
WMffS&^!£®ff$SS®M Bpp&p^<|^

20,000 PEOPLE read this paper every week. Larger circulation than nil other papers In county combined. THE " STAR illl 54th YEAR—NUMBER 35 WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2H, 1921 SUBSCRIPTION: S2.0O A YEAR" ua Boys and Girls of Warren Show Growing Big Fight Coming Laying of Concrete Started at Marlatt's Interest Growingpj Success in Borough Interest in Agriculture; Win Prizes On VanNess Dry Lav Yesterday; Ready to Start Work This End Nearly 900 Tickets Sold Wets to Make Big: Effort t Phillipsburger Out to -Beat!< Wonderful Results for Junior Extension Work Bearing Fruit; Were Prize Win- Long Needed Improvement Really Under Way; To Start ners at Big Farmers' Picnic; Home Mak- Get Repeal at Next "Bosses"; Tallman After! • First Year. Legislature. Boro Work When Agreement Is Reached Repub. Nomination. : Washington's first big Chnulau'iu ing' Club Is Popular. 1 ik an overwhelming success; Whether the last sc«»lcrtatlnnn of the most an their hlnls, feeling. Imn-Irur, etc.. in all the .States, l.s to have a lest in tin 7ro"sitt;; ami Xew Village, and I:; a:.(»ut Paris of the. county. Nine differed next session. Whether, in Its powei will employ all tW local lahur that off the political pot in Warren county' Chiuitminuu worker. Over 030 ad communities were represented in this at-irordaiiee with directions :.'ecuml o begin mi the section between N n(Ter..-d. ^.. that as far ax [insslhl,. til. reKardliifr the freeholder nomination In and 1!);: children's tickets wove sold, •slithll—Changewatfr, {Slewartsvllle, Ai- through tlie county rlllb agent from Iho the legislative body. Hiosen by votes t'illage and the end that Is already money will be kept In the community. of the people, caii remove by .staint( pa»t simmering—moro, It la suspicious-, The total ticket sale was about $1,825 aimiehy. Harmony, llojic, Karr.sv New Jersey' Kxperhnent Station, i completed at the I'hilllpshurg lui'-. All tliovi; wantlnt: steady work at i;ood Iy CIOJM! to the bollins point. Favorltea or over $100 more than necessary to LtrainanlK. Washington ant! Milvid the .State. Kgg , 1-ii.vlnK Stations. tin: cherished rlsht of trial hy jury Work will ,-diio shortly I-;:In on th wap'S for the next three motilh.s KIIOIII'' ;imons the Democrats have rlceti" In meet all expenses Incident to the com' 1-%'liriiiiry tiu^c boys learunl that li..., vouchsafed hy the l>V(1i-niI and StaH tlon betwe n Piirt Colileiv and .Mm apply to this company. .several part.i of the county socking1 tho and the reinarknbli- p.-irt i>f It all \ were not fedhiK their birds enough lay- C'jtistitutionH, \H ID hi: put before th . TIIK Uud.iou CoiiMtnu:- ing nf thu Chjnitnuquii. 'liat thu exhibit was im.hngc( thi' - coiiiinunlt- all tin- way from li" CKKK (from ^S lu-n^ where a more smooth-running organ- UH thcru arc regularly organized clubs ilctcu'inlne tho fate nf the Issue, .sine n*s H) coinpli'le lite Wtjl'k befori' wln- road hetw'-en Ashitry and West Portal, Democratic, It Is often decennary to B» ization had been effected. if hoys or girls, eui'h wild ;i iiiemifi- [1 ptilluUi) tr» :tll i-KCH ffiNin TI pul- lioth bis parties arc cognizant of tin **••!« In. Wurk will alM. bch'lti hi making lit for the travel that is ;:o[tiK (tut and hunt membcra lor the G. O. P. Cliauiaumia opened Tuesday nf ler- hii> of livii or mer. holding regular Icls) diiriiif,' the iiH.nth or .March. Of Icmand for the tests. .he burou^li as w,on as the agreement over It because, of the detour hetweei to enter tho race for olflce. non. In Introducing the mipcrinteiid- nuetliiKH once or twice a month, follow- r.se tills Is naturally it product) letweeii the borough and the statn lh- l-billip-ibiu^ thu most iniporiant, ollicu In tlio cun- ple of Washington who had responded H StlVllJ,'lll I Ilti'tl iirKllillMIIIfill. h t1i« icntiiry. may b« deleriiilnerl by the Si artsVllle. it Is pnsslljli.' to .save several ty and one that. ruf the Chang..'Waler Calf Club. It will f tin* in.tny '|>"1M(-« in eoiui tati- record iictuatly "eats up" Ihe cmi- by thoKc upon whom the expeiiRu. by HeketH and put Washington "over thr .it tit- long b-foiv Ju-se i-lub ni»ml>er« it cannot remove the Issue from th' other hulrrt of Hoses AVolverton in re- tiucalluii fall.s. ti"ii with inakhik' p"tilli-y raisliiK reti- tniMiire. 11 can nprcail a l>.-i(c-li Kiinl to tlie land needed for tlio will top." now Mmiii'tliijiK of the duiry industry, llnaiiclal Hiunt-ss, which are discussed ilillcal campaign nr>w entering Its eav f thirty-four cubic feet of mixture The exteiiHlve road propositions under The Columbia A"tlsls,' eomjn-islug cvi-ral IIK-IIIIKTM <>( the Chnngi-wnter eiihif,' of thu road just east of the main 1 • I the lur.'lltiK'* and then put lulu J.I;i- - Iy stages, nor prevent the supremo tent vt.-ry mitiule and a liair. Five bayn of part of the villain of Itroadway, tho way, and with nearly every township two Ijnlk-H and a mall, Were the enter- Hub b'-lonir to !h<- Junior I'neders A. *- lice Iiy the r-lnb members on their own of the ballot. •nii'iit "r*i ns-'il In every batch. The committee petitioning for more Improv- [lelalion, having la lien iiilv-untiign of work of Improvements has been tem- lahinrs on Tuesday nftemnon. They Itoine ||f)('k:-<. It had been Kenerally believed that In iilxtitH' is pii'li.ire.t offi-r lo borrow money fniiii die I'dlson Cetneiil Company ami taiO'ii thmueial proportions and command 'rt'lingliiiyseii I-'und for the purchase e .selection of the cainllilates to maid been handicapped in the uradltiK by They also I'liU-rlulned on Tuesday ev- ti boxc; nn trucks to Hie paver. Th*' this disagreement. The STAR Is In-much executive udininititruUori, Ho long >f pure hied livestock. Thu members of Ilnnu- .MaldtiK Ciiihs 1'apuljir with ('iris. he primary runs for the le^lslativi a.H more improved highways are iieccn- enhiK. followed by a raplil-llru lecture The caiuiiim- club cNliibit was tho •meril. sand tun I. Mulie in prepared a( formed, however, that an effort will 1 hy Harry it, MoKeeti mi "Your Com- ii- Slf-wart.sviMe liuiry Club an- l«-t-oni- inst.s both parties would he largely ie cement plant hy cnil'lo.V'e.S of the ary and granted, HO Ions' it la impo;t- iK expert* in imkfug (In; liaiwocK tvork of «lrl:t from elillis In fix iliffeivnt guided by this big issue, hut all doubt In- made today to reach a settlement Tininity lit Revolution." -Mr. .McKccn i« .•omnninlti'js. The Kirls weleeteil a fe.v unpnny doing Iho roadwork. between the Wolvevton heirs and the illile to expect any decided retrench- cut for hutteiTat on the milk of their ipou lliat score has been set at rust Tin* ilrrn plans to break the hl^h ment in. taxation, It In true, there In a very raplil talker unit thu large and- mitnunlty herds. >f tin ii- hrHl jar.s and brought them to iy an announcement from James It- State Miyhway Department. lenee. thoro'ighly enjoyed Ills Interest- t .lie pienic. The- wide spread intoivM >cnril they hold In having laM tm n apparent opportunity to plug up' Cu^ent, former State chairman and ac- •ft, tI0 feel wide mirl eight Inctii'M many .small leaks which In total would ing lecture. mil : was :i delay the first nf lii>' he IJoavd notilleildd County Superintend- gainst the Democratic "bosses," wlio- .sumu other Important matter*! a"e ar- unities—Ihinterdon, "Warren and Sus- •eek in tiie laying of the concrete at ent Robert O. Sauford that they will ver thoy are. He announces his plal- i-atigcd the company will be ready to x—will very liUely pick Democrats iirlattVi. Tht! dehtv was cau.st-d by the no longer serve, In that capacity, claim- 'orm nn "Blving Ihe wage-earner -first .furnish power to the Northampton- •jectcd by tho commit Ills year, although Warren stood all ilure «i* the Kriivel supply l« arrivi- :oii side ration." - -. • • '' 1 and others, th ing they have endured the situation l-'ufton & Washington Traction Com- Those pvfSL'iit :il this*. nu.'ctlnij wen : 1 lone with Its single member in the n time and also by trouble with the. puny and also to tho consumers of cainiiiif,' ncaNtin Is ovui We waul to *o uU'i* supply. The company lias an olii LIH long as they could and retain their airy Veitfr, county cnyiaeer; I farcy on with cookinK and meal preparation. it House. Tiiat would ailtl throe votes jgine statiimc-i! on a bridge jusl east .self respect. They declare that they The Kepubliciins have put forward - elect-Idty in Washington. In other unyon, townslilp attorney; the three 1 A'iilium I'. Tallman, aged 28, and a PhlN words the company will furnish power or .-.li.tlihiK work." so they will nuke 0 the '27 and it is counted as practical- I'.midway and w;iU*r is pumped 111 not allow two of the newest mem- inimitlceinen, Mackey, Khot'iuaker ami out new proKrunis to indmlc tlie work ceutain that Passalc, with Its five inmgli a intie and a halt' oi' pipes. irs to "browbeat them" 'and quarrel ipaburg lawyer. V, S. Cirant Shoemak- to tin* Washingtog n KlemrleKe . CCompano y •Mi,'ar: .1. .1. C'ampbell, and his ontft- •r, whu has been the Republican-can-i and the local plnt ill ll kty tlicv ure must inu-rcslcd in takinjr up .fiSfiBSf&V whether Republicans or liis jiieamcr. lias a record that shows it at every meeting over what the five de- nd the local plant will >only»li"* ept ni'irr, Mdwavd I*. Lnutcrman, or Illairs- next. •moerats, woDlirjoln "In" tho move. 'is lwcn of Kivat .sei-vice to rhe l'hil- clare is '"petty polities." Tho fivo [(date before, ha« announced thafJi-A :'', adiiR'ss for emergency town; Henry I lace. Henry Sunday. lisibui'K tire department. It wa.s at tlie ho have reached the limit oC endur- ,vill not enter, the. contest. - ' " • • - •• - X h h Il its wnrtiiv of meiitiun that the club nee the Republican delegation this L'xpeeted that the now an'd irn- Jann-s Mills, a few others from Hazcii which brought tiu- law-st. i-xhilHt of •ar stooil out agiihist the Hobart bill. 'ardee Jlall lire In l'J02 and stood up ance are JSdgur H. Smith, president of Charles L. Stryker still looms up.a« ' p-oved aervlse*.' will be ready within 1 L .lie most likely of the Democratic^can- ' ; ami Cornish, cmincd product i- = one which has labored That presujfcs. of course, a majority m!i the latent ile-si^n ttl* .steamers wiien the Board; F. T. Cawley, vIce-pTesl* ninety days, with a .possibility that Armsiruiu? ^lackey, ehai-mai many difllculties. Some of th ne ti. pumping water. It was also dent; Harvey I-'. Cole, clerk; Peter Slff- lidates. "He is making an active can- Washington citizens hi ju-neral ^111 in the House in favor of repeal; but no •aKH, and says lie is obtaining many ['Oinmittet', made a "violent and malic- j Ktri.s walk two miles or mom over th epcaler could get hy without .similar e Centennial Kxliiliitiuii in I'liila- ler and "Walter Harrison. liave niDrt! reason thairever to observe Ions attack Mr. Campbell during hills to attcsid tho niectinys. There is ia in 1S7U. The climax came last.Thursday night roini-ses of support from men and w'or ThauksKlvint: Day this year. •ctiou in the Somite, and tiie majority Then- is a bet said to have been imule IUII who think the JJoard of Freehold- Iho course of the tncetin:^nti . -MrM. llackoy'llks no water in tiie wranw hail when- they 1 that body will stand Republican, no when, according to Mr. Cole, who lias r.s should he comiioh'ed oC experienced • attack was brought on by a dispute as meet in can. The girls carry it from •en Hi,- head men n( the force of been a membem r foor eleveeeven yearyea s and WS|KT Services Sunday Evening. In the amount nf da mages Mr, Camp- m-rns-i th- rnfHi find lip a flight of I", i.-itter how many Democrats might be •orkmon for the two companies, the ion in the spending of hundreds'of elected in November, since there are district clerk for nine years, Elijah liousands of the taxpayers' money.. -'.- bell said IIL' could collect, if tin.- com- steps. Tlu? little old two burner oil •elaitil Construction Company, better a per- On Sunday evening tltu Chuutauriua. onnusrh hold-over Ttcpubllrans to main- wu as Canm.Mt it Ciiimon. who Jutve Wolfe challenged, the clerk to The JIackettatown Cassette Is backr ; services will be free lo everybody. The mit te attemptep dd to put ththee roaoad stove uuce auuiiirud the bad habtt of sonall encounter, MrM. CColle refused to ig ifr. Sryker. And the Belvldcro h li t [ •iinoking. am! yet if you should visit tain such a majority. It is known, .sectinn between N"W Village and vesper service used at Lake Chautau- through liis property, [t is the opinion g y y it however, that ;i number of Republican engage In a (1st light, but did make LJIOIIO, Republican organ in the coun- ' i|iia will be usud. They will be in eharse nf the .rrunmiuee. and their attorney, the club you would ilnd the:;;;uiways hillipsliurg, ami tlie men of Korp & reference to some things that ended ; Senators voted for tlie Hobart bill In rp. l-:ach gang will .strive to finish v, says!' " • of the local minister*, win* will lead Harry'Runyon, that the. damages Jrr. tiS ami usually singing. ?'' the idea of a fight as far as Mr. Wolfe r the hist session, cuainst their better :-act nt' the other. The Kreeland "l\Ir. Charles L. Sti-j-ker. of \S ashihg- the res]>t>iwive readings and make the Campbelp l can collece t will he very small. ll ld:ler.sa ff tthh e cannini g club'- was concerned, according to .Mr. Cole's Payers. Mr Campbell h hld judgment and pur.Sfina.1 ronvictloiis. li npany has ta])p(.il i)u> pipes of the iii, formerly tho owner of the "Wash-. Mr. Campbellp , how , holdolds a conco-n c:uiH0 il WilH m!uI n ftrty rorsoll Water Conipmiy and will re- story. The clerk declares that both install Star, has announced himself an Tlio WiutliIniffton Hand will render a ttrac t signeid d bby some bunkers anil steel llarmon uanmnir-inninL,' umcinh—n \U-Mib.K l.a.\-r--i\- |I p ,iij]° •' measure. mnihina. 14- men have opposed almost everything ond Jiau m|sfht ho OSS 0 l0 fonil n ve water from that source. The [date for freeholder of "Warren named concert from 7.30 to S o'clock. men of Philadelphia, which Hays. tion oC Republicans and Democrats, >mp;iny will also use a fleet of .small thai the others favored and have been 'ounty at tlie coming primaries to be There will also be spoeia music hy "That a corporatiopai n shall be. formed KaiT.sville- Canning Club—Mrs. ucks in liatilhirr niiiterial. T,ast week at the bottom of all the wrangles in l therefore, hi f;ivitr of repeal or mien Id next month. Mr. Stryker Is well • students from the University of West unded r tini : lawl s of state hereinafte amendment to the law :IK mipht remove Id uoncrrtu was torn up west OL' tho board. WolCe resides in that part lown to the people of this county and Virginia, and an address hy Frank V,. determined upon, to ho kknown as the KincHvillf Cannhit: Club—Miss ^rar- its most objectionable features. ew Village;.' of franklin Township adjacent to it) great story In this paper is needed i'ear.snn, author of "Uncle Oavie'n Ilarton Iron Corpora lion, with a capi- jerie Tierson, ALlss Ruth Jaeoby. Montana and Alvin Wolverton, the oth- o tell of the qualities he possesses. ,, Neighbors." and who lectures on Sat- AUamnchy CanniiiK Club—Mrs. L. M. At all events, the situation is ffivlns! tal stock of $300,000.00.' some of tho nmsl: influential or tlie !e;irt- The plans call for a twenty foot er member who was elected last Febru- I'lierc is no doubt I)ut what he Is bct- urday afternoon. -N'o tieki-lH required When this road suit drifts into the Hailey. .Mrs. .1. VaiiMiddlesworlh. vomeiit from Philllpsburg to Port. ary, is a resident of Bloomsbury vi- er fitted ,for the office than the. mn-- to the Sunday (.•veninj: aevvlce., which' [iralnarils Canning Club—Miss Cath- crs amonw tho RepubHcans cause for courts, .Mr. Campbell will call as wit- anxious thought. They have had ample ilrton. and througli New Village and cinity. Both men} are farmers. AH tho joi'lty of candidates who arc always ; Htartu at 7.30. nesses those bankers who made this priiio Ilitm;', Mrs- Alvin Woodruff. Mrs. roadway it will he thirty f-jet wide. thi seeking ofllcc and there is no doubt-but .Sylvester llnwk. Mrs. I'eter Dickie, Mrs. tinportnnily in Hie taut few months to members have been on the. board contract, who ave. ready to testify that Kain llrst-hand informa.tion from the lirough towns and villages the iilaus for years except Mr. Harrison, who what if he is'elected he will make an" they arc willing to carry out this con- Albert llitrdin, Mrs. i-lurns. 11 for eurhintr, as well its pavemciu. excellent officer. V if Solid Oiik KvgK. Htuwartsvilh: Canning Club — ^rrs. people as to tho feeling with respect was elected two years ago. H HAli.N'KT & WALTKRS, tract as soon aw financial conditions to the law. With the liootleRKors, who AVasbiugton. with ihe aid of • the John Cline and Robert Stackhouse i Ki M cough ami property i-wnnrs. the ronil "Mr. Stryker is a business man of , . '^\ . Union Sq., Philllpsburj;. and thu steel business become normal. Wm. RI y, Mrs. I'aul Kinney, .Mrs. have multiplier! In amazing fashion; arc iho other two members. Mr. CUno sterling qualities, his great success with W'ushbti • ill be paveu from curb to curb. It is tho opinion of many that Mr. the bn'x.en saloon-keepers who have \Vhen tlio trolley tracks arc moved was present at the. last meeting, but. the Star, which lnj conducted for many No^Pe-sfurru'e Appiiiiiliiieiil Made. CaniplK-ll's suit for damages will run Hnuntml the law. anil Uiose whn litivijp'riinient of n postmaster at CALF Hxinnrr-, islature ti1. ei-a. last niffht then', wiis no vc' )!• 1 IOKI tliclr griit, but in the vast ma- Two, liids For Sewer Intensions. rightf thinking people, llnbk' Inforrmaion indicating thai/ » improvement. This indicates that, he Kt r ifer li month.s and over. Broadway and Xew Village. Tho board did nut- believe in the ravine route i-ii WIT i jnTellTer. I'hlillpsburgr. 11. D. jority of doccnt, liuv-nliiahiR and home- The Common Council held a. .speuiiu has talien pride in the fact that tlio si-k-Otum hud ;,•!•!. been iniule. It \H said —i*, i lovln.u citizens in Xew Jersey there To Re Married nt \%sliington, D. C% then <>r since. t fr bull over '1 months. eetiiiK Monrliiy nlffhl and received schools stud high in the opinion oC the Miss Eloise. Porter *Ande?8on, daugh- that Frank T. N'uUu Is in u receptive Mr. Mackey, in his attack on Mr. K'e me t i Wnolf. rhillipsliurtr, It. ']>. 1 has arisen a dclinite and deep-sealed .'<» bids for the extension of tho sew- 1 State school authorities and the Broad- ter of. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert An- mood for the ii|)pnintmeut, but there K; ml i licit on PiLifij :s, .Section aversion tn such ovcrniastory of mains hi I'avk avenue, and Willow Is H »uiiL-ral feeiuin that a -dark horse" Campbell, produced an article published cherished rights. way school is registered «s a standard derson, 'of. Washington, B. C, will be two weeks aco in the Itelvlderc Apollo, reel. \Y. II. 'WliHernuitu was theschoo, l and a model for rural sections. married Saturday evening to IV-.'Mor- my-yet step pn and fjrub the plum iccesKful bidder in each case. Tie 'Snmc aiiiH.unecnionl of Coni;r,easman in which .Mr, Campbell criticised Mr. OI'UKA IIOUSK. Tiie fnct that liquor may lie obtained The trouble has boon rcfoirctl to time.7 Crocker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mackey\s work in the .school board. with ease, with the necessary cash out- iked $l,'»a:J fur the. Park avenue ex- County Superintendent Sahfortl and William Crocker, of Washington, N. J. I'c-.k.iH ."election in- daily expected. Tlie committee with their attorney, Wasbington's up-to-dato Tiioiitre. uslon and $-l*18.5O for Coolest, best ventilat-d und most sani- lay, lias become notorius in all parl.s the AVllIow i'lion the latteer returns from his vacaca- The wedding will be at the Anderson Mr. Runyon. called on:Mr. Hampboll of MH: State, and the reeetlL decision'bC •t Jr*h. tion today, it. is he will take home, CorUand apartments, ai 8.30 and Tho Horlori Washer Monday and made htm an offer for th(> tary theatre in Northern Xew .Jersey. The other bid was^Tiiule by E. Cyrus TONKil-IT nnil TOMOItUOW XK1MT l-'ederal Prohibition Knforcement 0(11- some action to got the members to will be performed by. Rev. Donald c; Is Sold hy Fliiruct right of way through his property. eer Drown that families may produce catty, whose ir:i<\9 w;is.Sl.l!20 for the either reconsider their determination MacLeod, D. D., .pastor of the Central H Wallers. They offered him'$600,00, which lie re- —the great big product ion that we have, ark avenue extension and ?5-I(I for Operated, by electric, water and hand bcon telling you so much about. Abso- as much as '2W\ gallons of home con- tiuit. ov else take steps to get an Presbyterian church, St. Louie, an fused. lutely tho only picture that ever had a coction for .strictly domestic use an- 'Illow street. ^:> iieliiiff board so that the-.school affairs uncle of the bride-elect. The 'White Township Committee will nually hiis caused dismay to the ultra- nXKT & WALTERS. four" weeks" run in the Mini to Tljoarre, \'i't not suffer. Miss Lucille McWane, a college chum apply to. Justice Trenchard, of the Su- New York. Cecil U. NeMi!le*s produc- drv forces. The so-called A'anXess law, Claim Kutydiils, Did Make Good. Frank P. Smith, Township Commit- Union Sq,, Phlllipsburf,'. pv'enie Court, for appointment of a however, deprives the. citizen 0" visi- of Miss Andersons, who graduated from tion "Soniolhing To Think .About:" One When the first chirpchip s nf the katydidy s teemiui anil the man who has indirect- Bristol . College, Washington, will bo commission to condemn the road. It show every ni«ht at ".•hi. All seats jiic, tor of the right to curry even a little ly fisured In the dispute as endorsing School Will <>i>tn'^ -;'.r^-;*:^.«!rins-oi:,tliat Ja: w were riskily that the. trouble is all due to the fact 'ttiliIni?"of"'iriS'"'laiTdT"'iin(l there is every —."^-"•L'UDyiT-lNTCIHT-^^Ttii'-Fiiipiit;!"-.-" enforced, tne~riVs"Oiirccs"iJ"-:"fill".-t;:C™P.c;". th early visit of tho insects, wei'f! man. The couple will reside at" 17fiO who wish ,-to enter school. He would Pa the Xows anil Comedy. Are you see- thai the clerk has been trying to run p-ospect of a lively buttle as a result lice Departments of the whole' Slate ihe. hoard and that these two have had Euclid street, >.'. W,, after a wedding bo shul io meet tlie ninth srado class ing any of our comedies on Saturday would'1)0 hard pressed in the round-up August 2-1 at tho latest. These fanners 1 trip of- about two weeks of the efforts of the. committee to jam nights'.' They arc positively the IICHI backbone to oppose the ruli. of the at 11 o'clock. the road through his property. of !)ottle-(oters. Xo police ofllcial lias have found from experience and from The.i prospective bride's father is An extended cxamliuition will be ceniedie^ mitcle today. the old rule amoiiR fanners that the clerk. Tho citizens of Franklin Town- •special assistant to the U. S. Attorney .Mr. Campbell's objection to the. pro- Tl'KSUAV, -MtiUist ::0lh—Hoharl ship havo their ideas in regard to the Hlven Huturday, September ">. at f posed route is because it will run a frost Is sure to come six weeks after Oeneral and the family moved to Wash: . uclock. All students 'Wishing l<> maka Hosworth in "Tlio Brute Master." tic 'features ,of tho law, however. The the katydids start their "siii^inir." iroul'lo but await developments. ington from Fa-:kersburg, W, Va., a few road lo the back of bis house and di- THl'ltSIlAV. Kopleinbi-r 1st—Thomas most that has been done has been to up condlUoneH will appear at that time. vide his property. It will also inter- p that iho green "birds" arc more rellnblc years ago. Mr. Crocker is tho "Wash- Tho teiuihers will meet Saturday, Mil in ••Civili••Ciili a Clothl e conduct raids upon hotels and saloons, than th6 K'-'Oimd hoEjs in jv^cdlctins District Meefiiis .lr. 0. U. A. M. ington representative of the World fere with tho operation oC an iron mino . per Id Robert ^. while, the Federal enforcement nseneies September :i. at 1.30 n. m. which he proposes to operate us sooii I--IIIOAY. Kepre I'd— Robe weather conditions, ""'' There will be ;i big meeting iomorrow Trade Club oC San. Francisco. During Ch;mibi?rhb s witih MarloM n Davis in "The have exerted prodigious efforts to ehcel" S'Lturilji.y nifiht tlu- weiiihor bureau the World War ho served as aide to as finimeial arrangements can bo made. Restless Sox." the ever-growing flood oC smuggled niglu in tlie county park in r*elvidere Step Ladders He has hail an engineer survey for annoimWd that trost was probable ,the when the Warren County .lr. O. IT. A. tho officer in charge of tho Anti-Sub- A COMI.VG. Tlmrsdny, Soptembrr Silt, booze. Tn the last analysis the fight; is .£ iho week in the northern part marine School, New London. Ho In a another route tiial it is claimed will Win. IX'MJlle's I'roduetion. '•AHdsiimmei* not so much for the return of eit.sy M. -will moot in an outdoor session. li'nlon Sfi., Phllllpsburg. cost less Ihiiir hair Ilii' riM.ilo proposed 1 1 drlnka'iW for-tlit?'-.vrftorallon of. a"riyltl- the State C'l''m|-\-'stle™™ The. Hope Junior Order baud.will fur- graduate of. tho Washington, N. J. llailncsK . . .with I-ots Wilson, Clii.l T,cv, flavly by the Townslilp Committee, but it isJack Malt, and Conad Magel. resfanlod as inalienable among the nish the music. Tin; opening prayer will iirili School unil-is 6rio ot the speakera IViUels Alt' Soiii|.> Layers. alleged that because of personal • om- citizens oil the State. Monday morning. •. Tiioso who Cell thi! he made hy "Rev. W. C James. Ad- it the yearly banquets Charles Nixon has four pullets In a need of. an extra cover while sleeping drese.s will, lie made by ex-Governor nity of long duration,, the omrommilteei . Milk Coolers and Sfiainvt-K. Very naturally the dry forces will be ppen and three of them lire making a proposes to build the road who that morning do not. doubt tin* truth of Wm. -M. Iluuyon, ol* Plainfietd, and As* A Xmy Lot- of Timofliy d l Th the While . ... it P.ARNRT & AVALTURS, up ami doing. They cut a very Inr^c llic statement. semhlymun Harry Rnnyon, of Belvi- record as layers. The thr choosesh . repurdlesd M oC the rights of tho and powerful figure in Iho last session Scetl 9Q%% Pure. Wyandottey s laid clo S Fridayy, property owners and without obtain* T.rnion Sa.. PhlHipsburg. dere. Jt is expected that large delega- BARNKT & WALTERS, Sulurdny and Sunday. One off t theh m and thi'j'-.wijl.-g-lyc no ground in the Fishing Tackle. tions will attend IYom the cuum-ils in Sd d Sd In if expert opinion as to Ihe relative Shoe Snlo ronMnues. coming rhmpaig'n. Tho Anti-Saloon I'hilllpsburK-, Finesville, Stewartsvllle, Union Si]., Philllpsburg, tlr:ee eggs In eighteen hours. Mr. merits of the Iwo routes. League managers lia.ye nnnminr- KARXF.T A "WAl-THUS, Xixon yot three o?gs frtmi tho pen If the men and. women of tb Viilon Sri- PbiUipsbm-g. Washington, Port Murray, Hacketls- Thfi Hoard oC Freeholders have, vlcin- eil thai |\ioy will exerl every possible town. .TohiiKonwburfi', Oxford and Hope. Hume From Louj; Tour of Continent, I'Ylday and found three soft shell eggs agreed lo pay a cerium part, of thoiiy, know the real bargains After touring u. score of states "by. under the roost In the morning and one offering them and iho children, ihls effort to prevent the election of Sena- Slate- Councilor ttarckly and State Soi:- 1 of the pullets laid another regular estc cost. The County Rnj-luoov estimated uld be 111 It'll to overflowing. A tors ami Assemblymen giving any sign to that act, but they agree Unit the re- >retary. Wm. Miers will also bo present. utomobile, J-)r. and Mrs. Paul I " ea-iy Saturday morning. Whn can beat the Committee's mute to eost $ti.SO(l. big lot, delayed, because of n .factory of. a tendency toward ropetil of tho en- suit oC the November Killotinsr will • Aftev Hie meetlni; in the park an ad- 13eiim, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Osmun, Mies this record? , ' •'' plus the cost-of two hridfios t'slinmied sirlke, Is being offered at wholesale and forcement law. Indeed, it is probable have to determine their future ooitrsi\ journment will he made- to the Fire- Louise Beam, Herman ..Beam and Earl to cost $3,000 more. Mr. Campbell's on* l , d'g: that they would go even further In The niiostion will bo hi the bands of men's Hall, where refreshments will Rocker, all of PhillfpKburg, and Mr, and :, nt. lo ryy the .. Uieir plans for a bone-dry State if 1 Kineer estimates his mute ut $3,900, less: we doii't , the people, and iC repeal or modification lie served. c Mrs. Frank Little; of Hackettstown . Cider ami Wlnt I'lVsseH. plus the cost of one bridge • The prices justify your buyini g now for they could be assured oC a. Legislature returned Monday. They left New Jei- "•;, HAIINRT .t WA'LTRRR. next sumnior's wear. l.ifHinu Ut their influence. oC the law w tho decision tho Republl. ..It iR_tlw\.>.iW»r oC uniy/JinUceil ob- J I eans will be obliged to ilmpe. tlieii- HC\ Tune " und 111 rt gallon ^of "" '' "on".Sin., PhillipshiiVir. servers.'..-.'..-.that.:., Mi*.--.. Campbell . Is ha- HARRY DAVl'^.A HON. -"-TiiVr iwii.-'- • iO--r.c- -rotifflit---OHl. • Ihoi-i.-- u laolt-iiL and had 49 tiro punetn-PH nn fiire. will be "certain lo affect (he.big ••rmirsc--Mn--='nccord:--t.licrcwlthivand"i!ie- TPIIJI its Improve- Property. . . iuK Iniposeil on because he Is a Canad- cHnrtidiite for Governrt-^ will emergo Three o the tenants in tho Opera the long trip. They camped Alone.'the I, pR ian, although a. resident of- this coun- bat (Io next. j;eav fov Governor and Sfar^erlii's Tools. linltetl Slates Senator, ISoth parlies are from the-process. Tho Democrats, 01A Mouse hulkling have mndc an import- line of. travel. Miss Louise Beam bo- at lowest, prices. Work done while you try many years, and regardless or tho ..the other hand, 'appear to liuve their Jin', Imnrnvement limheproperly. This eninc III wliile touring Yellowaton'o. wait hy iirst-tlass workmen. KA.UX13T & ,>VALTJ3RS, cusfiii'g iihout for tho most, available ifact thai ho haw spent over $20t000 candidates for Governor, but all the•ooursu well ilellned, and il will not IIQ I'fHisisvftd In laylnsi/a section of con- Park but soon recovercdV j, 'Al. LAIBOVlTCIT. in Whlto Township in developing his Union Sfj.. Phillipsburg. crete walk in front'm tho store rooms S-18-2tp. 3 Broad St., Washington. leaders aro boTnirgpfl by the uncorialnty so dlflleult to reach a. decision as to a propOTly//yIc is recognized ovorywliero over tlie-fate of the "dry law at (heeniiilidiite for tlm executive post, in tirr.upiod 'l\v ,T. E. O'Neill, and Van A Xow Lot of. All No. 9 . . , ,'.;•: ^;.;;ft as a CK.-Isitan gentleman of the high- hands of lAe people. The Republicans succession of Governor Edwards. That ihe jeweler and the entrance to the American Je'eiice 3 and 4 Ft. ot; ;! ' Limfprns for Kiinn and Town t'se. est type, and general sympathy is ex- Now only $,t.(!5 per 'pal. have been Yserloilsly *np*set hy Hie ob- liiey ex-pexpet to win, too, is evideev d Opera House. Tho expense was born . , m and.60 .Cents Pef!Yd,: TIAHNKT &' WAT.TI3RH. 1 prcsfH'd'. for him in lijn efforts lo pre- P.AUNttT K vious unrest and the growing ob.iccMon by thhe keek n intercuiu t niil are displ ying jointly by Mr. O'Neill. .T. W. hunger E^VRNET; •&: •WAFERS, :°o !t\ , Union Sq., PhllllpsburK, vent injury to his properly. Hurt Mr. Van. • ,"' '• . .. -..' ITnlnn SaM in tlie probable choice of the onm ;; . Union 3q., PhJlIpaburg;.';; 0 '•favi^rt^'iC TENNIS TOl'KNAMENT AT „., ,i A. J. Potty wrote for a irame MOUNTAIN* LAKE. "between* tho Hahna A. A. ot Newark Tho main feature of the week at ''and thft.imnUil this f[ >*_ Tho players who piactlce on small city Saturday nl^ht at 'inmuuity wui lota* thought'likewise drill when they to bo h**lil on .Mr. femnton's lawn." BUL came lioro Saturday morning they All throe t'wuts were hotly i-onlesteil jiasacd remarks about "trimming tha to the very fiid and the rv.sult was ul* #*?•••;%;- >©.-«••;,•' farmers.":, . wnyn in doubt until (lit- final .sets wvrv There wns a fine trimming In the nf- coniplt'tnl. tcrnoon, but Iho ahcara wore .."' The dinner of iht* linn'.1* ^illK^'« was to tho visitors. Oudyko pitched a line Dot-tor Theodore Allen, of New Vor1;. Santo and had" tho clerks eating'-out who worki'ii 1I!H way Into llic finals )>y ot Ills hand*' 1K> had fourtcuii strlk< defeating .raiihs 1>. UrolT, J:\, nf Wash* out* to bin credit. The visitors would ,iiWoi(v and Junies L. Itviittllet, ot not1 have, been boaton "so badly If thy Montcliilr. In l!i<- ftimls In- met .ln-l- lint! brouftht aUuiK " KIWMI'catrlu-r ."On l'hillj.s ami di-feaii-d him by a fcova Jk^. Mpvrral other players to 1111 the ^ of t:-0, C-J, Th»« ladies* HIIIUK-K wan won l»V Mr«. Pence featured with four hits out Jajiu;* h. l!t_-ikilii-t wlio ."cored G-'J, rt-3 of flvo trips to the plate. -The lidding Iigaliist MINJ* Alln- Suyljff. .Miv, Ueiiiv of Kennedy brothers spaprkleU. Joo diet playeil a .-troiii: ^itun- tliroimhout JO'nnedv'nlso stole live IUIM'M and hud the totirniiuii'itc and t-a-md thy. cup l»y tho bo>n from the liljr city lieivllttoriut ln'p striidy playing. by tho ease with which he purloined Tln> ml.wd ihnil'l'ts. 0-:!, -i-il. \l-'2. lleldJnc and throwimr. Thon- mn'y huvi* A lur^e crowil, all (if whom cDiitillJ- OT many days remain to get the'little been some special fielding features on lvi\ unvjiid tin- eiij's. attended the the other aide but nn i>m- nwtiw to folks ready for school. Fresh, new'things h^\o noticed thorn. Tin* x<-i>n*: ••Ulu.-i.' AtlliMU' lilt l-.U tiillMlUS Wife n. 11. K. ••". .laim.s lEiMiedli-t, of Mnntehiir. ihe Ik him A. A. .. 0 0 0 0 0 i) 0 i) 1— 1 3 2 Misses Clarllul attd lltlell liitulis. of to wear and use will hurry along reluc- CWWilngton .. 04131421 x—Irt 13 2 OrariK*-: Helty .Kssiip, of Alli'll "Pc"" "I^lly disclnlintd having any- : Sue and Allff Stryk'-r, of \V:\*]\ tant feet and encourage little minds to thins to do with the manast'ineiu of IiiKion; llf-lty Leuis. of New York: tho Huhno A. A. nflor the j«un« and Alice Vim tfehmim. of Summit; .Me.ssrn -would jou really blame him for dlj*. AH<-n. Arthur and .ludsoi do their best. owning the players. He umpired on PhillipM and .hick Carroll, all of Xev the bases but even then tlu-y didn't Vo-k: .TatiKs CrolT. Th'>ni:is Sweeney Parents will find our various assortments of I liave a show. oi" New Viu-k: JSitltcrt Ward, nf l'hila Owing to the Chautaua.ua there will d-.-Iphlii; .liinu'H i:. i.edi.-t. «.r Moutrlalr not be any game Saturday afternoon. and Dr. ISyron Davey. of Nt-w Vork. Children's Clothes and Accessories as good as they The Washington team will vi.di Clinton Litt[t- I'd! \V:mle olli are economical. Fresh, new styles in. ample va- Illation. idren KO in swinnniriir. ami havlim •n taken inln the water by them, riety for both boys and girls. Cons!able, , "!Jol)" Crusaii (J«ts Itoof- Hild.-n Adams, tw.i years ohl. tlaiif:li lessor. cr <>f Mr. ami Airy, llarwy AilautM. Through the activities nf Constable •f Slyrtle street. tinMleil Hlobcrt Crusen of Hope Townshl|>. Piim home Saturday to-the near .-Ide of Altnrae, of Kaston, paid a tint1 of $:>U0 the .Morris ••anal and wailvd Into t\v befoie Judge J. T. II. llrik-y. In l'liil- ha.l fivvt lipsbuiti, Saturday. He al.«o spi-nt part t'U> >thei-s do, but was soon l>eyon< of tho night in the county jail, chared !.•!• depth. Some elliMlvn o» the Othe-' •with being the ownev of a liquor laden tank ifavf an iilarrn ami hvf sifter, automobile and sollinc tlu» liquor to the ••lasts!!.', trii ycaw old. ran to tho -.an.il Toles and other forolRiuTs In the Omit and jumped in and aw.uu to liie little Mtailous section of Warit-n County. tot who was then lln.itini: down the Judge Heiley ntoo threatened to Im- . Site had tK'.'U iiii.I'T a <'U>iple lioso a prison sentence if lif repeats1 ,,f ( the offense, or is In any way :ipain -ri,,. Hirl ravried the child to the connected with the Illegal disr/iTiutloii I ]ltm,<, ! ml she was In Ktieii JI eoiul!t!on of Uquoiliquor. TliThef KastoBast on Syrian f.i'lnulf.rlrnds- l!ia• [ lt ,,- j i.aKivw was sumimm-d. «t the prisoner raised the amount of ,,.,. ^ h;ul ,,,.,.,,.,.,, wlll.ai UlL. pi.v.ician the fine and made several trips before ..nivifl I!•t was^._ .il,.nl paid,.i , some i..l.boint. .*^ ir,n. silve_..-. r.. tn***1-^*. and looked as If a regular collection, plate had-been pa-sneil. Slulor Tricis Asalu Drop. . v----^H,^ / Pro ecu tor S. C. Smith, Jr.. was In- Mitliers of Hudson, ICssex and Kin formed that intoxication wan common automobiles have officially announce among the foreign population of Creat a cut in priees. Tin* present quotation lle.ulows and there was dnngt'i' from on the Hudson ami KsseX plat'u tluw the caieless way in which thn Urunken curs at a iower lovol than any befor • loieifint'is handled firearms. The ull'ei-ed. Viosecutor Inatructeil Constabl'r- Crus- I'nY,' CUM tin moti.i- trtii'ks made l> en to In\fstlsatc and the arrest of tho the (ietiei-al Motors t'onipaity of I'nn K\"ia!i followed. The constable fniiml tl;n- were aiinmiiu'ed. They an- from Middy Blouses „•>?• 23 aumts oC liquor in tho car he seized. S1O0 to $5011 with tho lai-gesi propor It was contained In new gallon tin tionate.' decrease on the uiic-tun motor 98c to<$3.95 .f&j' cms SULII as are used for varnish. wliioh is cut -.i poc cent. Theie was also a small amount in bot- . Girls'Hats tles The olllcer removed the liquor Perrecr Score en Saving. The "Middy" is the school- to hi own car and took it to Belvl- girl's blouse no .matter how dei« and locked up the liquor peddling AdvertlseuipiK—"We will vo you In Pretty Models .iuto and most of the merchandise own- 100 per font on your pressing bills." ; much others try to adopt it. td bj the peddler. . Splendid 1 With 100 por cent'deduct- It Is also said that the olllccrs are ed from our pressins hills there'll ba Simple, serviceable styles Its simplicity and practical investisatlns- and have trace of a still nothing hero to prcs's us fo^. that are especially suitable style appeal to mothers as that is being operated by foreigners In G"ent Jlcadows vicinity. for school wear. well as daughters.

