;::: for passing a "stop -sign'; John ' A. Four Victors at Meeting Anderson Reveals in Rotary Talk 10'BriY^rsfo^' ;;;{ Turk, 29 ''Cr£ig PJ., $10r for over- time parking; John Zamarra. "Rah- F9ur visitors wefe. welcomed at a Because of the brri^U turnout of Age.! during the. winter, and.-would be i on Monody aj tlte Municipal Build- •motQ'rists"'wert . penalized 'by Rog 1 inis, the Cranford: Jayceeil $ah: to* room ••• •' Multi-purpose' /rtoflfhs' " i'ot Q'bme,ah outdoof poc)li.irt^hte-H'sum ing. . They are: Mrs. Mary- H, Phill-v ( •k^gistrato. Charles J. Stevens- for $35^ior' oyertijfne pat king;' 0 •. r teexamine.their proposed $990,000 dances^^'and meetings ^itbkitphen'^er ,/.-..• *r -, ' .,- ippitf'o'f 16 Elmbra Aye:,;'-Mrs:.Amy-,• n t cai-elesS' driving Monday night "in ' The facilily: would be located on M. Zimmerman pf 4 Cornell Rd., cpriimuj,iitcpriimiijiity recreationn center to de-de-1facilitie's1 facilitiesj.lourigol lounge^: musicmusic. room,>rts Municipal Court. -" '-."V.. .. VV an Ty-j-acre; tract:adjacent to. Me Greek Orthodox Wonien -Mrs. Matilda.Richards of Carnegie, termine whether there is overlap-' and. crafts-'Hipm aiwl-rest rooms., . Those i finei' were: • Henry P. Fos- Pa,, and.' Mrs:- Willard, Charles ;of- -ling with • existing community fa-1 The swimming poo} would be «nr monal Field, with • a •paved; and ter, Scotch Plains, $20; Kathleen To Book Sale ilitifes and -whether Cranfardf ;• ^ •'< '••' £L_U—^—^—^- u«ht<^ PaJ*ing lot for 1,300 cars* ., i ciliti'es. C.-.Sm'oien, Elizabeth',. $20; F. W.' ,"... A book, sale sponsored -by the Saiisbufy/Mass; ..:.. %^ irarits such a facility., v - •' ' • '•'^'•^"^~^\ ~~"~<.-- ••-••• - • • .•"• '•• .-. Also attending the: meeting was The monthly birthday party will " wants vV ; NEW VOLKfeWA^EiQ --With a jBphpfsepower rear uhginej front Koester, Elizabeth, $1.0;,•". ^eil" M, Wpmen's Auxiliary of .the,.Union .Ti,:c .,MO- «An,,n»^i»t TihiiVE. T»;T±_? •.Tl'/I^AU'^.i^.i-yx'' - . Charles J.-Stevens''".^Stevens;. 'Jr.'Jr.;; presideipresideik be. held on Monday. Last-we^k 53:. •;.- .'This .was. apirtouneed last h KtT four-wheel, independent suspension, thCe/ 1966 •T^oUly."'Jrl, /LirTden,' $10;' Joan' L. County Greekr Orthodox. Cpnimir- day l>y Richard-Anderson, chair- of (he Jaycees; who told "of the back is,a-fivc-passenger touring sedan with ouf- members and friends' chartered a ; community-wide survey which" in- Langah, Plainfield, $15^ Abe P.urdy,' nity . will be held (tomorrow. and man of the . Jaycees community, p£tia]l7Pkfl "f ftI * roadability. It has"two'luggage compartments,,one under Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at bus for a trip to Buck Hill Falls, X dicated a need for tht*-facility. Newark; $20; Joseph S. Pankiewitz, -center, project committee/, follow-1 CMOUAtu^wi -' tWfrbnt Jhood, the other in the rear over, the flat, air-cooled 34 Columbia Ave,, $25; Phillip K7 the Westfield Resclie Sguad. Build^ Pa-., to see the, foliage: .. President Robert , ;.con- ing an explanation of the proposed '^engine.' 'A "new 'addition-' to• the • VW.'.Hire",'this'Targer 'version is • Gould, Port Wentworthi Ga., $10;ing, Westfield. The selection will pfcogram to jtiembers of the, Rotary Careless Driving ducted the meeting. Nine motorists . were fined . for.- available 'as a'isedan or .station wagon. Optional on either,rnddel . David Fielder, 4 Craig PI'., $30; and include, .book's for .adults, and chit* ,^.«^..^i Seminar.;.. Club in the Methodist cWch; .- : careless driving ' by '.Magistrate' is a'sliding steel sunroof.' Th6 Fastback' is' now on dis-play ;at •- Patrick Vahey/ 106 South Union dre.ri. •• '., './', •. ' ,;' •• ••' '•'.•_. ;- ''' Miss Helen Scott, .guidance.(joiin- -- Admitting that -members- of his Ave., $20. -v • ... ,..".' , .; . , Mrs, John Kyceakakis of Summit selor-at Cranford High School, will, organization were disappointed at Charles ,J, ..Stevens last Thursday Hoiirihan Pl.edtes Jeiiewein yoiksvVagen, authorized VW dealership at 900 E. ;Eliza-, night in Municipal Co'yrt. '.,' • Others lined were: Albert Ross, :is chairman for the sale which is attend the Smith College Guidance!: the. ;small turnout of townspeople beth^AVe., Linden.. , • . . • .,"" '" PlaJnfieldr $25 as, disorderly; John bpen to the public. Proceeds will Seminar qn college admissions.' a£;; at the. public me'etings held inj Those. penalized • were.: Peter P. Effort tp Expand benefit the. building fund for the 1 Daly,. Linden, $10; John,-.?. Mur- J. Bums, Rahway, $5'for no regis- nooB Tuesday- at the Park Hotel,'. Orange Avenue, and Hillside Ave- tration in possession;. MaiX'Dia- first Gr^ek Orthodox' Church ah^ Plainfield.' ... • . . + -' '- nue Junior'High "Schools, Mr, An-phy, 25 liroquois Rd.-,-$20; Robert CommiiterService derson said the Jaycees community U. Daniels,.Clark, $10; Charles B. effart to maintain and ex- .project' was the result of a coittj Cooper, Union, $25; Vincgnt J. Pal-^ existing commuter service' for muatty-widc survey'; which indi-j mierij 602 Hory'St,, $10; Stanley the people of New' Jersey .was cated a need and a demand for; , 3 Indian' Spring- pledged today by 'William P. Hbur- I George R. Clark, Roselle, $15; An MacArthur Ave.; t ihan. Democratic candidate for. the C. Brower, entertainment 110 5 1 v Anthony Schariei' is in his fr£sh- such••• H,e facilities said member. s of the Jaycecisj p ." !? " ; State Senate.' ." ";' .'.! Richard • Tafiro, 397. Walnut Aye., K0DelT u IV $25. ( mari year at Bob Jonep '(Jniversity will, present their story to mem- ' ' ' "The jneatis of livelihVod for a and Robert W. Johnspn, -23 Beech xx\ ag nlf Ipe njfc; in Grpehviilc, S. C, and Frederick ; : r.bers•'of various organizations,, to}- St,.: ••. •'•'••. ' • -• ' ' •'• : ; ./. great number of pur residents, lies Schaner is in.his.freshman year at neighborhood gatherings •and »ta outside their home community '•'.'—0—• any groups who invite,them. 300/Locust -Avc, East Texas Baptist College in' Mar- y gups wh nite, e. Garwbotf, $25; Alice "W aFiidaFiid , for many the availabilityavailability, of shall, "'Tex.- They are sons^of .Mr. to Hear Talk i Highlights, of th« facility are a rail transportation is essential,''1 he 410' Hazel Ave.v Garwood, .$20; Ed- and Mrs. F. A. Schkrief' of 2 Rut- On 'Project JHeaifji Start' 5,000 seat gymnasium, which would asserted. '/ . •.,,•'_ .'.., ' •-• '.• •. ward I. WilliaihSi 14 Riverside Dr., •gers\Rd, • •• ; :.,.••-•'' .•'.•: Dr: B"iird I). ,i>toyer, principal of be rented out to help finance title '"The :railroads serving this state f $20;. B? K. Lijndskjold, .South Plairi: •:.'•:' •—O— '. ; hsive warned time and again tha - '^~—pranklin Sohqpi, Syitlmlt, 'will -be- field, $25; James. J. Raftis, West- Miss Barbara Nietzel; daughte,..«ut^r i gjjg'g^ speaker on , "Project Head field,'"$I2r and ^^^:A^ they no longer can afford-to seryp ASTRO-SONIC Stereo commuters," Mr. Itturihan point^cl fMf^ancrJVlr^ Waltner N. Niet- Start" at "thertairdinner meeting Elizabeth, $30. ••...' . , " ^el, Jr., of 307 Prospect Ave., has•of the Suburban Council,. Interna-' Others penalized were: Robert out: ".Unloss additional state,as- sistance is proyidpd;' this essential resumedm : her studiedies at. St. Joseph tioriaj R^aiUng Association,: on the difference in E.: Hoffmann, 370 Lincoln Ave.', College in Wi'sP Hartford., Conn, Monday at ••Mrs.'-D's .Restaurariti $10 for Improper parking; fidward service for our residents' stands in : with Magna-Color** TV great _ danger >of where she • is" in he* sophomore .Scotch. Plairtsi, at 6:3Q p.m. i, • 14 Rivemide -Pf*.- . $3& : :.or._ delinqilent:..inspection.;'- fesfi rirent." —'' ""it may "became Crawford-, arc; Dr, Rosa 4fagi'n,-Dr> R,•;. ,Kane,."' 325 Lincoln Dr., Kenil-' Lloyd Clay-Bean, Ii:f;"'fion of WV. 1 Lee- Mountain,.Fraiik R&Vnsey,.Mrs' worth,. $10' foi;' delinquent inspec- the sjtate to ^undertake agrpements Koboit Robins, Mis (» Robert *Revolutionary ASTRO-SONIC>rings you 1 With the railroads serving the state ud. Mrs. ; Be-all, jr., of»Westlic.ld tion: ; John R. Stbciter, .•'• Scotch forriierly of Cranford, is a mtmbei NoiUit up Plains,,$15 for passing a red light; to maintain their rights of way at state expense with.the understand^ of; the freshman class at the State the most beautiful music yop-'ve ever heard Beatrice.eatrice N. Lines,LinesBric, Brick T>wriXovin; $15 •University- of New York Maritime i for following too close; "and jde [ .that passenger service; will be Junior Musical CIul> maintained. • ' ' • • College at |Tojt t Schuylei, Bronx, .. » it surpasses all previous achievements ITTIJIB re creafron of music, ahd Is ten BeninatO and Jeffrey P. Loftus, ; St JUJMOI- Musical CJub of proper tutns. sktered", mutuanyT^gr'eeaDlepl.Tn Wt'stlidd held its first meeting on Stereo FM and Monaural FM/AM Fiaclio.^eki'state-Stereo Amplifiers with 15-Watts ^Robert Baptista of 52 I Also Michael Lobret, 81. that would keep the necessary rail- Sunday at the homo of Kathleen undistorted music power and four M^gnavox hijjh fidelity speakers The exclusive" ;Spruce St., $20 for liftering; Rob- road service in openHion." ^ a senior, has been n.nned to Micromatic Playtjr lets' your records Igst a lifetime Magnavox solid'State compo- ihn dean's list at'-Stov^ns Insti Novak,- 426 Casino Ave Perform ert H. Outcault, 220 Denman Rd... eis \u*ie liotn Cranford "and West nents are so reliable, they are guaranteed 5 years replaced by us if found defective tute of ^rechnoiogyy,*noboken $15 for following too close;: Arthur hold ]n normal use Service (labor)" provided for first 90 days. B. Vreeland, .2ri,di 420 Lexington Stolen Car Left •• .' '. . . '-"O — Newly elided oilicois are Pres '"•'.Miss'/ Akla' Onj Revuk.is of 9 Ave., $10 for driving without a li- idtnt aKthlcih Novik, vicepiesi censed driver; Timothy O'Leary, On Parkway Here Park Ave., has been electtd piesi- 1 ' Investigation'- by ' ,Patrolman dent- of the senior class at Cornell dtnt, Stephanie Tnstiam, secri Elizabeth, $20 for overtime piark- tat\, Amu HoiiLhal, and treasurer, Ing; Sheila Paw^l^o, Moselle Park, Stephen D.. Schiapak when"he, no- Universjty.-Nevv York Hospital ticed a car 'Barked .on. the'-.soyth- School of Nursing, New Yoik City William vSticf $15 for..- delinquent' .inspection; The ne\t meeting will be held Richard E. Blackhampi Westfield, boiind lane of the Garden State She. is the daughter of Mi and Mrsr-AjUhony^JT Uevufcav, on November J4 at the home uf $5 j. • . •, o—— Suzanne Smith, Westftckl way street;1' A. : P. Markenstein, Saturday revealed that the vehicle f \Vestfield, $1.5 as, an unlicensed had been stolen and, abandoned Deborah Pipti of Cianloict has driver; and JameS , R.' Warth,. 9 .yiere.;. ',.' ', ..• ,..:...'. ,. v •,' •' • begun her'freshman >o is a membei of the Air' Tiain- h6^^fitth Ave , John .f Tmit~(tminmnd which provides the 7 ,__ ^- flow, Woglam, 119,*Alde,n St! Canio; M. ilving techni.carand ipecuhzod ed Police/ Chief .Lester. W.;. Powell ers of Eden, and; scatters love's Codella, Jr., 52 Spruce St.; ;Hcr-malion piogiams ior the* Air reported that information supplied petals to dc<5ay,--Mary Baker Eddy bert Baldwin, 150 Elm St.;-James J'oicc fho airman is j graduate by his department led to the ar- '•::•• i •, .y-All^one fine fut^ufe cabinet ruat. by. Stit^ PoKce.-on FrWsjr~ot "^Gosts youless thn comparable units purchased separately? Jjirtes K. Sttrn&di 22, and'John A- the Singapore 21-•nro.der.2.i564'fniu'th.enfc^ Sarn6wski,\23, both of RoseHc and ' • Pa'r Eastern'Cohtempora.t:y'(iat)inet the first time you have professional port*aits rpacle pollected information pertaining to' 61.your 'chirclren Poi traits express the cuteness, exclusive and advanced features Sid-mad and' Sarriowsk.i which he' ./\ ...... ,- , • turned over ''to Detective iLf A, ALL TPORTRAlf S ^RE :- /the beauty of your child you really can't, obtain in Co.lo.i' Tub0-briings. y-bJ^, » ColbV Purifier-Cdegausser) autbrhai?*' Frank Burr, head of the detective •BY: APPOINTMENT ONLY bureau,.. , .'•'••'__ •;.,.'.'':. .' • • .'• ,• '.'• ••' any other way. Make this distoyery yoursolf; • bngl^m.'.mote vivid 265--scf..' iri. pict u res- cally keeposi all pictures pure,J§otrj mono- . After; .further•'development of' ; • • titatare fariiiperiorfp. other color IV: 1 clirome andTbolbrieyen if Set has beeri this information by Lt. Burr attd ^makbs todayl • . ;. '•' " ':; •• * . . Detectives Michael.F; F!edrpff and woyeds ' ., •.-.•'.•.•:•••'', iv.;-'. — ''i ;"-'.v Thomat 'to."'B-eh'tqh, Chief Powell' • Chromaione-adds thrilling dimenslpiT, said;, the State Police wercnotified us soon depth to color, vygrm beauty to-m.orip» • Most Reliables-precision "bonded rtr* that the (wo#men could.be prime, chrome--el{mrnatingdrap, dull gray and 'cuitry" just as \n today'sspac^-'age milF* suspects in armed', robberies along SSOCI bl.aekpictures.on most other makes. ' tary electronic e4yiprnen.t—assures "Where the Shoe Fits" Route 22/ '• ^4'*-. '• ; ....;; "•'""i" T*r"Conimercial * Industrial Portrait./-;.; .'• Chief Powell said St>te Police, • OurckPictures-cbriie oii irtjust 12 sec-1 troublb-f reg deperjdabilify. Nojojdjfesh- 23 N. Union Me* 'rjpprcsentatives; came to' Cranfor;'d 2241 Photography ictnds; four times faster than others, '' Ioned"liar"^-u''|"'rv<*''* '•*-•' •'• • •'•••• Oanford : headquaVl'ers" to get; the informa; 118 Walnut Avenue Cranfbrd tion and the arrests follQWed! • ' ^rfect Color Pictures...AUTOMATICALLY! +...,• in a , with:-I TO'ML BR 6-0700 Remote | Control ''••'. -for greatest viewing conveni^.ne'e!,' Exclusive;• . Magnavox AutotYiatic "T^lor ' RUDENT always brings you perfect color picturesA^utornati- cally; plus- all other Magna- 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Color features ^bo\)e. Model •• . • I • ....'•• -9 NERGETIC _ _2:.EI515r-.in.-Gon teibpo wy-— ' fine furniture, with at-tho- • sot push'-button' Povier Tun- # Baron^s • Hathaway s ing, tone -control, qhtf con- ' '•-Belt's..-'".' • Schers HOROUGH -veni6nt Channel Sjelectqr Windows. • WILL BE CLOSED The Cosmopolitan 21 XPERIENCED .r SCIENCE IS PERFORATING^ . COME IN TODAY—choose from our widest selection of MIRACLES THESE DAYS Magna-Color styles. Other Magnavox TV from $89.90 And One of Paramount Importance /iicDQNOUGH To All of Us" is thcCurative- ^ Powers in the New Modern •'.. . Drugs , • • For Senator

• • ' • ',. . '. . . ' —Open Mpnela^ Thursday and FridayvEvemngs — ;{j^ ' ^K; BE SAFE C BE SURE Vbte tfe tinier -.; McDonbugh Teairi, Nov. 2 26 Eastman St. ^ :<;.V/Widi(g(e:6-t.776 ;,. JRU^YOUR DRUGS IN A DRUG STORE ; r (Opp.Cfanfprd Theatre) . ; •• •• • ' -'• • i • ^^ . ''.T''.'•'• v ' ' /• ' /

••-'' 7 - V :•'

• t ••

GITJafei ANB ^^NW^LIB^BVRS^ **• ••.•»' *' 1 -r-^ •'•"•'• '•••"••:"•" '.'••'•' ''•'.' t.ike vshe ;&Scl -'escorte '$l,do6" bail'' ip :.await.-ci-,,h'iari'ttfl- id' man',' Mr. Roto, t^ .Wtr;:Uic|:r : bathroom. While waiting outside, The injured -rnan. was treated at er [Municipal Court' on, Noyqrhber %: Sjiarrier iind Missi;WqK£. are,en. Olawski-arid Air, .ftieider are ; she-Heard a thud and on entering, the scene bylDr. James J. DsuJbert rolled at UJC"iis liberal arts ma: ing in .engineering, while Miss ' .itfiind the .screqn .on the- window and then>iaken by the First Aid Studio jors, wliilb Mr; Stafford is major- Frjcke, Jklr. Heruska ana Mr. Sy-, 1 ing in business, administraUon.' vertsea/are science majors. . open, arid th6 map.'s: :bo'dy 6Q..f6et Squad/to, the hospital, wEere he Thomas IL Poulso'n of 9 Holly Shidmts belpVon the roof. ••" ' •' '• -. "'4was^oir the critical-list.' .' - ; ' beth, after a long illness' ; t; has'b^ennanj|SjTiari«ger of the ;Man ijies ' "Foi- 30: years Mr., Van Dehsen Ut,' Matthew T. Haney and Pa-',e\f- I,laitin^ond Organ Studio' of Begin: u.' Rev. Mark \.f;. 'Dp^leyj^fssistant : j's a registered' represei trolm'an ;Miehael A,(J)eane inves- pastor; read ';th.e c^rmttal 'pray-,'; Jlajnfieid, 'located, on -Route, 22, : a,stooU lirpjterage firin in tigated'4or th'^. pplic^V ;••••'.• •• ROUND PADDLE RAIL FENCES '''•;•'•'• Gkorge J. 6ul'ns, 54, pj 633 Paser$f gt. SV' Qertpitae fCerne.tery, woodfmdge. TtKffutttfral•Xft!4 sjnd svas withi ha.s-.beeri asiso'ciated 2 . siiic.Aye-, ifoejiilwartn,died, of an 0 ; ,,Twent)f-?i.ve Co.; New ,¥orkr; from ; . aparent heart•atlask. kft,er" driving" Dopiey,' FuiWa'l Home/218 .unti}. Piano :Hf)use,j ^re ;,'amPng 4Q8:.^.st^jits' ./who ' this-'year- He, had been' .._.,-_,.,.-„ for.many years. He is a hisr-ear.- into a'gas'-.station. %t'-475.| V^'' '' '' ' •' Sunched- their .fcbUoge car.0€lS(this ^RairHeigM^^iG-Ft^SeGypns^/ .. ;• ."born in Italy; lived, fpr three weeks" in^the men's''shop Vadtiate ;.of ttle pratpry; SehooU North" Aye;-, •£-., at 9;35.a.m. yesterv a : icrhestcr as full-time students in. • jlay, Police.Ghief LesitBrWrPoWell 55 .years. She. was a.t Lortt and .-Taylor-*. Millburri,' bev, Jummjt, * and',' attended,, Fordham he day session • at. UlXiori junior r fore, enterirt^the hospital:." .: ; 'nii'ersity. He''.studle(i :m'usic,-at :: !• reported. Itfomttfanicarit of .'S't: ^Michael's College. . -' •.".• \-.;•'•'.,. ' ,,'""..;•: "hur.ch.."Her .^husband, Pasftuale; 'Born -.rn^Nexy. York City, "he livpd JorB^autiiuLWalks;andMves. : ^; ••• , Chief Powell said the Kenilwofith : raf Dorothea Wiersma re- in Cranford 13 years. •, ' v . '. served four years in the ;man got put of hvsJ.c^rjJa'sfe^d the v l ports •'"'ari' enrollment of 1,392 for ,SurviVor$ are a^'daughter, Mrs. •..Sui 5?.iving .are^^hi^wifej:. l^trs. Roster Grmris Jnited States Coast .Guard... Mr., COALCOMPANY station'proprietor, tpgopfm a do'e- Fund B6osters contln'ue to "make 'he fall semester, including full; Edith torn'bardO Of -CrErhford; three JVJajry Margaret Eilbaeher Van Dehr oulspn is, a, member of Union- nne and '.part-time, and student t tor as he was hayjrig difficulty] Gulden Gifts soar ahead -of their HUKAN orrsr Anthony, Roseile, and ,Gene §en; a . sister, Mrs. Dorothy Wil- pu.ncil 4504, Knights ofeolurhbus, nurses enrolled in the pre-cliriical breathing and then"'collapsed, lie l-limas of .Treaneck, and a'brother, 19G4 achievement, Dan icl Terry, nd.a parishioner of St: Michael's 500 NORTH fyfa., E. AT PRWY. CRANFORD was' pron'ounceydead on arrival by nd Michael, Cranford; 10 grand- nursing program.conducted coop- EXIT 13/ . hildren, 11 greatgrandchildren; Paul of Hsrrrington Park. advance gifts, chairman, reported hurch. '.;- . Dr...Janies jJ^Daubcrt. ^X todgy. This week ^4 additional !rative|y with the Schools of Nurs- Teh 275-5122 -^ Ample Free Parking ;wo"brothers,,-Anthony arm LoUlsf Mr.. Poulsori, his wife and five n'g:oi' Elizabeth and Perth Amboy Mr. JJarns. was .born, in-Pitts^-on, 'asqua, Cranford, and :as sister in gifts .of $100 or more j pined the hildren have been residents of previous 75 for a grand total of 94 Je'neral Hospitals.^ .' •;^.;->', . Pa.vytfnd lived in KenUwprth W {aly;' , •', _-• '•••• ,",; Z;'-:' •'.-,_• '• ranford for five year'si • ••"• . -^(rs.'-'-rje retired three years ago, Man Burned Golden-Givers. ••• .'* Courses, at! Union Jlinidr College !>' an auto :parts salesman for S. •The 94 givers' total ,giving,, of parallel the freshman- and' sopho- At 1 ,'H. Grossman; Co.,* Newark. He was A. Chisholiti $^9,9] 8 for -the current "earnpaign is more programs at. four-year col- running $3,670 ahead p£ last year a communicant, of St Theresa's lisholm, 70, of 620On Criiicaj Ijst Week's V/eatber eges and universities, and grad- Church," Kenilworth. __. . for the same givers. . -. •'••'• .•'''• • lates^.'have transferred as funipts' NUNN BUSH WeWGratid^Vye,-, Rahway. a .form- a Edward L. jyiedick, f»2t of Plain- -W&rhave received only , three UJG Meteorological Station .; Me leaves his -wife',. Mrs. • Helen jr Cranford restaJqnt, died Tuesday o more than 3,00 collegesand .uni- field, an employe who suffered gifts from, individuals with less versities, in nearly-every state in • Chrihri &urns;-" his mo&cr, Mrs. at, his home after\sjong illness. thtrd degree burns of the.back and ^i Meleorologlft '.'', Margaret Burns-rif Daytona Beach, J amounis given, iri -f964i" Mr. Terry Ihe United States.- \i :J -I SHOES Born ,in • PhiladelpWa, he lived in legs •when a piece ot-equipment 1 : Fid.; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Crariford 10. yeaKs, ahd^ Scotch stated.- -, y •;., /:" .'' ',".' ' '.'•'• • ..•• Granford'•< students who launched, sliort-circuited at the Public" Sorv- This' week's honor roll includes: Rose Ofsak and Miss Helen Burns, Plains for 10 years beforeSqioving Pleasant,, clear and dry weather heir college careers at TJJC are: ijee substation,. S17-219 South Ave., Mr! and Mrs. Marvin Lane, .Mr..-and , at- home,- and; a brother/Barnes of o- Rahway five years ago. ' jreyailed in Granford this week, Miss Marilyn R. BapstJjf 11 Corr Priced From E.',' at 7:45 a.m. Sunday, was. re-Mrs. George S. Sauer, Mr. and-Mrs. Bay tona Beaen. " ired' eighj;, .years, ago.as a self-eH^ s the terhperatuTes ranged frohi a nell p.d., John A. Bickunaii of.59; f p"orted still in intensive care at A. Williams, Mr.-and Mrs.' Elliot Bumside" Ave:; :Miss, Sherry:' t;- '":• Services will be ftelct; at St. Ther- ployed bricklayer.and was a/form- hVaxirrVunt "of 77 oh Tuesday 'to a $21.95 ^'uhlenberg Ilospita'i, Plainfield, E, Moody,;Mr... and'Mrs,. Changing Boyle of 106 PrflBtoh Av«!., ilichafd, esa's Church alf. 9"a.ni. Monday. er member' of tho Bricklayers Uff- miliimurrTof 32 on: Monday Wjh'e'n vnight. ftudd, Mr. and Mrs, A. M.'Wiison, he .'first frost: of the' season oc- £. Brittort/Jr.,- of 39 South Union I to M;4!stapeter Piineral, Home, Roseile pn, Cranford. He was a; member ceding to a spokesman for fe' and Mrs. F.,Hi. Blanking. ured/ ••• .';•;.•'• :"..'•''••.'•. • ' -, Ave., Lewis, M. Fjrigerliri of 14 . • Park, is ih-^cha'rge of arrangements. of Rahway Post 5, Ameriea-n £»eg-- the i, there was a mechdnical Mrs. N. A. Tpmasulo,' Mr. and During the -week, 69 degree ftolly, St., Miss Carol'Y, Frickp of $26.95 v ion.' . .; •'•';:.....••• •: . •.•;.'.,,'. ;•' •...;. failure'aniK^flash from the equip- y;-•• Arba S. . T.aylor, Wednesday days ^were recorded tP bringj the. 18 Rutgers^ Rd., John &. Heruska of ; He Se^ryed M ,th«i ."Arttvy faring ment burnei Medick.' Woirldl'•\Wai i in 3Weuse-Argoiirie Morning Club,' Barnett^'. Wines ;otal for 'Oct©ber-fo5202 and for- the 2 Wa'dswoith Jeffrey C. Hill '.' The ac'ddent^Sulted in a pow-arid LiqUors, Cranford. Citizen and heating season which began Sep- ^/•' 'Mrs" .Sarah ^eigcil'Rowitz, 14, ofcampaign and was a memberof the er.failurefi , and J d of 1 Harvard Rd, Miss Patricia A 1 Garwood and Chronicle/Gray Memorial, 2 anony- ember 1 to 273. The only precipl Kurisko of 26 Oraton Dr," Miss 16 Marshall St., Irvingtofl; 'died Sluei and Gray, 5}9th Diivision, 104th Winfleld and section^f.Cranford, mous donors, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. •Style, Greater Comfort, Mrs. _G4ia?t« -.'---Bor?n--in-Newark, she-JiwecL.in ^and;:B4rs,:H. Cranfprd for'15 years before inovr Miss: Eileen Ciiishplm, at hoffie; Leqal Notices fangedLixom__aDhiigh .qf-.^.9. d< lineur, IJr.^nd M ^f. Charles A. to a low of 37 degrees, as; 48 de»" - ing to Iryington seven • years ago. two sisters, and a brother.y . •'•,'••• ; Miss Janice r. and Mrsk. . JL Tornlin; gr.ee days' w.ere rocjorded tp-rbiring 'Shfe was thd' memljer of tile Home {Services will be held at 11 a.m. TO CREDITORS phard St, Russell J pf' 33 EDGERTON SHOES ... from $16.95 tomorrow ,at Gray Memorial, 12 ESTATE-OF JONATHAN Z. MILLEK, Son, atid Mrs.- A.. Ei, Johnson the total for,the.heating season lo Concord St, Carl R Peterson,*-Jr, . Jot the Chronic Sick in Irvington -deceased pnd Mr.\nd.Mrs. Fred Hierl. B'hai B'rith Wbnien, and Temple Spriftgfield "Ave:.! iQterrhent will ' ' ' d 273. Rainfall totaled .71 inches, in- of 3 Bloonungdalc Ave, David F. ..Pursuant.to."the..ordcir o( C. Golden (Ji^ts represent gifts of cluding .65,"inches oni.October-17 Beth-El.' be iii B.everley-National Cemetery.. NANE, 'QitrrQKiitp. o( thv County, qt Union, Regal of 21 • JElmora Aveiv Miss made on.the Hitpciitii day of October,1 A.D.. •1 .percent gross income arfd" It was mostly cloudy with midday is; a" son, Seymour : Sylvia L Rcichman of 15 Brovtn - Surviving lflBS. upon tlie ttnp)if(,titio'r> of.• thK.undor- start at $100, 1 ui»'Kxt>ciitoi-tj:o( the. uatnti! .of said tt'moeratures- on the warm;, side., Tcr, Alexander V Reider of 819 Howard G. ,..-,.._ . rr^iTCtrar ~iy. -H.nrofty •''irfwn - to-th?- . tempfiratur.a:reci!rd^ Sirs.' Shirley Herbst. of Cranford •Spring£ield_Ave,y Ronald A, Rotid Services will be conducted aCl crcdltorit :ol aii-id- dcc'onsod to vxliiliK to th« • "'•' Degree 1 two sisters, Mrs.. Anna Geltzeller smbRcrilwrs; utider «"th or ufflrnnittpn tlielv of 235 North Ave , W , M^ws Lmdaj Ariiiiial Sp i 'Days; of Los; Angeles.- Calif., Mrs. Idap..m,;. toknorrow. by 'Rev. t>t. '.Roftert- ctiilms jind -deindndu 'fltwlnst ' thu o!(t(tt,c Max. A Ross of "37 Keith Jeffries AVe G._lU)ngaker, -pastor of the- "First of Bald dftceasttl within mx mofflul from ^et for.,Election Thursday ,.'6666 36 - 14 Solomon Of- Newark, '> and two the dull! 'of sinl'd ordftr^'or they wilt bo Also, Miss Pamela* J. Sharner of grandchildren. ;,, ' • Presbyterian Church, for Koward forever' barred ' frorn • jjrosBcutlnu.-^or ,n>- 'The annual spaghetti dinncKpre Friday / •' ' "7"766 . .51. . i 127 Mohawk Dr, William Stafford, G. Van t)ehsen, 63, pf 4 English cov.erlnVUio" sum« ugnlnst thu "silbflcrlbcra. pared hy the Couples' Cllib of Saturday,; •' \.- 6767.. '4- 6 -8;. SEBAGO LOAFEftS \\ ' [Services' were held .yesterday a • :, . . •••.. •'• .-• Mr!? 'E. Miller ftttd . Jr, of 3 Retford Ave,' C." Alan

Village,; who was. tilted inst^ntly- 59 : 1 : ; . ";" ' • JoHnthnri E.. Miller, :J1I First" Presbytcrifln Church'will 38' 16 '•• :^W --- -.;•-.-•>•••. for- •••••:«:- :•••'• :"••• ...•• 2!;p,m, at, the .Suburban Chapel o' ; Syvertsert ""of 31 Tulip St", Miss Philip Apter and,Son, Maplewbod at-,4:40 p.m. Tuesday when he' ' .' • ••.-'•'-^ ;••- .'.B^CDciitoirs lieid on;ElectiotJ.pa.,v., Novemtk^r. 2 • 64 • 17 Linda J Wolff of 9 Alan Okcll Pi~| jumped or iell from* a fourth flcibr 77^ 7 MEN -• WOfAEN • BOYS . Interment was in Betji David Cem- Ira D, Dorliin; • . irom 5:30 p,m> .to 7 p.m. in fellow Miss Bapst, Miss Boyle, Mr Brit- . etery, KeHilwortlu ; :-: . . window' at Elizabeth General Hos- •it Aldqtl- St., , ;•; ship hallv ;•.'• ;•" .. •'*••:• .-•:. "• •• 75 • 6 ton, Mi Firtgorlin, Mt Ufll, Miss :; pital.; !'_ ..... '. ^ ' '..; ' -... . ' -Cruntortl. N. J: ^Boy^: ani Metis :p- ~:-S< u\\. F«sc: iS2142' . • 111-10 Mr. and, Mrs: Robert'. Johnson Kunsko, Miss Lawler, Mr. Lemke, The Services wilJL beat the J'ttmes announced .that tickets inay be pb ir : Miss Leonard, Miss NiCtf, M,r. : :: ^Upto;Size'l3',..:^;.:..,-;;,^::^ from $13.95 ) 3Wrs.l8al>, will, hold, n'uubUo hnitr'inB on lation on Earitan ,theJhoBpitat:M a private patient on ^. ,,.Mr., and Mrs,. William Tuesday,. Edward . Smal 27/ oi .QimN/TlME:': r "i3onSiTs't~#oy(SmtK-r-,ir;l«HS,-M'aim u,m. Frank,. Rev. Dtv and- Mrs. Rober •W'.CShe died last Thursday atJEliz Iri the.Miinlotpai' jnutidinit' to rohisidftx tho Elizabeth, later was: foun io be '"P on oTie^incti Mr, Van toldpo- GLk, Mr., and ,M,r$. Rich usitig an altered driver's abeth Ma,nbr Nursing Home, Eltea . .'1(5.''65;'... AppHcatloa ZO.&I for a vsirjiuiei) Sroi<\ nilnlmim'i lot or.d- Le,wis, - Mr.' ,and ' Mrs.. y arid subsequent • investigation .SCREW MAeiflKE': utCft ..rmililrihnenw'to' permit": th« qoiiBtruc- Richards, li^and Mrs. Sylvatius .' vcaled that he was driving a car S Shoe Hospital Uon of a'irdtnn dwpllliii! c\\ Btbilk. 263, Lot no. known ,as 700 Willow Sftyct. Shaw.,' Mr: and Mrs. Danie.1 Vroon with revoked registration, Police Write::-;-•-•';•' Normal and Orthopedic Shoes for the Entire Family •and-MF.^^ Chief^Lester M, Powell reported a• viitiunte froM inlnlnium .lot ijroa-i-o "Voters and I heir'families are n The Elizabeth man was sent to AW Orthopetfie-Vyotk Dbrieon^Premises - • ^-.rem^nitt-to• -permit- the:.cpiiflttuctlori.-ol TETtfif a''.twotstory colonial hdmfi • on" BJut-k 137, the Union County-jail in lieu_of ' "Open Daily 9-6, Friday to 9 .'Lots '100 and 401, known us 23 Wlndntir JeifSey Ave* During Ott; & Nov. Wac«. • '•'". ' '••••• ••.-•• •At the ubovd tlmi> i>i>d Waco- cwpor. 304 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD i of afrftirtemaiwiEfofhe5~Dry"ei**~ 7l.iuu.ty vllil Ui.. tlwu'.ull tiiji'jtioi).^. who-w.lah abeth V ii'tli' bc.heard. • ' ,'. • • "-..' • ..,".'' '• • r1 •' ' By Qtfat of: ••••••••• ..-' •, JJOARD Ol1 AWUSTMENT <3. H;. Swcutaw, ClKilrmim . ••" ,: M-J.iMcHuiih, Sucrctuty • Takethe Dtttbd; Oi'.tobor 21, 1D«5' ' ' .,. IF YOU TOWNSHIP OF CftAtfFORD Criin'Wtdv N«w Jerssy' • ". HAVE A (Sratj illcntnnal BOAHD' OF ABJIISTMENT ': ..-•„; •' (Zonl(ic). ' > . ' ' ••' , btablbhed 1697 ' •-,< • NOTICE 'Of DECKSIOK '. The', Bouv.d' of:' AtlJUntmertt ' (Zonlnu.)', NEW HOME Townshlw' at' Crnnford,'.doiinty, of. Xlnloii, w, JM'sc.y, .;h«Ul a:'public".mestine. on- ptpi>"r. A, .lOds,'. ut 8:l,S'. -jt,m. In-the- IN MIND Mun.lQli),al. • BulWIne. • und-^ randcred. Its;, ion on Uio following: 13/«>: •AUpllcilUoit -of • • EUQE>IE: :.H,

WENDiitNO tor purmlsnlo^ to^'onnU'iiot ,nn , !• nddltlpii to. &t\ .exlntlnit cav wur.h buildi.nlr In 'drdor to enclofio th'V exlutliis .whc«J Waphlnl} unit On Ijots 30, XH^jind 14, 6l6qk 7!),1 taioyti-.w 55.0 Sftuth Avonus Enst. It W|ia the'rebonimondatlon of thfc Tloard that BE SURE TO SEE US FOR YOUR NECESSARY BUILDING y' hetd d ' .. • • CMlettOi tho decision ato on 111(1 at tho SUPPLIES. "STANDARD" SUPPLIES ARE MADE Munlclpul'' Bulldlnn;. • ." . lly Ord*r of; FOR PERMANENCE. •BOARD OP• "jdUVBTtt'mtS 6(,-' B. .Sweeter, Chairman I*- '.'••' .•' MI..J. Mc-JH^ich,• Sccrptary |T)1itcd': qctol>>r 41, lOOJi Adv.; Pco: Sfl.(!2 _A « .. 10-31 TO GO AND SUPPIY COMPANY Phone BRidge 6-2700 94 High Street Cranford

Group Psycho-Therapy Sessions

: : ;, . ._; •,-•;.-. ; '; '. • at './-''_ ":. ;', ' '' ••• •,::;.;., We offer residents of Cranford and vimnity an ; -, • THE. MARMA&E INSTITUTE . outstanding funeral home, complete with air 1

~^T Dr.ySylvia B. Herz^PsyBioIolisr-Directoi '••*\~ condUioning, organ*large UgWrooms for your

• Nfew", exclusive Automatic Moisture-Minder* shuts HBO Rarkqn Road \. Qur own display room. dryer off at "dry enough" when clothes, have th© _ every convenience. \ •. ".touch" of dryness you select. ,' '/ C^BR 60080 • ;.•••.• •'..•.• ' Cranford, N. J. ' .' • NOEMAL and; SUPER SPEED' drying. • >. . ' for a Taxi/ Don't be thrown for \ • . Ui« of lrad«morl> fij and RCA by Whirlpool CO'poroilon, manufddur«r a loss of time when you have' . Registration is N6w Open-» • ol RCA V/HIHlt'001 opplioncm, aulhoilantl b/"Dodio Corporollon ol Am«iieo(. to get ib business engager for two separate cjroups: ments ,;,',.Go. by Toxi. Dur '•;."'.. ..•/• Ecisy Terms •;-•;••; ••• ' ,. "expert drivers jwi.ll be glad 'No. \. Husbands and Wives who desire a more bar- t6. tackle all of ,your".driving" chores'.' • ' marrious^marmge, and fuc. No. 2. Engaged'Couples or.thp.se going'steady about * jpLryer-* Dishwasher Specialists to'bV-ntarried •.''"•"*'-.• -.•..,- ... F. H. Gray, Jr., Mgr. Funeral Director* Arnold Salberg, Mgr. ' "^ •' Wr'Repiair AU type* Of DRYERS. + WASHERS *< DISHWASHERS 4£nvice j . Classes will' be condifotod pjv Monday evenings at CHANFOHD, N. X -i Bft, 6-00^ SIS EAST BROAD STREET "WE GO ANYWHERE"*„ ' ' the: Medical- • Arts fcuilditiK.:'" Call.- 276-064^ 'for , WEJSTFIBIJtt, W. J, *r. AD 3-014S •ffrdio- BRINGS US QUICKL Y 12 Sf KiNGFIELD AVENUE 29 ST. — BR 64224 W CRANPpJRD; N. J. , further, information. .''."- ' . '• , " - ... •' ;U^BR\dqQ t> OOOO ':*'AIust b?- connected ta Public Service Lines . , v-. A* OOMfr/T/ONC CADILLAC l/moar/tte J the UN 'may • bo further- developed bur^ also urged 'local residents to y the develpe filed with demonstrate their:"support bf the to. .meett' hthe, needn of an ever.- r Chief Sch'hiitz. at Ijle headquarters. United Nations' by joining • the changing world. :•'. ' - . , of the. senior club. Thejunior eirls ; URfA-USA/ :••••'•• .': To' cooperate witii'.UN' assoei- also wilj'help plantthe billbs. ati ons }r\. other countries, through W& Plan • SJj.e .'explained that this assoei-. Flora . Co-horftess for .the meeting 'W'as_ : Aptitude; Test • -••"In -connection. WiUi the "observ- ation'-fs':org'aiTii7.ed /;pti a'' nation- the. J^OFW federation -of .UM As- sociations, toward, the .common 'After, a summer of prcssirffe and ii James".TTiclan: ' vtlivo", hundred' •* and', e'igrity-thfee : ance of.GnUed Rations Sunday till? wi;4fi. basis -witti stal.pqs!>ible, ;:-"Plans we;rc'..,mflde' to :pia.nt -SjOO Ppr Firemar n leges require'these tests,for admis- irif- Satiirdny, four" Sunday .school stu- dents and HUH teacher from, the 4 irvation.- the hikers' will meet at Feel free to come in for your decorating ideas for 15-17 Noi'th Av6>W. I Open Thurs; Eye;*'-Ki^;^' '-'^Xranford He parking area above Lake Sur Alliance Church assisted in the nt 1 ' n W» pt a man who fell 71 feet your home* See the soft look in the new modern ,-:Hehry R it-it '' will :l(jad a (seven niile hike The bovs, James McDowell, Tim pr tradlfionar upholstered groupings for living ^jr"' 6T* ivioun't Tammanv, othy Hav^land and Phillip Poiccl y v which rises 1,250..(^ct.pn the New la, all of (ranfoid, and Paul Stai- roorny den or play room. ^ Jersey side of.theJDelawjH1 Wafer osciak of Cluik, and their teacher, William Schiocdei of 10 Adams WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF DINETTE SETS—JUNIOR DIMNG GROUP- ^ The^Wke^iidlJ^include a vftit 4 o IiunfieldJSfeek. ^rHe)}jikors will, %w weie hohiing a tOokout at an INGS and IMPRESSIVE DINING ROOM GROUPS . . . ALL-ARE FINE meet at tne adm'inisttfltion build- old coppei mine ot. the side of a VALUES! * ' ng- ef-the-Wmon-Goumy Par-k Com chllj _ j nission, Warinanco Park, Eli/a While they weic eating. Mr and" Thismctal ^et seats six or more ' iot>i, at 8:30 a.m. , V MMis Hanklin 'Holfeit and and plastic chairs aie designed For; further information contact son, ot hlainfield, walked by and for comftirt 4iid smartness. 4 " he recreation department of tlie • waved v Many ctflqrs and designs. • ai'k coinmjssion; . A moment later Ihcyihcax'd a yell : and discovered Hhat Mi Hoifort, All seven pieces 49, had slipped, and tumbled into the1 uvincj suffewnff a fractuie of Wdren invited the left log The local gioup stood by com forting the injured man with wa tei and toffee until thfi amval^of Five-Piece police and lirst ,ud u-mts and then KITCHEN SET n assisted in canning him from the A Ha'ljowfien parade will be TuM ravine to an ambulance which took • [of'the first timt in many years in him to OvtiloOk Hospital in Sum m iv.ihelegant styling anfl ; $34-00 Crariford on Sunday, October 31 mil t •* m 'The; parade will be sponsored by m stereophonic performance the Township Recreation Depart rriont • asaJste'ej'-jby the" Junior Wom- Square Dancing " :n's Club, of the'VIA. 3PIEGE MODERN STYLES SECTIONAL ,,_r .... , meet at 2 pni at For Adults Friday .flja..W.juii,UtJAyo..uia6_Sc}iool grounds -Sqilatje dnncmg fpr, adalts plus' " will inarch from th£_school ort be held frorti 8 30 to 11 30 •tevmor- Maestro Collection" by tiU-t Avei-to tvfocth Umo at illoornmgdale \venue and to the 'municipal, pat king lot ATTACHED FORMICA END TABLES ^ie will 'opposite, the Municipal liivifding A bl> Ditk Meywfe lJ "Covered witH Luxurious Fabric m Walnut Finish w J judges standjiyrll be eiectwl at the bl1" served 4 parking, lot. '.-.. • t.. The sqiiai<; dancing piogiam is --—-_~~~.~ Reg. $295- - * V Prizes will he • awarded to- thil- uudor iiponsoithip of the rccwa- dren! with the' iurin..lc<,t,_prettiest ticHi'rtepaitment It is notnecobsaiy Specially •--'••--•-'••'•••original cosfume's m each tpr people to come with partners k years; .0 to p yoars>-and 11 to 17 how to danot? Tho caller teaches years: vV ' •, J;: _-. along wiih his calling - ' Special• 'prizes "will be awarded IJahces are held each second NEW SMART DANISH STYLE to the ;gitvl •and boy'with the best d'ud'louith 1'YitViy oi the month itiade-up faces, (not a mtfsk) Laph Fot Juither ^gJBbrmation conLict participant will ^receive iavois at the lecrcationPRparlmcnt in the BEDROOM SET the end of th« • march. i Municipal Includes "Extra Large Dresser and Mirror,. Spacious Chest of Drawers, Twin or Full-Size BUNDED SCOTCH WHISKY • 86 9 PROOF SCDUISII4 NEWCASTLE IMPORTERS CD JEW YORK MYORK • 'Reg.Valiie$29$ Extraordinary Value Danish Style CHAIRS- Thick polyfoam reversible ^cushions, welded zip-off covers.^ Wahiut finisk ;irai^e_fltidLbilcJti_- stipport. ' •".'•'•' . .'•• '.••'• Buy tiiem by the pair.. Choice* of colors. ; . Model SC918, MEpiTERRANEAN- ',.• •

'Here is an i.ntttrunip'ii,l of un(^)hij>r(nnisinf>; (juality .... A superb^;:; steretiphonic highi fide(ity slyiitftfn' with professional "caliber.• stolid-state ^; components . y .' engineered to one• cq'nsidcralion: to bring you the,'""' highest possible standard,of pefforrnunce in sound reproduction/' 3 PIECE COLONIAL Thi? tnii^iit/ie^nt «"vensm, Moorish in licriiuge . .' ) dramaticaljy "Solid ,'Roqk. Maple Erames and Print Cover Platform Rocker, ; 'tel1^el,s art'influence agelesfe'as the.stniny. shores of the Mediterranean. • 'High Back Chair, Sofa^ or Sofa Bed'(Sleep 2; Sit":3),;:; •Master crafted of rich superbly grained genuine Pecnn-veneers and •matched..solids,' the.ha'nd-diatressed warm toned finish ft tastefully "Sc- l •i •: cented by a hammered latch ancl kecpcr,_ authentic corner-post medal- Holiday Special! lipns'andf aritiqued pewter hinges. ' '

>•'•.'• , . . '.•-.• •, • > , Bring in Your LANE Gift Certificate ' Solid State stereo tuner ai\cl amplifier, 200 Watt ET-A (320 watts peak), frequency response 15-2S',(X)() cps:.-';' Idb: 12 push-button Function and Receive ah Mi mature Cedar Chest Control Center with AM/l/WFM Stereo. Dual 1000. Professional Quality 4 Sfpeed. Automatic Turntable.'Diamond LP Stylus. . , NEW SHIPMENT JUST -ARRIVED > Also in Contemporary, French Proyincial, • Oriental and E^y American styles. We Are Ready for Your' Lay-a-wayi HI-0 ••••-. A small deposit holds merchandise.

