•[• I ••' J .;• •••'•• •<* .: -•;•(•••. ;.'• •."• V :•••'••; '••:. -n fi J. • . „• * . .,?•£ 1 '•.;;•->^"-:;?'i:% :/*••;•' • Second TEN GENTS Vol LXXII.;. No: 40^ tiphs,M Pages 1965:: .-• Cranford, tfew jorsejf Uiiited F II' Advanee Gifts 'Mai $30,877 i' Advan^v-.'•gifts . in .jhe current' Unite.d ^tind •carppaig'n.havC reach- ed a toial of ,$30,877," it w^s re^ ported, this weftk by. Fa^ris $•• Swackhamer; general chairman for the" driy.e to raise $85,000 for .14 participating agencies. First report The 'Democratic candidates for Townsjbjp rCommittee, meeting of the more than 600 work- Elliot Bross and H. Randall Kr;eger, chaVacterized the, 93-year ers'': in the. residential division is regime of Republican leadersfiip in Crahford as "a horse and . to be held, in''the old Graiit School buggy-administration"ready for charter refofmi" in speaking at,8 p.ni.-.Suriday ,**'.. .''•.,'!'. at the. fifth annual. Candidates' Night held by the Cfanfofd Robert McArthur, midt'iiUal di 'V ' Jaycees at the Westwood in FOR A CLEANER CRAN^ORD — >Iay6trH/ Raymond- is vision chairman, reportec|4hat cam- Garwood 1 • sffown receiving first'of 2,000 litter bags to be distributed next week. paign workers are. st,iil needed in ; May6r H* Raymonnigdh -Kirwati through the, Cranford Junior .Woman's Club and the'Village-Im- Election Districts 1, 14 arid lf>.' "Hitting the goal of'$35,000 this in reply severely fcriticfied his provement Association as-a project in support'bf fall; Clcan-Up%. year rneans,| that eyery resident Dempcratic opponeritg for la^ Week program. Shown with the mayor are Mrs.; John; Krysiak, - v must be contacted,'-' . Chairman beling. • Cranford ,a!. "horse . ,a"d;'. civics chairman of the Junior Woman's Club, at left, ....and;. Mrs, Swackhamer said.; "The; United , Arthur1 Kiarnie, co-chairman" for "the project, ...••..; -,.••. brfggy" •jtown/'and for "misleading Fund is dependent- Upon residents Evening statements" in their "campaign1 , giying 'a lull share tow.ards support The "'candidates for Township Of .the ' 14; participatirig agencies literature. ,'' '" ' "- '-.-.'•' . , • ^JJjg up4tho federated- fund.'•• A Goinmittee will present their views ; "I. becbjme rather arinoyed> eacjj. „ fair share gift represents a mini' oh local issue's at the LWV-spon- October,", he said, "when candi^ : ; mum gifbof $1'4." •> . sored. Candidates- toit timeeting dates: for p\ibUp^^ scHool divisiortjrTepbrted 11 schools will our', town'. Cranforb^ has had "a"T er and employe:.'.soli^itati'o,n. for lair ,. Photo by Katt Assoclites nijng. The public is invited to • at-- positive ptogram ofjprogress in all" areas of community life and has ,....' Crahford's fall Clean-UpWJjek-program will be conductedfrom share pleelges . Mayor ilaymond Kirwan is shown* greeting 'State Senator Wayne teiu}-"' • '•'•:•'•'-.'- •"••"" '.:-;;,.:;. •••'.' .""•'•'.' . '.Monday through:Saturday of~w>xt week, with Ipcalrcf use collectors and week-with a final'repjo'rt due Octo- Elacft of the four off ice seeke.rs kept abreast with its growth while niaintaining a vi^prottsypjrpgraiji to :' the township ••.public works; detrartittent cooperating in the removal ber 29. '.'",.'.'.'