V A Surplus of Ministers at Service. Some are felt with stream- Easy to launder and always There were five Methodist ministers ers; others of velour. Tarns, look like new after being- present'Sunday morning at the service in the "Washington M. K. chuivh and of course, in types most suit- laundered. Made of stand- "threes of them took part in the ser- ed to girlish faces. ard Jean Cloth. Some are Every School Girl Needs a Sweater .vice. Rev. Murkland, ]}. D.t of Orango. iwho has a summer homo on Change- $1.75 to $5.59 all white with collar and water Mountain, preached the sermon. And Here A re Some Very Good Ones at Rev. George Fountain, of Ilomiton. cuffs trimmed with soutache .formerly of Washington, crave the Scriptural reaitin? and Ilev. "Warbasse braid; others in white with "Willever, of Newark, madti the prayer. Boys' School Hose Navy or Cadet blue collar Tho tin pastor. Rev. A. J-:. Armstrong and T.i and cuffs. S to 22-yr. sizes. S. P. Galloway, a retired preacher, Mr. Buster Brown black hose Sweaters for cool days and early fall wear. Sweaters have Fountain is spending Ins vacalba wltli hid son*;n-law arid iJuuirhrer. .M". and only, triple knee; size 7 to 10, become almost indispensable, as they can be worn.all season Jrrs. Jacob TiPtsworth, in State -stret-:. and Will priaeh Sunday morniuy. , 35c and 39c Boys' Suits and can be used in place of an early fall coat. They are also RiiH'liart FanUb' Reunion. Boys' wide ribbed hose, Nobby suits that will give very good to wear under your heavy coat in winter.- Mores than ]00 ivere present Satur- black and cordovan; size 6 to service enough to make the d«iy at the 'reunion oC tho Rineliart Various models in Tuxedo and coat styles, in fancy arid plain family at Homestead Farm, the resi- 10, according to size. cost worth while—sturdy weaves. dence of "\rr uul *\I s Tolm Lmmct To seal in th© Kineliart, between Old wick and l'ot- 35c, 39c, 45c materials and tailored to The colors are Navy, Copen, tan, brown and rose. ' torsvilie. It was the sixth annual re- delicious Burley stand hard wear. union and the members were from tobacco flavor. Huntcrdon, .Somerset. Morris and W ir- Boys' Pony hose, double The models are in Norfolk rcn Counties. AVm. C. Kinehun. inches'wide; •• EASTON 4 Centre Square

!// ' * ' £LJ *~ \ski-j.t_l__j^&_-i • PUBLIC SALE « I^OYS ASD'GIRLfiN ?: I'crovvd" or'atlnilrers of cooti'rattt^ Tho 11 \vuii b'l i»v^cent." dt^tC n&rmtW'.-MU' typo of niilmaltr (ixhtlrittii this yen-.' wait tilting a yield of'72.8 bu»heln-iHT ueip, : _6F- I FOR AGRICULTURE. Hitporlor to tlio.st) of luxl HIKI titno j ntul a production or 7,002,000 itiiHlirlk'. professional Cards TJATTQt^UAT TV 'PHrtHQi1 ((-VnHhitied from I'tigu 1.) ftliowtil'lllut more careful attention wan < «n compared with 14,820,000 i>ti«t.«i« t fr hfiftr tho romiitiotilitK^or tin; nni-( ]a»t year, »nd 10.2'JS.OOtt bufl tliu •' Index to those Prom- HVlJbbjHULV (*UUl>fc>,__,.l..hH, nflJrIlt JML;|<-.if(.r , ,„„,,,. .ChaiiKewalt G „„„„„;. T Lntl JH-OVIOUK lt> tin- iiroiluctlon for llu- punt ton U»yn i-xlilliUln inent in Law, Medicine, toV lK'lfl'1' lilld*'!' 'J IDOtltllS hi tin y Jaw.lj lEeliflp, Chun«i-wiil«T— 3nl ftir hiliH jolnnl the W'niTi' Comity For nciKtiburltiK stntoH thw torwant Dentistry, Optometry, lii-lfi-i- liim.-li nionlhf*. lfVil of prtNluctioit for thin year mid thu Cook's Pure l-.;t I'Oin.TUV KXMIIilT iniltlitl tlii-tn to -xhlbll IjL.coinpctlto Dual cxilmiitf fo? la«l year HIT IM fol- Insurance & ^Undertaking Sitliinln>, Nf|lrniliir 1010,, • with the invirtl)LT "ON THE SQUARE' l.lcul l.hilm klln,,.|i ruuK<*. U'lnlrr- flowjii-il l!«'i iniflur foi- IH.md HIH-K (NK'k'Tt'l, l»l for i:;n- Clifford Woolf a (-alf <-lii1<-rni'tnti.' MO.Ooii btiKholrii X. V.. 30,1131,000 biwh- Hiiln*. lH.rmy tal.lc-. IS-fi. tlliilutf rmim ml Um>k-CV'k. IM fur JJ-u-nii Uncli nw;iy tlu io* c'liiiinpion ft v\*. IC.'.'JO.OOO IHIMIH-IM; .MICIIIKUH, IS. tulilit, •-xtfiiNloti; kiti-lu-n Uit.li-, Whlt<- l-ulli'l. 1 fin- jn-ti of Jive ,*<|)1-IIIK h'it0» hiiHht'lM, :i*>,700,0(to IFIIKIH-IH: Mill- Hal Nor\vcj>inn Sardines in Pure Olive Oil, A . WYCKOFF KcwhiK iiidfliiiif. u-rhini,' k nulli'bi anil 1 .ci.i-Kvit-1. 1st Tin- following IK a list of tin- uimn-r> , , 2 yM c-liRir, miti; sMi-l.om.t. n r«<-k<-iH. ti t •INSURANCE & KEAL ESTATE fm ifii "i r. <»M hinU aixl 1 cock. in the viirlou.H t'I:iMX.-.<4. liviK; Wiyroimin. ll'.S^.uOn IniHtu-N were 25c a can, now - . jmrrli r'H'Id-rp, N illnln^ fi>"iti duilr*. -1 Ahiitln Cavlll. |k>tvli|r i>>—IK|. 1'ixl tuul 18 Uroail Street kJUlien I'lmltK, Itlflifti <-ii|it«iarr.,noo )»ii«!n-it*. Cheese, very finest quality, lb. . 30c U-tU I f.'tf H|>rfnt;« I'lirraTl nml wnith- llnricl Itni'k *'(K.-k. Kimiloyur'H I.liiiilllty :iml Aiminiolillii Wjillw IIIIVIM, WiiwliltiKi'.n—l«l f««r xlini'l, !) tiMlriioin rliuh'K. '.'. I.i-ilnium Cliitw 2—Hull 1 y«ir and un.Ivr L'. 1 ' liiKUi'iinco. . iwhis Cheese, lb. 53c; Loaf Pimento Cheese, lb. 48c , UcntH Collected. Com'r of r>oc.v's Apple Butter, quart __>|,j,Jpj s» $10.00; l^iiwrulii-f Pi-IHur, I'lillltpKliiirK, KM vtttrv uonxId'Tcil from tin; vl<;\v- 1 KVflu rarpfl Kiurili-y Stntlh. ]:«-lvIilfi'i'~-lNt for L'ml p 'i-inluni. jr..nu, Heinz Sweet Pickles, doz...2. ic can . 25c THOS. DIETRICK, M. D. yiiriln Jl I* ft. 1! *n jujlnt of tin- farmer and tho eoiiHiinur, llrovvn I^cliDi-n iiwlu-n I; 1M( foi- Jirowu C|an.H 1—tfullH iindrr C nimillm. Knuili the liOitnl uf IHrwAnrA of ili«; Dairy- , t Sweet Pickles, hot. - 22c X IS hn-ln (.••KII.MII |)ullit; 1st for Itrown J-f«!H')n Enslon, Pa. _, .lS ,, Ca«tiii-r, Ku-win isvillc, 1st premium. [ '" Centre Square, (ovqr belly's Market) I f*1^ Sr..HO. Hon. Iiii-., ihftiiril'cu iiMk lii'i- wtuiV."pri^> mtoii1 CtaHit ." — Cows -I yearn or wv, hvvl ''"' Si-|iicm1«-r milk that wiif* paid dnr* l It'll |.tilkt; ^n.l lor J Ward's Cakes, fresh every day, each 15c Macki-y. IMvIilriv, Jst pr.'iiilnm, I'W AiUMim, nanu-ly,—on vUtxn nnv Practicu limited to Ufl IMI It'I l 315.00; Svv.'iisnn Urns,, llackvlt-stovvri, S-- l"'i- hundred pound* for :j i».f (-,.rit f EYE, EAIt, NOSB, THROAT iml ptinliim, flu.(M»: rmnl: Cu -tv.i I,I-,.,,,I,,I.I «-. nn ; AM In tlu> |uwt ihi.s |M UII- basic n-Ii-.. Big Lemons, doz. —.10c Hod. Red Salmon, can . 25c I ilay cl»rk. T. c-titr^ I:<[.l<^. '1 i- At WfiNhlnKlon, X. J.', until o: Cliiifrt til-Cows J*y«-iin« and lind«-r I, to which diffrn-nlials an- impIU-nblu for .-1 lr.-.-s. 1 k r.Mk, n.iish- r.u-k. tmiK vi.l.-n —Isl for! lYank CusiiM r, Sti-wariHvfHf, lnt Potato Chips, i/|. 11) Me IJest Pink Salmon, cjin 15c anil nfter •j.-io. I will com ].-.[ for K!ioarl N Chifi 7— Ihlf-is 1 yi;tr mid IIIHUT J. i-ir:iin folding IIMIIIIIIC l"iivvii|Kirt, I own fniil an I ;(| IL . Swfii.snu IIios-., ihn-IiciiHiown, 1st Pli-fM-tif those Lommnditii-.s in the At UK'U IIIIIIHIK, ,\, J. ami .iil Lima I:.-:, n: niitl Sh.-ll IVattti—Kiliili premium, $5.00: K-anlt Cashier, Stew- ^ork nmrki'lM for th.- month, and Tucsday.i nml Tliurwhtys Afiiriiih'. !l-,p" 2nd; r.rxuu \'nl\vy, Al- urisvllli'. L'IIII picmlnm, $X0o. J nil milk of Cl» thnv whluli IH mndc At IX>VI:II. x. .i. lanm.-liy. :inl. •irVl" '"n-K-r 0 months. Into .swo.-t,.,!.,! vumh-mnl, waporat.,1 Extra Fancy, fat, white Mackerel, 1 to l'/2 lbs., r Mon,, \VtHi.. i.Vf., anil Sat. l-.;uy \'vKi»-Uil.|«'K—.Miirsmvl U'a.sh- l-'niiik it-r, Sf«-\vnrtMvlllc. l«t or iKiwihwd milk will iveuivu 4 , f.»>.,iJ in* mint each, pound . 25c 1'iirn, Stewnn•iMVill-. im; Alt*! Wltlt- it; Arlluu- 1'a-r. Hrl^e- ,,,-r hundiv.l polln(I, ,Uv-H,,' J 'I'M, Al],nun, Vill.-, »| till Kiinh-n im- •liy, JIMI. .mli.ni. W.««; K....m.tl. | paid f,,r milk lhat «oc« into tlu' m&w s- llaz.l HHHII, ll.iriiinny. Hteivarisvllle, :!nl of !IJ M-ort. Imiter. Mason Jars, quart, dozen 90c DRS. BEAM & OSMUN ll.it'i. 1st; Kli'iiin.r Vi-niild.', IIHJH.. L'IKI; Itiuli Avcraiff milk. tesUin,' .'!.(] ilt-r c.'nt DENTISTS '. :!nl. CIIIMH lo-Pio^.-ny «f I'nw, •! n lmalf*. I'lUU-r fat. will „,.» for 6.7 Vi-ntV Mason Jars, pint, dozen 80c -Uuili Vxiialilr*, llniw. l-'iaiil: C:ift ner, Stewart svlll< 1st jlimrt at the base zone during .S.'pt.'Ul- Office closed until further notice. Whhll.-l.l. Alliinnicliy. i;il; l»'.-tiiiiiiii. fl.r..li»; Arthur 1'arr, llrldk'f- Mason Jar Tops, ?.. per doz. 32c l«t; lioroihy that IM J.OIfi ViiV ,|Ha7t Gone on vacation trip, ii.lc. II..M... ::,i. vill'-, L'nd prt'initim, $10.00. low.i Hum tli W. Vtinllilllnrd. . inoihi frle of a I'M win Sliipiiian, I l-'iistt'l", Ilri|n\ CUIHH 11—Champiini hull, Arthur itfn. 8G So. Main St., Plulllpsburg, N. J ssic (iihljs. j•',. LM; Il.l.-n IMii-, liriiU'evlll.-. (lit.Oi). Hoard 1 r nirertni-H did not dei.-ni l'hono !IC9 iarniiiiiy, :id. China iL*-~(.'h:iinpiotr fetnak , Clifford it iMVlHjble to -;aise III.* prire for S.-p- liwiH-M—Mai-Kai'.-l l-*o.s[ir, Ilopf. Wuulf, St.-wailsvlik-. $111.00. tflllliei- iiiTUUKo of the low pl-ieetf oil Keen Inlercsl Ut Seeonil Dairy SCIIIH>! all fit her farm product* ;uiil tiecaiisi- »l The Great I'll. wi i"K—.\l:in,'aiMt I'antan, Mrain- llrld al I'orl Murray. uetu'J'itlly di'jir»'s>H'd hiisliieHH condl- OSTEOPATHY n-.ls. ::.!. The Ht-cond ihttry m-iiiHti hild in Hi tioiiH. A Spinal Wny li> Health —iliiat-I UUMII. Hannmiy, IJII: crmuty ill I'ort .Murray, by thf nlllt If :t cnnip-'ii-fsiiii \vvn> to l;e niiidit tusli. lhinii"iiy. L'd. of uir nnleliionstiatioii in co opt'iatio nmoiiK tile various farm p'.'odue.t.», it Dr. G. W. ItEADB, Osteopath ( Kltiucy, Sli-waitM- with tln> extension dcp;i?Lnii'iit nf tin would IK* found that, even during next JUSTIFIABLE PRIDE t; i:ml \V>l Cor. E. "Washington and Jackson Avcs. Stroudsburg- Fair illc. 1 Stati' Coll>-K<', promifts to he. ci|iijilly month milk will briiift more than other iIi. llupc, :id. as intei'i-.stln^ to tin- dairynifii of I'Oi M c farm commoditios mid the priced to be in Oil Stove ownership is not pride m hav- *s ,iaf;"} »•»»»• •"•""•••""i'- A|>itK-t:- —MarKnifl I'm'ilmi, Urainaids, Mnrniy as was tin* pri-vious one coi received for all ilasseM of milk art- hijjh- l. ing tho price, nor pride in public approval* I.V IIA«;K'I:T'ISTO\V.V September 5th to 9th diteti'd al Vail. The openiuw mcotini •• tli.'in thosj- paid producers in othei' ltliilli.'ii-lp--.Marf.'an>t K t Tlie fpll.nvliii,' tu|)iu-s will In* distrust farm products Is the chief reason for results ot any FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS \:ivi.liwvi'rntK'i> whi.ii Hii-y .sli.mvd in the present deprossod conditions In all oil stove offered to AtiKiiHt a—"I-Vwlliiff mid Herd Man Ullslm'HH, the family -^ gives 37 E. Washington Avo. Big Races Each Day lui-scntiti),' the cumtminlty in which M rh of tlii-lr rliilw I« lucatfd. Tl»'y a«i-nient, .1. A\'. llartU-U. intense heat, directly At Healilonco, GO Yotimnns Avc. LiiiW Purses j.-u|| Enlrios AUKHHt Hi— "Mreeditttf I!ett<;r COWH," - l-'lorcin-t. I'fim of ICarrsvlll.- and Kli/alx-tli Has I'oli.'cuoniau. beneath the cooking Stanley |:. Hohcrtn. !Ht t» the nnl- asbestos rings'. New Double Midway rnc • Shnw at Iti-lvlili-rr ririilc. AiiKiiNt :!ll—".\Iark*.ftiiii,' .Milk," 1'uu' iK-iiU- of ^'aKhingtou. an the police- Operates like a gas CumprisinK Hf|rU-C'lii»» Slirnvs ml annual llolxt.-ln i>xhililt it. Ilenn.'U-h. woman Is a former reniilent ami Is a range. One gallon E. H. DEVOE i-'fllli-aluin.'il—l-^iliTtniiiinK '' I'k-nic. iittmeU-d v. hn'^c Septi-mhi'i' ilti)li oT state.1 1 DniifTiT in Karly DovvtoptiiLMit i>f who was made a probation poliou olll- "Personal Attention Day or NIgbt for a period of three, months. The •l'hono M-2 Live Stock, Poultry and I'll I lets. ly of W:ir- Tlie control :>L' ihi> dcvWoimiont tion ciiviiOH with it an annual sal- day ur n,-- ary of S 1,(100. Agricultural Products k A. Al.. In ptiHuL.s- at tiiis sr-anoii i.s an iin|iovtant Wilson Stove & .Co. factor In tin* pi-udtictiun of winter I-KK At the. end. of (he. three-month per- IMiiluth* Khould not dcv'i.-ta!> too fast and iod Miss Ruby will probably receive T. S. BRAY & SON i piTinaneiit assiKinnent. Meantime 211 Northampton Street Easton Pa. Free Broncho Busting: !!»21. Infill to lay too' uarly. in thf season us; UNDEKTAKKBS UKT^ is Hum.' possibility that they may sin* will PUKM a civil service oxiimina- 115 Broad Street Telephone: 12am Exhibition no through a partial mo!t tills rail. ion. Iii'lm-u Croud .Stand E-jdi Day It Is by far . tiiu. hc-st practice, wh " Also Hamilton, N. J. one tlmlH liiilU-tM at IHIH season ben Country calls without extra charge niUK in show I'L-CI In the combs a ill.- MaU.-r uf [IK- wattles and to haw tin.1 ajuiearancu of "Captain" Educated Horse tilt..- of ^eUiitK ready to lay, to check IYICHU Will Sell You a Nuivsjuiper and Im (I. II..rh*rt. birds by rernoviiii,' thu dry mash, feed- 'Always Something New" Give You Correct Change Ill- drdi»r of the Snrm- hiu: only scratch srain. This will re- WM. A. STRYKER t.nnty of U'un-t'ii. made tard the laying tt'iiileiu'y and also allow •••ntli day nf August. A. the millet to taki; on more body weight CO UNSELLOR-AT-LAW Admission—Ariulls 50c; Chil- iimlrcd HIKI Twenty-Oii.'. which will enable her to lay heavily First National Bank Tiuilding dren 25c; Automobiles 50c; \'i ^Kiv.-li !.. till llfTKOns over a ions? jierlod when aho does start. Evenings 15c lo all I'lillets .siuuild be kept firowin^ con- Supreme Court Commissioner and •n.liite'uf tlie f'minty of tlnninisly and the CJW laying tendency Siiccinl Muster In Chancery . pr nt N> the Hiil.s'-riln-r. liis suit, adinlnlstrii- •controlled by the proper use of tho dry OPENING DISPLAY OF Practitioner in nil Unlk-il 'States, State Whatever You Do. Don'l Miss. lor.J. v.l.H, <.ii or ln.fore the Si'Vt'iitoenth mash. , ami County Courts The Fair day i-f I'VIiniary. A. I >.. Niuelepn llun- The. growhiir tnajsli recommondL-tl by the X. J. Slate College of. Auricinttire 1H:—:JO0 pounds wheat bran, 100 pounds corn meal, ion pounds ground outs. Mill poundH wheat middlings. 100 pounds Fall Fabrics and Models Ill IK- f,n nf his beef scrap, 100 pounds dried butter milk • li<> th< aid mhsli- powder in 'case sour milk is not fed atrH, .t.a. as a drink. Da d AusfiiKt \7. IfiL't. I'nliito Market Looks (.'nod. FINAL WM.MA.M V. HKliP.KUT. The Xew .lerst-y crop -.vport stato» IKS I'ayt-tte St.. IMiIllilislMirK. N*- -I- * in Taylor; Tailoring that Xew .lerHcy lias'only S2 jior cunt. ' JOIIX O. flHIllilOKT. of crop. Clean-Up Sale! ;.:•(• \Va:->liEiiR:ton Si., Caimicn, N. ,(. !iulist.lti:tt;d administrators, c.t.a. The condition ot the crop on August E ANNOUNCE to, discrim- inating dressers' of this, W community a most lavish SAGE'S LEATHER STORE Women's Low Shoes offering of the newest pure wool for fabrics—choice design—and the richest ever assembled in point of THE DAY OP tone and color. THE BOARDING Here is indeed a revel of the SCHOOL LIFE '•Formerly priced at beautiful, and a feast forthe eyes, Ladies ! A ttention ! of the most fastidious. $6.75, $7.50 and $10.00 Boarding School List THE SEASON'S GREATEST EVENT- Hundreds of. woolens and wor- ,TRUNKS. steds to choose from and a big Not all siZ'5s in each lot • TRAVELING BAGS' array of the season's- most ap- —but all.'sizes in//en- SUIT CASES proved models. LAUNDRY CASES :• tire lot. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE Unsurpassed qualities and as- TOILET ROLLS tounding values, tailor made ex- DIM, FOLDS \ MONEY BELTS Our Entire Stock of Up to clusively; workmanship of the COLLAR BOXES , highest character, and (a positive $25 and Higher Priced Smart guarantee of satisfaction. Prices to suit every pocket— Sagc'slLeather Store Silk Dresses $25.00, $27.00, $30.00, $32.00 $35.00. • Strictly hand tailored and delivery 3rd & Ferry Sts., Easton Al (he One and Only Price— iV guaranteed in six days. it •

To the out of town people, wl,io may be busy and at same time need We Will Continue Our .Anni- ii a r.ow suit or overcoat for some.special TIRE BARGAINS A. Davidson, O. D. This is an event that women from Easton and sur- occasion—drop us a card and we will versary Sale One More Week Optometrist rounding country should take advantage of. This is a bring' samples to your door and measure 30x3 Non-Skid , ?8.50 WASHINGTON, N. J. as advertised lasi week. The DKE.SS EV13NT that stands absolutely unequalled'for you i'or a suit and deliver it without any .. prices quoted in this sa'o on 3O.\3'/i Non-Skid $10.00 Practice limited to prescribing extra charge. . proper lenses for the l-elieX o£eye value {jiving and bona-fide savings. Ladies realize that. many avtides.ne 1,u boltyv cosi, 32x314 Non-Skid S15.00 and none strain. - .. .'. .. .- prices of to jaj. ~ * This best Tailor 31x1 Non-Skid $l(i.00 Eye examination' by appointment. j NOT A SILK DRESS RESERVED! I i BUY WHILE' THE BUYING JS 11 32x4 Non-Skid $18.50 ' Write or Phone 3G-K5. No Matter How High Its Original'Price Is Taylor, The Tailor qoon. Dresses originally intended to sell at double and three Of tnilnr-niailc Clnllios 33x4 Non-Skid $20.00 times this price, all K'o in this sate at thu one and only ,j Otliei Si/c? in Piopoi lion firice, §10.00. Included arfc the season's best styles of ,1'uic silk tall'ota and' crepe do.chimv satin,'-charmeusd, f.are o! the Ma etc., in sixes for Juniors, iMissos, Womou and1 Stout Packard Garage A1 Now'York woman Kttys: "I hnyo Womon; It is an opportunity that does not come often l used Persian sago two weeks 'ami liiy B —lake advantage of if. Come here, select the dress you FLOYD CREVELING 6 )0-092 Noilluimplon St. ;linir"; has" ivondcrfully increased'" in want and save ,$10.00 to $20,00 on,.your purchase. Opposite Armory hofiuty. .seoni.s, ninth l.oavicr .ami Is en- tirely frco of (Imulniff.*1 wiltnniH* biwrii" EASTON, PA. House Pharmacy -guarantees it. : - •' T. - • -v

