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HBRAR* '423 t-. BROAD Sf» WESTFttLD-.N-. 1. Next CDC Telethon THE WESTFIELD LEADER May I THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 37 Rvnry Tillir WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1969 ;;o I'iiffcs— III Cents Taxes Up $357,247, YM Honors Four Officials Telethon Nets Properly Tax Kale Increases 19 Points Bid Westfield property owners will For Dedication, Service Housing Funds pay $:t57,2'17 more in taxes this Tile Westfield YMCA celebrated its year than in J!Hi8, (he county 48th anniversary Tuesday night Pledges amounting to $3,700 were obtained for the proposed Cacciola hoard of taxation has reported. witt 500 guests present <at dinner PI. housing project during a Community Development Corporation tele- Ill l!)fi!l, Wistfield will take in or Council and a public concert, that featured thon Sunday, according tto Robert Jones and Herbert Irion, co-chairmen, $8,899,178 ill property taxes for Dunn A. Snyder of <Mfi Channirig Ave. will seek the Republican nomina- the annual report of the president, Making telephone calls to more tihan 2,000 families, 64 volunteers re- operation of schools, county and tion for First Ward Councilman in the June 3 Primary, it was announced H.' B. Barrett Jr., a talk by ibon- ceived definite subscriptions from 228 residents. About 300 more indicated municipal governments. The to- today. The council seat is currciiilly held l>y Archer D. Saryenl, who an- ored guest and speaker Colonel that they are considering contribu- tal last year was $'.1,511.32!!. nounced last week that he would not run for re-election. David B. Kelly, superintendent of Are You Registered? tions and asked for additional in- Westfield, like all 21 munici- Mr. Snyder, a former Republican Town Committee chairman, has been state police, and a musical concert formation. This is being sent to them palities in the county, also will .IL'IM u m a number of community by the "Stag-Out Ttoselle" chorus Extended periods for registra- this week, according to the co-chair- face a tax rate increase, from _ . or,';iiu/ations and church commit- featuring over 40 voices. Special tion for the June 3, 1969 Primary men. $7,71 in 1968 to $7.90 in 1969, a tee lie is presently manager (if od- honors and recognition awards were Election have been scheduled by The calls were made from the of- hike of 19 points. mmistp.iliun for Columbian Carbon given to several members of the the Town Clerk's Office. Resi- fices of Barrett & Crain Inc., Moun- In neighboring communities, International, a subsidiary of Cities board of trustees and directors who dents may register through Apr. tainside and Westfield, The National the tax rate in Mountainside has Service Company. retired since the last annual meet- 24. Bank of Westfield, Peareall & Frank- risen from $5.81 in 1968 to $6.59 tliis year, Scotch Plains is up The following extra hours for ertbadh Inc., Nancy F. Reynolds As- A native of Plainficld, Mr. Snydjr ing. Dr. Edward G. Bourns served from $6.88 to S7.92 and Fanwood registration have been set: Apr. sociates and the Rohrabough Co. moved lo Westfield from Necdtam, as toastmastcr. up from $8.74 to $10.11. 21, 22, 23 and 24 from 5 p.m. to In addition to members of the •Muss, in 1!)'">8. lie is married to the, Speaking before 200 dinner guests, former Mary Mar-s'aict Mooney of Colonel Kelly focused his remarks 9 p.m. Community Development Corpora- tion who worked on the telethon, North Plainfield. They have a on youth, citing many instances in To register, persons must be daughter, Peggy, at Westfield High, 'his experience as a member and 21 yean of age on or before volunteers were provided by the Oaodiola PI. Neighborhood Council, Still Negotiating and two sons, David, an eigibUi grad- superintendent of jNew Jersey State June 3, 1969, must have lived in er and Allen in sixth grade. Police where youth have demon- New Jersey six months and in Holy Trinity Church, the Junior Wo- the county 40 days by June 3, man's Club of WetsMield, the United strated responsibility and concern Methodist Church, the MeUhodist Extra Duty Pay Mr. Snyder is a chemical engi- for serving others. Colonel Kelly de- 1969. Naturalized citizens must neering graduate of Princeton Uni- scribed the "State Trooper Youth present their naturalization pa- versity and received his master's Week" project, conducted in two pers when registering. degree from Harvard Business one-week sessions for teen-age youth If a resident has changed his School. from New Jersey, one week toeing address, he must notify the 'given entirely to ghetto youngsters. County Board of Elections, Colonel Kelly was presented a certi- Court House, Elizabeth. Change ficate of appreciation by 'Y' youth of address cards may be obtain- C of C Plans member Christopher Davis. ed from the Town Clerk's Office. lA special award was presented by It is possible to register at the President Barrett to Raymond S. office of any municipal clerk in , Grant, recognizing his 44 years of Union County regardless of Lions Mark 45th Apr. 30 Dinner service to the YMCA, 19 years hav- where a person resides. 