-'. ' «' '• < •„ 11 (• •'"•< - '• •" . / >• 4- V. V •'">./ • . -.;.-•.. .T. "r Pate Six CKANFORD (ti.J,) CITIZEN JCHROSlGtE^-THURSDAT, OCTOBER «t, W65 . v isjtyat ;^few^k. ^tate; art " at ; mouth Rd^ and Mrs. C. E. Brutz College Club Mn. and Mrs.. Raymond Moleeri of, Union, wheXe sfae is in ber senior of 117 Thomas St. have returned 66 |centennial Ave.; has been pledg1 year, majoring in early' chiWbood :frpm -a-wccifM-tnip- to •Bermuda". • ed to Sigmia Kappa Phi, social sor* education. Ente'rtainihg, before the' College 1 A J»atty "last Saturday afternoon ind Gerry Sharaey of:12 fjlub dance ,oh.Saturday ViH'be Mr- Tickets to; the annual '.dinner : on Ave;, spent Saturday at; Valley - honored Sally* Victorin..-daughter ^nd; Mrs-" Clifford & Ward of 20? 'dance 6f.'the;Coliego^.q4ripp's .'Clubi vol. Mr. #«priald iyictorin fii rbrgeir; Pa, in».celebration of Jef- Bami * Rd,NRd.,-*N.. 'GuestGuests .wi.will l in- of. Cranfo/d! rnay b'e.'fibtained;!jtrphii aftin - I" 11, QeoJ-giaf'/St.'.HeSt' H r gtiests'werst re frey's eighth; birthday arinivjersary. clude MSS1!!-: , aria Mrs.' Edwiin "M" , \^enc|y Gargesj Anne Deery,. lisa Tn> ••' Wasse^/nan,' Stacey Daniels, Thea Drexel' football game "in Philadel- D.' Rinal.di, Mr... and Mrs. Patrick tee chairman ,; .or Mrs,--Eugene - f>as- Schwartz. Jacqueline Deets, Wendy phiahi . "' '\ '' ' "''' "' Callaghan, Jr., and Mr. and Mrf so,. dance, ticket (iojrnrhitteo chair- Helps You :; Willis, Ivori Wilsoft, and Natncy Louis E, Ma.ckey,.'Jr. .''"''. .'.,;' man. • •'•• ' . .'" ' .'and Laura Victorin. " Susan Gibbons,' daughter,, of Mr. . Now. For m'd Mrs." William Gibbons of 16 The .'danced is Ho be held Satur- . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pfaff of 448 day evening it Waiiy'b Tavern on . Mrs. Paul, Schiller of Quantico, Iroqvois Rd., entertained friends Lexington. Ave., 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Saturday at a picnic lunch and>a the Hill, 'Watching;;following a , Ya., visited~fpr several days this George Hein -of 211 Ba,irriiere Rd., bulTet dinner. Dance music will be week with her parents, Mr. andvisiisit to the TrailsidTrailside Wnd' 'Lif'Lifee andft^r. and' Urs. Edward Kreig, Mus.e.ura in Watchung. . Her guests providecTby Link Blakely and his Mrs. Charles M. Preston of 108' K ; Jr., of 9'Orchard S.t., attended Par- orchestra. >y, ' . Hampton St. " ;_... . , • i included Anna May Philo, Maureen ent's, Weekend at St. Frances Col- Baker,,, Deborah Senk, Diane Fit-16ge,,,Lorett6, Pa., this past week- Cl.ub members are asked'.to make Nancy trezza; '- Bernadette end. Richard Pfaff and Miss. Susan their reservations as- sfoon as- pos- Catherine Fitzula, daughter of sible, '. .. .' ' •, ' ; • '" ' ', .-;• Mr and Mrs. William Fitzula, of 2 Brady and Patricia Gibbons. TheHein/are freshmen at the college, MISS APBIL SUAREZ Oratqn pr, entertained at a party occasion "marked Susan's l'Oth and William Kreig.js a sophomore;, Sunday.afternoon in celebration of birthday anniversary. -. ','. '••"•'• \ •• :V 'f •; -Jfcr-'^' , ' ' -'^ •••' Engugindent Told Elks Auxiliary Denise Skarecfei Reserve your : r . her seventh birthday anniversary. ;- ••''.- . •. ";- ~°~ - •' •'.'•. ., Mr. and Mrs.'Charles J. Stevens Bulova white Attending were Kathleen Doyle, Mr. and Mrs..iHenry L. Pujat.pf of 10 Summit Rd returned home Of April Suarez, PlansCarfl Patty . Karen and Glenn Fernandes, Nari- 15 Omaha Dr. entertained, at'"• a last week from a 10-day motor 'trip g selections are cy,iVeziza, Kathleen Young; Diane f am ily >party Sunday in celebi'atiori through the New England States. Stephen Anderson The annual card party of: the and William FitzUla of Cranford, of the^ sixth birthday: anniversary They visited the College of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the .•Cranford complete Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Suarez of Elks 'will; be held tomaitow eveY Leonard M Butler ', "Nancy, Kevin and[Sharon, La'rkin of their daughter;, Tracy. Guests Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass., "New 13 Pittsfield St. have made known Mr. and Mrs.,P, P. Skarecki pf 29 - and Qhristine Lorusso of Clark.,; were present _ from Cranford, Hampshire, - Vermont and Cape ning at 8; o'clock at the Elks Lodge, the engagement of their daughter, 951 Lincoln Ave., E: '••'.'•• Hillcrest Ave.' announce the en- Bloomfleld and Union. Cod, Mass.-Mr. and Mrs.; Anthony Miss April' Suarez, to Stephen S, gagement of their daughter, Miss ".. , •:;", •;. '—Q—' •"; '.•.•'. .; -Dessert and, coffee will be .served, . ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Connolly Stein of 8 Baltniere Pkwy. joined Anderson, son of Mr.' and Mrs. L Denise Skarecki, to. Leonard B ahd there' will be gifts and prizes. r n of 7 Algoncjuin Pr. returned home Mr. arid M/rs. O. A. Cinaglia and them in Vermont. ; '. . ' C. Anderson of 8>Woods. Hole Hd. Butler, son pf M - *> -r^ Wr%oolworth Co.; New tion. • " " ' "' "'"'' ' "'" from Cranford. gigh 'School. Nbrth~ charitable activities. • V Grctchen . Croushore, Kathleen Dartmouth Rd.- will entertain at a western; University, Evanston, 111,, York City.- ;'••;., r^-frz ^^y < Tiernatt—- Mrs; Wtary—Jfcl^iioinspri .^pf 112. anchilrs. Aarry1 J,- Bapst,: Dr. and ,61 Biisfi?<>sJ y Lenox Ayo./W.a's feted at .a surprise .Mrs; Stephen ;F. Dobranski, Mr., .tration, •Chicago; ill.. While- an un- n Jlome Mr. and Mrs. John Jakob of 24Wrthday party given ;by her family dergraduate, Mr., Anders6n was and-Mrs. James B. Ray,'" and .Mr. CONCEBTtt "KK" OAl riR&T uov "V last Saturday in Elbefon. Fifty^flVe president oi,Pi Kappa Alpha, sW Of$trs. For iho outdoor man Swirl shaped oval set •-.•• Orat'bn Dr.;entertained at a-family and 'Mrs; William: A!"Yuill' before Dress your v rlst with dinner party Sunday in honor of guests attended from New Jersjey, cial fraternitiy. He is employe'd by Mr. jind Mrs;. ^Harold 'A, Glovier beauty 17 ]6yvels J with two darrllni - atfending ^he College Women's of 116 Columbia* Aye.' returrled latt Shock resistant Shock resistant diamonds Faceted the "ninth birthday anniversary of New York, Massachusetts, Rhode : the Humble Oii&:; Refining Co., Yellow or white Tells time and date at * Crystal 17 Jewels Ckib dinner danpe in Watchung. " Thursday Ifpm a JO We^ks! motor V39 9S ftlanro Yellow Yellow or-white , Iheir •• daughter, Lauren. Guests fsland,. Toronto, Ontario and Mil- Lihden. been made of $35 95 r trw through &^ Western-states and $49 9$ .were from Cranfprd, R6selie and waukee, the marriage of M^s.'jCarol V. Niel- :: Mr..and Mrs. Meredith S. Cdnley N three Ca.nadianN provinces. They SEE THE ELECTRONIC MARVEL OF THE CENTURY ~ Jersey~£ity. •'-•':- ^^ip- Kpent iseverar sen Keinjig of 127 Columbia Ave., Miss Gloria Motto, daughter of Seymour Cohens - —r— — ^ACCUTRON days last week in Naht.ucket^ R. I. .Among highligh'ts/«>f th.e.t,riR was , Robert Card/us of Winnetka, tit, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Motto of'15 Nielsen' of 12 RiYersiclc^ Dr., .to 1 £hqose front Martin's smart selection from $125 They .spent the-wfieke^d^n Cam- Honored at Sherwood' Keen Sliker of ^oselle^ a visit with former Pi'esident Har- • formerly pf Cranford, was a recent Park Ave., is 'ht Overlook Hospital, bridge, Mass., where they visited ry S. Truman-at the Truman Libra- Use Martin's Convenient Charge or Budget Payment Plans "weekend guest of Mr: and MrsSummit,.recuperatin. g after -sUrg- son of Mr. and MTS. T. M; Sli-k«r of ; .their, sons, Richard Conley,,. who Vl ry in Independence, Mo. \- William •F. Herzog,. Jr., of l 6ri25ih Wedding Plainfield, on October 18 "in - ; attends Harvard Law School, and Mr.', and Mrs. Seymour €6hen' First Presbyterian dhurch. They' also Visited LakeXouise Beech St. '" '' ' ' N : Brian Conley, a senior at Harvard pf 25 L«nd Mrs. Glovier Cramer is; controller of American \ Cranford < ~ Westfield and Mr; and Mrs. Warren W. Sniith Foreign Steamship Co., New York E^ceptioiial Coat Buys attending from ' Michigan, Ohio, served as best tnan for his, son. Visited nia.riy tefttfyes, including A coat bonanza 'featuring fall Long Island and New; Jersey were The couple will' iriakfi their home" five sisters, two brothers, six ne- ' Plainfield T BR 6-6718 and children, Gwenn'and Jeffrey; city;;/. .•••••."'••";-•,•,•;•; ••;•";... .and'winter coats for men, women their;children"1: ..Miss Rita Cdhen,,a at the.Colunibla Ave. address;1- ph.eSys, three nieces,. ^V.well as and. children Js Kfeing offered at .sophomore at;'the University, of cousins and friends. . • \^ WhileHhc abenery is beautiful e.Jumpie 1 E., for two.wec.ks. •! • . weekend; their son and daugHter- through the^'"/West, Mr: Glovier "If Yau 0pn^t Know Far/ For "men there are single and in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Coheti commented that there also is "to6 double-breasted coats,' fwr^-lined of Elizabeth, arid their daughter^ muchbeautifiil waste Jahd."•'.' raincoats and skt jackets. For wo-Mindy,' a student at Walnut School. \ Know Your^^^^^^ men there are- furs, vfur-trimme QUALITY FURS AT BUDGET PRICES lenth mink,; qoat for $20 arid; a .officer, -Will-^eB^se^t, JJnipn Ju- ori""October"-7 at Gnrerrook'Hdspital, nior College, at an '•Educational 'full-ierigth leather'jcpati•••''•"'•''•'•"• Summit ; The new baby joins his • •'-. Snows'uits -and leggings,- dress OpportUhities Night" von." Tuesday s, Gary Steven and Stuart at Linden .High School. Buy .With Confidence coats, raincoats and jackets arc Discussion ''' available for children.. £he,.st'or,e' f Laurence; JAdvice on annuals: and;, peren- MisMisss. Jerrer i n^.daughte gt r of • at:,.,:::;..;.r/.. 4s:: riirt. .by the , Junior Ljaague of nials will be given by members at Mt. an'd, Mrs.. H.- Guenthe.r Elizabeth and Crawford. • Mr.' and'Mrs.- John Kjiudrat of 170 * meeting o;f the R«id" Oak Gardon Hajjrle of lZSMoh^Wk'Dr.'and re- Hillcrcst Ave.i is a member 6f the ClUbUoni^tviit-d:!^ o'clock-at. the Funerals, Social,Events Troop 78 Putrol Leaders ant scoutmasters. .'"^~. "--—•-_. •^ Green & FlovVedrig , Patrol ieade'rs •dttondiufe. were: .Potted Plants^ • Altencl Training Meeting "Joseph. AncTicn,- Jejffrey Bcaman, J - SlPV.fin nicmbcrs- of-.Boy .Scout Bruce Carolan, David: Driscoll, ^ Artificial Flbwers~ . Norman-' Hoglynd, William Mc- . and Arrangements , Troop 78- attended, a. pnti'ol' leaders <: BRINGTHEFAHILY •training -conferericc at Surprise Crinn, .Timothy O'Malloy, .'• Joseph. >4t Flowers Wired .. Pope, Thorfias Portei% Davld.'M6nt- 2/2-6228 .Lake "iiiSt-'Cve.e.kehd,•:'.;.. • ' v They we're accompanied by Peter gomcry ancl Wiiliany'Strattpn.

Any 9x12 Domestic ftLANKETT SUNDAY DINNER Colorfully Rebound Custom Gleaned ; When Cleaned •', '_ OUR SPECIAL DELUXE ONLY SUNDAY .25 Choice of ..Over 10 Colors.. Dinner- Includes Choiceof„__ 9J2 Mm% r**-.'-. * Sou|> or Juice -fl»r Appetixef * Entree ^

. '•• ,.'•. - •':. •• - ' SOUP' ••• " •'; • '•'•• ••. • • • •••• ' . Cream, of Chicken a la Rhyne "^ . Beef .Consmume ABC Discriminating horneowners absolutely rave abbut Swan's exclusive, custom "DECO- ; '•: • ••• ••••«•••••••• • • . '•. •. ENTREES '• .".. • ••': •- •"•..•••• - ' BRAISED POT ROAST OF BEEF, Red Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes . RATOR FOLD,DRAPERY FINISH." It h'Incredibly beautiful and ddds a now elegance Vi STUFFED," ROASTED SPRING CHICKEN, with Crab Apple, to your borne,^ apartmont or office, So inexpensive, too! . ,- FRESH CHOPPED 3IHL0IN, STEAK ('A lb.), with Crisp French .- Courteous Estimates Fried Onion Rings ^ '• .'.; . • Of course, Swan wilt re- and Home Delivery •• FRIED BLUEP01NT OYSTERS, Cole.Slaw, Tartar Sauce . • move, rehang and store 276-3300 Entrees served with choice of vegetables and potatoes draperies on request. KllviftERLY KNITS a basic line anH makes it ex* duisite. The art is pure wool in'a three piece suit ". •.-:'. from our, menu of the day ; with a paisley1 jacket and a.short sleeved blouse,- . Choice of;COFFEE, ff:A or;MlLK: ItVenough to just'wear it and be your wonder- iulself. .• ;• -$75.00 ...' -. r.,

4 ,cu!>tbrrrclrycleari

"-'•• • •:• • •'• *• •••• ••'''•'•

•• t f •,.'..,• tu • i . / v .»-' '• lili ~ 7nn\ses, reported' at a iheetirfg ijt. floe, Mrs..' R. G, Iloyjt;' ."•• -"' ' .'.'.. . ^'j'lK''"':':^;i-^M^''-:A^r^'K '^>r'-'-L ' the Municipal.' Jtiullding. . There]...•.Mrs: Alary.IloPzerulorf;, Mi-s.B.'c; Colony Clyb SpecfalSi Plans w^iHhft5i*iHhft5:.paidj calls inCraiiTorcin.CraiiTorcll , l40:.-.IUtUs6ii,"-JV|t.s.:IUtUs6ii"-JV|tsHyyinpi, Hyympndj . JiimickeJiunieke, :: part; paid :an;- : _ . , oh wft'h • the.' American- Ar- # free. visits^'-',.,-.1- • :• •. ':».- ..-'•,, '.<:;['*•: William ^perry,' " " .DiH' "" a•*<->- . Vail t>J>•.'•Mr.'i: Nifcholas ^ankiiv, and P^AmeirtingheldJast;evening" wasj^l«cted .presiidentjjf .the. senioB v Mr>i '"-B«ii»r4 > tlijrloeji':gi?liivilj''be in •a6''^vei*y M6nday':'fromj-7,;'jl.o_&r3Q p.m.- .,;; tist!;'. Prof es,phine. ;Hudnioki,. nilrse' cc; 'und, sh'ip. chair;man,"as,..'tho"vopr; ;at ; Cleyeliirid Schqo), -Mrs; James- elass-;.iii- .thi-anniia)- ''election' ''.las!; L 1 1 L. ' ' ». ill jt • *i r . ^ _ _ . . ^ '' _ n'4... In --the-: ediiciitionai h uildihg pf.the : ' ' ' ^ . •'•('••"" ; ' riihg • observanceY. : Of , Americac n 'director, and ••all..:, pi'the purses.;at-1 iteu'Jy-olectt'd', Mrs.iRi*yni6nd iBrad- •Thursday "iit " ' " "' bers of^jlJifeavvnie'.Troopi* v tended an 'in'-servic-e riK'etinjj at- the.ystre.et,:and-'T 31 'i:fanfbni; Methodist. Church:-' • '; ":"" '' " Wet»k,-,^pVfentber :l-7wto.enc.ojur'age' . OtheriJ: elected were: Ijiritla'Bbrki.-V' f 1 v ' ' • •••'• • ••'"•••'••",••::•' *'.'''•• .•>'• .''.'•-.'• 'Vf'^'t. ' •ii •• Woocfb'r'icige; ^tat? -School'tor '-It*-. .;'/. • •^'"••'^ : this afternoon . al •'I ' and promote-American art;. * -. -• g itfe-pr^sid'ent;,.,Peg ]VJan"kiw( s'cci'e- °- IV:' ' - '"Mfs. -Robert "'Cross,,,•a: Colofiy. larded •Children. tary;': John, ^odnar^treasurer,' and .•'•Sc'liool',-.' . -.."•'"!.'..- »•. ',. ;•'•• ? H liarper," leader, • also , Junior l ro# ^3 , Jl..: ' Qlub.raember,arid, also a. member of er, Mr.s;-';Tloman'.'S2ppjel-;"-MV.;the Student"Counciii', Mr-S- . ,fme is ..groups and art departments of .the the Oranford Board,of Health for Mrs. Heriry A. Deteringj 208 Beech season will.be'a'luncheon meeting the interesting aspects of art. ' ,.. baseball and -, basketball. • His |-lr0°P )(-'adciv y Scheduled. . Federation: dfloiftw's Clubs. . use- by the$e;orgatlizations in thoir St. Members ha^J prepared plastic •at,the home o^ the chairman. Mrs. .James Williams, representing the mother • is, a. school. ndrfijj- in tjie v • Ca'dette Troop 447 What-' Effect does the Initial, work with Cranford families". flowers by antiquing them -in, varn- Hichard Mauter,; 23 Princeton" Rd., Board of Education, spoke-briefly. Cnuvford public school system. Teaching- Alphabet met'hocl : : N Eileen BiVchett, Sally West and ;' .Directors- of the Cranford Branch ish, turpentine,, wood stain and. at 12:50 p.m. Wednesday. The pro- Mrs.VJosepn--€arva rho> member- ' ' - '' ' * ^ ' ' teaching 'reading ..have ^/ Visiting- Nurses Make.'.'. for this year are:' •-,:;'.;*.'• .'-powder, • and then, at "./this gram "will be a home lighting dem- ship .chairman, 'Urged -support -from" Patricia Prisco "are* , th^'. n-ewly-' clepted ' patrol leaders or Cadette s.pe'ech dc"v'elopment of jjaipils' In 5Calls iii September •JVlrs: W. F. Cluff;-. Mrs. Leslie meeting,'made arrangements... -' .. onstration by the Public Service all parents for a 100 peijeerit goal later years? w 5 ElecMc Co. ' . . •••••;•' Ti-oop,447. J.ai)icb.Chu/ch is troop The' -Cranford Visitini g NTorses Criimp, Mrs. Curtis. Culin, Mrsi R, . Mrs; Wjlliam C:\Philpot, presi- in the membership'dfive now un- r ' ffwo speechO'7'.fipst.J6rth,Ave.,W/ •••'. >:/'•;'•• :• ^oseph Petrpne, Allisn- : tinfiuwU jje. held; iNo^' 'Crosby Baker,.and Mr:-^and'Mrs. Ja^ne Reilly an'd In a-preliminary, evaltiation-.lflst, ;••'•• arid experience have vcmber ;iD'.!"a't • thir'&bme. of Mrs, R6bort Martin J Mr^. Smolinske is JosepJh h CuryalKqlK, mcimbership;;Mrs. i , ':' Students taking part \«/ere.:' Mar.y '/'. ' .-'••• '••'_• . spring, " it was- determined . th,at ! John^. E. ' Ailc&,-.'^3'; • Willow St. chairman. * - •' • .-. . . Warren ClQfC, mimeograph.' .' :' Ann .Clarke, Ann DeLquisa, Aii- "' qualified us -to fill. Mrs. Boris Bergen, newsletter; drew I>eMicoo, Charlotte DuBpyce;- tvy were, accompanied by Mrs. • students' Using ITA-,showed .'aii .Guest sne'ak'er will"'be'tass Joan Christmas ' cards arc. Iv'e.s, :Mrs. John .EspOsiio, ; y'i'.,'; prescriptions——-^ B«nnett, landscape aixhitect • from Mis Wilhiim Silv^unan, patent Peter DuPart, Toni- ItispositO" Jamo: improv'emtn.t, in. spefec1i ovftr stu- being ^ Kdw{iid Cu<»h Galhga"n, Linda Ives', AveaiHie Mrs James Clarke, and Mrs Saw d who learned to rca'd by tra- i J £ mc'vrr JS- atvj ptojoct of ht^r rivtw- education and scholarship, Mrs x •'•'.•• fr.esh; •potent 'drags- national relations department T M Doten, Ju, program, Mr&fc Walte i

: ; s :: ;" - ' \- '•";• .••••. '•• • '/-• ' ''•••• Public OI>rary Visited DoHdven, publicity, and Mi*, Paul './.ln;.ca§e' of ^mergeiKgy, call By fourth Graear. :«juairftod with its facilities, and to lcadeiship .of William Giegonch Open Monday Free Meter Parking • 1 gain practice in locating informa- and Richaid Dolmen and Wednesday 'Evenings Mon. and Wed. Eves, vn I', tion.. '"..'.!• •-' "• Activities indunVd cjnoeini-!, After g'an explanation on fislung, patrol .copking, and work Junior Academy^ ; ; / (Formerly •tW.use of. the catalog file, the £>tu- towaids advancement in rank and "dGnt's'were given an opportunity rtquii ements tor mci it badges Of Science B^id 1 -Ei |.:HansenUi Reg. to do individuarresearch on'an ex- On Sunday morltlnR the scouts SHlfeT OEPT. MAfN' FLOOR plorer assigned -'to them m con- conducted church services under. to Meet T 207 E BROAD §TV WE5TF1ELD 276^0349 junction with their current project the supervision of the adult lqad Union Junlor^/CoHege Will be 22 NORti • AVEv^ 1 in social studies. hoit tvlonddy af a meet ing of reg y ors ioiul cfnedjOTS of the Nd that the putnaiy purport1 oi the "New- Jeisey .lunioj Academy of Science J- is to encourage scientific research by high school students Each yeiu i. county and state computiliotls Ioi jesx>aich papeis by high school students The winners aio ^eligible for n«- tional competilirtn," Dr Keller stud the regional ad j \is.ory, boaid- will make plans foi the.progfa'm for the coming-y-ear,. including ^"allocation of National, Science; Fouridatioh" funds to each •resionaivdirecto^;ji'ov the annual mteting, arid for a-.,report to: the Ne\v>Jf;r6ey Academy-of• Science;

Qpens October 2 '-• With the. opening of the• 'Union County. Park: Commission's'. Warin- anco Park Ice Skating Center on FWaay, -October 29, ice skating will be available to the. middle, of March for approximately 135 days, except for rain, snow or extreme \S\% war in • weather., . . . -. - The center, with its own. ice- 1t making equipment, will enaWpT ice r skating enthusiasts' to enjOyirj6'1" favorite, pastime without waiting for the necessary four, inches of ice Hathaway •to form on the lakes, streams-and ponds throughout,the Union Coun- ty. Park System, . ,' ;,.-. . t ' Opened' to the. public,, in 1961, during the "past lour seasons the jp.cnter played host to over 178,000 'skaters. . The o public .futilities building offers a modern warming room foaturing ,,an open-hear,th (It feels like eashiiiere, wears like wool} .fireplace, snack-bar, "skate shop, H. RAYAAOND KfRtWAN MALCOLM locker rooms and.sanitary facili- LochlaiVa; is woven in tlre^Eur^ean Alps from a ^princely blen'd of ties, L" '• .-'"••' '. ',;•.•• ;'• cotton and wool "tops" (the mink.of the wool'wqrld),/Fhe weavers, In addition to general skating ; 'seBslbn*i it is planned, to. have -a fussy .perfectionists that they are', insist on spinning the wool'and, Cranford Is A Fine CommEinity •complete instruction program avail- cotton/together in eyer.y single thread. ">:'-•.••.'.". •' „-•

able- forchildre n and adults.' In- '••.'••••' ...• •• ^ ' * .*•' ••-• • • ' • '.•.',-', •'',*-• struction i'lassps for Girl Scout Hence f,ochlaria's creamy-smooth ".texture. Amazingly 'like cash- merit badges' and a hockey clinic t ... not by accident • .. but as a remit of will be offered, to • mere;. . .-so.soft you can wear it withotit an undershirt. No tickling .. .\ and.Lochlana refuses to" shrink; You'll eiijoy its .uncanny warmth sdund planning ^ BUS6 without weight or bulk,. , * •k MIAMI BEACH Yet, Lochlana'^sj'ernarkably practical'. A shirt of this sumptuous 10 DAYS Vr $120 fabric will wear foY;xat least five years. It will nevier fade,; mat or CONTINUE GOOD GOVERNMENT! including shrink ... and re(u.sesM.:Q become prickly. ' '.•'•;.••.• •V3 MKAI^S 1 Qnoo.-yftii'y.yy c p^put-on a p sport shui.you;iy i note liow comfort- Pttiiiu NYC , uut^ :J(irai>y. on 1 d thdil' W Nciv IB. .Up^ 3/ iVfi. ffl.iU t|«>'.!i). J»h. .••ahlp.;ithl tfit^'.t!]fie"hand-t iirhed--coltaj!«r-:and othet-smart details.' -We . VOTE FOR THE REPUBLICAN TEAM 7. Jan. •ii-.and Wb. 18. • ' . . ' .- . *ln -Mluml Hunch ' ' have a'se'feetion of Lochlanas in solid, Shades and colorful tartans. ^ " YOUR TRAVEL AGENT V • «r ALUE6-TOURS . Solids $15.95, Tartans $19.95.'. ;'<; ''-. OF KIRWAN AND PRINGLE! .«•.•.-..>- 107 a. Wood Av«., Undelv. N. J. ' •\ for by Q; Van Chombcrlin, 9;Forea^Avc, Craiifoi •JL. '

' -'- /• -'•:-";:;-- \:C r* ,v v* -^ ,ir. j y 7.:• *\-i,- >rr T I 1»> • ', 'I, •• J~ if. '* • „'. •" . •*% ,•,••-. 'I I ^- •• •• . . • . ' ',*•:• T

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';:'• •'•'r.1>-. •'.'••''.'.'' •'.•/.!'".;..•'."••"'•••'".•• V,.. '*'."'•', •'.""-'. .'.y' '••'.'. '" '"' • ' "' vV:-;'.i Eight CRANFORD (N. J.) CITIZEN ANJ^tiraONICiLE--TH€flSDAy, OCTOBER. 21, 1965 ~ .tions to tfiWfiewspaper office-be- day camp and six weeks of-'resident George Forester of .the Jaycees Blind Fund' to ..hini .at' 210 Locust supply: - ..,.' • ••'"•- ".„,,„"•. '! Qsterhel'dt p moderated the debate. ':' ,. .. Dr. , .The Republican 'gubernatpriai forcSa y, Octobe" r 30, pointin'""*g camping were available id,, us this year. Qther camps partic.ipatfng Thermeetjing was conducted by aspirant'said- he . hopes to further ^ Iri Oral History Project •'•,., out .. .,„•• clubi receivei s ththe sammee crfy Dcko'sa, ipresideiltj. ' !. educatiqiiaT' (apport)iii'iUeB;-.t6 build' >' George E. psterheidt;.. who was as if picked iip-by a dimwere Salvation Army. Camp,. Gamp Jpifit Civic ••'• n'evV roads, to implement the water crj Endeavor, -Bonnie" Brie. Fftrmi ^for • i»ay6r., of Cfanfoird for. 22 years; nofaber- ' , ' ' ^"•' ;;'' ' ':•':.:// / sppply- program;, to. providej. moire Boys, Ci'anford BoyS' Ciimp, Campi • '(Continued,}rt>in .Page 1) ••', -., 1 prepared a 50-minute t;ipe i During the. past \yeek, nwmbers Feted-'--.':;. ;.^-.-- j<)b. pppoft'unities.' and "to' provide • • '•',;<• BjeisJer.; Boy Scout and Girl Scout night's ."screening ..comniittee rneei: ; ,.irig for- the, Crafifortf ]-Iisi«fica"l of the'. CoU^- Women's, •;Club s: : (Continued, ftom Page 1)- better • care "foi/ • patfefltsViniVnien^iil- "CO£Jety '.'last, "£kiii in *H.7 p$W* and 26i'i;pewal : a,., chairman hos)jpitals {:He urged/those .atteitid- subSLTiplitih^teT i local- sc/vice; clybSy,. *aycee- vTji^iFr^^k Pl'bf, Gbnovese'vi.''••• LJ^',,,..• .;••]' .at/Utfibn Junior C lh^ted also' •benefited ^; yy, y cjueried tlio:'c'6nimittlte as.to ' Sir. ;Dumoht^aTd.4t'is his'opihibri. :.i.ng"thfei'feception tt? get o.ut -the»Ke- from-13 new and -112 rijmeWaljl ' subb- : ; it is one of a senftsot tapes being, ttes-i'Colony -Clubi^rfd.individuals er al) brgarii?;aticms who presently, ;h.at' maJl'y youi)g'pe'op^e are OD- puiJlican yhte- on November 2 and riiade.by the. safety as parti-of aft scriptions turnei in- at the news ,we were a"ble..|:o sponsor this .most ; to.steo Wat- absentee. ballots, were ^fl'y are represented on" the-Joint Civic, iv'ious to their respcirisibilHies arid ' oral ^istqrVjT;$Q of every 'new and-. 75 Mh'.' -..Ittha said' all organizations ./Mayor Osterheldt was interview- '•'The activities o£ the- .Chpistma's. have been" requested to tuni' in mi.n'istr'atio.n, Mr,'.Durhpn't'crijioized',Button/-.Gr'Beldert,-' Mrs,.;James A. cents of every reiievya.1 subscription holidays, thanksgiving and'Easter the inadequate /college facilities';'Andrews, Mrs. Ralph Boyd, Mrs. ed by Roderick W. Smith, a trustee, turned in during the drive. All their by-laws to the corrtmittee.- and .former Mayor Ira D. D.orian, were given': in special reports -Asked:' whether ' the -Forum the poor planning of. the roadways, j John Duryee, Mrs: Paul A. Siitton; proceeds.go to its.scholarship fund. throtlfgheut the'.year. By'individ- and .the total failure to implement Mrs. Jamnes, M, Andrews and Mrs. ' president orrh.e.Cranfard .'His'tori- Summary of the d^ive follows: - JLc'aguu w(Hildvsupport candidates •••*'. • ,> : ua.1 ••• donations ..rtjqupsted: through the long-'rafrge program foi" vvatci'TRobert Brindley. • •••' ,' .cal Society. ' • ' .'•. .'"• ' ' ' • C'I'UJJ1 encouraged to - run if his group, the bank advertisements; find proj- OR • The tapes are.available to .Turned' l,i by'- Club lTofitH were ' »ccepted into membership, I, .....ars aneb-othei's interested in the. 2AY AAORE .gpries, withnT~the' next two* years, turnfc'd lit tki, Off lot tee to be .present at Monday night's o on problems of..the underprivileged but,in.most cases the concerns in-. If 1-yr." rtuw KulJK' ••-:,-•'• meeting. FOR THE INSURANCE 1 • 7.B8 through, pur .national health' and LONDON BROiL dicated they would gather do any ,7,9-nji). ww 'subs: .-,••>• .81.00 <0U 1-yr. rciiewul 'aubs welfare "progranw. v,Cranford has THAN YOU NEED TO? necessai-yttfainingwithiri'their own 1 i-yr.'runowiil, .'sub. .... 1,58 w ' .94 always been-selnjitive to Ihe^ejchfca- . programs, ''••, ••;•• ; • ' . ._ .•4. _^J. 15-1)10. renewal,' aul). . Aldeiie Plan ^ r • •, "A study of the consolidateTVe- 2 tf-ino. renewal ~5UBsr"r; tion and f motivation of otir disad (Continued, from .turns, and a series of consultations Foiirtlv week's pro(l|. ,...'. SS37.4: vantaged families. the( .steady two municipaliticfs'tried .. _ ROASTING CHICKENS with personnel directors in- local Third, wuek'sprofli T.7 •increase of industry in: the area, ah.i'njunctibn to stop the. c>n; Second week's proi'lt: 77ET.8B industries," DF; )VIcDermith.re- First week's PJ'o.Jl.t •...•...'... 707.56 more jobs..and 'better opportunities structioifand financial aid .from ported, "shows that any boy $r' girl , Elrnt't\Ut. (luy.y profit,;..;. .ans.44 are becorning available. ' . 1.1DU(JKS Bonus' (or new subs; ..... 50.00 the stater but this was-denied and with a high school.education, a neat Bonus tor'renewal subs. 50.00 "We hope with our stockpile of the railroads are now awaiting the appearance and a reasonable IQ objectives • and\ wotkable ideas" we -c urt'*-linal ddcision. as reflected'- by testing, -can find To'ttil prbJI.rtO' dii'tc .„...'.. $3,097-09 O will be able to improve the jives -An elevated roadbed from the TURKEYS ib employment and will, be given any of our welfare families by working V'ori-the-jpb 'training" necessary, so jersey Central tracks to the fcehigh' United Fuml with the community and not forValley tracks at ,Aldene' hast b«cn CORNISH HENS, Vi size .. Ib. 49c i there is no need for tile proposed \ .('Continued from Papv 1) th6 community. Our ulthnate goal skill 'banki'- „. • . .'••;:". completed, but the switching Irack. plbye, cHyision, reported exce must be to enable, every" family to has not yet been laid. Many .of the LOWEST PRICE IN N. J.! Mr. McGinrtis;added,iliat indica- progresi being made •with';in-plari.t' attain a decent 'standard of living," :Yecjuired' bridges and switches be- tions also "were received that many c^mpai^'at'Bell^iephone's. ac- h and Newark have been # fiSH^to "^unlinintfftt^ •sr-^i.i-^- _-.•,.;'. ,'».' -. ploying :housewiye5.7wi"th ^previous Ib. Wire Pfbdrrcts"and"Clark-Door;- • Local ley ''station ;.|s, und«r construction SAUSAGE experience on a part-time basis, '•\ Summary to date by divisions rer Page,.!) and- -that the. "Chamber- of Com- in Roselle Park. ' ••••.'••; , • • •• • porting' $30,877 include: Atlvanced the backing of 'amajor p6Iitica /.'-•The'Aldene Plan wius'proposed merce stands ready to help them gifts, Datiiel Terry, 118 accounts partyy. 'J ' / _ > ''' del such jobs, if they' are^ at alt t with 3(3 accounts urn to eliminate .^e outmoded:'.ferr|ci for ii,i$ "Thefe are many people iri this used to transport commuters acro'x qualified: -. \ ,, ' ;".; 480, and», industrial' employe sec- Community who J)ay'e a stibstahtia Serving >on the committee1 with the Hudson River from; Jersey Cit; Belderi, 28 accounts 'for'$4iO55, contribution to make • upon the :to New York, Mr. Wachehfeld ex Drliylcbermith'were R. J. McGrade with 15 unreportccl; Big 22 Corpoi'- municipal • level;: however^ the r T^b'ertrt*TaTixrr^^rms'^fob,r^^ r $3r STi~l^S fir6 ne\V Setupjgoes into use, .Terse; „ S.'.-JPi-ingle • Of Technical Wire 2^ witjti-17 accounts'.iinreported, ty .to consider (hese citiljens since "products, Chai;les.M. Ray, Jjr., of ( €ohtral passengers arriving" a PRICE • ALl CUTS board .'.o£ dircictors, JUnUed Fund, many'df theni are not-active with Penh Statioh'in Newark will simpl; the Citizen atid Chronicle, Roderick Dr. W.T. John,. 15 board members, ih;e • local • political organizations , ;^.^Smith of the Chamber" of Com cross over a platform" and; taki : for $3,048, with 17 accounts unre- ahel -thus?" do - not become candi- OVEN REDI 'F' merce,., iFarri s SS._ SwackhameiSkh r pf 1 either a 'P.AT.H -train to downtown t d " ; " dates. .' op a Pennsylvania train to uptown Union Junior College and Rev. •'Mr., Bross, who,_ witli his .run- •'' r George H. White, JF, of tbe First Special gifts, W.,J; Miller,.~211 New/'Vprk. Both the tlowi\town ning, mate, Mr. &egcr, is an ad-.PATH station and the uptown.P-eiii LEGS OF L Baptist "Church.- accounts' for $7,566.50, with 36 a^- r Chops/69cjb. ^oui^ts unrepocted; commerical, vocate .fif charter reform, evpreased station arc, lacing remodeled, h Loin Ghbiis, 89t H>:— Victor ...... account. s •'jcti- the hope tKat-a charter, study com- addqd, ported .for $4^56.50,. with, .54, mission would rceommcittr a ward Mi Wjichcnfeld said the Jorsc, BOTTOM ROUND '•••..•'•'• (Continued from Page 1) •' counts"- u'hteported; -i n d u s try,Councilman system< Centr.il will continue to pro\id a -rvrThat system^ though it has be*jn HEDENBERG MacBEAN terials^^ assQciated.with maj^ builcf Charles .Wjrderr 48 accounts for $1,- service to Bajonhe by mca"ns oi RUMP OF BEEF ^ 480.- and'industrial employe Sec- abiused-m big city politic;., has'two shuttle He said trains will run SQUTH AVENUE qpp. RAILROAD STATION* Teh BR6-3000 . • ing_ repairs or constructioi n shoulld distinct advantages," he declared ,;be; contracted for privately. .". tion, 42 accounts for ."J179.62, with every 20 minute;, to 33rd St, Bay TOP SIRLOIN "Inltiallyit allowfa a candidate tp onne, during the rush hours Othe "The civics department of the f unrcported. ls , . "Insurance Exclusively" ' Public.'schools, no repfort; Union fe J^^'• <4.98 Robert McArthuV, •thr^e" ' accountaccountss, vocat.e'on the township committee " jn Jersey City will he^torn down,! DO YOU KNOW THE 1 IKeein asftecf to give them put .free for $145, the "Speaker related, and the area ' ;perjpd that .followed the^ ••';V of charge to" their-roguiar 'custom- ported,^ WJII be sold to the State of. New Mayor Kirwan p-tpressed^'concertl Jersey Under the Green Acres jfllro- • ' '.crs, urging that, they use \hem to : ovec jb1a opponerttv^'pioposal for gnun for use in the proposed Li- FRESH HAMS ."Keep Cranf'ord;Clean-'l • Welfare election by .ward»-1n Crunfoid and be a .dctei rent to getting the ..prcrsch-ool child as.xvcll as h talent available, as hasJersey City <••:'•,; (iutd'oprs Clean and Green" arc f hl hil^ INTO A FEAST? health problems, of school ovor - the SHANK V2 /2 . printerJrorrcdchrbaR: AJlti' s; .fShnTKrysiak, fivids chair- Lions tfr3r~lt>ng-range"ptiVfThin£ in- man, and IVJrs. Arthur Kiamie, "co- puolican platform and stated cludos high level Rlati'oims at aH . • ITS I IIOTTLE OF WINE", in! tydXpmV with the| . «j ' proud tto tun with the chaii'man, havtj -aiTnnged for each am train-stations and automatic ticket 1 Wjjtfifre, Departnient | backing of sound planning Cran- opeialions Theie also JIO plans' and We Have the Brownie-acQutin CranVord' tfr.take g. jSIurse Association; I fofd did not;becomc a leading " a litter, tag home during the \veek. g u to electrify ihc mam line in addi-1 CENTER SLICES lb. 79c \ "4ieal't4 h facilities, | urban cdmnuiriity just by accident, MemberiMb i off th^iicthe^lunioTt : ClClub'4indb d, r urban cdmnuiriity just b"y accident, lion, to the New YoVk-Longj Largest Selection In Townl Motor CCorps is. most Vital it iis . a'' result of good lcadeushijii Branch part of the Imp to the Jer-1 . the VIA will receive bags at their reiideriridering healthcaltlhv ,sorvice!5services.. Vol?f and • planning"' " ~ regular •meetings. • •-' '•'••_• ' •; and • pianhlrtgvV Siioie, he added unte'ers. from the Junior League, In'response ,to questions tiom Geoigc Cqffey, ehaintian of the Here ire Just I Few;_ SMOKED HAMS College.. Club,.., Village. imprdVe- thu'fioor, all the candidates agtecd Lions' Blind Seal campaign, an- Subscription •" ment Association and Colony Glufe that they -.could not promise a nounced that over ?T,600 had been 1 YAGO SPANISH WINES ' ' (Continued, yrpyg 1)) . 'transport clients to doctors* offices property tax -'reduction but would" tinned In to date He asked Lran- SHARK ^2 BUHV2 their bo.olis to ,tlieir respective c)ip: 'and.clinics, This .year,'added «er.v-. attempt to stabilize the tax-rate ford residents who still wish Hi tains.. An^dlort'.wiirbo made dur- ice^'wcre' rendered by retired men They also felt that Ctaniord is inmake a donation ta marl a check Burgundy Chabhs Rase' ing theKfoming'week to recruit interested hi giving service to theneed: of .'a recreation center, and made out to the Ciantoid Lions A Type for Any Meal ^iijite'ers to cover areas where, cltib community. /We a»'c hopetul more ti.tat.thc proposal submitted by the 23 ViO%. n.49* ib.59* 'members were unable tg canvass men will vblunteeV, to drive. • . .. yCes.. would l)e ioasible if the because of illness'or being out of "Ouf camp activities werti. dou- projected -311001110 from the; use PIAT BEAUJOLAIS town. ' ' . _ ; _ bled this year.",. Ninety• children^of the center would offset or re- 29 girls and 61 boys, enjoyed a j.duce.tHe cost IBENICK DODGE PORK LOIN ROAST The; chairman also appealed to •the. taxpayer. .Red Burgundy Wine from Frarice.j the-eo- There. " un' : : FULL LOIN HALF FULL RIB HALF- Vo'wnspedpl6 vyho have not been camp !vacation. of |-.;- /•'. set: .; v'" '.' ' A Monsieur Henri Selection. • , i to mail or take subscrip- oponit^on of the Wcstfield YMCA.j about 100 porsoivs atvjthe program. : 24 Qt. BLANCHARD Rose'D.'Anjoxi. One of.the Most CENTER PORK CHOPS,,;:v \h. 89c Elect • ' •. Popular Wines Q£ France. • Light and. Delightful; •• .- HORMEL or-SCHICKHXUS P. DEAL OF '•-•Come in and Browse. We II ]}e Gkul SLICED BACON . to fhe A LIFE- to Help You lyiih. Your Sele<>.tion<;. lit-Cot Thick Cut iiiii'miiuiiiiniiiini IM limn" iiiiiiuiiiiMiiiiiMriiiimiiiiii'iilijiiHMilHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiMiNiiii iiii|in iiiintiiiiiiiuiiiiii)«rniii * STATE SENATE NOW IN STOCK! z A '66 BALtAHTINl LEAN CHU^KxGROUND . Ib, 59c •->;,-.>' GROUND ROUlWu ^. Ib. 79c OODGE! DRAUGHT BEEU GROUND BEEF , ,>>^.3 lbs. 98c A Five-Star Candidate . ;.' J We've got a large selection of 66 IN ONE-GALLON CANS ITALIAN SWEET ot Dodge Darts, Coronets, Polaras 1 1 111111 111 1111 iiimiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiii"""' " '"" """"" """ (iiiiiiiiMiiiwiiiiiiiiii I'liiiiimiiniiiiiiiiili'inm iiliiiiiiMiiiiiii' "••^"•Trained in epreful, use of other people's money and. Monacos. Pick -your '66 Ib; Dodgt. Pick your deal. -.» ^ DELIVERY ' HOT SflOSAGE -k. New in politics, but old "in. solving tough problems 64044 ui MilililluiiiiliiiiliiM miinlmlimiiin'iliiiiiiiii IIMIIHIIIV.IHIIIHIUVIIIIII il * Open-minded, will ;scrve all the people 30 Eastman St. ie Active-in helping solve community welfare prob-'

rjlot rafraid to.make decisions . ¥• u Pres:. Open Friday Till 8 P. M. . Authorized podge Dealer • \ : Weekday* — 8 to 6 »ML /• "130 W. W,ostfield Ave. • CLOSED MONDAYS V- YEAR AROUND . • . •••,.'. •' '• * ». '•. k •1*1(1(1 for by Cuini);ili:n l'lliulii; lor \Villi.iiii V. "1IOIIII1I;LII. 111^7 Cuullduu lid,,- ijltziilJi'll) ' Rpselle Pai l> — CM 5-7222 WINES AND LTQUOBS K II WALNUT AVE- . BRIbGE 4-1113 W: (1 Mile Enst ftfiGiifden Sf'ito ' I vU^X' • '"• ';.; ;: «.- Exit" # 137) - ^'^ '


•'!£**•' '.'•' •-•<— -/•-••:• ••

«tB OCTOBER 31, 1965 SECTION TWO - jdyofNeed _.__ _% Citizeft Hpusing Here In •conne.ction with its stiicty''of...low-cost housing for senior citizens,-1 ,-,.»jr*Brings you this same handsome CQlonial furniture, with the scjme practical mar-proof tops and conduct further, surveys, through county, offering aid to private the .newspapers and church, PTA, schools under specified conditions. distinctive coirt-edge hardware in- a wide selectipn of pieces to grace your dining room . . . tagged civic and service" groups/' .- Air. and water pollution — Crack at the same wpnderful price. Imagine! You design" your own. dining room ... to sufr your own Mrs! 'Vqnneri explained that the 1 down On violators of existing stat- federal government makes direct utes by increasing inspections; ' taste, to fit your own -size room. Choose from four glowing, golden maple fables ... a graceful long-term "loans to sponsoring fines ajid, if necessary, sfiut down round pedestal ... a round table fhdl extends to- beautiful oval shape ... a handsome rectan- communities.... for senior citizen pIanTs~.as "health hazards" if they housing projects and state law pro- do hq-t comply Meanwhile^ seek gular table . . . even a prized drop-leaf style. Choose from two styles of chairs (mate's or Dux- . vidfes ,for, tax abatement, making cooperation of jndustry — in joint low rentajs possible'. To be eligible effort witn'the state — to attack bury) . . . you get four of them fop $68! Only Koos tags each so unbelievably low. RUSH to'your to reside in such projects, appli- ; this problem by enlarging sanitary nearest Koos . . . tonight, tomorrow, Saturday. Easy terms. cants must' be over 62 years oT age sewerage "'facilities, study water and; living on a pension ^of social management control, make use of ajr cxccodjng $5t000. aa- nually. lerai. t-nrras, ana use ineawrj capital investments in control sys- ie.ms.. •' :y\. '•:•} 'M-addition Mrs Hughes said, "she will continue to pt*ess for legis- lation against smut, touit leniency Her of juvenile offenders, brutality in rape, dnd de integration of the Stand .teachers. — civil .servants pension BxnTHbenetrts"unaer "Social ~VtfcWltyr" Hnighes, Democratic candidate for State' Senate, today outlined her position on what she called" Tea to Be Climax Rbund pedestal table, 42" rfiairte(«r $68 major-problems ^facingthe p« 4 M(He'i chairs ; .of Unio^ County." Of Member Drive • Much .of he-r con<;ern; 3for these problems, she. pointed oi|t, resulted BijHadassah from, intensive, interviewing of . Tho.ahflual membership drive of businessmen, hiotOrists, icbm: Roselle-Cranford*Chaptcr of Hadas>- l «rs(. hpusewives, .teachers, civil sah; will'reach its climax at a mt m servants.;-—Tnd "jiist plain shop- bership tea on Thuisday, evening, pers on-"the street."- - November 4, at the home ot Mrs, As a. result o* the polls, Mrs. Leslie Glick of 12 Wadsworth Ter tlughes announced her stand on membership coordinator the following issues. The tea will feature Harofd Taxes — Supports a tax conven- Gushin, hubband of chapter presi tion composed of lay people to de- dent, who will present hts> slides termine if more funds are needed and narratiye of their jecont trip arid how to raise them. Against tp Israel, with a special showing of all broad-based tuxes; she would the Hadassah Hebrew Medical Cen support an income tax if convinced ter in Ein K/irem, Israel it is -needed, but would not support Mrs Leslie Click, chairman of --& gales tsx.-bec4us Irving ance that tJTrron^County's commut- Met/ger, membership co chairman will never be wl«it .at the sia- Mrs Samuel Shapiro, Mrs George r 1 tio>-Us\Vill seek newer cats -mider Kricgei, Mil, Gushin and Mi' ? Nor the nevHlapul Transit Acrof-



Comet cttbvM, wtth 3 shelves, drmur, luotloor

2 pie/fi! t-Shelf hutch and huflrt idth dnmcr, 2 rf

r-^ (Bdou) Dry link; topper hner. 30x7^36" _$ft» c <




30 EASTMAN ST. Bujlit, 40xl7\bx32yi .908

' %• / ^ AVE7 tabh, (me 1J" lent.