•••.£•• THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. X, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25,1921 . SECTION IONE anonit \ice pn^idoit Inmtx K Smith, - i ' OXFORD ROCICSBCKO. Thuraday with Mr. and Mrs. Krnnk II. I tonu-mun-M nt chlcr. Atrtckul John ICmrnH onnn I lie houxe Mrs. MorriH Frit tit nnd daughter of HofTman. SIIHH'N*. I'lorence Mutchlor. diuichler liiiiitu idl d((.n tan. lon^ph J Cnrroll Tin < \pluHion WIIH honnl some illstnnif Mr, and Mm Ai »i Sulllvnn nnd l utonlint, Kitntan William ] ]| tc, ^Jllwies «Gertrude, Betty. Mmll «ntl Puiwali; ii-v uponUlnj,* a few dayit with .Mrx. John Itlttner Is 111 with tonsl- of-MrM. Win. N. -Mntehh-r, of J hllllp«- H M H MmliiM v-v* HtiiitK with Hiuh Mr. and Mm. Chun. UUHII and fuinll> Uiamiii r l!o\ 1'IlKtcr, tumtMH )• Im fuin- ihut xhi WIIH uirrlid throiiRh rAnnie Sullivan of Nuwurk utre \i«itlnK lillM hiii'M'. nnd llerniuu Ifornrnmn. -U:. HUH I Connol!} luid Alf-ul I.mnitirf Tho a Kirt-tn iluoi Mttwatli WIIH IJUIIKII fethoi itcek-end at tho Sullivan lioini- Konald Woolfu of Bluunmiuiry U irt. Churlc.i C'eVellni; la HUfferlnt; of Mi utitl Mti Hinmiii I-oni.min vlwltlng hid couMln, Luther and Lerui u-jHoUiitlon with in*.mliti<4 in all mv ui out tlu himl Mr* M< rilan wns iiw<> with rheuniatlHiii. of COIKKL l'olnl. I* 1 «*u nimiiiil l loan of U ui uu i ounH h m u mi III'R I • luutul to , »hof titnrh r.00 In \\ M skiniur, who icprLHLiiti i with her mother, Mm Thcimiw nu- Mr. and Mrn. Loo Lomnmstm anil pmmaNti-r of lllooniHluiry will tn* held hrlilc'N siHter, Alrc. Floyd Ktii'le, f» Nil., tioitps of lln> Siotlln Iniw -cerald on Washington nvtnut- won, Donald, npi>nt tho wiTU-cnd at uti H.-]>teml>vi- lOtli, at Phlinpshui-^. lOiililpwiuirK. The cereinuny -wan pe"- tin- famll> ifttatc hiiM itcthcd woiii IM-I-M Mi-Kuiiizcd hci-c, tin- HCOUI nmslcrM from tlu> r'MloilU*' IJcpurtmi'iit Unit % Mr. and Mrs Knulih nnd futnUy "f Willow drove. Thoxe deHlriliK lo take it tdmllld apply fonmtl li.v lU-v. W. II. Coeyman. "'f th'Ctt'il ludiiK: Knink V. H.-.VHOUH. MOII- Pawuilci, were vWtlntr tht- week-<,'ml Samuel Cool; and hi* tnoibcr, Mrt*. at pitritulliee ut liloomHbiry or to the llninptoii, nsttlKti'd l>y Hev. lU'tij. they will 1»> willing to renew* Hie pies- -.•I> MfSHiind IMut Itiuirr. .Tollii Tt:it;on cjit lf':tnf, which <>xplri-s AuKti.st 110, fur fwltttftlr.'and Jim ThomiiH Cryim. Sr. Cnrrh- Cook, and MIMH Lulu LlghU-ap IT. S. Civil Sei'vice Commix*tonrr, Moltruni, of College I'olnt. The lirtde, wax i'lc< h-d m fjlic. Tho troop committt-i> MIM draco • Cryan of. Kastnn spent Kpent Satuiiay in Helhlfhein. M'lLflhlnKtoti, I). C, fur application fonn who \vas4 ylveii nwax hy her ln-nlln'r. iinollici' yvar. So tin- ciiicxlioii nf rc- l;i cunipiiNi'il of lU'V. Titos. A. Wllliimtt, tnoval In willed for anutlHT ynir. I'lhej week-end wltli her luuvntH, Mr. and Clinton llartun^ in bullilltig n HIIO. M'2-U mill fui'iltn ^L'J.'l mid 23r>K ciiiitttln- (I. Unwell Mlltehler. W;iK atteild"d hy iwKtur uf Wi'MiinlnlHter I'ri-sbvUTiun ,Mr«. Michntl Crjnn Mr. and Mm. Win. Meyers *»f Uu»h- Injr t)i" tiato nit't plin'f of fViiniliKttlon MIK>* l'liiii-me Celpli.', a:t liriilexninld Church, W. It. KailU-r nnd Sti-wmt ' A unit of tho Nt-W* .ifi'M-y Tx-aKlli' of ? Mtm May bnum* i»r l»«Kiw«i I- klll and Mr. and Air*. Urn. Stout of mid uther dciinltc Itifonnatlon. Ap. atul Louis norneiiian. of CUUVA- I'.'liH. KviTt-tt. Tht* tvonpM will mniiljcr I \V"ti)i'ii Vutot'H luii* I'ffii refilled hi re nti , ^ VlKltltlK- With li'T iiUUl Aliw* How NtiKircth vlHlted Mr. im.l Mrs. WinplUallut. i must he piopt-ly exfi-nted on a hrothi'i- of the hrideKroi'tn. acted us nvilvt- ini'inlifr.t cncli. tl><< ri'siih or th<> visit of Mliv. Mnrv 1,. Sw een< > • Stout Sunday. form ^11 and tiled with the rouunlx- lit-Kt niiin. .Margaret Shun-, a ntecu of AUKins orK-uilxcr, Th" i*l\toent aiv: Mr. tnd Mm Mmiln C union nntl Mrs. Joiin liowrtl and daughter, IUM at Washington, U. C. In titni' ID tin- bride wan HIIK l»-arer. The home J Mrs. FIIHIWII M.-idiin and hrr unn- J ruwfdfiit. -Mrs. .1. Milton flntlirii', ,(t'.; ffltnlb »f Vniitlimift I'u ait % 1-111 UK ((•i»i:«-. MCJ*. lU-nJ. Young and Mrs. Win. rvaiifU' for examination. was hiuutifiilly decoraled In yellow I iii-law. lli-nry Mrrwurth, wi-n- pain* (Vice itiv«Idf-iil:<, .\lrn. I'Vvil KILVHI-II. Aim. $. force's Son .-tilth li.i nlMii MI ** ni2.it th Mmi'l". S-vt-ntrur spt-nt Saturday in Kan ton. tint! M-htHv [fully ttijuicU In mi I'xptuslitn or HUH Sat-111. . \V, Snu.i-i- ami .Miss Uota Dli'k: r1 Mm. JJ- C. .MJIHck JHUI (laiiKlii'i* "f Mr. utit} Min. t'tto. Yunnttn utt xottx', SIT. 1AKK. mday in ih.- .Mtrduii; home. Tin- i**siiwiary-tttinnm-r.. MIM Vhhi C, Klntt. Philadelphia, an- visiting with Mr. and William and Kn*d, sp.-nt the w.i-k-en.l •Tntnes firofT, of Washington, anil Mrs. 1'raiik lie l'Mtv. pli'sioii iii-ciin-fd wln-n Mrs. Mcnlan I'l'lit- 'itllf-ciK will iiii-'-t and !iR-ii)l)->i's will -'Cemetery Memorials Sirs. John Kor(ju« with Mr. itnd Mr*. Samuel Wlsmer :it Marion Self, of Svtw York, spent tin- j^ltuik a mati-h with tlu- fnti-ntliitt ut I IM> cnrollct nt tin* home <>f .Mm. (iutlnlc. LGWIM Noorsiuird" i« seriously III at Mrs. Knink I)e I'ii-tre, 17 year.-* oldi liKlttln^ a B:IS fUtvt'. invojttiKiition 101 Broad Street Holland. •k-t-nd at the Stryki-: cottage*. died Monday at her liuim* In Dllt« 17S Sout: h .Mnhi ;iti-c*t, tin- i-vi-ninK «f the'hotm' of Mr. anil Mrp. Peter l'cter- Ml.xKi'* Saraii nnd Nancy Ca*tnt>r of «howv plpt* St*ptintlii>r lit. Afti-r llmt date inert- NJM -Marjori" Davi-y. l-'ivd llnrvoy .street. Death WIIH from consumption, Ii'iiilhiK to thi' »\M\'V. The Idtrhcn wan son' on the Bullzvlllc ronil. Montana xpent Sunday with her sistt*-, .(oc Ki-lK-y lUTomimnit-il l)i\ Wlnl- nnd followed shorlty after lit" Itlrtli of llni:s will !>•• li'l.l monthly. WASHINGTON. N. J. Miss Meilellnt> 1'cllH, who was taken Mrs. Canur Walters. fivil Hunks on her customary Wi'i-k-i-nd a datiiShter. ufte' a married life uf less to Dr. HettjO hrwpitul at Kn.stmi wlu'tv Morris Krltts of 1'assalc spent last visit to tin* liikt-. than ti year. The ttllieral services Bhe hj*l nn onemtiuti, ruturtu-il l*> l»'r wi-i'k Charb'« Hush. Mr. ami Mis. F. T. Xut»>. of Wash- will he held at U o'elo.-k this innrnliiK home <>n Tut mlj> Kdwfn HinetltK- spent Sumlay and >HSM>H .I,ue.y :unl Dolia Ki-mwy »f ington, spi-nt tin- woi-lwml with M\ In St. Joseph".-" Catlmlle (*hureh with Monday at Camp VaviuUe near Columv- iml .Mrs. J. it. Cornish. Imrlai In the cernctary ei.nnei'tcd with Philadelphia wen* vMiliw with her .-Is- bia with the "Kiisioii i;x|tr»ss" i>;i|» r .Mr. Harold Ibuihu. of Kast Grant;**, the chiirrh. tor, Miss Delia Kt-mst \ -nicri-ro :•• y.)H old and sinallt-r otic now lias a new ehemleal engine. It ASCO ASCO Mrs. John Smith. M . and Mrs. St.-wart Kckhnnit and is the Htv'Miid pi.-i-e of ariparatus the o Mr. and Mrs. Olio Krvln ;md mn. vhi(s of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hess hnilt on the rliassls of an OldsmuiilU- 1% Week-End "Asco" Stores Keep ulster and brother-in-law, Mr. and Ms. ut Lopatcong. •IiitiiL's I<. Ki-iii'di.-l. of Montrlalr, vis* touting ear. picked up at liavnahi prici* Specials Living Costs Down Levl Tlce. M-ile Lake ami MIXK Hilda Dniryni- of $400, h was lltled up at an Kaston •MM. Jupthu Uttle and iiatlKliltr. lu-'l liis wilV and h. i* paivntH. .Mr. and shop, the C.'inpany depleting its treas- Ttuth, flj)t-nt the w«i-k-t.-nil at Pi-lawaiv |st». of Hridg.-viUc Hiifiit Sunday ;it Airs. .1. II. Sri-union, fiimi l-'riilav until the bom.- of Mr. and M-s. Ln> Loin- Mnndiiy I'VcuIni;. iiry in the pun-haw. It has two •!.'. pit. Water Gap, visiting Mrs. Lit tie's niason. chemical tanks, a reel of MO ffiit of rotilns. Mr. and Mrs Hop hose, army searchlight, twenty army Miss "i-lila Kiiiney relurntd home ANTHONY. Mrs. -William Kills-.n and mm, ll:n-Kriday aft.r sp-ndiug a f.'W days with Has irasks. n siren, two hund chemical old, of Huffulo. aiv SP-IHIIIIK tlu-lr va- her gvandpaivntH. Mr, and Mrs. Jk'iiry .\I?. and Mrs. Frank TIIUIIWHOI] en- extlimnishi-s ami two aeld receptacles cation at the home of Mrs». Kllifon's tei-tained at tlie hoin>- uf MIH. (lussii- holding Hiip|iUv.s io rei.leiilsti tin- tanks. Every Day a Bargain Day Simons, at Ha-nimiy. parents, M?. and Mrs. Joptha JAitW. T. Ilium on Sumlay evening. Mis.s i:adin (irandeiir. of Mum ha It Mr. and Mm. William Hurrn-.tr* and VIKNNA. Mrs. Frank Apuar spent tlie We the puliiir Mr. and Mrs. Ilu^.ni' Sin-rivr calltd Jacob I'Ylkcr. of I'liillipsi'iri;. liad a \\Y herewith rail your attention lo just n few of the nuniy money-savinn onitorluniUes thiil are to attend tho pa-n!val that is twlnj; .\II«s Kxtlitr litisli Is spending :i fort- narrow i-wcap" Friday aftfrnoon. They night, with h.'i- uuelf, i-Mwanl i^isli, on Air. and M ••». W. II. Uann Sun.lav held In thy b'lroman'H ]»:tik. On Urn al't.-rnnon. drove across tin* I't-nnsVlvania railroad lo lie hiul in inir Slori.% maili' possiMe li.v iiur I'mdiK-er-to-t'oiisiituiT Plan. If yon are not already an i above datt'H, after Labor Day the l!«s.s at firass Ca:«tl.'. trii-ll-*; ll«l" it-lr.eNvlll-, Jlttt tiM tllf Mi*. Jin.. CliitliniliH h;i!i b,rn .•nti'f- SUn. A.slu'i- Cojj'-r is hum.' on :i twn "A.wo" riisliiinrr, wi- iis!( VOT luduy lo ,!.> your week-end shopiiilii; n( one i>f mir Stores, mill let n»- will makis extra tiipn to Washington .'.'l;:t* vae:ttion. Mi.rili Iiiniml pa!.senp-r train ilu«- :it Saturday evitiilnK for tin* ucfiiiitoiltition tainiiu' lii-r intisliiM. Mr. UIH! M H. Wil- I'hllllltKhnrK at \A» ivaeh.-d tlie spnl. bur Loiimmln anil son, iui safely, .Wltlicv the lias liet-n t'li^'ugHl to funitah tin- IUIIHIC tlii- w»--k at Haclit'ttHlowii wilh bis OASTOEIA m-n or th" machine w.re injured.. S E. WASHINGTON AVE. WASHINGTON, N. J. for tho Sfaaon aunt. Airs. Witith'ltl l.nne. Bears iheslgnaturo of CliaB.n.Pletchor* Tilt- new lUlli'ei:: of Hi-' .laeksmniaii Mr. and .Mrs. Ha-iy llnw.-ll ;tini The Oxford A. A. lwi«»> Ivill t.^-in wr>-* In iiflo for over thirty years, and Democratic Asocial Ion of thin town defeated on Sunday aftirnoon by tin* daiiKhti-r Kdiia. i-.f N.-wark. Kp-nr tho •ii,.; I'reMiiieiil, S. C Smith Jr.: lln;t •UronR BaiiKor A. A. of Ban-,'m\ I'a,, w.-U-.nd with hW motlier. Mm. M. The Kind You i/oce Always Iiought. vie- p-eskii-nt. William U. Cmnian; to tt score of Stol, Sunday nftt'i'iioon MoWi'll. SPECIAL PRICE FOR A.LIMITED TIMK ONLY! the Bralnard's team will b«- lift*.' for Miy-y. I:«•] 1 Li»tson nini Nr».' S«Tn«-nt, their second sanif uf thv st isoii. uf .\'«-\v:ii];, in-.* spi-nditlK so:jl«- tllll.- Mrs. S. SU'i-nci- and daiif-'Iitcr of will] Mrs. I.ydi:i Kin-y. Philadelphia anil Mrs. Uaynmml S],:ui- A dxllKhtful fit. l.> Huslikill FIIIIH g. "Asco" Corn Flakes nenbei'K of /.oscvilU* av visiting with was taken Stindiiy by tin- follnwiiii; llavft you tried "Asco" Corn VUikon jviV If not, try a purknKft today. You'll their pmvm.s, ?1~. and Mrs. William parlies: ilarvt-y liusli, Knns Harris, i-". Uisle the (liilVreiu;1-'. livery jiackaKO ytui luiy, you art* savin^ immoy. Lfttk A. MtiiilH-rry. .1. II. Linab.-ny an.! On Sumlay Pi>iit:niher -Uh tlu- Ann'i*- their rnmllli-N and also 1-i.lward Ktiidi lean Legion baai- hall H-ain of 1'oit- and lamily. of l'.rass CastU-. lanci,* Maine, will play wltli Oxford A A r.re|ilioii was Kiven Tu.-sday af- A. pn HIP local grounds. This team is tfi'imou by a number of tidh-s to Mrs. Hot;. ISe can composed-of-all fcx-servli-e*me n ami r,- Hide In honor uf her diuim-hter, "Jletty Rich Creamy fy£c Big Juicy 4 Q. slde In and near Portland. Me., and nv t'alil'oinhi! l traveling from that eity to Kansas Mr. and Mrs. h. CumititiiK and son, 1 CHEESE, lb L& LEMONS, doz ...I0 City to attend LIR- NnUmutl convi-if lion*, of l-Iasl ODI^'. «r<» spendhm' The subscribe! will sell at tlon : of the: Aliit'i-ie-an Legion. The tlii-if vaeatien wilb lh<» ffirmcf's par- Asparagus game,will be for tin? benellt of t!it> ex- ents. Mr. ami Mi-. It. A.. Cummins, of "Asco" Stores Save service, men Vl'-nn.i. Mr. rummiiitf w an clfftri What Do You Pay? ,-ut to 12V2C Mr. and Mrs/ I"). I!. Coopt'r spent .•li-^iii'-•- I.'i- th.- (b-nrntt Klcetrii- Cn. I, N. J. Vciy flioicf.1 quality. It You Money Sunday at liockaway. the guest of and is tueuted In the Newark nflk-i ."Aseii" .Murai'iiui phe '•>'• will lit' to your advantage; llcsl 1 ,in.'.i licans Hi tile AI-s lum. KoinbiUt —ON— "Asi-u" Slin-il I!:M ....|iliir ISe .Mhicn! ('1,1'ilcil lU-i-r call IIU- tu buy a iki/iMi t'iin^ ur I'lmli-i- Still- Hi ' lie The. Bottle Cluli held their ilrst an- ItKOAHWiVY "Asm" (Vii'iislaiTli \>UK TC more at this special pl'ifo. nuiU picnic at Mountain Lake on Sat- U-v. Kob.Tt xr. 1 Ifin-v- of A.Mpliui, "ASI-.," Numllrs pkK f,,- I'alil'oi-uia I'll s Hi Illc. 17c urday afternoon anil evening;. A w-vv X. .1.. will oet-npy tin- l-ulpit li,-iv Sim- "Asru" IbkiiiK INIU-IIIT. .lir, l'f I'IIIV Tomato Catsup liot lite* "Asco" Spices cull :V rrlm-i-ss Salad DI-I-SMIII; 'I.'ic plea.sant.time;wit1 K hud by all. day morning aiiil. will hv cnti-rtuiix-r Mrs. Martini Cooper Is spfndfiig :i «vt-r Sumiiiyby the lumUir, lii.-v. J "Asco" I'.'.-iiiut Uutloi-, Hl:iss !lc •I'lii-c .Icllliiis ".'•:':'..'.'.:-. KlasH'llli" few weeks at Phlllfi'sbur^ wijli her •\L Pearson. "AM II" Ciili'i- Vincciir, ..Iml 1 Ik- "Asco" Teas I'IIIV Cnipr .liiii-c IH>1 -::li- daughter Mrs. Samuel Wildruk. Mr. Smith nousvll of liuffalo. win at 1.30 P. M., standard time, at public auction, the "Asco" VV. Dlsl. Vilii-Kac 1 -".- !; Hi: pk« 2Hc; lb. Kc I'hnliii Siinlincs..:'. mils (ur lOe Colonial. M. K. Church Notes. Is a. repi-fsentntivc of tlu1 Dold packing "Asco" Sirii-il l-c.-is c:m till- ItalihUI's l!csl Simp liar l"-r Sunday school at 9.30 Co.. visited his irothoi-. Frank llousell following valuable.real and personal property: "Asco" Cioscr Ale liol ISJir && can 121i-6iTc Victor Bread s 6c The committee has decided not to her nneii-s and aunts, Mr. and -Mrs This property besides enjoying a good feed $l.»0 dozen Why pay more, when you can buy Victor have a public celebration over the l"ro«- This price is extremely low for peas of_ this J Watson Ha-d, Mr. :inil Mrs. Vrod Hard trade, has a contract with the Mine Springs. Ing of the I hill!psbiirg-Kaston bridge. ami Mi-, and Mi-rf. ]. M. Uitnion. qu:ility. Why not buy a dozen cans? liroad, tliu bed. linked, for only (it- a lour? The decision of the genial committee KranU KistU-r, M rH. Lulu NitiiRst ami Water Co. to pump the water for the Borough'' was unanimous after hearing vwiovLs. (laughter <;ruc<-. uf Kattlon, spent a Failure of the Governors of NYw Jur-week with Mr. and .Mrs. I'Vatik 1J. IIofT- of Milford, N. J., for a consideration of $250 sey and Pennsylvania to agree upon u man. per year. This contract will be jfead at the Three Big Values- suitable date was lu.rgt.-ly responsiblri M-. and Mrs. Krv-d "Ward and daugh- for the action of the committee. ter Gladys, antl son Charles, spent time of the sale, or can be seen b;/ calling on Fancy Hawaiian ' Fancy Calif. Fancy Calif. the owner. % • PINEAPPLE OQp PEACHES /Qf Al'HICOTS bij; can L J u I Ml>i«K- can L£ w\9 UUj biK can 29c VALUABLE MEADOW ExtVa fancy selected fruit, fully matured, and packed in :i delicious sugar syrup. Take ad- Lu:atc:l between the lands of P. J. Cooley and vantage of our low prices and slock,up. MeCosffi er -Cwnfiwp i Wm. Luichliter, along the Little York Creek. MEADOW LOT OULDyou^like to On Spring Mills Creek between lands of "Asco" Coffee lb heat all your house Philip Lore and Mrs. James O'Brien. "Asco" Iilcnd has a rich, rare aroma and most, delightful flavor that is not —every room.—and' save !/3 found in any other blend sold today, unless you pay at least -tOc or C'Jc a lb. It's all coffee, with to y2 on yciur fuel bills? BUILDING LOT a rich, full, heavy body, thus insuring you more cups to the pound. Thousands of home owners Between Spring Mills road and Upper Mill, have proved j.t can be done now used as garden by Jesse Dimmiek. with this rc.ost easilj' in- For Thursday, stalled and cared for heat- FORD TRUCK Friday, Saturday ing system., This truck was formerly owned by A. H. Crit- MEAT. SPECIALS tendon, and is known as one of the best pulling Big Cut in Best Quality Beef Steak MUELLER "Big 3" :i Fords in this vicinity. Hump Rump METZ ROADSTER Round This car has been used by C. S. Dimmiek on Round 30c 28c I e+ (Pipelea t Heating System} the, road, and is very economical with gas. Prime Rib Roast .,.... .20clb. Thick End Rib Roast .. 18c lb. f 3 the pipeli .-ss heating system that GENUINE SPRING LAMB flakes air—j ast plain air- r-cut fuel bills. Also the Following Personal Property: It will fill e very room in your home; Breast 5c lb. Shoulder Chops ..... ,25c lb. upstairs and ; down, with warm, moi'sf, Mud scow, scraper, cart, big ladder, bag truck, ' healthful jufr at lowest fuel cost. etc., etc. • ':'., Shoulders ...... 20c lb. Loin Chops ..40c lb. o Whether t ^asu have four or eighteen rooms the «r Is a size that is positively Conditions of Sale Rib Chops 30c lb. Legs:...... !.!. ...jOclb. GUARAN/TEED to heat all your The real astaU: wiln l b? sold for hall' cash, and mort- house corflroi:tably. It can be installed gage for balance at (i /n. Ti' all cash' is paid, 5% oil' the MILK FED COUNTRY VEAL in less tfian. two days without dis- purchase price will be allowed. Personal property will be turbing f he home. No pipes or rad- .'/:".'18C iatoro iLf .ccssary—no cellar too small. sold on "six months credit, with approved security, and Breast ...... 18c lb. Neck ...... lb. 55'- off for cash. ;>,. :, Come in today and let us prove Shoulders .,,...... 20c lb. Shoulder Chops ...... 25c lb. to you that it's cheaper to be comfort- Acreage and corners of various -properties will be '- Rib Chops,. .30clb. Loin Chops 35c lb. oble. • Lct; U3 show you this modern, given on day of sale. : •••,;. ' caaheatin E system and how easily, you '* jjby its comfort and economy. (iFlemington Concert Band LEON SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS 18c lb. uof twenty pieces will furnish their good music"; ' before, during and after the sale. Concert will^ HOME DRESSED BROILERS 7.)." . 40c ib. K.A.C00KE begin at Double House at 1.30 sharp. Do not missk HACKETTSTOWN1 this big.: sale. Buy jour Meats where Quality Counts and Low PMCCS Prevail. 1 W. EGBERT THOMAS We guarantee 1" 07. to eveiy pound. Owner, ASCO ASCO ASCO««-ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO waiting for lower prlcex In tho IICI.I Iwith (tub it rid Hhower),. licutheat,, towtown 1, P. Ai Robertson, Editor and Owner, in examination In ordered fo? a Poslofllco i future? In the meantime, the demand water supply, hot und t € full term. ,$KK1) KYB VOJi SAMC, $1.15 !» for new houses Is becoming Imperative. outbulldliiKB of ovcry ik.,-..,-»«..rold: moder, ™n- InfrfkntinnCf IK-lnv In InilKline will only Incn dcrini; on llusconetcong stream; prlco bushel; also nfced wlie-in, 11.50 per bi dci m the escription, bor- [ *"" UUULIIlg Mlltt CoIcbrnJnl Sernnloti Con I 1IAMIT0N. i< jleuricd. ,)urnvn I). I^-WIH, mad fro., •'"—mid which will tend itno MIICto C prices $6,000 only $.1500 CUHII requiredstream. : Enrlrn.. B'. r% cr t f* • tl At' th*h t D.:u,.;D;&& ^ ^. . it. Elo UuV. (!G(irK<- Wfiiriuk »t Han-ley will A11u.imicli.v~' to Hope. 'I'hoiip Ilnel«-Un lilKhc-r, innkc it more dllllcult, In Home Blrtlsall. Washington, N. J. 7-28-tf Chuteii. ^ :."••, preach hi (IK- Musconctcong Valley to.vii 7-IM2. S-25-fi UJIHU.H ImiiouHlbhi to iret materlirl when Dullve'ri'xl over*acrc'6iit*. Vnrd uric Prt'Hbytcrfiui church on .Sunday morn- needed. To overcome thlx delay 1 havu Buffalo Swindlers • '; „' ••"" Aiinimt 1, 1021. Ing, August 'Hi, mid in th(! eveiling In lltSCOUIJS 85 contH oaulii KIX for I5.0L In still led a wood working niachtnu Biirlcwlii'iLt ... |ii.?r> pur ton tin- Hninptun chajtcl. 1 "Xeurel* .My tJotl to Thee," "The Oltwhich will enublo me to brliiK down the WasIiIiiRlcm Kffcil Ksfafo. The story curried by the As- •TPII If.Io jmr tun H'.tKKcil. Crown" and Ilfly others; noli price of building for I cut all thu ma- FOR SALK — Frame dwelllnK, six f'liefitnnt ,.. lu.M, per i only by mail. Peter I-XJVOC sole djHin terial on thu job i-uudy lu bu iinlled hi . JOIIIH und bath, steam heat, gas, water, sociated-Press yesterday, rftuve ID.ti:. jn-r ton butiii^ tiKent Nnrlhi-rn Jerwy. 'A place. If you aro tlilnldny or bulid- lurgo lot; Immediate ponscsslon, ex- HSK 1 •>•'!<> P'-r ton ItiK it hou«o call and let inn i^ive you telling how three Buffalo f North Firm SI. Puternon, N. J. 8-U5-61 cellent location. Orntft ID.-IU JILT to KOU HALI-3—Three brood HOWS, one l [in e.Htimntu which will cost you no* FOR HALK—Up-tu-date house, WoclJ swindlers had robb-sd a lot of STOVK WOOD fitrrfiw Scljleirilit'i* 4lh. J. !•'. Sp;ini(^ii thing. F. W. ThomiiN, lJuililliiu Con- from Kguari;, .seven rooms and bath, flurvlco mist, carry dnllvury, pnr ton trautor, 249 Uelvidere Ave, WimhitiK- simple people out of a million Ji.fiO; ttliovni ilt-llvery, iiw- ion, 7- 2 ton, N. J. 8-lS-2t •Iictrlu lights and heat. cmtft; '/i J lull, O."> ceo IN; 'A luu, 60 KOIt SALK—Onod, Ton! car ml FOR &A l.fO—Three-family aunrtmont. dollars by tho old wire tap- cent*. Ittfl CLAMISAKK at lilalratown on \$2M. li. PmwiiMeti, Karrhvill'? i #ALK — littir' Lvfstwrn cock- on Kant WuHhlngton avenue, with all N. J • pin"; gameu is so familiar as WASHINGTON COAL & SUPPLY CO WcdnoKdiiy, August ;jl«l; a Orat-cliisM "HII orelM. Apply H. IX Fwtsuaoii, Hack- improvements, interior newly decorated v Wc-.iley Fleming, M«r. bake in every parllculnr. It WANTED—M'ool, for cnnli at mar ettMtown. 3tj> excelltt investment. to seem incredible. It, illus- FOH SAU5— Sweet ««rn. Win. WflB- kct [jrlt'c by Wm. H. Frome. V-Jn Mur FOR HALi->—Four snide Hnnip-shlre FOR SALK—Three private dwelling* r.i-i; WaMhliiKton, H. I).. AUirlatt'H y. N. J. 8-2ii-Ct| •we iambs, iil«« two borne*rss,, chochoici e of with all Improvements on Uroad street. trates what greed -and care- Conl and Lumber Croiwing. , ltp WANTKD—AVork to do with Iiorst live. L. ij, Jjuiuekc-i RocUport. FOR SALK—Private dwelling with lessness does for people with Office nnil yard, Helvldera nvoniio The annunt ingnthorinK find chicHoti any kind of KrnUinK tintl hauIliiK "t 50< all improvements on State street. ami MorrlH Canal; Telephone ,11. CJreenwIch i'rt'sbytorfan per hour. Address, "\V. H. U." care o FOR SALE—Six dwellings nt low "handy money." They want- WaHhinictnn, N. .1. cliurch will Iw held on U'ednesdny ove- STAH. Hi • August 1, 1 i>21. ilng. AUK. 31. Up FOIt HA LR—Chllil'H .stroller, lilffi •WAXTKD — liOARD j FOR SALE—Throe business proper- ed something for nothing: Hiickwhc-ai Jfi.T't pitr ton HATIIliDAV, SKPT. 3—Annual Stip- ..J:air and commode chair. 13 Uroad Si, I ties on Mast Washington avenue. and weio swindled out of 1'ta !i. t» [i«r l p. r hy Climii Nn. IIO. P. O, of A.. An- \VanhlnKtoit, .V. J. 1(1 .'IUTH iloubtK'S.V Is a small, quiet, re- I FOR KALI-;— Five farms, short dis- cln«f«tT)tit lO.fiTi |inr t bury, X. J. Ailult.'i CO renl.s; L-liildri-n, WOMAN—Kilned Amorlcan witl lined I'rott-Htnnt fnmfly hi \V;i.sh I nitwit, 1 I.UH.V fitJin Itorough. what they had. The old wire Stovo IDjlS pi-r W :il) ccnt.H. _.illd would like position an hou.sekeopo lot-atod In a prlvato house, situated For full p.ii'tifUlara call and r.fv Tl. tapping game has largely KBIT I0.-I0 l»-r ton CAIJ;NUAI:S for 19ZS—Onlor ynrly in widower's home; no obj(*ctlon to on not more than llftt'on minutes walk fjilTord INldt-hrunt, 3.1 _!«int Church St., Crnto 10.10 pur ton utHltiiltc advantage of full a.sHii^nienl. child. M. F. Hurnett, 38 W. Warn' frofrmm tinth«; StuSlur ofllctonlcev, who woululdd bbin; willwill* Washington, N. j[, 'plio given place to the new tele- HtryUcr I'ri'M, V/a«hfiiKton, N\ J. St., Wa«hln»fton, N. J. Ttp ing to permit my wife and self to board CliUHtliuL OuKu , ,. OR DISH your cilendars for IDI'2 while KOK SALE—New 1'onT nne tot with' them for ton days or two weeks 7-7-tf phone swindle. This is a STOVE "WOOD you have muiiy subjectw to CIIOOHC truck, hden used one month. If. Ap- l-'-rlnnlng about September first. , CATTKLW3 & KCHUMCE COAL &.. from. New lino Just received. The |)l(;by, lieatyestown, N. J., 'Phono Illicit- Hot und cold water with UMO of hath j bigger and easier game. LUMBER CO., WASHINGTON', N. J, StryKor Press, WimliiiiKton, N, J. [•ttstown C-Kll'. • 8-2'i-tl will he appreciated as will a ljnvn, trees, Nearly overy home is con- ASUURV FIJtKMKN wifl. huvc a FOR SALIC—A Indira solid soli' dance in i-'iro Jlall, Asbury on Friday ivatch, Ktpln movement, 11 rst-class con- nected by phone. If you p.s*e evening, S<-ptenil)cr 2nd. Admission 50 dition. Mr«. Lev! TIco, Oxford, N. J. rii-nt.s per cr>U])k>; ladlen without wcortM 8-2S-r.tp called up some morning by a TROLLEY i!i cents; children 10 cents. 8-2.1-21 WANTI5!)—Wotniui to help In! Icllcli- stranger and urged to buy LAUY UOAHDKKS WAN'THU. Jlrs. .•n of rcHlaunttjt, mum know now t FOR SALK— S. C. White lyghorn . delivery, light Imulliij;, etc. o.uunur larry Hliulvr, 15S HroiuUSt., W'a.'difng- cook and wash dislif.-n; uteadx work t_ oekerels, Fen-is 2i»r» and :i00 c-Kg strain, tf-rms. Frank lirei.sch, 213" Jlay St., some stock, or participate in SCHEDULE on. 8-2S-^tp rltfht party, IiKjuire at Wliitemorc'M .2.00 and 43*00 each; alsu a few Pariis llaston. Pa. 7-^'1-tf l-'OK SALIv—"Hoys git In the (Same." Hvx tan rant, West WaHliiiiKton Ave. Uarrcd Kock cockerels, 2H0 e«g s:rarn. AUTO TRUCK SERVirE—We are an investment you know Northampton-Easton Airplunc for miW, or will trade for Ford Wa.shiriKttni. 11 Kruuk I. Smith, Hampton. S-lS-3tp now fully equipped to hiril freight, nothing about, break the, XISVEIt KNOCK .YOUR COMPET- & Washington Traction H* Koril CIUISHIS. 1-. li. .Smith, Chungi>- FOIt SALK—iMrnc black butclier.'nu FOR SALK—On« bay mare six years j moving)*, etc. At short notice. Local ITOR. "1113 PROFITS MOST WHO vater, N. J. . H-Sfi-Utp ki-ttl(! and 8 ([t. lard (in-ss nt 83 Jack- ilil, 1500 lbs.; will work in nil harness; \ and long distance movlngs. No Job too connection. W you tarry j Kt-IItVJSS BftST'—Ono acre villago Companv PHIS! PK1SM (Iftl rlil of scrubs— -in Ave., WitHliin(,'ton. .Mrs. Ktoveiii cheap. Inquire at Winterinute's Hlitr);- >liirdo. 'Phono 21-114 or 178, Lanning long enough to get an earhomo J^!i50. This pretty home JH situ- Liny pun--hrel SlU.OO. Willow- vnlni to you. Mrs. Cit'orwe NVyharl, ''iv family cnw. Oaynor, ScotLs Mouu- tfirniH If duHlri'd. Also good Helvldero iuh Poiillry l-'nrm, LUIIK Viillpy, H. Hilttzvllh.. 8-25.6t i ^lain St., Somerville, N. J.; 'phone liiKprnoIl tlntn iln, road to Jloiitsina. S-18-rip J Snmnrvlllo. 33. G-3*tf your banker before drawing avenue property, price $3250'. Come look IiiK'-rsoll UrlilKe .... . 1. K-2fi-2tp A KIJLL line of Cnlnnriiii Cote, Wftshlngloii. R. U. S-4-tf August B(!vc-lncfiua, Now Village. DitfTurd'H Criiiwlnff .. only; date price, ,f. n. Wlllever, oit t'owlliy & Nuwiiaus, Wasiilngton Ave., ir mnn who knnw.s bis luinincsH, Ai.i- I'ort L'ubk-n FOIl SALK—A carload .if fin- Nf-W lurray. R. I-). 8-lS-2tp Tower Mouse •. eniuruunity should coininiiulcato wit I) Vi.rk Si II 11» hr-lfi'i'H. all i;onnnc in j>ru|U Washintitun. X. J. 7-14.tr i-fHs. lit is Ti, care nf STAIt olllire. S-4-tf .Silver HjirtiitfH me. Pritv of iuilverlxed lime will he (i ml nomu sprlnffliiK now. Delmnt* A HARCIACs'—Six cyllniier 7-pas.scn- NORTHWESTKRN MUTUAL Life has the safeguard oi* experi- COMJIJM WAVK SI-JED WHEAT— »K'» CnJHHlnjf fft.OO per tun :it the ciuarry wherever I rcen. Oxford. S-25-21 •r Stud(ib;ikt>r aulomobili-, best mn- Intturanco Co.—Harry L. Smith, War- Tho honvk-Ht yielding vaili-ly out or i Crnnslnj- .. am located. C. \V. (.:II)|IH, Hope. S-25-2t KOIt RKMT— Lai-Ke farni on MorrlH illon. Krvln Ot-Ucnicr, (lien (iardncr. run County Agent, "Waslilnffton, N. J. ence. t.n irir'd viirifllt'K, very rr-nliitant to the .- ., Crossing ... VOU SALIO—Vlctroln slue XV-1X 8-18-L'lp aliack.H nf tin- Ik*,^I:in (lies; large Torru Coltn Works turnpike, concrete road, between Rtew- FARMKI-H AT'i'KXTlOiV—If you 10-3-tf I'ort Murray with cabinet and recovdn. $75.00. W. artsville ami Sew Village; chir-ch, WRDNRSDAY. AiiKUst 31—Annual plump Kriiiii.i; red Hard wlnlci" typo: liar tow, llackettstown. It. IX 2. schools nillniiid HtntlonH, mills, on;., mt to .sell your farm Mire anil (|I:*:M; ;ood milling <|ii:tli(iti.s: ruHunncd prlco 'ftsc plaL-f it In my bands, I atw.-iy.-t harvest home and pijr roast. Port Mur- S-25-.1pt liindy; posHcs.sIdn April 1st next. ;"Ap- ray Riptlst church. G-lfl-tf si.BO per bunhcl. Jtity UoniiUIaoii, •\ .ily to l-:ii 'M. I'VrtfUKitii,, SteWfirt.sville. ve ready buyers on hand who want Haekettstown, N. J., 'Plmtto 5-Ufi. • FOR SAM-:—Leaps Pmllflu Seed I'lns with livestock unit emps, Semi nUDBlSIt STAMPS, Fountain Pens, Wheat. Sl.&U |u'i|u'i - busht-l. AUItnu MarMar- X. J.. H. |j. 8-25-41 Typewriter Ribbon, Carbon Paper. S-4-8tp f JA.MW ItlDPLK H RON of Asbury once 'ull description arid ynur con- FOR SALTS—Mere i« another cliauce latt. rtiad.froni Ilacki-ttstouii t HwK- Illons. \\ M^iizurklfwicz, Real Ivsiati-. Free catalogue. Brunner & Brunnei", on West Church street, fi rooms. line NOTICE—I will mnve <1.-acl Horses t stto ii-25-2t will buy good beef cattle, veal calves Kaston. Pa. tl-19-tf mil cattIf for $1.00. 'l'lione -IRI4 mil ho«H. Phono nr write.. fi-R-tf VI Eleventh St., IJrooklyn, N. Y. location Slir.uo half CJIKII; K. li. V.n-r- TlK» 'iViltmviiiK k'ttci I-'OK iKAI.R, CIIICAP—"SUiUn yele hi WANTED—Wheat and ryo In any .s.ili, AVasiiiuytrni N. .1. 7-2S-tf VVashlnKton. C. 11. "\Vinebnrn, Port at ' thf WasliitjtDii p ,'OIMI i.-onfiitinii; 2 (-y'i«»lei-; 2 .,,..,...,, •THURSDAY. Kept, 1—Unrvi'Ht hnme 'liitnc South 87!HJ. S-lS--!tp quantity. . Adutn "Wandllng, Port 3Mtir- .Murray, N. J. 7-2S-tilp HHKL'I W'y.ln.-r, Ohas. ,-iiotl i-nhbor; also in-w |jo:it. H«:Us and I'lt: Roast :it the .Smiml Prcsliv- KATL'UUAY, Aug. 27—Public s:i:e or -ay. N. J. • 3-C-tf tired Hoffman. .uilt to oilier. Mun:iiH W. Kltclion, terianehiirch, Oxfunl. '-tSflKiid goods by .laeuli Sli-'lly nt iiis ^VAXTlilD—-Money on first homl and Columbia. >!. J. H-^"i-2t|i idL-UL-c near Dutch Hill K<:h<>ij|n<>us<.>, Hi'f:iusi- nf th>- C FARM FOR SALK cniiHlKtiiifr of 75 'oi-d. K. Li. KOHL;, Am;., Paul S. Hat:.', nm-tgagf, I'hilllpshiirK proi)erty. All W:uLiIiif;l Unit a siii.-i il coiiui'rt Will hii;Kor and better midway than ever. for poultry; cunul ami other .stream •cu.s.sary. Vvv five partliriilarw, wr:-<- ing that time, .showing Lht* carfftiln^ss Kivi'ii in tii>- Chauta |ua tc-nt on Su S-'iu-St runnmtc through farm; public school on I^eonard (former Civil Servici- i*x- of our placinj,' loans. \V\ C. \'nn JJiilianl day evening. WANTKU— Itnhlilt huiind. cheap; will farm; the farm Includes four horses, iiincr) S.'tl Kquitable Jiklg., WaKhing- & Co., Pliillipshurg. N. .T. 7-US-tf J. I). Cn.lT moved Momkiy into ilo any kind of euriwnU'r work at 1 4(Jo jilne cows and six-month-old bull; sitio •n, IJ. C. S-iS-.-fp SAL10S MANAGKR—There is a hits lutw home on Washington avt'tuto. per hour. Add-esw "W. II. S." cart of iiOO eliickeiis and 2S0 ducks; live i: oppurtunity for sninc live man to .secure - -Tile yotnig *on who arrived nt li STAH. Up md all the crop; all necessary maul I'-OR RIO.N'T— Gtwd grain farm near the exclusive, selling iiKency' Tor the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Koy Wyeko LOST. VR1DAY, AWHIST 12—On >ry and uiinipmt-nt; can be liought V' rashington. Mva. ^lichacl Ruseiiorry, !l necdi-tt rmto aitcesso.-y ;u this ter- August Ilttli ban been mimed Churl Cst Stewart St. or North J-inculn easunably. Apply to II. Unroll, "Wai 17 West Washington Ave, Borougli. ritory; no cutnpetittn; must ti tinner AVI Ilium. •I'IIIK-: I.!rown (nixed leather pocket- iiBl on. X. J.. R. D. 8-1,8-2 •S-lS-tf Initial order; t$\vu telephoiia nuinbor If Bt'cusL' of the absence of the directo book cmitnlnint,' :i book of stami>K. iiah- FOR KK.N'T—Five rooms complutt WILL KXCHANCIK—A flue bre numher i want to make'good call nt GRANT) Thomas, Carpenter shop *M7 ISolvidure uiitl will lie the minimi meeting. A fti lussiDle. Alec-mo .Mfg. Co.. 1-10 Mridg FOR R12XT— Six-room house wi UNION TI-:A CO., Easton, Pa., .7. it. attendance is ilenired an urnuigpnion biith and electric lights. Inquire at 1 Piiwell, Mgr. S-lff-tr Ave., Washington; opposite Cattelle's n-e to lie made for tho County Convt-i It.. Newark. X. .1. 8-25- West Washington Ave., Washington. Lumber Yard. 3-31-tf tlon whU'h will be hL-Ul noon. l-'OK SALK—Hnlsteln cow with CJL »y her side. K. S. Caatnur, Glen Gart John Omrod, I1. P.. lecturer, lead AXDHRSON" M. K. CIIQKCrr HA ier. K. IX It VKST HOMH on Wtilncmlnv, Wept. tensive in Price or and author, i.s ;it 2i> \V. Clnire Toil SALK or EXCHANGE—T». street. Washington,'every Thursday i lead 'if waddle and work horses weig " 7-1-1 apsycholOKii-al adjuster, mental Helen ing f?om 900 to 1C00 lbs., also' t« WANT12D—Married man to run mi fnt and exponent of now thought. Coi yearling Holstein bulls. Orvlllc Col route; hegiu tJepteinber first; go< High in Quality suitiitfon feus iire $t to $5. See adve Washington, N. J. 'Phone 117-R5. wages; house, milk, llrewood found. *• Thursday, Friday and Saturday tiHt'inuiit on page S. 13. Tnninier, Ilackettstowu, N. .T. Thodtldro Chri.stlne moved last wee 8-11-3 from liist Washington avenue to I'ert WANTRD—Young: women to leur FOR SALE—Lcaus Prolific so. J Anil'Uy. clpphoiit1 operating; wheat, fl.fil) pen bushel, rceieancd; als Hubert MuCnohcrry, brother of Jos Stemly Kmpioyment,' pure hrt'd Holstein bun calf. Rivervic ..' You KfivirShyays wanted-a pretty^stiit -Uli MuCuubfi-ry uf this phiuu, died Vv. .lntert-stitiB Work. Farm. Belvidere.; 'Phone 43-K2. S-ll-.1t day >n.r*:iU>r«uti. He wu.s figyear s ol. Congenial Surround! _ FOR SALIC—Seven-room frame dwel Meat Specials for your living rooni;"we"lia\:e thein. Sev- and left a wife and daughter and twi Apply to Operator in charge. Fl"s ing with slate roof mui town watei brothers. Tin.- funurtil wan held Mon rational Hank lSuildlng, Wa.shingto vly decorated Inside ami out; _ At the old reliable Shafer Market in the Bank Build- eral styles, and more on the road. Some day in 1'uturson. lot, fuifruitt andd outt buildingsblldl ; also t-xt ing we are going to save you some money this week. AnnDtincemeiit lias been receive! :. J. . . ,u large lot lu rear of residence suilitbi regular three-piece suits, others that have hero of a birth of it sun. August 21, li for. two large building lots or truck nn But we are goinK- to give-you QUALITY and SERVICE; Von SA.LI3—Fr'cfth eow, calf by he potiltrv; price $3200. Call and see owi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Schwarta- a lile; an. execiltent butter cow. R. 1 Miizluton, Pa. er at 57 Cornish St., or 13. Clifford Hi that happy faculty of making into a most Soleau, Mt. Hermon Road.' 'Pho> debrant, Agent, at XI ICast Chinch »il The I'ort .Murray creamery Is nov -Hl-K. It Washington. N. J.; Thone 31-H5. convenient and comfortable bed when manufacturing ii thousand pounds o CHICKEN'S—Two to four pound pot clu'O.se each dity. ~™° each; jiuct right for frying; 40 cent S-ll-t B. Heyman's Market .John Lunger. Washington's prog-i-fl HJV pound dreasert and tlellveretl, 13ro, A RET!RINO DAIRY FARM of a needed—yes, all right for every night's Hive movie manage?, thinking again o a card or call. Wm. IT. Cyphers ..jres In the Alu.ii'onetcung Vailoy, extr the comfort of bin patrons, has thor Washington, 8-25-lf. good pasture and hay land; also goo use as well as day if you want it. Price ouglily renovated the Opera lloiiso seven-room house, largo barn, wago ru-divoi-nting' and beautifying the lob FOR SALE—5IeU roadslor in goot house, hennery, etc.; price $5,000. Foi GENUINE SPRING LAMB range on suits $60, $75, $125, $175, $200, .Uinintr oi-dt-i'; prl* $100. R 1 this and other' bargains sot> "YV. by. ioleau. Mt. I Ionium Road. Tlioi Frank Ugrhimvich and Morris ltusl •own, Blooms bury. N. .1. S-lS-ti Leg- of Spring- Lamb 30c lb. $800, $350. You should see the one, with 1 -31-n. H THUHSDAY ICVlONJNG.AUBiist 25— paid'a lino or $10.78 o:u:h lust nigh , SALE ON* Silverware and Cut Glaus Foi'equarter Lamb 25c lb. before Jut foe of the Peace l'iorson. Tnit r The annuul Harvest Homo at the M the bed attachment at $125 or. $112 50 was the result Of n franus Friday nielli , an's Jewelry Shop, 'Opera Hou Lebanon M. J^. Cluirch. 8-11 *:i Loin Lamb Chops .' : :..35c lb. ' in which tiie two men pummelled ouch Slock. waHhington. It FOR SALK — LnnciiHter Fulcnsic other and wort- arrested for disorderly FOR SALE—21 nine weeks Old pigs seed wheat, bearded, straw stiff am Shoulder Chops 25c lb. cash, is fine value. You can have it either RonOuutj 'and .fighting. The troiibji El.fiO each or will exchange f,or pullets, long; good variety. Van Young, Hocks started in Ugrinovicli's shoe shop 'uni '•'. R. Holeim. Mt. Hermon Road 'lurg.-'N. J. S-ls-Zti Neck oi' Lamb 18c lb> way oak or mahogany. extended a, couple of blocks, on tlie ad Mione •1-31-.U. * it FOR SALR—Duroc Jersey red .sow Breast of Lamb joining streets. . . RrcrA'lRBR OF AVatches, Clocks ,)Ig.4 ten weeks old. Juhn Spangcn'icrg, : 5c lb. nd Jewelry; onffraving1 n specialty, Tin? Baptist Sunday .school hail ; VVnsliington. S-lS-rti NATIVE BEEF plonk: yestuviliiy afternoon in'Williams tin's Jewelry Shop, Opr:a "Hoiwo LARROWK FEED for cowa—Thi Victi-olas and Island Park at Great Meadows. Thi {look, Washington. Up l)est there is; try it und bo convinced Chuck Pot Koast, whole cuts 15c lb. •Viclor Records-. The Ford Store Broadway Sunday School had a picnic \VANTBI>-Glrl or middle nf>cil worn- Cattello & Schultz Coal and Liimbei See and he,ar lhem. yesterday in Gibson Park. The tr!|: n for general housework. Addvcss oi Co.. Washington. 2-20-t Rump Roast 25c lb. Washington. N. J. was- madc.^iy trolley. ;all No. 2S Hclviilere Ave. . , II FOR SALK—Fifty Rocky Mnuutitli NOTICK—If the iI(jht colored, fancy Chas. * lunger was lined $5.75 by dieep; two fresh helfcra; price reason Stewing Beef ,10c lb. ' Justice of, 'the Peace M. A. l'ierson -cd rocker taken from Wm. R. Wyek- iblo. A;)j>ly Sulloy Ewlate, ITacketts Hamburg' Steak ! 15c lb. upon a complaint of Marshall Shrnpc >ff's porch in not I'etuvncd In it given iwu. , ' 8-ia-^i for, fast driving of an automobile. tho guilty ones who are well MAN WANTED to run farm; uncler- i Chuck Steak 22c lb. mown, will iw liable to exposure and jlundM raising all kinds of slock; must ri'ost. W. R. W. ltp have experience and references. Sulioy Beef Liver 14c lb. HnciMiipincnt Has Hip Tiuio. FOR SALE—Fine I'^-siory bunga- ••Istate, HacketUitowii;1 S-ls-=t There ,wns an extra attraction iron- )W, Hyp rooms, 120-foot front, $2100; FOR WALK—Three work horses, one day night at the meeting of Union En- ' improvements, house and lurge ifiO Ilia., ltlOO lbs. and one lBf»O or 1C00 SMOKED MEATS campment, No. 57, Independent Order -Bclvldore Ave., nil inipvovementji, is,, and two heift'r.s. O. B. Flumorfelt, Pork Goodies DO NOT USE SEITZ KEGS of Odd Fellows, when a class of twelve ISTiO; double house on Church street, xford, N. J., It. iJ. X-1S-41 3Sc lb. candidates was given thu Golden Knle - lot, $:!8!iO, improvom.eiits. Other FOR SALK—101!) Maxwell, J9lf> Max- Smoked Shoulder 20c lb. degret!. The, work was. "XcmplIfUul by llnss at ;i bargain. Apply toll. C. cll, 1920 Maxwell, 1921 Mux- FOR HOME BREWS (ht« team of Zemin Encampment of Phil- :nan, IS School St.. or J. T. Acker- A'H, Ford delivery 1017, Ford, delivery i- Pickled Pork :.... :...... :...^..:. 20L lb. jipBburg, and Grand Patriarch Heed, of M School St., Washington. ltp 920, Keo'Kpeod wagon 1D19, Dodge iDifi rasauie, jtraised the team for it» show* nuring; • llarley-Davison inotorcycle Bologna ...i'.:..32c lb. | Dixie Bacon 2!c !b. A }>ieat uiiiny people .lie .lUemptiim lo use Soil/ keys inp. Tho candidates, some of whom th\\ side car; nil of the above cars are were from Hero Encampment of "Gold In the Head'* llrst-class mechanical condition; foi homo biew. These keys :ue lined nith pitch and will Hamilton, will be, given tho third fle* acute "attack of Nasal Catarrh, lemonstrations will "bo given at. the FRESH KILLED CHICKENS SATURDAY spoil join ailcniDlt. al home bicn, luillioirnoie, these Rrcn in tlie nail of Jionaa Encampment. so subject to frequent "colds in tho Uinhopc Garage, 'Phono C3-J Nc-tcoiiK. will linil-that the uae'Of HALL'S .. ,T. '. Robert M. Insclio. S-lS-if Iicu» aie oui piopeily and aie lcsisteicd, :m\ one using _j_;Refrosli.meutH_ \vero.^e_7ved...^;_Ji.__:,. VTARRH.MEpICINK.wHl.build up.thfi. 'stem,' cleanse the Blood und render FOR SALE—Fif-teen gooduKcU Fords, Halibut Sf the Morning Prom at. Boat Stroud.. >o^orSS^nSSJ "SSftiniflammatlo? n" an ' d FOR SAiJE—Oho gas engine, IVi tt. A Full Line of Fresh Nati\e Pork and \u,il bui-B, has been' appointed temporary All Drugeifllil^ -CirSulara free I > ,v „ Rood na-new. Call at Post Ofllci.1, The Seitz Brewing Co., .Easton. arf'Murray,N,J,-- --:-•'-•'•••-•• -—-s-iii-at

•;.•,* ^ ^^At^^f.^mm^^':>^m&^y£0-M!^&iM-.h 'witlilKi JII''JJU'J''"'T '