•""' ' v will. be. allowed .15 minutes in •attrict :n^-'apnrre^deifttia^.-rata*,'^ of unwanted household.articles and other trash. •., • School United/Fund representa- which" to. make h}s presentation. Lending an assist to.success of the program will be the distnbu- tives include: •,/... ^ ,-'. / Following a brief 'rebuttal period, Bloomingdafe Avenue, Miss Joan •N. questions from, the audience will _ Both, Hie*mayor ,ind '• his run-> jh of approxir riingmate for Tclwnship Committee • "flrd"ami Mr*7 RosjS'^faTi^P^rronT b^entertainejj, Refrcihtftfentja. will rnately 2,00Q litter bags ffor.autot - Brooksidef Placed Mrs. J^areri Sal- ott'the" Republican ticket, I^alwIriij' 'hipbiles through the-•efforts of the be served for those who wish tov 5. Prjngiei in then: talks,pointed „ wwayy arid Airs'.. ThodorTheodoree ' Martinan; meet the candidates after the , Cranford Junior Woman's Club 'Of ion to;thei record of the township since the Village Improvement. Associ-j Sherutian, Mrs. Adelaide. Nenortas; meeting. .' .-" v'.-v".': ••'.';•'••. :;•:•• : ah.d' Miss Judith). Patenian.. its incorporation and the, steady! ,-ation. • •• .'.' •.".. '.'•"*,• The League of Woinen Votets progress being made in the fieids • Bundles of dfebris ;s'ecurely tied prive Eiiters Cleveland, ft^Ss, Patricia. Sextan has- prepared a "Know Yotir Can- Virginia ifcwin .and of tax ratables, recreation and edu* didates" sheet containing biograph- ; ; : • and weighing-less than 50pounds cation^:. ':•••;•,'••. •;-' v.'.,:':•• ;..'- •-•;" .-;'.'- ';•; ; will, be .picked up by'••'refuse col- Gallego; Livingston ical information and 'answeris-lo Home Stretcli Avepde, Mrs. Rosemarie Reutter| '."VVe need a decent ahtl The. t)emocraUc candidates -also lectors on, regular ..garbage days, W,.ith nine' days .still '"tb\ go, ••.'"the. questions of local interest submitt-- charged that the present ^t-large Rtrosevelt, Miss Lois. IJassin and gpvernmen.t"' to:, inake • this .statel ed by- the candidates for Tbwnshsip while heavier and• larger.. objects College Women's pub of Cjranf6.rd r j ;i 1 election:^ the "governing body : iss. Deriise.... O'Connor; Walnut move, ahead and agai.n be a leade- -- ~-r : wilt be removed.in special pickups this' week is setting Us, si'ghts, oj 4 Citn^mitteet . ,.. >;,V.' : did .not teujly ,represent all-, seg- Jby ^ ./Loads, pf. mis- exceeding ; the ppofitfi , ;Ay"6nlle;,,..Mrs;; Mary.-Ann Schmit :U the ""' '**"•"'Otnf A'C«fia1nr- The league-posed questions •-U.-I di th fitfi d^ and- Mrs. Laura ShaRdler;. Orange mehts *f the township. ; ,. ceTlanepus years a^o 1n~ th'e l Dumbnt, ^Jr r c'aridi'date --•In—response to this,-,-allegatipn,^ it is cbnddpting Avfenue Junior..Eivgh*. Mrs:. Myrtle fit -by'[. inter .community .coopera- : " articles should .be placed at ' ion governor, told a large.and'en- '.• '• ., •••...• • .'• • • i . * • - ••'." •• • • ••• .•• .• I. the Republicans pointed but -that ;C'urb..