WINES AND-LIQUORS '' RAH WAY, ROUTE 27, PKWY. EXIT ^35 *" FU 8-3700 FOR IMPEIIIAL FREEHOLD 5T0RE, ROUTE- 9 •*., PHONE HO 2-0323 DIAL HALF GALLONS •iPMSlpPANY, ROUTE.46 ;.*• ^HONE,fafe.4*4iOO OPEN "NIGHTS, EYEN SAtURDAtiS,; ' """" X:* i, . • I : •><;--••T^; ••-;-•:-: ::. £:SO^:^Mei^;:- :,/;•;•- ••;•':.;•• . ••

'^'•'^ !'/V';y''':'''V,^


etters to: • ••' "I I ^TheCranfbrd Chronicle;SaMishecSj j 1893;^TH^ e <%if oriel ;Citjzen, estabUshecI 1898 -; '*?." Burchfield Ave. the kiiVd of goyornment We^ir.e. '". ;V; ; : y I -r\! rIt -, ;" •'•.'"':• '•'•':• '• , y "'y ' ':•' (eombinediif 1921) <•• \ > >?')' ' Crartfavd N' J-'' ^ tliercrorcimperativtvltiat 6n ' J; ; • i^ 'ift«<' otir'personal'calendars' one diajr_l L gtands;o"ut- from;" all the., rest Publisher Dear; Sir; JLL. -:t #..'... &:ir:.;. . •••• *-..v.: are •'.•>.•.•••>••••.:'.V•••'.•••'?.•:*'*,;• •;,.-•'. , .-,,. ,-. „ • and'for the government of our tKt ATI ONAl EDIT for their, enthusiastic',effortbuilding qf,a,recre-s . .^^ And W voice of : the f atipn center for Cr-anfbr'd, • one ; people shall be hea-f'd in the,land; Baptist "Church" where, he,: havd. physicians conibliied -..In --'a • i*-"•• can't help •bal'k.iri^at the $990,000, AFFILIATE MEMBER ' '; ,! .... Sincerely yours. ••• •„ The Cranford ]Board of Educa-, Seen minister of inusic and or-.'hewed cftort. to ckeck fiirliier .figure.. .'As -"Kenneth- McGrath' "...' •; .Frances S.,Weinberg' tkm was to submit a second new ganisf for, ei&ht years. He felso' ' of the tlisea^e. - fit cojfe points., out there •' already, e'rtist served as assistant ;to •prilj.e.n" ihel liigho^i recor4ed niim-- building prb'grain to the voters on r ; MmbMrt Quality W«»kHw of N«W I*n«7 • many recreational facilities .both 25 Stratford: Ter.jl January I?.' The new proposal- iiv-' ,j&i»itf o icfiecu, uic Editor several.weeks ago written .voted against the new program- F "' For its editorial, "A New struggles of the-College ;Club for by a Mr, Fred J'ackson. It seemed both '.favored, the high, school Antarctica.. Ftjiif bases wero tft their scholarship fund, of-.- the Mr. Jackson had been,raised, im' 1 Fight," ttie-Crahford Citizen -and United Fund.lo support their 14 be" established there for ' USe by Cranfor.d but upon his tharriage siie and use of the present high American scientists. :, Chronicle was awarded first • -"ni'ejthber agenciesrln aiding; the _he_ooiild ho , longer live' here ber school for junior; high school, stud- prize in-fche seventh annual- Ffltlr' "rnentally retarded, the aged and* eailse'he. couldn't find an, apnrt- fents with..any overflow to he JFrfeedbms editorial boritest attne housed •io Sherman School, and ahnjial, New Jfersey Press A^SotJi- rnent; to move .to. • :•;••.. eventual erection, of a junior high vti Ticket Features Ex Think.for a moment what art" Since the appearance of the' school on Memorial Fields In a communication received by atiohNeWspapEpp r Institute at excellent, really excellent, li- article on the front page last '•'•• •••; , t-; v ,• * •" *.. •,• .•._.•'. •.'• •• tiie TownshiThi p CommitteeCiit * tthh e •. gers University, New Brunswick. « .brary Cranford. could^-have were - week. x wonder how mny fino More'than-.WOO books were Board of Adjustmieht reedmT • Le¥d;:Ne^Jersey/ in Critical.Years • it to fill those.empty shelves wjth church members of jour town have niended a. diangi iti zone -irom a million dollars worth of .books, sold to children and teenagers on 1 Voters will have many important de- ittes and state institutions. :He also h said to uiemselves "Why can't the the first^ day of the College Club llesidehce A to Industrial ibr. a For "Cranford,. -a".;'relatively Municipal Build- ;34-abre tract knefwn-as,.thfe Sper- , , ,,,,.: , . v . wealthy town in a Clergy Council mind their own book isaie ii{ : : A total^pf'1,^9 Ci'arifbrd rcfin iSibns'b'm&e.dh^ a; s ry Estkte; locktetl sotith 6f the 'tetw^eh^t. and 36 jregisteredl'"fbp; business?; WH>t ate, thoy trying;.* ing, j^s. ji B. Waifihsfon;;ch'air- 1 bte l d 36 Mid'f least ..of. wriibh will be the selection continuation of the Genovese situation at .wealthy state, in a .very wealthy £J ™ ^arSore SoS" S mah,' reported: lehi^E Valley .ftailfbad ioeai Hill- ftiillfai'y service iri th^ first peace- '^country, where people can and do most dutiful Christians, I go. to. r i : * * side • avenue. The H. A..:VS[Uson . time (draft in thij histor^ of tite governor' arid a delegatidri/iirottl^.tJ'iiioh' l"j'•-"• ;• •'•••'••^pr - -'•' • atford to vacation at the beach, Church alinost pvjery Sunday and A^heck for $300 to start land-''-. ^ ^Newark,VBch had art pp- ;riatl(Jn;,,Tbh district ^egistratiorf., _ -,_;v_r^^_;;.^,--:,,,,.;,. _.r_ir,.LJnipllL'pun- ,or the.: mountains, build swinv- . , , . y rt, if finnn..i,,iiv County to- the' State Legislature.' I help to support it •' financially;.. scaping •# Union- Junior CollWe: ^idn to pprcha&e the puberty, had' places were: kert '*mW :m*' trwiirelect two; ;this. fait;ftir-tHe;:fc ut is the sole price o'P church •/ Itt jis iimKcitit V\Zi hnck Streets h'f Calcutta where ••.•;-•• . . .. ,1 _ ;. , . ,i , of. a rhillioh-dbllar plant there. ...cipal Ho^ardR. BeSt Wereregis- mcndatloh: wa|:re£erred to the . sislVdifegiilar (ilectibh clerks In ^omniittoe •of ~ th^-^-^bole,• 4 e,. Hs Ghtes,nd ."-•,B^hb6t;-'''>iahmrig';VCQmfaiitiejp;.' ^mony letters;taken,dufin; petitiong as publi ahdc ~hear-t ; ,,, MOrci than -$12,000 wa.s raised- post of governor f<^:"the' next.' Peter. J. McDoridugit, Who has experience <: w' irrcleyant and.. hypocritical 1 : 01 a recommencle"d to tho Board o£v ^.V ^' Prcjvioufe| wetdc. ^he. Cranr j,,, three jlays rtf the F'irsi i*r ' four years, of course,' holds thfes spotlight. - botlr as a member, of tlie Board of Free-, JSe^co^of they all are..Tr.Ue,. it is easier to Education: the construction of ford Real' Estate Board 1 stand for -nothing,' but "If • JeSus two elenmentary schooli},^ an ,'ad-: on record -as fayoring Gove rhor. Richai'd. J. Hughes, the" Dertio- holders and in the State Assembly, where • Respectfully,- td^/wise Christ .'died for us, what are; we. dition to Bfpolqide Place" $ch,ool \ ' biodificatibn td'.pefhiit erection 6f funds to clinainate a"\»fortgage. cratic incumbent charges; the Republican he rhade"a fine recorrl in His initial term'.. Helen'Moore living '.for"-? '..»..', r and the conversion of Cleveland t the t>lant •while the Wo'oti4ide Ma- and provide repairs./Tnie group JL^gislatuj'ejL^IJ^ _. F° State; Assembly, a Cranford ,,re&- : I: call upoh each of you, who . >nii Sherman Schools into two- "nor Civic and Sbcial Club 'pp- 6f 'wSrkers led , by MLss. Anpe : *- ..-^,6 .-GU!n..Ayenuo,.,,,;...... -n thiL e Worl.,,._-, dA •,..^,-L,..and stan. d, school-which had opened, the pre- jfthn • G.,' Harncy waS, electdd: a >cerried that if Governor Hughes- con- nirig mates"include two incumbent As-' •Th'e fright vote" fe one of • ^f the^.true Chufch of Christ. vious year. The eXpanMan' pro- president of iJie Kiwaiis '^^ 0 Years Ago those; cntchy .cliches ^that almost.,;;You don't hate to:march in gram Would -provide! for;new-.jcle- siicc«*er. He&ry Jri^Iinfeur.' l Board o£. Education's tinu'es-aioh^ .. . , l; nientary sc.,p 4 i Others on- the. slatd were; Vicei,,, : y> L 'onstrations toshovv your faith;..;. '••irientary,.scho'bl.,.space of 428'.'™'*~- tb*. bull(d a new junijjr-j ng^for the,past four.years (iricMdiht hfe',Westfield. and Lojee "Rip Go^s' of J^fe^bi uf T ; ular classrooms,, .four kindergar- .president 1 ; : Aed-stat^ rufne legislatorlorfioi^nr-i,,K, wh«o offers'voterr.ff^c • ^nt^sc "^ad With-meXHTUU. wmn wof-thi Af fV,is ccalihre-^Ne rvailKrA ATw mxJer/ T- or.SJlfwhe sary-now r totha sttiiiula.n toW exoect' groBte66*r -,in• - -'*.-Dear.Sir;• iii'--/ii--- ',...,' ;-• mine how tor solve the over-: . ••' ' S \' > •'"''••:':• • ;:;}v;'\\39^'^d' -b^ni.'turtied '(l6Wn;.al4 •'..'/ problem., there the fpl-:' •. S • •'.••' ••' •• '•; '':,^'r':v';.' :•'•' most-three to' one. Th,e;yote of ;•••• : record of financial stability, a. positive, sey will be iti^gQod;l>ands in the years formit^Burftf whoever r^asb^;7^":^^ lowing Septeihbetv." ^FKei-penior1.' J^'^ii«"3Lgq7 '" ''"" •"•••'•" ••••"••'• - prograrn for leadership in education,, ahead. We- urge thek election on No- wo certainly must remember that t scahdai-.at; Rutgers, .i .woutit nko •"" v^v»'v«j. .j.»..t»r™v. v-v | scanaai'.at; Kuigers, i wouia UKO cbss consistedd of about 170 stud-stuo-- we : > 1 ^^.^^.P^c^si-tnwe •°'^f* *9-'.'..-iQ'': ^sk''.a';c.rious,' co ri_sidet«aoril,,.flf.l . ;«jiits WwiW-.ther'e 'Wejrp almost 300 our vote1v! It is only by; feasting,1 ^-^ ^ j[ citizens q£ Cranford; "sixth" grade students • A stag- our vote; :that>e/,tft^.:citi»en3i-.-.,'can' , Utiiph CountOO{ y and the State of ge're'd plan was in >ejffect,^a1; .I,:' Bast Orange, Linden "express ..a choice. Clemenccau : NCV(,; jersey, if.they can seriously; .the Urne to solve the ovorcrow once 1 h the e tc hin Regional nad been the first . . Ais a result of. the.';,adopr Lliine fc Sho^$twe> in Home ,??. ?y ?t :W4t is:much-tdo: condone ? a"? Ks ;ahd.the : condi)tiqns: with Ij525 stfideiits • \hree. to ;f all, •fibtt,••«•' iOfhour.. week fdr ; pos- .. ; , :, . Z:7:V important tb. be left to tft© gen- vile: statements' that have' beejii enrolled iii tive sfcyentn through : 1 ...,:.:,..:::;-..:::.N^;' ' ; : ' ' ' Z:"7:V "" securely tied ; ;,•-.;•,*; .'.;taj ."••,eriiri»yes . -.arid...•'increased' inade by Professor^ Getiovese and twelfth grades.-' ' -more-; postal revenues, Postmaster Wil- .be • a few* other, professors oh Rt»t- • ' ; .•••' ';"• V,'-'*-::^ liam B'Arcy announced the pro- n De l xo u par sis had.been.; recorded, in «;^tfl/l.iirt'Ktr iVio rhfiTCQ^nll^prni-rtn x/rtiir - P me. po "cian?, ,/v ,ao?; .gers' c'ain'iiusJ •.''.';; ja,.r pecome a : tioh "i... amrah^ousiy lbolcing' 'Geor^e-^•;White, .•Jfrjr:of New-,: week, bringbig the total to 12. Fred Nick to regular'carrier anfl re u ar «itf \^\±oA"•'arfi^loc' g l garbage CqllecUpnTdaysv M fdirapidlv mory echahj|irf criticalg ' timeprobles thanm in.-'a oudo*r ^ ""Gerioves:*ijrward et oals a oVie admittet iCorigd victory, at th" e ark was to be held .at the First Health, and school officials, and. .clerk, respectjv>Iy. : ln i J : 'and'debris..'': out unusea armies, wninvpH^^,,5^^"v i-v,n rhl^ ial7ge rV)irklJr»Vb 6bje--—-^^ ^ goverjjmefi'-~----t ' -\.';V''v.- -^-^••^r•^^....tea^inJttiit^,his•- - ,,,^..••was•••li• .. ,. • ;•,. moyea III/Speciap l ppiCKUpS.p y tOWnsnipp _...,. ?y ^^ ourselves for'yhom. mancist^soclalist; and that he • CallifcluUer. and-- why: aridU'by der ajay ^mev it's unsightly and confiti- 'than four inches in diameter "or longeT-' learning what the individual/can- nomic - poHScai ViewpoiiiToutT j i. gy : it'itAn n -K^r* II«M«Jv J ««J «. ii/mUl, tnAUiMin' n- •)•••' f . • "• • •.•.> t \-.^ ' '.. . 'i •'.••!• • • didatos believe in, we nioy come, of the classroom, , ; tutes a iireh'azardand a health menace, ;, o^bf: large amounts of. ma- ^

ly, fags and paint cans ,m yoUr , , Be sure .you take Sfull advantage Qf-ji^ay.e a voice in its.selection; Only :tfiat- tho state senate and tho as- honie stnd- garage, and ;d6aa vegetation this opportunity to .demonstrate your ,ih-w.b/.'?°*t!'*lfe-'>?w;" vote and i^di teaching,. nnH nth^r rlpKric! in vmir viirri! • • 'A^AA blame but oursfelves if by neglect- : Hespectfuliy yourg, • United Nation^ tries iofe ing to vote', we also, neglect to'get .-- • John Pfeiffer : "All national .polls indicate that the^ and immediate past president of the Un-^ esting and controversial' fficts dropoiits, illiteracy, great majority of Americans look to-the" -ion County Chapter; UNA-USA^ iri^con- about' the cratt' and. building- discrimination have been, .c .United Nations .as the onfercertain way of nection with the observance this Sunday trades unions, as. well as,the sub- mented. . tleties' involved in discrimination. The eventual aim of thc Com- keeping the world .onythe road to peace, of-United Nations Sunday. ^ "But" the committed chose Ap- mittee is to achieve consensus of ' n • * +u f <•' -j' •*. *'f u r '• v^s a Weans of-personal particip'a- .1: because it posed many' the league on standards an(J goals which the league w6ug-'then sup- • , It is to.that great majority.ot'beheving_-tion [hahe observance of the 20th anni- oil these problems in varying do- port in legislative prop-ams. . 8rees> Duc , Americans, that we must,direct our ef- versarvNrf the' comine into f^tW of'tHp ; ; to .advanced, technoN: The Cranford league,, will pre- r- i. r\ ' • t- YT^ii J AT i.- A 'ri • , A;.' ^uuuufc, uiiu loice Ol me 0gy4 Appalachia has an unem-' fortS. .Our J.Ob as United Nations ASSOC- . United Nations Charter, interested local ployment .and. underemployment .sent another discussion unit in 1 l oblcm ; iation of. the-United States, of Ameriea residents might consider•< ioining the P ' - Bccauso of Outmoded' Januarybe taken/Thi, at whics hi ntim ture na wilcon-l . tto n 0 benSUo sent,,tS ol ththec statmembcrshie and nationap wiU l members is -to help them translate theiiv UNA-USA, a^o^ntary membershit) or- m"M "?lZ vS ^^ 'offices, °which will collate and I-, -illiter-, analyze the various : suggestions prQbown- and local reports. -From this con- was thiis quoted bv Mrs. C. G. . , ... tion is available from^Mrs. Albury at her backwash for decades, the. prbb- sensus Will come the' league's na- . United Nations chairman for Cranford home at 113 Eastman sL'- . lems are mpue, ingrown and are tional position o» human re- just now stirring the nation's sources. .•••:. . ' Eleettie Meat conscience. : For these, reasons, among others, we saw Appalachiu notr <*osis less mirroring in microcosm the ills of an American technological so- End Anonymity ciety. This .current', legislation, ih aMt ever before LWV Units Presenting Appafehia Study and any future legislation, will be Of Pre-Recorded Public Service's special low rate now mates it more desirable than ever, before for you to subject to close scrutiny and eva- Appolachia •toy'study nowi Mrs. The hunvm resource's commit- health standards and is jk the ••luntioji.".' - ...'-•' .•••', Phone Messages install modem, conyoniorit^leclric Heat; VVhen you heat your entire home Electrically you tee of the League of Women S; Alexander Banks, chairmnn, process of strengthening its\d- Tlie State Board of Public noted thftf the. comniittee could, The Cranford League, in con- get ^rl'-Hhese advantages: room-by-room temperature control; clean, quiet performance; ••' Voters of Cranford will present • uoational proRVams to give the\ junction wlthotherleagues across"' Utility Commissioners has autii-. have jmosBii sbveral areas of .children a chance to escape orized New Jersey Bell Tele- ri'o unsightly, radiators or pipes; steady.' even warmth; and the special low rate, on •• annlySis of "Appulachia.—. the'.country, has undertaken .tho- y stilt),, Amending road,' ns the mlfiraiit study of the development Q£ hu~ phone Co. to disclose the identity lir or-.instance,." she'snlcl, "We if youaro building* or buying a new hortje, call Public Service today for. free details about Tomorraw'H Wcies. Today? ,at two ' trail from north- to south and resources,, an evaluation'of; of -sponsors of. pre-recorded tele- discussion unit.mcetinKs,\^pnday. . vitally interested in the mi- back is called,. .", ' '•.-. : the ^oli,cies and -programs in the phone messagtft). this now.- modern way to provide cold weather comfort. -. ; '•• .. ^4lVni- at the home' of Vt3" • tyrant workers, , __,, wh, o aro" perhaps . •'•'•W|H;r udw.'.tif people who do not receive any oau'Rht • between hva ,-, uiiw»

.*•''•' > • / ' • ...,^,.;,...... f

•.. .r';V ;.->' vv':-' *. % J ; Butler Oash^rivers should .extena to'the.Idehtitf of' tinuing, growth of tHe banki -the gramisfiexible.^ravidihg service D&I ^cchioUrgfe Acjtiocjtion to Prevent those who' attempt to influence Talfe | outlook for the future and favor- wherever and whenever it is need- At Old fcri^ Suihidy the. •>• public mind and morals By IJnibn County Trust able..operating earnings for the through pre-recorded telephone By Stamp Clul) first nine months of 1965 prompted Abrupt Car Insurance Canceilations era buffs will be Raymond W. Bauer,,president of messages," Mr. Hyiand. pointed ;Talks OH "Irtdian .. Feudatory this |.acUon ;,' '.''..'..-..*,. .'•'••*,--• ';' •• coverage to any driver who j#> afforded a/fina,l-'dayitjrne.6ppbrtun- i t Phijijp .Del Vecchio df Spring-" •out;/. .•'.;" " jr.;?"'••,•;• |';: .:::••' States,'.' by- Charles J.' Sayko .of JJni6n;-vGoarity/-i" rfust-" Co-, an- ORT " Wans irig to pay a preiniumi.regarding nounced '.that .tKe board,. Qfdi?^ field, jRejiublicart -candidate for. a'L2;>„ ( P.m.; Sunday at OJd 'ftrfi _ Roselle, and. "Patriotic.Covers,"', by : of the* risk, classification: foi'^i, at; its meeting .last fhursday w State Assembly,-'ljas*''askcd liis f g^edway;.'" .'•,. .;..<>'. . ••. ,-;•;,-'•:• ' . .. A.lev Brinkman of Mountainside, n a i A niembership luncheon and fS- : • * If elected, .1 will, introduce leg~ 1 \vill' be-, featuretj. at # meetirig, Of increased,,the semi-annual.cash div- 1 • n.ing" mates! • Ai^emblynxen.! Krank islation Which would make it Supplying the •thxee'hour scrip? ; shioii show" wilj be held JtOday at McE^r-n^tt,. Loree Collins, • Nich^ of. automobile., and ' motorcycle the,WcsJfi«;lfl S.tamp Club'at '8 (xSn". •idend -On.: its\capital, stock k> 65 datory. dh"at;.any,firisUrance tpn ; v Ce/it'!i.fr6mt 55,'c'eritlj;;.fhis dividend" .olas St. •"• J;~;LaCorte,'arid \Villitem'• ; .events, will" be the ,jiefi.;Butif' Wednesday .in'.the'Wes-tfield. Re.s: l IJeonard- Union, sf ^'Br^own Ter. J ojifiratimg wider "the jurisdicUtrfi- of ,is payable November 1. to-v stocl6v Kadimah Chapter of .Bnai' B'rith . Weaver, to lenchtheir support t6 Crasjj'Drivers.from Cranford..The cue Squad buj.ldipg., :''•••:' '• 'V .••,'. f WomCn, wiH«,&pert it's tag week *by. ^hC'Cf^olioJchapt'r of Wpnnep's '. legislation . which wotild • prohibit the'' state Ranking--t^pmnmlion, be .•.•' GUcsts are ipVi'tcd td''attend the. holdevs.of record JDotwber 8. ' ^ ; ; forbidden from ^rop'pimjKn.eir cov- amateur .photo.' cnthu'sl.Hsts will be diive 'on.Monday; ..- , • '..•"/,-'" .••''' American*-ORf. .. ' •••'•. " ,'.'. : . abrupt .cancellations of automobile' awarded , bicycles • Xor;---wiTThing Arrangements were.- majle- "ai m'eeti'ng'. The club inc.ludps; menir- The bankon'Msiy i paid a .stock '. Funds.will be used,for p'hi')a'ii.- ^Knitwear $nd jewelry will b,e erage of any client, fp^a period of / shots; • .-.. i.'.,.;..i- .'.'-,;...:• ' •-'••'..• ';..,•'. • appraised, by members' of-the Four' bers from Cranford,, Sc'dleh' Plains,' dividend.:at the rate of one new insurance, liability policies by any one .month- for evejy year.,,of"prior ihropic services. Mrs. -Marvin Share TOodeled. by Mrs:- Leonard Li- • ..insurance, company' lrcensetd-;in the- Butler's troype.won top libnors Seasons Garden- Club at .a jfwprk" Farrwood and r share for each ?6 shares - pwn'ed'";qn of * Cranford, Iq^al chairman, re- mon,,,Mrs! Leonard Silver.arid Mrsy. coverage to t.ha^clicntr. ,This-will sho-p conducted by'.Mrs. -Nicholas record-jJate of,'ApriV 1, and, a1 cash 1 state. ',-,• ,:. ••_• .',-' . .' •". t, •'•'• -..•''. ' >. •, I .insure; -at-JeajiC that no citizen will in the jarring T-Borie. phase at thG ported. The. delve . will, continue- .Kiirt , Steiner, .Mrs. .:Chet •' SUVer- • , "Maiiy people in^ni6,n. tounty , World Championship 'Classic held Gior4a"noi at a recent meeting at One i.ca.h, know nothing.-of giy- dividend at"the,n)te of 55 <6tits per through October 30. stein will' bo 'narrator. Mrs. Carl be,deprivcj(K6f his coverage, some- ing, aught that is .worthy to- give have, recently told ' me of ca^es : two/weeks ago at:"lslip, N.:Y.. This the h.cyi^e of, Mrs.; Milo Cermak,' 18 share to f?tock of record March 31. Mrs, Martin. Friedman, chapter Kantor-and-M«r. Morris- ; times v^l to. his livelihood,. with . r wftere they have been refused re act will be shown on ABC'.s Wide Wadswdrth Ter. Mrs. Thomas unless one also krtows»how. to tiake. - Hit. Bauer stated that'the con- out a^easonable period to find'an- president, said the B'nai B'rith pro-. luncheon chairmen. newals of theft automobile . insur- World of Sports Ty presentation White was co-hostess. '.• -, other, carrier willing-to • write his "ance/because a .minor member of., the. latter part-of-November: • Two it was announced.. that,a the-family has reached"' 1? ye'aiv •drivers, Bruce.'Neil of BeUsvillc, dogwood tree has-b'iqehTpUreh'ased pf age.amj, will bo .driving the,fa^ Md,, and Pete Fischer of Qranlord, for' plahtiiig-at'Nort'fi. Union ^an " ily car,"' Mr. Del Vecchio said^f- Music Edujcatorti' Assn. fourth, plape..finishers. fn; natuW: Springfield A'ves. in commemofa^ •' "Ilj.does not. seem riglv stunt driving eliminations, wilt par tion of the cjub's ,10th anniversary. ; ' family should have1 pai^ Tc Hear tocal Artists ljcipate ;in Sunday's Ifi-event" pro- The next meeting will Be Jield : : : •for ovoi" 15' to 20 ye';m,. .''•• November 9 at. the 'home. of;.Mrs. without a single clptun against the' in an all-Mozart, concert at 3 p.m. . Mr. Daredevil, 'as he isTknown ill Edmund,Saal, 18 Osage Dr. TJiisurance. carriej^ahen to bis re-> "Sunday %t • the. Maplewobd^ Wom- speedway -circles,. Kerf Butler;, a fused.' coveracfrs Ann Baxter of 4 Makatom months, as a research assistant, he. fir: has been appointed a momber was serit to Central and South of the 1955 homecoming committee America to participate. in. feasibi- (or the All Rutgers Alumni Feder- lity stuclies.for instant, coffee pro- ation's annual homecoming this " '''•"" " Vl^'Vts in-thttsc ai-eas. Ffbni 1956 to 1957, he worked Mrs Baxter is. a member of the hroUgh'all phased df the prodnc-" ass of 396) of the Stai'e Univer- ion operation |n Linden before sity's Graduate School of Social joining th^cU. ,S.; Navy's/Critical Work Sjcills Program ^as a chertiist • at °The mum event of the home- Nayaj. Research" Laboratories in coming will be the !£ulgeVs-Tvolum- Washington, D. C. ... .' ' .'.:./ bia ganje/with the kickoff at 1 30 •^ Returning :to Tenco' in. June,: JPre-game .events inHudo a picnlc 1957, as personnel, manager, Mr. and.ieunion on the lawn of univer- ity president, I)r Mason W Gros9, tomcr service manager in Decem- and a concert by the llutgers Bapd' ber of that year and: tbdi^ector^•i..of-' The Scarlel Rifles and the QUeWs sales in jJtay, I960. He Was made uard dull teams will also pcrfbrm H. RAYMOND KIRWAN MALCOLM PRINGLE an account executive iri 1963* Half-time will feature the fiatemi- y float contest and the crowning End Anonyiiifty of the homecoming queen. TO TOWMHIP CfiMMITTEEL : thijCtttfffibie niost effective-remed'Pd y is fikc- ly to be "remoyai of the.mask of Heav Platform for Progress! The revision does not affect rates. "ebnirraan of. the committees m c.barK<*. of auangcnients for the an- nouncement - service facilities to- nual dinnci oi the Piiigiy A.lmnni those' 'desiring, to offer pre?re- Asspciation hekl^KjaS-cverlingNat corded -telephone messages to'thc the Elizabeth Town .and- Country piiblic- ' •'-' :,.• • . :?ub.. y --, ;• •;.. ' ••••,:' ..".;,'». NOW FOR Main- speaker at the/ dinner was '. In annpiineing the jtiew 'policy, •.the PlJO Board. said-itS-.Qr4.er, waa, Macdonakl.- Halseyy h«admastcr of •.'-.., ."••';•' '••-' '_.. •'''-. ...' Paid for, by Q:.Wr.ri Chambcrlin, 9.Forest Aye., Cranford ml consistent with recent .legislation LESS THAN dealingnvilh -the1'public's! rifeht' in ^"•member of the know, antiiho basic right to. have one's accuser confront • hkn, • • accuser confront hhn.: . •..'•• Gited specificaliy was the 1963 New Jersey law rctiuiring full identification of spons.ors of. elec- tion campaign literature.:' "This clear.articulation of the. to Ijinow' of the public

The'big 4' isn^t big WE ALL NEW any more! ari Qil Pov/ered-* AMPEX 860 SOLID STATE Your really feig; StmOTAPl investment .If you. have, longed for. an abundant, supply of sparkling clean hot water .at That's what we said .. ..now.there'sasolid state Ampeit taj>e lowest cost, ;•'.' . bur oil-fired automatic water, .heater is.just.whatthe '!|ady.o f.-llw recorder,... and It's priced within the reach of most budoets. % Built i(j :Ampex'- traditional, standard, oi (Jxcallence , •'.'. It's • liouse"'orders. \ • • ' "'..-'•v '•-.•' : . ' ; ' ' .'•• ' • - ;- '•' "'-

the-value, leader In. tape recording today. ,lf you're looking. .': •... ::. . ".-. •"•; , •••:••. . v -.•••-.•• .••; •• -.-.••>•• • • • 1 for grent:store6 recordings arid equally fine listening, check those features: . • ' - ,' ' • . • A beauty in design, with superb engineering proper4ii?&'. ; -' •'•;' 'All Solid State Electrbnlcs... ^orCool, Efficient Operation Records 4-Trnck. Stereo and Mono; ' ..' . • ' Versatile 3-Spofrd Oporatloh. (7J4, 3Ji and"1% i.p.s.). You can;now own a heater that will prod.uce 100 gallons of hot water'per hour Lonfl Hay V" Reel Capacity'., , Up To 6 Hours Of'Stereo •Music On One Reel, y , '.••"'•• for'pennies per defy (Average dairy fuel cost "only tOc.) Compare this with' a gas Accurate Racord ^c\vol V.u Meters...For Perfect Recordings • . vV '. ' . ' heatbr. • • ' ,'' - ' . , V ••"••' • «..,;,• ''' Precise DuarCapstiin Tape Drive ... For'Ideal Head-To- Tap« Contact . ' ; : . Lifetime Ampex Deep-Gap Heads ..... For Highest Fidelity, •Ree(»Strbng will completely install and service the eGiuipmenl-. Why not call or Year.After Year •.*., . • .. J . • v-\ ' • ' Rugged Dio-Casf Aluminum Construction... For Strength write today for complete details ..... be-sure to "inquire about our.very t And Rigidity. . . ^Automatic Shut-Off . . . On /Off Pilot Light ; . . Auto- FNSB Savings Bonds Water Heater Rental. Plan./ \ matic T^pft Lifters . . . One Full Year Warranty On Why earn less? Interest paid AH Parts and labor. , •St> Come-in-fdr atpersonal demonstration today .... you'll be irom day of'deposit for. any under no obllflatlan, of course. ' •'-.'. ' period frorn 90 days to ma- turity at your option. Buy these certificates of deposit AlHhe.fun ftnd oxcltatnent of J at any of, bur 23. officos to- owning this high -quality.tape dfty. For further facts, cair 643-4000 or write RONG FUEL CO. EASY PAYMENTS., recorder is yours ... for only. $0.00 down, $0.00 n m,dnth. Se"o it „•.'. • Hoar it today!. "DEPENDABLE/ FRIENDLY. SERVICE SINCE 1925" FMSB

Hf.fr •/ Kt STEREO .:', Office: ' Yard: •&* TEtEVJ$!ON 3 Norfh Ave, E. Lexington Ave. at LV|^ 100 Hi Unjoh Ave, BR 6-0483 Oanfdrd OF NEW JERSEY ? QVQ.Br.«a Sfc,Kt,7i«.va,t-, NJ.'ft/IO' i,.... FCDE DEI'051! IKSURANC.e COKC,

J v • • T \ '• •'

; .. • .1— -' • • "--.-"• • " : "": ~ '.'.'cil' ..--A.'_•••••••• /- '.-••'•'*> '


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•'• ..••('

• • .• ., *-. -. •••••.«* . • .- • '•• ,• --I fpet to a poi -,'thjo" purchilEer by ' 6ar«*(n aiid 'Sale £•«] Railroad ot Ke'W Jerafey and the point' beth AvenUe to A'dajns Avenue biid'pdlntl center' line of' Cornell Rood ' prbducei.^ ' •deed withWJt owemuiU. us. to grantor, or place of l>cgtonin^. •, .-.<•''.".-, •: •.Thence C4) ^6r.th aB.W-Wcs29"---,06'-Wentt 100l'OO.O.f "t piaca' of begipnlfm. ;-.. ..'• ' ; • '-"•:.',•' tQ- «,e.-ctateB.-Unp ol -fJaUowS ,H& Boa* , -• *; ';••' 'icontaijoiut "0.413' iw -•;>:• feet to 8«ld side ftnt of. McKlnlev'.Btrectl >2.'Said puflhaKef.-shuU:pay. the cbtx'of Wlfl>-m*ot In' Cleveland Sonool, Mlto; thence 'noctKerly ,along Jljt ieater ,ItjU ,-. . . . )ah» "0.413' iw. Will meet la Roosevelt School, OrinaM und polnJ*.ov plftce'of ^(esiniilntf^ •. publlcutlori, of the notice-of sale-, prepr Btreet. __B,«LMA'« of Callows'Hill Hood to the "Weatfleld ' - . • Noilcif of Hearing aratlon'. of'-debd aiid, dpcmucnlarjf .'. '• *'•. DISTRICT. NO, » . ., Avenue, ." ' " ' •• '•• -, ':••• -'••.• '•• Boundary Una; thence southeasterly •BI'.lnB lots 7^0 'to 7a5.'lni;luulve, In Block ; NOTIOB Is herobi' sWea, that the Plan . ,-r. .on a coyrse ,o* B««lnnlng,at Centennial Avenue 1 . . ,',' DISTRICT NO. 1* a)ong. the - Westfl-eld . boundary ttoe "to . 20 qn'Reulty TrUst Mai>.^34, pile yVl-A1, Beginning >at' a point ot th» Central nlni; Bijiird,. of :ihe Township 0/ pjaptord^ Kbrth S0» ; - 00'. W-st ."djstinn.1 2(H). lett. the ' Central Railroad of • New, Jeraey; thn Garwpod boundary linn; theuce along " conlainrmt O.'^IS ucros.' . • , • '. 13.. Tin; ifui-chaser'B title slirt.1V. at the OD- Railroad of: New Jersey and Centennial, Union'. County. N- }•• WllT.fipld a tubllo notthprty from ft. point In' the nor'Uerly tlou of the.Townwlilp of Crantord, b» thmjce westerly along the center une lot said Garwood'' boundary line tts various' , liearlnli. Qf\ Wtdrtfs<)ay, OctoW1 J7,- I9{I5,' side Un«: of'Bn.riln.1) 'i^otid saldr'point in •'Buid Bale .shiill; be. «ubjvct to flid follow- Avepue; thence easterly, along the Cen- courses to the cenWr line bt Gallows HU1 ' • T^tie'. aji Biibjj'Vl 'P forfeiture in i(ie event that thji Central Hallrpad p* New Jersey Jo tral Railroad of New Jersey to the Rotelto. p.m.•'tBM»iiIJJfl4..'tliifil.al. tlni Mu» Rarltiiu Road betas distant 1(}O ,Jeet feast- Vrm^ ahdc6i>dicid;i^' • «l«b Street U pN>duced: .thence along Road; thence .northerly' along the cer>j«r • thv'uurcluiBer falls to ooinply with tl)VN boundary line; thence southerly along We ' g^inj'of 'Union junior ^OoJlegefSs OuUtlipK, 8 BftrinKtlcld ' A.v,ei»iie, erly -Sr Rarltan Road; tbence soutbwecterly. alprtg. along the .Centoi;, line of Park Averuis to > .UoS^o upijrovai- ol- proiiijitoaty pipits for line of-.Oolemah Avenge;'i,-.' ' •' .' 'h»«Srs~^ha the , , :,,i abiith'eily • to ttie LetilgnvVallev Hailroad; ajj; 3 p,pv, i|f wasannounced, today • Sibidli"ti»lmi..'bf-.prero-lscs' known..-dS'.J-ot -3, RarltAn -'Soad to. Centennial Averiuo;,! *K^ jiehtee 1lne-.of QrcObWd PJreet: %Wnce . .-.Thence KorlhaS".'- OB'AVest 100 feS •.pr.-KenrietH/W. ivei-sert^.dean.-, a point:'" '•' ' • •'-. '.'•' ' - :' ... .- •'•'. ..' . ;'requrblnji'coiuNicree DrW'e. frbm-Rftr.l- rlglit torriiicl any and all bids: ,,^vc^ Raiiroad^te Cehtoinifil Avenue; thenc* niieto the Central Ballroad oi I)[ew=Jer- <5r;>tiford "tuV chard Street' to' the center .line ol.T-or-s. , ' Thurw-fl North 00" - '5*' JEttst-,40 fce't-.to a ts*rt Roadap JiJtkson priv'e-; u dltajt* or reaction of bids sMJl be nQrtneriy Ajqnj,'^en«tennl(aj Avenue to the scy-'end point' or. nlkce oiJ>eglnnlaE> pi6eCri :'' '' ' " ' •"--•'•' and. pplnl, pi"'place of !>•»' • ' '•" '. p'r. .lyfcrs^Q:-; s^jd • ttte;.parcnt$- o! noint;..'; :. '..• '•'..••..•. ''; • •••.: k",' ••••' ,' •'$•',-t uT 46(5-Iwt.§Saltkaale tirlce'and sali ...... -later tlmi) the • Kcc'Pud • regular central ,Hailroad o.f Nejv. JenwyNandjjtfJat Will • meek.U> lincobi- School, ~ i : -all-cliy Keaswnj,fE^hrhe niv&iU be in- Sul#.,»BplleHtl6n- .. Thence'Strath-28°'- p(}' East '100 ftet•• to| -' slim .pt.-Sa'.pot) shalrtic'pajjib'le'liv ct.sh •in-line of the 'TowlisUlp-'Cpluiiiittee or pluce of, beginning.: .'i. • . f '„. If • • : : : ' or by 'certified qhoftk ,flt the -cloMni: us ll 1 ; ; ;. in BrooTcsldi Piece' -BohOvW'- •. Viteci to- the prpjgra.u»"in'*b)ie.''tKfea- Eloanor 'pV.ri.nls,, a polrit- in th«!,'northcriy(side .Une.:oi Mfc'« r loltowlfta^tlto JSBII!.'- • )•'"•''.'.'•' . :..'Y1U •nieet 'lri .-I4ncqTn.. .5'!ho0ili''B«nten- und.-Elniir und Klnley Street;>. '".•-..• ,'\. '••..'••.'.'•••• ,'hefelnatief provided^ >£.'•'' "'•••'.•'' DISTRICT. NO: 18'-. •'''•:'' •OI(1 CRANFQRD -»--I «*»••"»- '-'i :• • . • - • *;.V-^ , nue and the 'boundtiry Mne of Ijarwoodi" Beginning at the prpduxJtipn;"pf the. center . tie of the Cariifius/Center. The: A ebpsr of j the . . ,,. Thence.nliintt isald &ld« Uiie <.'.' Pil'rchaser shall,- at >fi« 'o*^ -cosC -andj ••-Walter Coftct!, •' •"'" DBTktCX 1NO. 9 • I, ": : thenie southwesterly . along .the. Oarwood line-of Henloy Ayenuie. wlfh.tho «eaUr line - filed wflh the TownslilP: C Btr.e«t "Boiith ' 60 f r .*t' .yiesi 40 fe'e.t to OfjicnSf,- proiiipily acquire;.tb<>. three' : .'.speakers will include.' Dr.^-ennetii 1 * ""' "' ' clerk ' " Beginning at Williams" Street ihd Den-> boundary line to the Weatfleld. boundary of the Rjihway Biver; thence oastorly ilone p'olnt -:'#34, pile #7lAV ' ' " premises'fo'ljo conveyed, by thf Tpwit:- thence southerly along Hjllcrest Avenue Hermann J. Bielefeld "Of - Sunutijt, 1 ftoad;. th»pce easterly aldng RarlUn Rosd benter lino pf Bunham' Avenue easterly, to 4t«l- nlace. ".- '•-. . . '. ," ' • •' ," • ' • ' 0. acit-s. "• "• ship and designated" as] lots Gtil-io. ^o l^ex^ngton Aventiei thence easterry to Loxington Avenue; thence northwest- the cehter .line, oi liiiiipr Avenue: theiice , eljairman, of• trie academic evalua- •-By .order' or the Pla.nnjnn. 'B,oard. 072, Uiclusive. . In Block • 'lfl., lots/822 BloftB-Lex*Qgton Ayeriue to Denrnan Bond; erly along' .Lexington Avenue to Alan northerly ol'ong' the center line ol; MinPr •> Exception 3 ' ••'•;•- und 823. In'Block 2:!. und Lot«,-'7&1 to theneelrartherry aUing-Deninan Road td tion committee, aiid pp. iYersen. • . . . ' \ .Howard ,M. Si BECaWNG. at the interaction of the OF Qkell Place; thence westerly along Alan Avenue to the KenlLworth Boundary lU»e; . : -794. .'lnclU8lv.o;.;.tn.'. Block 22, on Snld WiUiami. Street and point ",or place of ; i "•: .'.••;;.—,••."•.:-.•'•-••• •-'.'•.•••":' '•••'•:, . •'••;'•'Chairman.. northerly side; line o_t McKihley. street aftd OkelT Plnpe td Walnut Avo^.ue; thdnca thence westerly alone the Kenlljvortbi DrV -Ma'cKay ;\vill speak" on'. '"rh.e »caUy Trust Mapi'and makdi the same northerly woiig'w'alhul*%«!hue to Lex-. Gertrude G. Nunn,- ' .' the- westecly Vfi^e line of Coltman Avenue WiUmelt' in Uvlngstcm Avenue School, Boundary line to an~anBl6 ppfnt; iir gaid""•'.' a part of the lnnda and promlaen td 1>P Ington Avenue- if said Lexington AveJiua Boundary line: thencccontlnulrin: along said Meaning of College," while "Why Secretary '• ',""'' both now or aboirkto be. vacated, said In; Livingston Avenue, "<^ •';.' acquired.from. thM ToWiiKliip to form a NOTICE OP were ' produced; thence. northwesterly Boundary Uue northerly'to. the Kenil^prth Dated: October 14, .1963 . . .' . •tBriflStitlon. l)P'>i(( dl.stlmt along the westtjrly . Freshmen Have. JpiXficuJties" -will; triuet >or 'parcel of Uhd on which' the DISTRICT TTO. *"--.. along the production ,ql Lexington Ave- Boulevard;., thence westerly tilonn the center ^ Adv.. Ken: S19.4O .. •-.;..•...:•'W-Zl sldii line ' 6^ ColemanSAvonue 260 r'.eet,| buildin(j or ..buddiniis horeluafter ro« Beginning st a point of the nue and trie center line ol. Lexington lino,of {CenUworfb Boulevard to the Rabway be discussed by Viet. Bielefeld; hprtlifirly from the xvorthferly aide line of General Election. ferr.ed to aro, to be erected. , Title to Railroad, of .No* Jersey and the CT Aveni»« to the Gnrwood line and. point Rlvert-. thence southerly alone the Rahwsy • Or? iveJsen. will"present-tips ' on' Rurltan -Road;- '. -.••.'•, • .• •"ys^i: " .' . .' In pursuanC/8 of ihe, provision^ of an boundary Une; them* northw,erterly along or place of,1>eitlnhing, , • ;,'. -River to the .production of. the ."center1 liner, sdld,lands"not owned .by the Township Act 'entitled -'An Act to. Ttetrylate Elpc- 1 Thenoo North 29" -. OO' Wait lOUfeet to i jiold Oarwood' boundary line to Fifth Of Henley Avejiuo ,amf Dulnt o'r' place.. ot '• how* parents can help their, college : ! .«ilU''t>o''"c on4-«>« per Uimuin Boards in' an4 fPr 'tilt- Township of Cran- Vidihg line between No. '117 and No; 119 and of 'Xinfeoln Ave^nuc. • West; th«ne« Beginning' at the Intersection 'ot th» • : jctulsy Street';-.'.- :•' . ' ..'•!•' •.'• .•'••' southeasterly along Ll'ntoln Avqnue, West, shp:wn.. • ' • ; * '.'"' ,'',•• • •. -.?. public sale to 'the highest bld-der at a.price from'Ocober 2fl, \i9ti5, to date, q( clos- fbrd will sit at tho places hereinafter North Avenue,. West, to the-Central Rajl. center,'linws of Brown Terrace '-apa'.'- a'iionce, alone said side line W IWcKJlnley to BenjAmin ' Bthset; thence southerly not' less -thun. tho. nvlnlntuin, prlie herisin-r ing- •: • ' • • '•' ' ';. ''.''''',• ' designated on • '.'-.' ' '•"•••' •''.••.•'' road of New,Jersey; thence westerly along Broohside Place: thence along the center " . Following the formal-program,' a Street "North tt0° -.34' Ea'^t 80 feist to point along BehjoritIn Street to Williams Street; after set forth. ,a't Its, mectlns . to be' Jield All of, said lands, and premises to TUESUAY, NOVEHBCK Z, 1IIU8 the Central .Railroad ot New Jersey M line of Brookside Place produced io Via •• Of .place Of'Beeinninsr. ' ' :' .-.- thence southwesterly along Hillcrest Ave- coffee hour will be held in the stu; at the Municipal, BiiUfi}t)B. '8 SprtaKflel^ between, tho hours of 7:00 A.M.' and 8:00 the Oarwood; boundary line and point or .canter line of Springfje)d Avenue;, thenco : Being lbts-791 to'784. in-BlQck 22, oni • be , conveyed as , aforesaid are shown. P.M.i prevailing "tlmcj Jor the purpose of nue to Xeic(ngton Alvenue; thence north- horthorly • along . tne center ;Mine. o* Avenue,. Ctanfora.'NeV Jersey, on T-Ues'day., pln ; : place of beginning. .. '", . . dent lounge to give parents an op? said Realty Trust Map'No. 34., Flic #-71.A. , on, a n on flic' in the Office of tho conducting a- • \ , . •• - '-•.•<••' westerly, along Lexington .Avet de to. Springfield Avenue to the center line oil . October 28, 1965. at 8:30 P.MV,. prevailing WIU ' meet in Cranford Hl«h School, portunity W meet informally- with containing oaJM •iores.'. ,;. .'• To,wnr,hlp EriBlnoer, Munlclpjtl Build- tke Qarwood boundiary Une; thence. Park .Driver thence •easterly' along' the. time, certain vacant. lands and; promises ing, 8 Springfield A.vd!i Cronford, Now W««t Snd PUce. • • "•.'•';• •. • '• northeasterly along- the various. courses oehtarjinriof Park Drive to Itatermlrfus; . Reservlnis urtto Ujfe TownBhlp Qf Cran.T . General Election • DISTRICT NO,; B v meinbers'"6f the-staff.. .'•• :'..•,' in the YTpwnahlp , pf Ctanford,' county, of Jersey'.' • '•- "-. ' -,,;.'. ; • .-. .-. , ol said Garwood<-botjndary line to the thence -easterly arid thru the 'lands of . 1 ford and its Successors ana aRsJ,(rns fot- Unjon' und State. of liew Jersey," 'fcereln- to vote upon candidates for the. following Beginning at a point of the Rahway Central 'Railroad ot New Jersey;-and center .Una'of the Rahway River; thene«. over'i a,.G foot BatU^afy; Sewer; Easement I.,The pwclinser shiU'erect,on s.nld-lands. flce . . . River and the Central Railroad ot New a/ter dcslunntejLjis Tract 1, Tract 2. r »nii premises a .building qr .'buildings Lincoln Avenue. West, tfud point.br place northerly -.and up stream along, the Tract 8," Iffitt 4 and^T-r^ci ,0, on^iporo alonf thp center llnie oi former Cvleman- A Governor (full term); • Jersey; thence easterly aloni the Central of beginning. •••••• ' • • " center line of the Rahway River' to thi Qf brick, steel and -masbnr^, construe-; Railroad to the RoseUe Park boundary particularly (tes.crJijedi''4s fpilpwa: .:••'.•,- Averiue, (now vacated) from the southerly Two Members of the state Senate.. Will meet in Sherman Soho'pL Llncohi Township ot Springfield boundary line; side Un6 pf ^ackspn pflvc (ipjrmorlj; Ropse- tlori, dinslaned for unyl'.ujio permitted lif thrce-yo»r terms. •••' ' . . line,-' thence northerly along (hfe Resell* '.' '•' " .- '-,• . • '.Tract, i •' •'•'• .', .-••. •' Avenue. thence' westerTy'-albng the,, Springfield . 1-2 Zone of the C.mnibr'd Zbnine Ordl- five Membors. of the Gchoral Assembly. Park boundary line TO Hostile Avsnua; . BBOINNJtMG' at a pp)nt -in Uty nqriher-. vtltj-'.gtrc'et). southerly. - ttf a point distant b6u»dary line to the T&wnshtp of We»V; . iOQfiset noxthorly ifrom this northerly:side naijoe at a iMittlnium cC'tistructlon cost • A Sheriff (full texm),. ; '• . thence southwe«t«rly. along RoseUe. Ave^ Beginning at a -point In Hampton Street fiejrt boundary line; tbo^pe southeasterly ;ly sto&ilne of RirlUn ajwjl. said'paint ; .' or not, Itfit .than. ^,000,00.0.00...'.. - ,v,TI'ree Members ol. the Board of Chosen liiie-to Albany Avervue; thence southerly being, distant' \B0 'tent easterly (torn th» line ot RarU'au IVJad: •' ' ; ulldlair or bulld- Freeholders/ 3-Veaf tejrm^. .: , •:.,'"•' along the cehter lfcne ot Afliany Avenpe along Orchard .Street to Torbush Street; vflripUn courses to the center line Pi . : Ah ' original* playi -'The Great •Intersection, of sold side line of Rarltan Tract 2 '".'•, •'"•• * Lncs sllall commence within six~T0) - Three coroners (fun tornis). '•• • to Adams Avenue;' thence southwesterly 1 . _ at a'point In'the norther- thence easterly along Torbuih Street to -Gallows Hill Road; thence*, southerly • Dreanier,' ' was' jpresented at a Coi"Boacl with., the easterly side lint) of Cple- mpnths Yroni'. the dftte of . C1Q»II\E; of, Two members 6s Township • Committee, along Adams Avenue to Elizabeth Avenu#; lands ot the .Board of lunation; thence alone the center lino of Gallows Hill Hoaa tnan Avenue;•-. '• '• •.-• -.. ";•' .•'•'' :• ly side line -of.'.tlarltan Roftd/ Bald point title and snail»' be ' 'fully cptiipleied JTollowlng is a complete "descrir-tion of thence southeaitarly along ElttabetH Aver northerly along lauds.;'u; tnld Board of to the cianter line of Cornelr Road pro- uue to Hamilton Avenuei thehc* south- *: ucjbus Day assembly program by ' Thenco. tl) Nortti.'eo.i- -;54'. Bast' along being; distant'40,0 feet ..westerly trom Uie .; Within twelve (12) mouthy Irom. thi) th-s nineteen election dUtrlct* of \be said CdiuMUon 417^2 feet to a point; thenct duced; thence easterly along sold center ' said side line of Rarltan Ro'ad WO: feet to Intersection of the • noflheav," side;'.lln* of ;i TowhjWp and_ the location of the pU westerly along Hamilton Avenue, to Forest continuing along said'lands of Boird 'of line1 of . Cornell: Road Si5Q u ie^t, te the:..,.•:. ; Miss Joan Ford's fifth grade class, : ; date pf'K^Ucji IclOfpntr. " Aptu,ai construe^ Avenue; thence souttijeasttrly;^along FWfti nolnjVV •• ,::. fR^i'tiit» Ro^d: "and tH*.,nyi^rly;"side line tlcn shall be deettied to have taken.place place* for each of ttie'taid district*: Education westerlV to Spmoe Street; center Une of' Uartmoiith Bpadf townee at the-Bioomingdale A v e h li e 1 bf Comniei;ce Drive (formerly. icSfeary -Ave- e»rAVenu«( to North J^Vehiie; Ahonoe, wen,* «her»ce northertar along Spruce Street to south end eStt lilong'the cente,i; Hn* of . Thence <2)'North, 29 ) - Q6' Ba«!t upon comroence-ment. of the-concreting nsmiqx tfa 1 erly alort^-thc center: Une-Jo« Nbrtb A»e-. 'l ' ' ' •' •' .a:p0lnfc:p0lnfc; ; ; •'' '':;; :• •••;'' •.'••• •ntoi':""""> . :-'.'• .'•"•••••••:'. -••••,''.:'"i.il • -. • 5o(fjrining at the-i'Central Railroad- of BMiokstdB Place; ,th«*e easterly along Dartmouth Road' to the. . center lln« . of-the fouixdatlohs of the' bunding or NoW. Jersey :and -TtC^gh: Street produced; nue to "the Rabway River; thenoe soiith-- •.•jmttte'e (t) Nortlj. 2i' - 06' buildings.1 -',,..:' . •• ...... Brooluide Place to Sprtngfleld Avenue; of Broy>ri Terraicei v thence ' south,er,'y, The role of. Christopher .Colujn.- Thence (3) »orth QO" - S4' thftnei vyesterly along the Central Rail- erly along the Rahway flayer to tji« thSci liorthorly; ali.ng Sprlnefleld Aye- point or place of beginning, -. '•'j ',-• •;. f«fjt"to; a r«?lat:. " ' '-'" • •'•• ' "'• i.BurchWor' Shall prior to!" th« oomj- Central Railroad of New Jersey and point &us was played by Mitchell Bross. t aravmb ... .- : oe1 West 130 7Thinc« (2). South Oa" -' .54' W 140 feet road to uincolh Avenue,', .^egtt ' thence nue to-Park' Drive; thence' easterly along meuccment of any work submit to tho southerly alon^ Lincoln Aydhue, West, to or place tit beginning,. . -., ' -. • ;!-. Park D'rlye to its terminus; -thence' east- Wl)l meet In JBrboksldp Place .School. Thence' (4)'.;North .20" to u- point; . '' '.-' ••' •••'•'• .Others in the calt wqre: Cynthia PUmnlni; Board for Us apnrqvut con- Benjamin Street; thence southerly along Will meet ' In Blpdmingdato AvenM erly through lands of Union. County Park '•'. DISTRICT VQ'. 20-' ' •'• fooThBnce.'(5VNortC to U point; h 00" '-r-.W Eafit X0O K Ttlonce (3) Sotith.a9» -'.6fl''E«»tMvO ioet - v structlou and site plaiis, suUInu forth BenJapiln Strr«t to. Williams Streat: to Rahway River; thenco' southerly aldris, Apdrado', narrator; Deborah Clark, fpot to a point In", the westerly side UU« to said aldo Uno ot Rarltan Ruud: ... • School. Blpomln«dale Avenu*. - Begin'nlne at' the .. Intersection of the ' ,; complete -details; wlth'_respeq. to the thence sjjvitheasterly along Williams Street . DISTRVJTNO^ 9, the Rahway River to Springfield Avenue,' center line of th» Rjhway River and the, • off- Commerccrc e DriveDrive, formorly' Clcarplcary Avo- Thenco C4>\ulorttc Maid side lino of Rari- desl«n, construction and layout of wild t6 Dennwaji Rood; thence northerly alohg David Johnson, Dolores McCarthy, Beginning, at OranRp Avenue and Manor lence nor^hferly along Springfield Avenue .nroductlon of Caslnc Avenuo; >thence east- ,l.,. nue;. -., , •• •:•.'; •• • taa Ro»d' North 00° '•'.. ,?4' East 1-JO feel? Denman Road,to Lincoln AVonut; thence' buildlne or" bulldlnirs , "$n(. -Irlveways, Avenue thence northeasterly .alon'iripranie ) Hampton Street; thence westerly.. *'rly alpnu the contci line of-casino"'/"*""- Jonathan Meyer," Todd Ellenbefg, Thence (6).'-North' 29' -' 06' West to point ox place of Bcglnn' easterly along "• Lincoln- Avenue to High jp^rlting areas »(id' tp&''uentvat nature Avenue . to the'ICenilwortb Boundai^ line long 'Hampton Street, to Berkeley Place;' to the certter lino otf Llntlett Place: 5s,- James iieeves, said'sideline pr '-.CowmeKe.- UrlVH jau "7^ine lots. Bi5 to-f«"-T-tr,* .to a point-.In' the-southerly side' Une J .19'on Realty Trust 8,ifch state of jficis.as »n accurate sur- to the Central Hillrond ol 21st Street, thence westerly ,»lpni» "6ai4 -,.,.- V6"(tSe cefiteT line of Orange. AvemW: Lance Slingefrandj XlexaridrXl a Gar- tontalnlni! 0.521 a^cirM. I'I',1-• '..-'" Hitmptoh' Street! thence westerly ilong' Jackson Drive, formerly Roosevelt Street; vey may dlncloso,:. casoiaent.i and re- and point or place of beglnulng- Kenilwgrth Boundary Une to,the center ITpe Hampton .Street to Orchard Street and thence easterly -along tho cehter line of; ; " " ' . tr«f JJ'-,'-",; .. '..-'. .'•.'..„ ber, B6nhie '•'.liarson;, Patricia' Dit • 'rtvenco <7) Sfluth SO* - 64' W.7D3.ad loet; strlctlons ot record nrpvldedVthit: sold WU1 meet in Sherman School, Lincoln of -.Manor Avenue; thenoe' ,wut,herly ?long- point' or place-or.beginning. ' ;' ocanfe* Avenue to' Ihp Centej lino- of " zel, Robert Lender.: , . aluing 'said side line" of Jackson Drive to o „ ...-..-_. at the infcrsectlori ,of. the oaseiniiua n_nd restrictions do "hot ren- Avenue.' Said-cftnte-r.line af Manor Avenue ' —"' .Will meet in, Cranford- High School, Marior.YAvenuei.'thoiHJo northerly along .th'o point of cifrve; ' .' '-" "'.„;• • '•-' ' •'•. ' northerly'side.'line Of KaritUn' dw Ulc iHlc-nunuir^otablo and'do not . DISTRICT Ni Av^ue.- r.xui point br plA'cie' of .t ™est Knd. Place. '•.".. .- .-. .-". , . qenter Una ,df Nta'npr Avoriue ,'tp this center , Also,.Richard Jacob'y, Milton Mar Thence"Thence . (8) aloniafoiut said curvcurvee - jiiB ( the' oaJitorly side Ilrre prevent the ejection of said building ^eglnninVaT"?^ J^Ktg ^ Will meqt:iiv Orange Avei»ue. - • ••••'•• DISTRICT NO. 17 lino-of liuQ«ii.pi.Avo,nuo; thence .-^es.teriy , son, Anne Garter," piane Kleiner, the ler^ 'la a southerly diroollorj,"• an arc (formorly Clcary- Ay'enuj)-} or ,bull(i.lnea. The ea«oin- BaO. thence easterly-along' the.iceritef line 61 1 ton Avinue; thence southeasterly sloug ot Henley Avenue to tha"(> line '.of --Mo* bo conveyed arc not to be eonlilde'rccl road and the Rahway River;-therKJij south- Torbush Street to lands' of Board ol Kliiloy Street)'-'.. • '' ' ..' '. "' , , Lextncton Avenue to tho Lohlgh Valley erly and down strcajn- ateog the Rahway Education; thence northorly. along lands Rahway Klveri tl\ence-',sbu'tHer.ly a.long the Tljencc (9) a,\qatf &^a curve 'curving fo- . «i) In any ^ay rcndertnit'Mic' tltle"-uh- Railroad: thpnee easterly- along'the Lehlgh 1 center .lino of .the.-Rahway Klver to the the rlifht and "in n aouihorly direction an • •Tlitncc'. (?) North .60." - 94' *»*t River .to the Garden, State Parkway and ot Board of Education 417.8* ttet to a VW RUte ftlhlSit dud; Rarltan ko>d; thente along Raritan "-" production of the. center lino of Rlvortlde- sic. djptfaijipft. ojt ty?l5~tilf>C,' 8atd~iufw bav^ sapifTfide-.llnc-^i ' • •• - • ilntj thence continuing ilong said tan " IKenCe »lortif High Street tciXirieoTh jfve- In a westcirly direction to Lexington JJriVeJ /h^HCB'- southerly ,frlonB,-tba-c«n'tei' • iinj f a radliidius ,«oft .221.622160 -Hieftett to a 'poinpoint ooff- to a point: ' ,T BosraTot ESMcatroft^ WesterTJr'-WJ., r > all conditional of sultf. as liicorjioratcd 'nue: thei|ce northerly olonif Lexintrton line of'RiyeVslde pflv'e to the center Hne'crf' Legal NQtices 1 Thenco (3) SpUith-2»" - 00! Kasl nue or pointer pl»co ol beginning, center line of Spruce Street; thence tiyiacrjt ; ' " ..' '•;' .'• • •'' '..' herein aiid inuynoi oaslKn-uny ihttfeit Will meet In Walnut Avenue School '.. "Avenue tcV Alan .Olcell Place;' thence west- northerly along the center line of Spruce Casino .Avenue' arid Point or' ,pl,ace of Thence (10) • akjne aald tftanont 7Q foet tP a point;' . "...'' ••'•'.':•''•• bcglunlnit. , *.•:"' -, ,.' •••'.• •. " : •'', •' ' : prior to completion of mild l)ull(il;ii: or "•"-'. DISTRICT NO. '3 • erly • alon_g Alan Okoll/Place to Walnut Street to the center line ot Brocjislde ' • NOTICE" 'OS TBjNt j»iup '-iff • Dilbus to ths''wuthorly^tl'do .-lino Thence (.4) North.'BOi" » B4' K 4'k)- per cent .of the. amouni North Avenue to "gotext Avohue; thence center line bt Brown' Terraces thetice Anthony JlRtccawlol Ourqntla*-Rlccftido, ^1-KKJ, .Block-la., %atty Trust Map £34, feet to.said aide Utift df feaxlttah Road; northerly aloiifl'Forest Avenue to, Hanv< said .production ofrl-^xington .Avenue to northerly alopg the center line of Brown and river. It Is tho intention to follow of the bid-iihaii be pilid by. the, iiur- center Une throughout -...'"' -^-•'• , nairxnlnp' Ouprrloro, Jr:, ai\i ytrijjnli B. 1I&6 ''to^'jit .Crs|^forid,.TJnlpnCounty, •'Tu'rfn'ee (f». Sputli -W - .&*' •chaser, in Cia^li, or by ciTrfKUi'd -checlc, llton A.venuet Ihence northeasterly iajppj- Uie-Lehlgh Valley Railroad;' thonce east- Terrace.to tne center line. of.Dartmouth Gudrriero •KK««uteJ^Vun(^''Hth«£aitWiJt saULside line of Rnrltani Road 100'feet'to Hafnlltort Ayeniie to Elixabeth • Avenue; erly along the Lehlgh Vslley Baltooad to Road: thence westerly, along the center '' :•...'•' ' J. WALTBR-COPlPKB, Tpwrtship Clerk. n^l; Testumont DJ CARMtNH. QtJ^RKtEB<^: point or place of Bcu&Inlnit. .'.'•...' the~Kahway RIVer told Sitt>."#7i«:'.'>>V. : . . 1 ,Th* balance of the purchase price sh.nH ihence nbrtJivveaterly T_^_ ir~ ur pUce f lots 787 to 7tfi'-lincluslve and" Parts. Of .(formerly ciliary Avenue); *' ' " rot purchaser U» ;tak.e !tltle' within.-, the Will meet In Cranford Cailno, Riverside RIVer fcHhe. Garden Sti|te' Pattwray and Attorney:' •••••'.'..'.' Thfne ,) H29fi' 29°'•* ? W« aalong lots 8M-80iJ-9oa-8O7-8Oa'S0R-010 and . all ThThfnef e ,C1C1)) Hlh' 29°' „ tltne stimulated t)te Tp^nsliip Gommit- Raritan Road: therube southeasterly along Aiidrow V. CSuarrlclIo, pf lota.fli'tVftnd. 812 Jn'Btp'ck 22, -anil lota iiald side line .of..Commerce, prjye 200. lent tfee may de'eiara the deposit lorfolted •4©;t MadiBOii AvaiUK, the, RarltAn Road to Centennial Avenuti; 623 ti>, 633. Ihoju^ive.-iji Bloelt ltt iu>d lots to a point tn the «pulherly old,e lli^o of :-. and .ritttapl sitld:, deposit aa. liquidated thence northerly along Centennial Ave- Get th6 new mother a RoseHii Park, N. .1. • jatk.son Dttvi; UornuirlSr •RoojsfiVeit',^!tri!?t); '. Beglnnlpg at tSe Central Railroad of 643 to' 647 Indualve and lots, 67^ to. 688 daiuanes and rouyWll the prppufLy",Sr NOIJV .Jersey..and. the- Rahway Rfyer: nue.,to the. Lottlgh VaUsy Railrosd and Dated: Ootblxsr 4, 1805 hi Block, 19,; IiOti.lil3 to B21 inujuslvc- and' • Thence <2).'. North. 60"' - B4'. Bait' jlong pursue such further Iceland (iqultaf point or place ot beginning. \, • , •',-. handy extension phone. , 1 thtmce' wedtetly-,along .the Central Hail- Adv./Pec: SIGTS ' 10-28 lots 824 to -872 Inclusive In Block 23'. as llaW Side line; of Japltepn Drive r200 t«et • to ,• remedies "as It nuiy have.. , •WttX meet in HUlsidc Avehue Junior Ht|th : road of-New-Jersey to thc'uivldlng line Saves stepsj time, energy. shown on s' South !?9* - OjB' East 200 -• NOTICk TO OKEDITOJ^J ?>)le #7U,«t»ljjjn» j8.99Qi'Ide line ofMcKialw Street .200 leet ' itfomad to bo-good d'rid marketalilo If thencthe e easterltly alonlgg HhntHhinptouu Sircet tto M»nce hortherly «(Ibng Albany Avenue to Business Office, NAtlB, 'Surroeuto. of' the Coun,ty of. pnlon, ttottherly-V* ifc^QUrse 6f North'2ft*;- Ofl' to said side linn, ot Commerce Drlv» and 'it be such as shall b« Insured-, by'n xve- Berkeley Place; theneff northerlly along Kosclle- Avenue;' thence northeasterly 1 :•• '£ni»>^y along Rosellci Park boundary line to the Kenil- r MKncd, «ii Admintstratbr;of th(>"C«fato ot- tnn Road bftln>- dlnUnt- 1800 - f«o*f* - easterltly 00a ta; 912.: lndUStvp,, ;ln. Block...#S4BsJtj •-•'--In -oie-evont title.''to ,tlie'-premises r «ald duccasiiil, uoti™ Is hcroby ;ijlveri to[ ,tKo TiUst TMiip ~: #34, .Pile #71-A-, Tifllpringfleldd AvchuAh e to tthe ^ahway Riveri ; worth- boundary ---MiMi- thenoe taortherly irorn' the intersection oY *aid sldft Uric of J-to'br convoyed b"y the Towntililp to the and along the various courses ot said crpdltorn of naid .deceased to eVhlblt ..to Rarltan Roa* with.-the easterly Side, ljn> fl;918 .n.creji. .. ;. • .. . .' ... , •/•!•.•.., .purchaser, proves to bo unmarketable hence easterly' along the Rahwny River ; 0 Riverside .Drive; thonce southerly along; KenUworth boundary • line to • Orange tl)O .wbRcriUCT .under oath or affirmation of cWlen^n'AvAoue:- ••• ••'•"•.••" |- •. .'• I'"'',:"':'- '.- Tra«t 5-' ..v. '••.' '.:,'•.,- the tlnio for 'oloslntf shrill bu ex^enfled' Avonue; tbence Bouthwestcrly,. along . thetr claims and; olrit In the «outh*rly liverslde D^ to Nortff Union AVenUe; ; Thence .North 29° - 08' West 100. (eat a reasonable time In order, to clour Jtltlo ^ience, sdutherfy alonl g NortNth UnioUi n AveA - Orange Avenue to Linden Place; therlce est.itu of said deceased 'within, ijbc 'ijjontba to a point in'the southerly side llRe.. of nidVj lln« or McKlnlej 3tfe«t, aald. ixlnt '•to said prenjlses. • '.. ,- , southerly alongJLiridQn Place to Elitabotb nUe to tho Rahway .'Eivtfr;. thence south- Avonua; thence --••>•--»- -•- -— Jrcup; thd date of aald. o^dar, or thjov; will McKlnloy Street; ',': • . '.'..'•'.' •' \ '•' br biirrcd |rom BroaecuthiB-or r*- . Tricnco South 60" "-' S4' West1-;' alone Intersection of aald side linej ot McKinley cpverlriu thc"5arho7 ncalhst thc^fUjbiujrlbp said hide line ot, Mojanlcy-Str/ect 180.foet atreet with the easterly side line »f Com- ••• •'. •.-.;, ••..-••• . Mas4n SiolUij to H..point in"the easterly side line of Cole- merco Drive.'(foruwrlV efijary Avenue};" : , ..•.-:• \ : ••,. ' . • Administrator man- Avenue now vacated; •••'•'. '•• : ' ' Thence (DM 80»;--' S4'. East, ol6n«-said Thehc6 alone said nldo lino of Coleroan side line of.MoK.luloy Street. 12