l^For,;tltctpurjio»ov;of.,pmc!etlnB/thoj;; ncMiuy; September .7, 1921; • uL'. \vhloh vtML**uC^Uiu-uuHriLruulI<>ii-ur;ai^li:tneh^ ^O^piKE^EGlNS-'?'""'""^*! Unit'-and-pltico All pornonH whowo IUHJH Sahituo* Sewer hi Bennbtt ntri*t* be-v . 1 r may bo iiffoctod by HUCII•.'Improvement 1 i ?.:-;' L":r:?r:*~""'vT'^r"^7,*ir;, i ; (CyVtrtw* Newark KveiihiK'Nt-WH) ;- • s tween.CliamborM'street and ^HJmprc^'," . »t" who ma>* ;bp. IntereMcil will be given ! ptreet nBautliorlr-edby tin" 'brtHnuricii '-• r-^Ciirnplke, WUH pructlcally 'closed to »n opportunity to bc'hpurd. '" entitled "An. ordlnnnc« to ]irovltlo for I.;-;travel".:and 't the. Hoard of Cummin-, street and Filhnoro iitreet," adopted • Betting stalled on the trolley trnclcH Mmwrri. June. 28, 1021, there bo and hereby IH ••utNew Village, there was a large at- WIUJAM It. VOTTS, appropriated tho num of four thiiuwtnd - '"- tcmlunco Haturdny ntrthe'annual ' rv- JJlroutor of KttvetH arid ($4,000.00) .,c1ollut'H, :.union of the Smith-Klnney rumlly AH* i'ubllc InipriveiiienlH. •"; Hoclntlon ut New Vlllnce. Attenl: 2. ThlH ordlnitncc Hhnll tiilte, effect Im- . Harvey ('<. WlMnu-r, . mediately. :. .'".There w(Ti> .more lhan 100 of ihe tl Notice in hereby given that, the rorc- .': (U'BcVndantd of the three Smith broth- Town Clerk. nolng ordliiunce was Introduced a: it • era who married three Ktniiey siatcrtt regular meet hit; of the Hoard of Com- ,: preHent at the reunion. A big 'dinner OUMNANT1S NO. mlsHlonerx of the Town of PliilHiiuburK '•;; yvan nerved In Cllnf'.H CJrovu whuro the An ordluaiiL-e creiitliiK a Hoard of held on August 2-t, 19^1. and that nt>a 1 excrclROH wvrti ultto hold. The tisuul CommlKslonerri of regular mei'ttntr to bo held In the Town' ljumefl' were ployed and the 0u>- proved Hi'.lIl ur'lajiivd d by tbe Hoard of Com- Knll on the 31sMlay of,August, ini. sit ii most pli-uHunl.ohe. Thfrt! wan n IIISSIOHL'I'M of the Town or PhllllpHburg: 2 1*. AI. the wild board of <;ommlKHiou- cthangc mmlu in the ilnkr for -hnliUm: 1. There ,IH hereby created it board ern will • cmiHitler wcond roiulliif; ami the yearly KiitherlnK, heretofore It luw for the making of nil :tH.si'HHnienln for lltiitl action of Kald ordinance. - ulwuyH; been held on the Sum nitty I hoiielttH necrultiB' from local fmprove- .tfJ:WtiKUM. 24, 3021. neiitH, wilh pfiwoi'H mid •dtitle.'t licrt'Ih- AtH-Hl :—UMi\'KY tl. WIKM15H. nearest- August- 12, the d;tlt* -*»f Hie iftc-r Hpeclllixl, whlelt whall cmisltit of hirthiluy of one of the HIHU-I.S. itut this three pci-ncuis, c)li/.('iiK of this town, wlio 'Town Clerk. hits boon changed In onlcr not (o OHI- xhtil! be iipiHilutcd l.y the Hoard of flkt with' other 'picnic* ami herenfU'r ConitiilKsluin-iH of the Tuwn of Phtl- Notice to C'oiilnu'lurs. . Will liu ht-Iil on the third Saiu'diiy in lipsbiu-K, ami wln> .shull constitute ntui • Sealed proposals 'will be receivcil by August each year. lie ilest^nated and known as the Hoard thth e HrHoardd off 1Mlit1-Miicatlol n off (Jeui(Jt i Tow_. .; TlifHu olilcers Were elected: L'lesld.'iit. nf Cuinmissloilfrs of AKSWSinenls. whip, Siinnex Co., for thu emotion of a Stewart Khnny. of I'hilllji.shm^; Sie- -. Ininu-diiilely upon th passage two-rootnett frame si^hool building in retary. Mis. John \V. Hawk. oC New thihis iinlhuinuordinance thee uuuHoarmd ni CuinnuiMl - j be loeuted on the north side of tlie,road Village; Treat*! rvr, John K. Smith, of silom-r.s of the Town of I'll 11 Upturn leading from Oreendell lo .Traniiuillty, Washington. The olit^l person pivs- hall appoint three persons t» be mem- at tho top or what Is known as the out ut tUt* reunion this year was Mrs. hers of the Hoard of Commissioner* of "Winding Hill." Jaino:! Hell, formerly iif Dovor. who is \ssfS;;itiCMts. rttw t.f sitld connnlssion- Hlds must he em-lnsi-d hi it «t>al»>il In the eighties and wlio now make* her rs ht'i'fhi autliorlv.ed to be iipliointi'd envelope hearing.tin- name and addri'SM home in New Village. i expirntion of Hon at ti meeting of tho Hoard to h<> pastor, Will preaeh on Sniulity ntonilut;. I«VMI term n KUcwHWH-Hlinll Iwimimlnl- held In the Tramiuillty wliool I HJH suhject will hu "A Dynamic Quln- ,. the term nf three yearn. All till ning of Tue day, Kept. «. 1 tcUc.'.' • • vneancli's extvpt Ihrotmh the explralinn 11)21. IJillH ...... ed up I" * There will be a Ms unluii servlfv in of the term shall be Illled Tor the mi»x- :, standard Tim d then open- the Chtiutuitiiua tout on Sunday eveti- plri'tl lei-m only. ed In the mootinir. injr, with special musical feature* l»y IIACKKTTSTOWX. -I'lHl KHW :i. The said Hoard nf CommlssionerM All work In to be done in aecovdaiute IHl .Ml- of Assessments shall heiv;tfU:r make all with pliuiH ami KpccllluLtions ftirniHlied the Washington Cuvnet Hand and <'n- . A; ifel.. 1 Tin- lilid-Wfck M-rviirs :il ill" usKt'Ssiiinnls Tor bi-lieHt.s aceruitiK' from iy tin State Department'of Pulilk- In- . of tlie ChaiitJiui].iiii Comi'ttnieji. The 1 til.-i .uid I'lv^iya-riiUt rlimrln ! .vliitlv lot-ill hiipruvcbfiii: Hlin.ll wlii-n tmtltlcd uructlon and lie completed by Decem- address will be delhvml hy llew l-'runk otnilliil this wtt-li t>uiinr t<> lln of the compli-tlon fif a l.)fal iinprovi1- B. Pearson, th« Saturday tn'eiitug ber 1,-lDiM. nienl exainiii" said v.-m-|< mid view all PliuiH may lie rxanihio^l and a copy Hlteuker. 1 inline this " It \v:ts aniintinvi'd :tt th' Tiii-ci lands and real efctute In tli > vicinity of if the siiecllicallons oh I allied al tin- The regtiliir nivctlng of th- Oltu-ial iiiL- C!i;nit;iini«'i that th" s.Hr .vald Improvement benefited \>y stteh an stoi" of Fred It. l-ahar, I'rM'lfnl of mprr.vt'iiieiit am] nhall «[%>* niilice and Uoiml will be held on T;ifSiiM.ii tii'K.-Is luid *-M -l'"l th- the Itoaid, Traiuiutllty. N. .1. nioiv tlian IWM htiiuli'd il..liars Hi.' j-m-st , i- In-utlii '. Charl..'.s K'll- | wlri-such hearhiKS and pr-vftirm Mta:h at 8 oVlurk, Ihe L-veiling belli*; chunked The !tll(xes4ful blddi'" will lie re- on account of Ihe ChuutuitttUii. Mrs. A. I- Ht.riHi- Is Mil-sUti run. .)the^ duties as Is provided by the laws ui'ii'iliLSt ill 111- Methndisi ehllfd KlmiT U..-ad Kt«'iit :-evir;il days last of this state. quired to execute a contract anil fin-' Good for \Vusliliigton. She In attend n nlsli :i satisf;u-lory bond In* the full ,1, Wfi-k at (''iilrvievv. Sussex rulimv, In ChaiitaiKiiiu interest. .She'lends the •4. Tlie menihet'M of said hoard shall amount uf the conlract priee. circuit In the size of tin* opening af- Ii-. Uln tlir .Miss l-Vaiici'S .Marlyn In at lu-r hutiu- >aeb receive as eoinpetiHatloti fur tliejr •in»nil Nli IHTM fur a two w.'ilcs' viiealion. The liijsii'd rwiervts the rlfclit to 10- ternuon utidieiuv. This is il. avoid to •icrvliH's the fullmvintr fees: I-'DI- <•::- Ji-pt any o- all bids. he proud of. And her Uiii'ivxt is hi- Aim. .l-wf|jhii>.- Hi-Cue uf Kliznlwlli is nininalinii ntul view of alt land.'-, and visiting lift- sisii-r, .Mrs. K/K. liniwn. llOAltl) OK KDL'CATION*. ereuHlng. Uiit H could not ln> nther- tvnt estate lu>ite|ited l>y (>aeh l«u;;il Im- : wlrtf wilh such splendid iin»grain« as PUBLIC SALE , - William Williver and family nf rii-ran- pii'vemenl $"."1(1; fur hearing fur eaeh (iret'ii TowiiHhlp. "" LIIL-" I'tiiiipapny . i;r rutti'ti' • »n. All hall mn.have been Npeiulhig a wei'k with |ne:tl hnprovi'inent, ineludiDR inailhig uf Olareni-i- Cooke, I). C. l| to the Swiirthrnove. Ch;mt!iui| u! And IVliltlVCH ll.-IV. niilici'S ihfii'for, $7.".l); for making ex- It. \). S:>. 1, Xewiim, N. .1. wo must not forget Bishop John II. A il.'-p splrluiiil .stM-tntin was pivn<-hed atn'niallon and t-oltirn to th>. Hoard nf Vinci!tit, the instigator of the great Persona Property l.y Ui'V. Humv of liilviikre, who ueeu- Commlsslonrrs of ihe Tnwu of Phillips- Mr.lical Ins|H'(-tor Iti.ls Wanleil. Chaiituiiiiwi-inowmt'nt. Ills is :i am-red ptrtl tlif pulpit »r ih,. •freshyt.-riaii Iniri,'. $f..00. All iietM-ssary <>xpi. This oral e is to take i inn .*•!:. ' The. Hoard reserves the rl^-lit U> ai> i . luainlai 1 rit-nl frimi Niw York. Xi-wark, Hio..k- TOWN OK I'llll,I.II'S!tlK(; medtafly. >pt o- reject any or all tikis*. ! lyn, Alorristnwn, Aslniry and Ilamptun. NUTICK OF INTENTION' Notice is hereby vtivi-n thai ilm fore- Uuy Ht-ealts Lee I'mir Tiuii-s. vati'.'r "ot» rniiitf ordlminee was introduced .'it a WILLIAM *C. UKWITT. 1). C!., l!AI>'KSISUMi. ! " Aliss Cox of Uliziibfth Is visiting at I'ublir iioil.-f is hert'by f;iveii to nil Phllllpshurf,', N. J., illHfortiilie seems to pursiu: CtuirU-s • fn-nstulk • the 1mm,.' of Air. and Airs. John Tli;ar. lan.ls may ht- iifTfctud eKtilur mei'tliiff of the fluard of C»m- . C. ..\I1I"|-ISMII of .tilssintiers .if the Town of I'hllUpsburi,' Ii. F. \l. No. 1. FOHU-, son of Mr. and .Mr.-. .la.-nii | t:rliidKt»ii I Aliv. Nellie Alorost' and children, .hick . . . . [i may lie n'Heiv.sled l( held on August 21. litL'l, and thai nt a Fostur, of Ihickettstown, and his U-K . 'j'- liold \ ami Onevlevc, U-i't Tuesday mornlii;,' l : ten-tii. that iit the regular meeting of ..,.nlar inet'llntl to he hold In-Urn Town 'neemH to be the point of leant i-fHiwt-i " ' ; fn" a. two week's slay al Ocean City TritiiKpoi-tiilf'in Itids Wanlcd. Ilnard of Commisslnnors of tho Mall on the Hist day nf August. 1il2l. The Hoard -of Ethical tun of Lnpat- , iinee each 'lime He has in..! his !.'*,'• I'litirt-n Ui'lliiei-xht'l f.f .lulili I ln-fure ivturuing to their home in I'hila- •11 of I'hillipshurn held un ^MiKiist lltiUlt 1 with t '-* I'. M. llie said hoard of commission conji TownHhip, Warr-jn County, New broken tour limes. He is now In llu- Ai! i '" ' -IH-IH fl um I-"riti:iy mull .MMIK 1, l!'-l. the foliowiuK orillnanci'S were ••Ml t-onslder second ivadhiK and Dual Soul's Hospital in Alorristown. All the ! ,,II'H',' ,iri s in .Jersey, will retvlvt- malcd hldn for iho I -Miss Sarah Katie of Liunellen return- :-eil; ictimi ..f said ordinance. anK|jLirtiLtion of twenty or more pup- aceUl(?nt« liave. oceurrud within a eon- | ^h.^-ii, t, Mr. and -Mrs. Win. Over uf I'o-.l.md ed lioine \Wtlue.«d;iy lYum a few dityw •dinanco to pnU-tdt> for tho ctm- Ltiileil: AiiKiixt 21. lHt'1. spent Sunday with Uielr sun. KarS Cyer ils from Mellliik's Kami to tlie Delaware pie of years. The tlrst fiaclnri.' was- ' ' ! visit wilh Jliss Catherine Hill. -Miss 11 ut an flKbt inch sanitary r caused by a. fall. A year i\t>o h** was and I'atnUy. Att'st:—IIARV( - fi. AVI.SMF.R. I'atk Holtool mid return. Koule 2. from • liill and muther retuvni'il with her for in Chinliwink Alley between Town Clerk. t'nanKst's Curnei'. Low's llullow, it> run down by an automobile ami tho h'g Mrs. M-ilH'l Warric.U and llav/ tiller : a short stuy. hint street and Fourth street; and nt Kiisinii siient the uvek^uild \.ilh All". ; the Uiiluutown School and return. was again hndly broken. After months i : Miss Aitm-s I Sill will t'ului- AHihh.-n- n-ilinance to provide for the.eon- liiid Mrs, .1. .\1. Vuunn. i OKDINANCK NO. :i«fi In thy hosplptnl he was ublu to return • Vf ""«'• .>' >-VZ lioHpitill at I'lainlicld next Wed- trimtkni of an etehl inch st-woi- iu Sit- Th'' bids will be f>]n-ned on August 2.''. honn>. Soon after lu> fell and ivnewea i r,,,,',^.^ «••! ! .Inhn Ijtrsnn »f Alark.-*b= .M S])eiil | An Ordinance approprialliiK four 13:21, at S fi'flock in the lielawiu-e l'in:k ; es.iax lu lake a three year cot.iKe in i-Jivt's Alley b.Hwoen i-'ulton sti-eet the old injury. A w<-el; agn. wliilf piny- 1 j^,, ,«|',i-iit: frinn Thuivday until Sundav wilh Air. thousaiul t $ 1,000.00) doll'ii-N for the mn- HCliool house. 1 j training. id Ktllmnre mrent; struolinn of an S inch Sanitary Sewer iiiK. he again foil, ratistng another ! in ml Alt .'. .1. 11. lli-ck. And that li'ls the intention nf said The Hoard icHCrves-tin- iif;iit to ac- • Mr. nn.; .Mrs, s. I- UiutYiu •• atnl nice.'. in liftmen street, between Chambers fracture, i M. A. l'l- NOIETOX, ianl of Commissioner;* lu consider the street anil ITilmnre street. ct-t't or reject any or all bids. : Miss 1-M^it lt:L|..i.uli. tin- M..ndiiif; ih-ir id oi-ilinane^- on first miring and th.? : v:u-atiiiu wilh Uii- funuer':; inmhi.-r. Mvs. lie ii nniattieil l.y the Hoard i.r Com- M'lI.blAAl C. UK WITT. D. ('., .f «aid imi>mvi?nieia ai :i nieet :inn:ih fi-u-'in.-r. r,l -Mi jshuppen. al;ii missioners nf the Tnwn of I'hiltlps- l'hllliiiHtiiirK, X. J.. Mr. :uul Mrs. .jMS.-],h H.'iiiils 4'tiier- •-.' th of to be hold at the Town Hall It. K. 1). No. I vinni I'm1 ^evenil tlit.vw Mr. and Alrri. n-s. X. .7., :it 2 P. Ar, on Woil- l.-vart l:ii-'- and nun, Stanley, nt' IMh- aii ami soil, >;d- •h.in n rs. R-iuiiei Carter, V-•!•!::: Ktlehci!, lilii*. (laughter ('if Afi* e .s|M-itilin. Mr ^ thn.' w.ok.s The Or r Company li'l Aliv.. l-'iuvd Kileli.-i'. w-.m sin-priseO ..|--.s aunt. Airs, lvaiiiern siliinlay by twenty of IJ.T littl«- lYiemK , Amt-rman. l.eiim- ht-v sixth Im-tlniay niiiiiversiii-y. j 'n,(, ;.:pW»nh Lvalue is |ire]iariiit,' for "Cut Out the Waste" b.:i:ii- [-f.-m.is of Ojlumlilii is wnrkiui; I :i Miciiil Kriday (.vc-nii'n Auw "il flnrdner I» j The Hiimriyy wlmol ' ht-ldluid ' its annual • vlnir :i f.'W y v'li-iUinn. picnic in l^rastu-* riKirncr'si -.vuinl.s ipapcr L'nlun.) m:, Was iv; L>(1 t the harvest lmni> urday. If Your Figure is Large iitav nittlit. Air. an rrs. John I);llait rnterlain-' t:i Ala Inn tortuiiiliipr n. Krne^L and wilV i.f -NVw- There's a dance of leaves In '.hat f,i tlielr Charles L. Stryker • cousins from Xetcoim. ark Suiniay. aspun bower, / There's a titter of winds fn that W. X. I iirUei- nf ICaston IK spendir [ .\ir>. l^iizalii-ih Mil.lill-'son spent Do Not Despair •\v days iviih Air. nud Mrs. .1. H. IS i week wilh Mrs. Karl Kuiiiisavill beechen tree, WASHINGTON, N. J. , ' Church There's a Biiillc on the fruit, and a id N'ayinr tin on the ilower. _ m Ami :i liuish from tho brook that STIMJVALLKY t>( i: 1 were Sunda The most famous beauties of >llil<-hi* , Aim. Kathorin r::r.s to the son, —Bryant. Roy "( t-ihiL-f lel'l 1 of in>r CANDIDATL TOR [:x]rK r Cat IAI muliie the world were large women. iili tin 1 little WHAT TO EAT. 1 itays' i Alr. and Airs. John Johnson as But youi figure, lo he beuuti- n return- \ ilniiKliiiT. Doris-, recenlli- vlsluil nv 1'ul, must lie gracefully pro- in- lien- en Sunday afli'r ! son. H«>w:ir.l. ai l'!iilli]i.simm. Try grntctl young carrots stirred in- •vei-a days visit ai the henie ut thrir I (Jen. Ro.V.'iilmiSAh ami son. Kenneth :o mayonnaise, until they give it a were rociMlt visilnrs nf llie latter"; portioned. And that depends u nele , mil aunt. Air. and Mrs. Raymond | tlocUlotl color. .-rly in Krandir.nlhnr. Airs. Kliznbr-th Paiple, o in the upon your corset. ... I'eti yof Ka.stn'i visiloil his sis. ICvr-rltt.stown. Serve on head let- il family. Airs. IJtu-vy Vorhi'uMc. tuce. R. & G. Corsets have been the Sunday. In the at'lenmon they ;iil WL-IH COLUMBIA Green Onion lhhie LI 1111 berry fell , from ; Democratic Primaries N\-w Villain.- lo su Air. and Mrs. Hcr- Salad—Take the friend of ample figures for many man ['» H,1 w!'.iu-h she was standing whoi yeiU'S. .This spasnti they nro K-hv.Mwi I'rk'i' )i?i« 1 nii i'lir in-pfipcrinir-iu>r dinliij; roon young.. green, on* Ullf). iLruirk one the "hack of her hand Jons, slice thin between 7 a: m. and 9 p. m. nx thi' wrist so that both bones ii designed to correct all the faults l-'nink OlH'i'Iy of Stuwiirlsvillo is vis- •it arm. were broken anO %amoiUi and pour over a of the too-plump figures, at the lisij,' h"'iv« u-ith his aunt. ilrw.Tioward [torn l«tn»L'. T>i\ Heck KOI the bono« aw thick sour cream oriiees,. her -to ^troiulsbur^ fur ai same time sacrificing- no whit of Mrs. Kmni Sli annd dauyhUr w sweet cream with a dash o£ vinegar, Tuesday, September 27, 1921 after a.• vi.iit N-my •Monday. ..•',. L'f/./.'n- li.t\i- itl o af salt and paprika. This Is u-n especial- comfort. ith anotlier (laught -Mr There wa.s ;i larfW attendaiuv at tlv SPIMN. :il Milfocd. fair anil festival Tuesday ni^ht. Tli ly fippotizlng snlail to serve with bretid Come in and see the modeis Mrs. l-'i'jinklii) Tv. Nixon spent the day prwt'ds wore ^:i77. Tin- Shop'.s bum and butter for a Sunday night lunch. Your vote and influence Krltlity wilh IKT -lauKlili-r Mrs. Herman finni-ih KOO(D music. . Snow Balls.—Take .one-third of a 1 designed for you. 1'ettv. at Xew VilliiK.;. Hussell I'arlis ha.s heen KpeiidliiK sine cupful oC butter, add one-half: cupful s is respectfully solicited. Mr. and ,\lfs. KUsworth, Mr. ami Mrs. Saturday with friends here..,^"-^ . R. & G. Corsets—White and Howard VorlH-HKL- itiul dilldivn Kju-nt A man ' fi-nm llu])(; luwnsliip' is t o£ stigHir, ono-hali" cnpCul of iluur, slCt- lUiuday with .Mr. and Ah-s. Raymnml •:mnpnrl the hiyh Mchtio! students t cd with one-lialf htpful of cornsturch Pink, Olmrly at Stowitrtsvillo. olvtdeiv, akniK the mute from CnHim and three toaspooiifuls of hakinj; pow- Ordered and paid for by Charles h. Stryker. Ml-, and Mrs. Ahrinn Hush nf l'liil- bH m lU-lvidere al. $20« i»cr numtl der; add two-thirds oC u cupful oC lipsliurj,' upr-ni last wvvk at the liuiiiu The Ktudenis of that ruiile in the town $1.00, $1.25, $2.50, $3.00 in* Uu'Ir dauKhltT. Mrs, Henry Sliou- ship will atleml thu Illairsluwu IHK milk, and Hie beaten whites of three iiiulti'i', at, Straw Clnirch. .sclniol. eggs, Mix carefully nad pour into The Bfliool imlldliiK here is bcln 1 well-buttered cups', steam In the oven UOCKSltl'KG. clpiiiiod :inil Kftten ready for U10 npfi In*? nf .school. In a pan of hot water for halt an liour, Airs. Carrie Couk iiml stin Samuel vis- llemove from the cups, dust with pow- ited her (I; 111 filler nt Methk-ht'in Sniui- '(lerccl sugar and servo with strawber- The Bank of BRASSIERES tlay and wore iiccompunii'd honit' by s,v. Poetic Inspiration. Aliss Viola J-aiizi'i-. At a reception In London a lni ry sauco. , Air. ami .Mrs, Leo Lommiisun and .son Questioned Robert Rrowatnjjj the poo -Strawberry Sauce,—Mix 11 table- Featuring a wide choice of models, daintily lace I Donald eniciyt'il the Wfi'k-end at Willow , Ifs -.to thu niusinliiy of 11'.'passage I Kpoonful o£ .softened butter with one Gruvu and Philadelphia. visitingB his 1 uti011c0 of his poems that had Innunit,y' neobeern ananidl one-halone-nanf cupfulCUIUUIsS oUfL powderei,»nv^x.» d su««- Safety and Service and embroidery trimmed and showing- a good choice ~U)!>11 Of MilKOlixei]l 'IiSs VIKU UOUHIII. l.a p, foi- a fe days, j in iilspute. "Upon my word.,"-he snUi, gm- mul one small hox of strawberries of assorted styles that are very attractive. In Climnii .llaru crushed. flesh or white, ercclud. advice you to asl: the Hi/owning so- Tomatoes Stuffed With Ripe Olives. Mr. nml Air.-:. Ahirsiial Uinap H\ —Scoop out the pulp from smuU,;finn. Bank with The North- Sunday with liis u.\i:lo, Stewart II ciety— they'll tell you all about It." Cardinal Newman, in Ills old aye, frank- vipe tomatoes. Fry n small onion, ampton National Bank 39c, 59c, 75c, 85c and $1.50 " "V 3«lwiti IMnollno onjoyt-d tlm •outint? ly admitted that,he could not remem- chopped line, in n tablespoonful of but- en the K.\]ir.rs.s c:irrli;rs at Camp ber what lie meant when !.»'/:• pen noil ter, :uld_the pulp taken from the to- T ., —the bank of safety and nu'll, N . .).. iiundny and Holiday. those famous lines In his "I-end, Kind- niatoc'OuiO a cupful of ripe olives Albert. K:ii>i> tul 'IVonl.on Kjiont tho weok-eml at Ills hrnnc. ly Light:" "And wilh the morn, those that have been minced lino after re- service. The public buluiDl and Uert AI ni's hall unjjol faces smile, which I have • toyed moving the seeds, add two tablespoon- I'tJ.Jioimr iniiirnved hy a new cosL< t of long since and lost awhile." luls of bread crumbs, salt and pepper. paint Pill tlie tomatoes and hake. Ample resources and • l'reaohiliy services Sunday aft rnoon . Sponge Cake.—Take four eggs, beat- :t (/e.lDcl; livery (mn ^vi'lcoiiw. Another Ancient Civilization. , ing tho whites very stiftV then fold In facilities for your every Hiss Vit*Kini;i Ht'Pd vi.sitod tho Misses Ruins recently discovered in Hio v\- HtH nf near iSelvlik-vo. AVotluesday a cupful of sugar, 11 quarter of a' cup- cinlty of El I'urotc, State of Veni Cruz, ful at.ft. time, until all is added; add requirement. Road -Material —Agricultural Limestone .-(•niny- 'MiMri V'itls and Miss Heed re- 1 •ntly '^I'turnod frum atiendiiiK summer reveal the existon;. ;; of an ancient clv- the yolks ono at a tluie, stirring them ,-hoofhi Nt!Wt(ni.- Uixntion hitherto .unitubwii. Idols dis- lightly so that the mixture is streaked covered are neither of stone or clay, HAMPTON with yellow. Cut in the flour, using STONE CRUSHED ANY SIZE hut of a curious hrlcht substance, one cupful and pour into a buttered Air. tnd Airs. Harry AV. T-Tiner c( ,1 their (ifU't'iith wedding unni- pan to bate forty-flvo^mhiutes. - (. for lobrat' Aluiulay nielli at Iboir Iioim. GI p£ey Stew.—Cook" toyo'thei* a, few In the CJeorgt1 l(1oss fjivrn, near Glen China's Great Holiday. Northampton Silts Building and sill concrete work (•ndnti Tluu \MU M) ^''t^fji^pHSLiU Thrhe first"fii&t nocweekk ' Iin MatcMarch ;lirinjblindws a ] potatoes, carrots, peas and tender nul til i vi nlnj, wisspml In *i SOLI u (ui-'hbliday throughououghnuti Ciiiiiti'r.wiion-youiim n g -onions, add a few cubes of-salt Crushing done for indi\ kluals on the job. ._ way with miisie, conaistiii£r>i'6f piano' tho nnnlversnry of tlie , discovery of pork tried out, usln^tho fnt und a National Bank Whcro selections ami voeid HOIOS.' "A. delU-ious little milk, Servers a vegetable In Nortliiimptoii Struct lunch of fruit punch, sandwiches, salad, silk Is celebrated, with elaborate core- ob\is (li i *>t i iki in uuim mdfolf^ monies, this, year i)HnK, according to the usual small dishes. EASTON.'PA. Crosses FourtU ial it mi appupiiili hoti Tin tho Chinese; the -I"i1at :ui'ilverp:iry nt G. W. GIBBS Hope, N. J. was tastily trimmed In rod and the discbvery of silk by •Kmnress;Si* Gifts of cut tJlass, ohina, sll\i i tit ncthctl Guijats •\\eit. pit. Unfi chi. { Hummoned" Coroner':Edwartli Brill;, of - PhilllpHburg. Dr. Iteasei* • hail treated j Mrs, Zemltcr for heart dlseaito about : > a year HRO. She leaves a husband and four smalt children. " l : "V ™:;' > -Miss Ida i"\L M^juitcnts. Terltim-sliI-Kim'nltcIt. John Cole. , Miss Ida M. Mart(!iilH, fi2 years old Mr. anil Aim. John Kownllck of In- John Cole, Cl years old, died AVertnoH- died Sunday at the home of her nlcci iluia'iKiont Townnhlp have Issued Invlta- tlny at his home in Itloomsbury. ix-itfh Mm. Kdna Ilaffmim, In Kaslon. Ko ; 1 eighteen years she had been employed tlutiH fur tho niiirrlttKC oC.lliolr diiUKh- was from u compltcatiuii of alhuents. at the residence of Judge and Airs. K • *%A ler, MIHM JIoK'jt Kuwnllck, to Jlurry He leaves a widow and three children: J. Fox, on College "Hill. She 'Was i Tcrkmv.skl. Tim ceremony will IJO per- LVIHIam Cole and Mrs. llenry^Shiulnlr native of Schooleys Mountain and li furtrio'tl «e\iil"i in at. l*otcr*H mid St.' of PhllllpsburK and Mrs. Sivlmn J.>lm- Kiivvivcd by thcae nlsterH and brother Paul's Human Oiillmllc church in Urcut mlek of Durluiin, l'n'. Also four HIMICIS. Mrs. Frank Wandlln^. Mrs. Alary Mis INTERESTING STORE NEWS FOR THRIFTY- SHOPPERS He was a paper hunger. ler and Airs. John Uodin'o, of Waal Mr. Cole wan a member of the iiiKton;.. Airs. Wlllkim Johnson,, o (itTitutn-IIulT, Bloomsbury .Methodist church, Dela- Hampton; .Mrs. Frank Crmiee and A. J ware LiaOtiO, V. & A. M., and tnc Order.Martenin, of Ilaekeltstown. • Sirs. Kaiah C. huff ut 33'Glen Ave- it the Kastcrn Star,of Phillipsbui-K: •]|1- iiuc, IMilllipMiur^; anil Hubert Gonnnn O. U. A. M. and Kert Men of Kinesville, Funeral services were held from tin of Uiu wiine mltlroiiii were mitnlod Sut- home of her niece Tuesday afternoon urtlsiy at KU'Kd.svMIc by Hev. C. L. nd Slloam Hhrinc, White .'ilu-lue or 1 erusalem nf ICaslon. ami builal was In the Pleasant Clrov Flrd{. Tlit lioni-ymoun trip WHS l«t At- cemetery. Iinitfc. City. - Mrs. Elcanur I'uar.soii. Mrs. Eleanor 1'earson, widow of Frank SmiMi. ErbKohl. - Fntnk Smith, a well known reiiidcn Ilnwaitl Nonnaii Kok, mn at Mr. anil Jiihiison PeaiNon, vt Lainburtvill>>, d!«.d int Wednesday. He was filt .wars old of Mclvldure, died at his home i'n Wai . .Mrs. Francis Kck, *i( 1'hllUii.sbuitf mid er street, Tuesday evening ot a coit Alton Itcutrlcc .Marie Kohl, (IJUIKIIUT of and wits a sinter of the late James !•). Mr. mid Mrs. Thmna« Kohl, of South ,loon, of ]>hilll|)sbiir»:. if fnrmcr State plication of ailments, HKC about r. Sld<>, lOitntoii, were married at Si o'clock Senator. One sisler, Airs. Kmma Uur- years. He had IHTII In ill Iicalth for Sunday evening nt the home of the icr, of Liimbertville, survives. ironslderahh; time and tils death wa Toyland! lirldegrooin's piireutn. Tim ceremony not uncxpcetid. Uu wan a member , was iM?Hform!'tr'l»y Kov. A. \V.'Ander- Win. II. Ix'.slier, the Jr. C). U. A. M., Tied Men and Son son. The couple was attended by Mi.ss Wm.II. liesher, 8S, a veteran of tho and Daughters of Liberty. The fin No need to wait for the Holidays lit'iin K*ohlr>r and IVrstrm HHITIHOH. Civil War, died Friday at his Home in cral will, take place Friday afternoon 'hillipsburK. He fell about it. year nun Rev. W. C. James, puslor of the lid 36 in. Unbleached Muslin, 10 ydo. fcr 89o to liu) a tuj fui the joungster and fractured his • ri^ht hip and was videre AI. I-;, church In charge. Intel (oloumn-WcIdiier. ment In the nelvldure cemetery. 36 in. Unbleached Muslin, 10 yds. for 98c who deserves it. The space form- SliMH Hlfziibetli UYlrinei-, of Stcphons- in poor health until his death. Ho is erly occupied :ts the restaurant has imi'K 'uid Kutfor Colcninn of Dover weru irvived by seven children: Airs. Wm. married \Vediiendny of last week: The Woodhull, uf Dover; Hut Misses Sarah Willliiui Solomon. 36 in. Unbleached Muslin, 10 yds. for 1.35 been taken over for n genuine, of 1'hilllp.sburK, MOD of Mnt, minutes later the Kirl went to the Ahna Vamlcrbllt. "of Httatown, iveie aide of her mother to imitilru how she at $1.10 nt 85c Ten to Forty! inari-ied in Miiladriphta tin "Wednesday was feeling .she dlHcovered HIIO was Slx9o Seamless Bleached Sheets, regu- Little Uaby Blankets in blue and pink. of lust u-L'ck. The bridegroom is em- dead. ployed In tho restaurant of the Lchigh Dr. B. J. Iieasor. of Martin'H Creek, larly $1.39. Regularly 9Sc. if there was a sale held which ad- Valley panneuser .station In Kuston. vertised SI.00 genuine one dollar Seamless Bleached Sheets Linen Toweling September Marriage In KMviricre. bills for 9oc. Or better yet—one A marriage planned for September at $1.49 4 yds. fcr 98c dollar bills for 5oc, you know you 1 ban Just been atiiiMitnced. The prlncN 8'lx9o Seamless lilechcd Sheets, regu- Fine Pure .l.incn Blenched or Unlileach- pain will be Miss Susan Stuart Harris, During August Store Closes Wednesdays at '12.30 P. M. would be one of the' lirst in line daughter of. Mrs. Ticrtha Ilurrin, of larly $1.SS. eil Toweling. Regularly 29c and 32c. Well, it is exactly what the Jlelvidere, and Walter Stuart Cuhbngc, August Furniture Sale means son of Rev. It. J-3. Cubbage, o£ Wyom- Pillow Cases Co'.ton Tov/eling 4 yds. for 49c ing, Del. The ceremony will be per* to those who need Furniture. formed at the home of tlie bride. at 19c each 10 yds. for $1.19 I he puces of Furniture—foi 50 cloz. I'illow cases, regularly 2Dc White Cotton Toweling, exlni line, every room of the home "are Ketinisdii-WillisfDii. Final Mark Down each. heavy quality. Regularly 15c yard. Miss I3il»iiii'th Wllllston, daughter of reduced from ten to forty Hov. Francis ,S. mid Dr. Alma U WIN Turkish Towels percent below regular. liston. nf I'hfllip.shurff, and Paul II. Splendid opportunities for real Money Savings. White Outing Flannel Will you, who Heed furniture, Keniilson, i»f Itrownevilto, Maine, wen- at 45c married last Thursday at tin; lmmu ut lit 10 yds. for $1.35 let this golden opportunity the bride's luuthe?, Cyriw II. Willis)- Prices are sliavocl down to the bottom notch. Fine White Turkish Towels, regularly 27-in.- Good Oualitv White Outinq; pass by.' Or will you come ton, in Dnver. Tlic ceremony was por- 59c. Flannel. Kegulaily" 16c yard. tomorrow and see this line formed by Hie lirlrlu'H father In tho Entire Stock of Slimmer Drosses, Wash Skirls, |ireM.iii-<> of a snnll [iirty of relatives. of good furniture at special Tht" h-ldf IM a f;nidnatt< of the I'hllllpti- plain and fancy A'oile.s, Organdies, etc., to sale prices. Impff lllitli School. May* School ,of be disposed of immediately. MuMic, in Kn.sWMi. ttu> New ,Terney State :=f= .Nnnntil Si-htiol ' and Mates College, Ginghams Wash Goods Maine. Khc IKIM In-en tvuohlnK In KB- . All now and up-to-dato aiorclianrtiso offered .sex, Conn., for three yt-ai-.s. Tim bride- rijjht here in the midst of the season at Ki-ooni Is UIHU a teacher. Sfiiuu bin rt- great reductions. y They'll Soon Be Over! turn rnun M>rvliiK with the American Checks and Plaids Ealistc and Voiles forct-s in Knincu Im has been cii^ngcd at 18c yd. nt 19c yd. In -teaching. He will join the faculty A rare chance. Don't miss it. Only two more Wednesday Holi- of Worcester Academy at Worcester, 2 7-in. Check and Plilid Ginghams, reg- 40-in. Ilatistc and Voiles, while grounds days ,iltu todaj Sc<.nv i name Mns.s., in Uiii full as an instructor in Daily arrivals of New Full Goods make necessary ularly 20c yard. printed in check and dots. Sold regu- I'Yeueh. The couple became ucrina'int- to some people th.it the\ should eil while both were students at Ma ten those Final Mark Downs. Zephyr Ginghsmo larly for 38c yard. come to an end so quickly but— Oik-go. The honeymoon Is being spent at 29c yd. I he salespeople of the store with the liridrgrfiotn'H parents, Mr. and Come early for the bargains. Yon know what Check Batiste have enjoyed these half-days Mi-s. Willis Kcnniaon, ut Urou-nsvilU- first choice moans. / 32-in. Zephvr Gingham, selling regu- Maine. atf3Si" yd, during the hot weather, larly at 35c"yard. '10-in. Batiste and Voiles, white. Regu- I he\ ipprt.Li.ite the tact that lt(:lviik'ro...Wmmui'.s ..Kepubliutii CItili? I larly selling at 48c yard. Th« rxiiciTM elected by tho Woman's ' Kiddie Cloth' tin jtore w i the originators of the half-dav holiday: K(!l>iihtli:mi. Club of IMvidere at the J. D. FLOCK, Inc. v at 31c yd. Voiles incothiK hold recently are aa follows. 32-in. Kiddie Cloth, sells regularly at Thev are satislied with their President, Miss Chnrlotto Ketchani; nt 38c . . • : • Vice Presidents, Mrs. .Jason Curls. Mrs. 156 Main St. Hackettstown, N. J. 35c yard. summer vacations and are Ceo. A. Auple and .Mrs. L. Morton 36-in. Voiles, dark _ and light grounds. now getting ready to.be alert J rartunsr Secretary, Mrs. Carnlino Checks cr Broken Plaids, Sold formerly from'sOc to $1.50. Carey; Tieasui-L-,-, Mrs. John lirands. and of better service to"you at 25c yd. for the fall and winter sea- Organdy, 2 7-in. Check or Broken Plaid Ging- son. hams, sells regularly at 29c yard. at 29c yd. 40-in. Organdy, plain colors, in yel- New things are coming in Scotch Ginghams low, .grey, green and light blue. Sold dialy. Watch for new ar- at 69c formerly at 59c yard. rivals in the ads each da}', 32-in. Scotch Gingham, regularly sell- ing at 75c yard. White Organdy at S5c yd. Standard Anton Gingham 40-in. White Organdy. Sold regularly M at IZYzc yd. at 65c yard. Custom -made Si I Clothin 1 "ID fi TO THOSE people who feel that they I would be much better pleased if they I had their clothing made to • order, we Which Enter the August Furniture Sale at At- IS offer our 27 years experience in this tractive Low Prices. y' M line and'a selection ofcmaterials from the best custom houses In this country. Our Furniture Chief was very fortunate in securii,,.- several new Bed Room Suits for this Sale— they-have just been unpacked and will enter the sale todav. P You can sit right here and select the As the demand for Bed Room Furniture is evident this season, we urge you to come and see these H same suit at the same price that you new arrivals'—many have been waiting for their arrival. a u would from the largest house in this These Bed Room Suite's,- like all others in our slocks, are priced at very special Sale Prices. We M quote the regular valueand the sale;price. \ , ' • M country making custom clothes. We haye everything they have. We are American Walnut Suite their direct representatives and we Four piece Ivory Suite Custom-made -.positively guarantee you a satisfactory Regularly $340; now ., Regularly $187; now . fit. Handsome Four-Piece Suite in the Queen Anne.style; Suits 1 4-Piece Ivory Suite; included, i a Die n, Chif- included, is a large Dresser, Chilt'oreltc, Vanity foiette, Triplicate Mirror Dressing fable, full s>ize _ We had the largest business in this Dresser and full size Bow Foot Bed. Poster Bed. Overcoats line the past season-we have ever had. Mahogany Suite .. Trousers We hope to do more the coining season. American Walnut Suite Thegoods are here. Coine in and look Regularly $390; now , them over. We will do our utmost to Regularly $280; now . please you.- • 4-Piecc' Mahogany Suite, Louis XVL style; included, is a large Dresser, Chifl'orelte, Triplicate Mirror, 4-Picce Amerjcan Walnut, of Queen Anne stjlc, in- Dressing Table (new style) and full size Bow Foot cluded, is a large Dresser, ChitToiette, full'lcngtn JSB Bed. ' ' - ' Vanity; Bow Pool bed.

Easton, VL

liMiilJitiiliiliilili^ ili^ itatiiP ^ THE; WASHINGTON STAK, WASHINGTON, SECTION ONE'•'

Mm, S. A. Hibblo. of OrcKbn/sprnt.lii.st •Miss Mabel Smith, ot Mpriieo Ttiui. 'the vim- nml pvt'8'prvod in alcohol; Tho Chairman, liavo sent •oii^wordithtifa are:HenilIn(f;oiit nqllcefl "toHlie voters nwk-cnil with .Mrs. KII>lili>'s »l»tm»,Hit- will In- tho wwk-enil Burnt uf •"•*>'• uml othi'i- Any Hhe itccidentiUly broke the woman (>Itl7.en,' an well HH man, is to of both Hexes In accordance with th« M[*I.SI-M Dufford of Uroatl Hti-oeE. .MrH. Kdwul'il Vnnatta, bottle. Thf jilcklu WftH In good con* be choHeiiln each of the districts of rk'tiiHlon. CetltUms - 'uro to, be Died PERSONAL MENTION .Mr. iiiul Jlra. AinssI Hush of str.warlx- , ,1-vsUT Lipiieneott motoreil liert- from dltlun. It had uttmctcil much curiosi- Warren County, Tin- municipal clerks twenty dayw boforo the prlmarlea. .*-... VlllP I'lltCllalllt'll UlC* follltwillK.HUl'HtS ColumliuH, Ohio, the llrst of the iveeli ty as to how It was i>liict?cl in tho bot- Sunday: Mi: am! .Mrs. .Siiimiyl Kliltlk- ami will take IIIH futile", Charles Up- tle, whlcli lnul a Hmall ncclt. "f"T WEEK'S Record of the of Uaubsvlllc ami -Ml-, and Mr::. A!vn licneott, fur u tour Into Canada. confidential IK'Crs mat liayiimml Mccrs of Mmitnlm'. Itityinoml nml Klnion Cohen are en- 1 IK'Ivldi'iv Nature Club. f ^—*• Movements of People A |nir[y cumliowd u( .Ut'i!sr5. l''r:tti!i Joying u two weeltH' vaeatlon which ! Thi« lU-lvldi-n. Xutiti-L' Study" Cluh You Know. Local Events Touts, Ji.hn While and Alll'll lUul L.yall they urc Hiienilllik at Xortli White Lake heiil its mut-tlng tlu> itrcHont week ut "M-.iyhcrr" " y are eampliif,I ' ththii s week at In the CatsklllK. milking tlio trip In the the homo of M;:.i. AVililum JIackcy on For Democratic Nomination ^Psychological Adjuster, Briefly Chronicled :: :: :: .Mountain Lake. I hitter's louring Si'inlnary Mill, There wan a full at- airs. AIUKI Jlmsh spent Tuo.silny with ! \\\. ilvv Ki:l,i (0 report that MIHS tendance of im-mbcTH mitt a number of FOR ' Miss JOSID Davis. | i:ilu.| Cowell, who reeently was u]iei- Invited KMitttH. The .husltifKH mcvtliiK Mental Scientist and Exponent Mr, ami .Mrs. (ieorne Mxon ami I , ,„,„„ elMU-ltls lit tin- Cor- was hi-ltl after whii-h an utttiTtnlnrnunt ?I|3S Marcai-ft Sexton of Eu-st ull lt foc WUK niven on the lawn at wliirh Mrs. StiuuilsbuiB l» visiting al HID 'UIIIIID of •laughter Almeta nf .Newark spent the | ,,.n [losnltal In Kastou Is reeoverlni: .John I'itHier. wlfo of the p:iHtor ot the of New Thought John ISvxtnn. week-eml with .Mr. and -Mrs. -Mll:cT nh.tly .„'„, ,s expeeted home In a few FREEHOLDER Kiilscrnml ehiirch. gave several fine Airs. Aniilt- Slica anil (luimiltw tflv lKWurdi W.vcltnir mid Jlilin Huhrrt- daysday.. Her many frlenila.. In town linv» •IMIIIIIB -Mis. 11. W. Carey In P.i.uiimn. ' will le;i\'e Suiidiiy fin* -ANIHII-.V IMrk •vmembi-rod licr witli HowtTH, 'ind deli- reailhiKM. Ami the Misse* Mary Louise nml .Mis. Willlnin .McCunlnTy In S«- Alhertson and .losie Hutler recited. OF WARREN COUNTY i ull nficp.Lnhor Uiiy. Miss Mary II, JJrakoloy, u Htudont In iir. mill llr.«. K. W. llmlhii.'. sun. Wil- iiHtronomy, made ii llm- address on the John Omrod, P. P. Inrtl. ami Miss C'rua k'rli* s|ient Wi-il- siihject wiiich proved very interesting Lecturer, Teacher, Author ni-silay at Hackt-tt-stiiwn witli .Mr. ami and instrttL'tlvc. .Mr;'. Harry AiiKar. .Minn Krk'y will rt>- FoIlowitiK this the party turned their and Personal Advisor attention to "Star CJaziiiK" nnd with iiiiiin for a uvek's visit. the aid of charts nnd Klasscs sueci'i-ded 6. Titmsui Smith Miss KllaiWlh Unalu'l-ry nt IMIIIIIIM- '' (35 years before the public) IHMK (-p,-nt tlie uei-k-eitil u-ilii .Mr. ami [i iiiu-n-l tin- uvcliiiMK nf th»lr wa. In locating iiumy o[ thu liviKhteHl stars .Mrs. William H. Klnnnmnn. -Mr. mid .M-s. .1. II. Scmtnu nnd 1. 'I'. K. UaywnvtX nro thstt luipiifiud to be out late at nlKlit. Is rc-visilhlR cities ill this slate, ami; -Mrs. liose Seal, of lbillrolil iivelllle. "ui^titiT. Mary, nf Su«.-*i'-\, 11 ml nvo ot!i ill at their home un llvoad stri't't. They alt'i) had the pleasure of BCC- DELAWARE, N. J. riii.s, IMuIn .\!. and .John I... nl" N>\v;tik, •Miss Mary KiiiiKos Williams is a hiK the liciiiillful eonstellatitina with is here lo-day-ThurMlay. Aupist j 'S,^.l;,™hU"""" ''•'"" *"""'" """'' •Isitm* at I lu> homu of her f;uln.*i% Dr. whifh many are familiar while K.'IXUIK (Knowllon Towiish Mtini- In the Htnrry ih'pths. Uefore veturuinj; 251 h and Thursday. Sc'pl- 1st from i) | mer. Marlntl. of .NVwnrk. liomi' Knmt* of tlie yminjr ladi..*., rlinp- a. m. to 8.30 p. m., and mny he con- U iH "-- homo of Charles II. vi-oned by a proft'SHor In Keolo^y wero spi'lll tlK' iit'-rtiihihiK toi> 'u'wwU .Mrs'. |llrhanl I vi«lthiK 11 1 sulted at the residence of Mr. John U-tmli-A nml rhililr.-ii of Kcr;inlnn I 1'""'lrt-|ii>iiiI- ' " " ^ - Wlllliiin A. Hlryk.r in hiiildhj-,-s ami lic-u they .taw many For Economy visitur.s fnun Tlnirstl-iy njitil Snmliiv iu- ihl.i wtvk with frii-n.l.s in I'ii-min.i,-- I ctmipnny with -Mr. an.l Mrs. II. X. hitii'i-fsiiiiK sij;htti. Tiiey wanted to cveninw at tlif htimt> of .Mr. ;ni.l .Mrs. nn. | Cnnvtl.T anil (isiutjlitrr, «»f ICawion. luivc see the beautiful Venus rise above Mm and Less Taxes 26 W. CHURCH ST., Cor. MADISON !•'. I:. Nurilit'tiii in Ur:iii«tr. .Mr. IUIH- MiKs Knit* DiMino Is VIKIMUK Her lr«- \ ''*••(••» iioJoiiniliiK at tin.- Colfinan Mutise, enMtiTii luii-lzun hut not bciufj aectist- 11 S.-iluiiliiy. I11T. i.-iiiis K, Ijiidiiii'. I Awbury I'lirU. onit'd lo staying out late O'Nightn they Positively wonderful ;:rc tlie .Mrs. |-*r«-,l Stfvciifsun. wtm lins Iwi'ii i .Miss Laura li. Smith, of Trenton, hun-i'd to their homes. 1 Airs. Id sist.-r. .Mrs. thing. ; tliiit .Mr. Omrod tells and An Sini.t:iy v.-Iiii n.i- crimisly it! is tiMe tn In- about it^iln. | i« viiiitluK livi* imclu. K 15. Van- accomplishes and the front"1 r:il -Mi-. 1 Mrs. .1. I'. L.iriyuii ;md .\li.« ; S.VflU t'iurn Will Serve nn Until County PRIMARIES SEPTEMBER 27,1921 comment is: How docs lie do it? KUxiihi'ih K-k-l m«.inrr«! t.» TI .Mr. ami M'-s. lOniantiol Kusli, of Cominiltccs. 1 Sniidiiv "with I Newarli. WITI; i,'ut:sl« last wwk of ihclr Many learned scientists attribute •Ml-: .\li tit ,Mii|i|,>«'iniil vill*-, I **., .-nut .speii Women will he oleeted by both |IH> Polls Onen 7 A. JS., lo 9 V. M, his achievemfnts to int litivc M s. Annk- Nunn fit • T ttnn Tharlrs, In UVsl WtiHhliiKtun av«- .'nioei-atw and KepubllfniiH nt the ui'l Mf«« .I.'imir Apiiiii .Mrs. Clia H' I- Kiwh nml i inn-, ami ai'f now at Mountain Lake. iniarieM on September -7. TIIP law powers born within him, ;iml only .John 1 loinn was Kiveti two farcwfll in thi.-i way account, for his X-ray ICiynifiiiii Pufr uf I'hiniMtl s|»-nt Mn- II.1 and A! spt'iit Htinday ovi'les thai a woman and n man shall Your Vole and Support Respectfully Solicited .-.•k-i'int wiilt his trriin-lp'iivnls. .Mr. City. i-i-i'fiilldiiH .luriii*,' lite past w.-dc. Kri- !-*•«• an i-i>!iiniilli-t> f -oni each ilistrlrt eye and brain. Mr. Omrod aeluul- tiny ,tli« L'tuployt'cs nf 1 hi1 I-'lort',v ml .Mrs. .i((s,.-i!t Cr.viint. .1. K. finiitli l.HUf Y.v\ :ind K-ii'l TrilN nf K;i;i- tin- State, l-'loyd Iloivers, chainnan Ordered and paid for hy Ci. Titln:ui Sinitli Jy ores tiirou.irli you—Icnouv; what an- sp'-niliiiK lliis w.-.k witli iln>h- 1'ii'Mlheis factory KHVO him a slatr par- the Uentcii'iatlr County Commitl"e. iii in your UHHI;;!ILS ul.-o what is i tin- Nryjint hi.in-. nilprimiis. Mr. anil Mrs. VVHIlitiii ly at tin- Cnimi-Wiiicr Chili rooms. d George I'otts, the Itepubllean tn your hrart. In truth, he reads l»r. ;tit.I Airs. I:. I». |;il,l(|,. •lu.l ti:ittuli- nFl.'rt. \\Vi|nc!*day afli-niii-.n .Miss .Monday evi'tiin*,' l-inuls ami ncit;lil»"VM. you and your life tik** an open inn I'nu-t'taiiu-ti a tiainlir-r uf iwv to ttiv iiumlH'i* of iil'niit :tit, (;avc him hook. Tells you who ymi an- i'l\ IMl.V, ,if .M..ll;>i:||i| |,u|,'(.S, JK-I.-Iiii- 1111.- frit'ii-ls at ii party. tniotltrr ••fi'i'ptlon at tin- lioinu i>( .Mr. {Kivfnjr you your full name) t'.'il.s • ury Ii: toll:; you a way lo remedy them. | »>*-..kM''vi.»it will! i-i'l:itfvfK :m«i frirwh- AUGUST SALE OF in .MoiTt,--!utwti. Stiniiiifl. .Vi-wa-k and Northnmplon ;lln knows your fears, hopes, :uii- vicinity. KIliH Hi-atli. of ht'tntil, is visiiiu^ hitioi;.;, ju/.t wh;:t ymi roiUcin- .Miss Kutliryn Canal! lvtnni.d Mim- liis hi-utlur. Oscar Heath. , Slrtcl , . f platc in tlu; way of iinpwvititf Mr. and Mrs. K. \. .lenkins art1 at your'tHf in limit li, hapjiiness and niltl'llisirxi ..f a t.-M ili'iy'ft Visit wltll lll-r Xa11ti.1cki.-t fo- a wo.'U's visit. if? success? in tin: future, and know- and Linoleums iVh-nd. Miss Kniin:i Jean SIUUT. Mr. and Mi-s. Ili-lu-rt It. (itv;-t art- ins: tlicrc things, he is competent Mi**s Hazel Stanlir oC Whan>m spiT.t I'liti'i-taitiiiiK tlii-lr 11l.fi'. Miss Ksu-lk- to assist nnd advise you. You can No Seconds from Tiiiir:itt:iy url'l ."..iuinl;tv uith I.»nn!j,-jr uf Xi'w York City. make no mistakes after having No Storage House Hags Miss |<'ioivtici< Kin-.ar.rui. Mrs. (!. K. Snydt.-r anil tlirt-c iliuij;h- I.HH Mar^ncriti \*anKli-t spcnl. last IITM vlsitwl I11T fulhiT ami nlMvv al spent thirty minutes witli Mr. 1 Omrod. All fiuss guaranteed lit'st •k at tlu lionif i*f L'rslstfi'..Mr.s. 1 Klai-stown •vyral Oay.s last wt'i-k. Newly Arrived Fall Apparel Alois THIS, in Kasina. i .Mi™ Mi; quality and perfect. .Mrs. Uit-ha-tl Tvinjiskl ..•: Nnv York t-iwn was a i:m>sl last wt-fk of Tier 1 Mr. Omrod has devoted more than 27x51 Tapestry is vlsitliiK hor p livnts. Mr. and Mrs" si»tt>r. Mrs. L-nvIs COOJUT. AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES ; thirty-five years to the public— Bruriwls \. lla-l.'i', nn ^rrwiil jiti'.'ct. this wed;. Mrs-. A. 1>. UukiT of N w Haven, * helping humanity, loading it out Mr. and .Mrs. Uiiymond Opdykc aiv C-iiin.. is sp.-iulliiL,- twn wci'l;j; witli her ixo I Bush &. Diamond ff . „.. onti-rtainiiii,' tl»*ir cousin. (Jfui-cu sistir-in-law. .Mrs. [.. ii. Alhcris. Her : of the wilderness, from the dank- Axniinster 3>£.0U Swayrw. of IJnvui1, for ;i \vi--l;. win. IrviiiU ]•:. IfcikiT. has licni li-'lv est corners of despair, into tlio 27x5-1 John Uroml.oy's {TO Q F" sint-f May. Mr. :iihl -Mrs. Atlic.-i-t.-i will Al urif Campion. ilnujrhU'i* ai't-unipany ttii-in lumic I'nr iTv-t-r ],;il>nr New Excellent light, and gradually to the road AxRiin.ster ' ^) Z • \J 0 Ma-k'. ami son. William, ami Mr. While of financial success, peace of Uilw last IVi-l""1*' mind, and happiness supreme, and 1 tan iii'Lissels .-. 4)D.Uv :liiy. rclurninu' Momltiy. I M' . ami .Mrs. IVUT Ki iiin of '_' with your individual co-operation, Mrs. Kdward St'Iplo. of UflvMcre. is I linwumown woiv Sunday $ of Mr. Autumn Dresses Nezv Fall Suits 6x9 Bush& Hiu- • "\ ir nn Ilt111 Mrs liu ol / he can, and will lead you. viMltini; this* tt-wk at tiiL' !i:mu' of Mi\ I - • ' » Slater, mond Axniinster 4^ I U.UU 1 1 of ti-icotine, serge, velour, wool md .Mrs. I;, li. Oliainln'rs. [ (ii '" ','*' W. WIri' of Ni-wark Iris lioi-n Can he had for The sorrowful, unhappy, blue, 6x!) Alex. SmithV ff I T ~1 C n- •in.] \]y< <- V wmiiti i-»iii.-.,..i ! visiting his sistt'V, Mrs. .loscpli I'yli-s. jersey and twill cord, in wonder- •perplexed, worried man or wo- Seamless Axniinster -4) I / . / 0 ruUll • Vv, h- fL .n P I -Ml"K- W:lIU' Mil!l'r nf I'«tfi"«on is man, should lo.;e no X'unn in call- 6x9 Alex. Smith's fully pleasing styles. Special ing on Mi1. Onircd, for it mutter? tlioy Had IK.'M Mjjoi.innn. MIHV M]itf, ,.va ,,il0, uf iiiirkl,[1.ii[mvM lf, ., '•' not whether you have mental. Sea ml era Velvet $ [ 5.00 liwt Thursday. a of Airs. M. A. Picrsou for k. values at $35, $39 to $65 7.C\[.' Wool Airs. W. <;. Crevelitm s|>-nt last w.-ek Mrs. Wm. AU'ii and s*!op 7. J:;1) Alex. Smith's ._ Sf Ii n0.5 T0P «P?'n> '\h^ w! I-.'mi'\viih Mr'- 'p - ' " ' ' - ^ «- Alfrwl IJurd. crepe, mignonette silk, satin and taf- ' ind ill nofi"o with him \nd St Axminstor 4> I V. / 0 silk and many are trimir.od with finest fur. Goiiiuin us M Omiod told S.3xlO.f.xlO.(i! AlexAl . Smith's Seamless' i'eta—presenting many n-sw style 1 me mo e ibout m\ eli thin I Tapestry is:::-T^a^r-^tiifr,!; I X'>^if« jjas^;;: notes. Interesting choice in navy, light blue, brown, mjsclf knew Brussels* 1 '•'•"" JUm ll"mi> _ ti-oit. Jlii-h.. aiul Mrs. Moflat uf IClyriay . SI2 Tlu- iu-v. KouiUaiii, Ohio, moton-tl' U< $22.50 to $65.00 beavar and lilack: sizes 1-1 up to 53 tor wo- •Vffuis and e\cnts ne uddlelf1" 8.3x10.0 Bush & Dia- pastor of the .M. K. i-hirvli, and his Haokettstown an 1 mond Axmin-3ter .. dlnir thr with A!'.-. to Mi Omiod TJeili/e to be $26.00 Hpcndinit tliL'ir .St->-.vart"s uiK-le. .1. (';. StL-wavi. No Charge for Alturatiuna, men reriuiring extra large sizes. foieu JI ncri i to be foieiimctl 9.\12 Wool their son-in-law and rfniiKhUT. Mr. and KnouWj,e JOUCI—theiefoie Fiber ,\!rs. .liioal.' Tk'tsworth on State stivet. ..$7.25 Mrs. I'ouiiiiiiii is slowly -e^aininy Workers Add lo LaUu s"ek \e the 1 now ledge md the 9x12 Manhattan a huiR illness Coiuiilclidi). pouci will come Con ilf Mi Seamless Drusscls .. $11.50 •kors J-'riday hc]]>«] Omiod and lonn •mvtfunir md 9x12 Alex.. Smith's c\ei\th!nr, tint is uppcimost in Seamless i!russ,cl:; $!5 Wonderful Reductions on All Summer Goods \ lur tbou^ht= "You do not bin i !)xl2 Alex. .Smith's ]iip: in the hc^ \"ithei do \ou pa\ Mr Omiod in 11\ mcc—in 1 ict Axminsler $26.75 in lhi! Clear-, \ou need not p i\ him it ill un 0x12 Higclow-Hartfonl law, Airs. ICUa Al. Sandys. | away at Axminster is expeetftl that water will tj • allowed DRESSES $2.75, $4.98, $7.50, $1.0 le s \ou i°cei\c the fullc t *-iti $35 Airs, Kicharrl Kronks and childron, I to Jill the lake Haturdjiy. Every kind of summer frock tliat you can imagine. Former values to §£ fiction Io\o foi humimU ic 9x12 Roxbury of Asbiiry Park, are hchis unt'.Ttalnci I Tins collect ions during tho week tuatcs Mi Omind •- juotmi; the Axniinster' $35 this wool; at tht; home of John C. j lnn'e been as follows: C. K. Stover, Eacli one of tire Grollman standard of quality, stylo and workmanship. followmir If I *.ppik with the 9x12 Wilton Velvet, Wiieek--. *2.«0: Jlnrairi't O'Shrn. $1,0(1; P. W. tniiRiifs ol men ind of wj.cl but Bigslow-Hartfnril Airs. liriiL-st Yotinw, of ICast Oranye, Wamllin*,', ?l.t)H; 15. K. Kcki-I. $X.O0; K. hi\cnotlo\e I imbetotne ound $37 is visiting her motlici-. .Mrs. Cura ISalri- 1 9x12 John Unimley &. P.. IJji>i).v. SLi.tKl; John l-'lim. .*J.0ii; !•:. SUITS in the clear-away at $10, $15, $20 in^ biass m t tlim,in» •"vnbil win, on Carl ton avenue. A. Cole, ?2.»0; Mrs. i'eter l->lver, $!.00; Mi Omidl ums to t """ hi Son's Axininster $35 -Miss Mary V.yrm- iia.s a.-t-opt.',! ;i. ]io- IIcv. Cr. II. Yoiins, ?1.00^ Fine Tweeds, Homespuns and Wool Jersoys. Great values. Kilion to te.-ich ul Pen Ar^y! .ilie foni- cnni". irh n c ind help nr fi p Nime of the above niamirsK-lm-ers Tlie pa-k ^ iK lo ul' Wiltons, Axniinsters, Velvets or iim' y.ar. Her «clio(ii will hi-irin Si'n- atiniL't the Jittcntinn of visito ihu tothf%(i\ jioii who UP v. )ith\ t*'mbL-r fith. .Miss ISyrnp graduated from brjruiuh. Several hniM- f hnj- fr end, \wnw. -.\ itli hoi d;.uif:hto s. \\\ •: m ite \\ ith \ in \\( i tlif ul \ tii J'Vic Atilo Delivery dh , Mr Miss I! •leu IJ:IV K. ( f !•'!• 1 } IHll. i'.t nuk- Tf(;i: h id il 1 oltleii ni •kk- IlIlL E. home t e \nn\ nn iiom lonts .vn. w 11 is vinl inu 1 p-i/.o.i v t;l\\ highly. \V1 ell 11 urn th n il it M ml Mrs. A; 1-" .Mr. rs Mil'.' RUIU etvrd the i< tl Itll 11 \Olll ( llllllll, p )W( 1 ird M' H. I'"". A. Hi h I'tS Wil I of plar! 1 "ii •kit? in a }>ottl and 1 •t

la j]' \ \'Hil fl l nr[ \onl jf 1 ih\o (li I'ni:.' • iiKirninp f a eel;'!- liilK It Atf> v 0 Hie vin unt l.ii HI <•. P!< If not \ou hould r p Mt null lo trip In .\ in R. r 1 I* 1 s, \\ a kins tilO IioL l<'i she had an (. icilly Hint .« Oininl th< otu mm who is tide Glei nd othe* 1« ii tH f hilt n.' 4t. decided to pre.sfi'vo. Accordin ,'ly wh >, t) lit ip \ou to Iir 1 jt vmiself "S on sh ill leun whit to do lo m iko \oin utcims IMIKIIIL ir il itini> Ilnu to obt un \oui I.\PI\ One Found Tin 26 South Third St. Easton, Pa. desne Don lift ([Uittni' Don I t m timif 1)0 i i nnd pe^ fitting n i (|u it e !K 'P Tl wli it V(iu n nt tj b" I tornin^, to Mi Omiod f. O. I). Toledo If \ou uc in doubt about in\ tiling concci nmt? \oui elf oi 35c RETAIL o li^is or ult Mi Omiod Cm Gasoline averages bettor ml ind helpful achne to the than 2'y miles per gallon. rh'.ioiuoucti Lo those who u" .No Better COCOA on Earth uttei 1\ lonesomp to the naK j,ed to th" misund i tnrd to the Very low oii consumpliop. fiiluic tn the in mcts ful to And w:is Worth 70c a Pound two Years Ago. Use it for those who lul elf confide IK e lo j Surprisingly easy on Tire*!. those \ oid < f indn uiu i! t\ to \ tho e m lo\° lo those who ton America's Low Cost Car Drink, Layer Cake and Fudge tempi ito mam igp dnoice oi sep Ptimps and , nation i change m bu^inrss oi \ home liking up l new pui uit in BUY IT.AT YOUR GROCER •• life oi un thine; of a pet m il oi Bo"wlby & Neuhaus Black, Brown and Grey, High and Low Heels confident ill nitmp mi\ he Ind 1 h^ consul me: Mi John Omiod WASHINGTON, N. J. "Cheap Price. Finest Quality." , , •

Consultation Fees, $1, $2 50, $5 00 $5 and $7 Values f No ch irj,c unkss sat sfitd >ou to be the uidsi Watches £r Jewelry Today, Thurs«rAug. 25 Fiom 9 a. in. to S 30 n m with accuracy and dispatch at most reasonable charges. Also Thursday, Sept. 1st 26 \V. CIIURlHI ST. Davidson's Jewelry Store Wellington, Mr. Toltn II .It'i<;c\. Icrsej 2"! Years.