\.' Citizen aiid Qfity benefit ^rippendorf, Mrs. Judith Miller, aa, under which Jersey Central passenger trains tion? and 2. ^irhere^has recently ;C\.i.;:; , thUsiastic crowd Sunday afternoon I the, present Tqwnsbipy Committee. ; There, will be no pickup Of tree of.its schola,r,siiip Miss Mary Patrick.and',-M$s Marie high Vailex tracks at &<s old Aldene station: ind lieehljrenewed interest, in improv> is ;'composed, "pi three . trunks' larger ihanfou/ inches in. • Through lti ^ ^ the chacBCJer And •front the mans Club^tTal TtveiitiS:" -\ diameter or lpngejrthan five feet. the College, p 7g nttrican7^1SpppCa8V^dfrnr^ishffo ; - ^tl8hould..;provo ofNjpecial tentJit to ridt^ITHTC^^^ . from, '(fie-.: •'. Collection of large'amounts bf.ma- ^ty c'Utb netted $3,503 JMiss MaxiheXevy. and Frtfrik 'G-a The reception was given by May-' area, • because-.-th"ey.. are, near the 'feirii •'"'• ';• • ,(Continued wi Page. 8). ^ cainpaiga two years ago Una; 'Cranford Hlgh'Schiool', Court- or. %. kayimoha Kirtyan, seeking focal point of the program and Will iftfer^^^isge and not by a'.'sma'll . Joriathah Milloi', Jr;,' chair- land Daleyf central p"fj!ice',v Mrs reelection to TowhahipGmittfe These sheets arp being hlailed: X0 1 ; direct rail accegs; tp Newark' element bi voters in a;ward "or of the drive* ;saiid j'ester'diiy FloTeiice Nf'6'r.thcutt.:j-; ', '. and .'Mrs.. .Kirwan. ^ljj residents;' included Will be a ; : 1 v uptown " and downtown New 'district'.. ..^'.:; . .; V". •.••. ;.,V-'-' ;, '"^; she, felt confident a final the .guests with a voters1 inforAiatioih • sheet covering s Campaign, official-s' congratulated t Mr." 'fiross charged, that, ''Cran- ' hH' ^^M^ii^J Yorf'^niis":e ^ headed .by,-VictorJQBhnls, focan _ j,. GOP caridifate .f^.r;Towrir _ IStiifY>^ Sflftatp; fifinerar Assftmhivit.t.,.1 *\Lu:.y _>*«•_*•" Le ~..^.I..AI-^ JJ-I.L_ would •-.•propel •••-the- -club's prof its Richard JB'-VVachenfeldr-v'ice^pre- haslihfe effect bi^xcluding frftna over those, ot the lDBSdiive, , •outstanding acebmpjishjinent to ship Conajmittee, and Mrs. S'rftigie, aiid'Board, of. cjiibsen Freeholders.^[relectec d office qualifieqai d personp s date with-over $4^fi6pledged by Mayor- Itihvah introduced other siderit and geiifecal counsel of the 'Mrs. Miller urged club 'niember.s u Jbirrt Civic Committee- for Jersey Central, in aHaJk at the dih- ,*Jjie latteE has been prepared by .unless they chose to become .ideri-dri ' • to complete •their, assigned cijnyass 106 local, busjjtesiTaccounts. Republican candidates ior state Encouraging' Candidates /for; the the tJhipri County .Council, of the. tified with either the Republican" Charles>Wilder, industry; em- and cburity offices,; including NelH nor meeting of the Crahfor^l Lion's ing., by' this' weekend;'and • turn. ir Btiard Of Ediication will tike action '.Club; a't the Coach and: Four^Res- ^eague of "Women Vot«.rs. .; -v -" \ br democratic JUical^orgahizatiori." irl Scout leaders : "thirteeQ , ,. • (Ccmtiriued tin Pfl^e 8) • '" yntinued <m. Page 8). , . sbtvF,' StamlejP arid Peter J. Mc-r .' literature, as; Welt as /can- ;."In a system such as. we pre- were .investe Wednesday, by .Donough; for State S<inate"; ITrank at- its meeting at; 8 p.m, Monday tauran't "Tuesday; night..; •.;. '•', last • Target date for completion Of the didate sHeeW on the major politi sentiy have, where"" all ^andidatfesvi. the" <?rahf<$rd Commynity Asso<jia- X. Mpt(cnn6tt, Nicholas' St; Johtt in Lincoln School on the applica-
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