5-™ ing been spent in Westfield as gen- points out. Year Tomorrow The fifth annual spring dinner of eral secretary of itihe lYMOA. Awards No', en set for the Westfield Area Chamber of Com- also were given to trustee members Expect Large Turnout or m District Governor Everett J. Jack- merce will be held for metiibers, Clancy D. Connell, recognizing bis board on extra pay for extra duties, son will be the principal speaker at their wives, and guests, on Wed- •14 years of continuing service to the At Jaycee Band Battle but sessions have been scheduled, •the 45bh anniversary dinner of the nesday, Apr. 30, at Wally's Tavern 'Y' and treasurer of the board of Tomorrow Night Mr. Brown added. Westfield Lions Club to be held at. on the Hill, Bonnie Burn Road in trustees; James -W. Taylor, trustee Will Give Travelogue Under the increased terms won by Che Mountainside Inn tomorrow. Watehung. Dinner will be at 7:30 fpr four years and member of the A large segment of Westfield's Through West Africa the WEA during negotiations for the Mr. Jackson serves as Governor p.m., with dutch treat cocktails YMCA's interna'tional committee; JAMES W. TAYLOR *~"~foONALD R. BELCHER youth are expected to attend the 1969-70 budget, Mr. Brown says, is of District 16 to which the local club starting about 6:30 p.m. Qiid Donald B. Belcher, trustee for Westfield Jaycees' "Battle of the The .VestfieM Negro History Club the sum of $14,500 tor higher sala- belongs. He has made an impressive seven years, and chairman of the At a ! to, be held tomorrow at the will 'present Miss Banbaua Adams of rjes for the extra duty teachers. The record as a Lion since he became a t>°a™ of directors meeting citizens sponsoring cornmittee for Westfield High School gym with 10 Fainw&a" in a slide ieetiK"e...on her. allocation of this amount is the sub- member in 1961. Since joining the held Mar- 12- co^em was voiced thiM961*'VP?A-<YW€A Development local teyort^e -b*"ffi,-c?li%'*iS&L.;.^.k^^jftSP-"**1 ISSfe.ffijfe8' ^ an ?"<*.*W under negotiation. Newark Central Lions Club he lias mer *° impact of *e proposed •Vkhd -Canipiiign. Sargent's Pitch Also recognized tor service to the YMGA were directors who retired bands playing continuously, there muiuty Center. ' '''". " aiwj 28 coaches and supervisors of the Newark club. He is vice presi- committee Mas arranged for Alfred will be plenty of opportunity for Miis Adams was *fl science .teach- special programs receive amounts dent of National Newark & Essex 'P©to" 'Bloomquist, ico-author of the since 'the last annual meeting, in- racenL jBb ort re rt to Baseball Season Saturday dancing and "young sound" listen-, er in the secondary sSobool of Sierra ranging from $300 to $1,500 as extra Bank d rasidcs in Kenilwonth P P° Governor cluding Or. Fred >W. Banes, William ing. ' Leone, West"', Africa, from 1962 to for 'additional duties. Total .„__.!. „_,_„ .,.., ___,,,._„„. Hughes, to speak about the Solberg J. Cant, Arthur C. Fried, Fired II. pay The Wesbfield Boy's Baseball eight teams in two leagues. The Westfield's entry in the state fin- lass through Dhc Ford Foundation. , t of "extra pay for extra du- Henry Rohrs, chairman of the 45th sitc and tnc rcpolt ito lhe Governor. Greene, C. Rudolph Jones, Summer League will open its 17th season program has grown consistently a nroun als at Vineland last year came close She is now teaching in the Fanwood- tjes" undcr Uhe schedule amounts to anniversary committee, will act as Mr. Bloomquist is a transportation B. Sweotser and James F. Wright. when a ceremony officially opening through the years. In, Dhis Centennial to winning the state championship Scotch Plains High Sctari and plans $31,175, to-asimaster, specialist. (Robert J. 'Lincoln, chairman of the season will take place at 9:45year of baseball 1423 boys will play 1 and would have gone on to national to return this summer to Sierra Le- the Nominating Committee, placed a.m. Saturday at Gurrtbert Memorial on 98 teams in six leagues. Adult firtals. An outstanding slate Of judg- one, Tanzania and Kenya for six ' in nomination the following persons •Field No. 1. Present as honored participation has increased from 27 es will 'be screening each band's years.