•./- '^;vSECTl6N;,Twb: ;T THE WASHINGTON , AUGUST25,1921

Kali "Onibnvs" Opi Hi>\tic «tro unlkipitlns dltllcuitleH on t News Gleanings of Interest at f Crimean, of Chicago, tho "outlaw' Tin- ftinenil was belli Monday after- co-stly practice for 7l i dr f< nd mts In wintti «eie Khcn h\ otdcrs to owinaul uij Hint afti«i two comparrmvcij , v workern arc making, |jrc|inratIonH >o noon from the homo of lite daughter, New Jcrwy'iluriiiK tin vtnl n tim w i B^ about ;t nittloir-wlile ^•ccs.ston move- Cemetery. till' Sri-'lUfHt '.Jlllllli.'f ( f pi OK LlltlnlH ment from Ilie rankx of th» "i:ig Kotir" evfi* made in a siuiiir |» i lud In the ^ brolherhooils and the American Fecer- •IiT.sey Millies (trades Law A|iiilv td history of the Stale I hh and C inn allon nf Labor railroad unions, accord- .Milk Suit's. CoiiltnlsHlnn and the' fut th it rum -4 ing t<. InfoniKUlou received In oflidnl of (lie number wire m«|Uil(r.<1 «tnms the liilmr circles, Ilett.-r health fur New .lem-y bal.le.s Do You Want a Good Position? and letter pmtoctloit for tbe bniicut ellleleney with which (at« niilmi beautiful Blrl In' America," and who re- Their goal Is wild to be a one big dairyman :is welt as for ilie now ht-lp- Iii-ricurcil the evldenci T^ lin-^t tin \lo- 'Ihe Chuichmon Businc •? College is nl\\a\s in touch with 1 lators. ceived a balu of propound of tituniaj,'o thai if 111. union movement, of alt railroad Wor:;- le.sH ctin.miinet' me n.sHiircri (III-OUKII tho lite luisinrs^ v 01 Id, ami its giadualct secure the beat and offem m. bllen hi i?()iiKi'(|itcii(.-i-, IH ciiKiiK'-'il. \She relievo the i-ong^icil euii-litlon at tb.> iliiut In ailvlecH, Into niUiiuiI dis- milk solil in Mils .Stale. Tlif tirade* the law has been enfouul ultlioui i<- liat), it i.'i announced, aceepted Carl K and iJyckman Mlrwt fei-rlen is^ panimilarly in New Vork. New adopted nt a conference, called bv «piTl of persons. Mu.\ \\>.\\ \> i bfiK BOOKKEEPING BUSINESS SHORTHAND lAWimr, Jr., a » JJcmejj euini- Jff the SUite lie- tempered Justici- In Hit ft vv n-i.r ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATION TYPEWRITING of I'hiltylelphlii. ty and Us vehicular tntith;. We:il K» stir up the' alntnly IIIKWIIIH- ^larlificnl of Apiculture nnd tb» Klaic •xlreme poverty of lh<- defendant or Inventlf,'!itiiin Into thy origin of a The .s<;hools In !-Vellnt,'huy.sen tmvn- nnd ri.'.stlos« riiHruad workt-rs lo Hoard nf Health !:uL Week and nttfiul-(- itber extemcitliiK cireuinstances-. Tin* I SECRETARIAL STUDIES ENGLISH hlp will be opr-u mily nine months It agnlnKt tin* leaders of the unions. by dairyuii'ii nnd eorrmmioi-M, UH- latter .vardens have been nniiHti.'illy KIICCPSIT- j Wu teach the Pace Cuuret<9 in Accountancy nnd BunlnebB AtlminUtraUon. nil list a n CL' thought to luive been potato tioiin. it Is olulmaT. relireWciited liy deleKfilrs from Women'n fill In hnviim the niitxiinuin p'-nalEIes Hour, which \v:i!< made into.bread and icxt year in order to .save $iitiO. b i of KnihhtH of I'ythias, o? part of oVt-rnent to Clubs thniucbout th*? State. impoHeil on :i clus." of p(iacber.v of reunited In the death of llii "e PWKIIMH, ordei wtde^prc wealth or proinlni'tiee, whose eXJimpie PALL TERM BEGINS AUGUST 29th have been iimde by Laredo. , Ililuterdoii I'lmniyutility, wilwinl bolin mdi a;i hH"I;*KVIi ' - ;-Ih. r r\ e " < 'I'be .slandard Ki'ados recnnini''tided by 1 11 l i mad>- Ili-'tr violations ihe Kiealei- crane uutliorlUoM. The suppled Hour WJW Muile fur llii' nit'inliora mid di.!li- r;1in- M' '' '"i" »«'"l" , , »- KivM lairyiiiK ."ifdali.Ht.s of the Market Uur- • Ih- eyes of sportsmen. EVENING SESSION BEGINS SEPT. 12th poison, wlilcli arrived In :i barrel by •au and ndoptid by the eonh-renei- Catalog ami Accountancy Bulletin mailed upon request. [„„(„„ Mnktd in Mill;* iiilivjlii with cletnenw i.-itiir- four c|iia!ity faetor-s fur iTcnKtii- In addition to penalties of flues nr frciKht recently without a label and Send for them today. hearing no aililres-s. TIi,.V-lim.l nt|t1i»rltl<« .uv. imvlni, ,„, !.',' '!"' A'mM-i™; 1-v.l" luii f,f Tj.:«r. Inn in ^'nuIiiiK- Theso an—"fnotl imprisonment impo.srd on violators, illllirully lliis yi-nr in lir-tllnn IC.KIHT.I. .. "}•''!!•'. i!'. " IK r •aim'." "bealthfnlness," •'cleanliness.1 lici'iiiie.s of si-veral hunters Were rr- On tlin farm (if I.eu'ln Veteis. itt 111 111 1 1 RiiPKcmvIllo, J\i., HIP LPIIIKII County At Klizal.'ctli tlini. iim BO DuaHI.)ni mill !!"".' '" " . " '•• •'"»• 'T ,'-' " '" "- md "kecpiiiK finality.; vuked. .Wardens also contiseatctT U^ CHURCHMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Potato Grower*' AxiHicintluii WIIH'HIIUWII 1,500 ii|i|il|i.|inlsi from L'9 slnuw, sinii | >^NI < JWI KUII In arriving nt the fond value nr mill;. funs from aliens. ' 10-18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET llie aimo.st unbelievable—the raisinK <* I miiny nf tlicm i:ollf(4i' p'mluaU's. ! T/ibfir Ic;iiliT:i txincwH !i|>[irfli<>iis:nii he buiter ftit rontenl will be used as llliilnitiiwirn IIUXI iHinliiiiiHli'r will I»| I r'v"'' 'Iranwm'" nnllvlllo.". Till' r.-i:l- 'I'ndlry Crew Arn-sled on Joy Itiile. W. K. Churchman UASTON, I'A. R. E. Eckert TiUO hu.shels of )>ot!itoire:iflei' ]». labeled They are still setting It,in All'.-ntown, fact tliat many farms in th:it conn I y Arch Wmlili'll. all ilr wli.iin i nv i l'"><' li>" ""'•Ir IMI'II'I-II II> lioi'ii lln-iii :n M show HIM '.nly I In- KT.'ide class ).ul •eontiilK to the following: inlnatiiiii ' ! "'"''• '""' "wi'ii-1 al u-ap- rut.s ;iml v.w- .juoduee 2S0 bushels to Hie acre, hmv »nk ||K< Isn tbe cUaraiUied fat cnnleni fir the Cbiii'Ked with operating a [roll'-y ca" • , * iiittiliido nf Ilio c;in-liT.H mi v.-.>ri;iiiir iiiiallnn. Til-- i;-M..ni.slbility, Ihe con- luliS vvlii!.. under the inlliti'iu-e of li.|tioi- 1 ' bent potato raising cotinilcM In the Idle in IVniisylvanlii. i •""' '•''""•liiiniw. """••'- f"i'l"li- -'"I eifiiee bflie\ed. will be iipr.n ihe con- .lames M. S«-mm(-l, All'-niown, Lebi^h country. Mori' Uian S0«,000 men anil womnn. !'" ""' ,' WK "muni ii(illi|lnr«. llii'.v tnn-f ;.i r,.(-(»',';iiz<- nt«l p'iy fm- tbe ft.-id value Inet'ease over tbe lewil three per Valley Transit Company nioKivnvin, nniT §M1TH PAID.LESS THAN JONES! Triplels, two slrls and a bnv. wen- many nf llinn aldlk-il irorkcrH. nro iv j if,^;,,",]" "",..,""Hit". *"• | "l •"'•• ""* '""" •in niininuim of fat. Kliuer II. Whitman, same city, a con- lioni at Haxk'ton Vist week to Jlr. and tlmntod to be nnempIoyMl hy lite var ductor, were placed under a-rest at IOUH bninelieH of ihe Pt.-iiriH,vlvnnI:i J linvni- nnl .'illy In 111;. r:iHn>:i.l» liilt' tin'' Theiv Will be I Inve rhiwx under - JONES paid $56 for 14 gallons Mixed Paint- Mrs, I'anl Porupunn.sky, of Parkview, a mlliiKiil iini'iiiii. Allentown Friday nlttht after making ntlufriK village near Ilns-.leton. The bureau at employment In their districts, ] ., which t-'i'aded ?ni!lc must be ,«nlrt. fer- at least two halr-niisini; trips. Alien- SMITH made 14 gallons, Best Pure Pahit for $39 urn! from reportM nintlu by iJli'fclor II, UU-KI , illed Milk is thiit from dairlen meethur couple won' blessed with twins several tl< 1 s I ( nit s^intilsts lion w;iK ealled Iti lh<' eondition of tile yours aK<>, and In their rnurrie- 1 [ai-risou, "» years old, :i I ""t m-cessarily tuberculin tested, ft ient under his b,-lt tu uiaku him mil- L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT Saves'Money iliiiMs rorpurjitloirf will neelipy n M-aero inVn'ovetnentt* of. |vn,;ionn kinds, • eM- llen-r IK>ciully lilyhwiiy construction have well-knownn r<*rt-sidi'Ht of' Ulnomslmrv "Hist )»• ln-:il.-d UIHIIT approved \>:v.i- LONGMAN & MARTINEZ, Makers, N. Y. haul on the South Hide. U Is a $-1,500,- • ' ' " mil eiinrmt be. rc- 000 corporation mnl will employ about rurniwhed t-onsldeniblc work. There in a vicinity, wax found dead Friday nfler- j •100 men to iiKikt; soiceiiM and .step lad- ifit'Ki' body of unem|)Ioyi.'il cominon lali- noon In the road leading from Itlnoma- I ders. It. is expt'i'ted in be, in operation or IncliuilnK fon.'lKiiL'rs available in bury to Little York. TTe was evident- I by .limitary 1. When completed tin* various pa-Is (if the stute. K<-jinrts in ly wiitkiiit; back tt> bis home a•*"•!• •• fiirinl (Im'l tht! market in October. • . AHOOIIH, 21,533: Uric. 15,000: Harris- • tht e road mid it wan thought that hy Me marrli-il. i! Is slated, when IM, bit! cxiitri.-d a shni't time before. Dr. vift. died shortly after the mur- School Days Soon Again liiirc. 1-U3n: .InhiiHtown, ^lt.130: .Me- j bad his " Hill and E*tiKH Kline, hoard a peculiar ! li il tiiif,"'. The .Japan Times declares ihat noise in an old slump near Lo^an, Ivei-Hport r.,000,0; ; 1'ittNblirsnlttblirsl,, riS.SfJO.TiOd;; ' " ir Lane, of illoonisbiny. oil l»ii"ii- Ohio. They turned It over and killed a .Scrantoi ir,.02f); WIllIuniKiHirt, ii,378.. t»Jf th ciuniHtanccH Issued a death tbe Khint. who \n nnw II. IIHH :so;irc!icd bly co|»pci'ln'inl sunk.' whli tliirty biiby I rtilb •ilboiit eallliiKa enroiier. the country In vain, from one end to Himkos. Mil! p'ij*s the mother was Local Chicken Kitne.ier in Ut'inarn] ;IH He is Kin Vivrd by liv- rhllili-on. Mrs. the other, for ;i wife. Hinging her babies to sleep. Frank Hixon. of Alpha; Miumlm,' IFar- CIIIII'IOrl"H« Nixon is iinn* demand in all ."IKOII. of Montana; Mrs. Lydia Tluni- • CARDS OP THANKS—Ten cents a niei\ of l'hlltipslnii>* Cliarles Hai-rlson fARD to think of for you mothers—so STATION KWS. s of the country :is a JiuiKi- nt p line. Count HIX \VI dsj for a lino. He- KIIIWN. lll-s Ju.lKi it-nt in Ibis iv- at Llltle Yorlc: Fra-ik Harrinon, »r inle tbe amount when sondlnp copy. United Slate* Senator Walter IS. t b.-is wmi him n r 'putatlon that i.< many thing's to get ready, but don't let Kd^e. sailed Tuesday for .London, to /In.t; with 'lie y.-.-i r., Al Itiiinv of lake, eare of private bimhiess affairs. shows he lias Jinlw fiir it worry you for we have been thinking of it The .Senator ••eturned from Canada >k< d fur In adv.-iiM Saturday where hu IIUH been llshlut,- oach yi'«i\ fr,-i|U'iiitly bcinw eiiftat'ed n.n'- (JOMJ MIIDAL AWAftDKD'** for the. last Week. year, for the fo'llnwlnu' year's exhibition. for some time past aijd we are all ready to He will rt'turn to Washington in He lias these etitfap-nienls: Fk-mliut- lime for the. reconvening of the Ken- ton, 'I'reuton :uid Hiininitinlon fairs: help you in taking care of the Boys'and pro- ate September ' 11). Senator I-Yellnu'- huysen, who veUii'lled lo ihe Capitol tniil ll.irlu.steV. Xew Vork; .lacksmiviUe viding for their wants; so come right in any nil Tuesday, bus d"l«nU-d for n vaea- and Tiim|)!i, Florida; Vnrk ami Klnmds- tlnu :it Southaiti{iton. Lmin Island.* tiliru. iM>: irilKfrHhiwn. Slit.: Unlelcli. time now. W e are offering A tli'li'Kiillnn fi-om Franklin and Klhiabeth City, and Kln^Km.; S. C: IlardysUm township wont to Niiwlmt Ki)iirtiiuhurK. Columbia mid Ilishopvlll.-. | Thursday to petition the Board of S. C; (latls-eu and Albany, AU1.1 Kuan- I Freeholders for a survey nnd estimate ok*- Kair, Uoiinoke Whiter Sliow. Xor- I folk and Richmond. Va.: lliieon. Oa. ! . Boys' School Suits at . .$4.00 to $12.50 " of e.ost of Improving tho mile anil a IN FAST COLORS ; half stretch , stretch lying In the township, and fnnn North Chiuvh Boys' School Caps at... .50c, 75c, $1.00 K. l!:nnl)iii-g Hi" ronnty II.LH taken over thtr ro:id and Is now Improving It. Boys' School Hats at... $1, $1.50, $2.00 All of thy uviilliiblp forces of the Slate Department of H.-alth huve been sent lo liurlinglon County, where there ,- Boys' School Neckties at...... 25c, 50c is a severe epidemic ot typhoid fever. It was said In Trenton that there are more lliai.'?200 eases of I lie fi'Wr In Boys' School Collars at. 15c, 20c twelve towns of tho county. How tho epidemic sturtwl has not Boys' School Underwear a suit bt!LMi detennined. but ilie authorities think It may have originated tliruugti at ..; 50cto$2.00 \ harvest home festivals, which have been frequent in the churches. The iiutborltles hiiv« Ii>urm>il that all tbe Boys' School Gloves at ... .25c to $1.50 niembers of IL band .which recently played In Itoetiling have been .stricken wilh .the disease. . , Roys' School Raincoats.. $3.50 to $6.75 It is said there are only tour or live ! liearintr peaeii orehards In Sussex Coun- Boys' School Hose at. ..19c, 35c, 40c, 50c "* ty this year. Win. It. Movrltt of l-nre- A ChM Can Work don, expects about .100 baskets, where he should have had liOOO had it not been for the late frost. Three persons were injured Thurs- day, when a train on the Klenilngton \" the Buick Clutch branch of tho Lelil^h Valley Kallromi wrecked the auto in which they were riding, on n grtulo. crossing, neai1 Fle- mlngton Junction. The automobile. TWO WEEKS MORE WHS owned and driven by Robert T-\ T'ffFdnve a car that takes • . "••-.. - s Kmallwond, an urcldtect, of New Vork. Oeorge Fink and .Miss Alma A'onez- dorf. also of New Vork. were the others your strength to work In the ear. The three were on their way to North Carolina. the clutch? for a general clean-up on all the Mrs. Abignil TVn Kyck, bciit-vcl to have hpen the old'.'st wninnn in Som- erset enmity, was burled Friday, f"om Buick cars drive right because the South Branch Ucfonneil cliurch. She died in her home in South Branch, they're built right—as more Summer Goods now in stock within a month of her lOJlrt birthday. She was born in Fleminston, and was than a half-million Buick the widow of John Ten tOyck. a fanner, Great big bargains all over the store.' Come who died a quarter of n century ago. owners will testify. She left two diiuyhti-rs, five grand- children, six Kivat-Hramlchlldrou ami. see us for anything you need in our line. two great-groat Knuulchildreii. IJawsou Woodruff, S5, I Joan of the Step into our sales room today, Sussex county 'bar, dletl hist week, lie left a widow .Mid one son, Daw.son ride in the new Buick models Wondi-ulT, .Ir. Loren Cole of lliiinosville, who was and try the clutch yourself. Unable to gel ln> outs throshed on ac- Always in the Lead count of illness, was ptca.santly sur- prised on Thursday whon fourteen of his lU'ighbors tunuul in and HKHI mittle No others compare. ' We are pleased to announce the arrival of and ready for your in- quick work of it. <. The \KI\VM oxclumge at Oldwle.k opi-n- spection the following new lines for the Fall season:: wl last jromlay. It. Is expontod that there will !bo quite'--.n few peach.'s of some vnrlouos in that vicinity. Buick Sixes ' S£-Six-M Three Passenger Roadster $1'$95 Men's and Young Men's Hats— Men's, Young Men's and Boys' 32~Six~$5 Five Passenger Touring ~ 1525 SS'Six-iG Three 1'axscnger Coupe - S1S5 in soft and stilt stylos, also cloth. t New Fall Caps— £'J-Six-A7 Five Passenger Sedan - .- 2-M5 eS-Six-iS Four Passenger Coupe - - 2325 veiy attractive, good quality and at THOUSANDS £2-Six-ii9 Seven Passenger Touring 1735 Men's, Ladies' and Children s new prices. .• SS'Siz-SO Seven Passenger Sedan - S6S5 I have found foot comfort by using Sweaters— ,, , ,,, ,r. , ~, .. ' GREEN LEAF CORN PLASTER Buick Fours some very attractive stylos to select Men's and loiHlg Men's SllliS— $S-Four-3$ Tiro P

liic packiiKt at any drug si ore. wanting to make early selection, we invite you to come see us. fc 1 flender$hot j^Drug Co., 331-333 Morris Street No. 5 Broad Street A large stock of good made Trunks af'atlractivc prices. J(\ Newton, N. J. • Di&tribulor. PHILLIPSBURG WASHINGTON Buipk and Cadillac Sales and Service CJjnGHESTE^S^LS P./'s:—MAIL RECEIVED AT H1THEU ADDRESS. 'h^> tor1* Ulnnond nranilAlU) lii K«d and (jolil mculllc\\W' WILKINSON GARAGE, Sales and Service, OXFORD, N. J. B Washington '•iTe no other. HUT OT TOOI*"* . Irnntat. AilcforOin.VUfcfl.TPn'fli -IIAMHSD II&ANI1 I'lLLSfaiSQ \VI11IN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUIClv WILL BUILD THEM Srrf SOLD B»' DRUGGISTS EVBVW8ERE "ITHE WAisImGTO^ AU&JST 25, t92I SECTION-TWO- T 9t*fc**--, CUNTON. ' JoSeph COURIO died at his hoirte fit Hojnden on Thtnjda>. His death wus 1 * duoito-jpld 030. he would have utcn 89 years ojd (n September. His wifc"diei aevral yearn afio. Seven children tin VlVQ him Ttuieral Sunda> afternoon -s. interment at Gmndln Mail ' Mrn William VanS\ckle in npindlnf,* Delivery two weeks at he • foimn home at MM ^JainpB Johnson has taken a position an'bockkcopn In thn S'hst National Orders Bank, at Vh,ltehousv Station HAMILTON, NINTH AND COURT STREETS Charges Mlas Elinor Robinson has re tun to her home aftti thn.1. wttK-f spirit at Camp Taylot near High Bridge M- and Mia Weart. (.f Houml Hrook, Filled Prepaid and, MISH Annie Ldgh, of this plact are Spending soind'time at rsoithtkld ALLE1 Mass MIsa Hsther Kcer has letiunul to lui home in Flemliy;tori nfttr a pluisnnt visit at the home of Charks Sutphln Mrs Anna Kuclei, of Clinton and M"fl Margaret Matke^ of I'lalntldd accomp utfed bj Hem \ V, II tnklnson Ardsk> Court XiwmK, •qiuit Thins Fall Sale of HOUSEWARES Now On— day at Hampton "\Ir and Mis I] It AVoKuton Ii iw returnud fiom thil Kuinpcin tiip which tmbractd most ot the lomitilo of Xorthi rn Tuiopc Prices Are VERY LOW George* Mo*.vrj enjojed a brk-f \.K.I- tion at the homo of his futhf-in-law, Isaac Kraul. .Mrs. Mowry, who lias lifi*n In Clinton for some time, will retnrn with him. 1200 GOOD CORN Mrs. Elizabeth Iiiire lists biH-n visit- Mason Fruit Jars to:ins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emo"y at JUST RECEIVED! Norton. Miss Glenda Stockton Is vHItlnp: her j 1'' i % pint, pint and quart sizes grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Morris BROOMS The shipment of Aluminum Flatware from Euroiw, bought by our representative, Stockton, at Vatt.-nbir-j,'. —For tho week of August 22. Mr. and Mm. L. K. Sharp visitul S £ 1 relatives at Callfon for a fVu* d:iy«. i Four .Sewed—Polished at prices that are just about half their formal prices—including Ladles, Basting This Fall Salo Prico Mr. and Mis. Hellman and .son lloli- | $ ovt, are vlfiiting u'lutlvcs In Litltz, F:i.f Handle for a week or two. // Spoons, Cake 'I'urnws, Table Spoons, J3?ca Spoons, Knives and Forks. • 50tf Dozen, '' [ Mrs. Barodu M. Turner and ilaiiKhtcr. Mrs. J. C. Paxton, «i Xuw Yoik, wi-n1 M Foriiiorly Sold ai 50c This prico should sell the week-end giit'sis of Mr. and Mrs. AlU-n 1 Waterons. ,,•; This ]''iill .Sale Prico stock on hand very quickly. Mr. and >frs. LDBHU Pullon spein / Sunday at S It. Tom-.on-'. All Aluminum Flatware M'lTZVILLK. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thatcher are pac- ing some time here with relatives. ' 29C Each 1OOO Polished Iron Samuel llrokaw; of Phllllpsliurs. is visiting his granddaughter. Mrs. Fr.ink Folknpr. lie formerly lived here'timl tw over SO and enjoys excellent health, _.Forweok oC l-Vugust 22nd Frying Pans Mrs. J. Workhlner and diiu^lm-i'. f| § only. Emma, returned.to their home In Hus- Formerly Sold at 45c. ton after spending a few days 'with ' the former's aunts. Mrs, S. Fit tenser inch Aluminum 11 Inch Aluminum ' This Fall Sale Prico and Mrs. Leona Lippineott. The receipts were SUl'.-D from the Rubber THIN HANDLED BASTING SPOON HEAVY CAST SLOTTED BASTING 25<* Each. variety supper Friday night. Stair Treads SPOON. Mrs. James Xewhart. went to Sum- Formerly Sold nt 30c. mit Monday to attend tlu* funeral of Formerly Sold at 35e. ii relative. Burial was at Tranquillty. This Fall Salo Price Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ifolkinv.-, son $••' '' /Di;.nioud Puttenis. This Fall Sale Price and daughter, are on their vacation. 15<* Each. Flower Pots They will visit Uml(Vs Lnk..-, Asbiuy Fine qualiry \-\i-.r ci* that u-iltjgivi' Korvice. Park and other points of intmst. ; ,With Saucers. Harry Parcell. of Port Morris, spent !"> inches wide IS inches low. 11 Inch Aluminum 13'/2 Inch Aluminum Sunday with bis mother. Mrs. I-Y.mu'.s HEAVY CAST BASTING SPOON Par cell. 7 indvs wide. 1M inches THIN HANDLED BASTING SPOON They nro needed now. Six a!ze3 An Interesting ball game was played ouch '.. HOC Formerly Sold at 119c. i Formerly Sold fit 20c. Saturday on the Ideal grounds, but uur !< inchi-H wld..', 3S inches Ions, This Fall Sale Price' at theso prices. Comploto with boys suffered defeat. The Del virtue boys were too much for thorn. rach ... ., 25c This Fall Salo Prico 19 Each. saucer. Frank Bell and two. tUmghter.t, of I' indies wide. 24 inches lonjr, 12£ Each. , were callers at the Sue Parry home Saturday. 11 Inch Aluminum G in. ..wise I 0 in. twGOc Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. Craig-, of nelvl- HEAVY CAST BASTINO SPOON- 7 In. .:.....30c 10 in .H-.t.'.90c ALUMINUM HANDLED KNIFE S in...... 4(/c | 12in.augl.5O dere. were Sunday callers at the home Formerly Sold nt 2'Jc of Mrs. Mary Cowell. Formerly Sold at 4tio. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopkins and This Full Sale Price . ''•-'• son, of Bclvldero, and Misa Hilda Hop- Door Mats kins passed Sunday with Mrs. Hopkins' ... This Fall Sale Price 12^Kfl Mr. and Mrs. Alficd .Melroy nnd son. !ncli.-s wide, 'JO inches .'Ion!,'. AEUMINUM TABLE SPOON SOUP LADLE (Medium)' of Phllllpsbuiff, .spent Sunday with Formerly Sold at 10c. Formerly .sold at 50c his parents. Formerly SoUl at 31.25. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M.L-tin and / .This Fall Sale Prico , This Fall Sale Price • ""» ^^ daughter, of Elizabeth, hiivflit-i-ii Hpctnl- Tills Full S;ilo Price Each. ' \ ingr .i ftnv days with hiH motht-r, Mis 5$ Each. This Fall Salolli J31Izubeth Martin. $1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brink and 12 Inch Aluminum daughters, of Washington, spent Sun- Price 25^ EaclL mj& s day with he- father, Wm. Stout SOUP LADLE (Large) Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lauht»r .mil chil- Formerly Sold at "Co dren, of Phillipsburg, .spi^nt part nt . This Fall Sale Price lafct week with tlit- t,ittc:->>- iijnvnt4- M • Aluminuim Roasters i. and Mrs. Peter Mel-oy. " 1 7 ALUMINUM TEA SPOON 39,;•. Dr. and Mrs. .1 A. Simpson, ot I'.it- Mahog?my Finished Trays orson; Mr. und Mrs. J. Ii. Ihlderbraiu Mis. Rettu Bu-dge and Mra. Marv fe:Greene, of Ml. Hertnon, called on Mr V/ithap Glass Center. Dustless Ash Sifters and Mrs. Martin Purdue Sunday AffoJin in stock,. Trays Made of galvan- ' Mr. and Mis. \ym. Bell are Vntey- ized, iron: sits on taming their son and familv trum the •IB •with. brass finished barrel or a ah can. city. huntfles. " Mr. and Mrs. Dav'd Eanghart expect fca_ Decreases the cost 10 move from tliis place and n>sid» In oC your cosil sui>- FluiUu. They will be greatly mlaaed. Priced at ..$1.00 ply for the winter liy 1-3 which pays for the cost of this Ash.:SIfler many Hold Park, whn'liaxo been HpendlnB°.. times over. couj>lo of weeks at the old honiobtcad THE Sold Regularly at $11.50—In This returned to their home Monday. larly at $11.50—In 1 his 0*0 Ef f\ This Fall Sale Price $3.75 Mr. und Mrs. A. K Laimlng and fam- ily attended a grange picnic a.1 13ale- t Will quickly; clean the villo SiUurday. Sale at Alts. Anna McCain recently visited lier brother, Arson JjriiKier, at Belvi- ;?FaIl Salo PricM 19c oa. THE FRENCH FRYER;- dere. A pretty pink floral decoration. Set consists of— Miss Amy TjinniriK is cntertainlns For. all kinds of submerged' •MIKS hnydor of !3rkl(,'evitlp. frying. Especially deslraljlo now , Kev. anil itva. A. h. 1'nwell ;u-p ev / NICKLE PLATED f CORN SLITTERS. ii Bread und Butler Plates 1 • Vegetable Dish with oystorfl in Rwison; Pan with tertaininB their dnughtcr, Uello, nnd son Harold, of New York cits'. Will., quickly loosen; .(i Dinner Plates , (i Cups and Saucers I basket comnlntn, '. 0 John Mnrlne ••mil fnmlly of Ilnrdwlok com from theiicar cn- ,; Ii J'^uit Dishes * •vislled his brother, Jncolj, Sumlitr ablinp you to ,eat It Dr. and ilrs. Sim|).soti of RidCTfleld with ease. . Park.visited her abut. Mrs. I. B mine, brunt, over tue week-en:l Fall salo price :'. • CLOTHESPINS ^ " M'?-, F; H. H.irlun nml children ~ -GALVANIZED ASH CANS i-PMnt last v.'ocH-v.-ith-rc-latiieB i in-Jcmpv- .City and Potter. _ "».iftcj "1NI0KLE PLATED C0RN/K0LDEE8~r- >es btl!iose=Clothc3-Plna..-..--'.;-- , Mr. nnrt Jlrs. Qoo. Fonnonatul daiiEli- 17% incjidiamotoi.'—r2.S'/s:inch liigh—-Fitted,\vitlieovei'. This Fall Salo trlco \ tcr, Marjory, pent sumh it s!m~nl Also'.a very big convenience, Pflrm Fail SaJo Price ,. lOt; Kat'h • TFiis-Fall Sale Price $2.25 Eacli. 2