1J3 -Miln at., , crnnford, N. J. Theu&"Nprth?«6."" - 54*. E' IBOfiot ip- to a point:, .'. , . : .. , Adv. Pen: $21.12 , W-28 Ipolnt Or pUici* o.fliesilnnlni:.' •.••"•',.. •'•• !'*;!) South M*'-~ 54' West, 12O.0' IS: YOUR DOLLARS DO YQU THE MOsT WHEN YOU -- SHOP IN .The (dollars you spent!, in your hometown stores, do DOUBLE SWINGS OPEN FOR PEOPLE AND - .duty foVyou. (1) In the merchandise you buy, you get . VALUE equal to that obtainable^yWrlER^ (your own " comparisons,will convince you of this fact), (2) In promoting the projgress.and welfare of your own community, these selfsame dollars keep right on working fojr YOU* Parf of every dollar you spend at home goes into the • ,, " faxes and cbntributions. that siipport your schools, streets, parks, playgrounds, churches, and; other facilities, that add up to better community living. The surest way to SWINGS DOWN FOR CARGO get the AAOSt for your money is to SHOP AT NOME!

New Magic Doorgate the rear with" ease. Nqnclimb- •2 New Falcott awjugs jbotU way$—open ing, ho crawling. For c*rgo, economy champ t,-~-.v, ,, ^for people auddowu for simply lower It like a taligare^ Roomiest (J.1% rfibro load- 5 New Fgrd Wagoua-with a ^^pace>.. Most-liiyiirlous Interl- . cargo. An exclusive frbrjri. orVyet. Optional 200-hp V-8- ... Ford, it; is standard on ride so. smooth and quiot, THTS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY RETAIL DIVISION yoM^cl think you were in a'66 New Sitfftty Package, Stan- Ford and Fuirli^iic wagons, rord sadanl-You'get tifiorij lux- ''dard-AII trWp wafcorts have a I6w-c a door-ariii you can step into -Sqiiire. 93.4-cu. fV loadspace. flasher system. &

CORP, l58E.WMHreldAv«. ' .."•• • T •: •.'

•;•••}.:<' •'.. . . i • ' ;>-.,»'.. • ?»1 1 •'. •,"••#-•-i-v '•• •' " ' i.'X • -' 1^. -'—..'•A '.'.'. -V :.'X'X.'''- '( '-~ fktf•;: •^ofecrtVWils<)iji ;2^'6;fMyrtle? St., threcmonth suspension eHeet- ,ive as of. September .217, and Roiand (;•••§ W. Sttfu*, Jr., .19, o(4i2 North Un-' Collection jon- • Avev,' 45^day. isuspension eftect- ".."-• A colorful' -display-, of. stamps, issued liv 1920-21,,• nowjearec also ive as of September,27. .,'[ . >ommem^rst!rig • "5b. ¥ears of, ••are showr'i. ' • '•'•'' "•''; ;, •'.-.' '" •>', „ Scputing,*v collected,.; by Carl F. Mr. S'ehauo*-. dey.ptes , ntucM of Scnauer of ill Mohawk Dr., is-on hi 0 '•••GeoVg^'IVl.-.Coffee, cliairman-'of # at' thVpranford, Public . Li- as the. firlmford. .lli'onp'.C-mb'si sight cons'ei'yirfipn' ahct^ blind lOommitteiie, ¥ w About15f:stamps, commijmaraii ,,. „„.Wasiu.ugt'on'Chapter, New. a-iji)ounced .ihis.;\w-epk.. that-.'•'•^ter

; J v ...V" ••• '•''.? •:••.••' •,-# ing Boy Scout and Girl; Scout'- an- Brunswick;.' He is^rtiember of the- " " "' has bceiii donated by resl.-. y'-/ J. .•••":.• .•/'. :-••••'• •••••'.• Society ' of Philatelic Americans, :cltib's dnnuaf'(blind . niyersaries. are included in the'w and.(he- Americarj.Topical AsWcia- , A • demonstration • and workshop .to--'< hibit along with first' day covers, seal "drive. . , . . , • tioiv and its Ships on Stamps unit, were held ;bi^ the Spadenhoe' .GaT»- booklets ort first day covers/and a. : This speciar fund is used for eye He also 'serves ,as ', sfjimtJ_Jne.rit. itib yesterday at the b'ftme of Boy Spout merit badge manual on counselor, for the-'Union Council, care fcjr the needy of Crattftfrd. • stamps. • :•'•' ' .',-• , ._ '•"". ' ' -. Mrs. John taw, 106 Eidgewood It is also used, for', donations to the -•.-" The locaLrcsident, a;«lerk at the •B pp jS.eouii.fif;, Arher.LCji.t-i.- [ ._.-. : v Union'Cijiinty"Association pf Blind, • He is .captain of the First Aid ' '' '"" "'" Cranford Post Office for, the past Mrs. Andrew Dtflineck of Scotch the, -Americ^.n Foundation fpr the ll years, started his hbbby in his Squad and lectures dn first aifl to-( Blind, Javier'„ Society, Red Cross v Girl Scout unite.. Mr. Scha'tte^ .Who 'Plains, a former club member, boyhdpd when he was a stout and demortstratetf the art of 'decorating Braille ' IJnit,•'. Diamond Spring is married and. has two ^daughters;; Lodge for'the;,Blihd and the Gla'u- •'. now specializes in stamps of- the is dn the; board of trustees of • Os-.eggs fof Christmas, T;h€ club merri- 0 ; coma Clinic in addition to- donat- •• United States, .United 'Nations', and oeola iPrifsbytftnan • Church, bers had been told to bring egg .s.coutirtg. Among.the rare stamps shells.so they could* " "' to the American pible Spdiety •. in" th'i?' library .display are two of poiineck. ;•'••;• '. ._, the pyrchase of.Braille Bibles, the first Boy Scout stamps ever is- F6ini(: System Penakiei .... Mrs.; Frank;, ^brzani, club presi- Once a year the • Cranford- Lions sued, 1900 " Cape of Good' Hope; dent,>epbfled ohtire Holiday Gift sponsor ar party .for the Union •• •;: :;..;v.; .stamps depicting Lord Bactan- '' .Point system .license suspensions County Association of Blind..'••-. annauhcod- this week by Motor Ve- Festival, the club's fund-raising Ppwell, founder of' Boy Scouting, project to; be ' held ?at Veteran^' Chairman CoMey_utged residents' and Sgt. Major Goodwin,., 'A set of" hicle birector ' June Strelecki m- who still desire to make donations cludedlthe- following from:-, Crah- Memorfat Horpe on "November 18- three Siamese Bby Scout stamps, 19: She anhPunced that>wprk was to do; so'as soPn as possible. Do- 'comp"te{e4~ on pressed flower pic- nations may be mailed to Mr, Cof- tures at seyetatt wbrkshops; arid that fey at 210 Locust Dr. "Your sfafe and mine has anlimited r«66urces other workshops are planned for Assisting Mr. Coffey on . the7 the additional" items to tre made sight conservation committee are. Join the millions Ipr Jtbe sale- candles with Delia Lions Frank pi Tullio, Matthew . , . HbWeVd*; We are prbt liviitg up tdour po*; RObbia bases, three-dimensional Haney, Albert Bellow?, I Alfred who en\oy Ambassador plaques atul an item, from ;th'e jun- Frigola,, Jr., WilHam F'oxdham, Ed-. .ward.ftearlck, ?aul Cufcio, Robe*r't tential'."..,»• For too long we have; been cast in iors... "•'•• y .': • >2..!//'''-.• . .• - : Mrs": Julius CangeTosi, chairman • Shtiptft,' J a-ines' Sna\vf Dr. tjeldqn ..:.,: .•••;• '•'• "...•'.'•' ' :: • :'••"•. • '..•"'.'.>•• ,v •"v./ '• "'•'.-. of-..the Noyember meeting,._ asked Hindman and Alfred Frigolay Sr. members to stgrt phanning on ideas -the shadow of our neighboring statos. Elect :*:•-. •• ~i tor-the Ghristrnas decoratio'h ((on- test for that meeting. They, .will ine JipVe^n6rr dnd oUr sl*ate wrill. be oh ifte way be judged and prizes awarded." • ' Mrs. Fc^-zani reported that .she had volunteered fpr thio club to back to Its rtghtful place in the forefront of supply "ih.e table decorations, fl'owrs ers and lmen for the state zone the riatibn's most progressive, best rhariaged, ioirtitftg- Md- \tnt WestfMd Boscue. Squad building. and most proSpetNous states ... I dedicate my- "Tlower • arrangements'•'..lor'".•the: Public •Library were donated by sK Porzani-to fulfill; the' club's self and th4 Republican team to. the realiza- .< turn this month. • • It,wa"s decided that the. petfthrir tien of this goal." . One taste ber. meeting would be <>• party and \*o'tks}iop to make bedside ".i»r» will tell you why t ai!lge>n.c!.iits:;; for...,ai/'^e'terahs'v.'.lips^ p'ital.. iRefreVh;ments' were -served .' ' '.*" by Mrs. John law with'M . . ••.»•..

Craft Receives SENATOR WAYNE DUMONT, JR. at Lehigh r^ L. Croft, son of. Mr'.', and Mrs. Lowell B.'-Craft of 228:Walnut muTrg--5&~fe|t!higlt .Uin- versity students'Whprecej^ed bac •calaUrcatc; degrees • during coin bined Founders' Day—Presidential inauguration cei'fem.oriies ' H' the. university in B^thleherri, Pa./Ia'st k . Mr. Craft received the bachelor of,- science.' 'degree-in business aii-

•agement' and curr'entjy is employed with-tKe Atlantic .Refining" Co. -as marketing traiheo!;';^ '• '."" ' A. graduate of Cranforrl: High School, he was a member of Alpha Society' at Lehigh,1 . Mr. rCraft-is "Warrled to t •rtiev- Miss Heidi .BaftoWs of West- JPOR field niid-theyi'^ -in- ••••-:-K\ GuBs and Fathers ' '' "" ' ' '' ™ ' ' *

About .35 boys and their father! participated as Qub Pack 1^8 'hpl its annual father-and-ioh.tr.ipt Cantp,. Winnebago» on . Coiumbus "•. ••+':'.'. •''"' ^he bPys -ran.; un obsta'cle " •'• t 1' hiked to the reswyoir and had a. picriit luncjr. '" pack's , Annual Halloween ;It gives us a warrri feelirig jtoTkriow that out ef|prts to provide p'a>.ty will be, held hi St. Michael's • baseWent tomorrow Right i of. Cranf^rd arid vicinity: wiih tHe best savings ,and loa'rl t its- first faceting last .week t.hc ^pfiftjk .committeo discussed fu services available meet wit^h your approyal." • ' ' > : ^ .. tufo "tfi^the annual Hailowoo camly sale and trie coming.'Ha .. •-.• More than 5,000 residents are now among bur Regular savers lqween party. Ben • mothers • dis cussed project' ideasC. .The neici and this list is growing each month. There's a .reason fpr this, too. 'cominittee meeting" wilfiwihotd 6: Crawford Savings has riot missed a dividexid payment sinc6 its found-, Tuesday, ^vember p'.' ; \ • ing in 1887: Why iioi join-our growing family.of regular depositors ".,".• :) and earii. a\ big A% pp. your savings? r '•*•' : . ' . •• ' Diiinont to Be Guest" FOR STATE SENATORS f^ • Of County GOF Women c dv pi- course, if yoti. are buyiiig ai home, (Jranford • Sayings! ; The Union County Women's Re- ft STAMtCR PETER J. M D0NOU0H 1 : : is the place to come for your mo^ publican Club will. be host to th ' " • -'• •. - • .• •• ••' .. .'•'.' •• ••' .... .•.-•..>.•• . • , •; '•, '•,•..•.•'•,' •;"'.. Republican - gubernatorial " candi 1 -threev generations of. area residents in owning their- dntc, Senator \Vjiyne .D.umont, Jr. at its annual campaign lunchcort a FOR STAT* ASSEMBLY i Stop in and let our friendly staff aid you,, the Elizabeth Carteret Hotel;J Elizabeth on Tuesday at l^:JL5'p.n" FRANK X. M^DERHOTT NICHOLAS S. LA CORTF Miss' Fnuices JohnsonV' vice Take Advantage of Our Ivlahy Services' . chairman -of the Cranford ilepiibl ; can Club,',is heading up ticke LCREE COLLINS PHILIP DEL VECCHIO mUAH WE AVER . IrtMiretl Savings,Aceob'nts AH Purpose Clob • los. A reception wilt be heh Home.Morfgage loans :' - Mohey Orders to the iuncheon for Senatp : ^ Hqrtie htipr»voiwent loans /(, • tfayoley* Cheques ': . .' Assemblyman Nichola; FOR BOARD Of FREEHOLDERS '." :' •' ••> •HOURS: Mbh. thru Fri. 8:30 A.M. to 3 P.M;; Mon. Evos. 6 to 8 P.M. pointed-diir.rtijttiy past anil-present Paid for' by Gratiford Dflmont for CSovefnor Club - WA'tK-tlV WINDOW^pen Daijy^3 to 6 P.M.; Sats. 9 A.M. to 12 Noon places of •intere'st'in the. township. Ilabert Harmon, 21' Berkeley PI., .Cranford, .N.. j. •'Thp'trip was taken ;in'connection with u st'iuly of tht* tfomitiuuity of li ESTABLISHED 1887 Cranfofd,' a unit of the' second '-,"•;. :.'.:- -i,.- .social .-stiKli.es curricuiurru'. •

•'• ••'•' »*>•••'•'•••'I " :-.!••• :• '•'•'• '<-.'|v • .•it .1 *-'. *>':C-e held... • Miss ''%" Knight 'wi.U:, nieetirig: for adults of the "Northern. /''•.' Rfey-."'Mr,";Sitig'eT, _s6n of, Mr. and;' Mrs.:.Joseph; William' Singer; of Uhier." rpprh 'of, the First .Pr-eSbj&i igain. s'p'eak"'tO, the adult group,;... At, Cbrtypcatjan on Sunday at .St, An- Low.yilie;' N. 'Y,.;1.is .a-:grttduMte" of'Xowville, Free Academy fnfl: Syracuse,, ejriab Church for "church officers' he 7:30; p.rrt/: evening $QSpt*\ hour, • ricilicfing those newly ejected and drew/s. Church', Murray Hill.' ;Th£ UniversityUniversity^! ' He tteceived a"B.A/de- v.••.•-.'.'.' . '•'-"••"- '• .,v> / ''.''•' /'•'•' -•'•''•'; he paitor Will .§pe4^ on the;|opic ' program; wiir/begiri with the serv- :ox orga.nizatioh lead,ers including grecf in philosophy frain the latter Your, Ways'.'' based, •' qp' •/••'. ice of evening prayer iii the church in; 19.59; In 1963 he receiVeo!' a ba- ung people, . . •'/ /•.•..,.• • , . .j r:ir9;-.;:-'.'"'.:-;"'-'- ,:.'-Y^; "••"• at 6:30 p.m., followed "by dinner The 47th >. Annual Missionary chelor qf sacred th«glogy degree ftev. br*'.' RobjerJ, G. Longaker, Monday — 6:45 p.mi.loyaltji-din-, in the parish hall./ Lay, delegates iaslPr.'wiJl discuss administralipri ; Convention of A.lliance Church will from, BpstPM liniversity, Stihod).' of' ier in' Fellowshtp ;Hall." Rev; Rich-.' from Trinity are:--Mr. and. Mrs.! Wil- Theology..^For the past two years, '$•\it relates. tp the: fulfillment oi nd"e. Shahkljti;-director' of,,the de- open Sunday and continue through 4 thfriollowing Sunday, October. 31., liairi Benriis,' Mr: .and; Mrs; Lawr he ftas served as assistant chaplairi ihiirch goals^arid the year's pro- iartment of world mission" suppprt / ' .'• The missionary party. will.Jn- ence Courier, Mr. and Mrs, Robert and student, in the clinical pastoral ;ranL/Leaders will begiven guid- if the.NieW. Jftsey'.Baptist Conyenr ' .F. Johnston. •'•: . - /••/.'•" training program at. the- Bostoji nce in administration, communi- tidn,' will be. guest speaker. Faith ' •clude Rev, • jafti.es Woehr, .mis- 1 sionary to Chile, South America, An organ recital will be played State Hospital, a leading research :ation,,-finance ' a;nd functions of proposal will 'be presented and the by Julian E. Goodwin, organist and and treatment center for.\thie men- i^ograni. Resource ri^aterials and loilPwing members' of' the. every, pinoe-1953; Miss Virginia Smbther- J man; engaged in missionary work Choirmaster of Trinity Church, in tally ilL While'.there he was.a re- irogram aids will be on display.... •" nembei" .canvass' committee ;Will be "•• in Gabon, Africa, since. 1955, and the-church'oh Suijiday afternoon at side'nt Volunteer • in • a "Half-Way Thb workshop is sponsored"by the introauced:/..Paul- :Sullryan-; gen-;/ 3;30.' .The program twill include House. Last; summer he worked liyislon of "adniinistratipn under and visitatiort,,chairman;.:R6y.- Mrs; C. El Thompson, a missiojiary, : with wayward youth in a camp near in Cambodia since 1949. They will, the following "selecti6nsr"No\v Re . :he chairmahishipi,of Richard "Hi Sallee.fjyth proposalj.Charles Mat-) jPice, Beloved, Christia"ns" and Boston.. ..-•••'' •"'',.•.,.' . ..•'-;..'.'•;' •"•". • :•'• t .tickey, jr.. "''" - •''....'. ,*';' '>•',. describe the Opportunities /and MISS SMOTHERMAN 1 tliews,: publicity'; Mrs. -Robe.rt"Sc,ott; "Sleepers Wake ! A Voice Is Call- , Rev. Mr. Singer will serve as a and; Miss Margaret Romick, chair- •' challenges in presenting the Chris- ing" by jphanrr- Sebastian: Bach; full-time assistant pastor cbn- tian gospel, show missionary pic- 1 meii of ai-rangements for jlinner.; ; "Fantasia In F. Minor- (K. 608)", by cerned primarily!with. the.deyelop- man of the C'amp Aldersgate. Cam- Mrs, William. Lynch is- in charge, tures and/display curitis..of the va-( Wolfgang- ArhadcUs Mozart; "An- njent" and - training of leaclership in the ^services. • fcious fields! . ....I, , '• of the dinner.'»: ' • . ' . dante" and "Poco Lento": by Ernest for a total Christian Education pro- .Fe\ibw's,hips will meet at Wedne'sdayd; " — 9:45 a.mi, Special speakers will \Hnclu3e •Bloch; "%ryn- Caifaria,"- ''Rhosy- gram iri the life of the congrega- 7 p,m, Sundayd . .TheY Youni g Adult riesday morning^ Bible' class will Rev. L.L.; King, a fbriner mission- medre" and "Hyfrpdol" by Ralph tion. He will serve in the area of Fellowship Will jtave" a weekend meet at the home of Mrs- Ralph ary, to India, and now foreign sec- VaughnWilliams; "Andante; Al- pastoral visiitation. in relationship retreat'at/Carrtp Aldersgate. • retary of- the Christian and Mis- ; to the work of Christian education. Boyd, 214 Elizabeth Ave.' At Christian healing the installation service and recep- Tuesday-"^ 8 p.m., Credit Unibn;- ens • John Taylor, professor of Bible at will take; place, in the chiirch Oil. tion which will follow. " 8 p.m.,' commission on missions ALLIANCE CHURCH 6 to 8 p m by the Ladies Aid So-Wednesday at 8 p.m.*- - - Choir J$J&e:$yick.$limiQiiaxyi College, Nj(Nj(- Wednesday —: 7 p.m., Chapel y Rev. Laurance.Jr. Pyne, Pastor ciety k J-J^ ^.Members of the Altar Guild will acjk, N, Y., and recently returned Ihoir; . 8 p.m., adult' education For the firsf^year' St.- Mark's•[ ed ' Sunday Bible School — 9-30 a m. majke their, corporate conimuriiori of Joel Zuckerman, sbn of Mr. and from a'rouri^-the^world trip to 25 at the 9 o'clock:service- on Thurs- Mrs. Murfay Ziickerman, 3 Siibur- The; Children's Choir of.v the AME ChUrch will offer nursery fa- , countries and mission fields. Rev. ^Sunday, .Worship Service ~--'ll CALVARY LUTHERAN CltURCH Tonight/^ 8 p.m., Chancel Choir cilities for chiidren of parents "at--- Rev, Arnold J. DalUqiilst and day, (October 28, Feast of St- Simon ban Rp).; Clark.. • ., •" • " Methodist Church will be- 8 p.m., memorials/coinmittee; 8;1E Mr! Bollback will tell of his work a.m. and St, Jude. Following the serv- "•Monday -^ Class Yiid,-7:30 p.ni. gin,its season next ThursdaTd y after tending the 11 a.m. worship-serv- '•Junior and Senior Hi -Youth ' Rev.. Gordon I*. Huff, Pastors 1 p;m., meeting With , .prospective in,South America and show pic-", : ice on ,S.Uiiday9r- •'...• •. . x ; '.•:,< . . ".Todays 3:30 pufa.-, Junior Choir*,, ice alight breakfast: will be served Tuesday — Rabbi's study grp,up, nobn, 'it. w.as"a.hnouiiced:,b'y-' J^mfes new members. ' . .'•.••'• •:»,' •[" "/'• •" tures; Rev. Mr, Taylor >will .tell Fellowship — .6 p.m. Sunday.. .; ' in the guild room, and a program, R,: Lenney, director of music. The Mrs. Ruth Baldwin is. chairman about his- Visits to the; various' Sunday^evening service—.7 p.m. } -p.m., Calvary Choir;". Lutheran 1-2:30*p.m.. r; •••; ',.•"•-.';„••.•'' will be presented by the* rector Wednesday. -,~ Graduation class,' rehearsal will begin at 4:15 and end of the cpw'mittee^hich has organr'( countries and also show pictures Wednesday — 9:30 a.m., Wom-Church Women wijll hold a Ghris- ST. MARK'S AME CHURCH > oh ^Liturgical Renewal. W the...C6n-_ .7:30 p.m.; Men's Club, 8:30 p.trii al 5 p.m. Children from the fourth izei"Hfe-nursefyito care, for small tBI ^ xynrlfyhop' ,,|w>gilining ti _ SrSttff* hi^ Aijj ^ :will; , be 7:45 p.m., midweek Bible study at^SO-a^ln,through" 9i30 p.m;:The temfiprary.:Wprtd." ; Church SchPOl rffeets at .9:45 a.irt provided •for';6Tasfxh11ia'relrt. v '.'.. .A special,feature of the- cpnven- gregatipn service?'"/"'.'"."".'"/... enroll. : and prayer iheeting. • •/. ./•',' morning scSsion will be from 9:30? ; Pantry Shelf t>ay at ''The Ever- and the worship service is held a " Asistihg Mrs . Baldwin,are: Mrs. tibn will be on.the opening Sunday f greens," diocesan home in .Mopres'- . Sunday/-^..breakfast, minyo.n, jn.a letter s,ent. to parents,'M!r : evening when jlte: Missionary Cru Sunday.>-f;5:30 p.m.," college and ll;30 (babys.itting .provided);-, the .11 a.m. Sahday:' "'-^P±>- Choir Ve John Reaves,' ]Wrs;" Wjlbuiri'Dantci,-'' othor two periods wjll•'•b'e from' 1- town, will take place on Thursday, 8:343) "a.m.; ; MdMonday throughg., Thurs-.. .Lenney explained that the purpos.i Mrs.. .Nelson ' Brawn,•'•).Mr&,'.; jphn /saders, a,gjaup of sdns arid dajigh- career group. ':•'•• « . / 1 day, Saturday and Sunday —: T:30 of .the^. choir is to. teach «the. basic htarse'H at .7 p.m.;- Adult Choir ai 3;30; and-7:30 to 9:3Q. Lap robe's October. 28. . In , preparation for 8;p.m.,»b«th on Wednesday^'. .-;. ','.' Grice; Mrs. -Paul Bauknight,.. and - ters qf^t&lssi6naries,[ now attenpT- Radio Ministry. — Each Sunday, p.m." mihyon; Friday ,—*• 8:30 Christian:, beliefs throjugh .musi v and (ray faybfs for Grcystone" Hos- that day the parishes of the .diocese p Today ^- Men's Club business Mrs-,.John' Fatrnfeir.•'-'-•' , ' .Nyack Missionary College, the morning worship service, 11 have been assigned; a particular i Std10 i and to siise music as a mfeans of re / present, songs and dialogues a.m. to noon, is broadcast, over pital and the Lutheran Welfare service; Saturday,;— 10 a;.ni. serv- meetingv 8' p.m. •;•;•..,,,,/ •',. ; ',. T.he; chJldreM will be cared for. in . Home in Jersey City" will be made. item for stocking the pantry at the ice. , ligioo's/ e\Su£a"ti6n.; ••The choir : : characteristic' of missionary work Radio 'Station/ WFME,' M.7 FM, i • 'Tuesday' —' V 8 ' ,p,mv, i ,Missibnary the- church, basement;, ., Mr'js,' fia'ld- JUiiLl also be collected for ijome. Members of, the local frar- gives training m Christian service win has requested; parents to^^ dp- and will appear in native costumes. '"' Annual Missiohary / Convention ish are coritributing.large contain- he iioredT^Xsrcii cliild'will b;e' serv- Spciely" at th£_.pars6nag£u ^ ; .— : Rev. Bradford Htiss, director of these homes.-" Sunday- — Rev..' Mr, Williahi's hate, toys for the new nursery;, starts Sunday/'ajid "will" continue Friday - p.m., dis'cilssion of ers of cranberry juice, donations; OS€EOLA ing in ihe church. thVough his sing- public • relations at the college, is thirpugh the following Sunday wittr of which; may be left in the. vesti- ing in the choir, anct ,wiH receive topic will be "The Christia'nHope,'- director of the Ccusaders. Theh' CComfortable Pew"" bby.Pi'errf i e ' and the Adult Choir ;.win sing un- missionary speakers, pictures and -Berton,- at thechurch/ - bule of the church.up through; Sivui- Rev. William M felllott. Jr., Pastor training for' gr^afer service; in ^^ ."Other special features of the films each/night at.7.t45:p ni.. The future," Mr: Lenney said.,' ' der th«j direjction/of Mrs.::Carlett£ r ••"•" Saturday ^- 9:15 a.in., catecheti- day-;. • • , '-•.-; • .:Z • ~'\ . •'• Revi, Mr. Elliott will speak on Ryan, 'organis.t-director,' At.4 p,m convention will bcthe 'sho.wingpn public'is inyitedi••';., • ' cal instruction, 9 a.m. tp 4 p.nia, A rummage sale will be spon- "MusiciaJ, Spears" at worship serv- . Mr, Lenney has asked the par Tuesday night df the film, "Tribes ents tp' register their children; ioi the, YPD .'Choir .will sponsor ,'iti car wash-by Senior Luthef Leag; sored by the Women of Trinity in ices; aV QAg people .progranf. The- public;, |s- invited; .!•'•• Shangri-La," will bo shown~next Sunday service ,- --.i'i, a.m. , , in' the; nursory through junior de- iice'r.s of .the, churcp. with the-i Thursday night, October; 28, on T a.nl, ^unday Church-Schpol;' 10:45 BAPflST CHIIRCH .w.ivcs will seirvc the dfnrier, . •; :• Rev. Mr. Mangion.e will preacb aim,, only,••.children under three "Rev. (Georife. JI. White, Jr!, partment •'•' will meet a.t: )bh(i same JEtJOVAH'S .WITNESSES';-;. iiitfkrfth 1 : Monday -~ 8 p.m.,, adult educa- on!' "The, Toudv of •. His Garment"' yeaTS-Will. be tared-, for. during' the hours, The junlbt hlgh.iarid 'sen; •'•, Valley of Indonesia, and on Sun- . Sunday, worship service..—f-lli tion divisionwill meet" iii-Dr. Long ''•*••. •G. Mckaie i:- •• ''•' at the. service on"' Sunday, v wor'yhip"service;^ v, ...• • ; ''. ior. departments meet each .Sunday Presidane Minister " ; . day! night,. October 31, .the film,," a.m.; Sunday church school,; 9:30 at 5;30;:p.m. arid are invited to at- aker's b'fficci-, ...*.•.-'''• ' • • ' The annual spaghetti diriiiiir Will •Monday — 8:15 p.m., final class ; ^:.;;y^;^;5,;p;l;: "Narcizo," will be shown on iLa- i v a.mam . ' ;-• '•" •' ' :' ;;'";''; tend the; •Senior Westminster Fel- • Tuesday — 9:'jO -a.m., . Praye: 1 tin'America.;' ... .- • • '.'...'.. ' .be •.sponsored Tuesday' • .at " the.for persons .uniting with -the con- ...Wednesday '—? .prayer service Group;,- junior; room; 12:4,f*,p.m, Sunday" -—;, -3 p.m.,.public church from 11 a.m. Ho. 2 p.m.. and gregation OH,ihc first Stmday; in lowship which meets each' Sunday followdd by Watchtowejr-study•:,-ai t"7:3(f p.m. followed by Bible : : nursery department of the ,churc MARINO'S FISH S^ORE ;•.,,. The missionary pledge for. the November. •'. .'• -.'• ! •• ':/":'" • •..' at 7, p.m.'•'•.; , . •'• \ ' •:.:•"' •"./ ; : study at 8 p.m.; 8:30 p.m.,v choir l iiohobl will meet; 8 p.m.', Bibl< 4ci5.'; •';•• ;-. .,' .. ":: C,' '-"-'^';;v >'-.',.. '> 'church this year was over $33^000. Tuesday — 7;30 p.m.,. Boy Scolifc Today.:—/Circle 2-.will meet- at Today;—' 7:30•••p.tM., ministry ; • The _ne.\y._pledge will. be taken.at iehearsal; •'• , -,- '.•/,;.- ..- ' ' .'.... 1 study-\cQurse on the Book of Act .';:. OPEN j ;;. renewal leads men to the discovery Troop,84 iii Fellowsnip.;Hall. V the cljurch at 9^30/ avm-f. Janior school followed -by' service me'etin ; . the close of the corivehtipn. • •Sunday- —^ Rev...Parl.H. \Lawr* 'will be' op6n to the. congr'egatio (•xcepi Monday} ... .. of their- real identity • and eternal Wednesday — 3:30 p.m:, Ch'orub, Chpjr,,rehearsaJ^7 p,m.;' Senior at 8:25',.p.m:-•';('...•.'.-;•,• •• •';.-•••• '. .-• ':•,;:•. ; led by Rev.' Dr. Lo'ngake'r: ;; . ' • : ; •• °. Services will be held each week b Thhe thbui;hbi t i s bbrougli t out Choirhi ; '7 p.m., LtLutheh r ChChoiri ; '8:1' 5 ence,; associate minister of tfriion Choir, Vp.m.V Circle 5, at the.home ' -..'" ' Phoni :''..'".. '..K., __ _night_- ^gxte^^Sajlur.dajr^at^. j: 45 .fea'p'tist'. .Church, Orange,, will Wednesday "-T- 3:30 p.m.,-"Juriio: :.'.The topic at. the 3 pjn. .addres; course' .AaRusi, ,unurcn, urange,, win of Mrs-.^Ralp-h Roe,- 25 Sunset: Dr.f ^"diy^wiHJbe. "Whyf isjOurs a JBRidge 8-W33 ^o'will up: . .Rev. Robert Bizzaro, Rector;?; er, chairman,; anci' the division • of Automatic HIATINa h Rev. Alan K. Salmon, Curate , Letters have, been §ent' to area, will leave for a» two-day -'r-etreal; at churches inviting high school 'stu- Camp .•:NortHoycr, BoUnd " Brook. evan^elisravvith; Howard McAteer, Christian Science darft »f mqrtalSi -.will 'increase. Ion-. IJcv;''J; • H. .Witfjerington, Assist. chairman; • / •: • . ;: '.._;' - gcvity, will purify . and Bleyate - Sunday. Services ^~ Eightcettth" dents and their.parents to attend. Rev. Frederick Schutv* pastor of Refreshments will be served, the First Presbyterian. ChUfeh of Today i-V 10. a.m.,.. cancer, dress . Lesson^Sermon ieharact.er"-; ,:CScience and •* Health Sunday, after Trinity — 7:45 a.mi, ngs wijl be made in "the beginneri • ra«i-thrif ty o-E, Mrw Simmons; a'Democratic can- Spiirta, \ViU spedk on "Revive Thy " "If any man be. in Christ, he is a with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Sunday. Services; >^~ Nineteenth p p room/ by members of the Margare ' Vp •• 4O9.V- didate, for frceiio.ldeiv is president C BiWitK M" ' * Clean beat "i4 .Sunday • .a'itjftV—'Eriaity^.l:45—ajnl. Church —. Begin-.WitK Mp." away; behQld, all things are be- subject,is '^Probation After morning-prayer,' 8 a.m.; holy eil- VScaTIbliar *" ijome new.1' .;, . chari'st; .9. a.m.,, rnirirning prayeri School -Board.of Education, and a FIRST PRESBYXEKlANf 8 p.m.' These words of Paul to the Cor- former '.president of the Roselle • t A. CHRIStlAN BC1EHCB '9:15 a-.m.,, parish eucharist; lla.m:, inthians "will be the Golden, Text morning, prayftr and. sermon. Board of' Education.'- ••"'->-• .-. Rey. Dr. Robei'i Q,' Longaker ^CRANFORll RADIO PROGRAM' ; .for a Bibte Lesson on ho'w ipiritilaj Church 'school' at 9i'l5 and Ml •••'•' - ..'••' .','iPastor-: •••" •• . .•."- Rcv» JoJKn tt. pexheiittcr; o'clock services, ,••. . ' •• . ST. MICHAELS CHUKCH. Rev. Ricliard 1.. Wilson/ . Weekday services -^ ; Monday, "Msgr. William B. Don«elly, Pastor "Associate Pastor -\: . '• Associate • Pastor R. Bruofe Il^rde, ,,:' , FmsT emmcHat CHRIST. tHE BIBLE Aycdncsday-and Kri'day, )B:45 Kn.m.,.:•• -,; '.':Rev. .Mark'J. Dooley, • •'•';" • •Church school 8jnd>«(^nip serv- Associate Pastor' *'.'•'/•'. SdENtlSf? CHANtOHD, ^ morning, prayer, 7 a.m.; holy cu- ,-". • •..'; '-Assistant Pastor ..• •'.. ;..• '. ices' at 9:15 andj4r^oti. on Sunday; ...... Meii Give" will be the Vioisa ; ' charist;' Tuesday -~ 9:45 .'a.m., ~ '••• Rev. Ricliard J. , Credit Union; •Sunday,-11 A.M. • '• morning prayer;. 10 a'.m., holy elk "•• ; Assistant Pastor second of the stewardship mes- 7 p.m.v. Chapel Choir,-i Sunday School; 11 A.M. TO YOU charist; th'utsday,>—• 8:45 a.m., •R«v. Joseph V. fe sages by Rev.. Dr.. Robert G. Long- irsday, 8 p.trt., ChanoerChoi.v.i • ,y 8;15 PJUt. morning prayer, 9,a,m,, hojy cu- ...%.••' '' A_ssisiaMt i.; „ aker at bPth the 9:30 and 11 .o'cloj"" lS[ew members will bo- received worship services. The Sen RBADING, ROOM — . eharist and' healing' smryiec;" Sat-^ Sundiiy 'masses •—'it, 8,. 9:15, into thfc. congregation on Sunday 115 N. Union Anu . Choir will sing at th£-&r30 service g y CHAPMAN BROS. . Mon. through J'rl.. 10:30- a.m, to 4 ..,....O5 grades'.will,'be held at 4:30 p.m. p.m.; Boys' Ohoh1.'rehearsal, 7 p.m.; SpirittCif Leader • •• through llrtfrtilng to WHM tff lh« following • . To'dii USY meeting. The last of the four stewardship Men's Choir rehearsal, 7:30 p.m. 8:30 dinners will be held in Fellowship -Monday — Browriio Tro6p,.3:3jl •^Sisterhood.meeting, 8:30 p.m. Christian Science Radio Programs'Of Thisi Vicinity Saturday — Junior congrega- Hall' at 6 o'clock' with previewing p.m., guild room. , 1 of ihc displays ai -5:30 p.m. Of- - Sta. WNEW (113a kc) -^-Evety Sunday ..'..,: 645 a.»n. . Tuesday—Boys'; Qhojivfeficarsal, tion;' 10:45: l'l;45 n.m. Btir-Aitzyah Sta. WNBC ( 660 Ice) ^-. ftvety Siuaday ...'. 7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.; Crantojy^Chap'ter. '61 Al- cPholics Aiymyinous, 8 p.m., guild Yoom.^^^• .'"•'.'. ' ' h* It** ltt»«tur« of b«n«flf« • r«c*lv«d f»o« HIM* Christian Layman Describes wlltb* «bor«cUU«l . . the' Ideology of- the "United 'Na- tions" will be the subject of an ad- dress to be presented by Jan. Juta,