Thn Klcliard CrevelliiK. 70, diod*at The Ilfl-lJel. Ntntlou at Harmony Wn« his home in'Washington, lenvintr three destroyed by an early rniiriilng fire, j 1 1 1 children, William C. of Jersey City; caused by H|i:irkK from a panning cnglii - * st a Few Recollections or lOimer, of Washington, and Miu CJeorgo .Mis.JoseiilrU'Wls ilicd in llliiomsbtiry Uoreir.us, of KciH«vllle. . - after an illness of a year. Clostf'Saturday's at|6 R-M. -••_Wednesday's|fj| Tlilrly Years ARO. MackctUtown installed a lire, alarm The Days of Auld Lang Syne syuteru ut IL iroHt of $1SO.J5. The bell OPEN Aincrlean Day at Anbury Park saw Weighed ~X'.l pounds. 3.000 ini-mlK-rs of the Jr. O. C. A. Al. Joseph K. Kk-e, 7^, an elder In tho In parade. • There were ten bands in lli|i'l{«>tiNtowii' Pnsbyierlini church f"r ' " '• Ten Yihrs ABO, - lii» daughter, Airs. Asa Osiriun. In tinti e TlTlw uninio n excursioxcuioi n of th many years, died after a Hltnrt Illnt-iis, 8.30 Mrs. Caroline Abram.H, 70, widow nf Ilaukettslown. . • IOCIBPI M of Oxford, Jlacla-llstow W'ash- Phllll|isburg 10, llaekctlstowu, 7, ins. Ahrams, died in PhllllpHbiirf,'. She The IIIKII Urldj,'e Catholic ohurcli was iU I and DDover was not a fhninelal ! the Hvurvt of the gami< playetl in Jluck- •, i;t? was twice married and left uunn anil sirtick Ity.llKlitnhiK. makliiK the third success and the lodges mifferc'it it t'ttiil cttstowii. IOSM < A. M. rX-iUwo ilitiiRlttRiu . church In tlie town tlint was KO dam- The two weeks fair held by the con- Aliss Clara Prouty, youngcsl EASTON, PA. ... . Edward IirntKtnan, 47,'dlod in Phil- Ked during the Kutnmcr. gregation of St. Mary's CatlmlU: elnueh, lor of .Mrs. .Mary VI. I'muty. died after Iffi&H psburfijHgte was retnrnliif,' from work AInek llrothoiji .Motor Works of Al- M Al VI I' di In IIa(.-la.-ttstovvn, netted (1.000. 'in Illness nf piM'ltlouitis. she was 16 •<;*.ln ,the«55im1nrd Silk Mill where' he lentowu received sin order from tho New York city fire cleiiartment for t'ij;ht and was III six d:iyn. Slit! wan active In jr^Vwas ta!:en with heat prostration and the Chrltfllmi Kmlvrivur and oiher • ra>- (iLEX lyydlcfl before a phyttician could reach him. heavy automobile hnok -and ladder trueJij;, each to t/wt ,310,000. :. cletii-H of the l're;;b.vterinn church. Arthur Plyer. Win. I'.iissclt aml-Mltw J-^Xilltj left a wife find four children. MKH Kale C. Ktilper. 20 years old, Marjorlt- Itean of N'-w York «-liy: S\ l^;:3)r, WhUticliI Gray of Newton wa« Lebanon tnwiiHliip, or Ihe Glen Gard- ami "Mrs. 1,-nvn-nce Dean anil childr. ner section, reported fi!) births and 3-1 illeil at the horn*? of her parents, Mr. •r^uppolnted veterinarian for tlie Stato * -Mif. J. K. l-'nlper. She hud hi-en and Miss ICatherini Dean or Newark These Are Days of Big deaths in J8«0 and this (•liuscd « cor- l^^Tuberctilo.sl.s Commission, ut a Hillary IIIIU I. III. 1....-1 1.1111111,11 .ft *,.f|— .11, ^ icrc ciicstH at tin JJeau homestcaa in 1!)I1 to uxululm "Oh for i " ""* ('r«l11 w iniil was thought Ii •isiof $l,G0O a year. Jlis district cumiu-tard be improving1 whe she HiifTered a re- ver Sunday. ••Ji'^t,"\V'arren, MOITIM, lluntL-rduu itnd Smt- IK-Koiiil old ddays!! " Mr. and/Mrs. Fred Filch of PlaitiflcM m :: JIIHH I-Jyn halrymplc, daughter of Air. lapse, iiii'dl acute symptoms or apjicndi- ' ''iex counties. citis lei-e.ssltaled an iinmedlate ojii-ra- iave been vishlnr; her parents. Mr. ami (1 .Mrs. Thomas Dalryrnple. uf I Mrs. Jiienb .Martenis. in the Upholstery , John I f. Dairy mplc, 0U, died In : vllle ittirl Herbert Woolev, assistant tion. Khe was too weak, however, lo I ;', t\VaHhlriRton. Ills wife died In April njiil rally from tlie effecls or the operation. (ilranl .Mey.rs, who has been .speiiil- l'"t-*-o failed rapidly after her death. II" nifiKcr of the Cnlonial I.lfe In.siiniure \K the summer at Gettysburg, Pa., ar- inpany of lOastoii, were married. She was a. graduate of the class of IKS'.) / v •as proprietor, of a confectionery Mtore in the Wnshiimlou hlyh se.1u.ol and was rived hen; M'.IKIM.V and will spend tin- T HES'E are days when youhtiye a right to.exp^jBbig^ i Helvldore avenue :tnd had been » Twcnly Years Atfii. secretary of the Presbyterian Smiday •.'fnaininK- two weeks with his paivilts, 1 &f ^resilient ol\Wn.shinfcton for M years. ,V"~rw>t:u|_onn'Kivi'iil Warren Counly, Kcbnol. Kesiii'-s iK'i- parents sh<> was tcv. niifl Mrs. J. II. M.'.v.-Vs, who tuv i?:.'T\vo dfiuyhtcrs iuirvlvod—Sirs/ Kilward survived by one .sister, Miss Clara Ful- n'cupyiiij; part of .Miss Jennie IJrown'.s •*• values and tliese final Augu&t Sales of Uphoj|t^|i|;s|| Hmiill tornado'. Several lotiKu for a month. l.^iUcCrcieken of Newlofi and .Mr;<, Ilow- destroyed. The barn i s ia4 s .Mr. and Mrs. I'M ward Miller and Mr. will not disappoint you in the leasix, A splendid ^ ' '' *' |~ — Urcl Dralco of Boston. D'-Witt P. YoiUK fa tin Tin? \Vf4lding of Mitw Ik-rtha C.nivy. md .Mrs. Robert Miller and daiiKhi.-r, _ .. Mtas J-Itmunli .MeClary, no, died in uiiic[•bby road, I tnile.'i from i iiugliier of VVillhun < , (iaiey, and Clara Kvelyu, were mn'sts uf P'lalivcs IT-*?."East Stroud.shui'K, at tho homo or her town, was slrtirk and burned. .Men at Tllglirmu I'"lorey was announced for of this sale is that many; of • .theses-reduced- " " .cr, Jim.1 Summer Held VaiiFhH. work on Hie new macadam road took t AlartiiiMville Sunday. St 2 Afl.-j- a' two weeks" slay with her ! was a (liuiKhtiT of John .McClary refuge. In the b:irn as llm storm- broke 'armers' Picnic and Firemen's tonnes, euitainfngs, etc., are entirely^-suitible, -,:„.,„ ™. Washington and left, four brothers and several were stunned hy the. llKbin- itiislli. Miss K:-!ther Sie«fried. Miss K'uth L-omblned drew a big n-uwii to «•)timer ami friend, Mis« Graer Miller. J.'^ti'jsind two. iii.sLcrii. 'rilin was a member of Infr. Tin: barn on the "IS.lbbyy" Martlj L-. " .Senator Jnlinslou Cointsh home renovating. ' ^\i! ISiipUst ehtr.vh. fnrtn. nwni'il by Win. returned lo their home in Ksist Oral ice iinil operated : OIK.' of the speakersp . s were held from b U' Th Mondav. Miss l^itimer expects to r>n- by Win. Thoiniison, was also ddcslrnyedd . Jerry Sin failei d lo app r, but Xa- |?:VA;;.3ionie of her sister, MV.-j. Adam Cowell Tiie farm was located on f'llie lieatyes- Irr Syracuse I'nlversity in SepleniTur. lecturer Wm. Willctill s off KKan- Mrs, Adeline FriHK of lieinardsvill-r tmvu ronrl. Some women rvho bail been s. who had a reputation or Ixiuu able Short Lengths of ']>•• AIISH Phoebe' Siitton. fiO. died at the to tin- Union picKli- iH'ar'ISealye.stnwn, Is spending iwiw lime willi lelalives: oiitlalk "liob" injU'j-soll, Uilkcd two and I'rii'nd;; al .Siu-iue /tun ami viVin- We Call Your Atteini&F : Jioinu of her 'mother, .Mrs, Ksthcf Sut- took slu-ller in tin- hani when the >urs itticl was JuaL uoltinu; vvarmeil up * ton, Jn "Waaliin^-lon. She Htorm eiitiii! up. Ui.bcit Thompson bail it'll lie was eViinp''lli'i] lo stop anil let Beautiful Cretonnes •tov of tliu late Joseph O. Kiilloii and Jiirt Invited tlieui Imr, the liniist^ and Mr. ami Mis. I'.nom- CnKlliif,' and Special Pri the band have a clinnee. The l-'iii-mers' son. r; - i; aecinn-inied I,y .Mis;; '.•was survived hy these sisters and brn m» piltiK I'aek to Ilie barn l« look Alliance was or^ani'/eil willi these olM- K Choosing those cheery cretonnes l Kslhcr Kit'«fi'icd, wire KUCHIS Monday iithbrs: Mrs. Peter Khnwimaii, and Her the stock Wilen-tiie strtltrlll l reslrir..nt, AIIKTI SilVfrUinrn; of Mrs. Conklitm's brother, Howard In Effect This M ! vice-pj"eKi-f, Jacob -h. Kuttnn of Washington town- liii and was soon all'ablaze. He saved Kversole, at Ihilli. Pa. They w.-vr ac- retary. M. C. Flunicrfolt: tre-isnnr, _,,"•; »liip and Mm. William Allen nf Wash tlie livestock, wlilcn was in the b;ise- etiinpanled home liy Mrn. ConkMHK'H able when you know that ;is far as ,Iess- itllby; Ktowiml', Henry I.. IValty; I•* %•;, IiiKton. She ivst.'t hurit-d at Spurt a,. tin.nl of the Iiarn'V A barn at "Musky biothcr, liobert Kvcir:olc, who Iiiul .been I'clurer, W. O. Ward: Chaplain, U'm. •"'••;: MISK Kniniii Sullivan, si. died ill Do flrhlKi!" owned by .Mielni-1 Swarlswelier, Kpeudiim a week al that place. quality, color, design and price are Furniture Re-Upluc •', vor. She was a former resident of Ox- wan also > 1 Jobii/.Vi-Kley h'ltts, B2, died at his iTville were Kiiests Sunday of Mr. and Slip Covers aridF iKht wan survived hy her mntlu joldlern iiiul sail'irs of AVarrt'ii ecun- Mrs. Win. Klyniuat Spruce' Unit. you want. ' arary Sullivan, of Dover ami th: »me in Wiisbiimton. where he had iM-en an aellrve. meiehanl 'fur some y was belt] in Itlazier's Crove. W.'isli- AlfSM Nancy Murry and Miss Sarah ,ters and two brothers. The. burial was nfit'tn. with -I,'W in attendance, finv- Mack utUndeil the funeral of Mrs. .I'.lin Were 75c to $1.10 a yard—al stery Work Gel iii Oxford. -ears. lie. was a trustee, ol" the Al'. I-:, 1 •hiiivh for twenty years and treasurer •ruor I.con Abbett, ex-Seualoi- [ idci»ck. Owens, at Plainlield. Moiidtiy. Mrs. Airs. Julia Cyphers, widow of (iwin- of ihe board for twelve yesir.s. ifo was ind Captain Klnhl were the HjieakerM. a former resident of this Jllip Cyphers, 80, died at the home of her " > active in fraternal orders. II.; was Mrs. John [irnadhca'l, wife of Ibc place. All work done m „,, ,'KOII, Albert Cyphers, at l-'oul Kifi. She ii'f>i)iielor of tile Killatinuy Hotel, at .Mrs. Ni-llie CuuKhnrt is spending s>v- 50c, 60c and 70c yd. I ^;,:left six children—neorse. of I'hilllps- on of John Kills, and besides his ; workrooms by skill Iciuwiirr- Water (Inp, died of cnnsuinp- •al ilnys willi relatives in Klemiimtoii. 1 "^V^iburK; James, (if lielvidere; Albert, of father and wife he left four brother:),! Ii>n at Ih.' am- nf -1^. Kb-- left h.-r lius- Mr. and Mrs. Alien Queen of Kiiwi- ,^ : Foul Hlft; UolVrt, of Washington; .Mrs. and two sistc:rs. men. Materials ar | band and three children. belli Irivo been spendim; a w. picnic. Daniel SpaiwnlnTfr ami C, K. Ford, Fn-d. Jr., of Wilmiummi. Del., who Irnv- • : ut r>-:t. B--1 and Ji-c. .Mrs. Mary Snyiier. ayed motln the latter or Whilei-Oioro, N. V.. |Hir- i :eudiiii; a week in tlie Poeono S6 inches wide. furthermore you;,:s - Mrs. Lnvi AI|tatiKh, r.f», di./d in IMKII Isaac Snyder, a farmer near Ilnrks- cliascd the business of .lann-s .\I. Fitts iilains, are spendinp; this wei-k with siderable by taking TtridKe. Ueath was from pneumonia. liillK. died at I In- home nf her sou. She in WaKltiiiKton and Oxford and planned bis parents. Mr. and -Mrs. E. W. Ktisii. •Were 55c and (i5c a yard—at iilso left another son, liilnUr Kstyder, nf to enlai-Kc tiie funiilure department anil Kill.-left a husband and Ihive ehitdreii. .Mr. and Mrs. Geor^i- C'oukliiiK ait'l tage of the special : ilmmiHliiiry. Kive special attentirm to the nndcrink- V. Cicorge A. I'rire of Stcwartsvllle and surt. Grow, Jr.. wer Kuesls of his -;3vriss Surah IT. I Seers, iliuiKliler ol" .Mr. Rev. .1. Kdnai* firant reslKtieti as •. Mrs. Mary CmikliiiK. al Soin- price concession. . ,11ml .Mrs. W. K. lifers of I'hiUlpsiinrir, astoi- of Hie Deliiware and KriowUen .Miss'.ieniiie U neatly of Newark, for- erville from Friday until Sunday. . 30c yd. were, inan-ied in the-pursoiuiKO of the 'resliyterlan eliurehea, merly of ML t-ebiiimu, ilaimbtei- of tlm There was a law crowd at Ihe latbite CeCeoo. W. MwittI'.wittyv . wawas-marries • nrirrled Ilo Jam<-.s OllarO'llare ofl LnioCnion Hill, was :>a " -.Grace Lutheran church. i- *»C Aliss of Samuel Hart at JMKel.svllle. It wan' videre nn Saturday. Newton (Icfraleil mauufactunM- of Newark Nancy Alurry. Air. Oilare lived here WOOL TAPES !i (> !l fl iLs ll5 ,; ,l»urnu(l. toKother with the crop* and •«• North Knils of PhilliiiHburtr, -l io 2, The Washington Atbleiics lost two H" >'"»*« « " " '"IN Ilrst return Colored Marquisettes vi:ilL t machinery. •ith Mei'Vlriilno twirlint," for the War- crimes In a vi>k, the Ilrst lo Hie lietii- for furniture coverings •: - '. -Isanc Case. 7fi. died in 1'nrt JUirmy, Ml team and "Die!;" Khte for the Stis- leliem A. A. by -score of fi to 2 and the Aliss Ucalnce Alpain;b has returned for window drapes and door hang- patterns and colors at : i. •x players. There was a heavy shower 1 1 1 1 lWl{lw ilftur V1KI1 leaving; a wife and ilaiiKhter. Ueath KWi.n.1 to the ironsides «,f Newark by V.] '; ;! ""!"..V ^}. ' " ivh]e.h temporarily spoiled the pienie, the seore of 7 to -I. The Herdie.s wenr ing Aliss Saliie Smith. • , Aviis from heart disease. Aliss Jennie Stout of Pittstown is ings- mt the banil stuck until the, bass hum to Newton and lost 10 to ;t. $3.50, $4.00 and$5; ^>—.KlHller lirothers. vinegar mainifae- .spending some time with Air. and Airs. vas lilled with water, wiien all hands Mrs. (jeoi-Ke liei-Keu died at New ,. turers, lost 1 ".0,000 Kallons of vinegar Charles Munghurt. Were dOc, 50c and 75c a yard—at louKht slit'lier. As soon as tlie sun Ilitmpton. ; ivhen their jilant at Stroudsbin^ was Charles liangliifi-L and Kdward Frills Were S5.00 to $7 shone iifralii tiie musieians were on the Arlhur Uinehart of New Hiiuiplnii .destroyed by Hie. Tho loss was abmit and Klnier \V. Fut|>er of Junction rodi; have opened a garage in a part of John $40,000. The vln»K.'ir ran out into nb playiiiK "Wln-n the Clouds Roll l!>\" Force's warehouse. Mrs. Abram Depue dietl in Kaston at •ilibiiU'iiibia on their bicycles in ten 1 . Broailhead's Creek and the ,ii . After spending some time with Air. ( 01 waH he at,re of SO y.'ars. 'She left ten chtl- ru, ineliidin^ several stops on thu (listlnpuishablL* for miles. ami Mrs. Albert .Sylvester. Mlss'Sne At- Iren. Tlie funeral services were held way. Prof. Graham, who married .MIKH Jen- kinson linn returned to her home in in the Harmony PresbyterianUihuruli of .1. S. Wiirue rxpectrd -1,000 basliefK ufe I-'OKS, of Glen Gardner, died at Philadelphia. ft-hii-h she hati been a member for -10 pr'ni-hes fnmi ills orchard, of which Wldtehouse at the, nw-oCfiO. .'lie re- lie was half owner on the Michael 1 Dr. Moon Some, 'Miner." sided at York, I'a.. and wont lo Wliitc- CHKIKT f-irm. in WiishiiiKlon. Wm. P. Bale of Sussex had a pnenom- A Lincoln .Moore, of Hampton, can house for his health, •iial yield of wheat from a new species, Tlie Washington tlremen ehai!Kf-''l fill a pulpipt or act as "sky-pilot" for Joseph I.!. Miller, postmaster, .slore- i'hree years before he sowed a pound of the the a regiment of soldiers with equal fa- kueper and miller al Kieliniuml, i'a., iMiiarc head wheal and fin I. 45 jiomids. Fin- Coin cility. Outside of thai, when ho ia not (hed of paralysis at. the an<> of .SI. He "his produced 1^ lnishel.s tiie following The co sto Patrick's busy preaching, lie is sounjwiiaL of a was a brother to Henry K. ATlller of •car, and from i)'/i bushels sown hu Catholic h in |: viv. H. P. H f Ox- societies; Aloore has several degrees second annual reunion at Carbondate. Connelly. MI off a train at Junction ford was rccl I'll., on AUK-. HI. It was exjieeted that ill storaire plaitl and was badly niaup- ph excha wns which he can "tack on" to his name l.t!00. would iiitt'nd. Alt the macks in whenever lie wants to. SOUK; of his 1 wo, that both lens had to be anipu- idled with few buyers. 'I'be nly IIKIII "Washington were arnitiKiiiK to '"-' pre.i- aled, causiiif,' death !••'.-".•. IX bmiighi "0 cents a linsket. best work was done while he served ent. Tiie Kith annual- convention of tlie Airs. John Young diml in Junction, as chaplain of the 112th Engineers. The IHiffaln exjiress on , (he Lehiirh New Jersey State Camp of (he P. O. S. living- a hiiKhnml iiud six children. Army. He Is prominent, Valley look tire as the train wan ..-n- of A. was held in PhlllfpHhiir-K with 200 She had been active in' ehiu-ch work. in tiie I'taplisL denomination and serv- lerlnj,' tin- Kii.slon .staiion. Three day delegates in attendance. IT. J. Wohni U ir. Pursel. 7-1. died in Pliiilipsburg. ed as ;i iluiegato to the llaplist World coaches were destroyed with a loss of was the state president. lie bad been in charge of Plane No. Congress in London.—Newark Sunday al»)iit 525,000. . . . Mrs. Daniel potty died of heart dis- AlnrriK canal for many years. Call. . ^VasIibiKton 13, Mlairstnwn I!, told the ease on Farm No. 5, near Penuest. stt.ry of thee rude way in wliieh Ihe No. :t, the I.-trhawantiii fast line A\iishineton,"orpin grinders treated train, wllh )avid Cox gin tlip woukl-be champions frn (ho niadi.] tin; ru from Stanhope lo Wash n«.rthern part of the county wh Iho.y l!ftee.ft u minutes, lHedd ttlih e bborough. The batteries Were 'I'he running time of tins train from tin and .f. Momau and Potter and Hobokeu to' Nnffalo eitfht. Iiniirs, two Ijmirs faster thr • "lilack Dia- T\nmas Tturko'T^rkiu. formerly of in ond." ."W JihiKlnn. and Miss TIIIL Tallman. ' Woirc lii-tithers o 1 r ••• V ,,' of'.Iorscy Oily, were-married "and i:li.'i'sent of the Fir . -.; ' • O/lw Washington Mftr. Co., bail a form National Ilank of lvidere. The pu •• fitCwork rebuilding tlie factory on the as ?K.t>0000 . ThThey plannel d '• • eH^jnf^Uiu fae; nf H. Af. petty, liry nufact by process a rrr^'u^jroyetr'/.hy HH>. It was planned to kf ere/:t a IHIIIM-AV,1 at a cost of nearly bucUwhoat breakfast food. $|!>(inn, R, M. Petty Vji.^ i>r'.sid»nt of At tho age nf 7li OipK'ii Wliitesell of Thoroughly Protect . tl'-V company and Howard^ Krltts was auVillc. wa:s knocked down •. by a also Interested. The .company was bicyclist and suffered severe injuries. N > «peratiiiB a factory at Ilanovor, I'a. Rimer C. Sinter of Washington iwlver- 1 that hee.vpectiMl to n liibit a high I Frank', Ala lone of Wa-shinclon, and class mt oi lobile i iide teadiiiK and Your Estate Misa Joaiinii UroKan,' of Naples, Kaly, would et it . sair.nie of the. new wre married in Nelcon^. ' :1 or (ranspnrt.iltie NEW UGHT-SIX .Mr. and Mrs. William Whilmoro of High water at Creat Moadmvs on Five-Patsengar, 40-h 'Washington wer«> made seriously ill Fanners' Picnic day established a by appointing the Phillips- power, 112-inch whee i ''• from eating cainmd cum bei'f. record. Passengers1 on tlie '[>higti ;iud $1335 f.o. b. S '*. ,-' Fred .lU-Kaii-'-nf AVoodcien und Miss Hudson trains could renHi the water burg National Bank asyour Iva Bergen, daughter of Cleni'Ko Mer- from the car windows. • Ken • of "Whlloiu)iise were mai-rieil In "William K'rugler and Aliss Alille A.- Executor, and you know •High BrlrtKC Reed, imth of PliMlipsburg, were mar-' " ; Miss Ada; v\. Aimer, daiiRhter of Mr. ricd by Kev. K. V. King, in thai place. that it will have careful, ex- - and Mrs. R W, Aimer of Gi-eat Mea- ITanlon IToffnrd, a I'liilllpsburg con- , unprecedented popularity of the NEW LlGI dows, and Robert I-1. Kvery nf ninj,'liam- tractor. (IFi. died after an illness of tlircu . perienced and economical _ tnn. were married at tho home of the weeks, leaving a son, Elmer Hofford. SIX can be traced to the fact that it reprc bride, and went on a trip to the Thou.s- Invitations were out. for the1 wedding . and Islands, Upon their return they of Theodore II. Hartman, Deputy.I'OHL- management. '^'"V planned to lake -charge of tho business niaster of litali-slown, and Miss Iiic:: a degree of automobile value that the public j 1 at Great Meadows, Mr. Aimer retlrinp. Ostrander of Kanrcu* City. Tlie cere- ;; ; Onorpte lii'yan ' of Hackettslown: ob- ony to be pcrfornied in Ibe Wairstown CONSULT US ABOUT IT NOW sought for years. It is built complete in the _ iJcrved.hlK 91st birthday at the hoiiw of . J3. clniruii. ... , Studebaker factories in South Bend. And the indication of its real worth today, is to be forinij the fact that, in the first six months of 1921, Stude baker (with the exception" of one manufacturer ofc>j For Baby Chicks well known and very low-priced car) produced ani UNION SQUARE ••• NEAR DELAWARE BRIDGE! sold more cars than any other manufacturer in tliii Phillip sb country. ;' This is a Stadebaker Y^; j?^^1^rSy.r^C?g.'^'?o; j. HOWARD S. FRITTS J Buttermilk r Show rooms at 46 East Washiiigton Avenue 'JS ; Where Everyone DINES in Comfort ' ''' ' WASHINGTON \ . '' '1 ••• . i\ " •'FEED:,- \ CT7TWC f^ A 1717 NEW PRICES OF STUDEBAKER CARS _..„ •,_^4=^ fob Factories. cf."-tdi,c Juno 1st, 1911 '"ig Touring Ciirs and Roadttct Conpei and Sedan* LIGHT SIX 2 PASS ROADS1 CR I.1GHT-5IX 2-PASS. COUPE-ROADSTER L1GH1 SIXTOUKIhGLAR LIGHT-SIX 5-PASS. SEDAN SPLCIAI SK 1 PASS KOADSTKK SPECIAUSI1^ 4 PASS. COUPE SPECIAL S,X TOURING C\R SPECIAL-SIX 5-PASS. SEDAN Duirs PSmlfry Supply House SPhCIAl^^lX :r'\3S ROADiiTLR niG.SIX 4-PASS. COUPE DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING \ BIC-SI\ TOURING CAR 1)IG*S1X 7-PASS. SEDAN 115-117 South Third Street Eastern, <. Pa. 31-33 So. 3rd Sfvcci Easton, Pcnna. ALT- STUDmAKTR CA" ' ARr_ TQUIPPED WITH C^ORD THtCS ffiffi&ffi^f. STAR,- WASHINGTONiN.J^'n^SDAY, AUGUST 25.llM

aira. Ocorfie.lhiBrtrt Tuwlit.r nficrnnnn lit [Miilllntibhirt; the \y.K:t th »iu'inllnjr Koine HIIM1 with hi-r Jibttr. j "*etwl Mm. T. W. I'liipw us lMlim Mr. anil Mtit. l'nn\ I ilili-c t.r .Ne 1 Hie VIontftiRtKii fntr. \ The KmoroliU-ry t'iiili will I10I1I llich- VitrU. ft.rmiT n'tddfi llil.s i-lar- .,„„... ' A very pICRwmt lime wim Jtad nl 1110 will Imtil a i- plrtilr al C.-nlnil I'ark W.dn.-K.l iiy. liaw ixTii fucL-jitly hiK ;i-\ w It. lnviiH llio vA to it foitliiil invilatlou l»i iiliH' wim Mni liirl l-'n-y K.NOWI/rON. her mill a raont lomplhm ri-i-siwt WK n>turiH.tl lioiiii< Mtitnttiy 111 lltr aftiTiU'on t hno wim a f'Vfiiliii;. 'r^mv-liV" .li-M.H-n -,v;fj vnti'tl Mi;, iitid Mrs. Ui'itJ, lit-rk vlnltcc w::i ii «\i«U wllti ln>r pan-iil air. and Mrs. Chsrn, Trltnuii. Advance Showing of A ^wlnl time with ifliiiH'H ' nut music. out of tin- H'fiisii'y fur Htiii-tltiK l(u* ww 1 ll .Mrii. \\\ C. l-'tilli-* 1« .i*'tni' of tin- llntmn-rx pfrtilc?ir<» a Those iiresi'irt wore -Mr- «"• 1 A'" ' '''" licl .vllh rtii'iiiiKttiMiii. cti-flric liKlit fund f.-r Ihf M. K. rliut.-h. Itutloroi Somiiton; Mr. iin»l Jlr«..lnnw» ilr. and Aim. rimn. Want-r miil \U\. .Wwpm. 11WMU- i)f AsVury: .Mr?'. .'• *• A1|>mii::i 01 S\iv. ('aii'nl l'i-\vltt ."im UiH:i"ll.lbrk and Miss M;nKMrcl /,p i»f Utt'liumiKl. Va., fi inl Mm. K. .1. Vuslir itmtinctl In i:.in-- Hamilton; Miss .M»y Ayc(( .-r trip hi IMawaiv v.'arci mji: Miss.iciiiiii- ititldu-«»r *M"iilsi>.wn: K li f William TttuMii. cjap. I.-WLH i;iiMi*i)n<;>t. .If.. 1I:I:J 1 Mini'V, .t-.lni A. U'jillrt-'H hiiiity fi-Ii'Milri an Mr*. SuniiK't Orolslcy isl! PliliHifhl mid Ixil with |>k' «l*.!inf 1 ifd In M'i> Iliin mil aflt'i* lie Minn Josei'liine HmiM >*»f Fl;nni»h>ii. ll [.III Ih-VlMt:. 'iNptlnl, «1mi> h.- Floyd Major o( Wiis*Jl»KH'ii IS tn- . .IUIMI Std|.|. tiu.K rw.-nl an Ii|..r.-l(l..n lor tit.- ii»f VMmr U'-"'.l of IMiilittlfii' N .•iiji-yliic M.iiNylvi.niii :-|H-nt Siimliiy ivlil* X't. lirtfold- .ir.I.-rs.-y t'ity, .Mr. ami .MIM. Jay L During the coming week wo will show n I wo wks* v;u?itl(in ;il ;ll»> h»m«' of tut Mr:;, 'i. A. i:«-..il. t,!inl.-ri:. •.•n.\ f.,,,i of |:n«In*vlll- :IIKI his parents, ftuioir^h CV'll-'i: l"f and .Mrs. Tin- llflili-lirinl Swav7" yi'-uU- will !•«' .!•«**. K. (•.•Mart and family >•( |;;,,;,-"!t I i«-ld ;it Ml. I'm cim, IVi.. nil S< |-1. ~. w. iv wi-k-<-ntl j:n.-|/; 01 Mr. ami ;.-l;.-. i our new lino of Ladies' Oxford:-, Strap i [ln\v;int llci'il. •N-liit I.. Html).-I.I. Tin' limly "t MlW. .l«'lm OWI-IIM V:.I:I Mt% .i.id Mi-i. l-:at:i !\vp1i.-i:i ..f rin:- .1'limps and Hitch Shoes Cor Kail and AVin- rln-Aslmryl KIICKK *•'*-. i;tl>l arc .-:|.<-niIiMU' loiti'r till)-' ill Iti'-ir H.-v.'hiiii \ii.--jf.u, 1,;.^ m,,v..l m limiiu'lit from 1'liilkilli'tii M«tnlsi.v "n«l \--\<>yi\ W-iriHT'f: lo Sir -i.ruv. anaisflira^JampH Rttlilte. Sr. •ntfrn'il lit Si. Ain'w r.-m.-l-Ty. Mrs. arm on the Mt. Ihnnoii ro;i.|. ter. The same; high grade of quality will tzzftjyCrQtcr In S]ICIH11IIK this - ui'ii was* in Ii"i- -VJlh yv.W :ut'1 ill-'-1 Mr. iitiil Mr::. .1. Smith aod t|:inKiil'>v. j ,IM|HI [•'. |;nii p Hi.' v, -m i-oiiiitliciitfims. Shf was w.-!l »..r.ilhy. 1 .f Wiiynrirt, l':t.. ;nv ^[..•n.I- vith Mi hn-tli |.:nK he imiinlailicri, and the styles will appeal •n !•>• it innnlH-i- ..f fricil'is in tlif ,\; p.nir "I Mi.y s. ti^- their viH-.-iM.-n with Ivr pitt-nl'. .Mr. 3len|M^latt of Murliitf* C>n- kno Hid Mrs. .1. .1. AIlicrl:-io». \ Fm.il Vn^t UVnl Tp. tu anyone desiring the latest oll'ering of afBUest of Mli» Mary RUMle sis thi' lion of Mr. y-r.-. j I • .Mrs. 'Anna Woif- .111.1 .'Wt..ii .m.l ili>. riii-isiephor KiTi;l.-r >•( ] Tin- ritMt of livin:; oti Aiimist I was the host manufacturers, at prices consid- iVMrs; John Mayberry cnter- sirio, Mrs. •'"' I'll IO tltt'ir il.MlM I'itllllliM.ift,- .-|.rnt. llf: wt-vKM-mi uitlt :i ft.i.-li-u ln-|(,w that tin July I i.isi, iturday-Mrs. Daniel Spansen- Nolanil tfill < • p;i ; |i latttrn Mr. and Mtv. VW.ty IVi!i--. iii'i'i.-dlni: In a rcpml of tli«.''\':itl:tnjil erably lower than last year. We suggest ilsbury; Mrs. Kate Larison and , M v. i;jl^[]i,lli r.K,-t t,r Nexf Snml.-iy at'i'iiiOi-a ill-- Ml. \Wv-Imlirttriiil ('..nlVr.-nf.* linanl jim: iu:iil,. •ytlnscho of WnshhiRton. pulilji', !'rii-.-i( air- ^tIII f.'.' p.;- ,,-in early inspection while all sizes are here, l-ViiHl. l!:it..'i- Li ,-nj.iyini? nv» wrr-lv titon .Hid y.Uin t !,>]•! !i,•:( v.lll !n>M an iena^-Hackett «f Went I'orial v:i>'.-ili"ii (ruin h!-; .luiirs ,[ t\ . -j-j,,. ]ilKli<-r than in July. l!-|-l, and (inly flay':a guest or Miss Ileh-n UL.viitf rrnws. ; v •2V.S ptT .•.-til. IMW.-I- thrill the |..'-ak of and by paying a small deposit, any pair |l l t Water Piiinpiim :4*TiK tlx'i-f tins ti.-cn 'of!the >vook " K " l.vt.Tlin iilum'li t;H» 1" "Vl<«* Huii'!:i>- ll.v. l-'iiMtiT is lalclni; two wn-l;s v.i- M d.'fiVas.-. liow.-v.'i-. i.f ;;.r. ,.,-r ,.,.,,! I Air. tuttl Mi-«. I-MKI-MM riiMin.-i* mill i-alinii. Mr. Vi-imiiK- < pi-tl tJn- |"il- falter. Hnckett, at 'UYst Portal. nmiliU,-. Hi tl... :m.Tii.H.i. :.t -I.SO l«» Kr.-niK- i:im>liai-i in.-luis.l to |'nin>rHvlUi< I"V '•'^1 "f <-l IIIK :iml i.f 1.1 p,.,-' icob Dike of Qu»'* ^Iny preiiclt- will .-oiiilm:! «T\*.lri-». ..11 the rlllllvl Sittiiiiiny aiul ri:itt Kinohai-L t'aiully. mi., huiuiml :iinl hii cl. . lia it ;tll 1 ' "^"Vn 'P mornltiR. "I Ch-uIliiiHIua. Iwtuivr. will Kivi- hi» li-i- thirty I|,-ini; pnwnl. \ur 1 &» K\ile YOUIIB ren- n-iv oil "ScHiiK I lie iirttthl Hlili1 ol S^jmipo voice "Itt— Th1 •J" t.innn-ow JIFKIH lit tin- ritinrit. W'MUani ntiitnv.'n vH unn-il tn his Ni:\V HAMPTON. *T* • iili the cvpiiliiK iltnissu.il will 'In- charm-.! Mit a. Itcilii- In Oaiilil.-n Sliiiilr;y. ai'lrr |.;isMini; "TcmiJrfranuc." Nost :iivor olT.Mint; will l.o .•..-..Uv.l f..r IJ«- a wwli with his r.msSns. Ali-^i-s. .lamrs :i ..r W0LSLA YER'S flwick 04 Harley, Pa., itietlt »r t"i* «»&<'• :l»'-' I'"""11 '•I'"nltl. iU \ifi», U now ;U ht'i- lm:iif lii'i--> liii|ii->i\ :i .ream-ryls-xl.^strdan.lliH.yh^vtn pasriin;; a wwk with 3lis4 Ktin-I Suv- Im- Old Reliable Family Shoe Store ter. Doro- si-.-idily. 1 illlliV ibetli .spent one 0«y last K.'t tlu- supply fnii nn ollr (I.!-. Mr. and Mrs. .I11IH1-V.l.ii.K ami .Mi nr .1:1.1 pc • I'HI ill I in' l-i;in]'.- other 'daughter, ljuth, wiio • I ha\o pnivtiaNi'tl or Mi'. mu\ Mr«, Ct-nrcc I lartnian, i.r ih ;ind .Mr. lt(>l;tnd. :ill «f wivu: nuiil In 11: |I..I 4S5 Northampton St., Easton rending, .the"" summer with the "iiiU'-Smltli AlUo Co. a now ;ili:<- \V1lt l Npi-nl Salnrdiiy ntnl Smnl:iy willi Mi hi lira In i an iii iwn ami:;-.'.] i. Thomas SJnter, bndy fof iwt» in tlioir ni'ai n»u:>- mollior. M-N. Ahime .1. 11111, ..%•«•.- Sun. Vcldirk's fatlliT. I'ctiT Coliiei-B. •r c-™i I1UI11 i);iy. 1 in .Inly. ]:iM. lawk, of "Wiharton, a for- |M lli-v.. .(.' hylti- i.r O.IP>- May invn.-Ii ! here, was ini town Sutiir- 'Ttu^'hiKly whlif inaim-l iiiul !^^low^ Mr. and M s. Zil.ii Ti.ll.'ii ,-in.l Mr fur 111" f(.HKlvKailou nf Ih- Vail Stai- :uiil Tliriiic-.'i-WVok New York offf to Loodoo,\.. mlviinfaailvnacp . iiml llrx. .Inltn IMrttitcr. w-iv -u.^ls oi iifCpld ncfitii K chiitvh last Stimlay. ISnth nmriiJi iVorW, $2.75. i been quite Mrn 1) L* 'I'itinan lias hail lu-r liollse- -Mr. ;u..l MIH. W.M-.-...I ;iV,vi-.m nt PH!l She l« nowlio'ld liooils nii'Vi'i! from Montrnsr-. fa.. Ilpshui'f,' Kumlay. with niu,'li"iii'("fi'sl. to part of Jlr.H. X. K. CriilK-a house In M S n 1 t lU !II !llt tl il!rl n of New York th i'" 'l'im' 'c'"' ' ' . V " mt, JIIss «Iosc- Inu-r Klsli- i ^'.Mawhiill llunly,. is M.t.,i.liNi: a w,-|- attcmird Hi'* auslit*. na . -,w . wf1h !lls I1"'1*1"!"- Mr.-riml Mir. Alsu.t Eursioii :it Con- Tho roa.V from ht'n- Mti^viitcr I nnnlJH', .-it IV.iii-st. thrpUBli llanllik w , i« VIHK | Win. c'iihlii.-i' ».|]l«-i*lair.r'ii .\|» ;nh of iniprovod t>y 'i '1Il.^"n1'" ... I -Ml's- 'loy C'aslii.T ;inm'.- •of 5Fr. inul Sirs, ,t the liomcvtoahomcwtoiiiid . lay ft i l' bciv Stimliiy. An nll-cliiy J»' p of th TIP. Mr, l lie ln>l«I t Iti-uJ. Dnlrymp!.- ••ntPi-tiilunT Pnmviy pphiFr up on thf Cross clinptor u of piii Mi', ami M'v. .li-.-.«- Msih-viup!.- nifl rlt:i- hey won IS to 2 h,> Prf.sliyt-ria t-liiuvh, lieKinnhii; n week wltlur The A. OV 10 oVlook. lirrii, 11 nil Olli.- rrtii« of litii-mnny. Samantha Castn.T Sfhil.vl.-i-' Halryniitli' anil .Mrs. ytiuu^ 1 In favor Mr. mid fltrH. Anwl Iliiiihorry iiti.l - r.rra1 iiiiHfiiii^ .,,,iii l;iUK>icr. MrM. H. It. Mtrilii>rry anrl MISM 1'Vii/.' (,f I"t;.)tiit and Mrs. N. (lii- CriK." tii-He Kaiisl at Clui nf ICirkiT's Hr.nr. oklyn has born r^tha Post an- spemHiif,' live itiiys u'l Mrs. Cliirk i.'.vp ph at the hotnc .vllli relatives In Sc-rtitilnii and Suw|ii«- Adnil W'.aviT i'litfrUiini-d l-'ivil Itunim county.1 I'M-. IIIHI nttHjili-d tin- vt. Smith, tif Ni-warlfi ovt-c tin- wt-i-k-end. tul >Ir.s. l-'rank f niitil ivHiilim of the Kiniici- family. lilltt-l-. liunlie Mi illnr; Sinn.- The amut'il Jin-etiiiK of Uie 1'iiioti 'nl\\ [ Mr. ami Mrs. M. Ilt-ick Ci'inctory Assiu-ialinn will In- ln-hl i Tin- of I'liiliipslniru lia > Miss f.''Uh:irI Satm-d;t.v aftrrmion. Auc. _'7. in-!.- \r- tl, ore was the puest The niairstown .\l. K. i-hnrch cl:nn- of Hart Schaffner & Marx and Kuppenheim'er of the 1'ort >;ikf will l»> hfilil next UVilni'Siiiiy. A ml l'--r\-it I!'.' and Sara Ca?s;i- filon on tlie Stciirn- firsl-rlans l.;iki'i' lias In Mrs. l.ai mmisslon - marie n it will lie .M-fashioiH'd .link. New York har- plenty of ipectiun WHS 1:011- Opheli Wilson, ivlio h» Spring and Summer Suits P nt the hotel Cotn- -imisIy ill. is i .iii«k I>'iKlu n nop»t nmi mil. (.ii s|.rndinn th t-ks al .lulm ;> at pi'i'.-es t'4Jow they will sUirtle you. There has always line have 1»VM iiiKle's. li Mrs. l-'rank Frit is. CJCIIW Ufselif been a limit'to pi-ice lX'ductions—but we have gone be- fiR'H nd llai-ihvii'k inw . _., 11. an- visltiiiK- li e-'ntly solil tin- yond that limit, at this time when the public is looking 1 Mrsi William Howlhjv th iui Itid-ApKin- and sisti-r. Mrs. I Sunday with friends will i for real quality at old-time reduction prices. jiMfs. Ifiinii-'l HpancfiilHTtT IIAICMONV. The offering- presents a most desirable selection of d-llff. Justph HpaiiKi-nl»-iW Mi-ff, "f KaMli.ni. s t /ere Sumlay fveniiiK truest:' ill) l tMie. It. H. Merrill. Cr the smartest suits of the season, in models for men ol: >stilla h:i.i f«Mtetl ihL' RubuTl Mr. and Mrs. Willia ' an Sklllnir.n s Hill ami Laworcrii'e of Wai n Oh-n anil Mrs. every si'/e, and fabrics, colors and patterns to satisfy ijunu Sept. 1. .1. H. Tiwir I.onisi' Winter nt" Kiin-sville w.^rc Run- f.Into- the house v;ic,m-d by day siH'stK of .Mr. ami Mrs. I'liilip Winter. every taste. X. i;. Fulpei* ai'o *'it- Pr. !inil Mr.-i. llnr-.v Mn;;sar«| and son, | ^ea breezus at Asbucy Park. Rd^ar, spent ^un-lay wirh her iian-nlr;, •Uuchanan of Sumui'vlllo was at Mt. liethvl I'a. 'er,:the week-eml oC Miss .Mae The Christian Kiidcavor will IKII-I ;i u-r.i- Two Groups of These Floe Soils. at laniiiliewis has been on the Sn.r. I lele n«l Iiv Hchwcilze s: somewhat better. Mr. and .M Oliver Tiiec .spcnl Sun- SIX CYLINDER MOTOR CARS Patrick C«st.llla, .son .losnpn sum day at Arn Clitnvh, J-'nrlcH Town- :'-.:Miirr were in Jersey Chy ship. rThursday. muil SuUinhiy. Miss Cian'iir.i.' Huff has a new rici' •emaihefl :for the wuek. mobile. PRICE' REDUCTION Leo Djneen of Vincland was a Mis.s Mjirifin irulbe-rft r^ ^tXitvlipine of hia parents. Mr. Hpi-nt sntni' tliiu' ri-fently w LIGHT SIX ' ' |tfohlHDinetn, last week. Unum Stopp. ia;Mrs,''fidwarrt Oliver uf "Ve- Mr. ami Mrx. l-'rank Til man ihavc ibcen recent «uests of Model B-Tonringi ...-. ....:.1...$1295 -. ami'Mrs. Win, M"s. Chiis. Cauh. last >ek. Mr. and Mr.-J. Atnzi M(){lti.j5-R«adster '. 1275 ps'. Edward Clawsctn Park, recently spent ; Jaf, .Air. -anti filud-5 I;-Stti;:n :_ .'. $2100 Tii 1 Values up to ijfiO.OO Vsdutvs up to $45.00 Cmp'and two daughters, Olivi cumpany from T'viiti.> il.Kastim (he- Motto ;>C;i upo - ..'. ^.,§1950 I Schomp. ,uf AVliitc-house. wen past weel:} ista'.cf their cousin, Mrs. .Torn A ljuby Ki.-l washorn to Mr. and At tlics-'v prices you can be sure this sale won't last [vortey is havintr tlit- porcn n Jlrs. Clarence Miller •emodeled, which win-it com Mrs. tlohrt Altetn NEW FRIGES • long". Some suits can be worn the year around. I give a bmmalow aiipearunci l-'lnvi-m:'.-. of N'tirllH Upton. I'a., visit- ed recently HIT mm, 'hin-ni-i! -Miller. j.seiibury oC rhlllipsburK Mrs. Wlllinni ftik-y lias ln'i'it vlHliiiiB NEW MEDIUM WEIGHT SIX S in town. n^rrMrH. Koliert fonwlck ha Contincnfcil 7 R Motor, Cord tire equipped, lyfillng tliroUBh Ca.nad:i. [S'rcCl VtinArsdfilc and Mrs. Ka Values up to $30.00 K;>vsons Austin, and (laughtevs. 7N Touring - •• •'• $1490 d'Evelyn, have been vistiiiiK iIr- ^•Howard Wilson, nt Allen town. Sedan 1 $2375 • NO CHARGE MONEYS WORTH jincoin afooru hits ncceincn rue "-the Patriotic Owler Sons Roadster $1470 ' OK •to dolivor the orutInn on FOK lei\ It is i-stlinnicd , <, Coupe '.. >. :.$2350 jl be. present, ALTRK/VTIONS MONEY HACK •iiiulinuui of .lorw-y Cr:y Saving You Money F. 0. 1!. Uclroil iy to spend a, f«w days pMrs. IJCWIS WJIIIOI'N. Factory Over-Production and •ot Cavcrly rotiirnod Mrm- BtTit'tn Mr. and Mrs. Tims, slightly blemishud tires at j;rciit -'< • 1RWIN STREET GARAGE •zabeth. I savings. Men's Trousers Boys' Ail-Wool Suits •'"DHUm o£ New York sire. G. H. ZINK, Distributor a line assortment of all-wool Jibme of their Kniiidlatiier, Bearing Service Station. fabrics, ali sizes; some to sizes 8 to IS; i'nncy mixtures, „,«««,, Caverly is visiliiiK f. tho Tinkcn, and Standard roller match suits; values to $9.00; simu'L models, up to.$20; now... ;oC;Mr. :ind MVs. H. J. JIoAlciivy, Phone 531 M. •' PHI.LL1PSBURG, N. J. ; bearings for all cars and trucks. now scff-BHfflboth. Petty and Elizabeth n7«pont the week-end «t Asbury Springs and Axles for ;ill 1. Anthony, llornn and d.ni^hler, makes of cars always carried in Great Reductions on Men's Furnishings Cecelia Monin, and Hi'tt.y Me- stock. 0 y visited relnllveM In tiimiurvllic, $6 to $8 • 75e 50c •!fj.5() 1 Oliver tu enti!rT.nlnlnR Ford Parts Neckwear Lisle Hosiery 7Pcicale Shit-Is l{iw,-AI;*J« acorKo.iiimr- Silk Shirts Silk rom'Itn-inBtoii. 55c 35c •85c j..l?rnnk Lulimei' of Clinlnn war; IL Send or phono your order. $3.65 ,. •end J guest; of her slstcr-in-law, •' Day and night service on a J'or.: $.10 ;i for $1.50 3 .for..... :.:...$! .00 3 J'or ...; ...;....$2.50 Tilllo.-Bogart.'' /^—^ truck tires. Interest aer'-Cowoll and lieslie Cowoll—or ood-and Miss Krsmces Cox of ' . $2 to ,$3 ,$1.50 ' , 25c ' $1.50 Held wcro week-end guesls m AIV. Ire. Fred Lewis at Imlaydaio. Paid on Time Deposits Madras' Shirts Neckwear Cotton Hose Work Shirts f.'sHobort Gordon, Dorothy Taylor * $1.35 95c 18c • 75c 3 lor ...;.::..::. ?zm. SERVICE OTAT , SATISFIES , tct'.at;tho ,femc or 1 o-i ThE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THtHlSDAT, AUGUST 2-i, 1921 "~r~*V

r I'OIIT WABUKN. njiont WeilneMtlay iiflt;r-: Ins n-tunfil home from MI-H. 1. 11 I'ov- Cllnc* mid Mr8. Wilson Colv<.r of thin : ! !' 0 S nf A Mad lump | Iltinlcidmi J(u)iil)IIciui Cundld noon with her ildUKhtc- T MrMmH. UIIIIITIUllliert < ti IINN , nnielnuil i llaiit i In lieiillh: . Mil' l lihicu. I:KNr.-«nd«Jdni. Jphn niuli, of Plillllim- \\ IInn tounlv him ii IIMM HlniLofl im Kcptililu-iniof Hiiiitciiloii Hnyncft 1 " :, were Kiilurdny evenlnfj and Sun- Laurence, of JnKvn*oll •••'-•- 'i.-;is one fnr n|t|JcllilldllH at a Tho pame of hall plawd IILIULUI "da....,„..y gueHti„ t at tho hom(, | „of tltclr diuigh„.-. Uyrner Hawk and Kred Smith Ml Vn'ntuii . .. .. Stcwjii-lHvilh' and th< I dinon A(hKt)< 1 in Ba fail 'tor, .Mra. 1'ilwiird Colo, of Unlontown. .Thurwlny to Join Ihe Hoy .Sciiiiln or -Mrs. l.iiim Smith, dauiihle'r IICMIK. Club Siiturdiiy rcKtiitid in a vkU»> for S'tftr.f.s.r'S;*", VS«'S"A^3T »»» ^ ••" •«•»•»» "w mpntH ffi *'*••••• Mr. •iiilJ Mra W'lllilir Ualrvmiile anil Stownrtnvllle, of whlehtroop they n.v ttimli Mnniv, of (.'..lumliln, lian 1,-ft Ihe «a rii( niiKcntlf n luld lint unk lu "f * ""•»'"'' ' to ilid from for if Willlnl II.PIIIH Kdllllt I 1 'ft l>"l|ll|dll|llt IIUJ1 Ill thu Krilsun team, the H op IK In), S t" plrt , ''three.cliildren, .it Sl.jwarl«vllle,,wero , memlx'iw who are rniniilm; at chin I'lilvcivll"y liu.s|iltiil. An' n Ifttrbur, G. I urn i ton -multi I'U(|OII. Shu In ittiw at Hie liunm Mm. I. I1. Zito mid Mltw Mu-ion Tan If in i f Milllipsl mt, in Stuti IKHI iifint f< ui h I'l l tll S M l| »f her .tut), Dr. Nc<] Utilolph Smith, n :l nt Mum t\ \\ snillli , of I hllllp| l man Mr. nrt! Mrs. (lenrw riillllpa and Fiilprr, it their Sniitt AliiKtc ..h.ln Kcr. of l'aHHitle, vlsili-d MIH ( tor^t JUW ui Qii ik< it I\MI Hit . Koch, of l.opuUrmiK, (ilno i n'liiLiT of tin* hospital MaiT. Mrs. IN Stale Seereta y, a Wilim iui II mi, ' little JJorcithy, iLtumdi'd a sur- Sarnan. nt WuHhln^tuii ]>irt uf list , of Phi!llt>sbitrn, Is anSlatd e WilliafJuanlm. ^ I mt of 1 1< miuM tn Sui itor i tothorn. . '-'" liem In ran- fur her work. T. Sclll'lll'k • )>rlHL' piti'iy • FiKvlilad y ffo r tini ; formi'r'f'H tl( r il iH hi direet Hue fn- tin* Stal uncle, 4. IX I'iilDhiK, :it hl« homo In Mt- 'J'lw rcniiiltiH or Ili-rln-rt Itrtici- Hill,!"' '" ' (liirlinliiK yi.-it-n tuid nfU'i- a Sir. ami SITM. HOJ Mini in ami HOIH w Presideney. .lonliih A. Slrwur. or P.t'lvl- ilii' -ttu'Vurk. of Vnlli'y View, WI-IV Inlurrol In Hi. ''i'«- «"«« taken 111. HIT iituiKlUcr Li'ivlH tuid Cleoi'Ki of