• •;•;> a^e flying again 1! To Stop Damage By These Insects CALL: TERMITE . Wh«r# You* Westfield SAVINGS EARN MORE AD 24492 ' H*tr|»k« luauriid'V B ih« federal l I' Scotch Plains AD 2-1492 1 Roselle Park FUNERAL HOME CH 5-1492 218 NORTH AYE., W. • BRIDGE 6^255 7 Elizabeth A Funeral Ifomc of homelike atmosphere, completelcompletely I ~~~ET5T492~ ••-'•*•'modern, 'i—•u- airf—'—!—'*i'.| conditioned,' ." i—'— off-streettit 'M : j "''i!'I'"••'_parking. J.facilities .'..•»•*•_ i ••-

-• »'•'•• ' " olho • '•• •.-.•• • • •.' GBMERALSUPPl V CO {OFFICE All Work Under Directioni of ... . •* ' ". . DOOLEY COLONJUa HOME DR. ARTHUR S. WILLIAMS/-' ti Broad 3U Cor. id>*wmw 3% CENTENNIAL AVE BRlDG^^OSqS ~ One of the ploneerd! Wi this field,/ - • , •'n' *'• . ' J ' • - '• '

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)!$"•••''•:• : •i. .;:<*v:''#V«nK. •fi'piti- ; > 1 : : ;; :: :i j."th*. cOliniy.'jaU; .,•';••••- ;,;•':•.. •[- ' '1;J^i^|^A V0ll River;; «nd others are sc|many. . J^jf'artuiti'cally'.'jvitHiii,- the , next'. -lew 1 ; Sherlock Jlall": of, T/rinitt '.-'•ford' Newcamers^'lub: at. a,' iun<*hr IVewty^ne '-newcomers .'•fyere lift- ptiiia.l•;.iiis(.itu(iwis- thi^u^liout, the; ro\V at' years.as btiilders and tfpnie ,Chure>hV .eiothiiig;' boots,1 shoes," ;.tro$uC€d „ 'i)y' " Mrs.. jM'ichael- /Iffyan. "cpukrtV'y. '--V •"'' • '"' '•'•'••••'••'•*•"•" ••- >•'-"'• "•' ;.; Se3m.a)i:'THecruit edn megtin^.l^t'jSv^ilnes^ay. at ; . jpi.ior t«- be,irig iclecie'd sheriff,' fa new ^ Wally.'s'/fray ty-n':oii ; tne%ill, AVatchV 1 l i econpnilcallV'. -bird effieitfntiy ftfe^iv •"• T ••.- ••-..•-. *••.¥?•-• >.. - .. .,.;••-.. : J ;Mrs7'.-kenneth:'^Qrup^Mr"*^CJiiffo«l, Miil''arisc'e-llb/s'e r^. '3igryea r6 - ung.;;^",;. •":.;,-• v-,- -'' •:.\*' filcjprs at ?;; ivlEsl ,<5iinthor' : Oil -A Shop Will be iiig.'t'p Robert M. Crane-,' president certificate- at a recruit;, graduatj.o'ri. Mrs. Johiv. Fer'fan't"p Mrs, W.altef and ' tliroi^ •'..'CtJrhpctHiye ; jHaarle, ..Vice-president; Mrs. \M.i«. Sciyice' examinatiohs. it>s<; ..from ale. of the..-Unjoft-Couniy Oil Heat As1- r^View held rec'cnlily. al the;U.fiited •chael Ryan, recording, -secretafV^'' Gallagher-, airs, , Patpick Garrett, •pitti'oirna'h' t» deputy chiof. • . Members • orrthe ''Monday, event-- sociatjbn; ; v ,. . States' Naval.;Trah)i.ng. Centej:, 'Great'; Mrs. Edward G-urskr,; corresponding ' !.'• ,'Aiphdhso jjernandez; ..Jyirs- •ing circlewill bogenerat chairmen. Ljalctifc,' iU .;, Me' was, selected as. ic's' .&'. Hicks and Mrs. VNftrtwan,i .* ThU. iuel .oil executive;b.ase.d his secretary,.'.and Mrs,, •Robert _ Somr ; Comjpitte,e . chairmen are: Pricing prediction on the' development' eff honor'.num. of I'hls company by tiis• " merldi'd,. treasurer.' • Board'-. 'mfero- •Girrfediett: .•••••••,: • ;: ' ' , ' ' and sorting, Mrs. James McLairi; cdmpany commander and ship- Also, • Mr^., John MacWhirter, ii; central, fuel oil distribution sys- bers-at-large are Mrs. Nelson Clay- Hadassah Sees posters and advertising, Mrs. Leon- tem that enables hoiiiVes to feed-off ^nates on the basis of "high initia- ^ poole, Mrs. Richard Iluzar and'Mrs. Mrs. Edward .McDonald, , Mrs. ard Rinaldi; ;•• refreshments Mrs. Prank'.Na-tihbz; Mrs;." Alfred Gui- Films on Israel v a centrally , located- stctege tank. tive, outstanding military behavior/, Ernest Stuehring. t'..., "''.'• •'••'" s il.ames W. RUdd,'Jrj; sales • person-' This system eliminates' the -expense net, Mrs.'.-J)on ald Rbtenburg.-.Mrs.' leadership ability. ,irntri'ticula'te ^p- „ Thene"w nominating committee nel/'-'Mrs. • "HobaPt .•Cree; cashiersi,- "of individual- home storage "tanks peara'nee, pride in ihe.^avy, addp* •Francis'. Sarh'o, -Mi's. Lj6'wis..'Sa.var- Medical Center : 1 •;,consists of Mrs, Ryanv Mjs. Som- Mrs; John :A'gce;,-."DJickup,-Mrs. W. u,tifi' of course; home/deliveries. ese; .Mrs. 'H:' Paui'^choeller, -Mrsj ""A Way to Grow," a'film on-thd. •tab'Uity- to 'miUtary training arid, be-; '';•'rterlad, •Mrs.. -Alvan; Wd'ng, Mrs, .Williams, gnd 'cleanup,. Mrs. Rob- •• TheThe. firsfirstt; •suchsuch;centra:' centra:! distribiidistri ; cause h'iphe .'displayed d a. higi h examplle Josep^Tisohio, Mrs.";lohn Ve'Hcky Hada.s'iian Meilrcali Organizatioja ert Blzziro.' /•/•': •• ."•' ':' '•_• .• -:' ^..] ' JoHn. BaKier"••and JVJtrs. Edward : tion system in •, the stiSe "6f Ne\V'/t'o- his comrades in arnis."'-':'•'"[' . :";'Burke?"•'- }• . ' :- "'•• :' '•'•'•.':'..; and Mrs. Williani Wafiriet..: V ; ' was shpwn at a' recent ni'eetfng of. Past mambers wishing'to partlc- the RoseHe-Cranf.or.d HadassaH. .'••« "'•. , Mlr's: ."Ri-bad'eifipjrra appointed :the : following•'. committee;- •^"J-~""- •ip'a.te • in ••Hub activities ar^ wel- HMO, whichtonducti Hacla"ssah's •;• Mrs. Kenneth Egan,, reeWatipn; come to eoiit act Mrs. Nelson C%y.;;'. medical program in Israel,', is based Mrs. Maurice' Williams, publicity; poolt", 423 So;u'th- Union.-Av*.'•. \'*% at fbe.-HadJISRahTHcb'rew University- Mrs. George >'• Chase," reservations'; : Womeif' interested.t in joining Medical,: Center in Ein Karcm, a Bjrs... Victor' AlySre2, membership; rfew'comers'- Club; .may eonta'ct Mrs; suburb cif Jerusalem It •inoludes' Mrs;, Robert McEiwain, couples' ac- Alvkrex-,, membershilp. chairman,.. 29 a 500-bed Reaching "Hospital, -the tivities.'.--Mrs. Jack , McVpy, hospi- Ijllmora Ave.-' ; ... " : : SCHOOL TRANSFERS —Shown above are Mother and Ghild Pavilion,'an out- " thlity;" Mrs. Howard'' Bostock, Mrs. '. Cranjfbrti students at tte Ralph Evans lce-Skating- School in. Mill-- patleHt department,, the Henrietta Roger Wiseman, hosted, Mrs Correction burn who v^ill soon be transfeiring to the new Evans school to bo S/old Hadassah School of Nursing Hany Bahrs caller, Mrs John H Joseph Walsh of 764 Gallows and Residence, Dental School; 1 located at 215. North Ave , Westfield They arc, lelt to right Tta Law, decoration ., and Mr& Joseph Hill Rd, who lias accepted ap "Tdmasulo, 625 Lincoln Pk , K , Tjobi Sue Reichman 15 Brovn Medical School, the only one m interested in moving I ConigHo, dance chairman pdmtment to the executive "com Te.r, Dena TomjSulo, 625 Lincoln Pk, V , Petei J Nelson, 12 Israel and, now under cohstruc- A couples' bowling party and mittee of the Senior Citizens "for .Summit Rd, and CaVol Rosel, 103 Thomas St Other area residents "tion, the John F Kennedy Me in i otail adveitising! Hughcti, is president of the Greater Social Will be held Saturday eve who will transfer fioituMillburn to the Wostfic'ld. school •fnonal Building, to serve aS aft in- ning at Clatk Lanes "at 7 30 The iPlamfield Semor Citizens' Club formation center couples' activity for November will and n member of the Senior Cit Mrs .loan Dunn, Sharon Bunn and Thomas Mansfield, all of Reports on the United Natipns be attendance at the Cranford Dra- izens' Clubs of Cranford and Mid- ford, and Anne Cngui and Mis li Melhn ot Konilworth R^tffstra- and UN1 Month were made by Mrb This is NO stand-still copy job. ft's an opportunity for matic Club's presentation, "Come dlesex As a result of omission of tion lor the new school will stall -November 1, with^sorvations William Tabat, American affairs Blow Youi Horn " words, copy sent out bv the Sen no\y beini.' accepted at the Millbprn school foi WtStiield classes chairman our "Lesser Known Jew YOU, ti you-can write fresh, selling copy usincj the soft | The next meeting will be1 Novenv lor Citizens foi Hughes last week Mr Evans (mphasizeb that^'ice skating is bestt>«ftht by profossior- ish Women' bv Mr*) Kurt A_ Metz ppproach, and have capabilities of "growio&^with an bcr 3 at Mrs' t>\ in Scotch Plains referred to Mr Walsh as "presi al instructois i(rnaj pick up on his own annual rummage sale, toy Mrs Fred advertising"department that must keep pace Brdst. Eagle Gift Shop on Stouth lor Citizens-' Clubs of Ciunfoid and Blum, chairman. Mis Blum an-^ Union Ave , will present a piogram Middlesex " faiths, established "the nounced that the sale will be at 8 company's aggressive expansion pnogiam to open ne\ Walnut.. Avc-,, tram, .NwAiiabfcr \ thrpugh Novembei li T * male inmates, xarncd out a pio in Spring, Send resume to Advertising Difector at gram if Oi complete medical exam ination foi prisbfiMs Sncludm 8-llOubto& Koos Bros. 1 isvuiaure chest \ray 4»d blood tests kind inie | Slides of Eajrfv Crain£ord Experienced ltiated a jai! "dental ROUTE 27 RAHWAY, N J. reelection in the No-j latter was aidfd by thev donation j Rodenck y Smith, past presj. General Flection, of $8,000 in equipment 'i Mm the, dent of the Cranford Histbwcal So 'ressed'"deeds not woids as his widow ot a Long Bianch dentist will'prcsont a slide program Qualified^Trained campargti "motto trf-talks throttgh-T- Sheriff CJnscHTo has'put infosef~on sto>> of eraitfortf at a DO YOU -d. top-noJch copywriter _commutmg ...IN SERVING All THE PEOPLE out the county this week feet, for the fir^t timf ara upori release Herman demcke, 4o Spiucfe St


' You paid only >4 98 for a gal SAPOLINsBsst Latex Wai

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OVER 1000 "FASHION COLORr TO CHOOSE IR0M V-," _. •••;. v 1 •. • Supe.rb results guarflrttoed I .' • ' ' • DriPjoss formula ccivors "with one coat, never streaks. • 20^mjnu|o dry/no unploasant'Odor- ... { » Soap and water cleans (flushes and rollerii. ,• ;' At Union-County- Trust Company, nion ' SERVING YOU IN * fL12AB6TH ^»1. LINDEN! :...•• RICHARD HARTIG just a. promise CRANFORD • •SUMMIT ' ;"*• BERKELEY - MimbeQl • ftieit] Keitrve System. • Federal Deposit Insurinck

% PAINT SHOP " ' - . • ••'»•• .-'•'•-•'..' ••:.

. ' : • • • • ' '• * "' • :"•"'..•••! , * v . — Opeji Friday lEvenings *-• "' ^ '

V."' •A •

f, 1 •vf •; k ••-».. ;i;t?'J.*jili«<£:*>^' '^^^^'-h^l^h '*•*> •"* •^• •• .-'


•-' •••:?:-,••/

:: •:••: •..:^ eader, was master" pf ctremonies. Sid Glub 'Aniieric'aiiLegiba' ilali, U. frivett CTOW;iJ. Over 100 Mafch Each, patrol presented a. .rskitv. ^n Ave., Springfield. New members map reading and cpnlpass work. Drive Inaugurated To .Open IVew Season * are invited, to attfejid- Mrs, J.;R. Turner'oi.i,Stratford Ahlhtny' LaRosa,- assistant • district Ter., will • entertaiti - Currie Mer In itbh'd' Sdwin KoW^ marial, iWCTV;>t g_:desser1;-meet- riticism MO will be held by the Short Hdljs Ski; the meetirtg. MisS .Katherlne Gorga" lyion; than 1Q0 .local rtien Initiation of a 'membership driye ing iat .!• p:itt. on Monday, Npvemtbfer The townshipgarage' .is lpc&l'ed oil a -tract of. landtb${$'. Inadequate' p; id• 4n .the; aiinu.ai -pai'ade ;Jth6. were .guests.;.-, ',...'.• . **'•• the ' highlight of tl^e ••'first-Club,.a^.ft:3Q • pt{\: Tuesday "at,the I of, 16 RiyersidfcB' i?r.': is: seereiary./- . .a,/flt her; porixe..-.. '^>SC—>'/;'-' • v;. , for •piaheuyera'biiity. qif heavy> equipment and'..the, coiiditioi.>s ofr. the ' Qther :• iroop leuderS;, (ife -Joseph" Roosevelt P'fO •'rnbeiitig-i' jat thie; garage" ahdHhWadja'ceft^ sc'hooll- Tuesday night-. "Mre.- Nor- 1 •tipn In Elizajieih/jjt,\vas..,rppbr.ted te,ah9/-assistant;st.qutmiiste'r.; The;; ...ari'd Eliiot. fiijossr -Deriioisratijc candidates -for, Teivynsh^!; Comniiltee, 'lfi>iiCdt1 _....". «-.•'_.-.• :....•_..-',—••.*j._i: stressed. : r by Edward. Burke^i 'crhar/m&n, ,at a : declared'thris V^K-- -h..f :-^C-?'. <•,;,'.'-"*' ' J "••a ' ' ••• ''''.•.'•••' ••' '"^C''•:"..'•'/" t'hairma.n;;iRobrert" Gigonv Si;.,'., com-, .....' The candidates,, following-, a tour meeting of St; MichaePs. Holy mittee: cbairinaiil, Nicholas'iCstsalc.i '•$?-^'<>hk6, director: of the Crahford kac'alis;' .trip's;:. Bdrnphd MulKeen,; drive; ',',- • •'• :. "'-'. . •>,;'•";:-,; "•'", ; an.• a'tpia" too small for" efficiency, ' High-School Band, tor the; band's Sr.,. 'quaricVmast'er; ' Victor""Masohi •Mrs. Gtor.finge iatroduGed . the .Declaring that the garage, is participation-in "the parade.'.- "".'•". ''atholTc action: :.•• .••'" 1965-66' ext'cutive board" "to the completely' inadequate now, they '' .Paul- Clausen" and A. L. Currafr membership Thomas Tipaldi, prin- asked what the township would dp were \yelcpmod. as new members cipal, -intrpduced the teachers and . AyHen the increase in', population by Pcite-r McVeigh...president/ staff to the parents. » • requires... an even- larger • operation. ; Frank 'Dooley, chairman? " an- Green Thwfifr Following •:t;he'; meeting, open; Jirtk-ly vyi'hti* co;jt shows will nounced plans for-the 'aiijrmal corhv house was held to enable-parents to ° "jhey charged.this is another ex- bfi :,pi'esented, at llahne- •& .Co. in njuWion breakfast on Sundsfy,'• 6c- ' ample of lack of planning on-the meet their eWn chjlciten's teachers' Wcstfield at 2 p,T|i. tomorrpw. .fobef ,31;, al the Cranwbod;'"(jar- anf''. :'.". ^'Guest kite" was held .last Wed-. • • After classroom,/ vifjita'tion, re-, Rates''at Suburban, still at. long- solidate bills, pay medical ex* " \Mrl" Kreger-.and Mr.. Bross. SaWtrends hi' the .wide divcrsity-^of The guest speaker •Was.'Alfqnso fresh'mehts were .served. in the v •their inspection revealed ' that shapes this, year, coats .with a''slen- Hernandez who discussed the, need nesday at ihe hom,t' of .Mrs. Wil- '•'. ••"'. '/'•• •••..•••>'•"• ','••• ' •'•?•••.• \y-'•••'<'"', iiairrv.Gray> president $[•'the GreejV library by., the hospitality commtt- :.time low. Plan rioW to buy. that property: adjacent to the garage, der silh.oiitjtite, lavish -sweep, -slight for education >.in Colombia,-'South tec,.Mrs. Leonard Barmakand Mrs. penses, vacation expenses, busi- bounded by the railroad, Moeri. Pi. Thumb Garden. Club; AttencTing as : ri i flare or smart taper'will be shown America'. Joseph \X,6wt^program, Noel ! -new car!'.-; "":/'•'':•••••'•••• :• \ '•..;.;•-•..," ness ^expenses, ot, borrow fbr any. :. and Winans, Aw., had become ' a chairman, introduced, the speaker. guests w»j;e.Mrs. George Aanonsen,- dumping ground -for, leaves,, .rocks in the season's fabric favorites, The IVTrs.. Philip;'Kaufman, IVTrs. Karl. ' worth while"^)Urpose! '..•_. and other debris., large variety is niade to'wear for Pfeil arid-Mrs. Alton Quinn.' HOME MODERIsllZATION?: Your They eha.rgqd that on the day nil kinds nf oreasions' and •weather; : A short history of- the club, and p , thtjy visited the site they detected its aimsWvi&,,giver) by Mrs. Gray., loan can run ajs!. long as five yeafS. • SEE SUBURBAN! for quick action a' strong odor of decay coming from In types and styles: ,th/at will agree Twov£3f e Scouts with many .tastes^ "^. Cptirt of Honor Mrs. AictUifd Hurley' reported on •the moukMrirfg leaves.. Nearby re- 1 . re'ceni Council of Garden Clubs ' Alec' Wisch and .To_hn Arsgnault Credit life insurance is included at ' ;Thi . . •; were advanced to Life Scput and . • dbspite protests of neighbors' the med ;coat with borders beaver or Boy Scout Troop 178 at ...St.' Mi- Michael .Boyle to Star Scout at a j^o exti:a cost. ,Teli us what "you , titihh f ikipT ^ chateV's Church... j*ohn Sorreritino, ,The Noveiriber meeting will be most convenient to you. .We wel- township was using the area' as a of Ay new a.'workshop, on.'door'-.'arid home ar- court of honor of Boy Scput Troop dumping ground. V "-- - ' young junior look featuW je'd,.fox scoutmaster, welcomedthe parents &4 Scoutmaster Edward Schaar- "need! . . . trim, pn cpljars.and. cuffs.-; 'A -hahd- : Life Seput** awards were nia.de ?angenii5nts for Christmas. It will presentations, come you! t : .. -Here 'again, the candidates ar- be. held at the home of Mrs. Rob-schmidand Msfrlit madn e Siegthe, advancement gued, the ••••. Republican-controlled some collection will be mbdeled.- S to Stanley and Theodore KdsierovV- : ^ki, James MackeWch,. Edward, ert Battle, 11 Orchard. St. chairman, was master of ceremo- • local government boasted, .of'a •A grtoup ot casiral country int6- nies. j>rogr,am of cppuniinity beautifica- town coats, will show important Muljceen, David Sorrentino. Ed- new .looks in Courrcges seamings wardV Anthes received 'the Star Merit badges, earned during the ' ,(ion while.-in-;,practice they created summer at camp Winnebago, were ; .•eyesores/'.;-' " :,."'.» "::.'.. 'l!r-' -.". ••'• and asymmetrical clpS'ings.'..'•. The rank. ^First class.awards were pre- Miss Dalfilquist •backward glance will be strongly sented tby David . K-aralis, Jeffrey awarded to Aletj Winch, John Arse- nault, MkhacJ Boyle, Steven Tax goals • today reraain,- hiuch pronounced in these, coats, With Mackjevich/NDaniel Mason,v. Wins College Grant back; folds .and belts. >The:ever- Fecho and MicHael Kurdilla the same as .iiv Lincoln's time, re- Merit. baa^gS .were eat'ned by Miss Ljhda J.-Dahlquist, daugh- Frank Cushman was' promoted minds Jtntern,al Reyenue — to pr,o- pppular Chesterfields will '.be-.in-. John prleanski, Eugene Roche and p, r ter of' .thfe Rev, and Mrs. Arnold J. fo .second class scout, and' Richard vidid^^fbe ? •ffife^vernmenffife^t t t6 Miciiael |Rbdw; ^—h-^ BeSfeTv "vVUHahil" wawrs, classic -'shape; ,, 'James Mackeyich, senior- pat'r'ol granted : a.',$200, Wtheran youth Rowbotham and Thomas Fecho leaderships'. aw.ard:•••..Tby LutheraiiJiyere inducted as new members..' Brotherhood, Minneapolis - based Harold Fecho was invested as fraternal, insurance society, for assihtant scoutrnjster by Rev Ar- study ;*Bit\ Wittenberg Ujiivorsity, nold-J Dahlquist, pastor of Calvary Springfield, Ohio, Where sbe is a Lutheran €hurch Refreshments fr-eshmattr'',.; ." -..:'; '-* Were served by the scouts'mothers .Miss .Dahlquist is-a- member of TRUST COMPANY Calvary ' Lutheran Church, where Donors Needed •y. she- was active, in the Luther Next visit of the Red Cross CRANFORD * GARWOOD' * PIA1NFIELD League, altar guild, youth choir CLEAN-UP 1 BloodrnOb(fe will be \Vednc.sdayv SCOTCH PLAINS * WESTFIUD and served as ai Sunday school and November 10, .at the First Pros- vacation church, school' teacher A byterian Churchu Donors have MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION / •1.065 gracfuato • of Cranf01 d High been requested to call BRidgo Schtfol, she was.a member of the" 6-6125" now to arrange for ap-' National"- Iffonbr "7Society, Latin poijitments clfib, irtusic dub;, and choir. atiH piirticipated in ^ • special cn'oral .groups. . .;;_;...;, ,_;'."'. • The. awajrd'-'is-'bJie of 148 granted to high school graduates enrollfc . ' • 111 .Park AY».V PlalniMld , . 2. Loads shall be tied or bundled iri such a manner that they -•4j • do not spili into the street. -No single load larger than Pharmpci*! la HER 8 YEAR RECORD IN approximately 50 pounds. .. ' . •ti«ndBnc« jit tiox* . PAY and Nlt5frr~ PROVES SHE CAN DO TWE 3. Loads of miscellaneous material arid household articles ;, shall be placed at the curb. > ;> r ftjrs; lluyiittH'liiics wockcirhnrd.fDr ^oii (hii-inK Her' ' it ycni'K- in tlio Ah«<')iil)l>. Slio has liccn a vigorous During 8 soetesiful_years in the SLtote Assembly'. 4.* No pickup of articles left after period indicated. ;t'iu'l» coijfiumer fraud's l I' • and (rihcl*. UIHINOH wfiirli I|lt» \\\e. ((iickt'tlio.olt Ol'-riic . Wildredl Burry Hughes spdttsbred or^taught for . . , . • ''Larc)e objccin mill lie picket! WJI bytoumslii[).trucks durht-fl hi'i-iulwiiitw-f im«l liis fijnfilj.. Slit; luis licou n« : legislation to: " .. •.'•• •'.'....",.,. .; \\'..:'.-'•'•'"' I- effci'liyc Hvork«;r"ToF1liBhl<:i'-,<>oiili'ol of iinri-olics. | • Aid tH6 Mentally: Retarded. : 7 WHY THE DRAFT?' j It should be noted that collection of lid* libt-ii i>" «ulH|)oU(M» fiKlilcr, HKiiuit.1 lli<'.."Hi't'r<>i' • -.'•'" • Comfort Sertioi* Citizens • • .-•".•'. ' , • . * '• It's difficult to see them:_ go l hy n.'hniiiKul of sriuitoi-H. • Assist New jersey Students large amounts of materials associated with into tho service,, but we kn'ow nf iiuiny oilier reii.ioiiM wliy y«u« slionlil t h fi necessary t^«cl Mr*. Iluclus JII,-Siinii! Siiijntof, IHII IWI'HH!,!! • Curb Juvenile Delinquency •r e a s cv n s why of ;SI»HC>P. liniiiiitioii VK- c'aii*i Ji-wi' ilir.hi "II Iwi-i', • Protect Consumers Against Fraud major building repairs, business enterprises I'they. have sc«, •!Xc^)tt to HIIIIO lliic uuo •iimfc inipoiliiiil reason: lected.' uSrtclv a If Mrs. .IIUKIK'S IHII'I succtV-. • Reduce Air and Water Pollotiofr that's a clue'., > • • • * • — in the categories noted should be contracted TheU. S. has a exprcM tlicic views, on iinnoi'liuil i«>in HV 4< volo eun help flo privately.^ . v "/': keep men free. BARRY ja ti -serv- ice calls our iniinediatt'-attcn- tioii. If you're having any. prbhc Your cobperation is requested to abide loms '^vilh your heating unit, STATE

a fa'sf-can to the Rankin Fuel Pulil frfr by Wom«ii*H fomniltlec for Mildred Batry l.u»..j=. . by th^ instructions listedv . * ' Company will bring a reliable II. Bortnolly, ihwlnnun. 106 Orch»r<« Uine. Berkeley IlelBhts, N.J. -... rcpiiirhum pronij.)t)y, 230 Ccn- .tennial Avenue,' -Cranfofd., Tlu> number is-BR (3-0200. ' '- Vote DEMOCRATIC...Vote ROW A...AII The Way!

•('•.••••-••. A ''' •••m

'..••.•,: <•*.-. -j •• •' '.

•;;::• VfV-'v .:• v.\-•./•••;--

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:p:--r Vol. LXXil. Nd^40.t/•""v'>V'"'''- .'.'• ''•'•'•;!;. V -./-.y'"^. "•>••' • '' r>.v->•'''•'•• ,W' Girl Flltl! leaders Told JARWObp '— : Announcement was made this week.,' that Mrs. GARWOOjO —. Governor Richard .'• • KENILWORTH' —The . anniial Richard B, Harper: o£. 316. Locust J. Hughes, who. spent; a! full day ;', Girl'Scout fund drtye ior the Ken- Ave. will -head. the residential di- campaignihg in New Jersey 'on ..ilworth Community Association, of vision^ and Charles' C. Craig of Sunday^ headed the list of Demo- arn ne cratic candidates , introduced 'at -the Washington Rock Girl Scout ^raig Pros. Florist And C » NliSW CONSTRUCTION—^Architect's rendering shows one-stpry structure under construction on S"*ipcktail party held in his honor •' Council' will 'beY-hel'd on . Sunday,, Petrozzicllo of. Peitrp Plastics Co. S. 31st St. for Caff e'er fttat Corp., an Elizabe1 th. f irm Vhich .will move to its new building .in February'. • at thesWestwood; Lounge here by- • -Mrs*-Arthur'. Bogut; commiimity "as- will be co-chairmen of the indus- <;he Derm>cratic .organizations of „':' sociation ehEurmaii, announced. trial and business division for the Garwood, CfaHord, Kenilworth, ( ' ' Mo^e J. elping j-pu'r young girls .thrtougb GARW,6.Ob --T'The Columbus Day Ball sponsoredJb^. the Men's Material Mrs, John BuehlmaW,. heir, formative. years wijth good State; Assembly;- Sheriff Ralph.• Republican Club of Garwood had an attendance of 175 iast Friday Oriscello, Seeking: reelection', Wil- . Mrs.-John Keenoy and Mrs,. Helen habits, good: character and high evening. The annual affair was held at the-Cranwbod, with the Borough deals,1! Mrs. Harper said in «tc- liam J. Ahern, Hugh' A. Caidwell • ..Wagner. , ;.>../ ••.'"•/••.•-/'• ''•"••'.!. e M& lepting chairroanshiR for the res- Council candidates', Willidm J.Trelease and Calvin A. Martin, as guests and Arthur G. Fried, Board of: . : : : of honor.'., " '. ' -•',l-...•••;'''". • ;',.' .. ". '.'•' '•"••-.'.-,'.'••;.•,' '-'' . Freeholders; and Walter E. Bo- dential phase of: the G»rl Scout ; : ; righi Jr., . Williaim 'ic^ncy.':'. and Opeii House drivjj; ..-.• '.i-. •'.'.. ".-.• '„ • •••*•• , Freeftplder Director .Raymond "" • •'• " Halloween • "Their: theme for. the yeat of , a candidate for reelection to C fdr parents of students in the sev- be a better place to live because of •aiioof 526 Myrtle Avo and the Aveneli. at a. public auction on OclcjbejT 12. . V . . *>v ' ? Of Boy Scout Marco (formerly with tile DeMarco enth and eighth grades.will be held its Girl Scouts."", v ':•:•; ; '•cing was, Arthur Desch of 339 Sec- Council reserved.decision,on'the ——^-~^>——^- ' <•• ' <- Monday following a meeting of th^ Craig Bros,' Florist" and Petro Sisters) and'' her: husband, Billy ,— A.'Hallo ween ond -Ave. They were crowned -by Rose, sang a s6ng which they wrote bid pending a- cdnferdnee" with Mr. Konilw'orth PTA at Harding' Schpol Mastics are the, first.' business- the local candidates and presented . party will .be ,held by,, the'lSenior ipon'sijrs of'.Girl Scouting in Cjar- for Gov'ernPr Hughes. Abrams to check.his financial ac- "8p.mi4ri the;auditorluni/ , ; with gifts by $e JtepublicanvCIub., ± The -1965 Gar- i Citizens' Club /.of fCeniiwprth. at 1 ivppd,. both having .bogiin their ':; .A: telegram,was;read, from Rep;, creditation. The .governing body, Parent^ will, visit ^ihc! classrooms '.. Present besides,the local ca'ndi^ wood.Bpy Scput fund driye .kickoff p.m. Friday,'. October 29, at. Kas. and meet; teachers during "the open affiliation in 1964. " Ctaig. Brtis.' Pe.t£r'•, Rodino, Jr.f cPngratvlatiiig stipulatejebthat a. 30,000 sq. ft. , t iiniiFJU/ \ dates' ,,and Mr. Moore • were the op Saturday; wa"s termed a success the cattimittee. and.: expressing his bariari'Hall.,' •. '., . •' ': • M%Jglt v house .Refreshments • will be served sponsors Junior Troop 361, and e constructed within two ctrp Plastics, Brownie Troop 414. Repubjican a^pjj^nts*,|Eor St&te today by Harold Fazio and,Calvin regret for not being able to attend. '•••. Awards . wiil be> given for the by Mrs.VHajycy Fe^lger and her com: : .Senate, Nels.onF. Stamler of Union : Mr. - ^Craig's. •' interest, in, Girl Martin, (jo^chairmen.: • • , ^ ••: The following members' of, tjie , years of the date!; oif sale, 'the site, miltce/ ••. •••'•. ''' ' ••'.'/••. '/:• ., ' ^: bestlcostume_and most'comical cps- 1 Scoutingilas,family,,tie§. Ilisu'Wife, and Peter ji.McDpno'ugh" of PMH^ Parents-of .boys currently, active, Jive Democratic organizatiQns sery.-. • tume. Refreshinents will bo served. which is zoned -for-' light industry; Mary; is a ''co-leader''of the troop1 haied[; . ''•A, The minimum, price for the site: Mrs. May "Reihoft's att'ornoo'a Kin- Cranf<>rd f-* iR'ichafd Brand, Sal- •tioii eve, "it ytys ahnoiinced by he" t.r°OP-' . '..•-. ' •' or free'hdlcler, Matthew j. R^rialdb year.through th^i .effort? 61 bptl yltGre Maggio, Peter Jc Clark, Ni- • " The regular business meeting has had be$n.set at $35,000:' Bidding liam Smith, chairman, at a kergai'ten wbh: the prize.-and ban (In, his firm's capacity as s,pon ner at the September meeting,, : >f llnion.','" , ...^•••'"..-, '.••--.•• -« ' '•'"''• troop and pack committeemeii- and chblas. Manfredb,, Herbert ;\ M; ^b.een •changed to the first Wednes-' between; Mr. • Abrams and-. Frank meeting of \ the: \Kenil,worth Re- sor, all troops have the privilege of ,women .who helped secure advance •Mrs;';C. J. "LaCo4a, membership Jules Lusardl was gqneral chair- krnes^; Freeho.Idet" Frank"GuX'tec,- v day «f each month, At the. meet- Cardinal of Springfield, raised- the publican Municipal Commi.ttci'e and ouring his. : greenhouses "when man tot? the affair, and other com- pijlblicity.' . '-.•.- '''* ;...' .'".' ' '.y , : the. campaign committee at the ehairman, announced thai 540 par- H. •Randall Kreger, ^lliot Bross, ittg'OR-Novembcr-S-at.2 p.hi.Jtomia business permits, and .through his "mittec" heads m«luded::"Jaek Sch- •Mr. fjliio\ praiised the following and Mr.ahd Mrs. Edw-ard J.; Ba?- ' i~-- *»^-._ ents- and - 5tt.t«achers have >enr oiled. diwposityV the Girl- SGpUt~uaWdW nation's will be rrtade for new offi^ Mr. Abrarns did not 'piselose.the ; Mrs., Thomas L6Bianca and; Mrs. licit,' program;, • Henrjr W. Piekar- Bpy Scoiits for. their contributions 1 CrariforchiAye)' . ,,;•• ..,-., t ^Kenn^dy Parking Plaza -:was pii behglfof-the.dri^e in thefpi type/of vihdustr^ to' be ^"stablished ihuj iMorisonv:' clialrthcnr i v ^i, Charles- Horbacz•: and*.H^nry. Work 7assignmo'hts' "on'-.' jlanted: thiai »ast sununer." " ; of seryices, or demonstrations: Gar J •Triplca, former Mayior Casabpha.;! at the site, It-was reported. Ken- ported on the success Pit the card, iekarski, Jr., «decoratiahs; Joseph day will be give.n at a •• Mr. Craig served ,on the Board Boos',; GregbryHerold, Jack Purdie: Councilman- AngeloN., Aliinonti,' Plans are being' made for a ba- party.. • •• ••.-'"•. •'•" .''•;••'". •'.'. VicMahon, Victor v Nemeth' and r i Acres was the last large tract of ing of the of Education for seven years and zaar on NovBntbeiJ~ 15~atHl0ra7!ftr-^t RepubTficah Club pri Edwarci^l'iller, tickets. Gary Powell,' John/Vbge.1, Nicholas Councilniah. Edward W: Krempa, bo^ough-owried property,., ,. Wedhesday. heisa past sponsor intho Garwood .. (Conttiiued oii'P&Qe 2) •' - (Continued on PUge, 2) ' the hall.'.The public will be invited 1 v • tb attend. " , . ' Joseph ; Benintente, '; Jr.', . i vice- itttb' t&ague. In addition, to the : chairman Pf • the municipal commit- iH Scout troop, he also sponspri JDenioctats Invite V<>tei's ted, reported that- greetings -were, youth .and adult b6wling teanv sent to .former President Dwight Service Slated He is a member .6'f^tlie ilpnorary fIt uiiclay fwJ • on his 75tT>;; bjrfir- Branch -pf-"GaVw»od^ . .KENILWOftlli- — .A'cpffee.hour day aHniversary last Thursday. *':. PBA, and the. New Jersey Land- For District 2 scapqrsj Association. "\. will be held Sunday from 3 to 6 :,, Tkk'efe may be ".obtained frorri ; KENILWORTH —Plans forv a ., KENILWORTH..^ A switch, in MxC- Russoil Kurtz* Chairman, or Besides conducting \a tour of 1 p,m, at Democratic headquartci's, Veterans' Day service"on *Novcm : the, voting place for residents in ^Mrs, Boninterite,. Jr., or; ait the .dpo* beril were discussed at,a meeting their Dlattt,when, business, permits, Election District,?- has'bcca 'anV cprner ;pf. BptiUsVard and N. 19th ids the ..third annual square dance Petro . Plastics has" provided not •; trounced" % TWrSrMargaret •McGev-: Sty bythc Dem6cratic;CiubT)| Ken- oil pptobdr :;}6"at; OldE ," at &^ m¥eyng'vlasflriight a only itgown-trpop-but all-Garwood " scouts -with -. plagtic 'supplies of na, borough'.clerk. :•' ••/'" .'.'.,:• ilworth. • • ' ; ^g^jSpft^fild. ; v.: ,. the CD • Headquarters, j./ '. • ...Voters in that district will cast \ .ffhomas/Ciimpbell) candidate for man^ kinds for various projects . Kenilworth' •voters" are- invited tb,. The Scrvice^Vill; beheld at 8 p.m Brownie Troop $14's .centerpiece their, ballots in the November 2 enjoy coffee and itneet local, candi- -major, C; William. Gutekimst and at the memorial plaque in thejioni General Election ih the. basement Russell • G. Kurtz,: council' candi- was j.udSed |he: cleverest one At' the dates, who are: Mayor Willip'm-J. pl*h.h_c Municipal ^Building. . Re 1964"lmpthpr'dauKhtct banqtiet. * of St. Theresa's GJhapel on Wash-. clatcs, reported the completion of : freshmertts,, will. be served in' the : -Mglbn ""Av'e". They formerly votctl Ahe'rn, Jr., Councilmen Richard" the door to-do6r campaign in the consisted 'of a carOiisel contaihi : builflihg 'jfollowjhg the ceremony a figure representing each child.in at the Kenilworth Firehouse where Lomax . and James, .O'Brien, and first, fourth and fifth 'districts. ; io 1 r A!u r>i John v Appicie,'. child. welfar the troop', cve^i to the 'color.of he •\^&P-°^*&i.»z® *t!^ \ • ^"w^'-^^li^ •••'•.. -y™ :<- '-^' construction is 'under way at the Mrs. Adolpha Rein^ Vax c'ailectbfc, They, ar"<} visitiitff" the •second and cliairtirian, asked members to bring site for a new" fU'ehouse. '• " all seeking reelection." - " ham '-.-:.• \f ' . . •-.•;. '-• •'.•'..i third districts at'the present time. canned; goods to mectiiigs vfor holi i i : \ •<«> «52 if:.;iivi>...«. •• • •• • . - • • •,-. . •..->. , v •; *••V'^v \ h"«if'.-ici-w Mi ••>•*,"•* Petro Plastics wiovca tb Garwooi F dfiy baskets. ; Slides of Oic depart- .ls--*^r<&^' '••••• '• ;.>••....- .•:•••.•:::.' •':%•" •/ v- J/ /,-• ' - - :''"•• ment parade artd a-report on tjfi ;..'•.-,• (Continued o\i Page 2) convention were featured- at th meeting; • Commander'Donald An EXPERT derspn, presided. . '''''..'.-, •' • [•24- HOOH) Tlve post plans its annual squan Topic for PT, BURNER.SBWICE %dance .at ^Evergreen Lodge, 'Spring- field, oii December 4. Mir. Appici AUTOIWATIG is ih charge of tickets. ,' Proceed Meeting Tonight iMEfEHEODEUVEBIES will go to tlie baseball hand. GARWOOD — A mottoirpicturfr 1 and talk on i'The New Math". wNJ OUALITY-FUEL be presented by Science Research PRODUCTS Kine Kenilworth Associates at a mjjetirig l6jE the; Gar- CARRY wood PTA in Lincoln School'at--8 HEATING Students at TLJJC o'clock tonight. ,;;•',.:• ' -, INSTALLATIONS KEl>ikw6RTH —. Nine Kenil- •Joseph Troiano," president/ is worth residents .fire among 408 stu- sued a special appeal to parents^ol i We are.very concerned about these calls.' Snould you.receive THE dents who launched, their colleg all chfldreii in the lpcal publi careers this semester as fulltitn schools, to attend this meeting ari< the followin^guidelin'es provide a very effective way for you "to , sign, up as members in conn,cctior students in the day Session a stop them-: ; * •'•,'. ' -: . /.''• •....'>. .".•,';•'••' •'••••' •' '•' .- ' • •• ' y Union Junior College,' Cranfprd. • wit.h the pbHcrvance of October a PTA Membership Month. A tabl FULL '• Union Junior ^College, •>' a • "rtwo 1. Hang up—if the caller "does ttot say anything - ' ;. '7 year •community college of the'aca will.be set. up prior to the mQetini denoic disciplines," offers major; for those who wish to arrive earlj ."•': -^at^ the first obscene word. -, ' in. liberal arts, engineqi-ing, sciertce niul sign up before the business session-starts. .. ••• ' . -if the caller does riot identify, hiniself to-_ youri and business administration.' ; : Registrar Dorothea'Wierbma re The PTCA offers u cash award I k .7 . , satisfaction.-" - : • *"'".'•"' : '• ' '.''•. ports an enrollment of 1,302 fo the. classroom" first attaining'1Q percent membership, of parents, • /Remember, you are in control; of your phone. You carl end any the fall semester, including. ful : LOAD aiid 'ul!ipla trip to any class.which .: conversationsimplyll>y._hangihglip. " . "; , \ time and spart-linie,' and .s^uden : nurses LMirollcd in the prerdini has 100 p'crcent attcntdance by. par.- : lfursing program conducted coop cn^s at any PTA meeting '(hiring ;2. Don't keep talking to the caller—what lie really wants is eratively with the Schools of Nurs- the your, ..-..- an, audience. Don't be that audience.' •. . . '• ..' Den 8 of Cub Pack 75, led by th ing of Elizabeth and Perth Ambp> : General'Hospitals.' '"..••.•'. (leu mother, Mrs.'Fred P.reuss, nn(l 'By keeping%ese:liintsin^niind.ydacan usually discourage some- Courses at Union Junior College Cubmaster Calvin A. Martin, will one from continuing, to.ea.ll you; If "the calls do,persist, call your <2Jl BRidge 6-9200 parallel the freshman- and sopho conduct the- fl»i,' ceremony. ,'Invbi'a more '.pr-ograms at' four-yeaf col tioii will be-b,y. Rev, John Silvers at TPolephoife Business [Office"; We, have representative's who; are . legos,and universities, aijd gradu sistnnt,pastor-of the.Church of St trained to investigate, identify/and hety in the apprehension of - at«(r-have'transferred -as juniors- to Anm, : .....-_ .'./..... more-than .300 colleges aifd .univers . Pfu.ns for the meeting were com ities in nearly every -state "in- the plelt'd at an executive board meet s provide up to ONEYKAR IN PRISON United Stutes. _: '. .. \.' »'.. ' ^ at Franklin.School last Wed • -to uiiytDif.-making lewd, laisci'viowfor'dii'g'tisliHO rniiarktson the telephone, or., ICenilworth students are: Hemv 'night. " ' ' '1(7/0 repeatedly tele phones.a pcraou forilic purpose of mokatiiig or anpoyitig iltal Cl Deny)sey of 15 Shady Lane, Rbb •It wihka.n»ounce(l that Mr/Tro • ••' Vfrr-' • ' •••••.- - "• " ' - • . • • FOIL UOlPtNY 0»'l- J. Dooner ol 38 Sheiwood Rd. Slgety, first vice ,.•»'••*• ' ..'.'.••,• -• > ."'.I' .. .. ' • J'phiy C.'.' Jaeclceil. 6i*378 Roosevd president, witl "ati

•M?\ J ••;-. • : :>:). y-r^- 1. ., •• S ,.-'•• .- ".' •" r

./' '•• ,.V'

. ..^t,/.''•,.; :••:,':.:;; .. v. ,r, -. ,^-.->v: ' i *©•.••••• r*'craMFonb^ : : Wiety of Plas'tielvjSngJiicqiFs.'i'andl: •• •' ;a; '- - ' ..'";• ,\ he Honorary PBA, afid they also poi'isoj' a team in the Youth Bowi- ng League , and Ossist in. Little eagut" Activities.,, "; . .,, • Tho residential -.phase, of. the ,Gir\ yn^dnyt1 wrU,be-conducted Volunteer, Sj0li.citp.rj5.'oil Kinitlay. "ici: 7, arid-the industrial •arid •_^.-C...WiUiani; _--,.„,. s,-irhail appeal will, be oon- ^andidaietfo^ Bpr- : e e m ,ucted\dui'Jrig thja.t vvfeek.; •• '././' ',;•';•'. •V1: •»'.'• ? ougti'

TT^v •• -, »' : pcratic candidates to corne fonVard i/ : i '.''v,v"".''-"".. '-:..C',''i '••. ^''- •':,*••.: J.-.'.•'•: ••*'••.'••::,:• • ••.; •"-'•••'•;•..• '.••-•'' -•'»«"*•*•-'"• •.-"•.ft4'- >--t-':';'-;r. :"•••:/>.."v -.,-•-' :.i;» -', • -V "^-,' and produce the-true'figures OIJ the "• ,-r '•••'.. '.«":• .''•.•"-••••'•:• v •>••. cost of running the forpugh.- ..... J ?He stated that the' opposition's*" • {^'Qniinued:{rpm.Png,. • i ,., , v. .• • . . . Collision Specialist* • '• Biie With Onr Ji government , has • been .a&sessjlng,. ..' -yoiing,•'" Jbseph- .Qrsini, Larry .13 North: Ay.e..4,'R. •*" 37iJ>Op«O ' ,"cr*nford 15 Cfntennjial Ave. Cranfor& .eqch taxpayer. „ He called on the VlcCarthy, Mrs. John> Scarilon and. Auio & Tjtjjick Refiniihinp , ,'^-''' --:• •'•• .•,». ai?-Bsi»« ':• .'''.. •.'• rs. William Brogan. •••'".",' • :"' ..-. .. •• _ ..•_ •...... •• ••..• iS,..' • • • _ • > .•'„. .;;;• Call 382-2440 ' : .--. -':• Democratic candidates: W, vtflsp .-.Seeking a seat ori Borough : ; Open Evts. lll (>":a0:io.»n-. — Sal. »U,0 P'.m • HES.5 SU 9-0604 • •' . . Autllt>rl?.ed ,.;. :. , •• • "T*v 040 Uke Av». )'. •'..'• ,- • .''.Clarlr -.Council said, "It is a pity our, Dem- E'SSO HEAT — FUEL OIL AS E." 1^ Souib _AV'«i •''!;•''. Garwood ocratic party i» the borough claims IToroBt, CojirtooiB Servloe L SERVICE ,a -close association: with Governor legal Notices Call 2161144 ••;; Hughes but carijaot come up with YARUSSrlAUTO I0S. .NORTB" AVE., E.'., .'' ;' BiaiKStl^, Wt|Iy SerVlo©' Qlnco lt(25 i4-HOUft TOWING -SNACK BAJR/ • ; . cratjc •'.'. candidates, ivyho just • go GeAerajL Eleetioia • CtM^KTAIL •.: through th.e motions • of concern," •.,>'••"" .' ,1 Coal - UEATING OILS - Coke In pursuance ot tiU, provisions pi an : E, menta thereto.' ' ' ' - ' "' :; -Pre?!tigfi;.^ag #u.ffe£e.dI ,due,;j#_p,ne.r AD 3-0288 .' •.'• •.•.•.-•..,.'•'•.. .NOTICE. . ,". .',.' - , ." '—^ Cornplete Fart* Department —> ^c-eHtt^REN'S;;''^ -party control: >"Xhte txpe of.govr hereby srlvcn' that ihe District Election Wi"rTrvBi 1 ;6£7flSnn and ' Tgr '(.fift BOrOUtth1 of. Oa'r- "• ernment surely can only ' Result in /pod wIJV .tlf." at.', the'' pladiis .hereinafter Worth arid Ceintirnl'Ave*. , W««t»eU' Roselle Park, pp:, STORAGE .. ; borough ' ordinances applying to '^signaled, oii •".'•'. • ' ' ' • . TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER 2,. lOflK ...ADams'3-0220" different persons, iii•, different ien tho hour? of 7.:00.-A.M.- mid'.8:00 wa,ys,'j ,he• saidv. -He asked- resi- '.iff., prevailing time, ••tat. Urn purpose of 241 .North Ave,, W. WestfiieW v,-"'. ' ' TV TROUBLES?' • loitdiictlng a '•','."•. . ., •• •'••••. . •, , ••• dents to^ obserye -What.has. taken Of Clark Gray Memorial '• "'• ' ,:V"'.' . ' '• , T'".'"fcaU''• •.'.'• ' • : i Coiht»letfe Line of • . , plac^ and" thj appojto1nients; that General Election ." .S-. .••• ••' • KENILWORTH U ui].on ii(nidi_dnt(;r. for ttiB 4olUm'l/it Funeral Directors lituo .r ,.- •;.... :..,.,• • Boulevajjd A Oovornor (full term). '- ' ' '' —. Incorporated ,— ' - «At*» Twil-Monibfirfi'of. the State, S.erinto. .- ; •••../v.iuijiTiNCTi alty : candidate, continued hi,...... 'Plv'e'-lWemboVs of vlio'CHirioral' Assembly. Bbrtus, Offer; S BRWge : : : •A'\ShorHf (full terra)'.-'•" . ••'•••, ••' :'PhojiefBR '6.»33r.''' '•> : Jicism :o£ fr&sqppohenfV candidacy • '.:- "•' • Sales a'na;'Sfllr bj SooHs,WUh..Ihl3r"ATf Center 4(93 Boulevard: / j; ' keiulworth" noted that the mkyor also has a Thrao Coronors,. (full 'to .th' '"•.''• AUTO BODY SHOP full-time job; and also operates a 1'w'o Mcmborn of Borough Council, 8'ye«r, C^rkton Shoprjing, CVjjater Oonlraotoril arms. . . • • • '•."•• law practice in the borough. Mr! Following Is a list of. tho Foiling Placet '•'' COtLlSION the various .election districts of tfrt ;ANI». PAINTING ClarktpnjDr. (Oil' FUHERAA. SERVICE i '•.•'. '.•' Sod >--;.'Evergreens'..- ,r Campbell had praise for • Mr. i>l) iWsnrottn Kfl. .":...•* •..'•..•. Qrantord lorougri ol Garwood:,. • , -,' -, : Bus., Phone: 14\< Aherj^; .amjjjtio.n, hut added,., "it "' Dlstrtct — Borough Hi'l.. Center ROKHFOI^D 381-0011 biEEcroaa ;, • 1 ..• • ; School); ise impossible for Mr- Ahern to, . District -.• Washlnztpn-Bchoii), EB* POtiTIAC 72 E. Woatfiel^klCve".. ttoselle Park best serye the ydters with' thege Itr'eot.-' • • '. -,'" •" •..;•' Wortli" A»«. i LiOYD EXCHANGE great demands on • his time." . , " 3rd District—rranklln Schobl.- Walnn AUTHQRIZEP" lir«ot; •.' ' >...-• •...•• . :','.". COAL • NUftSING HOMES • TRAVEL BUREAU/ Inc. : \VUljani Slater, president of the ,4th Dtotjict,vv, The'Cranwood, 318-Nsrto PONTIAC - T|E*tPE3T .venue."' •• :'. '•-', ' ' ' • '-.'•" . •••••••••• .-,• •. GLARK * FURNITURE • Air Lihes • ^leamship- • Hotel* Republican Cliibv pointed out that O^ BOIINDAUIES OF Sales and Service ' ' ' CRANFORD HALL : ''power politics in its full force-'is EIJfcCTION OIBTB1CTS" CITIES SERVICE LOYELAND Fufel Ct»., Inc. '•:•. ','..•.• Crui»«»*.'', •', twy»y %; ',., . Is a ttescrlptton ot th« ,.,'',• 4^3 Kqrlh AyW«.-E« -Wdstfield, N. FERN'S; FUghllTURE, Inc. OONVAEOKKTB iii fl)e borough in order to prevent U Aora Estate — Flrep,e Home ' ', -J the GOP candidates^from conduct- uj;h at Ganwood lying south 6*f -tSife Ilni Genuine—«• - Registered Nurses In Obarga ; Paint &Bpfdy Shop 'M Uour Towing; Sfrvlce Farnltdre —' ADoUanoni . . .. ing, a. proper cumpaignf; The same if the Central Hallroad and nor.h pi • JnvtuBe FUrnltuj* '•". '..'.'' BRld67109 D vpruce Avenue. • 74 North Ave.; Garwobd, N. J. KOPPERS COKE ' . .•' '.' B»by ' O»rrU»*« '•, '.-. :"'' '•' DO Llabola P^ E. ' Cranford • pb^ver politics Vvere lised by.' the District 2. AIT that portion of the Boi. . - . '/. .We-. Uaoleain— Enrs —- I.MJUMI - : 276-1144 " ugh.-ot Garwqo'd lying Bouth oft^tho llm ,;;.'.. ' 232-3700 •'.;'..' ' .• '•',: Democrati.e mayor to banish from •t the- Central IStedlrpoB '.Bnd,'80mh.'6< •' ".• " . ' .'" Vte'lJuUvor ' „ J03 NORTH AVK , E CRANfORD '... - BlUdg^SrSOOO".., • •>' .' '-' . *•• • '•' . ... v i : • PAINT DEALERS his party those.members who fall-' 'pniCe'A*enu'e.,,•"•'• • .',. "' ••:•' •' 8'Eastman-'.St." '" ':/'''. . ,•'•,.'C»aafojlrd Olitrlct 8. All that>po"rHon : of the B(ti -ed to comply With his orders," he tu^h of Garwodd lying north 6fthe line Call FUllor) I-74BB^ DRAPERIES • : 1 if £>e Central Rnllropil.arid weat of Cedai •:;Biat^edh—:- -••••-• ;•:;-•:.•-•;• ^v •"•• DOLSEN '•'treet.' . ' . .'" •. '••" •! "• •' ' " • Union County Buick Co. : Cl.rV CHEMICOTE District *. All that portion ot the Bor 04 Weslflalcl Avo. and SLIPCOVERS GLASS Ugh of Garwood, lying north of the ,Unt PAINT WORKS TRAVEL BUREAU, tf ( tho Central ^iliroad artd east of Ced» "-Anjwbere Ip Tho World" Jpb pll poiie,' ••?•Street.' "•/•• '• • • .'•'•-"' ••' •' '••••' '..'• '•' CRANFORD GLpS SHOP 'Open Dally 9 a nj to $'^0 p m A. T. MOSCA. %: : ..AlAJMlNtJivt, "^ ; : '•.':.'. .Boro.tijgh Clerk ;•;,'. AUTD GLASS * •' V 'A I N J" S \ '•Thurs. Evoi M 9 ' ' •;MayorA^rte';;;' :;, •piitett;,Abrli"''8.:i9te',;'' '••••• '•• '•^•••^•••' '•.:..". ' Mirror* - Picture Fr»me« , Sat 9 30 a m to 1 30 i> m. Adv.-Pw r KENILMypRTH: »-^ William J. Wlndowi and Plate til»«» ftttrrlor anij F^t»rlor *Phone 272-6476 ' AheVn Jr., Kenilworth. mayor, and LIFETIME ALUMINUM .'•. '.:..':. Home Service•.;.'•'•, ••••-. 2 Alden Straat Cranford , BUICK BR6-B765 .•".•.'•' AT FACTORY .PRICES! Dembcratio. candidate for freehold: flalM and Service PRODUCTS, Inc. BO^OUGR OF '.er, yesterday terined criticism ;hy G*JC TRUCK SALES Home Improvement i Product* QUAtlf^ PE^RATORS 1 ^Souilii AVe. iff.-,••'•': Cranfoid BR 6-188« his"; Republican-"ffeeh'plffeir;''"'opppn' Stown Wlndowi A Doors TREE EXPERTS • KENILWORTH J89 N. Broad St. i EU««Iieth BR 6-32Q5 ^J^JEfliESy&SWP COVERS ents;'Hacit admission of a" job^w'el; '••# OAStPETS 709 Boulevard- Kcnilworth NOTflCP OF ELiwboth 4-3300 102 South Ave., W. Crapfard COVERS * HARDWARE * done by my.administration in Ken THE WOODLAWN CO. ilworth."; ., -..:y'^^'>:^ '•"'' General Election 'T^-.'.,-.Ffif;SHOPS ••'"•* S J, 6HAW, iProp . "Wliat's'mbfe," he declared, "the In pursuance of the provisions ot in rSATfiSS; SAVINGS * . ••••NHW Art entitled "Au Act to Itegalat« Elco BERSE BROTHERS CHcsfniit 1-2975 DON'S H/slRDWA^ j» Soraylnr • Trie Feeding * Vrunltut . Republicans; are obviously afraid tlona." TlUc 19, Revised Statutes of Mew : • BlmerKelnoy Work Jersey, and *ho amendments ondLsupple ^^STH'irFlONS;''- C32 "itpUlevard- ".'':.• KertJlworth Housewttrbs :i' '-..u Eltjd auptoUe* that' ;I will" bring the same type Authorised ; AQUARIUMS* • Bracing 4 Tree Ke/noval- ' invnts thereto X ' Plymouth * Vallud a Giirdon' SupWles ; • H Paints •aconomy ; which has lowered \thc NOIICP - Pl«rnb|n« ^upr»li«s' •" a I&ym ftad^ots • Dangorous Trees A Bpoolaltr Is beri'bv ttlvon thai the Dhtrlct Electlo Bale, fr Serrlea * CLARK STATE BANK SUPPLIES ~ta5M&iB--I£6^w^rth-4()"the^tnrty- B«ard»-!H»-*Ud tl^ f fll BBidge 8-3607 - ' . government a'ftor i^riy. olectiori as t worth Wilt sit at ther places h(.rcinufic atod on 443 North Av«* W. W«ttfl«UI 1206 RarKan Rd frdeholtier.'.! , ..":.- . ' '' Z TUI-SDAY NOVEMBER a, FULL BANKING SERVICE between tho hour1, of 7 00 A M nnd 8 0i • Scoffing at.GOP charges; of"RO P M , drrvutlllnii: time, toi the purpose p ru 1-4300 conducting- tt JEWELERS , lltical irrcs.ponsibitity"- for seekifrg AUGUSTINE MOTORS Rarltan Hd, at Corrunwrc* PL eicctioh . to 'both offices, J^ayor General Election ROSELLE PET SHOP Ahcrh . suggesteel. the Republicans to vote, upon candidates for the foUowIn Inc. •fyirst look in their, own, backyard offleeu; KE_NiLWORTH CIIARIUE ULOMQUT«TT Prop. A Governor (full Icrtft) - GIliTS FOE PETSt Currejnt 3^reehoWer" Edward . H, T\yo Members of the Qtato Solinto JEWELERS^ Tiller only resigned hjs post as Re PWo Moinbors of the aenorul Assembly Solenlidc Birds, • Tropical Fish ' A Shorlff (full torin,) publican mayor „ of V Gar wood .be Three Metihoci of the Poard of Chpno Diamonds - - Jewelry , • Td. 3450607 OBBTStKB , LIND'S •.ca'usc' he was forced-to by ?i Su frnoholdora. 3-yoar tettns AUOjot'l/nd 215 Chestnut St. Rosalie t'hroo Coronws '(full tormsJ. * PLYMOUTH VALIANT % PHARMACY : INSURED •"' M BtrtOVA preme Court decision nfter his elec • A Majfor (full tortn). '. •.• • 4 Vour Host 1*6 Value'... / . .tioh to the freeholder board," he Tvia MomborB of Borough Couniill,'3-ybo) . M lieCOULTIUE ''• ... Yoqr Guide To Health ACCnTRON '•''••••'••. PLUMBERS A Tax Colloctor (full lorril),. ' .'.' . ' SAYINGS Account* ', declared,' "^'and Vnion^',,:'Repuhll •••' FREE DELIVERY . can Mayor F. Edward Biertuemp Tho folWwln« Is a.Unt o< JPolUrtg Placei BALKS Hm. BJtRVTCif ' n Uio V(irloti» 'clcctlori (llstrlcto tff tli- Complete JE^IP tlnm. Call 2^6-4435 , Ytopttlririg Hone On ,'premjaos RENNAM & T0YE fel served several .yoars as both' lorbtiflh :-ot Konllworth": • . • • KErJILWORTH, BovUvwd at C*nM» DICK IIAO^.Pr'opf' " Elt-sf District.-T- Hurdlntt School' Audi 1 • EUZABETH,',£. Jerxy .'"iii* J.rf.rton 1210 :';j(. :T.griffin, freeholder and mayor;" • ','•-'•' torluni,' Boulpvurd. . . . 578 North Avow E. . W«itfl«Id 276^513 .. '•- ;'. ,.' . /.'Since . that time trie la\v was Bpr.b'n'd District —. St. Thej-eaVii Chiip* *• IINDEN, N. Wood n«ar Elm isimiDnt, •'WasiiiriKton Ax'oiiUc. .•. . • ElMORA, Elmor. «t Jemy .' 484 Boulovard ; . . Kenilyrorlh changed- by. the Republican /con- . Third . DlHinc^-K,«nuwi>rth. Veteran* trolled .legislature to" expressly per Center, 33 South aut Street. . • UNION] Stoyvet.nl n.ir Vault Hall •„'• ' 276-0269 fourth '•'Dfatrlct — .Kenilworth Voter LAING MOTOR CAR CO ,• Nb. ELIZABETH, N«w«rk naarilorffa vnit eloctive offices to be held. ji ins' Center. 33 South 21st Street. • CitAN^iRD, So. Avo>rSo"tJnlorf 20G Souh Ave, E. ;., t^atiford Bifth District—•'H.ardihC School. Gym-, Aulliorl/til • ' ^LAMPSHADES both muriicipfil .and cTouritV levels. ruutluxn, Boulevard, . . • Gutters-Leaders ^KSCaiPTION OF HOUNDAKIE8 OV EILEC'IION msTBica-s .-•...• N CHAPMAN BROisX Followi'-S "Mi a • deecrlptjon ot. tho ytct- ROSELLE r All Work ••;••.-'.•• Success Told us Election DlxtrlbtS' of the Borouah ol CONTRACTOR 1IGHTIN0 FIXTURES Plumblni? & Heating Contractors Kenilworth: - . • •' SAVINGS & LOAN ou«« Wiing . , /OBBINO — Oil. BURNERS \ ;; (Continued from Page 1) . FIRST rttSTttld':. AU that portion 0/, Replacement Glassware Guaranteed •:•'";•':' .AmiCucei, Sylvester DePaola/jdhn this' BorotlBh North of the .: Kenilworth AIB .CONDITrONING* - . Boulevard and W«St of Worth.X4th Street ASSOCIATION BR 6-9529 ••• Corilih-, William King, Robert % DISTMCt: All' tHut portion AVN * O RKPAITO 276-1320 BKCONDDISTMCt: All Snlw' A Comb and Chr.is'Fazio. if the ^roti«h":Ntfrth^roti«h:Ntfrth . atat Honuwot ' current R»U «* 'la Mfttip BL ••: '••'.•',;' MOUNTING Al*b ae NORTH XJRANFORD ohn J. Di Fabio Qoutcvard arid Gnlloplntf HilHi l Rbad< and Guarnntcbd USed Caw. CH 5-1885 ; ,• •' Garwood residents who wcr-evnoi flfloat off NorthNth , 1.4t14thh StreetStt.. • Rocov«r any' Snn>;sht9Rr-—• Alao durJIeat 238 1 6-1105 • at: 'hojne' or otherwise unable, t'( -THIRT D DISTRICTR : Alll thath t potion, ol '' \ " , dny parohmout 01 othor tyiie shade .' EDWARD G. LEDDEN X the Borough boundud on'the north bj n* FENCES. S42 E. fclNCOLN . contribute, may mail contribution the Southerly altlo» ot Kenllworth BOUlo- ' & SON ••--. vard' Bnd" Gnlloplnu HHm Road. On tho 119 K. Fifth iStrect' tcFGarwood Uoy Scout Fund, Sub •east by the Ctmrdeh State Parkway,, on WILLIAMS LAMPS. • " PLUMBING' AN»' HEAtrNQ • . urban Trust Co., Garwood, or (ion t|i« soutrh by tho Northerly Sldo of Quin- JOBBING AND ALTERATIONS tan Avenue, on thft Went by the. Eustsrly L BARTELL tact 'Mr. Fazio or Mr. Mavtin. ld of South 21st Street. '• FARM fi OAJttDBN SUPW.JRS 706 contral Avenue WostfleV SEWER OIiHANTNO 0KRVUM .POvmra DI3TJIICT: All .that portion SCARBROUGH Scott'a ILnwn Care l"ro tho win- Call BR 8-1471 55 Arbon St.', Robert E. Mascot o nlclpalltlca of Unl6n rind Hoaolle I'm-b, ot, 140 Cental Av». d«rk ALUMINUM Iho South by.the.NorUioriyjildt of Cfolfax • LIQUOR STORES* HAROLD P, BENNEIl 565 Richfield Ave, William S.Sc Avenii*. itnd. on th«a Weeb by |tho Town- 10S Mlla St. , Ct^nford ship of Cranford. - . . . -bert of• 445 C'ootidge Dr:,' Miss An l S"fFTH PISTHIOT: All that portion ol FOOD MARKETS* ' '. '• *• .toinette T. Vitalq bf^OOJLafnyelt th* BorouRh South of the Southerly aid* WESTPIELD • 8iorm of-Konllworthand Woat of South Slut St WILLIAMS TpWN TAVERN Automobile Painting . Aye., and pobort G. "Wilkcri of 551 ' MAUCIAHKT MpaEVNA. MOJDR SALES CO.. • ComblnaMon Window Sct**Ui ."'Richfield ' BorpUBh Clerk. BBEAUfYBOX Authorized DUCO i • Comblnaiion Bionn le Scr««n UNbEtf PORK STORES LIQUOR STORE : Mr. Dempsey, ""Mr. Johan'nsen Dttted: April tl. 1005'", ' Professional Permanent ..' Jyoon • . .'•""• -v.' • I-'ue,: $:i|).'(10' . • 10-2B BODY*nd Mr. Mabeot, 'Mr. Seibto't^Miss;. y Coloring, Hair Styling. For ap- •'. Sp*cl»Uiln« lit . , Cranford'a WORK pointment call. ' • Porch Jpnolottuf** ' talc, and .Mr. Wilken are'etirpllei ,233.3673 HOMEMADE us .business administration mujbrs • Complete Package Stoic* Dufux Enamel Reflnlshlni • tub Enclo*turM -^BOftOUGH OF KENILWORTH 319 North Ave., E. 27^o BOLOGNA & SALAMI Wldkg — Truck. Lettering .while Mr. Jolulos is an chginecrin. ; 15 Aldcii Strpet Cranford g ^~" ^ Ki'iillworth. Ni-w .li'i'Ncv PRIME MEATS AND POUltttY WINES — LIQUOHS — BEERS major. Mr. Ddonor, and Mr, Jaeck ^BOAKD Ol' ADJB8TMBNT :ajs«*»« win -., JalouslM el are majoring in liberal arts! -.Nt>=a[CE OK-OECldI.ON JOLIE FEAAAAE We Fill Home FrflBtem BOTTTII Avnrtns. *•• TAKE NO'l'lCtt^TltAT on thi< lfilti <>» BHldg* B-0506 ; of Seiitembnr, lBfiSXJii' Boiird «t Adjust-1 COIFFURES StlpeR MARKBT - CLARKTON K)H\l .of Hu«" Horo.ll«h>ot KKNIt.W(3U'n-l, 415 Oniennlal Av«. Girl Scout I^-J.,- iiltrtv u-nubUf. lu'iii-lrrif>JJKNIJ!D tlitf .i • Tlnllmll«il K»ii>MltHl<«- Vfladom iilipllcnllou of^yiiyi-ifulM.. l'liieMs^aill K11I- • Hulr Coloring i Frostlne '• F/a» Oollvory - 388-7864 (U Bhbrt lll»oV« from (Continued from-Page t) . ler Torrui-.u, Oriiiii.'i". N, J., for 1 «lt H>kwy., EKH —-3b0.itt-thwj.fr- y«uW-Hg«',M ttkl IVH- -ovfl •-to-itse-tiremi»*H-ttV-'«i'«sil'-tt—««"-' • VHtio' *.. Wlr Service Donors NeecteiT .. w'ush locmocl- "t Hiil.'u-y (Hr.'Ct. inul-'Moii ; • llftdy A i'tr.iivunmtl .WttyBT" r part of the'old Aluminum Co. pirn roc' A'V.IHUW. Ktmllwortli.' N: J,, known tt Miss Elise S6hreior, daughtor. o: " "Next viSTt orth'e" Tted;-eross 'When it became available. Th. nioi«k 41-1, until l..t..a und 17,- iiurt that • Uhlldren'H Unlreottlnr cffitcrniltuUliWi of siiM noin-it uf . Mr. 'and Mrs. Samuel Schrcior o 'Bloodniobile will he Wednesday,, Aluminum Prod. four brothers owning'the compan; ..... The Flneiit «n Hair IPfodurt*. 1 'hus boi'ii fllvil In Hit! (Iffl.ti'.of iiulil' llourd 57 Foirflcld Avo.,-and.-Miss ^fli Noyiftnber 10, at the Firat Pres- Frederick, Joseph, Carmine an lit. tiro MimlrlDiil H11U1H11E. UnrounU Hulr UulorluK * l'lsriiiaiient'>Vuviu|f . Home in the dearcat spot or SHOWROOM KKN'HAVORTII, Niw .U'lscv. and to uVii.ll- l'tttklnic In *'rout Aiul ™ Dbmoiul, vdaiiRh'ter of Mr. ant bytertati Church. Donors; have "Lou.is-.Ptftj'oz.ziello-— come from a ubli> lor Hw.iH'OtloK, -, »w and d 1 Kilt il-'lllMl • , eafth, and It should be the centre Mrs. Milton diamond dt-23'Wads- 102 South Ave., W. pl.cl.ttarwood family.. v* •; . ., ' ..'•• ^'ninU Crvo, A'-''^ SucrNui-y t mi Waituim r Kuri been • requested to call BRldge " • • "nOAIlp.-OP AOJ«HTM**H'I''' • . . 1)110 - worth Tor,', are motnbers of tlv ^,\--.A\1 ure members of-the 'Church Ueiialr t'nclllllM H BRidgo 6-3205 -,Horouiih. of. KENriAVORTH,' N, J BR though r^ot lb(j boundary, oi th frpehraatt" ctijiis'''af Glassjjoro Stat . 6-6125 bow;. to -arrAnae lor ap- **"''ttl St'An'Ao arid the, Knights of. Col-Du^d: Octou>V,ll)L Iflfi^ •'' ' -J '•• boilcge., ' .'. • ..''.." . s" :' •••' umbus. .Their firm bclonc-s.tothe Adv.. Fw: *5.0-V ' ,: ' - ' .10-31 E. jiffectlons, — Mary^!»k«it Edy., ' J-

• .'V'•..';•'• ' '*JC !'•"" 1 '•; •> u .• '..''.v;^ (I'." *

•••:.. •-•'• ../'••••..: A; 1 •'<•

., j.. , »•„„ ^..y. ;;;.;;,;;.. i;,^, ' *•?-'•'- •' ' .,'...'> .': •

• — '"' ' '.

$^0'if,500 last -y.ear and $114,lSO in v the hospitals in the emerging na- Member..•'Wjelcpiiiec!' treleasd; c6-chdirtnan;r •" A : tions."' .•' ; ' " . ';.'."• •'••.•• •• 1963;'' • '.'",/,•', >:••''.. •..'"• •,•-- ' 1 1 •te - ' ' " • " " Induction • -' Refreshments' were .soryed ^by ' HtadiVig^'th'e i'Kst • 0f(-"finprbve -. By "Womeii be j for; meTils under the.program this year A Mrs. Ralph Sw«l-r tumes ill' various-'catagorje^s,-includ- GAfewobb. A'-.WUss' Unda the, hoapijaliiy . committee 'under cardo, daughter•6T™Mrr"ar»arMrs.i the direction of Mrs; Frank Mataga,' is initial .constructieri. of.' the new gin of 218 Myrtle Ave..was wel-:. ing most original, 'funniest, "wjeird*- est, best dtessed, and most' frigh$- Anthony ,.J[. Riccardo, of 447 Pine. Jfc.•"..•" •.'•..•?'••••:. ..:••'•. • •;•..•>'••. fireh«uSe;T jbi i964the>glg a coined as • a nigw meinbejr of the ij* of":the /HosSwjy ;• Altar eilihg. Selections will, be* .made:' a(. Aye.;.' a ;senjofe~ at' P«hrisy.lV^»iB? tno- pVpgfrairi- Was, t1>e;;purchaj!e "of a, Ganyood; Women's Repablican.; v ! ; State .University,. begarnja.'tprWeek;' • evening in thwc^fettria biiflaing •for'.a-''cpinnniiini{y jeenter- Club, at a" meeting -FrWay. nigfht',at 'iorp;m; ;^; ^.7;; '"vrV:.^v:,;-;.; : tepm as aUeachirig aissogiateg . yes* ::. :0SK-Anne's .Scftopi; ne\v Jtne,mb.ers-ancl-plder members not previously. •andI; renovatioii of the former.bor- Bay Leaf Memorial HonVe.' The .QtKer chairineo. arer'' Tickets; worthy campaign''c Uayid, Brown. find':Ralph G^'Mann; terday in -ththee Bristol toSvnshitoSvnshi^^- •;•• • - - •< ^.wer£ fo'^m^j^ ou'gli (hall••• for use' by, youtfi: clii^s presid,ent, Mrs; Wliliam Trtlease,. wn l v c School pistriqt;; jLe^Wf > W- U : : ; and the.'.-seriior citizen^prograrps. ^', jcored, (he,ir; o direijied'vthelisessio!!!' jfr;•/)'"'••''••'.$•"'.'de'co^atipaxsdeco^atipaxs, •feugene: feugene: •f'ayhe;fayhe; - xexe.' ss ale1. pastorJ.'ip;'fhG'-6ijluirch.:''.':l_r-'!°'. ••••':.J..'-,-.''.t''' "'' '""'•','' '• -^ .''V •'* ' •DarinDaring lnis.|aden will be rpasXQr ties of a. co^peratifigfacultco^peratifig,faculty memmTT 4 ing and 'sidewalks .in..North.,,JW.th sponsored by flio,Republican Mu- fale and R6y. John'"Silvfei ,. as- •;iilMchUKufta;fhafrjnan l ber-;at the Woo'ijlrq'vy Wilson High St.. liear Montloe Ai'e. in' the. vicin- (jfjieement a"hd; deStrjicti.on '.of nicipal C6.rnmitj.ee ibr, local ..and of' Gcrempnies. • ••.'.• ••';'•. •' '''/• • • Schoblin the field of French. The sistant pastor.' Mrs: Daniel 3.. the finance ' cpmmittee, (. told-, of — Mayor, 1 ity of the Little lyeig'ue Park-, "This GOP. campaign signs in' the bor- county candidates. •"'-.'• Refreshmehls will be available. cooperating teacher will provide Swayze,.,membership, chairman,, was plans for the aftTiual parish dance liam '4. Aherri;"'Jr.',' yesterday..said' project 'had priority rating 'in the' on October 29 and a spaghetti din- the-vigoroiis capital improvement tjh.^In ar^ditjon, Republican can- the demonstrated example and the ! in. charge of arrangements. program," the mayor said, ,"to pro- daily guidan.ee as essential teach- ner on January Wr. A box will be- program . suicce.ssfuUy parried out tect our youngsters walking to and didates greeting voters in front of Kenilworth Collegians: '••-It ,.wa&. repbfted that Mrs. Her-place. d on the head tabiie during ing skills are refined. 'i"r. ? unddr; his" adnjinistratiori "has yet from; both the ball _parkVand' the tfte. .local s u p/e r m a rket were HNS Arranging .Three kenilworth students have . man J. Stefien, fdcal; delegate to each , Meeting: for the collection of to cost borough rei-sidcnts a -single This teaching, assignment rep- 1 nearby Y#gional' high School.". '• , arassed by "'several teenagers,who been named to the dean's list at *he Mouht Carmel Guild, was trading stamps to be used., to pur- cent-more in "taxes." •; -r' '••>'.•: resents a culminating; experience •selected ..as. honorary; vicerppest- ; "Heavy du.ty. equipment including appeared • from withiH the •••. local Halloween i Steven's ^Institute of iTechnology, befbrje a degr^fe and, provisional ; ;chase ^ifts for a, St.,Patrick's Day _Maypr AhernM iyemocratic. can-' a garbage-and, dump truck, .street •: GAR WOOD. °—.The -Holy' Name Hoboken* They are: Gregory .l)el- tpachin§ "certificatibn are td dent o£ the Union County -unit of .card-party. ..-.,. ' :.'••'' . ; .. didate seekingfreelcction to. a two- DeihbCratic' headquarters,''': they sweeper and' .tractor loader have ; : Society .of the Church -of St. Anne Cpr4o.6f 645 Passaic Ave..and Jrwin Mrs. John M«yer; merchandise :; :: the guild. year termi'decrared the capital i.m- beerf purchased under, "the capital stated' ,". ;".'"'••',•r : .'*.';-' '-.'''I- will- -sponsor |ts sixth annual Hal- Wolpsky of 3377 Ashwood Ave., both •.:—^-?...:... -•'•'" '- •/^•', announced ' the" club chairman, announced, that new provementSj carried oat over the 1 Mrs. Steffen improvement progranj and an in'-' '•Apparently the days pf the self- loween dance oh Friday, October sbbh&mores, and Honald Salerno .To.be wise wp -m*st first' learn guild's forthcoming • annual .mass -merchandisii club',.'- catalogs have last three, yeafsj have totaled $523,- tercom and shortwave radio* system 29, in St. Annels School,' CarfoJ oi 65 S. 18th St., a( senior. _ .to be happy:--Majmce Maeterlinck.' • '•: and communion breakfast and told" styled gentienieft's agreement bet- been i-ecdived aiid asked members 900 imd resulted, in a wealth oi has-been in-stalled in' the borough". .pi plans for celebration ot'itih 35th to contact;, her, .as more captains bene;fits for .almost every resicfent twee'nncanclidates of opposing politi- anniversary of Archbishop Thomas are. heeded. Mrs. Mayer, assisted cal parties in regard to campaign- : 1 of the. borough. • ; "'" J. Roland on January 1E>. . ..'.'. by., Mrs.iv SianJey' M. . Siisko, ah- "Despite this," h<5 said,-"the tax Stalea ng have gpne down- the drain;" • • '• j. sRe also reported that Brownie nouneed, that the samples of reli- rate for municipal purposes has de- the committee" added. ^Unfortun- and Girl Spout troops are helping gioug Christmas Cards are being creased.'* At,tlie same time Mayor ately, the- new breed in, the local': fill Christmas•; stockings,' dressing .shown and orders iaken. - . Fait Conference Ahei-n stressed that each of the Democratic organization- has seen Christmas dolls- arid making cookie Mrs. Augu*t A. Rodd, president, ,boxes";aha stuffed toys f or, the";{in- projects was completed on-a/'pay- Here Tuesday fit' to throw^aiiide all, the'good .will urged all niemper's to recite the^ .ass-ybu-go" basis.. Funds authorized GAR WOOD — The Sixth District ; nual Mount Carmel Guilo" Christ- Rosary at,. leastV once daily during established by.; the well-minded, ; ; for capital improvements in -1965 of the New Jersey State Federation . rha'sj program. ;•••• >-•'•'.•* : ". '.•' ',. ",:•• bcttibeft-which is dedicated to the1 freothinking ..representatives' of Mrs: William' R: KHmas. dele- are $208|2$0,. while they totaled of WonJ«#»>!rClubs will'hoW its fail Both parties in the past,", they con- Ros'a'ry conference • o» Tuesday, at The gate to the National Council of Sister Prerte atid Sister Mar-. cluded. . " Catholic W$men, reported on a* Oranwopd. The Garvvbod Woman's guente of the Medical Mission Club will be the ihost club. .'•• .. recent district meeting held at St Sisters of Philadelphia, Pa, who, CRnilFORD - Michael's ChufCh, Cranfpnl "Mrs" celebrated their 40th year, showed* il NO. AVt CHAMFOHD. Klimas also announced that the beth, Sixth District vice-presidentnt, AT a colored motion picture entitled, LAST SHOWING TODAY will preside,: and Mrs". William X United Ttfations will celebrate its "This. Is A Different Story "„ Mrs." ••••'.• •'. .MIATIKEE •,.,; : •$ P.M. • ; '.'.•EVENING ;.i;_ «< l'.W:. Gilbert,; president o£. the Garwood For Fall Eaz&ar Fully Modern^ Mtbmatic Walter Boczon, program chairman, club, will ..welcome . the... district introduced the sisters KENJLWORT1I --.'••An- all-day, chairmen, presidents and members workshop .t6 ^prepare house plants Sister Pierre, who rtcently re- F]RI.;^SAT.r& 'SUN-' MATINEE of the 32 clubs in-the district.' furned to the United States after for the fall bazaar'^t the Commun- The- district -chairmen will give ity M.ethddist. Chutch Will ,b5(our. Garden to- Sleep.'', Stella STEVENS with slides. Edmund O'BRIEN „ •" SAT. & SUN. MATINEE HARLOW \RIALTO "World .Of — And — • lif6WTHKU TtJES. Miss Zelinskl Begi • rfollBUE AWARD WJNNER , . ;.''. ' ;N0W.-THRU;:TUES,.;' Abbott & Costello" • Paul TSfEWMAN • "*A'^NES'WLM'TEStlVA^••.. The greatest-fairy tale ever told comes ;;' to life... And it was never told more beautifully! _ Presented in glowing, .^ -TO-COAST HOVERS 'glorious Anrwh»r» lo "ih*' tJ. 8. or

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It's The. STARTS* WEDNESDAY Big One! -*I WINNIER 3 ACADEMY AWARDS +. • LARGEST FUN K)R EVERYONE! :•• V • 'Weekdays Feature: 2:00 - 7:00 - 9:30 RIGHT ON present* Its sensationally successful 'ZOREA THE GREEK' ^j"'---^^™.. Tots to Teens to Grownups ,v. IS A DECIDED ^

Anthony Quinn's Zorha PACKAGE possesses all the energies ahd/urjjes of thf great ohe$ ON-THE Ice Skating School of history and myth* -Bos/ey Crowlfujr, Ntiw Vort

WHAT A FABULOUS - •-.^ "'A grand uproarious ; 215 NORTH AVE. WESTFIELp; N, J. ;TEL 232-5740 ; ,• V 1 Bacchanalian bash." •.-•'•••' LIHE-UP1 •••' • '•:'.

afcluxo Room With TV - • . ; Wtetlield area rcskleiita can "enjoy itli0 mleriia'lioiially famous •"Anthony Quiiin, best actor '3 Complete Broiikfasts ". •• N^yiAis Methotf ot" ice skating instruction. I^or yeais, fainily G Midnight Show rft tho famed- Roynl of the year! Zorbafone6f Box of tho AMERICANA of Now York .o t._ thrcuighoiit North Jersey hav.e been flocking lo Jtlic Evanw School the year's 10 best!" (excopt Saturdays). Now appearing: iii Short HUls for fun fests on ice. Ralph Evans is "now opening another Catcrinn Valonto • • .- • Freo Piirklng •'.• • ;;' PERSONALLY SUPERVISED school iii W^stfieM so even more people - U } D Indoor Pool a'Finnish Sauna 1964 s finest film." '• 0 Admission to.Wadio City Music.Hall, from tots.to teens to grownups — can learn the Joys ancl healfhy hene- Q Choice of^Gfay lino SiKhtsocing . • fits of ice skatini!;. •"' •" • • ' • •'• • '••••••'•':,--': '"-:'•' • ''- ••.••. : •.-'. •'.. .." ' ; Tour, Empire State. Observatory, Rockefeller1 Center Guidod Tour or • Shows May lte , NBC GuidodTour. •' - ' •• J'urOhaivCiL iVlatinccs RESERVATIONS: Sec ypuK travel agent, t .• f" • :•,Cull «f write for: FOR 'FALL-*' WlNTERySESSION' ' l!30 tin':*)^»,sr.' . .. or yvritq'or Rhono directly.' ' information on hoip jo rvgisler MAKE :'IT-:A- FAMILY AFFAIR *-- . ANTHONY .QUINN AI.AN BATES-iRCNE.PAPAS-

. ' -'215 -toORTrt AVENUE, WEStflECO Ho«iilar Prices Week'feve. MQTOR INN , Sljght increKls* In pHccs, Bwrtway, 31st-S2nd •Streets • (21JJ IT 1;,33QO mht 232-5740 luatiitee^ .Sat;, Suit. A ICfWS HOTEL • PRESTON R06ERT TISCH,.^RESIDENT art 379*5933 '

•/• • •

>L"'* .".•• ' \ , r '-/ '.""