  • . p. H. und .M. I). Ih- WIIH awanl- specIiirinoothiK nf (lie Stewart»vll1i' *ti Hit! Unit utthl tm-'lul /tvi'anlc'd to tint SJIIU relay. It wan th" Ib-Mt linn-Dial n fntu-rnni Cirari'io Xo. 121. Thiimliiy 4>vi*nlni,-.-A11 itiin nf KitMlon, fins lit-on Ihe Kiu-stw of I'nlvcrsity of AllrhlKaii hy tin- widow of Sirs. (Storm- I!ulnizor, wlw has hcun or;,'ai]l^itioii has held a .':!ali* i-etivi-ti- of tin Paiiiliuaii-s win. HIT to 1»« "re- Mr. and Mrs. i-'nink Nixon, at Still cii'ii. C-urtu' Sti-inlKTK of WashhiKtuti, III. IH Imprnvini;. ll"li in Piim-etnii. The Vi^lllriK d'/le- 1 Viillvy. MORRIS ( ceived In tlic lini'tp.- itre lu atlmitl th' It. C. iv.r im'ilichiitl pnrVcittivcH of dls- Itnth Keitthi),', of South Kastoti. Hpent Kates V.HV taken mi sJK|,t cwlliK 1rl|i:< iioxl DH't'tlii'i, Tlttirjul.'iy i-vcnln^ of K. IViinlt Rllnc mill pixtrr. Mm. Anna c-jr.c which wait t'^Iho junior rstudciit do- part of I.1HL week with Sir. ami .Mr.s. in .-iiiumi..biles. They were aim en- this WviU, wlK-i. they will ivi-eivi- tho M.'iinlili mill 1 flttucltter, .Minn IMnii l.itz (Ii- hi'NI Wuik in this PHpvct. .'amo.H Hart. )<-rtaini-* llatnliii, inittoml lo Anbury Hunilay nC •Mm. Khm-r l't»yci* «if IbuiKiir l» with Sirs, l-'rank Strimlc anil ^rsunlsoit, a tli.aii'c and wen- cne.'>tii at ilif an- SAVINGS thirty-llvi- ciiniildiiii's will !»• Inltliitwl. (crancm mid wi>re j:iu-»t« m the honi" l"'i- [nr-!iH-iii.l;iw. Sir. and ,Mr.s. I. K. Paul Ualrymtde. of Uroathvay. have nual Mtnet •arr-u-al eoudurteil by (he ?,!-. mill MI-K Idis»dl .1. IIIHUIW and of Ih- ri.vm.T'ft BIHIIT, Mr«. .1. Hiifelwr. I -oyi. -Mr;*. I'rtyer i.i ImpioviiiK nicely letiinied littttn.' after vlslilnu tln> fut- PrineL'toa Honk ami Ladil-r I'lrr Com- litlle mushier, wient - Siindii)- at tile >»».Mis»s MnKdnna •i ••IIKIIIM-••Iilnln.-.lI an the suintn ol ,,,;,„ ,,,.,. ,,, ,. | .„„.,.„,,,„',. nier'rt non. Charh-M Slriink and wife. pany. I'lilltifNhiirK listtl a iMvcati'jri itlm :1l l of thity |>n;irul frnm Die t\vi. l-v*. A Muhkil &>\ings Bank ' ',| r.nme. of Mr. nml Mm IMnard Mlern. 'I'T ™>il»ln. ,MI«i Knlhryn llulslzer. un- j|rs. |.-,..,nk v.mKhk has liren siek Mrs. Samuel Stone entertains] at of Ilarmoay. Ill .Mmiilay. when Ihey IKIIII left for ihe ,« .t v.vlc frail asthma an.1 heart dinner WeiliH'.Hilay Sirs. Itoy Morris arid eani|.'.. .1M his ivn'irt Stat,- S*-«:i-tary : Smitb iiiinouiiL-fl ther- wen- IM ivtnipx The ONLY SAVINCS BANK in Morris. Q Jlfrt. Kiz;ilii?th Miller I* nritlwilly ill K<;nvil to visit Mlsa UnlKiz-r'.s sl-ster, >uWf. sou ficorBH. of I'hillipHbu?«. JIIHI C. . F'htli|> .W'jtnllt*. W. Hart, of this piaee. in the slr.t.-. with a memb.-i-dilp '»f : the home of' h-?r daughter. Mm. The TlaincKln ml Walnut Valley Jl.r.mi. Tins in an JniT«a;;.' r,f i.mn iVlllani ,Wlll»iver. of Uniontown. Hhf Komi; off our ladies wil attend the runday ;;chool will ftoiin (Ini ? CnluinblCllla Sir. ami Mrs. J. C\ Uoyer. John Cllne MKUC a deposit now "J 1 nml Hlr.ter. Mlr.r* Kli^iheth ('Inn-, hav iluriti;; (lie nimt year. Three new ramp:; iiifTi't'til a iiaralytic Htrokc cnli of thIh e I/HH'-KIH" Aiidd Societi y of t r»)l Kti-l.'iy and hr,>l«l a pk'iii'? aloiiR we- ort!iinis*.il. Mr. »nd MIM.' flrant Shornnkor, of !''W;i:tsvll<> I'n'Kiyvtdrljrn church to th" l.)"I.r.v.u''. lu^t above Oilunilit.'i. i-i-liimofl after a few days May al An- Iiiiitin^Ion, lian Iici.'ii rnti-rlatnini; • hi-ld at Ih.- linmn of MIAH Kuiinii Krr- ilvv. uriil Mnt. H. P. KIIIK w.-r- OV.T- bury Park. It is iiot.wluit yon FARN, lint what you'S Sir. ami Sir.-., earner Cline. i,r NVw jncst« r-om N'l-wai'c fni tin* pnsi'weefc. •r, f»f Fic.'iiiaiuilnii-K. Wi'dnc.'idny i»r iiid.iy jnic'itx .if Mi.-i« Katharine Koad Mo ilCvAVWhlield fur I). I'll TI;'/ r»in:itiiH oi llrinv Flurriaini, "f ilfi week. Village, upt-nt Sunday with her mother, O.nsi. un • that counts. Jlinm-,l.m-y Mi.niit.iln. \vati Sirs. .Mary Ilulsliizer. illi iv.i« »:h• >• I..I. SI..I n HI. Jaiiion' Liitlirr.111 (Kiraw) reiiu- IdV ;IM Hit! UIUHI'I uf Mi-, and Mrs. "ini-Tiuitfdny from'vi^iltiu: their da- Miss Mii^le Slo.-l;er, of KprlnKlovvn. > ihe ;HI ut ent >'f :!!,' Ml'!'1nf .Slat' -aiil fun tr-ry In ii; on Mimd:iy ifftovnooii, i>f John I'Viy at Carpentersvflle. at visited Sir. an'' -\lva, Williaiii Slef/. Vm KI:; U-'t'i til rep ltlu< .IHUMW (I I.K] • I'll 4% Dividends Since 1906; HIM •, Km ma Sherniiiii and «):in;:Ith>r. Mr. and Mr;;. Mouar.i Webb and ebll- Saturday and Siina'ay. .• app ri": 1 nf J" •f L\x*U; of Still Valley, have returned dren are li.-n- vlsltlnc her fatler, Nn-l Sir. and SI"s. llarrv K. Krey, M Itf.% mi;l Mrs. O. H. Hafrr and .ion III at till!• 'iviiif. Lit/., and hrother. Irvin Lit/. antl Mm. Leater Opdylce and sou Paul, l-'liii'lim; I'IIIH 'r'n!lll 111 S7,2SI,0(i9.71 - Iitillier, ri-turiifd honu- l<'i'idny aft* r home after a visit with Hie fonner'a P ,. mntii-:i at H-'l fl .700 li'li), • <>- ii;iil«hler Mrs. ('eirjte I'ellls. of Mil- Saturday 1- .O m-u.H hovu fn l-'ast nre upending the Week at Mountain ;>; fl'li- ••i.iltlnK with rt-latlvcM ut HavriHhtirK, lit IK'S 1 lle ani'111 IIIi iivailn.111". 111". Ulli nrttyiditirK und ClnimbcrHliiirK. I1"., fonl. tini * i: . i|.|. Tlie Lake. in ll-i|V, Air. and Mrs. ("linn. Liuaberrv wer Ki'.uIeM or our pubile sehool. and .Mis-; 1 rliuiKhtrr Hi'li'li, or Nuwark, havi- tu-i-n l>y Mm. Amanda Piemin, of PhllllpM- s a <'''(!, Ktiuritiy K i« of his mi.thiT. Mary IVtt't, or llelvlden1, was elected II wa lunv 'V' '*. ih:il :i» vlsltlnj; at tlic home of Mr. und M nrc aii'l Mr. Di'iTiner inoloifd to ' M] t'lW • :{•,< Wrilo for houklcl—"Hmv To Do """ Margaret iMilllip.i nf llelvl.l. i to leach I he >;trnw Ki'hool. miitie.' 'n.ship'-i tvi-clvii Mn i.f J Nazareth .Sunday. tls , :|>fj;|}I-;i| K Hpriiillnf: this week with Alrn. i:i!;i KnM, d f,irru.i nn iM i:lv» \r<> t!i:iit MrM , ntidd MrsM . l r Opdyke and Mr. 1 Miss .[oinim Plifciii'ikiT. nf Hunting' h'-r rn'.'iMilmi.tlii'i*. pi •djier d>'ti r» 'LVllI I- .•rtl.ll.Hj, tl.ll d ton. '.-tLvniiipanloil tv .M'i*r Itnth lltia^'. iml Mrs. Hurry K. Vvvy of SlrwnrlH .lOHNSON'lH'KC. 21 South Street, corner DeHarteS Sir. and MIM. .lny Kwnyw w.-n- ovi.^ 1 1 illr-. left Sunday In spend wvi-ial days 1 land, nf Mclviticiv. iirc Hpvndinn a Mi:<. ! .limnita Llnalierry Iiaii lic'ti vl:;* nn-llu!"' Ii i Hil JiilSl /fieri' Tv.t vi . il MfAinltilii Liikf. Suudiiy clients of their rcl:itivo:i al wi'i-k at Ailnnili! City. IJi-l;iw:ir.> mid then returned to Mm. itiim- SIIKM Klorence K'iulillni- at Mi'lv!- It' any e tint tM I'll It 111 If Morristown, New Jersey.' ,* Tin- Mldsinnary Society of St. JattU'H* Mr. ami MI-.M. l-*niilt Strckt'i- anil two Anna tfwnyxf'x iuiv. T.iitlicnin (Straw) rhlirc.h iiav.- si-nt Iilldt-Mi. Anna mid UohtTl, v,w at Hu- The I^idii-M' Aid Kin:l;-ty Wl'll nieel (tl Slr«. l-'rank Truex and two chll'hen fur ili-tiiuri. this niitlll--- l».|,,jr :i MrH. Sharp Shlmi-- as a iMofrate to ll omc of MVH. ytcckcr'H licothor und S!H- tin* hump of Sirs. OverlHil or Miss SI'irle and I Handle ate vLsitin^ with !• ..f IIUII'II iiiini,.viini-,. in ii..rn. -- attend the Hummer Minnion Srhoid nt l'i-ln-la\\-, Mr. and Mrs. CharKi R STinervn Suyiler'H Timr.sd;iy. Sept. IHI. SII-M. lliixnuna. Spite" and Sir. and Mrs. Chambi-rsbiirK. 1'a.. for » WIM'U. Mrs. Hush, or I,o\vi>r Saucon, Pa.. Thins- The pl.-ic* In iiudoclited a« yet. S. IT. Urake. Shinif f will :I1HO v\rM with I'«1IUIVOM •liiy. Masti-r Holii'i-t remained with his Mr:i. Lllitilc Uimlierry fell from n Tht) funeral of Ahram SlockliowM-. befort' icturiat; hon-c >. uncle fur a visit. ehair and injured horwlf severely. luollicr of Sirs. Aaron Luse. was held Mrs. Oscar Miilnlitunii and diiiR-lifr at Hie honii- of his sister, (Sjitunl-iv. Orvillc I'hlllipHp,, U'illiiim Manlln', Wil- Mrs. .r*ih;iiin.'i \'anii;ittii of WtiHhliiK- htni h T. .lohn K. Jimclu* and FFr ICmtnn. r:\nv.' hfic rrom West field to The vMi»i'fl'niiin had resided fm- KOIIIV Kin wits un over-Sunday ^'iie.st of SII-K. time ut a home for the a«ed nc :]• XeW »»f Stt-warlHvlllf, motored HU'-nd tin- Smith and Klinu'V rruninn II. .M. Dcpuy. MDI. IJt-puy's .sister, iir.i. Phtlntlulplilti I-'rldny and wltnv.sncd hlch waii held hi Clliic'w O"ovi- at ark. He was ahoiit 7B years ;>ld and Ilany U Silt tun, of Washington, will hosldcs Mrs. Luse Is .survived b.\ one tin- hniKi- rairiiiK at Itrlmont Park. on- Vllliisu Satnniay. They rattu- |«- iM'i* K'le.il this week. I lurry (ianlnur, who has been em- .nijf with M^r. mid MIH. i-Vank Kicck- brother, who lives in Jer.-ey City. llev. Sir. mid Mrs. lieyuy recently spL-nt n C. I.. VaiiAuken conducted tin-" funeral ployed at IMtHliiimh for a ImiK time is • wlio also allemli;d tho reunion and few diiys at AVor ten dyke anil Humlii.x now vlsiilnK at tho iiumo of hla par- •inaiiit'il :IH tho Rin-Hts of Mrs. Ptcrlc. Kfi-yioeJ;. Internient was made here. they motored from here t» Wnsliingtnu Mrs. Mixlio Cmndull of Dover is vls- ciitH. ,\lr. aii'l Mrs*, ^"uiii;-* (iardnur, of • Saturday nvonlnp and Sunday. They with hi'r mother. Still Vtillcy. wp-c all ontpftiitttod to .mippor at thr.' ltinK her parent*:, Sir. and Sirs. Thorns." Mrs. .Inhn !•:.' Inschii, and daunhti-r, nc nf Mr. and Mrs. flrorsc OnrriKon, Honder.shot. STKWAKTSVILI.K. Sh-s. Slontrose of Newark, who IIIISI Ml:« Kinnin. .«l»-nl Ilic- itny In K:u-tinilliiK u weel: at Hope with Sir. .Mrs. Mlii'Ktirpt A M , of I'hiltipslitirK. 1'hillip.slinrc in vlwlt vnlittlvc.i then-. iM'id tholr le at ShllliliKer's drove I,, id Sirs. Itert Alliertson. *.v.is .•- the Iietm . f.s'ifM.'* Mary anil Wednesday. John VaiiAuken is having a concrete Ma-j:aiL-t Mari.tr hcr tin ThiiiHday and vm.vymh\. Tho I-aiiiest Aid S"ciety of the I'res- silo' oreeted. / llK!!i«« Snrah Williams and SlyrMo j l-yHrian chuieh hd.l tln-i W. J. Slerritt epent a part of last Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Htnlth. William '•h of I'Mi'tl-itid won. entei-talm-d l.y WvdiH'sday :it the home- of Miss iveek in lUiffalo. 1! nln r. MIHJ-IS .M.iiy iti;.l Mar^arul s Mai-inn Coss nt N'ewlon, lust wrclt. Kmnui lieruer. Mrs. S. 11. Drake and twn children. Hui-li'T ;,ml their uiii'sls. Mis.s lOli'/a- Sir. :m«l Sirs. Jniitt Wlnlcrmniu and Irs. Llhhle l,iiml."rrv vislteil \wi- |,r<»- Albert and Alfred, have eoni-luiled an , iH'th r-t'.itchli.'-. -if I'ldllipshiirf,'. and Mr. i'{*. tin* Mi-s«rs. Kitchen. Sal unlay. son. Wllliitm. of Oxford, were HumTiiy uulItiK at Kyo iJeiwlj, N. Y. and Mis, I'miik I'RTWII, of. Si.'Waris- t'ufK'- anil Mary Dcpny visited th>>ir ^iiestH of Sirs. Slury Foss ami other vllli'. atU'idctl tin- iitfkln Club parly •r. Miw. Slcrlun Ctiiitlt'ltl, al llones- friends. NKW I1A.MIT0X. which WiH tiiUrt;HiiLcJ at the horn- of ilale irvin Smith lias Hold his Slfi-ivarth Mr. and Mrs. Maiihtu' Aiiii-y, of Ilar- Mrs. Daniel Iln nliake bakery vimte to Wilson CJundeiman. Miss Hulda Uoohm, of New Yo-k. Reduced prices don't mean a thii vlsite.l her daimhter. Mrs. Horace SI. HpKiit from Saturday until Wedncsilay tiKiriy. Saturday eveniiii;. Miinnin^ Uusii has taken a position with Sir. and Sirs. Charles von M-.:iiid .Mrs. Iliissfll J. liist-lif). Mr. my. last work. with the Ellison Cement Co. l-hiinni Hiotrleh nf Ro;>"Ville vlsit"il HfiKi'tK the merchandise that is reduced and Mis. Stiuvnrl KhiTinan, ac.ennipan- Mra. Anna Waj,'om>r has left for a . ktl l»y Mr. and -Mrs. Hurry Awnr. t'f his Nnn. .limes, and daughter, Mis. M. Mrs. CIiPHter Hammana and children, !i. Tiii:-man. last week. visit to Washington !.it'U>r spuiulhiH of Itvooklyn, spent several duyji last St(»wrirtMVlllot attended Hie Harvest some time with the SIIHSL'S .lunu and what you want. lloniK and dam-e of Hie S|irin^ Mills •Ir.lm ri;i:il ami Hunlly ..f Stillwaipr wtfuk with Mrs. Kmil von linden. ip-ut Sunday with SIr.s. Liliiili- i.lna- CliiiLtlu CUne. Miss Itliinche Knisn \a spemlhiK two C-anK" Thmsday evening. Sirs. Paul Kfiiuey enterttitnuil K;it- weeks with Mrs. Kmil von Huge.II. \-:. Frank CIIIK-. :ir.wnpanied hy SIi'M. Uliliie LiimliriT.Vs home is t><- iirilny Sirs. Anna Wagoner, t.f Rin^- Adam Wandlin^. of Washin^'.'>a, was int: iifwly il-eerated mi the interior. Iiiimtoii, X. Y.: SI I'M. Clark, of Jersey Star ami Thrice-a-Week York ;it I-tk" I{up:it>-Mti.i; Mund-iy and 'I'u-'s. Prof. Ilen-iek-.s wife nf Lamberlville City, and the Slices Jane and Chattle World. 82.75. fJ:iv. The former was surveying land for Mr. W'andliniT at the lake. Mr. C'lhie was tho ,,'iust (if hi.s nleee. Mrs. IMiilip W'ardle. a1. Kenvll, whili* away. now near its close brings to you greater Mrs. KnsN<-II .1. Insrho and lilllr daiighiMi- spent Wi-dncKilay ;tl Ihe huni'* •on our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Wooler *>( relatives ii< Kast-ni. Mrs. l-'ratikltn'S. Mxuii. or Still Val- They are the kind of clothes you like to wes ley, spent Friday wllh her ihiii|;lit«r, ! Mrs. Iknmiti Petty, nt New \'illat,-e. M A &« l^r kind of clothes most men buy because of ...the Ml.ss Myrtle Kunl. 'if Hitnthictnii, has a^ain entered Dr. Oorrell's Hospi- tal rCa.slon, for treatment. and not the price. Mr. and Mra. ICllswo-th Vorlmatt anil Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Vorhosae IUHI cliildrcn. or Htiil V.-illuy. wuru Sunday Ready at the new lower prices We quote these reduced priced now to disppsl . ?u«ll Heights. \v;is at Ilie li'i)ii'> "f her pap-iilii Mr. and Mvs. Alfred Boys' School Shoes means our entire stock. We've taken none to hoi! Hawk, Sunday. Tho "WllliiiK Workers" Hnnday , for next season, although most of these suits Seliool class nf Mrs. John IC. Inscho. i.f St. .lamey1 I-utheraa clitiruh, will In: able for fall wear. onle.rtaim.-d at her homt* liero Satu;ilay at to aflernoon. Sm'Vii:c« In St. James* Lutheran here nil Kliiulay are: Hiinduy srhonl at fCSO LITTLR GKNTS' siz.es, 0 to 13>/j at if,1.95 Entire Stock Entire Stock and preach in t; Herviucsi hy tin:-pastor. to $4.50 including Tan and Blnelc leathers. H'!\: \i. S. Ilafe". al 10:30. The. paslor Ufijeftsiwj' n\i excejlent SL-rmcui on Sim- Sturdy dark Brown Lace Shoes ut $2.95 •$25 Suits $30 Suits f$||ffiii'g::fr6m tho thume. "Hlessod KrigitSriiiont." His text was from have vrclt sewed solid leather solus. CorlnthlimR™15tll chaiittr. SSth vww.- Mi'it.' Alfred llawlc- and IILM* llttl" 'BOYy sizes 1 to !>V2 are priced nt $2.45 lo $5.00. A splendid dark Brown Luce Shoe with English or medium loo/welt soles, sells When Every Move Hurts ul$3.75-

    IJHUK; every mornliiK^ jichy and stiff Entire Stock •Entire Stock Entire Stock all day, worse when it's damp or uhilly? $40 Suits $45 Suits Su.spfcl your kiiluey.s and try the rein- Misses' and Children's School Shoes $50 Suits «0y ymir neighbors nso. Ask your m neighbor! Mrs. ltntiuoL> SliRikton, S Vaniiiillu CHILDREN'S sizes 8'/j to 11 at $2.25 to Ht,, Wash lay ton, KH.VS: "After an at- $4.50 include Tan and Black leathers. Spe- tack of'Iulluenza, my kidneys lieeamy affected. After I hail worked around cial at $2.95 arc dark Brown Lace slioes tho house for. a little while, my hack .started to ache and .1 hurt a. dull hcar- with medium or broad toes. iii^-dnwii pain that settled through my kidneys.. Kvury iinick turn or movo I MISSES' sizes ll.M> to 2 are priced at $2.95 , School Days .Will Soon Be He iniulo went .stitches in my back, it •ilkVl taku mtiuli -Hi make lile iVei'VOUS to $5.00 including Tun and Black leathers. ami any little thing upset me. Dull j So you surelj^ won't pass up the great reductions we' pains often settled lu my head and my A good assortment of styles between these Hlffht. becamu blurred. The . too free are offering in our Boys' Department. Come in and aee' action ,ol' my kidneys bothered me. con- two prices. •• slflurnhly. I hail read so much of Uov them. i|! ••" •• ' Kidney Pills tliat I began their mo. it only-look a box or so of Mi,Is reliable FOR BIG .GIRLS requiring low heel styles, medicine, to relievo tlio tmckiichc, case my iH'ives ami do away with the lioad- sizes V/-2 to S, there are now College Oxfords achi'S.' Uoan's also regulated Lho ac- *ion of my kidneys." with medium rounded toes. Tan and Black. Our ' Price Oik\ at-^all dralera. Don't ni Shirts in a Great Sale ply .iisk finv a. kidney reineriy—p $3.45 to $7.00- Doaii'.-i K'idney 1'IUH—tlie same that $2.00 Dress $3.00 Dress AM ME ,\Irn. Slne-kton had. Foster-Milburn < Grca) iUfrs., BufftUu.-N. Y. Shirts Shirts $T| «^3 The prices are lower than last year but you can depend Troiigj'er Now Now . g upon it that the QUALITIES are up to the We Have Moved usual reliable "FARR" Standard. Sal,e OUR OFl'TCB TO ' is 29 N. Second St., Easton Still one-half "block rt'6iii Norlharrip- - ton street (on the ground floor), where we have fitted uph sin up-to- On date ,oflice and are therefore bet- ter prepared than ever to attend to your dental needs. ,..-.vi ,,-. Centre Square. EAMTCW ' - : (V . - -'" ••"' 228-30 Northampton St. Eastdi Philadelphia Dental Rooms ^: Sell 'Telephone EjBton 18Gli 'II , H- ,


    I Krttftoli after n visit with her iwithor. punclureM nml All i t (n Ahlll HY. i In repair In tinu> tu i KjorWa h vto- expected have iH Cm.fl Of ovrr Hie Smth lira neb ittrnit Uii" Chntitanqnsi , .Trenton, JIIH MHtirln • river In (own wa» p Al the Kpiuc Kim lUim Uo i NeuwohhiKer. nf Jersey Clly . UtidorpolnR P. O. of A., there Our IOL'UI cnmit. p Md H f III fend* vfltl W Over two lmmln<-Voh m:il<- nioinii. Asliiiry 1H noti-.l M, n vlxlt to Inr Hi NUT. Mm. John Tuy- ' in. I'ropiirnM'"" itK pood MIiplKTH. lor. at it'-thlrlii-m. I'u. iotv«l nml it was M UtUntiUntill lIi'liii'I H 1H t'njoyliitnjyKK a two Uvw L\ \V. licrU.-y. (i Ti-i.i.™•„,„.„ Mr*. T. V. Vim. . VIMU WIHHI h'»h - l Jutlmin of the AllU-SiliiKili I..-at;tU'. Will \ lix'i • spcmllng. th« l»»( -i-k with Mr<. (I. A, I'iirlcy. at MrllHiiliHl Ohui'li. U-r, Hi-tty. of lVrtli Amltny, 'An Ttu- CMlU'nn Wiiti-i- Coinimny ivp.. viuntliui with her . _.. Vlejt; ot WIIII- ink' ihelr Ihry (*xp!'( i IM put In a Ax iiK'h \v;iti . Thn \ Mr. iViul'MrHM . Frank OMmij;. 11th their aunt ami ley hinmulmv .M" in lay. main frum tin- ivsorvnir to tin- vjv-i Mrs. »nd. Koit and Claude Fox. , anil n four ItX'h main from tin- rtv lf>Vm. Vltli. Th K' I'UU x\m have heeii ilth attcmlcil f tills nrlul)l>iirli'>oniln at liroitklyn. N. V. ^ T-hco j.Kennedy, nnrt- Mrs. Miss Ma-li- YtinitK. i>f H'tVrr. ftt vis. A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.! Mr. H. Sln'Oih*. of Ilrnuklyn, IH spend- yellnj? relurm^l home Mun- v on (he mail itiiik' her ^tMtiilmotliiT. Mr^. Sarali L. ^dUhtfl visit at Atlan- Itii; hlH vai-atioii with his ranilly at Voiin^, on l'arsoii;it;.' Heights. i, Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke Carl i Limy tlie their rotlnui' litre. Tin- jii-i-Mtni.-il prnp-ny ami ret I <-.i aiCrovclinjr lias hwn vi-ry «.|| ti< ll .".lie il h -sk't. Miss Caiiie ApKar. tif IJloiiminiry, tim- lielnnttlriK I" Ill<- Inn* l».iv|.| Crai.-v joy and real smoke contentment—if you'll get close-up K «'ni1 Irtlclt rsummcr s'lP- il S.-tlihK ! W:IM a KrUIay vlwliur of huv until, Mr*. Mill lie Hold nt liiililic aiielioii Si-pu-ni. f Mr. aiulMts told in teppy rtd LVC roHiriu/f ihome after a .Mlelm.'l rvNi.-l is still lini'iovint:. Slri»tlilslnii'K. Pa., wlm were visitItiji *K tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! IWBM, tidy red tins, her aiHjpril^. J. W. Wlti J. I.. Hull IsKalnliiK slowly, her sister, Mrs. Win. llonimedieii, lefl MmiiiH Walii-IH. nf Wfn-luwn. nor «r Mr.-i. M. !•:. Cain IK mi the sick list. Monday on a motor trip to l-'lmida, rrom llailittlHtown. W;is ilt'Hlrt'.vvil !•>* lYou can chum it with a pipe—and you will—once and halt pound tin Sunday sWi".-l rv.ry Htindiiy al L',:'.'l where they will spi'iid the wlnte--. lire Siiiunlay ni^lit. Thf tnn\i\y lott ntmxfo or & and tn the pent a rifuys with her linmc in MM: mu-ninur l» vlnlt n>I;i- pound crystal r.lcx* p MiHM Marjorji< l-'ierntaii. of Knulf- you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and humidor with anil Mrs. Clllnc Petty, Tin is still full i-f r y l>n wood. Is fiijoyhiK a/ visit with ner lives at llnpi'. Tiic lire WJIH Ilrst dl.-t- wressrui .11.• Tiut'i |M:III I.' Kl'aiidnmlhei-, Mrs. I.IK/.II- Aten. ' I'IIVIMHI in a ivar slieil nml hml cnfm-il parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) Is IT: iiy I liik- ih.ir |il:u- F sueh htinlwny lliiit lliv iifiplriium fiitiM Ital, K-iw- Jiien1> Vliet and il:iun htcr, MVx. Kilnit lleawncr. had as wcvk en.l mily nave a Mliiull unimnit of I In* hniiSf- ^ [Why—every puff of P. A. makes you want two more; IShlve ami Mis. Klin Shlvo I.OS(i VAIJ.KY. t;ue:itM, Mr. ami .Mrs*. C. Apwii1, Mr. hold «oinlr>. Tin- lnntHi' was known :i:i every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the |l>sil»y Mr. ami Mrs. Uick'ii mi Mis- and Mrs. Judsnn VlU-t and daughter, tin- haytnr lii)int'Sii:illins v il Tlmni.lay with of Duuelleit. and Mr. and Mrs. Wiltard %, last! (You can't resist such delight! ; Suro'iio a-nl daiightors, frk'inls at oi'i-tn Crnv*1. Vlift. of UliKahelh. m-iirl.y hulMIHK» on Hi'- propt'-iy W: (Ethel, .nt .lcr«ey City, are erltifniim Mr. and M.vs. Frank Ito-rs. .»f Illiza- alst l.unitil. It in not UIIDWII )i"iv tin* Mrs. Ktlima T.. Welsh is t' tire oilKln;iti«l. And, you'll get the smokesurprisc of your life when ne'• timu with their tumt( her (lali^litT. Mrs. i.'li:ilin .Mm Niiunltriuiit ol" U:iil:iifi'lf . I'lu.. is .•nts. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smilii, mar v you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic- «1. ot I'lillilpiiburf;, was in . AirhiiiiiM I'. tnwi Somerville (iirt Kilhd in Acclileiif. r visilliiK his Hlrtu-r. M MISM Jt-nnie Kl'l<11c. Miss Marlnii M.i Vnatmliy. daimhte ing flavor you never did know! And, P. A. sta) s put be- ffa. Clinvles Thorp, of fat- hi.wns. tome linn-' •ith her hmlhe! of Hi-. l''raticis .Me(.'n!iail»liy. off Hiit'i-at( i-allcd to lake up the unestlon of the ; O.»luiiil.i.i L'nlversily. Si: vas In town itluii in this I'laee, by K. J. Reynolds ty t.. duly on fnreijrn Crystiiltllle C.raphlte. I IUV.T of Tobncco Co. , I Mfirrls Aili-i- has *>ld his !!•• was ituieh Interested in the worU- *WIni ton-Salem/ Pickle enter- I Kdwnrd Nlliin. Star nnd Thricc-u-Wcek Now York N.C. ilrs. Tlmvardj Miss'Myrtle. I^iku i>r i:i klyn *>pfin hn: ttt the committee itnd m note the the national joy smoke M dilliritlt la«k they hnvo liffon' them. WorWL. $2.75. , Sara, Tliurs tin- woek-emt with her mother, Mr.\ They are e--;n|K.lled ti. listen to nil Klsle U\lv: UI/AU of arguments iind their pDsil'mn Hton, was .Mrs. Tlnimas Jiiinew. win. Ins U-vn ')* exceptionally tvyliu during the tnnn- ktnt, Jilss Klla vlfiltinj,' ill IO;ist";i. if- tmw v/USi her i;nn, ni'T term, as WiiKhln^ton 1H very lv.it. Hi-. Willium .lames ami family in ihr. Mi'. Kiddle lenanls Senator I'eimw |:ule a huslneHa plii.v. i'tiiluin-4 {is n very able man and Senator Keeil .Mrs, Walle)' Furley Siui"'l as ime of the. brainiest men on urd ami won her the i-nmniiltee. Mlldreil. of Ventn: Tln> :i.1ay wlum!* nf tills pi: •v.days in town, CA1.IFON. inted them frn- a piciiie in lh< future. Al'ti•- a two weeks'' stay with Mm. ,m\v Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrin i lleul- 1 of Montclaif. Mrs. Mar liie-r at, Py y have "returned to their h^r.ie at Thursday in ; iij:iniii> Lame of PiiilMp>:lnir ltl his parents. Mr. aiul Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Isaa ; iinfTmtui hit' • RoKCherry and 1-iurnot I-arii uriu'd fi'um an aut mobile f.-';i to r.uv ppent the week M and Mrs. Willard Apwii* .•nter- i l ovei- tbf uv.'k-eint (heir Mr. and Mr Percy "Werner and );iv nd datii;!Her, .Mr. and .Mrs. Philadelphia, have been upenilliiK I'1 it few *1avs 1'Minter. «'f Hasten. vaeatton with Mr. AlpaiiKli's inotht-r, Fa. John Iiiirds. ,\m:iisius M. I.'-' .n ;md family n Mrs. Morris Sntton. of tills place. * Mendhum were Snndti!>• visitors tn Mr Urm-iT ViinKIeet nmvrd his. fiimlly Illne has a line and Mrs. John K. Tho SatinOyv frum ibis place to Middle Val- 1 called "White Ciiplain Unhi-rt M iteltli «uni-ls.ii ley. lust with a visit .lohu IS. (Seist and Mr. and Mrs. I >. F..'ta ii ilozt'ii.'millc U his family tin Tin Jlft.T ilti l of six ini.ntSis speni .1. Smith have- returnf.'d from an auto- Wl 0 •ih' : •t'liiaim-d over Snnda> mohlli- trip to Kerne. >:. V. |"ieed:is low. ( In Colorad when b !•.• ft Newiirk'to k'fture oi The Impi-ovetui'itt AHsn.-hitinn realized :r. John Colo WIIH $?:.!) f:oin the cnrnival lu.'ld last wouk. i at his late \I the iri «i * a * ;. at Newark, aril Smith of Moiit- To the man who has not yet tvith Mr. and MVH. Now they are inclined to learned the standard tire serv- ' has rettinit'ii criticise such abuse of tires. •minm- coiir.se at A mark of the growing con- ice he is entitled to we say— [>C Easton, spent THE . Hawk. sciousness about tires— Go to the dealer in U. S. Tires |>f Kiuston. Is vis- U. S. USCO TREAD '.'.'.W. Ci-L-veliJiar. Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound JJero is the U. S. Usco their service, their work, and make him show you. picnic ebndiiutf.'d Tread, with a long-estnb- Society Tuesday 'ost Portal was a lialiod standard .of service their value. Here is a man in close touch .- and ilnannially. among motorists who hava Mtooni), Pa.—"I nm writ- • an eye to value, D3 well as with one of the 92 U.S. Factory family, of. Dur- ...R to tt;!i you whnt Lyclin E. to price. While selling for This same respect for a good i;^at Still Valley. strong, healthy baby Rirl. 1 sud'ered very littlo at childljirth, and I Rive all I "*" "artln Harper spent U. S. ROYAL CORD the credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend it highly."—Mrs. (vitiiilie'r'brothers at Troi H. H. JANSSEN, Millston, Wis. U.S. RED & GREY TUBES j a tnfin in eloso touch with o oftho 93 U. S. Factory Brancl\oa' iichlln pave a dlnn Mrs. Held of Marir.cttc, AVls., ad.tls'hcr testimonial for Lydia 15. [stlay.last to a •number of Pinklinm's Vcgctablo Coini>oun


    [t'w'6; weeks' seems to be un- acts nsa natural restorative fo th)6; auto drivers of this larities.'displacomenta, weakness and nervousness. 5 ,t , &T.Wo ot' bur youiis men ' '\' iWpnien oyery.W'Jiere1 should remember that most of the commoner ailments tswoCid Lake. Upon their wtpri';thelr,car broke down of women are not the 'sui'gical'on^g—they ore not caused by serious displace- ments or growths',growths, although th« symptomsymptm s may.by. e the sam^ and thatha t is why !li>lT' ' nilmeiits readily yielld to Lyuia R. Pinkham'Pia s ir.t:!o.tP.g nnd so many apparentlapparentltly seriourious nilmeiits readily yyield to Lyuia R. Pinkham's was-talien to a. VegetablVtabl e .CompoundCmpound , as it'actts mm a natural restorativere ti . It can be taken fi d with perfect Safety am] often prevents serioui s troubletbl s p arrived home if k f' who is KuflVrinsuflVrinjg and has been unablo • Thereforp if you knov; of'any woma ipivyouim'.tiian took r ig forward to 'a childless old age, ask . WASHINGTON GARAGE io secure relief aridia regretfully lookin "•' -- brought health ; Lost a rear wheel B.\Ptakb.«m!«yi>E,^bW.^mi)ounil,.asJths8 l)rought wastae Kg her.to;try Lydia-BPtakb!yE^bto so many honies oriccW darkened"by"ilin.ess arid despair. I and happiness in litVffleiirts.tlio cur,wd startea d for a walk, p. o il Lydia E. Ffnkliam*s Private Text-Book upi.in.j "Ailments 'rtiiiVrniPft;CuLn •slmrt^h' y .'mother ill l>es»htto you free upon request. Write •>- triyf Peculiar to Women" w ,U p to The Lydia j 'Viiiklinni Mcrf'iclnc Op., Lynn, Massachusetts, t',tUe, Hin and Ion:* of 11 ius valuul>lv. iuforBiUtiou. ' - v . /•'men1;Ion mime: 1'Ws jbook com •'• -r "•' 'C; ' •:" '^^-"'•^••' 'r. > ' ••#•. SECTION TWO, " ;