,..•;. •-,:..* ,; •. ,.- .:•: >•••• •• ••'». *'•" "" «;/•;•.•".:••• /.Today/;;• ;.•$:*.'<: -~ •.^JLf.45WyarsI.pass-to -3Tunlor' Varsity,.;So.ccer-C.panford ! -bail ,pn VS.- ]Lin,deh-at Orange'vAyci. found 3;3Qpm ';/>/'ru:•-/:">'• teani grooved they:^e;s|iJlV»p ' ).ffucking ;topk t'a' gair} tigatiiekitem hind's ;I?bar* /',;; : - 'tentipti' jfprv the; Watcfiifng '• <$&nffci£ pushed-'back diie;.tfy.it' proeeduv 1 >.-'-«• iM'i'jr.-w 4-j/y f(\*%.ri^-i- i • i/•"•a''65-yard- 1 r ' Cranford Cougars,-^V. "The/ high- the be$nniijg"of'the 'half,; a' ten •Rahway groiind'-'out" the yar'dage Crawford'p drbp^ed iiito the"fi6'fortljei(sadbylp^ng;twa :; f loss;,and '-a five- yard., p^atty and •racked, another 'score'-just, at ' Cross Country'/.—',Cranford vs. sustjiincd drive with.Oah"Costan?p : /:; :: ; light of the game was the line HHlside at Warl.naricp.; l?uVk,.' S-30 gatifies to tlie. JiJodpiJn.Barb^i-Shop,/ .'.'•'•.'.,:.•;.\: :/' '•.:••-,; quarterbacking of "Terry Sweeney. jea'.'therh' back to thp; 2*'. Dan the; elbse of jtie third . t&ri:«d- crosslng-.the gfbai line "on.a six-yard^ ^___ ,•.'.- --..•-.—u^.i_ • -£Cacia Insuraripe• finally :. •SSveeney . Wcea 29" yards-, ar'ound m: .. .. . V:l; ; Sweeney threw '.two touchdawji lalsey, hewevpr,. appea.red to take. ' V'l '' run '•'• ' • - ; - ' 'V •] broke ibpse arid Jooked like thp passes and ran for three more. :hfe Indians out of the -jam by run- the erTBP for the score.' The kick- Freshman -Football ;—.'Hiilside GAR^yOOD -v Enz Bros, scored un. Ave. SchpoV at Edison and Orange Ron DeLonge highlighted the Grover's Posts league's defe'ntiitig'Charhpiohs , Cfanfoyd now has an 0-4 record. tf jig a ^6-yard touchdown, .but it.failed.'knd. NCranford trailed.by 33. the only sweep... in last Th.ur&day by sweeping past Aland Jafck's ' For the.locals,.this is their second, was called hack 'for a-15 yard pen-. - The Coiigars took the/ball and Ave.' School vs: Rahway at .Mem- iht-'s.1 pin action of the 'Garwoqd-, second scoring drive for the;localo •Texaco with a new high teartt . straight'white washingand the third' Ity. *rhat put-the ball on the alter twa:]ncompleje passes and a orial ,Fietdj',3;-30 p.m. . ,- . 's"- Bovvling League at Gar- with : an Vl8-yard sprint to the end 'run of n6 gafn Cranford punted, Freshman Soccer ^-'.Cranford at tht-eef-game^ series^of 2,7^5: Acacia . straight -contest they have not tfter a four/yard-gain, Rah wood Ijanes, taking, three games zone. The. Orange Ave. teatn had «)sp .posted the new second -high .••;: 1 nuitedi/tp. the ..•Gouger 42 wfrero but they recovered a Rahway fuin'-f Park Ave., 3:30 p.m.: ,4 In 850 ue, •scored from the line of scrimmage . [rpm the VFW. ' - -. -.'. . .•',,"/ . . started this "touchdown' mar,£h-on; tearn gdhie-'pf. 984 wh}ler-Robert.. 'ble:' '•' ';' '"'"' '-.•• : '•-.- • Saturday 4 '"' ' "'-' '•' T^us far this"season7 tbe Cougars Jrarifprfl' took pver; v.: ••'•• ": •••• :., Gajrwood. Beverages downed ..the •,:L'eon' /and- Henry l^eetch of Acacia bad the hew third : The Weals dr»ve' to the Rahway .raced; 23 \. yards" up •Varsity Football — Cranford vs. their own'40-yard.lifie^ •:.;.;•, ; hobi'n teamv twice,'Hvhile 'Bert's ^ led Grovei's ;-Corner to a have scored only 2(8 points;while the", middle for Cranford'k third at Memorial/Field,. 10:30 The Linden . grldders got high three-game set of 635. \. •.; their' opponents have racked Up ?-yard" line with the aid of fii>e p Bodyart for twp games and 1 a,m.-. •', '.'• •,- .. ••,••, • ' " ' |• • '• •'•-'• ; hew jught team' series pf 2,717 in The "Coach and four also won a • first dy: Fair- Pop 25 whefe '.Cranford. had • a ' first ' Coach FarreijPs gridders drpye to i had games , Of'., 173, 203 High games were ball and were forced to punt to the down.. The spark was put out, how- . Junior' yar^ityj.Spccer. ^- Cran- of the night wilh a'202. childv Acacii a IInsurance. 215; Mead, Other high games: -. v. . thq three-yard stripe* in the "third /606 ttl dFih ''Rahway' 45 yard stripe. Rahway's ever, •'• as Holland intercepted a fprd vs. Clai-k at Ora.nge Aye, Fieid> period before Linden ;to6k over awcF and 231 for/a 606 total and.Fish- Acacia • Insurance, 202; Roberts, second play frpm scrinwnSge saw Footl>all Angie 'Siteonet, 196; Gloria Enz, : pass and ran th<5 ball'back toihe 3:30 p.m. ' . •:' ' "": ' •:'': dominated the fourth, quarter.. ••:.' boi^p: jtpssed games o#t 227', 17$ Bna firrico Trucking, 201 tnd 200; Dix- •-i .Sweeney thi'PW a ^Oryard pass to ' Varsity Sdccer — GranforcT vs.. 190; Bleanpia Kutsera, 18^-160;- l|9.9for a 604.set.: ' ^'' .-'••! ,i. Methodist, Men's Club, 201 j, 44. ' Borttia Koneskf, 189-179-155; -Bar ' The/.next garjie for the Orange .his right halfback, Bob "Smith who to .n "."fpurtp h down Dan.. ly Linden at Nomahegan, Park, 3:30 r Reinhold, Hayecl^s Foods, 225; was stopped oh.'the 16. On third : biGibbio, T?4; Imelcla Iviulhall, AVQ, Scjxooi gridders is tpntiprrp.w; ' Recca and Pbrchetta' won the Cranford's pee wee and midget raced 38 yardds for a ttiuchdown at Memorial Field against Jjahway. Almquist, Builders Geaeralf Sup- down SWeeney bullejdd his way. over entries in the^ PopWarner'foot- .; ' .••"";•""•"* 'Tuesday ',;...'" 170; .• ; / ' only sweep to move into a^,tie for ply, 211; MpMahon, Builders Gen- His. second;,effort, evaded many Haiel Zukasjiyj' ia6rl.52; Shirley The game is schedulea tp start at the goal from, nine yards out. ball Leagues suffered sfetbacks again, •Cross "Country ,— . Cranford vs. S^Gpnd place with, Economy Elec- eral pupply, 222jj,Baumanni Cpacl* Cranforddacklers;. The extra *point Cardilla, 163; • bydia Carrafat, 160- 3:30, p.nj^/ '' '''''•••' •'• '•' / •' / /'''' i x , Holland booted the ^jextwi point; this pasty Sunday "at"/ Memorial kick Was^good and" the final score RPselle ;Cath61ic and UniPa, at ; • '•'• \ '•.-.'' ./••.••/• •••*../•/•..;• .; and Four, "209; W?tier,. Coacli^nd • *.'. Cranford took the balUand-start- 156;' Edith Englese, 160[ Crlqria Four, 223; 'D'AlesandrisV, Mpce!s Field. Both squads were blanked 'was ,4tf-Q;,;. •.•:•'•,' ' ' ' -,-• :•• Warinanco Park, 3;30 p^m. .. mes were rolled by: ily . ,ed to move. Oh" itiird and" lpng • Freshma'n'Soccer —," Cronford at Kh , 16Q;; Barber Shop, 214;.- Campion, Mike's Cranford will play host to the 1 Joe's" Extend^ s, 201,; Jim yardage; Doug Nordstrom fireii a by Union. " •'''' •" ' •'•". ''•"'• " '•'•: '" Comets >of Btillsjde, this t1 Winfield, 3:30 pirn.,' liil Reynolds/155; EJearidr" Pelu Barber • ShPp, 2.13V Br,poks, Swii long pass to Gh uck Arjchyri>^ Baber; ^v^k 20O Realtpils .204; MartiiBU,:. How^nd; ney -.threw a long bomb- to Dave both teams playing on even. terriiS» Esc. . ... y^...... ,..".- \-., •^Difficult splits converted; Claire y5hahen K Poriulteot) ..' !;„ S Hospital. ' 5 .'H.op.an'i who scorcid. in^the final sta.Siza. Bob Reynolds, JAti^J^Qlld^l TSen? Shaheen " ed tfiecPnversion, -zimbrskii-' 'ParKway-'-'^gb bnomy Kluctrlc.- ...;.;,. nis Connolly, Tom H^ttrich, V.ince J Cranford • again' took over but CraufordJ^s three" gamesT from tlie Blire Star standings: \. John Talarowskir Joe's Market, tit. is.J?6rcho.l.t(i. Chronicle, ."201; Pells, Barnett's Vicci and Paul sVuthwiek played Realty to nibvt jn'to,.first place this • ,.W>'- jrnle'i •Bs'rbfa-s'• ^.. •:'.'.. Rahway's Joe Anderson pickedipff rV 1 8 Wally Chaplnan,- Joe's Mar Liquors, 211,' JCorher,. Barnett's ' well for the -local eleven, week in'the-Cranford ;VFW Ladies' Bert'. * .•:..,...... ;,•..•„•.. :,-....;•.->..,,;.-;., tl a pass andean the "ball to/tiis? own Enz Bros. .-.....;.-. :„.....;'.•....; kpt; .556; Fred Barber^ j;an Bab, ^qHors,^12;Meyer,''praiiford Ho- i - : ...... held the Tilt Bowling League.; 556 Fd Bb | u 32. Pan- Halsey rah lot a touch- The Cranfoird d r 12 ' 551; Jack Auker,: tra'jiford Body iel^202 and 20b;Lusardi, CrarifPrd ' league leading: Union"squad score- Those, who rolled v.series, Qaruiood. DeVcruges down- but the-play was called back <: ; a&d Fender Dorics, 5i9; Ray Stal- ; Hilbert, VFW; 205 and less in the fir^t quarter and'high- werf : Joaii •• Jioenig, • ,452; Marion tfhobln'a Wbrlrt .': a , to the 50 yajrd linjj as a result of a V,. P. 'W. .10 ' trir; Acnie ..Generator/ 522; •George p^ lighted the. action by stopping the pymbaliikv^438;, Coii ' peters,'•• 423i Crnixviobi 9 • •':'' clipping.penalty. The.Indians then 1 The previously unbeaten;ahd Dpney, Cranford Barfejer ShppV.508, w Hardware Team' sfatidings are: ;helii the balli for hine consecuttiye Rockets pn tfy§ goal line; '•• Howeyer,scored upon ,,Cranford iuttibr var- " leHeajey, -40'5?vAnri Van-Brunt N«WHrk : Die Co." ,..-.i ••IV } Tpm Ifaiiid, Jan Bab, Qfrt,,_„. ; ..,=,..'•.,:, . .^•-pewrot 13 • ...5 • plays bofotrjeJSxfejency ran-- around Union .took cliargo in' the second sity\football team drbpgfpd a*'19-l2 Krol,. ' '- ~ ' -: I :: ; StttBTt'S ,;AUd,io ...,'(..;, Crawlbrd'Craw s GGulf -X(---i- 2* , r ^eain': stahdin'gs are: •;•;•' • Siirtiict Tn'verri •.,„.... •Errico /Trjictjlntl e ...TT^L^ .;' ' 3737. period and rOlled' up ttteo touch- ne.r '4.18; : end fpr the score. The extra point decision, at • the hands of; a '.fast- t Synd'er,. 427; *Dbt ukaitis Nameid 'Ef-Y. CompftMy ...,'.;.. -14'ilcp'»' Barber"8hbt>° , .failed and the.score rested at 2d-0 downs for a 20-lead a£ halftone, Itahway. squad ^Ionda"y at Memorial; Krip,- 4,13; ) ,'* 400;. Mary Market ...... ,;:;.., :;...,..;.. ljru Breen's Ciold Chetlts n 6 Neither team managed' to crosis Sclp»ion'B Sport Shop .,c.l) v.;.F. w.:.....;.;; .;..., '6 ..'... 'Rahway; virjagted tto time' in. acpr- Flldi^ffd' record- ;!QiOW >4.75; '••7 :Fleldi'- fly . Sanitate lead pi Hudsoti Jun( Bdli'Prl.ntlnB;..~.'....,,,.,...... ;.:.,. JOr qrtiiilord. Hotel : '-.if ing. their /fourth .•touchdown'.. In the goal line in the third perioij 400; •-,- • •'.' - • ..•••.•/^•"•.• Sft Aff.A y } 7 stands'a;^:, ; ' ','; ""... " Ptfrktvny 'B.oyrl '.;....;...... '.... „..:. lp,' Boosts s but Uiiipn scored- again in .the .'.Also', Marge Eitxen, 441; P'at 'B'tLroii'ii tWugs. -..•..„'...... '.•,•.•. ,..,, id W(i«hbdlst Mch's Club .... 09 .10 8 sevea playsi the Indians covered 85 "~Rahway took a. faist leadin the ' Barber', SliOP A;.. 2fl ' 10 fourth quarter to make, the final ; Association Ci-lriactl Shoe.-HospHnl.•.-.'.,..:,';'.-*,. ,i'(j.. ;; yards. Thfttbig play of the-gaih-was jgame. On thfe first play from ner, 450; Carol : West; 452; Bafljer Shop.:...;. ,-;:.,- 8 -Oeri.; Sup.' CO.- • 41 9 • sC'-; score; 27-0.. Playmg, well for/the Lukaitis of 40 Beech St se to h Borard's- PluiiiblOff' ..i.;.... 35 Scrimmage ,an, .Indian back /raced Jackson, '416; 'EtheU Rqmano, 4£3 8. 9 X''' local s^Sniad weir.e DreM? Kastner, was- rcciijitly elected, president of Cfinford JJody * Pertder Works, 1 11.- .,! Cranfprd'$; junior' varsity s.dccer Coach, and. •FOur'T"••'••'..$»• 38 • Dana |s[aKleK .424; Claire Garnly, 1 : gground en^d for the initial score of fcl' .'Inc, 'i .'i.'.';. .., t ••11 Sirja $hb'o Slor8 ...... 31 Jiuice Greeh. Richie Hadjladi "tony the Hudsprtsqounty Basketball Of- team lpsts its .grst gajfne of the s>ea- -•.&• th6 gameg . TT^i t aftefft r failedfild. ;431; DSle. Brinkerh'off, 43i;: • Jen- i ;;:;;; Qfalidfard . ri'uniber ...'..;,....;, 33 10. Berardpqils High Set Isaac-, thitchy Priitzinan', Joe" 1^0' ficials* A$soeiatipi-Cr • '' ,-; •'.•; Aaun HtiBf sph "Tuesday; a£' Urtloii blanked. the Hek' • io :• CranfPrfdd .bounceb d back to' tie the .ney"NcVcpmb/.4'fii; i-and.lda ,Dieg Peppermint ilbtJnib ' .,.,;,,... $Q*" 8 ltl V'ellp'-j Richie Bentspn, Chip Baltohj : .'• Lukaitis, known /aV-dcan; lof the .ganje when slotback, Jim Nolan, mari, '4O2.-''•,..; r ,;.•••. .••.- ;,-,. iotMls:,"3-0, TSe.'junio'r,varsity, boQt- Al ik Jack's •r«xhca .;.,..,.' 34 8 •JO' •;-;•.' • 'fu St. Michafel V league Robby Mintz,, John Gordon,- Glen Bayonijc basjcqtballv.offujiftl^; -'.was e^shipppd Glark in a; previous en- ^chlbcter's ..HarUwdVe .... 39 8 10 7 galloped 15 yardij" for thq score. "• Team .standings a-rd- as -follows:"• 1 and Rich" : Suburban Hawlbmd KoaUor'a •.,„','.,•..•.,. .32 •7' 11 /'T:/.Gerry Borard of ..the' Leopards The conversion failed and the scor.e '' ;' • '' Mw priginaily S.rorii Bayohrie '•' j cpunter, 2-1, to "make their pver- /loacla- Insuifane*».,.....".;. 30 • '7 Abiw. Jr«, .'::.-i.-....'.:.;'.".'..::.'.'.,'..'...:.;,.'.;•'12 11 • tossed the'high series- of 436 an was deadlocked,at 6-6.,V:. moving to Cranford six' years ago.' Results ;'•• fJd i O '' ' Barnctt's Llqnors ...-..;;•„.,.' -43 7 U- . •/• ' the high, garjia of St68 this week i, to Jtiljside, 2Q^, ^hile t^e midget^ Errico ...... 1U( ••;-A" 25-year yeteran, ;Lukaitis is;; a plflzon & Chirtinlolo i.::-.ii. 25.:' r Rahway . agaiig Lg gattied • .the leid ktnK ,, • uv- just .missed;, a 200I pnipni dorhin^ted r p gleaners ...i.,,,...... ; 40 '••'•',-..lha''St..'^,|^lqblaej[>-'Powlipgr'Lea^larj The 'stadium: is l<>cated on ••."St., 12 liall- Officials-. - •r-^~-~~:-:.--..-,:: '•; Ted'rOldc* and B^l S^CilJ^t-:*ach and Roy Kaaiifjr hit Ron Schwartz- '[ Lwkaitis is. known, locally to HlHlg^hh seriei s went tto -Loii - * I*ratb, Minks, 401.1-;-. George. Ave., cast oi Route 1. The bach in the; ehd"zon& to once again tdUied goals, in .the sie ;; Fay ;SrnPlen hlad. ^pbifeh:series , , Team, standings are: ga*ne Btarts at1 pirn. •r^iany residents since he ha« helped with f'496. and a 185 game. -, y ; deadlock.the score., : '••.'. Sweeps wore won by,the' Orlan- ^ i gaiin a ^riie-from-behinrif d win of 450 and gel^^a ^M|ndiinM|ndiin roiledroiled' 3 W. the roereatio n/department by of- :: ,01?eKQlark. Clark . hi|d scQi'esccjr'ed its the .|qp gapie of175 this week iis J; It !..Things, quieted: down -until withr ficiating W'tho^Gfold Ball Basketr dpi Gutshali and Bipod teains. • ' '~: •11 gpa! st five mihutea of the . Te;mple B^th-El SisterfapM e Local; ;0dlf **s.Among in 30 'seconds of the garrle' 'when lop Cougars, 2-1 ball League for a number of.years, • Other high Series, y/cre rolled thch6ads up playing of the Rahway ;,,> /By;,JWARK./kAV!L4Nl>/-:. __ ilttjB... ^ fowling Lejagup opetied; action J/; .'.' './' ,'•_ {..ukaitis is a sapervisor -at the 'i ~ 'The • jyn|br yars: u r WinnteTrs.at Ra^elle^ . dSieriseV prdved' '."elfeclivoT They Vpter?' rieict •' Other higiS garne$ /wpre ty Sarah •>•' . In an important • Watehung Con- Bayonne pivkion of,Texaco Inc.," ';4g8;"'j.Joan.;• jWiSSSels;;" 46^ IH 1 ; ; Cranford golfers'were among $ intercepted a piiss and: moved the, ference game,, tlie Blue Devils o y/here ho has bean employed for Pospisit/ 462, aftl JJIditht Cbndi'y, game Js: today. againsf*indpn at Horowitz, lS8;Ly:Kanfori 147 a»jd '• •' jersey -(Sty. Wins;"- ./ "•;- bail, ddwnficld for. the winning the Orange 'Ave.' School fleldr><, '. Alnia Cohen, 148. ' - - ' • ' top prize winners in. the. annual.fall Westi'ield defeated the the.'past 2% years.. •• •; - ••' • •4Bi. ••"• ••".'•;•.• .•'•••/• • ,•-'• •"• p p S a fe\f y playl s ltlater// ' ' : Stfiithern Division Titl< member-membebb r bbest t Jb^J^l t^ c•• /'" . Md it 3:30 pan •tic Coast Football league by ro|l ' Tom DePalma of 124' Makatpm the second :hali. ' (iiig past Pittsbflrgh,"fl'jl-7, this pas ; In the opening quarter: Cranford Dr;, tournament chair roan,. te»aied 1 Oily. TITe Jet? with Charlie Tc«y to Take 13x31 took ypg are now ;h<)h6rs with 63, and also ciutie -in Goodwin booted the ball dowrifield In Harrier Cloinpctitiori • -Cranford two representatives p. for 8 tie f<>r second, teamed •with where Cougar, lineman Dave .Lang- o 1 .; Davo Ladariye re'dPrded his Sixth PosplalIIl . .,,..;.....,...... ,.!,*. ,.,..,...... n the Tteiam, Karl Ifaimer arid FUJI Selects ley piit the-ball'into the nets from (Scllck ' 12 • Andy - DelNegro,, with 64.—AJs'o straight first .place to -pac.e the ffgured in two of jthtied for second were Diek-Plttinger -:: New •players selected into -.the the;;side. But in the second .half, 12 Bags, Club Sets,. Carts, PuttoTs, Wedges, Wood Covers . Cranford High School drosis couni- "11 -iojichdowns. Kaimer caught a .:7Q of jqi Indian' "Spring Rdv and- Al AtnejricaK League were announced Westficld scpred froiri the. side •When the. ball hit the crossbar and tjry teani to a 28*29 wjn over Jef- erial fopv. a scored and ' JH j^u ,pf 2. !s'ummjt Rd. while this week by vice-president Richard* Consistency, is seen in exariiple Ray o£ 15' Dartmouth Kd*, rebounded: in. •' ferson Tuesdjiy at Wsrinanco Park- 1965 Cbjeouts Available on tbp Prp-IJnB''^" /j h " Cranford now has a 4-3 Triarkl more than in precept. Imjonslst- s/ . ; Cranford was. oathustled in th •;;•. •;';' Qperi Every Day (incl. teamed with George Terpak,: Ladnnye turiiCd//iti a j.2j time .ertcy is shown by." Words" without .)9a;m,. •••'• •••'i'll , -The^yyv include: Paul Montgomery, ^aL_'perio'd-.and~--W-e.s'tfi'eld-was "foir'tho ^W^it* course. ,. ren Rankin, Jr. and Joleph able to score. tk<& all-important goal, Yankees; Scott Thorhisen, Craig flaying: well/for' •Crawford were Walters,,Stan Currfe; Mark Walsh George Goodwin, Skip Herman, and jCurt "Ullom, White Sox; Brian Steve Rabin, Lahgley,. Pete "Prior Schpfield, Johtt .fiaytala, Daniel and John^Bpdnar. Mprei John Stor>clj and Robert Ber- •g§jn. Tigers; Gdcrge pavis, Chip Nojfan Playing Footbull ToWh, RlchaVd Rodman, Barry Louis Rotola and Bob Ho- For Central GonXi. State fian, Mark Evans, Vin- .Tom Nolan, captain of the 196' cent omas Cermak, Cranford/ High' School footbal a}d •hn Schmidt, team, Was in the,starting lineup ai Red Sox.' safety Saturday when the Centra Also,' Daniel Burke, David iks. Cbnnectiovjt /State College fresh- -men.opene» their season against Raymonayondd UorteUorte , Thomas/Thoma/' Bwikor arid Billy Mploney, Orioies, ^Curtis the^nlyersity of Bridgeport frosh, Jester, Robert Lyncs, Willia,m Aus- at ArutcFicl^ Newfiritain, Comn. tirt, Jr., Richard Krarnkowski and Tom,.who playod his high school Tihi Fitegibbon, .Indiass, and Don- ball,.' under (Coach Stan Grayson, ald Daniels, Thomas 'Smith, Ken -has been iftuprossivc^ijv the young Blue. Devils': pi'c-sonson drills. 213 South Ave,, E. ' Cranford Hopper, Androw. Hoflfman, Jim L'Heureiix and Mike Occi, Athlct- }:" We should master' fear, instead of cultivating it, . ', - Mary Baker Eddy vs. HILLSIDE WALLPAPER SALE! v: VT^MEMpRjA.L FIELD ~ MYRTLE STREET , . : THIBAUT Mtike sure/you're there to back the Cranford gridders. Give NANCY WARREN them the support they need to win those big games this yeah WASHINGTON S.at.>- Oct. 23 —10:30 f ALL ORDERS) * Authentic). K.ovl» la.'.twl

• • • • • • *•' • • • ' • • • ' • Sat., Oct, 30 Springfield—Ar^ 2:00 ADULTS CHltDREN . . • • , .' * - , .'.'I »nd corduroy. .. • v • ELEMENTARY Hurry In and Take Advantage of This Big Saving! *. Stii-Piu.iii Panta In to Sat., Nov. 6 Rdselle^-A—1Q:3O umurt cglor.'i. .-,.• •- ' (Under 12)

Thurs., Nov. 25 Jefferson 10:30 HEAR THE BANp PLAY BETWEEN THE HALVES * TuUordil' 'n Tuperod' ps . 4,000 BLEACHER SEATS . ht •'• v*. . '. pncUlly ('or atudbntji 3: 101 N. UNION AVB. cq?#^D WEDNESDAYS BRWfl0>254O IS NdrHi Av6., W, Cranford —

' • i •' > ' ' ' ' i" W-: '1 •r f (•?'--1 ••• ^ vfr)i;''' - >;.-. •• - • • -: -v'-"•'.. •••'.:-: i •1 1 ..- . .

"I • •• •.

; : ; j: : : iji/i-vv :. v :-v'"'-;v. -v.>- :'":';.J%:'; .."-*'.>v :.v;'','j::rr:.v: ;^.-;^- 'i'v'.-;:, :': : ,••• ..'••'..':y': ;.. !*'•. ""'fll.1 •;• ••••'"•%••.• ,'''ir»': .•'/•I.1' ir'iT:.1'^:' ;tr '.' • i'/i"';.'. '•;" : 'spr a "Santi?;(5)aus lyiailbox*: i>i theturned1 against the'.-th^bS? iM*\- .by.' centLT-.'of'town this1 year.- "•'.'„ the FederaL'Grand Jury in Newark -.: Children; will be invited to de-on'March 24.'- posit their letters t'a Santa in this •Pecords of -the Uniort MaiLbo* and, the Jaycoe-ett(^' wiH prosecutoc indicate thisft; undertake to ansvyer the'niTSo'-'that lin is itt .the custody-of the'^FBI; At Clark the first place Temj>le Beth-El 1 .k.e^lers posied.the new.' h'igh' all.''may recelv.©' tigtufn, iw^if "dP ihai.JPlillldpsii?-.confined ?n..o* fed- ••;' GARWOOC) -- ,;Ahjne: 91yl|)f eral' reff-prnrtatory invGhio, -and Garwpod. waV installell 'asjpresident' '^M'qlnb^R.'c ,. , . ....-,. . •-, *'!-'-^'-'*^;a..fe1deVft'i:^eBiUe,n4|ary-:'in 1 of the. Future ,.BuSinesn jpegibnai Ifigh been^aaVdeti^y the''G : •,,). JHtichat'l'sr• School-•'•' Friday; rifght...,; ) ' ' ' ' Sc'hool .in Clark:/-";.-'^:'''.', B'.* ; •Pi'kes iwer'e'awiivded to those hav- "i, 628, ohgames.of193, 23^ atttT 1 •Jury; fndictrrtents:' ty 'wilt, be heW f6r the' Jirnibn FeV Ot,her^ pfficcrs itotfi- Gar.wocid '. y •••Sbc.C(bi?: .;T^m ' ing'tne, most ^original • 190, and G. Mould of Cr'arifard-Al-- lowship of St., -Paul's United- elude: Grace 'Gallucci, secretary; Wi-R-Et.-;:;/, '•:;••. : HanCev 618, on gamesof 294, 230 Cheiirch o'f Christ in the chilfch. Joyce, Thkisz,- treasurer;;Joann All- ing'c^stunips."' '.. ,.- liail aH7 p.rn. .'•^r.idta.y; •':Mr: • andmonti, repbi-ter; -Kathy: ."Relusio, ' High scores' /for "Saturday's ses- ; ; '«'• f he' :CratTford-'H,ii (h',jSchooi; soe' - Mrs.-, ^hrls-tirie; p-'Dorinell -was i : Mm:Harry Difcks are, advisers for nrionby-making c'ommitteechaii'man,' siohfe'.-at Garwbod Lanes were, ce- presented with a pfc denoting four Sweeps were won by Community cer tearh boosted its record to 3-4-2 SermoivTopit y the group. , . and Sandy Gill, membership chair- ported as follows: • ' ','... pf servi.ce^as a dP-n mother. Methodist 3 and Linden Presbyter^ by slopping"Clark,.3-1, Tuesday, at " GARWDOD"•_- "He's; No Differ- Citizenii' Club will man. '' " • ' . • ":'".•.', ent. Than th.e Rest!,', : has btfen Lauds New •The -Senior' Bantam -DiviiJioh 1 —• High Wcbelos badges were awarded to !: ; : the losers' field:/., ', ,.••'.' . ,'. ,,•', ;4ai>.'-' '•'.•;•': ••• •' '. 'f:....': • - , V . ""• ••.•• • meet at the church o,V 1' p.m, todayv ; -The' installation'•.••.•included.'.'.^ Anthony _Ai'oi, Frank Tholeri, and y thosen by-Rev/john'A.' Maleolm- garndsj Patty" Melka,; 192,'. and lven- 'High games wejre .rolled by;. .L-.''.. Gary DiFablo °£lCored-twice' for and the pastor, Rev- Stephen Szabo, reading of the nieahingof. the, let- son; pastor of Ganypod \PEosby- neth. iMeyerhoff, 99;. high ?eries^ Walter iFrankehberger.- '*,' -• • ;.' Shotlander; Temple Beth-Ell, 257; Cranford-and* Steve Rabin netted A^ill .."meet. "wijth. the second-year ters.FBLA, .wJ.th;. fat Brumer and • ••"a OXhef, cqbs re^eivinifj advance- ' : v terian Church, as; tht? sermon, topic : LW. Haversqn, Temple Beth-El 3, a'lone tally".'••' ;'•/•.,'• '*i' .•'••,•' |;-^"Our coniirmaiibh class af 4. p.m. "Rc-Shar.oiiV Sabio,- *both-).-:of>',Ga'rwobd.v merit awards ,.includolflh, Osceola v at i,0.a.m.;Saturday'. ;'•''• ', , .' held earlier this. taonth "at the er MiH. Playhbuse^i^illburn, to nominating'Ncomrnitte^at3.prm,'oh. StajdtH.,,.jditH,^puIevard'^Id . .. ' Hgh;toam;;gamerTeanv8-, 71,3; hi^h Presbyterian 1, 211 and 201. ''CpriB|der,;'';£pr examplq, -ihe Church 'School will -meet at :9;30 B«;keley.Carteret Ilotel In Asbury See "Pinocchio'^tnd on "Novehibec 1 GARWGOD., ^ Cadette; Scout Suntlay at' the home, of Mr. and ; team serips, teanr 8, 2,(378-. ".-,: AJso, W. Perry , Garwood Pres- Patricia Jane Geqghegan of frpop Mi's. Fred'Preuss. - ''i. ' planning 'and .-Idc^sight; and 'per- a.m. and morning worship:"will be Park,:' "-.•;,'• .. • . •• ' ' ";;•' ' ; • . • 7 Field, to see the • byterian, 211; V. Slaughter, First , The local unit's first, pjoject of •Bantam; Division 3' — High 551' hag beer! chosen to be mistress Junipef Fellowship will meet at formance shoivh™ by Hhe-' Democratic conducted at 11 ,a,iri' JSunday. First- gairies, Richard, Archer, 165, andCranlord vs. Scotch 'Plains fe,ot» . Baptist* 3, 203; M. Feld, Temple year confirmation class-'.will rneet the year., will be a cake* sale on No- : of'ceremonies for the ahnual out- &30 p:-nt; on" Suhdky antir the «x>- adininistratlon in expanding and baif. game. -Beth-El 3, 204; -M.' Gmhrrian, v : vember 3.' Debbie Gallagher, 149; high secies, door rally which .precedes the an-feOutiVe committee; meeting of • theimproving. the recreational pro-> at 4-p.'in,''Monday. • • , ,r ' Richard Archer, 402, ahd. JM- Temple Be*h-TE1 1," 202; J. Zulick, grain in ;Kenilworth.' - . \ Calvary IiUtheifan, 202; H. Fisher, nual.7coinm()nily-wicle,,,fiind appeal C.E.P.Y: also will meet at 6:30 p.m. Barnes; 3'44; hlfih team game; Team , ; , ort SUnday, Th^O.E.P.Y. meeting *'They were responsible. fpr esV i -Poem • /•••'•». " CrSnford AlliiV2Qi H Hlld for the Garvrood Girl Scouts;. She x G-OP-'-Committee'' 4, 769; Sigh tearn series, T.fejPUn 4,. CrSnford AlliaiiceV2Qi; H. Holland, tablishing ' the Kenilworth G Osceola Presbyterian Z,J26l, and A. is a 'third-year scout, dail&nter of i be bold-at ,7;36 p.m. on g p ed[ Cross Supporr Mr, "and Mrs,*, Thomas Gepghegan of mjinitj y Center, T^asbari^b n JlaHand A 90-year-old resident of Hamp- , Cramer, First Presbyterian Z, 200. :: ;;; A/ The Republicap n . Junior bivisiori —. Hi£n garnesk ' Team -standings • are: , ' < 224 Third-Ave.,'• •.'/•f-"' ; •":':,• '",'•'•' Choir will rehearse this th'p .Shdridan Avenue Playground, Launch College Te+ri Pelusio, 160, a'nd^Gary Quer- tpn \ Hall recently... contacted !'the • • Patricia is scheduled to visit the evening at 8 a'clock: ,; ..',-''-.;.* ..' Municipal Committee will -be ^ : Will anyone deny 'that these facil- •'•: .•••• vi •..•." •••• •;" - .•;'••.•.••. • w ,^L ' Sundayi'at its anmiaL-cocktailrallyi rifei-ft.160; high series^Fred Petroz- Crinford (ihapj:er,,of the;.American, ', Temple,Beth-BU'l.....,...w..... ,'.,. 17>'• '-,4'. next. Borqugh Council' meeting to The "young adult cbrnixiunicants' ities are needed by our c'ltifcens. 1 GARWOOD --; Six Garwood .res- to be held '«rf the Cranwpod froni ziello, 411j .and Toiri Pelusip, 398^ Red Cross to.sa^ that he would like ' [ Cra,nford Alliance ..;., ,', «. 15 '8 extend-ari '.invitation, to town of- ciass will meet at 9 o'clock itomor- The youth can no longer complain 1 to -e'ontribu^e'. something :tb help \ OsoepU Presbyterian 2 „•. 15 - 6 "••• idents areanrtong'408 students who ^ito 1 pjm'. ' ' '-..•• v. , '..'.:' '."••• •'•: •:':-'•':•.high learn gam^/Team 5; 88 ?'; high' "~8~ ficials evbnlngr that—tliey have- Jio-iplace t ; the Bid CtQSS .and the: United Fund , .St/'Mirk's'l ....*;;..: .:.*', 'is.- hsge-careers this On/hand to greet ;guests ;wjll be team series, Team 5, 2^55. . .'•'„. .',',.'. in' . 7 comprising one', scout frnni each • There will be a»meetihg of< the Ovcsr 200. teenagers took advantage T«mplo Beth-El 2' 1 : semftf;ter; as ftfl4-time students in thpf following eommittee memberst at this time of y.'ear. •;'.•• ...;.• is • Cadette' and Juiiioi troop, will' ex- s'es,s"idn at* 8 .o'clock -. Ttibsday eve^ of.; the center's' games and sports ; TlV r His'~contributlpn was. a catehy' . •:. Craritard Methodist 1: ....'..' i2!*i: .the],day "session \t• Union' Juniorj^rs. Charles Horbacz,.Mrs.. JosefSh' tend 'the' irtyitatiojii, to: all towns; Vs..- • •• •' • • - -.••'• '•• ••• -, • activities last year. , in •addition- ;e^$aje Saturdayv. •fcloiv LuChfer'ttn '.•,...... '...• 1 CollegCollegee , CranfoifdCranfoifd,.. .•'. ..: -. ..' • " •y^.VV'isnosky.-Mrs. ;, Arthurr DesDeschc , Jules'- poem urging supportof the annual ,. people through the. Civ.il' Defense 'Ilealed by a Handkerchief" will tHbse youth have sponsored their 1 .)»••• '. ..Courses at Union Junior College.' Lusardi ' Henr;y Piekarski;." Henry ^iWqpp r^. ^The Ladies' Auji-L Rtjd Cross, membership <.rbll .call, / • iCommunJty Methodist ' 'UVi io'.1014i SQund.truIk. '' •'•• . / •'••;, '. fee tho sub'jep! lor di'seus'.sioii at own. dances, with .the' assistance (of/^tie Garwood Democratic and enfclosfld' with ib was; a finan-'. •, l H .,.;. Ji lo the mid-week prayer and- Bible- •parallel the freshman • and sopho- Piekarsld;' Ji'-I Associate. Member,. tJarwobd Pyt ,, Thie rglly will be held Saturday and supprviiidh of the Kehilworth cial contribulib'n'anda note say- :.,. ii , io more programs at fdtir-year col Lester ', Steffen -and . Municipal' £lub will hold a bake sale- from 9' •( •;• First Presbytorliui 1. ..„.„, .... ii io aftornoon, November 6, at tfriami -'-•'- at 8 o'clock Wednesday eve- Recreation Committee. at lliut lie wished it ^ i -. - -,-,-• - .. .»Ttte- bheridan Avenue ~vm- ^i-j, v«-:friin fft^«i(-.a«4riii,'nrw^---; j - sts of honorwill be Mryd : .Trinity- l;^,....,^..,.,,*;....;;....,: 10' •Si- -at H ;;? nates nhave transferree d as jurtiorsto (-;u(jeu-ests of .honor.will be Mrydnd house. more.. First- Baptist i- :'.%..;. .'.„ •l-o . •glimpse into the program-of: Gar- the children in that area of tpwn. : Trinity ST.,/. •.....•.:-.i:...L.' a more than;' 300 colleges and uni'Mrs- , , ^^W i • J. •Treleasl '[e Wqod's,Girlr.Scduts, whlch'this^year These . children hjve enjoy- ; O>nym|nlty JtfethbdUt 2 ...... ;'• 9 ii- v-e-rsltics hi nearly/tjverjy. state'in and Mr's." Calvin J Mrv .v5Mrs{ Presbyt'orlan' 3'...... ,„ is-stressing}:i i , itai^'d/ii l ed th'.tf. 'gaifies-:and,-...' handicrafts' .8 . -1-3. tlie XTnit'ed^Sta'tes? ' ^ •.-..• Trelease and Mr; Martj are^eon- , St.-Mark's 2 .i....,...:....-,.,.:;,.., . '. 8 will be presented by. various Rebuts provided -for the past" two' -surh- The new GarWoodJ.students, at Community ifethodht 1 ... 8 ia. .tending fdr^th6- two seats dft ,ttte ; and troops. . •• •- ,(1 • ,••''• m£rs.' The best .proof' of its, need • Cr.ap^ord Methodist 2 ....,./.. ' 13 V Ittdicts TJJC -are; Wi>l"iani F., Carey; -of .414. Borough Council to be filled onr Otceola Prebbyterluti 1 ...f.. Activities surrounding the fand is the' fact that' rtiore than 200 chil- Third Ave/-Miss Barbara j. Eard- .November 2y ..•/••.•' :;'.::;-; ;;' ..•.•"'; First ^rmibyterlmi. ,2-..„...,... drive begaa this week,- \M(h a call i Case dren; in the. uptown area took part •44 V,: : 1 ley of '40i Center St./tyarreri h: Music-wiil be provided by .Mrs. LARGE SIZE St.' Paul's UC'of c,. ,...... :., o fdr. volunteer -help, for .solicitors' GARWO0D -^. Three men in last summer's program.' ' ^c^cen.of 'BOO Befech Aye!, George l i Victor Gnien'e; a,rid~Mrs—Rayniorid- (Regularly $1.25) --Plwf-BijptiM ,3 ...;.r.'..,.,.. ..:...;,: ,.:..."'.5 • "1-7. •. 'Last ^year.-J^^ftiOtKers and;frierfds charged with- .participating: in• the Mr. O'Brien"als'6 cited'tHefcen-.- J. Pppadak of 331 Second Aye., An : holdup, of the Garwood Savings &, Ilambp'at.Uie piand. The Women's, responded, niaking the effort min iiwprth- Senior Citizens Club at Republican Club will be'iri"charge imal • for. all •<• 'concerned: •'. JEach L6an. Association ' on E'ebruary 19 th6)iy Rossi of .501 Ave; arid Hillside TJeS RahWay, thfe Ka'sbafiart Hall,. BoUtevard. liibhard A. Svyfelgin of 218 Myrtle'of hospitality, under direction of. troop'3 telephone" -coninriittee',; of ^rc indicted^by the Grand Jury A fei l "Can one.find thft equal of such" a JL •(•« • • . • ' • • • •. '•• • \lf%tr>Mrs.1 '' Henry;,Xfs^Wenf . PiekarskiTil n\t-v\t*n1rl, Jr.,• T*» ;'' ' "UlTti*' . Loses !<»• Springfield : mothers' willy accept' volunteer's. in; Elizabeth last Wednesday. fine spirited Organization anyv^iere- : Mr. Cfarey, Miss Ea'rdley, ano* Mr! Ed\yard Tiller and Mts. Willlain J. 5 P.M. to I A.M. Thp Hillside Ayertue.Schopi.foot- Thereafter; a_me'etih£.of'adult per- ' Maceo IVIcLaughlirti 22; IIarry F, in' the stater,-he asked. "N9 one, sonnel dnd solicitors will be held Popadak are • enrolled *as liberal Gilbert. «>•-•;,, '.••'''•" " -- ' :^-. ''.••'• ball- team tied Rahwayv 0-0, injd lost Phillipfl; 19, and Jahies E. King, 21 denies that .the credit for the club's arts majors, while Mr1.' Swelgin Is :Thjirsday evening, Noveniber •• 4, all of Newark, are: charged in theoutstanding;success belongs to the to. 'Springfield, 74), ih its last two at Borqiigh Hall, to. distribute' ma- majoring.:in".scifeftce..-. Mr. Moleen ;The" lives,of grcat.mert ami. : ilidictment with holding up> thSenioe r Citizens, but they, would be ;«ntibunters;'' •'•••.': : ' ; •/• v,'." •' '•,.••'' and, 'Mr'/' Rossi are- 'majoring in •en are miraGles- bf. patience* '-and terials arid, assign- terWtqtites: Rcr office manuger, tiokan B. Kjelt the first to. acknowledge the '-assist Both' HjHside Avenue and 'ttah- freshtrrents^will be-, served.",; p business wlniiinistration,,' :\ persevcraiVce.—- Mary Baker. Eddy;. way d jsplayed Strong . defensive mark ot Westfieid, and a teller and atice given them by ^ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Jhe day .of .collection house-to- takihg$2,992.3b of Che bank's nion- 'Knitsi in '.theif;0;0 contest as neither 1 Iritipn.'.in. providing them \yttfii the team' nitfved offensively. house, will'be 'Sunday; November,,'?; pf and $12(j from $trv' Kjellmark." facilities arid in • helping them to • .Railway's deepest penetration arid tjhere will be a iwaii appeal to*• Phillips and King also art! bharg- organize,"' he conclwded. ; V" jd In the todlctnient. with., being •~±w was:to'the-CrS«fora':six-yard:liifti whjle Pranford'Tiever got past the alined with.r&vojyers during"..the ay or ^Jrges' Ojbservtioce' . u- 1 Alan Chancer, .Paul. King' ; -•McLaughlin; and' -^hiUi-ps vverc i . Kay M.arzella' played Vvell offer, a'rrested\jn Granford by Ihjtjgctive.sv "GARWOOD — Pointing, out that ly -for ^Cranford. while- Mimella, Tvfichael EVFeciroff and Pd^vaM J: "the United"./Nations iymbolizes '.I. 'John;Casale, 'Novem- [:•;. In a full handicap: Nassau tour.r ber 19 at, 8, p:ni; .at • th6 hon^c .of nqnaen.t, :W[fs,''R6b5rt Barrett^, wbn •Mrs. Domiiiic' Tripod i.Shpndan Glass !A, Mrs..'' Jdhn . Collins won Ave. and N.17th.St,. ' <• • •- .,-:' 11 Class B ajwTMrs. i)aniet Hackett 'Santa •"• • '-.v- • ..--. c Bell ;won' thei -Class. . of "the full handicap .„ Jaycoe-ettes •Strbk6 Play^tournament. •Mrs. Wai-' - GARWOOD;—- Mrri. Richard 3Po- The Volkswagen that'ckies IbokTike : .•.•".•V:.Th/!; r'umqri ybu'Ve- ficOrcl .OOQUIO : ter • Bennett took -top .honors in lidore, president of tho Ganvood ^a- Volkswagen Will xli.lt soil (or about' • Class E.-and Mrs. Charles Bitzer Jaycrit'-ettes,' anribunced' that the placed first in Class C. ' organization is planning to. tspori- .. And il will Mill ami? old. • Alterations * . Additions. ^•^L'beolreL bitingi.ln uyu dus- t arMIe lalse,' ' • ; .•.'Vlqok.:':"" e.-';." ' .• '. •.".: •.••;'.."• -. V Bui* it's 'dctuaHy jlie newast. ear-'bf .•' Land ^ Tfiaro ii'iii, a\ ihe'boliom of it oil. ',"•' • •' thei'Qt; there are.23 ckancfes for 1966, . ^Wa'roj- calling 'ihe^Vol^iwajjen on • 1. x • • •'•-,- '.lop the Fastback Sf)dan because. lh_e . '.- all i.n'fJcfe^ •• - '. !...--. • Recreation roof hds'kind 'of a nico.slopolo it. II.. 1h& biggest chahgs is ln,al-the-on- • ; : • '. .gine.is '25',b rribre powerful than lost *• Cabinets. ; RepaJrg ' ncjlds'tive instyl,e.-'. " •' ... •- ESTIMATES 6K ANY SIZE JOB We're cqllingih.c Volk:,vvagon irvlh'p" year.''(lt rnake.5 o.stn'ip/isi'nQ' difference: ; • mi'ddjo tho S'quareback; fiodan bo- ."" in picki.)f5 with nb.surprising diRorenco ' BR ^-4442 —....Cff "5-6S66' >.: • ,•'•' cause ils roof ..has no slope at: all. t! " in mileage'; you can sli.ll c'6'M-nt on atout' ••} ROBERT C: KRUEGER ^'•:••••:... •'• . hblds five, too. With less style,'maybe, '29 mjles per gallon.I ' , ' ''"•'••' • 1 T4fh ST. •"•'" • K^HWORTH • but with rnore'.extrri space thgri most' ' The other '22 c'h'ang&s-do wh,at sedans, evejn great big1 ones. V . -; ..''. Volkswdgon .changos' havo always'..;. l Lopk's ciiido, th.e Fallback qnd tho • • done>'lh ey,.rnako ihe,,car work Qven ' • Square-back are identical cars, and a:; ,. • b.etier arid Idol avenjongor-.'. ;' A new dimension And they don'1'd.o what VWchahges' VolksWagony as.can'bo. '. • '"r '•' in luxury cmteingl '- Tlioir enginbs..'are'>a lo'uifh niaro , have, never doiioflhey never make-it . powerful "llian llie'.'boeilo';,, but -still." in go 6ut;of slyl-o.'•'. .' . back and still air-copk'd. •. "•• . Wo know that this s-yslom works for. .. • And they, have a few advanced foa- .tho beetle;ii is thoollrbest-soiling car •tui^s o( their1 own, like disc brakes in' iriodei in Amoricpthis year.'.. '' We-hppothat it will work oulljpsl_O5 •. f front',-which masl cars don't have ye'l. "' • v/elllor (he Faslback-gnd the .Square- new Iho-fastbackxind thp Squdriibaek . back; foo. Because.wG don't intend lo S.S. OCEANIC oflera lil'llemore rooniand.alihlemoro; 1 '. change their looks every year, either'..• N. -4 • . 39,241-Tons* Fully Alr-Cortdiftonetl • • p'cvjct for 6 lillte more monoy. We\vont lo a lot of trouble to make to the West Indies and South America .. The Fcislbpc'k wiH set.you back' ;'...•' . ~it • • '.',,.' .. .. - . T '. .$2,140* fly}Squareback, $2,295." • ail'lho n'ewVolkswa.ge.ns as good as Tbo world's first sliding glass. MaEro.dome-.over sparkling ,• ";O'il you wont a Volkswcifjim Ihcil * .ihtsy art),. ' ^ . . ; • -, all-weather poofi and Lid6 Deck—the Oceanic i$ a' lu^uri< We hopoyou'll have-a lot of trouble ous floating resort desl(jned pxcluSivaty for the ujtiniale":' dor;',n't Igok lilio-o' Vollui'wfirjon, il will in cruising enjoymmit. , ca 1 you a little mare.: ..•' . docj'ding.whicKonfi to buy.. . FROM YORK ; DEC. IBv .MfrDAYS. . SPORTS FEfl. p. • . t5DAYS. 8 PORT? , (AN. 4..T MJDAYS. . SPORTS MAR! 15...11 DAYS. , SPORTS JAN. Ift, -15 DAYS. 8 POUTS MAR. S4. . .' 10 DAYS. 4 PORTS HV, 4;-.,,-30 DAYS...111 PORTPORTS APR. -4. t. . 12 DAYS. '5 PORTS . Cilllng vjnoiuly at. San Juan,-St. Thomas,1 St. Wsartin,- Murtiniqut), parbadus Cufjcio, Cristobal, hi/iiiston, San JENEWEIN VqLKSWAGEN Bl*s, TtWiiad, GrmiiH i, U Gualrj, St. Ciolx, .NasSiu and Gujuoloupe. ** 900 E, ELIZABETH AVENUE HUMC' 800* THUOUaH YOU* AOSNTI • ' UNDEN, N; J. - Tfel.'486-62pp . " ' » i ,42 Broadway, New York. N. Y.; 10004 Tel: (2121O25-1515 Otlicos in. principal' cities miiiiM »»(ljliv V*SUCQESTED RETAIL PRICE, EAST COAST t, LOCAL' TAXES AND-OTHER.fj^LER paiyEt?Y'CHAIvi^,^ANY,'>DDITI

r ! •'•.'•• •'••'• •.. "•"' •' •"••-.•.'.•'•'• •. '' "' ' '•.!'''•'••'••-.,.'•'•'•'••• -;T.'.' ./'''••'.•'•.• * .••"•.••.•';•'•• ••/.! A--'"-' ' • . - • •.••"•.-• '• T'"~~r>'-.*,

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5 -: ? PROVEN ,'„.'•• 'r':' .V • •' " ..' ••••'

of Union Junior College as its first ' APARTMENTS SERVICES FOR SALE HELP WANTED Sherman School production of the current academic . CLASSIFIED RATES year., ••;. .,.,' ."-' •-.:•'•'. ' ' • • ..'•• ' FOR RENT CONTRACTORS AND • ALTERA- r The comedy, will - be •preseu.ted i.',. TIONS: Stens'und porches, patios, t? " -I PAHpJ RE At ESTATE, SALEB-V*OMBN *»ated im faculty Greetfed : HRST INSERT"ION — 3 cents' a'^ordy! 90 cents minimum, cash faces. •• old'«walk»,;'. pldsterlulfv'' fcarageav on. - December 10 ?nd /l i, -in.' the ; 1 • J..COMPLETE LINE , acti™. untrallv located office in Cran- Drive,' CranfWd. ' cellar ontmnccs. D1FABIO, INC., ford. Exnerlence1 preterrod but will train., . With "order, {A 10 cents service charge is made for. each B B INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR f ; theatre'.of the' Gam-pus;. .Center..'.,-./ : ; ; apiK'tmenta avutlnble. ,6-5764.' .; * •''•..• Cur essential. '• ; '; •' , ' : •• •billi);' ]:"?' '' "; 'VV ' ;: '\ ''" CfcU BKldge a-1376. '•'•'•• tiATEj:" WALL PAJMT •••' REALTOR — BR 3-pB8O "..•:'• * Members of the Sherman School Mrs. Mary, Ahne KhOdes of CraVi;:.'.'•;'.' a.ooi) epiors . . • &>o 'Kn'-^a -• '•••.'..".,', ' ' .•:• «* ford, facility adviser, will' be the ' , " :'•' CRANPORD tpWEKij , hC - . WILLIAM -J*. DAVlJSSON . ..:•••• to choose flrom - >po>0\J y*£ faculty .Were introduced to mem- 'REPEAT INSERTIONS - (Consecutive Weeks wijhput copy SfotK&Ah .'CONTRApTINq, ' CoVBentry. director. .' . ' ' ••.. . ••>••;• 8 SPRINGFIELD AT/E. '.: • . .276-28S7 Maso^SoEl*»t«>-ln« As Roottng. BRldge PARTY.PLAN DEALERS' •'•;." bers" .01 tHe Sherman l^TA. .last ; :••:';•'. changes) 2 cents a word, 60 certfs •minirnurTi. '.,' •,'"* •.'••*• and.3 room luxury npiirtmcnts,. All mod- 6-3829. Rosjob too «malU Estimates, . Satin Enamql.. $7S^Sl00 EXTRA-PER WEEK rn i;onvohlcnc05. Elovator, ulr-oondltlon-: Without obllgBtion. ' • • *» '•: Touih 'Ploor' Plnishes-. • ^_PULL'OR PART-TIME • .• \ • i. in, the: school auditorium by ADS SET BY LINES - 15 cents a line/mihimum change ?6: ' ' ' ' ' Color Matching Service A number of WIG PARTY,PLAN DEALERS Mrs, Rath Janovsik, principal! re bblutf. sel,ected, drained, and set up in p - cents, /Vds" set" In caps, \yith. blank lines; or display lines : 'HREEl-ROOM apartment, tllo bath, boat BERARD'B ,"W>OMBI*qAJ» ^MCE Ni WORKS. _'•''; buuiness^v- No • lnvdstmerit required. Plan Corsages'of fall'flowers had been; end hot water supplied, Call 232-2i50; Repairs, • remodellnj; and 709 Boulevard ' v '' • • .. Kenllwo'rt'B * alrendy opcratlnc Buccossfully with ovor . yrnust be;charged by lines;* ^Display lines (12 pdint type 6-^1098. • . • , , BR B-1888 . tt presented to all faculty members after 6 p.m. 2U2-&4oa. •.'" • ' '• •' --.it one hundred women' in. other parts of .the For Professors' : -.•••• "only) charged as two lines., V , '-"..„/ ' stKtc, Some hair styling aptitude desired; by the PTA, and Lee Wplansky,, a HREE BOOMS, taeut'nnd hot, wBtcr.sup- CARPENTKR ' «nil CONTRACTOR. AU COW*-OR HORSE MANttRE, weU rotted Call 381-0665; xoday, for further informa- sixths grade pupil, played "Getting CASH, Checks or Stamps should accompany advertising copf; pll'ed. Available December 1st,. Call kinds of alteratlonii, Porches, etc. LTO-. Farra-rldh^lbpsoll, also. flU dirt. Call tion, : ... •'•.:' • '•' . ' - 0-30 to Know You," as the teachers Dinner 27.0-6453 after B'b.m. •„• Mfla-SEIBERT, 3B8 Lincoln Drlvri Ken anytime. iJKESTNUT PARMB. . 688^ •"-• Carter Jefferson, . asspciite pro- • • • ' j .„•-.-. y* • llworth. BRldge 6-0526. 4888. , "\^ .»* were presented at the open house. llRNSlDE AVENUE —Six rooms, 'new 1 fessor 6f history at Rutgers Uni- : NOT RESPONSIBLE for e/rors in ads,..taken, by telephone. two-fanllly. 1 'i baths*, .built-in oven, •;. HOUSEWIVES••••,".'* Rob,eir,t R Biunhb, a member of Itivia'ge.' Supply own'-herit, 374-0H21 ALUMINUM .PORCH1 enoIosnreB U»ln« ALUMl?flJM combination storm windows versity, IsfcwBrunswicJc, will speak JalquBiei, awnliuj type window*, com- and. scr£«ns<—used—• various sizes^^- J8.00 the Board of Education, extended a' DEADLINE FOR COPY-.W^ne8daysafclpA.M. ; , ••„...•••.•'." >. .10.-20 e r Wanted for, temporary factory, work (days on "Academic Freedom" at th,->Ci arilord.. . •„ a.76-8000 Parents visited^ their children's MASON WQRE AND REPAIRS. Btapi. ered. ' Refined, rock, pellets;, and Wat- •••••...", r •'•• ><••• • ' ' ' ..10-21- classrooms for two 20-min'ute per- fessors/ •'.''• .•:^''''>;"' •'.-.,"•:•.••. :• -.' ..'.' FOR RENT wallw,'•• paUos. i&alni. No - Jpb, .too kins coaVse. All 100 pound bags. The '•meeting": will be held tomor- smaU. BRldate 2-6044. Alter 8 J* R & R B»lt Service.. CHestnut 1-2T2(J iods; .and each teacher previewed REAfc ESTATE FOR —BRidge 64788.' ' '"• ".' ••-''« LEARN HOW .TO' BECOME, a W^rld, BoolC POW" night at jjiIrs:^P 's Restaurant, PURNlSJIEt) ROOM with kitchen prlvl- C»H BRUUre 6-S520. . ' ivork-of th(e= comin^'year.. ' * '.} : leiie** lor business .man in' 'ooms, Mull tilo bnth, lnyivtory pff master private home. Seinl-BUWttte. bath. . Call ' AUTERATIONS: :}•/• "6-1B61, 118 South Ave., E.J Craniord. tf WAITRESS,, fuii-timo, • 'days' andV-niilit Alterations pital, Newark* •.'•'', 789ij54{to"fl' ' ' '' Al In person. • Cr'anford. Diner,.,-7 — " For Quality workmanship and. falrprioM ' : SALE- Perrnit, tor. a new dwelling was the Academic. Frecdonj Committee' V" • '. ?'••'• -Realtors ', THORLEIF "JOHNSEN. .of the:. Rutgers University Chapter X •' ,' ' 15 North- Av?.; E:' •' •'' • & among.' five ,!pei"Wits approved' Jast HOtJSES FOR REiST _60lampspurhRncd iromjinfui « of. ^AAUP/,;, V;--'. •••:•:'."•. •••..':'':'., •'•.••'• .f: ', q . Coatractor »nd pulldox riinoe 1MB '. ..•.;•;.,,MEANS': AVON' '^."i vceek. by Township Committee. r ; Lurhp Show exhibit at big 'savings., "• Many, 276-1900 ana 276-Q777 REALTORS , i-' •.' ^INSURERS lEAUT^FUL B-BEDPOOM', COtq^IAL' 01V other floor samples reduced." .." ' io ..many . Waiting' AVON Customers) Be- The permit was, issued to Halspn ' Servtng pranfprd »hd Holly Street. Available in November. -BRidge 6-S54S ' como Uio. AVON Lndynaar your'home In Call .'....' •.'..''-. ; ' ' . • sparo jime; earn bis; profits; For home it^- Guilders,'Inc..' for 25 iiemloSk Cir;, • ,: OPEl* WEEKENDS' "•':'„ 8uburb30& • ••' •' :•••' ••'• '• '••.'•' tt school' teachers who attend an in-i Ruth P.'.peter.lpe ...,,. ,.•»,.-..' . 278-B8J3 N6rtli.Ave.iB. Or.»ii NIJKStNG SERVICE obR, '.WAjaNff MACH1NKS,' ne* and Dperirtfi Way, $1,000; James Hunt- service instjtjifce every Saturday •", ....— .. .• —' •. used, conjpleW line of waxers and morning-at St. Peter's College in, Janitorial. .suppUe^.' 416.. Centennial A OR WOMEN er, 122 Oak Lane., $1,200; Randall Corflplete Multiple Listings NURSE. ASSOCIATION,. iSXBOtitW — Concrete leallcB,- atone patio*. Jersey City. „ •'; . . •-. fstTiNa • brick; »lep«. • OARPENTRY •<—' poroh en- >v*nue. BRidgo 6-8798, ?, •;. tf PUliL TIME' Uoettsed ' lialeSftiaix; Tor '.broker,, Kroger, 56 Livingston Ave., $300^ s 4- CRANFORD '~~, KENI.LWORTfl 4- OAH.- clasurea, add-a-room; alterations. AN- 1 •f: WOOD. •• otf Ice hours; Monday • throuKji Active real" estate office. DEACON and frcd Ca^ale, 352 South Union They are Janet B. Klihrt of' Bay- C-.N£W LISTING • DKODATO: APams S.-7343. • •- U AGENCY, Mrs. Marie Deacon'. 276-5051. : Friday; a;30 'A.M. to 4:30'P.M.; Batur-' :THE -KlSflTTERY Ave., $1,800.' •<; .:•••••'." • onne, ;.who teaches, mathematics d»V», S'A'.M. to*l"P.M.." EmcrH«ncy nurs- "'YARNS AND INSTRTJCTION IF YOU. HAVK SALES^ ABILITY and* aru .and"science' at Hrllside. Avenue McPHERSON REALTY Co, Bricks ;.•.;':""••• lnn n.valldbl6. 24-hbur tclenhone service. TROCK' CRANE ana TJ0.-91. Bulldoter tot IN'-BRQOKSinE AREA .276-0787.- ' . •.. :•;' . , . tt bite. 8, W. Oliver, Inc., BRIdxa 0T21BO 58Lonhome Dr., Cranford ' BR 6-3428 wllitng-'-to work, and work.hafd. we .a.ro Junior High School 'here in Cran- ' * • REALTOR ' " x rooms, tllo bath, lavatory and rent' *Hd HUnter eIHBtt' ** • feOUJlB: ijon., Tueil., ThurS., 10-4 . interested:. .In' talk' lrig .ito'^ypu about tho ••real estate profession. Opening for-mnn TrcK>p 178 Spends ford^ and Vincent- fi:. Jluliigan o •• Open bails »-5 ' Snndujr i-B .'• h * X ••'• • - : ,urge landsoajisd Icifc '".''.' , '. ." •• . '. GET POnUi riQOSK POWER' ' • •or woman-, wilesm&ri In uclive'an,d ehtmb- : Rahway,\ who teaches at, Columbia . Open TiwWay >ind Thursday'' 1 lishcd Realtor j'plflcei Cijfll 272-0BS7. Weekentl at Camp '••••'• - > ~ ,. Evettlngs; 6:30 -. 9 p.ta.";-.. ' 330 volt Installations out " ipeclaltj : : 90 x152 |t; '•;.;•;. •••.:••• ZIMimiMAN BROTHERS DESK, AND; School. i.n0Berkeley Heights'. ~ . , 1 ;Ninet«en members of Boy Scout Close to public and puYochlal schools. Klecttlcal" Contractor* /Main objective of the institute.is ;•'•. lB.AIitJEN,ST. 6 EVSTRUCTIONS STUPYWPE LAMPS V Troop 176 . camped • recently , at ",'. Or, b^ UU BR aighf and vlBtoh-.ls Important. • Ask abdut to advance the professional- comr Priced Below Rter our. own designs also, "pur -policy-— Try WANTED Camp Northover, ..Bound Brookj ; •i/tNO INSTRUCTION , for Inte/medlate : petenc6 of ,th& high school teacher rVh'd ndVttti^ed st.ndent«. Steven Ander* Before Vbu Buy.. '''.•». ., ,. 1 : led by Louis TOtten, tifpop leader; by intro'dutiihg him ^to .the Jatest 'TODAY. ,',.';•• Bon; bttchclorls tlciireo, OberUn Coriscry- Charles Wagner^ .senior patrol 1 " ' •"'* ' •. ' •• 278-1985 GENERAL GONTRAGtOR WILLIAMS LAMPS; \ techniques', and theories in his' utory; • mastfcr's degree .pundldate, Nfw MEN WA^'tED: Saippi.rvB-Recelvlnit .. leader and Philip Massarsky,: agsist- Hope MHJus ,,i.'.iU ...... • 2W6215 "'Vbrfc ' UiUvcrslty, PeKlJp<|y, otms«rv»tory-. ROOPINO —.•••euxaitQ --'PAPERS •-- ,763 Central Ave.; Wcstuold 1 • 2.'i2-2,158 Cutting Dopt., ppcm'tln? Qep*. Steady 1 f jejd, with particular emphasis on, .A. Hcbcrt ;...... > i..,.. S'J'g- ?^ hen,'did-you Mast; hear bli, Call 27S-3S82. ' ' tf aOTTERS. "-i- •ALTERATIONS .•— ADDJf •-, "' . • " ' ' ' ' • ' '.; ::.. : •' tt • .Jobil. will iraln. PARA MFQ.' CO., Oneant sehtoi' patrpHeadter. ~ •• .• (3ertT.ua> Angle ....-...... -.,.: ^. I"""?;*? ; TIONS;— REPAIRS '•• ' Baltimore Ave.,- cranford. . v ,10-28 the new.er • ccrticejits which; have Dofls Coyle.. „...;...„... „.,..'.... B76-17»t ^M > 2^-BATH HOME All plants and' organs, In- They, are:)-. David! Olsen,* Fraiik Cludlne BALDWIN. DUDlilN : PIANO been adopted-ori tlie College teach- Oerttude Turk i.....».;-.....h.- 278-2641 jdse to'St.'MIchBel's. toid priced ut only' ACCQR0IOM AzZolino; Bruce Massarsky; David Doris "pute ..;;..;;...;...... ,.:.—...;...... u 278-2171 • At-Your Horiie Ox Btudlo • ', , BR 2^6105 CO., North. Avenue at Railroad Station. in'g'ievej;' ' ' •- V ""-." V ' •.•'; Evelyn Retting' .,....-.....,..'. /.«. 276^5737 DAlJIEt KDSTER - :.\ ^ j *:• 276-8562 Westficld... •232-881,1. . :». U Barrisy .Michael Totien, -Kevin „ Dor>'KuzMna M....U...... »....H.. 2«FS^3 tfew kitchen, fir,st-npor " Jauwdry', •. redec- .traylor, John Phillips, JDavid!,Wag- rated, .'We have, the "key..'-. • ' " . LESSDNS,; elvctt In ..,. . honie, Ten years', (cachMe experience LANDSCAPING •' — Completer Jaii,dsc«»« LIGHTING-FIXTUKE&: her, James MfccMilijiJV" Steven Xreasupe Hunt 754-8ii31, ' •. ' . ' •••••"•".•••I'M service, taring ..cleaning, build and repair See our. selection ^-r not top orawtOv All €arBon6, Joseph' juy«, , Richiiiid lawns, soddldB, rototUllne. clearing areaa, ftxturo* sofld brass, : avallabl& polished, -••• ••'•• MEMBER OP' UNION • Shruo plahtlng and monthly eare, - Tree saUned," ontlquod,- Also pewterj^jind cop-. WOjJtANWISE IEONINQ toldo.to:.hBr K^rieger,;, Rober|r Harris, • Richard : ! "" MULTIPLE' USTINCr and . drainage- work. Free estimates. pc*; We alto install, irtxturts sold on ... homo. -CaU BBldjfe 6-3?ftt.' . ' , ; tt Mojncelsi,I "'Brijqe Catcher, Brad r][i: [';• 2 FAMILY'/..• ;-: ... 378-2165. .' ••'•'•• ' • .•+"'•• . '•' •' tt approval.. Over 40 years In light toture .recent ineeting,of the Unitpd Syna- ,| CLASSES ^wd PRT^ATE WOWAN WISHES .duy's work. . Exp'erhmco, Br-eslau, 'Thomas' Schinit; Robert : buslnrsSi • " .•• ' •• ' "' ' 1 "gogue Youth at Teniple Bejth-El. I presently under construction. tax Ducombcr VICTOR WANDA S. GILMORE '• "276-3390 rcferbrims.".'Ciill :is.2-<)02ii. • Kircher arid Les Massarsky; •• :.'O*!oupnhey. ' , -,• .. V ' ; ••!••';' Bacholor '61 Music degree. fitttduatB work Team 2. •was the winner. ""*" , Realtor ; 27&7&18 Touctiots' Colloge, Columbia Unlv'er<y.' . WASHBOURNE BROS. . r WILLIAMS WOMAN 'WIJ3HE8 day's xWork'. Call 270- Guests nyere. Lee, Bortnickerand ,7*65 central Avo., .WoBtflold •' 2i)2-2158 ' i'he groiip .will meet tonight at'/ 'Two 7-Room Apartments . ; Cortiflea 'by NoV/ Jersey liuslc. Toaohej-s HOMElMPROVElMKNTS & MAINTENANCE .. 4221. •••.'".•.'. •'•'••: ' . .' ;••' Mark- Mitnik. Tenderfoot scouts Association.. ... ; " • .10-38 JOBS, BIQ OR SMALL, WE DO.THEM ALL : 7:30 'O'clock in^tlie youth, lounge. with 4'bedrqpfhs, bath and lavutory -• .[ 2 Aldon St. (at-Poison Travel);' Cranford ' jpreo Estimates — Work OuaranUed •made a seven milehike"i TEN-PIECE DINING room • set; antlqud .Ina Gallanter, president," will flruplace; ..rmts; '..ia'mpai.. cut iiluss ..Steven . Schirik told about his , Full Dining Rooms^ CLARINET AND SAXOPHONE'— Bogmner 2764623 ; 'duct the.meeting- ' , ' •: room, modern tjeetrte Ultchcni with lt"^hiIt S Phono: 276-B2W. tf . 27H-0070, ahd. dryer.1 ',,•.. • ',•''. ».•••• 'PUNI> '-RAISIIJOi"; ''batorlnu'" to marron, ff. Mi, at a meeting Mpn.r CEjiJEN.T. WORK', Kidowftlks an;^.. iiaU • '• . . ' MAP1E B.'*D ; R., BENNETT, \eathrf ot pluno. -.Latest HELP YOUR CHILDREN 'oruanlziUlonHV schools,' ^coufc ci'oiips. day at fir6oksi.de • Place Sehopl: An Visiting Testmg;Sei*yice • "fcor. a truly different s,tyld home, bo KBALT/6R • . jBR-a-BO31 ittolhodtr. Clnuslcal and .popular; - Las- '• asphalt driveways and pnrklng lota; water prooflng'bamMSrientoi Orantteburg drain- ••• ' •. .' SOCOBED' IN' SCHOOL,!. . , oveGnight hike will be held on No- ' sure to. call. .. .'••••• '•'..,- - .... : ; . 1H Norttt Ave., W. r - , • sons •)!>'your, liditii;. 860. Dorian'Road, GET' WORLD BOOK'S ,! pOMJPJ-ETE.- .„ . , _,y, noveitlCK' lit-tohqlemilo Thred- members "01 the v Union pipes. Call weekdays' »fter\ .ft .p.m., 'aU totull '• party . "Bui;'pll<>8i renttil pieces vember 13 at Camp Northover, '". ; WOHtflcld. CaH;'232^53O«. . •. tl' day Saturdiiy artd Sunday. 673-13.81. M EDUCATIONAL PUtN. CALL: Junipr College staff-will, attend an ',. JPBEC PAI»i:iI«3 .IN SEAR•'. ;.'. ..•fLYNN'S .PARtY SHOP,'B45''EliiC(vfacUv ; INSTRUCTION IN ALL ecHooi., BAND m- ,.DORIS DALLAS' . i 23'j-7l7.1 .: ' ' ' ' openjiouse Ivlond.ay'of the Educar-- J : Avi).,, Eljsiobcth. 3B4-1030," 9:30 a.m. W -IP YOtf AK& '••'•'•.. ' . • COMPIJETE WJl/tXPL'St.MfWTNCt" OENEBAt CONTRACTOR.' AU ty#es '•.'. ••'.//:• :•.:•' •• '••',•.»• ' • • ..'it : •ntrumetitifs. Call Mr, JOSEWI .tfiNORE, S:30 p.m. .''".•• if 'tipnat''Testing Service in Prince^ • • . '• -.'.' "'• BBRVICB' ••- •'!:'••' :_\~;~ i.,lntprlor. and>xtor'lOIID STATION WAGON V 10J10 .Country 13 Eastman St., .CranfQrtl YOWNQ fOLKS r~. EVERYBODY —-Find 571 Sat;, Opt.,23 — 1 td 4 EJ gqulre, ninc.-passenKcri perfect running W.Wlwk. St. •' : ••'•.• 17. North Av?,, W. put what, music lu ull about and howWTOTET? COMES!! : SERVICE POOL, doeil condition. QrlirtHaT '"owmor,1 4WJ0Q ..miles Premium Fuel;: Oil tof inspire others as you piny; PriVnto —- nDntj anything; " Ciirpiiiitry- - Electric •«. : SunMOct.24"-lto4P.M! • ; (IVoyltnd'ir.' siutamatlc trunsmisslqn, pow- Classes,' • corintle MoldQn'.Dpnne'rs, 270- t••• Plumblna -• Rtf-Modullni: - Tool MaklnK- '•t •; Bvenlnss Call:' . 27t)-3vaS0; ,' •",'.• . ".'• .».-': tf j'Bi'' atecrlnK,- radio, hentcr.- $850 or best W Acfvahfaige Of •3330. ". '•.'• •.;•'••• . •:•"•:. Edward shlmkus" _..,u.,.,. 78B-O382 105, Edgavvopd- Road offer. , 27(MB'lfj, Httor 8 ij.m. r •' ' Jleiltor BlchBtd Schroth ... ;.;..„. ,,-.272-56flO Insurers Joe Mlrartlottft."...,'. ,. 709-0063 Cranford , '•' CHliVRbLET ~ 105B In)pula,,:HR-lii«li. cn- SET OV^ DigtfE^, OVER 90 . PIECES-, ' IN •gt'no, t'xcollent.' conUltlonj.. SEE IT 1-^- Mary Giordano, u. v..i :„..„.. 2.76-8734 RADIO ajid TELEVISION' 6-8110 > Mnry Bcokor".,,; .'....:„.. 27.6^402: REPAIRS .ORIOINAL CASK, NKVER USED, ,i$aS "MAKB - OPriSR'. 'Dnys, 276-81)12'; • ovo- Frank 6 Danncll- ,.. .., :,.....,... 276-1240 •PAINTING • BRldUO U-2573 PUAYPEN, TRAINER. HEEDING PISH nlnuHj 2:tqi-03»3. '-'id^B RoboH Mcaruth ... ..::;...., .,,.,..,270-6309 ' :' ' Fill Your £OAL Bih^NOW! with DECORATING KtmSSERIB, NEVER'USUUJ ,:. $18:50 jlS.MANS CONVERTIBLE —, 1903,.' (food SCATTER RUGS, $5 TO SISP. ORIENTALS. condition.. renaOMUble. .VHfciiQT.• . LEHIGH Premium Anthracite YOUR • AL£O HIO VABIljfTY OP MAtJY-IOR'iriSR- T. A. CRANE — Palntin« and Decoratta* PIANO TUNING 1BNT ITEMS -" rBiCJSO"li'O«; A FAST OPINION? ABOVE LISTINGS 24B Walnut Awinue.... *«1. BRld«« t- SALE! ' .,.:-'-."' ,. . • PETS FOR SALE • ' WHICH OF THE' t ; , /6089 for^estlmates. '. ' tf RELIABLp'PIANp T0NINO and repnirlnK ' ' K6ltOWINO Ape bjtte^jed through mombor oBlot« ot the by rcctiBnlaid .DXpcrts.' DUDKIN PIANO •CKARAGE SALE. • Oo'tob.er 22 iind 211, 1-0TWO PRliNCH POODLES, cure, dark -STOVE ... :. CHARACTERISTICS' • . -. CRANFORD'BOARO OF REALt^ CO., Timcra arid Rebullders, 437 Ho*Mi , a.m. to 4 p.m, 45' a'" ERNEST MHJUS 276-4395 AvcnUD, Wottt. Wostlleld. • 232*8811. ,-W > tTHE SIOM lni:; Idtchtm Liiblii, fbrmlca vtop, lour" IS.MOST ,^ Painting & Decorating chairs; curtalnii,., custom' miidc (iriipus; SIMONE BROS. COAL & FUEL CO., ."REALTORS V&E& ESTIMATEfl. — . BtJIi'S' • INSORED Notuc IatHe's", nicn's.• .linS": IfivlH' clotlilntr,; ; In Selecting • ' lirlc-u-briict ho'usehoHl artlplou. -17 Rocer ••• .•.•••••*•••• .•"-, - •.•".•'••-'..'•."inc.: •"•' •" :••.•..• ••••' .-• -.•••••. : .•"'.. • .'• ' ' • ' ' '« REPAIR A HOME?? . • . Avi).. CiJintard. 270-102(1. WILLIAM ROESEL r~ Interior and V* Library HUn% 6-2726 : HUnt^r 6-0059 terlor Painting, tikllled tnechanlcs." Vtt* BffiPAIRWO A* SPECIALTY. Piano and WHITE ELEPHANT SALE'— I'Tiduy, Octo- (I) furniture no!lnhlng. Antiques restored. ber aarid, ' l'O - 3; ' Benefit.' Cub Bcd.ut rding Ave, (Coi^ W. 15tlh SK) iinden (2) pcuosiul Surrouudlmsa son a] supervision. 430 Manor Av«iiue, Rcflniahtnu. He^ub.blne. • Kltchea cab- (3) Near ai'liools * REAL ESTATE' ,• PTitntatd. .qaU BRidge 0-3718. ,'. .M Paelt-' IJ'l.' 17 NorCh' A'vonuc; Wttst (two Of f ered inista Waxed. HENKY R0FP. MOrdook doors Irom Crunlord. Thtiii'tre). . >r OIL BURNER INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES (4) Wonili;r

    EL M: BARICH —' Exterior-Interior ,8-5665. . . • • tf ••JChi; .pollowlni! HonieK TttUitlnB. paparhanKlaK. • Kxpott work- To Area Have All .ThWo FeiUuri'M! . • msushlp. Ruasouablo prices. Call 374- MISCEIiLANKOUB pAimr ibKSIRKa 'Urve home In 6B80, ovinihiiii.. ' .•*•'•••• MUD'S- r.nb' chali', down,.-cii.'ililons, ((ark, 'Phfc Linden Area Reterenco ILi- ,',••:. BUSINESS.,.' roiii.' • velouf iinholuivrV; knoehole inu- $40,060, to $50,000 cIutiHlflcutlon. Im- brpry this .week.issued a reminder, 7-ROOM SPLIT ; . Dicdlivti! oecuuancy- not nobousary. This libiiuny'.clnak, ulH>.rs In this iirim. 'No K u 11 i m? -. To" cum I - . in making this' announcement 6-ROOMGOLONIAL • ASSOCIATION . tty you-.Jiuwt hii've liu.i-. rel'eroneifiT, itllOO U> ' IB WHAT- WE HAvia F.OII HALE. TDTOIiING North As Union^ Avenues 'Sl.000 Bii.-ih. Sevtiii in. twelve 'hours .wfokly iT, cbnie «ive or cull,' I.JfinfiiMtlc Miss Viola JR.'MniM, director of th stMyiiuj. miichin(>. madu by White, desk vlUi ii Fuw.U'y .'room, sun • room'.' rfiir' en mn net excellent inQntliiy ii.u:umo. More Linden Area Reference Library, INSURANCE man acridoh. E full ' tliiic. For licvitoiial Interview write umdel, .(.list, completely ovi'rluiiik'il, with reported.'that the Linden Library closed porch, excellent condition, nrlcu only Il6h, lTonch. Bxsorlencsd. certified atlui'.lniHintii; cumurii, Itedox Aruus find •S2'4.'B00. - -' » .,,»-' P.O. noX'-'lU|5r''f'lTT8BVRCHt, I'A. 15202. v Studied In Vr»nce. 278-331)2. " tl Include Cholii; iiumbe'r!. '. , ' • fliinh uttiieliment;, crib with' niatchltku subticribcfj to 3G3 periodicals and FIRE CASUALTY WANTED TO BUY : LIFE [Iri'sser, Uiiht (lniuh; pluy pun; two.'TV services, which arc a tremendous ;.set:i, one ai In. O.E.. om; 10 .In. AiulJeai WK BUY BOOKS with AM.S; FM,ni(Uo. Two bed Irnmns, of information. -A- total q 5-BEDRG.OM COLONIAL JUMBLE STORE E CAI.L ^Olt nET CALL US FOR DETAILS ON THE No acH'Inu. lluflll ami collirct' money Irom one iloutvln-bed melul fruftie, gnu tslnu0e 80 .magazines have been puirchtiscd with' a unruled family room, modorn kit- P.-M. BOOK BilOP/_L N«w T.vnc coin pix'ratt'd Ulf.nCri.M'rs lu tills l)i;u,tlhn, 71! NEW HOMEOWNER'S POLICY )(iiiilsi'i>t«'d yurd. only , Mtiilitvs to Tiiwn. Qpon. TuHduy. Wcdueaduy, y'rlduy, ,O:'.I 91,1150-i-aKh, "'I'i-n hnhru weekly vim' net '. RPM, KmerSoli": omf woutloii1 tini of post years tire available. The f rlccil lit""$2t)'.flO0, • •'"•-".' " -•• \. -'12:00.'•!-4:30 M.in.;- Suturdiiy, 0:y0 I1OOK8. AMTTJQUI5 I'URNITOHK, n , i'.\t'.ellL*iit luronie. M'o-fi" .tlnni. run.i;e;.'Ull I" .W'.Ul.U]";-.s.lrrt.v; boy's' 20 111- blcyy BROADER COVERAGES LOWER PRICES W;00. For ptclt-uiiircajl 27U-0221!. <•' t china, dc;lla. piiliitlnmi 'nnd prints, oolnu, more money. For iirrsoiiul mtiirviuv,- wrilfr 1 library has three •jnicrofilm "read- guns, > anyihlng .old.. , IJAnwood 2-7452. v'ery ijgotl OrtifWnii suit; lour .'ilovn.i win- CO-REP, INC.. (1-100' VIHCilNW, AVE., • (l^u'i*, wocxlen liituies, . Ciill.unyllnie -be- ers for the convenience of.patrons. riTTSHU^lCUI, I'A.. 15202.. ; twiien O'p.m..-iii)d 0 l/.iii. 27(i-10SO. .Among the recent, inference PKH OAlLiY 8:30 AM, —.8:30 P.**r 'lulmber. '• * ' . • r« ' _^ ' ^ ___ _J- ^^ ^ j Hulurdiiya - Bundays and Holidays f f l)6oka purchased, i!> "The-Catholi t B$ Auifolntmcnt , GAR'AOK SALE -,- XI Wiule A.Vi.'lU(\ cliil- Encyclopedia for \Iomc and Sehool daU WEICIUT. iuroly wlllv Des-A-Dl Bought and Sold dren's' ttiys',' clothra. _somc tiir.nlt.iiro, 1 SHAHEEN AGENCY Tablets.. Only Ode ut your dm« store' WIGS- - oiuU. , l-'fuhiy uiul ' . 'CRANVORD' .SPORT CEN'lTStt.' Use/ All of the otticr standard FREE PARKING a^t -'• ' 11- :tfl North Avi'., EusL.'Cr'unf'drd " 27«-15(IO Oi'tohiir. "itS^iiml 2U ' encyclopedias are available no : •, ,^_a ,.._ only ait the main library, but at the REALTORS — INSURORS G.G.NUNN • .' WIGERAMA JiANJO. ''saii.: • sluilti'j*^. S:l. .pulr; 8,onn branch libraries as well: DRESSMAKER SPECIAL -• WIlttK niLTL wimlou'ii,.J?!3; uood Wiiu , S. s Realtors and Insurers 100 luimim hiilr t ".win:/ uVuf'wl'i;Hi(h. •^clHAil'dt'.vk uml eliT(lr selsS^SO; l.'irue .Residents of CranforU,, Garwood "Over Half a Century qf Service" Sh l biilow linH-lirlcu.""Direct from, us, 'wood-lmrnhi'is .stove, silft :. BRidge 6-8110 ALTERATIONS LOST AND FOUlSlt> 1 fhuii'u, $2Di" Victorian and 'Ke'nilworth _afe welcome-to ih norti-rs.,-. Wlc-.j-i'iHulN bji w>yk ur : d - Cmnnlvte Wp>5i#rvlr«.'s. Exp«i;t Anthony' 'Chirieo, president,,;,prC' JthV-school '.atqff'. .• - -'•''• '•'• :• - Visit siding; ''Mrs. Henry -. Greenstein! I-.'Guest; speaker wrfs Robert, H, Suggesfs^db iUd Plait . j Seavy.Ntf tl\e. Board of Education, to said. • .i...'...;•'."•''. .. , .<. .-

    .,:. •.:...... ,.; -. * , , »!\vho ... -'1, hi/V discussed, my. K.lan.wmi vl •'''•'"'tin .ii^.nvjSCj;j th^ schuf>-F1nidjot; '.'•'' Studerits, fitiidarice Cbtinselors • \v.hicnr;W.a5":flpprovea hy.,Jhe .mem Mrs., 'Aler»xv ,'ls'arvWVin.i;i>rO|^)'Se'.griuJtnero Withe••'\ims where t|i cafe'IJI'IKJ. food Sale'wijfl he held- at ( 4^ : Election'day,; Nbywri' I'ttVintyr'-'.'•. •,." ' •••'''•'• *',•','.; '•.-". • D'ortougli pointed;- ptyt;'-cooperating•s'iich' ^ practical assistahee;,to, §tiia^ "tijAtiy class -teachers -;Xn lctlcrs tp tjie •di.fet-tors <>f j. businesses would, finance an eight-" en'ts isaba of- local- busines'ses and industries. which " school / graduates. might tori Magistrate Charles. J.' Stevens i StRIOI Jl ai'd Benner reported. • ', '• :'•„. Mr. McfioTiough, a .candidate-for qualify: '•.'•••"• ;' •.-••,. ••••..,':' in Municipal Court here last.Week. , A social hour with refreshments state senator from Union County '-..'-With information on wage stales, • lie is changed vyith using'an:oil anroj,eet. reported jhdt a textb'opk exhibit is plahnod, Fill in onlto if Cranford resident; 62 or over Thanked b^ UJ€ ' for Jajiunry.' Lrft to' right in the1 picture are1: Mrs. Julius Wejn'er of/ the.curriculum and'instructibn division; Mrs,.Harry .Housokeeper; Re-Elett Rfepublicaa > ANSWER ONLY ONE For Cooperation nolping teacher at -Walnut Avenue and Livingston Avenue' Schools; -.' I am ____— years old Male !""!• " Fem&fe D ' ' board of trustees "of Unibri Mr?. Sol'Koved, first grade tea'cher 'at Walnut Avenue, andPhilip Cea; JiolWn'g. teacher -^(t Brookside' Place and Cleveland Schools. '." I am married Hi Widowed Q ' u Single D Junioi College has thahke.4. the- Tovvifbhtp Coi-nnntteel.thje Boni'd of I live with Wife n Husband D : Uhipn County; fye\ : -.-The -letters were. seht to .the ing ceremonies for the_ $100,000 hree. •mij.nici-pal bodies, .by Warren" William Millc*r-,Sperry Observatory enrolled in the -Granford public My totalvarinual. income, is below: ''" • . •.":...' W;Halsf))f,secretary'.of .the'board on I^ove.mber 7 at 3 p.m. 'The col- •school system, last spring, attended Columbus••»- .'•; " $2',00<);p " ,'Between .^QOO^S^OQO p"'* ' '. of. trustees of- XJ-hion; Junior '•Col- lege also1 has plans tot a $1 mil,lion the 'Upper and . L,ower Summer Schools, accOPding to-.a'.-repbrt -sub' "•.;; $3(tJqo-$4;bop;a •.$4,,Qoq^$5,ooo.pi •£ ' '"" le-ge. -•;.; • 'i '."• ' '•;> •>''.. '. " ••' -••-.,'.- ••. scierjeb'". building, which ' will '• e-n- '•'Wt.th the .sito'','plqn , now milted, to,£nc Board of Education Keep A Qualified Legislator Working FOR YQU1

    tion7To._ undertake its development "There were(1,202 students.in the I: would be^'interested' in. rentirtg a t. •sehJQc citizeri .*„ proijech!,'the boa'ra bf-.tru'steoi'.'de- ; s two, summer' .schools; .540; in .the. ; The mpst • useful -. virtue; is 'pa- Lower •Surn.mer'. Sch'p'cil _ conducted' [ ' -VV ' '''' '' sirps - to .Repress appreciation * and iehee—^John'jjovwnii- ]"-• " * ' iit t|i'e;.Hiil-side Aventic' j'unior High- : • .M'y Physical condition•.•'is.-GoodvED^. ;; School.anil '662 in the Upper Sum-

    '••,1 meecdj med,ica|medical,. attention Reaula"rlRegularlyv Ctl >.-:.C -Occasionally.'/.Q mer School, held at Crahford : §choo'l. :' ' - • ••."•'.. '•';•••• "'•'• • . '•'.'••'' '.' '• '*.' .'.''..' .•''•.•'.• .-.-".' •'-."•'. ••••V--'\'''-" '' '. •'•• ''The six-we^Jcs. -Lower Summer-' Limousine Service Kour General'T«rfl. ' •'v •••" Please fill in and ; Trips to alt airports, y stations •'& pifers••' S(j)iool was"addcd" ta. ouij •program^ Dr., about four years ago '•"to"' -give se- Specialist *$aysr V MRS: C. LEONARD, it ^ , (Tall CHes lected pupils in grades sixthroughf PMLV OWE- eight an bpp.Qvtuiiilyto'- reinforce ' "HtlRRY 6£T THEM 1 l , • •' i' . (. i. •'•. " .'•',• . • .•, . ^ anyplace andjap'gradjG'their competencies; in-i BEFORE THE RUSH. not to. sifirt- vour riame) rr' Prices Very R tthe basic, academic areas of arith- 6t AHEA& OF-THE metic and language .arfs,":Dr: Mc- HRST Dermith Said. "Add.cd tW.-fhis pro- gram wcr-e; ciasses:-in..s,peeclri-cor- roctiqn and- instrumental music.!! The Lower, Summer School had 365 students, enrolled in. 558 aca- demic subjects', 132 in instrunientiil- classes and 43/ in Speech, correc- tion.' .•.-*•.' .•'.., •"";.. • » • "The social anrf educational bwi-- efits derived- froirn. the. experience BORO Shoyld miiiiifest 'themsoives in dii-. fercnt iid'asy Wiroughout the,"new year and beyond,'' Div-Mcpermit'h sui'd. .".' . , . •••'•.-• • ' There was a .slight' tlrop in- tho Upper Sunimer. Schobl. enrolfment •from 717 students 'in; jl964 'to 66? hist summer,.'.' ...'.• •-, • •;; , " .* Lohgi Wearing Duragen Ru, *Siipitr strong Nygen Cord • Deep cleats.fvita tig bH$r • Bxtra wide Tread : T^e1' Go-iri-Sriow By Mrs."Wismer get y0U.jjlhVpggH.tHis winter's • Now oit Slides toughest going! Get better stopping -,'. tennw. .Mrs.-;' Ra'ymond -P.- Wlsmcr 'of.; "i and thor.e positive control of your-car On 1965 LEFTOVERS Arl)or St. is featured in a new,slide under all y/itijter driving coriditions. •lecture portraying the'first. 10 FORDS - FAIRLANES years of the. Sterling! Bowl.Tour- Doh^'inyiWwtntehdHyihgliazardls' ; IN-STOCK namenty'the only national ros*o ar acr MiAim TNAcnoN ntoti ;thjs year, stop in arid gist oar T-BIRDS - FALCONS rarffiing competition.\( ., '. AOtAOltOf. '-'•; •'- 1965 INVENTOfeY traction guarantdtf!" . Jvirs. Wismer's .arrankemeht won TRUCKS * - MUST GO! second prize in: the 1962 competi* THIS IS IT! tion held W the. Jackson* and'•'•Per', kins J7-acr.e i.dfsplay ro^e, garden WKH0UT WWC£l!OIB\' r Tuba|«» b)«ckw»lli Fairlgne '500* 2-Dr. IMMEDIATE CREDIT nominations; have been 'received' PLYMOUTH. STU0E8AKO, '. -FACTORY P/RITCE $2593.»4 • IARK; RAMBLER , . ahd-214 contosfants have competed, ; CREPIT"PLAN 8UICK, STUBEHAKER, - 8.25 lit FACTOllY PRICE $3692.95 theao include 102 jduving the first • • 8.15xlS :8& $ two years wh0hr all nominations NO MONEY DOWN! MERCURY, CHRYSLCR. - Tubtltst. bta^kwalls DOPGE, OLDS. PtYMOUTH, were-accepted. \ :a.p0xU : $3017.49 PONTIAC •,•'.•'•' ' ' . •During 1966'the system, will vary KASV MONTHLY 7.10x15 TftUCK SpIcJAL! •' 8.55/8>B5>i 14 in that the ten annual winners "will *5O •*5- • «.45xl5 Stock #5A-10 • • • Stock #6|-jfi'.--"- • TH« TOTALI •$• lie invited' to compete Wednesday, BUICK, 0LO?i CttflYSUR, Tub«l«»» 465 *6 PACKARD, DESDTO, PONTIAC F-100 8-Ft: fkkup June'22,' for ,the, $5,000 perpetual 8.hO,q.00x 14 galaxiixiee '500'' &, 7.60xlb FACTORY PRICE $JJ174.29 challenge silver trophy for which •7 '•* FACTORY NV PRICE $3665.45 Howl dur • the competition was named",' •«u»ux • • No Trade-In Tires traded Trice $2996.81 $1720.00 ^ : WHITEWALLS SLIGHTLY HIGHER The" gain in fielf-corifiderice of . ' . ' .Stock #51-5: ?•;•;• ' -Stack #51-15. •'.'','• having accomplished a tiresome CARS labor is immense.—Arnold Bennett WINDSHIELD SCRAPER • . .'FREE-: Galaxie liTD H Falcon Futura Cy. SHOWROOM WHILE THEY LAST! tire Safety Check • FACTORY PRICE $3561.53 FA^JTORV-FRICI! $2760.84 . t>>'fjctmy-Ujinad cupaiu 'wiM do Limit orva po^.ear ' •Ulliij, FREE: . • '• ' $2913.20 Our $2376.35 M'INTYRE'S jfuty to chip Winter^' ^ulsw kjitijB nbjecli. fdli ' • B*()IKH Ulky vihM toi LAWN MOWER SHOP * Ctntk cuitcl tk pultun EjsiabUshad i82fr' COME IH NOW SALES * SERVICE PARTS ^ WELDING . Locksmith -. ELIZABETH GENERAL Roo*- Eclipse - Yard Mail GENERAL TIRE SERVICE, Inc. ::'-'}• Many Olh»r Famoti* Mak«» V lard OKIJtVEKY HKRVJCK ; 400 RAHWAY AVENUE;.ELIZABETH N. Elmer Hi.. ' r 158 E. WESTFIELO AV ADams 2-2528 'iM. to 7'P:M, - Sul< to 3 l»ik•- U H700

    : CH 5-6100 ^ :.-•• •" ' . •• •'-•'.'. ., ' -r *.«••>•'•

    „ ,.' ,,-M -\.. ••••••• •*«»»• : : ; ,,; ,;-,•'• . ,'...•;.••!> -^'•;' '•.*.-. '•^••y'-'i •/-;',/':- '•• V '••'''•.'*'•'• « '"l.." ••••'•' -• i'n'. ,.';.;'

    .'"•,'." •'"'.'. '. • '•". ^f/^;i:;^;!^,i": '^v^ '•'•:•;'••••ft7' '>''.-:•• •-''.:' .;•''.'•••' '::v':-'i;:-'' ';"L-

    •'.•<•.;>..-••--••:• . ."•:•-,--• • •.•••• •,•",,•• • •••....•_.• •...-.•..-• -•••••'•••; , • •'. •• .• 1 1 •••.*«*«-EleiU- " CRAJSPOBiD CITIZEN AND^RONlCl*—THURSWAV/jOCXORER ai, 1965 r' "XT' A i ••'• ••'-'••' ''• J~\--'' ' ••' 1# • visiting iour-yfear cojleges.gn'd uni- .p'ated itf'the prpject as many volunr tion this "Saturday and Sunday, The' vefsities! "anticipating in the years B'naiB'ritk teers went along to help the handi- first class \vilt be- called at 9 ami immediately ' aliead' the . nece^sifx. capped members ge( on and' off on Saturday: and at: noon on Sun- New Admissions, Counseling thie-buses. •• . -..• . ,,'..'..':v ''-,-;:• day.1. ;.....,' ••'"-.... :• •• •,.,.' .-.,-• .-..,' ••' ..,• •• of "mjich closer. gelations" witK. the. Bemactttcy I ; college's :to""w,hich^ U.JC. transfers its .••'• Despite a driy'ing fairi On D»e,ants; as- the .events, are; also.'.includedl'ildd'' forvfprk ' -AH admissions'imd' cduns&fing services': at • Union Junior-College The entire' admissi6jis afid;<:oup» 1 : havo! t>eefa.p^wd^d/un^f^'th|>.'bhaii'ma;is^ip of,Dr. ^eUn&t'h .W.-.Iver^n ltog • prbtifa;n- will operate, under- dirs jiooK them p"n" a -riding yately bWned' horses,, bridle trail'' g pt; p j-umpers w6rkmg r-'.i ean^ it wafer amloWieeta^ gri;j^y fi^S*^"*;-: ,•-'-. the fdculty'fdculty.'c'aiimitpbc'aiimitpbee h'ead&''ky the( "Hacks', .•'children .,#...... f(injgs, • fountains'' and hunter hacks .md open tjumper ;Dr'. Iyerseri. .'Appointed to . iV V '","«,•- " ••, miHeeeby. pr. MacKay wert: Pf a series of. other spot?-of'interest:•'"'' "' S\yeepsta'kes pointment of'Anatole EL'Colbert as TJtiion_Junior College's t ' The boy and gnl troopers rang , counseling officer arid Ihe promo- C.; Boly. pf Berkeley workshops.in'which.small dolls.are ¥^.,.:. •., # , .T., Heights; Prof, .Fortest, P.- ^^ i^g/ip'agc fiom 9 to 18 \ears will tion of.,George P. Lynes'to admis- .members, and- 'other, mfrinbers,of 1 ha-vo'a...chance.' to display w.'hat they Jr., of CranfoVd ;financial .aid?of- derstand-tHe principles, ofurotlier-'-' sions officer,.' Mr". Lynes had been the.statl ' .j ;v..;: :'f "••' "•.'"•'. ficer; - Prof. .:Saul-OrknV of Plairi- havte learned:dur,irig their 10-wcek . serving as admissions aide to: Prot'. ' "The-"presence ., of a full-time iieidf,' \yh"d. Vas admissions director-' riding.-seasqn/ In :afl;events. they races" and. creeds. ••'. . ,-•'.; ;•.••""•. • •will'ridc;-iri thoir regulation troop- Bruce P, Watson, who was acting counseling officer does not mean before returning to his full-time Mrs; Ehrlich is workshop chair- duties as government and eco'nom- er uniform. The mounts they T^de . .admissions, director.. the termination of the many, coun- man of the("Dolls for Democracy" seling services provided jhy other ics, instructor arid chairman-of the Dr. rtaroid N.;Mold?nko4. direct- will' b(j'. regular school- horses . ; Prof,, Watson- program sponsored by ,thq' Anti- _ resume his members of' the", faculty.. Indeed, social sciences department; Prof. DefamatiorT League..of the North- or of. the Union County. drawr^ by lot. > duties- as-Dr. MacKjay's. administra-^ Gunars Salins oi;Glen Ridge; Prof. c Nejv 'Jersey Council of.B'nai missions; Trails!^ Nature and •Tlie- public is invited to visit'the' ."tjve*"tive.. assisjtfht."-assistant. ; ; it represents' an/ increase ; iri the Fatris " S.'' S-this ,. me4ster. of Mr. Colbert, all couiisel- Dr. MacKay said the expanded The UJC presidehtsaid-tar. Col- last Thursday.: The next ohh e SuSundad y V)f the: historic-,, Deserted irtg services of Union JunioF.'€ol- counselingg services will enable will- be held at 8:30 p.ni,;«.i Tues- Village," • located ...in. a valley-be; •; jege wei'e ' provided•• by fac.irlty'^bert \vill-"-spend, some of his time give added atten.tipi n to. tt.hh c Mrs. Edge Na?iied day."..--' .' •, . '•.• .'. : „•..*' '..' • tween 1 the, first and s6con.d ridges many problems thatfaee froshmen .'These, workshops will teach the of the Watckung. range. The toitf afid sophomores;, -problems' like p is .open.. t.o the publje and will stqrt Batossah Star B>iai h vWorn«nVhoWVh w tto con- which• courses• to select, where,to duct programs which arc given'1 iw .fro.jft'Trailside- at> 2 -p.m. and pro- FOURTH QUARTERLY transfer and matters pertaining; to the .classrooms .of tho. public ceed to tiuV site o|. the "Village^' a For October ? RON'S career chpice. s.chobls'.;.- .. ..''." , .• •:'•• .;• .'.'•'." : .sjiort distaiice away;" -by auto,, : ' • ,' * ^ • • • INSTALLMENT OF 1965 The ^d'dll-B1 represent a cross sec- Dr. Moldenke will discuss -the • .Following this year's' theme, of' tion' 6f ,three religious failhs and 300-year0 , historhtyy and traditiotadt n .oof >'YOU Are [the Star in HadasSah," CHS Girls Attend twtimo races***<>*, thThf^iotle vy rVistumed'ihe-Ktma from the tune of the.In- Mrs. John'fidge of 622 Riverside 12-inch '.replicas' of leaders in his- dians and earliest .settlers to. its Dr. was the first to be honored by present state as ;a unit of: the tJnion the , RoseHe-Cranford dhapter of- College Day tqryi-include AbraHam; Lincoln, St. ; L'AiR 4u TEISUPS' Pr.ahcis,.:of r Asslsi, Jane; Adams^ Qoiinty Park System.•'.Ho will point Hadassah- by being, selected as the- Seven Cranford High School"ju- oj# majfiy historic facts, about" both' •Qctob.cir. "Star in'Hadassah." '• niors attended the annual-College George "Washington Garver.and Dr.. V :y . i .ThisVas announced by Mrs. Wil NaturaI Spray Co Day program §a turday! at Douglass Salk. ' ! the native and exotic plant and- ani- liam Prosk, program ylce-prCsiden: t a a . . . mal' life that"'exists in the, area. College, Women's divisjtaftr of" Rut- 'The "-Doll Lady" tells how each at the chapter meeting lasF. week: ; On Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- gers—The State, University, in of , these. hum^iitai.'ians • demon- ' Born in Frankfurt,, Germany,' New Brynswiclc. '.•.,' ',:•.. '."'•'•'•'•:. strate^ racial : and religious- eejiialr day aijd Thursday of next week -at Mrs. Edge was/ 'rescued'••, by • thp 4 p.m. each, day, half-ilour nature Y,outh. Aliyah of. Hadassah..when- T^ey are: Pauline, Franltehbei'-; ity- in their,yines.. _.The' philosophy: to ger, .iacqueline Dukesi Carolyn.' ^behind1 the ''program is' develop-' talks'for«efiildren will be conducte'd she wasi a teenagerVand taken Potte, Corili/n Pollack, "Sandra Wnt of ..respect for. individuals •by Dr. Moldeilkcin the.auditorium Israel. Later, while serving .in the r Schurer, Rosemary GencarelU, ana "w1?tToT1?difl ^ .at-JTJmil5ide. The topic ".to be dis- British Army;',, she met '.her hus- cussed, during/ the' four, days , is band, .who was "a member•• of the Shelley Gale^ They were ac<:0m •ences. .' •, ...' •".:';.: • , ' ••'•;•..;_', ' "Grasshopporfi . "anVl i their Hehi- JRAF. ..'•-• V!: •'• ••••;;:•.. \:_"•••• ••••^ pahied by ^Iiss.'JIfclen: Scott; •gtiid- The talks last from 20 .minutes 1 v ance cotihselor, and-Mrs. Seyrilour to ' a -half-hour" 'before1 audiences' •tiv.csi '. The talks will be;iliustrated : .Mr. hnd.Mts. ;Edge have resided CREME DEODORANT ^S-'Gr^i j Pollack.1 LcM"^y;-iwI'.tnj^ olor slide : : have, a son' in Crahford High Some 1,000 'girls representing .•leVel'.-- ':"'" .•' -. •' •'.'"-. • ':' '•'•: '•.'•: '" •• • every high school inVNewr'-Jersby ScJioctl! Wfrs,,Edge -is"a certified $3.50 • attendeJS the program, designed; to Hebrew teacher,: . • -v •. , * No Interest Charged If Paid acquaint high school, juniors with Haiidioapped Grouj) •, 'Mrs. Fred; Blum-announced thai aspects of the curriculum- at the In Horse finals plans' have been' made foir On>Worl(l's Fair Tour .the ra'hriual • rummage sale to, be DOROTHY state university's women's college. Ninety handicapped-, people from r Seventeen Jnembers of the Doug- Cranford, Elizabeth, lVirrfield, R0- held at ,8 Walnut, • Ave. Noyember- ORANGE FLOWER $1.75 las faculty presented; seminars-on selle, ^TJnion, Westfield,. Famvood,' The .'32hd annual W'atchung 8 through 11 from •'9 aim. to 4 Th g t VSJ i Office WillB© Open Twesday Evenings, the humanities, science and'mathe JDunelleh'JPlairtfitslu/ and Middle- Troop-autumn horse show, a mid-i meeting 1 p,m, The SKIN FRESHENER 1 Otber•'?<> and November 9, 7 to':§ P.M. •. rnatics,' social• sciences, a'hd.- prcr sex recently- were taken on a bus season eVent for nearly 70O '.young- \vill bt'.hftld at Temple Beth-El on fessional and N pre-professiona trip tQ the New York World's Fair I. ,. enrolled in the.Union, Gouniy Tuescfny.' evening, November, 9.! p COLLEGTICJN courses. ': ." ;'•''• •''' '".'''•• "'•••-.•-" : • by the Uhion -;C0unty Society forTpark' Connm>sion*s"• WatchiUig "- tPWNSHlf OF CRAWFORD "Cpllqge E)ay.has been sponsorei CriRple^l Children • and Adults "froop fall, program of lp:weekly • V - by the federation of Women'i (jEaBte'ii1 • Seal). • • • •' . ' '' . •:' I rides, will be heidat th.<} Watchung' 1 Local Student Clubs 'of Hew Jersey. Since 1933. •'; A.' total of 135 persons .pa^tici- Stable: m the Watchupg* Jleserva- Lighting Director For Rutgers Play PURSE SPRAY Robert T Darcb,i oft 2 Poplar Way, ^freshman, at "Rutgers Uni- versity,' Will be lighting director ATOMIZER for ttioitoil WifcIer's'-'Thc Skin, x • * At Miller Rambfer of Our Teeth," icr he presented by $1.50 the Mu.mmers, the drama^gfoup at iho.Stnlc Uniyorstiy m Newark. The pkj? will bt' performed at $1.00 the fti-amii WorJkshop, 31 Pulton GILLETTE St, Newark, on Friday and Satur- We can put you in dav, Octobet 29 and 30, and Thurs- ADJUSTABLE RAZOR day: tYrdnv'and Satuulay, Novem- ber 4, 5 and 6 . Ouitain time is at 8 15 p m A matmce performance '66 Ambassador, " • will bo given October 3t) &t 2 30 pm • your first luxury car ( the new-size luxury car. Mr Darchi, a liberal arts'major, is the sbn QC ftfr and TVTis Nicholas ftarehi of the Poplai Way dddress He is a giad.uate of Ciantord High re stilt School Sigiterhood Reading, Speaker A di.unatit leading and a "pucbt young enough to enjoy it 'speaker will, be featuied at a meet- ing oJ -the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, at 3 45 o'clock tonight at {ho temple, it was announced by • -u - ,-'•'• -, V. Mrs; Stanley Goldstein,* program vice prusjdent Coil-spring seats, like Cadillac. ' The dru'matie reading, "Diaiy Double-Safety brakes, like Cadillac. of a Balebosteh," will be presented FREE! Pricerice? L)iJiki e Impala, Galaxie, Fury/j* ^ b> Mts Oded Rcmba, .Mis Milton Biaunstein and Mis MoTton T/Cvm. Die gurst speaker will be Mrs * Abraham €aichman of South 2 69 TEK TOOTH BRUSHES Oiang«, paitboaid mraibei of the National Womcn'i, Le^igue of the COME IN FOR DETAILS! Synagogue of Amcnca, She will tpcak on the Mnthilda Schethtcr $1.00 Residence II.ill and Torah fund. 'Mis Joseph Sthectei is hospital- "ity chairman and Mrs: Allen'Herer, Folding general chairman. , - \ . TRAVEL Sjngle Tarents Plan ; Ambasaiidor D90 4-Door Sedan Program ojt Jjlusic, -. • TOOTHBRUSH - George H, -White, ji-.,. guidance counselor, al. Hillside Avenue J'unr ior" High School- and;pastor of the -.$1.50- ,.-'•''*•• :•. .:'...•:: ^:: "'.-••• Our Ambassador can surroynd.you with tb'e'';- the lap"of silent luxury. 3.. Luxurious cut-pile ' Up to 327 cu. in, af. powef. Our standard First Baptist Church, will present JIhree V-8 optjona. competition, we pay top bounty "for Giant- and prtsjdent ' of. the Cranford ' bred car.) ' , ' *Optionaf Teiichers-Assocuttion. Tlie group, which meets 'the 19c "fourth Tuesday of each month at •on u comparison o/ manii,jiiGtuw'.\ suggested retail pr,iee's the Westfield Y,.-.has been formed to promote; belter understanding x. • • ••..*• '.•''''•'• ••.'-•'.''. DRESSING COMB of pyob/Jonis:'confronting the •single parents, 'whether widowed, di- Try' us friendly American ftldtws/Ilunibler dealer vorced or legally separated. . • •y- • • • • • . •>/ DRUQ STORE] ANY U. S. CAR PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY UriiUits lii'llueJ, vsot ..,.-. $7.05

    ;*<•• LiRli,!.' or prukh! AcljuMmtml,-...,.^.',;, sop DELIVEHY- Alotiir'Tiiiie up i.....',.;.,,;.,... SM EW MILLER • ,' . -- - ' >-• .'.••• „.. 0.1)5 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantitief FrancJhisBd Dealer for C'ranford," • SOUTH ELMORA ESSO •• "-.'*: -^rSHOWROOM: 420 South Ave., W,, Westfield (Near R.R. Statiort) SERVICE CEMTER -'.. ;..-••,•....•••. .' •.::..; .'.- PARTS & SERVICE: 369 South Ave.; E^ Westfielcl .BOli^li Kliuor'u,-'Ayo,,'. cor. Erici; '.Avc; STORE HOURS! : ••• "'y: ••:'."• /•-. • • •:.•. •:• AD 22456 •.:" : - "• :. •• •-. h,' N. J. ;• .,- '».. • ••aab-oai't 1:30 a.m. ticn.10p.nii. .Ql'EN.TQ 10 P.M. ' .

    •X'"- ' t jX"'''1-' 1 •>•/ ;.*•-. N. , ;;j:.

    •'''•' '"' K -••••