    •-•• * Iti'Ucr TliinriHsiuik'^. . »re ilelcnnitutl to buy «ood nioi-l(* or at > The nctloii ut-Uw WiifdilngUm (X. J.) none :il nil. They, feel Hint KUIHI cow* Between (Ico. AV, KoonK '• ••""- '• *.£•• • ':r;y-~j-i •S>\Uut6n,finniontJiHmmlout-,1 nnti lloroUKh Council in d.-cidiiiK to pave • run Uv purcliiittml 111 Ni-etlonx of X. Y. and Win; H. Bomple, •:'. - > ' NOTICB T8 r'aiERBBTiyOIV— , - , Ihe block in" Tuylor wtreet where the • Stute where' larnu iuunbcin' uf hulfern • , Coinplainentij, ; : • nea'led bldu'wlUrbV^recelvod^byV, • • . . • - and ..: •••_ •;•-••• • '• • •! | public school Ntandx In micli a wny I arc being raised c.u-h year, and at u Over the Top Ge nerjil Pulvcri/od thnt It can he UHCII by the' pupllH for ' price which they can ,.rfonl to pay Llnicatonc Co.. «t Hit*., .< outdoor phyHlriil fXei-VlxeH slum?* ul , Tor will tiiv.-lopid Mtoek. TII!M IS por- into any Silo is the guar- Defcndnntn. HACKETTSTOWN inu-i< IIH a iiniinixt io und mi improve- I hups tlu* IIIMI i-ommunlty ni-openitiv'i* antee that goes with Now. Village tind..,:"Pl«Mht"'j;.i ment over many of the recent m-tn of ' puit'luu'ing of dairy COWH and ft IM pre- every Papec — largo or JlPturnnMc Nov. 2, 1921. County or "Worron, - municipal thnt body. It will Ibrlng about a bit- 1 dlclcil that llliw- men me aide to In* •\V. II. Walter*.-Bol'r. Franklin, bridges and culverts t small. You, doubtless, Upon a decree for coinplainnnti* of turmi'iit that linn been urged for Hume can- the iype of utm-"; they mv after *3],^G9.C!>, with Interest llicroon from Iowa:— • •, * •• • .•'•• ..•':•."". •*" Cm I Hall puxHitt the uukunl with were.unftlde to rosciu« much of Oie con- time nnd that will add miiterl.-illy u> [ and that tliey will give expected lu- will not need to take ad- " " Igo No. 7/ M.' V. 5. 1-W:; 1 July 13th, 19-1. Coata of complainants j, clpar span 10'0*\ conoretii IISM Inothu, IMIII Hall, nt Whartnn U-ntH of thn homi% which was humed ll u- piayKi'iiuud fticllltles of th<> Miliuid. , xulls. vantage of tho full ele- "(2U4.SO. wltk -IntervHt thereon from dntlonH for roadway havings Xliw* Jliutha Itui-ton, of niix-ibtlh IK to the g-.-ound. The tiffhd'tu WHS reiiehitl at tin- K.uue i • ^ ...... — , July i:itl>. l»21. with tho addition of vating power of the Bhurlff U:vt* nnd conts. , width.-' •. • • «-•-, :-..-;.=-,'^.'f \ isitfiiK Ini* t,rum1molhir, Mrs. Mai- AIIHS Uvelyn Hanklnnon, who . has time as the council rescinded a VMSUIII- ; AVomcn as KltTlion Oliii'crs. • | I'apoc.but you have the Hrldce No. C, M.;.IV 6.8-W:,>'l_. ._.. been with her aunt. 'Mro. Hurvcy, at By virtue of a writ of fieri fneian to r tha Hast on ninr tout) ir.it directed. inNued uill of tlm Court of brhlK**. clear span. H',W- A". concroto5 Mm MInu Nixon rctunud Hundtij nKf, 1H with her aunt. All's. Arthur titm calling ftlnK »f a \ In liud^on County the jiollUcInnw satisfaction of knowing foundiilionfi fur roadway, :havln&* 30%^ Het-tlon of ]'i>lvldei-<- avenue of ut.inil - l,:tvi- been ntore Hheral tu the women In Chnnecry of Now.'Jersey, In llio above width. .•.-.. • •^••-.'/"ffcfpum. to htr homt. ut Inlngton. huvhiK i it's there—in reserve. cBimf, I will ex pone to tmin at public 1 trfl ]-*rank KiKpaugh and Ibe name U'IIKOI slt, die Tnylor stn-el < their appointments to the Halim vend tic nt tho Court IIotinr>, UP 1 vide re, UrlilKO No. fi, yx. V. 7.0-W: I-beam^v HIM.tit tin piiHt vuik with hir aunl, j Mi.^inul block and tin- paving presumably will 1 brmidn thmi in uny other county. Of There are four sizes of •JdKL>, clear spun 30', conerototfoun- - "Urn John L>mmi L-lilldtcn \\( . week-end ^ueHtH of relu* N. J.. on Tuewhiy, Sept. Cth. bt-lWf«n LtloiiH for roudwuy havlnff*30''wlillll.' . be i-arried out with the funds Hint wn- ! *]K. i,i;ss oteetiou O.III-ITK in the county the hour* of twelve und five o'clock In In men Cli nird u local builder IH Kan l\ts ntiir Papeca. A gas engine, nrldKO No, 3, SI."P.. 8.2-W.j,.I-bcara£ 'I for Ih" oflnr wnrlc. The: ^:, im> wnnu-u w\\uo\ teaclu-rn, of 3 or 4 H. P., witl operate .thu afternoon, to wit. nt -.o'clock. hrldKc, eleiir xpnn I'i'b", concrato foiiii-";; W&lmmltt} Uif 'ibuMlnu of tht burn Vi uml Vrn 'Fruvmimo,'i>t Jlobokun, (letermfuiilf'jn of th< Alt that trnrt or parcel nf Iind nnd •ttcie t nt» tallied for tno week-ond by i, nniv ' whntn I:!i) lEepuldicaim and !)'> nUonfi for romlwiiy hiivinjr SO'wldtli,*'^ of the* Hiikij Wttolf farm luur I Sudds happily cast nsMe. to the smallest size, prctnlHt-x, Klltiat-'. \y\nK nnd ht-AnK In Culvert "C". M. 1*. B.O-W: Hftlnforccd^, I-ifce which \\an diitro>ed, riLuntli hu slsttr, MIH John Kinsey; Aim. lete the |)..inoirats. It Keeins to IH; assumed tho Townrdilt, of jvnowlton. In th" Uelvldere avi-ntle sln-tch al : »'»"• that the .school teachers art- better County of Warren und Hlutu uf New coneri(t« box nulvcrt 5'0"a!i' ^1-H*^ during u thundir tdiomr Marth i Kiim>. of Trenton, wa.t nlso when Hit- sln-el coiiunltiei. bud u (mlnlmuii)) for madway liaving. y.30£'t a week-end Kiiest, MIS.H MarKii'TiK* i|Uiili(k-il Tor ihi* work than other wom- Mm, Rorijamln Ft'ti-lman IH ut Mt. marled to reptilr it with tarviu und en. Ttii'ir ."••rvico Uft election oliicers Hculniilni; ut tiiu Houthoiifitcrty ernl Vernoii, N,"Y., for Koveml"weeks' utay. Klnsey, of New York City, In spending Culvert "D". iX, V. 7.0-W: rtolniorcert4 Htone, W:IH cssi-ntlally lim-allid for und mu.st, of course, Jiit"if<'iw with sexslous M. B. Bowers bf the l-ild,[i* tteat of the Iron lirldKe cnntTflto box culvert. 8*0"x2'C«-iif -" Mrs. Ituy Hurt and nona act visit- her vueiition ut he.* Iiomt- here. WIIM larg<'ly tin* result of animus be- of Ihe scluiols. but in a'MiK' of tiie O.TOMM ttii< I'aullue Kill: DI.MK'I- run- (minimum) for roadway having >3U'i/ Int; ri'latlvt'x, In Jersey City. MIHH lOvelyn SaiKeant Is visiting for n two faetii , c-otintiiM .Iciiim ilny Is (.bseiVed us a Hackettstown, N. J. nlnf,' UIIMIK oibi-r liindu of aultl IVnn- width. , . -.'• ..'-..:•';? "••;, Air. and Mrs. ICtirl Mutton, who IUIVP cv(»ntl days at the home of Air. and nylvaiila l.*tllltb.-K Cumiiany of whleh whleh divided thi.-i- to thn.' •.vb-n n . ,mi,Ut> holiday; vvhlrli is not the ins- thin ]nt was formerly a part ll'Tth Culvert No. i, M. V. T.7-W: Double ,, boon mtikliiK their hornt* In Nnllcy for A1rn. Ivan Hall, nt Whurtnn. vote WJIM lakr-n. .Mayor Cliri;Ulne'« j,, otbe]>i. wh'iv the .s.-Mtlnn-nt luevails fourteen de^n-eH thirty minutes past relnfiireed conrretu • box, each . box. xcyeml months are at thu home of the Thf* sale of the Ithuel Ar«-Crark*-n ballot decEdlm:. Uhm Hi.-i hlldicn are I- tt.-r i.rf in MIIOUI \'ifx2''<' W* (inlnlmuni) for roadway , homu to an out of town party is re- having 3u' widtli. •'.' , ':::•• former ut l!i alt vat own. It Is prisum.-d th.-.t the bloek in Tay* ,•,,,,, |,, the Mn-is iiml I her--fore th't Inil' a' drill hob- "cut In tll<* M'Ulway of Hid In om- lump mini for nil of tho- Mw IVhvSIda, of New York City, ported. Air. and Airs. AlcCniekon a-re the old dam: therme alouK the easter- lor Htrt-et will be so ys.d by Hie srhool ; t.-jirlu-i-s are Klv*-il tin- day fulloivliiK jilicA'e will lie received at tho ofllc© of Hpi-nt tlu; Wiek-end with bin family, L-ontemplatlng moving to Georgia. ly edKe of Pauline Kill duu north one the State IliKhwuy CutnrnlsHlim, Urbad ; lot to liimli-r tr.'illk-. which foiiii. : Thankwgivfn,; io cninj.en.-.anp - them for hundred and xlx feel and (Ivc-tenthx of wlu» Imvir IMM'II NJ tending Mcrvorul weeks Mra. Alary Moore, state organizer of natt'ly ordinarily is liuht tlier*-. nnd a foiit: thence by thu same north thir- St.. Hunk HldK., Trenton, N. J.. on Au- inn* mid who returned the 11I.NI purl of ! elec-tion day. Kust 31 »t, 1921, at 11:00 A, St.. Stand-r the Women'H branch of the (I. (), 1'.. IIM not to annoy Hi- f.w nslilihts. The teen urn! one-half enftt one Hundred ard Tlui", and opened and read Imincdi- the week to their home.' wan in town Kriihiy In the inlerosl of school's oudl'tor f.-ifiiilie*. nhv.iyn In- . Ihirly-tlve reel; thence by :iume north alely thiTenftr-r. • Mrs. Mary HorheriKsuif?, of Wh:tr- II.Ks Ciiltiviiliou at Ila-li- .liliiilMlr.lnitiir'M Siilr, twenty-tlve cast by i feet: tbeiu-e north ftirty-tlin-ii uttal one [mnvliiKK, srn-'dllcatlonn nnd form of ton, is visiting for several days heY Air. and .Mrs, William ISiaeUwooil nnd ailditions niri'li- in kite v<;irn to th' The HiiluiiTllicr, Hiit-slllnlioniiry Ail- hundred furly-oiii* feet: tlicnce by bid, er.nlraei and bond for tlm propos- children have been spending a'week ul The pO' il ouih.'.k i.i tb- Stat" T'isli niinlstriilor vvilli tli<- Will nnrn-xc-l of same north sdxiy-unu and tbr(te-f|uar- ed wurk are IMI Die in 111 •• ofllre of tho school buildim:. KfTorls to intend Ii;ilt:ltejy ia:e>l ;il 1 i;!.l;it(Mlowii Tor .h.llll C. II'.|t. dflt-HH.Hl. l)J' Vil'IIU' Of State Illnhway Heitartinviil. Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. J, It. Hoffman uml Scninton. I'u. pbysieul training therefor*- hav bi>*n lers east one hundred and three feet: daughter, fleorgiv. passt-d. thu week-end h i iiitd i.illpill of Itass IK !.<•- IIIH iipiioimnu'iil l>v thu Oi'ijlian.s C-ntrt thence still by fianin north seventy- N. .!., and may l»e Inspected by pron-, It i« reported tin- plant of the Amerl- liamperefip, , u cin-iinistanfi- that sbnutd '; kiti'ius i nti-i-Iaitted a L'ew •JT the iNiUiiiy of Wiirn-ii. ami ili«- jir-i- twn and one-half ea«t eighty seven and pi'ttiv« tild.lurs. ]'lans will bo fur-, wilh relatives iu Newark. .can Haw Mill and Aluchinei-y Co. will nished on deposit uf ten (JtO.OO) dol- In* to a law '-xtf ii'd with lh>- iMii-iriir July ris.ooo nnwf- viwlotiK of Uif last Will iiixl T-Miinu-iit Mtie-iiunrter feeL to a point diHtant Tin- MiHsi-s Kthul Hml Kdnu Albright after September veHiime full time. oposed paving.— of John <;. Holt, dcr.aH.'il. will m<:i at (irty feet at rl«ht jingles from the lars for all of tlie.se hridtfos upon ap- • eompletirm <»f the iling I ilisirlbntr.d in the liikes Pllcallon to rharle.H A. .Mead, ltrldtro ' tire i-nttM-talnhijj tlieb COIIHIII, Klenor The treatment received by :i num- ixttilE.: V.inluu oit t!ic prcmi:;.'P the; cenler *''- tiie Itlair.slown Hallway (or Coaster, whose homt; Is near I'hiladel- Xewark KVetilng N nt •IivullltiK hmiKt'. farm tmildiiiK* !>n>I tli- X. V. S. '& \V. li. II,): ttien'-e In n KnjrlneiT, "tto Uroad St., XewnrK. Hiila ber of Uqy Scouts who lire In camp nt , , . , , , .•<•.- liistribution ^-.rxt mnitlieily illn-i-tion and pitratlel to and iniiKi be made on tbb Klandiird propos- phln. ll.-r mollu'r Joined hor yester- t farm .>r tint Iiilf .li>lm (J. Unit. «l »n»-«l. al form in the manner designated Krenehlu" I'ond ut Waterloo ami who Uuyside Tclcplioii;> Syslctii for . nu.t.Ut. In Hop.; Ttiu-iiHlil|i, Wiitr.-n Ciunty dlxtant llf ty fiu-t from tin- vontfr of day for several days visit. 1 H;Ud railway a di^l:iu<-t> of HIX liundred therein and :i» refi'i'rod tty tlm'.. 101SL hiked lien one day the past week and Waireri. \ Wilh tin- i-oni]ili-tiii!i ol" the m-w pr.iui. New .li-r.icy nn Miiiintay Si'ii»<.ii. !•• vvil ar - ..V|...-k in tho Warren I'.nver Company; th.-nc; by bo.il-IiiK the" nanie a'lHl" addresit'of bid-, and not boy* thought it would !»• tine of niadslib will !>'• ii«'ih|, illy iiiei-ias-d. This wtll said railway a dlM.tnce nf NIX Iiua>lri:d der nml the number of brldK<.-H nn tht) many friends here of M:\ Ivmleil, who fun In atone the buildiiiK in whleh the k of niiidsiili- lilvplioni' bnntlis. iiftfrimmi. all I he fttlluwiriK tlf a lot , Is ;i former munuKer of the American Purt .brvis and iilve Ihe hau-lu'i-y r.mr InrK- breeding laud.t ami pri-iiils'-H with the tipt.in-ti-n- niil*ddi'. [iml n.iiHt be accompanied by a visitors were staying for ll Iglit. l-*or pmids euvrliiK .-i^hl acres, in addition f-oM by said Hallway Ciiui|iitny to the i-ertilled check drawn to tin; order or (!ri«-"ery ttiv sorry to lieur lip is nimble working iis way int illH't-M llf Ml.- lull- John U. I (Olt. il.l'.'UM- Warren County 1'ower Conipany; the Slale TreaHitrer Tor not less than the wifely of the bnyi they wen* taken by .several routes. ID live iiuiiii'iy pond-: thai liavr beni ibeiiee by said llms and fifty fv.-t from t>'ii (Mt1;,,) of the amount nt the Mil. to work fo? two months owing to an Into a inarliy homu for thu night. It ust-d in th.- p;u;t f.ir < xiperlui'-ntul |>nr- .d, that IK in s»y all fiat (crialn tnii-t utt.i<=k of rheumatism In liltt feet. Tiny The syxtem is IDW ci.mplHed I.e. • if t.illV.-I of l:ill has been tween Slroudsbiirg and D.-tiiwin •• pos-N. Hiip..]iiit l:an;;nr and llfiihiainK at I..H w.xl slil.' of th.! teen fifty-Hiree west liriy-lwi. reel al form and :;]ieci:il addrcKHcd envnlopn roof i>( the building. LliltK;it[iill 1:: up |i> s[iLiitl.1l' l\:iMtun. aloiiK the stills an- beyonil tin- ciiicMtiun of iluiibt. iiiirioii, i!iln I'.IIII.-I- iiiuwt !»• iiiiult- six f.'liarles A. ,Mfjid, Hridjre KnKiniMT, 700 family. Dr. I'aul Iteiim and brother lo her diiiles m the People's I'aiik, af- tvrt "ii Hin ••imk **t i!i>- IT.-IU fnini thence south el^ht thirty-six west fifty I Hrnail Kt.. Nowark. N. J. Hida not uud Mlster-lnlaw, Dr. and Mrs. S. I-\ iw\v pike, by way or Miinln'x Crook. low waU-r mark; tli.-im- vi|. tli.- i-roi-k one and flfteen-liiuulreilthM feet: thence enclosed In special envelope will bo" ter a week's vacation. and other to Pen Argyl. to Wind 'lap. Dr. A. L. Mi in re Again a Candidate. Houtli live tifty-llve west llfty-one and c.inHldered Informril and will not ho OMinun, also M.\ uml Mrs. Frank Lit- Miss Lyillii Willever. of N.-w York, is furty fi.-ct in anotlu-r cornur tliu sntiuj tle, of town, who haw been making a to Xliwtrt'lll. and theue- in Iletbl.- III-. A. Lincoln Alnon-. wlin KO ably illniani-.-i .from l"\v V>HUT mark (.six firtiicn-linndreilth-s feet; tlieme soiitli Opened. i-nding a two wreli'.s vacation nt one line going tn Kaston anil I In.- oilier repn•.•:c!il"d Iliiulenliiti (-oinity in this f«-*«t I tlnMH-i: across tin- cruuk » stmth two hundred and forty-one went liny- (rip to California by automobile, niv the home of her pa-ents. Air. and Alrn. 1 one four-truths ft.; them-.- so. V.l Kadi bidder must nccomiiany his bid expected homu this wtu>k. ... Nu/urclh, and them-.e l>< Kethl ye:*! ':-* Ki>."siiin ot* the Stutc Li-^tslaltiri'. i-iisl cuiiryitt to lli.r funi!i; forty f«-t:t east llf iy-one and two-t<>nrlit< reel: wilh a .•••iliiii'ate from a. Surety Com- William A. Wlll.-Ver. of Rum Prospect hits atim.iiiit'i'il hl.'t i'iiiidid;tey fur :n\- AllHs'Nellle Mtinii, or Newark, a for- beta anil Ailentn n. Fnnu Ilii . lxn fi-mi, lii-liH!'- "i- ro:ul; tli(*iH'c' up Mi<- th.'iicf north idKhiy scvi-n thirty fnur pany duly uu Hi it rf zed to do bujdnefl.t , street. ntiii-r Ii < MI In ibe same loidy. , r- t» AloiiliM AlK.TlN line; tlu-iir..- ea.st (lvi- fe.-t li> a point distant twen- In this Stati*. statltm that sncli fiurety, mer member nf the public school fac- ilt be run d the South awar- t<> Hill* Dm-: tli.'n--r l>> ,\- \>rnU» tltn> lo t li«- (!t Ktri'-t. l.-n Saturday for a w.i-k's William IViui Highway. I alou:? tlie and In iK'i-nnliince with t lie days of her tou.sin, Mrs. \V. A. Hotf- visit with his sisli-r. Minn Kunici! Will- ur ;i IUIHI mm of iln> luirn uiHl Ui.-ro twi-nty-llve and foiir-tcntb:. to a point: man. road In Warfbin^i'in, ,\\ .[. to a .'OJ'IMT »t !';.iO r.-n.-.- ami 111<-• -• - I'lriK-i* soiilli elKhty tlvu Tarty four _ for eve", (if Ni-.V Vork. 10 make a <-i.in-r nn i::ihi U-n-,- rmi- the faltlirul p.-rforu (?•• nf the provl- It Is. v.'iiortcd it second American ' Should 1H-. Moon- In- •• IK—II to ].'n,\ niii'V s'.iilhw.isl to th.- niil.llf i-nii.I; ami sii.HM of-tlie ciintrael nd sii'-cllleatlons. CJroeeiy will be opened in town. The llot^ Dairymen to liny (i 1 ('u\\>,. anil llnss ' noils, Ifunti ]-n\ icieiHIy to Mr. und mills who will make p bi-d hl»nk»t factor In [irolllahle milk prmliK'tl iinr, Hie nm|>.~IliKh HHdw (..ixcUc. pni'tl'mi'i'f lands and premises* wh feel from the conti-r, line of suld rail- Mrs. JitiiKH liuit.y, of WIIJW Grove way: llience parallel to auld railway by the Warren County Orp!iann* Court and suiting materials from wool s were bv lite said John U. Holt in ;i iiinninj,' in a southerly dtruclUin twen- on .May <;. i»»i, the undersigned will to them by the growers. by bis' last Will and Testament de- »ell :a public Kate on vised to his son John I!. Hoii'dut'lin ty-six feel to the line of hinds former- The l>-,-;t'\i;!itcwii fair which was to Tills plan offers an opportunity lo ly John Kitchen; tin-nee liy s-uld line Siiturilnyj Sejit. :t, 1JWI, hav; hei-:i he'd Wednesday evening, dispose of wu.il on hand and also tn thu term nr bis natural life. ami th lifty-nine west one liumlred at 2 oVIoek in the afternoon, at tlm Caleb It. lh.lt, eighty feet to the public road leading owing tu tin* u.ul v.-eatuer was held secure the highest urudu materials at Miibsillutionary Adminlstratm* wtlh tli< Union Hf .li.lin (i. Unit, d... road forty-eiKht fuel to ilm place ur four tnicl.i of land ot which James li. ed, the rwvljits being J7UD of which Tin- (piestion most common for iiv Stnniets diitd seized, .situated hi Po- Sf.iH) may be added to the church treas- '.' Nii'tfd-Antiusl 11. i:ui. wool groweis to ask is Imw much doth l''xreptlnpr a rlKiit or way seventeen liiLlcouK Toivn.shlp, Warren County. I .li.hu II. Unhlke, !•:«.[.. 1'roelor. ury. Ihuy will get from tlielr wonl. This feel wl.te exteildlim' alotiK landjt oT New Jer.sey, and hounded and desurlb- . William Kami, .Ir., was a week-end S- IS-1 ,li>liu Kitchen. Ih.: riKltt to use uf depends entirely upon I he, semiring whirl] WiiH Krautud lo the salil Uail- l-'VltST TltACT contains 1.Ill acres. Kiiesl of relatives in Kuston. shrinkage. If. fnr example, the wool Mr. and Mrs, Uelanpy Zuiies ami eliil- way Company. more nr IUHK. •••--• shrinks SO per cent. In scourlni,'. it TO(;I-:TH1:K with two 4L'-lnr:h T.e- SKUii.VD TltACT rimlains I ..SO acres. divii, uf Newark, spent Sunday with would take about 10 fir II pounds of Mrs. .1. S. Chilstan. hleh Fuller mills, two ".l-horne power grease wool to nuike one :i',v [D 1 lcasid Alutnrs—Cenerul Klt-ctrl.!, mn: I'..-nnsyl- ' Tl'llUH 'Tl'tACT contains li acres, Mrs. Frank Aylis* is entertaining her Itouiuls nnlsh.'il blanket, which is On- vaula Ilanmiei- Mill, one No. i; dales more or ICHS. mother, .Mrs;, Wonni-kdroff. of Irvitig- lf to Bar Oynitory Cnisher. two r.O-liorse power Tracts NDK. 1, 2 and :: constitute one weight of a slngli- blanket measuriitg to [I of the Motors—Onera! Kle.-tiie. one H-font lot Upon wlileli Is f*reeled :i T2XS-1 In.:'* a iloublt- blanket, would e iif tin; (•.unity of Warren, i !-:meriek Air Separator, two Si'.-horH(; SinKle Fruini; UWL-IIIIK? Housn, . • • '. Noiv nii'inl)i>rs or Hackettstown ek-c- eighth day n( AUKUSL A. 1) pmver inoturs—iJenural i:b;i:tric, - two a burn and other small uutbulldlnKKv; tlun board are William Ii. Ulackwoo.l measure 72x1 OS in. and would weigh •i llin.dn-d ami Twenty one, about twice as nuich. hi tiie manufac- ir,-horne pciwer molor.s—On era I telec- and udjulnti hinds now or rurmerly of, and Wjtititm Hunkinson, lEepubtk-an, ii.-rt.-liy given io alt persons tric, IOleValor Melts and Conveyor, one Thoniasi H. 1'ur.sel and Harry. K. ltoy- nml William Crui-mlyke. Dt'iimcrat. ture Ml' suiting there is a manufactur- 2!,;- ton Bethlehem Truck Xo." :!::.'•". 1 er. TractH No.s. 1 and 2 will be nohl ing- shrinkage of about '.Hi per ci-nt. ^er'lati: of the Cm'inty of \ upright boiler and connections, one KUbjecl to si murtKnKe hold by John •Miss KlizJibeth Fleming, of llelvitlcre, from cleaned wo:>I lo llntehed stock. InRt-rsoll-Hnnil Driil and cuiiiiectloii!;. lU'ese for jTifin and interest. Tract No* a forme.- resilient, Is visiting .Mrs. A yard of* suiting cloth Sfi In, wide scrilier. her cxeeutur, on.-or one air compressor and tank, anil all :: will lie sold filibje'-l to tin* following J.iinwi Ayers, at Drake.1;town. stli day or FebruarywV:'!.. X machinery, engines, boilers. sliuftliiB, Htlpulatiun conlultiiid in the deed «iv- weighs about 14 to I ti nz. . U*e are now idled and Twuiit? two. be coiuitei-shaftln^, dynamos ad all ap- en by Jacob O. Dover and wife to Mr. ami Mr*. I.i-slle C. IlimkltiHon doing considerable work of this nature nils friim liifT date of said pliance.s and personal property now in James KlaniL-t.s. bearing dale December- will reUirn tomorrow following it and would commence shipments of any i-i'edilui--lu-Kh-rliiiK !• place In said factory and such a.s may •r-l. linn, arid recorded In the Warren week's stay at.1 Anbury 1'arK. clotii in about three weeks after re- LIIII oxhilnl his or her cluini; be added thereto fnmi linn* tn time County Clerk's utlit-e In ltonk 177 or horeafier, also the franchises of said l.)ei;ds, imebH r.=7. etc.; . • , Mvs. l-'rederk-k Sonuerdykc, who un- ceipt of stock. rithin li ill I'o - liai- -d l.'.-at-1-al IMIverlZed l..iiue»touo Com- "Tito .said party of tho .second part derwent an opi'ialioti at All Sutil.s Hos- Samples of blankets and suiting ma- i«'ti(,t pany. pital, .Morristown. last week for ap- terials are at hand in (he Cunty hereto, hereby agrees to build and, , TOUKTIIKR witb all and Kin^'iilar maintain a HiH.slnntial ronee suindenl1 - > pendicitis and ^alt stones, of which Agent's nlliee af Ilvlvitk-re and an- of Diiulfl V. Wyt-kuff. excfir tbr: rights. privlb-Kes. lien-itllaments Iy stronK and clo.se enoutjh to turn'; .stones to the number of forty .wvl-e re- very high grade. All interested are AVaNliington -N'I-W Jersey. and appurtenances thereunto belonK- sliei-p and IIOKH, aloii^ tlm secona moved, is doing as well as could be ex- urged to Inspect these samples. , All IiifT' nr in anywise appertaining. course in (be within description, 11this pected. " • • onlcrs will be uccmnukde,] ,n,l all .'"elzi'd an the property nf the de- bulUK a part of the nonsideratlnn. ; \'f)T I <*(-:. Airs. Wilbur I lowers anil 'daughter, pcolLHt for shinment at a. later dale. fendant at the suit of the complainant, Kf)UUTlI TllACT lx a woodlot ad- ' Matter iifltho Ms- and to In* sold by juiiiliiK" lands now or . fiu-nierW ut-'. Ituth, visited last week relatives at of Cliarles S. C:ir- •TKOMAM II. ITAYKS, SlierMT. Jlobert W. Weller and contalna seven. , Stroudsburg, J'a., - ' Heal ICslale Transrirs. lu Crediti Milted Aukust 2, 1021. S-ll-lt uerea, more or leas. Mr. and Mis. Warren Greenwood, of Terms ami eoudilion.s will be made, John IJ. Went worth and wife to I'lirsiuint to the order uf the Su known nn day of sale. Coatesville. I'a., who have been spend- ;iate of tiie Ciunity of Warren, n.;id« ing their vacation with Mr. and -Mrs. TlK'i-OM A. Ciould. dated Feb. 2^, 1!)21, Uated August J 1!>21. conveys lot in Uuckcllstown. Ihe eighth day of AugusI, A. IJ,. Xlne- n Chancery of Now Jersey G1-:O. W. KTAM12TH, Adm. of Jaft/O. William Milker, rut timed Sunday night l.-.-n lltindretl and Twenty Une,. nutic.i t.s. ileceased, Carpi.-ntervllle, Margaret Doooitan to Peter Sheri- to their home. is hereby given in all persons liitvinf Willever, Complainant, iNew J ey. Tin? four young men who left here dan and wife, dated April 2:t, 1!)21, {;on- nwiliiMt the . Chari.-.. ri.-.,s 8-11-U recently for a mouth's trainiuK at the H. Carter, late,tit" the County of War"-ar"-- Lucy n. al., Vieremhirits. rcn, ili-i'ifiwwl, tu pr I l'*acii JMiitishurgh Camp are sending pleas- Jacob K. NewlKirt, et. al. to John I'. the sub.serlber. his Ucturmthlu Xoveml.er 7, 1!^1 iiifi rejiorts to their homes of their nur* Meliek, dated April 1,'ii, .1921, conveys liefni-e-the eiKhth dny of February, A. O. \X .McConnel], .Sol'r, XO'I'ICK. • rc'iiHlings, l»'i!u; well jfiuLised. in• eevry 1 1>.. Nineteen Hundred. mid Twenty rjiillip.sbiu-!,'. N. .1. In tiie Matter of the Ks- ) nuie'to Bar-' ' p i-Ucular. Alarlin II. TirTsiiian and wife lo Two, h'eiiijf Six Aloiuhs from the date li'pnn a decree for complainant for WieKliorst, Deceased!''1 J Creditors"V- Mr. and Mrs. M. Ayers. of Newark, Maggie A. Thalcher. tinted. .March 25, of said order: and any creditor m-g- ?l!ir.l.0S, with interest tlierc.m from rutsuant to tho order of the Surro- former Independence. Township resl 1021, conveys land in Loiialcoug, con- leeliiiK: l» bring in and exhibit .his ur •Inly it. 1!12I. Com pliti mint's costs gate of the County of. Warren, made • ahlcrution $250. her claims unil-r ..:tth "i- aiHnnaLh.n, taxed at iliJfi.7"i. with inter.'St from on Hie iweiity-llflb day of.July A. JV dents, were ai'iimg thu . WLek-eiul within tlii!- time KO limited, win lie July L'l, }'J2\, and SheriiT's fees ami Nineteen Hundred and twenty-one, t'liests of relativ here. Samuel JiiitK and wir« to David K. forever barred of his nr her jiutic costs. •''.'• notice/s hereby .eivtm to airperaona:: . Ellaa Ii..Bcll su-ucccl:; tiie late R. CJ. Johnntm, dated • April 22, 1921, con- afrahint the said adniiniiiti-alur. By virtue 'of ..T.ivric n[ fieri facias havim;' claims against the Eslato : of Clark as pre.sitlunt of tiie local Pin veys land in Pohiitconj;. Dated: August S. l!^l. to me directed, issued out of the Willj.ritTUL Wieirhorsl. late of the Court-'. mnn'.s Jtolief Association, liaviuy been Laura Al. Smith to Maltus S. Croiisc. CUAni.ESI'.. BltAPV. adtnlnistrnld Court of Chancery of New Jersey in l.v.oivV.'arreti, dcetiased, to present "tho ' elected at a^Jiieoting held last Tue.silay d:ited |.Vh. 10, 11)21, conveys land in tiie ul>ov« cause. I will expose to sale sa-••; lo the subscriber, her -qxeiitors. ' night; Delegates 'uhosen to attend the I-Yiuiklln. at public vundiie, at the Unif.ii Stmare on\.6r before-the twcnty-lifth" day • oL' . 'Rinie.conveiiliuii at Athmtic CTly Si'i: Hotel, in Hie Town of I'hillipKbun,-. Jimiiary, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Ceo. H. Albert nnd wife to Alfred Warrr-n County.' New Jersey, mi twenty-two being Six months from the lemliev 23, 2-1, are t'eorgc H.'Aukley, Hnrro.vs, ot. al.. dated April I, 1021, AVAHKK.V Oltl'IlAXS' COUUT Daniel Wellor and John-W Hart. SATUIUIAY, SKPTKMHKH 10, lillM, date of said order: and any creditor conveys land in ManslleUl. Notice ut Settlement. between the hours of twelve and live nesloctlnK to brins In and exhibit IIIH Mrs. Marie Smith returned last wool; Sarah J. Cyphers to I'liillp Quick, - N-nlh-e Is hereby idven tliat Hie ne- o'ehidc iu tiie nfternumt. to-wit. a I or her claims under oath or allirmallon,, to her home at Youngstown, O., having (Idted Jan. 29, 11)21, conveys land in ennntN of Hie sub-si-riher, tieorffe Kelm- '1 o'c-loek. all Unit certain tract or within the time .so limited, will be.for- concluded a visit of several .weeks wltii Independence. ".. or and Nellie. K. Hawk, executors of parcel of land and premises, situate. fsv«r barred of bin or her iiclion atralnat lylnir and bulnff In ihe Township or the said executor.-!. . Mrs. Cliarles Weber. Wm. Slek'ht and wife- to Fnmk II. Owen Ueinier. deceased, will be audit- IVImlL-oiijj. in the County of Warren Plutl, Si\, dated April 2S, HI21, cnu- Sold only W^' by dealers ed and staid by the Surrogate, anil re- .Mv, and Mrs. CharlCH Christine ro ported l<> the 'Orphans' Court of the and State of-New Jersey, tind hnuiid- Datod July 2B, 1921. • •' . . turned to thair homo at Morrislown voy'n la nil in Voliatcong. County of Warren, nn Friday, the Seu- ed and described as follows: HWNUY b\ WiEGUOIlhT. JAMES''R ^londay having spent the past ten days Julia J. Cai-rell to Laura A. Kimblo, iin Heed the first warning they give 'rrtuisitoriuHiHi UIils Wtiuft'il. beintf six Months from tho dale ot nald ;' Church, has also been at tho seashore. \VAltttl3V (HM'HANS* CODHT. onler; and any creditor neglecting to .; Mr. und Mrs. J. B; Woodward arc that they need attention by taking rhe.ll'ianl of Kdm-atlon of Harmony bring In and exhibit bl« or. her cldlnlR ' , Xndee "of SH t (icincut,..' ' 1 eiilertalnlng the mother of the. fov- Reduction on all styles and sizes wnship, Wan-en County,. N. .1., will under oath, or affirmation, within' tho '•- mur, Mrs. T. D. Woodward,- of Newark. N'otk-u is hereby Kiven that the ac- :olve seated bids for the tmtiKporta- time so limited, will bo forevor burrert ' .. units of tiie subscriber, Ida A. Apgar, in of L'2 or mure pup.lls'from the A. J. Aliu-tenis receivoil word Sunday COLD.MEDAL of his or her action.ayalnnt. the saia.v; nee l.auliauli, executrl.\-~t>f IMward 1'. wer .Harmony chiirch to • tiie Belvi- oxeculorw. ' " • .•••.• .•.•- ..' .• •'• •-.•;•".,'-.•--•*'>;•<•' of the death of his'sister, MIHS Ida McCiinn. deceased, will be audited and re HIKII school and return Dated Angusl !). 1021. •': \-•'•'••'•'{.•-'.I'•'•:'. Alartunis, y.iiosu "Ouath occurred Snttir- a ted by Mie Surrosnto, and reported pupilsIH , f11UIIL tiii^ ^itirin ruiiron'd'.u ^s nnt.t Arthur-.!. Hainlln, Hyjaii 1 " "" iltiy; evening at the home of a relative i the Orpliims' Cmirr of the County of iv uppeupp r end'of l.owa Hollow lo the Louisa llaiiilln,.executors. • at EiiHton, following •.several \tnionLliH Warren, mi Krjdny, the second day of Innlaul n sdioo! and return; until Mon- JllncHH of Urighls dlH(?iise..AIrH. C]-o,nco, A New Low Price on a :iy eveninf; Ai)pr«sl'2S, 1921, at S o* Hop-teniiier next, at. 10.30,. o'dot-k, A. loek, ..wlten sainu, will hu opened In of Grand AvomuVis ulstfasister. ^ M., Jit Ihe tfirir, of April for .Kcttlcmciit nir, Upper Harmony school house. '"' The. Unyiov lioin'e on Uuv Altamueh> The world's standard remedy for ihesa nnd allowance. , •-.: ,,.,'.:_...,' - -Tim Board-ieMc-rvwS-nie rl^l.l -to •RQ- road wiis^deHtroyeil liy • (Ire Saturday .disorders, will'ofton ward off these dis- Known and Honest Product Dated July .18. H'21. Gjit ur lo.iect anyor nil bids. ovoiihiK., Tlio homo was occupied by,;"a «as6s' and strengthen the body agninst ._.HXV_A,..APflAn:),\ui& T-aubnch, V,x,. William Cathors./D. C. family named Wallers,• vtfio were away Stowartsvllle, N. J. mm. from homo at anytime, ^'ho neiglibors furthiar attacker Three sires, all druggists. Look for the irnno Cold Medal on «wry box s • _ . Waslilustoiii Now Jersey. .' , "••• , .•",-' • .-;• .-'••• S-iS--it •JENKINS w u—.A*, "od Accept np imitation ;/ •• ... •.'..• •'• THE WASHINGTON STAIl, WASHINGTON, N. X.TUESDAY."'AUGUST 25, STCCTION. TWO

    I'KKi; IMON. ulallvi* in \t uiirlc j ')hi> 1 with I cpuulinK luo \uikn with Mr tind Mii sJumli\ tin \ \\ ill |>ln\ at I omul 1:1011k j MIH Flunk strunk and K^UUIHOII, m. J|rH_ uI'mmmmaa Hilili'liraiilHfldtbrant . I| A. S. svarfoiMStaifoiw. > , llm .winn- wlllMili llilthixs tiiiituimn t\lmi > uiiltK I'a ul I)ilrvinp|>a, uuit to Stt \Mti(H\llli Nom Shannon of Oxfuid, Hpiut j The h:i-\(st hoiiic of tl In u tl<< ind it 11 tx|: lo hptnd a fiw da\s with her sun, u t*.\\ (IU\H la»t \MIII \\ith Ini UIKIU I Itai»Ut*l diuti h will In In M \\ < dtnmi u , I Ilk* HOHll Will willK^I Hit Mill. CltaibH Our mu chants mul btiHlness nun and aunt, Mi and MIK Chax I-aUtu [August tl Musk 1>\ P01I Minim or Mi and Mix IV nj Sn\d ltollon \\tin a Mi»«t of the In dtncrul Hiun to IK ncU pliasid with Mr uml Mm la ss, II Cooki. of Uopt. clustm 111 ai< on 11 t'ii-di% autmnulilli hi) I ii^ton F\pi(HS on 11 t i]i tn UUnwnii ]>HHHid feurula\ with Ml mil MIH John Cit'ii«er t-penl tin . 'ufikli »i)l fmluil* Wutn dap Siintla\ IR IH tlu caiiUr . the patronage lht> receUwl on I'urni' Jaynos. i-ml at the honu* of his brother. Cha"K?n jj"" 1' other pupoiutMt o ff hhilie.d. for tin? Kxprens here. : era' Duy. U was n uroat pleasure fur , CreamerCreamer. ' MNss Ma»Hiir»-t WWt-yiut u h:m letuined MI KM Annfc l!u*\l(;e, of Xu-wtun, will fr m .Mrs. John I!o\vm;in ami HOD .lark, -them to nu'i't no muny of tlu'ir old Iivtnrn to lu-r home tlnre thin week .MitiiHllflil UMXEHI Cliurrh Xi»lcs. " ""' M"M»m lioMpitnl mm-li hnpii.v- ,'„ frlcndH. fr< of Wjishinstim, vlttltitl Mm, Kitthnr- ii ft IT HpendliiK tho KiimtiuT with All', "Kiro From Heaven" will In- the tmlx '«> "" "» <'P«'ratl«>n f"t' ii|lf*» nii'i'lliiK. MIH. CarrU- Connolly. First Aid tu of ICanton. ,.:.>:Into the park at any (line »-•* they do dred Hopkins aiv spending .i few days ICtectric llyht, wires are I the steel pliinl. is I'lijoylnn n Mrs. I-:. C. llvtll. of Stowailsvllle. wiw this battery tiiin week with reiatlves nnd friends tin* Kuest of her purents, .Mr. and Mrs. : a great amount of ilamitm* lo the walk* tit Newton. and the lawn. Thi' park Is for enjoy- X. Waine. Tiiiirsduy. KriifNt itlhii-briiut and dauj;ht<'- nnd IIi'V. A, SI, Pearson has orgatilzed a company of I Joy Kcoutt*. Ik- received Our city fathers would soe to It that "«»« *"'• ^..iTW?* "".^'iVL? the credentials last week and they went 11 wl tl willpayyou Iho m-cets of the town are well cleaned [ J: ".-^ }M11 J* 1 mothw, to KsiMon Satunliy and purchased of rubbish. This can to done at a ; M[*- ,;" | ;',. „ ,V; ",f,'«„,,„ , , ,„ (he unifurin.H at the Scout headiiiiail- small oxpfttWH and will ad.l Kivatl>* to | •) £ ^mliiv with M-i L\S:H t.-i • SV ers, the woll appearance oi tho town tim: i:n- X ,m Si 2. h™.! i"» **"<»•• general hwlth nf our i pie. ! Mt* ««tl M i»«. Jalin .l.i>nwt. • The male neniberw of the Kpworth The Methodist ladies fed over live I l"'or^'t i*ui«t,t* Sunday wltlt :tn.t Win. Tln.ma Mill. hoamie liavi planned for a great lay- lll lll01 > l-10 uru nlll HKill ItKllKiK. out fur the ladifs Tuesday night of in long service hundred people at dinm-r <>n ftimnW i '"'* 'V1 " >'* " -K"-- '«"' '" > { L'liflTiird Coiipci- itturiH'd to Newark nv Raynir head hi i Monday, after a vWt with hi.-i jjrand- next Week. Day. Their cash rweipls dirinw Hie day i *r \ I«?nrw. fl.-rt.ln-. of TtneV ui-mral sio i.s ihis wt-t-k speii.l- ;iii..ih.-r. M,r.<. S.irali Trimmer, who with 1 (i weeks with IMCA^IYSTOWN. were m-arly0 1ITurt. Tin- W. t\ T. ir. I , *'• ""'- >»«• •<•*"!'• me a part of his vacation willi relatives ; .\h\s. Alic<> I'olts. have nineiildfM ii [wi> l^ci™*.! ^ . rlrl 'dn'V'v^v- «,'"! I ifnaml'MtT A'LH TicL..,.. in PhllliiMliunr and lib patvnts nfar.U\wt(«VKtay with Mrs. Jennie JSaMwin I.ton White returned tu WashiiiKlo'i, TJCT "FordType"Ford Type"" Ml ilIuI SIrs A1 I: Nll n amI clliI bu'ilnt-y" at their hnieii I'oiinieV i * *' - ' * - " * 1>. C.t tin* IImt of the week after spend- About s'fx hutiilrri! ni"M cross.-,! the I lhtm vJ»lt.-*l Sunday wltli Al;s. Ntuin'i* Miss Myrtl.- Cawl-r on Monday I..- |"' Mr.'"ml* Mrs. I-Vc'.l Ule^el htivi> -in- Int; part of his vacation with Ills par- U JLsbistandard buillt 1 1 1 Ml : AIrit A!ll"> " eaine an employe »f tin- Siiunlitnl Wiu.'i" j nmnnvd Hi iKiiKi'ntfnt <>( 1th*ir ents. All--, and .Mrs. II. I). White. and KOIIIK rrom tin- 111* plcni.-. j l"W""hlll>;- SyMi-niH Co. at Uunipton, tis ;i sti-no- 'ilau^-htcr. Vivian, a hlittiout inns- In lOhner T-imnier has purchased the Top quality at bottom price—big volume l 1 Krapher. She is a Kiadiwte of list lynint-m t hivpltul. Somervllle. to (Jemc The Washington b»ml did Itself I \ ™'? '^'^V • wu . ,'!' 4 Fret/, and O^den farm. Air. and Airs. !in June.s iiigli .school e!a«y. ApKJir. «nn nf Counellnian and Mr.t. Jacob Maldwln and Air. and Mrs. John production givesyou the advantage. This bat- groat credit at the plfn!c last wccic. ! ' , '• " Mrs. Steven Vwldriok - :U- Mr. anil ilra. Jonns Il^Iio.il.uiy 1.' |o.i- .;• \V. A|i»ar <>r this plafe. ll l Iftiidwin haw occupied thp farm for tery has been accepted by Ford engineers for The public was woll pli-as..-.i with tho 1 "'Mr;'V- Iohn Uoi,t !Ultl 1 Ku.iton wero week-end ntn-sts of Mr. 1 . — . tin- past two years. musiruniler.ilc an. d thIt ewa manm-s verry Ia-tistln whice h anIt dwa nos ! 1l'nui, fk- r.ruvor- . spent on ^'Kl'"e day '"' M™- jind Mrs. 11. I». Snyder. | HR(1\1)IVAY ' Frank (iruvorroriIU. spenr I1t )Ul)on1>e day last wi'vfc fU xl A Air. and Airs. Jnhn Rood have ns use on Ford cars. It is finer mtiHlntl organization can hi- found j ^[.'[jj ' * " ' - ^ A. O. Ilelli'i- spent Saturdav and Sun- 1 ,, „m. " - »" »- Kin-sts the hitter's aunt and daughter, i 1. A. A. day with his family at Ashmy Parlt. ! .«':"• \ - Trmnhowor. of Newton. Is the same quality as other .Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kl.-e and IIUUKII- ; \1S!l"|K »»'r niotht-r. Mrs. A. K. Crev- or Alailisun. Williiini >Ii Airs. MIlEnn Iletler and daughter USLs supplied to 29 auto- Qj.cntiil Pi-i.wl.vtiii'iriii chun-l..tiiii'i-hi h-i* vn. : ft'OIll blninl p,)l.S(Hl fl'dtll Wllit'i ' iKtH tnr t.-ft Stitlinliiy fur thi-lr humn at ' • »K" Ihw wi-rk. FJeanur, have runclndeil a visit at 1 .Moi-rl.svtlle. after a foriniKlif.s stay > ''''«»« HOIIJM-I was summoiu'd lo turned from his visit lo Maryland. He mii'i-rlnV ft" with ri-tatlvt'N, j ""Ver \\ «1 AIlss 1!<-lli> Juhnsun and ninllier. of tin- ar. ubst-nee of Deputy I . M. Win. nunu. liildi-en wi'iv Sunday visitors of his | h.-ri- from Pliilnili'M Mitm-diiy. VINUIIIK Newark. e;inie lierc SaturdayTo spend Airs. Ctan-nce llobertson and ilatipli- Other Sizes for All Cars whn is on bin vacation. 1 ...... m Ml. .,,.um.l .Mrs. I.i-wls Cok-maii, y\r. and Mrs. Raymond. I'anvll. a furtnltfht with Mr. and MIH. A. H. -i- have i-nneltiiU'd a vlnlt with hf: BelviiU-ru "eceive,i the Hum of $t!3 j !!f Sprhi-'towii AIlss Ataude ItiihliiMin uf INiilnlrld isi^'Kulne. arents. Air. and Airs. Sargent, at from the bi,; KunniTH* pienie .-nti-rprls.-. j A'h._ ,t|l7i Mr!t\ |.oilW.t yMiWv1 untl Mrs. K-tulintc ())(.> week ill- Hie lu'ini- ,>Nl-warti Meihndist ciiiirch. is KikiiiK a vacatl<>r I'riday. Mr. and Alts. 1 Iar*y Ai^ar uve on- . 71 K. Wushingtou Avc. known citizens fn.in I'hlllipsli - llu*l . i'i»b Miller was a Sunday visitor 11. L. Tliorton will have clinrui; of th Mr. and Mrs. Kerry and grandson, t:-rtalnittu the l:itier"s aunt, MIH. Sim- farmor lvHiilei.ts of Ifelvldw. San "' ' of Air. uml .Mrs. Win. Apmir. of Haak- services next Sunday murniiiK* . William. Mr. and M-s. K. V. lierry nnd I'VV.HI. nf.Kew York. I'honi' 37 Day ami NijiM Service I. Hn-kau- and Uolifit I!. Oiirhai-t. ; '•; ettHtown. teiuli-d Fanners' day he v ami enjoy* I Frank Ti^ar, of PhlUipslni-u. was a 'themst-lves very much. Their comMni II ! week-eiul utu'ttt of hi.s br.ithers. CJeoiKC nge.i ure ISO years, 1 and David Mrs. Win. UaA-nti- Is In the Coi Air. ul Airs. Samuel Thomas ami lloftpital at Kaston for au-'tjlcul treat* datlKllt r Hlla, W.TC weekend guests mem for appeiulicltls. of Air. iml -M.-s. Oscar Hates, of UPAKO Mrs. Harry Lockard in at the Mrth- Wood. odlst Iloi;plt:il for «ui'Kkat trialiiKrit. Amu Mavlieiiy and AH.-s .Marie AI- Lewis Fnnnnifi-, uf Phihuleliihla, a ^ d Air. and Airs. (Iconic l'*isli<-r fovtntr reakU'iit. lias bi.-»'M on a visit d family, of Peinvell. wen- Sunday to Mr. and.Mrs. Harry Witor 011 Third visiit at Alo ulaii l stroet. Aliss Ci'-truite lli-ri'.-iUKli was a Wuek- Alrn. Paul Widenor and Airs. Kil- end Kin-st uf lu-r ^ranilparetits, Air. nnd mund Kins entt'i'taineil 11 iiuinbi<" i>f Mrs. Paul Turner. their friuids by a lawn s;x-i:il at ihclr Aliss Itost-lln Slater, of Haekettstnwn. lionio on Parker street a tVw eveain^s WII^ a week-t-ntl visitor of her parents, ago. It was a very delUlitfu! occasion. M-. ami Airs. Charles Slater. The I to publican Indies of liflviuViv Seven Ills—One Cause The annual Uarvi«t ifome op th.' listened lo a line address last Tuesdny AI. !•:. i-liuivh will be held aeptc-mlier afte-nnon by Mrs. .Mary L. Aluotv, President of tin- Ladles* IU>pu)il!i-an Air. and Mrs. Charles Mayherry vis- Leas lie »>f N'*w Jersey, on Hie Iinport- ited witli Air. and Aits. .loseph Heain. anco of oi'^unizjttlorj alon^ polltfciil in Port .Murray. lliiud. A unit of the Le;i-ue was or- gnui/.cd and ih" women of ilclvitieiv HEN your motor is sick, find tlie rea- will be an iiit|)i>rtaiit fai^or at the fait I'OKT Ml'KKAY. ek'etlon. Koliei'ta Hann is spending an iti- The picnic aswoniatlon showed people delinite time at Lake I lv pa Icons. Wson. If it develops any of the symp- a len-acrt! Held in the outskirts of Up- James Sonu-rvilk' has eniploycil a town Cor next yea-'s picnk- fur the new housektji'pL-r. accommodation of the people and a Vii-Kll Zu-lla-s and Alviti lieatty wot- place for the fakirs. ured In Uudd's Lake Sunday. toms listed below it is probable that you b'tii'tnt'i* ,Iur\v nret-n. of near town, is Mr. ar.it .Mrs. Arthur ilrown and son raising a line ll

    ALLAML'CIIY. Stv. and Mrs. Donald Clark. Mrs. /I Vile odor of the exhaust gases—caused by in- James Caldweil nnd Aliss Dutsy Munro spent WediK'sday at Olcnmere Laki», X. Y. complete combustion or waste power. CUB. Oik-s, of •Washington, was a guest last week ut his sisit-r. Airs. lies- coe Hurt, and family. . :-, Whitlekl Dt'cker vi.-.ited rclativca. in / Spark plugs fouled by incomplete combustion. Warwick, X. V., last week. Air. and Airs. John Dunn spent last Thursday in Xnwurk. Alias Xellie. Cinglos. nf Xewton. is visiting her aunt, .Mrs. Cicovse Llailey. Using "Standard" Motor Gasoline alone will go far .Miss .Vina Bnvaeool lias returned No need to from Mulferils, ufu-r spundin^ some time with her aunt, Airs. William Loe. toward correcting these difficulties. This improved Harry Loiur and family, of New Vavk "break them in" State, have moved to the Cellar Lane Cantilever Shoes are comforta- motor fuel burns quickly and cleanly; it delivers maxi- farm, where be is assistant dairyman. An addition is Ivinj; buili to the ble, easy, the first .time you put school house to be used as a kitchen fur them on! No need to "break them mum power. It is the best you can buy—and it costs the Lunch Club. in" slowly and painfully. No need The children and grandchildren of to suffer till tlift newness wears olF. no more. All power and lots of it. A. K. Dunn Riive him a. surprise pavty In Cantilever your foot is not com- at his home last Tlmrsday. pelled to assume the .shape of a , liallock Whitflehl has returned from shoe. For the Cantilever Shoo is New Haven, Conn., after u two weeks' shaped like the human foot. It is • vlait will) relatives there. built on the linos of good taste— .. AV. Xt. J-Ietulershot, of West Xcw graceful, sensible. It is made for ••• York, spent the week-end with liis puv- perfect comfort. ents, Herbert Suvacool, in niivy training at . Hampton Koatls, Va., is spending a ten The foot has freedom to arch and days furlough with his parents, Air. and bend, to move and exorcise, unham- Airs. Cole Sayacool. Air. Stivauool will pered. The shank of a Cantilever soon go on liis llr.st cruist? with the U. i.s not .stiff and unyielding. It flexes -:S. Doluwiru leavins for CUIKI. Africa with the action of the foot. ' 'und Italy, '•' Ted Voorhlos, of Norwich, X. Y., was Tho natural inner sole line and a recent finest of Frank Nile.s. the well-set heel combine to encour- Air. and Mrsr . I.!. A. Hendershot, llr. age correct posture. Ordinary and Airs. A\ ., U. Ilenilorshot and Mrs. ohoes, which the toes outward, Mallle. P. Dvuke spent Suiuiuy at Karrs- ville with Mr. ant! Airs. Samuel Pur- cause all the weight to fall on the eel. Airs. AV. li. Hemlershot and Airs. inner side of the arch,, its weakest ,. Drake will remain there a few weeks. point. But Cantilevers distribute :' Mv. and Mrsi. George 'fownsend and the weight properly; they correct Mr. and Airs. Cluirles Townsend ha.v» and prevent flat foot. They enable •. been entertaining Ahirk Kay aiul eon you to walk ov stand with joss •'• Elinor, of Chfutigo. Air. Kay formeriy fatigue. And they are good look-, :"~Hvod at Yellow -Frame. ing. •''; Miss .Huth Ilendur.shut spent Thurs- Widths from AAAAA tc K • day with her sister, Mrs. Lewis .1. De- renter, at Great Meadows.

    '•"•' John Gardner und son Clarence and wife, of Moiitolalr. spent Sunday with . Air. and Airs. IL F. lOvcry. . c, " airs. Charles llunyon and' daughter Gruco, have. ' reLurneil home from a .visit w'tli her «i»lei\ tn lii-anchville. w •;>•' Mrs. Harry Runyon, of Ltelviilero. ,','and. frloml, Aha. John Leigh, of this l>lue.e, spy nt Saturday at Williams' Park. . •,i Mrs, John Cummins has been ontor- •, tainliiK ,h*.'i' cousins, All-, anil Airs. "\Vii" ;Unir"'Tj6omis and adv., of Newark.•• ".] :Mrs. Fox' has heen having as her

    ;'":"A*pastor"f7om Kolvhlere ',preached in ' the Prcsb teilan cliuich hoie Su-ula Mayer's Shoe Store ,l Mrs Edwaid 'Titus and dmightc 'Anno, of Ncnatk, have been visl^ng 427 Northampton St. „ p,?v sister, Mrs. John Tims. EAS/TON, PA.

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